Sketch 75 [macOS] [TNT]

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Doktor S.

Top Seed 04* 320r

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Doktor S. · 10-Авг-21 18:26 (3 года 6 месяцев назад)

Sketch 75
Год выпуска: 10 августа 2021.
Версия: 75
Разработчик: Bohemian Coding
Платформа: Intel, М1.
Таблетка: Не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен, K'ed by TNT)
Язык интерфейса: Английский.
Системные требования:
• OS X 10.15.0 или более поздней версии (Big Sur included).
• Любой 64-разрядный Intel ® Mac.
• Мак на Apple M1 chip
Описание: Sketch от Bohemian Coding - один из лучших профессиональных векторных редакторов под Mac OS! Мощный, простой, быстрый, гибкий редактор для дизайна интерфейсов.
Sketch имеет все необходимые инструменты для любого, даже наиболее требовательного дизайнера. Слайсы, текстовые стили, линейки, направляющие и сетки – лишь некоторые из них. Sketch умеет читать из (.sketch, .drawit, .svg), импортировать (.pdf, .eps, .jpg, .tif, .png, .gif и т.д.), и экспортировать в следующие виды форматов (.pdf, .svg, .eps, .jpg, .tif, .png)
Что нового
What's New
Version 75 - 10 AUGUST, 2021:
Documents window improvements
• We’ve introduced a new Workspace switcher at the top of the sidebar in the Documents window. You can switch between Workspaces you’re a member or guest of, and only see that Workspace’s documents and projects.
What’s improved
• You can now quickly access the new Document Settings window with the keyboard shortcut ⌘ ⇧ ,
• You can now lock or unlock the ratio of Slice layers from the Inspector.
• You can now easily share a link to your prototype right from the Mac app for documents that live in your Workspace.
What’s changed
• Hiding Hotspot and Slice Layers from your designs is only possible via the View menu now. You can no longer do this using the Layer List toggles.
What’s fixed
• Fixes a crash that could occur when inserting Symbols containing programatically edited Text Styles which were missing certain properties.
• Fixes a bug where a text layer could sometimes cause an Artboard’s background color to appear across more of the Canvas.
• Fixes a security vulnerability related to external library feeds.
• Fixes a bug that stopped Library updates from appearing as a notification in your document if you had previously undone a sync to apply those updates.
• Fixes a bug where changing the Symbol Source contents would not refresh the Instance’s overrides Inspector in some cases.
• Fixes a bug that stopped nested Symbol Instances that used Overrides with Shared Styles from updating on the Canvas if you made edits to the Shared Style that they used.
• Fixes a bug that caused values for shadows to change unexpectedly if you reordered them in the Inspector.
• The File > Add as Library item will now only be enabled if you have saved your document first, whether that’s in your Workspace or locally.
• Fixes a bug that stopped the color picker from working correctly if you had hidden the Inspector.
• Fixes a bug that meant icons in the Layer List were difficult to see or invisible if you used Dark Mode with the Graphite macOS accent color.
• Fixes a bug that stopped the Inspector from updating to accurately reflect the correct values as you drew polygons or stars.
• Fixes a bug where an inner shadow with spread could render inaccurately for paths with small details, such as text.
• We’ve improved performance and responsiveness of documents that contain layers with large shadows.
• Fixes a bug that caused fills for layers with rounded corners to be visible beyond the edge of an inner shadow.
• Fixes a bug that cleared any fill previews and field values when you disabled fills or styles in the Inspector.
• Fixes a bug that caused the File > Sync Library Components… process to run slowly. So long slowness, serious speedy syncing is here!
• Fixes a bug where the default Artboard presets had the wrong screen size listed for the iPhone SE.
• Fixes a bug where guides you added to the Canvas would not appear if you had hidden rulers in another open document.
• Fixes a bug where layers with Tints would appear lighter than expected if you exported them in SVG format.
• Fixes a bug that stopped blending modes from having any effect when you applied them to shadows on Text layers.
• Full Release Notes are available here
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Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 25

evgeniylell · 27-Авг-21 00:56 (спустя 16 дней)

macOS 12.0 Monterey Beta (21A5304g) крешится
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