Iron Maiden mastering discography

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Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 354

Random16 · 24-Июн-20 18:06 (4 года 8 месяцев назад, ред. 01-Июл-20 12:11)

mastering discographyМастеринг-дискография Iron Maiden содержит для каждого альбома все варианты мастеринга (цифрового контента), издававшиеся на CD. Для каждого варианта мастеринга приводятся:
Peaks% - максимальные (пиковые) уровни громкости в процентах, по трекам, вычисленные CUETools;
Peaks - максимальные (пиковые) уровни громкости в dB, по трекам, вычисленные Foobar DR Meter 1.1.1;
RMS - средние (среднеквадратичные) уровни громкости в dB, по трекам, вычисленные Foobar DR Meter 1.1.1;
DR - динамический диапазон, для всего альбома, вычисленный Foobar DR Meter 1.1.1.
Далее перечисляются издания, на которых встречается этот вариант мастеринга. Для каждого издания указывается:
- лейбл или издатель, с которым обычно ассоциируется издание,
- каталожный номер (и номер по основному каталогу, если он указан на диске),
- страна издания/изготовления,
- год издания (ориентировочный год начала печати; дается по дате релиза, (С) и (Р) на диске, году запуска завода, для японских изданий - по оби);
- завод-изготовитель диска/гласс-мастера (иногда - информация о проверенных матрицах).
Под изданием здесь понимается совокупность дисков одинакового мастеринга, печатавшихся на одном заводе под одним каталожным номером в течение какого-то времени.
НЕ выносятся в отдельные издания:
- мелкие изменения накатки и полиграфии, цены, префикса каталожного номера; появление баркодов, кодов IFPI и т.п.;
- новые гласс-мастеры с мелкими изменениями цифрового контента: обрезка в начале и в конце, сдвиг границ треков из-за наложения ТОС на разные смещения, и т.п.
Когда я делал эту мастеринг-дискографию, меня интересовал собственно мастеринг, поэтому списки изданий далеко не полны и содержат лишь отдельные примеры. В частности, включена вся дискография bigggwest. Если у вас есть желание пополнить список изданий (для чего, собственно, и была создана тема), присылайте мне в личку или выкладывайте в этой теме логи CUETools и Foobar DR Meter для тех изданий, которые вы можете проверить. Утверждения «Там должен быть тот же мастеринг из общих соображений» не являются основанием для внесения издания в список.
Что нуждается в уточнении прежде всего (где можно найти новый мастеринг):
- американские ранние прессы разных заводов;
- американские издания Capitol Jax 1988;
- канадские издания до 1998 года (DAC и Cinram);
- австрийские издания DADC Austria (я знаю только The Number of the Beast);
- немецкие издания (PDO и Sonopress), которых ещё нет в списках;
- австралийские издания;
- варианты европейских изданий до 1998 года, которых ещё нет в списках.
Что примерно понятно, но не внесено в списки, так как не проверено:
- отсутствующие варианты европейских изданий 1998 года;
- европейские издания после 1998 года (времён MediaMotion, Optimal Media и т.д.);
- не первые японские издания, в т.ч. 1988 (CP28 Green line), 1995 (Cool price), 2006, 2014, 2018-19;
- американские издания 1998 г. и позже (в т.ч. Metal-Is)
Если есть желание, можно сделать для каждого издания список найденных гласс-мастеров с CRC, но такой информации у меня сейчас нет, её надо будет собирать.
Краткая история издания Iron Maiden на CD
1985-1994 - Переиздание ранних альбомов и издание новых альбомов на CD. Это так называемый "плоский" (flat) мастеринг, с минимальным вмешательством в звук, с большим динамическим диапазоном (перепадами громкости). На hi-fi аппаратуре слушается превосходно, hi-end средней стоимости тоже неплохо, но аппаратура массового сегмента рынка может с трудом справляться с такими перепадами - громкие звуки могут воспроизводиться с искажениями, а тихие будут практически неразличимы. Этот мастеринг издавался неоднократно с изменениями громкости. Европейские и японские издания одинаковы по звуку, американские могут несколько отличаться.
1995 - последнее переиздание "плоского" мастеринга - с бонус-дисками, содержащими треки с синглов, не вошедшие в основные альбомы.
1998 - первый ремастер, классический продукт эпохи "войн громкости", оптимизированный под дешевые колонки с бумбоксом. Тихие звуки усилены, громкие просто обрезаны по громкости, что придаёт звуку специфический оттенок, называемый "пластиковым". Делал его Simon Heyworth - кажется, не очень удачно, последние альбомы Харрис доделывал сам. Ремастер интересен в основном как памятник своему времени. Зато дополнен клипами (с разрешением 320х240).
2015 - второй ремастер, сделан уже Харрисом. Типичен для современного звучания, выровненного по громкости, оптимизирован в основном под вкладыши и контактные наушники. По-прежнему тихие звуки усилены, громкие обрезаны, но сделано более деликатно, "пластиковый" окрас почти не ощущается. Что неприятно - звук между треками выровнен по общей громкости, а не по вокалу. Ремастер сделан в 2015 г. с качеством звука DVD Audbo (96 КГц, 24 бита) для онлайн-продаж, в 2018-19 выпущен на CD.
Упомянутые заводы:
CDA - CDA ImPressing Solutions, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
CP - EMI Italiana S.p.A. / EMI Music Italy S.p.A., Caronno Pertusella, Varese, Italy
DADC - Digital Audio Disc Corp. / Sony, Terre Haute, Indiana, USA
DADC-A - Sony DADC Austria AG, Anif, Salzburg, Austria
Disctronics - Disctronics Ltd., Plano, Texas, USA
Gotemba - Toshiba-EMI Ltd., с 2006 Memory-Tech Corp., Gotemba, Shizuoka, Japan
Jax - Capitol Records, Jacksonville, Illinois, USA
MediaMotion - MediaMotion Manufacturing, Uden, Holland (c 2004)
Nimbus - Nimbus Records Ltd., Wyastone Leys, Herefordshire, England
Optimal - Optimal Media GmbH, Röbel / Müritz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
PolyGram - PolyGram Record Service GmbH, Hannover, Niedersachsen, WG/Germany
Sonopress (WG/Germany) - Sonopress GmbH, Gütersloh, Nordrhein-Westfalen, WG/Germany
Sonopress (USA) - Sonopress Arvato, Weaverville, North Carolina, USA
Swindon - EMI Records Ltd., Swindon, Wiltshire, England
Takt - Takt Sp. z o.o., Bolesław, Polska
Uden - EMI Compact Disc B.V., Uden, Holland
U.S. Optical Disc - U.S. Optical Disc, Inc., Sanford, Maine, USA
Тема создана в этом разделе по согласованию с g.y.m. Возможно, позже она будет перенесена.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 354

Random16 · 24-Июн-20 18:38 (спустя 31 мин., ред. 29-Июн-20 16:19)

Часть I: 1980-1989
Iron Maiden (1980)
Iron Maiden (1980)

EU US 98
01 01 01 Prowler
02 02 03 Remember Tomorrow
03 03 04 Running Free
04 04 05 Phantom of the Opera
05 05 06 Transylvania
06 06 07 Strange World
07 08 08 Charlotte the Harlot
08 09 09 Iron Maiden
- 07 02 Sanctuary
EMI 1986 base master (8 tracks)
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -13.22 -13.98 -12.38 -12.46 -11.35 -13.93 -12.63 -11.70
DR 11
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5106 (EMC-3330), Japan 1986 Gotemba [no TO] (Black triangle)
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-3002 (CDEMS 1538), Japan 1995 Gotemba (Cool Price)
EMI base master -0.20 dB
Peaks%:  97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7
Peaks: -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20
RMS: -13.42 -14.18 -12.58 -12.66 -11.54 -14.13 -12.83 -11.90
DR 11
Fame CD-FA 3121 (CDM 7 52018 2), UK 1987 Swindon (Fame logo: red)
EMI 0777 7 52018 2, UK 1993 Swindon
EMI base master -0.60 dB
Peaks%:  93,3   93,3   93,3   93,3   93,3   93,3   93,3   93,3
Peaks: -0.60 -0.60 -0.60 -0.60 -0.60 -0.60 -0.60 -0.60
RMS: -13.82 -14.58 -12.98 -13.06 -11.94 -14.53 -13.23 -12.30
DR 11
Fame CD-FA 3121 (CDM 7 52018 2), WG 1987 Sonopress [B-9591] (Fame logo: black)
EMI 7243 8 35868 2, Holland 1995 Uden (LE with bonus CD)
Capitol 1988 base master (9 tracks)
Peaks%:  89,0   93,9   94,0  100,0  100,0   95,7   97,8*  84,3   97,8
Peaks: -1.00 -0.54 -0.54 0.00 0.00 -0.38 -0.19 -1.48 -0.19
RMS: -14.40 -14.99 -13.45 -13.48 -12.60 -14.67 -11.79 -14.70 -13.83
DR 11
Capitol CDP 7 91415 2, USA 1988 Jax
Castle 102-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (9 tracks ECD)
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8*  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   93,5   98,8   98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.58 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -9.12 -9.06 -11.20 -8.53 -8.71 -9.39 -11.17 -9.42 -9.95
DR 8
EMI 7243 4 96916 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-50691 (7243 4 96916 0), Japan 1998
EMI MJ TOCP-53756 (7243 4 96916 0), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster (8 tracks)
Peaks%:  99,5   97,9   97,2   99,5  100,0   98,7  100,0  100,0
Peaks: -0.04 -0.18 -0.24 -0.04 0.00 -0.11 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.46 -10.40 -8.29 -7.77 -7.51 -10.36 -8.34 -7.97
Parlophone 0 190295 567767, EU/Germany 2018 Optimal
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
US.2-3: Marquee Club, London, 3 Apr.1980
01 - Sanctuary
02 01 Burning Ambition
03 02 Drifter (live)
04 03 I've Got the Fire (live)
EMI 1995 bonus CD master (4 tracks)
Peaks%:  97,8*  94,1   80,4   86,0
Peaks: -0.19 -0.53 -1.89 -1.30
RMS: -13.02 -13.74 -14.74 -13.90
DR 11
EMI 7243 8 35868 2, Holland 1995 Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master (3 tracks)
Peaks%: 100,0   85,2   91,3
Peaks: 0.00 -1.38 -0.79
RMS: -13.29 -14.18 -13.37
DR 11
Castle 102-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Killers (1981)
Killers (1981)

