[Java] Java Games Collection [Beta Ver. 31.12.2019] [Все жанры, RUS]

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AlexanderBal · 31-Дек-19 03:34 (5 лет 2 месяца назад, ред. 31-Янв-20 13:54)

Java Games Collection [Beta Ver. 31.12.2019]
Год выпуска: 2019
Жанр: Все жанры
Разработчик: Gameloft и другие
Издатель: blast_from_the_past_sega_dendy
Платформа: PC, Java
Версия: Beta Ver. 31.12.2019
Тип издания: Неофициальный
Язык интерфейса: русский, английский и др.
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Системные требования:
Сборка для эмулятора PC
Сет по Java играм для эмулятора на PC! Цель проекта - отобрать максимально полные, рабочие игры.
Коллекция создана специально для эмулятора ПК (поэтому ненужно вопросов про андроид и запуск игр на ваших java телефонах - пробуйте сами, я не проверял, java телефонов у меня уже давно нету, чтобы тестировать),
Каждая игра проверена на эмуляторе KEmulator различных версий! Сборка создана на основе разрешения 240x320 и выше (редко разрешение ниже по ряду причин), в данном сете
представлены самые полные версии игр для Sony Ericsson, Nokia S40 и S60, также добавлены различные разрешения игр, часто отличающиеся внешне или звуковыми эффектами.
Дополнительная информация
Друзья, перед вами наконец первая версия, коллекционного сета по Java играм и перед тем как начать советую прочитать, прежде чем задавать вопросы!
Это не просто сет! Цель проекта - отобрать максимально полные, рабочие игры.
Коллекция создана специально для эмулятора ПК (поэтому ненужно вопросов про андроид и запуск игр на ваших java телефонах - пробуйте сами, я не проверял, java телефонов у меня уже давно нету, чтобы тестировать),
Каждая игра проверена на эмуляторе KEmulator различных версий! Сборка создана на основе разрешения 240x320 и выше (редко разрешение ниже по ряду причин), в данном сете
представлены самые полные версии игр для Sony Ericsson, Nokia S40 и S60, также добавлены различные разрешения игр, часто отличающиеся внешне или звуковыми эффектами.
Почему 240x320?
- во первых, данное разрешение идеально поддерживает эмулятор
- во вторых, причин много, но отмечу главные: 240x320 - это самое популярное разрешение, а также любимое у переводчиков. Игры зачастую с сюжетом и без перевода крайне не интересно играть.
Скаченная база из различных источников по всему миру насчитывает более 900.000 файлов, из них отбираются самые лучшие и рабочие версии игр. Надеюсь вы представляете масштаб работы, которая до сих пор кипит, бета версия представлена - для ознакомления с проектом!)
Расшифровка тэгов принятых в сете:
Full - максмально полная игра, указывается если у игры много версий.
Alt.Ver. - альтернативная полная игра, решайте сами какая версия вас устроит,
лично я в некоторых случаях не мог решить из-за различия музыки и звуков.
Lite - урезаная игра в плане графики, музыки, звуков -
максимально упрощеная версия для слабых телефонов, порой
серьезно отличается от полной версии до неузнаваемости,
что зачастую довольно интересно).
Very Lite - еще урезаней чем Lite версия, игра под слабейшие телефоны.
Rus - русская версия, сразу говорю русская не всегда по умолчанию,
заходим в игре в опции и ставим русский (чаще всего стоит испанский
(Opciones) и выбираем (idioma). Возможно наличие многих языков.
[18+] - ограничение по возрасту)))
T-Rus - почти завершенный русский перевод игры
T--Rus - частичный перевод на русский
Eng - английская версия
Ch - китайская версия
320x240 - версия игры с данным разрешением,
если разрешение не указано - значит оно стандартная 240x320
adaptated - игра адаптирована (или растянута)
под более высокое разрешение
All - поддержка любых разрешений
О запуске игр.
Игры в 70% случаев работают идеально на эмуляторе версии 1.0.3 Mod by Max. (на нем я обычно все тестирую) но! Если какая то игра будет зависать, заедать кнопки, не прогружать текстуры
(белые квадраты) и вообще каким либо образом глючить - просто запускаете другую версию эмулятора ! Было замечено что 3D игры больше любят эмулятор 1.0.0 и 0.9.8
В процессе к подготовки релиза, обнаружил что китайцы в 2012м году, что то допилили и выложили эмулятор версии 1.0.5 (не официальный), в дальнейшем буду тестировать на нем,
чего и вам советую - для удобства добавил русский язык вместо китайского.
Весьма обидный факт - официальные версии эмулятора тут только с 0.9.7 по 1.0.0,
далее идут моды, которые распространились по всему миру. Если вдруг наткнетесь на другие версии (старые или новые) сообщите мне, желательно со ссылкой на источник.
Важно!!! При любом зависании игры с огромной вероятностью, останется процесс Java.exe с зависшей игрой, не забывайте зайти в диспетчер задач (одновременным нажатием Ctrl+Alt+Del)
и завершить процесс Java.exe, просто их может скопиться десятки и со временем заметете как будет тормозить ваш компьютер.
Если по какой то причине все эмулятор(ы) не запускают игры - удалите эмулятор(ы) и распакуйте заново, либо просто удалите все из папки rms (rms - папка где находятся сохранения от ваших игр), скорей всего лучше удалить сохранение последней запущенной игры. Но у вас вряд ли такое случится, во время тестов мне попадались игры, которые убивали эмулятор на прочь, их
я естественно в мусорку отправил.
Приятной игры!)
список игр
1942 [Eng]
24 Special Ops [Eng]
365 - Bloxx 3 In 1 [Eng]
365 - Bloxx 3 In 1 [Eng][360x640]
365 - Board Games 1. 7 in 1 [Eng][Sensor]
365 - Board Games 2. 10 in 1 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
365 - Board Games 2. 10 in 1 [Eng][Lite]
365 - Card Pack 3 in 1 [Eng]
365 - Card Pack 3 in 1 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
365 - Mahjong 3 In 1 [Eng]
365 - Mahjong 3 In 1 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
365 - Mahjong 3 In 1 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
365 - Mahjong Master [Eng]
365 - Mahjong Master [Eng][320x240]
365 - Mahjong Master [Eng][Sensor]
365 - Solitaire Club [Eng]
365 - Solitaire Gold 1. 12 on 1 [Eng][Sensor]
365 - Solitaire Gold 2 [Eng]
365 - Solitaire Gold 2 [Eng][Sensor]
3D Тени Египта [Rus]
4 in 1 Ultimate snake collection [Eng]
4 in 1 Ultimate snake collection [Eng][320x240]
4 in 1 Ultimate snake collection [Eng][360x640]
4x4 Rally Extreme - World Tour [Rus]
4x4 Rally Extreme - World Tour [Rus][alt.ver.]
4x4 Rally Extreme 3D [Eng]
5 In 1 Ultimate Fun [Eng]
5 In 1 Ultimate Fun [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
7 Khoon Maaf [Eng]
7 Wonders [Rus]
Алеша Попович и Тугарин Змей [Rus][176x208]
Алеша Попович и Тугарин Змей [Rus][208x208]
Колобок +Bluetooth [Rus]
Колобок +Bluetooth [Rus][320x240]
Колобок +Bluetooth [Rus][alt.ver.]
Колобок 2 [Rus][176х220]
Поле чудес [Rus]
Поле чудес [Rus][alt.ver.]
Поле Чудес 2010 [Rus]
Поле Чудес 2010 [Rus][360x640]
Поле чудес 2010 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Путь Медведя [Rus]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Full]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Lite]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Very Lite]
Absolute Tris [Eng]
Absolute Tris [Eng][320x240]
Age of Empires 2 [Eng]
Age of Empires 2 [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Age of Empires 3 Mobile [Eng]
Age of Empires 3 Mobile [Rus]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng][320x240]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Rus][128x128-360x640]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Rus][176x220]
Age of Heroes I - Army of Darkness [Rus]
Age of Heroes II - Underground Horror [Rus]
Age of Heroes III - Orc’s retribution [Rus]
Age Of Heroes IV - Blood And Twilight [Rus]
Age of Heroes V - Confrontation [Rus]
Age of Heroes V - Hero's Path [Rus]
Age of Heroes V - Time of Chimers [Rus]
Age of Heroes VI - Shadow of Immortality [Rus]
Agent Smith World Assault [Eng]
Alexa - Deadly Agent [Rus]
Alexa - Episode II [Rus]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Full]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Very Lite]
Alien Massacre 1 [Eng]
Alien Massacre 2 [Eng]
Alien Quarantine (Space Horror) [Rus]
Allied Heroes [Eng][176x220]
Allods [Rus]
America's Army - Special Operations [Eng]
American Gangster [Rus]
American Gangster [Rus][320x240]
ANNO - Create a New World [Rus]
ANNO - Create a New World [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Antiterrorist Mission - The Missile Crisis 3D [Rus]
Arcade Park [Rus]
Arcade Park [Rus][alt.ver.]
Arcade Park 2 [Rus]
Arcade Park 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Arcade Park 2 [Rus][Lite]
Arcadius [Rus]
Arcadius [Rus][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Arcadius [Rus][320x240]
Arcadius [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng][alt.ver.]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng][Lite][360x640][Sensor]
Arrow of Justice [Rus (artemd12,Razlogatel,virusfon)]
Arthur and The Invisibles [Eng]
Asphalt - Nitro [Rus]
Asphalt - Nitro [Rus][Lite]
Asphalt - Nitro [Rus][Very Lite]
Asphalt - Urban GT [Eng]
Asphalt - Urban GT [Eng][alt.ver.]
Asphalt 2 - Urban GT 2 [Eng]
Asphalt 2 - Urban GT 2 [Eng][320x240]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules [Eng]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules [Eng][alt.ver.]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules 3D [Eng]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules 3D [Eng][360x640]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Asphalt 4 - Elite Racing [Eng][320x240]
Asphalt 4 - Elite Racing [Rus][Lite]
Asphalt 6 - Adrenaline [Rus]
Asphalt 6 - Adrenaline [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Asphalt 6 - Adrenaline [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Eng][Full]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Rus][Full]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Rus][Lite]
Assassin's Creed [Rus]
Assassin's Creed 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Assassin's Creed 2 [Rus]
Assassin's Creed III [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][Full]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][lite]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Assassins Creed Brotherhood [Eng][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
Assassins Creed Brotherhood [Rus][Full]
Assassins Creed Brotherhood [Rus][Lite]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Eng]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Rus]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Rus][Lite]
Astro Bubble - Secret Lab [Rus][176x220]
AtomBoy [Rus]
Avalanche Snowboarding [Eng]320x240]
Avalanche Snowboarding [Rus]
Avalanche Snowboarding [Rus][alt.ver.]
Avatar - The Last Airbender [Rus]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][640x.360][Sensor]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][800x480][Sensor]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][Full]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Rus][Full]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Rus][Very Lite]
Aztek Snake - The Diamond Hunting [Eng]
Barbarian Snake [Eng]
Barbarian Snake [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Barbarian Snake [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Barbarian Snake [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Bare Knuckle - Combating Chaos (China)[Rus]
Batman - Begins [Eng][176x208-240x320]
Batman - Guardian of Gotham [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Batman - Guardian of Gotham [Rus][Sensor]
Batman - The Dark Knight Rises [Rus]
Battle Chess 3D [Rus]
Battleships - Sea on Fire [Eng]
Battleships - Sea on Fire [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
BattleShips - The Greatest Battles [Eng]
Beach Games 12-Pack [Eng]
Beach Games 12-Pack [Eng][320x240]
Beach Games 12-Pack [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bejeweled [Eng]
Bejeweled [Eng][320x240]
Bejeweled 3 [Eng]
Bejeweled 3 [Eng][320x240]
Bejeweled 3 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Bejeweled Twist [Eng]
Bejeweled Twist [Eng][320x240]
Bejeweled Twist [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Ben 10 Alien Force - Break In and Bust Out [Eng]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Rus]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Rus][320x240]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.]
Bet on Soldier [Eng]
Big Range Hunting [Eng]
Big Range Hunting [Eng][Sensor]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng][320x240]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Biochemical Raid 1 - Zombie Played the Sector (Resident Evil) [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Biochemical Raid 1 - Zombie Played the Sector (Resident Evil) [Rus]
Biochemical Raid 2 - Nightmare on Street (Resident Evil) [Rus (BlackWaltz, AlGoris)]
Biohunting [Chinrse]
BioSim [Rus]
BioSim 2 [Rus]
BioSim 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Biozone [Eng]
Biozone [Eng][alt.ver.]
Black Shark [Eng]
Black Shark [Eng][alt.ver.]
Black Shark 2 - Siberia [Eng][360x640]
Black Shark 2 - Siberia [Rus]
Black Shark 3D [Eng]
Black Shark 3D [Rus]
Blackbeard's Treasure [Rus (FerumOz)]
Blade Trinity [Eng]
Blade Trinity [Rus (Photon9)][176x208]
Blokus [Eng]
Blokus [Rus]
Blokus [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Blood+ [Eng]
Blur [Eng]
Blur [Eng][320x240][Fast]
Blur [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Blur [Rus]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng][320x240]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bobby Carrot 1 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 2 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 3 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 4 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 5 [Rus]
Bomberman - Atomic 3D [Rus]
Bomberman - Classic & Supreme [Rus]
Bomberman - Deluxe [Eng]
Bomberman - Kart [Eng]
Bomberman - Pock Pock Hot [Eng]
Bomberman - Supreme [Rus]
Braveman - Jungle Story [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Brick Breaker Revolution [Eng]
Brick Breaker Revolution [Rus]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 [Eng]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 [Eng][320x480][Sensor]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 3D [Eng]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 3D [Eng][360x640]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 3D [Rus]
Brick Breaker Revolution 3D [Eng]
Brothers In Arms - Art Of War [Rus]
Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood [Eng]
Bruce Lee Legend [Rus]
Bubble Bash [Eng]
Bubble Bash [Eng][320x240]
Bubble Bash 2 [Eng][320x240]
Bubble Bash 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bubble Bash 2 [Rus]
Bubble Bash 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Full][480x800][Sensor]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Lite]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Lite][Sensor]
Bubble Bash Mania [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus][320x240]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus][Full][480x800]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus][Sensor]
Bubble Bobble - Evolution [Eng]
Bubble Bobble [Eng]
Bubble Island [Eng]
Bubble Popper Deluxe [Eng][Full]
Bubble Popper Deluxe [Eng][Lite]
Bubble Revolution [Eng][320x240]
Bubble Revolution [Eng][352x416]
Bubble Revolution [Rus]
Bud Spencer - Wild West Poker [Eng]
Bud Spencer - Wild West Poker [Eng][320x240]
Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rescue [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rescue [Rus]
Bull Run Fever [Eng]
Cabal [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Cafe Sudoku [Eng]
Cafe Sudoku [Eng][320x240]
Caitlyn's Quest [Eng][176x208]
California - Gold Rush - Bonanza! [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
California - Gold Rush - Bonanza! [Rus]
California - Gold Rush - Bonanza! [Rus][320x240][Lite]
California - Gold Rush [Eng]
California - Gold Rush [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Call of Duty - Black Ops [Eng]
Call of Duty - Black Ops [Eng][320x240]
Call of Duty - Black Ops [Eng][360x640]
Call of Duty [Eng][176x220]
Call of Duty 2 [Eng]
Call of Duty 3 [Eng]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare [Eng][320x240]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare [Rus]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare 2 - Force Recon [Eng]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare 2 - Force Recon [Eng][360x640]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare 2 - Force Recon [Rus]
Call of Duty 5 - World at War [Eng]
Call of Duty 5 - World at War [Rus]
Captain Galactic - Super Space Hero [Eng]
Capture The Flag [Rus (Vlad72)]
Car Jack Streets [Eng]
Castle of Fear [Rus]
Castle of Magic [Eng]
Castle of Magic [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Castle of Magic [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow [Eng]
Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow [Eng][320x240]
Castlevania - Castle Opera (Castlevania 4)[T-Rus]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng][132x176-240x320][Very Lite]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng][208x208-240x320][Lite]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng][320x240]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Rus (Castlevan)]
Castlevania - Key From A Sign (Frost Legend) [Eng]
Castlevania - Key From A Sign (Frost Legend) [Rus][176x220]
Castlevania - Order Of Shadows [Eng]
