Серия - Graduate Studies in Mathematics [1993-2022, PDF/DjVu, ENG]

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Graduate Studies in Mathematics
Год издания: 1993-2022
Автор: Humphreys J.E. et al. (eds.) / Хамфрис Д.Э. и др. (ред.)
Жанр или тематика: Математика
Издательство: AMS
ISSN: 1065-7338
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF/DjVu
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Описание: The volumes in this series are specifically designed as graduate studies texts, but are also suitable for recommended and/or supplemental course reading. With appeal to both students and professors, these texts make ideal independent study resources.
Тома этой серии специально разработаны в качестве учебников для аспирантов, но также подходят для рекомендуемого и / или дополнительного чтения по курсу. Предназначенные как для студентов, так и для преподавателей, эти тексты являются идеальными источниками для самостоятельного изучения.
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Список книг
000 Catalog of Publications
001 The General Topology of Dynamical Systems, Ethan Akin (1993, 978-0-8218-4932-3)
002 Combinatorial Rigidity, Jack Graver, Brigitte Servatius, Herman Servatius (1993, 978-0-8218-3801-3)
003 An Introduction to Gröbner Bases, William W. Adams, Philippe Loustaunau (1994, 978-0-8218-3804-4)
004 The Integrals of Lebesgue, Denjoy, Perron, and Henstock, Russell A. Gordon (1994, 978-0-8218-3805-1)
005 Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces, Rick Miranda (1995, 978-0-8218-0268-7)
006 Lectures on Quantum Groups, Jens Carsten Jantzen (1996, 978-0-8218-0478-0)
007 Algebraic Number Fields, Gerald J. Janusz (1996, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-0429-2)
008 Discovering Modern Set Theory. I; The Basics, Winfried Just, Martin Weese (1996, 978-0-8218-0266-3)
009 An Invitation to Arithmetic Geometry, Dino Lorenzini (1996, 978-0-8218-0267-0)
010 Representations of Finite and Compact Groups, Barry Simon (1996, 978-0-8218-0453-7)
011 Enveloping Algebras, Jacques Dixmier (1996, 978-0-8218-0560-2)
012 Lectures on Elliptic and Parabolic Equations in Hölder Spaces, N. V. Krylov (1996, 978-0-8218-0569-5)
013 The Ergodic Theory of Discrete Sample Paths, Paul C. Shields (1996, 978-0-8218-0477-3)
014 Analysis, Elliott H. Lieb, Michael Loss (2001, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-2783-3)
015 Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras. Volume I; Elementary Theory, Richard V. Kadison, John R. Ringrose (1997, 978-0-8218-0819-1)
016 Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras. Volume II; Advanced Theory, Richard V. Kadison, John R. Ringrose (1997, 978-0-8218-0820-7)
017 Topics in Classical Automorphic Forms, Henryk Iwaniec (1997, 978-0-8218-0777-4)
018 Discovering Modern Set Theory. II; Set-Theoretic Tools for Every Mathematician, Winfried Just, Martin Weese (1997, 978-0-8218-0528-2)
019 Partial Differential Equations, Lawrence C. Evans (2010, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-4974-3)
020 4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus, Robert E. Gompf, András I. Stipsicz (1999, 978-0-8218-0994-5)
021 A Course in Operator Theory, John B. Conway (2000, 978-0-8218-2065-0)
022 Growth of Algebras and Gelfand-Kirillov Dimension, Günter R. Krause, Thomas H. Lenagan (2000, Revised ed., 978-0-8218-0859-7)
023 Foliations I, Alberto Candel, Lawrence Conlon (2000, 978-0-8218-0809-2)
