Morris C. / Моррис К. - The Sepulchre of Christ and the Medieval West: From the Beginning to 1600 / Гроб Господень и Средневековый Запад: с Начала до 1600 г. [2005, PDF, ENG]

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The Sepulchre of Christ and the Medieval West: From the Beginning to 1600 / Гроб Господень и Средневековый Запад: с Начала до 1600 г.
Год: 2005
Автор: Colin Morris / Колин Моррис
Жанр: История античности и Средних веков / История христианства / История крестовых походов
Издательство: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0-19-826928-5
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Количество страниц: 453
Описание: В книге рассматривается значение и влияние паломничества ко Гробу Господню в Иерусалиме на развитие общества и социальных структур Западной Европы. Желание «принести Гроб Господень на Запад» в копиях или памятниках различных форм искусства и религии, привели к амбициям владеть Гробом Господним – основной цели крестовых походов. Западная Европа отвечала на потерю Иерусалима возникновением нового паломничество на Восток, созданием королевств «Святой Земли» и организацией новых паломнических центров у себя. В книге объединены социальные, политические и религиозные темы, часто рассматриваемые изолированно.
Примеры страниц
List of Figures……………………………………………………… x
Abbreviations……………………………………………………. xii
Introduction………………………………………………………. xviii
1. Beginnings, to 325.....................................1
The Ministry and Death of Christ…………………………………1
From Jerusalem to Aelia…………………………………………4
Was there a Cult of the Tomb of Jesus in the First Centuries?...............7
Jerusalem Lost………………………………………………………………13
2. Consequences of Constantine, 325 - 350 ..............................................16
Discoveries: The Holy Sepulchre……………………………………………..16
Discoveries: The Wood of the Cross…………………………………………..21
Discoveries: Calvary…………………………………………………………24
The Buildings………………………………………………………………..31
Visitors to the Holy Sepulchre………………………………………………38
3. Dissemination: The Spread of Interest in Western Europe, 350 - 600.......................41
Pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre under the Christian Empire……………….41
Holy Places in Christian Thinking……………………………………………. 47
Bringing the Holy Sepulchre to the West…………………………………….58
The Holy Sepulchre and Christian Symbolism………………………………67
The Wood of the Cross Comes to the West…………………………………77
The Influence of Liturgy……………………………………………………85
4. The Frankish Kingdoms and the Carolingians,600 - 1000......................90
Jerusalem under Muslim Supremacy………………………………………90
Pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre,600 - 1000..........................102
Jerusalem and the Carolingian Liturgy....................................107
Commemorations of the Holy Sepulchre.......................................120
Relics of the Cross and Passion………………………………………. 128
5. Towards the First Crusade…………………………………………134
The Consequences of Caliph al-Hakim……………………………… 134
‘An innumerable multitude’………………………………………….139
Relics, the Wood of the Cross, and Personal Devotion.......................146
New Versions of the Sepulchre………………………………………153
War against Saracens………………………………………..………..165
The First Crusade………………………………………….………….172
6. Latin Jerusalem,1099 – 1187...........................180
The Liberation of the Holy Sepulchre........................181
‘A new day’………………………………………............................184
Rebuilding Zion…………………………………………………….............189
Pilgrims…………………………………………………………..……. 200
The Development of Crusading Ideas………………………………205
‘Mixing knighthood with religion’…………………………………..209
7. Christendom Refashioned…………………………………………219
The Sense of Christendom……………………………………………219
Memorials in the West: Relics………………………………………223
Commemorations of the Holy Sepulchre……………………………230
The Internal Pilgrimage…………………………………………….245
The Threat to the Holy Sepulchre..............................252
8. Failure and Endeavour, 1187 - 1291.........................254
Jerusalem Lost………………………………………………...…….254
The Thirteenth-Century Reassessment………………………..…….260
The Passion and Sepulchre in the Holy Nation.......................283
9. The ‘Great Pilgrimage’ in the Later Middle Ages, 1291–1530.................295
The Way of War and the Way of Peace………………………….…295
The ‘Great Pilgrimage’, 1330–1530.................................306
The Literature of Pilgrimage…………………………………..…… 310
Centre and Circumference…………………………………………..323
10. Sepulchres and Calvaries, 1291–1530.....................328
‘A long way from Jerusalem’……………………………………… 328
Sacred Societies…………………………………………………....336
‘The exact design and measurement of the Holy Sepulchre’…..….345
Stations of the Cross and Holy Mountains ………………………..359
11. The End of the Pilgrimage, 1530–1630.........................363
‘The pilgrimage in danger’ ………………………………………363
The Pattern of Decline …………………………………………..366
The Survival of Pilgrimage Literature....................369
Spiritual Pilgrimage…………………………………………….371
Kingly Powers and the End of the Crusades........................376
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