Герои Шести Цветов / Rokka no Yuusha (Такахаси Такэо) [TV] [12 из 12] [JAP+Sub] [2015, приключения, комедия, фэнтези, WEBRip] [720p]

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Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 229

ximera123x · 13-Сен-15 05:50 (9 лет 6 месяцев назад, ред. 13-Сен-15 05:50)

народ чего не понятно то? еще в первой серии было ясно что седьмой это тот мужик в черным, который к принцессе липнет. сюжет и его закртука на столько избита что уже не смешно.
все живы только потому что он ходил с принцессой к которой у него остались чувства, все остальные герои так или иначе уже перебродили друг с дружкой и была возможность убить.
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Стаж: 12 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 58

Souzoushin · 13-Сен-15 07:41 (спустя 1 час 51 мин.)

Чет я все еще подозреваю Адлета. Черный баран вряд ли бы стал предавать (ведь он настолько тупой), Нашетанию тоже сложно подозревать, но все таки очень странная, Флеми офицально оправдана(хотя?), Ханс, 50 на 50, Чамо вообще не рассматриваю, Мора тоже очень подозрительная (хотя, зачем настоятельнице Храмов возрождать демона, сомневаюсь в её виновности). Думаю седьмой все таки Адлет. Хотя вангую какого-нибудь Восьмого и/или Девятого.
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 591

mbc44 · 13-Сен-15 08:07 (спустя 26 мин.)

wer_ti_gon писал(а):
68729800народ, этот бред с предателями закончится когда-нибудь? Или все аниме только про него? Рубилово с демонами не входит в планы?
Какие такие демоны? Это психологический детектив .
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Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 550

-Ches- · 13-Сен-15 14:17 (спустя 6 часов)

Торрент обновлён. Добавлена одиннадцатая серия.
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Стаж: 14 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 405

wer_ti_gon · 13-Сен-15 15:29 (спустя 1 час 11 мин.)

едрить колотить, кто ж седьмой? %фейспалм, трижды%
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 652

hummel77 · 13-Сен-15 16:30 (спустя 1 час)

Нда-а-а... После такой лажи "Зайчихе" в мужья только "Баран" светит, и то он в ах-х... каком обалдении был от её выкрутасов. Ну и на счёт главного диверсанта: - по прежнему болею за Адлета! :р
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Стаж: 16 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 185

Maliww · 13-Сен-15 17:11 (спустя 41 мин.)

wer_ti_gon писал(а):
68733475едрить колотить, кто ж седьмой? %фейспалм, трижды%
Их двое! Это Ганс с Чамо. Не зря они по лесу вдвоём слонялись и так спелись вдруг, хотя Мора им приказала у храма сидеть. Следы заметали!
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Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 119

Neve83 · 13-Сен-15 18:14 (спустя 1 час 2 мин.)

Принцесска - 7-й, тут и думать нечего
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 877

Golden-Au · 13-Сен-15 18:59 (спустя 45 мин., ред. 13-Сен-15 18:59)

Кроме неё есть ещё один ) ну и ещё одна
Кадр, радующий душу
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P.s сиськи Флейми лучше
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Стаж: 13 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 16

Kasogor · 13-Сен-15 19:05 (спустя 5 мин., ред. 13-Сен-15 19:16)

Эх быстрее бы 12.Думал почитать ранобе,но чет решил что досмотрю пока сериал.Который выдался отличным на мой скромный взгляд. Golden-Au что насчет пинка в рыло тут да,я сидел и ликовал)
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Стаж: 15 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 1

TK072 · 13-Сен-15 19:09 (спустя 3 мин.)

Как то грустно силу святой гор нарисовали. Ну что это за желтые квадратики?!
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 877

Golden-Au · 13-Сен-15 19:23 (спустя 14 мин.)

По поводу силы вообще дисбаланс.
Крольчиха метает ножи-копья, чамо в столь юном возрасте уже в рот берёт, голдов имеет большую силу, флейми бесконечные патроны, у тетёшки сила гор а что есть у Адлета кроме тататушки 6ти цветения и набора "бетмена" ???????
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Стаж: 10 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 185

shikinami · 13-Сен-15 19:41 (спустя 18 мин.)