024 Number Theory; Algebraic Numbers and Functions, Helmut Koch (2000, 978-0-8218-2054-4)
025 Dirac Operators in Riemannian Geometry, Thomas Friedrich (2000, 978-0-8218-2055-1)
026 An Introduction to Symplectic Geometry, Rolf Berndt (2001, 978-0-8218-2056-8)
027 A Course in Differential Geometry, Thierry Aubin (2001, 978-0-8218-2709-3)
028 Notes on Seiberg-Witten Theory, Liviu I. Nicolaescu (2000, 978-0-8218-2145-9)
029 Fourier Analysis, Javier Duoandikoetxea (2001, 978-0-8218-2172-5)
030 Noncommutative Noetherian Rings, J. C. McConnell, J. C. Robson (1987, 978-0-8218-2169-5); 2001 pbk reprint with corrections
031 Option Pricing and Portfolio Optimization; Modern Methods of Financial Mathematics, Ralf Korn, Elke Korn (2001, 978-0-8218-2123-7)
032 A Modern Theory of Integration, Robert G. Bartle (2001, 978-0-8218-0845-0)
033 A Course in Metric Geometry, Dmitri Burago, Yuri Burago, Sergei Ivanov (2001, 978-0-8218-2129-9)
034 Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces, Sigurdur Helgason (2001, 978-0-8218-2848-9)
035 Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology, James F. Davis, Paul Kirk (2001, 978-0-8218-2160-2)
036 Principles of Functional Analysis, Martin Schechter (2002, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-2895-3)
037 Theta Constants, Riemann Surfaces and the Modular Group; An Introduction with Applications to Uniformization Theorems, Partition Identities and Combinatorial Number Theory, Hershel M. Farkas, Irwin Kra (2001, 978-0-8218-1392-8)
038 Stochastic Analysis on Manifolds, Elton P. Hsu (2002, 978-0-8218-0802-3)
039 Classical Groups and Geometric Algebra, Larry C. Grove (2002, 978-0-8218-2019-3)
040 Function Theory of One Complex Variable, Robert E. Greene, Steven G. Krantz (2006, 3rd ed., 978-0-8218-3962-1)
041 Introduction to the Theory of Differential Inclusions, Georgi V. Smirnov (2002, 978-0-8218-2977-6)
042 Introduction to Quantum Groups and Crystal Bases, Jin Hong, Seok-Jin Kang (2002, 978-0-8218-2874-8)
043 Introduction to the Theory of Random Processes, N. V. Krylov (2002, 978-0-8218-2985-1)
044 Pick Interpolation and Hilbert Function Spaces, Jim Agler, John E. McCarthy (2002, 978-0-8218-2898-4)
045 An Introduction to Measure and Integration, Inder K. Rana (2002, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-2974-5)
046 Several Complex Variables with Connections to Algebraic Geometry and Lie Groups, Joseph L. Taylor (2002, 978-0-8218-3178-6)
047 Classical and Quantum Computation, A. Yu. Kitaev, A. H. Shen, M. N. Vyalyi (2002, 978-0-8218-3229-5)
048 Introduction to the h-Principle, Y. Eliashberg, N. Mishachev (2002, 978-0-8218-3227-1)
049 Secondary Cohomology Operations, John R. Harper (2002, 978-0-8218-3270-7)
050 An Invitation to Operator Theory, Y. A. Abramovich, C. D. Aliprantis (2002, 978-0-8218-2146-6)
051 Problems in Operator Theory, Y. A. Abramovich, C. D. Aliprantis (2002, 978-0-8218-2147-3)
052 Global Analysis; Differential Forms in Analysis, Geometry and Physics, Ilka Agricola, Thomas Friedrich (2002, 978-0-8218-2951-6)
053 Spectral Methods of Automorphic Forms, Henryk Iwaniec (2002, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-3160-1)
054 A Course in Convexity, Alexander Barvinok (2002, 978-0-8218-2968-4)
055 A Scrapbook of Complex Curve Theory, C. Herbert Clemens (2003, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-3307-0)
056 A Course in Algebra, E. B. Vinberg (2003, 978-0-8218-3318-6)
