-Added Interloper C, Interloper C1, Interloper D, Nihilath boss battle, Endgame
-Changed grenade aim point to be center screen for easier aiming
-Fixed sprint animation playing while swimming
-Fixed shotgun misfire after reloading
-Fixed RPG unguided mode in Earth levels
-Fixed having to press “shift” after each level load with “Always Run” enabled
-Tons of small changes and fixes to the “Xen chapter”
-Fixed Nihilanth intro model
-Fixed most area portals rendering black
-Fixed leaf sounds, and ability of certain objects to fall through them
-Fixed cave long jump in Xen B to be more forgiving
-Fixed houndeye path kill brush in Xen B1
-Key lit bullsquids on bullsquid path
-Minor improvements to art and guidance at end of Xen B1
-Fixed missing sun lens flare in Xen C
-Fixed missing sun lens flare in Xen C1
-Fixed players being able to skip puzzle in Xen C1
-Fixed third plug puzzle so that short cord can not be used in long cords place
-Tons of small changes and fixes to the “Gonarch’s Lair” chapter
-Fixed some lids not blowing off in Gonarch A
-Fixed crashes when player jumps on physics objects (like the rock columns in Gonarch)
-Fixed hard transition from Gonarch A to Gonarch B
-Improved player guidance
-Added red lights to all fumers to better highlight them
-Added “gate” on second ledge before crystal cave so that player can not back track, and soft lock the game
-Increased frame rate in crystal cave
-Improved fire trap
-Put explosive barrels next to each crystal in water cave to better explain gameplay element
-Removed fire from Gonarch final fight
-Lowered Gonarch green fire damage and screen shake
-Tons of small changes and fixes to the already released Interloper maps
-Remove first tentacle that could easily block player path
-Fixed model darkening at start of Interloper A
-Improved player guidance
-Removed phys objects that were on player path
-Small art fixes
-Made long jump path clearer and easier at end of Interloper A
-Better key lighting for player path in Interloper A1
-Fixed most of the water seams in Interloper A1
-Minor art and bug fixes in Interloper B
-Better player guidance in Interloper B
-Fixed players skipping mechanic intro and breaking area portals at start of Interloper B1
-Improved player guidance in Interloper B1
-Minor art and collision fixes to B2
-Interloper B2 no longer fades to black at the end of the level