(Psychedelic) Churchill's - The Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] - 1969, FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

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Musicgate · 08-Фев-09 00:11 (16 лет назад, ред. 08-Фев-09 00:31)

Churchill's - The Churchill's [Bonus Tracks]
Rock - Made In Israel (Каталог раздач)
Жанр: Psychedelic
Дата записи: Recorded at Kolonor Studios, Tel Aviv, Israel 1968
Дата выпуска: 1969 LP Hed-Arzi BAN-14106 / 1991 CD Hed-Arzi BAN-15591
Производитель диска, страна:
Страна исполнителя: Israel
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: (tracks + .cue)
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Включает: Full artwork, jpg
Продолжительность: 49:53
Источник: torrent
01. Open up your eyes (Solomon, Huxley) 2:50
02. Song from the sea (Solomon, Huxley) 2:18
03. Pictures in my mind (Solomon, Huxley) 1:54
04. Comics (Solomon, Huxley) 3:48
05. When you're gone (Huxley) 3:21
06. Strangulation (Solomon, Gabrielov) 2:18
05. Straight people (Solomon, Huxley) 3:51
08. Subsequent final (Huxley) 6:16
09. So alone today (Solomon, Huxley) 3:34
10. Debka (Sheriff, Solomon, Huxley) 4:46
Time - 34:58
On CD Version Only:
11. Living Loving (Plant, Page) 2:36
12. Signs of you (Romano, Treibich) 5:04
13. She's a woman (Lennon, McCartney) 4:00
14. Sunshine Man (Huxley) 3:17
Time - 14:57
Total Time - 49:55
Об исполнителе:
THE CHURCHILLS - An Interview with Michael Gabriellov
Как это ни странно, но в 60-х годах рок-н-ролльные и психоделические команды существовали не только в Европе и Америке, но и в таких экзотических странах как Израиль. Примером тому может служить группа из Тель-Авива с британским названием "The Churchills". Начало этой истории было положено в 1965 году. К этому времени рок-н-ролл уже проник на израильскую землю, и молодое поколение с удовольствием внимало звукам "Beatles", Элвиса Пресли и "Shadows". Конечно же, стали появляться различные кавер-группы, и среди них была одна, образованная школьными товарищами Ицхаком Клептером (гитара), Ами Трейбешем (ударные) и Селвином Лифшицем (вокал). Немного позже к ним присоединились гитарист Хаим Романо и басист Мики Габриелов.
Перебрав несколько вариантов названий типа "Churchill's band" и "Churchill's hermits", ребята остановились на "The Churchills" (кстати "Черчилль" это было прозвище Клептера). Все участники группы имели различные музыкальные вкусы, и в результате коллектив легко переходил с одного стиля на другой. Такой подход сделал "Черчиллей" наиболее успешной и популярной группой Тель-Авива.
В 1968 году Клептер и Селвин ушли служить в армию. Образовавшиеся вакансии заняли выходец из Канады Стэн Соломон, игравший в то время в нескольких группах Хайфы, и Роб Хаксли, участник британской команды "The new tornadoes", заехавшей в Израиль с гастролями. Эти двое сделали звучание "Churchills" действительно западным. Особенно постарался Хаксли, с помощью которого был сделан заметный крен в психоделию. В конце 1968-го "Черчилли" выпустили первый сингл и вскоре после этого отправились на гастроли в Данию, где выступали на разогреве у "Deep purple".
По возвращении домой парни обнаружили, что местный музыкальный климат резко изменился. Вместо "Beatles" и "Rolling stones" народ теперь слушал греческие мотивы. "The Churchills" быстро перестроились, обновив свой концертный репертуар, а Соломон даже запел на греческом. Парни также занялись созданием модных саундтреков, и эта работа послужила основой для их дебютной пластинки.
Большую часть материала для альбома написали Соломон и Хаксли. "The Churchills" представлял собой относительно скромную психоделическую работу с явным влиянием "Beatles". Коммерческого успеха альбом не имел, а вскоре после релиза из группы ушел Соломон, у которого появились другие, немузыкальные интересы. Чтобы как-то компенсировать утрату вокалиста, Стэн познакомил своих партнеров с популярным израильским фолк-поп-певцом Ариком Эйнштейном. И хотя коллектив потерял самостоятельный статус, сотрудничество музыкантов с Эйнштейном оказалось удачным. Вместе они записали пару неплохих альбомов и стали первыми, кто исполнил рок-н-ролл на иврите.
В 1970 году наконец-то нашлась замена Соломону – новым фронтменом стал Дэнни Шушан. После его прихода "Churchills" решили выйти на международный уровень. Для этого коллектив отправился в Лондон, где работал уже под другой вывеской – "Jericho Jones".
Об альбоме:
Haim Romano - guitars, mandolin, vocals
Michael Gabriellov - bass, vocals
Robb Huxley - guitars, vocals
Amy Triebitch - drums
Stan Solomon - vocals
Engineers - Ammon Roberman, Dori Herschgal
Producer - Stan Solomon (assisited by Michael Gabriellov)
Photographs - Norbert
DEBKA - produced by Noam Sheriff and Stan Soloman
Этот же альбом в mp3 (320)
Несколько слов на английском
It seems kind of funny today, but at the dawn of Israeli rock 'n' roll it seemed entirely possible that Israeli bands would make music in English and have significant success overseas. Other countries -- Holland comes to mind -- had managed to do it, so why not us?
The best example of this was the Anglo-Israeli quartet credited with being the greatest early Israeli rock band: The Churchills. The Churchills showed up on the local music scene in the late '60s, singing songs in English. And although they failed to conquer the international charts, they did go on to become one of the most influential Israeli bands in history.
