[BLG] (World, Folk, Jazz) Eva Quartet & Hector Zazou (ft Laurie Anderson, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Robert Fripp, Bill Frisell, Nils Petter Molvaer, Zoltan Lantos, Djiavan Gasparian, Kaushiki Chakrabarty, Carlos Nunez ect) - The Arch - 2012, MP3, 320 kbp

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Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 1888

avgraff · 23-Июн-14 00:56 (10 лет 8 месяцев назад, ред. 23-Июн-14 01:00)

Eva Quartet & Hector Zazou / The Arch
Жанр: World music, Folk, Jazz
Страна: Bulgaria / France
Год издания: 2012
Издатель (лейбл): Elen Music
Номер по каталогу: EM01
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 01:07:51
01. Lazaritsa
02. Razvivay, Dobro
03. Balno Li Ti E, Sino Ljo
04. Gospodi, Pomiluy
05. Planinsko
06. Pladne Doyde
07. Dostoino Est
08. Yana
09. Snoshti Si, Mamo, Zamraknakh
10. Minka
11. The Arch
12. Kadóna
Видео для аппетита:
Доп. информация: http://elen-music-label.com
Об исполнителях
Hector Zazou (July 11, 1948 – September 8, 2008)[2] was a prolific French composer and record producer who worked with, produced, and collaborated with an international array of recording artists. He worked on his own and other artists' albums, including Sandy Dillon, Mimi Goese, Barbara Gogan, Sevara Nazarkhan, Carlos Núñez, Italian group PGR, Anne Grete Preus, Laurence Revey, and Sainkho since 1976.
EVA QUARTET (Bulgaria)
Gergana Dimitrova – soprano
Sofia Kovacheva – mezzo-soprano
Evelina Christova – alto
Daniela Stoichkova – contralto
Milen Ivanov (conductor) – bass-baritone, bagpipe
The Eva Quartet consists of some of the best Bulgarian female voices – the four young solo singers (after a strong selection from thousand applicants) of the world famous female folk choir “Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares“. Here the different voices are meeting in such a virtuosity that you are getting the feeling of listening to just one voice.
The group was spontaneously founded by the four women in 1995 and they immediately found a common language and interests. Thus, an unadultered atmosphere was developing at concerts and the audience often had the impression of listening to one multilayered voice. The singers are in command of a very virtuous and very impressive style of singing which is based on an excellent technique.
The repertoire of the quartet comprises authentic folklore songs from different parts of Bulgaria.
They are looking for the purety and primarity of the song while reading tradition in a very modern and varied way.
The whole programme of the quartet contains of old Bulgarian music and church hymns as well as modern music. The quartet also plays with jazz musicians as Veselin Nikolov and Antoni Donchev and with modern composers like Krassimir Kjurkchiski.
EVA Quartet also worked with: Trio Mediaeval; VeDaKi Group; Haig Yazdjian; A Filletta; Elbtonal Schlagwerk etc.
The singers experiment with modern sounds like Drum´n Bass and Ambient and have already recorded a Remix.
In summer 2000 they took part in the project “Magic Voices“ of the Tanz & Folklore Festival in Rudolstadt (ZDF / 3 SAT / Deutschlandfunk) which found much interest. 2002 EVA Quartet took part in a very special vocal project with the VeDaKi Group and Haig Yazdjian. 2003 they made recordings for the soundtrack of the new Polish movie “Stara Basn” / music by Krzesimir Debski.
In 2003 and 2004 EVA Quartet took part in a big project of Jeunesse Vienna with Camerata Salzburg, Fanfare Ciocarlia and Muzsikas with Marta Sebestyen.
2007 Eva Quartet took part on the Danube Music Festival in a very special project with the famous violin players Gilles Apap and Zoltan Lantos.
In summer 2007 Eva Quartet work together on a special project with Banda Adriatica. May – June 2009 togetherwork with Ensemble Amarcord (Germany).
