[PS] Little Princess+1: Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 [SLPS-03012/03013][JAP]



Top Bonus 05* 10TB

Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 2249

NINJA_MASTER · 25-Авг-10 04:10 (14 лет 6 месяцев назад, ред. 19-Фев-11 23:02)

Little Princess+1: Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2
Год выпуска: 2000
Жанр: JRPG,fantasy, приключения
Разработчик: Nippon Ichi Software (JP)
Издательство: Nippon Ichi Software (JP)
Код диска: SLPS-03012/03013
Платформа: PS
Регион: NTSC
Носитель: 2 CD
Возраст: Everyone
Язык интерфейса: JAP
Тип перевода: нет
Мультиплейер: нет
Тип образа: *.CUE/*.BIN

Описание: В этой игре пойдёт речь о похождения дочки по имени KURURU главной героине Cornet из игры Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure.
Сюда добавлен 2 disc с с артами и треками из игры.
На втором диске:
Первое меню - арты к игре. Портреты персонажей, сценки из игры.
Второй пункт - музыка и песни из игры. Всего 55 штук.
Третье меню - наброски персонажей.
Это вторая часть из Marl Kingdom Series от Nippon Ichi Software.
Первая часть - [PS] Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure [SLUS-01073][ENG]
Третья часть - [PS2] Tenshi no Present - Marle Oukoku Monogatari [JAP]

Что делать с файлом ECM(спасибо пользователю q0099)
M_S_N писал(а):
По подробней плз я не разобрался!
Объяснение того, что делает ECM
- на диске, помимо собственно данных, есть ещё и дополнительная информация - (информация для восстановления данных и прочее, не буду вдаваться в детали)
- эта дополнительная информация очень плохо сжимается
- она нужна лишь для чтения с физического диска
- эту информацию можно косвенно восстановить по одним лишь данным
- ECM убирает "дополнительную информацию", делая образ хорошо сжимаемым
- ECM так же восстанавливает её, возвращая образ в пригодный для использования вид
- ECM программа умная - если разработчики используют место под дополнительную информацию в системе защиты от копирования, то ECM её не трогает (само использование ECM становится бессмысленным)
Как работать:
- скачать раздачу
- установить
- в установленной папке будет unecm.exe
- перетащить на него скачанный файл в формате ecm
- в папке со старым файлом должен появится новый файл формата bin
- подождать, пока окошко программы закроется
- нарезать образ на диск или играть через эмулятор (согласно соответствующим инструкциям)
M_S_N писал(а):
Почему нельзя было проще сделать как у людей
Потому что у некоторых людей до сих пор dial-up, и качать лишнюю сотню мегабайт из сети им долго, а самое главное - накладно. Поэтому релизеры и используют любую возможность, чтобы сжать образ.
Эта игра ещё представлена в этой раздаче - https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4563922 .
Rutracker.org не распространяет и не хранит электронные версии произведений, а лишь предоставляет доступ к создаваемому пользователями каталогу ссылок на торрент-файлы, которые содержат только списки хеш-сумм
Как скачивать? (для скачивания .torrent файлов необходима регистрация)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 25-Авг-10 10:00 (спустя 5 часов)

На заставке и в лесу (в начале) на эмуляторе не виснет?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11250

Korleone2 · 25-Авг-10 11:02 (спустя 1 час 2 мин.)

Образ с эмупарадайса, а там таких траблов в комментах не описано.
Молодца! Захочешь ещё порелизить, спрашивай, поищу образы.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 25-Авг-10 19:03 (спустя 8 часов, ред. 25-Авг-10 19:03)

У меня (и не только) была такая штука, даже на pSX 1.13. Пришлось качать патченный образ. Но раз этот образ оттуда, значит всё в порядке.
За перевод спасибо. Вот только разбил бы ты его на несколько подспойлеров, по главам. А то так читать неудобно.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11250

Korleone2 · 25-Авг-10 19:21 (спустя 17 мин.)

А почему если не секрет используешь именно этот эмуль, ведь есть интересная наработка от Rikimaru!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 25-Авг-10 20:17 (спустя 56 мин., ред. 25-Авг-10 20:17)

Не, я разными эмуляторами пользуюсь, но pSX 1.13 вроде аккуратнее всех нутрянку PSX эмулирует.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Loader 03* 600GB

Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 4105

coorag · 28-Авг-10 02:06 (спустя 2 дня 5 часов)

NINJA_MASTER напишите описание по подробней и добавьте скриншотов, регион в японском регионе NTSC а не PAL.
По поводу эмулей могу сказать что PSX не всегда может сэмулировать игры которые ePSXe эмулирует без проблем, самое интересное что звуковой плагин иногда решает все тормоза в видео.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Bonus 05* 10TB

Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 2249

NINJA_MASTER · 25-Сен-10 10:48 (спустя 28 дней)

