v1.0.3 Bug fixes and some spell changes
16 ноября - Brain Seal Entertainment
∙ Fixed a tooltip bug with book of spells.
∙ Fixed a small crash when draging a hero in the assemble party screen into another party slot hero.
∙ Fixed a tooltip position being in wrong place on the defeat the sorcerer quest.
∙ Fixed a bug with completing the game achievement not activating in hardcore mode.
∙ Fixed a bug with the 100k achievement not unlocking
∙ Fixed a crash with multiplayer when having too many online friends.
∙ The order in which heroes appear in a new room is now the same as entered.
∙ Fixed a bug showing the exclamation mark above the gravedigger in hardcore mode.
∙ Fixed a bug in the descent to chaos map with the stairs teleporting you in wrong tile.
∙ Frozen now freezes all enemies around the wizard.
∙ Fixed a bug with chaos wave not hitting enemies again when it triggers on multiple heroes...
∙ Chaos wave now deals extra damage when upgraded only on first wave...
∙ Illusions and monsters cannot fall into pit traps.
∙ Falling to a pit no longer deals fall damage.
∙ Fixed some bugs in the pit that would end the game if you died.