July 2009 and 2012 togetherwork with Unni Løvlid (Norway).
August 2009 participation with Trebunie Tutki (Poland) on a project for Cheslaw Niemen. October 2009 togetherwork with Bea Palya (Hungary).
2012 Projekt „Music from Monastery“ with Roger Willemsen, Dvuglas und Tashi Lhunpo Monastery Group from Tibet for Philharmonie, Berlin.
Moreover, the quartet released two albums „Bulgarian Folklore Gifts“ (Orpheus Music) and „Harmonies“ (Kuker Music). The Austrian music magazine Concerto called the album ‘Harmonies’ ‘the most beautiful CD of Bulgarian female voices’.
For the fourth album of the choir “Le mystére des voix bulgares” the producer Marcel Cellier decided for four solo songs of the quartet.
**** NEW ALBUM on ELEN MUSIC / 2012 ***
* produced by Dimiter Panev and Hector Zazou *
link: www.elen-music-label.com
feat. special guests
Laurie Anderson; Bollywood String Orchestra; Cecilia Chailly; Diva Reka
Group; Antoni Donchev; Robert Fripp; Bill Frisell; Djiavan Gasparian;
Mehdi Haddab; Kaushiki; Zoltan Lantos; Nils Petter Molvær; Carlos Nunez;
Bill Rieflin (REM); Ryuichi Sakamoto etc.
At the moment Eva Quartet works on a album with polyphonic music arround the world „PARALLEL 42“
Об альбоме
The Arch is one of the most outstanding recordings and biggest projects in the history of World Music, featuring more than 50 musicians from 14 different countries.
The Swan song of the French musical magician Hector Zazou is a project together with the exceptional Bulgarian voices of ‘Eva Quartet’ (part of the world famous choir ‘Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares’) with the special participation of musicians from different genres and fields of music.
One producer of The Arch is Dimiter Panev – founder and director of the Bulgarian-German label and booking agency Elen Music – a 15-year-old company working with musicians from Bulgaria as well as other different countries. DimiterPanev is also known as the producer of the CD ‘Ivo Papasov’, which got the 2005 BBC Music Award.
For three years Hector Zazou and Dimiter Panev travelled together a lot, communicated with musicians from all over the world, exchanged opinions, ideas, thoughts. It was a very long, yet creative way - The Arch. They went through the sophisticated and long process of creating this unique project - all the guest musicians were recorded in several studio sessions and many more improvised recordings on three continents.
The list of guests is quite long, featuring musicians from jazz, folk, world music, fusion, electronic and avant-garde etc. Among the outstanding musicians there are the ‘queen’ of experimental music Laurie Anderson (USA), Ryuichi Sakamoto (Japan), one of the most interesting piano players and composers of our time, the avantgarde rock guitar player Robert Fripp (UK), founder of the cult rock band King Crimson, the R.E.M. ex-drummer Bill Rieflin (USA). Moreover, several creative jazz musicians like Bill Frisell (USA), Nils Petter Molvær (Norway) and Zoltan Lantos (Hungary) took part in The Arch. Some of the biggest folk and world music musicians – Djiavan Gasparian (Armenia), Carlos Nunez (Spain) and Bollywood String Orchestra (India), Indian singer Kaushiki Charkaborty and the masterly Algerian oud player Mehdi Haddab (The Speed Caravan) are part of this incredible project.
Of course, there are also many guests from Bulgaria – the contemporary composer and brilliant pianist Antoni Donchev, the male voices of Dvuglas – Milen Ivanov and Daniel Spasov, Sofia String Quartet, the creative project Diva Reka featuring the masterly kaval player Kostadin Genchev and tambura player Dimiter Hristov and many more.
The Arch is mixed and mastered by Peter Walsh – a sound engineer who has worked together with many musicians – from the Spandau Ballet and Stevie Wonder to Peter Gabriel and Pulp.