Castlevania - Order Of Shadows [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Castlevania - Order Of Shadows [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Castlevania - Reincarnation [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (The Devil Ancient Of Evil Spirit)[Ch][176x220-240x320][Full]
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (The Devil Ancient Of Evil Spirit)[Ch][Lite]
Castlevania [Ch]
Castlevania 1 - Chinese (Castlevania Dungeon)[Rus]
Castlevania 1 - Chinese (Castlevania Dungeon)[Rus][alt.ver.]
Castlevania 2 - Chinese (Demon) [Rus]
Castlevania 2 - Chinese (Demon) [Rus][alt.ver.]
Castlevania 2 (The Vampire The Devil's Lock)[Ch]
Castlevania 2 (The Vampire The Devil's Lock)[Rus]
Castlevania 2 (The Vampire The Devil's Lock)[T-Eng]
Castlevania 3 - Chinese [T-Rus (turtlescreep)].
Castlevania 3 - Chinese [T-Rus (turtlescreep)][320x240]
Castlevania 3 - Evil Castle [Ch]
Castlevania 4 - Demon [Rus (AlGoris,BlackWaltz)]
Castlevania 4 - Demon [Rus (AlGoris,BlackWaltz)][alt.ver.]
Castlevania Exotic Christmas Song [Ch]
Castlevania I & II (NES)[Eng]
Castlevania Long Night [Eng][128х160]
Castlevania of Night [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Castlevania RPG [Ch][T--Eng]
Castlevanias Revenge [Ch]
Catch a Mouse [Rus]
Catch a Mouse [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Catch a Mouse [Rus][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Catch The Ghosts [Rus](176x220)
Championship Racing 2010 [Eng]
Championship Racing 2010 [Eng][320x240]
Championship Racing 2012 [Eng]
Championship Racing 2012 [Eng][320x240]
Checkers Deluxe [Eng]
Checkers Deluxe [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
China Warrior [Rus (Трэпс)]
Chocolate Shop Frenzy [Eng]
Chocolate Shop Frenzy [Eng][alt.ver.]
Chocolate Shop Frenzy [Eng][Sensor]
Chronicles of Avael Chimera Stone [Eng]
Chuck Norris Bring on the Pain [Rus]
Chuck Norris Bring on the Pain [Rus][alt.ver.]
Clash of the Titans [Eng][240x320-360x640][Sensor]
Clash of the Titans [Eng][Sensor]
Clash of the Titans [Rus]
Classic Brick (Chinese board)[Rus]
Collapse! (Collapse 2010)[Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Collapse! (Collapse 2010)[Rus]
Collapse! Holiday Edition [Rus]
Collapse! Holiday Edition [Rus][320x240]
Command and Conquer - Red Alert Mobile [Eng][Sensor]
Command and Conquer - Red Alert Mobile [Rus]
Command and Conquer - Red Alert Mobile [Rus][alt.ver.]
Command and Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars [Eng][Sensor]
Command and Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars [Rus]
Command and Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars [Rus][alt.ver.]
Command and Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight [Rus][Full]
Command and Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight [Rus][Lite]
Commandos [Eng]
Conflict - Global Storm [Eng]
ContrTerrorism 3D Episode 3 [Rus][Sensor]
ContrTerrorism 3D Episode 3 [Rus][Sensor][320x240]
Cop Man 3D [Rus]
Cops L.A. Police [Rus][Full]
Cops L.A. Police [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Cops L.A. Police [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Counter Strike 1.7 MOD 3D [Eng]
Counter Strike Micro - Source [Rus]
Counter Strike Micro 1.4 [Rus]
Counter Strike Micro 1.6 MOD [Eng]
Counter Strike Mobile [Eng]
Counter-Strike - China 3D [Ch]
Counter-Strike - Counter Attack 3D [Eng]
Counter-Strike - Sniper Mission 3D [Eng]
Crash - Twinsanity In Dr. Cortex Island [Eng]
Crash Bandicoot - Crash of the Titans [Eng]
Crash Bandicoot - Mutant Island [Rus]
Crash Bandicoot - Nitro Kart 2 [Eng]
Crazy Monkey Spin [Eng]
Crazy Penguin Party [Eng]
Crazy Penguin Party [Eng][320x240]
Crazy Penguin Party [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Crazy Penguin Party [Rus]
Crazy Taxi 3D [Eng][320x240]
Crazy Taxi 3D [Rus]
CS Counter Terrorism Tactical Unit 2 [Rus]
Cyberlords - Arcology [Rus]
Cyberpunk The Arasaka's Plot [Rus]
Dangerous Dave In The Haunted Mansion [Rus]
Dark Knight [Eng]
Dark Knight [Rus (@мигo ckoпин)][176x220]
Dark World Lemur Undaunted [Rus]
Darkworld (Dark God of War)(Diablo) [Rus (Smoker1)]
Darkworld 2 (Dark God of War 2)(Diablo 2) [Rus (SirSteady)]
Dawn world (China)[T--Rus]
Dead Bleach [Eng (Excalibur7)]
Dead Daughters [Rus]
Dead Rising [Eng]
Death Race [Rus]
Delta Force [Eng]
Demon Hunter (China) [T-Rus (9turtlescreep)]
Demon Killer [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2005 [Eng][176x208]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2006 [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2006 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2007 2D [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2007 3D [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2007 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2008 [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2008 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2009 [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2009 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2009 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Desert Commandos [Eng]
Desperado - Duel Of Vengeance [Eng]
Devil Hunter X [Eng]
Devil Hunter X [Eng][320x240]
Devils and Demons [Rus]
Dictator Defense [Eng]
Dictator Defense [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Dictator Defense [Rus]
Die Hard [Eng][176x220]
Die Hard 4.0 [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Die Hard 4.0 [Rus]
Die Hard 4.0 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Diner Dash - Flo on the Go [Eng]
Diner Dash - Flo on the Go [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Diner Dash 2 [Eng]
Diner Dash 2 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Diner Dash 3 - Deluxe Edition [Eng]
Diner Dash 3 - Deluxe Edition [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Diner Dash 3 - Deluxe Edition [Eng][240x400][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Disney - Board Games Master [Eng]
Disney - Board Games Master [Rus]
Disney Mahjong [Rus]
Disney Mahjong [Rus][320x240]
Disney Mahjong [Rus][alt.ver.]
Disney Sudoku master [Rus]
Disneyland - Kart Racer [Rus]
Disneyland - Kart Racer [Rus][alt.ver.]
District 8 [Eng]
Dj Hero Mobile [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Dj Hero Mobile [Eng][320x240]
Dj Hero Mobile [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Dj Hero Mobile [Rus]
DJ Mix Tour [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
DJ Mix Tour [Rus]
DJ Mix Tour [Rus][alt.ver.]
Dogz 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Dogz 2 [Rus]
Dogz 3D [Eng][All]
Donald Duck - Chaos on the Road [Eng]
Donald Duck - Chaos on the Road [Rus]
Donald Ducks - Quest [Eng]
Donald Ducks - Quest Deluxe [Eng]
Donald Ducks - Quest Deluxe [Rus]
Donald Ducks - Quest Deluxe [Rus][320x240]
Doodle Jump [Rus]
Doodle Jump Deluxe [Rus]
Doodle Jump Deluxe [Rus][320x240]
Doodle Jump Halloween [Eng]
Doodle Jump Mod [Rus]
Doodle Jump Return [Rus]
Doodle Jump. Money [Rus]
Doom RPG [Rus]
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge [Eng]
Dr. Pacman [Eng]
Dragon Sword - Legend of the Frozen Throne [Rus]
Dungeon Hero - Dark Dynasty [T-Rus (Wachuwant)]
Dungeon Hunter 3 [Rus]
Dweller [Ver. 1.22.11][Rus]
Eagle Eye [Eng]
Eagle Eye [Eng][alt.ver.]
Earthworm Jim [Eng][320x240]
Earthworm Jim [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Earthworm Jim [Rus]
Earthworm Jim [Rus][320x240]
Earthworm Jim [Rus][alt.ver.]
Electro Dance Hero [Eng]
Elite Warrior 4 [Rus (FleXoRmf)]
Elven Chronicles [Rus (BlackFan)]
ESPN Bassmaster ELite Series [Eng]
Fairy World [Rus (V.P.K)] (176x220) (sound)
Fairy World [Rus (V.P.K)] (240x320) (no sound)
Family Guy - Uncensored [Ver. 1.0.1][Eng]320x240]
Family Guy - Uncensored [Ver. 1.0.2][Eng]
Family Guy - Uncensored [Ver. 1.0.4][Eng]
Family Guy 2 [Eng]
Family Guy 2 [Eng][320x240]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.1][Eng][Very Lite][Sensor]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.4][Rus][Full]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.6][Rus][Lite][360x640][Sensor]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.8][Rus][Full]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.1.3][Rus][Lite]
Farm Fenzy [Rus]
Farm Invasion USA [Rus]
Farm Invasion USA [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Fast & Furious 6 [Rus][320x240][Lite]
Fast & Furious 6 [Rus][Full]
Fast & Furious 6 [Rus][Very Lite]
Fast and Furious - Pink Slip 3D [Eng]
Fast and Furious - Pink Slip 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Fast and Furious 4 - The Movie 3D [Eng][Full]
Fast and Furious 4 - The Movie 3D [Eng][Lite]
Fast and Furious 5 - The Movie [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Fast and Furious 5 - The Movie [Rus]
Fast and Furious Adrenaline [Mod-Hack][Eng]
Fatal Force - Earth Assault [Eng]
Favorite Checkers [Rus]
Fight Night - Round 3 [Eng][320x240]
Fight Night - Round 3 [Rus]
Fight Night - Round 4 [Eng]
Fight Night - Round 4 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Final Fantasy [Eng]
Final Fantasy [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Final Fantasy [Eng][alt.ver.]
Final Fantasy II [Rus (Vlad72, Redfix)]
Final Fantasy II [Rus (Vlad72, Redfix)][360x640][Sensor]
Fire Emblem 1 - Invasion [Rus (V.P.K.)]
Fire Emblem 2 - Opposition [Rus (V.P.K.)]
Fire Emblem 3 - Liberation [Rus (V.P.K.)]
Fire Emblem 4 - Regeneration [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem 5 - Proscription [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem 6 - Purification [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem 7 - Sword of Holy Spirit [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem New [Rus (Трепс)]
Fire Emblem New [T-Rus (Smoker1)]
Fire Emblem Pirates of the Caribbean [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem Pirates vs Cannibals 2 [Rus (V.P.K.)]
FireFighters - City Rescue [Eng]
FireFighters - City Rescue [Eng][320x240]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Eng][320x240]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Eng][480x640 - 480x854][Sensor]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Rus]
Fishing 2 - Off the Hook [Eng]
Fishing 2 - Off the Hook [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Fishing 2 - Off the Hook [Eng][alt.ver.]
Fling [Eng]
Fling [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Forgotten Warrior [Eng]
Fort Boyard [Eng]
G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra [Rus]
G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra [T-Rus][320x240]
Gang Threat Ardor - The rise of the new godfather [Rus] [censored]
Gang Threat Ardor - The rise of the new godfather [Rus] [no censored]
Gangstar 1 - Crime City [Eng]
Gangstar 1 - Crime City [Eng][320x240]
Gangstar 1 - Crime City [Rus][176x220]
Gangstar 2 - Kings of L..A. [Rus][Full]
Gangstar 2 - Kings of L..A. [Rus][Lite].
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Eng][Full]
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Eng][Lite][360x640]
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Rus][Full]
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Rus][Lite]
Gangstar city [Eng][360x640][Sensor][Full]
Gangstar city [Rus][360x640][Sensor][Full]
Gangstar city [Rus][Lite]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Eng][Full]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Eng][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Rus]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Rus][Full]
Gauntlet [Eng]
Get Smart The Movie [Eng]
Ghost Hegemony [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Eng][360x640]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Eng][Full]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Rus][Full]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Rus][Lite]
Ghostbusters - Ghost Trap [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Ghostbusters - Ghost Trap [Rus]
Gish - Reloaded [Eng][320x240]
Gish - Reloaded [Rus]
Gish - Reloaded [Rus][360x640]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Eng]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Eng][alt.ver.]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Rus]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.]
Gladiator [Eng]
Go! Go! Rescue Squad! [Eng][Sensor]
God of War - Betrayal [Eng]
God of War - Betrayal [Eng][320x240]
God of War - King [Rus]
God of War - Return [Rus]
God of War 2 [Ch]
Gods War 6 - Chronicles [Eng (mhizteryoso21)]
Gods War Record 2 - Death Mystery [Eng (Elian)]
Golden Axe - Necrophilia [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Golden Axe [Eng]
Goozer's Fire Frenzy [Eng]
Goozer's Fire Frenzy [Rus]
Gorilla Rampage [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Gorilla Rampage [Rus]
Gosha [Rus (V.P.K.)] (176 x220)
Great Legends - Billy The Kid 2 [Eng]
Great Legends - Robin Hood [Eng]
Great Legends - Vikings [Eng]
Great Legends 2 - Robin Hood In the Crusades [Eng]
GT Racing - Motor Academy [Eng]360x640][Sensor]
GT Racing - Motor Academy [Rus]
GT Racing - Motor Academy [Rus][320x240]
GT Racing 2 - The Real Car Experience [Rus][Full]
GT Racing 2 - The Real Car Experience [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar Hero - World Tour [Eng]
Guitar Hero - World Tour [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Hero - World Tour [Eng][alt.ver.]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile - More Music [Eng]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile - More Music [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile - More Music [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile [Eng]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile [Eng][360x640]Sensor]
Guitar Hero 6 - Warriors of Rock [Eng]
Guitar Hero 6 - Warriors of Rock [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Guitar Hero 6 - Warriors of Rock [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Hero World Tour - Backstage Pass [Eng]
Guitar Hero World Tour - Backstage Pass [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar King [Eng]
Guitar Rock Tour [Eng]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Rus]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Gundam - Ace Pilot [Rus (AlGoris,BlackWaltz)]
Hamster Homie [Rus]
Hancock [Eng]
Hancock [Eng][Sensor]
Happy Feet [Eng][176x220]
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Part2 [Rus]
Haunted Mansion - Ball Blast [Rus]
Haunted Mansion - Ball Blast [Rus][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Heroes Lore - Zero [Rus]
Heroes Lore [Rus]
Heroes Lore [Rus][Immortal]
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (China) [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Heroes of the chaotic level Japanese hegemony [Rus (zloy kent)]
Hip-Hop All Star [Eng]
Hip-Hop All Star [Eng][alt.ver.]
Hip-Hop Hero [Eng]
Hippo Jump [Eng][Sensor]
Hippo Jump [Rus][Sensor]
Hitman Episode 1 - Blood Money Vegas[Eng]
Hitman Episode 2 - Blood Money LA Edition [Eng]
Hittite Bricks [Rus]
Hittite Bricks [Rus][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Hot School Girls. Sudoku [Eng][18+]
Hotel Tycoon Resort [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Hotel Tycoon Resort [Rus][Sensor]
Hotlink Warriors - Arena Of Doom [Eng]
Hotlink Warriors - Assassin [Eng][176x208]
How to Train Your Dragon [Eng]
How to Train Your Dragon [Eng][Lite][320x240]
How to Train Your Dragon [Rus]
Hulkamania Wrestling [Eng]
Hulkamania Wrestling [Eng][240x320-360x640][Sensor]
I'm Arch Devil [Full] [Eng]
Ice Age - Village [Rus]
Ice Age - Village [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Ice Age - Village [Rus][Lite]
Ice Age - Village [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Ice Age 2 - Arctic Slide [Rus][128x128-360x640]
Ice Age 3 - Dawn of Dinosaurs [Eng]
Ice Age 3 - Dawn of Dinosaurs [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Ice Age 3 - Mammoth Mayhem [Rus]
Ice Age 3 - Mammoth Mayhem [Rus][alt.ver.]
Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift [Rus][Full]
Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift [Rus][Lite]
Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift [Rus][Very Lite][320x240]
Icy Tower Jump [Eng]
Icy Tower Jump [Eng][Sensor]
Icy Tower Me [Eng]
Icy Tower Me [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Immortals [Rus][Full]
Immortals [Rus][Lite
Infecct [Rus][Full][480x800][Sensor]
Infecct [Rus][Lite]
Infinite Sudoku [Eng]
Infinite Sudoku [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Iron Man [Eng]
Iron Man 2 [Eng][320x240]
Iron Man 2 [Rus]
Iron Man 3 [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Iron Man 3 [Rus][Full]
Iron Man 3 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Iron Man 3 [Rus][Lite][320x240]
iShoot [Eng]
iShoot [Eng][320x240]
It's A Zoo Cup [Eng]
Jacado Sudoku [Rus]
James Bond - Casino Royale [Eng]
James Bond Quantum of Solace [Eng][Full]
James Bond Quantum of Solace [Eng][Lite]
Ji War Gods - Fallen Angel Lucifer [Rus (Profitrole)]
Ji War Gods 2 - Crime and Punishment [Rus (Profitrole)]
Jianxia Spring and Autumn [Rus (turtlescreep)]
John Carter [Eng][240x320]
John Carter [Eng][320x240]
Johnny Bravo Big Babe Adventure [Rus]
Jump Dude Jump [Eng]
Jump Free Running [Rus]
Jurassic Park [Rus][Full]
Jurassic Park [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Jurassic Park [Rus][Very Lite]
Kane & Lynch - Dead Men [Eng]
Kangaroo Jump [Eng]
Kasparov Chess Deluxe [Eng]
Kasparov Chess Deluxe [Rus]
Keks [Rus]
Kung Fu Girl [Eng]
Le Tour de France 2009 [Eng]
Le Tour de France 2010 [Eng]
Learn to Fly [Rus]