EU US 98
01 01 01 The Ides of March
02 02 02 Wrathchild
03 03 03 Murders in the Rue Morgue
04 04 04 Another Life
05 05 05 Genghis Khan
06 06 06 Innocent Exile
07 07 07 Killers
08 09 08 Prodigal Son
09 10 09 Purgatory
10 11 11 Drifter
- 08 10 Twilight Zone
EMI 1986 base master (10 tracks)
Peaks%:  85,8   96,6   86,4   91,1   82,3   92,3   98,0   76,2   75,1   87,8
Peaks: -1.32 -0.29 -1.26 -0.80 -1.69 -0.69 -0.17 -2.36 -2.48 -1.12
RMS: -14.39 -14.27 -15.13 -15.18 -15.78 -14.74 -15.01 -17.45 -15.18 -14.81
DR 12
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5107 (EMC 3357), Japan 1986 Gotemba [TO / no TO] (Black triangle)
Fame CD-FA 3122 (CDM 7 52019 2), WG 1987 Sonopress [B-9592] (Fame logo: black)
Fame CD-FA 3122 (CDM 7 52019 2), UK 1987 Swindon (Fame logo: black; red)
EMI 7243 8 35869 2, Holland 1995 Uden (LE with bonus CD)
Capitol 1988 base master (11 tracks)
Peaks%:  88,6   89,2   88,9   88,6   87,0   88,9   89,7   89,7*  87,6   86,2   88,9
Peaks: -1.05 -0.99 -1.01 -1.05 -1.20 -1.02 -0.94 -0.93 -1.15 -1.29 -1.02
RMS: -12.34 -12.09 -12.88 -12.78 -13.42 -12.27 -12.72 -11.67 -15.05 -12.92 -12.46
DR 10
Capitol CDP 7 91416 2, USA 1990 Jax / DMI H
Castle 103-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (11 tracks ECD)
Peaks%:  95,0   96,0   98,8   96,0   98,8   98,3   98,8   98,8   98,8   97,8*  98,8
Peaks: -0.44 -0.35 -0.10 -0.35 -0.10 -0.15 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.19 -0.10
RMS: -8.98 -8.02 -9.02 -8.76 -9.00 -8.93 -8.37 -10.03 -8.34 -8.42 -8.53
DR 7
EMI 7243 4 96917 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
EMI MJ TOCP-53757 (7243 4 96917 0), Japan 2006
SBA/Gala 7243 4 96917 2, Россия 2006 CD Club
Parlophone 2015 remaster (10 tracks)
Peaks%:  98,7  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: -0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.18 -7.32 -8.07 -7.71 -8.47 -7.61 -7.54 -9.08 -7.62 -7.47
DR 7
Parlophone 0 190295 567750, EU/Germany 2018 Optimal
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
US.3: Marquee Club, London, 4 Jul.1980; US.4-8: Kosei Nenkin Hall, Nagoya, 23 May 1981
01 - Twilight Zone
02 01 Women in Uniform
03 02 Invasion
04 03 Phantom of the Opera (live)
- 04 Running Free (live)
- 05 Remember Tomorrow (live)
- 06 Wrathchild (live)
- 07 Killers (live)
- 08 Innocent Exile (live)
EMI 1995 bonus CD master (4 tracks)
Peaks%:  95,8*  87,0  100,0   92,0
Peaks: -0.37 -1.21 0.00 -0.72
RMS: -13.01 -13.19 -12.73 -13.79
DR 11
EMI 7243 8 35869 2, Holland 1995 Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master (8 tracks) Incl. 5-track Maiden Japan
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  / 100,0  100,0   99,9  100,0   99,9
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 / 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -11.99 -12.76 -13.10 / -13.36 -14.00 -14.44 -13.01 -13.96
DR 11
Castle 103-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
The Number of the Beast (1982)
The Number of the Beast (1982)

86 98
01 01 Invaders
02 02 Children of the Damned
03 03 The Prisoner
04 04 22 Acacia Avenue
05 05 The Number of the Beast
06 06 Run to the Hills
07 07 Gangland
08 09 Hallowed Be Thy Name
- 08 Total Eclipse
EMI 1986 base master (8 tracks)
Peaks%:  87,1  100,0   93,5   84,5   99,5   97,3   92,7   87,4
Peaks: -1.19 0.00 -0.58 -1.46 -0.04 -0.23 -0.65 -1.17
RMS: -12.73 -13.47 -13.61 -14.41 -12.60 -12.57 -13.77 -14.92
DR 11
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5108 (EMS-91034), Japan 1986 Gotemba [TO] (Black triangle)
EMI CDP 7 46364 2, England 1987 Swindon
EMI CDP 7 46364 2, Holland 1990 Uden
EMI 7243 8 35870 2, Holland 1995 Uden (LE with bonus CD)
Castle 104-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI base master -0.20 dB
Peaks%:  85,1   97,7   91,4   82,6   97,2   95,1   90,6   85,4
Peaks: -1.39 -0.20 -0.78 -1.66 -0.24 -0.43 -0.85 -1.37
RMS: -12.93 -13.67 -13.81 -14.61 -12.80 -12.77 -13.97 -15.12
DR 11
Fame UK-CD-FA 3178 (CDP 7 46364 2), Austria 1987 DADC-A (Fame logo: no)
EMI 1998 remaster (9 tracks ECD)
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   92,3*   98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.69 -0.10
RMS: -7.56 -8.20 -7.84 -7.39 -8.11 -7.63 -7.59 -9.25 -8.11
DR 7
EMI 7243 4 96918 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
Metal-is CK 86210, USA 1998 Pitman
EMI MJ TOCP-53758 (7243 4 96918 0), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster (8 tracks)
Peaks%: 100,0   98,6  100,0  100,0   99,0   99,5  100,0   99,5
Peaks: 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 -0.08 -0.04 0.00 -0.04
RMS: -7.57 -8.64 -7.81 -7.42 -8.08 -7.48 -7.12 -7.90
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567743, EU/Germany 2018 Optimal
Parlophone 0 190295 567736, EU/Germany 2018 Optimal (box)
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
2: Italy, Oct.1981
01 Total Eclipse
02 Remember Tomorrow (live)
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%: 99,6   99,3
Peaks: -0.03 -0.06
RMS: -13.58 -14.78
DR 12
EMI 7243 8 35870 2, Holland 1995 Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%: 99,3   97,9
Peaks: -0.06 -0.18
RMS: -13.62 -14.85
DR 12
Castle 104-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Piece of Mind (1983)
Piece of Mind (1983)

01 01 Where Eagles Dare
02 02 Revelations
03 03 Flight of Icarus
04 04 Die with Your Boots On
05 05 The Trooper
06 * Phatoor
07 06 Still Life
08 07 Quest for Fire
09 08 Sun and Steel
10 09 To Tame a Land
EMI 1986 base master (10 tracks)
Peaks%:  97,2   98,2  100,0  100,0   99,7   18,4* 100,0  100,0   90,1   94,6
Peaks: -0.24 -0.16 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -14.66 0.00 0.00 -0.90 -0.48
RMS: -14.49 -15.73 -12.96 -13.53 -15.00 -36.93 -16.33 -16.27 -15.34 -16.30
Time: 6:12 6:49 3:50 5:26 4:12 0:14 4:42 3:42 3:27 7:26
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5109 (EMA-800), Japan 1986 Gotemba [no TO] (Black triangle)
EMI base master (9 tracks)
Peaks%:   -"-    -"-    -"-    -"-    -"-   ---     -"-    -"-    -"-    -"-
Peaks: -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- --- -"- -"- -"- -"-
RMS: -14.53 -15.74 -"- -"- -14.95 --- -16.56 -16.22 -"- -"-
Time: 6:13 -"- -"- -"- -"- --- 4:56 -"- -"- -"-
DR 13
Castle 105-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI base master -0.20 dB
Peaks%:  95,0   95,9   97,7   97,7   97,4   97,7   97,7   88,1   92,4
Peaks: -0.44 -0.36 -0.20 -0.20 -0.22 -0.20 -0.20 -1.10 -0.68
RMS: -14.73 -15.93 -13.16 -13.73 -15.15 -16.76 -16.41 -15.54 -16.50
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI CP28-1041 (CDP 7 46363 2), Japan 1988 ??? [1M] (Green Line 2800)
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6340 (CDP 7 46363 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba (Pastmasters II)
EMI CDP 7 46363 2, UK 1987 Nimbus
EMI base master -0.40 dB
Peaks%:  92,9   93,7   95,5   95,5   95,2   95,5   95,5   86,1   90,3
Peaks: -0.64 -0.56 -0.40 -0.40 -0.42 -0.40 -0.40 -1.30 -0.88
RMS: -14.93 -16.13 -13.36 -13.93 -15.35 -16.96 -16.61 -15.74 -16.70
DR 13
EMI 0777 746363 2, Holland 1990 Uden
EMI CDP 746363 2, Italy 1987 CP/Swindon
EMI base master -1.60 dB
Peaks%:  80,9   81,6   83,1   83,1   82,9   83,1   83,1   75,0   78,7
Peaks: -1.84 -1.76 -1.60 -1.60 -1.62 -1.60 -1.60 -2.50 -2.08
RMS: -16.13 -17.33 -14.56 -15.13 -16.55 -18.16 -17.81 -16.94 -17.90
DR 13
EMI 7243 8 35871 2, Holland 1995 Uden (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (ECD)
Peaks%:  99,7   99,7   99,7   99,7   99,7   99,7   99,7   99,7   99,7
Peaks: -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02
RMS: -10.19 -11.11 -9.09 -9.45 -8.80 -10.56 -10.34 -9.35 -9.21
DR 8
EMI 7243 4 96919 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
EMI MJ TOCP-53759 (7243 4 96919 0), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -7.67 -8.25 -7.09 -7.69 -7.02 -8.36 -7.60 -7.29 -7.59
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567729, EU/Germany 2018 Optimal
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
01 I've Got the Fire
02 Cross-Eyed Mary
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  91,7   95,6
Peaks: -0.74 -0.38
RMS: -15.31 -16.09
DR 13
EMI 7243 8 35871 2, Holland 1995 Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  91,5   97,2
Peaks: -0.76 -0.24
RMS: -15.27 -16.12
DR 13
Castle 105-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Powerslave (1984)
Powerslave (1984)

01 Aces High
02 2 Minutes to Midnight
03 Losfer Words (Big 'Orra)
04 Flash of the Blade
05 The Duellists
06 Back in the Village
07 Powerslave
08 Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Polygram 1984 master
Peaks%:  79,9   94,0   66,2   72,9   74,0   67,7   71,6   67,0
Peaks: -1.95 -0.54 -3.57 -2.74 -2.61 -3.38 -2.89 -3.47
RMS: -16.33 -18.38 -18.03 -17.77 -18.00 -17.76 -18.36 -18.87
DR 13
EMI CDP 7 46045 2, WG 1984 Polygram
EMI 1985 base master (= Polygram 1984 master +3.2 dB)
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0   95,8  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 -0.37 0.00 0.00 -0.43 0.00 0.00
RMS: -12.93 -15.18 -14.81 -14.57 -14.80 -14.53 -14.55 -15.07
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5043 (EJ2402001T), Japan 1985 Gotemba? [no TO] (Black triangle)
EMI CDP 7 46045 2, WG 1987 Sonopress [B-6067]
EMI base master -0.40 dB
Peaks%:  95,5   95,5   91,4   95,5   95,5   95,5   95,5   95,5
Peaks: -0.40 -0.40 -0.77 -0.40 -0.40 -0.40 -0.40 -0.40
RMS: -13.33 -15.58 -15.21 -14.99 -15.20 -14.91 -14.95 -15.47
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6341 (CDP 7 46045 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba (Pastmasters II)
EMI base master -0.20 dB
Peaks%:  97,7   97,7   93,6   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7
Peaks: -0.20 -0.20 -0.57 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20
RMS: -13.13 -15.38 -15.01 -14.79 -15.00 -14.71 -14.76 -15.27
DR 13
EMI 7243 8 35872 2, UK 1995 Swindon/Uden (LE with bonus CD)
Capitol 1988 base master
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0   87,7  100,0   99,5   98,4   96,4   93,1
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 -1.13 0.00 -0.04 -0.13 -0.31 -0.61
RMS: -14.01 -15.80 -15.60 -15.16 -15.34 -14.97 -15.70 -16.01
DR 13
Capitol CDP 7 46045 2, USA 1988 Jax/SRC
Capitol CDP 7 46045 2, USA 1988 Disctronics H
Castle 106-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (ECD)
Peaks%: 100,0   99,5   99,9  100,0  100,0   99,9  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 -0.04 -0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.90 -10.17 -9.33 -9.04 -9.49 -9.77 -9.53 -9.56
DR 8
EMI 7243 4 96920 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
EMI MJ TOCP-53760 (7243 4 96920 0), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -7.71 -7.55 -7.59 -7.45 -6.94 -7.11 -7.48 -8.13
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567712, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
4: Hammersmith Odeon, London, Oct.1984
01 Rainbow's Gold
02 Mission from 'Arry
03 King of Twilight
04 The Number of the Beast (live)
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%: 100,0   43,1   95,8   95,5
Peaks: 0.00 -7.31 -0.37 -0.40
RMS: -13.75 -27.20 -17.67 -14.64
DR 14
EMI 7243 8 35872 2, UK 1995 Swindon/Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  79,2   34,1   75,6   75,6
Peaks: -2.02 -9.34 -2.42 -2.42
RMS: -15.79 -29.24 -19.71 -16.68
DR 14
Castle 106-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Live After Death (1985)
Live After Death (1985)
CD 1: Long Beach Arena, California, 14-17 Mar.1985
CD 2: Hammersmith Odeon, London, 8-12 Oct.1984