Привет !!!! Держите перевод на английский всей игры :
Little Princess - Marl Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 - Translation Guide
08/22/06 Version 1.02
Table of Contents
Version history
Menu translation
Ultimate magics
Song translations
Miscellaneous stuff
Frequently asked questions
Legal information
Thanks to :
Nippon Ichi Software for this wonderful little game
Ellie for her help with a couple of lines. You'll hear more of her soon!
JWPce for being mankind's best friend
GameFAQs for hosting this.
Version history
v 1.02 (08/22/2006) : Whew two months without an update. Talk about being
lazy. Well here's another very minor Tuesday update. Added the song
translation and frequently asked questions sections. Also corrected a few
typos. Lots of them are still left though. Oh and the puppets section is
still totally incomplete. It'll get done eventually. Probably on a Tuesday.
v 1.01 (06/23/2006) : A very minor update. Simply added the lyrics for the
three last songs along as the song info, such as composer name and stuff.
Also added the cast section.
v 1.00 (06/20/2006) : It's Tuesday today...so here's an update. And what is
added this time? No less than three chapters so now the game's script is
completely covered! And we managed to do it on time for Tuesday which is
probably the most incredible part! Or perhaps not. Well anyway there will be
other updates in the future, cuz they're really needed, but at least the
first version is up!
v 0.75 (06/13/2006) : Well here's another Tuesday update but not quite the
usual Tuesday update either! No additionnal chapters but a lot of new sections!
Puppets, skills, ultimate spells, illustrations&secret stuff sections added!
Some are obviously still incomplete but this will change soon.
Well, at least it should.
v 0.7 (06/06/2006) : Another week, another update. Added chapters 5&6.
Still no other sections. Still.
v 0.5 (05/30/2006) : Already an update! We added chapter 4, which is freaking
long btw. No other sections. Yet.
v 0.4 (05/27/2006) : First three chapters and the prologue translated and
corrected. Also added the menu translation part.
Finally a guide for that cute little game after all those years! The main
point of this file is to translate the game obviously but since there are no
FAQs and virtually no English ressource on that game, we'll try to cover
everything we can about it, so other sections will soon appear in later
versions. Of course the translation itself can be used as a walkthrough since
we put indications about what to do to progress through the game, how to get
optionnal events and puppets, etc... They're indicated between brackets to
separate them from the script of the game. Do feel free to let us know about
anything in particular you want to see covered in this guide. Don't complain
about the songs romanizations though. I truly suck at romanizing so I'm fully
aware that there are probably grammatical mistakes. Well, enough of my
ramblings, I'll hope you'll enjoy this and once it's done we'll be taking
care of covering Tenshi no Present so the whole serie will be complete!
Menu translation
<<<<Main menu>>>>
- Puppets : Opens up the Puppet sub-menu.
- Item : Lets you see your items. Press "Circle" to use them.
- Equipement : Lets you equip a character with an accessory.
- Status : Shows the character's status.
- Kururu's Diary : A summary of in-game events.
- Observation notebook : Funny description of all characters/puppets/etc...
- Save : Saves your data. Can be used anywhere.
<<<<Puppet sub-menu>>>>
- Magic & Skill : Displays and let you use the abilities of your Puppets.
- Partner : Equip a Puppet so they can be used in combat.
- Equip jewel : Equip Jewels to a Puppet to increase stats.
- Status : Displays a Puppet's status.
- Best Equips: Auto-equip Puppet with best available Jewels.
- Remove all equipments : Duh.
Stats displayed in the equipment menu of both puppets and people are as
- Max HP
- Attack power
- Defense power
- Speed
- Intelligence
<<<<<Battle menu>>>>
- Fight : Opens up the fight sub menu
- Auto : each character will physically attack a target
- Run away : heh...
<<<<Fight sub-menu>>>>
- Attack
- Defend
- Item
- Skill (Use a character's personal skills, consumes HP)
- Puppet (Use a puppet's skills - consume Inochium. Everytime you use
a Puppet, the music bar will increase by 1.)
- Present (Kururu's special attacks. Drains the music bar at the top of the
<<<<Present sub-menu>>>>
- Konpeitou (Uses 1 music bar, attacks one enemy. Konpeitou is a type of rock
candy that is in the shape of star)
- Purin Bomber (Uses 2 music bars, attacks all enemies. Purin is the Japanese
word for Flan, and Bomber is the term used in this game to denote an attack
that hits all enemies)
- Ichigo Short (Uses 3 music bars, attacks all enemies. Ichigo Short is the
Japanese term for Strawberry Shortcake.)
- Hotcake (Uses 4 music bars, attacks all enemies. A Hotcake is the same
thing as a Pancake.)
- Love Love Fire (Uses 5 music bars, heals and revives all allies.)
============================== Introduction ==============================
(Don't press any buttons and you'll watch this before getting to the
title screen)
A long, long time ago, on the outskirts of the castle town of the Marl
kingdom, there was a small village called Orange. There lived a young
girl who could become friends with puppets thanks to a mysterious power.
That girl name was Cornet. Cornet dreamed of being able to meet the
dreamy prince of the country and falling in love with him.
One day while Cornet was in the Wonder Woods, she was rescued by the
prince and fell in love with him.
However because he saved her that day, the prince was turned to stone
by the evil witch, Marjory.
In order to save the prince, Cornet and her puppets set off on a journey.
At times fun, at times happy, at times painful, at times sad, Cornet
experienced a lot in her travels.
And finally, she was able to defeat the evil witch Marjory, and declare
her love for the prince.
Soon after this happy ending, a little girl from those two was born.
And now, 12 years later....
================================ Prologue ================================
============================ Princess Kururu =============================
(a bunch of weirdos is gathered around a giant birthday cake)
All of them : Happy birthday Akurjo-sama!!
Skampy outfit weirdo : Now Akurjo-sama, blow out the candles! Everyone
helped decorate it.
Flexing weirdo : We made sure to get the number of candles right.
Dorky weirdo : Keesheeshee...I can't believe you're already 999 nya....
All weirds cats : Make a wish nya! Make a wish nya!
Akurjo : A wish? Hm, that's right, there's but a thing that I want.
I want to get my hands on the "shadow of beauty" and with it I'll be able
to stay young and beautiful for all eternity!
Skampy outfit weirdo : That's Akurjo-sama for you! She's so greedy!
Weird cats : Akurjo-sama, hurry and blow out the candles! We're hungry
Akurjo : I know, I know, can't you shut up for once? (blows out the candles)
Male officer : What's wrong with the princess? Etoile-sama has already
Maids : Forgive us, General Gio. We've been calling her for a while now...
(Gio sighs)
Female officer (thinking): (A bunch of grown adults that can't even get
a kid to obey. How pathetic.)
Gio (knocking on the door) : Princess!
Gio (knocking harder) : Kururu-sama! It's already morning! (sighs again)
Gio : Princess, be reasonable and get up now. Today, you have to meet
with Etoile-sama as a representative of your father.
(he opens the curtains of the bed and there's only a Kururu plushie to
be found)
Gio : (Sigh) She got out again.
Female officer : Father, you and Randy are too leniant with her. Kids
shouldn't be spoiled.
Gio : You never change Sonia. Once you'll be married and have kids of
your own, you'll understand. Ah, I can't wait to see the face of my
grandchildren too...
Sonia : I am not interested in neither marriage nor children.
Gio : (sighs) In any case, it's troubling that the princess is such a tomboy.
Geez, where could she have gotten it from...(looks at a painting showing
Ferdinand and Cornet holding a baby)
((girl climbing down a wall)
Kururu : Whew! It feels great to be outside! It's finally spring break,
there's no way I'm gonna stay inside the castle! Since Mom and Dad are out
today, I'm gonna go on a adventure in the outside world!
(screen get pink as she enters dreaming mode)
Kururu : And just like Mom I'm going to find a prince for myself and live
happily ever after! A gentle, smart, strong, handsome prince just for myself
...aah wait for me my prince!
(if you go north and climb the tree there's a healing candy and a speed band)
(talking to NPC on the way)
Maid : Cleaning, cleaning, lalala...Are you going outside Princess? If you
don't start acting right you're going to give General Zio a heart attack.
Gardener : The weather's so nice and warm. We can thank the king
for living in such a peaceful kingdom.
Servant : Ah, Princess. You've escaped of your room again.
Kururu : Yep. Dad and Mom are both out today, so I had to make the best of
Servant : But the queen surely anticipated your actions, princess.
(on the next screen Kururu will notice a treasure chest)
Kururu : What's this? Who put a treasure chest here in the middle of the
W-what? A puppet...? There's also a letter...
"To Kururu,
Seeing as you're such a tomboy I'm sure you'll find this treasure chest.
Since your mother is away I'm sure you must be thinking something like
"I'm going to travel in the outside world and find myself a prince!!"
You're so predictible.
Instead of telling you not to go, I want you to take this puppet with you.
I'm sure it will be useful. It will protect you on the road,
so be sure to take it with you alright?
Also, there should be others puppets from before lying around.
Call them if you see them. I'm sure they will help you.
Well then, please take care of yourself. I'm cheering on for you. Do your
Remember, "Girls take initiative", Kururu!
Your mother."
Kururu : Mom... That's right! "Girls take initiative!!" No matter what I'm
gonna find my prince!
(she then plays her trumpet and the puppet awakens)
Puppet : I am...kid Legdem...pleased to meet you....
Maid : Cornet-sama left a treasure on the other side.
She said it was a surprise. What was inside?
Servant : There are lots of toads ahead. The princess hates 'em. You should
turn back.
(The little puppets on the road are for tutorial purpose. Ignore them)
Servant : I heard a rumor that Randy likes the knight's captain, Sonia.
Kururu : What, Randy and Sonia? ...is that true?
(on the next screen you'll hear toads)
Kururu : Uuh...Toads are singing... I hate going through here... but I have
to, this is the only way to get to town.
(toads ambush her)
Kururu : H-h-here they are!
(after the fight)
Kururu : A-ah, that was scary. I really h-h-hate toads! (enter dream mode)
I'm sure my prince will come and save me from them!
(next screen)
Knight : Princess! Wait up pleaase! Huf, puf, huf, are you going outside?
Kururu : Yup, just for a bit.
Knight : What's with this "just for a bit" nonsense?! You left the castle
without telling anyone again didn't you?
Kururu : ...
Knight : Please think about what you're doing! Think about who you are more,
leaving the castle alone is a definite no-no!
Kururu : Shut up. I'm just gonna go play for a bit. Besides, we used to go
out and play together a lot, didn't we Randy?
Randy : We can't go out. General Gio will be mad.
Kururu : Humph. I'm not afraid of him! Since Mom is away, I'm not scarred of
Song title : Princess Kururu
Lyrics : Shinkawa Sohei
Melody : Satou Tenpei
Kururu (seiyuu : Kawamura Maria)
Randy (seiyuu : Hiyama Nobuyuki)
Chorus : Kotomi Isono, Satou Tenpei (I'm not kidding you, the guy sings too)
Onna no ko nara minna yume miru
Suteki na princess
Atashi ha Kururu
Himesama no otoori da.
Himesama wo shitteru hito ha
Kuchi wo soroeta te iu (Kururu : hai)
Otenba princess (Kururu : shitsureishichauwa!)
Te ni oe nai
Koi ni akogare
Iza haruka na sekai he
Chisa na pocket ni
Ooki na yume kibou tsumekomi
Umi koe yama koete sagashi ni ikou
Saa ano niji no mukau ni matteru
Bouken no hajimari
Naniyori daisetsuna takaramono
Kokoro idaite
((Randy joins the party - Randy doesn't have anything equipped)
(talking to NPCs near the foutain)
Guard 1 : Didn't see a thing. Princess? What Princess? I haven't seen any
Guard 2 : Ah, Cornet-sama, please hurry up and get back! We can't stop her
by ourselves...
Maid : Isn't it weird how the Princess and Queen can both speak with
Puppets...? I wonder why...?
Woman near the foutain : All the girls in Mothergreen want to be like
Sonia-sama. Ahh, Sonia-sama...
Servant : I wonder what the King and Queen are up to now...
They've certainly been given a wonderful reception at the New Frog Kingdom.
How I envy them...
Kururu : Frog Kingdom eh...I'll never go there, for sure.
(next screen)
Woman : Oh my, sister Tera. We've come all this way to thank Cornet-sama
and she's not here.
Tera : It can't be helped, sister Sharte. We'll just have to come back again.
Kururu (thinking) : Those girls seem to know my Mom...
Sharte : Ah? Did you need something from us little girl?
Tera : Wait sis. That child looks familar... Hmm, the more I look at her...
Kururu : W-What? Is there something about my face?
Tera : Are you the daughter of Cornet-san?
1) Yep
2) Nope
Tera : Thought so! You know, a really long time ago, Cornet-san did us
a huge favor!
Kururu : She did?
Tera : Me and my sister were seperated, but Cornet-san brought us together!
Oh I know, there's something I want to give you!
Kururu : Really? What is it? What is it?
Tera : At first we were gonna give them to Cornet-san, but...
Sharte : Back then, we traveled the world with your mother as those puppets.
Tera : And thanks to Cornet-san we were able to become humans! These puppets
are identical to our fomer selves. Now, play your horn and bring them
to life!
Sharte : They're sure to help you out!
(Kururu plays and both Tera and Sharte joins. Note: If you equip both Tera
and Sharte to Kururu, she'll obtain the skill "Sister's Love", which, for
30HP will revive a fallen ally. Its kind of useless now considering how
few HP Kururu currently has.)
Sharte : Ah, that melody brings back memories, doesn't it sister?
...Back then, Puppets would repay Cornet-san for her help by following her.
If you meet others on your adventures, call them the same way.
Kururu : Yeah, I got it! Thanks!
Tera : Please give our regards to your mother.
Tera : Really? You look a lot alike. Oh well, let's go home Sharte.
(on the next screen)
Servant (guy) : We'd like to be a good looking couple like the King and Queen.
But she thinks of me more like a friend than a lover.
Servant (girl) : That guy is pissing me off, he can't make up his damn mind
about anything.
(on the next screen in front of the church)
Girl : Etoile-sama was looking for you earlier, princess.
Maid : Lalalala! Cleaning is fun.
Gardener : Man, I'm beat. Its hard work here at the Castle.
(after going south)
Soldier : The Princess has breached the perimeter!
Kururu : Crap! They spotted us!
Randy : What should we do Princess? Are we going for the usual head-on
surprise attack?
1) Chaaaaaaaaaarge! Let's get 'em! Head first even!
2) You'll do great Randy! I'll be over here. Good luck!
Randy : Ha.... we're gonna die, aren't we?
Randy : "You'll be over there"? T-t-this was you idea!
(talking to the surrendering soldier)
Soldier : Don't kill me! P-p-please Princess!
(examining the first Sonia statue)
"Goddess of War"
(examining the second Sonia statue)
"The Elegance of Battle"
(next screen after the battle)
Etoile : Oh my. Is that you Kururu-chan?
So you were out playing instead of meeting me?
Kururu : Etoile-san!
Etoile : Are you breaking out again? General Gio will be upset. At the
rate you're going, you'll drive him into early retirement.
Kururu : I-I'm sorry.
Etoile : Hooohohoho! Don't apologize! Its important for a child to have
fun! I won't tell anyone. Go ahead and play Kururu-chan.
Kururu : Thank you Etoile-san!
Etoile : Hoohohoho! Really, you're such a cute and innocent child Kururu-chan.
So unlike, your dear, dear mother, who isn't the least bit cute or innocent
and is so conceited and vain I want to...
Kururu : Etoile-san, I gotta go! If we stay here someone will find us!
Etoile : ...I mean, really, she acts as if though she's the only one on
the planet and... Oh, right. Have fun, and be careful!
Kururu : Will do!
Etoile : Oh, and you can come over and play with Crea anytime! You
don't even have to tell your mother where you're going!
(talking to the girl near)
Girl : Queen Cornet's life is like a fairy-tale. She fell in love with
the handsome prince and they got married immediately!
All the girls in the country want to be so lucky... I want to meet a
prince too!
Kururu : Me too!!
(in the left hall)
Soldier : Code Orange! The Princess is here! Requesting back up! For
the love of god, send back up!
Randy : P-Princess, let's just go back! Sonia-san is gonna be angry too!
Kururu : (Glares at Randy)
Randy : Y-yes ma'am. I'll handle it. (sigh). (battle start)
(talk to the puppets in one of the room connected to the hall to get a
healing candy)
(when exiting the room and going back in the hall)
Soldier : I've got you now Princess! I'll be a hero!
Kururu : You'll never catch me!
(they start to "dance")
Soldier : I'm the undefeated tag champion for the past 20 years! No
one's ever beaten me!
Randy : ...I guess that means we have to... (battle start)
(examining the Sonia statue)
"Our Beautiful Goddess Sonia-sama" this was made by Sonia fan club
(examining the Gio statue)
"General Gio" this is a second edition.
(after going south to where Etoile was)
Mustach guy : You're a brave one aren't you? They told me the Princess
was a little spit fire. Congratulations.
But Captain Sonia-sama told me not to let you through. As long as I,
the Substitute Captain of the Marl Kingdom Imperial Guard, The Great
Zolbaref continues to breathe, I won't let you escape! Let's go!
(battle against Zolbaref and two soldiers)
Zolbaref : Hmph... I had to hold back... I can't seriously attack a child...
(passes out right after saying that)
Kururu&Randy : ...
Kururu : Mission successful! Now that we're out, I can do anything!
Here I come world! I'm coming for you my prince!
Randy : (sigh) I wonder if we should even bother coming back... maybe
