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Стаж: 10 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 65

odoakr13 · 06-Янв-19 18:11 (6 лет 1 месяц назад)

Тема была выделена из [Жанр] Компьютерные варгеймы / Wargaming

Может кто-нибудь выложить ссылку на обновлённый Operational Art of War IV?
Can someone upload latest patch of Operational Art of War IV?
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Стаж: 13 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 639

hexen544 · 06-Янв-19 21:46 (спустя 3 часа)

drmoon писал(а):
76625773Очень бы хотелось. чтобы комрад hexen544 выложил бы exe на голд патчи сразу на первой странице
1. не надо в ветке Panzer Campaigns вообще ничего писать- иначе там опять будет помойка. дали же ссылку на новую ветку. что тут может быть непонятного? зачем давать повод идиотам многие из которых ни слова не понимают ни по русски ни по английски сделать очередную глупость. дебилы, они нюансов каких то не понимают- увидели чей то пост и свой добавят. пусть привыкнут что там ничего нет, чтобы рефлекс образовался как у собаки павлова.
2. когда релизы будут тогда и кряки будут. патч это не релиз.
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Стаж: 11 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 64

slackhead · 07-Янв-19 00:45 (спустя 2 часа 58 мин.)

odoakr13 писал(а):
76624691Может кто-нибудь выложить ссылку на обновлённый Operational Art of War IV?
Can someone upload latest patch of Operational Art of War IV?
Easy to find at the Matrix web site:
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Стаж: 10 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 65

odoakr13 · 07-Янв-19 10:11 (спустя 9 часов)

slackhead писал(а):
Easy to find at the Matrix web site:
For some reason it didn't work for me - the game became broken and won't launch anymore.
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Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 115

dimaxusss · 07-Янв-19 12:11 (спустя 2 часа, ред. 02-Сен-19 15:17)

