Cineversity (C4D): Pipeline Integration, CINEMA 4D with ZBrush [2006-2009]

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Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

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sataneev · 06-Авг-09 12:36 (15 лет 6 месяцев назад)

Cineversity (C4D): Pipeline Integration, CINEMA 4D with ZBrush [2006-2009 г.]
Год выпуска: 2006-2009
Производитель: Cineversity
Принципы работы в CINEMA 4D в связке с ZBrush.
Instructor, Patrick Goski
"I have my BFA in painting and am currently providing Peer to Peer training through MAXON USA .
I have helped with the pixologic C4D ZPipeline document, and have taught summer workshops in 3D at NAIT."

1.ZBrush - Model Preparation
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 9.6, Advanced Render 2.5, BodyPaint 3D R2.5 Module, ZBrush 2.0, Riptide .OBJ Exchange plugin
This video covers preparing your model(s) for sculpting in ZBrush. You will start with the model in CINEMA 4D, arrange the UV's and then export an .OBJ to be loaded into ZBrush. In ZBrush hte following will be covered: Setting up a morph target, using polygroups, and masking, all in preparation for the sculpting process.
2.Export-Import of Displacements Method 1
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 9.6, Advanced Render 2.5, BodyPaint 3D R2.5 Module, ZBrush 2.0
The video begins by configuring the ADE plugin in ZBrush. We then create displacement maps that will be used with your original mesh. You will then be shown how to apply these maps within CINEMA 4D and then render.
3.Export-Import of Displacements Method 2
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 9.6, Advanced Render 2.5, BodyPaint 3D R2.5 Module, ZBrush 2.0, Riptide
In this video you will export the ZBrush modified mesh along with the corresponding displacement maps. You will then bring the mesh into CINEMA 4D using Riptide, and then apply your displacement maps to the modified mesh.
4.Editing UVs in CINEMA 4D for Update in ZBrush
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 9.6, XL Bundle,Advanced Render 2.5,BodyPaint 3D R2.5 Module,ZBrush,Riptide
In this tutorial UVs are edited in CINEMA 4D, the mesh is the exported using Riptide. In ZBrush the mesh is imported into the ZTool. The edited UVs are then applied to the object inside Zbrush.
5.Editing a Modified ZBrush Mesh in CINEMA 4D
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 9.6, XL Bundle,Advanced Render 2.5,ZBrush,Riptide
In this tutorial a mesh is exported from ZBrush. The mesh is then modified in CINEMA 4D, special attention should be given to not splitting the object on import or using tools that affect point order (knife, extrude, bevel, deleting faces, and so on). The mesh is then eported from CINEMA 4D and imported into the ZTool. ZBrush is then used to mirror the modifications made in CINEMA 4D.
6.Multiple UV Tiles for a Single Object
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 9.6, XL Bundle,Advanced Render 2.5,BodyPaint 3D R2.5 Module,ZBrush,Riptide
In This Tutorial multiple UV Tiles are used on a single object. The new UVs are imported into ZBrush and displacement maps are generated. Textures are set-up in CINEMA 4D.
7.Selection Sets Editing in Cinema 4D
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 9.6, ZBrush,Riptide
This video shows how to use CINEMA 4D to set selection sets and then how to import these selection sets into ZBrush to be used as polygroups
8.Getting the Plugins
9.Installing the Plugins
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11, ZBrush,Riptide Pro,WinRAR
This video goes over 2 methods for installing the Riptide plugin (through the application folder and through the User preferences folder). It also covers installing the SubtoolMaster Plugin for ZBrush.
10.Exporting from CINEMA 4D
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11, ZBrush,Riptide Pro
This video goes over setting up your scene in order to export objects for sculpting in ZBRUSH.
Special Attention to the Scale setting should be given. In this video the objects are scaled down by 1000 upon export from Cinema and upon Import to cinema they are scaled up by 1000.
If you are planning to use Zbrush to create morph targets for use in Cinema you will want to use a setting of 1:1 rather than 1000:1000.
If you have already used the 1000:1000 scale settings we will cover how to work around any issues in the Using ZBrush to create morph target video.
The Scale settings are only an issue if you are planning on creating morph targets in Zbrush.
11.Importing Into ZBRUSH
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11, ZBrush
This video goes over importing your objects into ZBrush using the Subtool master plugin.
Note: When setting morph targets I only set targets for the meshes being sculpted. I did not need to set morph targets for objects that were just being used as reference.
12.Exporting from ZBrush
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11, ZBrush
This video covers selecting which objects need to be exported from ZBrush and creation of textures for use with the displacements and color channels.
13.Importing Objects into CINEMA 4D
14.Setting Up Displacements
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11
Setting up the displacement maps that were created in ZBrush
15.Setting Up the Color Channel
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11
Using the layer shader to flip the image that came out of ZBrush so that it lines up properly with the UVs and rendering the final image.
16.MatCaps and the Art Shader
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11, Sketch and Toon,ZBrush
Using zbrush to capture lighting information from an image using the MatCap tool. This information is then exported and used in conjunction with CINEMA 4D's art shader to recreate a ZBrush look with CINEMA 4D.
Also if you want to add AO into the lighting solution try putting the Art Shader into a Layer Shader with an AO Shader. Make sure that the AO Shader is set to multiply on top of the Art Shader.
17.Using Riptide - Free version
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11, Riptide (free), SOLObutton 1.2
This video goes over the steps needed to export multiple objects as separate files. Importing meshes is also covered at the end.
This video also uses the Solo Button Plugin found at this address:
Special Attention to the Scale setting should be given. In this video the objects are scaled down by 1000 upon export from Cinema and upon Import to cinema they are scaled up by 1000.
If you are planning to use Zbrush to create morph targets for use in Cinema you will want to use a setting of 1:1 rather than 1000:1000.
If you have already used the 1000:1000 scale settings we will cover how to work around any issues in the Using ZBrush to create morph target video.
The Scale settings are only an issue if you are planning on creating morph targets in Zbrush.
18.Using ZBrush to Create Morph Targets
*This tutorial uses CINEMA 4D 11, ZBrush,Riptide Pro
This video covers how we can use ZBrush to sculpt morph targets for use in CINEMA 4D.
There is also some coverage of trouble shooting. In this instance it goes over working around issues that were caused by the scale setting when exporting/importing into CINEMA 4D.