they'll just lecture us...? ...naaaah.
Kururu : C'mon Randy!
Randy : C-coming!
================================ Chapter 1 ===============================
============================ First adventure =============================
Kururu : Uwahh! The town looks so different! I guess it's because I'm always
riding in a carriage instead of walking...
Randy : Yep. Mothergreen is the Captial of Marl Kingdom, so there's always a
lot of people here!
Kururu : Still, it looks a lot different than it did when I broke out of the
castle a few years ago.
Randy : The RosenQueen Company has spent a lot of money developing
Mothergreen over the past few years.
Kururu : Hummm... so that means I can meet a lot of new people... maybe
even my Prince! ...maybe.
(talking to the people on the same screen)
Girl : I love Spring Break!
Artist : Get out of my way you brat!
Kururu : (Hmph! I'm the Princess! Who does he think he is?!)
Randy : Calm down Princess. It isn't like people know your face.
Man : Hm? You... could you be...
Kururu : Aaaaah!
Man : A tourist?
Kururu : Er, um... kinda...
Man : You should head over to the "Blessed Lake" sea-food restaurant.
They got the best meals in all Mothergreen!
Kururu : Sea-food? Sounds pretty good. Awright! Randy let's go!
(You can now wander around Mothergreen. West is Etoile's mansion and
east is Kururu and Crea's school. At Etoile's place people will tell you
that Crea went out looking for Kururu. You can also get a little money by
playing the trumpet for a puppet there. At the school Professor Sergei
Jostagovich mention how Kururu is a terrible student so unlike her friend
Crea. To progress in the story go south to the foutain place and
then head east.)
(once you're in front of the "Blessed Lake" restaurant)
Kururu : *Sniff sniff* That smells great!
Randy : This is a pretty well-known place, I heard that his Majesty the
King loves the food here.
Kururu : Father does? Eh, I didn't know that...
Randy : But I guess now that Cornet takes care of him, he doesn't come
here anymore...
Kururu : Let's go in and look around!
Randy : Alright.
(entering the room in the back)
Kururu : This... this is it! This is what smells so good!
Randy : Princess, you can't just barge in like that!
Head Chief : Hey, what are you doing! If you don't hurry the food's going to
get cold!
Kururu : (Let's dig in!) Chomp, chomp.
Randy : Aaah, w-what are you doing?! You aren't in the castle!
Kururu : Munch, munch... Yeah, yeah whatever. This is great! (the cooks
noticed her)
Randy : (You can't do this sort of thing outside the castle!)
Kururu : Don't you want some, Randy?
Head Chief : Miss, what exactly are you doing?
Kururu : What does it look like I'm doing? I'm eating. This is really
good, do you want to try some old man?
HC : You like it? Thank you! Nothing warms my heart more than knowing
my food has brought joy to others! Hahahaha....(screaming) YEAH RIGHT,
like hell!! You stupid brat, it takes 3 hours to prepare that dish and
you've eaten it in 3 minutes! Prepare for divine retribution!!
Randy : H-hey, calm down!
HC : Get the hell outta my way!
Kururu : Why are you so mad old man? I said your food was good!
HC : Now listen, Miss I'm-Too-Good-To-Pay-For-Food: You know what it's
called when you take things that aren't yours? It's called stealing you
Randy (drawing out his sword) : Hey. What did you just call her?!
Young girl : Please put your weapons away.
Randy : Crea-sama!
Crea : I'll pay for any damages. Here.
HC : Th-this is a RosenQueen Company Special Gold Card?!
Cooks : T-that means...
Crea : Indeed. I am Etoile RosenQueen's daughter, Createur RosenQueen.
All cooks : Please forgive our rudeness!
Kururu : Crea...
Crea : Teeheehee, are you okay, Kururu-chan?
Kururu : Ah, um, yes. Thanks!
HC : Err, excuse me Miss?
Crea : Yes?
HC : Thank you for covering her bill, but since your friend ate the
food, we're out of some ingredients and... we don't have any men to
spare to go get more.
Crea : Is that so? That's a shame. Don't worry, we'll see to it. Until
we return, please keep Randy-san here as collateral. Is that okay with
you, Head chief?
HC : Yes! This is simply fabulous. Thank you very much.
Randy : C-Crea-sama, y-you can't use me like t-this!
Crea : Teeheehee. Just remember you're doing it for Kururu's sake.
HC : We need the Bobo fish. They live in the Nathalie River. Nathalie
River is out in the Wonder woods.
Crea : I understand. A Bobo Fish you'll have. Let's get going, Kururu-chan.
(Crea joins the party. Crea doesn't have anything equipped)
(once they both left)
Kururu : Whew. You saved my butt, Crea.
Crea : I'm glad I could help.
Kururu : But... why were they angry? And they bowed to you, but not me.
What's that about? I'm a Princess!
Crea : Teehee, you aren't in the castle now, Kururu-chan. When we get back
to school, study "Society's Rules" a little more, alright? At least until
you find your prince, teehee.
Kururu : Wha-?
Crea : When I went to go visit you at the castle, they said you broke out.
A lightbulb came on in my head. After all, you're always saying how you
want to get out of the castle and find your Prince.
Kururu : Uu, yeah...that's right. Yep, a gentle, smart, strong, cool, and,
and, tall, with long feets and knows how to dress well and...aaah my
prince....smack(starts kissing thin air in front of her)
Crea (slapping her with a giant fan) : Please come back to reality.
Kururu : Oooow.
Crea : First, we need to get the Bobo fish. You'll find your Prince someday.
Kururu : R-right!
(upon leaving town)
Kururu : Nathalie river... it's a long walk, isn't it? Haaah, and here
it's finally spring break and we have to run errands...
Crea : Teehee. I think this is called "You reap what you sow,"
Kururu : ...sorry.
Crea : It's fine. Oh, speaking of spring break, we have some assignments!
Kururu : Yup! But I haven't even looked at 'em!
Crea : I figured as much. We should do the "Observation Notebook" together!
Kururu : "Observation Notebook"? Whaddaya mean?
Crea : We're supposed to go out and record stuff about the wildlife.
This is supposed to count for a a high percentage of our grade.
Kururu : Awright, let's work together!
Crea : Teehee, alright then. (Received Observation Notebook.
Observation Notebook added to the main menu.)
Crea : All of the monsters we meet will go into the notebook!
1) OK!
2) I don't get it
Crea : Then let's head to Nathalie river!
Crea : Listen well. (she basically repeats what she just said earlier)
(signpost on the way) : Up ahead: The Wonder woods. Good boys and girls
don't go inside alone!
Crea : Teehee, I've got you and you've got me, so we aren't alone!
(on the way you can stop and visit Orange village which hasn't changed
at all. By talking to a puppet in Cornet's house you can get a healing
candy. Otherwise not much to do. Kids will pick on Kururu saying her
clothes are strange and calling her "pumpkin pants")
(a bit later on the road)
Kururu : Uwaaah... its so pretty!
Crea : Kururu-chan, is this your first time here at the Wonder woods?
Kururu : Yeah. I didn't know that the outside world was this beautiful.
So this's the Wonder woods. Mom and Dad met around here.
Song title : Subarashii Sekai
Lyrics : Shinkawa Sohei
Melody : Satou Tenpei
Kururu (seiyuu : Kawamura Maria)
Crea (seiyuu : Ootani Ikue )
Hikari furisosogu
Mita koto mo nai suteki na sekai
Marude housekibako no you na fuukei
Irotoridori no hana nante namae?
Hajimete deau mono bakari
Oshiete oshiete
Kono subarashii sekai no koto wo
Subete subete shiritai no
Hitomi tojite kanjite miyou
Inochi no ibuki wo
Hirogaru yume fukuramu kibou
Subarashii kono sekai ni kanshashiyou
Kururu : Ahahah!
Crea : Hehehe. Come on, let's go Kururu-chan. Nathalie river is nearby.
(keep on going west until you reach a signpost. it reads : west : orange
village, south Nathalie river)
(once you reach the river)
Kururu : This is Nathalie River? Where are the fish?
Crea : To catch fish, we'll need bait.
Kururu : Bait? We don't have anything like that, do we?
Crea : Teehee, it's fine. If you walk down the pier...
Kururu : Eh? Do you keep bait over here? (Kururu looks down in the
water and some weird fish assault her)
Crea : Teeheehee. See, you caught one! (battles against the fish ensues)
(after winning)
Crea : Once we bring this to the Head chief, Randy-san will be free.
Kururu : ...how...how could you use the future Queen as bait? That's so
like you to do something like that...
Crea : Teehee. Details, details.
(on the way back)
(rumbling sound)
Kururu : D-did you hear that?
Crea : It sounded like... stepping?
Kururu : Stepping? More like an Earthquake!
Crea : Y'know, now that I think about it, I've heard people saying
they've seen a Dragon around here lately...
Kururu : D-d-d-d-d-dragon!!? Y-you could have said something earlier!
Crea : A,a,a....
Kururu : I-it's...!! (fight against dragon, you obviously can't win
this battle)
(after the fight)
Kururu : We can't even scratch it!
Kururu : Kyaaah!!
(a boy suddenly appears and dispatch the dragon with a slash of his sword)
Kururu : ... (aah, ...this is... this is how Mom and Dad met!)
Kururu : (S-so that means,...this person is my....)
Kururu : (Aah, my prince...!!)
Boy : (....Cherie?)
Boy : (No...she looks a lot like her but she isn't....)
Boy : Leave this forest and never come back.
Kururu (still in her fantasy) : ....eh?
Boy : I said leave this forest and never come back... Pumpkin Pants.
Kururu : P-pupmkin Pants!!?
Crea : Snort.
Kururu : IT ISN'T FUNNY!
Boy : This forest is a dangerous place, kids shouldn't be here.
Kururu (mad) : W-what are you talking about?! Aren't you a kid?!
Kururu : What's with that guy?! At first I thought he might be my Prince,
but was I wrong or what?!
Akurjo : Ho, isn't that the Princess of Marl Kingdom? She may be useful.
Skimpy outfit weirdo : Here it comes! Deathblow: "Using others to reach your
own goal"
Flexing weirdo : Whew. I just can't find the right pose... Does this make my
bicep look sexy enough? Wait, there's no such thing as sexy enough...
Skimpy outfit weirdo : Hold on FonFon! Akujo-sama's falling back on her
"I'm too lazy to do it myself so I use other people to do it for me" plan!
FonFon : Oh my. Do we have to work on it, too?
Dorky weirdo : ...It'll be a pain in the ass to have to work after all these
years, nya...
Skimpy outfit weirdo : Won't it though? See, you know what you're talking
about, NyanNyan.
NyanNyan : ...keesheeshee. I've been praised by RanRan nya.
Akurjo : ...shut up, all of you. This girl, I'll be able to use her for sure.
Kururu : grumble...geez! That guy pissed me off!
Crea : Come on, stop pouting Kururu-chan. Let's go get Randy.
(entering the kitchen of the restaurant in Mothergreen)
Cooks : Those girls are taking their sweet time...
Head chief : Maybe we should just use him instead of the Bobo fish.
Randy : I'd rather you not! Y-you wouldn't want me anyway! I taste awful!
Kururu : Here's your fish.
Randy : It took you long enough! They were about to cook me!
Crea : Oh my. That would have been such a shame.
HC : Alright, this is a quality Bobo. Good job, little girl. Now listen
to me: You can't just go around taking stuff that doesn't belong to you.
Don't let it happen again.
Kururu : Sure thing. Sorry 'bout that Old Man.
HC : Next time you want to eat, talk to the waiters like a normal person,
and pay for your meal. I'll make sure to cook you a great meal, got it?
Kururu : Yeah!
Randy : I... I thought I was going to die.
Kururu : Geez, I said I was sorry. What more do you want Randy?
Kururu : Uncle Gio! Sonia!
Gio : We've been looking for you, Princess. You can't keep breaking out...
Kururu : Hey, hey, uncle Gio, get this! Today, I went to the Wonder Woods!
It was my first time seeing it! It was sooo pretty!
Gio : Ho. The vegetation there sure is beautiful. It sounds like you
had fun...
Sonia : Father!!
Gio : I-in any case, Princess. Let's go back to the castle.
Sonia : This goes for you too Randy. You need a serious lecture on the
ethics of sneaking out with the girl you're supposed to be protecting.
randy : Eh? A lecture from Sonia-san? (Lucky!!)
Sonia : Wipe that stupid grin off your face. We're leaving.
Randy : Yes mad'm!
Crea : Take care, Kururu-chan. We'll play again!
================================ Chapter 2 ===============================
==================== How to make delicious softcream =====================
Sonia : Correct. Now Princess, define this word.
Kururu : Hummmm....
Sonia : Princess. We just went over this 5 minutes ago.
Pay closer attention.
Kururu : Hummmmm....
Sonia : You play too much. Listen well. You'll be the Queen of this country.
You have to conduct yourself like a Queen.
Kururu : Geez, Sonia, you're such a hard ass.
Sonia : I'm the Captain of the knights. My job isn't to be "nice."
Sonia : (This is embarassing... the Captain of the knights working as a
Sonia : (If Cornet-sama hadn't asked me to do it as a favor, there's no
way I'd be here.)
Kururu : Hey, Sonia. I'm beat.
Sonia : ...I see. To tell the truth, I'm a bit tired too. Let's take a
short break. (walking towards the door then stopping suddenly)
And stop trying to escape alright?
Kururu (sweatdrop) : I know, I know. (Sonia leaves)
Kururu (huge yawn) : ...yeah right, that's totally gonna happen.
Studying sucks soooooo much. Adventure in the great outdoors awaits me!
Even if ya fall down two times, you gotta get up three!
"Girls take initiative"!! One day I'll definitely find my prince!
Kururu (reminiscing about the boy in the forest) : Aaaargh!! Why can't
I get that brat off my mind?!
(Look around Kururu's room. You can get Illustration 6 from the drawers.
Use it in the item menu to change the background picture in the menu window.
Then escape through the window like last time)
Voice : Where do you think you're going Princess?
Kururu : Crea?!
Crea : Teehee. I found you Kururu-chan.
Kururu : Geez, don't scare me like that.
Crea : You came to play again, right? I just heard about this great place!
Kururu : Heh? Where, where?
Crea : The softcream shop.
Kururu : Softcream?
Crea : Yes. It's like candy, except its cold and kind of mushy. It's really
Kururu : Sweet? I love sweet things!
Crea : Teehee, I know you have a sweet tooth. The shop just opened, but its
become really popular for going on dates and stuff.
Kururu : Eeh...you don't look like it, but you sure know a lot about the
world. But it sounds like fun, let's go!
(Crea joins party, as usual don't forget to equip her since even her
monsters have been removed)
(once you reach the inside of the castle)
Soldier : S-she's busting out again! (battle)
(once you exit the castle towards town)
Zolbarev : Princess! Today I won't show you any mercy! I, Zolbaref of
the "dawn", will become a demon if I must for Sonia-sama's sake!
(Battle time, he's a bit tougher than before, but not by much)
Zolbarev (beaten) : ugh...Knight's kindness knows no boundaries. I could
never become a demon...
(once near the fountain in town)
Crea : Ah by the way, Kururu-chan, the softcream shop is in the shopping
(basically it's the area west of the fountain spot, just go there and you'll
see the next event)
Kururu : Eh?! There's no one here... you'd think there'd at least be a few
people waiting outside if this place is supposed to be so popular.
Crea : This is strange, isn't it? Let's go inside and ask the owner
about that.
(inside shop)
Shop clerck : Welcome. Sorry, but we're closed for the day.
Crea : Today isn't a holiday, is it? What happened?
SC : Everyone's missing, the owner, the workers... all gone.
Kururu : Missing?
SC : This shop is our dream... we finally managed to make become a reality
and they all go off on a vacation?
Kururu : You should go look for them and drag them back.
SC : Eh? But I don't have any idea where they are...
Kururu : And so you sit here waiting? I thought you said this place was
your dream! Get off your butt and protect your dream!
That's what mom used to say "If you don't take the initiative, then
you'll never capture your dreams."
SC : ...taking the initiative....myself...
Crea : Well said, Kururu-chan!
Kururu : Hey, we're going to help you find them.
SC : R-really? Thank you very much!
Kururu : But, in exchange for our help, you'll give us free softcream!
SC : I'll galdly do so! I'll make sure its the best softcream you've
ever had!
Kururu : Alright, then it's settled!
Crea : Kururu-chan are you sure about this? It may not be that easy...
Kururu : As the (future) queen of this country, I won't stand for scandals
like this! And besides this is a good chance to find my prince!
Crea : You're always so positive Kururu-chan.
Kururu : Right! "Girls take the inititive!!"
(speaking to the people around the area you'll learn that a new softcream
shop has settled in the Wonder woods so head there. Keep going all the way
west. You'll get the following event once you get west on the Nathalie river)
Kururu : Ah!
Boy : .....
Crea : Thank you very much for rescuing us the other day.
Boy : Didn't I say not to come here anymore?
Kururu : Y-you think you can order us around? I'll have you know I'm--
Boy : Next time I won't protect you. ...if you don't want to get hurt,
you better leave immediatly. (he leaves)
Kururu : Beeeda! (sounds of sticking one's tongue to someone^^)
We don't need his protection anyway!!
Crea : ...
Kururu : What's wrong Crea?
Crea : That boy kinda reminds me of your father, Kururu-chan.
Kururu : My father? Don't compare him to that lowlife brat. My father is...
Crea : Gentle, smart, strong and cool right?
Kururu : Exactly. Exactly the type of guy I want to marry! He's nothing
like that brat!
Crea : ...humm.
Crea : (Somehow this seems suspicious.)
(Now keep going west, you'll soon reach a shop named BagBurg)
Crea : I guess this is the new shop we heard about.
Kururu : (sounds of stomach growling).
Crea : ? What was that?
Kururu : Ah err...I was just thinking about how good softcream must
Crea : Teeheehee. Then, should we buy something here?
(speaking to the people around they'll tell you how the softcream here
are so much better than in Mothergreen. There's also a weird cat at the
entrance who welcome you. Inside the shop you can't do much unless you
buy a softcream. People around are all busy eating. A soldier will spot
Kururu and try to bring her back but Crea threaten him to tell everyone
he was dichting his job to come here so he gives up. Soldiers sure are
(talking to the cat at the counter)