Our story begins in Tel Aviv in 1965. The band originally came together when childhood friends Yitzhak Klepter (guitar), Ami Treibetsch (drums), and Selwyn Lipshitz (vocals) started casting around for additional members for the band they had put together. Bassist Haim Romano and guitarist Miki Gabrielov joined them. The band tried out a couple of names --"Churchill's Band", "Churchill's Hermits" -- before settling on "The Churchills" ("Churchill" being Klepter's nickname) and hitting the scene.
They came along at the right time. Starting in the mid-'60s musical tastes in Israel began to change. Young Israelis increasingly began listening to the music coming out of England and the US -- especially the Beatles. A thriving music scene developed in the towns south of Tel Aviv, where every weekend dozens of "rhythm groups" would play their version of English-language rock 'n' roll in various underground clubs.
The various members of the Churchills (who often spelled their name in English "The Churchill's") each had their own musical interests, and as a result the band was incredibly flexible in the different styles it could play. Because of this, they became one of the most popular and successful bands on the rhythm group scene.
In 1968, Klepter and Selwyn left the band to do their army service. The remaining members recruited two new players: Stan Solomon, a singer originally from Canada who had been playing with some bands in Haifa; and Rob Huxley, a British guitar player who had been a member of The New Tornados and had stayed in Israel when that band came here to tour.
Huxley and Solomon brought with the band an authentic British/American sound. Huxley especially helped push the band's sound in a more psychadelic direction. The band released its first single in late 1968, and shortly afterwards started a tour of Denmark as the opening act for Deep Purple.
When they got back to Israel later that year, they found that popular tastes had changed. People who had been all into the Beatles and the Stones were suddenly enthralled by Greek music. The Churchills adapted and started playing Greek stuff in their live shows (with Solomon singing in the new language). The band members also started writing Greek-influenced music for film soundtracks.
The soundtrack work served as a basis for the band's eponymous first album, released in 1969. Huxley and Solomon did most of the writing, including songs like "Open Your Eyes" and "When You're Gone". "The Churchills" is very much an album of its time, a fairly decent psychadelic rock album with fairly obvious Beatles influences. Unfortunately, it was a commercial disappointment. Shortly after its release, Solomon decided he was more interested in technical production and quit the band.
Solomon's departure left The Churchills without a vocalist. Solomon, however, managed to connect the Churchills with Arik Einstein. Einstein had been a popular folk-pop singer for more than a decade in bands like the Yarkon River Trio and the High Windows. By the late '60s he was listening to a lot of Beatles albums and looking for a new direction for his work. The Churchills and Einstein, therefore, were a natural fit; together they turned Israeli music on its head.
Their resulting collaboration, Poozy came out in l969. It was the first major Hebrew-language rock 'n' roll album, and a smash success. Although hardly heavy metal, Poozy makes more use of electric guitar and drums than any album in Hebrew that came before it. Solomon produced about half the album, which features a number of Huxley's tunes. "When You're Gone," for instance, received a makeover to become Achinoam Lo Yoda'at ("Achinoam Doesn't Know").
The songs on Poozy have become Hebrew classics. Einstein (along with his new writing partner, Shalom Hanoch) and the Churchills continued to collaborate on Plastelina and Shablool. Taken together, the three albums they worked on together caused a revolution in Israeli popular music. To a large extent they helped determine that rock 'n' roll could be successfully done in Hebrew (hardly an obvious fact at the time) and inspired a lot of Israeli musicians who would otherwise have tried putting out albums in English.
The Churchills turned into the most in-demand backing band for Israeli singers, and they worked with a variety of different artists in the early '70s. But they also continued to move forward with their own career. In 1970, The Churcnills finally found a vocalist to replace Solomon. Danny Shushan -- formerly the lead singer for The Lions of Judah, another popular band from the rhythm group period -- joined the band.
The Churchills then set forth in pursuit of the ultimate Israeli dream -- international success. The band's record label sent them to London in 1971. Because of British sensitivity regarding the name "Churchill", the band changed its moniker to Jericho Jones. They released two albums in Britain: Junkies, Monkeys & Donkeys (1971) and Jericho (1972). The records are fairly psychadelic, although Shushan helped push the band towards a heavier, more blues-rock type sound.
