(Звуки Природы) Wolf Talk — NorthSound - 2003
Жанр:Звуки Природы
Год выпуска диска: 2003
Производитель диска: Northsound Gift
Аудио кодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 53,06
1. Wolf Talk Part 1 {28:55}
2. Wolf Talk Part 2 {24:51}
Доп/Инфо: NorthSound - Wolf Talk (Северный Волк)
This recording consists of sounds of the wolves mixed with bird calls and water sounds. There are two lengthy tracks that make up the two parts of Wolf Talk:
Part 1: You'll hear the calls and howls of wolves and the sounds of the following guest speakers: spring peepers, wood frogs, crow, barred owl, red-winged blackbirds, blue jay, chickadees, nuthatches, and one great horned owl.
Part 2: As a rainstorm passes, the wolves continue to converse. White-throated sparrows, a blue jay, a crow, and red-winged blackbirds contribute to the discussion.
The result of numerous trips following and recording the eastern timber wolf of North America, Wolf Talk brings you all the voices of this exceptional animal in its natural environment. Whether it's the haunting vocalizations and lonesome call of the solitary wolf, the spine-tingling howls of a pack in chorus, or the "bark-howling" cries of pre-chorusing wolves, these primeval sounds reflect the true "call of the wild."
(Звуки Природы / Волк ) The Language and Music of the Wolves .
(Звуки Природы / Русский соловей ) - Russian Nightingale (image+cue), lossless .