vudu73 писал(а):
Thief2125 писал(а):
72600891Есть у кого нибуть Close Combat: Gateway to Caen установщик от Matrix Games? А то в сети только стим рипы.
you have to run it once with the cdx-steamemu to ensure the corresponding registrykey is written.
now convert steam to matrix for CC GtC 1.02.
luckily PitF and GtC share the same DAT.
To be sure provided SN has to be manually registered since cdx doesnt use serialreg. it leaves it just blank.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Matrix Games\Close Combat Gateway to Caen
clean codex install, run once!, use the usual way to apply the official 1.02 update using the SN provided in this
the next step is to update to 1.02(DWSetup). as aforementioned use the serial provided in my archive, since the provided DATfile works only with this number...or a legit one. after the patching is done, copy the supplied DATfile (it would ask for it now, since steam is disabled, its now Matrixgames DRM). the datfile isnt part of any steamemu. feel free to get rid of steamemu now.
I have googled for codex steamemu however each and every site has a different version and file size making it like playing with a loaded gun, and only one chamber is safe to play with. Can anyone point possibly on the website where I can get it or a game that currently has the full install as the Close Combat Gateway to Caen didn't include the full codex app or at least didn't say how you set it up, especially if you have never ever used it before. I have avoided any steam titles for the sole reason that I have too much invested to take a risk. I would greatly appreciate it.
I don't know how to do a Codex Install of the game and use the steam emu from codex, I don't know how many others do either. So a good work up on the how and when and where and then just zipped to a text file to avoid increasing page count (I know I should listen to my own advice).
*Purchasing Battlefront titles mostly in the Combat Mission arena,
I have thought about suggesting this the problem is that someone stated earlier that there is no way to crack, while another stated it is 100% internet required when activating or fails. So the only problem I would see is that if 5 members paid into a fund, the problem becomes what if it doesn't work right other than on 1 or 2 users, plus the transfer of funds as you know will be very complicated, especially USA<-->Russia.
* I haven't heard anything on any group currently working on cracking/hacking JTS new game titles, the gold or 2.0 editions of his work from HPS.
From #Thief2125
Thief2125 писал(а):
74875608А инсталлера от матрикс для Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm есть у кого. Стим рипы пачтить каждый раз неудобно. Ли ветку реестра для игры чтобы родные патчи видели стим рип.
* I have installed the Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm and the so called expansion and it never required Steam or any Steam emu app. There are some steam files in the downloads I have seen. I have removed the one in the main directory/folder and the game still works. If this issue hasn't been addressed as I don't remember everything on this thread, let me know and I can post to (then someone would need to transfer to a more available site for longer term storage the reg files which includes the expansion reg entries and could even go as far as uploading the full install for you but that would take time since the game installs itself obviously in several places for the start menu, at least 1-2 entries in the windows dir and then of course the game itself and that all depends on where you installed the game. I figured the best way for a neutral install is to avoid putting it any program files subdir and instead created the following directories
<DRIVE LETTER>:\Matrix Games
<DRIVE LETTER>:\HPS Simulations
<DRIVE LETTER>:\John Tiller Software
This allows easier changes in the registry and updating the program using any hack.