TK072 писал(а):
68735192Как то грустно силу святой гор нарисовали. Ну что это за желтые квадратики?!
Ребилд 2.222 посмотри.
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Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 229

ximera123x · 13-Сен-15 20:04 (спустя 22 мин.)

Крольчиха метает ножи-копья, чамо в столь юном возрасте уже в рот берёт, голдов имеет большую силу, флейми бесконечные патроны, у тетёшки сила гор а что есть у Адлета кроме тататушки 6ти цветения и набора "бетмена" ???????
Адлет самый сильный из них вообще то, и седьмой это понимает, по этому на него все и скинул. еще в него принцеска втюрилась что бесит его еще сильней.
просто Адлет не в полную силу сражается и эпизод с Фрейми это показал когда он иглы метнул, захотел бы убил, но передумал.
Адлет чем то напоминает Флеша из Тригана.
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Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 375

m777777 · 13-Сен-15 21:02 (спустя 58 мин., ред. 13-Сен-15 21:02)

Проспойлерите в личку кто 7-ые герои и почему такая санта барбара тут. А то это жесть просто.
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Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 375

m777777 · 13-Сен-15 21:33 (спустя 31 мин., ред. 13-Сен-15 21:33)

Дайте угадаю момент, когда был воздвигнут барьер
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Стаж: 10 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 185

shikinami · 13-Сен-15 21:34 (спустя 1 мин.)

Второй том на английском, в нём есть ответ.
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 652

hummel77 · 13-Сен-15 21:54 (спустя 19 мин.)

Второй том на английском, в нём есть ответ.
А Вы нам тихонечко под спойлер, на русском намекните!
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Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 375

m777777 · 13-Сен-15 22:09 (спустя 15 мин.)

