Gasnier V. / Газнер В. - A taste for wine: 20 key tastings to unlock your personal wine style / Пробуя вино: 20 секретов, которые обнаружат ваш собственный стиль [2006, PDF, ENG]

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Стаж: 15 лет 5 месяцев

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belzizz12 · 24-Янв-10 18:09 (15 лет 1 месяц назад)

A taste for wine: 20 key tastings to unlock your personal wine style / Пробуя вино: 20 секретов, которые обнаружат ваш собственный стиль
Год выпуска: 2006
Автор: Gasnier V. / Газнер В.
Жанр: о вине
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-7566-2350-0
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 352
Описание: Книга содержит описание различных стилей вина и факторов, его определяющих (почва, климат и т.д.), характеристику основных типов вина, рекомендации по выбору, покупке и сервировке вина, развитию собственного вкуса.
Ever since I was very young, wine has been my passion. Growing up in the Loire Valley, I was surrounded by vineyards, and during my school vacations I would help the local wine producers in return for a few francs — and the benefit of their knowledge and experience in turning the grape into a magical drink! I have made it my life’s work not only to learn as much as I can, but also to share in the enjoyment of wine, and to help others to enjoy it to the fullest. Serving my time in restaurants in Paris and in England, I realized that many people would like to know more about wine and try something new, but so often they fear wasting their money, or losing face — or both. So they stick to what they know. This is a shame, since there is so much to enjoy: even though I have been in the wine business now for many years, there are still wines I have yet to try — and I can’t wait! One of the great pleasures of wine is that the more you learn and the more you experience, the better it gets, as you gain confidence and enjoyment in comparing wines from different countries, regions, even individual producers, and also begin to compare vintages.
What more does a person need? A little food, some good company with family or friends around them, and one or two wonderful wines to drink, compare, and discuss! I hope that this book will help you to reach that convivial goal — not once, but many times. Santé!

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