Серия - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) - 2062 выпуска [1973-2009, DjVu/PDF, ENG]

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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 3954

Bill_G · 31-Мар-10 17:20 (14 лет 11 месяцев назад, ред. 01-Апр-10 11:50)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Год выпуска: 1973-2009
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Жанр: Computer Science
Издательство: Springer Science+Business Media
Язык: Английский
Формат DjVu/PDF
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) is a series of computer science books that has been published by Springer Science+Business Media (formerly Springer-Verlag) since 1973. It reports research results in computer science, especially in the form of proceedings, post-proceedings and research monographs. In addition, tutorials, state-of-the-art surveys and "hot topics" are increasingly being included. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) are two sub-series of LNCS. The editorial team for LNCS was originally based in Heidelberg, Germany, but much of the work has since been outsourced to India. As of 2008, more than 5000 LNCS volumes have appeared and an online subscription to the complete series costs nearly 23,000 euros per year. LNCS is among the largest series of computer-science conference proceedings, along with those of ACM, IEEE and USENIX.
Лекции по информатике (LNCS) представляет собой ряд компьютерных наук книги, который был опубликован в Springer Science + Business Media (ранее Springer-Verlag) с 1973 года. В нем сообщается результатов научных исследований в области информатики, особенно в форме судопроизводства, пост-производство и научно-исследовательских монографий. Кроме того, учебные пособия, современное состояние исследований и "горячие темы" все чаще включаются. Лекции в области искусственного интеллекта (LNAI) и Lecture Notes в биоинформатике (LNBI) являются два суб-серии LNCS. Редакция для LNCS первоначально была основана в Гейдельберг, Германия, но большая часть работы уже передаваться Индии. В 2008 году более 5000 томов LNCS появились и онлайн подписки на полную расходы серии почти 23000 евро в год. LNCS является одним из крупнейших серии производства компьютерных научной конференции, наряду с теми из ACM, IEEE и USENIX.
В раздаче: см. список ниже
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 3954

Bill_G · 31-Мар-10 17:26 (спустя 6 мин.)