dimaxusss писал(а):
76628792Обновленный список того, что было выложено в этой теме. Надеюсь, дубликатов\упущений нет. Обновления выделены полужирным шрифтом.
An updated list of everything that's been shared in this thread. I hope there are no redundancies\omissions. New titles are in bold.
Выкладывавшиеся, но утерянные файлы - выделены красным. Uploaded but missing fles are in red.
Information regarding Combat Mission series:
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Combat Mission Battle for Normandy + all other DLCs - AFAIK, no known way to "install". There's some hint that it can be "installed" using CMBS medicine, but I don't know how. Also, if I remember correctly, if you install CMBN + CW + 2.0 + 2.12 (in this order!), you can play without activation at all. Haven't tested it in a while - can be different now.
Combat Mission Black Sea - the medicine exists. Install the version provided here, install patch 1.03 (it's in the same archive), overwrite .exe file with the one provided here.
Combat Mission Red Thunder - the medicine exists. Install the version provided here, install patch 1.03 (it's in the same archive), overwrite .exe file with the one provided here.
Combat Mission Fortress Italy + Gustav Line. The medicine exists for version 1.01.... sort of. Let me translate the instructions from here
"You need to patch game code in the MEMORY:
.00FE674E: 8AC3 mov al,bl
should be changed to mov eax, esp
It should be done each time during start of the program. Or you can write a loader, which will do it automatically. I've uninstalled the game long ago, so I won't do it". Now, I haven't uderstood a single word from the instruction - I've just translated it. Otherwise, as of now, there's no known way of "installing" Combat Mission Fortress Italy + Gustav Line of version later than 1.01.
Information regarding Combat Mission patch 4.0
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ok, the easyst way to install the subject is
1. to install this file https://yadi.sk/d/azA5dfwGqXGKE, in the list https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72002381#72002381 it is named as Big Bundle. it has a big size (about 9 gb), so it makes sence to register at yandex service where this file is (they give you a mail box and a cloud drive) and to install their cloud syncronisation program, a speed at which it copies the file to your pc will be much better. It must become 3.11
2. then you install this patch (3.12) https://yadi.sk/d/SMmSmD1k3EipDa
3 then you have to install the needed file from here (4.0) https://yadi.sk/d/5nRK0fLh3EicpP (I hope you would understand what you need)
4. and at last you have to copy the file that was kindly given by romanibo (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4Gqq/ttf1Yfh2P).
the other way is to do as romanibo said here https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72563638#72563638 under spoiler. so you look for files of needed CM here https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72002381#72002381 ,get and install them, download patches from BF site and run them to and so on, just do as he said. I must notice that BF site hasnt some patches in a public access, because they are paid, they are called upgrades and must be here too https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72002381#72002381 may be inside archives of other needed CM files, actually they are 2.0 and 3.0.
Command LIVE - regfix for complete DLC, just copy paste the following in a *.reg
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Matrix Games\Command LIVE\Brexit]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Matrix Games\Command LIVE\Old Grudges]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Matrix Games\Command LIVE\Spratly]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Matrix Games\Command LIVE\Korea]
1775: Rebellion
Alexandrian Wars (latest v1.06)
American Civil War
American Civil War 2 (CW2 1.06 "cured" exe)
Armored Brigade
Battle of Britain
Birthof America II - Wars in America, 1.10e fix (https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=71436279#71436279)