057 Concise Numerical Mathematics, Robert Plato (2003, 978-0-8218-2953-0)
058 Topics in Optimal Transportation, Cédric Villani (2003, 978-0-8218-3312-4)
059 Representation Theory of Finite Groups; Algebra and Arithmetic, Steven H. Weintraub (2003, 978-0-8218-3222-6)
060 Foliations II, Alberto Candel, Lawrence Conlon (2003, 978-0-8218-0881-8)
061 Cartan for Beginners; Differential Geometry via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems, Thomas A. Ivey, J. M. Landsberg (2003, 978-0-8218-3375-9)
062 A Companion to Analysis; A Second First and First Second Course in Analysis, T. W. Körner (2004, 978-0-8218-3447-3)
063 Resolution of Singularities, Steven Dale Cutkosky (2004, 978-0-8218-3555-5)
064 Lectures on the Orbit Method, A. A. Kirillov (2004, 978-0-8218-3530-2)
065 Global Calculus, S. Ramanan (2005, 978-0-8218-3702-3)
066 Functional Analysis; An Introduction, Yuli Eidelman, Vitali Milman, Antonis Tsolomitis (2004, 978-0-8218-3646-0)
067 Introduction to Quadratic Forms over Fields, T.Y. Lam (2005, 978-0-8218-1095-8)
068 A Geometric Approach to Free Boundary Problems, Luis Caffarelli, Sandro Salsa (2005, 978-0-8218-3784-9)
069 Curves and Surfaces, Sebastián Montiel, Antonio Ros (2009, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-4763-3)
070 Probability Theory in Finance; A Mathematical Guide to the Black-Scholes Formula, Seán Dineen (2013, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-9490-3)
071 Modern Geometric Structures and Fields, S. P. Novikov, I. A. Taimanov (2006, 978-0-8218-3929-4)
072 Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance, Ruth J. Williams (2006, 978-0-8218-3903-4)
073 Graduate Algebra; Commutative View, Louis Halle Rowen (2006, 978-0-8218-0570-1)
074 Elements of Combinatorial and Differential Topology, V. V. Prasolov (2006, 978-0-8218-3809-9)
075 Applied Asymptotic Analysis, Peter D. Miller (2006, 978-0-8218-4078-8)
076 Measure Theory and Integration, Michael E. Taylor (2006, 978-0-8218-4180-8)
077 Hamilton's Ricci Flow, Bennett Chow, Peng Lu, Lei Ni (2006, 978-0-8218-4231-7)
078 Linear Algebra in Action, Harry Dym (2013, 2nd ed., 978-1-4704-0908-1)
079 Modular Forms, a Computational Approach, William A. Stein (2007, 978-0-8218-3960-7)
080 Probability, Davar Khoshnevisan (2007, 978-0-8218-4215-7)
081 Elements of Homology Theory, V. V. Prasolov (2007, 978-0-8218-3812-9)
082 Pseudo-differential Operators and the Nash-Moser Theorem, Serge Alinhac, Patrick Gérard (2007, 978-0-8218-3454-1)
083 Functions of Several Complex Variables and Their Singularities, Wolfgang Ebeling (2007, 978-0-8218-3319-3)
084 Cones and Duality, Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Rabee Tourky (2007, 978-0-8218-4146-4)
085 Recurrence and Topology, John M. Alongi, Gail S. Nelson (2007, 978-0-8218-4234-8)
086 Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations, Yulij Ilyashenko, Sergei Yakovenko (2008, 978-0-8218-3667-5)
087 Twenty-Four Hours of Local Cohomology, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Graham J. Leuschke, Anton Leykin, Claudia Miller, Ezra Miller, Anurag K. Singh, Uli Walther (2007, 978-0-8218-4126-6)
088 C∗-Algebras and Finite-Dimensional Approximations, Nathanial P. Brown, Narutaka Ozawa (2008, 978-0-8218-4381-9)
089 A Course on the Web Graph, Anthony Bonato (2008, 978-0-8218-4467-0)
090 Basic Quadratic Forms, Larry J. Gerstein (2008, 978-0-8218-4465-6)
091 Graduate Algebra; Noncommutative View, Louis Halle Rowen (2008, 978-0-8218-4153-2)
