Thank you for uploading. I've been wanting this Concorde-X for P3D for a long time. Since right now it's no longer available for sale, this is the only way to get it. Someone please seed it my download is stuck at 61.7%.
Проверил в P3D v4. Не работает, не грузятся приборы. Очень ждем релиза на v4. Checked on P3D v4. Not working, gauges are not working. Waiting v4 release so much!
FS Labs Dont serve any money... Its not that i am agaist the piracy but these guys are good for nothing I paied for this Aircraft and others too but they have zero support from there site its too slow and too low and they are very proud of there product which they think is the best out of the best lol Anyways i support all those crackers and hackers and even who upload these kind a cracks and rips thankx to them do it hard and hit them hard Thankx