скрытый текст
LNCS0003 Optimization Techniques 5 conf., Part 1(LNCS0003, Springer, 1973)(ISBN 3540065830)(T)(O)(578s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0004 Optimization Techniques 5 conf., Part 2(LNCS0004, Springer, 1973)(ISBN 3540066004)(T)(O)(403s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0006 Smith B.T., et al. Matrix Eigensystem Routines - EISPACK Guide (2ed., LNCS0006, Springer, 1976)(ISBN 0387075461)(T)(560s)_MNl_.djvu
LNCS0011 Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Part 2(LNCS0011, Springer, 1974)(ISBN 3540067698)(T)(444s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0014 Automata, Languages and Programming, 2 conf.(LNCS0014, Springer, 1974)(ISBN 3540068414)(T)(O)(619s).djvu
LNCS0015 L Systems(LNCS0015, Springer, 1974)(ISBN 3540068678)(344s).pdf
LNCS0021 Bauer F.L., De Remer F.L., et al. Compiler Construction (LNCS0021, Springer, 1974)(ISBN 3540069585)(T)(O)(636s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0022 Formal Aspects of Cognitive Processes(LNCS0022, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540070168)(T)(219s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0025 Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control(LNCS0025, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540071423)(T)(255s).djvu
LNCS0028 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 3 conf.(LNCS0028, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540071628)(T)(O)(491s).djvu
LNCS0029 LNCS 0029 - Nickel K. - Interval mathematics - Springer 1975 - ISBN 0387071709.djvu
LNCS0030 Software Engineering, An Advanced Course 1972(LNCS0030, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540071687)(T)(556s).djvu
LNCS0031 Analysis of Drum and Disk Storage Units(LNCS0031, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540071865)(T)(292s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0032 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1975, MFCS#75, 4 conf.(LNCS0032, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540073892)(T)(O)(486s).djvu
LNCS0035 Exercises in Computer Systems Analysis(LNCS0035, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540074015)(T)(O)(187s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0036 Theory of Program Structures.. Schemes(LNCS0036, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540074155)(T)(375s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0037 Lambda-Calculus and Computer Science Theory(LNCS0037, Springer, 1975)(ISBN 3540074163)(T)(383s).djvu
LNCS0038 An Optimized Translation Process and Its Application to ALGOL 68(LNCS0038, Springer, 1976)(ISBN 3540075453)(343s).pdf
LNCS0039 Data Base Systems, Proceedings, 5 conf.(LNCS0039, Springer, 1976)(ISBN 3540076123)(T)(392s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0045 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1976, 5 conf.(LNCS0045, Springer, 1976)(ISBN 3540078541)(T)(O)(618s).djvu
LNCS0046 Language Hierarchies and Interfaces 1975(LNCS0046, Springer, 1976)(ISBN 3540079947)(T)(437s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0050 A Concurrent Pascal Compiler for Minicomputers(LNCS0050, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 3540082409)(T)(O)(125s).djvu
LNCS0051 Garbow B.S., et al. Matrix eigensystem routines - EISPACK guide extensions (LNCS0051, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540082549)(T)(351s)_MNl_.djvu
LNCS0052 Automata, Languages and Programming, 4 conf.(LNCS0052, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 3540083421)(T)(O)(579s).djvu
LNCS0053 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1977 6 conf.(LNCS0053, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 3540083537)(T)(O)(605s).djvu
LNCS0054 Williams J.H., Fisher D.A. Design and Implementation of Programming Languages (LNCS0054, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 354008360X)(T)(506s)_CsPl_.djvu
LNCS0056 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT#77 (LNCS0056, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 3540084428)(T)(O)(547s).djvu
LNCS0058 O#Donnell M.J. Computing in systems described by equations (LNCS0058, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 0387085319)(T)(125s)_CsNp_.djvu
LNCS0061 The Vienna Development Method.. The Meta-Language(LNCS0061, Springer, 1978)(ISBN 3540087664)(T)(398s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0062 Automata, Languages and Programming, 5 conf.(LNCS0062, Springer, 1978)(ISBN 3540088601)(T)(O)(515s).djvu
LNCS0063 Bolc L. (ed.) Natural language communication with computers (LNCS0063, Springer, 1978)(ISBN 038708911X)(T)(288s)_CsAi_.djvu
LNCS0064 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1978 7 conf.(LNCS0064, Springer, 1978)(ISBN 3540089217)(T)(O)(560s).djvu
LNCS0066 TEMPO.. A Unified Treatment of Binding Time and Parameter Passing Concepts in Programming Languages(LNCS0066, Springer, 1978)(ISBN 3540090851)(T)(128s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0071 Automata, Languages and Programming, 6 conf.(LNCS0071, Springer, 1979)(ISBN 3540095101)(T)(O)(692s).djvu
LNCS0072 Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, EUROSAM #79 (LNCS0072, Springer, 1979)(ISBN 3540095195)(T)(O)(572s).djvu
LNCS0074 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979 8 conf.(LNCS0074, Springer, 1979)(ISBN 3540095268)(T)(O)(589s).djvu
LNCS0078 Edinburgh LCF(LNCS0078, Springer, 1979)(ISBN 3540097244)(T)(167s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0082 A Relational Theory of Computing(LNCS0082, Springer, 1980)(ISBN 3540099875)(T)(152s).djvu
LNCS0085 Automata, Languages and Programming, 7 conf.(LNCS0085, Springer, 1980)(ISBN 3540100032)(T)(O)(678s).djvu
LNCS0088 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1980, MFCS#80, 9 conf.(LNCS0088, Springer, 1980)(ISBN 354010027X)(T)(O)(731s).djvu
LNCS0091 Wood D. Grammars and L-forms.. an introduction (LNCS0091, Springer, 1980)(ISBN 3540102337)(T)(323s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0094 Jones N.D. (ed.) Semantics-directed compiler generation.. proc.1980 (LNCS0094, Springer, 1980)(ISBN 3540102507)(T)(494s).djvu
LNCS0100 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG #80 (LNCS0100, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 3540102914)(T)(O)(413s).djvu
LNCS0101 Thayse A. Boolean calculus of differences (LNCS0101, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 3540102868)(T)(150s)_MAa_.djvu
LNCS0109 Digital Image Processing Systems(LNCS0109, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 3540107053)(T)(358s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0112 CAAP 81 Trees in Algebra and Programming 6 conf.(LNCS0112, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 3540108289)(T)(O)(369s).djvu
LNCS0115 Automata, Languages and Programming, 8 conf.(LNCS0115, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 3540108432)(T)(O)(560s).djvu
LNCS0117 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT#81 (LNCS0117, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 3540108548)(T)(O)(479s).djvu
LNCS0118 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1981 (LNCS0118, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 3540108564)(T)(O)(600s).djvu
LNCS0122 Ershov A.P., Knuth D.E. (eds.) Algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science (Proc., Urgench, Uzbek SSR)(LNCS0122, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 0387111573)(T)(498s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0130 Goldblatt R. Axiomatising the Logic of Computer Programming (LNCS0130, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 3540112103)(T)(313s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0137 International Symposium on Programming, 5 conf.(LNCS0137, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 3540114947)(T)(C)(O)(413s).djvu
LNCS0138 CADE Automated Deduction 6 conf.(LNCS0138, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 3540115587)(T)(O)(397s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0140 Automata, Languages and Programming, 9 conf.(LNCS0140, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 3540115765)(T)(O)(623s).djvu
LNCS0141 Kastens U., Hutt B., Zimmermann E. GAG.. a practical compiler generator (LNCS0141, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 3540115919)(T)(156s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0144 Computer Algebra, EUROCAM #82 (LNCS0144, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 3540116079)(T)(O)(311s).djvu
LNCS0147 RIMS Symposium on Software Science and Engineering (LNCS0147, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540119809)(T)(O)(237s).djvu
LNCS0149 Cryptography - Workshop 1982 (LNCS0149, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540119930)(T)(O)(385s).djvu
LNCS0151 CONLAN Report.. consensus hardware description language (LNCS0151, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540122753)(T)(O)(185s).djvu
LNCS0154 Automata, Languages and Programming, 10 conf., Barcelona, Spain, July 18-22, 1983 (LNCS0154, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540123172)(T)(O)(741s).djvu
LNCS0158 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT#83 (LNCS0158, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540126899)(T)(O)(526s).djvu
LNCS0159 CAAP 83 Trees in Algebra and Programming 8 conf.(LNCS0159, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540127275)(T)(O)(422s).djvu
LNCS0161 DIANA - An Intermediate Language for Ada(LNCS0161, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540126953)(T)(206s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0162 Computer Algebra, EUROCAL #83 (LNCS0162, Springer, 1983)(ISBN 3540128689)(T)(O)(317s).djvu
LNCS0166 STACS 84, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 1 conf.(LNCS0166, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540129200)(T)(O)(344s).djvu
LNCS0169 Ronse C. Feedback shift registers (LNCS0169, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540133305)(T)(144s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0171 Logic and Machines.. Decision Problems and Complexity (LNCS0171, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540133313)(T)(O)(462s).djvu
LNCS0172 Automata, Languages and Programming, 11 conf.(LNCS0172, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540133453)(T)(O)(535s).djvu
LNCS0174 EUROSAM #84 (LNCS0174, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 354013350X)(T)(O)(407s).djvu
LNCS0176 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1984 (LNCS0176, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540133720)(T)(O)(592s).djvu
LNCS0182 STACS 85, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 2 conf.(LNCS0182, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540139125)(T)(O)(380s).djvu
LNCS0185 Mathematical Foundations of Software Development (LNCS0185, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540151982)(T)(O)(431s).djvu
LNCS0188 Advances in Petri Nets 1983 and 1984 (LNCS0188, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540152040)(T)(O)(474s).djvu
LNCS0194 Automata, Languages and Programming, 12 conf.(LNCS0194, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 354015650X)(T)(O)(528s).djvu
LNCS0196 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #84 (LNCS0196, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540156585)(T)(O)(482s).djvu
LNCS0199 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT #85(LNCS0199, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540156895)(T)(O)(553s).djvu
LNCS0202 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 1 conf., RTA-85 (LNCS0202, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540159762)(T)(O)(447s).djvu
LNCS0203 EUROCAL #85 (LNCS0203, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540159835)(T)(O)(238s).djvu
LNCS0204 EUROCAL #85 (LNCS0204, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540159843)(T)(O)(666s).djvu
LNCS0205 A Study in String Processing Languages(LNCS0205, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540160418)(T)(O)(173s).djvu
LNCS0208 Computation theory 1984, 5 conf.(LNCS0208, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 3540160663)(T)(O)(404s).djvu
LNCS0210 STACS 86, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 3 conf.(LNCS0210, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540160787)(T)(O)(374s).djvu
LNCS0213 European Symposium on Programming, 1 conf., ESOP #86(LNCS0213, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540164421)(T)(O)(380s).djvu
LNCS0214 CAAP 86 11 conf.(LNCS0214, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 354016443X)(T)(O)(312s).djvu
LNCS0216 LUCAS Associative Array Processor(LNCS0216, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540164456)(T)(334s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0218 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO #85(LNCS0218, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540164634)(T)(542s).djvu
LNCS0219 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #85 (LNCS0219, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540164685)(T)(O)(279s).djvu
LNCS0220 RIMS Symposia on Software Science and Engineering II Proc.of 1983 and 1984 (LNCS0220, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540164707)(T)(O)(333s).djvu
LNCS0222 Advances in Petri Nets 1985 6 conf.(LNCS0222, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540164804)(T)(O)(503s).djvu
LNCS0226 Automata, Languages and Programming, 13 conf.(LNCS0226, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540167617)(T)(O)(481s).djvu
LNCS0228 Applied Algebra, Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 2 conf., AAECC-2 (LNCS0228, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540167676)(T)(271s).djvu
LNCS0229 Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 3 conf., AAECC-3 (LNCS0229, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540167765)(T)(424s).djvu
LNCS0231 NEWCAT.. Parsing Natural Language Using Left-Associative Grammar (LNCS0231, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540167811)(T)(O)(534s).djvu
LNCS0233 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1986 (LNCS0233, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540167838)(T)(O)(659s).djvu
LNCS0234 Concepts in User Interfaces.. A Reference Model for the Command and Response Languages (LNCS0234, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540167919)(T)(O)(125s).djvu
LNCS0236 TeX for scientific documentation (LNCS0236, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540168079)(T)(O)(210s)_ST_.djvu
LNCS0240 Category Theory and Computer Programming(LNCS0240, Springer, 1986)(ISBN 3540171622)(T)(525s).djvu
LNCS0245 de Groote H. Lectures on the complexity of bilinear problems (LNCS0245, Springer, 1987)(T)(ISBN 354017205X)(139s)_MNl_.djvu
LNCS0246 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG #86 (LNCS0246, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540172181)(T)(O)(313s).djvu
LNCS0247 STACS 87, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 4 conf.(LNCS0247, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 354017219X)(T)(O)(493s).djvu
LNCS0249 TAPSOFT#87.. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development(LNCS0249, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540176608)(303s).pdf
LNCS0254 Advances in Petri Nets 1986, Part 1 (LNCS0254, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540179054)(T)(O)(485s).djvu
LNCS0255 Advances in Petri Nets 1986, Part 2 (LNCS0255, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540179062)(T)(O)(525s).djvu
LNCS0263 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #86 (LNCS0263, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540180478)(T)(O)(477s).djvu
LNCS0266 Advances in Petri Nets 1987 7 conf.(LNCS0266, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540180869)(T)(O)(457s).djvu
LNCS0267 Automata, Languages and Programming, 14 conf., ICALP87 (LNCS0267, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540180885)(T)(O)(574s).djvu
LNCS0270 Computation Theory and Logic(LNCS0270, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540181709)(T)(451s).djvu
LNCS0273 A Connotational Theory of Program Structure(LNCS0273, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540182535)(T)(O)(190s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0278 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT#87 (LNCS0278, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540187405)(T)(O)(519s).djvu
LNCS0283 Category Theory and Computer Science 1987(LNCS0283, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540185089)(T)(305s).djvu
LNCS0290 Co-oP.. cooperative multiple criteria decision making (LNCS0290, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540187537)(T)(O)(255s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0293 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #87 (LNCS0293, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540187960)(T)(O)(457s).djvu
LNCS0294 STACS 88, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 5 conf.(LNCS0294, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540188347)(T)(O)(411s).djvu
LNCS0299 CAAP 88 13 conf.(LNCS0299, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 354019021X)(T)(O)(311s).djvu
LNCS0300 European Symposium on Programming, 2 conf., ESOP #88(LNCS0300, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540190279)(T)(O)(386s).djvu
LNCS0304 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #87 (LNCS0304, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 354019102X)(T)(O)(289s).djvu
LNCS0306 Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming(LNCS0306, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540191291)(T)(222s).djvu
LNCS0307 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 4 conf., AAECC-4 (LNCS0307, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 354019200X)(T)(221s).djvu
LNCS0309 Experiences with Distributed Systems(LNCS0309, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540193332)(T)(O)(298s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0312 Distributed Algorithms 2 conf.(LNCS0312, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540193669)(T)(O)(437s).djvu
LNCS0314 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG #87 (LNCS0314, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540194223)(T)(O)(259s).djvu
LNCS0317 Automata, Languages and Programming, 15 conf., ICALP88 (LNCS0317, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540194886)(T)(O)(752s).djvu
LNCS0324 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1988, MFCS#88 (LNCS0324, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 354050110X)(T)(O)(571s).djvu
LNCS0329 CSL #87 Computer Science Logic 1 conf.(LNCS0329, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540502416)(T)(O)(351s).djvu
LNCS0330 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT #88(LNCS0330, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540502513)(T)(436s).djvu
LNCS0340 Advances in Petri Nets 1988 8 conf.(LNCS0340, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540505806)(T)(O)(444s).djvu
LNCS0343 Algebraic and Logic Programming (LNCS0343, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540506675)(T)(O)(275s).djvu
LNCS0344 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 14 conf., WG #88 (LNCS0344, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540507280)(T)(O)(466s).djvu
LNCS0349 STACS 89, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 6 conf.(LNCS0349, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540508406)(T)(O)(552s).djvu
LNCS0350 Torn A., Zilinskas A. Global optimization (LNCS0350, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540508716)(T)(262s)_MOc_.djvu
LNCS0351 TAPSOFT#89.. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (LNCS0351, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540509399)(T)(O)(393s).djvu
LNCS0355 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 3 conf., RTA-89 (LNCS0355, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540510818)(T)(O)(585s).djvu
LNCS0356 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 4 conf., AAECC-4 (LNCS0356, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540510826)(T)(423s).djvu
LNCS0357 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 6 conf., AAECC-6 (LNCS0357, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540510834)(T)(488s).djvu
LNCS0363 Logic at Botik #89(LNCS0363, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540512373)(T)(298s).djvu
LNCS0369 Finite Representations of CCS and TCSP Programs by Automata and Petri Nets(LNCS0369, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540515259)(T)(O)(176s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0371 Compiler Compilers 2 conf.(LNCS0371, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540513647)(T)(247s).djvu
LNCS0372 Automata, Languages and Programming, 16 conf., ICALP89 (LNCS0372, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 354051371X)(T)(O)(801s).djvu
LNCS0375 Mathematics of Program Construction (LNCS0375, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540513051)(T)(O)(427s).djvu
LNCS0378 EUROCAL #87 (LNCS0378, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540515178)(T)(O)(506s).djvu
LNCS0379 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1989, MFCS#89 (LNCS0379, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540514864)(T)(O)(612s).djvu
LNCS0380 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT#89 (LNCS0380, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540514988)(T)(O)(503s).djvu
LNCS0385 CSL #88 Computer Science Logic 2 conf.(LNCS0385, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 354051659X)(T)(O)(404s).djvu
LNCS0389 Category Theory and Computer Science 1989(LNCS0389, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 354051662X)(T)(371s).djvu
LNCS0392 Distributed Algorithms 3 conf.(LNCS0392, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540516875)(T)(O)(320s).djvu
LNCS0393 Categorial Methods in Computer Science.. With Aspects from Topology 1988(LNCS0393, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540517227)(T)(O)(357s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0400 Klein R. Concrete and abstract Voronoi diagrams (LNCS0400, Springer, 1989)(T)(165s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS0403 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #88 8 conf.(LNCS0403, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540971963)(T)(O)(587s).djvu
LNCS0411 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 15 conf., WG #89 (LNCS0411, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540522921)(T)(O)(381s).djvu
LNCS0415 STACS 90, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 7 conf.(LNCS0415, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540522824)(T)(O)(318s).djvu
LNCS0419 A Methodology for Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems(LNCS0419, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540523367)(T)(O)(134s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0421 Onodera T., Kawai S. A formal model of visualization in computer graphics systems (LNCS0421, Springer, 1990)(T)(ISBN 3540523952)(104s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS0422 Reasoning and Revision in Hybrid Representation Systems(LNCS0422, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540524436)(T)(277s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0424 Advances in Petri Nets 1989 9 conf.(LNCS0424, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540524940)(T)(O)(529s).djvu
LNCS0431 CAAP 90 15 conf.(LNCS0431, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540525904)(T)(O)(291s).djvu
LNCS0432 European Symposium on Programming, 3 conf., ESOP #90(LNCS0432, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540525920)(T)(O)(444s).djvu
LNCS0434 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #89 (LNCS0434, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540534334)(T)(O)(709s).djvu
LNCS0435 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO #89, 9 conf.(LNCS0435, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540973176)(T)(O)(627s).djvu
LNCS0440 CSL #89 Computer Science Logic 3 conf.(LNCS0440, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540527532)(T)(O)(442s).djvu
LNCS0441 Ito T., Halstead R.H. (eds.) Parallel LISP.. languages and systems, proc. workshop (LNCS0441, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540527826)(T)(376s).djvu
LNCS0443 Automata, Languages and Programming, 17 conf., ICALP90 (LNCS0443, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540528261)(T)(O)(789s).djvu
LNCS0448 Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing 1986(LNCS0448, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540973850)(T)(O)(284s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0449 CADE Automated Deduction 10 conf.(LNCS0449, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540528857)(T)(O)(708s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0450 Algorithms, International Symposium SIGAL #90 (LNCS0450, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540529217)(T)(486s).djvu
LNCS0452 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1990, MFCS#90 (LNCS0452, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540529535)(T)(O)(552s).djvu
LNCS0453 Advances in Cryptology AUSCRYPT #90 (LNCS0453, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540530002)(T)(O)(462s).djvu
LNCS0454 Diekert V. Combinatorics on traces (LNCS0454, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540530312)(T)(O)(169s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0458 CONCUR #90, Theories of Concurrency.. Unification and Extension (LNCS0458, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540530487)(T)(O)(541s).djvu
LNCS0463 Algebraic and Logic Programming (LNCS0463, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540531629)(T)(O)(393s).djvu
LNCS0473 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #90 (LNCS0473, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 354053587X)(T)(508s).djvu
LNCS0477 Compiler Compilers 3 conf.(LNCS0477, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540536698)(T)(232s).djvu
LNCS0480 STACS 91, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 8 conf.(LNCS0480, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540537090)(T)(O)(559s).djvu
LNCS0483 Advances in Petri Nets 1990 10 conf.(LNCS0483, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540538631)(T)(O)(520s).djvu
LNCS0484 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 16 conf., WG #90 (LNCS0484, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540538321)(T)(O)(368s).djvu
LNCS0486 Distributed Algorithms 4 conf., WDAG #90 (LNCS0486, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540540997)(T)(O)(439s).djvu
LNCS0488 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 4 conf., RTA-91 (LNCS0488, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540539042)(T)(O)(465s).djvu
LNCS0490 Algebraic Methods II.. Theory, Tools and Applications, 2 conf., 1989(LNCS0490, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540539123)(T)(430s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0493 TAPSOFT#91.. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (LNCS0493, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540539824)(T)(O)(463s).djvu
LNCS0502 Baltic Computer Science (LNCS0502, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540541314)(T)(O)(624s).djvu
LNCS0508 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 8 conf., AAECC-8 (LNCS0508, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540541950)(T)(399s).djvu
LNCS0510 Automata, Languages and Programming, 18 conf., ICALP91 (LNCS0510, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540542337)(T)(O)(776s).djvu
LNCS0519 Algorithms and Data Structures, 2 conf., WADS #91 (LNCS0519, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540543430)(T)(O)(506s).djvu
LNCS0520 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1991 16 conf., MFCS#91 (LNCS0520, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540543457)(T)(O)(446s).djvu
LNCS0524 Advances in Petri Nets 1991 11 conf.(LNCS0524, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540543988)(T)(O)(580s).djvu
LNCS0527 CONCUR #91, Concurrency Theory, 2 conf.(LNCS0527, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540544305)(T)(O)(551s).djvu
LNCS0529 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 8 conf., FCT #91 (LNCS0529, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540544585)(T)(O)(436s).djvu
LNCS0530 Category Theory and Computer Science, 4 conf.(LNCS0530, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 354054495X)(T)(309s).djvu
LNCS0531 Computer Aided Verification, 2 conf., CAV #90(LNCS0531, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540544771)(T)(385s).djvu
LNCS0533 Computer Science Logic, 4 conf., CSL #90 (LNCS0533, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540544879)(T)(O)(409s).djvu
LNCS0536 Software Engineering Education(LNCS0536, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540545026)(T)(O)(297s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0537 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #90 10 conf.(LNCS0537, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540545085)(T)(O)(617s).djvu
LNCS0539 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 9 conf., AAECC-9 (LNCS0539, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540545220)(T)(500s).djvu
LNCS0547 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #91 (LNCS0547, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540546200)(T)(O)(566s).djvu
LNCS0553 Bieri H., Noltemeier H. (eds.) Computational geometry - Methods, algorithms and applications (LNCS0553, Springer, 1991)(T)(314s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS0559 Butler G. Fundamental algorithms for permutation groups (LNCS0559, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 3540549552)(T)(250s)_MAco_.djvu
LNCS0564 Herman I. The use of projective geometry in computer graphics (LNCS0564, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 0387550755)(T)(151s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS0570 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 17 conf., WG #91 (LNCS0570, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540551212)(T)(O)(262s).djvu
LNCS0573 Algebraic Coding 1 French-Soviet conf.(LNCS0573, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540551301)(T)(O)(168s).djvu
LNCS0575 Computer Aided Verification, 3 conf., CAV #91(LNCS0575, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540551794)(T)(497s).djvu
LNCS0576 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #91 11 conf.(LNCS0576, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540551883)(T)(O)(493s).djvu
LNCS0577 STACS 92, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 9 conf.(LNCS0577, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540552103)(T)(O)(625s).djvu
LNCS0579 Distributed Algorithms 5 conf., WDAG #91 (LNCS0579, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540552367)(T)(O)(329s).djvu
LNCS0581 CAAP 92 17 conf.(LNCS0581, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540552510)(T)(O)(370s).djvu
LNCS0582 European Symposium on Programming, 4 conf., ESOP #92(LNCS0582, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540552537)(T)(O)(500s).djvu
LNCS0583 LATIN #92, Theoretical Informatics, 1 conf.(LNCS0583, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540552847)(T)(O)(555s).djvu
LNCS0589 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LNCS0589, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354055422X)(T)(O)(428s).djvu
LNCS0592 Logic Programming (LNCS0592, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540554602)(T)(O)(523s).djvu
LNCS0594 Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms(LNCS0594, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540554882)(T)(O)(396s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0609 Advances in Petri Nets 1992(LNCS0609, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540556109)(T)(O)(479s).djvu
LNCS0616 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1992 13 conf.(LNCS0616, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540556761)(T)(O)(407s).djvu
LNCS0620 Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS #92 (LNCS0620, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540557075)(T)(O)(523s).djvu
LNCS0621 Algorithm Theory - SWAT #92 (LNCS0621, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540557067)(T)(O)(443s).djvu
LNCS0623 Automata, Languages and Programming, 19 conf., ICALP92 (LNCS0623, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540557199)(T)(O)(732s).djvu
LNCS0626 Computer Science Logic, 5 conf., CSL #91 (LNCS0626, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354055789X)(T)(O)(436s).djvu
LNCS0629 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1992 17 conf., MFCS#92 (LNCS0629, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354055808X)(T)(O)(528s).djvu
LNCS0630 CONCUR #92, Concurrency Theory, 3 conf.(LNCS0630, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540558225)(T)(O)(588s).djvu
LNCS0631 Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, 4 conf., PLILP'92(LNCS0631, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540558446)(T)(O)(488s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0632 Algebraic and Logic Programming (LNCS0632, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354055873X)(T)(O)(467s).djvu
LNCS0637 Memory Management, IWMM 92(LNCS0637, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354055940X)(T)(O)(536s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0641 Compiler Construction 4 conf.(LNCS0641, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540559841)(T)(329s).djvu
LNCS0644 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 3 conf., CPM 92(LNCS0644, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540560246)(T)(296s).djvu
LNCS0647 Distributed Algorithms 6 conf., WDAG #92 (LNCS0647, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540561889)(T)(O)(390s).djvu
LNCS0648 Computer Security - ESORICS 92 (LNCS0648, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354056246X)(T)(O)(453s).djvu
LNCS0650 Algorithms and Computation, 3 conf., ISAAC #92 (LNCS0650, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540562796)(T)(O)(522s).djvu
LNCS0657 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 18 conf., WG #92 (LNCS0657, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540564020)(T)(O)(359s).djvu
LNCS0658 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #92 (LNCS0658, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540564136)(T)(O)(501s).djvu
LNCS0662 Nitzberg M., Mumford D., Shiota T. Filtering, segmentation and depth (LNCS0662, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540564845)(600dpi)(K)(O)(C)(154s)_CsIp_.djvu
LNCS0663 Computer Aided Verification, 4 conf., CAV #92(LNCS0663, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540564969)(T)(432s).djvu
LNCS0664 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA #93 1 conf.(LNCS0664, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540565175)(T)(O)(441s).djvu
LNCS0665 STACS 93, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 10 conf.(LNCS0665, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540565035)(T)(O)(739s).djvu
LNCS0668 TAPSOFT#93.. Theory and Practice of Software Development (LNCS0668, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540566104)(T)(O)(774s).djvu
LNCS0669 Mathematics of Program Construction (LNCS0669, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540566252)(T)(O)(387s).djvu
LNCS0673 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 10 conf., AAECC-10 (LNCS0673, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540566864)(T)(365s).djvu
LNCS0674 Advances in Petri Nets 1993 12 conf.(LNCS0674, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540566899)(T)(O)(464s).djvu
LNCS0675 Live Data Structures in Logic Programs.. Derivation by Means of Abstract Interpretation(LNCS0675, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540566945)(T)(224s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0676 Reiss T. Recognizing planar objects using invariant image features (LNCS0676, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540567135)(T)(188s)_CsIp_.djvu
LNCS0684 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 4 conf., CPM 93(LNCS0684, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 354056764X)(T)(273s).djvu
LNCS0690 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 5 conf., RTA-93 (LNCS0690, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540568689)(T)(O)(497s).djvu
LNCS0691 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1993 14 conf.(LNCS0691, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540568638)(T)(O)(600s).djvu
LNCS0697 Computer Aided Verification, 5 conf., CAV #93(LNCS0697, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540569227)(T)(513s).djvu
LNCS0700 Automata, Languages and Programming, 20 conf., ICALP93 (LNCS0700, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540569391)(T)(O)(709s).djvu
LNCS0702 Computer Science Logic, 6 conf., CSL #92 (LNCS0702, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540569928)(T)(O)(448s).djvu
LNCS0704 de Berg M. Ray Shooting, Depth Orders and Hidden Surface Removal (LNCS0704, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540570209)(T)(210s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS0709 Algorithms and Data Structures, 3 conf., WADS #93(LNCS0709, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540571558)(T)(645s).djvu
LNCS0710 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 9 conf., FCT #93 (LNCS0710, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540571639)(T)(O)(481s).djvu
LNCS0711 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1993 18 conf., MFCS#93 (LNCS0711, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540571825)(T)(O)(797s).djvu
LNCS0713 Computational Logic and Proof Theory 3 conf., KGC#93, Brno, Czech Republic, August 24-27, 1993 (LNCS0713, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540571841)(T)(O)(359s).djvu
LNCS0715 CONCUR #93, Concurrency Theory, 4 conf.(LNCS0715, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540572082)(T)(O)(551s).djvu
LNCS0718 Advances in Cryptology AUSCRYPT #92 (LNCS0718, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540572201)(T)(O)(549s).djvu
LNCS0725 Distributed Algorithms 7 conf., WDAG #93 (LNCS0725, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540572716)(T)(O)(333s).djvu
LNCS0726 Algorithms - ESA #93 (LNCS0726, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540572732)(T)(O)(428s).djvu
LNCS0732 Parallel Computer Architectures.. Theory, Hardware, Software, Applications(LNCS0732, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540573070)(T)(309s).djvu
LNCS0736 Hybrid Systems(LNCS0736, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540573186)(T)(481s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0738 The Generic Development Language Deva.. Presentation and Case Studies(LNCS0738, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540573356)(T)(252s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0740 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #92 12 conf.(LNCS0740, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540573403)(T)(601s).djvu
LNCS0743 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 3 conf., ALT #92 (LNCS0743, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540573690)(T)(O)(270s).djvu
LNCS0744 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 4 conf., ALT #93 (LNCS0744, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540573704)(T)(O)(433s).djvu
LNCS0746 Artificial Perception and Music Recognition(LNCS0746, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540573941)(T)(223s).djvu
LNCS0749 Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, 1 conf., AADEBUG'93(LNCS0749, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540574174)(T)(O)(375s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0751 Spatio-Temporal Image Processing.. Theory and Scientific Applications(LNCS0751, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540574182)(T)(219s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0755 Formal Program Development - IFIP TC2-WG 2.1 State-of-the-Art Report(LNCS0755, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540574999)(T)(378s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0756 Pieprzyk J., Sadeghiyan B. Design of hashing algorithms (LNCS0756, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540575006)(T)(208s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0757 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 5 conf.(LNCS0757, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540575022)(T)(O)(585s).djvu
LNCS0758 Teillaud M. Towards dynamic randomized algorithms in computational geometry (LNCS0758, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540575030)(T)(152s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS0759 Advanced Database Systems(LNCS0759, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540575073)(T)(448s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0762 Algorithms and Computation, 4 conf., ISAAC #93 (LNCS0762, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540575685)(T)(O)(556s).djvu
LNCS0764 Vivid Logic.. Knowledge-Based Reasoning with Two Kinds of Negation(LNCS0764, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540576045)(T)(154s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0765 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #93 (LNCS0765, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540576002)(T)(O)(475s).djvu
LNCS0766 The Dynamics of Concepts - A Connectionist Model(LNCS0766, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540576479)(T)(350s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0767 An Extended Entity-Relationship Model - Fundamentals and Pragmatics(LNCS0767, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540576487)(T)(146s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0768 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 6 conf.(LNCS0768, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540576592)(T)(O)(666s).djvu
LNCS0769 The Newton-Cauchy Framework.. A Unified Approach to Unconstrained Nonlinear Minimization(LNCS0769, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540576711)(T)(113s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0770 Representing Plans Under Uncertainty.. A Logic of Time(LNCS0770, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540576975)(T)(140s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0771 Visualization of Scientific Parallel Programs(LNCS0771, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540577386)(T)(306s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0773 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #93 13 conf.(LNCS0773, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540577661)(T)(501s).djvu
LNCS0775 STACS 94, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 11 conf.(LNCS0775, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540577858)(T)(O)(790s).djvu
LNCS0778 Algorithms and Complexity, 2 conf., CIAC #94 (LNCS0778, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540578110)(T)(O)(230s).djvu
LNCS0781 Algebraic Coding 1 French-Israeli conf.(LNCS0781, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540578439)(T)(O)(337s).djvu
LNCS0786 Compiler Construction 5 conf.(LNCS0786, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540578773)(T)(461s).djvu
LNCS0787 CAAP 94 Trees in Algebra and Programming 19 conf.(LNCS0787, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 354057879X)(T)(O)(361s).djvu
LNCS0788 Programming Languages and Systems, 5 conf., ESOP #94(LNCS0788, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540578803)(T)(O)(525s).djvu
LNCS0790 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 19 conf., WG #93 (LNCS0790, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540578994)(T)(O)(440s).djvu
LNCS0795 FM8501.. A Verified Microprocessor(LNCS0795, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540579605)(T)(338s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0799 Multiagent Systems - A Theoretical Framework for Intentions(LNCS0799, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540580263)(T)(186s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0803 A Decade of Concurrency(LNCS0803, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540580433)(T)(O)(693s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0804 Qualitative Representation of Spatial Knowledge(LNCS0804, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540580581)(T)(207s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0807 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 5 conf., CPM 94(LNCS0807, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540580948)(T)(334s).djvu
LNCS0808 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Under Uncertainty(LNCS0808, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540580956)(T)(235s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0809 Fast Software Encryption 1 conf.(LNCS0809, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540581081)(T)(232s).djvu
LNCS0813 Logical Foundations of Computer Science 3 conf., LFCS#94 (LNCS0813, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540581405)(T)(O)(402s).djvu
LNCS0815 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994 15 conf.(LNCS0815, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540581529)(T)(O)(597s).djvu
LNCS0818 Computer Aided Verification, 6 conf., CAV #94(LNCS0818, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540581790)(T)(490s).djvu
LNCS0820 Automata, Languages and Programming, 21 conf., ICALP94 (LNCS0820, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540582010)(T)(O)(656s).djvu
LNCS0824 Algorithm Theory - SWAT #94 4 conf.(LNCS0824, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540582185)(T)(O)(392s).djvu
LNCS0831 Orders, Algorithms, and Applications, International Workshop ORDAL #94 (LNCS0831, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540582746)(T)(O)(212s).djvu
LNCS0832 Computer Science Logic, 7 conf., CSL #93 (LNCS0832, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540582770)(T)(O)(342s).djvu
LNCS0834 Algorithms and Computation, 5 conf., ISAAC #94 (LNCS0834, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540583254)(T)(O)(701s).djvu
LNCS0836 CONCUR #94, Concurrency Theory, 5 conf.(LNCS0836, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540583287)(T)(O)(539s).djvu
LNCS0837 Topics in Case-Based Reasoning, 1 conf., EWCBR-93(LNCS0837, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540583300)(T)(474s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0839 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #94 14 conf.(LNCS0839, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540583335)(T)(O)(449s).djvu
LNCS0841 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1994 19 conf., MFCS#94 (LNCS0841, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540583386)(T)(O)(638s).djvu
LNCS0842 Kloks T. Treewidth.. computations and approximations (LNCS0842, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540583564)(T)(213s)_MAc_.djvu
LNCS0843 Turing Machines with Sublogarithmic Space(LNCS0843, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540583556)(T)(O)(117s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0848 Krommer A.R., Ueberhuber C.W. Numerical integration on advanced computer systems (LNCS0848, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540584102)(T)(346s)_MNd_.djvu
LNCS0849 Field-Programmable Logic, Architectures, Synthesis and Applications, 4 conf., FPL '94(LNCS0849, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540584196)(433s).pdf
LNCS0850 Algebraic and Logic Programming 4 conf., ALP#94 (LNCS0850, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540584315)(T)(O)(313s).djvu
LNCS0855 Algorithms - ESA #94 (LNCS0855, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 354058434X)(T)(O)(517s).djvu
LNCS0857 Distributed Algorithms 8 conf., WDAG #94 (LNCS0857, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540584498)(T)(O)(380s).djvu
LNCS0870 Distributed Programming Paradigms with Cryptography Applications(LNCS0870, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 354058496X)(T)(O)(183s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0872 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 4 conf., AII #94 (LNCS0872, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540585206)(T)(O)(588s).djvu
LNCS0875 Computer Security - ESORICS 94 (LNCS0875, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540586180)(T)(O)(470s).djvu
LNCS0877 Algorithmic Number Theory 1 Symposium (LNCS0877, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540586911)(T)(332s)_MTc_.djvu
LNCS0878 Parallel, Distributed and Multiagent Production Systems(LNCS0878, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540586989)(T)(179s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0883 Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation - Meta-Programming in Logic, 4 conf., LOPSTR#94 and META#94 (LNCS0883, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540587926)(T)(O)(461s).djvu
LNCS0885 Veltkamp R. Closed object boundaries from scattered points (LNCS0885, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540588086)(T)(148s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS0886 Planning and Learning by Analogical Reasoning(LNCS0886, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540588116)(T)(190s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0892 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 7 conf., LCPC#94 (LNCS0892, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 354058868X)(T)(O)(507s).djvu
LNCS0899 Evolution and Biocomputation(LNCS0899, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540590463)(T)(284s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0900 STACS 95, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 12 conf.(LNCS0900, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540590420)(T)(O)(667s).djvu
LNCS0902 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA #95 2 conf.(LNCS0902, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 354059048X)(T)(O)(452s).djvu
LNCS0903 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 20 conf., WG #94 (LNCS0903, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540590714)(T)(O)(423s).djvu
LNCS0908 Extensions of the UNITY Methodology - Compositionality(LNCS0908, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540591737)(T)(O)(181s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0911 LATIN #95, Theoretical Informatics (LNCS0911, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540591753)(T)(O)(534s).djvu
LNCS0914 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 6 conf., RTA-95 (LNCS0914, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540592008)(T)(O)(485s).djvu
LNCS0915 TAPSOFT#95.. Theory and Practice of Software Development 6 conf.(LNCS0915, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540592938)(T)(O)(826s).djvu
LNCS0918 Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods 4 conf., TABLEAUX #95 (LNCS0918, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540593381)(T)(O)(363s).djvu
LNCS0920 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 4 conf.(LNCS0920, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540594086)(T)(O)(473s).djvu
LNCS0921 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #95 (LNCS0921, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540594094)(T)(O)(427s).djvu
LNCS0922 Doerr H. Efficient graph rewriting and its implementation (LNCS0922, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600558)(T)(269s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS0923 Constraint Processing.. selected papers (LNCS0923, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540594795)(T)(281s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0925 Advanced Functional Programming 1 conf.(LNCS0925, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540594515)(T)(O)(338s).djvu
LNCS0931 Braspenning, Thuijsman, Weijters. (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks.. An Introduction (LNCS0931, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540594884)(295s)_CsGn_.djvu
LNCS0933 Computer Science Logic, 8 conf., CSL #94 (LNCS0933, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600175)(T)(O)(552s).djvu
LNCS0935 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995 16 conf.(LNCS0935, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600299)(T)(O)(519s).djvu
LNCS0937 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 6 conf., CPM 95(LNCS0937, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600442)(T)(417s).djvu
LNCS0939 Computer Aided Verification, 7 conf., CAV #95(LNCS0939, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600450)(T)(462s).djvu
LNCS0941 Tractable Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence(LNCS0941, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600582)(T)(255s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0943 Metaclasses and Their Applications(LNCS0943, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600639)(T)(211s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0944 Automata, Languages and Programming, 22 conf., ICALP95 (LNCS0944, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600841)(T)(O)(699s).djvu
LNCS0947 Mathematics of Program Construction, MPC#95 (LNCS0947, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540601171)(T)(O)(481s).djvu
LNCS0948 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 11 conf., AAECC-11 (LNCS0948, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540601147)(T)(496s).djvu
LNCS0950 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #94 (LNCS0950, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540601767)(T)(O)(483s).djvu
LNCS0953 Category Theory and Computer Science, 6 conf., CTCS #95(LNCS0953, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540601643)(T)(259s).djvu
LNCS0955 Algorithms and Data Structures, 4 conf., WADS #95 (LNCS0955, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540602208)(T)(O)(529s).djvu
LNCS0959 Computing and Combinatorics, 1 conf., COCOON #95 (LNCS0959, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 354060216X)(T)(O)(668s).djvu
LNCS0962 CONCUR #95, Concurrency Theory, 6 conf.(LNCS0962, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540602186)(T)(O)(558s).djvu
LNCS0963 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #95 15 conf.(LNCS0963, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540602216)(T)(O)(477s).djvu
LNCS0965 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 10 conf., FCT #95 (LNCS0965, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540602496)(T)(O)(444s).djvu
LNCS0969 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1995 20 conf., MFCS#95 (LNCS0969, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540602461)(T)(O)(601s).djvu
LNCS0972 Distributed Algorithms 9 conf., WDAG #95 (LNCS0972, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540602747)(T)(O)(344s).djvu
LNCS0976 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP#95 1 conf., CP#95 (LNCS0976, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540602992)(T)(O)(664s).djvu
LNCS0979 Algorithms - ESA #95 (LNCS0979, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540603131)(T)(O)(610s).djvu
LNCS0995 The Complexity of Simple Computer Architectures(LNCS0995, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540605800)(T)(278s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS0997 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 6 conf., ALT #95 (LNCS0997, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540604545)(T)(O)(335s).djvu
LNCS1000 Computer Science Today.. Recent Trends and Developments(LNCS1000, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540601058)(657s).pdf
LNCS1001 Sudan M. Efficient Checking of Polynomials and Proofs and the Hardness of Appoximation Problems (LNCS1001, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606157)(T)(O)(98s)_CsNp_.djvu
LNCS1002 Disconnected Operation in a Distributed File System(LNCS1002, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606270)(T)(O)(263s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1003 Automated Modeling of Physical Systems(LNCS1003, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606416)(247s).pdf
LNCS1008 Fast Software Encryption 2 conf.(LNCS1008, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540605908)(T)(376s).djvu
LNCS1011 Furuhashi T. (ed.) Advances in Fuzzy Logic Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. Proc. Workshop Nagoya, 1994 (LNCS1011, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606076)(T)(155s)_CsAi_.djvu
LNCS1012 SOFSEM 95.. 22 conf.(LNCS1012, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606092)(T)(O)(511s).djvu
LNCS1014 Spatial Representation and Motion Planning(LNCS1014, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606203)(T)(249s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1016 Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape(LNCS1016, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540606424)(T)(O)(203s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1017 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 21 conf., WG #95 (LNCS1017, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606181)(T)(O)(414s).djvu
LNCS1019 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 1 conf., TACAS #95 (LNCS1019, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606300)(T)(O)(298s).djvu
LNCS102 Davenport J.H. On the integration of algebraic functions (LNCS 102, Springer, 1981)(T)(ISBN 3540102906)(199s).djvu
LNCS1025 Cryptography and Coding, 5 conf.(LNCS1025, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606939)(T)(O)(300s).djvu
LNCS1033 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 8 conf., LCPC#95 (LNCS1033, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 354060765X)(T)(O)(611s).djvu
LNCS1039 Fast Software Encryption 3 conf.(LNCS1039, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540608656)(T)(222s).djvu
LNCS1043 Logics for Concurrency - Structure versus Automata, 8 conf.(LNCS1043, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540609156)(T)(278s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1046 STACS 96, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 13 conf.(LNCS1046, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540609229)(T)(O)(693s).djvu
LNCS1048 Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 5 conf., LOPSTR#95 (LNCS1048, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540609393)(T)(O)(278s).djvu
LNCS1054 Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel - Methods and Techniques(LNCS1054, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 354061043X)(T)(281s).djvu
LNCS1055 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2 conf., TACAS #96 (LNCS1055, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540610421)(T)(O)(446s).djvu
LNCS1056 Communication and Cooperation in Agent Systems(LNCS1056, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540610448)(T)(O)(156s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1058 Programming Languages and Systems, 6 conf., ESOP #96(LNCS1058, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540610553)(T)(O)(414s).djvu
LNCS1059 CAAP 96 Trees in Algebra and Programming 21 conf.(LNCS1059, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540610642)(T)(O)(339s).djvu
LNCS1060 Compiler Construction 6 conf.(LNCS1060, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540610537)(T)(360s).djvu
LNCS1062 Towards Evolvable Hardware, The Evolutionary Engineering Approach 1995(LNCS1062, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540610936)(T)(274s).djvu
LNCS1070 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #96 (LNCS1070, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 354061186X)(T)(O)(428s).djvu
LNCS1071 Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods 5 conf., TABLEAUX #96 (LNCS1071, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540612084)(T)(O)(341s).djvu
LNCS1075 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 7 conf., CPM 96(LNCS1075, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540612580)(T)(401s).djvu
LNCS1083 Evaluating Natural Language Processing Systems(LNCS1083, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540613099)(T)(241s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1084 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 5 conf.(LNCS1084, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540613102)(T)(O)(515s).djvu
LNCS1090 Computing and Combinatorics, 2 conf., COCOON #96 (LNCS1090, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540613323)(T)(O)(430s).djvu
LNCS1091 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1996 17 conf.(LNCS1091, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540613633)(T)(O)(558s).djvu
LNCS1092 Computer Science Logic, 9 conf., CSL #95 (LNCS1092, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540613773)(T)(O)(494s).djvu
LNCS1097 Algorithm Theory - SWAT #96 5 conf.(LNCS1097, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540614222)(T)(O)(461s).djvu
LNCS1099 Automata, Languages and Programming, 23 conf., ICALP96 (LNCS1099, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540614400)(T)(O)(694s).djvu
LNCS10s Winitzki. Uniform approximations of transcendental functions (LNCS)(10s).pdf
LNCS1100 Digital Signature Schemes(LNCS1100, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615172)(410s).pdf
LNCS1102 Computer Aided Verification, 8 conf., CAV #96(LNCS1102, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540614745)(T)(483s).djvu
LNCS1103 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 7 conf., RTA-96 (LNCS1103, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540614648)(T)(O)(447s).djvu
LNCS1109 Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO #96 16 conf.(LNCS1109, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615121)(T)(O)(427s).djvu
LNCS1111 Reasoning with Logic Programming(LNCS1111, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540614885)(T)(340s).djvu
LNCS1113 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1996 21 conf., MFCS#96 (LNCS1113, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615504)(T)(O)(603s).djvu
LNCS1116 Management of Telecommunication Systems and Services(LNCS1116, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615784)(T)(249s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1118 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP#96 2 conf.(LNCS1118, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615512)(T)(O)(592s).djvu
LNCS1119 CONCUR #96, Concurrency Theory, 7 conf.(LNCS1119, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540616047)(T)(O)(764s).djvu
LNCS1122 Algorithmic Number Theory 2 Symposium (LNCS1122, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615814)(T)(398s)_MTc_.djvu