1986 1998
* 1.01 Intro: Churchill's Speech
01 1.02 Aces High
02 1.03 2 Minutes to Midnight
03 1.04 The Trooper
04 1.05 Revelations
05 1.06 Flight of Icarus
06 1.07 Rime of the Ancient Mariner
07 1.08 Powerslave
08 1.09 The Number of the Beast
09 1.10 Hallowed Be Thy Name
10 1.11 Iron Maiden
11 1.12 Run to the Hills
12 1.13 Running Free
- 2.01 Wrathchild
- 2.02 22 Acacia Avenue
- 2.03 Children of the Damned
- 2.04 Die with Your Boots On
- 2.05 Phantom of the Opera
EMI 1986 base master (12 tracks)
Peaks%:  79,5   82,5   86,4   76,9   82,8   82,1   80,3   77,9   86,9   80,2   84,4   84,9
Peaks: -1.99 -1.66 -1.26 -2.27 -1.64 -1.71 -1.90 -2.17 -1.21 -1.91 -1.46 -1.42
RMS: -16.43 -15.26 -15.78 -16.26 -15.83 -16.52 -15.94 -15.46 -16.40 -15.84 -15.94 -15.30
Time: 5:29 6:08 4:27 6:12 3:50 13:10 7:35 4:35 7:30 4:23 3:52 3:25
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5110 (E-2404261), Japan 1986 Gotemba [no TO] (Black triangle)

Peaks%: -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"-
Peaks: -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"- -"-
RMS: -"- -15.22 -15.83 -16.27 -"- -"- -"- -"- -16.41 -15.85 -16.01 -15.31
Time: -"- 6:06 4:29 -"- -"- 13:09 -"- -"- 7:31 4:22 -"- -"-
DR 13
EMI CDP 7 46186 2, Europe/Japan 1986 Gotemba? [no TO]
EMI CDP 7 46186 2, WG 1987 Sonopress [C-7094]
EMI 7243 8 35873 2, Holland 1995 Uden (LE with bonus CD)
EMI base master -1.40 dB
Peaks%:  67,7   70,2   73,5   65,5   70,4   69,9   68,3   66,3   74,0   68,2   71,9   72,3
Peaks: -3.39 -3.07 -2.66 -3.67 -3.04 -3.11 -3.30 -3.57 -2.61 -3.31 -2.86 -2.82
RMS: -17.83 -16.59 -17.26 -17.67 -17.06 -17.99 -17.34 -16.86 -17.80 -17.21 -17.41 -16.64
Time: 5:29 6:02 4:31 6:11 3:40 13:22 7:35 4:35 7:30 4:21 3:54 3:24
DR 13
Castle 107-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (13-track CD + 5-track ECD)
Peaks%:  54,1*  98,2   98,3   98,3   98,2   98,2   98,3   98,3   98,3   98,3   98,3   98,2   98,2
Peaks: -5.33 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15
RMS: -20.70 -9.76 -9.22 -9.85 -10.16 -9.36 -10.48 -9.65 -9.61 -11.12 -10.61 -10.78 -11.54
DR 9
Peaks%: 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9
Peaks: -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01
RMS: -11.78 -10.69 -10.85 -10.98 -10.29
DR 10
EMI 7243 4 96921 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
2: Long Beach Arena, California, March 1985; 1,3: Hammersmith Odeon, London, Oct.1984
01 Losfer Words (Big 'Orra) (live)
02 Sanctuary (live)
03 Murders in the Rue Morgue (live)
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%: 100,0   94,8   95,2
Peaks: 0.00 -0.46 -0.42
RMS: -14.23 -15.59 -15.49
DR 13
EMI 7243 8 35873 2, Holland 1995 Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  79,0   75,5   75,2
Peaks: -2.05 -2.44 -2.46
RMS: -16.27 -17.63 -17.53
DR 13
Castle 107-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Somewhere in Time (1986)
Somewhere in Time (1986)

01 Caught Somewhere in Time
02 Wasted Years
03 Sea of Madness
04 Heaven Can Wait
05 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
06 Stranger in a Strange Land
07 Deja Vu
08 Alexander the Great
EMI 1986 base master
Peaks%:  90,1   95,1   90,2   87,6   88,3   91,9   90,2   91,3
Peaks: -0.90 -0.44 -0.89 -1.15 -1.08 -0.73 -0.89 -0.78
RMS: -15.36 -15.75 -15.27 -15.81 -15.29 -16.01 -15.63 -16.02
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5158 (CDP 7 46341 2), Japan 1986 Gotemba [TO]
EMI CDP 7 46341 2, UK 1986 Nimbus
EMI CDP 7 46341 2, Holland 1990 Uden
Capitol CDP 7 46341 2, USA 1986 U.S.Optical Disc
Castle 108-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI base master -0.20 dB
Peaks%:  88,1   92,9   88,1   85,6   86,3   89,8   88,1   89,2
Peaks: -1.10 -0.64 -1.09 -1.34 -1.28 -0.93 -1.09 -0.98
RMS: -15.56 -15.95 -15.47 -16.01 -15.49 -16.21 -15.83 -16.22
DR 13
EMI 7243 8 35874 2, Holland 1995 Uden (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (ECD)
Peaks%:  98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2
Peaks: -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15
RMS: -7.87 -8.28 -7.89 -8.31 -7.97 -8.46 -8.33 -8.52
DR 7
EMI 7243 4 96924 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-50698 (7243 4 96924 0), Japan 1998 Gotemba
EMI MJ TOCP-53763 (7243 4 96924 0), Japan 2006 Gotemba
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -7.17 -7.55 -7.75 -6.64 -7.25 -7.69 -7.30 -7.89
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567705, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
Parlophone 0 190295 567675, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal (box)
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
01 01 Reach Out
02 04 Juanita
03 02 Sherriff of Huddersfield
04 03 That Girl
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  97,7   78,8   87,0   96,3
Peaks: -0.20 -2.06 -1.20 -0.32
RMS: -15.38 -16.12 -15.29 -15.49
DR 13
EMI 7243 8 35874 2, Holland 1995 Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%: 100,0   89,0   98,5   80,6
Peaks: 0.00 -1.01 -0.12 -1.86
RMS: -15.18 -15.09 -15.29 -15.88
DR 13
Castle 108-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (1988) + singles: Can I Play with Madness | The Evil That Men Do | The Clairvoyant
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (1988)

01 Moonchild
02 Infinite Dreams
03 Can I Play with Madness
04 The Evil That Men Do
05 Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
06 The Prophecy
07 The Clairvoyant
08 Only the Good Die Young
Toshiba-EMI 1988 master
Peaks%:  95,8   99,1   99,8  100,0   95,5   84,5   99,3   85,0
Peaks: -0.37 -0.08 -0.01 0.00 -0.40 -1.46 -0.06 -1.40
RMS: -15.16 -15.15 -14.40 -15.34 -15.24 -17.08 -14.79 -15.14
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI CP32-5610 (CDP 7 90258 2), Japan 1988 Gotemba [TO]
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-3067 (CDP 7 90258 2), Japan 1995 Gotemba (Cool Price)
EMI 1988 base master
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0   99,0  100,0   99,3   82,0   94,4   76,6
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 -0.08 0.00 -0.06 -1.71 -0.49 -2.31
RMS: -14.99 -14.98 -14.24 -15.24 -15.63 -17.48 -15.40 -16.09
DR 13
EMI CDP 7 90258 2, UK 1988 Swindon
EMI CDP 7 90258 2, WG 1988 Sonopress [C-2733]
EMI 7243 8 35875 2, Holland 1995 Uden (LE with bonus CD)
Capitol CDP 7 90258 2, USA 1988 Jax
Castle 109-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (ECD)
Peaks%:  97,2   97,2   97,2   97,2   97,2   97,2   97,2   97,2
Peaks: -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24
RMS: -10.12 -10.17 -9.53 -10.35 -10.21 -12.07 -9.78 -10.11
DR 9
EMI 7243 4 96864 0, EU/Holland 1998 Uden
EMI MJ TOCP-53764 (7243 4 96964 0), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%:  96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6  (96,6003)
Peaks: -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30
RMS: -7.25 -6.82 -6.39 -7.27 -7.20 -8.71 -5.97 -6.44
DR 5
Parlophone 0 190295 567699, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
US.5-6: Monsters of Rock, Donington, 20 Aug.1988; US.7-9: Birmingham NEC, 17/28 Nov.1988
01 01 Black Bart Blues
02 02 Massacre
03 03 Prowler '88
04 04 Charlotte the Harlot '88
05 07 Infinite Dreams (live)
06 05 The Clairvoyant (live)
07 06 The Prisoner (live)
08 08 Killers (live)
09 09 Still Life (live)
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  90,9   75,9   91,1   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,1   97,7
Peaks: -0.83 -2.38 -0.81 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.25 -0.20
RMS: -18.63 -15.91 -15.01 -16.42 -12.37 -14.02 -15.24 -13.13 -13.34
DR 12
EMI 7243 8 35874 2, Holland 1995 Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  92,6   75,6   90,4   97,5   98,7   99,2   98,3   96,5   98,4
Peaks: -0.67 -2.42 -0.87 -0.21 -0.11 -0.07 -0.15 -0.30 -0.14
RMS: -18.66 -15.94 -15.05 -16.46 -14.05 -15.27 -12.40 -13.17 -13.37
DR 12
Castle 109-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Can I Play with Madness (1988) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 97,7 -0.20 -14.02 3:35 Can I Play with Madness
2 97,6 -0.21 -18.10 6:40 Black Bart Blues
3 97,2 -0.25 -13.49 2:56 Massacre
DR 13
EMI CDEM 49 (20 2460 2), UK 1988 Nimbus
The Evil That Men Do (1988) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -15.24 4:35 The Evil That Men Do
2 98,9 -0.09 -14.34 4:09 Prowler '88
3 100,0 0.00 -15.38 4:10 Charlotte the Harlot '88
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI CP12-5740 (20 2773 2), Japan/UK 1988
EMI CDEM 64 (20 2773 2), UK 1988 Nimbus
The Clairvoyant (1988) CDS
Live at Monsters of Rock, Donington, 20 August 1988
    Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 97,7 -0.20 -14.07 4:28 The Clairvoyant
2 97,7 -0.20 -15.24 6:09 The Prisoner
3 97,7 -0.20 -15.86 7:09 Heaven Can Wait
DR 13
EMI CDEM 79 (20 3048 2), UK 1988
Maiden England (1989) | Maiden England '88 (2013)
Maiden England (1989)
Birmingham NEC on 27-28 Nov.1988

1994 2013
01 1.01 Moonchild
02 1.02 The Evil That Men Do
03 1.03 The Prisoner
04 1.04 Still Life
05 1.05 Die with Your Boots On
06 1.06 Infinite Dreams
07 1.07 Killers
- 1.08 Can I Play with Madness
08 1.09 Heaven Can Wait
09 1.10 Wasted Years
10 2.01 The Clairvoyant
11 2.02 Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
12 2.03 The Number of the Beast
- 2.04 Hallowed Be Thy Name
13 2.05 Iron Maiden
- 2.06 Run to the Hills
- 2.07 Running Free
- 2.08 Sanctuary
PMI 1994 master
Peaks%:  78,3   79,7   78,6   77,9   79,7   77,3   78,0   75,8   79,2  /  77,2   78,7   79,4   77,7
Peaks: -2.12 -1.96 -2.08 -2.17 -1.96 -2.23 -2.15 -2.40 -2.03 / -2.24 -2.08 -2.00 -2.19
RMS: -15.70 -13.95 -14.71 -16.28 -14.97 -15.31 -14.77 -16.02 -14.68 / -15.63 -16.37 -15.18 -15.84
DR 11
PMI/EMI 7243 4 91310 3 (SAV 4 91310 3 / 7243 8 30067 2), UK 1994 Swindon (VHS + 13-track CD)
EMI 2013 master (Maiden England '88)
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0* 100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -7.70 -5.96 -6.77 -8.02 -6.95 -7.36 -6.85 -7.34 -7.91 -6.95
DR 6
Peaks%: 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0* 100,0 100,0* 100,0* 100,0*
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -6.88 -8.28 -7.31 -7.07 -7.91 -5.71 -6.22 -6.84
DR 6
EMI MJ TOCP-71503~04, Japan 2013 Gotemba
Infinite Dreams (1989) CDS not found
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 354

Random16 · 24-Июн-20 19:34 (спустя 55 мин., ред. 29-Июн-20 16:28)