Видео кодек: Flash (swf), QuickTime (H.264), AVI (DX50)
Видео: 800 x 600/ 10-15fps
Аудио: ~22050 Hz 16 Bits Mono
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Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 78

sataneev · 10-Авг-09 14:17 (спустя 4 дня, ред. 10-Авг-09 14:17)

Кстати скоро этот курс будет не особо актуален.
GoZ соединяет CINEMA 4D и ZBrush
Бесшовная связка двух программ.

Хорошие новости для художников трёхмерной графики использующих ZBrush и CINEMA 4D.
Теперь GoZ, разработанный создателями ZBrush, Pixologic, предоставляет бесшовное соединение
ZBrush и CINEMA 4D, тем самым позволяет простой обмен файлов в оба направления.

По словам Pixologic: «С GoZ уже нет необходимости инвестировать время в настройку материала,
карт нормалей, выдавливания и текстур. Одним кликом кнопки, GoZ пересылает Вашу модель в
CINEMA 4D и настраивает за Вас всё необходимое в материале. После пересылки модели в ZBrush,
GoZ автоматически настраивает существующие детали на полученную модель. GoZ позаботиться
о простых операциях, таких как исправление порядка точек и полигонов, а так же и о более
продвинутых операциях, которые требуют полную переработку карт.
Обновлённая модель сразу готова для дальнейших модификаций.»

На данный момент плагин доступен для версии ZBrush 3.2 под Mac OS. GoZ для Windows будет доступен с выходом ZBrush 4.
Демо ролик на youtube
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 91

_Alexx · 28-Авг-09 15:18 (спустя 18 дней)

Только где найти вот народную версию этого чуда под OSX остаётся загадкой
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Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 78

sataneev · 28-Авг-09 16:11 (спустя 53 мин.)

Ну дык тута поройся, должен быть путь и к Go, и к Z
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Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 70

Dslava · 26-Окт-09 09:48 (спустя 1 месяц 28 дней)

К версии 3.5 GOz есть на Wind?
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Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 26

Corvinus69 · 16-Ноя-09 20:03 (спустя 21 день)

Пока 4 еще нет, изучим старый дедовский метод Спасибо!!!
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Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 51

3dhero · 13-Янв-10 14:50 (спустя 1 месяц 26 дней)

не ну как раздачу оформил!!!!!
Сатанеев, ты как всегда красава!
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