Medicine for Birth of America II 1.10e Qf2
Birth of Rome (1.05 medicine )
Battles in Italy
Battles in Normandy
Brigade Combat Team
cracked exe for the 3.0 versions of Tiller's Campaign Peninsula, Campaign Antietam or Campaign Chancellorsville
Campaign Chancellorville
Campaign Chickamauga
Campaign Corinth
Campaign Franklin
Campaign Gettysburg
Campaign Ozark
Campaign Peninsula
Campaign Shiloh
Campaign Vicksburg
Campaign Series Middle East: 1948-1985 (эксклюзив, раздачу не создавать, нигде не делиться\do not share anywhere else)
Campaign Series: Middle East version 2.0
Campaigns on the Danube 1805-1809
Carrier Deck - MISSING
Civil War Battles - update Atlanta, Chickamauge, Corinth, Shiloh, Vicksburg
Close Combat Gateway to Caen (datfile+serial)
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you have to run it once with the cdx-steamemu to ensure the corresponding registrykey is written.
now convert steam to matrix for CC GtC 1.02.
luckily PitF and GtC share the same DAT.
To be sure provided SN has to be manually registered since cdx doesnt use serialreg. it leaves it just blank.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Matrix Games\Close Combat Gateway to Caen
clean codex install, run once!, use the usual way to apply the official 1.02 update using the SN provided in this
the next step is to update to 1.02(DWSetup). as aforementioned use the serial provided in my archive, since the provided DATfile works only with this number...or a legit one. after the patching is done, copy the supplied DATfile (it would ask for it now, since steam is disabled, its now Matrixgames DRM). the datfile isnt part of any steamemu. feel free to get rid of steamemu now.
Command: Modern Air Naval Operations (CMANO) New DLC unlocker
Command LIVE: Pole Positions - MISSING
Command: The Silent Service DLC для Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations
CMANO New Installer
Combat Command
Combat Mission patch 3.0
Combat Mission patch 4.0
Combat Mission Normandy 4.0 "medicine"
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy 4.0 instructions
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - v 3.12 patch installer
Combat Mission - Afghanistan
Combat Mission - Afghanistan (possible virus! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
Combat Mission Afrika Corps Akella RUS (язык русский, версия 1,03, защиты нет, диск после установки не нужен )
Combat Mission - Barbarossa to Berlin
Combat Mission - Battle for Normandy (+Market Garden +Commonwealth)
Combat Mission - Battle for Normandy Big Bundle (NO MEDICINE AVAILABLE)
Combat Mission Black Sea
Combat Mission Black Sea 1.03 medicine (password - "1") - (эксклюзив, раздачу не создавать, нигде не делиться\do not share anywhere else)
Combat Mission - Afrika Corps
Combat Mission Fortress Italy
Combat Mission Fortress Italy+Gustav Line update 3.00
Combat Mission Fortress Italy 2.00 upgrade (update 4.0) NO MEDICINE
Combat Mission Fortress Italy 1.01 "installation" instructions
Combat Mission - Shock Force (RUS)
Combat Mission Shock Force 1.32 + instructions
Combat Mission Shock Force 1.32 NATO + instructions
Combat Mission Shock Force 1.32 MARINES + instructions
Combat Mission Shock Force 1.32 BRITISH + instructions
Combat Mission Red Thunder
Combat Mission Red Thunder 1.03 medicine (password - "1") - (эксклюзив, раздачу не создавать, нигде не делиться\do not share anywhere else)
Combat Mission Battle Pack - MISSING
command ops 2 core + 5 module
Command Ops 2 - Westwall Module
Command Ops 2 - Knock on All Doors Module
Command Ops 2 - Cauldron Module
Commander The Great War
Conflict of Heroes
Commander Europe at War
Crown of Glory - Emperor Edition
Check Your 6!
Decisive Action
Decisive Campaigns - From Warsaw to Paris (Matrix digital edition)
Decisive Campaigns - Case Blue (setup)
Decisive Campaigns - Barbarossa
Advanced Tactics:Gold+Decisive Campaigns: From Warsaw to Paris+Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue
Drift 1879, The
East Prussia '14
Eagle Day to the Bombing of the Reich
Empire in Arms + (OLD crack needed)
AGEOD English Civil War