LNCS1125 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 9 conf., TPHOLs#96 (LNCS1125, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615873)(T)(O)(449s).djvu
LNCS1129 Launchbury J., et al. (eds.) Advanced functional programming.. proc. school Olympia, 1996 (LNCS1129, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540616284)(T)(244s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS1136 Algorithms - ESA #96 (LNCS1136, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540616802)(T)(O)(577s).djvu
LNCS1139 Algebraic and Logic Programming 5 conf., ALP#96 (LNCS1139, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540617353)(T)(O)(354s).djvu
LNCS1146 Computer Security - ESORICS 96, 4 conf.(LNCS1146, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540617701)(T)(O)(376s).djvu
LNCS1151 Distributed Algorithms 10 conf., WDAG #96 (LNCS1151, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540617698)(T)(O)(389s).djvu
LNCS1155 Broadband Network Teletraffic(LNCS1155, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540618155)(T)(593s).djvu
LNCS1160 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 7 conf., ALT #96 (LNCS1160, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540618635)(T)(O)(354s).djvu
LNCS1164 Managing Information Highways - The PRISM Book.. Principles(LNCS1164, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540620087)(T)(428s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1165 Formal Methods for Industrial Applications, Specifying and Programming the Steam Boiler Control 1995(LNCS1165, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540619291)(T)(519s).djvu
LNCS1172 Information Security and Privacy, 1 conf., ACISP#96 (LNCS1172, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540619917)(T)(O)(342s).djvu
LNCS1175 SOFSEM 96.. Theory and Practice of Informatics 23 conf.(LNCS1175, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540619941)(T)(O)(504s).djvu
LNCS1177 The Design of Intelligent Agents - A Layered Approach(LNCS1177, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540620036)(T)(237s).djvu
LNCS1178 Algorithms and Computation, 7 conf., ISAAC #96 (LNCS1178, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540620486)(T)(O)(454s).djvu
LNCS1194 Evolution of Parallel Cellular Machines(LNCS1194, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540626131)(204s).pdf
LNCS1195 Creating Personalities for Synthetic Actors(LNCS1195, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540627359)(T)(O)(258s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1196 Numerical Analysis and Its Applications 1 conf., WNAA#96 (LNCS1196, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540625984)(T)(O)(620s).djvu
LNCS1197 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 22 conf., WG #96 (LNCS1197, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540625593)(T)(O)(420s).djvu
LNCS120 Rall L.B. Automatic differentiation.. techniques and applications (LNCS 120, Springer, 1981)(T)(ISBN 3540108610)(171s)_MAd_.djvu
LNCS1200 STACS 97, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 14 conf.(LNCS1200, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540626166)(T)(O)(624s).djvu
LNCS1203 Algorithms and Complexity, 3 conf., CIAC #97 (LNCS1203, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540625925)(T)(O)(320s).djvu
LNCS1207 Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 6 conf., LOPSTR'96(LNCS1207, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540627189)(T)(333s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1208 Computational Learning Theory, 3 conf., EuroCOLT '97(LNCS1208, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540626859)(T)(339s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1210 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 3 conf., TLCA #97(LNCS1210, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540626883)(T)(414s).djvu
LNCS1214 TAPSOFT#97.. Theory and Practice of Software Development 7 conf.(LNCS1214, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540627812)(T)(O)(898s).djvu
LNCS1216 Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming, NMELP #96(LNCS1216, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540628436)(T)(236s).djvu
LNCS1217 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 3 conf., TACAS #97 (LNCS1217, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540627901)(T)(O)(442s).djvu
LNCS1218 New Trends in Formal Languages - Control, Cooperation, and Combinatorics(LNCS1218, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540628444)(475s).pdf
LNCS1220 Input-Output Intensive Massively Parallel Computing - Language Support(LNCS1220, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540628401)(T)(298s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1227 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX #97 (LNCS1227, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540629203)(T)(O)(385s).djvu
LNCS1228 Foundations of Inductive Logic Programming(LNCS1228, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540629270)(T)(410s).djvu
LNCS1229 Distributed Reason Maintenance for Multiagent Systems(LNCS1229, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540636064)(T)(303s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1232 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 8 conf., RTA-97 (LNCS1232, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540629505)(T)(O)(350s).djvu
LNCS1233 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #97 (LNCS1233, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540629750)(T)(O)(518s).djvu
LNCS1234 Logical Foundations of Computer Science 4 conf., LFCS#97 (LNCS1234, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540630457)(T)(O)(440s).djvu
LNCS1236 Dialogue Processing in Spoken Language Systems, ECAI'96(LNCS1236, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631755)(T)(229s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1237 Multi-Agent Rationality, 8 conf.(LNCS1237, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540630775)(T)(267s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1239 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 9 conf., LCPC#96 (LNCS1239, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540630910)(T)(O)(625s).djvu
LNCS1243 CONCUR #97, Concurrency Theory, 8 conf.(LNCS1243, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631410)(T)(O)(430s).djvu
LNCS1245 Computer Performance Evaluation.. Modelling Techniques and Tools, 9 conf.(LNCS1245, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631011)(T)(240s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1246 Ada 95 Reference Manual, Language and Standard Libraries(LNCS1246, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631445)(562s).pdf
LNCS1247 Ada 95 Rationale(LNCS1247, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631437)(473s).pdf
LNCS1248 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1997 18 conf., ICATPN #97 (LNCS1248, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631399)(T)(O)(476s).djvu
LNCS1254 Computer Aided Verification, 9 conf., CAV #97(LNCS1254, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631666)(T)(497s).djvu
LNCS1255 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 12 conf., AAECC-12 (LNCS1255, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631631)(T)(363s).djvu
LNCS1256 Automata, Languages and Programming, 24 conf., ICALP97 (LNCS1256, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631658)(T)(O)(877s).djvu
LNCS1258 Computer Science Logic, 10 conf., CSL #96 (LNCS1258, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540631720)(T)(O)(480s).djvu
LNCS1264 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 8 conf., CPM 97(LNCS1264, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540632204)(T)(286s).djvu
LNCS1266 Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 2 conf., ICCBR-97(LNCS1266, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540632336)(T)(656s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1267 Fast Software Encryption 4 conf.(LNCS1267, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540632476)(T)(294s).djvu
LNCS1268 Kluge W. (ed.) Implementation of functional languages (Proc. Bad Godesberg, LNCS1268, Springer, 1997)(T)(ISBN 3540632379)(295s)_CsPl_.djvu
LNCS1269 Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, RANDOM#97 (LNCS1269, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540632484)(T)(O)(223s).djvu
LNCS1270 Information Security and Privacy, 2 conf., ACISP#97 (LNCS1270, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540632328)(T)(O)(348s).djvu
LNCS1271 Advances in Databases, 15 conf., BNCOD 15(LNCS1271, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540632638)(T)(244s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1272 Algorithms and Data Structures, 5 conf., WADS #97 (LNCS1272, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633073)(T)(O)(483s).djvu
LNCS1273 Hybrid Systems 4 conf.(LNCS1273, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633588)(T)(416s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1275 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 10 conf., TPHOLs'97(LNCS1275, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633790)(T)(340s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1276 Computing and Combinatorics, 3 conf., COCOON #97 (LNCS1276, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 354063357X)(T)(O)(530s).djvu
LNCS1279 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 11 conf., FCT #97 (LNCS1279, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633863)(T)(O)(485s).djvu
LNCS1283 Modular Compiler Verification - A Refinement-Algebraic Approach Advocating Stepwise Abstraction(LNCS1283, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540634061)(T)(256s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1284 Algorithms - ESA #97 5 conf.(LNCS1284, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633979)(T)(O)(526s).djvu
LNCS1285 Simulated Evolution and Learning, 1 conf., SEAL'96(LNCS1285, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633995)(T)(240s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1286 Multi-Agent Systems.. Methodologies and Applications(LNCS1286, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540634126)(T)(191s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1287 Kropf T. (ed.) Formal Hardware Verification.. Methods and Systems in Comparison (LNCS1287, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540634754)(T)(379s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1288 Spatial Data Types for Database Systems(LNCS1288, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540634541)(T)(282s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1289 Computational Logic and Proof Theory 5 conf., KGC#97, Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, 1997 (LNCS1289, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633855)(T)(O)(358s).djvu
LNCS1291 Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, IPPS'97(LNCS1291, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540635742)(T)(306s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1292 Programming Languages.. Implementations, Logics, and Programs, 9 conf., PLILP'97(LNCS1292, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633987)(T)(419s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1294 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO #97, 17 conf.(LNCS1294, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540633847)(T)(548s).djvu
LNCS1295 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1997 22 conf., MFCS#97 (LNCS1295, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540634371)(T)(O)(527s).djvu
LNCS1296 LNCS 1296, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns Eds. Sommer G., Daniilidis K. (Springer 1997)(750s).pdf
LNCS1297 Inductive Logic Programming, 7 conf., ILP-97(LNCS1297, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540635149)(T)(317s).djvu
LNCS1298 Algebraic and Logic Programming 6 conf., ALP #97 - HOA #97(LNCS1298, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540634592)(T)(294s).djvu
LNCS1305 Evolutionary Computing(LNCS1305, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540634762)(T)(304s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1306 Visual Information Systems(LNCS1306, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540636366)(284s).pdf
LNCS1307 Prosody in Speech Understanding Systems(LNCS1307, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540635807)(367s).pdf
LNCS1316 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 8 conf., ALT #97 (LNCS1316, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540635777)(T)(O)(472s).djvu
LNCS1320 Distributed Algorithms, 11 conf., WDAG '97(LNCS1320, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540635750)(T)(343s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1322 Formal Foundations for Software Engineeing Methods(LNCS1322, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540636137)(T)(288s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1330 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP#97 3 conf.(LNCS1330, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540637532)(T)(O)(574s).djvu
LNCS1335 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 23 conf., WG #97 (LNCS1335, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540637575)(T)(O)(384s).djvu
LNCS1338 SOFSEM 97.. Theory and Practice of Informatics 24 conf.(LNCS1338, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540637745)(T)(O)(585s).djvu
LNCS1344 Ada 95 Quality and Style(LNCS1344, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540638237)(304s).pdf
LNCS1350 Algorithms and Computation, 8 conf., ISAAC #97 (LNCS1350, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540638903)(T)(O)(440s).djvu
LNCS1353 Graph Drawing, 5 conf., GD '97(LNCS1353, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540639381)(459s).pdf
LNCS1366 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 10 conf., LCPC#97 (LNCS1366, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540644725)(T)(O)(440s).djvu
LNCS1367 Lectures on Proof Verification and Approximation Algorithms 1997(LNCS1367, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540642013)(337s).pdf
LNCS1372 Fast Software Encryption 5 conf.(LNCS1372, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354064265X)(304s).pdf
LNCS1373 STACS 98, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 15 conf.(LNCS1373, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540642307)(T)(O)(646s).djvu
LNCS1376 Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques 12 conf., WADT#97 (LNCS1376, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540642994)(T)(O)(443s).djvu
LNCS1380 LATIN #98.. Theoretical Informatics(LNCS1380, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540642757)(401s).pdf
LNCS1381 Programming Languages and Systems, 7 conf., ESOP #98(LNCS1381, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540643028)(386s).pdf
LNCS1383 Compiler Construction 7 conf.(LNCS1383, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540643044)(T)(321s).djvu
LNCS1384 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 4 conf., TACAS #98 (LNCS1384, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540643567)(469s).pdf
LNCS1389 Tombre K., Chhabra A. (eds.) Graphics Recognition. Algorithms and Systems(GREC 97)(LNCS 1389, Springer, 1998)(T)(ISBN 3540643818)(433s)_CsIp_.djvu
LNCS1395 RoboCup-97.. Robot Soccer World Cup 1 conf.(LNCS1395, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540644733)(534s).pdf
LNCS1397 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX #98(LNCS1397, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540644067)(335s).pdf
LNCS1400 Case-Based Reasoning Technology(LNCS1400, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540645721)(414s).pdf
LNCS1403 Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT #98 (LNCS1403, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540645187)(T)(O)(618s).djvu
LNCS1410 Audio System for Technical Readings(LNCS1410, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540655158)(T)(O)(240s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1412 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 6 conf.(LNCS1412, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354064590X)(445s).pdf
LNCS1414 Computer Science Logic, 11 conf., CSL #97(LNCS1414, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540645705)(T)(O)(518s).djvu
LNCS1419 Mobile Agents and Security(LNCS1419, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540647929)(268s).pdf
LNCS1420 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1998, 19 conf., ICATPN #98(LNCS1420, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540646779)(392s).pdf
LNCS1422 Mathematics of Program Construction, MPC#98(LNCS1422, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540645918)(392s).pdf
LNCS1423 Algorithmic Number Theory 3 Symposium (LNCS1423, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540646574)(649s)_MTc_.pdf
LNCS1426 Geurts F. Abstract Compositional Analysis of Iterated Relations.. A Structural Approach to Complex State Transition Systems (LNCS1426, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540655069)(282s).pdf
LNCS1427 Computer Aided Verification, 10 conf., CAV #98(LNCS1427, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540646086)(T)(562s).djvu
LNCS1428 Optimal Interprocedural Program Optimization(LNCS1428, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540651233)(298s).pdf
LNCS1431 Public Key Cryptography, 1 conf., PKC #98(LNCS1431, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540646930)(270s).pdf
LNCS1432 Algorithm Theory - SWAT #98, 6 conf.(LNCS1432, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540646825)(355s).pdf
LNCS1438 Information Security and Privacy, 3 conf., ACISP#98(LNCS1438, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540647325)(430s).pdf
LNCS144 Calmet J. (ed.) Computer algebra (Proc. EUROCAM-82, LNCS 144, Springer, 1982)(T)(ISBN 3540116079)(311s).djvu
LNCS1442 Online Algorithms, The State of the Art 1996(LNCS1442, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540649174)(T)(455s).djvu
LNCS1443 Automata, Languages and Programming, 25 conf., ICALP#98(LNCS1443, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540647813)(928s).pdf
LNCS1444 Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization, APPROX#98(LNCS1444, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540647368)(205s).pdf
LNCS1448 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 9 conf., CPM 98(LNCS1448, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540647392)(T)(259s).djvu
LNCS1450 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998, 23 conf., MFCS#98(LNCS1450, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540648275)(862s).pdf
LNCS1455 Applications of Uncertainty Formalisms(LNCS1455, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653120)(400dpi)(T)(O)(480s).djvu
LNCS1461 Algorithms - ESA #98, 6 conf.(LNCS1461, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540648488)(527s).pdf
LNCS1462 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO #98, 18 conf.(LNCS1462, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540648925)(540s).pdf
LNCS1463 Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 7 conf., LOPSTR#97(LNCS1463, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540650741)(351s).pdf
LNCS1466 CONCUR #98, Concurrency Theory, 9 conf.(LNCS1466, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540648968)(666s).pdf
LNCS1467 Implementation of Functional Languages, 9 conf., IFL#97(LNCS1467, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540648496)(382s).pdf
LNCS1479 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 11 conf., TPHOLs#98 (LNCS1479, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540649875)(T)(O)(501s).djvu
LNCS1485 Computer Security - ESORICS 98, 5 conf.(LNCS1485, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540650040)(394s).pdf
LNCS1490 Principles of Declarative Programming, 10 conf., PLILP#98(LNCS1490, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540650121)(514s).pdf
LNCS1491 Reisig W., Rozenberg G. (eds.) Lectures on Petri nets I.. Basic models (LNCS1491, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653066)(T)(692s)_CsDi_.djvu
LNCS1492 Reisig W., Rozenberg G. (eds.) Lectures on Petri nets II.. Applications (LNCS1492, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653074)(T)(488s)_CsDi_.djvu
LNCS1501 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 9 conf., ALT #98(LNCS1501, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354065013X)(449s).pdf
LNCS1505 Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments, 2 conf., ISCOPE 98(LNCS1505, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653872)(251s).pdf
LNCS1514 Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT #98(LNCS1514, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540651098)(434s).pdf
LNCS1517 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 24 conf., WG #98(LNCS1517, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540651950)(393s).pdf
LNCS1518 Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, 2 conf., RANDOM#98(LNCS1518, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354065142X)(393s).pdf
LNCS1520 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP#98, 4 conf.(LNCS1520, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540652248)(494s).pdf
LNCS1521 SOFSEM #98, Theory and Practice of Informatics, 25 conf.(LNCS1521, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540652604)(464s).pdf
LNCS1523 Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java(LNCS1523, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540661581)(408s).pdf
LNCS1524 Neural Networks.. Tricks of the Trade, NIPS 1996(LNCS1524, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653112)(400dpi)(T)(410s).djvu
LNCS1533 Algorithms and Computation, 9 conf., ISAAC #98(LNCS1533, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653856)(521s).pdf
LNCS1536 Compositionality.. The Significant Difference, COMPOS#97(LNCS1536, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540654933)(654s).pdf
LNCS1546 Prospects for Hardware Foundations, ESPRIT Working Group 8533(LNCS1546, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540654615)(477s).pdf
LNCS1547 Graph Drawing, 6 conf., GD'98(LNCS1547, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540654739)(480s).pdf
LNCS1549 Compiling Natural Semantics(LNCS1549, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540659684)(251s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1550 Security Protocols, 6 conf.(LNCS1550, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540656634)(247s).pdf
LNCS1553 Active, Real-Time, and Temporal Database Systems, 2 conf., ARTDB-97(LNCS1553, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540656499)(244s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1555 Intelligent Agents 5 conf., ATAL '98(LNCS1555, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540657134)(463s).pdf
LNCS1556 Selected Areas in Cryptography #98, SAC#98(LNCS1556, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540658947)(385s).pdf
LNCS1559 Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 8 conf., LOPSTR#98(LNCS1559, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540657657)(340s).pdf
LNCS1560 Public Key Cryptography, 2 conf., PKC #99(LNCS1560, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540656448)(336s).pdf
LNCS1561 Damgard I. Lectures on data security.. Modern cryptology in theory and practice (LNCS1561, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540657576)(255s)_CsCr_.pdf
LNCS1563 STACS 99, 16 conf.(LNCS1563, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 354065691X)(592s).pdf
LNCS1565 Conceptual Modeling(LNCS1565, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540659269)(325s).pdf
LNCS1575 Compiler Construction 8 conf.(LNCS1575, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540657177)(326s).pdf
LNCS1576 Programming Languages and Systems, 8 conf., ESOP#99(LNCS1576, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540656995)(316s).pdf
LNCS1579 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 5 conf., TACAS #99 (LNCS1579, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540657037)(456s).pdf
LNCS1581 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 4 conf., TLCA#99(LNCS1581, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540657630)(408s).pdf
LNCS1584 Computer Science Logic, 12 conf., CSL #98(LNCS1584, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540659226)(440s).pdf
LNCS1587 Information Security and Privacy, 4 conf., ACISP#99(LNCS1587, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540657568)(336s).pdf
LNCS1589 Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 13 conf., Wadt#98 (LNCS1589, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662464)(355s).pdf
LNCS1592 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT #99(LNCS1592, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540658890)(486s).pdf
LNCS1595 Implementation of Functional Languages, 10 conf., IFL#98(LNCS1595, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662294)(255s).pdf
LNCS1600 Artificial Intelligence Today.. Recent Trends and Developments(LNCS1600, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664289)(488s).pdf
LNCS1603 Secure Internet Programming(LNCS1603, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540661301)(T)(496s).djvu
LNCS1604 RoboCup-98.. Robot Soccer World Cup II(LNCS1604, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540663207)(537s).pdf
LNCS1605 Application of Petri Nets to Communication Networks (LNCS1605, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 354065870X)(T)(O)(311s).djvu
LNCS1608 Advanced Functional Programming 3 conf., AFP 1998 (LNCS1608, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662413)(O)(301s).pdf
LNCS1612 Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications.. The INRECA-Methodology(LNCS1612, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540661824)(T)(248s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS1613 Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 16 conf., IPMI'99(LNCS1613, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540661670)(526s).pdf
LNCS1617 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX #99(LNCS1617, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540660860)(342s).pdf
LNCS1619 Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation, ALENEX #99(LNCS1619, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662278)(359s).pdf
LNCS162 van Hulzen J.A. (ed.) Computer algebra (Proc. EUROCAM-83, LNCS 162, Springer, 1983)(T)(ISBN 3540128689)(317s).djvu
LNCS1623 Focusing Solutions for Data Mining.. Analytical Studies and Experimental Results in Real-World Domains(LNCS1623, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664297)(316s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1626 Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 11 conf., CAiSE'99(LNCS1626, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540661573)(489s).pdf
LNCS1627 Computing and Combinatorics, 5 conf., COCOON #99(LNCS1627, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662006)(507s).pdf
LNCS1630 Springer.Agent.Oriented.Programming.From.Prolog.to.Guarded.Definite.Clauses.(LNCS.1630.1999) .pdf
LNCS1631 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 10 conf., RTA-99(LNCS1631, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662014)(407s).pdf
LNCS1633 Computer Aided Verification, 11 conf., CAV #99(LNCS1633, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662022)(514s).pdf
LNCS1636 Fast Software Encryption 6 conf.(LNCS1636, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 354066226X)(324s).pdf
LNCS1637 Integer Optimization by Local Search(LNCS1637, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540663673)(131s).pdf
LNCS1639 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1999, 20 conf., ICATPN #99(LNCS1639, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540661328)(432s).pdf
LNCS1640 Conceptual Structures.. Standards and Practices, 7 conf., ICCS '99(LNCS1640, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662235).pdf
LNCS1641 Applied Formal Methods - FM-Trends 98(LNCS1641, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664629).pdf
LNCS1643 Algorithms - ESA #99, 7 conf.(LNCS1643, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662510)(563s).pdf
LNCS1644 Automata, Languages and Programming, 26 conf., ICALP#99(LNCS1644, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662243)(734s).pdf
LNCS1645 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 10 conf., CPM 99(LNCS1645, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662782)(302s).pdf
LNCS1647 MultiAgent System Engineering, 9 conf., MAAMAW '99(LNCS1647, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662812)(T)(245s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS165 Coleman T. Large Sparse Numerical Optimization(LNCS165, Springer, 1984)(T)(111s)_MOc_.djvu
LNCS1656 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 11 conf., LCPC#98(LNCS1656, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664262)(394s).pdf
LNCS1658 Mobile Agents.. Control Algorithms(LNCS1658, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540411925)(172s).pdf
LNCS1660 Automata Implementation, 3 conf., WIA'98(LNCS1660, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540666524).pdf
LNCS1663 Algorithms and Data Structures, 6 conf., WADS #99(LNCS1663, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662790)(379s).pdf
LNCS1664 CONCUR #99, Concurrency Theory, 10 conf.(LNCS1664, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664254)(584s).pdf
LNCS1665 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 25 conf., WG #99(LNCS1665, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540667318)(427s).pdf
LNCS1666 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO #99, 19 conf.(LNCS1666, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540663479)(652s).pdf
LNCS1668 Algorithm Engineering, 3 conf., WAE #99(LNCS1668, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664270)(368s).pdf
LNCS1671 Randomization, Approximation, and Combinatorial Algorithms and Techniques, 3 conf., and 2 conf.RANDOM-APPROX#99(LNCS1671, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540663290)(296s).pdf
LNCS1672 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1999, 24 conf., MFCS#99(LNCS1672, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664084)(T)(O)(469s).djvu
LNCS1680 Theoretical and Practical Aspects of SPIN Model Checking, 5 and 6 conf.s(LNCS1680, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664998)(293s).pdf
LNCS1682 LNCS 1682 - Nielsen M. - Scale-space theories in computer vision - Springer 1999 - ISBN 354066498x (t)(535s) cscg.djvu
LNCS1683 Computer Science Logic, 13 conf., CSL #99(LNCS1683, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540665366)(590s).pdf
LNCS1684 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 12 conf., FCT #99(LNCS1684, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664122)(581s).pdf
LNCS1690 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 12 conf., TPHOLs#99(LNCS1690, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664637)(362s).pdf
LNCS1706 Partial Evaluation - Practice and Theory, DIKU 1998(LNCS1706, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540667105).pdf
LNCS1710 Correct System Design(LNCS1710, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540666249)(417s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1711 LNCS 1711, N. Zhong, A. Skowron, S. Ohsuga (Eds.), New Directions in Rough Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing.pdf
LNCS1713 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP#99, 5 conf.(LNCS1713, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540666265)(510s).pdf
LNCS1716 Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT #99(LNCS1716, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540666664)(413s).pdf
LNCS1718 Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, 6 conf., IDMS '99(LNCS1718, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540665951).pdf
LNCS1719 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 13 conf., AAECC-13(LNCS1719, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540667237)(515s).pdf
LNCS1720 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 10 conf., ALT #99(LNCS1720, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540667482)(374s).pdf
LNCS1722 Functional and Logic Programming, 4 conf., FLOPS#99(LNCS1722, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 354066677X)(378s).pdf
LNCS1725 SOFSEM #99, Theory and Practice of Informatics, 26 conf.(LNCS1725, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 354066694X)(509s).pdf
LNCS1727 Advances in Conceptual Modeling.. ER '99(LNCS1727, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540666532).pdf
LNCS1731 Graph Drawing, 7 conf., GD'99(LNCS1731, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540669043)(434s).pdf
LNCS1734 SCI.. Scalable Coherent Interface(LNCS1734, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540666966)(493s).pdf
LNCS174 Fitch J. (ed.) Proceedings EUROSAM#84 (LNCS 174, Springer, 1984)(T)(ISBN 354013350X)(407s).djvu
LNCS1741 Algorithms and Computation, 10 conf., ISAAC #99(LNCS1741, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540669167)(460s).pdf
LNCS1746 Cryptography and Coding, 7 conf.(LNCS1746, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 354066887X)(322s).pdf
LNCS1750 Knuth D.E. MMIXware.. A RISC Computer for the Third Millennium (LNCS1750, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540669388)(556s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1751 Public Key Cryptography, 3 conf., PKC 2000(LNCS1751, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540669671)(495s).pdf
LNCS1758 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 6 conf., SAC#99(LNCS1758, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540671854)(250s).pdf
LNCS1759 Large-Scale Parallel Data Mining(LNCS1759, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540671943)(269s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1767 Algorithms and Complexity, 4 conf., CIAC 2000(LNCS1767, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540671595)(324s).pdf
LNCS1769 Performance Evaluation.. Origins and Directions(LNCS1769, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540671935)(522s).pdf
LNCS1770 STACS 2000, 17 conf.(LNCS1770, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540671412)(676s).pdf
LNCS1775 Challenges for Action Theories(LNCS1775, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540674551)(149s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1776 LATIN 2000.. Theoretical Informatics, 4 conf.(LNCS1776, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540673067)(496s).pdf
LNCS1778 Hybrid Neural Systems 1998(LNCS1778, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540673059)(410s).pdf
LNCS1781 Compiler Construction 9 conf.(LNCS1781, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 354067263X)(308s).pdf
LNCS1782 Programming Languages and Systems, 9 conf., ESOP 2000(LNCS1782, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540672621)(441s).pdf
LNCS1785 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 6 conf., TACAS 2000(LNCS1785, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540672826)(569s).pdf
LNCS1788 Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce 2 conf., IJCAI 1999(LNCS1788, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677739)(249s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS179 Pan V. How to multiply matrices faster(LNCS 179, Springer,1984)(T)(219s)_MN_.djvu
LNCS1796 Security Protocols, 7 conf.(LNCS1796, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540673814)(239s).pdf
LNCS1804 Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing.. Prospects(LNCS1804, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678379)(369s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1805 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Current Issues and New Applications, 4 conf., PADKK 2000(LNCS1805, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540673822).pdf
LNCS1807 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2000(LNCS1807, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540675175)(620s).pdf
LNCS1808 Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Languages(LNCS1808, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540419454)(782s).pdf
LNCS1813 Learning Classifier Systems(LNCS1813, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677291)(344s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1814 Affective Interactions(LNCS1814, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540415203)(243s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1817 Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 9 conf., LOPSTR#99(LNCS1817, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676287)(321s).pdf
LNCS1823 High-Performance Computing and Networking, 8 conf., HPCN Europe 2000(LNCS1823, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540675531)(737s).pdf
LNCS1825 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2000, 21 conf., ICATPN 2000(LNCS1825, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676937)(492s).pdf
LNCS1826 Reflection and Software Engineering, Papers from OORaSE 1999, 1 conf.(LNCS1826, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677615)(216s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1827 Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 14 conf., WADT #99(LNCS1827, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678980)(490s).pdf
LNCS1828 Sequence Learning - Paradigms(LNCS1828, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540415971)(400s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1830 Distributed Communities on the Web, 3 conf., DCW 2000(LNCS1830, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676473)(221s).pdf
LNCS1833 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 11 conf., RTA 2000(LNCS1833, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 354067778X)(283s).pdf
LNCS1837 Mathematics of Program Construction, 5 conf., MPC 2000(LNCS1837, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677275)(264s).pdf
LNCS1838 Algorithmic Number Theory 4 Symposium (LNCS1838, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676953)(609s)_MTc_.pdf
LNCS1841 Information Security and Privacy, 5 conf., ACISP 2000(LNCS1841, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677429)(500s).pdf
LNCS1847 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2000(LNCS1847, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 354067697X)(451s).pdf
LNCS1848 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 11 conf., CPM 2000(LNCS1848, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676333)(433s).pdf
LNCS1851 Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2000, 7 conf.(LNCS1851, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676902)(577s).pdf
LNCS1852 The Computational Complexity of Equivalence and Isomorphism Problems(LNCS1852, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410325)(143s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1853 Automata, Languages and Programming, 27 conf., ICALP 2000(LNCS1853, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677151)(963s).pdf
LNCS1855 Computer Aided Verification, 12 conf., CAV 2000(LNCS1855, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677704)(592s).pdf
LNCS1856 RoboCup-99.. Robot Soccer World Cup 3 conf.(LNCS1856, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410430)(817s).pdf
LNCS1858 Computing and Combinatorics, 6 conf., COCOON 2000(LNCS1858, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540677879)(489s).pdf
LNCS1862 Computer Science Logic, 14 conf.EACSL(LNCS1862, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678956)(555s).pdf
LNCS1863 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 12 conf., LCPC#99(LNCS1863, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678581)(510s).pdf
LNCS1864 Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation 4 conf.(LNCS1864, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678395).pdf
LNCS1868 Implementation of Functional Languages, 11 conf., IFL#99(LNCS1868, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678646)(204s).pdf
LNCS1869 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 13 conf., TPHOLs 2000(LNCS1869, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678638).pdf
LNCS1872 Theoretical Computer Science Proc.conf.2000 (LNCS1872, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678239)(O)(632s).pdf
LNCS1877 CONCUR 2000 - Concurrency Theory, 11 conf.(LNCS1877, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678972)(630s).pdf
LNCS1879 Algorithms - ESA 2000, 8 conf.(LNCS1879, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 354041004X)(462s).pdf
LNCS1880 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2000, 20 conf.(LNCS1880, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540679073)(555s).pdf
LNCS1888 Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle, 2 conf., AFPAC 2000(LNCS1888, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410139)(358s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1893 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2000, 25 conf., MFCS 2000(LNCS1893, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540679014)(723s).pdf
LNCS1894 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2000, 6 conf.(LNCS1894, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410538)(572s).pdf
LNCS1895 Computer Security - ESORICS 2000, 6 conf.(LNCS1895, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410317)(334s).pdf
LNCS1907 Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 3 conf., RAID 2000(LNCS1907, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410856)(234s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1912 Abstract State Machines, Theory and Applications, ASM 2000(LNCS1912, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540679596).pdf
LNCS1913 Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization, 3 conf., APPROX 2000(LNCS1913, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540679960)(277s).pdf
LNCS1916 Issues in Agent Communication(LNCS1916, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540411445)(363s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1919 Logics in Artificial Intelligence, European Workshop, JELIA 2000 Malaga(LNCS1919, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540411313)(431s).pdf
LNCS1924 Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generation, SAIG 2000(LNCS1924, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410546)(236s).pdf
LNCS1925 Learning Language in Logic(LNCS1925, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540411453)(299s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS1928 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 26 conf., WG 2000(LNCS1928, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540411836)(323s).pdf
LNCS1931 Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, 2 conf., MATA 2000(LNCS1931, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410694)(273s).pdf
LNCS1950 Randomness and Completeness in Computational Complexity(LNCS1950, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540414924)(203s).pdf
LNCS1957 Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 1 conf., AOSE 2000(LNCS1957, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540415947)(321s).pdf
LNCS1958 IT-Security and Privacy - Design and Use of Privacy-Enhancing Security Mechanisms(LNCS1958, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421424)(360s).pdf
LNCS1963 SOFSEM 2000.. Theory and Practice of Informatics, 27 conf.(LNCS1963, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540413480)(468s).pdf
LNCS1968 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 11 conf., ALT 2000(LNCS1968, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540412379)(350s).pdf
LNCS1969 Algorithms and Computation, 11 conf., ISAAC 2000(LNCS1969, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540412557)(591s).pdf
LNCS1974 Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 20 conf., FST TCS 2000(LNCS1974, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540414134)(543s).pdf
LNCS1977 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2000(LNCS1977, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540414525)(305s).pdf
LNCS1978 Fast Software Encryption 7 conf.(LNCS1978, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540417281)(321s).pdf
LNCS1982 Algorithm Engineering, 4 conf., WAE 2000(LNCS1982, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425128)(250s).pdf
LNCS1983 Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2000(LNCS1983, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540414509)(597s).pdf
LNCS1984 Graph Drawing, 8 conf., GD 2000(LNCS1984, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540415548)(430s).pdf
LNCS1986 Intelligent Agents 7 conf., ATAL 2000(LNCS1986, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424229)(371s).pdf
LNCS1992 Public Key Cryptography, 4 conf., PKC 2001(LNCS1992, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540416587)(433s).pdf
LNCS1994 Iterative Software Engineering for Multiagent Systems.. The MASSIVE Method(LNCS1994, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421661)(298s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2001 Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets(LNCS2001, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354041942X)(547s).pdf
LNCS2002 Constraints in Computational Logics.. Theory and Applications, CCL#99(LNCS2002, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540419500)(320s).pdf
LNCS2004 Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2 conf., CICLing 2001(LNCS2004, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540416870)(572s).pdf
LNCS2005 Springer.How.To.Break.Md5.And.Other.Hash.Functions.X.Wang.H.Yu.Advances.In.Cryptology.Eurocrypt'2005.Lncs.(2005).pdf
LNCS2010 STACS 2001, 18 conf.(LNCS2010, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540416951)(590s).pdf
LNCS2011 Implementation of Functional Languages, 12 conf., IFL 2000(LNCS2011, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540419195)(274s).pdf
LNCS2012 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 7 conf., SAC 2000(LNCS2012, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354042069X)(349s).pdf
LNCS2017 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 13 conf., LCPC 2000(LNCS2017, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540428623)(391s).pdf
LNCS2018 Pollefeys, Van Gool, Zisserman, Fitzgibbon. (eds.) 3D Structure from Images - SMILE 2000 (LNCS2018, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540418458)(252s)_CsIp_.pdf
LNCS2020 Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2001, The Cryptographer#s Track at RSA Conference 2001(LNCS2020, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540418989)(481s).pdf
LNCS2022 Advances in Exception Handling Techniques 2000(LNCS2022, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540419527)(301s).pdf
LNCS2024 Functional and Logic Programming, 5 conf., FLOPS 2001(LNCS2024, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540417397)(399s).pdf
LNCS2025 Drawing Graphs, Methods and Models 1999(LNCS2025, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540420622)(324s).pdf
LNCS2027 Compiler Construction 10 conf.(LNCS2027, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354041861X)(382s).pdf
LNCS2028 Programming Languages and Systems, 10 conf., ESOP 2001(LNCS2028, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540418628)(444s).pdf
LNCS203 Buchberger B. (ed.) Proceedings EUROCAL#85, vol.1 (LNCS 203, Springer, 1985)(T)(ISBN 3540159835)(238s).djvu
LNCS2031 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 7 conf., TACAS 2001(LNCS2031, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540418652)(601s).pdf
LNCS2036 Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience - Towards Neuroscience-Inspired Computing(LNCS2036, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354042363X)(586s).pdf
LNCS2039 Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent System Engineering - Design and Implementation(LNCS2039, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540419829)(137s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS204 Caviness B.F. (ed.) Proceedings EUROCAL#85, vol.2 (LNCS 204, Springer, 1985)(T)(ISBN 3540159843)(666s).djvu
LNCS2042 Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 10 conf., LOPSTR 2000(LNCS2042, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421270)(190s).pdf
LNCS2044 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 5 conf., TLCA 2001(LNCS2044, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540419608)(440s).pdf
LNCS2045 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2001(LNCS2045, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540420703)(556s).pdf
LNCS2046 Queueing Networks with Discrete Time Scale - Explicit Expressions for the Steady State Behavior of Discrete Time Stochastic Networks(LNCS2046, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540423575)(143s).pdf
LNCS2047 Performance Engineering(LNCS2047, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421459)(363s).pdf
LNCS2048 Pauli J. Learning-based robot vision (LNCS2048, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421084)(291s)_CsIp_.pdf
LNCS2049 Machine Learning and Its Applications(LNCS2049, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424903)(T)(334s).djvu
LNCS2051 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 12 conf., RTA 2001(LNCS2051, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421173)(372s).pdf
LNCS2055 Machines, Computations, and Universality, 3 conf., MCU 2001(LNCS2055, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421211)(328s).pdf
LNCS2064 Computability and Complexity in Analysis, 4 conf., CCA 2000(LNCS2064, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540421971)(402s).pdf
LNCS2066 Springer.LNCS.2066.Computational.Biology .pdf
LNCS2067 Modeling and Verification of Parallel Processes, 4 school, MOVEP 2000(LNCS2067, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540427872)(227s).pdf
LNCS2075 Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2001, 22 conf., ICATPN 2001(LNCS2075, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540422528)(412s).pdf
LNCS2076 Automata, Languages and Programming, 28 conf., ICALP 2001(LNCS2076, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540422870)(1097s).pdf
LNCS2081 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 8 conf.(LNCS2081, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540422250)(431s).pdf
LNCS2088 Implementation and Application of Automata, 5 conf., CIAA 2000(LNCS2088, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424911)(352s).pdf
LNCS2089 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 12 conf., CPM 2001(LNCS2089, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540422714)(280s).pdf
LNCS2090 Lectures on Formal Methods and Performance Analysis, 1 school, 2000(LNCS2090, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424792)(437s).pdf
LNCS2102 Computer Aided Verification, 13 conf., CAV 2001(LNCS2102, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540423451)(532s).pdf
LNCS2106 Kerckhove M. (ed.) Scale-space and morphology in computer vision (3rd conf.)(LNCS2106, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540423176)(T)(458s)_CsCg_.djvu
LNCS2108 Computing and Combinatorics, 7 conf., COCOON 2001(LNCS2108, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424946)(612s).pdf
LNCS2111 Computational Learning Theory, 14 conf., COLT 2001 and 5 conf.(LNCS2111, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540423435)(638s).pdf
LNCS2119 Information Security and Privacy, 6 conf., ACISP 2001(LNCS2119, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540423001)(531s).pdf
LNCS212 Nickel K. (ed.) Interval mathematics 1985 (Proc. Freiburg, LNCS 212, Springer, 1985)(T)(ISBN 3540164375)(225s)_MN_.djvu
LNCS2122 Alt H. (ed.) Computational discrete mathematics. Advanced lectures (LNCS2122, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540427759)(179s)_CsDi_.pdf
LNCS2125 Algorithms and Data Structures, 7 conf., WADS 2001(LNCS2125, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424237)(495s).pdf
LNCS2128 Unifying Petri Nets(LNCS2128, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430679)(494s).pdf
LNCS2129 Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.. Algorithms and Techniques, 4 conf., APPROX 2001 and 5 conf.RATCS(LNCS2129, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424709)(313s).pdf
LNCS2133 Security Protocols, 8 conf.(LNCS2133, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425667)(265s).pdf
LNCS2134 LNCS 2134, Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Eds. Figueiredo M., Zerubia J. (Springer 2001)(593s).pdf
LNCS2136 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001, 26 conf., MFCS 2001(LNCS2136, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424962)(734s).pdf
LNCS2138 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 13 conf., FCT 2001(LNCS2138, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424873)(553s).pdf
LNCS2139 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2001, 21 conf.(LNCS2139, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424563)(610s).pdf
LNCS2141 Algorithm Engineering, 5 conf., WAE 2001 Aarhus(LNCS2141, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425004)(197s).pdf
LNCS2142 Computer Science Logic, 15 conf., CSL 2001, 10 conf.EACSL(LNCS2142, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425543)(630s).pdf
LNCS2145 Leyton M. A generative theory of shape (LNCS2145, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540427171)(582s)_CsCg_.pdf
LNCS2149 Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 1 conf., WABI 2001(LNCS2149, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425160)(311s).pdf
LNCS2152 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 14 conf., TPHOLs 2001(LNCS2152, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354042525X)(404s).pdf
LNCS2153 Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation, 3 conf., ALENEX 2001(LNCS2153, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425608)(238s).pdf
LNCS2154 CONCUR 2001 - Concurrency Theory, 12 conf.(LNCS2154, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424970)(593s).pdf
LNCS2161 Algorithms - ESA 2001, 9 conf.(LNCS2161, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540424938)(549s).pdf
LNCS2165 Process Algebra and Probabilistic Methods, Performance Modeling and Verification, PAPM-PROBMIV 2001(LNCS2165, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354042556X)(227s).pdf
LNCS2169 New Concepts for Parallel Object-Relational Query Processing(LNCS2169, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540427813)(165s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2178 Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2001(LNCS2178, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354042959X)(679s).pdf
LNCS2179 Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 3 conf., LSSC 2001 (wrong page order)(LNCS2179, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430431)(476s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2183 Proof Theory in Computer Science, PTCS 2001(LNCS2183, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354042752X)(248s).pdf
LNCS2196 Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generation, 2 conf., SAIG 2001(LNCS2196, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425586)(227s).pdf
LNCS2202 Theoretical Computer Science, 7 conf., ICTCS 2001(LNCS2202, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540426728)(452s).pdf
LNCS2204 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 27 conf., WG 2001(LNCS2204, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540427074)(338s).pdf
LNCS2212 Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 4 conf., RAID 2001 Davis(LNCS2212, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540427023)(213s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2221 Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 7 conf., JSSPP 2001(LNCS2221, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540428178)(213s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2222 Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II, 2 conf., AOSE 2001(LNCS2222, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540432825)(327s).pdf
LNCS2223 Algorithms and Computation, 12 conf., ISAAC 2001(LNCS2223, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540429859)(799s).pdf
LNCS2224 Springer - LNCS 2224 - Proc. of 20th Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER2001), November 2001, Yokohama, Japan - Agent-Oriented Enterprise Modeling Based on Business Rules - Kulda.pdf
LNCS2225 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 12 conf., ALT 2001(LNCS2225, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540428755)(387s).pdf
LNCS2227 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 14 conf., AAECC-14(LNCS2227, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540429115)(410s).pdf
LNCS2234 SOFSEM 2001.. Theory and Practice of Informatics, 28 conf.(LNCS2234, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540429123)(356s).pdf
LNCS2235 Multiset Processing, Mathematical, Computer Science, and Molecular Computing Points of View, WMP 2000(LNCS2235, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430636)(354s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2238 Sensor Based Intelligent Robots(LNCS2238, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433996)(382s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2239 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2001, 7 conf., CP 2001(LNCS2239, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540428631)(801s).pdf
LNCS2241 U:\!Genesis\!!ForLG\!!!3\Springer Computational Combinatorial Optimization Optimal Or Provably Near-Optimal Solutions Lncs 2241 2001.pdf
LNCS2243 Digital and Image Geometry, Advanced Lectures 2000(LNCS2243, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430792)(454s).pdf
LNCS2247 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2001(LNCS2247, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430105)(362s).pdf
LNCS2248 Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2001, 7 conf.(LNCS2248, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540429875)(601s).pdf
LNCS2249 Transactional Agents.. Towards a Robust Multi-Agent System(LNCS2249, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430466)(216s).pdf
LNCS2251 Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, 2 conf., WAA 2001(LNCS2251, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430342)(462s).pdf
LNCS2259 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 8 conf., SAC 2001 Toronto(LNCS2259, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430660)(368s).pdf
LNCS2260 Cryptography and Coding, 8 conf.(LNCS2260, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430261)(424s).pdf
LNCS2262 Modular Specification and Verification of Object-Oriented Programs(LNCS2262, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540431675)(297s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2263 Object Modeling with the OCL(LNCS2263, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540431691)(287s).pdf
LNCS2264 Stochastic Algorithms.. Foundations and Applications, 1 conf., SAGA 2001(LNCS2264, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430253)(205s).pdf
LNCS2265 Graph Drawing, 9 conf., GD 2001 Vienna(LNCS2265, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433090)(536s).pdf
LNCS2267 Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 15 conf., WADT 2001(LNCS2267, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540431594)(352s).pdf
LNCS2268 Embedded Processor Design Challenges.. Systems(LNCS2268, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433228)(334s).pdf
LNCS2269 Software Visualization 2001(LNCS2269, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433236)(411s).pdf
LNCS2271 Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2002, The Cryptographer#s Track at the RSA Conference, 2002(LNCS2271, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540432248)(319s).pdf
LNCS2274 Public Key Cryptography, 5 conf., PKC 2002(LNCS2274, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540431683)(393s).pdf
LNCS2280 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 8 conf., TACAS 2002(LNCS2280, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540434194)(495s).pdf
LNCS2281 Progress in Discovery Science(LNCS2281, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433384)(696s).pdf
LNCS2283 Isabelle-HOL - A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic(LNCS2283, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433767)(231s).pdf
LNCS2285 STACS 2002, 19 conf.(LNCS2285, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540432833)(672s).pdf
LNCS2286 LATIN 2002.. Theoretical Informatics, 5 conf.(LNCS2286, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540434003)(642s).pdf
LNCS2292 Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Advanced Lectures 2000(LNCS2292, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433287)(230s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2293 Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Topological Information(LNCS2293, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433465)(219s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2294 Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 3 conf., VMCAI 2002(LNCS2294, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540436316)(339s).pdf
LNCS2297 Algebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in the Mathematics of Program Construction(LNCS2297, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540436138)(400s).pdf
LNCS2302 Programming Constraint Services.. High-Level Programming of Standard and New Constraint Services(LNCS2302, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433716)(183s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2304 Compiler Construction 11 conf.(LNCS2304, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433694)(355s).pdf
LNCS2305 Programming Languages and Systems, 11 conf., ESOP 2002(LNCS2305, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433635)(341s).pdf
LNCS2307 Association Rule Mining(LNCS2307, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540435336)(248s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2312 Implementation of Functional Languages, 13 conf., IFL 2002 Stockholm(LNCS2312, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540435379)(193s).pdf