Learn to Fly [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Learn to Fly [Rus][alt.ver.]
Legend of Ancient 1.5 - Legend of the Fiery Phoenix [Rus]
Legend of Ancient 2 [Rus][All]
Legend of Oracle (adapted) [Rus (ОбG{}H, Heroii)]
LEGO Batman - The Mobile Game [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
LEGO Batman - The Mobile Game [Rus]
LEGO Batman - The Mobile Game [Rus] [320x240] (no sound)
LEGO Bionicle Defenders [Rus]
LEGO Indiana Jones - Mobile Adventure [Eng]
Lego Star Wars [Eng]
Lemmings - Return [Eng]
Lemmings - Return [Eng][alt.ver.]
Lemmings - Tribes [Eng]
Lemmings - Tribes [Eng][320x240]
Lets Golf [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Lets Golf [Rus]
Lets Golf [Rus][alt.ver.]
Little shop World Traveller [Rus][320x240]
Little shop World Traveller [Rus][Sensor]
Lively Cubes [Rus]
Lively Cubes [Rus][alt.ver.]
Lone Wolf [Eng]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng][alt.ver.]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng][Lite]
Lost [Eng]
Lost [Eng][320x240]
Lost [Rus]
Lost in Island [Eng]
Lost Odessy [Rus (Rex1L)]
Lost Planet - Trag Zero [Eng]
Lost Planet - Trag Zero [Rus][176x208]
Lost Planet 2 [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Lost Planet 2 [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Lost Planet 2 [Rus][Full]
Lux Gotas De Beleza [Eng]
Mafia II [Eng]
Mafia II [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Mafia Wars 1 - New York [Rus]
Mafia Wars 2 - Scarlotti's [Eng]
Mafia Wars 3 - Yakuza [Rus]
Magnetic Joe [Eng]
Magnetic Joe [Eng][Sensor]
Magnetic Joe 2 [Eng]
March of Heroes [Eng][Full][360x640]
March of Heroes [Rus][Full]
March of Heroes [Rus][Lite]
March of Heroes [Rus][Very Lite]
Marine Fighter [Eng]
Maze Indiana [Rus]
Medal of Honor - Airborne 2D [Eng]
Medal of Honor - Airborne Elite [Eng]
Medal of Honor - Real War [Eng]
Medal of Honor 2010 [Rus]
Medal of Honor 2010 [Rus][320x240]
Mega Tower Assault [Eng][320x240]
Mega Tower Assault [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Mega Tower Assault [Rus]
Mekamorf [Eng]
Men In Black - Alien Assault [Eng]
Men In Black - Alien Assault [Eng][alt.ver.]
Men In Black - Without Traces [Eng]
Men in Black 3 [Eng][320x240]
Men in Black 3 [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Men in Black 3 [Rus]
Men in Black 3 [Rus] [Lite]
Metal Slayer [Rus][176x220]
Metal Slug 2013 [Eng]
Metal Slug Mobile - Universal [Eng (Metal04)]
Metal Slug Mobile - Universal [Eng (Metal04)] [Lite]
Metal Slug Mobile - Universal [Rus]
Metal Slug Mobile 3 [Eng]
Metal Slug Mobile 4 [Eng]
Metal Slug Mobile 4 [Rus]
Metal Slug Mobile Impact [Eng]
Metal Slug X [Eng]
Metal Slug X [Rus][176x220]
Metal Smash Pinball [Eng][176x220-240x400][Sensor]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 2D [Eng]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 2D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 3D [Eng]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 3D [Eng][Multi]
Might and Magic [Rus]
Might and Magic 0 (Heroes Lore China) [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Mini Coco [Eng]
Mini Golf - Theme Park - 99 Holes [Eng]
Mini Golf - Theme Park - 99 Holes [Eng][320x240]
Mini Golf - Theme Park - 99 Holes [Eng][alt.ver]
Mini Ninjas [Eng]
Mobi Chess [Rus]
Mobi Chess [Rus][320x240]
Modern Combat 2 - Black Pegasus [Rus]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Eng][Full]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Rus][Full]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Rus][Lite]
Monopoly Here and Now [Eng]
Monopoly U-Build [Eng]
Monster Hunter - Twin Star [Rus (BlackWaltz,AlGoris)}
Monster Hunter FS2 [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
Monsters vs Aliens - The Mobile Game [Eng]
Monsters vs Aliens - The Mobile Game [Rus]
Moorhuhn Jump'n & Run [Rus][176x220-240x320]
Moorhuhn Quest [Eng]
Mortadelo y Filemon - Armafollon [Esp]
Mortadelo y Filemon - Armafollon [Esp][alt.ver.]
Moto Racing Evolved 3D [Eng]
Moto Racing Evolved 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Mr. and Mrs. Tarzan [Rus]
Mr. and Mrs. Tarzan [Rus][320x240]
Mr. Shadow [Rus]
Ms. Pac-Man [Eng]
Ms. Pac-Man [Eng][320x240]
Ms. Pac-Man [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
My Sims [Rus]
My Sims [Rus][320x240]
My Sims [Rus][alt.ver.]
Mystery Mania [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Mystery Mania [Rus][240x320]
Mystery Mania [Rus][240x320][alt.ver.]
Myths - Wu Ling San Beads [Rus (Lord Mendes)]
N.O.V.A 3 [Eng][240x320][Full].
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][240x320][Full].
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][240x320][Lite]
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][320x240][Lite]
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][360x640][Lite]
N.O.V.A. Legacy (Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance)[Rus][320x240]
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance [Rus][Full]
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance [Rus][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2009 [Rus]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2009 [Rus][alt.ver.]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Rus]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Rus][alt.ver.]
NCIS 1 - Based On The TV Series [Rus]
NCIS 1 - Based On The TV Series [Rus].jar
NCIS 1 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][alt.ver.]
NCIS 2 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
NCIS 2 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][320x240]
NCIS 2 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Carbon 3D [Eng]
Need for Speed - Carbon 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2D [Eng]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2D [Rus][240x400]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2D Bonus Edition [Eng]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 3D [Rus][360x640]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 3D [Rus][360x640][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - ProStreet [Eng][320x240]
Need for Speed - ProStreet [Rus]
Need for Speed - ProStreet 3D [Eng]
Need for Speed - ProStreet 3D [Rus]
Need for Speed - Shift 2D [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Shift 2D [Rus]
Need for Speed - Shift 2D [Rus][All]
Need for Speed - Shift 3D [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Shift 3D [Rus]
Need for Speed - Shift 3D [Rus][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - The Run 2D [Eng]
Need for Speed - The Run 2D [Rus][Hack]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng][240x400]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng][360x640][alt.ver.][Sensor]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng]][240x320][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Underground 2 [Eng]
Need for Speed - Underground 2 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - Underground 3 [Eng]
Need for Speed - Underground Rivals [Eng]
New York Nights - Success in the City [Eng]
New York Nights 2 - Friends for Life [Eng]
New York Nights 2 - Friends for Life [Rus]
Night at the Museum 2 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Night at the Museum 2 [Rus]
Night at the Museum 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Ninety Nine Ninjas [Eng]
Ninety Nine Ninjas [Eng][alt.ver.]
Ninja Inferno [Rus]
Ninja Kage [Eng]
Ninja Prophecy [Eng]
Ninja Prophecy [Eng][320x240]
Ninja Prophecy [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Nitro Street Racing [Eng][2D][360x640]
Nitro Street Racing [Rus][2D]
Nitro Street Racing [Rus][3D]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Eng[320x240]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Eng]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Rus]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
No Limit Casino - 12 Pack [Eng]
Nu Pogodi! Stir in the Henhouse [Rus]
Nu Pogodi! Stir in the Henhouse [Rus][alt.ver.]
Nu, Pogodi! 2 [Rus]
Nu, pogodi! Grand prix 07 [Rus]
Nu, Pogodi! On the Beach [Rus][176x208 до 176x220]
Nuclear Collapse [Rus]
Oban Star Racers [Eng]
Off-Road Dirt Motocross [Brz][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Off-Road Dirt Motocross [Eng]
Off-Road Dirt Motocross [Eng][Lite]
One Fifth (counter-strike)[Eng]
Operation Critical [Eng]
Ops Sniper 3D [Rus]
Pоrn Tycoon [Rus][18+]
Pоrn Tycoon [Rus][18+][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man - Kart Rally 2D [Rus]
Pac-Man - Kart Rally 3D [Rus]
Pac-Man - Kart Rally 3D [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][320x240]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][alt.ver.]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][Lite]
Pac-Man Deluxe Bluetooth [Eng]
Pac-Man Party [Rus]
Pac-Man Party [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man Pinball 2 [Eng]
Pac-Mania [Eng]
Pac-Mania [Eng][320x240]
Pacomotive [Eng]
Paid to Kill [Rus (Electromaster,E-dogg)
Paragraph 78 [Rus]
Paris Hiltons - Diamond Quest [Eng]
Paris Hiltons - Diamond Quest [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Party Island - Solitaire 16 Pack [Eng]
Party Island - Solitaire 16 Pack [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Peggle Mobile [Eng]
Perfect Murder [Eng]
Pimp Empire [Rus][18+]
Pimp Empire [Rus][18+][360x640][Sensor]
Pimp Empire 2 [Rus][18+]
Pimp Empire 2 [Rus][18+][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng][320x240]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng][Lite]
Platinum Solitaire 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire 2 [Rus]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Eng][320x240]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Eng][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Rus]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Platinum Sudoku [Eng]
Platinum Sudoku [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Sudoku 2 [Rus]
Platinum Sudoku 2 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Playman - Beach Volley 2D [Eng]
Playman - Beach Volley 2D [Esp][360x640][Sensor]
Playman - Beach Volley 2D [Rus]
Playman - Beach Volley 3D [Eng]
Playman - Beach Volley 3D [Rus]
Playman - Extreme Running [Eng]
Playman - Extreme Running [Rus]
Playman - Power Games [Eng][176x208]
Playman - Shoot and Splash [Eng][208x208]
Playman - Summer Games [Eng][176x220]
Playman - Summer Games 2 [Eng]
Playman - Summer Games 2 [Rus]
Playman - Summer Games 3 [Eng][Full]
Playman - Summer Games 3 [Eng][Lite]
Playman - Summer Games 3 [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Playman - Winter Games 2010 [Rus]
Playman - Winter Games 2010 [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Playman - Winter Games 2D [Rus][208x208]
Playman - Winter Games 3D [Eng]
Playman - Winter Games 3D [Rus]
Playman - World Soccer [Rus]
Playman - World Soccer [Rus][alt.ver.]
Poker Million 2 - The Masters Texas Holdem [Eng]
Poker Million 2 - The Masters Texas Holdem [Eng][alt.ver.]
Poker XXX - Texas Holdem [Eng][18+]
Poker XXX - Texas Holdem [Eng][320x240][18+]
Postal [Rus]
Postal Babes [Eng [360x640]
Postal Babes [Eng]
Postal Babes [Eng] [320x240]
Postal Babes [Rus]
Postal Babes [Rus] [360x640]
Postal Babes [Rus] [Blood]
Postal Babes [Rus] [Uncensored + Blood]
Postal Babes [Rus] [Uncensored]
Power Axe [Eng][176x220]
Power Rangers - Mystic Force [Eng]
Power Rangers - Mystic Force [Rus]
Predator - The Duel [Eng]
Predator - The Duel [Eng][alt.ver.]
Predators - The Great Hunt [Eng]
Predators [Eng][Full][360х640][Only Sensor]
Predators [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Predators [Rus][Full]
Predators [Rus][Full][360х640][Only Sensor]
Predators [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Prince of Persia - Classic [Eng][320x240]
Prince of Persia - Classic [Rus]
Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands [Rus]
Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [Rus](adapted 240x320)
Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within [Eng]
Prince of Persia 2 in 1 [Eng]
Prince of Persia 2008 [Rus][Full]
Prince of Persia 2008 [Rus][Lite]
Prince of Persia 3 - The Two Thrones [Eng]
Princess 1 (China) [Rus (Трэпс)]
Princess 2 (China) [Rus (Трэпс)]
Princess of China [Rus]
Princess of Nile [Eng][176x220]
Prison [Rus]
Prison [Rus][alt.ver.]
Prison Break [Rus]
Prison Break [Rus][Lite]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 [Eng]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 [Eng]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 [Rus]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [Eng]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [Rus]
Puzzle Bobble - Evolution [Eng]
Puzzle Bobble - Evolution [Rus]
Racing Evolution 3D [Rus]
Ratchet And Clank Going Mobile [Eng]
Raving Babies [Eng]
Raving Babies [Eng][320x240]
Raving Babies [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids [Eng]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids [Eng][240x320-240x432][Sensor]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng][320x240]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng][Lite]
Rayman 3 [Eng]
Rayman Bowling [Eng][176x208]
Rayman Kart [Eng]
Rayman Kart [Eng][alt.ver.]
Red Bull - Soapbox Race [Rus]
Red Bull - Soapbox Race [Rus][alt.ver.]
Red Faction - Guerrilla [Eng][Full]
Red Faction - Guerrilla [Eng][Lite]
Red Faction [Eng][adaptated 240x320]
Red Faction [Rus][240x240]
Red Faction 2 [Eng]
Resident Evil - Degeneration [Eng]
Resident Evil - Degeneration [Eng][alt.ver.]
Resident Evil - Genesis [Eng]
Resident Evil - The Missions 3D - Shooting gallery [Eng]
Resident Evil - The Missions 3D [Eng]
Resident Evil - The Missions 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng][Lite]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng][Sensor]
Resident Evil - Zombie Buster [Eng]
Resident Evil - Zombie Buster [Rus]
Resident Evil 2 - Reanimator [Rus]
Resident Evil 2 - Reanimator [T-Rus]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 1 [Eng]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 1 [Rus]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 2 [Rus]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 3 [Eng]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 4 [Eng]
Resident Evil Shooting gallery [Eng]
Retro Games - 5 in 1 [Rus]
Retro Games - 5 in 1 [Rus][320x240]
Retro Games 2 - 10 in 1 [Rus]
Retro Games 3 - 15 in 1 [Rus]
Retro Snaker [Eng]
Retro Snaker [Rus]
Revival [Rus]
Revival [Rus][alt.ver.]
Revival 2 [Rus]
Revival 2 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Revival 2 [Rus][320x240]
Revival 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Revival 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Revival 2 [Rus][Multi]
Revival Deluxe [Rus][Multi]
Riot SQUAD [Eng]
Riot SQUAD [Rus][176x208]
Rise Raider - Ghosts of Women in Power (China)[T-Rus (turtlescreep)]
Roboros [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Roboros 2 [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Rock Band [Eng]
Rock Band [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rock Band 2 - Reloaded [Eng]
Rock Band 2 - Reloaded [Eng][320x240]
Rockstar Hero [Eng]
Rogue Trooper [Eng]
Roland Garros 2007 [Eng]
Roland Garros 2008 [Eng]
Roland Garros 2009 [Eng]
Roland Garros 2009 [Eng][320x240]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Eng][Multi]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Ver. 1.1.17][Eng][Full][400x800][Sensor]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Ver. 1.1.17][Eng][Full][400x800][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Rollercoaster Rush - New York [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rollercoaster Rush - New York [Rus]
Rollercoaster Rush - New York [Rus][320x240]
Rollercoaster Rush - Underground 3D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush - Underground 3D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng][320x240]
Rollercoaster Rush - Underground 3D [Ver. 1.0.7][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush [Ver. 1.2.28][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush [Ver. 1.4.04][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush 3D [Ver. 1.0.0][Eng]
Rome - Throne of Destiny [Eng]
Rus Long Nardes [Rus]
Rus Long Nardes [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Sand Storm [T--Rus][176x220]
Santa's Tower Bloxx [Eng][Multi]
Scarface - Last Stand [Rus]
Sea Battle [Rus]
Sexy Ninja Foxy [Eng]
Sexy Sudoku Soft [Rus][18+]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Eng][Full][360х640][Only Sensor]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Rus][Full]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Shinobi - Tolerance [Eng]
Shinobi 2 - Phantom Ninja [Ch][Full]
Shinobi 2 - Phantom Ninja [Ch][Lite]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Eng][320x240]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.2]
Shrek Party [Eng][320x240]
Shrek Party [Rus]
Shrek Party [Rus][alt.ver.]
Shrek the Third [Eng]
Shrek the Third [Eng][320x240]
Shrek the Third [Rus]
Shrek the Third [Rus][alt.ver.]
Sid Meier's Civilization IV. War of Two Cities [Eng]
Sketcher [Eng]
Snake - Revolution [Eng][240x320-320x480][Snesor]
Snake - Revolution [Eng][360x640-480x640][Sensor]
Snake - Revolution [Eng][Lite]
Snake Arcade - 3 in 1 [Eng]
Snake Reloaded [Eng]
Snake Reloaded [Eng][320x240-s60]
Snake Reloaded [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Snowboard Hero [Eng]
Snowboard Hero [Rus][Sensor]
Sola Rola [Eng][Sensor]
Solid Weapon [Eng]