092 Finite Group Theory, I. Martin Isaacs (2008, 978-0-8218-4344-4)
093 Topics in Differential Geometry, Peter W. Michor (2008, 978-0-8218-2003-2)
094 Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category O, James E. Humphreys (2008, 978-0-8218-4678-0)
095 Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians, Leon A. Takhtajan (2008, 978-0-8218-4630-8)
096 Lectures on Elliptic and Parabolic Equations in Sobolev Spaces, N. V. Krylov (2008, 978-0-8218-4684-1)
097 Complex Made Simple, David C. Ullrich (2008, 978-0-8218-4479-3)
098 Discrete Differential Geometry; Integrable Structure, Alexander I. Bobenko, Yuri B. Suris (2008, 978-0-8218-4700-8)
099 Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics; With Applications to Schrödinger Operators, Gerald Teschl (2009, 978-0-8218-4660-5)
100 Algebra; A Graduate Course, I. Martin Isaacs (1994, 978-0-8218-4799-2)
101 A Course in Approximation Theory, Ward Cheney, Will Light (2000, 978-0-8218-4798-5)
102 Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Wavelets, Mark A. Pinsky (2002, 978-0-8218-4797-8)
103 Configurations of Points and Lines, Branko Grünbaum (2009, 978-0-8218-4308-6)
104 Algebra; Chapter 0, Paolo Aluffi (2009, 978-0-8218-4781-7)
105 A First Course in Sobolev Spaces, Giovanni Leoni (2009, 978-0-8218-4768-8)
106 Embeddings in Manifolds, Robert J. Daverman, Gerard A. Venema (2009, 978-0-8218-3697-2)
107 Manifolds and Differential Geometry, Jeffrey M. Lee (2009, 978-0-8218-4815-9)
108 Mapping Degree Theory, Enrique Outerelo, Jesús M. Ruiz (2009, 978-0-8218-4915-6)
109 Training Manual on Transport and Fluids, John C. Neu (2010, 978-0-8218-4083-2)
110 Differential Algebraic Topology; From Stratifolds to Exotic Spheres, Matthias Kreck (2010, 978-0-8218-4898-2)
111 Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem, Simon Brendle (2010, 978-0-8218-4938-5)
112 Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations; Theory, Methods and Applications, Fredi Troltzsch (2010, 978-0-8218-4904-0)
113 Continuous Time Markov Processes; An Introduction, Thomas M. Liggett (2010, 978-0-8218-4949-1)
114 Advanced Modern Algebra, Joseph J. Rotman (2010, 2nd ed., 978-0-8218-4741-1)
115 An Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory, Julio González-Díaz, Ignacio García-Jurado, M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro (2010, 978-0-8218-5151-7)
116 Linear Functional Analysis, Joan Cerdà (2010, 978-0-8218-5115-9)
117 An Epsilon of Room, I; Real Analysis; pages from year three of a mathematical blog, Terence Tao (2010, 978-0-8218-5278-1)
118 Dynamical Systems and Population Persistence, Hal L. Smith, Horst R. Thieme (2011, 978-0-8218-4945-3)
119 Mathematical Statistics; Asymptotic Minimax Theory, Alexander Korostelev, Olga Korosteleva (2011, 978-0-8218-5283-5)
120 A Basic Course in Partial Differential Equations, Qing Han (2011, 978-0-8218-5255-2)
121 A Course in Minimal Surfaces, Tobias Holck Colding, William P. Minicozzi II (2011, 978-0-8218-5323-8)
122 Algebraic Groups and Differential Galois Theory, Teresa Crespo, Zbigniew Hajto (2011, 978-0-8218-5318-4)
123 Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations, Gregory Eskin (2011, 978-0-8218-5284-2)
124 Toric Varieties, David A. Cox, John B. Little, Henry K. Schenck (2011, 978-0-8218-4819-7)
125 Riemann Surfaces by Way of Complex Analytic Geometry, Dror Varolin (2011, 978-0-8218-5369-6)
126 An Introduction to Measure Theory, Terence Tao (2011, 978-0-8218-6919-2)