Cat : Welcome nya! May I take your order nya! Will you buy a softcream?
1) Yes
2) No
(will bring you to the buy/sell menu. Pick up first choice to select
then buy a softceam. Just buying one is enough)
Crea : I thought you said you wanted to try some?
(after buying one)
Kururu : Aah! It's cold but it tastes sooo good! Hm, alright, I'm done.
Do you want one, Crea?
Crea : Thank you Kururu-chan but I'm fine. Somehow I have a bad feeling
about this but if you're still fine tomorrow Kururu-chan, then I'll eat
Kururu (sweatdrop): ...what do you think I am? Your test rat?
Crea : Teeheehee. Do tell me if your stomach hurt later. I'll make sure
to watch over you if you get sick.
(you then see a cook being abducted by some of the cats hanging around)
Kururu : ...did, did you see that?
Crea : Yes. It appears to be one of the missing workers from the
Mothergreen softcream shop. What is going on here?
Kururu : This smells fishy. Let's follow them!
Crea : Teehee. Sounds exciting.
(follow the cats throught the door. You'll be in a hall. Talk to the cats
standing guards in fron of the doors.)
Cat : Halt! No one can set foot in this door! ...well actually it's what
Burg-sama said nya. I could care less.(battle start)
(talking to the cook inside)
Cook : I am one of the worker at the softcream shop in Mothergreen.
They kidnapped us and tortured us until we gave them our softcream recipe!
My comrades are still inside. P-please, save them!
(next door leads to the end of that dungeon. For now keep going west and
rescue all the cooks. They will tell you various bit of info like the boss
of this place is cat called Burg and had created an automated process to
create softcreams faster, Burg's boss is a scary person called NyanNyan,...
you also find some money and a protecter that boost you DEF. Once you're
done, go back the first area and take that second door. On the next area 3
more doors guarded by cats. Inside the cooks will keep spouting
uninteresting stuff like the cats goal is to raised some Inochium.
You'll find an Hayabusa band also that raise your speed. After saving
the three cooks the next door will be boss battle time.)
(Inside last room)
Cat : This is the last one nya.
Burg : Good job BANG! Now we will have the monopoly over the softcream
business BANG! NyanNyan-sama will be proud of us BANG. Gyahahaha,
NyanNyan-sama you're the best BANG! Good, you guys, it's production time.
(kidnapped cook leaves the room)
Bang : Gyahahah! Now, time for some fun cooking BANG!
Song title : Oishii softcream no tsukurikata
Lyrics : Shinkawa Sohei
Melody : Satou Tenpei
Burg (seiyuu : Nagasako Takashi)
Sa, ikude bang yo!
Softcream tsukurimasho
Kokoro komete lanlala
Okyakusama ga omachikane da
Isoide tsukuro bang
Shibaritate umanya to
Tamago no kimi satou
Nama kurimu baniera sensu
Junbi kanryou ok
Saa deban da himitsu heiki
Power zenkai Bang! Bang!
Konekochan ni zairyou chuunyuu
Shikkari hiyagashite
Minna ni yume wo
Kono softcream de
Shiagari ni moritsuke (hamidasanai youni)
Hora dekiagari
(oishii de bang yo?)
Kururu : Uuurrghhhhh. (vomiting all over)
Crea : Whew. I'm glad I didn't eat any of it.
Kururu : WHAT?! You don't even care that I ate cat shit?!
(in the game shit is censored by a beep sound^^)
Crea : That's bad Kururu-chan. Young ladies shouldn't use words like "shit"
(censored again by a shooting sound^^)
Burg : Hm? What's with you guys? How did you get here BANG? Could you be...
spies BANG?
Cats : They're spies nya! They're spies nya!
Burg : Time to give you your punishment BANG!
Cats : Punishment nya! Punishment nya!
Burg : Guess I could use you to make some toppings for the next softcream
Cats : Yayyy! Topping nya! Topping nya! (battle starts)
(after beating up on the cats)
Bang : You're pretty good BANG. But since you know our secret process,
you'll have to die here BANG!
Kururu : Shaddap!! How dare you feed me that crap?! I'll never forgive you!!
Crea : That's right. We can't possibly stay silent about that kind of thing.
Kururu : Prepare yourself!! (boss battle)
(after winning)
Bang : I've lost BANG. This won't be so easy next time BANG! (runs away)
Kururu : haahaa....ah! I have to block that out of my mind. You got that
Crea? What happened today never leaves this room!
Crea : Of course.
Crea : Teeheehee. A secret just between the two of us. How ro-man-tic
Kururu : ...what part of it is romantic, exactly?
Cooks : Err...thank you very much for saving us. Thanks to you we've learned
to protect our own dream! "Taking the initiative", I won't forget that!
Kururu : Yup! Good luck with your shop!
Cooks : Remember, if you ever want some softcream, come to our shop anytime!
Crea : ...well that's the end of that. Should we go Kururu-chan?
Kururu : ...I never want to see a softcream again.
Crea : Don't be so bitter. It didn't work this time, but I'm sure we'll find
your prince soon Kururu-chan. "Girls take the initiative" right Kururu-chan?
Kururu : Right! I'm gonna do my best and keep taking initiatives!
Crea : That's the spirit.
(walking outside the store, you'll see Randy with a softcream)
Randy : (lick, lick) Yum, it's delicious!! Its the perfect blend of chocolate
and softness! Its... its beautiful!
Randy : Ah, Princess! You came here, too? ...you got out again. You're going
to be the death of me, Princess.
Kururu : Puh! (trying hard not to laugh)
Crea : Teehee.
Kururu : Hahahaha!
Randy : ??? What's wrong you two? Did I say something funny...?
================================ Chapter 3 ===============================
============= Because the two of us will always be together ==============
Sonia : Are you listening Princess? Geez, how many times will I have to keep
repeating the same thing before you finally understand?! You will be the
Queen of this kingdom!! You have to learn to conduct yourself like a Queen!
Sonia : You can't just do whatever you want because of childish dreams
like wanting to meet Prince Charming!
Randy : She's right, Princess. Sonia-san has a reason to be angry.
Sonia : Silence, you! Besides, you're acting as her enabler! Giving in to
every little whim she has! You're just as responsible for this as she is!
Randy : Well, the thing is...
Randy : Yes. You are right.
Sonia : You... spineless... URGH! Stand up straight! H-how could someone
like you become a Knight?!
Randy : Ha...ha...ha... I wonder about that too, sometimes.
Sonia : .....
Randy : Wh-what? I was just kidding. S-stop glaring at me like that!
Sonia : (When I think back about all the hardships I had to go through
to become a Knight even though I'm a woman... and yet there are men like
(Gio enters)
Gio : Sonia, Randy. Today is the day of the Knights and Marine Defense
Mutual Practice Battle. The others have already assembled. Hurry up and
get prepared too.
Randy : Y-yes sir! (Whew, I'm not going to die!)
Sonia : ....understood. (they both leave)
Gio : Seems like Sonia's warming up to you. Princess, please stay here
quietly for a while. That's all I'm asking.
Kururu : Wew...they finally left. If my ears weren't attached to my head
they would have fallen off. But why did Sonia get so angry? ..bah, whatever.
Time to make another bold escape!
(look on the bed to get some offensive item, then inspect the shining
spot in the fire place)
Kururu : What? There's a button here! "square, cross, L, R".... What's that?
(the game then tell you there's a letter in the back of the fire place.
Pick the first choice to read it.)
"To Kururu
Seeing as you are your mother's daughter, I'm sure you'll find this hidden
switch. Right now we're away from the kingdom so you're probably thinking
about escaping on your own right?
(blah blah sorry I didn't have time to get it. They talk about how they
made this especially for her and that the hint about square, cross, L and
R is the trick to open it and they picked it after Kururu's name)
Normally, I'd tell you not to try and leave the castle alone, but I know
how much good that'll do.
Your father and mother are always watching over you Kururu.
Your Father"
Kururu : "square, cross, L, R".... What could that mean?
(obviously you have to press that sequence of buttons on the controller
in front of the fire place to trigger the opening of the tunnel.)
(after doing it)
Kururu : Got it!! Great! Now I can escape. Thanks father! Well, let's see
what's inside....
(Crea appears along with tons of smoke)
Crea : Whew... I finally got to the bottom...
Crea : Ah! Kururu-chan, there you are!
Kururu : cough, cough, it's youuuuu....
Crea : I was thinking Kururu-chan would try to escape soon, so I've come
to pick you up!
Kururu : ....your guesses are disturbingly accurate.
Crea : Guesses? That's no guess. I've been exploring this escape route
very thoroughly. Teehee.
Kururu : ...ah. I see. Bah, I'm glad you came anyway. Thanks!
Crea : Teehee. Don't mention it. After all we...
(they begin to sing a little sentence "futari wa itsumo isshoni dakara",
they will do so quite a bit in this chapter and guess what? It means
"because the two of us will always be together")
Kururu : Ahaha!
Crea : Teeheehee.
Kururu : Let's go, Crea!
Crea : Yes! (she joins the party, remember that all her accessories and
monsters were unequipped. I know, I know, its becoming a pain.)
(Crawl throught he sewers, you'll get a mystic robe that boost you Def
quite a lot and an item to restore 5HP per turn along the way. You'll end
up in the graveyard of orange village. Bring back memories doesn't it?^^)
(once outside)
Kururu : Whew! We're finally outside! I'm glad we're out by now, but
where are we...?
Kururu : Today let's go on a grand adventure! ...not silly little ones
like from before. Besides if I get in a pinch, my awesome prince will
come to rescue me!!
Crea : Teehee. Then how about going to that mansion in the Wonder woods?
Kururu : Eh? The haunted one?
Crea : Yes. I'm sure that something exciting will happen there!
Kururu : B-but, y'see... t-the thing is... me and ghosts d-don't get along
that w-well...
Crea : Oh my? Are you afraid?
Kururu : Uh...
Crea : So, the brave Kururu-chan is afraid of ghosts? How cute teehee.
Kururu : I-I'm not afraid! Grr, looks like fun, let's hurry!
Crea : Teehee. False bravado. Really, that's so cute of her!
Akurjo : ...then you're telling me that the "Shadow of beauty" is really
Blond cat-girl : Really nya. The "Shadow of beauty" is in Marjory's throne
room in Beauty Castle nya.
Akurjo : And, how are we to get inside Beauty Castle?
BCG : Except for the members of the Marjory family, those who want to enter
must have the "five treasures" nya. Those "five treasures" are in the Marl
Castle in Mothergreen nya.
Akurjo : I know that you dolt. And you're certain that the "Shadow of Beauty"
is in Marjory's room?
BCG : Yes nya.
Akurjo : Haha, I see. Then as promised, here is the medicine that will turn
you into an adult. With this even someone as flat-chested as a board, will
have big breasts. Go ahead and try one if you don't believe me.
BCG : It worked nya! Now no one can make fun of me for being flat-chested nya!
Akurjo : To think she'd sell her master out so easily...how ridiculous...
The Marjory family is filled with idiots. Marl Castle and the "five treasures"
... I didn't think that theis princess girl would come in handy so soon....
(those who played the first game will recogize the blond cat girl as Myao
(Nothing to do in Orange village, a priest will talk about how Cherie,
Kururu's grandmother used to work at the church, other people mention a
haunted house in the Wonder woods, etc... For now let's go back to Burg
restaurant. Inside go back to the boss fight room. You'll get "Illustration
3" select it in the item menu and you'll change the menu screen to that
scene where Kururu is furious at Burg. Nice artwork^^. Now look into those
rooms where the cooks were locked. In one of them you'll find a
knight-looking puppet. Save your game and talk to him.)
Duke : Do you have business with me?
1) Yes
2) No
Duke : Those who can understand Puppets have the blood of the Ancient people
running through their veins. Could you be the daughter of Lady Cornet?
1) Yup!
2) Nope!
Duke : I see! So let me lend you my strength.
Kururu : Huh?
Duke : Being unable to repay your debts, this is a warrior's greatest shame.
The favor Lady Cornet accorded to me, I shall repay it now!
Kururu : Hah? That's gre...
Duke : But, for you to become my master, I must first test your determination!
Kururu : Wh-hey hold on a minute!
Duke : En garde! (battle start. He's probably too strong for you now though.
His element is water so having a fire-element puppet will help tremendously.
Other wise charge up a level 4 pastry attack is always a good idea too^^
You can win even if you're level 11 by throwing a level 4 pastry attack then
a level 2 and addind a few mega- spell like megameteor or megasaint.
He needs three turns to wipe you out so plan well.)
(once you won)
Duke : Superb! I now recognize you as my new master.
Kururu : ...gee, thanks.
Duke : I am called Duke. I will be now serving you as your sword.
(needless to say Duke is pretty good despite being only lvl.12 so do equip
him. You'l probably want to keep Sharte for healing though and Terra for her
meteor bomber which is quite useful at this point)
(now you'll simply need to head west to reach the mansion. It's south west
of the softcream shop. You'll know you'll get near when you reach an area
where the trees are withering. There you'll also see a puppet, Legdem who
asks you if you want to get out of here. First choice is yes second is no.
He tends to appear in dungeons too so don't speak to him unless you want
to exit the place.)
(once you reach the entrance)
Crea : Oh my, the weather seems to be changing for the worst...let's get
inside quickly to avoid getting wet.
Kururu : Ah, it's not locked.
Crea : Indeed.
Kururu : L-let's go inside then...
Crea : Yes, let's.
Kururu : Is someone here?
Crea : Come out Mr. Ghost~ Its rude not to greet your guests~
Kururu : Hey, cut it out! What would happen if a ghost really showed up?!
Cat : NyanNyan-sama. They fit Akurjo-sama's descriptions nya. We've found
the queen of this country and....nya?
NyanNyan : ...
Cat : NyanNyan-sama? What are you doing nya?
NyanNyan : ...intruders nya.
Cat : Nya? Intruders nya? We must inform Akurjo-sama immediatly nya!
NyanNyan : ....there won't be any need for that nya.
Cat : Why nya?
NyanNyan : ...I'll use them as an experiment for my new spell nya.
Cat : Nyaha?! Yaaay! Experiment nya! Experiment nya!
NyanNyan : Keesheeshee. This will be fun nya.
Kururu : ....I don't think anyone is here...
Crea : I guess that means we're free to explore the place at our heart's
Kururu : Geez, you...that's what burglars do...
(well as Crea said explore around starting by the lowest floor. You'll find
some nice items like one allowing you to escape more easily from random
encounters. Get upstairs once you're done to move on with the plot.
Once upstairs don't worry too much about missing items and searching all the
rooms. All floors are the same and they're all empty. Just keep going up.)
(after climibng a few floors)
Kururu : Eh? This is... the same place?
(after climbing one more flight of stairs)
Kururu : The same place? Again?!
Crea : We may have been going in circles from the beginning...
Kururu : Something's wrong here. Let's get out of here!
(now go down. After going down enough times you'll get the following
Kururu : I'm sick of this! What's wrong with this place?!
Crea : Calm down, Kururu-chan.
Kururu : How cam I calm down? We've stuck in this place! Besides Crea
this is all your fault! You were the one who said we should come here!
Crea : But you said you wanted to have a great adventure Kururu-chan.
Kururu : If I picked the adventure, we wouldn't have ended in that
haunted house! Really, you just wanted to come here but were afraid so
you dragged me along for the ride, right?!
Crea : Putting all the blame on people like that is unfair, Kururu-chan.
Kururu : But its your fault Crea! I didn't do anything wrong! I'm going
back! From now on, I'll look for my Prince by myself!
Crea : Kururu-chan...
Kururu : I hate you Crea, I don't ever want to see you again!! (she enters
a room and they get separated)
Kururu : ...m-maybe I went a little bit too far... B-bah! It'll be nice
without her always around! Well, let's get back to adventuring!
(leaving the room)
Voice : Kyyaaahh!
Kururu : W-what was that scrream just now?! ...did something happened to
Crea?! N-no! I said I wasn't going to worry about her anymore!
Kururu : ....but.....
(now just go down the stairs once)
Kururu : Crea?! You! What have you done to her?!
Cats : Nyahahaha! We don't know nya. We don't know nya.
NyanNyan : Keesheeshee. It's an experiment nya.
(they suddenly dissapear inside Crea's body)
Kururu : ...what was that? Hey Crea! Wake up!
Boy : It's useless. After what happened, that girl won't wake up.
Kururu : Y-you...why are you here? And what do you mean, she won't wake up?
Boy : That girl has been put to sleep by magic.
Kururu : Magic?!
Boy : She isn't dead but if you leave her like that, she'll probably
sleep forever.
Kururu : No....why....? There's got to be a way to stop the magic!
Boy : That's...
Kururu : If you know something please tell me!
Boy : ....fine. But let me warn you: This will put your life in danger.
Kururu : ...That doesn't bother me!
Boy : Understood. Close your eyes. Oh Ancient Gods, hear our prayers from a
distant star and lend us your strength!
Kururu : Ouch!! Ah, that hurts...
Kururu : Where are we? It felt like I was falling for a long time...
Kururu : Is someone there!? (sounds of an echo afterwards)
Kururu : No one's there...I guess.
Boy : Of course. Right now we're in the heart of your friend. More
specifically, the world within her heart.
Kururu : Wh-world within the...? Nothing like that exists! And even if it
did, how could we possibly go there?!
Boy : Believe it or not, this is your choice.
Kururu : Hey, don't say it like that! I was just... surprised that's all!
All right, I belive you!
(Cello joins the part and as usual have nothing equipped except for an
awesome puppet named "Ancient Weapon". Also, though you can't see anything
in the place you are, simply keep moving in one direction will do.)
(after moving left for a few screen)
Kururu : Randy?! What are you doing here? Did you come to bring me back?
Randy : Bring you back? Why would I have to come all the way here to bring