Solid Weapon [Rus]
Solid Weapon 2 [Eng]
Solid Weapon 2 3D [Eng][Full][320x240]
Solid Weapon 2 3D [Eng][Lite]
Solid Weapon 3 - Red Gun
Solitaire & Sudoku Deluxe [Eng][320x240]
Solitaire & Sudoku Deluxe [Eng][Sensor]
Sonic Advance [Rus]
Sonic Advance [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Sonic Advance [Rus][alt.ver.]
Sonic Advance [Rus][Lite]
Sonic Advance [Rus][Very Lite]
Sonic Adventure 2 [C][Lite]
Sonic Adventure 2 [T-Rus][Full]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Eng][Lite]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Rus]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Rus][alt.ver.]
Sonic at the Olympic Games 2008 [Esp]
Sonic at the Olympic Games 2008 [Rus][176x220]
Sonic Cricket [Eng]
Sonic Evolution [Rus]
Sonic Evolution [Rus][320x240]
Sonic Evolution [Rus][Lite]
Sonic Fishing [Rus]
Sonic Hopping [Eng]
Sonic Jump [Eng]
Sonic Jump [Eng][Sensor]
Sonic Spinball [Eng]
Sonic Spinball [Eng][320x240]
Sonic Spinball [Eng][alt.ver.]
Sonic Tennis [Esp]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Golf [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Golf [Eng][alt.ver.]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 1 [Eng][Full]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 1 [Eng][Lite]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 1 [Eng][Lite](fixed ver.)
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 2 [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog [Rus]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Crash [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Crash [Eng][Very Lite]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Crash [Rus][Lite]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Dash [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Dash [Eng][alt.ver.]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Dash [Eng][Lite]
Sonic Unleashed [Rus]
Sonic Unleashed [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Sonic Unleashed [Rus][alt.ver.]
Soul Of The Demon 1 [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Soul Of The Demon 2 [Rus (Tpэпc)]
Soul Sword [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Space Invaders - Anniversary [Eng]
Space Invaders - Anniversary [Eng][176x220-240x320]
Space Invaders - Evolution [Rus][176x208-240x320]
Special Force District Blood [Eng]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng][320x240][Lite]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng][352x416][Very Lite]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng][360x640][Lite]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Rus]
Splatterhouse [Eng][music or sound]
Splatterhouse [Eng][music]
Spore [Eng]
Spore [Rus]
Spore Creatures [Rus]
Spore Creatures [Rus][alt.ver.]
Spring Break Fever [Eng]
Spring Break Fever [Eng][alt.ver.]
Star Marine [Eng]
Star Wars - Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith [Eng][176х208]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back [Eng]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back [Rus][176x220]
Starcraft - Ghost [Eng]
StarCraft 2 - Battle Report [Rus]
Stargate SG-1 [Eng]
Stirlitz - Umput Uber Alles [Rus][208x208]
Stirlitz 2 - Umput Forever [Rus]
Stirlitz 3 - Operation Umputacia [Rus]
Stranded [Ver. 1.0.1][Rus]
Stranded [Ver. 1.0.5][Rus]
Stranded [Ver. 1.1.6][Rus][176x220]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 2D [Ver. 1.0.2][Rus]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 2D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 2D [Ver. 1.0.6][Rus][176x208-176x220]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 3D [Ver. 1.0.2][Eng][320x240]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 3D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 3D [Ver. 1.0.4][Eng]
Street Fighter 2011 [Ch]
Street Fighter 2011 [Ch][320x240]
Street Fighter 2011 [Ch][360x640]
Street Fighter Alpha - Rapid Battle [Eng]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Eng][Full][480x800][Sensor]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Eng][Lite]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Rus]
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition [Eng]
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition [Eng][alt.ver.]
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior [Eng]
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior [Eng][320x240]
Street Fighter II [Eng]
Street of Rage (China)[Ch]
Street of Rage (China)[Ch][Lite]
Street of Rage (China)[Rus]
Stunt Car Racing - 99 Tracks [Eng]
SU-30 [3D][Eng]
SU-30 [3D][Rus]
SU-30 [Eng]
SU-30 [Rus]
SU-30 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
SU-30 [Rus][320x240]
SU-30 [Rus][360x640]
Sudoku Christmas [Eng][176x220]
Sudoku Christmas 2 [Eng]
Sudoku Mobile [Eng]
Sudoku Mobile [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Super Collapse! [Rus]
Super Collapse! [Rus][alt.ver.]
Super K.O. Boxing 2 [Eng]
Super K.O. Boxing 2 [Eng][320x240[Sensor]
Super K.O. Boxing 2 [Rus]
Super Pac-Man [Eng]
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers [Eng]
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers [Eng][alt.ver.]
Super Sudoku [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Super Sudoku [Rus][Sensor]
Superman & Batman - Heroes United [Eng][Sensor]
Superman & Batman - Heroes United [Rus]
Swapper [Eng][320x240][Sensor]
Swapper [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Swapper [Eng][Sensor]
SWAT - Deadly Attacks [Rus]
SWAT - Elite Troops [Eng]
SWAT - Force [Eng]
SWAT 3 - Soldier of The Future [Rus]
SWAT 3 - Soldier of The Future 2 [Rus]
Sword True [Rus (@migoRZN)]
Swords of Fury [Eng]
Swords of Fury [Rus (@мигo ckoпин)][176x208]
Swords of Fury [Rus (A.I.D.)][176x208]
Tattoo Ink Hollywood [Rus][240x432][Sensor]
Tattoo Ink Hollywood [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Tekken Mobile [Rus]
Tekken Mobile [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Tekken Mobile [Rus][alt.ver.]
Terminator Revenge [Eng]
Terminator Revenge [Eng][176x220-240x320]
Terminator Salvation 2D [Eng]
Terminator Salvation 2D [Eng][320x240]
Terminator Salvation 2D [Eng][640x360][Sensor]
Terminator Salvation 3D [Eng][Full]
Terminator Salvation 3D [Rus]
Terror Terminator [Eng]
Terror Terminator [Eng][320x240]
Terror Terminator [Eng][360x640]
Terrorism 2018 - The Perilous [Ch][Full]
Terrorism 2018 - The Perilous [Rus][Lite]
Tetris POP [Eng]
Tetris POP [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Texas Holdem Poker [Rus]
Texas Holdem Poker [Rus][alt.ver.]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Eng][320x240]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Rus]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Rus]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Rus][320x240]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
The A-Team [Rus][Full]
The A-Team [Rus][Full][alt. ver.]
The A-Team [Rus][Very Lite][320x240]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Eng][240x320][Full]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Eng][360x640][Full][ Sensor]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus] [240x320][Lite]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus] [240x320][Very Lite]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus] [320x240][Lite]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus][240x320][Full]
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [Rus]
The Avengers [Eng][Full]
The Avengers [Eng][Full][360x640]
The Avengers [Rus] [Lite]
The Avengers [Rus] [Very Lite]
The Avengers [Rus][Full]
The Avengers [Rus][Full][360x640]
The Bourne - Conspiracy [Eng]
The Bourne - Conspiracy [Rus]
The Bourne Ultimatum [Eng]
The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian [Rus]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Eng][320x240]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Eng][Full]360x640][Sensor]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Rus][Full]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Rus][Full][alt. ver.]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Rus][Lite]
The Dark Dimension The Secret [Rus (NET TEAM)]
The Devil and The Angel of Tears Sword [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
The Evil House [Eng]
The Fast and the Furious - Fugitive 3D [Eng]
The Fast and the Furious - Fugitive 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
The Great War Of Troy [Eng]
The Guardian Blade - Mieshi Shadow [Eng (osmarlb)]
The Last City. Origins [Rus]
The Last City. Origins [Rus][360x640]
The Last City. Origins [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Legend of Wind [Rus (Profitrole)] (fix 1)
The Legend Of Zelda Mobile [Ver. 4.12][T-Rus(@мигo ckoпин)]
The Lord Of The Rings - Middle-Earth Defense [Rus]
The Lord Of The Rings - Middle-Earth Defense [Rus][240x320-240x400][Sensor][Lite]
The Lord Of The Rings - Middle-Earth Defense [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
The Lost Empire [T-Rus (V.P.K.)]
The Lost Mission [Eng][176x220]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus][480x640][Sensor]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus][480x800][Sensor]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Oregon Trail - American Settlers [Eng][320x240]
The Oregon Trail - American Settlers [Rus]
The Oregon Trail - American Settlers [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Oregon Trail [Eng]
The Oregon Trail [Eng][alt.ver.]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][320x240]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][alt.ver.]
The Penguin Menace - Reloaded [Eng]
The Penguin Menace [Eng]
The Saboteur [Eng]
The Saboteur [Eng][320x240]
The Simpsons - Arcade [Rus]
The Simpsons - Arcade [Rus][240х400]
The Simpsons - Arcade [Rus][360x640]
The Simpsons - Minutes to Meltdown [Eng][320x240]
The Simpsons - Minutes to Meltdown [Rus]
The Simpsons - Minutes to Meltdown [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Sims - Bowling [Eng]
The Sims - Medieval [Rus]
The Sims - Pool 3D [Eng]
The Sims 2 - Castaway Mobile [Rus]
The Sims 2 - Castaway Mobile [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Sims 2 - Pets [Eng]
The Sims 2 [Rus][adaptrd 240x320]
The Sims 3 - Ambitions [Rus]
The Sims 3 - Ambitions [Rus][320x240]
The Sims 3 - Ambitions [Rus][Sensor]
The Sims 3 - Supernatural [Eng]
The Sims 3 - Supernatural [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
The Sims 3 - Supernatural [Eng][Sensor]
The Sims 3 - Winter edition [Eng]
The Sims 3 - World Adventures [Rus]
The Sims 3 [Rus]
The Vampire's Assistant [Eng]
Thief - Deadly Shadows Episode 1 [Eng]
Thief - Deadly Shadows Episode 2 [Eng][176x220]
Thor - The Dark World [Rus]
Three-country Hero Fire [Ch][176x220]
Tiger Woods - Pga Tour 09 [Eng]
Tiger Woods - Pga Tour 09 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Tiger Woods - Pga Tour 2011 [Eng]
TMNT - Armor turtle and Revenge of the razor [Rus]
TMNT - Ninja Rua [Eng]
TMNT - Shredder Reborn [Rus (SaNeC)]
TMNT - The Ninja Tribunal [Rus]
TMNT 1 [Ch]
TMNT 2 - Battle Nexus [T--Rus]
TMNT 2 [Ch][176x220]
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Lockdown [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Vegas [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Conviction [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Conviction [Rus][Full]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Conviction [Rus][Lite]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Extended Ops [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow [Eng]
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3 [Eng]
Tomb Raider 1 - Osiris Codex [Eng][176x220]
Tomb Raider 2 - Quest for Cinnabar [Eng][176x220]
Tomb Raider 3 - Elixir Of Life [Eng][176x220]
Tony Hawk - Vert [Eng]
Tony Hawk - Vert [Eng][320x240]
Torn World [Eng][176x220]
Total Overdose [Eng]
Total Tournament (Unreal Tournament)[Rus]
Totally Spies [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - Deluxe [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - Deluxe [Eng][360x640]
Tower Bloxx - My City [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - My City [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Tower Bloxx - My City [Eng][alt.ver.]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Eng][320x240]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Rus]
Tower Bloxx - Revolution [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - Revolution [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Tower Bloxx - Revolution [Eng][alt.ver.]
Tower Bloxx [Eng]
Townsmen [Rus][176x220]
Townsmen 2 - Gold [Rus]
Townsmen 3 [Rus]
Townsmen 4 [Rus]
Townsmen 4 [Rus][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Townsmen 4 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Townsmen 5 [Rus]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus][480x800][Sensor]
Townsmen Racing [Rus]
Toxic War [Eng]
Toxic War Christmas [Rus]
Toy Story 3 - Woodys Wild Ride [Rus]
Toy Story 3 - Woodys Wild Ride [Rus][alt.ver.]
Transformers - China Ver. [China]
Transformers - Dark of the Moon [Rus][Full]
Transformers - Dark of the Moon [Rus][Full][320x240]
Transformers - Dark of the Moon [Rus][Lite]
Transformers [Rus]
Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen [Rus][Full]
Transformers G1 - Awakening [Eng]
TriBalls [Rus]
Tricky Tracks [Eng]
Tricky Tracks [Eng][320x480-360x640][Sensor]
Tron Legacy [Rus]
Tron Legacy [Rus]{alt. ver.]
True Crime - New York City [Eng]
True Journey to the West [Rus (BlackWaltz,AlGoris)]
Turok [Rus]
Ultimate Russian Billiards 3D [Rus]
Ultimate Russian Billiards 3D [Rus][320x240]
Ultimate Spider-Man [Eng]
Ultimate Spider-Man [Eng][Fix]
Uno [Eng]
Uno [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Uno [Rus]
Uno [Rus][Lite]
Vancouver 2010 [Rus]
Vancouver 2010 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Vancouver 2010 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Viki Vans - Codename Prometheus [Eng]
Viki Vans - Codename Prometheus [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Virus (Resident Evil) [T-Rus (FleXoRmf)][240x320(adapted)]
Voodomino [Rus]
Voodomino [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Wallace and Gromit [Eng]
War Hero 1944 [Eng][Full]
War Hero 1944 [Eng][Lite]
Warcraft Crusade - Бурхан - Убийца Демонов [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
Warrior Prince [Eng]
Warrior Prince II [Eng]
Water Margin Story [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Eng][320x240]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Rus]
Wheres Wally [Eng]
Wheres Wally [Eng][240x320-360x640][Sensor]
Wheres Wally Now [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wheres Wally Now [Rus]
Wild West Guns [Rus][Music]
Wild West Guns [Rus][Sound]
Wimbledon 2006 [Eng]
Wimbledon 2006 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Wimbledon 2008 [Eng]
Wimbledon 2008 [Rus]
Wimbledon 2009 [Eng][320x240]
Wimbledon 2009 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wimbledon 2009 [Rus]
Wizards Disney [Rus]
Wolverine Mutant Armageddon [Eng]
World Of Warcraft Frozen Throne [T-Rus (wakko)]
World Series of Poker - Hold'em Legend [Rus]
World Series of Poker - Player Advisor [Eng]
World Series of Poker - Pro Challenge [Eng]
World Series of Poker - Texas Hold'Em [Eng]
World War II (Tank Battle) [T--Rus]
Worms - Color War [Eng]
Worms - Crazy Golf 2007 [Eng]
Worms - Crazy Golf 2007 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Worms - Reloaded [Eng]
Worms - Reloaded [Eng][320x240]
Worms - Reloaded [Rus]
Worms 2 [Eng]
Worms 2003 [Eng]
Worms 2007 [Eng]
Worms 2007 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Worms 2008 [Eng]
Worms 2008 [Eng][320x240]
Worms 2008 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Worms 2008 [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Worms 2008 [Eng][Sensor]
Worms 2010 [Rus]
Worms 2010 [Rus][360x640]Sensor]
Worms 2011 - Armageddon [Rus]
Worms 2011 - Armageddon [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Worms 2011 - Armageddon [Rus][alt.ver.]
Wrath of The Titans [Eng]
Wrath of The Titans [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wrath of The Titans [Rus]
Wrath of The Titans [Rus] [320x240]
Wrath of The Titans [Rus] [320x240] [Lite]
X-Men 3 - The Last Stand [Eng]
X-Men Origins - Wolverine [Rus]
XIII [Eng]
XIII 2 - Covert Identity [Eng]
Yamakasi Masters [Eng]
Zombie Infection - Nazi Zombies 3D [Rus][Full]
Zombie Infection - Nazi Zombies 3D [Rus][Lite]
Zombie Infection [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Zombie Infection [Eng][Lite]
Zombie Infection [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Zombie Infection [Rus][Full]
Zombie Infection [Rus][Full][alt. ver. 1]
Zombie Infection [Rus][Full][alt. ver. 2]
Zombie Infection 2 [Eng][320x240][Full]
Zombie Infection 2 [Eng][320x240][Lite]
Zombie Infection 2 [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Full]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Full][Sound]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Lite]
Zombiewood [Rus][320x240]
Zombiewood [Rus][Full+Story]
Zombiewood [Rus][Lite]
Zone of Alienation The Beginning [Rus]
Zum - Zum [Rus]
Zum - Zum [Rus][320x240]
Zuma [Eng]
Zuma [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Zuma Revenge [Eng]
Zuma Revenge [Eng][240x432]
Zuma Revenge [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Zuma Revenge [Eng][alt.ver.]
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 13 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 9