LNCS2318 Model Checking of Software, 9 conf.(LNCS2318, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540434771)(267s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2331 Computational Science - ICCS 2002(LNCS2331, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540435948)(1289s).pdf
LNCS2332 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2002(LNCS2332, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540435530)(557s).pdf
LNCS2333 Intelligent Agents 8 conf., ATAL 2001 Seattle(LNCS2333, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438580)(473s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2337 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 9 conf.(LNCS2337, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540436766)(497s).pdf
LNCS2341 Cui Yu. High-dimensional indexing.. Transformational approaches to high-dimensional range and similarity searches (LNCS2341, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441999)(159s)_CsAl_.pdf
LNCS235 Miranker W.I., Toupin R.A. (eds.) Accurate scientific computations (Proc. Neuenahr, LNCS 235, Springer, 1986)(T)(ISBN 3540167986)(217s)_MN_.djvu
LNCS2355 Fast Software Encryption 8 conf.(LNCS2355, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438696)(359s).pdf
LNCS2356 WEBKDD 2001 - Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch Points(LNCS2356, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439692)(177s).pdf
LNCS2360 Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2002, 23 conf., ICATPN 2002(LNCS2360, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540437878)(454s).pdf
LNCS2365 Fast Software Encryption 9 conf.(LNCS2365, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540440097)(286s).pdf
LNCS2368 Penttonen, Schmidt. (eds.) Algorithm theory - Proc. SWAT 2002 (LNCS2368, Springer, 2002)(455s)_CsAl_.pdf
LNCS2369 Algorithmic Number Theory 5 Symposium (LNCS2369, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438637)(525s)_MTc_.pdf
LNCS2372 Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 11 conf., LOPSTR 2001(LNCS2372, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540439153)(274s).pdf
LNCS2373 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 13 conf., CPM 2002(LNCS2373, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438629)(297s).pdf
LNCS2375 Computational Learning Theory, 15 conf., COLT 2002(LNCS2375, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 354043836X)(411s).pdf
LNCS2378 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 13 conf., RTA 2002(LNCS2378, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439161)(396s).pdf
LNCS2380 Automata, Languages and Programming, 29 conf., ICALP 2002(LNCS2380, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438645)(1088s).pdf
LNCS2381 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2002(LNCS2381, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439293)(349s).pdf
LNCS2384 Information Security and Privacy, 7 conf., ACISP 2002(LNCS2384, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438610)(524s).pdf
LNCS2385 Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, and Symbolic Computation, Joints, AISC 2002 and Calculemus 2002(LNCS2385, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438653)(354s).pdf
LNCS2386 Mathematics of Program Construction, 6 conf., MPC 2002(LNCS2386, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540438572)(272s).pdf
LNCS2387 Computing and Combinatorics, 8 conf., COCOON 2002(LNCS2387, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 354043996X)(618s).pdf
LNCS2394 Advances in Data Mining(LNCS2394, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441166)(114s).pdf
LNCS2395 Springer.Using.Understanding.And.Unraveling.The.Ocaml.Language.(Chapter.From.Applied.Semantics,Lncs.2395).2002.pdf
LNCS2399 Process Algebra and Probabilistic Methods, Performance Modeling and Verification, 2 conf., PAPM-PROBMIV 2002(LNCS2399, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439137)(224s).pdf
LNCS2403 Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems, UKMAS Workshop 1996-2000(LNCS2403, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439625)(268s).pdf
LNCS2404 Computer Aided Verification, 14 conf., CAV 2002(LNCS2404, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439978)(644s).pdf
LNCS2407 Computational Logic, part 1.. Logic Programming and Beyond (LNCS2407, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439595)(O)(687s).pdf
LNCS2408 Computational Logic, part 2.. Logic Programming and Beyond (LNCS2408, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439609)(O)(637s).pdf
LNCS2409 Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation, 4 conf., ALENEX 2002(LNCS2409, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540439773)(214s).pdf
LNCS2410 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 15 conf., TPHOLs 2002(LNCS2410, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540440399)(357s).pdf
LNCS2421 CONCUR 2002 - Concurrency Theory, 13 conf.(LNCS2421, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540440437)(628s).pdf
LNCS2427 Autonomous Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multi-Agent Systems(LNCS2427, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540443126)(281s).pdf
LNCS2441 Functional and Logic Programming, 6 conf., FLOPS 2002(LNCS2441, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540442332)(314s).pdf
LNCS2442 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2002, 22 conf.(LNCS2442, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 354044050X)(642s).pdf
LNCS2452 Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 2 conf., WABI 2002(LNCS2452, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540442111)(543s).pdf
LNCS2461 Algorithms - ESA 2002, 10 conf.(LNCS2461, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441808)(940s).pdf
LNCS2462 Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization, 5 conf., APPROX 2002(LNCS2462, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441867)(279s).pdf
LNCS2463 Ant Algorithms, 3 conf., ANTS 2002(LNCS2463, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441468)(318s).pdf
LNCS2467 Security Protocols, 9 conf.(LNCS2467, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540442634)(249s).pdf
LNCS2470 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2002, 8 conf., CP 2002(LNCS2470, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441204)(816s).pdf
LNCS2471 Computer Science Logic, 16 conf., CSL 2002(LNCS2471, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540442405)(629s).pdf
LNCS2481 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 15 conf., LCPC 2002(LNCS2481, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540307818)(385s).pdf
LNCS2483 Randomization and Approximation Techniques, 6 conf., RANDOM 2002(LNCS2483, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441476)(283s).pdf
LNCS2493 Cellular Automata, 5 conf., ACRI 2002(LNCS2493, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540443045)(379s).pdf
LNCS2494 Implementation and Application of Automata, 6 conf., CIAA 2001(LNCS2494, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540004009)(298s).pdf
LNCS2500 Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games.. A Guide to Current Research(LNCS2500, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540003886)(354s).pdf
LNCS2502 Computer Security - ESORICS 2002, 7 conf.(LNCS2502, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540443452)(294s).pdf
LNCS2509 Unconventional Models of Computation, 3 conf., UMC 2002(LNCS2509, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540443118)(338s).pdf
LNCS2511 From QoS Provisioning to QoS Charging, 3th COST 263 on Quality of Future Internet Services, QofIS 2002(LNCS2511, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540443568)(368s).pdf
LNCS2516 Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 5 conf., RAID 2002(LNCS2516, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540000208)(336s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2518 Algorithms and Computation, 13 conf., ISAAC 2002 Vancouver(LNCS2518, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540001425)(667s).pdf
LNCS2523 Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2002, 4 conf.(LNCS2523, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540004092)(624s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2525 Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2 conf., BMCV 2002(LNCS2525, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540001743)(700s).pdf
LNCS2528 Graph Drawing, 10 conf., GD 2002(LNCS2528, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540001581)(400s).pdf
LNCS2530 Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, 1 conf., AP2PC 2002(LNCS2530, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405380)(181s).pdf
LNCS2533 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 13 conf., ALT 2002(LNCS2533, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540001700)(424s).pdf
LNCS2534 Discovery Science, 5 conf., DS 2002(LNCS2534, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540001883)(488s).pdf
LNCS2540 SOFSEM 2002.. Theory and Practice of Informatics, 29 conf.(LNCS2540, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 354000145X)(297s).pdf
LNCS2542 Numerical Methods and Applications, 5 conf., NMA 2002(LNCS2542, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540006087)(569s).pdf
LNCS2547 Experimental Algorithmics, From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software 2000(LNCS2547, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540003460)(295s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2549 Cortadella J., Yakovlev A., Rozenberg G. (eds) Concurrency and hardware design.. advances in petri nets (LNCS 2549, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540001999)(354s).pdf
LNCS2551 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2002(LNCS2551, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540002634)(448s).pdf
LNCS2554 Plan-Based Control of Robotic Agents.. Improving the Capabilities of Autonomous Robots(LNCS2554, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540003355)(187s).pdf
LNCS2558 Data Mining on Multimedia Data(LNCS2558, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540003177)(136s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS256 Lescanne P. (ed.) Rewriting techniques and applications (Proc. Bordeaux, LNCS 256, Springer, 1987)(T)(ISBN 3540172203)(291s)_CsCa_.djvu
LNCS2561 Relational Methods in Computer Science, 6 conf., RelMICS 2001(LNCS2561, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540003150)(322s).pdf
LNCS2566 The Essence of Computation, Complexity, Analysis, Transformation(LNCS2566, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540003266).pdf
LNCS2567 Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2003, 6 conf.(LNCS2567, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 354000324X)(377s).pdf
LNCS2570 Combinatorial Optimization - Eureka, You Shrink, 5 conf.(LNCS2570, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540005803)(212s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2573 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 28 conf., WG 2002(LNCS2573, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540003312)(432s).pdf
LNCS2575 Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 4 conf., VMCAI 2003(LNCS2575, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540003487)(334s).pdf
LNCS2584 Future Directions in Distributed Computing(LNCS2584, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540009124)(224s).pdf
LNCS2586 Intelligent Information Agents - The AgentLink Perspective(LNCS2586, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540007598)(280s).pdf
LNCS2589 Abstract State Machines, Advances in Theory and Practice, 10 conf., ASM 2003(LNCS2589, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540006249).pdf
LNCS2590 Efficiency and Effectiveness of XML Tools and Techniques and Data Integration over the Web, VLDB 2002, CAiSE 2002(LNCS2590, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540007369)(279s).pdf
LNCS2592 Agent Technologies, Infrastructures, Tools, and Applications for E-Services, NODe 2002(LNCS2592, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540007423)(383s).pdf
LNCS2593 Web, Web-Services, and Database Systems, NODe 2002(LNCS2593, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540007458)(337s).pdf
LNCS2594 Mathematical Knowledge Management, 2 conf., MKM 2003(LNCS2594, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540005684)(232s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2595 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 9 conf., SAC 2002(LNCS2595, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540006222)(415s).pdf
LNCS2596 Software Engineering and Middleware, 3 conf., SEM 2002(LNCS2596, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540075496).pdf
LNCS2597 Membrane Computing, WMC-CdeA 2002(LNCS2597, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540006117)(430s).pdf
LNCS2603 Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems, Research Issues and Practical Applications, SELMAS 2002(LNCS2603, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540087729)(298s).pdf
LNCS2605 Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning(LNCS2605, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540250514)(573s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2607 STACS 2003, 20 conf.(LNCS2607, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540006230)(715s).pdf
LNCS2608 Implementation and Application of Automata, 7 conf., CIAA 2002(LNCS2608, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540403914)(317s).pdf
LNCS2609 Software Security -- Theories and Systems, Mext-NSF-JSPS International Symposium, ISSS 2002(LNCS2609, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540007083)(481s).pdf
LNCS2612 Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2003, The Cryptographers# Track at the RSA Conference 2003(LNCS2612, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540008470)(431s).pdf
LNCS2618 Programming Languages and Systems, 12 conf., ESOP 2003(LNCS2618, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540008861)(427s).pdf
LNCS2619 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 9 conf., TACAS 2003(LNCS2619, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540008985)(619s).pdf
LNCS2622 Compiler Construction 12 conf.(LNCS2622, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540009043)(346s).pdf
LNCS2624 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 14 conf., LCPC 2001(LNCS2624, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540040293)(452s).pdf
LNCS2625 Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies, Advanced Lectures 2002(LNCS2625, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540008837)(442s).pdf
LNCS2630 Winkler F., Langer U. (eds.) Symbolic and Numerical Scientific Computation (Proc. SNSC 2001, Hagenberg)(LNCS2630, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405542)(398s)_CsCa_.pdf
LNCS2636 Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.. Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning(LNCS2636, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540400680)(334s).pdf
LNCS2638 Advanced Functional Programming 4 conf., AFP 2002 (LNCS2638, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540401326)(O)(222s).pdf
LNCS2643 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 15 conf., AAECC-15(LNCS2643, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540401113)(274s).pdf
LNCS2653 Algorithms and Complexity, 5 conf., CIAC 2003(LNCS2653, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540401768)(299s).pdf
LNCS2654 Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs(LNCS2654, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540401741)(365s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2656 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2003(LNCS2656, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540140395)(662s).pdf
LNCS2664 Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 12 conf., LOPSTR 2002(LNCS2664, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540404384)(289s).pdf
LNCS2665 Intelligence and Security Informatics, 1th NSF-NIJ Symposium, ISI 2003(LNCS2665, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 354040189X)(430s).pdf
LNCS2670 Implementation of Functional Languages, 14 conf., IFL 2002(LNCS2670, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540401903)(257s).pdf
LNCS2676 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 14 conf., CPM 2003(LNCS2676, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540403116)(411s).pdf
LNCS2677 Architecting Dependable Systems, ICSE 2002(LNCS2677, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 9783540407270)(T)(313s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS2679 Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003, 24 conf., ICATPN 2003(LNCS2679, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540403345)(517s).pdf
LNCS2681 Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 15 conf., CAiSE 2003(LNCS2681, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540404422)(770s).pdf
LNCS2684 Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems(LNCS2684, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540404295)(309s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2693 Component-Based Software Quality - Methods and Techniques(LNCS2693, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405038)(414s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2695 Griffin L.D., et al. (eds.) Scale-Space Methods in Computer Vision (LNCS 2695, Springer,2003)(ISBN 354040368X)(T)(828s)_MNw_.djvu
LNCS2696 Security and Privacy in Digital Rights Management, ACM CCS-9 Workshop, DRM 2002(LNCS2696, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540404104)(231s).pdf
LNCS2697 Computing and Combinatorics, 9 conf., COCOON 2003(LNCS2697, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405348)(572s).pdf
LNCS2700 Information Extraction in the Web Era.. Natural Language Communication for Knowledge Acquisition, SCIE 2002(LNCS2700, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405798)(175s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2701 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 6 conf., TLCA 2003(LNCS2701, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540403329)(324s).pdf
LNCS2703 WEBKDD 2002 - Mining Web Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and Profiles, 4 conf.(LNCS2703, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540203044)(189s).pdf
LNCS2719 Automata, Languages and Programming, 30 conf., ICALP 2003(LNCS2719, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540404937)(1217s).pdf
LNCS2725 Computer Aided Verification, 15 conf., CAV 2003(LNCS2725, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405240)(473s).pdf
LNCS2727 Information Security and Privacy, 8 conf., ACISP 2003(LNCS2727, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405151)(545s).pdf
LNCS2729 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2003, 23 conf.(LNCS2729, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540406743)(643s).pdf
LNCS2731 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 4 conf., DMTCS2003 (LNCS2731, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405054)(309s).pdf
LNCS2733 Smart Graphics, 3 conf., SG 2003(LNCS2733, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405577)(274s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2734 Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 3 conf., MLDM 2003(LNCS2734, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405046)(452s).pdf
LNCS2747 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2003, 28 conf., MFCS 2003(LNCS2747, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540406719)(705s).pdf
LNCS2748 Algorithms and Data Structures, 8 conf., WADS 2003(LNCS2748, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405453)(532s).pdf
LNCS2751 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 14 conf., FCT 2003(LNCS2751, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405437)(443s).pdf
LNCS2752 RoboCup 2002.. Robot Soccer World Cup 6 conf.(LNCS2752, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540406662)(512s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2754 Security Engineering with Patterns - Origins(LNCS2754, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540407316)(215s).pdf
LNCS2755 Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 16 conf., WADT 2002(LNCS2755, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540205373)(465s).pdf
LNCS2757 Formal Methods at the Crossroads, 10 conf., UNU-IIST 2002(LNCS2757, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540205276)(468s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2758 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 16 conf., TPHOLs 2003(LNCS2758, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540406646)(376s).pdf
LNCS2759 Implementation and Application of Automata, 8 conf., CIAA 2003(LNCS2759, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405615)(323s).pdf
LNCS2761 CONCUR 2003 - Concurrency Theory, 14 conf.(LNCS2761, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540407537)(535s).pdf
LNCS2764 Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.. Algorithms and Techniques, 6 conf., APPROX 2003 and 7 conf.RATCS(LNCS2764, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540407707)(418s).pdf
LNCS2765 Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering(LNCS2765, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540406727)(328s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2766 Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation(LNCS2766, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540407227)(244s).pdf
LNCS2770 Digital Rights Management - Technological, Economic, Political Aspects(LNCS2770, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540404651)(842s).pdf
LNCS2779 Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2003, 5 conf.(LNCS2779, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540408339)(453s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2796 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2003(LNCS2796, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540407871)(272s).pdf
LNCS2797 Mining Multimedia and Complex Data, KDD Workshop MDM-KDD 2002, PAKDD Workshop KDMCD 2002(LNCS2797, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540203052)(293s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2800 Journal on Data Semantics 1 conf.(LNCS2800, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204075)(244s).pdf
LNCS2803 Computer Science Logic, 17 conf., CSL 2003(LNCS2803, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540408010)(602s).pdf
LNCS2804 Formal Methods for Software Architectures, 3 school, SFM 2003(LNCS2804, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540200835)(293s).pdf
LNCS2808 Computer Security - ESORICS 2003, 8 conf.(LNCS2808, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540203001)(354s).pdf
LNCS2815 Lindell Y. Composition of secure multi-party protocols.. a comprehensive study (LNCS 2815, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 354020105X)(202s).pdf
LNCS2818 Intelligent Search on XML Data(LNCS2818, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540407685)(319s).pdf
LNCS2819 Technologies for E-Services, 4 conf., TES 2003(LNCS2819, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540200525)(200s).pdf
LNCS2820 Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 6 conf., RAID 2003(LNCS2820, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540408789)(259s).pdf
LNCS2823 Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, 8 conf., ACSAC 2003(LNCS2823, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 354020122X)(419s).pdf
LNCS2828 Communications and Multimedia Security - Advanced Techniques, 7th IFIP TC-6 TC-11, CMS 2003(LNCS2828, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540201858)(274s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2831 Multiagent System Technologies, 1 conf., MATES 2003(LNCS2831, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540201246)(239s).pdf
LNCS2832 Algorithms - ESA 2003, 11 conf.(LNCS2832, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540200649)(809s).pdf
LNCS2833 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2003, 9 conf., CP 2003(LNCS2833, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202021)(1024s).pdf
LNCS2841 Theoretical Computer Science, 8 conf., ICTCS 2003(LNCS2841, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202161)(408s).pdf
LNCS2842 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 14 conf., ALT 2003(LNCS2842, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202919)(313s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2845 Security Protocols, 10 conf.(LNCS2845, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208305)(251s).pdf
LNCS2846 Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 1 conf., ACNS 2003(LNCS2846, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202080)(446s).pdf
LNCS2853 Web Services - ICWS-Europe 2003, ICWS-Europe 2003(LNCS2853, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540201254)(236s).pdf
LNCS2854 Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning(LNCS2854, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202595)(254s).pdf
LNCS2856 Quality of Future Internet Services, COST Action 263 Final Report(LNCS2856, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540201939)(357s).pdf
LNCS2861 Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, 1 conf., COCOS 2002(LNCS2861, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204636)(242s).pdf
LNCS2862 Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 9 conf., JSSPP 2003(LNCS2862, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204059)(251s).pdf
LNCS2872 Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2 conf., AP2PC 2003(LNCS2872, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240535)(228s).pdf
LNCS2873 Modelling with Words - Learning(LNCS2873, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204873)(239s).pdf
LNCS2874 Global Computing.. Programming Environments, Languages, Security, and Analysis of Systems, IST-FET, GC 2003(LNCS2874, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540205837)(273s).pdf
LNCS2876 Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web, 2 conf., RuleML 2003(LNCS2876, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540203613)(179s).pdf
LNCS2880 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 29 conf., WG 2003(LNCS2880, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204520)(395s).pdf
LNCS2884 Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 6th IFIP WG 6.1, FMOODS 2003(LNCS2884, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204911)(303s).pdf
LNCS2887 Fast Software Encryption 10 conf.(LNCS2887, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204490)(405s).pdf
LNCS2891 Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 6 conf., PRIMA 2003(LNCS2891, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204601)(224s).pdf
LNCS2892 The Logic System of Concept Graphs with Negation And Its Relationship to Predicate Logic(LNCS2892, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206078)(218s).pdf
LNCS2894 Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2003, 9 conf.(LNCS2894, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540205926)(542s).pdf
LNCS2895 Programming Languages and Systems, 1 conf., APLAS 2003(LNCS2895, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540205365)(439s).pdf
LNCS2896 Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 2003 Programming Languages and Distributed Computation, 8 conf.(LNCS2896, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206329)(311s).pdf
LNCS2898 Cryptography and Coding, 9 conf.(LNCS2898, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206639)(393s).pdf
LNCS2904 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2003, 4 conf.(LNCS2904, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206094)(441s).pdf
LNCS2906 Algorithms and Computation, 14 conf., ISAAC 2003(LNCS2906, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206957)(763s).pdf
LNCS2907 Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 4 conf., LSSC 2003(LNCS2907, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540210903)(T)(C)(505s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS2909 Approximation and Online Algorithms, 1 conf., WAOA 2003(LNCS2909, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540210792)(277s).pdf
LNCS2910 Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2003(LNCS2910, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206817)(591s).pdf
LNCS2911 Digital Libraries.. Technology and Management of Indigenous Knowledge for Global Access, 6 conf., ICADL 2003(LNCS2911, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206086)(724s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2912 Graph Drawing, 11 conf., GD 2003(LNCS2912, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208313)(555s).pdf
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скрытый текст
LNCS2912 Graph Drawing, 11 conf., GD 2003(LNCS2912, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208313)(555s).pdf
LNCS2917 Model-Checking Based Data Retrieval(LNCS2917, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540209719)(148s).pdf
LNCS2921 Database Programming Languages, 9 conf., DBPL 2003(LNCS2921, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208968).pdf
LNCS2922 Advances in Agent Communication, on Agent Communication Languages, ACL 2003(LNCS2922, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540207694)(412s).pdf
LNCS2924 Distributed Multimedia Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2003 Workshop on Distributed Information Retrieval(LNCS2924, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208755)(185s).pdf
LNCS2925 Validation of Stochastic Systems - A Guide to Current Research(LNCS2925, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222650)(472s).pdf
LNCS2926 Agent Mediated Knowledge Management AMKM 2003(LNCS2926, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208682)(450s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2927 Multi-Agent-Based Simulation 3 conf., MABS 2003(LNCS2927, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540207368)(600dpi)(T)(C)(223s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS2929 Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments, COST Action 274(LNCS2929, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540207805)(279s).pdf
LNCS2931 Formal Approaches to Software Testing, 3 conf., FATES 2003(LNCS2931, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208941)(264s).pdf
LNCS2932 SOFSEM 2004.. Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 30 conf.(LNCS2932, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540207791)(397s).pdf
LNCS2933 Membrane Computing, WMC 2003(LNCS2933, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 354020895X)(391s).pdf
LNCS2937 Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 5 conf., VMCAI 2004(LNCS2937, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208038)(343s).pdf
LNCS2942 Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, 3 conf., FoIKS 2004(LNCS2942, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540209654)(330s).pdf
LNCS2943 DNA Computing, 9 conf., DNA9(LNCS2943, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540209301)(236s).pdf
LNCS2944 Springer.Databases.Information.Systems.and.Peer.to.Peer.Computing.[LNCS.2944].2004. .pdf
LNCS2947 Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2004, 7 conf.(LNCS2947, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540210180)(468s).pdf
LNCS2950 Aspects of Molecular Computing(LNCS2950, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540207813).pdf
LNCS2951 Theory of Cryptography 1 conf.(LNCS2951, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540210008)(O)(532s).pdf
LNCS2952 Scientific Engineering of Distributed Java Applications, 3 conf., FIDJI 2003(LNCS2952, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540210911)(166s).pdf
LNCS2958 Springer.LNCS.2958.Languages.and.Compilers.for.Parallel.Computing .pdf
LNCS296 Janssen R. (ed.) Trends in computer algebra (Proc. Neuenahr, LNCS 296, Springer, 1988)(T)(ISBN 3540189289)(202s)_CsCa_.djvu
LNCS2961 Concept Lattices, 2 conf., ICFCA 2004(LNCS2961, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540210431)(419s).pdf
LNCS2962 Semirings for Soft Constraint Solving and Programming(LNCS2962, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540211810)(292s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2965 Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems, Revised Tutorial Lectures, MASCOTS 2003(LNCS2965, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219455)(393s).pdf
LNCS2966 Sachse F. Computational cardiology.. modeling of anatomy, electrophysiology and mechanics (LNCS 2966, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219072)(340s).pdf
LNCS2967 Generic Model Management.. Concepts and Algorithms(LNCS2967, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219803)(236s).pdf
LNCS2968 Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications, 9 conf., RTCSA 2003(LNCS2968, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219749)(600dpi)(T)(C)(635s).djvu
LNCS2970 Grid Computing 1 conf.(LNCS2970, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540210482)(343s).pdf
LNCS2975 Objects, Agents, and Features 2003(LNCS2975, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219897)(235s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2976 LATIN 2004.. Theoretical Informatics, 6 conf.(LNCS2976, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540212582)(641s).pdf
LNCS2979 Stateless Core.. A Scalable Approach for Quality of Service in the Internet(LNCS2979, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219609)(226s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS2985 Compiler Construction 13 conf.(LNCS2985, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540212973)(324s).pdf
LNCS2986 Programming Languages and Systems, 13 conf., ESOP 2004(LNCS2986, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213139)(427s).pdf
LNCS2990 Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, 1 conf., DALT 2003(LNCS2990, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221247)(295s).pdf
LNCS2993 Hybrid Systems.. Computation and Control, 7 conf., HSCC 2004(LNCS2993, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540212590)(687s).pdf
LNCS2994 Data Integration in the Life Sciences, 1 conf., DILS 2004(LNCS2994, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213007)(232s).pdf
LNCS2995 Trust Management, 2 conf., iTrust 2004(LNCS2995, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213120)(392s).pdf
LNCS2996 STACS 2004, 21 conf.(LNCS2996, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540212361)(673s).pdf
LNCS2997 Advances in Information Retrieval, 26 conf., ECIR 2004(LNCS2997, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213821)(436s).pdf
LNCS2998 Functional and Logic Programming, 7 conf., FLOPS 2004(LNCS2998, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 354021402X)(319s).pdf
LNCS2999 Integrated Formal Methods, 4 conf., IFM 2004(LNCS2999, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213775)(554s).pdf
LNCS3000 Dietzfelbinger M. Primality testing in polynomial time (LNCS3000, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540403442)(152s)_MTc_.pdf
LNCS3001 Pervasive Computing, 2 conf., PERVASIVE 2004(LNCS3001, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540218351)(381s).pdf
LNCS3002 Metainformatics, MIS 2003(LNCS3002, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220100)(223s).pdf
LNCS3003 Genetic Programming, 7 conf., EuroGP2004(LNCS3003, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213465)(425s).pdf
LNCS3004 Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 4 conf., EvoCOP 2004(LNCS3004, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213678)(255s).pdf
LNCS3005 Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops 2004.. EvoBIO(LNCS3005, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213783)(583s).pdf
LNCS3006 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 10 conf., SAC 2003(LNCS3006, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540213708)(374s).pdf
LNCS3009 Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 5 conf., PROFES 2004(LNCS3009, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540214216)(599s).pdf
LNCS3014 Software Product-Family Engineering, 5 conf., PFE 2003(LNCS3014, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219412)(497s).pdf
LNCS3015 Passive and Active Network Measurement, 5 conf., PAM 2004(LNCS3015, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540214925)(313s).pdf
LNCS3016 Domain-Specific Program Generation 2003(LNCS3016, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221190)(337s).pdf
LNCS3017 Fast Software Encryption 11 conf.(LNCS3017, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221719)(495s).pdf
LNCS3019 Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 5 conf., PPAM 2003(LNCS3019, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219463)(1199s).pdf
LNCS3026 Software Engineering Research and Applications, 1 conf., SERA 2003(LNCS3026, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219757)(394s).pdf
LNCS3027 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2004(LNCS3027, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219358)(640s).pdf
LNCS3028 Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Cryptology(LNCS3028, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220011)(159s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3030 Agent-Oriented Information Systems, 5 conf., AOIS 2003(LNCS3030, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221271)(225s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3037 Computational Science - ICCS 2004, 4 conf.(LNCS3037, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221158)(815s).pdf
LNCS3038 Computational Science - ICCS 2004, 4 conf.(LNCS3038, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221166)(1378s).pdf
LNCS3040 Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 10 conf., CAEPIA 2003(LNCS3040, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222189)(T)(C)(O)(707s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS3042 NETWORKING 2004, Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols, 3 conf.(LNCS3042, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219595)(1554s).pdf
LNCS3043 Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2004(LNCS3043, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220542)(1225s).pdf
LNCS3050 Privacy in Statistical Databases.. CASC Project, PSD 2004(LNCS3050, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221182)(381s).pdf
LNCS3052 Abstract State Machines 2004.. Advances in Theory and Practice, 11 conf., ASM 2004(LNCS3052, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220941)(251s).pdf
LNCS3053 The Semantic Web.. Research and Applications, 1 conf., ESWS 2004(LNCS3053, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540219994)(505s).pdf
LNCS3057 Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, 6 conf., PADL 2004(LNCS3057, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222537)(264s).pdf
LNCS3058 Sebe N., Lew M.S., Huang T.S. (eds.) Computer vision in human-computer interaction (LNCS3058, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220127)(247s) CsIp .pdf
LNCS3059 Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, 3 conf., WEA 2004(LNCS3059, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220674)(597s).pdf
LNCS3060 Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 17 conf., Canadian AI 2004(LNCS3060, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220046)(599s).pdf
LNCS3061 Advanced Distributed Systems 3 conf., ISSADS 2004(LNCS3061, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221727)(297s).pdf
LNCS3062 Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance, 2 conf., AGTIVE 2003(LNCS3062, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221204)(519s).pdf
LNCS3064 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 10 conf.(LNCS3064, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221131)(458s).pdf
LNCS3065 Deontic Logic in Computer Science, 7 conf., DEON 2004(LNCS3065, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221115)(286s).pdf
LNCS3070 Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - ICAISC 2004, 7 conf.(LNCS3070, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221239)(T)(C)(O)(1237s).djvu
LNCS3071 Engineering Societies in the Agents World 4 conf., ESAW 2003(LNCS3071, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222316)(427s).pdf
LNCS3073 Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2 conf., ISI 2004(LNCS3073, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 9783540221258)(561s).pdf
LNCS3074 Constraint Databases, Proceedings of the 1 conf., CDB'04(LNCS3074, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221263)(194s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3075 Logic versus Approximation(LNCS3075, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225625)(219s).pdf
LNCS3076 Buell D. (ed.) Algorithmic number theory (Proc. Burlington, LNCS3076, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221565)(T)(C)(O)(467s)_MTc_.djvu
LNCS3077 Multiple Classifier Systems, 5 conf., MCS 2004(LNCS3077, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221441)(401s).pdf
LNCS3079 High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, 7 conf., HSNMC 2004(LNCS3079, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222626).zip
LNCS308 Kaplan S., Jouannaud J-P. (eds) Conditional term rewriting systems.. proc., Orsay 1987 (LNCS 308, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540192425)(279s).djvu
LNCS3080 Business Process Management 2 conf., BPM 2004(LNCS3080, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222359)(321s).pdf
LNCS3083 Component Deployment, 2 conf., CD 2004(LNCS3083, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220593)(263s).pdf
LNCS3084 Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 16 conf., CAiSE 2004(LNCS3084, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221514)(613s).pdf
LNCS3087 Biometric Authentication, ECCV 2004, BioAW 2004(LNCS3087, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540224998)(361s).pdf
LNCS3088 Graphics Recognition, Recent Advances and Perspectives, 5 conf., GREC 2003(LNCS3088, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540224785)(400s).pdf
LNCS3089 Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 2 conf., ACNS 2004(LNCS3089, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222170)(525s).pdf
LNCS3090 Information Networking, Networking Technologies for Broadband and Mobile Networks, ICOIN 2004(LNCS3090, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230343)(1071s).pdf
LNCS3091 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 15 conf., RTA 2004(LNCS3091, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221530)(324s).pdf
LNCS3093 Public Key Infrastructure, 1 conf... Research and Applications, EuroPKI 2004(LNCS3093, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222162)(399s).pdf
LNCS3094 Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval.. 1 conf., AMR 2003(LNCS3094, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221638)(241s).pdf
LNCS3095 Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web, 2 conf., WES 2003(LNCS3095, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223967)(161s).pdf
LNCS3096 Advances in Learning Software Organizations, 6 conf., LSO 2004(LNCS3096, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221921)(187s).pdf
LNCS3098 Lectures on Concurrency and Petri Nets, Advances in Petri Nets, ACPN 2003(LNCS3098, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222618)(858s).pdf
LNCS3099 Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004, 25 conf., ICATPN 2004(LNCS3099, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222367)(515s).pdf
LNCS3100 Transactions on Rough Sets I(LNCS3100, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223746)(415s).pdf
LNCS3101 Computer Human Interaction, 6 conf., APCHI 2004(LNCS3101, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223126)(709s).pdf
LNCS3102 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2004(LNCS3102, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223444)(1496s).pdf
LNCS3103 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2004(LNCS3103, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223436)(1489s).pdf
LNCS3104 Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 11 conf., SIROCCO 2004(LNCS3104, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222308)(314s).pdf
LNCS3105 Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, 2 conf., TIDSE 2004(LNCS3105, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540222839)(321s).pdf
LNCS3108 Information Security and Privacy, 9 conf., ACISP 2004(LNCS3108, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223797)(504s).pdf
LNCS3110 Financial Cryptography, 8 conf., FC 2004(LNCS3110, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540224203)(294s).pdf
LNCS3111 Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2004, 9 conf.(LNCS3111, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223398)(516s).pdf
LNCS3112 Key Technologies for Data Management, 21 conf., BNCOD 21(LNCS3112, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223827)(278s).pdf
LNCS3113 Theory Is Forever(LNCS3113, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223932)(294s).pdf
LNCS3114 Computer Aided Verification, 16 conf., CAV 2004(LNCS3114, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223428)(549s).pdf
LNCS3115 Image and Video Retrieval 3 conf., CIVR 2004(LNCS3115, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225390)(698s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3118 Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 9 conf., ICCHP 2004(LNCS3118, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223347)(1216s).pdf
LNCS3119 Mathematical Knowledge Management, 3 conf., MKM 2004(LNCS3119, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230297)(404s).pdf
LNCS3121 Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks 1 conf., ALGOSENSORS 2004(LNCS3121, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540224769)(212s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3122 Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.. Algorithms and Techniques, 7 conf., APPROX 2004(LNCS3122, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540228942)(436s).pdf
LNCS3124 Telecommunications and Networking - ICT 2004, 11 conf.(LNCS3124, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225714)(1417s).pdf
LNCS3125 Mathematics of Program Construction, 7 conf., MPC 2004(LNCS3125, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223800)(412s).pdf
LNCS3126 SAPIR 2004, 1 conf.(LNCS3126, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225676)(325s).pdf
LNCS3127 Springer - LNCS 3127 - Conceptual Structures at Work - ICCS 2004 - Karl Erich Wolff, Heather D. Pfeiffer, Harry S. Delugach (eds)(ISBN 3-540-22392-4).pdf
LNCS3128 Querying Databases Privately.. A New Approach to Private Information Retrieval(LNCS3128, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540224416)(128s).pdf
LNCS3130 TeX, XML, and digital typography (LNCS3130, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540228012)(271s)_ST_.pdf
LNCS3133 Computer Systems.. Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 3 conf.s, SAMOS 2003 and SAMOS 2004(LNCS3133, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223770)(577s).pdf
LNCS3135 Transactions on Rough Sets 2 conf.(LNCS3135, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540239901)(374s).pdf
LNCS3136 Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, 9 conf., NLDB 2004(LNCS3136, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225641)(449s).pdf
LNCS3137 Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, 3 conf., AH 2004(LNCS3137, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540228950)(457s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3140 Web Engineering - 4 conf., ICWE 2004(LNCS3140, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225110)(646s).pdf
LNCS3142 Automata, Languages and Programming, 31 conf., ICALP 2004(LNCS3142, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540228497)(1274s).pdf
LNCS3143 Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2004(LNCS3143, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225420)(474s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3145 Implementation of Functional Languages, 15 conf., IFL 2003(LNCS3145, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540237275)(196s).pdf
LNCS3146 Computational Neuroscience.. Cortical Dynamics, 8 conf., on Neural Nets 2003(LNCS3146, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225668)(171s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3149 Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing, 10 conf.(LNCS3149, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229248)(1116s).pdf
LNCS3150 Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality.. 2 conf., MIAR2004(LNCS3150, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540228772)(391s).pdf
LNCS3151 Least Squares Orthogonal Distance Fitting of Curves and Surfaces in Space(LNCS3151, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540239669)(149s).pdf
LNCS3152 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2004, 24 conf.(LNCS3152, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540226680)(595s).pdf
LNCS3153 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2004, 29 conf., MFCS 2004(LNCS3153, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540228233)(921s).pdf
LNCS3156 Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2004, 6 conf.(LNCS3156, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540226664)(600dpi)(T)(C)(471s).djvu
LNCS3158 Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks.. 3 conf., ADHOC-NOW 2004(LNCS3158, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540225439)(351s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3159 Intelligent Information Integration for the Semantic Web(LNCS3159, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229930)(600dpi)(T)(C)(165s).djvu
LNCS3161 Advanced Studies in Biometrics 2003(LNCS3161, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262040)(165s).pdf
LNCS3163 Document Analysis Systems VI, 6 conf., DAS 2004(LNCS3163, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230602)(580s).pdf
LNCS3166 Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2004(LNCS3166, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229477)(645s).pdf
LNCS3170 CONCUR 2004 - Concurrency Theory, 15 conf.(LNCS3170, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 354022940X)(540s).pdf
LNCS3171 Advances in Artificial Intelligence - SBIA 2004, 17 conf.(LNCS3171, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540232370)(567s).pdf
LNCS3172 Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, 4 conf., ANTS 2004(LNCS3172, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540226729)(T)(C)(O)(449s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS3176 Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning 2003(LNCS3176, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231226)(248s).pdf
LNCS3178 Secure Data Management, VLDB 2004 Workshop, SDM 2004(LNCS3178, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229833)(233s).pdf
LNCS3179 Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, 3 conf., AMDO 2004(LNCS3179, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229582).pdf
LNCS3180 Database and Expert Systems Applications, 15 conf., DEXA 2004 Zaragoza(LNCS3180, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229361)(997s).pdf
LNCS3182 E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 5 conf., EC-Web 2004(LNCS3182, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229175)(385s).pdf
LNCS3183 Electronic Government.. 3 conf., EGOV 2004(LNCS3183, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229167)(607s).pdf
LNCS3184 Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, 1 conf., TrustBus 2004(LNCS3184, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229191)(315s).pdf
LNCS3185 Formal Methods for the Design of Real-Time Systems, SFM-RT 2004(LNCS3185, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230688)(301s).pdf
LNCS3186 Database and XML Technologies, 2 conf., XSym 2004(LNCS3186, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229698)(249s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3187 Multiagent System Technologies, 2 conf., MATES 2004(LNCS3187, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540232222)(359s).pdf
LNCS3188 Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 2 conf., FMCO 2003(LNCS3188, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229426)(385s).pdf
LNCS3189 Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, 9 conf., ACSAC 2004(LNCS3189, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230033)(625s).pdf
LNCS3190 Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 1 conf., CDVE 2004(LNCS3190, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231498).pdf
LNCS3191 Cooperative Information Agents VIII, 8 conf., CIA 2004(LNCS3191, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231706)(319s).pdf
LNCS3193 Computer Security - ESORICS 2004, 9 conf.(LNCS3193, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229876)(471s).pdf
LNCS3194 Inductive Logic Programming, 14 conf., ILP 2004(LNCS3194, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229418)(T)(C)(O)(377s).djvu
LNCS3198 Groupware.. Design, Implementation and Use.. 10 conf., CRIWG 2004(LNCS3198, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230165)(393s).pdf
LNCS3199 Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, 8 conf., SCOPES 2004(LNCS3199, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230351)(273s).pdf
LNCS3200 Information Hiding, 6 conf., IH 2004(LNCS3200, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540242074)(385s).pdf
LNCS3201 Machine Learning.. ECML 2004, 15 conf.(LNCS3201, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231056)(601s).pdf
LNCS3202 Knowledge Discovery in Databases.. PKDD 2004, 8 conf.(LNCS3202, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231080)(585s).pdf
LNCS3203 Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 14 conf., FPL 2004(LNCS3203, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229892)(1159s).pdf
LNCS3205 UbiComp 2004.. Ubiquitous Computing, 6 conf.(LNCS3205, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229558).pdf
LNCS3206 Text, Speech and Dialogue, 7 conf., TSD 2004(LNCS3206, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230491)(600dpi)(T)(C)(687s).djvu
LNCS3208 Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, 2 conf., PPSWR 2004(LNCS3208, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229612)(T)(C)(177s).djvu
LNCS3209 Web Mining.. From Web to Semantic Web, 1 conf., EMWF 2003(LNCS3209, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540232583)(209s).pdf
LNCS3210 Computer Science Logic, 18 conf., CSL 2004(LNCS3210, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230246)(536s).pdf
LNCS3216 Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2004, 7 conf.(LNCS3216, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229760)(972s).pdf
LNCS3217 Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2004, 7 conf.(LNCS3217, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229779)(1155s).pdf
LNCS3218 Gerhard J. Modular algorithms in symbolic summation and symbolic integration (LNCS 3218, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240616)(231s).pdf
LNCS3220 Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 7 conf., ITS 2004(LNCS3220, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540229485)(945s).pdf
LNCS3221 Algorithms - ESA 2004, 12 conf.(LNCS3221, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230254)(T)(C)(O)(857s).djvu
LNCS3228 Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, 3 conf., FAABS 2004(LNCS3228, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540244220)(305s).pdf
LNCS3231 Middleware 2004(LNCS3231, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540234284)(533s).pdf
LNCS3237 Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems, 4 conf., CLEF 2003(LNCS3237, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240179)(719s).pdf
LNCS3243 Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph.. 3 conf., WAW 2004(LNCS3243, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540234276)(201s).pdf
LNCS3247 Statistical Methods in Video Processing, ECCV 2004 Workshop SMVP 2004(LNCS3247, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540239898)(211s).pdf
LNCS3254 Integrated Circuit and System Design, Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, 14 conf., PATMOS 2004(LNCS3254, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540230955)(929s).pdf
LNCS3256 Graph Transformations, 2 conf., ICGT 2004(LNCS3256, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540232079)(467s).pdf
LNCS3260 Personal Wireless Communications, IFIP TC6 9 conf., PWC 2004(LNCS3260, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231625)(600dpi)(T)(C)(497s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS3262 Universal Multiservice Networks.. 3 conf., ECUMN 2004(LNCS3262, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540235515)(577s).pdf
LNCS3265 Machine Translation.. From Real Users to Research, 6 conf., AMTA 2004(LNCS3265, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540233008)(297s).pdf
LNCS3268 Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2004(LNCS3268, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540233059)(629s).pdf
LNCS3270 Grid Services Engineering and Management, 1 conf., GSEM 2004(LNCS3270, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540233016)(181s).pdf
LNCS3272 Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, 2 conf., UMICS 2004(LNCS3272, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540241000)(209s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3273 UML 2004 7 conf.(LNCS3273, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540233075)(157s).pdf
LNCS3274 Distributed Computing, 18 conf., DISC 2004(LNCS3274, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540233067)(485s).pdf
LNCS3275 Advances in Data Mining, Applications in Image Mining, Medicine and Biotechnology, 4 conf., ICDM 2004(LNCS3275, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240543)(183s).pdf
LNCS3278 Utility Computing.. 15 conf., Distributed Systems.. Operations and Management, DSOM 2004(LNCS3278, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540236317)(289s).pdf
LNCS3281 Software Process Improvement, 11 conf., EuroSPI 2004(LNCS3281, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540237259)(225s).pdf
LNCS3282 List Decoding of Error-Correcting Codes(LNCS3282, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240519)(353s).pdf
LNCS3289 Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains, ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS(LNCS3289, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540237224)(721s).pdf
LNCS3290 On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004.. CoopIS(LNCS3290, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540236635)(600dpi)(T)(C)(853s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS3292 On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004.. OTM 2004(LNCS3292, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540236643)(913s).pdf
LNCS3293 Web Content Caching and Distribution.. 9 conf., WCW 2004(LNCS3293, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540235167)(295s).pdf
LNCS3294 Teaching Formal Methods, CoLogNET-FME Symposium, TFM 2004(LNCS3294, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540236112)(257s).pdf
LNCS3295 Ambient Intelligence.. 2 conf., EUSAI 2004(LNCS3295, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540237216)(405s).pdf
LNCS3296 High Performance Computing - HiPC 2004, 11 conf.(LNCS3296, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540241299)(560s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3298 The Semantic Web - ISWC 2004.. 3 conf.(LNCS3298, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540237984)(869s).pdf
LNCS33 Collins. Quantifier elimination for real closed fields by CAD (LNCS 33, p. 134, 1975)(L)(T)(25s).djvu
LNCS3300 Inconsistency Tolerance(LNCS3300, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540242600)(299s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3302 Programming Languages and Systems, 2 conf., APLAS 2004(LNCS3302, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540237240)(463s).pdf
LNCS3305 Cellular Automata, 6 conf., ACRI 2004(LNCS3305, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540235965)(899s).pdf
LNCS3306 Web Information Systems - WISE 2004, 5 conf.(LNCS3306, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540238948)(769s).pdf
LNCS3307 Web Information Systems - WISE 2004 Workshops.. WISE 2004(LNCS3307, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540238921)(297s).pdf
LNCS3309 Content Computing, AWCC 2004(LNCS3309, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540238980)(527s).pdf
LNCS3311 Interactive Multimedia and Next Generation Networks.. 2 conf., MIPS 2004(LNCS3311, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540239286)(297s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3312 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 5 conf., FMCAD 2004(LNCS3312, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540237380)(465s).pdf
LNCS3320 Parallel and Distributed Computing.. Applications and Technologies, 5 conf., PDCAT 2004(LNCS3320, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240136)(921s).pdf
LNCS3327 Data Mining and Knowledge Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium, CASDMKM 2004(LNCS3327, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540239871)(281s).pdf
LNCS3328 FSTTCS 2004.. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 24 conf.(LNCS3328, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240586)(553s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3334 Digital Libraries.. International Collaboration and Cross-Fertilization, 7 conf., ICADL 2004(LNCS3334, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240306)(713s).pdf
LNCS3340 Developments in Language Theory, 8 conf., DLT 2004(LNCS3340, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240144)(449s).pdf
LNCS3341 Algorithms and Computation, 15 conf., ISAAC 2004(LNCS3341, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540241310)(957s).pdf
LNCS3347 Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 1 conf., ICDCIT 2004(LNCS3347, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540240756)(497s).pdf
LNCS3348 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2004, 5 conf.(LNCS3348, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540241302)(465s).pdf
