RC2 biography
RC2 forms in Caracas, Venezuela during 1999 as a result of RADIO CLIP's dissolution. RADIO CLIP was an emblematic band that released four albums in Venezuela between 1988 and 1994. Wanting to be more than a RADIO CLIP spin-off band, Felix Duque (vocals), Eduardo Benatar (drums), Arturo Torres (base) and Demian Mejicano (guitar) contact Rafael Paz (keyboards) in order to work on a complete change of musical style. Accordingly, they begin composing in the music genre they had always longed to play: Symphonic Progressive Rock. Citing MARILLION, YES, RUSH, GENESIS and CAMEL as major influences, the band, still using RADIO CLIP as its name, composed in only two weeks what they foresaw would be the recording material for a demo. However, the project had to be called off when Arturo Torres left for the States.
The band came to a complete halt. Then, on December 1999, the four remaining members decided to take in Pedro Misle (bass player and Eduardo Benatar's band mate in Luz Verde) and enliven the project, now under the new RC2 name. Two months later, they recorded their first three-song-demo which included: "Nada "(Nothing)", Sombras (Shadows) and "Gira la Tierra" (The Earth Turns). The demo was presented to various connoisseurs of the genre and earned good notices.
During the year 2000, relying on the critic's good reaction, they recorded two more demos. These were then presented to the prestigious Musea record label through Alexis Lope Bello, a talent scout who has introduced over the years the work of various Venezuelan bands to Musea. The response was overwhelming; the record label was determined to release RC2's first album.
After learning the news, the five musicians and producer Francisco Diaz entered the studio to begin recording the album in late 2001. By June 2002, the album was completed and the job of finding a cover art concept for the production began. An excellent picture of a lunar eclipse taken and generously lent by Spanish photographer Juan Carlos Casado conveyed exactly what the band wanted to portray with their music. After graphic designer Daniela Troconis gave the finishing touches, the artwork was ready and delivered to Musea. The album was released by the end of June 2003.
RC2 is currently in the studio working hard on album number "2".
: : : Rafael Paz, VENEZUELA : : :