[Физиология] Susan E.Mulroney, Adam K.Myers - Netter's Essential Physiology / Физиология Неттера [2009, PDF, ENG]

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Стаж: 14 лет 9 месяцев

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Absit · 09-Окт-14 22:26 (9 лет 7 месяцев назад, ред. 12-Окт-14 09:59)

Netter's Essential Physiology
Название книги на русском языке: Физиология Неттера
Год выпуска: 2009 г.
Автор: Susan E.Mulroney, Adam K.Myers
Жанр: Учебное пособие
Специальность/раздел медицины: Физиология
Издательство: SAUNDERS Elsevier
ISBN: 978-14160-41962
Язык мед-книги : Английский
Количество страниц: 404
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Описание: Let the beautiful illustrations and diagrams from the Netter collection enhance your understanding of physiology. Respected physiologists, Susan Mulroney and Adam Myers of Georgetown University School of Medicine, provide you with a logical and highly readable reference, ideal for a basic understanding of the subject, a comprehensive overview, or as a supplement to lectures. Organized by organ system, each section is followed by a set of review questions to reinforce what's been covered. Clinical examples demonstrate key physiology concepts and their application in general medicine.
Features the beautifully clear drawings and diagrams from the Netter collection to illustrate key concepts and further your visual understanding of the subject.
Integrates basic science with clinical examples so that you can understand and apply principles to practice.
Follows the clinical orientation of board exams with an emphasis on disease processes to cover pathophysiology.
Features anatomical and histological illustrations that are ideal for integrating material in new systems-based medical and health science curricula.
Provides self-assessment review questions at the end of each chapter to help you practice and prepare for exams and boards.
Includes Student Consult access to the electronic version of the text and other supplementary material.
Your purchase entitles you to access the web site until the next edition is published, or until the current edition is no longer offered for sale by Elsevier, whichever occurs first. If the next edition is published less than one year after your purchase, you will be entitled to online access for one year from your date of purchase. Elsevier reserves the right to offer a suitable replacement product (such as a downloadable or CD-ROM-based electronic version) should online access to the web site be discontinued.
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bobcat2 · 11-Окт-14 19:46 (спустя 1 день 21 час, ред. 11-Окт-14 19:46)

Размер постера должен быть не более 500 px по большей стороне. Имя файла должно содержать год издания. Исправьте.
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

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<iZhuk> · 19-Окт-14 19:03 (спустя 7 дней, ред. 19-Окт-14 19:03)

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Стаж: 14 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 51

Yozhik · 25-Ноя-18 22:04 (спустя 4 года 1 месяц, ред. 25-Ноя-18 22:04)

Здесь, всё-таки основы физиологии, рекомендую читать в комплекте с физиологией Гайтона и Холла, у них, всё же, полнее и подробнее, а здесь иллюстрации превосходные (да да, люблю я красивые картинки в учебниках). Ну и, конечно, биохимию под рукой держать!
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