What's New
Version 78 - 12 OCTOBER, 2021:
Workspace window
• We've renamed the Documents window, and made it better than ever! You can now see documents in your Workspace in a new list view. We've also improved the Recent Documents view, which now shows who's editing a Workspace document and its sharing settings.
What’s improved
• If you have locked layers selected when you Select All (⌘ A) we no longer deselect them in the process.
• You can now navigate layers from the keyboard by pressing Tab or ⇧ Tab, even when nothing is selected.
• You can now easily detach all Symbols and Nested Symbols at once from the menu.
• You can hold ⇧ + click to add extra elements to your selection. Now, when diving into groups, you can also hold ⇧ + double-click to reach into elements nested inside them.
• You could always deselect your currently selected layers with the Escape key, but this would not work for groups. Now, we’ve added a proper keyboard shortcut that always works: ⌘ Esc
• You could always step through a layer’s hierarchy on the Canvas with the Enter, Tab and Escape keys. Now, we also support multiple selections, so you can step into multiple groups at the same time.
What’s fixed
• You can now right-click a selected and locked layer to bring up the contextual menu without losing your selection.
• Fixes a bug that could cause text layers with baseline adjustments to render incorrectly.
• We’ve fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to export layers with Tints to multiple formats.
• We’ve fixed a bug where SVG imports containing elements with multiple fills could be parsed incorrectly.
• We’ve improved performance when using complex groups with shadows.
• We’ve fixed a bug that could cause shadows to take the wrong color when exporting multiple files at once.
• We’ve fixed a bug that could cause masked layers to render differently depending on whether there was only one layer or more affected by the particular mask.
• Fixes a bug that could cause multiple slices with the same name to overwrite each other when exporting.
• Fixes a bug where flipped or rotated lines wouldn’t appear correctly when exporting to SVG.
• Fixes a bug that could cause the Canvas to not refresh correctly when toggling the “Ignore Underlying Mask” option after having adjusted the zoom level.
• Fixes a bug where floating Artboard rows in the Layer List would appear fully transparent and show the layer underneath it when the Mac app was in the background.
• Fixes a bug where Inspector values for Symbols were not cleared with Undo and could apply to new Symbols.
• Fixes a bug where Sketch could build up too much memory over time when resizing groups.
• Fixes an issue where, when exporting a slice with a slash in its name, the prefix would be applied to the name of the new folder rather than the name of the file.
• Fixes a bug where copying CSS attributes for layers with 0.5px wide borders could incorrectly set the border width to 0px in the copied CSS code.
• Full Release Notes are available