LordUlgrem · 01-Янв-20 10:19 (спустя 1 день 6 часов, ред. 01-Янв-20 10:19)

Благодарю, в самый раз! Думал чем пополнить свою коллекцию))
Люблю старенькие игры хД
У самого пока в коллекции Ps4, Ps3, Ps2, Ps1, Денди и PSP 3008, Vita) Вот и Яву осталось собирать, И затестить хД)))
С 2020 годом поздравляю!)
Список файлов в раздаче.
скрытый текст
1942 [Eng]
24 Special Ops [Eng]
365 - Bloxx 3 In 1 [Eng]
365 - Bloxx 3 In 1 [Eng][360x640]
365 - Board Games 1. 7 in 1 [Eng][Sensor]
365 - Board Games 2. 10 in 1 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
365 - Board Games 2. 10 in 1 [Eng][Lite]
365 - Card Pack 3 in 1 [Eng]
365 - Card Pack 3 in 1 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
365 - Mahjong 3 In 1 [Eng]
365 - Mahjong 3 In 1 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
365 - Mahjong 3 In 1 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
365 - Mahjong Master [Eng]
365 - Mahjong Master [Eng][320x240]
365 - Mahjong Master [Eng][Sensor]
365 - Solitaire Club [Eng]
365 - Solitaire Gold 1. 12 on 1 [Eng][Sensor]
365 - Solitaire Gold 2 [Eng]
365 - Solitaire Gold 2 [Eng][Sensor]
3D Тени Египта [Rus]
4 in 1 Ultimate snake collection [Eng]
4 in 1 Ultimate snake collection [Eng][320x240]
4 in 1 Ultimate snake collection [Eng][360x640]
4x4 Rally Extreme - World Tour [Rus]
4x4 Rally Extreme - World Tour [Rus][alt.ver.]
4x4 Rally Extreme 3D [Eng]
5 In 1 Ultimate Fun [Eng]
5 In 1 Ultimate Fun [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
7 Khoon Maaf [Eng]
7 Wonders [Rus]
Алеша Попович и Тугарин Змей [Rus][176x208]
Алеша Попович и Тугарин Змей [Rus][208x208]
Колобок +Bluetooth [Rus]
Колобок +Bluetooth [Rus][320x240]
Колобок +Bluetooth [Rus][alt.ver.]
Колобок 2 [Rus][176х220]
Поле чудес [Rus]
Поле чудес [Rus][alt.ver.]
Поле Чудес 2010 [Rus]
Поле Чудес 2010 [Rus][360x640]
Поле чудес 2010 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Путь Медведя [Rus]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Full]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Lite]
A Good Day To Die Hard (Die Hard 5.0) [Rus][Very Lite]
Absolute Tris [Eng]
Absolute Tris [Eng][320x240]
Age of Empires 2 [Eng]
Age of Empires 2 [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Age of Empires 3 Mobile [Eng]
Age of Empires 3 Mobile [Rus]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng][320x240]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Rus][128x128-360x640]
Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties [Rus][176x220]
Age of Heroes I - Army of Darkness [Rus]
Age of Heroes II - Underground Horror [Rus]
Age of Heroes III - Orc’s retribution [Rus]
Age Of Heroes IV - Blood And Twilight [Rus]
Age of Heroes V - Confrontation [Rus]
Age of Heroes V - Hero's Path [Rus]
Age of Heroes V - Time of Chimers [Rus]
Age of Heroes VI - Shadow of Immortality [Rus]
Agent Smith World Assault [Eng]
Alexa - Deadly Agent [Rus]
Alexa - Episode II [Rus]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Full]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Alice In Wonderland [Rus][Very Lite]
Alien Massacre 1 [Eng]
Alien Massacre 2 [Eng]
Alien Quarantine (Space Horror) [Rus]
Allied Heroes [Eng][176x220]
Allods [Rus]
America's Army - Special Operations [Eng]
American Gangster [Rus]
American Gangster [Rus][320x240]
ANNO - Create a New World [Rus]
ANNO - Create a New World [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Antiterrorist Mission - The Missile Crisis 3D [Rus]
Arcade Park [Rus]
Arcade Park [Rus][alt.ver.]
Arcade Park 2 [Rus]
Arcade Park 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Arcade Park 2 [Rus][Lite]
Arcadius [Rus]
Arcadius [Rus][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Arcadius [Rus][320x240]
Arcadius [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng][alt.ver.]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Army Men - Mobile Ops [Eng][Lite][360x640][Sensor]
Arrow of Justice [Rus (artemd12,Razlogatel,virusfon)]
Arthur and The Invisibles [Eng]
Asphalt - Nitro [Rus]
Asphalt - Nitro [Rus][Lite]
Asphalt - Nitro [Rus][Very Lite]
Asphalt - Urban GT [Eng]
Asphalt - Urban GT [Eng][alt.ver.]
Asphalt 2 - Urban GT 2 [Eng]
Asphalt 2 - Urban GT 2 [Eng][320x240]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules [Eng]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules [Eng][alt.ver.]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules 3D [Eng]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules 3D [Eng][360x640]
Asphalt 3 - Street Rules 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Asphalt 4 - Elite Racing [Eng][320x240]
Asphalt 4 - Elite Racing [Rus][Lite]
Asphalt 6 - Adrenaline [Rus]
Asphalt 6 - Adrenaline [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Asphalt 6 - Adrenaline [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Eng][Full]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Rus][Full]
Assassin's Creed - Revelations [Rus][Lite]
Assassin's Creed [Rus]
Assassin's Creed 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Assassin's Creed 2 [Rus]
Assassin's Creed III [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][Full]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][lite]
Assassin's Creed III [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Assassins Creed Brotherhood [Eng][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
Assassins Creed Brotherhood [Rus][Full]
Assassins Creed Brotherhood [Rus][Lite]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Eng]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Rus]
Asterix and Obelix - Mission Cleopatra [Rus][Lite]
Astro Bubble - Secret Lab [Rus][176x220]
AtomBoy [Rus]
Avalanche Snowboarding [Eng]320x240]
Avalanche Snowboarding [Rus]
Avalanche Snowboarding [Rus][alt.ver.]
Avatar - The Last Airbender [Rus]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][640x.360][Sensor]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][800x480][Sensor]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][Full]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Rus][Full]
Avatar The Mobile Game [Rus][Very Lite]
Aztek Snake - The Diamond Hunting [Eng]
Barbarian Snake [Eng]
Barbarian Snake [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Barbarian Snake [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Barbarian Snake [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Bare Knuckle - Combating Chaos (China)[Rus]
Batman - Begins [Eng][176x208-240x320]
Batman - Guardian of Gotham [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Batman - Guardian of Gotham [Rus][Sensor]
Batman - The Dark Knight Rises [Rus]
Battle Chess 3D [Rus]
Battleships - Sea on Fire [Eng]
Battleships - Sea on Fire [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
BattleShips - The Greatest Battles [Eng]
Beach Games 12-Pack [Eng]
Beach Games 12-Pack [Eng][320x240]
Beach Games 12-Pack [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bejeweled [Eng]
Bejeweled [Eng][320x240]
Bejeweled 3 [Eng]
Bejeweled 3 [Eng][320x240]
Bejeweled 3 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Bejeweled Twist [Eng]
Bejeweled Twist [Eng][320x240]
Bejeweled Twist [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Ben 10 Alien Force - Break In and Bust Out [Eng]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Rus]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Rus][320x240]
Beowulf - The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.]
Bet on Soldier [Eng]
Big Range Hunting [Eng]
Big Range Hunting [Eng][Sensor]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng][320x240]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Big Range Hunting 2 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Biochemical Raid 1 - Zombie Played the Sector (Resident Evil) [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Biochemical Raid 1 - Zombie Played the Sector (Resident Evil) [Rus]
Biochemical Raid 2 - Nightmare on Street (Resident Evil) [Rus (BlackWaltz, AlGoris)]
Biohunting [Chinrse]
BioSim [Rus]
BioSim 2 [Rus]
BioSim 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Biozone [Eng]
Biozone [Eng][alt.ver.]
Black Shark [Eng]
Black Shark [Eng][alt.ver.]
Black Shark 2 - Siberia [Eng][360x640]
Black Shark 2 - Siberia [Rus]
Black Shark 3D [Eng]
Black Shark 3D [Rus]
Blackbeard's Treasure [Rus (FerumOz)]
Blade Trinity [Eng]
Blade Trinity [Rus (Photon9)][176x208]
Blokus [Eng]
Blokus [Rus]
Blokus [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Blood+ [Eng]
Blur [Eng]
Blur [Eng][320x240][Fast]
Blur [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Blur [Rus]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng][320x240]
Bobble Blast Deluxe [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bobby Carrot 1 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 2 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 3 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 4 [Rus]
Bobby Carrot 5 [Rus]
Bomberman - Atomic 3D [Rus]
Bomberman - Classic & Supreme [Rus]
Bomberman - Deluxe [Eng]
Bomberman - Kart [Eng]
Bomberman - Pock Pock Hot [Eng]
Bomberman - Supreme [Rus]
Braveman - Jungle Story [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Brick Breaker Revolution [Eng]
Brick Breaker Revolution [Rus]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 [Eng]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 [Eng][320x480][Sensor]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 3D [Eng]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 3D [Eng][360x640]
Brick Breaker Revolution 2 3D [Rus]
Brick Breaker Revolution 3D [Eng]
Brothers In Arms - Art Of War [Rus]
Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood [Eng]
Bruce Lee Legend [Rus]
Bubble Bash [Eng]
Bubble Bash [Eng][320x240]
Bubble Bash 2 [Eng][320x240]
Bubble Bash 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bubble Bash 2 [Rus]
Bubble Bash 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Full][480x800][Sensor]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Lite]
Bubble Bash 3 [Rus][Lite][Sensor]
Bubble Bash Mania [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus][320x240]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus][Full][480x800]
Bubble Bash Mania [Rus][Sensor]
Bubble Bobble - Evolution [Eng]
Bubble Bobble [Eng]
Bubble Island [Eng]
Bubble Popper Deluxe [Eng][Full]
Bubble Popper Deluxe [Eng][Lite]
Bubble Revolution [Eng][320x240]
Bubble Revolution [Eng][352x416]
Bubble Revolution [Rus]
Bud Spencer - Wild West Poker [Eng]
Bud Spencer - Wild West Poker [Eng][320x240]
Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rescue [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rescue [Rus]
Bull Run Fever [Eng]
Cabal [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Cafe Sudoku [Eng]
Cafe Sudoku [Eng][320x240]
Caitlyn's Quest [Eng][176x208]
California - Gold Rush - Bonanza! [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
California - Gold Rush - Bonanza! [Rus]
California - Gold Rush - Bonanza! [Rus][320x240][Lite]
California - Gold Rush [Eng]
California - Gold Rush [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Call of Duty - Black Ops [Eng]
Call of Duty - Black Ops [Eng][320x240]
Call of Duty - Black Ops [Eng][360x640]
Call of Duty [Eng][176x220]
Call of Duty 2 [Eng]
Call of Duty 3 [Eng]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare [Eng][320x240]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare [Rus]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare 2 - Force Recon [Eng]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare 2 - Force Recon [Eng][360x640]
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare 2 - Force Recon [Rus]
Call of Duty 5 - World at War [Eng]
Call of Duty 5 - World at War [Rus]
Captain Galactic - Super Space Hero [Eng]
Capture The Flag [Rus (Vlad72)]
Car Jack Streets [Eng]
Castle of Fear [Rus]
Castle of Magic [Eng]
Castle of Magic [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Castle of Magic [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow [Eng]
Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow [Eng][320x240]
Castlevania - Castle Opera (Castlevania 4)[T-Rus]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng][132x176-240x320][Very Lite]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng][208x208-240x320][Lite]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Eng][320x240]
Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow [Rus (Castlevan)]
Castlevania - Key From A Sign (Frost Legend) [Eng]
Castlevania - Key From A Sign (Frost Legend) [Rus][176x220]
Castlevania - Order Of Shadows [Eng]
Castlevania - Order Of Shadows [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Castlevania - Order Of Shadows [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Castlevania - Reincarnation [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (The Devil Ancient Of Evil Spirit)[Ch][176x220-240x320][Full]
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (The Devil Ancient Of Evil Spirit)[Ch][Lite]
Castlevania [Ch]
Castlevania 1 - Chinese (Castlevania Dungeon)[Rus]
Castlevania 1 - Chinese (Castlevania Dungeon)[Rus][alt.ver.]
Castlevania 2 - Chinese (Demon) [Rus]
Castlevania 2 - Chinese (Demon) [Rus][alt.ver.]
Castlevania 2 (The Vampire The Devil's Lock)[Ch]
Castlevania 2 (The Vampire The Devil's Lock)[Rus]
Castlevania 2 (The Vampire The Devil's Lock)[T-Eng]
Castlevania 3 - Chinese [T-Rus (turtlescreep)].
Castlevania 3 - Chinese [T-Rus (turtlescreep)][320x240]
Castlevania 3 - Evil Castle [Ch]
Castlevania 4 - Demon [Rus (AlGoris,BlackWaltz)]
Castlevania 4 - Demon [Rus (AlGoris,BlackWaltz)][alt.ver.]
Castlevania Exotic Christmas Song [Ch]
Castlevania I & II (NES)[Eng]
Castlevania Long Night [Eng][128х160]
Castlevania of Night [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Castlevania RPG [Ch][T--Eng]
Castlevanias Revenge [Ch]
Catch a Mouse [Rus]
Catch a Mouse [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Catch a Mouse [Rus][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Catch The Ghosts [Rus](176x220)
Championship Racing 2010 [Eng]
Championship Racing 2010 [Eng][320x240]
Championship Racing 2012 [Eng]
Championship Racing 2012 [Eng][320x240]
Checkers Deluxe [Eng]
Checkers Deluxe [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
China Warrior [Rus (Трэпс)]
Chocolate Shop Frenzy [Eng]
Chocolate Shop Frenzy [Eng][alt.ver.]
Chocolate Shop Frenzy [Eng][Sensor]
Chronicles of Avael Chimera Stone [Eng]
Chuck Norris Bring on the Pain [Rus]
Chuck Norris Bring on the Pain [Rus][alt.ver.]
Clash of the Titans [Eng][240x320-360x640][Sensor]
Clash of the Titans [Eng][Sensor]
Clash of the Titans [Rus]
Classic Brick (Chinese board)[Rus]
Collapse! (Collapse 2010)[Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Collapse! (Collapse 2010)[Rus]
Collapse! Holiday Edition [Rus]
Collapse! Holiday Edition [Rus][320x240]
Command and Conquer - Red Alert Mobile [Eng][Sensor]
Command and Conquer - Red Alert Mobile [Rus]
Command and Conquer - Red Alert Mobile [Rus][alt.ver.]
Command and Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars [Eng][Sensor]
Command and Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars [Rus]
Command and Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars [Rus][alt.ver.]
Command and Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight [Rus][Full]
Command and Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight [Rus][Lite]
Commandos [Eng]
Conflict - Global Storm [Eng]
ContrTerrorism 3D Episode 3 [Rus][Sensor]
ContrTerrorism 3D Episode 3 [Rus][Sensor][320x240]
Cop Man 3D [Rus]
Cops L.A. Police [Rus][Full]
Cops L.A. Police [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Cops L.A. Police [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Counter Strike 1.7 MOD 3D [Eng]
Counter Strike Micro - Source [Rus]
Counter Strike Micro 1.4 [Rus]
Counter Strike Micro 1.6 MOD [Eng]
Counter Strike Mobile [Eng]
Counter-Strike - China 3D [Ch]
Counter-Strike - Counter Attack 3D [Eng]
Counter-Strike - Sniper Mission 3D [Eng]
Crash - Twinsanity In Dr. Cortex Island [Eng]
Crash Bandicoot - Crash of the Titans [Eng]
Crash Bandicoot - Mutant Island [Rus]
Crash Bandicoot - Nitro Kart 2 [Eng]
Crazy Monkey Spin [Eng]
Crazy Penguin Party [Eng]
Crazy Penguin Party [Eng][320x240]
Crazy Penguin Party [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Crazy Penguin Party [Rus]
Crazy Taxi 3D [Eng][320x240]
Crazy Taxi 3D [Rus]
CS Counter Terrorism Tactical Unit 2 [Rus]
Cyberlords - Arcology [Rus]
Cyberpunk The Arasaka's Plot [Rus]
Dangerous Dave In The Haunted Mansion [Rus]
Dark Knight [Eng]
Dark Knight [Rus (@мигo ckoпин)][176x220]
Dark World Lemur Undaunted [Rus]
Darkworld (Dark God of War)(Diablo) [Rus (Smoker1)]
Darkworld 2 (Dark God of War 2)(Diablo 2) [Rus (SirSteady)]
Dawn world (China)[T--Rus]
Dead Bleach [Eng (Excalibur7)]
Dead Daughters [Rus]
Dead Rising [Eng]
Death Race [Rus]
Delta Force [Eng]
Demon Hunter (China) [T-Rus (9turtlescreep)]
Demon Killer [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2005 [Eng][176x208]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2006 [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2006 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2007 2D [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2007 3D [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2007 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2008 [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2008 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2009 [Eng]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2009 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Derek Jeter - Pro Baseball 2009 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Desert Commandos [Eng]
Desperado - Duel Of Vengeance [Eng]
Devil Hunter X [Eng]
Devil Hunter X [Eng][320x240]
Devils and Demons [Rus]
Dictator Defense [Eng]
Dictator Defense [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Dictator Defense [Rus]
Die Hard [Eng][176x220]
Die Hard 4.0 [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Die Hard 4.0 [Rus]
Die Hard 4.0 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Diner Dash - Flo on the Go [Eng]
Diner Dash - Flo on the Go [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Diner Dash 2 [Eng]
Diner Dash 2 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Diner Dash 3 - Deluxe Edition [Eng]
Diner Dash 3 - Deluxe Edition [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Diner Dash 3 - Deluxe Edition [Eng][240x400][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Disney - Board Games Master [Eng]
Disney - Board Games Master [Rus]
Disney Mahjong [Rus]
Disney Mahjong [Rus][320x240]
Disney Mahjong [Rus][alt.ver.]
Disney Sudoku master [Rus]
Disneyland - Kart Racer [Rus]
Disneyland - Kart Racer [Rus][alt.ver.]
District 8 [Eng]
Dj Hero Mobile [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Dj Hero Mobile [Eng][320x240]
Dj Hero Mobile [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Dj Hero Mobile [Rus]
DJ Mix Tour [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
DJ Mix Tour [Rus]
DJ Mix Tour [Rus][alt.ver.]
Dogz 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Dogz 2 [Rus]
Dogz 3D [Eng][All]
Donald Duck - Chaos on the Road [Eng]
Donald Duck - Chaos on the Road [Rus]
Donald Ducks - Quest [Eng]
Donald Ducks - Quest Deluxe [Eng]
Donald Ducks - Quest Deluxe [Rus]
Donald Ducks - Quest Deluxe [Rus][320x240]
Doodle Jump [Rus]
Doodle Jump Deluxe [Rus]
Doodle Jump Deluxe [Rus][320x240]
Doodle Jump Halloween [Eng]
Doodle Jump Mod [Rus]
Doodle Jump Return [Rus]
Doodle Jump. Money [Rus]
Doom RPG [Rus]
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge [Eng]
Dr. Pacman [Eng]
Dragon Sword - Legend of the Frozen Throne [Rus]
Dungeon Hero - Dark Dynasty [T-Rus (Wachuwant)]
Dungeon Hunter 3 [Rus]
Dweller [Ver. 1.22.11][Rus]
Eagle Eye [Eng]
Eagle Eye [Eng][alt.ver.]
Earthworm Jim [Eng][320x240]
Earthworm Jim [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Earthworm Jim [Rus]
Earthworm Jim [Rus][320x240]
Earthworm Jim [Rus][alt.ver.]
Electro Dance Hero [Eng]
Elite Warrior 4 [Rus (FleXoRmf)]
Elven Chronicles [Rus (BlackFan)]
ESPN Bassmaster ELite Series [Eng]
Fairy World [Rus (V.P.K)] (176x220) (sound)
Fairy World [Rus (V.P.K)] (240x320) (no sound)
Family Guy - Uncensored [Ver. 1.0.1][Eng]320x240]
Family Guy - Uncensored [Ver. 1.0.2][Eng]
Family Guy - Uncensored [Ver. 1.0.4][Eng]
Family Guy 2 [Eng]
Family Guy 2 [Eng][320x240]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.1][Eng][Very Lite][Sensor]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.4][Rus][Full]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.6][Rus][Lite][360x640][Sensor]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.0.8][Rus][Full]
Far Cry 2 [Ver. 1.1.3][Rus][Lite]
Farm Fenzy [Rus]
Farm Invasion USA [Rus]
Farm Invasion USA [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Fast & Furious 6 [Rus][320x240][Lite]
Fast & Furious 6 [Rus][Full]
Fast & Furious 6 [Rus][Very Lite]
Fast and Furious - Pink Slip 3D [Eng]
Fast and Furious - Pink Slip 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Fast and Furious 4 - The Movie 3D [Eng][Full]
Fast and Furious 4 - The Movie 3D [Eng][Lite]
Fast and Furious 5 - The Movie [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Fast and Furious 5 - The Movie [Rus]
Fast and Furious Adrenaline [Mod-Hack][Eng]
Fatal Force - Earth Assault [Eng]
Favorite Checkers [Rus]
Fight Night - Round 3 [Eng][320x240]
Fight Night - Round 3 [Rus]
Fight Night - Round 4 [Eng]
Fight Night - Round 4 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Final Fantasy [Eng]
Final Fantasy [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Final Fantasy [Eng][alt.ver.]
