[Mods] Railworks: ATSF Warbonnet Pack
Данный аддон добавляет, вероятно, наиболее известную в мире линейку локомотивов F-Unit и, возможно, их самую узнаваемую расскраску. Разработчики 3DTrains воссоздали локомотивы для RailWorks в потрясающей детализации и рады представить их вам.
В аддоне представлена ленейка локомотивов F7. В частности модификации 37-класс и 300-класс.
Впервые ж/д компания ATSF начала использовать для перевозки пассажиров F7 в сентябре 1949 года. Первоначальная партия таких локомотивов, называемых 37-Класс, имели 36-ти дюймовые тормоза, горизонтальную решетку, и носили номер с 37LABC по 41LABC. Локомотивы использовались в связке А-В-В-А (где А - вагон с кабиной машиниста, В - вагон без кабины машиниста).
300-Класс локомотивы, поставленные в октябре 1949 года, были идентичны по внешнему виду с 37-Класс, но имели 48-ми дюймовые тормоза и имели номер уже с 300LAB по 305LAB. Они использовались в связке А-В-В, что было единственной причиной, по которой эти локомотивы были выделены отдельный класс.
В раздачу входит:
1. Две модели локомотива F7:
37-Class passenger F-Units - 37LABC through 47LABC + 48A
300-Class passenger F-Units - 300LAB through 316LAB
2. Четыре сценария:
Free Roam: San Bernardino in Winter
Down on the 300
Promotional Video
Warbonnet on Loan
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Описание аддона на сайте Steam [English]
Arguably the most famous railroad in the world and perhaps the most recognized livery ever applied to a locomotive, 3DTrains is pleased to present these beautiful Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe passenger F-Unit locomotives recreated for Rail Simulator and RailWorks in stunning detail.
Santa Fe began taking delivery of passenger F7's in A-B-B-A lash-ups in September 1949. The initial order of locomotives, designated 37-Class, were delivered with 36" dynamic brakes and horizontal grilles, and were numbered 37LABC through 41LABC.
Santa Fe's 300-Class locomotives, delivered in October 1949, were identical in appearance to the 37-Class units, except they were configured in 3-unit A-B-B sets, numbered 300LAB through 305LAB. That these were 3-unit sets was the only reason why these locomotives were assigned a separate class.
Included with the ATSF 37-Class and 300-Class passenger locomotives are early "as delivered" and late "as modified by Santa Fe shop" variations.
The ATSF Warbonnet Pack includes:
37-Class passenger F-Units - 37LABC through 47LABC + 48A
300-Class passenger F-Units - 300LAB through 316LAB
28 separate and highly detailed models with animated parts
Both early and late 36" and 48" dynamic brake fans versions
Includes "oddball" freight pilot models
High resolution textures and custom audio files
Optional driver and non-driver models
Included Scenarios:
Free Roam: San Bernardino in Winter
Pick a train by clicking on it, then explore the route
Down on the 300
Starting at the summit, make a descent down the Cajon Pass to arrive at San Bernardino.
Promotional Video
You are driving an F7 in the Warbonnet silver and red livery in the creation of a promotional video for the reintroduction of the livery to freight locomotives.
Warbonnet on Loan
This preserved F7 in Warbonnet livery is touring the United States and featuring on the Castle Rock Railroad for the week. Drive a passenger service the length of the line.
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