Первый том Chapter Five: Part Two
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Without a doubt it was Mora. But the moment he thought that, Chamo said, “It’s not Obachan.”
Everyone looked at Chamo.
“Chamo has this,” she added and turned up her shirt to show them her stomach. A stone slab had been inserted into her belt, but Adlet had no idea what it was.
“After Mora-obachan left, Chamo broke the temple floor and tried digging beneath it. After that Chamo found a big box with a sacred sword and stone slab within.”
Hans then took over Chamo’s explanation. “The person who made this barrier had prepared remarkably well. The altar that activated the barrier, they created a spare in advance. Since it was buried considerably deep it was difficult to dig out. Adlet, you didn’t enter the temple again, right? There was a giant hole in the floor.”
Adlet shook his head. Nashetania was chasing him and so he hadn’t been able to do much but run away from her.
“Hehehe, Chamo found it.”
“Well, whatever was under the ground, I was the only one who hit on the idea,” Hans argued.
“However, Chamo was the one who found it.”
“But I was the one who thought of it, Meow.”
“Fight over the credit later. What’s written on that slab?” Adlet asked.
Hans and Chamo both grinned at the same time.
“There aretwo slabs. The first was one on the altar. On the other hand, this one here wasn’t written in sacred writing, but with words even I can read.”
At that moment everyone directed their attention to Hans. So, no one noticed if one of the seven’s facial expression changed.
“In order to activate the barrier again, remove the treasured sword and the broken slab, and after that you must repeat the activation steps. That is, grip the treasured sword, spread blood, and break the slab at the same time as you say the prescribed words.”
“…Huh?” Goldof asked. But the dumb sound didn’t seem to have come from him.
Adlet also didn’t believe his ears. Next he doubted his memory. And in the end he doubted the authenticity of the slab.
Because surely he remembered what happened after he and the others had set foot in the temple, but before Chamo had come along…
“Meow? Well who broke the slab? Meow. I don’t know.”
“When Chamo came, the slab had already been broken. Who broke it?”
Adlet searched his memory…
“The barrier’s been activated. I can’t believe it. Who did this?” Nashetania had said, forcing the words out of her lips.
“Sorry, but I have no idea what happened,” Adlet had responded while shaking his head.
“At any rate we have to lower the barrier,” Goldof said. “Excuse me.”
The first person to touch it was Goldof. He pulled out the treasured sword and tried to deactivate the barrier.
Adlet was the next person to touch it. He ran the blade over his hand and spread his blood, then tried deactivating the barrier. And after that…
Nashetania had grabbed the sword, said various phrases and finally, as if tired of waiting, bashed the pedestal and slab.
“Give that to me for a second,” Adlet had then interrupted when they realized nothing was happening.
“Barrier dissolve! Barrier dispel! Stop! Stop the fog! I am the owner of the barrier.”
And that had been when the slab broke.
“This is good, Mora-obachan. You were about to be killed.”
“…I’m having trouble following.What do you mean?”
Chamo smiled at Mora who seemed flustered and unable to grasp the situation.
“Adlet, you saw it, right? Who broke the slab,” Hans asked, but Adlet couldn’t answer. “Meow, do you know, Fremy?” Hans then asked to Fremy instead.
Without hesitation she answered, “Nashetania.”
Nashetania took a step back, a terrified expression on her face. She was at a loss for words and slightly shook her head as she desperately pleadedher innocence.
“At that time… the slab….b…but are you saying I intended to activate the barrier…”
“It’s the princess? That’s a surprise. I was thinking Goldof was more likely, Meow.”
Hans pulled out his sword and Chamo touched her foxtail grass to her mouth. But Goldof stood in their way and stopped the two.
It was some kind of trap. If not, then something was wrong. There was no way she was the culprit, Adlet thought as he searched the memories of the days he’d spent with her.
Nashetania hadn’t displayed any suspicious behavior. He recalled the time she pretended to be a maid and visited him. Then the time when they were selected as Heroes of the Six Flowers and embarked on their journey together. After that he thought of the time when they saved the villagers that were under attack. Next the one time they’d separated, and after that when they reunited. He also thought about when she’d considered Fremy as an enemy and the battle that ensued after that.
And after that battle they had headed to the temple which was being bombed.
“…Ah…” a scream-like sound escaped from Adlet’s mouth.
On the way towards the temple the four had been stopped by Kyoma. And in the chaos of the battle, Nashetania had said, “Adlet-san. Please head to the temple. We’ll handle this.”
Why didn’t I notice it before? There was one single important prerequisite for the trap to work. And that was for one of the Heroes of the Six Flowers to manage to reach the area in front of the temple. Nashetania’s words had spurred Adlet into motion, and when he arrived at the temple he fell into the seventh’s trap.
“Haven’t you just been accusing one person after another? Well, rest assured, I will protect the princess.”
Goldof was giving off a murderous intent from his entire body as he guarded Nashetania behind him.
“The princess? It can’t be….” Flustered, Mora was unable to do anything.
Hans and Chamo slowly advanced towards Nashetania, while Fremy took out her rifle and readied it. On the other side Nashetania drew her sword and urgently looked Adlet’s way.
“Adlet-san. Please say something. I am not the seventh.”
It was wrong, she wasn’t the impostor. Adlet tried to say that, however, what rushed out of his mouth was entirely different.
“It can’t be. Is this true, Nashetania?”
The moment she heard his words, Nashetania’s expression suddenly changed. The girl that was afraid and seeking help had changed to a lifeless and expressionlessgirl.
Then she smiled sweetly. It was the same as they’d first met; an elegant and cheerful smile.
“I yield,” she said.
“What?” Adlet asked back.
Nashetania sheathed her sword and stretched both of her hands out to the sides.
“Don’t you get it? I yield. That means I surrender.”
я угадал)
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 652

hummel77 · 13-Сен-15 22:14 (спустя 4 мин.)