127 Modern Classical Homotopy Theory, Jeffrey Strom (2011, 978-0-8218-5286-6)
128 Tensors; Geometry and Applications, J. M. Landsberg (2012, 978-0-8218-6907-9)
129 Classical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations; With Applications to Boundary Value Problems, Stuart P. Hastings, J. Bryce McLeod (2012, 978-0-8218-4694-0)
130 Gröbner Bases in Commutative Algebra, Viviana Ene, Jürgen Herzog (2011, 978-0-8218-7287-1)
131 Lie Superalgebras and Enveloping Algebras, Ian M. Musson (2012, 978-0-8218-6867-6)
132 Topics in Random Matrix Theory, Terence Tao (2012, 978-0-8218-7430-1)
133 Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Optics, Jeffrey Rauch (2012, 978-0-8218-7291-8)
134 Analytic Number Theory; Exploring the Anatomy of Integers, Jean-Marie De Koninck, Florian Luca (2012, 978-0-8218-7577-3)
135 Linear and Quasi-linear Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces, Pascal Cherrier, Albert Milani (2012, 978-0-8218-7576-6)
136 Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle-Type Problems, Arshak Petrosyan, Henrik Shahgholian, Nina Uraltseva (2012, 978-0-8218-8794-3)
137 Ordinary Differential Equations; Qualitative Theory, Luis Barreira, Clàudia Valls (2012, 978-0-8218-8749-3)
138 Semiclassical Analysis, Maciej Zworski (2012, 978-0-8218-8320-4)
139 Knowing the Odds; An Introduction to Probability, John B. Walsh (2012, 978-0-8218-8532-1)
140 Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Gerald Teschl (2012, 978-0-8218-8328-0)
141 A Course in Abstract Analysis, John B. Conway (2012, 978-0-8218-9083-7)
142 Higher Order Fourier Analysis, Terence Tao (2012, 978-0-8218-8986-2)
143 Lecture Notes on Functional Analysis; With Applications to Linear Partial Differential Equations, Alberto Bressan (2013, 978-0-8218-8771-4)
144 Dualities and Representations of Lie Superalgebras, Shun-Jen Cheng, Weiqiang Wang (2012, 978-0-8218-9118-6)
145 The K-book; An Introduction to Algebraic K-theory, Charles A. Weibel (2013, 978-0-8218-9132-2)
146 Combinatorial Game Theory, Aaron N. Siegel (2013, 978-0-8218-5190-6)
147 Matrix Theory, Xingzhi Zhan (2013, 978-0-8218-9491-0)
148 Introduction to Smooth Ergodic Theory, Luis Barreira, Yakov Pesin (2013, 978-0-8218-9853-6)
149 Mathematics of Probability, Daniel W. Stroock (2013, 978-1-4704-0907-4)
150 The Joys of Haar Measure, Joe Diestel, Angela Spalsbury (2013, 978-1-4704-0935-7)
151 Introduction to 3-Manifolds, Jennifer Schultens (2014, 978-1-4704-1020-9)
152 An Introduction to Extremal Kähler Metrics, Gábor Székelyhidi (2014, 978-1-4704-1047-6)
153 Hilbert's Fifth Problem and Related Topics, Terence Tao (2014, 978-1-4704-1564-8)
154 A Course in Complex Analysis and Riemann Surfaces, Wilhelm Schlag (2014, 978-0-8218-9847-5)
155 An Introduction to the Representation Theory of Groups, Emmanuel Kowalski (2014, 978-1-4704-0966-1)
156 Functional Analysis; An Elementary Introduction, Markus Haase (2014, 978-0-8218-9171-1)
157 Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics; With Applications to Schrödinger Operators, Gerald Teschl (2014, 2nd ed., 978-1-4704-1704-8)
158 Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra, Fritz Colonius, Wolfgang Kliemann (2014, 978-0-8218-8319-8)
159 The Role of Nonassociative Algebra in Projective Geometry, John R. Faulkner (2014, 978-1-4704-1849-6)
160 A Course in Analytic Number Theory, Marius Overholt (2014, 978-1-4704-1706-2)
161 Introduction to Tropical Geometry, Diane Maclagan, Bernd Sturmfels (2015, 978-0-8218-5198-2)
