Zhang Zi-qian - Guangling Qin Music Vol.1
Продолжительность: 53:17
01. 龙翔操 The Soaring Dragon
02. 忆故人 Memories of an Old Friend
03. 天风环佩 Wind and Jade
04. 酒狂 The Drunkard
05. 普庵咒 Incantation of Pu An
06. 平沙落雁 Wild Geese Descending on the Sandbank
07. 阳关三迭 The Song Of Yang Guan
08. 良宵引 Tune for a Peaceful Night
09. 良宵引 Tune for a Peaceful Night
10. 梅花三弄 Three Variations of the Plum Blossom
11. 梅花三弄 Three Variations of the Plum Blossom
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EAC extraction logfile from 9. October 2007, 18:03 for CD
张子谦 / 广陵琴韵
Used drive : CDWRITERIDE5232 Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure with C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Combined read/write offset correction : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Used output format : D:\Program Files\REACT\REACT.exe (User Defined Encoder)
192 kBit/s
Additional command line options : REACT %o %s %d "%a" "%g" "%t" "%n" "%x" "%y" "%m" "%e" "%f" "%b" %r
Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Installed external ASPI interface
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename D:\music\1\CDImage.wav
Peak level 93.6 %
Range quality 100.0 %
CRC 031DA6F3
Copy OK
No errors occured