Часть II: 1990-1999
The First Ten Years (1990 box set)
The First Ten Years (1990 box set)
CD 1: Running Free - Sanctuary
2.2-2.3: Marquee Club, London, 3 April 1980

01 1.1 Running Free
02 1.2 Burning Ambition
03 2.1 Sanctuary
04 2.2 Drifter (live)
05 2.3 I've Got the Fire (live)
06 Listen with Nicko! Part I
Peaks%: 92,5 94,1 / 97,8 80,4 86,0 / 83,8
Peaks: -0.67 -0.53 / -0.19 -1.89 -1.30 / -1.53
RMS: -14.02 -13.74 / -12.95 -14.74 -13.90 / -23.66
DR 12
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6181 (203718 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 1 (203718 2), UK 1990 Swindon
CD 2: Women in Uniform - Twilight Zone
1.3: Marquee Club, London, 4 July 1980

01 1.1 Women in Uniform
02 1.2 Invasion
03 1.3 Phantom of the Opera (live)
04 2.1 Twilight Zone
05 2.2 Wrathchild
06 Listen with Nicko! Part II
Peaks%: 87,0 100,0 92,0 / 95,8 99,1 / 90,5
Peaks: -1.21 0.00 -0.72 / -0.37 -0.07 / -0.86
RMS: -13.20 -12.73 -13.79 / -13.01 -12.58 / -23.30
DR 12
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6182 (203723 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 2 (203723 2), UK 1990 Swindon
CD 3: Purgatory - Maiden Japan
2.1-2.4: Kosei Nenkin Hall, Nagoya, 23 May 1981

01 1.1 Purgatory
02 1.2 Genghis Khan
03 2.1 Running Free (live)
04 2.2 Remember Tomorrow (live)
05 2.3 Killers (live)
06 2.4 Innocent Exile (live)
07 Listen with Nicko! Part III
Peaks%: 92,1 100,0 / 97,7 92,7 83,9 86,1 / 55,1
Peaks: -0.71 0.00 / -0.20 -0.65 -1.52 -1.30 / -5.16
RMS: -13.35 -14.00 / -12.91 -14.39 -14.42 -14.16 / -29.05
DR 12
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6183 (793978 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 3 (CDP 793978 2), UK 1990 Swindon
EMI CDIRN 3 (CDP 793978 2), Holland 1990 Uden
CD 4: Run to the Hills - The Number of the Beast
2.2: Italy, Oct.1981

01 1.1 Run to the Hills
02 1.2 Total Eclipse
03 2.1 The Number of the Beast
04 2.2 Remember Tomorrow (live)
05 Listen with Nicko! Part IV
Peaks%: 92,5 99,6 / 94,3 99,3 / 77,3
Peaks: -0.67 -0.03 / -0.51 -0.06 / -2.23
RMS: -13.77 -13.58 / -14.37 -14.82 / -26.50
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6184 (793981 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 4 (CDP 79 3981 2), Holland 1990 Uden
EMI CDIRN 4 (CDP 79 3981 2), Italy 1990 CP/Swindon
CD 5: Flight of Icarus - The Trooper

01 1.1 Flight of Icarus
02 1.2 I've Got the Fire
03 2.1 The Trooper
04 2.2 Cross-Eyed Mary
05 Listen with Nicko! Part V
Peaks%: 98,4 91,7 / 95,3 95,6 / 43,3
Peaks: -0.13 -0.74 / -0.42 -0.38 / -7.25
RMS: -13.98 -15.31 / -14.82 -16.14 / -26.80
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6185 (793989 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 5 (CDP 79 3989 2), UK 1990 Swindon
CD 6: 2 Minutes to Midnight - Aces High
2.3: Hammersmith Odeon, London, Oct.1984

01 1.1 2 Minutes to Midnight
02 1.2 Rainbow's Gold
03 1.3 Mission from 'Arry
04 2.1 Aces High
05 2.2 King of Twilight
06 2.3 The Number of the Beast (live)
07 Listen with Nicko! Part VI
Peaks%: 93,4 100,0 43,1 / 100,0 95,8 95,5 / 41,7
Peaks: -0.59 0.00 -7.31 / 0.00 -0.37 -0.40 / -7.58
RMS: -14.50 -13.75 -27.24 / -13.58 -17.67 -14.69 / -27.64
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6186 (793992 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 6 (CDP 79 3992 2), UK 1990 Swindon
CD 7: Running Free - Run to the Hills
1.1-1.2, 2.4: Long Beach Arena, California, March 1985;
1.3, 2.2-2.3: Hammersmith Odeon, London, Oct.1984

01 1.1 Running Free (live)
02 1.2 Sanctuary (live)
03 1.3 Murders in the Rue Morgue (live)
04 2.1 Run to the Hills (live)
05 2.2 Phantom of the Opera (live)
06 2.3 Losfer Words (Big 'Orra) (live)
07 Listen with Nicko! Part VII
Peaks%: 97,7 96,4 97,7 / 96,9 73,0 66,6 / 66,4
Peaks: -0.20 -0.31 -0.20 / -0.27 -2.72 -3.52 / -3.56
RMS: -14.37 -15.29 -15.59 / -15.60 -17.21 -18.03 / -28.43
DR 14
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6187 (793995 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 7 (CDP 79 3995 2), UK 1990 Swindon
CD 8: Wasted Years - Stranger in a Strange Land

01 1.1 Wasted Years
02 1.2 Reach Out
03 1.3 Sheriff of Huddersfield
04 2.1 Stranger in a Strange Land
05 2.2 That Girl
06 2.3 Juanita
07 Listen with Nicko! Part VIII
Peaks%: 96,7 97,7 87,0 / 99,0 96,3 78,8 / 79,2
Peaks: -0.28 -0.20 -1.20 / -0.08 -0.32 -2.06 / -2.01
RMS: -16.29 -15.38 -15.29 / -15.43 -15.49 -16.12 / -27.80
DR 14
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6188 (793998 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 8 (CDP 79 3998 2), UK 1990 Swindon
CD 9: Can I Play with Madness - The Evil That Men Do

01 1.1 Can I Play with Madness
02 1.2 Black Bart Blues
03 1.3 Massacre
04 2.1 The Evil That Men Do
05 2.2 Prowler '88
06 2.3 Charlotte the Harlot '88
07 Listen with Nicko! Part IX
Peaks%: 84,9 90,9 75,9 / 84,6 91,1 97,7 / 96,6
Peaks: -1.42 -0.83 -2.38 / -1.45 -0.81 -0.20 / -0.30
RMS: -15.49 -18.63 -15.91 / -15.95 -15.01 -16.42 / -26.96
DR 14
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6189 (794001 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 9 (CDP 79 4001 2), UK 1990 Swindon
CD 10: The Clairvoyant - Infinite Dreams
1.1-1.3: Monsters of Rock, Donington, 20 Aug.1988;
2.1-2.3: Birmingham NEC, 27-28 Nov.1988

01 1.1 The Clairvoyant (live)
02 1.2 The Prisoner (live)
03 1.3 Heaven Can Wait (live)
04 2.1 Infinite Dreams (live)
05 2.2 Killers (live)
06 2.3 Still Life (live)
07 Listen with Nicko! Part X
Peaks%: 97,7 93,7 87,5 / 85,1 86,5 87,0 / 86,3
Peaks: -0.20 -0.56 -1.15 / -1.40 -1.25 -1.20 / -1.27
RMS: -14.02 -17.07 -17.77 / -15.02 -14.13 -14.34 / -27.19
DR 14
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6190 (794004 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDIRN 10 (CDP 79 4004 2), UK 1990 Swindon
EMI CDIRN 10 (CDP 79 4004 2), Italy 1990 CP/Swindon
No Prayer for the Dying (1990) + singles: Holy Smoke | Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
No Prayer for the Dying (1990)

01 Tailgunner
02 Holy Smoke
03 No Prayer for the Dying
04 Public Enema Number One
05 Fates Warning
06 The Assassin
07 Run Silent Run Deep
08 Hooks in You
09 Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
10 Mother Russia
EMI base master
Peaks%:  99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -12.19 -13.21 -13.61 -12.93 -12.90 -13.01 -13.41 -13.35 -13.93 -15.19
DR 12
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6450 (795142 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
Epic EK 46905, USA 1990 Pitman
EMI base master -0.20 dB
Peaks%:  97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7
Peaks: -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20
RMS: -12.39 -13.41 -13.81 -13.13 -13.10 -13.21 -13.61 -13.55 -14.13 -15.39
DR 12
EMI CDP 795142 2, UK 1990 Swindon
EMI 0777 795142 2, Holland 1990 Uden
EMI 7243 8 35876 2, UK 1995 Swindon/Uden (LE with bonus CD)
US base master
Peaks%:  98,5   98,1   98,7   97,6   98,0   97,8   98,5   97,7   97,7   97,8
Peaks: -0.12 -0.17 -0.11 -0.21 -0.17 -0.19 -0.13 -0.19 -0.20 -0.19
RMS: -12.43 -13.45 -13.84 -13.17 -13.14 -13.24 -13.65 -13.59 -14.17 -15.43
DR 12
Castle 110-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (ECD)
Peaks%:  96,0   96,0   96,0   99,2   99,4   96,0   98,7   99,2   96,0   96,0
Peaks: -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.06 -0.05 -0.35 -0.11 -0.06 -0.35 -0.35
RMS: -9.30 -9.40 -11.06 -8.63 -9.67 -9.89 -9.79 -8.51 -9.88 -11.55
DR 8
EMI 7243 4 96865 0, EU/Holland 1998 Uden
EMI MJ TOCP-53765 (7243 4 96965 0), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%:  96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6   96,6  (96,6095)
Peaks: -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30
RMS: -6.77 -7.72 -8.16 -7.46 -7.48 -7.54 -7.96 -7.86 -8.43 -9.69
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567682, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
01 All in Your Mind
02 Kill Me Ce Soir
03 I'm a Mover
04 Communication Breakdown
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  97,7   97,7   99,8   95,9
Peaks: -0.20 -0.20 -0.02 -0.36
RMS: -13.26 -13.50 -15.82 -14.49
DR 12
EMI 7243 8 35876 2, UK 1995 Swindon/Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  98,2   99,0   99,2   95,6
Peaks: -0.15 -0.09 -0.06 -0.38
RMS: -13.30 -13.54 -15.86 -14.53
DR 12
Castle 110-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Holy Smoke (1990) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 99,9 0.00 -12.67 3:50 Holy Smoke
2 97,7 -0.20 -13.26 4:31 All in Your Mind
3 97,7 -0.20 -13.50 6:17 Kill Me Ce Soir
DR 12
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6449 (20 4028 2), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDEM 153 (20 4028 2), UK 1990 Swindon
Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter (1990) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 99,6 -0.03 -14.46 4:45 Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
2 99,8 -0.02 -15.82 3:29 I'm a Mover
3 95,9 -0.36 -14.49 2:41 Communication Breakdown
DR 13
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-6572 (CDEM 171), Japan 1990 Gotemba
EMI CDEM 171 (20 4171 2), Holland 1990 Uden/Swindon
Fear of the Dark (1992) + singles: Be Quick or Be Dead | From Here to Eternity | Wasting Love
Fear of the Dark (1992)

