- Getting Started With Corel Painter IX [CD2]
Язык: английский
Описание: Getting Started with Corel Painter IX
with: John Derry and Tanya Staples
This movie-based tutorial is designed to give new and existing users of Corel Painter IX a basic understanding of the latest version of the program and its new and improved features, including the new Welcome Screen, Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts, Artists’ Oils Painting System, Snap-To-Path Painting, QuickClone, and integration with the Wacom Intuos3 tablet. The training begins with an overview of the Corel Painter IX interface, a review of basic tools, and tips on working with a Wacom tablet and then moves to practical sketching and painting exercises, including how to convert digital photographs to drawings, paintings, and mosaics. Exercise files accompany the training, allowing you to follow along and learn at your own pace
Обучающее видео создано для ознакомления пользователей с основными чертами новой версии программы Corel Painter IX. Подробно рассматриваются новый экран приветствия, настраиваемые горячие клавиши, Artists’ Oils Painting System, Snap-To-Path Painting, QuickClone, интеграция с планшетом Wacom Intuos3. Обучение начинается с обзора интерфейса, основных инструментов, советов по работе с планшетом Wacom, а затем переходит к практическим упражнениям по рисованию.
Видео кодек: QuickTime
Видео: QuickTime 880x660
Аудио: MPEG Layer 3, Mono 44100 KHz