162 A Course on Large Deviations with an Introduction to Gibbs Measures, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppäläinen (2015, 978-0-8218-7578-0)
163 Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, Gérald Tenenbaum (2015, 3rd ed., 978-0-8218-9854-3)
164 Expansion in Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type, Terence Tao (2015, 978-1-4704-2196-0)
165 Advanced Modern Algebra, Part 1, Joseph J. Rotman (2015, 3rd ed., 978-1-4704-1554-9)
166 Problems in Real and Functional Analysis, Alberto Torchinsky (2015, 978-1-4704-2057-4)
167 Singular Perturbation in the Physical Sciences, John C. Neu (2015, 978-1-4704-2555-5)
168 Random Operators; Disorder Effects on Quantum Spectra and Dynamics, Michael Aizenman, Simone Warzel (2015, 978-1-4704-1913-4)
169 Partial Differential Equations; An Accessible Route through Theory and Applications, András Vasy (2015, 978-1-4704-1881-6)
170 Colored Operads, Donald Yau (2016, 978-1-4704-2723-8)
171 Nonlinear Elliptic Equations of the Second Order, Qing Han (2016, 978-1-4704-2607-1)
172 Combinatorics and Random Matrix Theory, Jinho Baik, Percy Deift, Toufic Suidan (2016, 978-0-8218-4841-8)
173 Differentiable Dynamical Systems; An Introduction to Structural Stability and Hyperbolicity, Lan Wen (2016, 978-1-4704-2799-3)
174 Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties, Alexander Kirillov Jr. (2016, 978-1-4704-2307-0)
175 Cartan for Beginners; Differential Geometry via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems, Thomas A. Ivey, Joseph M. Landsberg (2016, 2nd ed., 978-1-4704-0986-9)
176 Ordered Groups and Topology, Adam Clay, Dale Rolfsen (2016, 978-1-4704-3106-8)
177 Differential Galois Theory through Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence; An Elementary Introduction, Jacques Sauloy (2016, 978-1-4704-3095-5)
178 From Frenet to Cartan; The Method of Moving Frames, Jeanne N. Clelland (2017, 978-1-4704-2952-2)
179 Modular Forms; A Classical Approach, Henri Cohen, Fredrik Strömberg (2017, 978-0-8218-4947-7)
180 Advanced Modern Algebra, Part 2, Joseph J. Rotman (2017, 3rd ed., 978-1-4704-2311-7)
181 A First Course in Sobolev Spaces, Giovanni Leoni (2017, 2nd ed., 978-1-4704-2921-8)
182 Nonlinear PDEs; A Dynamical Systems Approach, Guido Schneider, Hannes Uecker (2017, 978-1-4704-3613-1)
183 Separable Algebras, Timothy J. Ford (2017, 978-1-4704-3770-1)
184 An Introduction to Quiver Representations, Harm Derksen, Jerzy Weyman (2017, 978-1-4704-2556-2)
185 Braid Foliations in Low-Dimensional Topology, Douglas J. LaFountain, William W. Menasco (2017, 978-1-4704-3660-5)
186 Rational Points on Varieties, Bjorn Poonen (2017, 978-1-4704-3773-2)
187 Introduction to Global Analysis; Minimal Surfaces in Riemannian Manifolds, John Douglas Moore (2017, 978-1-4704-2950-8)
188 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry, Steven Dale Cutkosky (2018, 978-1-4704-3518-9)
189 Characters of Solvable Groups, I. Martin Isaacs (2018, 978-1-4704-3485-4)
190 Lectures on Finite Fields, Xiang-dong Hou (2018, 978-1-4704-4289-7)
191 Functional Analysis, Theo Bühler, Dietmar A. Salamon (2018, 978-1-4704-4190-6)
192 Lectures on Navier-Stokes Equations, Tai-Peng Tsai (2018, 978-1-4704-3096-2)
193 A Tour of Representation Theory, Martin Lorenz (2018, 978-1-4704-3680-3)
194 Algebraic Statistics, Seth Sullivant (2018, 978-1-4704-3517-2)