Ageod English Civil War 1.01 exe - MISSING
English Civil War 1.03 medicine
Espana 1936 ("medicine") (1.02 medicine - install 1.01 first)
Field of Glory
Field of Glory Update 181
Field of Glory - Storm of Arrows
Field of Glory - Immortal Fire
Field of Glory - Legions Triumphant
Field of Glory - Eternal Empire
Field of Glory - BP
Field of Glory - Rise of Rome
Field of Glory - Swords and Scimitars
Field of Glory - Decline and Fall
Field of Glory - PW
First World War Campaigns - France '14
Flight Commander 1.04 repack - MISSING
For Liberty!
Patch JTS 1.06a for HPS France '14 + instructions
Flashpoint Campaigns - Red Storm
Flashpoint Campaigns - Red Storm Germany Reforged 2.10b STEAM RIP+"medicine"+steam files+ instructions
Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm + Germany Reforged 2.0.11s STEAM UNCRACKED
Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm - Germany Reforged 2.0.12s
Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm 2.0.13s
Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player's Edition + Germany Reforged 2.0.14 (uncracked) - MISSING
Flashpoint Campaigns - Red Storm Players Edition SKIDROW
French and Indian War, The
Future Force
Gallic Wars
Greek Persian Wars
Gary Grigsby's War in the East, update 1.0.10b
Gary Grigsby's War in the East 1.11.03
Gary Grigsby's War in the East - Don to Danube
Gary Grigsby's War in the East - Lost Battles
Gary Grigsby's War Between the States
Gary Grigsby's War in the West
Gary Grigsby's War in the West 1.02.56
Gary Grigsby's War in the West - Operation TOrch v10101
Germany At War - Barbarossa 1941
Gettysburg: The Tide Turns
Gettysburg update 1.04 - MISSING
GI Combat - Episode 1 Battle of Normandy setup
Global Conflict Blue 2
Hannibal - Terror of Rome (запускается кряком от Alea Jacta Est\Use "medicine" for Alea Jacta Est)
Hannibal Terror of Rome - medicine 1.05
Hannibal - Roma and Carthage
Harpoon Ultimate Edition
Hexwar Tank Battle 1944 - MISSING
Hexwar Tank Battle North Africa - MISSING
Hornet Leader PC
Horse and Musket Great Battles of the Eighteenth Century
HistWars - Les Grognards
HistWars - Napoleon 1.05d
Horse and Musket - Frederick the Great
HPS Games Universal Cracker
HPS Naval Campaigns Midway
HPS Naval Campaigns (password "1")
HPS Defending the Reich
HPS Campaign 1776
Ironclads Anthology
Ironclads 2 American Civil War
Ironclads 2 Boshin War
Ironclads 2 Caroline Islands War 1885
Ironclads 2 War of the Pacific
IronX SB Mods
JTS France '14
JTS Japan '45
JTS Modern War
JTS Campaign Marengo
Marengo 1.01 exe - MISSING
John Tiller's Battleground Civil War
John Tiller's Battleground Civil War - Overland + "medicine"
John Tiller's Napoleonic Wars
John Tiller's Napoleonic Wars 64-bit pack + instructions
John Tiller's Panzer Battles Normandy
John Tiller's East Prussia '14
Kharkov Disaster on Donets
Korsun Pocket
Korsun Pocket - Across the Dnepr
March of the Eagles
Matrix medicine (OLD)
Musket and Pike - The Renaissance
medicine for JTS The Renaissance 1.05
Mexican-American War
Middle East '67
Modern Airpower: War Over Mideast
Napoleon in Italy
Napoleon's Campaigns
Napoleonic Battles - Austerlitz
Napoleonic Battles - Bautzen 1.03
Napoleonic Battles - Bautzen 1.03 cracked exe
Napoleonic Battles - Bonaparte's Peninsular War
Napoleonic Battles - Campaign 1814
Napoleonic Battles - Eckmuhl
Napoleonic Battles - Campaign Eylau
Napoleonic Battles - Jena-Auerstadt
Napoleonic Battles - Leipzig
Napoleonic Battles - Wagram
Napoleonic Battles - Napoleon's Russian Campaign
Napoleonic Battles - Waterloo
Order of Battle WWII Winter War (All DLC)
Panzer Battles - Battles of Kursk - Southern Flank
Panzer Campaigns - Compass '40
Panzer Campaigns - El Jarama 1937
Panzer Campaigns - Kharkov '43
Kharkov '43 Gold 1.04
Panzer Campaigns - Moscow '42
Panzer Campaigns - Salerno '43
Panzer Campaigns - Tunisia '43
Parthian Wars
Panzer Battles Demo + Panzer Battles EXE
Panzer Battles North Africa 1941
Panzer Command Ostfront
