Machine Simulation
[*]Vertical, 5-axis, Head/Table machine cutting a turbine blade using dynamic Tool Axis
[*]Haas EC400 horizontal, 4-axis machine demonstrating simple positioning work
[*]Huron vertical, 5-axis, nutating, Table/Table machine cutting a dish using a single
point for Tool Axis Control
[*]Haas VF2, vertical, 5-axis Table/Table machine cutting a blade of an impeller
[*]Mori Seiki NMV5000 vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine cutting a model of a human
head, using a spiral Cut Pattern applied to an underlying clean core
[*]Chiron, vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine demonstrating indexing toolpaths.
[*]Mitsubishi, vertical, 5-axis, Head/Head, laser cutting machine cutting a motorcycle
fender, using 3D curves for Cut Pattern.
[*]Haas VF2, vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine cutting a turbine rotor using lines
for Tool Axis Control.
[*]Okuma MU400A, vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine cutting a mold core, with the A-
axis locked to 45 degrees.
[*]Chiron Magnum, vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine cutting one side of an impeller
blade using a curve for Tool Axis Control.
[*]Okuma Millac 853PF, vertical, 5-axis, Head/Head machine cutting an aerospace
component, controlling both the Cut Pattern and Tool Axis with a Swarf toolpath.
[*]Mori Seiki NMV5000 vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine cutting a blade on a blisk.
[*]Mori Seiki NMV5000 vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine cutting the floor on a
[*]Chiron, vertical, 5-axis, Head/Table machine cutting a floor on a component, morphing between two curves while keeping the tool axis locked around the A-axis.
[*]Chiron, vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine demonstrating 5-axis simultaneous motion
[*]Chiron, vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine cutting the floor on a split impeller
[*]DMU60, vertical, 5-axis Head/Table machine, demonstrating Tool Axis Control normal to a surfac.
[*]DMU60, vertical, 5-axis Head/Table machine cutting a test part demonstrating indexing and simultaneous machining.
[*]Haas VF2, vertical, 5-axis Table/Table machine cutting a test part demonstrating indexing and simultaneous machining.
[*]Mitsubishi Laser, vertical, 5-axis Head/Head machine cutting a test part demonstrating indexing and simultaneous machining.
[*]Haas VF2, vertical, 5-axis Table/Table machine cutting a test part demonstrating
indexing and simultaneous machining with material removal.
[*]Okuma MA400, horizontal, 5-axis Table/Table machine cutting a test part demonstrating indexing and simultaneous machining.
[*]Okuma 800vh, vertical/horizontal, 5-axis Head/Table machine cutting a test part demonstrating indexing and simultaneous machining.
[*]Bostomatic, vertical, 5-axis Head/Table machine cutting a headport driving the center of the probe/tool
[*]Huron vertical, 5-axis nutating Table/Table machine performing a trimming operation using 2 point tool axis control
Machining Videos
[*]Induction pump in different stages of 5-axis machining.
[*]Plunge roughing performed on a turbine blade.
[*]A semi-finishing toolpath performed on a turbine blade.
[*]A floor finishing toolpath performed on a turbine blade.
Machine Simulation Videos
[*]Kuka 6-axis robot, showing off its flexibilities.
[*]Mori Seiki NMV5000 vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine demonstrating test cuts when
[*]MRZP and Program Zero are coinciding. TCP is not active.
[*]Mori Seiki NMV5000 vertical, 5-axis, Table/Table machine demonstrating test cuts when
the part is moved in relation to MRZP. TCP is active.
[*]Head/Table machine is demonstrating both RTCP (Rotary Tool Control Point) and RPCP
(Rotary Part Control Point).
[*]2-axis, vertical Head/Table machine cutting a design into a bowling ball.
[*]Forest Line vertical 5-axis Head/Head machine cutting a test part.
[*]Engine head cut on a vertical, 5-axis, custom, dual rotary mechanism
Printable PDFs
[*]Quiz found in Chapter 10
[*]Quick Reference graphic showing Machine Offsets
[*]Quick Reference for finding Machine Rotary Zero Point
[*]Quick Reference for finding Pivot Distance
[*]Catalog of ten different machines with all axes illustrated