AIAA Journal of Aircraft
Год выпуска: 1964-2011
Жанр: Физика
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
ISSN: 0021-8669
E-ISSN: 1533-3868
Формат: PDF
Язык: Английский
Качество: сканированные страницы - до 1997 года, eBook (изначально компьютерное) - с 1997 года
Номера: 1964 Vol. 1 No. 1 - 2011 Vol. 48 No. 4
Описание: This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the applied science and technology of airborne flight through the dissemination of original archival papers describing significant advances in aircraft, the operation of aircraft, and applications of aircraft technology to other fields. The Journal publishes qualified papers on aircraft systems, air transportation, air traffic management, and multidisciplinary design optimization of aircraft, flight mechanics, flight and ground testing, applied computational fluid dynamics, flight safety, weather and noise hazards, human factors, airport design, airline operations, application of computers to aircraft including artificial intelligence/expert systems, production methods, engineering economic analyses, affordability, reliability, maintainability, and logistics support, integration of propulsion and control systems into aircraft design and operations, aircraft aerodynamics (including unsteady aerodynamics), structural design/dynamics , aeroelasticity, and aeroacoustics. It publishes papers on general aviation, military and civilian aircraft, UAV, STOL and V/STOL, subsonic, supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic aircraft. Papers are sought which comprehensively survey results of recent technical work with emphasis on aircraft technology application.
Журнал выпускается с 1964 года.
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Обновлено 16.08.2011: Добавлены номера 3-6 за 2010 год и 1-4 за 2011 год.