Panzer Corps Retail Installer (v1)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign '39 (DLC1)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign '40 (DLC2)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign '41 (DLC3)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign '42 (DLC4)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign East '43 (DLC5)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign East '44 (DLC6)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign East '45 (DLC7)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign West '42-44 (DLC8)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign West 44 (DLC9)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign West '45 (DLC10)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign Sealion (DLC11)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign US Corps '42 (DLC12)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign US Corps '43 (DLC13)
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign US Corps '44-45 (DLC14)
Panzer Corps Soviet Corps (v125)
Panzer Corps Afrika Corps (v110)
Panzer Corps Allied Corps (v120)
Panzer Corps Operation Sealion DLC
Phantom Leader
Piercing Fortress Europa
Pike and Shot Campaigns 1.2.6 Update
Punic Wars
Raging Tiger: The Second Korean War
Republican Bayonets on the Rhine (uncracked+crack)
Revolution Under Siege Gold latest "medicine"
Rise of Prussia upgrade kit for non-gold versions - MISSING
Rise of Prussia Gold
Rise of Prussia Gold Upgrade Kit v 1.10
Roman Civil Wars
Roman Civil Wars (setup)
Rule The Waves (71PZ1L-3UNMNM6J-BRJ5B21)
Russo-German War 41-44 (Schwerpunkt)
Scourge of War - Anniversary Edition
Scourge of War - Waterloo
Scourge of War - Quatre Bras
Sengoku Jidai Shadow of the Shogun 1.28 Update
Sengoku Jidai Gold 1.40
The Seven Year War
Squad Assault - Second Wave
Squad Battles crack
Squad Battles - Falklands
Squad Battles - First World War
Squad Battles - Spanish Civil War (serial 36984396)
Squad Battles - Red Victory
Squad Battles - Red Star over Europe
Squad Battles - Soviet-Afghan War
Squad Battles - Grenada
Squad Battles - Arab-Israel Wars
Squad Battles - Spanish Civil War
Squad Battles - Advance of the Reich
Squad Battles - Eagle's Strike
Squad Battles - Korean War
Squad Battles - The Proud and The Few
Squad Battles - Pacific War
Squad Battles - The Longest War
Squad Battles - Tour of Duty
Squad Battles Tour of Duty 1.05 - MISSING
Squad Battles - Vietnam
Squad Battles - Winter War
Squad Battles - Grenada
Squad Battles - World at War (MOD)
Stalingrad '42 Gold
Steam and Iron + RJW Campaign
Steam and Iron Collection (Steam&Iron, RuleTheWaves, SAICampaign, Russo-JapaneseWar, SAI-RJW CAMPAIGN)
Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank CD (WinSPMBT)
Strategic Command WWI + Patches + Breakthrough Add-on - MISSING
Strategic Command Classic: WWI
Strategic Command Classic: Global Conflict
Strategic Command WWII War in Europe
Strategic Command WWII in Europe 1.16.02
Supremacy at Sea WW2
Supremacy at Sea Update 1.20
Spartacus & Cantabrian Scn
Take Command - 2nd Manassas
Tank Operations - European Campaign
Tigers Unleashed
Team Assault
Tigers on the Hunt + v1056 update
Tigers on the Hunt: Kursk DLC
Tigers on the Hunt - Normandy DLC
Time of Fury
The Operational Art of Warfare 4
Thirty Year War (1.02 exe "medicine")
Twilight Struggle
Twilight Struggle (with Ground Zero) V1.1.0.1 + medicine (Copy in game folder and start game from SmartSteamLoader.exe with "Run as Admin)
Twilight Struggle
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Twilight Struggle V1.1.1.014
Use SSE from previous version.
Don't forget to edit SmartSteamEmu.ini and add: 558480 = 1 under the DLC section, to enable the DLC and promo cards.
Twilight Struggle ALI Emu
Twilight Struggle (406290)
Uncommon Valor
Victorian Admirals Anthology
Vietnam '65
Wargamer - Napoleon 1813
War on the Southern Front
War over Vietnam
War over Mideast
Wars Across the World: Russian Battles
Wars of Napoleon (serial 987J-ZAG2-ZAGG-SRSR-SRSR-7343)
Wars of Succession + medicine backup
World War II - General Commander
World in Flames (part 1, part 2, part 3)
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Стаж: 10 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 59