А-а-а-а... Блин! Скажите, что это неправда! Ну кто бы мог подумать?!
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Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 375

m777777 · 13-Сен-15 22:22 (спустя 8 мин.)

hummel77 писал(а):
68736665А-а-а-а... Блин! Скажите, что это неправда! Ну кто бы мог подумать?!
Это неправда! Всё намного, намного хуже
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Chapter Five: Part Three
Everyone was speechless and couldn’t move an inch.
Nashetania’s expression and indifferent way of speaking had taken everyone by surprise. And yet no one could do anything except stare at her.
“…Princess. What are you saying?”
“What I’m saying, Goldof, is that I’m the seventh.”
Nashetania tapped the shoulder of the petrified Goldof, as if to say, ‘thank you for everything.’
“I’m sorry,” Nashetania said, then passed by the side of Goldof and stood at the center of the temple. “Maybe I could have held out a bit more. But with Adlet-san as he is now, it would probably be useless, no matter what I said.”
She then looked over at each of their faces.
“I made a mistake. I’d known about the spare ritual equipment, but I didn’t know that the method for activating the barrier was written on it. My preparation was insufficient. And I didn’t even defeat one person, even though I initially thought I could get rid of two people at least.”
Nashetania was calm. She wasn’t timid, apologetic, nor flustered.
“The cause of my defeat was probably that I lacked assertiveness. Though there were multiple options, such as approaching Adlet and attacking him by surprise or having Goldof finish him off, I overlooked them all. At any rate, for part of the way my plan had gone very well.”
Her words were entering Adlet’s ears, but they weren’t reaching his brain.
“Hans-san, in the beginning I thought that you would perhaps be the biggest nuisance of an enemy. Since then I formulated many ways to frame you and then kill you…But it was all useless. It’s disappointing. Well at least I was right about you being the most powerful enemy. And I bet if you weren’t here I wouldn’t have lost.”
Laughing, Nashetania took another glance at everyone.
“What’s wrong? Everyone got silent.”
When Adlet saw her expression he thought that she may not be the enemy after all. She looked so unashamed. Perhaps she even had thought that trapping Adlet had been the correct thing to do.
“…Wha…” Mora managed to choke out.
“Why did you try to kill us, no, if you really intended to kill us…then does that mean you allied with The Majin and intended to destroy the world?”
Mora was so shocked she couldn’t speak normally. And seeing Mora in that way, Nashetania’s expression darkened slightly.
“Really, doing all of this might not have been necessary. I might have revealed everything to you and requested your cooperation. But now all of that is meaningless.”
Goldof dropped down to his knees at Nashetania’s feet. “Princess! Please tell me! What in the world are you trying to do?! I will follow you.”
Nashetania looked down at Goldof and smiled bitterly his way.
“Really Goldof. I had thought you would join me. If you hadn’t said anything and silently listened to what I had to say then I would have told you the truth. But you…” She stopped halfway and put her hand to her mouth. Then she giggled cruelly. “Could you possibly be suggesting…”
Something had probably happened between Goldof and her. But whatever it was, it didn’t matter.
“But Princess, Chamo wants to know. Why did you want to kill Chamo and the others?”
“Right, right that’s what we’re talking about.” Nashetania touched her chest and in a sincere voice said, “I desire real peace. I want to create a world where The Majin, the Kyoma and humans can live together without fighting. With that in mind, I executed this plan.”
Adlet couldn’t say anything. For starters, he didn’t even understand what she meant.
“I don’t have any resentment towards any of you. But for me, reviving The Majin was necessary. So to do that I had to eliminate the Heroes of the Six Flowers at all costs.”
“For what? I don’t know what you mean. What are you saying, Princess?” Mora asked as she grabbed her head.
But Nashetania ignored her and continued, “I have a request for all of you. Can you withdraw from this battle? I will deal with the revived Majin. I won’t let it destroy the human world because I love both humans and Kyoma equally.”
