I'm one of the original authors of the KMS38 and HWID activation methods and we've made 4 new methods for generating a valid ticket for either of the methods.
The other author decided to release some things which were not public before (such as the custom SLC library)
and we created some more or less advanced methods for ticket generation.
Please experiment with anything I've put here and try making your own implementations .-.
Two of the three patch-related methods are not AV friendly. (One is a static patch with a custom DLL and the other is a dynamic patcher)
The Integrated Patcher is AV-friendly and works even better than the above two.
I've had a long e-mail conversation with @WindowsAddict and we exchanged a lot of information about KMS38 and HWID activation, so hopefully everything here's going to be 100x better from now on .-.
If you have any questions regarding the method itself or any of the following files, please email me at mspaintmsi@outlook.com.
I'll be happy to answer any and all questions
SLC Library:
6 Versions of a modified SLSHIM library by me and the other author of KMS38 and HWID methods.
The 6.0 Version is the one used by s1ave77 in his hwidgen tool. (By the way, please do not use his tools)
The 6.1 Version fixes some major problems with 6.0.
The 6.2 Version fixes some minor problems and it went through a bit of code cleanup.
The 6.3 Version is a minor (but very important) addition by me to correctly acquire the SkuId on any Windows edition and version.
The 6.3.1 Version is a minuscule fix for editions with 1 character long SkuIds.
The 6.4 Version is a complete rewrite for compatibility, readibility and performance improvements.
Download (Versions 6.0 to 6.3.1)
Sharecode: /files/10349692/slshim.7z.html
Download (Version 6.4)
Sharecode: /files/10368360/slshim6.4.7z.html
Static Patch Method: (Not AV-friendly)
This method generates a ticket using a custom "gosDLL.dll" library and a patched version of 14393 gatherosstate.exe.
Both of those were made by me and are documented.
The patch is documented in the included text file and .1337 patch files are included for anyone who wishes to try patching it by themselves or making modifications.
Sharecode: /files/10347566/gatherosstate_Static_Patch.7z.html
Dynamic Patcher: (VERY not AV-friendly)
This method generates a ticket using the 6.3 SLC library and a dedicated patcher for (and only for) the unmodified 14393 x86 ADK gatherosstate.exe.
The patcher was made by me and is thoroughly documented.
This method ALWAYS generates a correct ticket, but is detected as malicious by any sane antivirus. (The advantage is that the initial gatherosstate.exe is completely clean and unmodified)
It works by fooling gatherosstate into thinking the system SkuId is 100 and replacing the hardcoded Pfn for it with the system one acquired from the registry.
Sharecode: /files/10347572/gatherosstate_Dynamic_Patcher.7z.html
The Integrated Patcher: (AV-friendly)
This method uses a modified SLSHIM 6.4 to provide patching functions and SLC library functions in one small file.
It uses the x86 14393 gatherosstate from the ADK. No other ones will work.
(Other versions are not needed, 14393 has support for KMS38 and has "convenient" Pfn placement for patching with the HWID method)
This method always generates a correct ticket for both KMS38 and HWID.
It's compatible with every edition and version of Windows 10.
Download (Original Version) (OP)
Sharecode: /files/10350280/Integrated_Patcher.7z.html
Download (Version 2) (OP)
Sharecode: /files/10368354/Integrated_Patcher_2.7z.html
Edited August 22, 2019 by mspaintmsi