back a selfish brat like you?
Kururu : What? ...Randy.
Randy : Always doing whatever you please, never paying atention to others
around you... In the end, you even end up hurting your best friend.
You're scum.
Kururu : ...what's wrong? What are you saying Randy....
Randy : You deserved to be punished!! (battle. Careful he does fight like
Randy and he's quite powerful so use big spells to take him out immediatly.)
(after winning)
Kururu : I thought you wanted to take me down but...are you alright Randy?
Randy : Uhh...we've been defeated nya.
Kururu : "Nya"??
(Randy turn into a couple of cats who run away)
Kururu : Wh-what?
Boy : That was an illsuion. Don't mind it. More importantly pick that "key"
they dropped.
Kururu : "Key"...?
Boy : Yes. If you use that key, you can open your friend's heart.
Kururu : Opening Crea's heart? What do you mean?
Boy : You hurt her didn't you? You may think you only said a few things,
but to her it was...
Kururu : No...I was just...
Boy : But because of what you've said, that girl closed her heart off...
the darkness and the cold that surrounds us now are here proof of this...
Kururu : Then what can I do? What can I do to fix Crea's heart?!
Boy : Figure it out yourself. I'll take care of those bothersome cats.
Use your brains for once.
Kururu : W-what's with you! You're so full of it!
(now resume moving. Same as before keep going straight ahead)
(after opening a chest on the way)
Kururu : Th-this is...?!
Boy : Your friend's memory. Since she's hurt, she sealed away her memories
of you in boxes like these...
Crea (as a child) : Sob, sob....
Bullies : Hah, hah! Mom said that your Mom was a "player" ! She said
that nobody know who's your father! Yay!
Crea : That's a lie! Mama's a good person!
Kururu (as a child) : Hey you there! I won't let you bully her!
I'm going to punish you!
Bullies : Punishment? Try it if you can!
Kururu (using her 1HP skill move) : Fuh...weak guys like you are boring!
Bullies : Eh? (their pants drop down) Eeeh! Let's get out of there!
Kururu : That'll teach you! Uncle Gio taught me this "Higi Mueizan".
(Kururu, Sonia and Gio first skill it roughly means "secret
Crea : ...
Kururu : Are you awright?
Crea : Y-yes. Thank you very much.
kururu : I'm Kururu. You are?
Crea : My name is....(end of flashback)
Kururu : Now that I think about it, that's how we first met... then
mama caught me outside of the castle and I got scolded...
(after moving across a few screens as usual)
Kururu : Sonia... Uncle Gio....
Boy : Don't forget about the spell. This is another illusion.
Gio : So you were here.
Sonia : Now your selfishness has even hurt other people! I can't overlook
it anymore!
Gio : Well, Pincess, let's end this.
Sonia : Fear not, we'll only put you to sleep. Forever.
(battle start. As usual end this as fast as possible before they use their
special moves. If both uses the Higi Mueizan, you're dead. Though if you
managed to got Duke you'll kick their asses quickly)
(after winning you'll get another key)
Kururu : Can we really get out by doing this?
Boy : ...it depends of you.
(after getting the second chest, you'll get another flashback where
Kururu and Crea are practicing singing with Etoile.)
Etoile : Wonderful! Crea and Kururu-chan you're both so cute!
Crea : Mo-mother, that hurts...
Etoile : Ohohohoho!! Sorry dear. You're just so cute I couldn't help
myself...Kururu-chan. Keep getting along with Crea, alright?
Kururu : Yes!
Etoile : Hoho, that's a promise then. Ohohohoho! But you're really such
a cutie pie, Kururu-chan! So different from Cornet! Your dear mother
during her childhood... poor thing was worse than she is now, if you can
imagine! Her nose was always dripping snot because she was always crying
about every little thing!
(This scene is pretty funny because if you played the first game,
you'd know it was Etoile with the snop dripping :D)
Kururu : ...
Boy : What's wrong? Are you ok?
Kururu : ...I'm fine. It's nothing.
(and now the walking in dark resumes until next event.)
Kururu : Etoile-san?!
Etoile : How dare you! How dare you do such a thing to my precious Crea!
That promise you made... You liar! I'll never forgive you!
Kururu : No, that's not...
Etoile : Ah, my poor Crea...that selfish girl hurt her... I'll destroy you!
(battle start, they've got high HP so try to use a pastry attack first
instead or Duke's skills)
(after winning, you'll get another key)
Kururu : I know its just an illusion, but...
Boy : Are you saying you're regretting this? Didn't you say you'd do
anything to help your friend? Those guys... they're showing you these
illusions to try and break your will.
Boy : Go ahead and give up if you want to. You won't help your friend and
you won't be able to leave, but if its too difficult for you...
Kururu : Sh-shut up! I was just getting a bit sentimental! That's all!
(upon opening the third chest)
Crea : Say, Kururu-chan, what kind of people are your parents?
Kururu : Hmm, my father is very strong and smart, and gentle and cool, too.
My dream is to marry someone just like him. And my mother she is....always
giving me lectures! But she's really gentle too. I love my Mom!
Crea : I see. How nice.
Kururu : And you Crea?
Crea : I love my mother too! I don't have a father, but since I spend
all my time with Mom and you, it doesn't bother me!
Kururu : Crea....
(and the walking continues...)
Kururu : I-it can't be...Father! Mother!
Cornet : We're back Kururu. Did you miss us?
Ferdinand : Have been a good girl while we were away?
Kururu : Father, Mother, I missed you so much, it was so scary... I got
into an argument with Crea and then...
Cornet : I see. Its alright, don't think about it anymore. Mama's here,
she'll protect you.
Kururu : Mother...
Boy : Dummy! Don't forget about the spell! Those are illusions!
Cornet : But... someone who hurt her best friend like that deserves to
be punished!
(The boy steps in as Cornet tries to stab Kururu)
Kururu : Stop it!!
Boy : Those are illusions! Don't you remember?!
Kururu : I know! I know! But... But...
Cornet : Kururu. Since when did you become such a delinquent? Now come here,
greet you mother properly!
Kururu : This... this is... this is too horrible!
battle start. Do take out Ferdinand first)
(after winning, another key as usual)
Kururu : Father...Mother...
Boy : Here...
Kururu : ...
Boy : You real parents are still alive right? Stop crying you'll meet
them again.
Kururu : ...right.
(after opening the fourth chest)
Kururu : Huh? There's nothing...?
Boy : ...this is strange. It would mean that the memories in this chest have
no connection with you. Or perhaps it's something that that girl herself
doesn't remember.
Kururu : Something Crea doesn't remember?
Boy : Yes, for instance...
Boy : No. Let's not speculate. There are some things that we have no business
Kururu : ...
(after more wandering around in the dark)
Crea : Teehee. Let's go play Kururu-chan.
Kururu : Crea...(Kururu steps back towards the boy)
Kururu : No, I can't play with you Crea. You're just an illusion!
Crea : Come on, let's play Kururu-chan.
(battle start. Easy since she's alone. She's still quick and packs
quite a punch though)
(after winning)
Kururu : Huh? nothing happens this time. ...this... this isn't an
Kururu : Crea?! are you alright Crea?!
Crea : ...
Kururu : Crea! Crea!! Wake up! Open your eyes! Please!
Randy : Haa...how horrible. Being so mean to your friend and then
killing her...
Sonia : You killed the only friend you ever had... how pathetic.
Etoile : Ah...my poor Crea... sob...
Cornet : You are no longer our daughter. Leave this country and never
Kururu : I'm sorry Crea! I'm so sorry... I told you that I hate you and
that I didn't want to see you again but that's wrong... Wake up Crea!
Call me Kururu-chan again! Please! Didn't we say we would always be
together...? sob ...Crea...we promised... Please don't go! I'm sorry
Crea, it was all my fault...
(another key appears and all illusions are undone)
NyanNyan : ...crap nya. She broke the spell nya.
Cats : Escape nya! Escape nya!!
Boy : It's the exit. If you open that door...
Kururu : But how did we break it...?
Boy : The last key was within your own heart. Your feeling of regret
and repentance about hurting your friend became the last key.
The illusions we've been fighting up to now were here to make you realize
your own faults. If you failed to face you own faults then...
Kururu : I see...
Boy : Come. Your friend is waiting for you behind that last door.
It's the honesty of your heart that will open hers.
Kururu : Alright.
Boy : ...from now on be sure to take care of your friend.
Kururu : Hold on! Why did you help me? If you weren't there then I
would have been...
Boy : That's because you're...
Boy : (You're Cherie's...)
Boy : Nothing. I just took pity on a stupid kid.
Kururu : Wh-who are you calling stupid?!
Boy (smirking) : Hah...
Kururu : Ah! I'm Kururu! What's your name?
Cello : ....Cello.
Kururu : Hmph, what a snob. I realy do hate him. But, still... thanks.
(now just go up and puch O on the light to trigger the next event)
NyanNyan : ....you won't escape nya.
Kururu : You guys, you're still here?!
NyanNyan : ...you've caused us quite a lot of trouble nya.
Cat : Punishment nya! Punishment nya!
NyanNyan : ..I will use you your body for my next dissection nya!
(battle start, you can't win it)
NyanNyan : ...keesheeshee, I won. Did I overdid it nya?
Cats : Yaay! NyanNyan-sama, you're so strong nya!
NyanNyan (blush) : ..fufu.
Kururu : Uuh, ...it can't end like this...
Kururu : I finally understand. Up until now I was only thinking about
meeting my prince or something like that... I want to be with Crea.
No matter what prince I might find, that wouldn't make me happier!
Kururu : Really, I was so stupid. I didn't even realize it was me who was
hurting Crea... Sorry Crea, next time we meet I'll apologize...(but...right
now it may be...)
NyanNyan : ...uh, that light...so dazzling nya...
Crea : Don't give up Kururu-chan. Come on, open your eyes, grab your courage
and come towards me.
Kururu : Right! I'll follow you Crea! I'm always with Crea, and Crea's
always with me! I'm not afraid of you guys!
(same battle as before except it's easy to win this time)
(after winning)
Kururu : Uh..huh..
Crea : Ah, I'm so relieved. Are you feeling better Kururu-chan? It
seemed you had a nightmare. It looked like it was quite scary...
Kururu : ...yeah. IT was scary, and sad...but you were there so...if
you weren't then I...I would...Crea!
Crea : My, my what happened?
Kururu : Sorry Crea. I said such mean things to you...
Crea : No, it's alright. It was my fault, too.
Kururu : Then, will you ever forgive me?
Crea : Teehee. Of course. After all we're...(they're singin again the
futari wa isshoni thing^^)
Kururu : Hahaha!
Crea : Teeheehee.
Kururu : Aah, I feel better now that I've apologized. (I understand now.
Why my mother could realize her dream and meet with father. It's because
she had friends. With the support of those irreplaceable friends and because
she didn't give up. I guess I should be grateful to those cats guys for
helping me realize how important Crea is to me. Also, this guy too...)
Kururu : Crea!
Crea : Yes?
Kururu : From now, let's always stay together okay!
Crea : Sure.
================================= Chapter 4 ==============================
====================== Trip of the tomboy princess =======================
======= Throne's room ========
Sieglinde : Kururu, I've heard from Gio. It seems that you've been
misbehaving lately.
Kururu : ...
Sieglinde : How many times have you been told not to leave the castle?
Kururu : ....But, it's sooooo boring here. Outside is much more fun.
Sieglinde : Hoho, true it's quite austerous and there isn't a whole lot to
do here.
Gio : Your Majesty!
Sieglinde : Ah, right. Excuse me. Tell me Kururu, why do you keep escaping
the castle? Do you hate it?
Kururu : I don't hate it... Everyone's so nice andI love this place, but...
Sieglinde : But?
Kururu : ...
Sieglinde : It's fine. Do tell what's on your mind.
Kururu : ...it's something I realized during the times I was outside.
I...I'm still just a kid and I don't know anything. I said I dreamed
of finding a prince just like Mother did but...but for that to happen,
I realized there is so much I still have to learn. If I want my dream to
come true someday, then I can't keep on waiting! I want to explore the world
outside even more, learn many more things, so that I can make my dream
come true someday!!
Sieglinde : Wh-what...!? This child she's....!
Randy (stepping in) : Y-your Majesty! I understand your anger but...
Sieglinde : You're such a good girl Kururu!
Sonia (looking at Randy) : ...
Randy : (sweatdrop)
Sieglinde : That's very well said. I'm so proud of you. You will become the
queen of this country one day. It's a good thing that you want to learn about
the outside world and broaden your horizons. I'm allowing you to go.
Kururu : Grandmother, I love you!
Gio : Your Majesty!
Sieglinde : Hoho, but you must promise me three things first.
Kururu : Promise?
Sieglinde : Kurusale Cherie Marl Q, you will have to behave as a
representative of the king. Also I want you to give this written
invitation to my birthday ceremony to the great sage. He lives in the
tower of the great sage in Blue Cat. This will be the goal of your
first travel.
1) Is that all right?
2) Could you tell me that again?
Sieglinde : Randy and Sonia will accompany you during this trip.
Randy : I'll be with....Sonia? I humbly accept your Majesty!!
Sonia : This can't be! Majesty!
Kururu : What's the third promise?
Sieglinde : The third one is....to come back safe and sound.
Kururu : Grandmother....Alright! I will definitely keep the promises!
Sonia : ...
Gio : sigh...and here I thought this way the princess would be scolded,
I should just have kept quiet...
======= Kururu's room ========
Kururu : Hmmm, I've got my toothbrush, my towel, pajamas....
what did I forget...? Oh yeah, I better take some sexy pants just in case...
(you get a notice that Kururu got the item "sexy pants"...and I'm not
kidding you. That item let you recuit monsters more easily.
Monsters have no taste seriously.)
(someone knock)
Randy : Princess, we're going on ahead. When you're ready, come to the harbor.
We'll be waiting for you. Alright?
1) Yes
2) No
Randy : Oh yeah, before you leave, please sell any unnecessary stuff at the
second-hand shop in the town. We don't need any more than what we can carry.
Kururu : Yup, I got it.
Kururu : ! (she gets closer to him) Randy, what's with the goofy grin?
Randy : Eh? Th-there's no goofy grin! I-I mean no more of a goofy grin
than usual!
Kururu : Reaaally? (Randy escapes the room)
Kururu : Hehe. I guess I should be going, too.
======= near the fountain in the castle courtyard ========
Kururu : Ah, right. I should go tell Crea. But this time it's such a long
trip, she probably won't be able to go with me...
(talking to people around a few got some new lines)
Soldier : I won't have to stare Death in the face anymore when she tries
to escape! Ah! I wish you a pleasant trip Princess!!
Servant : Blue Cat is the biggest port town of the Marl Kingdom.
A lot of people visit the town.
Kururu : A port town...traveling alone...a meeting in a faraway place...
this is sooo romantic!
Gardener : Gosh, It's so hot! On days like this, I really enjoy eating
a softcream. Don't you Princess?
Kururu : Don't say "softcream" in front of me ever again.
(there a few other people around in the castle, mentionning various stuff
like how the ancient people had beautiful wings in their back, or what a
shame that the softcream shop in the wonder woods closed down.
Well random stuff. Right now you need to go to visit Crea in Etoile's house)
======= Etoile's house ========
(upon entering)
Crea : I was expecting you Kururu-chan.
Kururu : Expecting me... hey, what's with that huge bag?
Crea : Things I'll bring along on the trip of course.
Kururu : You're planning on coming along? On such a long trip?
Kururu : Wait, how did you even know I was going?
Crea : Teehee. How many times do I have to tell you?
I can see right through you, Kururu-chan.
Kururu (sweatdrop) : ...nevermind. I get it. It was stupid to even ask.
(Crea joins the part and as usual don't have anything equipped.
Though that time you don't want to equip her accessories for the
time being. Now go the harbor. Also, if you haven't done it yet you might
want to go to the softcream shop. They'll give you a special softcream
that heals 100HP, instead of 10 for the regular one, for free.
To reach the harbor go east from the fountain place in town.)
======= At the harbor ========
(upon reaching it)
Kururu : This might get ugly if Sonia sees you...
you better hide in the luggage.
Crea : That's true. She is a strict woman. Understood.
Kururu : Sorry for making you wait! I'm ready to go!
Sonia : You're late. What kept you?
Kururu (sweatdrop) : We-well, ah, various things. I had to get mentally
prepared for this, make sure I have all my neccessities... things like that.
(Crea sneakily get into the luggage behind them)
Sonia : ...I see. Then, let us depart. Randy, get the bags.
Randy : Yes mad'm! (the girls leave and Randy start struggling with
the luggage)
Randy (panting) : Huh? Was it this heavy before?
Akurjo : It seems like the little princess is going on a trip.
FonFon : A trip in search of a prince, how romantic.
RanRan : Ho. I guess even flaming homosexuals can understand a woman's heart,
after all.
NyanNyan : ...keesheeshee. Flamers are surprising, nya.
FonFon (mad) : Who's a flamer?!
Akurjo : Stop fighting over stupid matters. ...besides I wonder if that
princess girl is really going to look for a prince. Hahaha, in any case it'd
be nice for her to find a wonderful prince...
======= Inside the ship ========
Kururu : Say, Randy. Are we there yet?
Randy : Hmm, I'd say we should reach the sea in about half a day.
Kururu : The sea...it will be the first time I see it!
Have you seen the sea Sonia?
Sonia : No. This will be my first time, too.
Randy : Eh? Sonia-san, it'll be your first time too? The sea is so nice!
The deep-blue sea, on a white sandy beach, it's really romantic!
Sonia : So you've been to the sea before?
Randy : Ah no, but I read about it in a guide book! Do you want to read it?
Kururu : Hahaha. So it's the first time for everyone then. Alright,
I'm gonna go look around for a bit. Randy, where's the luggage?