LNCS3350 Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 7 conf.(LNCS3350, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540243623)(T)(C)(O)(281s).djvu
LNCS3351 Approximation and Online Algorithms, 2 conf., WAOA 2004(LNCS3351, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354024574X)(302s).pdf
LNCS3352 Security in Communication Networks, 4 conf., SCN 2004(LNCS3352, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540243011)(401s).pdf
LNCS3354 Machines, Computations, and Universality, 4 conf., MCU 2004(LNCS3354, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540252614)(335s).pdf
LNCS3358 Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, 2 conf., ISPA 2004(LNCS3358, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540241280)(600dpi)(T)(C)(1089s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS3360 Journal on Data Semantics 2 conf.(LNCS3360, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540242082)(232s).pdf
LNCS3362 Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices, CASSIS 2004(LNCS3362, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540242872)(266s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3363 Database Theory - ICDT 2005, 10 conf.(LNCS3363, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540242880)(433s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3364 Security Protocols, 11 conf.(LNCS3364, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540283897)(359s).pdf
LNCS3365 Membrane Computing, 5 conf., WMC 2004(LNCS3365, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540250808)(422s).pdf
LNCS3369 Law and the Semantic Web.. Legal Ontologies, Methodologies, Legal Information Retrieval, and Applications(LNCS3369, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540250638)(258s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3373 Advanced Encryption Standard, 4 conf., AES 2004(LNCS3373, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540265570)(178s).pdf
LNCS3378 Theory of Cryptography 2 conf.(LNCS3378, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540245731)(T)(C)(O)(641s).djvu
LNCS3379 From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments(LNCS3379, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540245510)(340s).pdf
LNCS3381 SOFSEM 2005.. Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 31 conf.(LNCS3381, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354024302X)(441s).pdf
LNCS3383 Graph Drawing, 12 conf., GD 2004(LNCS3383, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540245286)(547s).pdf
LNCS3386 Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2005, 8 conf.(LNCS3386, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540244549)(453s).pdf
LNCS3393 Formal Methods in Software and Systems Modeling(LNCS3393, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540249362)(432s).pdf
LNCS3394 Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems II.. Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning(LNCS3394, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540252606)(320s).pdf
LNCS3400 Transactions on Rough Sets 3 conf.(LNCS3400, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540259988)(469s).pdf
LNCS3403 Formal Concept Analysis, 3 conf., ICFCA 2005(LNCS3403, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540245251)(427s).pdf
LNCS3404 STACS 2005, 22 conf.(LNCS3404, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540249982)(721s).pdf
LNCS3405 Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 1 conf., CAAN 2004(LNCS3405, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540278737)(212s).pdf
LNCS3406 Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing 6 conf.(LNCS3406, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540245235)(T)(C)(O)(853s).djvu
LNCS3407 Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2004, 1 conf.(LNCS3407, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540253041)(573s).pdf
LNCS3413 Socionics - Scalability of Complex Social Systems(LNCS3413, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540307079)(322s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3417 Complex Motion, 1 conf., IWCM 2004(LNCS3417, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9783540698647)(243s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3418 Brandes U., Erlebach T. (eds.) Network analysis. Methodological foundations (LNCS3418, Springer, 2005)(482s)_CsAl_.pdf
LNCS3423 Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 17 conf., WADT 2004(LNCS3423, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540253270)(277s).pdf
LNCS3425 Engineering Human Computer Interaction and Interactive Systems, Joint Working Conferences EHCI-DSVIS 2004(LNCS3425, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540260978)(408s).pdf
LNCS3440 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 11 conf., TACAS 2005(LNCS3440, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540253335)(602s).pdf
LNCS3443 Compiler Construction 14 conf.(LNCS3443, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540254110)(334s).pdf
LNCS3444 Programming Languages and Systems, 14 conf.,ESOP 2005(LNCS3444, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540254358)(451s).pdf
LNCS3446 Massively Multi-Agent Systems 1 conf., MMAS 2004(LNCS3446, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540269746)(358s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3460 Self-star Properties in Complex Information Systems, Conceptual and Practical Foundations 2004(LNCS3460, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540260099)(454s).pdf
LNCS3461 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 7 conf., TLCA 2005(LNCS3461, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540255931)(441s).pdf
LNCS3465 Formal Methods for Mobile Computing, 5 conf., SFM-Moby 2005(LNCS3465, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540256970)(277s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3467 Term Rewriting and Applications, 16 conf., RTA 2005(LNCS3467, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540255966)(529s).pdf
LNCS3469 Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, 8 conf., FOGA 2005(LNCS3469, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540272372)(325s).pdf
LNCS3472 Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems, Advanced Lectures 2004(LNCS3472, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262784)(645s).pdf
LNCS3474 Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 16 conf., IFL 2004(LNCS3474, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540260943)(235s).pdf
LNCS3484 Efficient approximation and online algorithms (LNCS3484, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540322124)(354s).pdf
LNCS3494 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2005, 24 conf.(LNCS3494, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540259104)(588s).pdf
LNCS3499 Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 12 conf., SIROCCO 2005(LNCS3499, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540260528)(331s).pdf
LNCS3503 Nikoletseas S.E. (ed.) Experimental and efficient algorithms (LNCS 3503, Springer, 2005)(636s)_CsAl_.pdf
LNCS3509 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 11 conf.(LNCS3509, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540261990)(493s).pdf
LNCS3525 Communicating Sequential Processes.. The 1th 25 Years, Symposium on the Occasion of 25 Years of CSP(LNCS3525, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540258132)(334s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3526 New Computational Paradigms, 1 conf., CiE 2005(LNCS3526, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540261796)(587s).pdf
LNCS3531 Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 3 conf., ACNS 2005(LNCS3531, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262237)(527s).pdf
LNCS3534 Journal on Data Semantics 3 conf.(LNCS3534, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262253)(197s).pdf
LNCS3536 Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005, 26 conf., ICATPN 2005(LNCS3536, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540263012)(484s).pdf
LNCS3537 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 16 conf., CPM 2005(LNCS3537, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262016)(454s).pdf
LNCS3548 Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment, 2 conf., DIMVA 2005(LNCS3548, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540266135)(251s).pdf
LNCS3549 Architecting Dependable Systems 3 conf., ICSE 2004 and DSN 2004(LNCS3549, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540289682)(335s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3557 Fast Software Encryption 12 conf.(LNCS3557, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540265414)(451s).pdf
LNCS3559 Learning Theory, 18 conf., COLT 2005(LNCS3559, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540265562)(702s).pdf
LNCS3561 Mechanisms, Symbols, and Models Underlying Cognition.. 1 conf., IWINAC 2005(LNCS3561, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262989)(554s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3562 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Applications.. A Bioinspired Approach.. 1 conf.(LNCS3562, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540263195)(658s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3564 Reasoning Web, 1 conf., 2005(LNCS3564, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540278281)(325s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3566 Unconventional Programming Paradigms, UPP 2004(LNCS3566, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540278842)(363s).pdf
LNCS3571 Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, 8 conf., ECSQARU 2005(LNCS3571, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540273263)(1044s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3573 Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 14 conf., LOPSTR 2004(LNCS3573, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540266550)(285s).pdf
LNCS3574 Information Security and Privacy, 10 conf., ACISP 2005(LNCS3574, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540265473)(597s).pdf
LNCS3576 Computer Aided Verification, 17 conf., CAV 2005(LNCS3576, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540272313)(578s).pdf
LNCS358 Bronstein. Fast reduction of the Risch differential equation (ISSAC88, LNCS 358)(L)(T)(5s).djvu
LNCS3580 Automata, Languages and Programming, 32 conf., ICALP 2005(LNCS3580, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540275800)(1500s).pdf
LNCS3581 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 10 conf., AIME 2005(LNCS3581, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540278311)(600dpi)(T)(542s).djvu
LNCS3595 Computing and Combinatorics, 11 conf., COCOON 2005(LNCS3595, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540280618)(1011s).pdf
LNCS3601 Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, 3 conf., AP2PC 2004(LNCS3601, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540297553)(257s).pdf
LNCS3602 Languages and Compilers for High Performance Computing, 17 conf., LCPC 2004(LNCS3602, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354028009X)(494s).pdf
LNCS3603 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 18 conf., TPHOLs 2005(LNCS3603, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540283722)(417s).pdf
LNCS3607 Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation 6 conf.(LNCS3607, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540278729).pdf
LNCS3608 Algorithms and Data Structures, 9 conf., WADS 2005(LNCS3608, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540281010)(456s).pdf
LNCS3610 Advances in Natural Computation, 1 conf., ICNC 2005(LNCS3610, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540283234)(1359s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3618 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2005, 30 conf., MFCS 2005(LNCS3618, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540287027)(828s).pdf
LNCS3621 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2005, 25 conf.(LNCS3621, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540281142)(577s).pdf
LNCS3622 Advanced Functional Programming 5 conf., AFP 2004 (LNCS3622, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540285407)(O)(365s).pdf
LNCS3623 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 15 conf., FCT 2005(LNCS3623, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540281932)(589s).pdf
LNCS3624 Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.. Algorithms and Techniques, 8 conf., APPROX 2005 and 9 conf.RC(LNCS3624, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540282394)(505s).pdf
LNCS3626 Formal Concept Analysis(LNCS3626, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540278915)(360s).pdf
LNCS3628 Software Composition, 4 conf., SC 2005(LNCS3628, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540287485).pdf
LNCS3629 Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science.. 1 conf., CALCO 2005(LNCS3629, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540286209)(465s).pdf
LNCS3634 Computer Science Logic, 19 conf., CSL 2005(LNCS3634, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540282319)(578s).pdf
LNCS3635 Deterministic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning(LNCS3635, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540290737).pdf
LNCS3653 CONCUR 2005 - Concurrency Theory, 16 conf., CONCUR 2005(LNCS3653, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540283099)(590s).pdf
LNCS3655 Foundations of Security Analysis and Design 3 conf., FOSAD 2004-2005 Tutorial Lectures(LNCS3655, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540289550)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3659 Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2005, 7 conf.(LNCS3659, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540284745)(468s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3669 Algorithms - ESA 2005, 13 conf.(LNCS3669, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540291180)(917s).pdf
LNCS3679 Computer Security - ESORICS 2005, 10 conf.(LNCS3679, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540289631)(519s).pdf
LNCS3680 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 2 conf.(LNCS3680, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540294015)(161s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3699 Unconventional Computation, 4 conf., UC 2005(LNCS3699, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540291008)(276s).pdf
LNCS3700 Transactions on Rough Sets 4 conf.(LNCS3700, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540298304)(383s).pdf
LNCS3701 Theoretical Computer Science, 9 conf., ICTCS 2005(LNCS3701, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540291067)(420s).pdf
LNCS3702 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2005(LNCS3702, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540289313)(353s).pdf
LNCS3709 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2005, 11 conf., CP 2005(LNCS3709, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540292381)(905s).pdf
LNCS3712 Quality of Software Architectures and Software Quality, 1 conf., QoSA 2005(LNCS3712, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540290338)(300s).pdf
LNCS3715 Progress in Cryptology - Mycrypt 2005(LNCS3715, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540289380)(337s).pdf
LNCS3722 Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2005, 2 conf.(LNCS3722, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540291075)(627s).pdf
LNCS3730 Journal on Data Semantics 4 conf.(LNCS3730, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540310010)(351s).pdf
LNCS3734 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 16 conf., ALT 2005(LNCS3734, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354029242X)(501s).pdf
LNCS3737 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 3 conf.(LNCS3737, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540308830)(177s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3740 Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, 10 conf., ACSAC 2005(LNCS3740, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540296433)(849s).pdf
LNCS3742 Discrete and Computational Geometry, Japanese Conference, JCDCG 2004(LNCS3742, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540304673)(220s).pdf
LNCS3755 Data Mining - Theory(LNCS3755, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540325476).pdf
LNCS3777 Stochastic Algorithms.. Foundations and Applications, 3 conf., SAGA 2005(LNCS3777, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540294988)(246s).pdf
LNCS378 Bronstein. Algorithm for integration of elementary functions (Eurocal87, LNCS 378)(L)(T)(4s).djvu
LNCS3780 Programming Languages and Systems, 3 conf., APLAS 2005(LNCS3780, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540297359)(444s).pdf
LNCS3796 Cryptography and Coding, 10 conf.(LNCS3796, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354030276X)(469s).pdf
LNCS3797 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2005, 6 conf.(LNCS3797, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540308059)(428s).pdf
LNCS382 Dehne F., Sack J.-R., Santoro N. (eds.) Algorithms and data structures (Workshop WADS 89, LNCS 382, Springer, 1989)(T)(ISBN 3540515429)(600s)_CsAl_.djvu
LNCS3827 Algorithms and Computation, 16 conf., ISAAC 2005(LNCS3827, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540309357)(1198s).pdf
LNCS3831 SOFSEM 2006.. Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 32 conf.(LNCS3831, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354031198X)(590s).pdf
LNCS3832 Advances in Biometrics, ICB 2006(LNCS3832, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540311114)(814s).pdf
LNCS3838 Processes, Terms and Cycles.. Steps on the Road to Infinity(LNCS3838, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354030911X)(654s).pdf
LNCS3845 Implementation and Application of Automata, 10 conf., CIAA 2005(LNCS3845, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540310231)(369s).pdf
LNCS3850 Membrane Computing, 6 conf., WMC 2005(LNCS3850, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540309489)(380s).pdf
LNCS3855 Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 7 conf., VMCAI 2006(LNCS3855, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540311394)(452s).pdf
LNCS3857 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 16 conf., AAECC-16(LNCS3857, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540314237)(347s).pdf
LNCS3858 Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 8 conf., RAID 2005(LNCS3858, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540317783)(359s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3859 Agent Communication 2 conf., AC 2005 and AC 2006(LNCS3859, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540681426)(313s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3867 Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling 6 conf., PATAT 2006(LNCS3867, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540773443)(418s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3870 Journal on Data Semantics 5 conf.(LNCS3870, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540314261)(248s).pdf
LNCS3876 Theory of Cryptography 3 conf.(LNCS3876, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540327312)(O)(626s).pdf
LNCS3880 Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 1 conf.(LNCS3880, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540329722)(343s).pdf
LNCS3884 STACS 2006, 23 conf.(LNCS3884, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540323015)(729s).pdf
LNCS3887 LATIN 2006.. Theoretical Informatics, 7 conf.(LNCS3887, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354032755X)(827s).pdf
LNCS3895 Theoretical Computer Science(LNCS3895, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540328807)(409s).pdf
LNCS3897 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 12 conf., SAC 2005(LNCS3897, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540331085)(379s).pdf
LNCS3899 VOCUS.. A Visual Attention System for Object Detection and Goal-Directed Search(LNCS3899, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540327592)(218s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3901 Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 15 conf., LOPSTR 2005(LNCS3901, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540326545)(186s).pdf
LNCS3906 Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 6 conf., EvoCOP 2006(LNCS3906, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540331786)(303s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3909 Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 10 conf., RECOMB 2006(LNCS3909, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540332952)(600dpi)(T)(632s).djvu
LNCS3912 Active Networks, IFIP TC6 6 conf., IWAN 2004(LNCS3912, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540714996)(224s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3920 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 12 conf., TACAS 2006(LNCS3920, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540330569)(518s).pdf
LNCS3923 Compiler Construction 15 conf.(LNCS3923, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354033050X)(288s).pdf
LNCS3924 Programming Languages and Systems, 15 conf., ESOP 2006(LNCS3924, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354033095X)(353s).pdf
LNCS3929 Relational Methods in Computer Science, 8th Int.Sem. on Relational Methods in Computer Science, 3 conf., and Workshop of COST Action 274.. TARSKI(LNCS3929, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540333398)(270s).pdf
LNCS3939 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 4 conf.(LNCS3939, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540332456)(147s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3944 Machine Learning Challenges, 1 conf., MLCW 2005(LNCS3944, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540334270)(473s).pdf
LNCS3945 Functional and Logic Programming, 8 conf., FLOPS 2006(LNCS3945, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540334386)(302s).pdf
LNCS3949 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks 14 conf., TAINN 2005 (LNCS3949, Springer, 2006) (ISBN 3540367136)(185s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS3950 Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VI, 6 conf., AOSE 2005(LNCS3950, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540340971)(261s).pdf
LNCS3957 Security Protocols, 12 conf.(LNCS3957, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540409254)(333s).pdf
LNCS3958 Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2006, 9 conf.(LNCS3958, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540338519)(555s).pdf
LNCS3959 Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 3 conf., TAMC 2006(LNCS3959, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540340211)(808s).pdf
LNCS3988 Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, 2 conf., CiE 2006(LNCS3988, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540354662)(622s).pdf
LNCS3989 Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 4 conf., ACNS 2006(LNCS3989, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540347038)(499s).pdf
LNCS3998 Algorithms and Complexity, 6 conf., CIAC 2006(LNCS3998, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354034375X)(403s).pdf
LNCS400 Klein R. Concrete and abstract Voronoi diagrams (LNCS 400, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540520554)(165s).djvu
LNCS4000 Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks.. Theory and Algorithms(LNCS4000, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540462481)(196s).pdf
LNCS4004 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2006, 25 conf.(LNCS4004, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540345469)(623s).pdf
LNCS4005 Learning Theory, 19 conf., COLT 2006(LNCS4005, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540352945)(666s).pdf
LNCS4007 Experimental Algorithms 5 conf.(LNCS4007, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540345973)(O)(337s).pdf
LNCS4009 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 17 conf., CPM 2006(LNCS4009, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540354557)(424s).pdf
LNCS4010 Unifying Theories of Programming, 1 conf., UTP 2006(LNCS4010, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354034750X)(264s).pdf
LNCS4014 Mathematics of Program Construction, 8 conf., MPC 2006(LNCS4014, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540356312)(463s).pdf
LNCS4015 Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 17 conf., IFL 2005(LNCS4015, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354069174X)(238s).pdf
LNCS4022 Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories, 6 conf., CLEF 2005(LNCS4022, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354045697X).pdf
LNCS4023 Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics, Joint Annual RECOMB 2005 Satellite Workshops on Systems Biology and on Regulatory Genomics(LNCS4023, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9783540482932)(267s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4024 Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency - ICATPN 2006, 27 conf.(LNCS4024, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540346996)(450s).pdf
LNCS4028 Dependable Systems.. Software(LNCS4028, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540368213)(305s).pdf
LNCS4047 Fast Software Encryption 13 conf.(LNCS4047, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540365974)(442s).pdf
LNCS4050 Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers I(LNCS4050, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540715276)(366s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4051 Automata, Languages and Programming, 33 conf., ICALP 2006(LNCS4051, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540359044)(751s).pdf
LNCS4052 Automata, Languages and Programming, 33 conf., ICALP 2006(LNCS4052, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540359079)(619s).pdf
LNCS4056 Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 13 conf., SIROCCO 2006(LNCS4056, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540354743)(365s).pdf
LNCS4058 Information Security and Privacy, 11 conf., ACISP 2006(LNCS4058, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540354581)(455s).pdf
LNCS4059 Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2006, 10 conf.(LNCS4059, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354035753X)(446s).pdf
LNCS4060 Futatsugi K., et al. (eds.) Algebra, meaning and computation. Essays dedicated to J.A. Goguen (LNCS4060, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354035462x)(678s).pdf
LNCS4064 Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment, 3 conf., DIMVA 2006(LNCS4064, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354036014X)(203s).pdf
LNCS4070 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 5 conf.(LNCS4070, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540360484)(138s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4071 Image and Video Retrieval, 5 conf., CIVR 2006(LNCS4071, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540360182)(600dpi)(T)(O)(554s).djvu
LNCS4075 Data Integration in the Life Sciences, 3 conf., DILS 2006(LNCS4075, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540365931)(308s).pdf
LNCS4076 Algorithmic Number Theory 7 Symposium (LNCS4076, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540360751)(608s)_MTc_.pdf
LNCS4090 Journal on Data Semantics 6 conf., Special Issue on Emergent Semantics(LNCS4090, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540367128)(219s).pdf
LNCS4094 Implementation and Application of Automata, 11 conf., CIAA 2006(LNCS4094, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354037213X)(300s).pdf
LNCS4098 Term Rewriting and Applications, 17 conf., RTA 2006(LNCS4098, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540368345)(425s).pdf
LNCS4099 PRICAI 2006.. Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 9 conf.(LNCS4099, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540366679)(1290s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4110 Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.. Algorithms and Techniques, 9 conf., APPROX 2006 and 10 conf.RC(LNCS4110, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540380442)(531s).pdf
LNCS4111 Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 4 conf., FMCO 2005(LNCS4111, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540367497)(435s).pdf
LNCS4112 Computing and Combinatorics, 12 conf., COCOON 2006(LNCS4112, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540369252)(541s).pdf
LNCS4117 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2006, 26 conf.(LNCS4117, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540374329)(630s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4118 Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, 4 conf., AP2PC 2005(LNCS4118, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540490256)(184s).pdf
LNCS4122 Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans(LNCS4122, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540695677)(369s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4123 General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics(LNCS4123, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540462449)(1137s).pdf
LNCS4133 LNCS 4133, J. Gratch, M. Young (eds.), Intelligent Virtual Agents.pdf
LNCS4135 Unconventional Computation, 5 conf., UC 2006(LNCS4135, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540385932)(275s).pdf
LNCS4136 Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science, 9 conf., RelMiCS-AKA 2006(LNCS4136, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540378731)(442s).pdf
LNCS4137 CONCUR 2006 - Concurrency Theory, 17 conf., CONCUR 2006(LNCS4137, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540373764)(535s).pdf
LNCS4139 Advances in Natural Language Processing, 5 conf., FinTAL 2006(LNCS4139, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540373349)(783s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4150 Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, 5 conf., ANTS 2006(LNCS4150, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540384820)(539s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4155 Reasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems (LNCS4155, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540379010)(351s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4157 Rigorous Development of Complex Fault-Tolerant Systems, FP6 IST-511599 RODIN project(LNCS4157, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540482652)(412s).pdf
LNCS4162 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2006, 31 conf., MFCS 2006(LNCS4162, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540377913)(826s).pdf
LNCS4163 Artificial Immune Systems, 5 conf., ICARIS 2006(LNCS4163, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540377492)(471s).pdf
LNCS4168 Algorithms - ESA 2006, 14 conf.(LNCS4168, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540388753)(858s).pdf
LNCS4171 Verified Software.. Theories, Tools, Experiments.. 1 conf., VSTTE 2005(LNCS4171, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540691472)(O)(565s).pdf
LNCS4173 Cellular Automata, 7 conf.(LNCS4173, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540409297)(750s).pdf
LNCS4174 Franke K., et al. Pattern Recognition.(LNCS-4174)(Springer)(789s)(K)(2006).djvu
LNCS4186 Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, 11 conf., ACSAC 2006(LNCS4186, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540400567)(617s).pdf
LNCS4189 Computer Security - ESORICS 2006, 11 conf.(LNCS4189, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354044601X)(557s).pdf
LNCS4204 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2006, 12 conf., CP 2006(LNCS4204, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540462678)(788s).pdf
LNCS4205 Comparative Genomics, RECOMB 2006, RCG 2006(LNCS4205, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540445293)(239s).pdf
LNCS4207 Computer Science Logic, 20 conf., CSL 2006(LNCS4207, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540454586)(638s).pdf
LNCS4210 Computational Methods in Systems Biology, CMSB 2006(LNCS4210, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540461663)(600dpi)(T)(332s).djvu
LNCS4216 Computational Life Sciences II, 2 conf., CompLife 2006(LNCS4216, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540457674)(279s).pdf
LNCS4220 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 6 conf.(LNCS4220, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540457798)(253s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4221 Advances in Natural Computation, 2 conf., ICNC 2006(LNCS4221, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540459014)(1029s).pdf
LNCS4222 Advances in Natural Computation, 2 conf., ICNC 2006(LNCS4222, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540459073)(1037s).pdf
LNCS4223 Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 3 conf., FSKD 2006(LNCS4223, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540459162)(600dpi)(T)(1361s).djvu
LNCS4230 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology VII(LNCS4230, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540488375)(192s).pdf
LNCS4231 LNCS 4231, J. F. Roddick et al. (eds.), Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice.pdf
LNCS4232 Springer.LNCS.4232.Neural.Information.Processing.Part.III.ICONIP.2006.King.I.&Co(eds).(2006)(T)(1247s).Part.3 .pdf
LNCS4233 Neural Information Processing, 13 conf., ICONIP 2006, part 2(LNCS4233, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540464816)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(1193s).djvu
LNCS4234 Neural Information Processing, 13 conf., ICONIP 2006, part 3(LNCS4234, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540464840)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1247s).djvu
LNCS4235 Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 3 conf., CAAN 2006(LNCS4235, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540488227)(142s).pdf
LNCS4236 Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography, 3 conf., FDTC 2006(LNCS4236, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540462503)(263s).pdf
LNCS4241 Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image Analysis, 2 conf., CVAMIA 2006(LNCS4241, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540462570)(600dpi)(T)(C)(260s).djvu
LNCS4242 Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 2 conf.(LNCS4242, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540488901)(297s).pdf
LNCS4244 Journal on Data Semantics 7 conf.(LNCS4244, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540463291)(276s).pdf
LNCS4247 LNCS 4247, T.-D. Wang, X. Li (eds.), Simulated Evolution and Learning.pdf
LNCS4249 Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2006, 8 conf.(LNCS4249, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540465596)(473s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4257 Software Process Improvement, 13 conf., EuroSPI 2006(LNCS4257, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540476954)(228s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4262 LNCS 4262, K. Havelund, M. Nunez, G. Rosu, B. Wolff (Eds.), Formal Approaches to Software Testing and Runtime Verification.pdf
LNCS4264 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 17 conf., ALT 2006(LNCS4264, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540466495)(404s).pdf
LNCS4266 Advances in Information and Computer Security, 1 conf., IWSEC 2006(LNCS4266, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540476997)(450s).pdf
LNCS4271 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 32 conf., WG 2006(LNCS4271, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540483810)(367s).pdf
LNCS4279 Programming Languages and Systems, 4 conf., APLAS 2006(LNCS4279, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540489371)(432s).pdf
LNCS4281 Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2006, 3 conf.(LNCS4281, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540488154)(383s).pdf
LNCS4283 Digital Watermarking, 5 conf., IWDW 2006(LNCS4283, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540488251)(484s).pdf
LNCS4284 Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2006, 12 conf.(LNCS4284, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540494758)(480s).pdf
LNCS4287 DNA Computing, 12 conf., DNA12(LNCS4287, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540490248)(450s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4288 Asano T. (ed.) Proceedings ISAAC 2006, Kolkata, India (LNCS4288, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540496947)(782s)_CsAl_.pdf
LNCS4289 Semantics, Web and Mining, Joints, EWMF 2005 and KDO 2005(LNCS4289, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540476970)(206s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4298 Information Security Applications, 7 conf., WISA 2006(LNCS4298, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540710929).pdf
LNCS4304 LNCS 4304, A. Sattar, Byeong-Ho Kang (Eds.), AI 2006
LNCS4310 Numerical Methods and Applications, 6 conf., NMA 2006(LNCS4310, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540709404)(741s).pdf
LNCS4323 Interactive Systems.. Design, Specification, and Verification, 13 conf., DSVIS 2006(LNCS4323, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540695530)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4327 Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IV, 4 conf., DALT 2006(LNCS4327, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540689591)(264s).pdf
LNCS4329 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2006, 7 conf.(LNCS4329, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540497676)(465s).pdf
LNCS4331 Frontiers of High Performance Computing and Networking - ISPA 2006 Workshops, ISPA 2006s(LNCS4331, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540498605)(600dpi)(T)(1186s).djvu
LNCS4333 Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 6 conf., PAKM 2006(LNCS4333, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540499989)(348s).pdf
LNCS4335 Engineering Self-Organising Systems, 4 conf., ESOA 2006(LNCS4335, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540698678)(220s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4336 Empirical Software Engineering Issues.. Critical Assessment and Future Directions(LNCS4336, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540713005)(209s).pdf
LNCS4338 Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 5 conf., ICVGIP 2006(LNCS4338, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540683011)(979s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4341 Progress in Cryptology - VIETCRYPT 2006(LNCS4341, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540687998)(394s).pdf
LNCS4343 Speaker Classification I.. Fundamentals(LNCS4343, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540741862)(362s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4348 Ada 2005 Reference Manual.. Language and Standard Libraries(LNCS4348, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9783540693352)(755s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4349 Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 8 conf., VMCAI 2007(LNCS4349, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540697350)(406s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4350 All about Maude.. a high-performance logical framework(LNCS4350, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540719407)(794s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4351 Advances in Multimedia Modeling, 13 conf., MMM 2007, Part 1(LNCS4351, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540694212)(814s).pdf
LNCS4352 Advances in Multimedia Modeling, 13 conf., MMM 2007, Part 2(LNCS4352, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540694281)(759s).pdf
LNCS4354 Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, 9 conf., PADL 2007(LNCS4354, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540696087)(344s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4356 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 13 conf., SAC 2006(LNCS4356, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744610)(404s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4361 Membrane Computing, 7 conf., WMC 2006(LNCS4361, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540690883)(562s).pdf
LNCS4362 SOFSEM 2007.. Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 33 conf.(LNCS4362, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540695066).pdf
LNCS4363 Logic, Language, and Computation, 6 conf.(LNCS4363, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540751434)(291s).pdf
LNCS4364 Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006(LNCS4364, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540694885)(343s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4366 Knowledge Discovery and Emergent Complexity in Bioinformatics, 1 conf., KDECB 2006(LNCS4366, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540710363)(191s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4368 Approximation and Online Algorithms, 4 conf., WAOA 2006(LNCS4368, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540695133)(140s).pdf
LNCS4369 Declarative Programming for Knowledge Management, 16 conf., INAP 2005(LNCS4369, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540692339)(237s).pdf
LNCS4370 Pixelization Paradigm, 1 conf., VIEW 2006(LNCS4370, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540710264)(273s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4371 Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, 7 conf.(LNCS4371, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540696186)(323s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4372 Graph Drawing, 14 conf., GD 2006(LNCS4372, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540709039)(465s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4373 Wireless Sensor Networks, 4 conf., EWSN 2007(LNCS4373, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540698299)(368s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4374 Transactions on Rough Sets 6 conf.(LNCS4374, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540711988)(508s).pdf
LNCS4376 Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 12 conf., JSSPP 2006(LNCS4376, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540710345)(262s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4378 Perspectives of Systems Informatics, 6 conf., PSI 2006(LNCS4378, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540708803)(510s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4379 Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP 2006 Workshop Reader, ECOOP 2006 Workshops(LNCS4379, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540717720)(165s).pdf
LNCS4380 Journal on Data Semantics 8 conf.(LNCS4380, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540706632)(231s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4384 New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, JSAI 2006 Conference and Workshops(LNCS4384, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540699015)(401s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4385 Task Models and Diagrams for Users Interface Design, 5 conf., TAMODIA 2006(LNCS4385, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540708155)(365s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4387 Spatial Cognition V.. Reasoning, Action, Interaction, Spatial Cognition 2006(LNCS4387, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540756651)(531s).pdf
LNCS4389 Environments for Multi-Agent Systems 3 conf., E4MAS 2006(LNCS4389, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540711025)(280s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4390 Formal Concept Analysis, 5 conf., ICFCA 2007(LNCS4390, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540708286)(336s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4391 Progress in Nonlinear Speech Processing, Workshop on Nonlinear Speech Processing, WNSP 2005(LNCS4391, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540715030)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4392 Theory of Cryptography 4 conf.(LNCS4392, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540709355)(605s).pdf
LNCS4393 STACS 2007, 24 conf.(LNCS4393, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540709176)(722s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4396 Wireless Systems and Mobility in Next Generation Internet(LNCS4396, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540709688)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4398 Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval.. User, Context, and Feedback, 4 conf., AMR 2006(LNCS4398, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540715443)(278s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4400 Transactions on Rough Sets 7 conf.(LNCS4400, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540716624)(389s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4402 Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design III, 10 conf., CSCWD 2006(LNCS4402, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540728627)(775s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4403 Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 4 conf., EMO 2007(LNCS4403, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540709274)(971s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4404 Visual Data Mining - Theory(LNCS4404, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540710790)(163s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4405 Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VII, 7 conf., AOSE 2006(LNCS4405, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540709442)(235s).pdf
LNCS4406 Advances in Smalltalk, 14 conf., ISC 2006(LNCS4406, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540718352)(164s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4410 Anaphora.. Analysis, Algorithms and Applications, 6 conf., DAARC 2007(LNCS4410, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540714118)(201s).pdf
LNCS4411 Programming Multi-Agent Systems, 4 conf., ProMAS 2006(LNCS4411, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540719557)(247s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4412 Ubiquitous Convergence Technology, 1 conf., ICUCT 2006(LNCS4412, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540717881)(313s).pdf
LNCS4414 Bioinformatics Research and Development, 1 conf., BIRD 2007(LNCS4414, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540712329)(497s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4415 Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2007, 20 conf.(LNCS4415, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540712671)(304s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4416 Hybrid Systems.. Computation and Control, 10 conf., HSCC 2007(LNCS4416, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540714927)(812s).pdf
LNCS4418 Computer Vision-Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques, 3 conf., MIRAGE 2007(LNCS4418, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540714569)(632s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4420 Compiler Construction 16 conf.(LNCS4420, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540712283)(245s).pdf
LNCS4421 Programming Languages and Systems, 16 conf., ESOP 2007(LNCS4421, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540713142)(550s).pdf
LNCS4424 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 13 conf., TACAS 2007(LNCS4424, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540712084)(755s).pdf
LNCS4425 Advances in Information Retrieval, 29 conf., ECIR 2007(LNCS4425, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540714941)(777s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4426 Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 11 conf., PAKDD 2007(LNCS4426, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540717003)(1184s).pdf
LNCS4428 Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence, 4 conf.(LNCS4428, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540741275)(192s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4430 Intelligence and Security Informatics, Pacific Asia Workshop, PAISI 2007(LNCS4430, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540715481).pdf
LNCS4431 Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 8 conf., ICANNGA 2007, part 1(LNCS4431, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540715894)(867s).pdf
LNCS4432 Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 8 conf., ICANNGA 2007, part 2(LNCS4432, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540715900)(777s).pdf
LNCS4435 Advances in Computer Science - ASIAN 2006.. Secure Software and Related Issues, 11 conf.(LNCS4435, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540775041)(391s).pdf
LNCS4437 Information Hiding, 8 conf., IH 2006(LNCS4437, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540741237)(395s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4439 Business Information Systems, 10 conf., BIS 2007(LNCS4439, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540720348)(667s).pdf
LNCS4441 Speaker Classification 2 conf.(LNCS4441, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540741213)(316s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4442 Multi-Agent-Based Simulation 7 conf., MABS 2006(LNCS4442, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540765363)(198s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4443 Advances in Databases.. Concepts, Systems and Applications, 12 conf., DASFAA 2007(LNCS4443, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540717027)(1146s).pdf
LNCS4444 Program Analysis and Compilation, Theory and Practice(LNCS4444, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540713159)(370s).pdf
LNCS4446 Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 7 conf., EvoCOP 2007(LNCS4446, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540716143)(250s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4447 LNCS.4447.Evolutionary.Computation.Machine.Learning.And.Data.Mining.In.Bioinformatics.Marchiori.2007.354071782X.pdf
LNCS4448 Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops 2007.. EvoCoMnet(LNCS4448, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540718048)(774s).pdf
LNCS4449 Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 18 conf., IFL 2006(LNCS4449, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540741291)(279s).pdf
LNCS4450 Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2007, 10 conf.(LNCS4450, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540716761)(501s).pdf
LNCS4452 Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce.. Automated Negotiation and Strategy Design, AAMAS 2006(LNCS4452, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540725016)(255s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4453 Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 11 conf., RECOMB 2007(LNCS4453, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540716807)(564s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4454 Tests and Proofs, 1 conf., TAP 2007(LNCS4454, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540737698)(225s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4455 Inductive Logic Programming, 16 conf., ILP 2006(LNCS4455, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540738460)(466s).pdf
LNCS4456 Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2006(LNCS4456, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540743767)(1139s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4457 Engineering Societies in the Agents World 7 conf., ESAW 2006(LNCS4457, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755227)(411s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4458 Mobile Response, 1 conf., Mobile Response 2007(LNCS4458, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540756675)(171s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4459 Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, 2 conf., GPC 2007(LNCS4459, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540723592)(774s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4460 Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical Logics(LNCS4460, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540759386)(317s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4465 Network Control and Optimization, 1 conf., NET-COOP 2007(LNCS4465, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540727088)(317s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4467 Coordination Models and Languages, 9 conf., COORDINATION 2007(LNCS4467, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540727934).pdf
LNCS4468 Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 9th IFIP WG 6.1, FMOODS 2007(LNCS4468, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540729198)(326s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4472 Multiple Classifier Systems, 7 conf., MCS 2007(LNCS4472, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540724810)(535s).pdf
LNCS4473 Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture, 2 conf., TEAA 2006(LNCS4473, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540759119)(363s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4474 Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 14 conf., SIROCCO 2007(LNCS4474, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540729181)(352s).pdf
LNCS4475 Fun with Algorithms, 4 conf., FUN 2007(LNCS4475, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540729136)(281s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4476 Autonomous Intelligent Systems.. Multi-Agents and Data Mining, 2 conf., AIS-ADM 2007(LNCS4476, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540728382)(334s).pdf
LNCS4477 Marti J., et al. (eds.) Pattern recognition and image analysis.. Third Iberian conference, IbPRIA 2007, Part I (LNCS4477, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540728465)(642s)_CsIp_.pdf
LNCS4478 Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 3 conf., IbPRIA 2007(LNCS4478, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540728481)(674s).pdf
LNCS4479 NETWORKING 2007, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet, 6 conf.(LNCS4479, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540726050)(1277s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4480 Pervasive Computing, 5 conf., PERVASIVE 2007(LNCS4480, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540720362)(385s).pdf
LNCS4481 Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, 2 conf., RSKT 2007(LNCS4481, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540724575)(589s).pdf
LNCS4482 Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, 11 conf., RSFDGrC 2007(LNCS4482, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540725299).pdf
LNCS4483 Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 9 conf., LPNMR 2007(LNCS4483, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540721994)(336s).pdf
LNCS4484 Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 4 conf., TAMC 2007(LNCS4484, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540725039).pdf
LNCS4486 Formal Methods for Performance Evaluation, 7 school, SFM 2007(LNCS4486, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540724827)(475s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4496 Agent and Multi-Agent Systems.. Technologies and Applications, 1 conf., KES-AMSTA 2007(LNCS4496, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540728290)(1065s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4497 Computation and Logic in the Real World, 3 conf., CiE 2007(LNCS4497, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730002)(843s).pdf
LNCS4498 Reliable Software Technologies - Ada Europe 2007, 12th Ada-Europe on Reliable Software Technologies(LNCS4498, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732297)(258s).pdf
LNCS4499 Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security 2 conf.(LNCS4499, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730910)(123s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4500 The Disappearing Computer(LNCS4500, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540727255)(314s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4502 Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2006(LNCS4502, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744634)(276s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4503 Statistical Network Analysis.. Models, Issues, and New Directions ICML 2006(LNCS4503, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540731326)(201s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4504 Service-Oriented Computing.. Agents, Semantics, and Engineering, AAMAS 2007, SOCASE 2007(LNCS4504, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540726180)(185s).pdf
LNCS4505 Advances in Data and Web Management, Joint 9 conf., APWeb 2007(LNCS4505, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540724834)(916s).pdf
LNCS4508 Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, 3 conf., AAIM 2007(LNCS4508, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540728689)(438s).pdf
LNCS4509 Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 20 conf., Canadian AI 2007(LNCS4509, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540726647)(562s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4512 Active Conceptual Modeling of Learning 1 conf.(LNCS4512, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540775027)(243s).pdf
LNCS4513 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 12 conf.(LNCS4513, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540727910)(509s).pdf
LNCS4514 Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS 2007(LNCS4514, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540727323)(522s).pdf
LNCS4515 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2007, 26 conf.(LNCS4515, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540725398)(602s).pdf
LNCS4516 Managing Traffic Performance in Converged Networks, 20 conf., ITC20 2007(LNCS4516, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540729891)(1213s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4517 Wired-Wireless Internet Communications, 5 conf., WWIC 2007(LNCS4517, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540726944)(394s).pdf
LNCS4520 Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems 3 conf., ABiALS 2006(LNCS4520, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540742616)(384s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4521 Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 5 conf., ACNS 2007(LNCS4521, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540727378)(508s).pdf
LNCS4522 Image Analysis, 15 conf., SCIA 2007(LNCS4522, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730392)(1000s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4525 Experimental Algorithms, 6 conf., WEA 2007(LNCS4525, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540728443)(458s).pdf
LNCS4526 Service Availability, 4 conf., ISAS 2007(LNCS4526, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540727354)(164s).pdf
LNCS4527 Bio-inspired Modeling of Cognitive Tasks, 2 conf., IWINAC 2007(LNCS4527, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730521)(646s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4528 Nature Inspired Problem-Solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering, 2 conf., IWINAC 2007(LNCS4528, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730545)(665s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4529 Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, 12 conf., IFSA 2007(LNCS4529, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540729174)(836s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4531 Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, 7th IFIP WG 6.1, DAIS 2007(LNCS4531, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540728818)(347s).pdf
LNCS4532 Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics, Joint RECOMB 2006 Satellite Workshops on Systems Biology and on Computational Proteomics(LNCS4532, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730590)(137s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4533 Term Rewriting and Applications, 18 conf., RTA 2007(LNCS4533, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540734475)(429s).pdf
LNCS4535 Computational Geometry and Graph Theory, KyoCGGT 2007(LNCS4535, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540895493)(244s).pdf
LNCS4536 Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 8 conf., XP 2007(LNCS4536, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540731009)(289s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4539 Learning Theory, 20 conf., COLT 2007(LNCS4539, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540729259)(645s).pdf
LNCS4544 Data Integration in the Life Sciences, 4 conf., DILS 2007(LNCS4544, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732549)(291s).pdf
LNCS4546 Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency - ICATPN 2007, 28 conf., ICATPN 2007(LNCS4546, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730934)(524s).pdf
LNCS4547 Arithmetic of Finite Fields, 1 conf., WAIFI 2007(LNCS4547, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730736)(363s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4548 Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 16 conf., TABLEAUX 2007(LNCS4548, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730989)(255s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4550 Human-Computer Interaction.. Interaction Design and Usability (LNCS4550, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540731040)(O)(1257s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4557 Human Interface and the Management of Information.. Methods, Techniques and Tools in Information Design 2007(LNCS4557, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540733447)(1045s).pdf