01 Be Quick or Be Dead
02 From Here to Eternity
03 Afraid to Shoot Strangers
04 Fear Is the Key
05 Childhood's End
06 Wasting Love
07 The Fugitive
08 Chains of Misery
09 The Apparition
10 Judas Be My Guide
11 Weekend Warrior
12 Fear of the Dark
EMI base master
Peaks%:  98,6   94,4   99,9   98,6  100,0   99,9  100,0   94,9  100,0   95,1   99,9   99,9
Peaks: -0.11 -0.50 -0.01 -0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.45 0.00 -0.43 0.00 -0.01
RMS: -15.43 -16.89 -17.45 -16.35 -16.06 -18.36 -16.28 -16.33 -17.63 -15.35 -17.27 -17.78
DR 15
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-7155 (CDEMD 1032), Japan 1992 Gotemba
EMI CDP 799161 2, UK 1992 Swindon
EMI 7243 8 35877 2, UK 1995 Swindon/Uden (LE with bonus CD)
US base master
Peaks%:  92,7   92,8   92,9   92,7   93,1   92,7   92,8   92,7   92,8   92,7   92,8   92,7
Peaks: -0.65 -0.64 -0.64 -0.65 -0.62 -0.65 -0.64 -0.65 -0.64 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65
RMS: -11.01 -12.24 -13.04 -11.98 -11.85 -14.30 -12.13 -12.41 -13.07 -11.80 -12.97 -13.35
DR 10
Epic EK 48993, USA 1992 Pitman
US base master +0.20 dB
Peaks%:  94,9   95,0   95,0   94,9   95,2   94,9   95,0   94,8   95,0   94,9   94,9   94,9
Peaks: -0.45 -0.45 -0.44 -0.45 -0.42 -0.45 -0.44 -0.46 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45
RMS: -10.81 -12.04 -12.84 -11.78 -11.65 -14.10 -11.93 -12.21 -12.87 -11.60 -12.77 -13.15
DR 10
Castle 111-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (LE with bonus CD)
EMI 1998 remaster (ECD)
Peaks%:  98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2   98,2
Peaks: -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15
RMS: -9.29 -10.75 -11.43 -10.19 -9.95 -12.20 -10.17 -10.24 -11.61 -9.27 -11.16 -11.66
DR 9
EMI 7243 4 96925 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
EMI MJ TOCP-53766 (7243 4 96925 0), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%:  96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5 (96,5546)
Peaks: -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30
RMS: -7.09 -8.53 -8.84 -7.56 -7.19 -9.04 -7.32 -7.81 -7.91 -7.20 -8.21 -8.64
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567668, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
Parlophone 0 190295 567644, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal (box)
1995 Limited Edition bonus CD
5-7: Wembley Arela, London, 17 Dec.1990
01 01 Nodding Donkey Blues
02 02 Space Station No.5
03 04 I Can't See My Feeling
04 03 Roll Over Vic Vella
05 05 No Prayer for the Dying (live)
06 06 Public Enema No.1 (live)
07 07 Hooks in You (live)
EMI 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  94,4   94,4   94,4  100,0   80,6   61,9   94,4
Peaks: -0.50 -0.50 -0.50 0.00 -1.87 -4.16 -0.50
RMS: -16.94 -19.20 -16.90 -16.81 -14.30 -12.14 -12.93
DR 12
EMI 7243 8 35877 2, UK 1995 Swindon/Uden (bonus CD)
Castle 1995 bonus CD master
Peaks%:  97,6   97,8  100,0   98,6   78,9   62,2   97,4
Peaks: -0.21 -0.19 0.00 -0.12 -2.06 -4.12 -0.22
RMS: -16.98 -19.24 -16.85 -16.93 -14.29 -12.18 -12.96
DR 12
Castle 111-2, USA 1995 Disctronics (bonus CD)
Be Quick or Be Dead (1992) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -14.55 3:24 Be Quick or Be Dead
2 100,0 0.00 -16.44 3:19 Nodding Donkey Blues
3 100,0 0.00 -15.64 3:49 Space Station No.5
DR 14
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-7237 (CDEM 229), Japan 1992 Gotemba
EMI CDEM 229 (20 4764 2), Holland 1992 Uden
4 92,7 -0.66 -20.75 1:15 The French Message from Bruce Dickinson
EMI SPCD 1585, France 1992 MPO (4-track promo CDS)
From Here to Eternity (1992) CDS
3-4: Wembley Arena, London, 17 Dec.1990
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time  DR
1 100,0 0.00 -13.71 3:38 12 From Here to Eternity (Triumph mix)
2 100,0 0.00 -16.81 4:48 14 Roll Over Vic Vella
3 65,6 -3.66 -11.64 3:57 7 Public Enema Number One (live)
4 85,3 -1.37 -13.76 4:24 10 No Prayer for the Dying (live)
DR 11
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-7356 (7243 8 80144 2), Japan 1992 Gotemba
EMI CDEM 240 (7243 8 80144 2), Holland 1992 Uden
Wasting Love (1992) CDS
2-4: Wembley Arena, London, 17 Dec.1990
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 97,3 -0.24 -13.67 4:56 Wasting Love
2 97,7 -0.20 -12.77 4:05 Tailgunner (live)
3 97,7 -0.20 -12.89 3:35 Holy Smoke (live)
4 97,7 -0.20 -13.22 4:25 The Assassin (live)
DR 12
EMI 7243 8 80231 2, Holland 1992 Uden
A Real Live One | A Real Dead One (1993) + singles: Fear of the Dark Live | Hallowed Be Thy Name
A Real Live One (1993)
Fear of the Dark Tour, 1992

01 Be Quick or Be Dead
02 From Here to Eternity
03 Can I Play with Madness
04 Wasting Love
05 Tailgunner
06 The Evil That Men Do
07 Afraid to Shoot Strangers
08 Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
09 Heaven Can Wait
10 The Clairvoyant
11 Fear of the Dark
EMI base master
Peaks%:  97,7   97,7   97,6   97,7   95,1   97,7   97,7   90,3   97,7   97,7   97,5
Peaks: -0.20 -0.20 -0.21 -0.20 -0.43 -0.20 -0.20 -0.88 -0.20 -0.20 -0.22
RMS: -10.94 -12.30 -12.89 -12.55 -10.05 -10.84 -14.06 -9.93 -10.08 -10.20 -11.77
DR 9
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-7598 (781456 2), Japan 1993 Gotemba
EMI 0777 7 81456 2, Holland 1993 Uden
EMI base master +0.20 dB
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0   97,6  100,0  100,0   93,2  100,0  100,0   99,3
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.20 0.00 0.00 -0.61 0.00 0.00 -0.06
RMS: -10.74 -12.11 -12.75 -12.38 -9.89 -10.68 -13.90 -9.76 -9.92 -10.03 -11.61
DR 9
Castle 112-2, USA 1995 Disctronics
EMI 1998 remaster (ECD)
Peaks%:  97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7   97,7
Peaks: -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20
RMS: -8.51 -9.92 -10.43 -10.25 -7.60 -8.48 -11.69 -7.52 -7.74 -7.93 -9.37
DR 7
EMI 7243 4 96926 0 (496928 0), EU/UK 1998 Swindon
Fear of the Dark Live (1993) CDS
1-2: Fear of the Dark Tour, 1992; 3: Wembley Arena, London, 17 Dec.1990
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 97,7 -0.20 -11.51 7:23 Fear of the Dark (live)
2 97,7 -0.20 -10.20 3:21 Be Quick or Be Dead (live)
3 97,7 -0.20 -12.62 3:44 Hooks in You (live)
DR 10
EMI 7243 8 80501 2, Holland 1993 Uden
A Real Dead One (1993)
Fear of the Dark Tour, 1992; Real Live Tour, 1993

01 The Number of the Beast
02 The Trooper
03 Prowler
04 Transylvania
05 Remember Tomorrow
06 Where Eagles Dare
07 Sanctuary
08 Running Free
09 Run to the Hills
10 2 Minutes to Midnight
11 Iron Maiden
12 Hallowed Be Thy Name
EMI base master
Peaks%:  99,3   99,5   99,3   98,9   98,7   98,9   99,1   98,8   99,0   99,2   99,3   99,5
Peaks: -0.05 -0.04 -0.06 -0.09 -0.11 -0.09 -0.08 -0.10 -0.08 -0.06 -0.05 -0.04
RMS: -6.45 -6.46 -7.81 -9.42 -10.48 -7.55 -8.11 -7.23 -6.98 -7.21 -6.77 -6.36
DR 6
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-7599 (CDEM 1048), Japan 1993 Gotemba
EMI 0777 7 89248 2 (CDEM 1048), Holland 1993 Uden
Castle 113-2, USA 1995 Disctronics
EMI 1998 remaster (CD)
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0   99,7   99,0   98,9   99,3  100,0  100,0   99,5  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.08 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.00 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -6.67 -6.74 -8.08 -9.73 -10.77 -7.85 -8.35 -7.48 -7.24 -7.45 -7.01 -6.63
DR 6
EMI 7243 4 96926 0 (496927 2), EU/Holland 1998 Uden
Hallowed Be Thy Name (1993) CDS
Real Live Tour, June 1993
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 98,2 -0.16 -6.96 7:27 Hallowed Be Thy Name (live)
2 99,2 -0.06 -7.21 3:53 The Trooper (live)
3 98,4 -0.14 -7.45 4:42 Wasted Years (live)
4 95,2 -0.42 -7.44 2:56 Wrathchild (live)
DR 6
EMI CDEM 288 (7243 8 80952 2), UK 1993 Swindon
Live at Donington (1993)
Live at Donington (1993)
Monsters of Rock Festival, Donington, 22 Aug.1992

1993 1998
1.01 1.01 Be Quick or Be Dead
1.02 1.02 The Number of the Beast
1.03 1.03 Wrathchild
1.04 1.04 From Here to Eternity
1.05 1.05 Can I Play with Madness
1.06 1.06 Wasting Love
1.07 1.07 Tailgunner
1.08 1.08 The Evil That Men Do
1.09 1.09 Afraid to Shoot Strangers
1.10 1.10 Fear of the Dark
2.01 1.11 Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
2.02 1.12 The Clairvoyant
2.03 1.13 Heaven Can Wait
2.04 1.14 Run to the Hills
2.05 2.01 2 Minutes to Midnight
2.06 2.02 Iron Maiden
2.07 2.03 Hallowed Be Thy Name
2.08 2.04 The Trooper
2.09 2.05 Sanctuary
2.10 2.06 Running Free
EMI base master (2 x 10-track CD)
Peaks%:  95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8
Peaks: -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37
RMS: -8.62 -7.21 -6.03 -9.31 -8.45 -8.93 -7.26 -8.85 -9.36 -9.01
DR 6
Peaks%: 95,8 95,8 95,8 95,8 95,8 95,8 95,6 95,8 95,8 95,8
Peaks: -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.39 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37
RMS: -7.82 -8.20 -9.17 -9.29 -8.88 -9.99 -9.05 -8.51 -8.83 -9.14
DR 7
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-8067~68 (CDDON 1), Japan 1993 Gotemba
EMI 1998 remaster (14-track CD + 6-track ECD)
Peaks%:  95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8  /  95,8   95,8   95,8   95,8
Peaks: -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 / -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37
RMS: -8.62 -7.21 -6.03 -9.30 -8.45 -8.93 -7.26 -8.78 -9.42 -8.97 / -7.76 -8.14 -9.17 -9.65
DR 6
Peaks%: 99,4 95,3 95,1 95,3 95,3 95,3
Peaks: -0.05 -0.41 -0.44 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41
RMS: -9.00 -10.04 -9.10 -8.56 -8.88 -9.19
DR 7
EMI 7243 4 96929 0, EU/UK 1998 Swindon
The X Factor (1995) + singles: Man on the Edge | Lord of the Flies
The X Factor (1995)

01 Sign of the Cross
02 Lord of the Flies
03 Man on the Edge
04 Fortunes of War
05 Look for the Truth
06 The Aftermath
07 Judgement of Heaven
08 Blood on the World's Hands
09 The Edge of Darkness
10 2 A.M.
11 The Unbeliever
EMI base master
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -13.96 -10.02 -9.44 -11.88 -13.45 -10.58 -10.13 -10.98 -11.62 -14.43 -11.65
DR 9
EMI 7243 8 35819 2, Holland 1995 Uden
TOCP-8588 / BCD-0033 (7243 8 35819 2), Japan 1995 Gotemba (LE with bonus CDS)
EMI 1998 remaster does NOT exist
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%:  96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5  (96,5424)
Peaks: -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31
RMS: -9.23 -7.35 -7.12 -9.07 -9.74 -8.56 -7.63 -7.67 -9.02 -8.93 -8.12
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567651, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
1995 Limited Edition bonus CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -9.62 3:35 Justice of the Peace
2 100,0 0.00 -9.36 3:49 I Live My Way
3 100,0 0.00 -7.64 4:03 Judgement Day
DR 8
BCD-0033, Japan 1995 Gotemba (bonus CDS)
Man on the Edge (1995) CDS
 NL UK1 UK2 Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 1 1 100,0 0.00 -9.54 4:19 Man on the Edge
2 2 2 100,0 0.00 -11.65 6:40 The Edge of Darkness
3 - 3 100,0 0.00 -9.62 3:33 Justice of the Peace
4 3 - 100,0 0.00 -8.69 4:05 Judgement Day
- 4 - 83,2 -1.60 -25.43 5:41 Blaze Bayley Interview Part 1
- - 4 ? ? ? 5:55 Blaze Bayley Interview Part 2
DR 8
EMI 7243 8 82425 2, Holland 1995 Uden
EMI 7243 8 82428~29 2 (CDEMS/CDEM 398), UK 1995 Swindon (2xCDS box)
Lord of the Flies (1996) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -10.02 5:04 Lord of the Flies
2 100,0 0.00 -11.48 3:38 My Generation
3 100,0 0.00 -11.84 4:50 Doctor, Doctor
DR 10
EMI 7243 8 82660 2, Holland 1996 Uden
Best of the Beast (1996) + singles/promo CD: Virus
Best of the Beast (1996)

