FXPHD - C4D204 MoGraph and More [Cinema 4d - перепакованный] [2009]

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Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 1436

vova2vova · 17-Июл-10 00:46 (14 лет 6 месяцев назад, ред. 17-Июл-10 00:47)

FXPHD - C4D204 MoGraph and More [Cinema 4d - перепакованный]
Производитель: FXPHD
Год выпуска: 2009
Язык: английский
Раздача была изначально создана vozor. За что ему большое спасибо! После переведена в статус "не оформлено" т.к. курс раздавался в видео архива.
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Professor: Tim Clapham (TimC)
The recent 11.5 release of Cinema4D included many improvements to the MoGraph module, bumping it up to version 2.0. This course with popular fxphd professor Tim Clapham focuses on many of the new features in the 11.5 software, which will be available to fxphd members on the VPN.
Based in Sydney Australia, Tim Clapham is a multi-disciplinary animator and compositor. Evolving from a solid foundation in traditional animation using both Film and Video, Tim soon transitioned into the digital domain and has forged a solid career in the world of Motion Graphics. With over 11 years of industry experience, Tim is accomplished with many 3D animation and Digital Compositing applications.
This knowledge has been the bedrock of his many successful training courses as a Professor for fxphd and a continuing relationship with Maxon Computer where Tim has worked as a beta tester for many years, and also contributes tutorials to their online learning resource cineversity. As a Company Director of HYPA, Tim is hands on with every project that the company produces. With a history of working with many global Advertising and Broadcast companies, the work HYPA produces is both technically challenging whilst maintaining innovation and high quality.
Class 1: Smashing a logo using MoGraph Dynamics. Tips and tricks to trigger dynamics, reforming the smashed logo, adding thickness in a parametric way. Finally controlling gravity on a per object basis.
Class 2: Introduction to the Morph Tag. Morphing parameters of objects. Joint Driven Morphs. Introduction to the Driver Tag to control Morph Target strength. Using the Morph Deformer.
Class 3: Creating a simple cloth simulation, belting the cloth to other objects. Using the Cloth Simulation as an Absolute Morph. Adding secondary motion with Jiggle Deformer. Basic Intro to Spline Dynamics. Using the Point Cache Tag to cache the simulation.
Class 4: Using the MoGraph module to enhance your modelling techniques. Using Cloner with splines, effectors and NURBS generators. Polygon modelling in combination with Cloner and Deformers.
Class 5: Creating the effect of an object icing over. Creation of materials for frost and ice. Different methods to enhance the ice effect, such as colour correction and layering of textures. Linking parameters through Xpresso to animate the ice effect.
Class 6: Creating branching objects. Two methods to create branching objects. The first uses Thinking Particles and explores Particle Groups, PDie, PStorm, PGroup and more. The second uses MoGraph, Cloning onto objects, using effectors to manipulate the geometry and animation of the clones.
Class 7: Part 1 of a 2 week class. This week we prepare the colour map for use with the cloner and the shader effector. We then create a cardboard material that uses the color shader to combine regular shaders with the MoGraph effects.
Class 8: Part 2 of a 2 week class. Using effectors to control various aspects of clones. Random 90 degree rotation, visibility, weighting clones, controlling time offset through effector falloff.
Class 9: Part 1 of a 2 week class. Creating a red carpet that unrolls using a combination of MoGraph Tracer and Xpresso to link multiple parameters into one user data slider. Exploring the Cloner Blend mode to blend parametric object parameters.
Class 10: Part 2 of a 2 week class. Modelling a rope partition using HyperNURBS polygon modelling and SweepNURBS. Creating materials and using the Lumas Shader. Building a Grid of Lights that responds to the Shader Effector.
Видео кодек: QuickTime
Видео: Apple QuickTime 306 Kbps 1152x720 1 час 4 минуты
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 311

Cupola · 17-Июл-10 07:08 (спустя 6 часов)

В сети есть вариант 200 мб качество правда плохое, но все видно.
Так же есть и 600мб ...
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 1436

vova2vova · 17-Июл-10 09:41 (спустя 2 часа 33 мин., ред. 17-Июл-10 09:41)

Cupola писал(а):
В сети есть вариант 200 мб качество правда плохое, но все видно.
Так же есть и 600мб ...
Если выдрать только звук - будет аудиоподкаст. Мегов на 50
Что не понятно - можно будет спрашивать у тех, кто скачал видеоверсию.
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