The records sold fairly well all over Europe, and the band toured heavily in support of acts like Rod Stewart and Deep Purple. But despite a fair amount of success on the continent (Gabrielov says that they were huge -- huge! -- in Denmark) fame and fortune in Britain eluded them. The English rock press praised their mix of hard rock and Middle Eastern influences, but the band failed to gain much traction.
Following the release of Jericho the band fragmented. Gabrielov and Treibetsch returned to Israel, where they formed a short-lived group called The New Churchills. The New Churchills continued to work as a backing band for Arik Einstein and others before calling it quits in 1975.
The rest of the members -- Huxley, Romano, Shushan -- recruited a new drummer and changed their name to Jericho. They recorded a number of tracks and appeared in South Africa and other places, but still were unable to achieve the sucess they craved. In 1973, they were approached to appear as an opening act for Led Zeppelin. This, they thought, was their ticket to stardom. Unfortunately, the gig was cancelled and Jericho returned to obscurity.
In 1974, they split up. Huxley left for the US (to join Stan Solomon) and quit the music industry. Romano returned to Israel, where he found regular work as a studio musician. Shushan wandered around Europe for a decade with limited success before returning to Israel. Where, sadly, he has also had limited success.
Gavrielov, on the other hand, has maintained a reasonable level of popularity as a solo artist merging Israeli rock with Turkish and Greek musical influences.
The one member of the band who managed to go on to greater fame was "Churchill" himself. After finishing his army service, Yitzhak Klepter formed the short-lived but influential quartet Apocalypse. When Apocalypse split up, Klepter joined forces with a bunch of recent graduates from the Nahal Entertainment Troupe in a little band known as Kaveret.
Eventually, The Churchills were discovered by a new generation of Israeli music fans. In the early '80s, the band's albums were re-released in Israel where they finally got the recognition they deserved. Even if it was just at home.
AMG Review by Richie Unterberger
The Churchills' sole album is above average for a rare psychedelic late-'60s obscurity, and an important document as the only Israeli psychedelic record to achieve even a bit of an international cult, but not as interesting as some of the buzz generated on the collector's circuit may have you believe. Heavily influenced by both West Coast psychedelia and late-'60s British hard rock, there's often a Jack Bruce-type resonance to the vocals, and a garage-Doors vibe to the guitar-organ interplay and spacy-but-somber lyrics. Sometimes they let more of a Middle Eastern element into play, as on "Subsequent Final," a mandolin tune which sounds like a psychedelic hora dance. The CD reissue adds four bonus tracks from early-1970s singles, including covers of Led Zeppelin's "Living Loving" and the Beatles' "She's a Woman," that are more run-of-the-mill hard rock.
DMME.NET - Classic Rock And Beyond
They might have been less unique had THE CHURCHILL’S stem from England, yet Israel is where Dome of Rock is situated and not where rock seems to thrive. Still the band, led by guitarists Hayim Romano and Michael Gabrielov, did rock and even boasted an ex-Tornado (of “Telstar” fame) Rob Huxley, in their ranks, who wrote or co-wrote most of their output presented on this compilation in its entirety. A live cover of “She’s A Woman” aside, the ensemble, granted the title of the Israeli Beatles, didn’t aspire to the beat glory though, having opted rather for a variety of styles from the “Sunshine Man” exquisite psychedelia and THE PLATTERS-like romanticism of “Talk To Me” to the Stax-shaped “Coming Home”.
Eclectic and confusing indeed, if one takes it too seriously, which would be a mistake, as “Straight People”, a stab at THE DOORS, suggests. Still, seriousness has to be involved here, with impressive rendition of Bach’s “Double Concerto” and “Chorale For The Young Lovers” recorded with The Israeli Philarmonic Orchestra at the same time when DEEP PURPLE did the similar thing. The two bands, incidentally, toured together – when THE CHURCHILL’S evolved into JERICHO JONES, whose highly sought-after album is included in this package as well. The progress towards heaviness started already on their 1969’s debut album, “The Churchill’s”, with sharp “Comics”, but there's also been a strong folk influence in Middle Eastern-colored "Debka" and "Subsequent Finale", to not accuse them of blindly following the trends, especially after entering the '70s with a not too inventive version of ZEPPELIN's "Living Loving". This - and said eclecticism - aside, the band were great, their songs easily on par with those that made it to the top, while THE CHURCHILL's didn't. Still massively revered, now they must be up there too.
CD scan
Back scan
EAC log
EAC extraction logfile from 26. July 2006, 17:02 for CD
The Churchill's / Churchill's [Bonus Tracks]
Used drive : AOPEN DUW1616/ARR Adapter: 1 ID: 0
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Used output format : C:\Program Files\FLAC\flac.exe (User Defined Encoder)
320 kBit/s
Additional command line options : -5 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=EAC Flac 1.1.2 -5" %s
Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Track 1
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\01 - Open Up Your Eyes.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00
Peak level 90.0 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC B7E0A354
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Track 2
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\02 - Song From The Sea.wav
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Peak level 98.9 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 427FFB49
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Track 3
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\03 - Pictures In My Mind.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:01.82
Peak level 99.0 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 2279CEFC
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Track 4
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\04 - Comics.wav
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Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 9AB19FB0
Copy CRC 9AB19FB0
Copy OK
Track 5
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\05 - Where You're Gone.wav
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Peak level 98.9 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC BC93128E
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Track 6
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\06 - Strangulation.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:02.82
Peak level 76.8 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
Track 7
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\07 - Straight People.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:03.82
Peak level 86.1 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 12A8724B
Copy CRC 12A8724B
Copy OK
Track 8
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\08 - Subsequent Final.wav
Peak level 94.5 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 81BD61AE
Copy CRC 81BD61AE
Copy OK
Track 9
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\09 - So Alone Today.wav
Peak level 91.8 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FE72D5B2
Copy CRC FE72D5B2
Copy OK
Track 10
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\10 - Debka.wav
Peak level 84.2 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 83BF803A
Copy CRC 83BF803A
Copy OK
Track 11
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\11 - Living Loving.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:01.82
Peak level 98.9 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
Track 12
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\12 - Signs Of You.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:02.82
Peak level 94.1 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
Track 13
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\13 - She's A Woman.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:01.82
Peak level 98.9 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3447A583
Copy CRC 3447A583
Copy OK
Track 14
Filename G:\Shares\Lossless 1\zz My Rips List\The Churchill's - Churchill's [Bonus Tracks] (1968) [FLAC]\14 - Sunshine Man.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:01.82
Peak level 95.8 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3E8076FF
Copy CRC 3E8076FF
Copy OK
No errors occured
End of status report
auCDtect log
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2612282453 40219244 04 - Comics.wav
3358654268 35456444 05 - Where You're Gone.wav
1294972620 24343244 06 - Strangulation.wav
280080011 40771964 07 - Straight People.wav
479456923 66455804 08 - Subsequent Final.wav
4052201876 37902524 09 - So Alone Today.wav
226427612 50497484 10 - Debka.wav
1760370749 27518444 11 - Living Loving [Bonus Track].wav
2891189284 53625644 12 - Signs Of You [Bonus Track].wav
2939151666 42336044 13 - She's A Woman [Bonus Track].wav
2833534572 34781420 14 - Sunshine Man [Bonus Track].wav
auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
Processing file: [01 - Open Up Your Eyes.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [02 - Song From The Sea.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [03 - Pictures In My Mind.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [04 - Comics.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [05 - Where You're Gone.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [06 - Strangulation.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [07 - Straight People.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%
Processing file: [08 - Subsequent Final.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [09 - So Alone Today.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [10 - Debka.wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [11 - Living Loving [Bonus Track].wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [12 - Signs Of You [Bonus Track].wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [13 - She's A Woman [Bonus Track].wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%
Processing file: [14 - Sunshine Man [Bonus Track].wav]
This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%
Final Conclusion:
These tracks looks like CDDA with probability 100%
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Corvin von Amber

Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 18 лет

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Corvin von Amber · 25-Май-09 23:54 (спустя 3 месяца 17 дней)

Торрент скачан: 27 раз
Маловато. Вещь убойная
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Moderator senior

Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

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Musicgate · 26-Май-09 09:13 (спустя 9 часов)

хорошо хоть в архив не ушло
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13

marlboro.lights · 27-Июн-09 19:47 (спустя 1 месяц 1 день, ред. 27-Июн-09 19:47)

замечательный альбом! органичное сочетание задорных песен, психоделических элементов и этнических мотивов. несколько мелодий однозначно засядут в голове - это просто хиты, как people are strange или alabama song.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 36

vishvarupa · 09-Фев-12 16:54 (спустя 2 года 7 месяцев)

Еще бы скачать кто нибудь дал, застрял на 68 процентах
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Soul Kitchen

Стаж: 9 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 241

Soul Kitchen · 31-Окт-16 06:19 (спустя 4 года 8 месяцев, ред. 14-Ноя-16 21:02)

Альбом не только раритетный, но и в своем роде уникальный. Дело в том, что группа The Churchill's - израильский коллектив и зная в общих чертах особенности израильской истории, трудно даже предположить, что в 1969 году там мог существовать рок-психоделик, да еще и очень приличный! В Израиле и по сей день религия не отделена от государства, но сейчас влияние ортодоксов значительно ослабело и сегодня появление любого культурного феномена никого бы не удивило. Но в те далекие годы само существование этой группы было серьезным наступлением на официальные парадигмы.
В определенном смысле, появление этой группы было таким же неожиданным, как если бы нечто подобное произошло в Советском Союзе. Тем удивительнее, что на диске не простое подражательство "западным образцам", а вполне достойная и хорошая музыка. Кроме этой пластинки известны еще некоторые работы The Churchill's, в том числе интересный кавер на битловскую She's a Woman.
Раритетный культурный феномен.
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grandsrt8 · 21-Янв-21 20:38 (спустя 4 года 2 месяца)

Цена на Vinyl впечатляет https://www.discogs.com/ru/sell/item/447680412
Спасибо! Обложка в теме не видна можно обновить?
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