CD 1
01 Virus
02 Sign of the Cross
03 Man on the Edge
04 Afraid to Shoot Strangers (live)
05 Be Quick or Be Dead
06 Fear of the Dark (live)
07 Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
08 Holy Smoke
09 The Clairvoyant
10 Can I Play with Madness
11 The Evil That Men Do
12 Heaven Can Wait
13 Wasted Years
CD 2
01 Rime of the Ancient Mariner (live)
02 Running Free (live)
03 2 Minutes to Midnight
04 Aces High
05 Where Eagles Dare
06 The Trooper
07 The Number of the Beast
08 Run to the Hills
09 Hallowed Be Thy Name
10 Wrathchild
11 Phantom of the Opera
12 Sanctuary
13 Strange World
14 Iron Maiden
EMI base master
Peaks%:  99,0   99,0   99,0   99,0   99,0   88,1   98,3   99,0   99,0   99,0   99,0   96,2   96,2
Peaks: -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -1.10 -0.14 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.34 -0.33
RMS: -11.98 -14.08 -9.55 -13.23 -11.06 -12.24 -10.93 -11.46 -11.15 -10.98 -12.06 -10.86 -12.31
DR 10
Peaks%: 96,6 97,7 96,6 96,6 97,7 97,7 87,0 96,6 90,1 92,2 97,7 97,7 94,2 96,6
Peaks: -0.30 -0.20 -0.30 -0.30 -0.20 -0.20 -1.20 -0.30 -0.90 -0.70 -0.20 -0.20 -0.51 -0.30
RMS: -12.30 -11.67 -10.45 -11.56 -12.11 -12.00 -11.30 -12.05 -12.18 -10.35 -11.91 -9.98 -14.17 -11.19
DR 10
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-50128~29 (7243 8 53192 2), Japan 1996 Gotemba (EMI 100)
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-50005~06 (7243 8 53185 2), Japan 1996 Gotemba (Limited Ed.)
Virus (1996) CDS 1
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -10.32 3:54 Virus (Single edit)
2 100,0 0.00 -11.50 3:39 My Generation
3 100,0 0.00 -11.88 4:50 Doctor, Doctor
DR 9
EMI 7243 8 83222 2 (CDEMS 443), UK 1996 Swindon
Virus (1996) CDS 2
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -11.90 6:15 Virus (Full version)
2 91,2 -0.80 -10.49 3:34 Sanctuary (Metal for Muthas '80)
3 91,2 -0.80 -10.18 3:07 Wrathchild (Metal for Muthas '80)
DR 9
EMI 7243 8 83231 2 (CDEM 443), UK 1996 Swindon
Virus (1996) US promo CD
01 Virus
02 Man on the Edge
03 Afraid to Shoot Strangers (live)
04 2 Minutes to Midnight
05 The Trooper
06 The Number of the Beast
07 Wrathchild
08 Strange World
09 Iron Maiden
Peaks%: 99,0 99,0 99,0 96,6 97,7 87,0 92,2 94,2 96,6
Peaks: -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.30 -0.20 -1.20 -0.70 -0.51 -0.30
RMS: -10.40 -9.55 -13.23 -10.45 -12.00 -11.30 -10.35 -14.17 -11.19
DR 9
Castle PROC 6-2, USA 1996 Disctronics
Virtual XI (1998) + singles: The Angel and the Gambler | Futureal
Virtual XI (1998)

01 Futureal
02 The Angel and The Gambler
03 Lightning Strikes Twice
04 The Clansman
05 When Two Worlds Collide
06 The Educated Fool
07 Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger
08 Como Estais Amigos
EMI base master
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -7.04 -9.83 -8.24 -9.73 -7.52 -8.77 -8.17 -7.17
DR 6
EMI 7243 4 93915 2, EU/Holland 1998 Uden
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-50440~41 (7243 4 93915 2), Japan 1998 Gotemba (LE with bonus CDS)
EMI MJ TOCP-53772 (7243 4 93915 2), Japan 2006 Gotemba
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%:  96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5  (96,5546)
Peaks: -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30
RMS: -7.23 -10.00 -8.44 -9.93 -7.59 -8.96 -8.30 -7.36
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567637, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
EMI 1998 bonus CDS
Karen Arena, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1 Nov.1995
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 98,8 -0.10 -8.23 6:06 Blood on the World's Hands (live)
2 98,8 -0.10 -9.55 6:43 The Aftermath (live)
DR 6
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-50440~41, Japan 1998 Gotemba (bonus CDS)
The Angel and the Gambler (1998) ECDS
Live tracks: Karen Arena, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1 Nov.1995
 NL UK1 UK2 Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 - 1 98,8 -0.10 -9.21 6:05 The Angel and the Gambler (edit)
- 1 - 98,8 -0.10 -9.85 9:56 The Angel and the Gambler (full)
2 2 - 98,8 -0.10 -8.23 6:05 Blood on the World's Hands (live)
3 - 2 98,8 -0.10 -9.55 6:43 The Aftermath (live)
V - V Man on the Edge
- V - Afraid to Shoot Strangers
DR 7
EMI 7243 8 85341 0, EU/Holland 1998 Uden
EMI 7243 8 85338~39 0 (CDEMS/CDEM 507), EU/UK 1998 Swindon (2 ECDS)
Futureal (1998) ECDS
Live tracks: Karen Arena, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1 Nov.1995
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 98,8 -0.10 -5.88 3:00 Futureal
2 98,8 -0.10 -6.91 4:24 The Evil That Men Do (live)
3 98,2 -0.15 -8.35 4:10 Man on the Edge (live)
V The Angel and the Gambler
DR 6
EMI 7243 8 86069 0, EU 1998
Ed Hunter (1999) + promo single: Wrathchild
Ed Hunter (1999)
Double album of MAIDEN TOP 20 of all time plus ED HUNTER PC CD-ROM Game

CD 1
01 Iron Maiden (live)
02 The Trooper
03 Number of the Beast
04 Wrathchild
05 Futureal
06 Fear of the Dark
07 Be Quick or Be Dead
08 2 Minutes to Midnight
09 Man on the Edge
10 Aces High
11 The Evil That Men Do
12 Wasted Years
13 Powerslave
14 Hallowed Be Thy Name
15 Wrathchild '99 (US hidden track)
CD 2
01 Run to the Hills
02 The Clansman
03 Phantom of the Opera
04 Killers
05 Stranger in a Strange Land
06 Tailgunner
EMI base master
Peaks%:  99,9   99,9   98,1   94,4   99,9   99,9   98,5   99,9   99,9   97,8   98,6   97,8   98,7   98,9   99,9*
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 -0.16 -0.49 -0.01 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 -0.19 -0.12 -0.19 -0.11 -0.09 0.00
RMS: -9.00 -7.08 -8.77 -8.21 -7.24 -8.30 -8.78 -8.44 -6.95 -9.14 -9.58 -8.76 -9.06 -8.65 -7.52
DR 7
Peaks%: 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -8.35 -6.79 -8.39 -8.47 -8.57 -5.74
DR 6
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-65265~66 / BCD-0043 (7243 5 20520 0), Japan 1999 Gotemba
Portrait/Columbia C2K 63726, USA 1999 (incl. hidden track)
Wrathchild (1999) US promo CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 99,9 0.00 -7.52 2:57 Wrathchild '99
DR 7
Portrait/Columbia VSK 46316, USA 1999 Pitman
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 354

Random16 · 24-Июн-20 19:34 (спустя 9 сек., ред. 29-Июн-20 16:29)

Часть III: 2000-2020
Brave New World (2000) + singles: The Wicker Man | Out of the Silent Planet
Brave New World (2000)

01 The Wicker Man
02 Ghost of the Navigator
03 Brave New World
04 Blood Brothers
05 The Mercenary
06 Dream of Mirrors
07 The Fallen Angel
08 The Nomad
09 Out of the Silent Planet
10 The Thin Line Between Love and Hate
EMI base master
Peaks%:  99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9  (99,9969)
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.15 -7.55 -8.76 -9.49 -7.58 -9.64 -7.17 -7.87 -8.25 -8.19
DR 7
EMI 7243 5 26605 2, EU/Holland 2000 Uden
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-65418 (7243 5 26605 2), Japan 2000 Gotemba
EMI MJ TOCP-53775 (7243 5 26605 2), Japan 2006
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%:  96,5  100,0   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5   96,5  (96,5546)
Peaks: -0.30 0.00 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30 -0.30
RMS: -7.58 -8.07 -8.35 -9.27 -7.87 -9.09 -7.30 -7.64 -8.10 -8.24
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567620, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
The Wicker Man (2000) promo CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 99,9 0.00 -8.15 4:36 The Wicker Man
DR 7
EMI CDEMDJ 568, UK 2000 Swindon
The Wicker Man (2000) ECDS
Live tracks and video: Ed Hunter Tour, 1999
 NL UK1 UK2 Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 1 1 99,9 0.00 -8.20 4:38 The Wicker Man
2 - 2 100,0 0.00 -7.61 3:00 Futureal (live)
3 2 - 99,9 0.00 -7.53 4:40 Man on the Edge (live)
- 3 - 99,0 -0.08 -7.97 7:12 Powerslave (live)
- - 3 99,0 -0.08 -8.28 4:28 Killers (live)
V V - The Wicker Man
- - V Futureal
DR 7
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-40138 (7243 8 88656 0), Japan 2000 Gotemba
EMI 7243 8 88655 0, EU/Holland 2000 Uden
EMI 7243 8 88656 0, EU/Holland 2000 Uden (Incl. beer mat)
EMI 7243 8 88687~88 0 (CDEMS/CDEM 568), EU/UK 2000 Swindon (2xECDS)
Out of the Silent Planet (2000) (E)CDS
Live tracks: Ed Hunter Tour, 1999
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -7.55 4:11 Out of the Silent Planet
2 99,8 -0.01 -7.89 5:07 Wasted Years (live)
3 99,8 -0.01 -7.83 5:23 Aces High (live)
V Out of the Silent Planet
DR 7
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-40144 (7243 8 89388 0), Japan 2000 Gotemba (CDS)
EMI 7243 8 89388 0, EU/Holland 2000 Uden (ECDS)
EMI 7243 8 89389 0 (CDEM 576), EU/UK 2000 Swindon (Numbered ECDS)
Rock in Rio (2002) + singles: Run to the Hills
Rock in Rio (2002)
Rock in Rio Festival, Brazil, 19 Jan.2001