LNCS4558 Human Interface and the Management of Information.. Interacting in Information Environments 2007(LNCS4558, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540733539)(1178s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4560 Usability and Internationalization.. Global and Local User Interfaces, 2 conf., UI-HCII 2007(LNCS4560, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732884)(590s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4561 Digital Human Modeling, 1 conf., ICDHM 2007(LNCS4561, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540733188)(1085s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4562 Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, 7 conf., EPCE 2007(LNCS4562, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540733300)(894s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4563 Virtual Reality, 2 conf., ICVR 2007(LNCS4563, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540733348)(775s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4565 Foundations of Augmented Cognition, 3 conf., FAC 2007(LNCS4565, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732150)(466s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4569 Smart Graphics, 7 conf., SG 2007(LNCS4569, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732136).pdf
LNCS4570 New Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 20 conf.(LNCS4570, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540733225)(1213s).pdf
LNCS4571 Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 5 conf., MLDM 2007(LNCS4571, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540734987)(926s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4572 Security and Privacy in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, 4 conf., ESAS 2007(LNCS4572, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732747).pdf
LNCS4573 Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants, 14 conf., Calculemus 2007(LNCS4573, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730835)(417s).pdf
LNCS4575 Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2007(LNCS4575, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540734888)(397s).pdf
LNCS4576 Logic, Language, Information and Computation, 14 conf., WoLLIC 2007(LNCS4576, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540734437)(370s).pdf
LNCS4578 LNCS 4578, Applications of Fuzzy Sets Theory Eds. Masulli F., Mitra S. (Springer 2007)(707s).pdf
LNCS4579 Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, 4 conf., DIMVA 2007(LNCS4579, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540736134)(259s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4580 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 18 conf., CPM 2007 (LNCS4580, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540734368)(O)(376s).pdf
LNCS4583 Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 8 conf., TLCA 2007(LNCS4583, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732273)(405s).pdf
LNCS4584 Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 20 conf., IPMI 2007(LNCS4584, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732723)(794s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4586 Information Security and Privacy, 12 conf., ACISP 2007(LNCS4586, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540734574)(486s).pdf
LNCS4588 Developments in Language Theory, 11 conf., DLT 2007(LNCS4588, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732075)(432s).pdf
LNCS4590 Computer Aided Verification, 19 conf., CAV 2007(LNCS4590, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540733676)(575s).pdf
LNCS4591 Integrated Formal Methods, 6 conf., IFM 2007(LNCS4591, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732099)(668s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4593 Fast Software Encryption 14 conf.(LNCS4593, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 354074617X)(475s).pdf
LNCS4596 Automata, Languages and Programming, 34 conf., ICALP 2007(LNCS4596, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540734192)(968s).pdf
LNCS4598 Computing and Combinatorics, 13 conf., COCOON 2007(LNCS4598, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540735441)(579s).pdf
LNCS4600 Rewriting, Computation and Proof(LNCS4600, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540731467)(286s).pdf
LNCS4601 Journal on Data Semantics 9 conf.(LNCS4601, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540749820)(209s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4604 Conceptual Structures.. Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications, 15 conf., ICCS 2007(LNCS4604, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540736806)(524s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4609 ECOOP 2007 - Object-Oriented Programming, 21 conf.(LNCS4609, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540735885)(636s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4612 Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation, 7 conf., SARA 2007(LNCS4612, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540735793)(427s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4613 Frontiers in Algorithmics, 1 conf., FAW 2007(LNCS4613, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540738138)(356s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4615 Architecting Dependable Systems 4 conf., ICSE 2006 and DSN 2006(LNCS4615, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540740339)(445s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4616 Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, 1 conf., COCOA 2007(LNCS4616, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540735557)(399s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4618 Unconventional Computation, 6 conf., UC 2007(LNCS4618, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540735533)(250s).pdf
LNCS4619 Algorithms and Data Structures, 10 conf., WADS 2007(LNCS4619, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540739487)(675s).pdf
LNCS4620 Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 3 conf.(LNCS4620, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540751618)(208s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4622 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2007, 27 conf.(LNCS4622, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540741428)(642s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4627 Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.. Algorithms and Techniques, 10 conf., APPROX 2007(LNCS4627, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540742074)(635s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4628 Artificial Immune Systems, 6 conf., ICARIS 2007(LNCS4628, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540739210)(448s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4629 Text, Speech and Dialogue, 10 conf., TSD 2007(LNCS4629, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540746270)(679s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4630 Computers and Games, 5 conf., CG 2006(LNCS4630, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755371)(294s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4631 Security Protocols, 13 conf.(LNCS4631, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540771555)(354s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4633 LNCS 4633, Image Analysis and Recognition Eds. Kamel M., Campilho A. (Springer 2007) (1332s).pdf
LNCS4636 Reasoning Web, 3 conf., 2007(LNCS4636, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540746133)(350s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4637 Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 10 conf., RAID 2007(LNCS4637, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540743194)(346s).pdf
LNCS4638 Engineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms, SLS 2007(LNCS4638, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744450)(231s).pdf
LNCS4639 Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 16 conf., FCT 2007 (LNCS4639, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540742395)(519s).pdf
LNCS4640 Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 4 conf.(LNCS4640, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770411)(199s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4646 Computer Science Logic, 21 conf., CSL 2007(LNCS4646, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540749141)(610s).pdf
LNCS4657 Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, 4 conf., TrustBus 2007(LNCS4657, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744085)(301s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4661 Trustworthy Global Computing, 2 conf., TGC 2006(LNCS4661, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540753339)(348s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4664 Machines, Computations, and Universality, 5 conf., MCU 2007(LNCS4664, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540745921)(333s).pdf
LNCS4666 Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation, 7 conf., ICA 2007(LNCS4666, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744931)(863s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4667 KI 2007.. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 30 conf., KI 2007(LNCS4667, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540745648)(529s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4668 Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2007, 17 conf.(LNCS4668, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540746898)(998s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4672 Network and Parallel Computing, IFIP, NPC 2007(LNCS4672, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540747833)(574s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4675 Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 11 conf., ECDL 2007(LNCS4675, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540748502)(600s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4680 Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 26 conf., SAFECOMP 2007(LNCS4680, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540751007)(560s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4682 Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, 3 conf., ICIC 2007(LNCS4682, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540742012)(1396s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4685 Grid Economics and Business Models, 4 conf., GECON 2007(LNCS4685, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744283)(211s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4687 Multiagent System Technologies, 5 conf., MATES 2007(LNCS4687, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540749486)(214s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4689 Life System Modeling and Simulation, LSMS 2007(LNCS4689, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540747703)(579s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4691 Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, 4 conf., FAST 2006(LNCS4691, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752264)(292s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4697 Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, 12 conf., ACSAC 2007(LNCS4697, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540743088)(410s).pdf
LNCS4698 Algorithms - ESA 2007, 15 conf.(LNCS4698, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755197)(781s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4699 Applied Parallel Computing.. State of the Art in Scientific Computing, 8 conf., PARA 2006(LNCS4699, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540757542)(1217s).pdf
LNCS4703 CONCUR 2007 - Concurrency Theory, 18 conf., CONCUR 2007(LNCS4703, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744061)(518s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4704 Database and XML Technologies, 5 conf., XSym 2007(LNCS4704, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752875)(148s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4705 Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2007(LNCS4705, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744689)(1190s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4708 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2007, 32 conf., MFCS 2007(LNCS4708, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540744559)(778s).pdf
LNCS4709 Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 5 conf., FMCO 2006(LNCS4709, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540747918)(304s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4711 Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2007, 4 conf.(LNCS4711, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752905)(490s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4713 Pattern Recognition, 29 conf.(LNCS4713, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540749332)(571s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4714 Business Process Management, 5 conf., BPM 2007(LNCS4714, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540751823)(429s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4716 Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development, 1 conf., SEAFOOD 2007(LNCS4716, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755418)(208s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4717 UbiComp 2007.. Ubiquitous Computing, 9 conf.(LNCS4717, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540748526)(536s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4719 Datatype-Generic Programming school, SSDGP 2006(LNCS4719, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540767851)(378s).pdf
LNCS4721 Secure Data Management, 4 conf., SDM 2007(LNCS4721, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752479)(221s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4724 Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, 9 conf., ECSQARU 2007(LNCS4724, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752554)(927s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4726 String Processing and Information Retrieval, 14 conf., SPIRE 2007(LNCS4726, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755296)(319s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4729 Advances in Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence, 2 conf., BVAI 2007(LNCS4729, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755548)(631s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4731 Distributed Computing, 21 conf., DISC 2007(LNCS4731, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540751410)(525s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4732 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 20 conf., TPHOLs 2007(LNCS4732, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540745907)(407s).pdf
LNCS4734 Computer Security - ESORICS 2007, 12 conf.(LNCS4734, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540748342)(639s).pdf
LNCS4735 Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 10 conf., MoDELS 2007(LNCS4735, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752080)(710s).pdf
LNCS4737 From Web to Social Web.. Discovering and Deploying User and Content Profiles, WebMine 2006(LNCS4737, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540749509)(169s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4738 Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2 conf., ACII 2007(LNCS4738, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540748885)(795s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4739 Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2007, 11 conf.(LNCS4739, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540758662)(1251s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4741 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2007, 13 conf., CP 2007(LNCS4741, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540749691)(902s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4744 Persuasive Technology, 2 conf., PERSUASIVE 2007(LNCS4744, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770053)(327s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4746 Dependable Computing, 3 conf., LADC 2007(LNCS4746, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752936)(251s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4750 Transactions on Computational Science 1 conf.(LNCS4750, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540792987)(191s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4752 Advances in Information and Computer Security, 2 conf., IWSEC 2007(LNCS4752, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540756507)(471s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4754 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 18 conf., ALT 2007(LNCS4754, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752240)(414s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4758 Software Architecture, 1 conf., ECSA 2007(LNCS4758, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540751311)(355s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4759 High-Performance Computing.. 6 conf., ISHPC 2005 (LNCS4759, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540777038)(550s).pdf
LNCS4761 Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 5th IFIP WG 10.2, SEUS 2007(LNCS4761, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540756637)(574s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4762 Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 5 conf., ATVA 2007(LNCS4762, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755951)(576s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4763 Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 5 conf., FORMATS 2007(LNCS4763, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540754534)(378s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4764 Software Process Improvement, 14 conf., EuroSPI 2007(LNCS4764, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540747659)(233s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4767 International Symposium on Fundamentals of Software Engineering(LNCS4767, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540756972)(461s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4768 Arabic and Chinese Handwriting Recognition, SACH2006(LNCS4768, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540781986)(285s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4770 Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 10 conf., CASC 2007(LNCS4770, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540751861)(470s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4771 Hybrid Metaheuristics, 4 conf., HM 2007(LNCS4771, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755135)(210s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4772 Scalable Uncertainty Management, 1 conf., SUM 2007(LNCS4772, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540754077)(285s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4774 Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, 2 conf., PRIB 2007(LNCS4774, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540752851)(426s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4775 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Behaviours, COST Action 2102(LNCS4775, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540764410)(337s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4776 Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 7 conf., PET 2007 Ottawa(LNCS4776, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755500)(280s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4778 Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures, 3 conf., AMFG 2007(LNCS4778, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540756897)(313s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4780 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 7 conf.(LNCS4780, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540766383)(109s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4781 Advances in Visual Information Systems, 9 conf., VISUAL 2007(LNCS4781, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540764137)(594s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4785 Managing Virtualization of Networks and Services, 18th IFIP-IEEE on Distributed Systems.. Operations and Management, DSOM 2007(LNCS4785, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540756934)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4786 IP Operations and Management, 7 conf., IPOM 2007(LNCS4786, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540758525)(210s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4789 Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 9 conf., ICFEM 2007(LNCS4789, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540766483)(395s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4790 Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, 14 conf., LPAR 2007(LNCS4790, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755586)(572s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4791 Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2007, 10 conf., part 1(LNCS4791, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540757566)(1043s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4792 Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2007, 10 conf., part 2(LNCS4792, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540757580)(1019s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4794 Ambient Intelligence, AmI 2007(LNCS4794, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540766513)(386s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4795 Annotating, Extracting and Reasoning about Time and Events 2005(LNCS4795, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540759881)(145s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4798 Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, 2 conf., KSEM 2007(LNCS4798, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540767183)(685s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4799 HCI and Usability for Medicine and Health Care, 3 conf., USAB 2007(LNCS4799, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768043)(472s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4800 Pillars of Computer Science(LNCS4800, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781264)(698s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4801 Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007, 26 conf.(LNCS4801, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540755623)(644s).pdf
LNCS4802 Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations and Applications, ER 2007(LNCS4802, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540762911)(440s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4803 On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007.. CoopIS(LNCS4803, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768463)(1191s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4805 On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007.. OTM 2007(LNCS4805, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768876)(774s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4807 Programming Languages and Systems, 5 conf., APLAS 2007(LNCS4807, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540766360)(440s).pdf
LNCS4810 Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2007, 8 conf.(LNCS4810, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540772545)(852s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4812 Information Systems Security, 3 conf., ICISS 2007(LNCS4812, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770855)(333s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4813 Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, 2 conf., HAID 2007(LNCS4813, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540767015)(156s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4814 Human Motion - Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation, 2 conf., Human Motion 2007(LNCS4814, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540757023)(336s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4815 Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 2 conf., PReMI 2007(LNCS4815, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770459)(693s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4817 Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2007, 10 conf.(LNCS4817, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540767879)(378s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4820 Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 13 conf., VSMM 2007(LNCS4820, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540785651)(225s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4822 Asian Digital Libraries.. Looking Back 10 Years and Forging New Frontiers, 10 conf., ICADL 2007(LNCS4822, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770930)(534s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4823 Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2007, 6 conf.(LNCS4823, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781387)(666s).pdf
LNCS4824 Advances in Rule Interchange and Applications, RuleML 2007(LNCS4824, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540759744)(252s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4825 The Semantic Web, 6 conf., 2 conf.(LNCS4825, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540762973)(998s).pdf
LNCS4827 MICAI 2007.. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 6 conf.(LNCS4827, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540766308)(1254s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4828 Progress in Artificial Life, 3 conf., ACAL 2007(LNCS4828, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540769309)(412s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4829 Software Composition, 6 conf., SC 2007(LNCS4829, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540773504)(289s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4830 AI 2007.. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 20 conf.(LNCS4830, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540769262)(859s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4832 Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2007 Workshops(LNCS4832, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770091)(530s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4833 Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2007, 13 conf.(LNCS4833, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768999)(593s).pdf
LNCS4834 Middleware 2007, ACM-IFIP-USENIX 8 conf.(LNCS4834, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540767770)(462s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4835 Algorithms and Computation, 18 conf., ISAAC 2007(LNCS4835, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540771180)(944s).pdf
LNCS4836 Ubiquitous Computing Systems, 4 conf., UCS 2007(LNCS4836, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540767718)(317s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4837 Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks, 3 conf., ALGOSENSORS 2007(LNCS4837, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540778707)(173s).pdf
LNCS4839 Runtime Verification, 7 conf., RV 2007(LNCS4839, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540773948)(221s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4840 Attention in Cognitive Systems.. Theories and Systems from an Interdisciplinary Viewpoint, 4 conf., WAPCV 2007(LNCS4840, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540773429)(506s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4841 Advances in Visual Computing, 3 conf., ISVC 2007, part 1 (LNCS4841, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768579)(855s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4842 Advances in Visual Computing, 3 conf., ISVC 2007, part 2 (LNCS4842, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768555)(850s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4843 Computer Vision - ACCV 2007, 8 conf.(LNCS4843, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540763857)(987s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4844 Computer Vision - ACCV 2007, 8 conf.(LNCS4844, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540763895)(933s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4845 Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics, 1 conf., WImBI 2006(LNCS4845, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770275)(525s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4846 Advances in Computer Science - ASIAN 2007.. Computer and Network Security, 12 conf.(LNCS4846, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540769279)(322s).pdf
LNCS4848 DNA Computing, 13 conf., DNA13(LNCS4848, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540779612)(310s).pdf
LNCS4849 Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design, 6 conf., TAMODIA 2007(LNCS4849, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540772217)(310s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4852 Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 4 conf., CAAN 2007(LNCS4852, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540772934)(156s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4853 GeoSpatial Semantics, 2 conf., GeoS 2007(LNCS4853, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768753)(296s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4855 FSTTCS 2007.. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 27 conf.(LNCS4855, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770497)(570s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4856 Cryptology and Network Security, 6 conf., CANS 2007(LNCS4856, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540769682)(291s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4857 Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, 7 conf., W2GIS 2007(LNCS4857, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540769231)(301s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4858 Internet and Network Economics, 3 conf., WINE 2007(LNCS4858, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540771043)(611s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4859 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2007, 8 conf.(LNCS4859, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770251)(436s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4860 Membrane Computing, 8 conf., WMC 2007(LNCS4860, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540773115)(462s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4863 Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, 5 conf., WAW 2007(LNCS4863, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770039)(225s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4864 Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, 3 conf., MSN 2007(LNCS4864, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770237)(883s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4865 Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems III.. Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning, 5, 6, 7 conf., ALAMAS 2005-2007(LNCS4865, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540779476)(271s).pdf
LNCS4866 Sustainable Internet, 3 conf., AINTEC 2007(LNCS4866, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540768081)(267s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4868 Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interactions(LNCS4868, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850984)(249s).pdf
LNCS4871 Virtual Storytelling.. Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling, 4 conf., ICVS 2007(LNCS4871, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770374)(225s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4873 High Performance Computing - HiPC 2007, 14 conf.(LNCS4873, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540772194)(687s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4874 Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 13 conf., EPIA 2007(LNCS4874, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770008)(717s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4875 Graph Drawing, 15 conf., GD 2007(LNCS4875, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540775362)(422s).pdf
LNCS4876 Selected Areas in Cryptography, 14 conf., SAC 2007(LNCS4876, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540773597)(416s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4877 Digital Libraries.. Research and Development(LNCS4877, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540770879)(359s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4880 Software Architectures, Components, and Applications, 3 conf., QoSA 2007(LNCS4880, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540776178)(265s).pdf
LNCS4881 Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2007, 8 conf.(LNCS4881, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540772255)(1191s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4882 Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 4 conf., ICDCIT 2007(LNCS4882, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540771128)(358s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4884 Computable Models of the Law(LNCS4884, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540855682)(351s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4885 Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, on Non-Linear Speech Processing, NOLISP 2007(LNCS4885, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540773467)(292s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4886 Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 11 conf., FC 2007(LNCS4886, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540773658)(418s).pdf
LNCS4887 Cryptography and Coding, 11 conf.(LNCS4887, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540772712)(431s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4889 Heterogeneous Objects Modelling and Applications(LNCS4889, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540684411)(292s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4891 Advances in Web Semantics I.. Ontologies, Web Services(LNCS4891, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3540897836)(O)(404s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4892 Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, 4 conf., MLMI 2007(LNCS4892, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781547)(318s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4893 Sequences, Subsequences, and Consequences, SSC 2007(LNCS4893, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540774037)(226s).pdf
LNCS4894 Inductive Logic Programming, 17 conf., ILP 2007(LNCS4894, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540784683)(317s).pdf
LNCS4895 Software Process and Product Measurement, IWSM-Mensura 2007(LNCS4895, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540855521)(211s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4897 Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies 5 conf., DALT 2007(LNCS4897, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540775638)(254s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4899 Hardware and Software.. Verification and Testing, 3 conf., HVC 2007(LNCS4899, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540779643)(287s).pdf
LNCS4900 Journal on Data Semantics 10 conf.(LNCS4900, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540776871)(274s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4901 Medical Biometrics, 1 conf., ICMB 2008(LNCS4901, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540774105)(342s).pdf
LNCS4903 Advances in Multimedia Modeling, 14 conf., MMM 2008(LNCS4903, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540774075)(546s).pdf
LNCS4904 Distributed Computing and Networking, 9 conf., ICDCN 2008(LNCS4904, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540774433)(604s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4905 Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 9 conf., VMCAI 2008(LNCS4905, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781622)(332s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4906 Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP 2007 Workshop Reader(LNCS4906, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781943)(211s).pdf
LNCS4910 SOFSEM 2008.. Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 34 conf.(LNCS4910, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540775652)(805s).pdf
LNCS4911 Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming - Theory and Applications(LNCS4911, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540786511)(347s).pdf
LNCS4913 Wireless Sensor Networks, 5 conf., EWSN 2008(LNCS4913, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540776895)(408s).pdf
LNCS4917 High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers, 3 conf., HiPEAC 2008(LNCS4917, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540775591)(406s).pdf
LNCS4918 Adaptive Multimedial Retrieval.. Retrieval, User, and Semantics, 5 conf., AMR 2007(LNCS4918, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540798590)(275s).pdf
LNCS4919 Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 9 conf., CICLing 2008(LNCS4919, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781349)(700s).pdf
LNCS4920 Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security 3 conf.(LNCS4920, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540690160)(98s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4921 WALCOM.. Algorithms and Computation, 2 conf., WALCOM 2008(LNCS4921, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540778905)(250s).pdf
LNCS4924 Knowledge Management for Health Care Procedures, From Knowledge to Global Care, AIME 2007 Workshop K4CARE 2007(LNCS4924, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540786238)(170s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4926 Artificial Evolution, 8 conf.(LNCS4926, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540793045)(340s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4927 Approximation and Online Algorithms, 5 conf., WAOA 2007(LNCS4927, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540779179)(299s).pdf
LNCS4928 Business Process Management Workshops, BPM 2007s(LNCS4928, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540782377)(502s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4929 Understanding Planning Tasks.. Domain Complexity and Heuristic Decomposition(LNCS4929, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540777229)(273s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4931 Robot Vision, 2 conf., RobVis 2008(LNCS4931, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781561)(488s).pdf
LNCS4932 Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, 5 conf., FoIKS 2008(LNCS4932, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540776833)(415s).pdf
LNCS4934 Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2008, 21 conf.(LNCS4934, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540781523)(274s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4936 Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, 4 conf., WAW 2006(LNCS4936, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540788072)(174s).pdf
LNCS4939 Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2008, 11 conf.(LNCS4939, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540784395)(408s).pdf
LNCS4941 Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2007(LNCS4941, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540680840)(209s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4942 Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 13 conf., JSSPP 2007(LNCS4942, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540786986)(194s).pdf
LNCS4943 Reconfigurable Computing.. Architectures, Tools and Applications, 4 conf., ARC 2008(LNCS4943, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540786092).pdf
LNCS4945 Research in Cryptology, 2 conf., WEWoRC 2007(LNCS4945, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540883524)(162s).pdf
LNCS4946 Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, 4 conf., ArgMAS 2007(LNCS4946, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540789147)(243s).pdf
LNCS4948 Theory of Cryptography 5 conf.(LNCS4948, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 354078523X)(656s).pdf
LNCS4951 Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 8 conf., AOSE 2007(LNCS4951, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540794875)(236s).pdf
LNCS4952 The Internet of Things, 1 conf., IOT 2008(LNCS4952, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540787303)(389s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4953 Agent and Multi-Agent Systems.. Technologies and Applications, 2 conf., KES-AMSTA 2008(LNCS4953, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540785811)(927s).pdf
LNCS4954 Software Composition, 7 conf., SC 2008(LNCS4954, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540787884)(271s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4955 Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 12 conf., RECOMB 2008(LNCS4955, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540788386)(495s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4956 Advances in Information Retrieval, 30 conf., ECIR 2008(LNCS4956, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540786450)(737s).pdf
LNCS4957 LATIN 2008.. Theoretical Informatics, 8 conf.(LNCS4957, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540787723)(808s).pdf
LNCS4958 Combinatorial Image Analysis, 12 conf., IWCIA 2008(LNCS4958, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540782742)(459s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4959 Compiler Construction 17 conf.(LNCS4959, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540787909)(317s).pdf
LNCS4960 Programming Languages and Systems, 17 conf., ESOP 2008(LNCS4960, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540787389)(409s).pdf
LNCS4961 Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 11 conf., FASE 2008(LNCS4961, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540787426)(441s).pdf
LNCS4962 Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, 11 conf., FOSSACS 2008(LNCS4962, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540784975)(518s).pdf
LNCS4963 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 14 conf., TACAS 2008(LNCS4963, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540787990)(532s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4968 Trusted Computing - Challenges and Applications, 1 conf., Trust 2008(LNCS4968, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540689782)(200s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4969 Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval.. Sense of Sounds, 4 conf., CMMR 2007(LNCS4969, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850342)(518s).pdf
LNCS4970 Collaborative and Distributed Chemical Engineering(LNCS4970, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705512)(841s).pdf
LNCS4974 Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops 2008.. EvoCOMNET(LNCS4974, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540787600)(723s).pdf
LNCS4975 Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing, 5 conf., GMP 2008(LNCS4975, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540792451)(611s).pdf
LNCS4976 Progress in WWW Research and Development, 10 conf., APWeb 2008(LNCS4976, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540788485)(714s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4978 Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 5 conf., TAMC 2008(LNCS4978, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540792277)(609s).pdf
LNCS4983 Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 4 conf., ISBRA 2008(LNCS4983, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540794493)(525s).pdf
LNCS4988 Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science, 10 conf., and 5 conf.(LNCS4988, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540789123)(405s).pdf
LNCS4989 Functional and Logic Programming, 9 conf., FLOPS 2008(LNCS4989, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540789685)(O)(346s).pdf
LNCS4990 Information Security and Cryptology, 3 conf., Inscrypt 2007(LNCS4990, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540794981)(543s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS4997 Algorithmic Game Theory, 1 conf., SAGT 2008(LNCS4997, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540793083)(372s).pdf
LNCS4999 Scaling Topic Maps, 3 conf., TMRA 2007(LNCS4999, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540708735)(260s).pdf
LNCS5000 25 Years of Model Checking(LNCS5000, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540698494)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(237s)_CsLn_.djvu
LNCS5008 Computer Vision Systems, 6 conf., ICVS 2008(LNCS5008, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540795469)(552s).pdf
LNCS5010 Computer Science - Theory and Applications, 3 conf., CSR 2008(LNCS5010, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540797081)(421s).pdf
LNCS5011 Algorithmic Number Theory 8 Symposium (LNCS5011, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540794557)(462s)_MTc_.pdf
LNCS5022 Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 8 conf., ICA3PP 2008(LNCS5022, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540695004)(330s).pdf
LNCS5023 Progress in Cryptology - AFRICACRYPT 2008(LNCS5023, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540681595)(424s).pdf
LNCS5029 Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 19 conf., CPM 2008(LNCS5029, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540690665)(326s).pdf
LNCS5032 Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 21 conf., Canadian AI 2008(LNCS5032, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540688211)(390s).pdf
LNCS5035 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 13 conf., IPCO 2008(LNCS5035, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540688860)(485s).pdf
LNCS5036 Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, 3 conf., GPC 2008(LNCS5036, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540680819)(531s).pdf
LNCS5038 Experimental Algorithms 7 conf.(LNCS5038, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540685480)(O)(370s).pdf
LNCS5043 Massively Multi-Agent Technology, AAMAS, MMAS 2006, LSMAS 2006, CCMMS 2007(LNCS5043, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540854487)(199s).pdf
LNCS5044 Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems, 10 conf., PRIMA 2007(LNCS5044, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642016387)(493s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5045 Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms.. Theory and Practice 2006(LNCS5045, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540855200)(247s)_MN_.pdf
LNCS5050 Computational Intelligence.. Research Frontiers, WCCI 2008(LNCS5050, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540688587)(401s).pdf
LNCS5055 Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications, 15 conf., ASMTA 2008(LNCS5055, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540689805)(332s).pdf
LNCS5056 Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, 8 conf.(LNCS5056, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540888321)(308s).pdf
LNCS5058 Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 15 conf., SIROCCO 2008(LNCS5058, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540693260)(314s).pdf
LNCS5059 Frontiers in Algorithmics, 2 conf., FAW 2008(LNCS5059, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540693109)(359s).pdf
LNCS5060 Autonomic and Trusted Computing, 5 conf., ATC 2008(LNCS5060, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540692942)(680s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5062 Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, 29 conf., PETRI NETS 2008(LNCS5062, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540687450)(439s).pdf
LNCS5064 Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, 3 conf., ANNPR 2008(LNCS5064, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540699385)(326s).pdf
LNCS5065 Concurrency, Graphs and Models(LNCS5065, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540686767)(822s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5068 Computer-Human Interaction, 8 conf., APCHI 2008(LNCS5068, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705840)(471s).pdf
LNCS5072 Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2008, part 1(LNCS5072, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540698388)(1283s).pdf
LNCS5073 Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2008, part 2(LNCS5073, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540698401)(1296s).pdf
LNCS5074 Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 20 conf., CAiSE 2008(LNCS5074, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540695332)(603s).pdf
LNCS5077 Advances in Data Mining.. Medical Applications, E-Commerce, Marketing, and Theoretical Aspects, 8 conf., ICDM 2008(LNCS5077, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540707172)(437s).pdf
LNCS5081 Computer Mathematics, 8 conf., ASCM 2007(LNCS5081, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540878261)(368s).pdf
LNCS5082 Balancing Agility and Formalism in Software Engineering, 2 conf., CEE-SET 2007(LNCS5082, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540852780)(314s).pdf
LNCS5083 Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 19 conf., IFL 2007(LNCS5083, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540853723)(283s).pdf
LNCS5084 Transactions on Rough Sets 8 conf.(LNCS5084, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850632)(400dpi)(T)(C)(O)(529s).djvu
LNCS5086 Fast Software Encryption, 15 conf., FSE 2008(LNCS5086, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540710387)(498s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5092 Computing and Combinatorics, 14 conf., COCOON 2008(LNCS5092, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540697329)(691s).pdf
LNCS5097 Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - ICAISC 2008, 9 conf.(LNCS5097, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540695721)(1266s).pdf
LNCS5098 Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, 5 conf., AMDO 2008(LNCS5098, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705161)(470s).pdf
LNCS5101 Computational Science - ICCS 2008, 8 conf.(LNCS5101, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540693833)(1058s).pdf
LNCS5102 Computational Science - ICCS 2008, 8 conf., part 2(LNCS5102, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540693864)(763s).pdf
LNCS5103 Computational Science - ICCS 2008, 8 conf., part 3(LNCS5103, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540693888)(762s).pdf
LNCS5104 Biomedical Simulation, 4 conf., ISBMS 2008(LNCS5104, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705208)(237s).pdf
LNCS5106 Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography, 3 conf., TQC 2008(LNCS5106, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540893035)(121s).pdf
LNCS5107 Information Security and Privacy, 13 conf., ACISP 2008(LNCS5107, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540699712)(489s).pdf
LNCS5110 Logic, Language, Information and Computation, 15 conf., WoLLIC 2008(LNCS5110, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540699361)(320s).pdf
LNCS5111 Secure Transaction Protocol Analysis.. Models and Applications(LNCS5111, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850731)(238s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5117 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 19 conf., RTA 2008(LNCS5117, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705888)(466s).pdf
LNCS5121 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 9 conf.(LNCS5121, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540887644)(159s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5123 Computer Aided Verification, 20 conf., CAV 2008(LNCS5123, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705437)(573s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5124 Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2008, 11 conf.(LNCS5124, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540699002)(448s).pdf
LNCS5125 Automata, Languages and Programming, 35 conf., ICALP 2008, part 1(LNCS5125, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705741)(918s).pdf
LNCS5126 Automata, Languages and Programming, 35 conf., ICALP 2008, part 2(LNCS5126, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705826)(750s).pdf
LNCS5130 Arithmetic of Finite Fields, 2 conf., WAIFI 2008(LNCS5130, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540694984)(213s).pdf
LNCS5131 Computers and Games, 6 conf., CG 2008(LNCS5131, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540876076)(286s).pdf
LNCS5132 Artificial Immune Systems, 7 conf., ICARIS 2008(LNCS5132, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850717)(446s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5133 Mathematics of Program Construction, 9 conf., MPC 2008(LNCS5133, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705932)(430s).pdf
LNCS5137 Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, 5 conf., DIMVA 2008(LNCS5137, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540705413)(287s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5138 Artificial Intelligence.. Theories, Models and Applications, 5 conf., SETN 2008(LNCS5138, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540878803)(456s).pdf
LNCS5140 Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 12 conf., AMAST 2008(LNCS5140, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540799795)(441s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5143 Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 12 conf., FC 2008(LNCS5143, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540852292)(336s).pdf
LNCS5144 Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 9 conf., AISC 2008(LNCS5144, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851097)(613s).pdf
LNCS5145 Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2008, 7 conf.(LNCS5145, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850328)(565s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5147 Algebraic Biology, 3 conf., AB 2008(LNCS5147, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851004)(241s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5148 Implementation and Applications of Automata, 13 conf., CIAA 2008(LNCS5148, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540708438)(298s).pdf
LNCS5149 Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, 5 conf., AH 2008(LNCS5149, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540709848)(454s).pdf
LNCS5152 Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval, 8 conf., CLEF 2007(LNCS5152, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857594)(941s).pdf
LNCS5153 The Common Component Modeling Example.. Comparing Software Component Models(LNCS5153, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540852889)(465s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5155 Information Theoretic Security, 3 conf., ICITS 2008(LNCS5155, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850922)(259s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5156 Model Checking Software, 15 conf.(LNCS5156, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851134)(351s).pdf
LNCS5157 Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2008, 28 conf.(LNCS5157, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851738)(604s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5158 Computational Forensics, 2 conf., IWCF 2008(LNCS5158, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540853022)(238s).pdf
LNCS5159 Secure Data Management, 5 conf., SDM 2008(LNCS5159, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540852582)(238s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5160 Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2008, 5 conf.(LNCS5160, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857617)(465s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5161 Central European Functional Programming School, 2 school, CEFP 2007(LNCS5161, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540880585)(308s).pdf
LNCS5162 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2008, 33 conf., MFCS 2008(LNCS5162, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540852377)(637s).pdf
LNCS5163 Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2008, 18 conf.(LNCS5163, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540875352)(1052s).pdf
LNCS5164 Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2008, 18 conf.(LNCS5164, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540875581)(1011s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5165 Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, 2 conf., COCOA 2008(LNCS5165, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850960)(490s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5167 Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 3 conf., BSB 2008(LNCS5167, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540855569)(190s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5169 Hybrid Learning and Education, 1 conf., ICHL 2008(LNCS5169, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851691)(484s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5170 Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 21 conf., TPHOLs 2008(LNCS5170, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540710653)(329s).pdf
LNCS5171 Approximation, Randomization and Combinatorial Optimization.. Algorithms and Techniques, 11 conf., APPROX 2008(LNCS5171, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540853626)(613s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5176 Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2008 Workshops(LNCS5176, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851998)(199s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5181 Database and Expert Systems Applications, 19 conf., DEXA 2008(LNCS5181, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540856535)(872s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5182 Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 10 conf., DaWaK 2008(LNCS5182, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540858355)(447s).pdf
LNCS5183 E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 9 conf., EC-Web 2008(LNCS5183, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857167)(155s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5185 Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, 5 conf., TrustBus 2008(LNCS5185, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857341)(213s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5187 Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems, 1 conf., Globe 2008(LNCS5187, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851752)(126s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5190 Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, 8 conf., PROPOR 2008(LNCS5190, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540859796)(289s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5193 Algorithms - ESA 2008, 16 conf.(LNCS5193, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540877431)(859s).pdf
LNCS5194 Inductive Logic Programming, 18 conf., ILP 2008(LNCS5194, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540859276)(358s).pdf
LNCS5195 Automated Reasoning, 4 conf., IJCAR 2008(LNCS5195, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540710691)(567s).pdf
LNCS5196 Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 2 conf., LATA 2008(LNCS5196, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540882817)(511s).pdf
LNCS5198 Ad-hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks, 7 conf., ADHOC-NOW 2008(LNCS5198, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540852087)(510s).pdf
LNCS5202 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 14 conf., CP 2008(LNCS5202, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540859574)(661s).pdf
LNCS5203 Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2008, 5 conf.(LNCS5203, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540859116)(430s).pdf
LNCS5204 Unconventional Computing, 7 conf., UC 2008(LNCS5204, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540851936)(268s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5207 Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 12 conf., ADBIS 2008(LNCS5207, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857129)(331s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5208 Intelligent Virtual Agents, 8 conf., IVA 2008(LNCS5208, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540854821)(571s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5209 Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2008(LNCS5209, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540855033)(385s).pdf
LNCS5210 Visualization for Computer Security, 5 conf., VizSec 2008(LNCS5210, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540859314)(204s).pdf
LNCS5212 Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML-PKDD 2008(LNCS5212, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540874805)(720s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5213 Computer Science Logic, 22 conf., CSL 2008(LNCS5213, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540875307)(522s).pdf
LNCS5215 Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 6 conf., FORMATS 2008(LNCS5215, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857778)(304s).pdf
LNCS5217 Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, 6 conf., ANTS 2008(LNCS5217, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540875260)(429s).pdf
LNCS5219 Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 27 conf., SAFECOMP 2008(LNCS5219, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540876977)(466s).pdf
LNCS5226 Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, 4 conf., ICIC 2008(LNCS5226, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540874409)(1287s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5229 Security and Cryptography for Networks, 6 conf., SCN 2008(LNCS5229, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540858546)(432s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5234 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 20 conf., LCPC 2007(LNCS5234, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540852605)(170s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5238 Abstract State Machines, B and Z, 1 conf., ABZ 2008(LNCS5238, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540876021)(392s).pdf
LNCS5240 Business Process Management, 6 conf., BPM 2008(LNCS5240, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857570)(410s).pdf
LNCS5244 Multiagent System Technologies, 6 conf., MATES 2008(LNCS5244, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540878049)(216s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5248 Spatial Cognition VI.. Learning, Reasoning, and Talking about Space, Spatial Cognition 2008(LNCS5248, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540876007)(455s)_CsLn_.pdf
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Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

