Hayes K. - Getting StartED with Dojo [2009, PDF, ENG]

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Getting StartED with Dojo
Год выпуска: 2009
Автор: Kyle Hayes
Издательство: friends of ED
ISBN: 1430225211
Формат: PDF
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное)
Количество страниц: 350
Описание: Dojo has been described as the JavaScript toolkit for programmers that's easy enough for designers to pick up. This book introduces the foundational concepts of using Dojo to increase efficiency when developing modern websites that utilize DOM manipulation, Ajax, animations, effects, and widgets.
Dojo basics
Animations and effects
Widgets with Dijit
What you'll learn
Understand why using Dojo is recommended over plain JavaScript.
Examine Dojo's Core functions that empower the developer to focus on efficient, easy-to-maintain solutions.
Utilize Dojo's powerful event management and handling features to easily execute functions from user and program interaction.
Create rich user experiences with the powerful and easy-to-use utilities Dojo provides for animation.
Implement and use the large selection of Dojo's premade, well-constructed, and skinnable widgets in a website or application.
Bring third-party dynamic data and content into your website or application using Dojo's robust tools for easy Ajax implementation and handling.
Who is this book for?
This book is geared toward designers who want to use JavaScript functionality on websites but don't want to deal with the everyday complexities of coding JavaScript for cross-browser compatibility, tedious methods for DOM manipulation, event handling, Ajax calls, and application user interface elements.
Getting StartED with Dojo JavaScript™ Toolkit is also aimed at developers who are looking to enhance their preexisting JavaScript skills by transitioning their front-end development style to one that is based on core programming standards such as classes, events, and server communication using Ajax.
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