[Фармакология] Smith D.A., van de Waterbeemd H., Walker D.K. / Смит Д., Ватербемд Х., Валкер Д. - Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism in Drug Design / Фармакокинетика и метаболизм в драг-дизайне [2001, PDF, ENG]

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Le0parda · 27-Фев-10 09:46 (14 лет 11 месяцев назад, ред. 27-Фев-10 18:50)

Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism in Drug Design / Фармакокинетика и метаболизм в драг-дизайне
Год выпуска: 2001
Автор: Smith D.A., van de Waterbeemd H., Walker D.K.
Жанр: химическая литература
Язык: английский
Издательство: Wiley
ISBN: 3-527-30197-6
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 155
The medical benefits of a drug are not only dependent on its biological effect, but also on its life cycle within the organism - from its absorption into the blood, distribution to tissue until its eventual breakdown or excretion by the liver and kidneys. Here, the authors, all of them employed at Pfizer in the discovery and development of new active substances, discuss the significant parameters and processes important for the absorption, distribution and retention of drug compounds in the body, plus the potential problems created by their transformation into toxic by-products. The authors cover everything from the fundamental principles right up to the latest developments using high throughput methods to analyze the pharmacokinetic properties of active substances. Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of pharmacokinetic parameters on the discovery of new drugs - one of the most challenging tasks in global pharmaceutical research. Thus, this book is aimed at all those dealing professionally with the development and application of pharmaceutical substances. Furthermore, the readily comprehensible style of writing makes it equally suitable for students of pharmacy and related subjects, who feel that pharmacokinetics is covered too briefly in the standard textbooks.
В книге рассматривается поглощение, распространение и накопление лекарственных препаратов в организме и их превращение в токсичные продукты обмена.
Для студентов фармакологических и смежных специальностей.
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