[Mods] Railworks: DT Wagon Pack 01
Данный аддон разработан компанией DT и является коллекцией из пяти грузовых вагонов. Данные вагоны использовались на железных дорогах с 1940-х по 1970-ые и 1980-ые годы, при этом некоторые вагоны всё еще бегают по национальным железным дорогам и сохранившимся линиям железнодорожного транспорта. В данном аддоне Вы найдете восемь различных типов вагонов с различными грузами.
В раздачу входит:
1. Грузовые вагоны:
'Clayhood' China Clay Wagon
Crocodile H
Bogie Bolster C
Tube Wagon
2. 4 сценария:
Pipes for Radstock
Shunting at Radstock
Home to Bath
Crocodile Didcot
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Описание аддона на сайте Steam [English]
This collection of five wagons has no overall theme, and is made up of bogie wagons, a long- wheelbase 4-wheeler, a short-wheelbase 4-wheeler and a well wagon. The wagons were once a common sight on the network from the 1940s through to the 1970s and 1980s, with some types still in existence on the national network, and preserved lines.
In this pack you will find eight different types of wagon with various loads.
Wagon Pack 1 from Digital Traction includes:
'Clayhood' China Clay Wagon
Crocodile H
Bogie Bolster C
Tube Wagon
Each wagon features unique cargo, illustrating the type of work this rolling stock is designed to undertake. Ranging from mixed crates to cables and girders, and through to precious clay minerals.
4 Scenarios
Pipes for Radstock
You need to marshal together a rake of wagons for Radstock conveying new pipework due for delivery. It will be a long heavy slog up the bank out of Bath, so make sure you’ve got a good head of steam before setting out.
Shunting at Radstock
You’ve arrived at Radstock, and you now need to shunt your train away into the appropriate sidings, and marshal together a set of return wagons from around the yard.
Home to Bath
The shunting is done, you’ve eaten your snack and apart from taking the train back to Bath you’re done for the day.
Crocodile Didcot
The Great Western Society at Didcot have recently purchased two redundant Crocodile H wagons from British Rail. The peak hour is dying and the rush has died down, thread your way from Reading out to Didcot amongst commuter services, High Speed Trains and the occasional freight.
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