CD 1
01 Intro
02 The Wicker Man
03 Ghost of the Navigator
04 Brave New World
05 Wrathchild
06 2 Minutes to Midnight
07 Blood Brothers
08 Sign of the Cross
09 The Mercenary
10 The Trooper
CD 2
01 Dreams of Mirrors
02 The Clansman
03 The Evil That Men Do
04 Fear of the Dark
05 Iron Maiden
06 The Number of the Beast
07 Hallowed Be Thy Name
08 Sanctuary
09 Run to the Hills
EMI base master (2 ECD)
Peaks%:  97,7   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9   99,9  100,0
Peaks: -0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -15.72 -6.98 -7.66 -7.93 -7.43 -7.74 -8.44 -9.02 -7.76 -8.32
DR 7
Peaks%: 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -8.53 -8.61 -7.52 -8.05 -8.59 -8.12 -7.93 -7.89 -8.10
DR 6
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-65948~49 (7243 5 38644~45 0), Japan 2002 Gotemba
Run to the Hills (2002) (E)CDS 1
1: Rock in Rio, Brazil, 2001; 2-3: Hammersmith Odeon, London, 1982
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 98,8 -0.10 -8.18 5:01 Run to the Hills (live '01)
2 96,8 -0.28 -6.98 4:34 Children of the Damned (live '82)
3 96,8 -0.28 -7.82 3:58 Total Eclipse (live '82)
V Run to the Hills (live '01)
DR 6
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-40155 (7243 5 50623 0), Japan 2002 Gotemba (CDS)
EMI 7243 5 50623 0 (CDEM 612), EU/Holland 2002 Uden (ECDS)
Run to the Hills (2002) (E)CDS 2
2-3: Reading Festival, August 1982
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 96,8 -0.28 -6.21 3:56 Run to the Hills (Single version)
2 96,8 -0.28 -6.91 6:34 22 Acacia Avenue (live '82)
3 96,8 -0.28 -6.96 5:55 The Prisoner (live '82)
V Run to the Hills (Camp Chaos version)
DR 5
EMI 7243 5 50624 0 (CDEMS 612), EU/Holland 2002 Uden (ECDS)
Eddie's Archive (2002): BBC Archives | Beast over Hammersmith | Best of the B'Sides
BBC Archives (2002)

CD 1
BBC Radio 1 Friday Rock Show, 14 Nov.1979
01 Iron Maiden
02 Running Free
03 Transylvania
04 Sanctuary
Reading Festival, UK, 28 Aug.1982
05 Wrathchild
06 Run to the Hills
07 Children of the Damned
08 The Number of the Beast
09 22 Acacia Avenue
10 Transylvania
11 The Prisoner
12 Hallowed Be Thy Name
13 Phantom of the Opera
14 Iron Maiden
CD 2
Reading Festival, UK, 23 Aug.1980
01 Prowler
02 Remember Tomorrow
03 Killers
04 Running Free
05 Transylvania
06 Iron Maiden
Monsters of Rock, Donington, UK, 20 Aug.1988
07 Moonchild
08 Wrathchild
09 Infinite Dreams
10 The Trooper
11 Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
12 The Number of the Beast
13 Hallowed Be Thy Name
14 Iron Maiden
EMI base master
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8 /  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,9   98,8  100,0   98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 / -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.09 -0.10 0.00 -0.10
RMS: -8.83 -9.50 -9.40 -9.01 / -9.40 -10.34 -9.01 -9.97 -8.43 -9.31 -9.01 -9.44 -9.33 -9.26
DR 8
Peaks%: 99,4 98,8 98,8 98,9 98,8 98,9 / 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,9 99,8
Peaks: -0.04 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 / -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.02
RMS: -9.26 -10.17 -9.51 -9.22 -9.87 -8.65 / -8.77 -7.98 -8.08 -8.44 -9.81 -8.26 -8.46 -8.00
DR 7
Columbia/Legacy CK 86928, USA 2002 DADC (Eddie's Archive pt.I)
Beast over Hammersmith (2002)
Hammersmith Odeon, London, 20 March 1982

CD 1
01 Murders in the Rue Morgue
02 Wrathchild
03 Run to the Hills
04 Children of the Damned
05 The Number of the Beast
06 Another Life
07 Killers
08 22 Acacia Avenue
09 Total Eclipse
CD 2
01 Transylvania
02 The Prisoner
03 Hallowed Be Thy Name
04 Phantom of the Opera
05 Iron Maiden
06 Sanctuary
07 Drifter
08 Running Free
09 Prowler
EMI base master
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
Peaks: -8.45 -8.27 -8.26 -8.18 -8.50 -8.20 -8.08 -8.32 -8.38
DR 7
Peaks%: 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,9 98,8 98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.09 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -8.74 -8.28 -8.06 -8.20 -8.46 -8.68 -8.69 -8.62 -8.43
DR 7
Columbia/Legacy CK 87034, USA 2002 DADC (Eddie's Archive pt.II)ssorry, ass iss Best of the B'Sides (2002)

CD 1
01 Burning Ambition
02 Drifter
03 Invasion
04 Remember Tomorrow (live)
05 I've Got the Fire
06 Cross-Eyed Mary
07 A Rainbow's Gold
08 King of Twilight
09 Reach Out
10 That Girl
11 Juanita
12 Sheriff of Huddersfield
13 Black Bart Blues
14 Prowler '88
15 Charlotte the Harlot '88
CD 2
01 All in Your Mind
02 Kill Me Ce Soir
03 I'm a Mover
04 Communication Breakdown
05 Nodding Donky Blues
06 Space Station No.5
07 I Can't See My Feelings
08 Roll Over Vic Vella
09 Justice of the Peace
10 Judgement Day
11 My Generation
12 Doctor, Doctor
13 Blood on the World's Hands (live)
14 The Aftermath (live)
15 Futureal (live)
16 Wasted Years '99 (live)
EMI base master
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,9   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.09 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -8.67 -9.37 -8.57 -9.30 -8.80 -8.68 -8.77 -9.43 -9.03 -8.47 -8.99 -9.02 -11.37 -8.45 -9.05
DR 8
Peaks%: 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8 98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -8.61 -8.80 -9.20 -8.35 -8.95 -9.02 -9.74 -10.89 -8.68 -7.83 -8.06 -8.83 -8.39 -9.12 -7.59 -8.22
DR 7
Columbia/Legacy CK 86932, USA 2002 DADC (Eddie's Archive pt.III)
Edward the Great: The Greatest Hits (2002)
Edward the Great (2002)
The Greatest Hits

01 Run to the Hills
02 The Number of the Beast
03 Flight of Icarus
04 The Trooper
05 2 Minutes to Midnight
06 Wasted Years
07 Can I Play with Madness
08 The Evil That Men Do
09 The Clairvoyant
10 Infinite Dreams
11 Holy Smoke
12 Bring Your Daughter… To the Slaughter
13 Man on the Edge
14 Futureal
15 The Wicker Man
16 Fear of the Dark (live)
EMI base master
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   91,7   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   96,5   96,5   98,8   86,1   99,9   98,8
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.75 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.30 -0.30 -0.10 -1.30 0.00 -0.10
RMS: -7.69 -8.16 -7.94 -8.07 -9.36 -8.88 -8.71 -9.50 -8.97 -9.36 -9.35 -9.83 -8.59 -8.24 -8.15 -8.28
DR 7
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-66113, Japan 2002 Gotemba
EMI 7243 5 43103 2, EU/Holland 2002 Uden
Dance of Death (2003) + singles: Wildest Dreams | Rainmaker | No More Lies
Dance of Death (2003)

01 Wildest Dreams
02 Rainmaker
03 No More Lies
04 Montsegur
05 Dance of Death
06 Gates of Tomorrow
07 New Frontier
08 Paschendale
09 Face in the Sand
10 Age of Innocence
11 Journeyman
EMI base master
Peaks%:  99,7   99,7   99,9   99,8   99,8   99,7   99,5   99,8   99,8   99,8   99,9
Peaks: -0.02 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.04 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.00
RMS: -6.35 -6.34 -7.24 -6.06 -7.32 -6.06 -6.44 -7.12 -7.14 -6.83 -7.80
DR 6
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-66212 (7243 5 93010 2), Japan 2003 Gotemba (Copy control)
EMI MJ TOCP-53779 (7243 5 93010 2), Japan 2006 Gotemba
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%:  98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8   98,8  (98,8007)
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
RMS: -7.53 -7.23 -8.44 -6.91 -8.26 -6.95 -6.86 -7.97 -7.94 -7.79 -8.48
DR 6
Parlophone 0 190295 567613, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
Wildest Dreams (EU 2003) CDS
EU Jp Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 1 99,7 -0.02 -6.30 3:51 Wildest Dreams
2 2 100,0 0.00 -8.08 8:20 Pass the Jam
- 3 99,9 0.00 -9.10 7:17 Blood Brothers (Rock mix)
3 4 99,9 0.00 -9.27 7:17 Blood Brothers (Orchestral mix)
DR 6 7
EMI 07243 552931 2, EU 2003 (copy control)
Capitol/Toshiba-EMI TOCP-40160, Japan 2003 Gotemba (copy control)
Rainmaker (EU 2003) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 99,7 -0.02 -6.34 3:51 Rainmaker
2 99,8 -0.01 -8.86 8:40 Dance of Death (Orchestral version)
3 100,0 0.00 -8.56 4:40 More Tea Vicar
DR 7
EMI 7243 553524 2, EU 2003 (copy control)
Rainmaker (Japan 2003) ECDM
4-5: Brixton Academy, London, 21 March 2002
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 99,7 -0.02 -6.34 3:51 Rainmaker
2 99,9 0.00 -8.83 8:39 Dance of Death (Orchestral version)
3 100,0 0.00 -8.51 4:37 More Tea Vicar
4 98,8 -0.10 -7.51 4:38 The Wicker Man (live)
5 98,8 -0.10 -7.82 5:02 Children of the Damned (live)
V1 Wildest Dreams (Promo video)
V2 Rainmaker (Promo video)
DR 7
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-61082 (7243 553480 2), Japan 2004 Gotemba
No More Lies (2004) souvenir EP
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -7.24 7:24 No More Lies (Original version)
2 100,0 0.00 -7.70 8:28 Paschendale (Orchestral version)
3 99,9 0.00 -11.00 19:50
3.1 7:05 Journeyman (Electric version)
3.2 6:08 silence
3.3 6:37 Age of Innocence… How Old?
V No More Lies (Dance of Death Tour)
DR 6
EMI CDEM 636 (7243 548417 0), EU/Holland 2004 Uden
Death on the Road (2005) + singles: The Number of the Beast | The Trooper
Death on the Road (2005)
Westenfalenhalle, Dortmund, Germany, 24 Nov.2003

CD 1
01 Wildest Dreams
02 Wrathchild
03 Can I Play with Madness
04 The Trooper
05 Dance of Death
06 Rainmaker
07 Brave New World
08 Paschendale
09 Lord of the Flies
CD 2
01 No More Lies
02 Hallowed Be Thy Name
03 Fear of the Dark
04 Iron Maiden
05 Journeyman
06 The Number of the Beast
07 Run to the Hills
EMI base master (2 ECD)
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -7.62 -6.81 -7.38 -8.37 -8.53 -6.82 -8.10 -8.60 -8.32
DR 6
Peaks%: 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.77 -7.38 -8.63 -8.26 -10.01 -7.37 -7.51
DR 7
EMI 0946 336574 2 (336577~79 2), EU/Holland 2005 MediaMotion (Copy control)
The Number of the Beast (2005) ECDS
2-3, V2: Brixton Academy, London, 21 March 2002
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 98,8 -0.10 -8.16 4:54 The Number of the Beast (Original version)
2 100,0 0.00 -5.72 4:49 The Number of the Beast (live)
3 100,0 0.00 -5.35 7:37 Hallowed Be Thy Name (live)
V1 The Number of the Beast (Camp Chaos version)
V2 The Number of the Beast (live)
DR 5
EMI CDEMS 666 (7243 870416 0), EU/Holland 2005 MediaMotion
The Trooper (2005) ECDS
1, V1: Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, 24 Nov.2003; 3: Egilshollin Arena, Reykjavik, 7 June 2005
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 93,3 -0.60 -9.05 4:13 The Trooper (live)
2 99,7 -0.02 -8.80 4:12 The Trooper (Original version)
3 100,0 0.00 -10.50 4:24 Prowler (live)
V1 The Trooper (live)
V2 The Trooper (Promo video)
DR 8
EMI CDEM 662 (07243-870862-0), EU/Holland 2005 MediaMotion
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-40181 (07243-870862-0), Japan 2005 Gotemba
The Essential Iron Maiden (2005)
The Essential Iron Maiden (2005)