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Bill_G · 31-Мар-10 17:38 (спустя 2 мин., ред. 31-Мар-10 17:38)

список 3
скрытый текст
LNCS5248 Spatial Cognition VI.. Learning, Reasoning, and Talking about Space, Spatial Cognition 2008(LNCS5248, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540876007)(455s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5250 Complexity of Constraints - An Overview of Current Research Themes(LNCS5250, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540927990)(326s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5251 Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 8 conf., WABI 2008(LNCS5251, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540873600)(406s).pdf
LNCS5252 Branke, Deb, Miettinen, Slowinski. (eds.) Multiobjective optimization.. Interactive and evolutionary approaches (LNCS5252, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540889078)(481s)_MOc_.pdf
LNCS5253 Artificial Intelligence.. Methodology, Systems, and Applications, 13 conf., AIMSA 2008(LNCS5253, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857754)(426s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5254 Algorithmic Learning Theory, 19 conf., ALT 2008(LNCS5254, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540879862)(479s).pdf
LNCS5257 Developments in Language Theory, 12 conf., DLT 2008(LNCS5257, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540857792)(555s).pdf
LNCS5260 Pedagogically Founded Courseware Generation for Web-Based Learning(LNCS5260, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540882138).pdf
LNCS5261 Computer Performance Engineering, 5 conf., EPEW 2008(LNCS5261, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540874119)(276s).pdf
LNCS5264 Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2008, 5 conf., ISNN 2008(LNCS5264, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540877332)(875s).pdf
LNCS5267 Comparative Genomics, RECOMB-CG 2008(LNCS5267, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540879886)(274s).pdf
LNCS5276 Modelling Autonomic Communications Environments, 3 conf., MACE 2008(LNCS5276, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540873549)(136s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5281 Quality of Software Architectures.. Models and Architectures, 4 conf., QoSA 2008(LNCS5281, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540878780)(207s).pdf
LNCS5282 Component-Based Software Engineering, 11 conf., CBSE 2008(LNCS5282, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540878902)(345s).pdf
LNCS5283 Computer Security - ESORICS 2008, 13 conf.(LNCS5283, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540883128)(612s).pdf
LNCS5297 Challenges for Next Generation Network Operations and Service Management, 11 conf., APNOMS 2008(LNCS5297, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540886228)(587s).pdf
LNCS5299 Post-Quantum Cryptography, 2 conf., PQCrypto 2008(LNCS5299, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540884026)(239s).pdf
LNCS5304 Computer Vision - ECCV 2008, 10 conf., part 3(LNCS5304, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540886891)(844s).pdf
LNCS5305 Computer Vision - ECCV 2008, 10 conf., part 4(LNCS5305, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540886921)(910s).pdf
LNCS5307 Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 6 conf., CMSB 2008(LNCS5307, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540885610)(411s).pdf
LNCS5312 Advances in Information and Computer Security, 3 conf., IWSEC 2008(LNCS5312, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540895978)(308s).pdf
LNCS5317 MICAI 2008.. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 7 conf.(LNCS5317, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540886358)(448s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5335 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 21 conf., LCPC 2008(LNCS5335, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540897392)(365s).pdf
LNCS5344 Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 34 conf., WG 2008(LNCS5344, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540922474)(395s).pdf
LNCS5350 Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2008, 14 conf.(LNCS5350, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540892540).pdf
LNCS5356 Programming Languages and Systems, 6 conf., APLAS 2008(LNCS5356, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540893295)(350s).pdf
LNCS5365 Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2008, 9 conf.(LNCS5365, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540897538)(448s).pdf
LNCS5369 Algorithms and Computation, 19 conf., ISAAC 2008(LNCS5369, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540921813)(961s).pdf
LNCS5379 Information Security Applications, 9 conf., WISA 2008(LNCS5379, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642003059)(343s).pdf
LNCS5383 Journal on Data Semantics 11 conf.(LNCS5383, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540921479)(247s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5384 Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Fifth, ArgMAS 2008(LNCS5384, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642002069)(238s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5390 Transactions on Rough Sets 9 conf.(LNCS5390, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540898757)(760s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5391 Membrane Computing, 9 conf., WMC 2008(LNCS5391, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540958840)(381s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5393 Mathematical Methods in Computer Science, MMICS 2008(LNCS5393, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540899938)(200s).pdf
LNCS5395 Attention in Cognitive Systems, 5 conf., WAPCV 2008(LNCS5395, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642005817)(282s).pdf
LNCS5397 Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies 6 conf., DALT 2008(LNCS5397, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540939191)(261s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5402 Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, 1 and 2 conf. 2007 and 2008(LNCS5402, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642001543)(438s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5403 Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 10 conf., VMCAI 2009(LNCS5403, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540938996)(391s).pdf
LNCS5404 SOFSEM 2009.. Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 35 conf.(LNCS5404, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540958901)(684s).pdf
LNCS5407 Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS 2009(LNCS5407, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540926863)(477s).pdf
LNCS5409 High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers, 4 conf., HiPEAC 2009(LNCS5409, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540929895)(431s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5412 Towards digital optical networks.. COST action 291 report(LNCS5412, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642015236)(362s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5413 Software Engineering, International Summer Schools, ISSSE 2006-2008(LNCS5413, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540958871)(265s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5417 Graph Drawing, 16 conf., GD 2008(LNCS5417, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642002182)(471s).pdf
LNCS5419 Computer Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2009(LNCS5419, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540937982)(152s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5422 Logic, Language, and Computation 2007 7 conf.(LNCS5422, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642006647)(298s).pdf
LNCS5427 Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, 6 conf., WAW 2009(LNCS5427, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540959946)(192s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5430 Transactions on Computational Science 4 conf.(LNCS5430, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642010033)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5431 WALCOM.. Algorithms and Computation, 3 conf., WALCOM 2009(LNCS5431, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642002014)(417s).pdf
LNCS5432 Wireless Sensor Networks, 6 conf., EWSN 2009(LNCS5432, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642002236)(384s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5433 New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining, PAKDD 2008s(LNCS5433, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642003981)(227s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5437 Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, 17 conf., INAP 2007(LNCS5437, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642006744)(262s).pdf
LNCS5438 Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 18 conf., LOPSTR 2008(LNCS5438, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642005145)(192s).pdf
LNCS5439 Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis, 9 conf., WebKDD 2007(LNCS5439, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642005275)(163s).pdf
LNCS5442 Programming Multi-Agent Systems 6 conf., ProMAS 2008 (LNCS5442, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642032776)(264s).pdf
LNCS5443 Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2009, 12 conf.(LNCS5443, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642004674)(530s).pdf
LNCS5444 Theory of Cryptography 6 conf.(LNCS5444, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642004568)(623s).pdf
LNCS5445 Modular Ontologies.. Concepts, Theories and Techniques for Knowledge Modularization(LNCS5445, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642019067)(372s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5452 Software Language Engineering, 1 conf., SLE 2008(LNCS5452, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642004339)(353s).pdf
LNCS5459 Computer Processing of Oriental Languages.. Language Technology for the Knowledge-based Economy, 22 conf., ICCPOL 2009(LNCS5459, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642008306)(414s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5460 Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency II(LNCS5460, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642008986)(310s).pdf
LNCS5461 Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2008, 11 conf.(LNCS5461, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642007293)(444s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5467 Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 5 conf., EMO 2009(LNCS5467, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642010194)(598s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5468 Future Internet - FIS 2008, 1 conf., FIS 2008(LNCS5468, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642009846)
LNCS547 Springer.Differential.Cryptanalysis.Of.Feal.And.N.Hash.E.Biham.And.A.Shamir.Advances.In.Cryptology.Eurocrypt'91.Lncs.547.(1991).Pp.1.16.pdf
LNCS5470 Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers 2 conf.(LNCS5470, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642009037)(335s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5471 Trusted Computing, 2 conf., Trust 2009(LNCS5471, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642005862)(272s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5475 Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP 2008 Workshop Reader, ECOOP 2008 Workshops(LNCS5475, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642020469)(123s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5477 Intelligence and Security Informatics, Pacific Asia Workshop, PAISI 2009(LNCS5477, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642013928)(177s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5479 Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2009, 28 conf.(LNCS5479, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642010002)(622s).pdf
LNCS5484 Applications of Evolutionary Computing.. EvoWorkshops 2009 (LNCS5484, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642011283)(856s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5485 Engineering Societies in the Agents World 9 conf., ESAW 2008(LNCS5485, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642025617)(277s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5501 Compiler Construction 18 conf.(LNCS5501, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 364200721X)(291s).pdf
LNCS5502 Programming Languages and Systems, 18 conf., ESOP 2009(LNCS5502, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642005893)(423s).pdf
LNCS5505 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 15 conf., TACAS 2009(LNCS5505, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642007675)(469s).pdf
LNCS5515 Algorithms of Large and Complex Networks (LNCS5515, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642020933)(410s).pdf
LNCS5522 Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems, 11 conf., FMOODS 2009, FORTE 2009 (LNCS5522, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642021374)(259s).pdf
LNCS5527 Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes 18 conf., AAECC-18 2009(LNCS5527, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642021808)(O)(252s).pdf
LNCS5529 Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, 4 conf., GPC 2009(LNCS5529, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642016707)(496s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5532 Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 6 conf., TAMC 2009(LNCS5532, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642020162)(493s).pdf
LNCS5536 Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 7 conf., ACNS 2009(LNCS5536, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642019560)(545s).pdf
LNCS5538 Pervasive Computing, 7 conf., Pervasive 2009(LNCS5538, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642015151)(420s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5548 Formal Concept Analysis, 7 conf., ICFCA 2009(LNCS5548, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642018145)(349s).pdf
LNCS5549 Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 22 conf., Canadian AI 2009(LNCS5549, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642018176)(308s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5561 Location and Context Awareness, 4 conf., LoCA 2009(LNCS5561, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642017209)(290s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5573 Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, 3 conf., COCOA 2009(LNCS5573, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642020254)(553s).pdf
LNCS5583 Developments in Language Theory 13 conf., DLT 2009 (LNCS5583, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642027369)(O)(512s).pdf
LNCS5595 Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 20 conf., RTA 2009(LNCS5595, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642023479)(O)(400s).pdf
LNCS5601 Methods and Models in Artificial and Natural Computation, 3 conf., IWINAC 2009, part 1(LNCS5601, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642022630)(549s).pdf
LNCS5606 Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, 30 conf., PETRI NETS 2009(LNCS5606, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642024238)(363s).pdf
LNCS5641 Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions 2008(LNCS5641, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642033193)(449s).pdf
LNCS5643 Computer Aided Verification, 21 conf., CAV 2009(LNCS5643, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642026577)(736s).pdf
LNCS5645 Data and Applications Security 23 conf.(LNCS5645, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642030062)(324s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5651 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 12 conf., AIME 2009(LNCS5651, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642029752)(454s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5654 Hancock, Martin, Sabin. (eds.) Mathematics of Surfaces XIII.. 13th IMA International Conference (LNCS5654, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642035957)(418s)_CsCg_.pdf
LNCS5664 Algorithms and Data Structures.. 11 conf., WADS 2009 (LNCS5664, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642033667)(O)(588s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5718 Computational Forensics, 3 conf., IWCF 2009(LNCS5718, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783642035203)(189s).pdf
LNCS5720 Wilkinson M., Roerdink J. (eds.) Mathematical morphology and its application to signal and image processing.. 9th Int. Symp. (LNCS5720, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642036120)(329s)_CsIp_.pdf
LNCS5737 Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies.. 8 conf., APPT 2009 (LNCS5737, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642036430)(O)(489s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5832 Advanced Functional Programming 6 conf., AFP 2008 (LNCS5832, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642046513)(O)(344s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS5843 IP Operations and Management 9 conf. of IEEE, IPOM 2009 (LNCS5843, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642049675)(O)(195s)_CsLn_.pdf
LNCS72 Ng E.W. (ed.) Symbolic and algebraic computation (Proc. EUROSAM, LNCS 72, Springer, 1979)(T)(ISBN 3540095195)(572s).djvu
LNCS721 Bradford. Simplification of multiple-valued functions (DISCO92, LNCS 721)(L)(T)(5s).djvu
LNCSE Iske A. Multiresolution Methods in Scattered Data Modelling (LNCSE, Springer,2004)(ISBN 3540204792)(K)(600dpi)(T)(191s)_MNw_.djvu
LNCSE0043 Griebel M., Schweitzer M. (eds.) Meshfree methods for partial differential equations II (LNCSE0043, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540230262)(306s)_MNd_.pdf
LNCSE0055 Widlund O., Keyes D. (eds.) Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XVI (LNCSE0055, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540344683)(434s)_MNf_.pdf
LNCSE0057 Griebel M., Schweitzer M. (eds.) Meshfree methods for partial differential equations III (LNCSE0057, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540462147)(317s)_MNd_.pdf
LNCSE0058 Gorban A., Kegl B., Wunsch D., et al. (eds.) Principal manifolds for data visualization and dimension reduction (LNCSE0058, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540737499)(361s).pdf
LNCSE0059 Ammari H. (ed.) Modeling and computations in electromagnetics. Dedicated to J.C. Nedelec (LNCSE0059, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540737773)(240s)_MNs_.pdf
LNCSE0061 Mathew T. Domain decomposition methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (LNCSE0061, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540772057)(775s)_MNd_.pdf
LNCSE0065 Griebel M., Schweitzer M. (eds.) Meshfree methods for partial differential equations IV (LNCSE0065, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540799931)(404s)_MNd_.pdf
LNCSE0066 Engquist, Lotstedt, Runborg. (eds.) Multiscale modeling and simulation in science (LNCSE0066, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 354088856X)(329s)_MN_.pdf
LNCSE052 LNCSE 052 - Hoffmann K.,Meyer A. - Parallel algorithms and cluster computing.. implementations, algorithms and applications - Springer 2006 - ISBN 3540335390 (370s).djvu
LNCSE058 Principal manifolds for data visualization and dimension reduction - Springer 2008 - LNCSE 058 - Gorban A. - ISBN 3540737499 (367s).djvu
LNCSE48 Graziani F. (ed) Computational methods in transport.. Granlibakken 2004 (LNCSE 48, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540281223)(545s).pdf
LNCSE52 Hoffmann K., Meyer A. (eds) Parallel algorithms and cluster computing.. implementations, algorithms and applications (LNCSE 52, Springer, 2006)(370s)ISBN3-540-00351-7.pdf
LNCSE55 Widlund O., Keyes D. (eds) Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XVI (LNCSE 55, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540344683)(434s).pdf
LNCSLNAI U:\!Genesis\!!ForLG\!!!3\Basin D., Rusinowitch M. (eds) Automated reasoning.. IJCAR proc., Cork 2004 (LNCS-LNAI 3097, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223452)(509s).pdf
LNCSLnai2039 Schumacher M Objective Coordination In Multi-Agent System Engineering Design And Implementation (Lncs-Lnai 2039, Springer, 2001)(Isbn 3540419829)(137S).pdf
LNCSLNAI3187 Lindemann G., et al (eds.) Multiagent system technologies.. proc., Erfurt 2004 (LNCS-LNAI 3187, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540232222)(359s).pdf
LNCSLnai3244 Springer - Ben-David S , Case J , Maruoka A (Eds) Algorithmic Learning Theory Proc , Pavoda 2004 (Lncs-Lnai 3244, 2004)(Isbn 3540233563)(523s).pdf
LNCSNeura Springer.LNCS.Neural.Network.Classification.and.Prior.Class.Probabilities.(State.of.the.Art.Surveys) .pdf
LNCSpdf Springer.Klaus.P.Jantke.Ayumi.Shinohara.Discovery.Science.(LNCS).pdf
LNCST1 Haible, Papanicolaou. Evaluation of series of rational numbers (LNCS)(T)(13s).djvu
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Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 1

