Champagne & sparkling wine Guide 2003 / Гид по шампанскому и игристому вину 2003
Год выпуска: 2003
Автор: Stevenson T. / Стивенсон Т.
Жанр: о вине
Издательство: Wine Appreciation Guild
Формат: PDF
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное)
Количество страниц: 228
Описание: Своеобразный труд знаменитого винного критика Тома Стивенсона. Автор запоздал с написанием данной книги и, предвидя небольшие продажи, решил разместить ее бесплатно. Естественно, он не удосужился ее надлежащим образом оформить или проверить орфографию :). Но ценность материала от этого не пострадала.
This is the final edition of my fizz guide and to tell the truth it’s a relief to know that I don’t have to put myself through this particular treadmill again. A combination of logistical, personal and work problems in the one year when I was supposed to be updating my Christie’s World Encyclopedia of Champagne & Sparkling Wine delayed both that book and this one. When I eventually finished this fizz guide, it was far too late for me to contemplate selling it. How could I ask money for a buyer’s guide that would be 12 months late? I couldn’t, but it was no one else’s fault, and not only did I feel a debt to those who had submitted their wines in good faith, but I also did not want to let down my readers, who expected another edition. The only honourable course was to strip away the prices, update the notes with wines I had tasted in the meantime, and offer my last edition as a free download. The contents have not gone through the traditional system of copy editing, so there might be even more typos than usual!