dinogws · 07-Янв-19 14:05 (спустя 1 час 53 мин.)

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Стаж: 11 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 64

slackhead · 07-Янв-19 16:33 (спустя 2 часа 28 мин.)

odoakr13 писал(а):
slackhead писал(а):
Easy to find at the Matrix web site:
For some reason it didn't work for me - the game became broken and won't launch anymore.
I apologise - it seems that v4.1.0.20 is also needed - but that is not so easy to find.
Hopefully somebody will be kind enough to upload that for us.
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Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 34

TheStoneDog · 07-Янв-19 18:26 (спустя 1 час 52 мин.)

The list is missing Afghanistan '11. Somebody [url=https://www88. СПАМ uploaded[/url] v2.0 (including the UK dlc) in the last thread, but unfortunately it's a steam-rip, and not even the latest version.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 639

hexen544 · 08-Янв-19 00:15 (спустя 5 часов)

thanks to slackhead Stalingrad '42 Gold
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Стаж: 9 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 30

Clicksandhisses · 08-Янв-19 16:46 (спустя 16 часов)

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Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War
Clean Matrix installer
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Стаж: 10 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 65

odoakr13 · 08-Янв-19 17:27 (спустя 40 мин., ред. 08-Янв-19 17:27)

Может кто-нибудь выложить ссылку на обновлённый Operational Art of War IV?
Can someone upload latest patch of Operational Art of War IV?
Может кто-нибудь перезалить последнюю версию Command с дополнениями? И ещё написать записи для реестра?
Can someone upload latest Command version with DLCs? Also registry entries required.
Also, thank you Slackhead and Clicksandhisses!
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Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 95

romanibo · 08-Янв-19 17:59 (спустя 32 мин.)

Конвертируем steamrip Afghanistan'11 2.0.0 в свежий non-steam A'11 2.0.3:
-Качаем официальный патч 2.0.3 -Добавляем в реестр. (Путь конечно правим на актуальный; файл реестра приведён для 64 битных систем)
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"installed to"="C:\\Games\\Afghanistan 11 Royal Marines"
-Запускаем установку патча 2.0.3. Используем стандартный универсальный инструмент для обхода проверки ключа при установке.
-Создаём файл serialreg.txt в основной папке игры, содержащим:
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-Добавляем в реестр инфу о ключе DLC
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
-Создаём файл Serial002.txt в основной папке игры с содержимым:
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Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 19

miquepet · 09-Янв-19 20:19 (спустя 1 день 2 часа)

Thank you. Afghanistan '11 2.0.3 works with your trick.
Thank you for Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War.
Looking for it many years.
Can you reupload Pike & Shot v1.40?
The old link https://yadi.sk/d/MUzXirlb3a9Gze seems broken.
Someone can share the installer Operational Art of War IV v4.1.0.20?
And 1775: Rebellion v2.7? The version from the long list by dimaxusss is 2.0.
Thanks to all and Happy new Year!!!
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Стаж: 13 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 16

Quentry · 09-Янв-19 23:09 (спустя 2 часа 49 мин.)

Есть у кого-нибудь Moscow 42 gold? Если да, могли бы пожалуйста выложить.
Does anybody have Panzer Campaings Moscow 42 gold? If yes please share it. Thank you.
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Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 34

TheStoneDog · 10-Янв-19 02:52 (спустя 3 часа)

Thanks romanibo.
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Стаж: 10 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 199

MaxRickLisa · 11-Янв-19 07:15 (спустя 1 день 4 часа, ред. 11-Янв-19 07:15)

I don't know if these were still needed Marengo, TOAW 4 and AB patches
Please someone transfer to storage that this topic has used as I know some of you can't use mega or that mega removes the link quickly
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Note all but Marengo are official patches downloaded from Matrix Games with no repack, no hack, no alterations, so you will need to have the matrix games hack to use the TOAW 4 and AB patches. The Marengo patch is used with the John Tiller Software hack. I used it to install 1.01 onto my system with the game. If you need the entire game uploaded with v1.01 installed, please let me know
For Marengo 1.01 patch
The Operational Art of War patch v4.1.0.21
Armored Brigade 1.02
I hope this helps
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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 157

pditty8811 · 12-Янв-19 01:20 (спустя 18 часов)

Anyone know where to find English version of Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory?
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Стаж: 13 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 639

hexen544 · 12-Янв-19 02:51 (спустя 1 час 31 мин.)

pditty8811 писал(а):
76656849Anyone know where to find English version of Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory?
oldpcgaming.net has it
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 157

pditty8811 · 12-Янв-19 03:38 (спустя 46 мин.)

hexen544 писал(а):
pditty8811 писал(а):
76656849Anyone know where to find English version of Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory?
oldpcgaming.net has it
Thank you so much! will be bookmarking that site.
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Стаж: 11 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 1037

panBadger · 15-Янв-19 14:02 (спустя 3 дня, ред. 15-Янв-19 14:02)

Afghanistan '11 PC Update v2.0.4 released. Good work with previous version 2.0.3 after crack. :о)
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Стаж: 13 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 60