“Princess, I beg you. Please speak in a way that we can understand.”
“I’ll speak simply then. My objective is to reform the Kyoma and have them make peace with humans.”
Adlet didn’t understand her reason, and to him she was just saying nonsense. Despite that, he listened to what she had to say. Maybe it was because of the air they were inhaling in that place, or maybe it was her charisma.
“Meo, meow. Make peace and the world will become peaceful?” Even Hans was overwhelmed by what Nashetania was saying.
“Yes, it will become peaceful. I’m not saying there won’t be danger. And in order to realize this peace there will be some sacrifices. However, it would really be just a few sacrifices.”
“…How many?” Fremy asked.
“I expect the human sacrifices to be around 500,000 people,” Nashetania said it in an extremely natural way with a voice full of confidence.
I can’t understand, Adlet thought. He couldn’t understand what Nashetania was trying to do, nor what she was thinking. And looking at her now, he felt that her lovely appearance was that of a monster.
“…Hans, Fremy, Mora, Chamo,” Adlet said, facing his shocked companions. “…Kill her!”
Spurred by the command, Hans drew his sword and ran. Chamo stuck the foxtail grass down her throat and vomited out Kyoma. And Mora balled her fists and rushed towards Nashetania.
The first to make contact was Mora, who with a single strike, smashed Nashetania’s face with her fist.
“So persuasion was useless after all.”
With her head cracked open, Nashetania stood as if nothing had happened. Then her body, armor and clothes crumbled and transformed into a mud-like state.
“That’s too bad.” The voice didn’t come from the mud that used to be Nashetania, but from the surrounding forest. “Goodbye Goldof. It’s unfortunate that we couldn’t travel together.”
“What is this?”
“A Kyoma’s skill. And a considerably high level Kyoma’s skill at that,” Adlet said.
“And as for you Fremy-san, I think you might be able to understand me.”
“Meow! She’s still close.”
“We shall meet again.”
Hans went to pursue Nashetania, running in the direction that the voice came from. As did Chamo with her Kyoma alongside her.
“Fremy! I’m entrusting Adlet to you!” Mora said, and then also rushed into the forest.
And after a while the paralyzed Goldof followed the rest and ran in that direction, leaving only Adlet and Fremy at the temple.
“…It, It can’t be. It was Nashetania? I can’t believe it,” Adlet groaned.
Pain attacked his body as soon as he started to feel at ease after the seventh’s true identity was revealed. Fremy leaned against the tree as well and sat down beside him.
“Don’t talk Adlet. You’re overexerting yourself.”
“Overdoing things is my…specialty.” Adlet laughed towards Fremy, whose face was above his head.
“You’re bleeding too much. Wait a moment. I’ve got a little bit of strong medicine on me.”
“You’ve become extremely kind…You could have been this nice from the beginning.”
“I said don’t talk,” Fremy said as she searched within her cloak.
While watching her search, Adlet recalled when he first met her. The first time he saw her, he had thought she was beautiful. And then he felt like he wanted to protect her. However there was no reason for that impulse, he just felt that way. And even now that he knew she was the daughter of a Kyoma and the Six Flower Killer, that feeling hadn’t changed.
“…Hey, Fremy. Do you care about me?”
Her hand searching within her cloak stopped. She then stared at Adlet and replied, “I hate you.” After the words came out Fremy averted her gaze, but her words didn’t sound bad.
“When I’m with you, I want to live.”
Hearing those words made Adlet smile.
I won’t let you die, he tried to reply back, but the words wouldn’t come out of his throat and he couldn’t move his tongue well.
His vision suddenly narrowed. Fremy slapped his cheek and seemed to be shouting something, but the words didn’t reach his ears.
“…don’t….your eyes” [1]
He couldn’t hear her very well and he was feeling terribly sleepy.
Don’t worry, I’m just going to close my eyes for a little bit. That too Adlet tried to say, but his lips didn’t move.
At that moment Adlet felt something soft touch his lips. A stinging liquid was poured into his mouth, traveled down his throat and entered his stomach.
Then Adlet’s consciousness fell into darkness.
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 652

hummel77 · 13-Сен-15 22:31 (спустя 8 мин.)