Final Fantasy II [Rus (Vlad72, Redfix)]
Final Fantasy II [Rus (Vlad72, Redfix)][360x640][Sensor]
Fire Emblem 1 - Invasion [Rus (V.P.K.)]
Fire Emblem 2 - Opposition [Rus (V.P.K.)]
Fire Emblem 3 - Liberation [Rus (V.P.K.)]
Fire Emblem 4 - Regeneration [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem 5 - Proscription [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem 6 - Purification [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem 7 - Sword of Holy Spirit [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem New [Rus (Трепс)]
Fire Emblem New [T-Rus (Smoker1)]
Fire Emblem Pirates of the Caribbean [Rus (V.P.K)]
Fire Emblem Pirates vs Cannibals 2 [Rus (V.P.K.)]
FireFighters - City Rescue [Eng]
FireFighters - City Rescue [Eng][320x240]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Eng][320x240]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Eng][480x640 - 480x854][Sensor]
Fishing - Off the Hook [Rus]
Fishing 2 - Off the Hook [Eng]
Fishing 2 - Off the Hook [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Fishing 2 - Off the Hook [Eng][alt.ver.]
Fling [Eng]
Fling [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Forgotten Warrior [Eng]
Fort Boyard [Eng]
G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra [Rus]
G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra [T-Rus][320x240]
Gang Threat Ardor - The rise of the new godfather [Rus] [censored]
Gang Threat Ardor - The rise of the new godfather [Rus] [no censored]
Gangstar 1 - Crime City [Eng]
Gangstar 1 - Crime City [Eng][320x240]
Gangstar 1 - Crime City [Rus][176x220]
Gangstar 2 - Kings of L..A. [Rus][Full]
Gangstar 2 - Kings of L..A. [Rus][Lite].
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Eng][Full]
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Eng][Lite][360x640]
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Rus][Full]
Gangstar 3 - Miami Vindication [Rus][Lite]
Gangstar city [Eng][360x640][Sensor][Full]
Gangstar city [Rus][360x640][Sensor][Full]
Gangstar city [Rus][Lite]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Eng][Full]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Eng][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Rus]
Gangstar Rio - City of Saints [Rus][Full]
Gauntlet [Eng]
Get Smart The Movie [Eng]
Ghost Hegemony [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Eng][360x640]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Eng][Full]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Rus][Full]
Ghost Recon Future Soldier [Rus][Lite]
Ghostbusters - Ghost Trap [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Ghostbusters - Ghost Trap [Rus]
Gish - Reloaded [Eng][320x240]
Gish - Reloaded [Rus]
Gish - Reloaded [Rus][360x640]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Eng]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Eng][alt.ver.]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Rus]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Gish - The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.]
Gladiator [Eng]
Go! Go! Rescue Squad! [Eng][Sensor]
God of War - Betrayal [Eng]
God of War - Betrayal [Eng][320x240]
God of War - King [Rus]
God of War - Return [Rus]
God of War 2 [Ch]
Gods War 6 - Chronicles [Eng (mhizteryoso21)]
Gods War Record 2 - Death Mystery [Eng (Elian)]
Golden Axe - Necrophilia [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Golden Axe [Eng]
Goozer's Fire Frenzy [Eng]
Goozer's Fire Frenzy [Rus]
Gorilla Rampage [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Gorilla Rampage [Rus]
Gosha [Rus (V.P.K.)] (176 x220)
Great Legends - Billy The Kid 2 [Eng]
Great Legends - Robin Hood [Eng]
Great Legends - Vikings [Eng]
Great Legends 2 - Robin Hood In the Crusades [Eng]
GT Racing - Motor Academy [Eng]360x640][Sensor]
GT Racing - Motor Academy [Rus]
GT Racing - Motor Academy [Rus][320x240]
GT Racing 2 - The Real Car Experience [Rus][Full]
GT Racing 2 - The Real Car Experience [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar Hero - World Tour [Eng]
Guitar Hero - World Tour [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Hero - World Tour [Eng][alt.ver.]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile - More Music [Eng]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile - More Music [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile - More Music [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile [Eng]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Guitar Hero 5 Mobile [Eng][360x640]Sensor]
Guitar Hero 6 - Warriors of Rock [Eng]
Guitar Hero 6 - Warriors of Rock [Eng][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Guitar Hero 6 - Warriors of Rock [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Hero World Tour - Backstage Pass [Eng]
Guitar Hero World Tour - Backstage Pass [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar King [Eng]
Guitar Rock Tour [Eng]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Eng][320x240]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Rus]
Guitar Rock Tour 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Gundam - Ace Pilot [Rus (AlGoris,BlackWaltz)]
Hamster Homie [Rus]
Hancock [Eng]
Hancock [Eng][Sensor]
Happy Feet [Eng][176x220]
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Part2 [Rus]
Haunted Mansion - Ball Blast [Rus]
Haunted Mansion - Ball Blast [Rus][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Heroes Lore - Zero [Rus]
Heroes Lore [Rus]
Heroes Lore [Rus][Immortal]
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (China) [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Heroes of the chaotic level Japanese hegemony [Rus (zloy kent)]
Hip-Hop All Star [Eng]
Hip-Hop All Star [Eng][alt.ver.]
Hip-Hop Hero [Eng]
Hippo Jump [Eng][Sensor]
Hippo Jump [Rus][Sensor]
Hitman Episode 1 - Blood Money Vegas[Eng]
Hitman Episode 2 - Blood Money LA Edition [Eng]
Hittite Bricks [Rus]
Hittite Bricks [Rus][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Hot School Girls. Sudoku [Eng][18+]
Hotel Tycoon Resort [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Hotel Tycoon Resort [Rus][Sensor]
Hotlink Warriors - Arena Of Doom [Eng]
Hotlink Warriors - Assassin [Eng][176x208]
How to Train Your Dragon [Eng]
How to Train Your Dragon [Eng][Lite][320x240]
How to Train Your Dragon [Rus]
Hulkamania Wrestling [Eng]
Hulkamania Wrestling [Eng][240x320-360x640][Sensor]
I'm Arch Devil [Full] [Eng]
Ice Age - Village [Rus]
Ice Age - Village [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Ice Age - Village [Rus][Lite]
Ice Age - Village [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Ice Age 2 - Arctic Slide [Rus][128x128-360x640]
Ice Age 3 - Dawn of Dinosaurs [Eng]
Ice Age 3 - Dawn of Dinosaurs [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Ice Age 3 - Mammoth Mayhem [Rus]
Ice Age 3 - Mammoth Mayhem [Rus][alt.ver.]
Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift [Rus][Full]
Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift [Rus][Lite]
Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift [Rus][Very Lite][320x240]
Icy Tower Jump [Eng]
Icy Tower Jump [Eng][Sensor]
Icy Tower Me [Eng]
Icy Tower Me [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Immortals [Rus][Full]
Immortals [Rus][Lite
Infecct [Rus][Full][480x800][Sensor]
Infecct [Rus][Lite]
Infinite Sudoku [Eng]
Infinite Sudoku [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Iron Man [Eng]
Iron Man 2 [Eng][320x240]
Iron Man 2 [Rus]
Iron Man 3 [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Iron Man 3 [Rus][Full]
Iron Man 3 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Iron Man 3 [Rus][Lite][320x240]
iShoot [Eng]
iShoot [Eng][320x240]
It's A Zoo Cup [Eng]
Jacado Sudoku [Rus]
James Bond - Casino Royale [Eng]
James Bond Quantum of Solace [Eng][Full]
James Bond Quantum of Solace [Eng][Lite]
Ji War Gods - Fallen Angel Lucifer [Rus (Profitrole)]
Ji War Gods 2 - Crime and Punishment [Rus (Profitrole)]
Jianxia Spring and Autumn [Rus (turtlescreep)]
John Carter [Eng][240x320]
John Carter [Eng][320x240]
Johnny Bravo Big Babe Adventure [Rus]
Jump Dude Jump [Eng]
Jump Free Running [Rus]
Jurassic Park [Rus][Full]
Jurassic Park [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Jurassic Park [Rus][Very Lite]
Kane & Lynch - Dead Men [Eng]
Kangaroo Jump [Eng]
Kasparov Chess Deluxe [Eng]
Kasparov Chess Deluxe [Rus]
Keks [Rus]
Kung Fu Girl [Eng]
Le Tour de France 2009 [Eng]
Le Tour de France 2010 [Eng]
Learn to Fly [Rus]
Learn to Fly [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Learn to Fly [Rus][alt.ver.]
Legend of Ancient 1.5 - Legend of the Fiery Phoenix [Rus]
Legend of Ancient 2 [Rus][All]
Legend of Oracle (adapted) [Rus (ОбG{}H, Heroii)]
LEGO Batman - The Mobile Game [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
LEGO Batman - The Mobile Game [Rus]
LEGO Batman - The Mobile Game [Rus] [320x240] (no sound)
LEGO Bionicle Defenders [Rus]
LEGO Indiana Jones - Mobile Adventure [Eng]
Lego Star Wars [Eng]
Lemmings - Return [Eng]
Lemmings - Return [Eng][alt.ver.]
Lemmings - Tribes [Eng]
Lemmings - Tribes [Eng][320x240]
Lets Golf [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Lets Golf [Rus]
Lets Golf [Rus][alt.ver.]
Little shop World Traveller [Rus][320x240]
Little shop World Traveller [Rus][Sensor]
Lively Cubes [Rus]
Lively Cubes [Rus][alt.ver.]
Lone Wolf [Eng]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng][alt.ver.]
Looney Tunes - Monster Match [Eng][Lite]
Lost [Eng]
Lost [Eng][320x240]
Lost [Rus]
Lost in Island [Eng]
Lost Odessy [Rus (Rex1L)]
Lost Planet - Trag Zero [Eng]
Lost Planet - Trag Zero [Rus][176x208]
Lost Planet 2 [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Lost Planet 2 [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Lost Planet 2 [Rus][Full]
Lux Gotas De Beleza [Eng]
Mafia II [Eng]
Mafia II [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Mafia Wars 1 - New York [Rus]
Mafia Wars 2 - Scarlotti's [Eng]
Mafia Wars 3 - Yakuza [Rus]
Magnetic Joe [Eng]
Magnetic Joe [Eng][Sensor]
Magnetic Joe 2 [Eng]
March of Heroes [Eng][Full][360x640]
March of Heroes [Rus][Full]
March of Heroes [Rus][Lite]
March of Heroes [Rus][Very Lite]
Marine Fighter [Eng]
Maze Indiana [Rus]
Medal of Honor - Airborne 2D [Eng]
Medal of Honor - Airborne Elite [Eng]
Medal of Honor - Real War [Eng]
Medal of Honor 2010 [Rus]
Medal of Honor 2010 [Rus][320x240]
Mega Tower Assault [Eng][320x240]
Mega Tower Assault [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Mega Tower Assault [Rus]
Mekamorf [Eng]
Men In Black - Alien Assault [Eng]
Men In Black - Alien Assault [Eng][alt.ver.]
Men In Black - Without Traces [Eng]
Men in Black 3 [Eng][320x240]
Men in Black 3 [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Men in Black 3 [Rus]
Men in Black 3 [Rus] [Lite]
Metal Slayer [Rus][176x220]
Metal Slug 2013 [Eng]
Metal Slug Mobile - Universal [Eng (Metal04)]
Metal Slug Mobile - Universal [Eng (Metal04)] [Lite]
Metal Slug Mobile - Universal [Rus]
Metal Slug Mobile 3 [Eng]
Metal Slug Mobile 4 [Eng]
Metal Slug Mobile 4 [Rus]
Metal Slug Mobile Impact [Eng]
Metal Slug X [Eng]
Metal Slug X [Rus][176x220]
Metal Smash Pinball [Eng][176x220-240x400][Sensor]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 2D [Eng]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 2D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 3D [Eng]
Midnight Hold'Em Poker 3D [Eng][Multi]
Might and Magic [Rus]
Might and Magic 0 (Heroes Lore China) [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Mini Coco [Eng]
Mini Golf - Theme Park - 99 Holes [Eng]
Mini Golf - Theme Park - 99 Holes [Eng][320x240]
Mini Golf - Theme Park - 99 Holes [Eng][alt.ver]
Mini Ninjas [Eng]
Mobi Chess [Rus]
Mobi Chess [Rus][320x240]
Modern Combat 2 - Black Pegasus [Rus]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Eng][Full]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Rus][Full]
Modern Combat 4 - Zero Hour [Rus][Lite]
Monopoly Here and Now [Eng]
Monopoly U-Build [Eng]
Monster Hunter - Twin Star [Rus (BlackWaltz,AlGoris)}
Monster Hunter FS2 [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
Monsters vs Aliens - The Mobile Game [Eng]
Monsters vs Aliens - The Mobile Game [Rus]
Moorhuhn Jump'n & Run [Rus][176x220-240x320]
Moorhuhn Quest [Eng]
Mortadelo y Filemon - Armafollon [Esp]
Mortadelo y Filemon - Armafollon [Esp][alt.ver.]
Moto Racing Evolved 3D [Eng]
Moto Racing Evolved 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Mr. and Mrs. Tarzan [Rus]
Mr. and Mrs. Tarzan [Rus][320x240]
Mr. Shadow [Rus]
Ms. Pac-Man [Eng]
Ms. Pac-Man [Eng][320x240]
Ms. Pac-Man [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
My Sims [Rus]
My Sims [Rus][320x240]
My Sims [Rus][alt.ver.]
Mystery Mania [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Mystery Mania [Rus][240x320]
Mystery Mania [Rus][240x320][alt.ver.]
Myths - Wu Ling San Beads [Rus (Lord Mendes)]
N.O.V.A 3 [Eng][240x320][Full].
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][240x320][Full].
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][240x320][Lite]
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][320x240][Lite]
N.O.V.A 3 [Rus][360x640][Lite]
N.O.V.A. Legacy (Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance)[Rus][320x240]
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance [Rus][Full]
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance [Rus][Full][360x640][Only Sensor]
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2009 [Rus]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2009 [Rus][alt.ver.]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Rus]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
NBA - Pro Basketball 2010 [Rus][alt.ver.]
NCIS 1 - Based On The TV Series [Rus]
NCIS 1 - Based On The TV Series [Rus].jar
NCIS 1 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][alt.ver.]
NCIS 2 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
NCIS 2 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][320x240]
NCIS 2 - Based On The TV Series [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Carbon 3D [Eng]
Need for Speed - Carbon 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2D [Eng]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2D [Rus][240x400]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2D Bonus Edition [Eng]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 3D [Rus][360x640]
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 3D [Rus][360x640][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - ProStreet [Eng][320x240]
Need for Speed - ProStreet [Rus]
Need for Speed - ProStreet 3D [Eng]
Need for Speed - ProStreet 3D [Rus]
Need for Speed - Shift 2D [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Shift 2D [Rus]
Need for Speed - Shift 2D [Rus][All]
Need for Speed - Shift 3D [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Shift 3D [Rus]
Need for Speed - Shift 3D [Rus][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - The Run 2D [Eng]
Need for Speed - The Run 2D [Rus][Hack]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng][240x400]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng][360x640][alt.ver.][Sensor]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Need for Speed - The Run 3D [Eng]][240x320][Sensor]
Need for Speed - Underground 2 [Eng]
Need for Speed - Underground 2 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Need for Speed - Underground 3 [Eng]
Need for Speed - Underground Rivals [Eng]
New York Nights - Success in the City [Eng]
New York Nights 2 - Friends for Life [Eng]
New York Nights 2 - Friends for Life [Rus]
Night at the Museum 2 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Night at the Museum 2 [Rus]
Night at the Museum 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Ninety Nine Ninjas [Eng]
Ninety Nine Ninjas [Eng][alt.ver.]
Ninja Inferno [Rus]
Ninja Kage [Eng]
Ninja Prophecy [Eng]
Ninja Prophecy [Eng][320x240]
Ninja Prophecy [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Nitro Street Racing [Eng][2D][360x640]
Nitro Street Racing [Rus][2D]
Nitro Street Racing [Rus][3D]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Eng[320x240]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Eng]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Rus]
Nitro Street Racing 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
No Limit Casino - 12 Pack [Eng]
Nu Pogodi! Stir in the Henhouse [Rus]
Nu Pogodi! Stir in the Henhouse [Rus][alt.ver.]
Nu, Pogodi! 2 [Rus]
Nu, pogodi! Grand prix 07 [Rus]
Nu, Pogodi! On the Beach [Rus][176x208 до 176x220]
Nuclear Collapse [Rus]
Oban Star Racers [Eng]
Off-Road Dirt Motocross [Brz][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Off-Road Dirt Motocross [Eng]
Off-Road Dirt Motocross [Eng][Lite]
One Fifth (counter-strike)[Eng]
Operation Critical [Eng]
Ops Sniper 3D [Rus]
Pоrn Tycoon [Rus][18+]
Pоrn Tycoon [Rus][18+][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man - Kart Rally 2D [Rus]
Pac-Man - Kart Rally 3D [Rus]
Pac-Man - Kart Rally 3D [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][320x240]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][alt.ver.]
Pac-Man Championship Edition [Eng][Lite]
Pac-Man Deluxe Bluetooth [Eng]
Pac-Man Party [Rus]
Pac-Man Party [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Pac-Man Pinball 2 [Eng]
Pac-Mania [Eng]
Pac-Mania [Eng][320x240]
Pacomotive [Eng]
Paid to Kill [Rus (Electromaster,E-dogg)
Paragraph 78 [Rus]
Paris Hiltons - Diamond Quest [Eng]
Paris Hiltons - Diamond Quest [Eng][240x320-240x400][Sensor]
Party Island - Solitaire 16 Pack [Eng]
Party Island - Solitaire 16 Pack [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Peggle Mobile [Eng]
Perfect Murder [Eng]
Pimp Empire [Rus][18+]
Pimp Empire [Rus][18+][360x640][Sensor]
Pimp Empire 2 [Rus][18+]
Pimp Empire 2 [Rus][18+][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng][320x240]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire [Eng][Lite]
Platinum Solitaire 2 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire 2 [Rus]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Eng][320x240]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Eng][360x640][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Rus]
Platinum Solitaire 3 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Platinum Sudoku [Eng]
Platinum Sudoku [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Platinum Sudoku 2 [Rus]
Platinum Sudoku 2 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Playman - Beach Volley 2D [Eng]
Playman - Beach Volley 2D [Esp][360x640][Sensor]
Playman - Beach Volley 2D [Rus]
Playman - Beach Volley 3D [Eng]
Playman - Beach Volley 3D [Rus]
Playman - Extreme Running [Eng]
Playman - Extreme Running [Rus]
Playman - Power Games [Eng][176x208]
Playman - Shoot and Splash [Eng][208x208]
Playman - Summer Games [Eng][176x220]
Playman - Summer Games 2 [Eng]
Playman - Summer Games 2 [Rus]
Playman - Summer Games 3 [Eng][Full]
Playman - Summer Games 3 [Eng][Lite]
Playman - Summer Games 3 [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Playman - Winter Games 2010 [Rus]
Playman - Winter Games 2010 [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Playman - Winter Games 2D [Rus][208x208]
Playman - Winter Games 3D [Eng]
Playman - Winter Games 3D [Rus]
Playman - World Soccer [Rus]
Playman - World Soccer [Rus][alt.ver.]
Poker Million 2 - The Masters Texas Holdem [Eng]
Poker Million 2 - The Masters Texas Holdem [Eng][alt.ver.]
Poker XXX - Texas Holdem [Eng][18+]
Poker XXX - Texas Holdem [Eng][320x240][18+]
Postal [Rus]
Postal Babes [Eng [360x640]
Postal Babes [Eng]
Postal Babes [Eng] [320x240]
Postal Babes [Rus]
Postal Babes [Rus] [360x640]
Postal Babes [Rus] [Blood]
Postal Babes [Rus] [Uncensored + Blood]
Postal Babes [Rus] [Uncensored]
Power Axe [Eng][176x220]
Power Rangers - Mystic Force [Eng]
Power Rangers - Mystic Force [Rus]
Predator - The Duel [Eng]
Predator - The Duel [Eng][alt.ver.]
Predators - The Great Hunt [Eng]
Predators [Eng][Full][360х640][Only Sensor]
Predators [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Predators [Rus][Full]
Predators [Rus][Full][360х640][Only Sensor]
Predators [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Prince of Persia - Classic [Eng][320x240]
Prince of Persia - Classic [Rus]
Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands [Rus]
Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [Rus](adapted 240x320)
Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within [Eng]
Prince of Persia 2 in 1 [Eng]
Prince of Persia 2008 [Rus][Full]
Prince of Persia 2008 [Rus][Lite]
Prince of Persia 3 - The Two Thrones [Eng]
Princess 1 (China) [Rus (Трэпс)]
Princess 2 (China) [Rus (Трэпс)]
Princess of China [Rus]
Princess of Nile [Eng][176x220]
Prison [Rus]
Prison [Rus][alt.ver.]
Prison Break [Rus]
Prison Break [Rus][Lite]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 [Eng]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 [Eng]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 [Rus]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [Eng]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [Rus]
Puzzle Bobble - Evolution [Eng]
Puzzle Bobble - Evolution [Rus]
Racing Evolution 3D [Rus]
Ratchet And Clank Going Mobile [Eng]
Raving Babies [Eng]
Raving Babies [Eng][320x240]
Raving Babies [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids [Eng]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids [Eng][240x320-240x432][Sensor]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng][320x240]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids TV Party [Eng][Lite]
Rayman 3 [Eng]
Rayman Bowling [Eng][176x208]
Rayman Kart [Eng]
Rayman Kart [Eng][alt.ver.]
Red Bull - Soapbox Race [Rus]