195 Combinatorial Reciprocity Theorems;An Invitation to Enumerative Geometric Combinatorics, Matthias Beck, Raman Sanyal (2018, 978-1-4704-2200-4)
196 Convection-Diffusion Problems;An Introduction to Their Analysis and Numerical Solution, Martin Stynes, David Stynes (2018, 978-1-4704-4868-4)
197 A Course on Partial Differential Equations, Walter Craig (2018, 978-1-4704-4292-7)
198 Dynamics in One Non-Archimedean Variable, Robert L Benedetto (2019, 978-1-4704-4688-8)
199 Applied Stochastic Analysis, Weinan E, Tiejun Li, Eric Vanden-Eijnden (2019, 978-1-4704-4933-9)
200 Mathematical Theory of Scattering Resonances, Semyon Dyatlov, Maciej Zworski (2019, 978-1-4704-4366-5)
201 Geometric Relativity, Dan A Lee (2019, 978-1-4704-5081-6)
202 Introduction to Complex Analysis, Michael E Taylor (2019, 978-1-4704-5286-5)
203 The Distribution of Prime Numbers, Dimitris Koukoulopoulos (2019, 978-1-4704-4754-0)
204 Hochschild Cohomology for Algebras, Sarah J. Witherspoon (2019, 978-1-4704-4931-5)
205 Invitation to Partial Differential Equations, Maxim Braverman, Robert McOwen, Peter Topalov, Mikhail Shubin (2020, 978-0-8218-3640-8)
206 Extrinsic Geometric Flows, Ben Andrews, Bennett Chow, Christine Guenther, Mat Langford (2020, 978-1-4704-5596-5)
207 Organized Collapse; An Introduction to Discrete Morse Theory, Dmitry N. Kozlov (2020, 978-1-4704-5701-3)
208 Geometry and Topology of Manifolds; Surfaces and Beyond, Vicente Muñoz, Ángel González-Prieto, Juan Ángel Rojo (2020, 978-1-4704-6132-4)
209 Hyperbolic Knot Theory, Jessica Purcell (2020, 978-1-4704-5499-9)
210 Combinatorics; The Art of Counting, Bruce E. Sagan (2020, 978-1-4704-6032-7)
211 Invitation to Nonlinear Algebra, Mateusz Michałek , Bernd Sturmfels (2021, 978-1-4704-6551-3)
212 Differential Equations; A Dynamical Systems Approach to Theory and Practice, Marcelo Viana, José M. Espinar (2021, 978-1-4704-5114-1)
213 Hamilton–Jacobi Equations; Theory and Applications, Hung Vinh Tran (2021, 978-1-4704-6511-7)
214 Portfolio Theory and Arbitrage; A Course in Mathematical Finance, Ioannis Karatzas, Constantinos Kardaras (2021, 978-1-4704-6014-3)
215 Shock Waves, Tai-Ping Liu (2021, 978-1-4704-6567-4)
216 A Concise Introduction to Algebraic Varieties, Brian Osserman (2021, 978-1-4704-6013-6)
217 Lectures on Poisson Geometry, Marius Crainic, Rui Loja Fernandes, Ioan Mărcuț (2021, 978-1-4704-6430-1)
218 Lectures on Differential Topology, Riccardo Benedetti (2021, 978-1-4704-6674-9)
219 Essentials of Tropical Combinatorics, Michael Joswig (2021, 978-1-4704-6653-4)
220 Ultrafilters Throughout Mathematics, Isaac Goldbring (2022, 978-1-4704-6900-9)
221 One-Dimensional Ergodic Schrödinger Operators; I. General Theory, David Damanik, Jake Fillman (2022, 978-1-4704-5606-1)
222 Algebraic Geometry_ Notes on a Course, Michael Artin (2022, 978-1-4704-7111-8)
223 Groups and Topological Dynamics, Volodymyr Nekrashevych (2022, 978-1-4704-6380-9)
224 Discrete Analogues in Harmonic Analysis; Bourgain, Stein, and Beyond, Ben Krause (2023, 978-1-4704-6857-6)
225 The Mathematical Analysis of the Incompressible Euler and Navier-stokes Equations_ An Introduction, Jacob Bedrossian, Vlad Vicol (2022, 978-1-4704-7049-4)
226 A First Course in Spectral Theory, Milivoje Lukić (2022, 978-1-4704-6656-5)
227 Geometric Structures on Manifolds, William M. Goldman (2022, 978-1-4704-7103-3)
228 Topological and Ergodic Theory of Symbolic Dynamics, Henk Bruin (2022, 978-1-4704-6984-9)
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