Ну вот, ещё не всё потеряно! Лохов сбросили в отбой, а истинный разведчик-диверсант по прежнему "на службе силы зла".
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Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 375

m777777 · 13-Сен-15 22:39 (спустя 8 мин.)

hummel77 писал(а):
68736797Ну вот, ещё не всё потеряно! Лохов сбросили в отбой, а истинный разведчик-диверсант по прежнему "на службе силы зла".
Всё ещё хуже
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Then at that moment Adlet saw a person approaching the temple from the direction of the fortress.
“What’s wrong Adlet?” Fremy asked. But soon she too noticed the person.
A girl was approaching. Short-statured and clad in iron armor, she jogged over to them, making a lot of noise as she moved.
Noticing the sound, Mora and the others came out of the temple. Goldof also raised his head and looked at the girl.
“Ah, um, I’m sorry.”
The girl lowered her head in a deep bow. She was wearing small glasses, seemed gentle, and timid like a small animal. Her thick armor sadly didn’t suit her at all.
“…Rolonia?” Adlet asked.
The girl raised her head. And when she realized who he was, her face suddenly lit up.
“Ad-kun! Long time no see! So you were chosen after all.”
“Long time no see…that’s true, but…”Adlet hesitated.
The girl then approached for a handshake and though Adlet was confused, he accepted it.
“…Who is this girl?” Fremy asked from behind him.
Suddenly the girl let go of his hand and noticed her surroundings. She then dropped her head again.
“I’m…I’m sorry for not introducing myself sooner.” The girl…Rolonia, kept bowing her head again and again. “I’m the Saint of Fresh Blood, Rolonia Manchetta! I’m sorry for being late!”
“Rolonia, Why are you here?” Mora asked.
The girl raised her head and looked over to Mora. “Mora-san, I’m late and I’m really sorry. But when I tried to meet up with all of you the fog came out and I couldn’t get closer.”
“But that’s not what I mean…”
“Um…I know that I’m not strong enough to be a Hero of the Six Flowers, but I will do my best.”
Adlet gulped, his spine stiffened, and for a moment he even felt as if his feet were wobbling beneath him.
“Can you show us proof?” Mora asked.
“Ye…Yes. Here it is; my proof that I’m a Hero of the Six Flowers.” As she spoke, Rolonia removed her chest plate and showed them a crest around her collar. It was the same as the one Adlet and the other companions had.
A genuine crest of the Six Flowers.
“Um, I’m sorry, but there’s been something on my mind for a while now,” Rolonia said as she looked over the shuddering companions.
“Why are there seven of us?”
To Rolonia’s question, no one could answer.
Now Adlet understood that the battle with Nashetania had been nothing more than a skirmish. The real battle was finally about to begin.
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Стаж: 16 лет

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hummel77 · 13-Сен-15 22:58 (спустя 18 мин.)

Это уже ни в какие ворота не лезет...
Прямо как:
"... - В последнее время Малдер загрустил. - Курильщик задумчиво выпустил струю дыма. - Ничто никуда не вело, всё было слишком запутано и не имело ни начала, ни конца, ни смысла. Вот мы и дали ему возможность отдохнуть, развеяться... Кто же знал, что угнав летающую тарелку он наткнётся на вас?!..." (с) Вавилон 5. Крусейд.
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Стаж: 14 лет 2 месяца

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wer_ti_gon · 13-Сен-15 23:07 (спустя 9 мин.)