Red Bull - Soapbox Race [Rus][alt.ver.]
Red Faction - Guerrilla [Eng][Full]
Red Faction - Guerrilla [Eng][Lite]
Red Faction [Eng][adaptated 240x320]
Red Faction [Rus][240x240]
Red Faction 2 [Eng]
Resident Evil - Degeneration [Eng]
Resident Evil - Degeneration [Eng][alt.ver.]
Resident Evil - Genesis [Eng]
Resident Evil - The Missions 3D - Shooting gallery [Eng]
Resident Evil - The Missions 3D [Eng]
Resident Evil - The Missions 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng][Lite]
Resident Evil - Uprising [Eng][Sensor]
Resident Evil - Zombie Buster [Eng]
Resident Evil - Zombie Buster [Rus]
Resident Evil 2 - Reanimator [Rus]
Resident Evil 2 - Reanimator [T-Rus]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 1 [Eng]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 1 [Rus]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 2 [Rus]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 3 [Eng]
Resident Evil Confidential Report - File 4 [Eng]
Resident Evil Shooting gallery [Eng]
Retro Games - 5 in 1 [Rus]
Retro Games - 5 in 1 [Rus][320x240]
Retro Games 2 - 10 in 1 [Rus]
Retro Games 3 - 15 in 1 [Rus]
Retro Snaker [Eng]
Retro Snaker [Rus]
Revival [Rus]
Revival [Rus][alt.ver.]
Revival 2 [Rus]
Revival 2 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Revival 2 [Rus][320x240]
Revival 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Revival 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Revival 2 [Rus][Multi]
Revival Deluxe [Rus][Multi]
Riot SQUAD [Eng]
Riot SQUAD [Rus][176x208]
Rise Raider - Ghosts of Women in Power (China)[T-Rus (turtlescreep)]
Roboros [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Roboros 2 [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Rock Band [Eng]
Rock Band [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rock Band 2 - Reloaded [Eng]
Rock Band 2 - Reloaded [Eng][320x240]
Rockstar Hero [Eng]
Rogue Trooper [Eng]
Roland Garros 2007 [Eng]
Roland Garros 2008 [Eng]
Roland Garros 2009 [Eng]
Roland Garros 2009 [Eng][320x240]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Eng][Multi]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Ver. 1.1.17][Eng][Full][400x800][Sensor]
Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks [Ver. 1.1.17][Eng][Full][400x800][Sensor][alt.ver.]
Rollercoaster Rush - New York [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Rollercoaster Rush - New York [Rus]
Rollercoaster Rush - New York [Rus][320x240]
Rollercoaster Rush - Underground 3D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush - Underground 3D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng][320x240]
Rollercoaster Rush - Underground 3D [Ver. 1.0.7][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush [Ver. 1.2.28][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush [Ver. 1.4.04][Eng]
Rollercoaster Rush 3D [Ver. 1.0.0][Eng]
Rome - Throne of Destiny [Eng]
Rus Long Nardes [Rus]
Rus Long Nardes [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Sand Storm [T--Rus][176x220]
Santa's Tower Bloxx [Eng][Multi]
Scarface - Last Stand [Rus]
Sea Battle [Rus]
Sexy Ninja Foxy [Eng]
Sexy Sudoku Soft [Rus][18+]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Eng][Full][360х640][Only Sensor]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Rus][Full]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Rus][Full][alt.ver.]
Sherlock Holmes The Offical Movie Game [Rus][Lite][320x240]
Shinobi - Tolerance [Eng]
Shinobi 2 - Phantom Ninja [Ch][Full]
Shinobi 2 - Phantom Ninja [Ch][Lite]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Eng][320x240]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.]
Shrek Forever After The Mobile Game [Rus][alt.ver.2]
Shrek Party [Eng][320x240]
Shrek Party [Rus]
Shrek Party [Rus][alt.ver.]
Shrek the Third [Eng]
Shrek the Third [Eng][320x240]
Shrek the Third [Rus]
Shrek the Third [Rus][alt.ver.]
Sid Meier's Civilization IV. War of Two Cities [Eng]
Sketcher [Eng]
Snake - Revolution [Eng][240x320-320x480][Snesor]
Snake - Revolution [Eng][360x640-480x640][Sensor]
Snake - Revolution [Eng][Lite]
Snake Arcade - 3 in 1 [Eng]
Snake Reloaded [Eng]
Snake Reloaded [Eng][320x240-s60]
Snake Reloaded [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Snowboard Hero [Eng]
Snowboard Hero [Rus][Sensor]
Sola Rola [Eng][Sensor]
Solid Weapon [Eng]
Solid Weapon [Rus]
Solid Weapon 2 [Eng]
Solid Weapon 2 3D [Eng][Full][320x240]
Solid Weapon 2 3D [Eng][Lite]
Solid Weapon 3 - Red Gun
Solitaire & Sudoku Deluxe [Eng][320x240]
Solitaire & Sudoku Deluxe [Eng][Sensor]
Sonic Advance [Rus]
Sonic Advance [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Sonic Advance [Rus][alt.ver.]
Sonic Advance [Rus][Lite]
Sonic Advance [Rus][Very Lite]
Sonic Adventure 2 [C][Lite]
Sonic Adventure 2 [T-Rus][Full]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Eng][360x640][Only Sensor]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Eng][Lite]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Rus]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [Rus][alt.ver.]
Sonic at the Olympic Games 2008 [Esp]
Sonic at the Olympic Games 2008 [Rus][176x220]
Sonic Cricket [Eng]
Sonic Evolution [Rus]
Sonic Evolution [Rus][320x240]
Sonic Evolution [Rus][Lite]
Sonic Fishing [Rus]
Sonic Hopping [Eng]
Sonic Jump [Eng]
Sonic Jump [Eng][Sensor]
Sonic Spinball [Eng]
Sonic Spinball [Eng][320x240]
Sonic Spinball [Eng][alt.ver.]
Sonic Tennis [Esp]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Golf [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Golf [Eng][alt.ver.]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 1 [Eng][Full]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 1 [Eng][Lite]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 1 [Eng][Lite](fixed ver.)
Sonic the Hedgehog - Part 2 [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog [Rus]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Crash [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Crash [Eng][Very Lite]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Crash [Rus][Lite]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Dash [Eng]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Dash [Eng][alt.ver.]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Dash [Eng][Lite]
Sonic Unleashed [Rus]
Sonic Unleashed [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Sonic Unleashed [Rus][alt.ver.]
Soul Of The Demon 1 [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Soul Of The Demon 2 [Rus (Tpэпc)]
Soul Sword [Rus (turtlescreep)]
Space Invaders - Anniversary [Eng]
Space Invaders - Anniversary [Eng][176x220-240x320]
Space Invaders - Evolution [Rus][176x208-240x320]
Special Force District Blood [Eng]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng][320x240][Lite]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng][352x416][Very Lite]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Eng][360x640][Lite]
Spider-Man - Toxic City [Rus]
Splatterhouse [Eng][music or sound]
Splatterhouse [Eng][music]
Spore [Eng]
Spore [Rus]
Spore Creatures [Rus]
Spore Creatures [Rus][alt.ver.]
Spring Break Fever [Eng]
Spring Break Fever [Eng][alt.ver.]
Star Marine [Eng]
Star Wars - Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith [Eng][176х208]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back [Eng]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back [Rus][176x220]
Starcraft - Ghost [Eng]
StarCraft 2 - Battle Report [Rus]
Stargate SG-1 [Eng]
Stirlitz - Umput Uber Alles [Rus][208x208]
Stirlitz 2 - Umput Forever [Rus]
Stirlitz 3 - Operation Umputacia [Rus]
Stranded [Ver. 1.0.1][Rus]
Stranded [Ver. 1.0.5][Rus]
Stranded [Ver. 1.1.6][Rus][176x220]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 2D [Ver. 1.0.2][Rus]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 2D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 2D [Ver. 1.0.6][Rus][176x208-176x220]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 3D [Ver. 1.0.2][Eng][320x240]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 3D [Ver. 1.0.3][Eng]
Stranded 2 - Mysteries of Time 3D [Ver. 1.0.4][Eng]
Street Fighter 2011 [Ch]
Street Fighter 2011 [Ch][320x240]
Street Fighter 2011 [Ch][360x640]
Street Fighter Alpha - Rapid Battle [Eng]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Eng][Full][480x800][Sensor]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Eng][Lite]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams [Rus]
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition [Eng]
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition [Eng][alt.ver.]
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior [Eng]
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior [Eng][320x240]
Street Fighter II [Eng]
Street of Rage (China)[Ch]
Street of Rage (China)[Ch][Lite]
Street of Rage (China)[Rus]
Stunt Car Racing - 99 Tracks [Eng]
SU-30 [3D][Eng]
SU-30 [3D][Rus]
SU-30 [Eng]
SU-30 [Rus]
SU-30 [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
SU-30 [Rus][320x240]
SU-30 [Rus][360x640]
Sudoku Christmas [Eng][176x220]
Sudoku Christmas 2 [Eng]
Sudoku Mobile [Eng]
Sudoku Mobile [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Super Collapse! [Rus]
Super Collapse! [Rus][alt.ver.]
Super K.O. Boxing 2 [Eng]
Super K.O. Boxing 2 [Eng][320x240[Sensor]
Super K.O. Boxing 2 [Rus]
Super Pac-Man [Eng]
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers [Eng]
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers [Eng][alt.ver.]
Super Sudoku [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Super Sudoku [Rus][Sensor]
Superman & Batman - Heroes United [Eng][Sensor]
Superman & Batman - Heroes United [Rus]
Swapper [Eng][320x240][Sensor]
Swapper [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Swapper [Eng][Sensor]
SWAT - Deadly Attacks [Rus]
SWAT - Elite Troops [Eng]
SWAT - Force [Eng]
SWAT 3 - Soldier of The Future [Rus]
SWAT 3 - Soldier of The Future 2 [Rus]
Sword True [Rus (@migoRZN)]
Swords of Fury [Eng]
Swords of Fury [Rus (@мигo ckoпин)][176x208]
Swords of Fury [Rus (A.I.D.)][176x208]
Tattoo Ink Hollywood [Rus][240x432][Sensor]
Tattoo Ink Hollywood [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Tekken Mobile [Rus]
Tekken Mobile [Rus][360x640][Only Sensor]
Tekken Mobile [Rus][alt.ver.]
Terminator Revenge [Eng]
Terminator Revenge [Eng][176x220-240x320]
Terminator Salvation 2D [Eng]
Terminator Salvation 2D [Eng][320x240]
Terminator Salvation 2D [Eng][640x360][Sensor]
Terminator Salvation 3D [Eng][Full]
Terminator Salvation 3D [Rus]
Terror Terminator [Eng]
Terror Terminator [Eng][320x240]
Terror Terminator [Eng][360x640]
Terrorism 2018 - The Perilous [Ch][Full]
Terrorism 2018 - The Perilous [Rus][Lite]
Tetris POP [Eng]
Tetris POP [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Texas Holdem Poker [Rus]
Texas Holdem Poker [Rus][alt.ver.]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Eng][320x240]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Rus]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Texas Holdem Poker 2 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Rus]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Rus][320x240]
Texas Holdem Poker 3 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
The A-Team [Rus][Full]
The A-Team [Rus][Full][alt. ver.]
The A-Team [Rus][Very Lite][320x240]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Eng][240x320][Full]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Eng][360x640][Full][ Sensor]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus] [240x320][Lite]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus] [240x320][Very Lite]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus] [320x240][Lite]
The Amazing Spider-Man [Rus][240x320][Full]
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [Rus]
The Avengers [Eng][Full]
The Avengers [Eng][Full][360x640]
The Avengers [Rus] [Lite]
The Avengers [Rus] [Very Lite]
The Avengers [Rus][Full]
The Avengers [Rus][Full][360x640]
The Bourne - Conspiracy [Eng]
The Bourne - Conspiracy [Rus]
The Bourne Ultimatum [Eng]
The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian [Rus]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Eng][320x240]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Eng][Full]360x640][Sensor]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Rus][Full]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Rus][Full][alt. ver.]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Rus][Lite]
The Dark Dimension The Secret [Rus (NET TEAM)]
The Devil and The Angel of Tears Sword [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
The Evil House [Eng]
The Fast and the Furious - Fugitive 3D [Eng]
The Fast and the Furious - Fugitive 3D [Eng][alt.ver.]
The Great War Of Troy [Eng]
The Guardian Blade - Mieshi Shadow [Eng (osmarlb)]
The Last City. Origins [Rus]
The Last City. Origins [Rus][360x640]
The Last City. Origins [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Legend of Wind [Rus (Profitrole)] (fix 1)
The Legend Of Zelda Mobile [Ver. 4.12][T-Rus(@мигo ckoпин)]
The Lord Of The Rings - Middle-Earth Defense [Rus]
The Lord Of The Rings - Middle-Earth Defense [Rus][240x320-240x400][Sensor][Lite]
The Lord Of The Rings - Middle-Earth Defense [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
The Lost Empire [T-Rus (V.P.K.)]
The Lost Mission [Eng][176x220]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus][480x640][Sensor]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus][480x800][Sensor]
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Oregon Trail - American Settlers [Eng][320x240]
The Oregon Trail - American Settlers [Rus]
The Oregon Trail - American Settlers [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Oregon Trail [Eng]
The Oregon Trail [Eng][alt.ver.]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][320x240]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
The Oregon Trail 2 - Gold Rush [Eng][alt.ver.]
The Penguin Menace - Reloaded [Eng]
The Penguin Menace [Eng]
The Saboteur [Eng]
The Saboteur [Eng][320x240]
The Simpsons - Arcade [Rus]
The Simpsons - Arcade [Rus][240х400]
The Simpsons - Arcade [Rus][360x640]
The Simpsons - Minutes to Meltdown [Eng][320x240]
The Simpsons - Minutes to Meltdown [Rus]
The Simpsons - Minutes to Meltdown [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Sims - Bowling [Eng]
The Sims - Medieval [Rus]
The Sims - Pool 3D [Eng]
The Sims 2 - Castaway Mobile [Rus]
The Sims 2 - Castaway Mobile [Rus][alt.ver.]
The Sims 2 - Pets [Eng]
The Sims 2 [Rus][adaptrd 240x320]
The Sims 3 - Ambitions [Rus]
The Sims 3 - Ambitions [Rus][320x240]
The Sims 3 - Ambitions [Rus][Sensor]
The Sims 3 - Supernatural [Eng]
The Sims 3 - Supernatural [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
The Sims 3 - Supernatural [Eng][Sensor]
The Sims 3 - Winter edition [Eng]
The Sims 3 - World Adventures [Rus]
The Sims 3 [Rus]
The Vampire's Assistant [Eng]
Thief - Deadly Shadows Episode 1 [Eng]
Thief - Deadly Shadows Episode 2 [Eng][176x220]
Thor - The Dark World [Rus]
Three-country Hero Fire [Ch][176x220]
Tiger Woods - Pga Tour 09 [Eng]
Tiger Woods - Pga Tour 09 [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Tiger Woods - Pga Tour 2011 [Eng]
TMNT - Armor turtle and Revenge of the razor [Rus]
TMNT - Ninja Rua [Eng]
TMNT - Shredder Reborn [Rus (SaNeC)]
TMNT - The Ninja Tribunal [Rus]
TMNT 1 [Ch]
TMNT 2 - Battle Nexus [T--Rus]
TMNT 2 [Ch][176x220]
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Lockdown [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Vegas [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Conviction [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Conviction [Rus][Full]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Conviction [Rus][Lite]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Extended Ops [Eng]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow [Eng]
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3 [Eng]
Tomb Raider 1 - Osiris Codex [Eng][176x220]
Tomb Raider 2 - Quest for Cinnabar [Eng][176x220]
Tomb Raider 3 - Elixir Of Life [Eng][176x220]
Tony Hawk - Vert [Eng]
Tony Hawk - Vert [Eng][320x240]
Torn World [Eng][176x220]
Total Overdose [Eng]
Total Tournament (Unreal Tournament)[Rus]
Totally Spies [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - Deluxe [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - Deluxe [Eng][360x640]
Tower Bloxx - My City [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - My City [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Tower Bloxx - My City [Eng][alt.ver.]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Eng][320x240]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Tower Bloxx - New York [Rus]
Tower Bloxx - Revolution [Eng]
Tower Bloxx - Revolution [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Tower Bloxx - Revolution [Eng][alt.ver.]
Tower Bloxx [Eng]
Townsmen [Rus][176x220]
Townsmen 2 - Gold [Rus]
Townsmen 3 [Rus]
Townsmen 4 [Rus]
Townsmen 4 [Rus][240x320-320x480][Sensor]
Townsmen 4 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Townsmen 5 [Rus]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus][240x400][Sensor]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Townsmen 6 - Revolution [Rus][480x800][Sensor]
Townsmen Racing [Rus]
Toxic War [Eng]
Toxic War Christmas [Rus]
Toy Story 3 - Woodys Wild Ride [Rus]
Toy Story 3 - Woodys Wild Ride [Rus][alt.ver.]
Transformers - China Ver. [China]
Transformers - Dark of the Moon [Rus][Full]
Transformers - Dark of the Moon [Rus][Full][320x240]
Transformers - Dark of the Moon [Rus][Lite]
Transformers [Rus]
Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen [Rus][Full]
Transformers G1 - Awakening [Eng]
TriBalls [Rus]
Tricky Tracks [Eng]
Tricky Tracks [Eng][320x480-360x640][Sensor]
Tron Legacy [Rus]
Tron Legacy [Rus]{alt. ver.]
True Crime - New York City [Eng]
True Journey to the West [Rus (BlackWaltz,AlGoris)]
Turok [Rus]
Ultimate Russian Billiards 3D [Rus]
Ultimate Russian Billiards 3D [Rus][320x240]
Ultimate Spider-Man [Eng]
Ultimate Spider-Man [Eng][Fix]
Uno [Eng]
Uno [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Uno [Rus]
Uno [Rus][Lite]
Vancouver 2010 [Rus]
Vancouver 2010 [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Vancouver 2010 [Rus][alt.ver.]
Viki Vans - Codename Prometheus [Eng]
Viki Vans - Codename Prometheus [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Virus (Resident Evil) [T-Rus (FleXoRmf)][240x320(adapted)]
Voodomino [Rus]
Voodomino [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Wallace and Gromit [Eng]
War Hero 1944 [Eng][Full]
War Hero 1944 [Eng][Lite]
Warcraft Crusade - Бурхан - Убийца Демонов [Rus (Fonzo Team)]
Warrior Prince [Eng]
Warrior Prince II [Eng]
Water Margin Story [Rus (BlackWaltz)]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Eng][320x240]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wheres Wally - In Hollywood [Rus]
Wheres Wally [Eng]
Wheres Wally [Eng][240x320-360x640][Sensor]
Wheres Wally Now [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wheres Wally Now [Rus]
Wild West Guns [Rus][Music]
Wild West Guns [Rus][Sound]
Wimbledon 2006 [Eng]
Wimbledon 2006 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Wimbledon 2008 [Eng]
Wimbledon 2008 [Rus]
Wimbledon 2009 [Eng][320x240]
Wimbledon 2009 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wimbledon 2009 [Rus]
Wizards Disney [Rus]
Wolverine Mutant Armageddon [Eng]
World Of Warcraft Frozen Throne [T-Rus (wakko)]
World Series of Poker - Hold'em Legend [Rus]
World Series of Poker - Player Advisor [Eng]
World Series of Poker - Pro Challenge [Eng]
World Series of Poker - Texas Hold'Em [Eng]
World War II (Tank Battle) [T--Rus]
Worms - Color War [Eng]
Worms - Crazy Golf 2007 [Eng]
Worms - Crazy Golf 2007 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Worms - Reloaded [Eng]
Worms - Reloaded [Eng][320x240]
Worms - Reloaded [Rus]
Worms 2 [Eng]
Worms 2003 [Eng]
Worms 2007 [Eng]
Worms 2007 [Eng][alt.ver.]
Worms 2008 [Eng]
Worms 2008 [Eng][320x240]
Worms 2008 [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Worms 2008 [Eng][480x800][Sensor]
Worms 2008 [Eng][Sensor]
Worms 2010 [Rus]
Worms 2010 [Rus][360x640]Sensor]
Worms 2011 - Armageddon [Rus]
Worms 2011 - Armageddon [Rus][360x640][Sensor]
Worms 2011 - Armageddon [Rus][alt.ver.]
Wrath of The Titans [Eng]
Wrath of The Titans [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Wrath of The Titans [Rus]
Wrath of The Titans [Rus] [320x240]
Wrath of The Titans [Rus] [320x240] [Lite]
X-Men 3 - The Last Stand [Eng]
X-Men Origins - Wolverine [Rus]
XIII [Eng]
XIII 2 - Covert Identity [Eng]
Yamakasi Masters [Eng]
Zombie Infection - Nazi Zombies 3D [Rus][Full]
Zombie Infection - Nazi Zombies 3D [Rus][Lite]
Zombie Infection [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Zombie Infection [Eng][Lite]
Zombie Infection [Eng][Lite][320x240]
Zombie Infection [Rus][Full]
Zombie Infection [Rus][Full][alt. ver. 1]
Zombie Infection [Rus][Full][alt. ver. 2]
Zombie Infection 2 [Eng][320x240][Full]
Zombie Infection 2 [Eng][320x240][Lite]
Zombie Infection 2 [Eng][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Full]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Full][360x640][Sensor]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Full][Sound]
Zombie Infection 2 [Rus][Lite]
Zombiewood [Rus][320x240]
Zombiewood [Rus][Full+Story]
Zombiewood [Rus][Lite]
Zone of Alienation The Beginning [Rus]
Zum - Zum [Rus]
Zum - Zum [Rus][320x240]
Zuma [Eng]
Zuma [Eng][240x400][Sensor]
Zuma Revenge [Eng]
Zuma Revenge [Eng][240x432]
Zuma Revenge [Eng][360x640][Sensor]
Zuma Revenge [Eng][alt.ver.]
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Стаж: 13 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 141