CD 1
01 Paschendale
02 Rainmaker
03 The Wicker Man
04 Brave New World
05 Futureal
06 The Clansman
07 Sign of the Cross
08 Man on the Edge
09 Be Quick or Be Dead
10 Fear of the Dark
11 Holy Smoke
12 Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
13 The Clairvoyant
CD 2
01 The Evil That Men Do
02 Wasted Years
03 Heaven Can Wait
04 2 Minutes to Midnight
05 Aces High
06 Flight of Icarus
07 The Trooper
08 The Number of the Beast
09 Run to the Hills
10 Wrathchild
11 Killers
12 Phantom of the Opera
13 Running Free (live)
14 Iron Maiden (live)
Sanctuary base master
Peaks%:  99,8   99,7   99,9   99,9   98,8   98,8   83,1   98,4   98,2   98,8   96,5   96,5   97,2
Peaks: -0.01 -0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.10 -1.60 -0.13 -0.15 -0.10 -0.30 -0.30 -0.24
RMS: -7.10 -6.34 -8.15 -8.72 -7.04 -9.73 -12.23 -9.52 -9.23 -8.18 -9.29 -9.83 -9.78
DR 7
Peaks%: 91,3 87,4 87,4 93,5 93,9 93,7 93,7 87,3 88,0 90,2 92,9 92,9 100,0 89,4
Peaks: -0.78 -1.16 -1.16 -0.58 -0.54 -0.56 -0.56 -1.18 -1.11 -0.89 -0.64 -0.64 0.00 -0.97
RMS: -10.89 -9.25 -9.32 -10.75 -9.44 -9.68 -9.39 -9.24 -8.69 -8.56 -8.91 -9.22 -11.14 -9.19
DR 8
Sanctuary C2K 92832, USA 2005 Pitman
A Matter of Life and Death (2006) + singles: The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg | Different World
A Matter of Life and Death (2006)

01 Different World
02 These Colours Don't Run
03 Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
04 The Pilgrim
05 The Longest Day
06 Out of the Shadows
07 The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
08 For the Greater Good of God
09 Lord of Light
10 The Legacy
EMI base master
Peaks%:  98,8  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0   99,9
Peaks: -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -10.60 -10.50 -9.65 -9.96 -11.02 -11.08 -11.18 -9.92 -11.67 -12.06
DR 9
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-66616 (0946 372321 2), Japan 2006 Gotemba
Toshiba-EMI TOCP-66666 (0946 372324 2), Japan 2006 Gotemba (Limited Ed.)
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -7.74 -8.81 -9.04 -7.60 -8.44 -8.28 -8.98 -8.03 -9.06 -9.45
DR 7
Parlophone 0 190295 567606, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
Parlophone 0 190295 567576, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal (box)
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (2006) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -11.18 7:23 The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
2 74,8 -2.52 -9.13 7:12 Hallowed Be Thy Name (Radio 1 Legends 2005)
DR 7
EMI CDEM 703 (00946 3 73288 2), EU/Holland 2006 MediaMotion
Different World (EU 2006) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 98,8 -0.10 -10.55 4:18 Different World
2 63,8 -3.90 -10.72 5:43 Iron Maiden (live 2006)
DR 7
EMI CDEM 714 (00946 3 84956 2), EU/Holland 2006 MediaMotion
Different World (US 2006) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -10.58 4:21 Different World
2 99,9 0.00 -10.59 7:13 Hallowed Be Thy Name (Radio 1 Legends 2005)
3 100,0 0.00 -9.93 3:59 The Trooper (Radio 1 Legends 2005)
DR 9
Sanctuary 06076-84789-2, USA 2006 Sonopress
Somewhere Back in Time: The Best of 1980-1989 (2008)
Somewhere Back in Time (2008)
The Best of 1980-1989

01 Churchill's Speech
02 Aces High (live)
03 2 Minutes to Midnight
04 The Trooper
05 Wasted Years
06 Children of the Damned
07 The Number of the Beast
08 Run to the Hills
09 Phantom of the Opera (live)
10 The Evil That Men Do
11 Wrathchild (live)
12 Can I Play with Madness
13 Powerslave
14 Hallowed Be Thy Name
15 Iron Maiden (live)
EMI base master
Peaks%:  51,6  100,0   99,5   99,7   98,2   98,8   98,8   98,8   99,9   97,2   99,9   97,2  100,0   98,8  100,0
Peaks: -5.74 0.00 -0.04 -0.02 -0.15 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.01 -0.24 -0.01 -0.24 0.00 -0.10 0.00
RMS: -21.20 -10.28 -10.21 -8.80 -8.28 -8.24 -8.16 -7.63 -10.20 -10.35 -11.80 -9.53 -9.57 -8.11 -11.21
DR 9
EMI MJ TOCP-66795 (50999 2147072), Japan 2008 Gotemba
Flight 666 (2009)
Flight 666 (2009)
Somewhere Back in Time Tour, February-March 2008

CD 1
01 Churchill's Speech
02 Aces High
03 2 Minutes to Midnight
04 Revelations
05 The Trooper
06 Wasted Years
07 The Number of the Beast
08 Can I Play with Madness
09 Rime of the Ancient Mariner
CD 2
01 Powerslave
02 Heaven Can Wait
03 Run to the Hills
04 Fear of the Dark
05 Iron Maiden
06 Moonchild
07 The Clairvoyant
08 Hallowed Be Thy Name
EMI base master
Peaks%:  96,6  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: -0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -12.09 -8.13 -8.30 -9.09 -9.74 -9.10 -9.75 -8.76 -8.70
DR 8
Peaks%: 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 98,9 100,0 100,0 100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.37 -8.46 -8.14 -8.46 -9.59 -9.64 -8.64 -9.60
DR 8
EMI 50999 6977572, EU/Poland 2009 Takt
The Final Frontier (2010)
The Final Frontier (2010)

01 Satellite 15… The Final Frontier
02 El Dorado
03 Mother of Mercy
04 Coming Home
05 The Alchemist
06 Isle of Avalon
07 Starblind
08 The Talisman
09 The Man Who Would Be King
10 When the Wild Wind Blows
EMI base master
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.94 -9.11 -10.14 -9.38 -8.61 -9.07 -8.89 -9.64 -9.57 -10.11
DR 8
EMI MJ TOCP-66966 (50999 647771 2), Japan 2010 Gotemba (Mission edition)
EMI 50999 647771 2, EU/Germany 2010 Optimal (Mission edition)
EMI 50999 647772 2, EU/Germany 2010 Optimal * minor diff. from the Mission edition
Parlophone 2015 remaster
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.72 -8.45 -9.18 -8.21 -7.62 -7.64 -8.69 -8.71 -8.83 -8.40
DR 7
Parlophone 0 190295 567590, EU/Germany 2019 Optimal
From Fear to Eternity: The Best of 1990-2010 (2011)
From Fear to Eternity (2011)
The Best of 1990-2010

CD 1
01 The Wicker Man
02 Holy Smoke
03 El Dorado
04 Paschendale
05 Different World
06 Man on the Edge (live)
07 The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
08 Blood Brothers
09 Rainmaker
10 Sign of the Cross (live)
11 Brave New World
12 Fear of the Dark (live)
CD 2
01 Be Quick or Be Dead
02 Tailgunner
03 No More Lies
04 Coming Home
05 The Clansman (live)
06 For the Greater Good of God
07 These Colours Don't Run
08 Bring Your Daughter… to the Slaughter
09 Afraid to Shoot Strangers
10 Dance of Death
11 When the Wild Wind Blows
EMI base master
Peaks%:  99,9   98,8  100,0   94,2   99,5   99,9   99,7   99,9   94,1  100,0   99,9   98,8
Peaks: 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.51 -0.04 0.00 -0.02 0.00 -0.52 0.00 0.00 -0.10
RMS: -8.20 -8.20 -9.11 -7.60 -9.17 -7.41 -9.81 -9.49 -6.84 -9.03 -8.75 -8.13
DR 7
Peaks%: 98,8 98,8 94,3 100,0 98,8 99,7 99,7 98,8 98,8 94,2 100,0
Peaks: -0.10 -0.10 -0.51 0.00 -0.10 -0.02 -0.02 -0.10 -0.10 -0.52 0.00
RMS: -8.45 -7.72 -7.74 -9.38 -8.69 -8.55 -9.13 -8.81 -10.48 -7.84 -10.11
DR 7
EMI MJ TOCP-7180~81 (50999 027362 2), Japan 2011 Gotemba
EMI 50999 027362 2 (027363~64 2), EU/Germany 2011 Optimal
En Vivo! (2012)
En Vivo! (2012)
Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile, 10 April 2011

CD 1
01 Satellite 15
02 The Final Frontier
03 El Dorado
04 2 Minutes to Midnight
05 The Talisman
06 Coming Home
07 Dance of Death
08 The Trooper
09 The Wicker Man
CD 2
01 Blood Brothers
02 When the Wild Wind Blows
03 The Evil That Men Do
04 Fear of the Dark
05 Iron Maiden
06 The Number of the Beast
07 Hallowed Be Thy Name
08 Running Free
EMI base master
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -10.69 -9.23 -8.81 -8.64 -8.80 -8.69 -9.77 -8.65 -9.43
DR 8
Peaks%: 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -9.40 -9.52 -8.67 -9.37 -9.70 -9.68 -9.21 -9.96
DR 8
EMI MJ TOCP-71266~67, Japan 2012 Gotemba
The Book of Souls (2015) + singles: Speed of Light
The Book of Souls (2015)

CD 1
01 If Eternity Should Fail
02 Speed of Light
03 The Great Unknown
04 The Red and the Black
05 When the River Runs Deep
06 The Book of Souls
CD 2
01 Death or Glory
02 Shadows of the Valley
03 Tears of a Clown
04 The Man of Sorrows
05 Empire of the Clouds
Parlophone base master
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -9.35 -9.27 -10.09 -9.10 -9.16 -9.38
DR 8
Peaks%: 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.28 -8.76 -8.88 -9.35 -9.83
DR 8
Parlophone/WMJ WPCR-16856~57, Japan 2015 Gotemba
Speed of Light (2015) CDS
   Peaks% Peaks   RMS   Time
1 100,0 0.00 -9.27 5:02 Speed of Light
DR 9
Sanctuary/BMG 538159272, USA 2015 CDA
Sanctuary/BMG 538159252, USA 2015 CDA (BestBuy box)
The Book of Souls: Live Chapter (2017)
The Book of Souls: Live Chapter (2017)
The Book of Souls World Tour, March 2016 - May 2017

CD 1
01 If Eternity Should Fail
02 Speed of Light
03 Wrathchild
04 Children of the Damned
05 Death or Glory
06 The Red and the Black
07 The Trooper
08 Powerslave
CD 2
01 The Great Unknown
02 The Book of Souls
03 Fear of the Dark
04 Iron Maiden
05 The Number of the Beast
06 Blood Brothers
07 Wasted Years
Parlophone base master
Peaks%: 100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0  100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.78 -7.73 -7.29 -10.05 -7.40 -8.05 -8.77 -8.34
DR 7
Peaks%: 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Peaks: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RMS: -8.11 -8.75 -8.57 -7.54 -8.07 -8.65 -7.81
DR 7
Parlophone/WMJ WPCR-17952~53, Japan 2017 Gotemba
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Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 354

Random16 · 24-Июн-20 19:34 (спустя 11 сек., ред. 26-Июн-20 21:15)

Здесь будут сольники Дикинсона
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Random16 · 26-Июн-20 21:18 (спустя 2 дня 1 час, ред. 26-Июн-20 21:18)

А здесь я, наверное, попробую когда-нибудь собрать Пола ди'Анно.
Жду ваших дополнений. Кидайте логи CUETools и Foobar DR Meter сюда или в личку.
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hammersmith86 · 18-Июл-20 09:17 (спустя 21 день, ред. 27-Сен-20 12:27)

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varon2017 · 25-Июл-21 06:04 (спустя 1 год)

hammersmith86 писал(а):
where is the file ?????????????
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saygirl69 · 21-Мар-23 07:09 (спустя 1 год 7 месяцев)

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Top User 01

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psylence604 · 03-Фев-24 18:11 (спустя 10 месяцев)

Огромное спасибо!
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TERMINATOR_T5 · 17-Фев-24 11:51 (спустя 13 дней)

Уважаемый Random16, огромнейшее Вам спасибо за титанический труд!
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dcongiu · 01-Мар-24 18:16 (спустя 13 дней)

Random16 писал(а):
79672283А здесь я, наверное, попробую когда-нибудь собрать Пола ди'Анно.
Жду ваших дополнений. Кидайте логи CUETools и Foobar DR Meter сюда или в личку.
No link?
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