Randy : Ah, it was so heavy I just left it upstairs on the deck.
Sonia : Princess, remember you're supposed to be traveling incognito.
Don't draw attention to yourself.
Kururu : I know. (Randy and Sonia joins the party.
They don't have anything equiped as usual)
(you're now free to roam around. people mention something like a giant
Bobo fish that lurk in the vicinity, and how it's supposed to be a pet
of the Marjory family. Only thing you have to do is to go outside
to get the next event)
======= On the deck ========
Kururu : Are you alright Crea? It isn't too cramped is it?
crea : No, I'm fine. I was having a wonderful nap.
Kururu (sweatdrop) : You were sleeping in that? ...I wasn't aware you
could relax in such a small space.
(boat begins to shake)
Sailor : All hands on deck! I-It's here!
(they're referring to the giant bobo fish)
Kururu : Wh-what? What's here?
Sonia : What's going on?
(a Giant fish appears and smaller fish got out of its mouth)
Sonia : Randy! We must protect the Princess!
Randy : Yes mad'm! (battle start against big bobo.mini. You'll beat
it in no time with Duke's Excalibur and Sonia's Holy slash.)
(after winning)
Randy : Did we get it?!
Sonia : No, it just escaped. Princess, are you alright?
Kururu : I'm fine, thanks.
Kururu : ...? Huh? What happened to the luggage here?
Randy : Ah, crap. I was supposed to watch over it but...
it probably got eaten by that fish. Hahaha, sorry!
Kururu : Ah, I see. So it got eaten? Ahahaha....
Kururu : Noooooooooooooooo!!
(back in their room)
Randy : Have they found it yet?
Sonia : Who knows. You'd be better asking that fish.
Just find some bait and wait for it.
Randy : Ahem...Sonia-san? Aren't you angry with the Princess?
Sonia : Of course I am! But right now, rescuing Crea-sama is our priority.
Randy : That's true.
Sailor : We spotted it! Hurry and come to the deck!
(back on the deck)
Randy (sweatdrop) : Uwaah...do we really have to climb in the mouth
of that thing? Do you mind if I pass on this?
Sonia : Understand, Princess? You're responsible for this situation,
you have to clean up your own mess.
Kururu : I know. I'll assume responsibility for my own mistakes.
Sonia : That's right. If you're serious about pursuing your dream,
then you can't be spoiled anymore. We'll help you, but we won't do
anything more than necessary.
Kururu : Yes.
Sonia : Then, let's go.
(head into the fish mouth, that's indeed a dungeon. One of the sailors
outside will offer to help by asking if you have any last words before going^^.
Before getting inside the mouth though you'll have to fight another
(after beating it)
Sailor : Preparation ok!
Captain : Hey, you guys! Get going now! If you take too much long,
we'll be leaving without you! Use that rope to get back on the ship!
Don't be slow down there, keep your heads up and get out quickly!
Kururu : ...got it!! I'll definitely save Crea and be back!
Narration : Meanwhile Crea was....
Crea : Yaawn... That Kururu-chan, what could she be up to?
Crea : Sob, sob. I want to go back home...
(Small Kururu come crashing on a ground)
Kururu : Crea, I've found you! Let's go back now!
Crea : Kururu-chan. Your clothes are...
Kururu : Ah it's fine. Don't worry about it! Mom will get mad, but that's
about it. You're more important than this Crea! Huh, what's wrong?
Crea : (Kururu-chan...you're truly my prince...)
(end of flashback)
Crea : I remember now. I'm sure she'll be here soon.
I'll just have to wait for her.
Kururu : Urgh. It smells like fish in here!
Randy : You realize we are inside a fish, don't you?
Sonia : We don't have time for useless babbling.
Let's hurry and find Crea-sama.
(starightforward dungeon, simply keep going left. After a few screens,
the music will change and you'll meet a familiar face)
Wolfish girl : Hm? Wow, we don't have guests that often here.
So what's up guys? Did the fish eat you too?
Nyanko : Gao-sama, we found something to eat nya!
Gao : Those are fish bones. Again. Dumbass.
You can't get any energy from bones!
Kururu : What the heck are you doing down here?!
Gao : ..well...The great outdoors was calling me lately and then...
Kururu : Outdoors huh...I can understand that, but...
Randy : These guys are idiots. It's okay if we don't understand
what they're saying.
(if you talk to them some more, you'll learn that the Big Bobo you're in
is Myao's pet and because Gao was making fun of Myao calling her
flat-chested, she used them as food for her pet. The Nyankos being their
usual dim-witted selves enjoy their situation though, "it feels like
we're going picknicking" while Gao is just trying to find a way to leave
cause she's getting hungry. Anyway resume going left as usual. You'll end
up finding Crea in one of the rooms)
Kururu : Crea!! What's wrong, Crea? Are you injured?!
Crea : zzz...zzzz...
Randy : Seems like she's just asleep.
Crea : Yaaawn. I slept well. Ah, Kururu-chan. You're here finally.
Kururu : Did you have a nice dream, princess?
Crea : Yes. Because I was sure that you'd come for me, my prince.
Kururu : Crea...Sorry about that Crea.
You were in danger because of me again....
Sonia : Princess, we don't have time for this. Let's go.
Kururu : Alright! (Crea joins and have nothing equipped as usual.
Though now you can go back you should obviosuly keep on exploring
the fish inside. On the bottom room you'll find a dog in a room.
Talk to it and pick the first choice to take it along)
(upon getting back on the ship)
Sailor : Oh, they made it back in time!
Randy : Hm? Why isn't it moving at all? Did we kill it? Hah, I wonder how
many people could eat if we cooked it?
(the fish then moves and Randy gets swallowed)
Crea : Oh dear, what a silly person. So, anyway,
how did I get eaten by such a large fish?
Kururu : ...you just saw someone get eaten in front of you
and you can't figure it out?
Sonia : Geez, what is he doing? (you get to fight another Big bobo mini)
(after winning)
Randy : Whew, I thought I was a goner there.
Captain : I thought the same thing. Thankfully, these guys saved you..
Wait...now that I think about it, this whole mess is because of you guys.
Sonia : We apologize. I there's any way we can help for the repairs...
Captain : Bah, we'll just let him do that. The deck is the only thing
that's damaged... let's just head to Blue Cat. Men! Back to your posts!
Kururu : Sorry, it was all my fault....
(Sonia slaps her)
Randy : So-Sonia-san!!
Kururu : ...Sonia...
Sonia : Your mistake put everyone in danger. This is your punishment.
(another flashback, this time about Sonia)
Gio : By the way Sonia, do you have a boyfriend now?
Sonia (looking totally different and talking like Crea) : Father,
you know I'm not that interested in romance.
Gio's wife : That's true, dear. Sonia is still a child after all.
But since I can't give you a heir with that weak constitution of mine,
I understand your worries...
Gio : S-sorry...I wasn't asking because of something like that.
Sonia : My, father. Don't you consider me as your heir? Despite how I look,
I ranked first in the fencing competition at school, you know. It's my dream
to become a knight and to be able to succeed you one day, father.
Gio's wife : Oh my, what are you saying Sonia...
Gio : Hey hey, forget about that now... I've never seen a girl wielding
a sword anyway.
(a few years later, in a church during a funeral)
People gossipping : It's such a pity. With the death of his beloved wife,
General Gio must be heart-broken.. But who will succeed him?
His daughter Sonia isn't expecting a child or even engaged.
After so many generations, it's finally the end of this military family....
(Sonia in her room cutting her long hair short with a knife)
Sonia : (...I have no regrets. I will protect this family, the one that
mother loved! If she was alive that would maybe have made her sad but...
I swear it on those hair. I will become a knight!)
(end of flashback)
Sonia : (When pursuing one's dream, whether a woman or a child, one can't be
pampered. The princess will understand that one day...)
Randy : Sonia-san! I don't care even if it's you! Raising your hand to
the Princess is too much!
Sonia : Hahaha. You get so upset whenever something like that happens to the
Princess, but you're too leniant with her. Don't forget that. There is a
limit to how kind you should be with your companions. ...but maybe that's
something you can't grasp.
======= Blue cat harbor ========
Captain : Well then, take care.
Kururu : Yes. Thank you for everything! (Randy joins back the party.
You have to equip him again)
(getting inside the town)
Crea : Say, Kururu-chan. Isn't Blue Cat supposed to be the second biggest
town after Mothergreen? In such a big city, you shouldn't have any trouble
finding your Prince!
Kururu : Aha, maybe...
Crea : ?? You're not as energetic as usual.
...Ah, did you already find someone?!
Kururu : I-it's nothing like that! But hey, isn't it weird that
there's no one around...?
Crea : Maybe they're sleeping...?
Kururu : In the middle of the day? That's ridiculous...right?
(a bunch of men gather around them)
Kururu : What? What's wrong with these guys?!
Kururu : ..??? What's this?
Old man : Fear not everyone. They're humans!
Kururu : W-what's that supposed to mean? These people are so rude!
(they leave)
Kururu : What's with that town?
(You can now visit the town and enquire about what's going on.
This is not mandatory to progress but it's the natural thing to do
right? Plus you'll get some funny dialogue like that one.)
Guy in green clothing : Young girls like you should leave that town quickly.
Kururu : Oh my! Hearing people call me young, radiant and cute!
That's so embarassing!
Randy : ...
Crea : ...
Sonia : ...
Kururu : What's with the stone faces?
Crea : Teehee. Oh dear, Kururu-chan...
Sonia : Sigh, it seems like something happened in this town.
(looking around you will hear that young girls of the town get kidnapped by
a bunch of weird cats. For some reason Kururu can also manage to read the
dogs thoughts and they say they're afraid of those cats cause they're somehow
demon cats things. Wow. Note that the shop has some nice accessories to boost
ATK and DEF by 10 points also. Do take the stairs north of town, you'll end
up in front of the mayor's house. He's that guy who use the weird item
earlier in front of your group. Talk to him to get the following event.
It's event 56 in Kururu's diary)
Mayor : I apologize for what happened earlier.
Kururu : What was that about?
Mayor : Well...that was...to insure the safety of the town.
Crea : You said we were humans, right...? What else would we be...?
Mayor : Don't get involved in this. ...for your own sake. Especially
young girls like you. Leave this town as soon as possible.
(there's another optionnal event to see before leaving town it's that house
just on the right of the stairs going to the mayor house. Go inside and visit
the kid's room upstairs. This one is event 55th^^)
Randy : Linda...?
Sonia : ??? Do you know that girl?
Randy : N-no. She just looks like a kid I know.
(now let's move on with the story and go east of town. You'll be in a forest)
Sonia : Well then, we'll be waiting in town. The princess should go the
Great Sage's Tower" by herself.
Randy : T-this is dangerous!
Sonia : Silence, you. Understood, Princess? Making one's dream cone true
isn't easy. People suffer and cry for the sake of their dreams. From now on
Princess, you won't be protected. Maybe you'll learn how important it is to
work for your dreams on this trip.
Voice : One, two, three....there's three girls BANG!
Voices : Launch the plan nya! Launch the plan nya!
Voice : We have to capture young girls for NyanNyan-sama experiments BANG.
Then she'll promote me back to where I was before the softcream shop debacle
Voices : Promotion nya!
Voice : Yes! I'll return to NyanNyan-sama side BANG! Unlike those guys who
won't see the light of day again BANG!
Voices : Roger nya! Nyahaha!
Kururu : Huh? I feel like someone's watching us..
Crea : ??? What's wrong?
Kururu : That's weird? Maybe I'm just imagining something...?
(now just keep going east until you reach a crossroad. The north path lead to
the sage's tower while the south take to you to some mines. So go north
for now. You'll get the following event as soon as you take that path)
Kururu : Ah...Cello...san.
Crea : Oh my, this person is...did you say Cello-san?
Kururu : Yeah. He's the one who saved us in the Wonder woods and they one
who helped me break the spell on you.
Crea : Humm. I s-e-e. So that's h-o-w it is then.
Kururu : Wh-what do you mean by that?!
Crea : I heard about you from Kururu-chan. Thank you for rescuing me.
May I ask what you are doing here today? Are you also on a trip?
Or could it be that you were waiting to ambush Kururu-chan secretly and...
Crea : Oh my? Why is your face getting so red? Are you embarassed?
Kururu : Wh-?
Crea : Or could it be jealousy's ugly head?
Kururu : That's not it...it's nothing like that!
Kururu to Cello : Hahah...don't pay attention to what she just said...
she's a little bit soft in the head...
Kururu : M-more importantly, I wanted to say thanks for last time...
Cello : ....
Kururu : If you weren't there last time....
Cello : ...beware of cats.
Kururu : Cats? (he leaves)
Kururu : Cats? Cats? Does he means those ones going "nya, nya" all the time?
Like the ones from...
Crea : I wonder? But more importantly, you were really red just now...
maybe you were just excited to run into your Prince...
Kururu (sweatdrop) : I-I told you that's not it!
Akurjo : My, my would you look at that now...it seems like the little
princess has just found a wonderful prince. Hahaha, really, this is too rich,
I can't stop laughing! I think I will keep watching this at my leisure.
RanRan : That's not news. That's all you do anyway.
FonFon : Yup. Perhaps one day, God will hear your prayers.
NyanNyan : Oh Lord, please bless Akurjo-sama with the Shadow of Beauty
immediately nya.
Akurjo : Ahahaha! It looks like everyonce in a while you say something that
isn't stupid! That's right! Eternal youth will be mine! Ahahaha!
RanRan (looking embarassed) : ...I think...
I think the joke went over her head...
(keep heading east and enter the tower. Nothing much to say here.
Just reach the top floor)
(once you get to the final room. You'll see an old man. Talk to him)
Old man : Hm? What can I do for you?
Kurur : Er, are you the great sage?
Om : Precisely. I'm the great sage Polyanski.
Kururu : Pleased to meet you. My name is Kururu.
I am the daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Cornet. This girl is my friend,
Crea Rosenqueen. By order of my grandmother Sieglinde, I am here to extend
to you this invitation to her birthday ceremony.
Polyanski : I see, I see. Good job.
Kururu : Was that alright?
Crea : Perfect. This is the first time everything's gone perfect!
Kururu : Alright. I owe it all to you and the others.
Crea : Then, should we get back? Sonia-san said they would be waiting in town.
Polyanski : Wh-what? You're going back already?
Kururu : Ur, yeah?
Polyanski : I-I see. Take care.
Kururu : ...???
(simply use the Legdem puppet near Polyanski's room to exit the tower
immediatly. Then return to town. Sonia and Randy are waiting on the port)
Sonia : Princess...you came back safely.
Randy : I'm so glad! I was so worried.
Sonia : Now all that's left is to wait for the ship to return.
Kururu : What's wrong here? It isn't back yet?
Sonia : Yes, it looks like we're waiting. (they both joins without
anything equipped. Now go back to town. You'll see the father of that "Linda"
girl coming to talk to you)
Man : Ahem...travellers. Could it be that you're knights?
Sonia : ..indeed. He and I are both knights. What is your business with us?
Man : Well actually I have problems... would you please stay over at my
house so I can explain them?
Sonia : Thank you for your offer, but I'd like to know why you need our help.
Man : ...actually my daughter might disappear tonight...
Randy : ....!!
Man : I-I don't know what to do. Could you please lend me your strength?
Sonia : But we have our own duty and...
Randy : We can definitely stay the night! We'll be waiting here anyway,
so we might as well help someone while we can!
Sonia : Hey why are you so energetic? You're acting strangely.
Kururu : ..Randy is right.
Sonia : Princess?!
Kururu : Since we can't go back yet...I can't ignore people who need our help!
Sonia : ...understood.
Kururu : Huh? Where's Randy?
Crea : He went upstairs earlier.
(obviosuly you have to go upstairs too)
Randy : There's no need to be worry anymore. Big brother and his friends
will protect you.
Voice : Okay. It's a promise then.
Randy : Yeah, I promise. So you don't have to worry!
Big brother is invincible!
Voice : Right!
Randy : Princess...
Kururu : She reminds you of Linda, doesn't she?
Randy : Yes. I can't help it.... this kid looks so much like Linda.
...I couldn't protect Linda, so I swear this time, I'll...
(go downstairs and you'll hear an explosion)
Kururu : Wh-what was that?!
Crea : It came from upstairs!
Sonia : Princess, let's hurry!
(once upstairs enter the room)
Randy : I won't let you take her!
Nyanshes : Nyahaha. We've been seen nya! Spotted nya! Spotted nya!
(battle against 8 nyanshes. Super easy since they're still just Nyanshes.
You can wipe them all out with just one group attack)
(after winning)
Nyanshes : Fall back nya! Fall back nya!
Randy : Hold it!
Sonia : Stop! Don't follow them!
Crea : Cello-san told us to look out for cats...
I guess this is what he meant...
Kururu : Sonia!! Let's go after Randy!
(you can't follow him because of the rubbles so go downstairs exit and enter
the forest to the east. Keep going east until you reach the crossroads)
Sonia : Where did Randy go?
Crea : There are some cats footprints here. They went this way.
(follow the path Crea showed you. You'll find Randy a few screens later)
Kururu : Where's the girl?
Sonia : You...!! Why did you disobey orders?!
Randy : ...
Kururu : You know Sonia, Randy was...
Burg : (Gahahaha! Those three completely fell in the trap BANG!
All that's left is to put the "Meatball Stamp" on them!...)
(Note: The Meatball Stamp is something Burg puts on people to tell them
he's coming for them. Sort of like a calling card)
Nyanshe 1 : (Question nya. Why don't we just capture them right here and
right now nya?)
Nyanshe 2 : (We might fail if we're not following instructions correctly nya.)
Nyanshe 1 ! (I see nya. Makes sense nya.)
