Critical Lives - Gibson A. / Гибсон Э. - James Joyce / Джеймс Джойс [2011, PDF, ENG]

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James Joyce / Джеймс Джойс
Год издания: 2011
Автор: Gibson A. / Гибсон Э.
Издательство: Reaktion Books (June 16, 2011)
ISBN: 978-1861892775
Серия: Critical Lives
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 196
Описание: "Джеймс Джойс" Эндрю Гибсона (издание на английском языке).
In this new work, Andrew Gibson sets out to reverse the traditional view of Joyce and his work as the paradigm of international modernism in literature. Where criticism has usually consigned Ireland to secondary status in Joyce's work, Gibson firmly relocates the writer and his work in Ireland, showing them at all points to be intricately bound up in Irish history, politics and culture. Crucially, he views Joyce's departure for Europe as allegiance to an Irish emigratory tradition that is centuries old, rather than the abandonment of the old country. Accounts of Joyce's life and work have tended to give rather short shrift to his profound engagements with Irish history and politics. Gibson argues that there have been important reasons for this, themselves often historical and political. Tracing the development of Joyce as a critic and writer, he maps this development to specific political and historical events. Beginning with the political traditions and allegiances that formed part of Joyce's family background, he pinpoints the fall of Parnell, the collapse of political hope, and the transfer of political energies to cultural activity as crucial in the writer's early formation. Joyce's immense renown has been due above all to his reputation as an experimental, modernist writer. His works' open-endedness and seemingly infinite availability to differing interpretations has allowed criticism to constantly update his politics. The book argues that Joyce's most important concerns were historically material and specific. Yet, it also recognises that Joyce himself encouraged and fostered the view of his work as modernist, which became the dominant tradition in Joyce studies.
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Стаж: 13 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 11009

Дягиlionceau · 11-Май-19 01:49 (спустя 1 мин.)

1) Иностранная литература. Большие книги - Джойс Дж. - Улисс : роман [2014, PDF, RUS] -
2) Культурный код - Хоружий С. С. - «Улисс» в русском зеркале [2015, DjVu, RUS] -
3) Moderne Prose - Джойс Дж. - Дублинцы: Книга для чтения на английском языке [2013, FB2/EPUB/PDF, RUS] -
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5) Культурный код - Хоружий С. С. - «Улисс» в русском зеркале [2015, FB2, RUS] -
6) Greenwood Guides to Fiction - McKenna B. / МакКенна Б. - James Joyce's Ulysses: A Reference Guide / "Улисс" Джеймса Джойса: Справочное руководство [2002, PDF, ENG] -
7) Wiley Blackwell Introductions to Literature Book 9 - Seidel M. / Сидел М. - James Joyce: A Short Introduction / Джеймс Джойс: Краткое введение [2008, PDF, ENG] -
8) Guides for the Perplexed - Mahon P. / Махон П. - Joyce: A Guide for the Perplexed / Джойс: Руководство для смущённых [запутавшихся] [2009, PDF, ENG] -
9) Critical Companion - Fargnoli A. N., Gillespie M. P. / Фарноли А. Н., Гиллеспи М. П. - Critical Companion to James Joyce / Критический путеводитель по Джеймсу Джойсу [2006, PDF, ENG] -
10) Cambridge Introductions to Literature - Bulson E. / Булсон Э. - The Cambridge Introduction to James Joyce / Кембриджское введение в художественный мир Джеймса Джойса [2006, PDF, ENG] -
11) Literature in Context - McCourt J. (Edited) / МакКорт [МакКурт] Дж. (под редакцией) - James Joyce in Context / Джеймс Джойс в контексте [2009, PDF, ENG] -
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