The Arch is the methaphorical place where ancient traditions and magical voices meet contemporary feelings, amazing talent, masterly techniques, fame and pure creative spirit in order to create music that connects the best of music. Hector Zazou’s spirit has come alive again.
Alto Vocals – Evelina Christova
Bouzouki – Stefano Saletti (tracks: 8)
Clarinet – Renaud Gabriel Pion (tracks: 8, 9)
Conductor – Milen Ivanov
Contralto Vocals – Daniela Stoichkova
Drum [Tupan] – Stoyan Pavlov (tracks: 2)
Drums – Bill Rieflin* (tracks: 9)
Duduk – Djivan Gasparian* (tracks: 6, 10)
Electronics – Hector Zazou
Flute – Xavier Cobo (tracks: 7, 8, 9)
Flute, Bagpipes – Carlos Nunez (2) (tracks: 1, 8)
Guitar – Bill Frisell (tracks: 1, 12), Robert Fripp (tracks: 7), Roberto Cechetto (tracks: 3)
Harmonica – Quatuor Harmos (tracks: 6)
Harmonium – Janne Strömstedt (tracks: 6)
Harp – Cecilia Chailly (tracks: 3, 4, 10)
Kantele – Minna Raskinen (tracks: 1)
Kaval – Kostadin Gentchev (tracks: 4, 8, 10)
Kaval, Tambura, Violin [Gudulka], Accordion, Mandolin, Percussion – Diva Reka Group (tracks: 2, 5, 7)
Marimba – Dobri Paliev (tracks: 5, 8, 10)
Mezzo-soprano Vocals – Sofia Kovacheva
Orchestra – Bollywood Orchestra (tracks: 4, 8)
Piano – Antoni Donchev (tracks: 2, 5, 9, 10), Diego Amador (tracks: 8), Ryuichi Sakamoto (tracks: 3)
Producer – Dimiter Panev, Hector Zazou
Saw – David Coulter (tracks: 12)
Soprano Vocals – Gergana Dimitrova
Tambura – Dimiter Hristov (tracks: 8, 10)
Trumpet – Nils Petter Molvær (tracks: 3, 9)
Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Andrea Guzzoletti (tracks: 2, 8)
Vibraphone – Radosvet Kukudov (tracks: 4, 12)
Violin – Zoltan Lantos* (tracks: 1, 2, 7, 10)
Violin [Solo Gudulka] – Violeta Petkova (tracks: 7)
Violin, Viola, Cello, Violin – String Quartet: Ljudmil Nenchev, Emil Boshev, Ognian Kostantinov, Christo Tanev (tracks: 2, 10,)
Vocals – Daniel Spassov (tracks: 6), Milen Ivanov (tracks: 6)
Voice – Kaushiki Chakrabarty (tracks: 7)
Voice, Violin – Laurie Anderson (tracks: 4, 11, 12)
Мгновенно ставший культовым альбом «The Arch» был записан знаменитым французским композитором и продюсером Эктором Зазу совместно с болгарским квартетом Eva Quartet, вокалистки которого стали популярны, выступая в составе государственного болгарского радио- и телевизионного хора «Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares» (основан в 1951 году композитором Филипом Кутевым; «Грэмми» в 1990 году за альбом «Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares. Volume Two»). В грандиозном проекте «The Arch» приняло участие более 50 звезд этно-джазовой сцены из 14 стран мира, среди которых Лори Андерсон (Laurie Anderson, USA), Руичи Сакамото (Ryuichi Sakamoto, Japan), Роберт Фрипп (Robert Fripp, UK), Билл Фризелл (Bill Frisell, USA), Нильс Петер Мольваер (Nils Petter Molvær, Norway), Золтан Лантош (Zoltan Lantos, Hungary), Дживан Гаспарян (Djiavan Gasparian, Armenia), Карлос Нунез (Carlos Nunez, Spain), Каушики Чакрабарти (Kaushiki Chakrabarty, India) и др.
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Стаж: 16 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 471

transertranser · 19-Окт-14 11:32 (спустя 3 месяца 26 дней)

Интересно...Никак не ожидал.
Спасибо за возможность ознакомиться и Зазу спасибо, хоть он и на той стороне реальности давно.
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Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 14

fastone_pg · 20-Ноя-14 19:38 (спустя 1 месяц 1 день)

Many Thanks!
FLAC also, please...
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Стаж: 9 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 1306

soloneba · 15-Янв-16 17:59 (спустя 1 год 1 месяц)

Eva Quartet & Hector Zazou - The Arch - 2012, FLAC (tracks), lossless
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