Fount515 · 01-Янв-20 15:06 (спустя 4 часа)

Отличная идея и большая работа, спасибо огромное!
Так же спасибо за список файлов, его бы в шапку
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Top Loader 01* 100GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1484

AlexanderBal · 01-Янв-20 17:38 (спустя 2 часа 31 мин.)

Спасибо, за теплые отзывы!)
Кстати предупреждаю всех, что антивирус ругается на некоторые взломанные игры, чет как то вылетело из головы написать, сам сталкивался при проверке файлов.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Bonus 03* 1TB

Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1529

s1nka · 01-Янв-20 21:45 (спустя 4 часа)

AlexanderBal твои раздачи как обычно на высоте. Спасибо огромное за проделанную работу!!!! Буду помогать с сидированием как можно дольше.
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Стаж: 17 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 317

Leonis · 03-Янв-20 12:27 (спустя 1 день 14 часов)

Крутейшая подборка, эти игры очень быстро уходят в историю, если сейчас не собрать - потом просто потеряем..
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Top Loader 01* 100GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1484

AlexanderBal · 03-Янв-20 13:49 (спустя 1 час 22 мин.)

ооо, спасибо друзья!) ТиВи Геймс рулит!)
s1nka Работа только начата и на данный момент всего на 9% завершена.
Leonis Да кстати, даже во время поиска некоторые игры я уже отчаивался найти, сайты закрываются, ссылки не работают, раздачи пропадают, надеюсь соберу побольше хороших игр и они распространятся по всему инету.
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Стаж: 10 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 23

maxsteiner · 12-Янв-20 08:05 (спустя 8 дней)

Спасибо за раздачу, смущает отсутствие многих популярных игр, например, Doom RPG 2, Knight Tales, Nowhere и это только при беглом осмотре. На секлабе они вроде до сих пор есть. Зато редкие и мне не известные мне игры присутствуют.
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Top Loader 01* 100GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1484

AlexanderBal · 12-Янв-20 20:46 (спустя 12 часов)

Я написал причину... это бета версия, просили к новому году выложить я и выложил, работа завершена примерно на 9%, в лучшем случае тут не хватает 91% игр) следующее обновление не скоро.
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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 18

tadger · 30-Янв-20 12:33 (спустя 17 дней)

Большущая благодарность. Не играл в эти игры с тех пор как Sony Ericsson'ы перестали продавать.
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Стаж: 14 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 14494

Гоэмон · 31-Янв-20 23:05 (спустя 1 день 10 часов)

Devil may cry 3d не работает?
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Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 7

GiD-CoD4 · 08-Фев-20 21:36 (спустя 7 дней, ред. 08-Фев-20 21:36)

Топчик! Прям то, что нужно!
Спасибо за работу, чел)
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 80

monolit1202 · 08-Мар-20 00:26 (спустя 28 дней)

Здорово! Всегда хотелось чего-то такого. Когда у меня был 6300 переиграл во всякое, правда работало не всё из игр, к сожалению.
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Стаж: 11 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 4

Nullerval · 30-Мар-20 13:55 (спустя 22 дня)

Странная забава с эмулятором - нажимаешь вправо,бросаешь, а герой (вместо того , что бы стать ) как бежал , так и бежит (три части китайской Кастлы пока протестил) . версии 1.0.3 и 1.0.5
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Top Loader 01* 100GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1484

AlexanderBal · 31-Мар-20 03:22 (спустя 13 часов)

Я тестировал все игры везде управление работало, правда с джойстиком. На эмуляторе 1.0.5 не тестировал ни одну игру из раздачи, т.к. нашел его перед заливкой раздачи на рутрекер. Любые косяки, как писал в описании, решал запуском других версий эмуляторов.
Кастле кстати особое внимание уделил, т.к. любитель серии игр, все они работают прекрасно.
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Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 110

ImpulsGrind · 07-Май-20 18:44 (спустя 1 месяц 7 дней)

Спасибо за сборку! Надеюсь, будет со временем пополняться, ибо игр еще огромное количество. Хотя часть из них сейчас, наверное, вообще невозможно найти.
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Стаж: 12 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 106

parkour_stels · 29-Сен-20 13:57 (спустя 4 месяца 21 день)

Разделите пожалуйста на русские версии и английйские, если время будет
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Top Bonus 03* 1TB

Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1529

s1nka · 29-Сен-20 16:00 (спустя 2 часа 2 мин.)

Но зачем?
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Стаж: 11 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 10

Manuel777 · 05-Окт-20 21:14 (спустя 6 дней)

Можно вопрос, если какая-либо игра не будет запускаться на эмуляторе, либо будет некорректно работать (я имею ввиду не версию игры, а чисто отдельную игру), вы добавите ее в раздачу? Может быть, просто подписать что в KEmulator не запускается, ведь у кого-нибудь еще остались старые телефоны, на которых такая игра пойдет, либо она возможно пойдет на других эмуляторах, например Sjboy, SDK Nokia, Siemens, SonyEricsson...
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Стаж: 12 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 26

chifth · 14-Ноя-20 14:36 (спустя 1 месяц 8 дней)

LordUlgrem писал(а):
78601735Благодарю, в самый раз! Думал чем пополнить свою коллекцию))
Люблю старенькие игры хД
У самого пока в коллекции Ps4, Ps3, Ps2, Ps1, Денди и PSP 3008, Vita) Вот и Яву осталось собирать, И затестить хД)))
С 2020 годом поздравляю!)
поделитесь коллекциями
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Top Bonus 03* 1TB

Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1529

s1nka · 14-Ноя-20 19:51 (спустя 5 часов)

chifth писал(а):
80398279поделитесь коллекциями
Скудная коллекция же. Зачем она нужна?
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Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 2

SGroup · 18-Ноя-20 01:14 (спустя 3 дня)

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory порекомендую в версии 1.0.3 для экранов 176х208. Только в ней есть уровень в северокорейской железнодорожной станции с немного другими механиками чем остальных уровнях игры.
Миссия располагается между Japan - Hokkaido House и North Korea - Missile Bay
Вот ссылка на видео: https://youtu.be/gx-gVpAyYRk?t=1801
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Стаж: 13 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 6

drai4 · 27-Ноя-20 21:05 (спустя 9 дней)

Охохо, знатная подборка, надеюсь еще и обновление когда-нибудь случится!
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Стаж: 12 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 70

R8G999 · 03-Янв-21 21:30 (спустя 1 месяц 6 дней)

Есть сайт на котором 7000 игр, а здесь всего около 1000.
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Стаж: 14 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 14494

Гоэмон · 02-Апр-21 21:09 (спустя 2 месяца 29 дней)

Появился норм эмуль симбиан EKA2L1
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Стаж: 14 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 14494

Гоэмон · 07-Апр-21 15:26 (спустя 4 дня)

А игры с 3д игры сони эриксона требующие маскот можно запустить на этом эмуле https://github.com/woesss/JL-Mod/releases/tag/0.77.3%2BMC_0.98.5 , но там андроид нужен либо эмуль андроида.
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Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 46

Питбулль · 21-Май-21 16:06 (спустя 1 месяц 14 дней)

Когда обновление?) Очень жду!
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Top User 06

Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 132

Amon2501 · 30-Июл-21 21:56 (спустя 2 месяца 9 дней)

Из этой раздачи drweb ругается на TMNT - Ninja Rua [Eng].jar пишет что Java.SMSSend.780
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Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 46

Питбулль · 23-Дек-21 14:11 (спустя 4 месяца 23 дня)

Очень жду новую версию сборника!
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Top Loader 01* 100GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1484

AlexanderBal · 28-Авг-22 21:58 (спустя 8 месяцев, ред. 28-Авг-22 21:58)

Amon2501 писал(а):
81771211Из этой раздачи drweb ругается на TMNT - Ninja Rua [Eng].jar пишет что Java.SMSSend.780
тут говорил об этом
Питбулль писал(а):
82490709Очень жду новую версию сборника!
Я боюсь что мои увлечения ушли в другую область, к тому же здоровье и личная жизнь поменялась. Я уже многократно думал чтобы заняться обновлением всех раздач, но к сожалению у меня нет возможности сейчас новый жесткий диск приобрести, т.к. все имеющиеся забиты всякими сокровищами.
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