sheldon_13 · 07-Июн-10 21:18 (спустя 2 месяца 7 дней)

Большое спасибо за раздачу! А нету у Вас подшивки журнала Fuzzy Sets and Systems?
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Стаж: 17 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 17

m700 · 24-Авг-10 17:23 (спустя 2 месяца 16 дней)

Большого тебе счастья, человек!
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Стаж: 17 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 28

SnoopDuck · 11-Янв-11 16:41 (спустя 4 месяца 17 дней)

вот это круто! спасибо!
я за внешним винчестером, никуда не уходите)))
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 10

sidpro · 05-Апр-11 17:04 (спустя 2 месяца 25 дней)

товарищ, Fast Software Encryption 7 conf.(LNCS1978, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540417281)(321s).pdf имеет неизвестную ошибку (прекращается работа адоба)
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 237

MrLAG · 09-Май-11 20:31 (спустя 1 месяц 4 дня)

Есть ещё тысячи эдак 2,5 в наличии. Только не знаю как их к этой раздаче добавить. Можно список контрольных сумм для утилиты clonspy? Я тогда выложу те что здесь нет.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Гость · 09-Май-11 20:55 (спустя 23 мин., ред. 09-Май-11 20:55)

Извините, не понял что у Вас есть.
Пишите в ЛС, обсудим


Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 237

MrLAG · 17-Май-11 01:59 (спустя 7 дней)

Книжки у меня есть, серии Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Из 0-6999 где-то 5300 штук. Из того же (подозреваю) источника что и Bill_G. Просто я скачал последнее пополнение, а он то что было год-два назад.
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Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 5

_-Lord-_ · 13-Июн-11 22:26 (спустя 27 дней)

Потрясающе. Автору большое спасибо за старание.
Правда, найти в такой куче выпусков что-то нужное довольно затруднительно. Так что предпочитаю пользоваться поиском на SpringerLinks. Благо доступ из универа бесплатный.
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Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1179

cikada59 · 22-Июл-11 23:06 (спустя 1 месяц 9 дней)

MrLAG писал(а):
Книжки у меня есть, серии Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Из 0-6999 где-то 5300 штук. Из того же (подозреваю) источника что и Bill_G. Просто я скачал последнее пополнение, а он то что было год-два назад.
Не получилось состыковаться с автором раздачи для пополнения серии?
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 237

MrLAG · 04-Сен-11 14:05 (спустя 1 месяц 12 дней)

Да я просто не уверен, выкладывать или нет. Много возни, один список сообщений на 10 будет, а времени возиться совсем нет. Кроме того, они у меня не по порядку номеров расставлены, а по алфавиту (т.е. названия идут без LNCS0000 в начале названия как у Bill_G, он их видать сам добавлял).
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Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1179

cikada59 · 08-Сен-11 17:25 (спустя 4 дня)

MrLAG писал(а):
Да я просто не уверен, выкладывать или нет. Много возни, один список сообщений на 10 будет, а времени возиться совсем нет. Кроме того, они у меня не по порядку номеров расставлены, а по алфавиту (т.е. названия идут без LNCS0000 в начале названия как у Bill_G, он их видать сам добавлял).
Полагаю, выкладывать нужно. Многие читатели будут вам благодарны. Изготовить список файлов нетрудно. Например, так:
1) запустить командную строку cmd (Пуск –> Выполнить или Start –> Run),
2) перейти в нужную папку (с помощью команды cd, например cd "C:\Library"),
3) набрать следующую строку: dir >> list.txt.
В результате в этой папке появится файл list.txt со списком файлов. Далее вам лишь останется вставить этот файл (или несколько частей, на которые Вы, возможно, порежете его) в вашу раздачу. Если вы не хотите дублировать раздачу Bill_G'а, я могу помочь с разделением файлов: изготовьте список (списки), перешлите их мне (способ передачи - через личку); я в вашем списке (списках) помечу файлы, которых нет в раздаче Bill_G'а, перешлю списки вам; вы по этим меткам отделите нужные файлы и сможете легко оформить раздачу.
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 5

rcrvano · 21-Окт-11 07:49 (спустя 1 месяц 12 дней)

У кого-нибудь есть книга
автор Sivarama P Dandamudi
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Стаж: 17 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 2

diablerie · 17-Янв-12 23:12 (спустя 2 месяца 27 дней)

MrLAG писал(а):
Да я просто не уверен, выкладывать или нет. Много возни, один список сообщений на 10 будет, а времени возиться совсем нет. Кроме того, они у меня не по порядку номеров расставлены, а по алфавиту (т.е. названия идут без LNCS0000 в начале названия как у Bill_G, он их видать сам добавлял).
Присоединяюсь к просьбе, выложите уж как получится.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

mastedm · 23-Сен-12 22:08 (спустя 8 месяцев, ред. 25-Сен-12 10:19)

Если есть возможность выложить обновления за 2010-2012 года, то было бы вообще круто!)
Зашел на сайт из профиля Bill_G - вопрос с обновлениями отпал :))
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 48

Jeronimo90 · 05-Май-13 22:36 (спустя 7 месяцев)

Спасибо огромное! Полезнейшая вещь! Благодаря работам из серии Advances in Cryptology дописал-таки диплом
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Стаж: 14 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 55

PavelMSTU · 21-Июн-14 22:11 (спустя 1 год 1 месяц)

Information Hiding только шестая и восьмая конференции... А где можно остальные взять?
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Стаж: 14 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 143

btard88 · 13-Дек-14 13:01 (спустя 5 месяцев 21 день)

Где можно достать выпуски за 2013 год?
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Стаж: 13 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 160

qulinxao · 23-Май-24 14:11 (спустя 9 лет 5 месяцев)

LNCS1663 Algorithms and Data Structures, 6 conf., WADS #99(LNCS1663, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662790)(379s).pdf
for :
Tiered Vectors: Efficient Dynamic Arrays for Rank-Based Sequences
all others
Algorithms and Data Structures
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