Burg : (It's good that you understand each other. We must reach our goal by
respecting the plan we devised. That's "The Art of Evil" BANG)
(Burg here is a sort of parody of cliche villains that have some pride/honor)
Sonia : Watch out!
Kururu : Sonia!!
Crea : Sonia-san!
Kururu : Let's get back to town!
Randy : ...
Kururu : Randy, snap out of it! Don't stand there, help me carry Sonia!
(don't come back to town right now. Keep going east and you'll reach the
mines. There go inside, and enter in the north all the way to the north
of the screen. Once inside keep going and you should see a bird in one of
the room. Talk to him and he will tell you that he's Chimera and prompt
you to fight it. Pick first choice to accept. Chimera only take damage
from spells and his element is fire so water-based spells will be very
useful here. Once you beat him, he will tell you that he's a former puppet,
Billy, and he's very grateful for what Cornet did for him. He will leave
an egg behind him. Inspect it and pick the first choice to play your trumpet.
You'll get a new puppet, Billy. Now you can head back to town.)
======= Blue cat ========
Man : M-my daughter..where is she?
Randy : ...
Man : N-no...
Mayor : What happened to this girl here? Did she get the "meatball stamp"...?
Kururu : Yes...
Mayor : I-in that case bring her to my house!
(another Sonia flashback)
Zolbaref : Hey hey, what's wrong? Finished already? It's a million years and
ten days too early before a woman can beat me, Zolbaref of the Dawn!
Soldier : That's right! A woman doesn't have what it takes to be a knight!
Soldier : Maybe you'd be better off in the kitchen!
Soldier : Hahaha, girls can't be knights!
Soldiers : Hahaha!!
Sonia : (...I won't be defeated like this. Even if they laugh... this is the
path I chose, the path I swore to on that day. I'll become a knight.
I'll succeed my father. I'll protect the home my parents loved!
This is my dream!! I won't be defeated! I will become a knight!
I won't be defeated!!)
Sonia : I won't be defeated!!
Sonia : Ah... ah... ah...!
Kururu : Uwah, you surprised me! You started yelling all of the sudden!
Crea : Are you all right Sonia-san?
Sonia : Y, yes. What happened...?
Crea : You jumped in to protect us earlier...
Sonia : ...I see. Are you two hurt?
Kururu : No, we're alright. Thanks to you Sonia....
Sonia : Don't worry about it. I'm glad I could protect you.
...what about Randy?
Crea : He went outside. He said he was going to the harbor to calm down...
Sonia : I see.
Kururu : A-are you alright?
Sonia : Yes. I'm fine now. I'll go get Randy.
(outside of the mayor's house)
Kururu : Sonia, please don't be mad at Randy....
You probably don't know about it, but Randy had a little sister named Linda.
She was attacked by monsters and killed... It crushed Randy's spirit.
He was upset that he couldn't protect his sister. He decided to learn fencing,
but it was hard for him. He always ended up getting into fight...
Sonia : ...Randy went through something like that... I had no idea.
Crea : It's rather surprising... The way he acts now, its hard to imagine...
Kururu : But, then, on that day...
(yet another flashback, this time near the great tree behind Marl's castle)
Kururu : Randy! Why are you always picking fights?
Randy : ...
Kururu : Is it because you like fighting? Is it that much fun?
Randy : Shut up. I just want to get stronger! Stronger than anyone else!
That's my responsability!
Kururu : ...because you couldn't protect your sister?
Randy : !!! ...who told you that?
Kururu : I heard uncle Gio talking about it...
Randy : ...
Kururu : Say, Randy. It's sad but people who've passed on don't come back.
It isn't good to dwell on losing someone. I think your sister would be sad
in heaven if she knew you were so depressed.
Randy : ...!!!
(and then several days later...in Kururu's room)
Randy : I swear on that sword that I won't be picking fights anymore!
I will thrive to become a knight and protect people.
From now on my dream is to become a knight to protect you.
Kururu : ...but that litle girl, she looked exactly like his little sister...
that's why he reacted like that...
Sonia : So that's why Randy is so leniant with you...
Kururu : So, please? Don't be mad at him.
(head for the harbor, some townspeople will tell you Randy went up in
the park so go there)
Sonia : Princess. Let me speak with Randy alone for a minute.
Kururu : Alright...I understand.
Randy : Sonia-san...!! Have you recovered from your injury already?
Sonia : ...why did you act on your own earlier?
Randy : I apologize. Because of me, even you got hurt...
Sonia : It's not about that! Your duty is to protect the Princess.
Didn't you swear it to her? That you will become a knight to protect her?!
Randy : ...but as of now, I can't protect anyone. I couldn't protect
my own sister. Nothing changed since that day. ...when we return to
Mothergreen, I'm resigning from knighthood.
Sonia : !!! ...I see. You don't care about your dreams or vows. You don't
care about the Princess or Crea-sama. Or, even if those cats got me...
Randy : Of course that's not it! And even if I wasn't here, it isn't like
you'd have any trouble! You're much stronger than me!.
Sonia : ...
Song title : Kedakaki hana no okite
Lyrics : Shinkawa Sohei
Melody : Satou Tenpei
Sonia (seiyuu : Mitsuishi Kotono)
Kizu darake no yoroi ni mi wo tsutsumi
Koori tsuita kame kokoro kakusu
Akarui butai
Mizukara suteta
Sadame koukai shi nai
Dakedo tokiniha
Tsuki akari no dress de kikazatte
Kifujin no youni odotte mitai
Yume no tameni suteta hakanai mono
Saku koto wasureta hana no omoi
Kiite hoshii
Konya dake ha
Randy : Sonia-san...
Sonia : I'm not as strong as everyone thinks. Making your dream become a
reality is quite difficult. To overcome the difficulties in being a woman in
the knights, I have to appear strong. It's the only way to survive...
Randy : I swear that I will uphold my vow as a knight to protect the Princess.
But as a man, I swear on that sword that I will protect you even if it costs
me my life!
Sonia : Hahaha, thank you. But, somehow, I'm not expecting much.
Randy : Ack, that's so harsh! But one day, I'll become a knight worthy of
your attention! Then...
Kururu : Aaah, it's the adult's word I guess. Maybe one day, I will...
Crea : (Teehee, Randy-san and Sonia-san became closer.
Looks like things will get a little more interesting.)
(Randy joins the party again. Equip him and go downstairs)
Mayor : Good morning. Yesterday sure was hectic, wasn't it?
This was found in the town. It's the last "Cat's eye". If you're in front of
someone suspicious press the R1 button. If they're cats, this will reveal
their true form. Please rid that town of the curse of those cats!
(you got the cat's eye)
(of course you can abuse the eye and harass the townspeople with it to get
some stupid reactions. Try it on the mayor's dog and instead of his usual
"wan!" he will bark "three!" and be proud about it^^ . "Wan" being the normal
bark for a dog in japanese but of course here it's a pun with one.
Before going on with the plot, you can get another optional event in the
bar with Etoile. Event 69th!)
Etoile : Seriously, what's the meaning of this? Young girls are being abducted
one after the another, and yet I'm still here?! How could they have not
noticed my smooth and spotless skin?!
Kururu : Perhaps you should put some cream on those crow's feet...?
Etoile : Crow's feet? That means I need to get some rest or else they won't...
Wait. Did you want a closed casket funeral? Because its gonna take them a few
years to find all of your head when I'm done with you. (reaches for her gun)
Etoile : Kururu-chan! And Crea too!
Kururu : So Etoile-san hasn't been abducted.
What a shame, yet I am not surprised.
Etoile (pissed) : Ku-ru-ru-chan! Saying thing like that isn't good when you
want to live to see 13. Why are you two here?
(explanation ensues)
Kururu : ...and that's how it is.
Etoile : I see. So you're helping too, Crea?
Crea : Yes, mother.
Etoile : Right. You're such a good child, truly my daughter! Well, let me
give you some advice: First, the enemy's boss always has a base nearby.
And they've always got an inside man somewhere in town, Got it?
1) Yes
2) No (if you pick this she simply repeats)
Etoile : Good luck!
(well finally time to end this chapter. All you need to do now is to head to
the great sage tower and have a chat with your friend Polyanski again.
Once in his room press R1 in front of him)
Polyanski : Uuuh! So dazzling BANG!
Kururu : "Bang"?
Crea : Look Kururu-chan. A cat's shadow...
Burg : Gahahaha! Seems like I got unmasked BANG! Nyanshes, come out BANG!
Let's forget about the delicate "Art of Evil" this time BANG! Get them and
put them with the others bang! You can just kill the guy BANG!
Nyanshes : Yes sir nya!
Randy : I won't let you! I'll protect them!! This time for sure,
I'll protect them! (battle agaisnt Burg and 5 Nyanshes.
You've got 4 people so it's super easy)
(after winning)
Burg : Gahahaha! I won't hold back this time BANG!
Not in front of the likes of you, BANG! (he changes...color) Gahaha!
This is the true strength of the Great Burg haha, BANG!
From now on I'm Super Burg BANG!
(he let loose some sort of energy wawes but Randy stops it)
Sonia : Randy!
Randy : A-are you alright?
Sonia : That was reckless!
Randy : ...have you forgotten? I swore to protect you!
Sonia ...!! You....
Crea : Ahem, doesn't it seem like there's a lovey-dovery mood
between these two?
Kururu : Yup, it sure seems that way...
Burg (sweatdrop) : Hey! We're in the middle of our fight remember BANG?
(battle time again, still 5 nyanshes and this time Super Burg!
Still easy though^^)
(after winning)
Burg : Another failure BANG! I can't face NyanNyan-sama anymore BANG!
In that case....I'll go and return to Myao-sama BANG!!
Sonia : Are you alright Randy?
Randy : Yes.
Sonia : We were saved thanks to you.
Randy : No, I barely did anything...
Sonia : However, you've still got a long way to go as a knight.
In the first place you...
Crea : They're really got into that lovey-dovey mood again didn't they?
Kururu : Yep, I think they've forgotten we're standing here.
Let's free the abducted people before they start doing stuff
we don't want to see.
(pick up the key Burg left, and use it on the shiny spot on the shelves.
You'll get into a secret room)
Girl : Thanks, big brother, you did come save me after all!
Randy : Sorry. And to think I promised that I would protect you too.
Girl : No, that okay. I knew you'd come!
Randy : (Linda...your brother got a little stronger and managed to
protect someone today!)
Kururu : Well, let's go back to the town. I'm sure everyone's
overjoyed right now!
(before going back to town don't forget you have to talk with the real sage.
He's the old guy locked with all the girls)
Polyanski : To be surrounded by so many young girls... I'm so happy!
Kururu : Err...you're the great sage?
Polyanski : Hm? What is it?
Kururu : I'm Kururu, the daugther of King Ferdinand, and Queen Cornet.
By order of my grandmother Sieglinde, I am to give you this invitation
to her birthday ceremony.
Polyanski : Oh, I see. Good job. Defeating evil-doers like this,
I feel like I'm watching Cornet again. I'm the owner of this tower,
the great sage Polyanski. You can call me Polin~.
I will definitely come for Sieglinde-sama's birthday ceremony.
Kururu : Alright!!
Crea : With this done, the mission is complete, right Kururu-chan?
(now you can head back to town. Yes you have to walk there again^^;;
Once there visit the mother of the little girl you saved,
she'll give you a jewel then head to the harbor)
Captain : Ah, you're here. Look at this!
Kururu : What's with that ship?
Captain : Incredible isn't it? Etoile-sama from the RosenQueen company
gave it to us, saying it's to show her gratitude for helping her daugther.
I tell ya what, rich people sure do things differently!
Kururu : Where is Etoile-san now?
Captain : She left after giving us the ship.
Crea : Mother probably left to go working...she was probably worried earlier
so she dropped in on us to see if we were alright.
Randy : Princess?
Kururu : Ah...a lot happened on this trip, but in the end we're all going
back home safely. I was thinking about that just now and it made me happy.
Crea : Kururu-chan...
Kururu : Hah, I'm weird right? We've had so many hardships, we experienced
sad and painful times, and yet...why is that? It's such a weird feeling...
=============================== Chapter 5 ================================
=============================== Real travel ==============================
Sieglinde : Good work on your mission. I'm glad you came back safely.
Kururu : Thank you Grandmother!
Sieglinde : Sonia, Randy, you've done well too.
Sonia : Not at all, we were simply doing our duty.
Sieglinde : So what are your impressions about your first trip?
Did you find your dream?
Kururu : No...I still don't see it clearly but I did learn something!
Siegline : Ho, and what is that?
Kururu : Pursuing your dream is really hard. Both Randy and Sonia here have
suffered a lot for their dreams. But unless you overcome those hardships,
I think it's impossible to realize one's true dream.
Sieglinde : ... Sonia, Randy, there's nothing I can say to thank you enough.
Thanks to you, Kururu has grown.
Randy : We didn't do that much...
Sonia : No, as embarassing as it is, we both still have a long way to go, too.
Sielginde : Kururu. From now on, don't sneak out of the castle whenever
you feel like it. You will have to learn lots and lots of things about
the outside world. Then you'll be able to grasp your dream.
Kururu : I understand Grandmother! Thank you!
Sieglinde : Ah yes. I nearly forgot. I know that you're all tired, but please
come to my birthday ceremony tonight.
Kururu : I see. So it's tonight...
======= Kururu's room ========
Kururu : I still got time before the birthday part so I think I'll take a nap
since I'm tired. Yaaaawn.
Voice : Kururu...
Kururu : Who...? Mother...?
Cherie : My name is Cherie. Your mother is my daughter...
Kururu : ....my grandmother? But my mother told me that grandmother went to
heaven a long time ago!
Cherie : Listen well Kururu. You will soon go on a journey.
It will be a painful journey, but if you overcome the difficulties, then your
dream will come true.
Kururu : ...journey? Ah! Wait Grandmother!
Cherie : I am always with you, Kururu. Good luck...
Kururu : ...that was ...a dream?
======= Throne's room - birthday party ========
Kururu : Uwaahh, there are so many people here.
Crea : Some of these people aren't even from this kindgom...
Kururu : It's wonderful. A long time ago Mother and Father danced here.
Ah that must have been so cool. I wanna dance here, too!
Crea : Really? Then shall we invite Cello-san next time?
Kururu : W-what does this guy has to do with anything?
(nothing much to do here, you simply need to talk to people around.)
Randy : Are you having fun Princess?
Kururu : Yeah. But you don't seem to be enjoying yourself Randy.
Crea : How about asking Sonia-san to dance?
Randy : H-hey, stop joking! Besides if I did that, one of these girls might
try to kill me!
Polyanski : That Mustaki guy, he's still alive.
He's quite a stubborn geezer, too.
Kururu : Polin, you know my great grandfather?
Polyanski : Yes. We've known each other since a very long time. We were both
engineers working for the royal family back in the day.
Mustaki : I would have been fine if they hadn't called me. I feel uneasy at
these sorts of things.
Kururu : I'd rather go see you in the village, anyway.
It's so much more fun there.
Muustaki : I see, I see. You should come play in Orange village soon.
Kururu : Happy birthday, grandmother!
Crea : I wish you a happy birthday, Sieglinde-sama.
Sieglinde : Thank you Kururu, Crea. Today, it's okay if you stay up late.
Now, please enjoy the party.
Kururu : Yes!
Gio : To be honest, I was worried, but in the end it looks like that trip
was a good experience for you, Princess. It seems like it helped you
mature a little.
Kururu : R-really? But, yeah, I think it was a good experience for me, too!
(going into the room below, Kururu will get kicked out of the way by
some girls)
Sonia-fans : Kyaah! Look Look! It's Sonia-sama! She's soooo brave!
Look how dignified she looks! She's soooooo dreamy!
I wonder if she would dance with me?
Crea : It doesn't surprise me, Sonia-san is very popular.
Even among the girls...
Kururu : Aren't I supposed to be the Princess around here?
Kururu : You're so popular Sonia.
Sonia : Not really, its just strange for people to see a female Knight.
Kururu : It would have been nice to have worn a dress tonight.
Crea : That's true. It would have been neat to see Sonia-san wearing
a dress for once.
Sonia : Haha, no thanks. Dresses don't suit me.
Etoile : My, Kururu-chan. So you came back safely from your trip.
Kururu : Thanks to you Etoile-san. You came all the way to Blue Cat to check
on us!
Etoile : My, what could you be talking about? I simply had some on-going
business in Blue Cat, that's all.
Crea : Teehee, that's mother for you. You'll have to excuse her, she's not
comfortable expressing her feelings like that.
Hama : There's always some idiot slimeball that tries to ask the Lady to dance
with them at parties like this. Well of course they're greeted by a
"Ohohohoho, even in a million years you won't be good enough to dance with me"
...and so the Lady always ends up with no one to dance with.
Momi : At these parties, there are always nobles who try to get to know
the Lady.
(now simply attempt to leave to get the following event)
Voice : An intruder! There's an intruder in the castle!
Zolbaref : Sonia-sama! An intruder has been spotted entering the treasure room
in the basement!
Sonia : Where is the intruder now?
Zolbaref : The intruder stole the "five treasures" and is presently trying
to escape! We believe he's still within the castle walls!
Sonia : "The five treasures" you say? Those things that Cornet-sama brought
back from when she entered "Beauty Castle"?
Zolbaref : Yes!!
Sonia : Why would they steal those...? Ready the troops for an emergency
deployment! Do not let the intruder escape!
Zolbaref : Yes mad'm!!
Sonia : I apologize for the disturbance. Rest assured that the intruder
will be apprehended immediatly. Please everyone, relax and enjoy the party.
Crea : A burglar eh... I wonder if every
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Top Bonus 05* 10TB

Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 2249

NINJA_MASTER · 25-Сен-10 13:12 (спустя 2 часа 23 мин.)

Korleone2 писал(а):
Даёшь в шапку.
Не получается слишком большой обьём, а тогда нужно обрезать.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11250

Korleone2 · 27-Сен-10 04:07 (спустя 1 день 14 часов)

Эх, тогда надо было текстовиком в раздачу.
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 84

angelsnine25 · 28-Сен-10 18:35 (спустя 1 день 14 часов)

ребят, как запустить эту игру. Вроде бы разархивировал 2 архива, поменял расширение файла на .bin, (того который весит 555 метров), но оба эмуля (Ни ПСХ 1,13 ни ЕПСХ 1.6.4) виснут после того как исчезает загрузочный экран консоли Плэйстэйшн. Как решить этот вопрос? Поиграть охота!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Bonus 05* 10TB

Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 2249

NINJA_MASTER · 28-Сен-10 19:09 (спустя 33 мин.)

angelsnine25 писал(а):
ребят, как запустить эту игру. Вроде бы разархивировал 2 архива, поменял расширение файла на .bin, (того который весит 555 метров), но оба эмуля (Ни ПСХ 1,13 ни ЕПСХ 1.6.4) виснут после того как исчезает загрузочный экран консоли Плэйстэйшн. Как решить этот вопрос? Поиграть охота!
Ещё нужно разархивировал прогой под названием ECM
Программка работает из под виндовой командной строки, надеюсь с этим никаких проблем?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 90

M_S_N · 03-Окт-10 16:53 (спустя 4 дня, ред. 05-Окт-10 14:02)

По подробней плз я не разобрался! Почему нельзя было проще сделать как у людей
Буду тут спамить пока не ответят
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 07-Окт-10 02:27 (спустя 3 дня, ред. 15-Окт-10 00:50)

M_S_N писал(а):
По подробней плз я не разобрался!
Объяснение того, что делает ECM
- на диске, помимо собственно данных, есть ещё и дополнительная информация - (информация для восстановления данных и прочее, не буду вдаваться в детали)
- эта дополнительная информация очень плохо сжимается
- она нужна лишь для чтения с физического диска
- эту информацию можно косвенно восстановить по одним лишь данным
- ECM убирает "дополнительную информацию", делая образ хорошо сжимаемым
- ECM так же восстанавливает её, возвращая образ в пригодный для использования вид
- ECM программа умная - если разработчики используют место под дополнительную информацию в системе защиты от копирования, то ECM её не трогает (само использование ECM становится бессмысленным)
Как работать:
- скачать архив отсюда
- распаковать его куда-нибудь
- в распакованной папке будет unecm.exe
- перетащить на него скачанный файл в формате ecm
- в папке со старым файлом должен появится новый файл формата bin
- подождать, пока окошко программы закроется
- нарезать образ на диск или играть через эмулятор (согласно соответствующим инструкциям)
M_S_N писал(а):
Почему нельзя было проще сделать как у людей
Потому что у некоторых людей до сих пор dial-up, и качать лишнюю сотню мегабайт из сети им долго, а самое главное - накладно. Поэтому релизеры и используют любую возможность, чтобы сжать образ.
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Top Bonus 05* 10TB

Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 2249

NINJA_MASTER · 13-Окт-10 19:01 (спустя 6 дней)

Оставляем комментарии об игре не забываем говорить спасибо когда скачали !!!!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 15-Окт-10 01:02 (спустя 1 день 6 часов, ред. 15-Окт-10 15:03)

Ещё бы второй диск добавил, с артами и треками из игры - было бы вообще супер. И да, прохождение в раздаче тоже будет полезным.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Bonus 05* 10TB

Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 2249

NINJA_MASTER · 31-Янв-11 22:40 (спустя 3 месяца 16 дней, ред. 31-Янв-11 22:40)

Кто хочет дать адрес для 2 диска мне и я возьмусь за обновлением раздачи.
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Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 31-Янв-11 23:24 (спустя 43 мин.)

Давно пора. Там много всего хорошего.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11250

Korleone2 · 31-Янв-11 23:34 (спустя 10 мин.)

Название диска?
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Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 01-Фев-11 00:32 (спустя 58 мин., ред. 01-Фев-11 00:32)

На втором диске:
Первый пункт- арты к игре. Портреты персонажей, сценки из игры.
Второй пункт - музыка и песни из игры. Всего 55 штук.
Третий пункт - наброски персонажей.
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Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 5

chrono11 · 15-Апр-11 07:57 (спустя 2 месяца 14 дней)

доброго времени суток, помогите кто чем может.
играю в Little Princess +1 - Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 (Japan)
на эмуляторе pSX_1_13, но пробовала и на pcsxr-1.9.92-win32
смонтированном образе игры через daemon.
в месте где по сюжету мы на корабле попадаем в воздушный замок Beauty Castle и играем в мини-игру с нянько (доберись до верха за 80 секунд), игра виснет, черный экран и текст в консольном окне:
r3000: executed illegal opcode 000000ff
r3000: executed illegal opcode 000000ff
translate_ address: illegal phisical address 1a0019ec
r3000: executed illegal opcode ff000000
Это при раскладе - выйграю или проиграю, не важно, время кончается и игра виснет.
Кто-нибудь сталкивался с таким явлением? И как его избежать?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11250

Korleone2 · 15-Апр-11 08:03 (спустя 6 мин.)

Эмулятор от Rikimaru юзайте
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Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 5

chrono11 · 15-Апр-11 09:05 (спустя 1 час 2 мин.)

Rikimaru также выдаёт еррор в томже самом моменте Opcode 13 UNK
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Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11250

Korleone2 · 15-Апр-11 12:58 (спустя 3 часа)

Погуглите другую версию игры.
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Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 15-Апр-11 15:58 (спустя 2 часа 59 мин.)

Можешь мне в личку скинуть сейв на карту памяти, рядом с тем местом, где виснет? Проверю, рабочая ли у меня версия.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Hollow Ichigo


Стаж: 17 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 5950

Hollow Ichigo · 16-Апр-11 23:33 (спустя 1 день 7 часов)

Няшно, очень няшно. Но японский язык... я в затруднении.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 17-Апр-11 00:09 (спустя 35 мин., ред. 17-Апр-11 00:09)

Hollow Ichigo
Master Ninja скинул прохождение на английском, в одном из предыдущих постов. А так да, Nippon Ichi рулят и каваят. Хотя, их последняя игра :shock:...
Кстати, баг, о котором говорилось выше, решается до смешного просто - chrono11 пишет, что можно пройти то место на ePSXe 1.6. Большое спасибо, chrono11!
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 1022

Jack50 · 20-Ноя-11 12:10 (спустя 7 месяцев)

я так понял английского перевода не будет?ну хотя бы андаб?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 1022

Jack50 · 20-Ноя-11 14:21 (спустя 2 часа 10 мин.)

там текст в каких файлах хотябы?мож вытащу и попробую перевести на англ
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 766

q0099 · 20-Ноя-11 14:43 (спустя 21 мин., ред. 20-Ноя-11 14:43)

Почти всё уже переведено - только вставить.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 