Digital Tutors UV Layout in Maya
Digital Tutors
Год выпуска: 2005
Язык: английский
Описание: "UV Layout in Maya" concentrates on the essential techniques needed to define and apply flawless textures to Polygon and Sub-D models, resulting in phenomenal detail and accuracy. Each of the concepts, methods, and tools used for every process are presented in clear and easy to follow steps, specifically designed to save you time and frustration throughout your workflow. Easily learn Planar, Cylindrical, Spherical and Automatic Mapping methods, Cutting UVs. Sewing UVs, UV Transfer, Averaging Vertices, working in the UV Texture Editor, and achieving clean and efficient UV layouts with precision.
2 СД Диска
Базовое обучение применения текстур к полигонам в Maya
Видео кодек: QuickTime
Видео: 780 Х 584 pixels. Продолжительность 3 часа
Аудио: 11,025 kHz, Mono
Урок по моделированию этого симпатяги здесь
Урок по созданию текстур в Photoshop для него здесь