Mitsui Core Business Courses - Information Technology [2000, 177 kbps]

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Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 2

Grokker · 03-Авг-09 19:54 (15 лет 6 месяцев назад, ред. 03-Авг-09 20:31)

Mitsui Core Business Courses - Information Technology
Год выпуска: 2000
Жанр: Интерактивный обучающий CD
Издательство: Mitsui
Язык: English (Английский)
Тип: аудиокнига
Аудио кодек: WAV
Битрейт аудио: 177 kbps
Описание: Мультимедийный курс по информационным технологиям в бизнесе на английском языке для сотрудников Мицуи на CD.
Веб-страницы с текстом на английском и рисунками, озвучен профессиональным диктором.
Доп. информация: Contents of Discussion
1. The Fundamentals of IT
2. The IT Revolution: The Emergence of a Networked Society
3. The Fundamentals of IT Computer Structure
4. The Fundamentals of IT - Software
5. The Fundamentals of IT - Computer Networks
6. The Fundamentals of IT - Databases and Data Warehouses
7. The Fundamentals of IT - Data Warehouses
8. The Fundamentals of IT - Data Mining Methods
9. The Fundamentals of IT - Web Technology and the Internet
10. Web Technology - Internet Networking Configuration
11. Web Technology - IP Address and URL(Uniform Resource Locator)
12. Web Technology - Internet Addresses
13. Web Technology - The Internet and Extranets
14. Web Technology - E-mail Structure
15. The Fundamentals of IT - Security
16. Security - Japanese Illegal Access Law (Feb. 2000)
17. Security - Security Level Measures
18. The Fundamentals of IT - Security Technology
19. Security Technology - Firewalls
20. Security Technology - Secure Dial-up Environment
21. Security Technology - Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
22. Security Technology - Encryption Using Common Keys
23. Security Technology - Encryption Using a Public Key
24. Security Technology - Electronic Signatures, Non-repudiation...
25. Security Technology - Electronic Certification
26. The Fundamentals of IT - Payment and E-money
27. The Fundamentals of IT - Types of E-Payment
28. The Fundamentals of IT Organizations Promoting E-payments
29. Electronic Payments - Outline of SET A Protocol for Credit Cards over the Web
30. The Fundamentals of IT - Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
31. Electronic Data Exchange - EDI Standardization
32. Electronic Data Exchange - XML
33 Electronic Data Exchange - E-Commerce Transactions and Codes
34. The Fundamentals of IT - An Overview of EC (Information flow)
35. The Definition of E-Business
36. The Form of E-Business
37. Forms of E-Business - B2B and B2C
38. E-Business - Internet Users
39. E-Business - The Revolution has Happened!
40. E-Business - Creating New Business Space
41. The Impact of E-Business - Power Shift
42. Power Shift - Price Comparison Web Sites
43. Power Shift -
44. Power Shift - Business Details of
45. Power Shift - Processing Flow
46. The Impact of E-Business Disintermediation/Reintermediation
47. Disintermediation and Reintermediation
48. Disintermediation and Reintermediation Building SCM (Supply Chain Management)
49. The Impact of E-Business - The IT Revolution and Market Principles
50. Our Management Philosophy - Designing a business form with a long-term vision
51. E-Business - Activities at [*insert company name] Application of T-Economics [T-economics unknown] Expertise to E-Economics
52. E-Drive - An Excerpt from Comments by President Shimizu
53. E-Business - IT and E-Business
54. E-Business - A Map
55. E-Business - Current Situation
56. E-Business - Examples at Mitsui
57. Forms of E-Business - B2B Solution Models
58. B2B - Ordering Model (ASKUL)
59. B2B - Marketplace (
60. B2B - Marketplace (Smart Online)
61. Forms of E-Business - B2C Business Map
62. B2C - Inexpensive Airline Ticket Sales on the Net
63. B2C - Business Model
64. B2C - Priceline Reverse Auction Business Model Patent
65. E-Business - Business Model Patent Issues
66. E-Business - What is One to One
67. One to One - Existing Business Models
68. E-Business - C to C EC (Forming a Community)
69. Issues at [*Insert company name] - Entering B2B E-Commerce
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Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 35

Vango · 21-Май-14 08:35 (спустя 4 года 9 месяцев)

Focus on real-life projects is good!
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