Bert66 · 15-Янв-19 20:23 (спустя 6 часов)

Can someone please give me the crack for Hannibal Terror of Rome 1.05 thanks.
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Стаж: 10 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 91

nobadguy · 16-Янв-19 22:26 (спустя 1 день 2 часа)

Can someone provide Gettysburg: The Tide Turns?
The link in the list just gives 404.
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Стаж: 13 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 97

razanon · 17-Янв-19 13:12 (спустя 14 часов)

anyone has Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict matrix edition? or any way to convert Skidrow one to Matrix one? thx in advance masters
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Стаж: 11 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 251

vudu73 · 17-Янв-19 15:15 (спустя 2 часа 3 мин.)

its in dimaxuss' list
razanon писал(а):
76688928anyone has Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict matrix edition? or any way to convert Skidrow one to Matrix one? thx in advance masters
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Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 115

dimaxusss · 17-Янв-19 15:33 (спустя 17 мин.)

nobadguy писал(а):
76686366Can someone provide Gettysburg: The Tide Turns?
The link in the list just gives 404.
Try this link. I'll fix the broken one in the list later.
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Стаж: 13 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 97

razanon · 17-Янв-19 15:36 (спустя 2 мин.)

vudu73 писал(а):
76689476its in dimaxuss' list
razanon писал(а):
76688928anyone has Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict matrix edition? or any way to convert Skidrow one to Matrix one? thx in advance masters
Meant the last one "world at War" thx sorry
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Стаж: 11 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 251

vudu73 · 17-Янв-19 17:29 (спустя 1 час 53 мин.)

Recovered from the old thread. Simply merge the spoiler to "turn" in MG Version and to prepare SC3WAW to be patched in the future. Syntax is for win64 only!
скрытый текст
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Matrix Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War]
"installed to"="D:\\Games\\Strategic Command WWII World at War" <-- Make sure to alter to your references!
"installed from"="F:"
And as for most MG titles there has to be an file named "serialreg.txt" in the game folder which has to be:
razanon писал(а):
vudu73 писал(а):
76689476its in dimaxuss' list
razanon писал(а):
76688928anyone has Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict matrix edition? or any way to convert Skidrow one to Matrix one? thx in advance masters
Meant the last one "world at War" thx sorry
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Стаж: 13 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 97

razanon · 18-Янв-19 15:53 (спустя 22 часа)

vudu73 писал(а):
76690109Recovered from the old thread. Simply merge the spoiler to "turn" in MG Version and to prepare SC3WAW to be patched in the future. Syntax is for win64 only!
скрытый текст
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Matrix Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War]
"installed to"="D:\\Games\\Strategic Command WWII World at War" <-- Make sure to alter to your references!
"installed from"="F:"
And as for most MG titles there has to be an file named "serialreg.txt" in the game folder which has to be:
razanon писал(а):
vudu73 писал(а):
76689476its in dimaxuss' list
razanon писал(а):
76688928anyone has Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict matrix edition? or any way to convert Skidrow one to Matrix one? thx in advance masters
Meant the last one "world at War" thx sorry
when i try to do that, starts installing but get an error message "cannot create Uninstall folder" (creating folder doesnt solve problem.
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Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 34

TheStoneDog · 20-Янв-19 19:50 (спустя 2 дня 3 часа, ред. 20-Янв-19 19:50)

Bert66 писал(а):
76680056Can someone please give me the crack for Hannibal Terror of Rome 1.05 thanks.
There you go. Don't forget to grab the quickfix for v1.05 from the AGEOD forum.
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Стаж: 13 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 60

Bert66 · 20-Янв-19 23:18 (спустя 3 часа)

TheStoneDog писал(а):
Bert66 писал(а):
76680056Can someone please give me the crack for Hannibal Terror of Rome 1.05 thanks.
There you go. Don't forget to grab the quickfix for v1.05 from the AGEOD forum.
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