мдя... и новый седьмой на весь второй сезон
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Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

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m777777 · 13-Сен-15 23:28 (спустя 20 мин., ред. 13-Сен-15 23:28)

wer_ti_gon писал(а):
68737053мдя... и новый седьмой на весь второй сезон
И с этим облом. Самое начало 2 тома
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Prologue: The Killing
Adlet had been running across the dry, craggy earth, with rocks spread all over it. In fact, he was devoting all of his energy into the run as he trampled over the wilting weeds that were sparsely sticking out of the ground.
He was on the peninsula jutting out of the western edge of the continent called The Wailing Demon Territory. It was where The Majin and the Kyoma resided. And at the moment Adlet was in the eastern section, in a land called The Valley of the Bleeding Lung.
Though it was night, Adlet continued under the moonlight. The only thing he had to illuminate the way was the light given off by the jewel mounted into his armor’s chest plate.
“Hurry!” Adlet shouted as he ran.
There were three lights behind him, belonging to Fremy, Chamo, and Goldof, who were all following him. He was out of breath, his heart was throbbing violently, his lips were trembling, and he wasn’t able to control his legs properly. But putting all his energy into the run wasn’t the cause. It was the fact that they were on the verge of confronting a nightmare.
“Hans! Rolonia! Where are you?!” Adlet called out, but no response came back from the deep darkness.
“Are you dead?! Hans! Rolonia! Answer me!” As Adlet shouted he jumped onto a cliff in front of him. Both his hands and feet found their way into the indentations of the cliff and in the blink of an eye he started to scale up the rock.
As he climbed, he unintentionally looked at the back of his hand. On it laid the proof he was one of the heroes fated to save the world, the crest of the Six Flowers, which always gave off a faint light.
However, one of the petals was missing on the crest. And that meant one of the heroes had lost their life.
Adlet kicked up the cliffside and leaped through the air. As he flew he drew his sword, then landed atop the cliff and assumed a battle stance. But the sight he saw the instant his jewel’s light illuminated the cliff top put him at a loss for words.
Hans Humpty. The unusual assassin who fought while imitating a cat. A man possessing the crest of the Six Flowers was on the ground, his face looking up to the sky. One of the arteries in his neck had been ripped open and his blood was spilled all over the parched earth creating a repulsive sight. And as for his face, all the blood had completely drained from it.
“…Hans.” Adlet dropped his sword. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He had placed absolute trust in Hans’ overwhelming strength and quick wit.
“…You were too late Adlet,” a woman standing slightly apart from Hans said quietly. She was standing with her back facing Adlet; the woman went by the name of Mora Chester.
“Hans, it can’t be….”
Fremy followed Adlet up the cliff, with Goldof appearing after. Upon seeing the situation, they immediately pointed their weapons towards Mora.
“This situation probably doesn’t even need an explanation. I just killed Hans,” Mora confessed as she turned around.
Her face, chest, and both of her unarmored hands were all covered in blood. Even her armor was broken all over. It seemed like an ordinary person would have died a long time ago from the same injuries.
“Mora, it was you…”
“That’s right…I’m the seventh.” Her voice was dispirited, as if she were exhausted. She then raised her hands, quietly kneeled down, and hung her head powerlessly.
No one could make a sound after that. There was only silence.
Adlet stared at the kneeling Mora, completely at a loss for words. It was a state shared by Fremy, Chamo, and Goldof behind him.But there was another person there bearing the crest of the Six Flowers, and she was sitting at Hans’ side.
“…Rolonia,” Adlet called out.
Her name was Rolonia Manchetta. With the ability to manipulate blood, she was the Saint of Fresh Blood. And she was also the eighth person to appear with the crest of the Six Flowers.
She had a round face, glasses, and often wore a timid expression. On top of that she was short and small and in no way could she be seen as an excellent warrior. In fact, if she wasn’t clad in heavy armor, or didn’t have a long whip attached to her hip, she would look just like a village girl.
At the moment her hands were touching Hans’ chest and throat, her palms glowing slightly.
“How did Hans lose?” Adlet asked her, but Rolonia didn’t answer. She just stared at Hans’ body.
“Rolonia answer! Why is Hans dead?! What happened?!”
Adlet then noticed that Rolonia was muttering something. He drew close to her face and listened to both her breathing and the words spilling out from her mouth.
“Please don’t die…please don’t die…I will definitely help…you…“
Rolonia was the Saint of Fresh Blood so she could control a person’s blood to heal wounds. So, not wanting to disturb her, Adlet touched Hans’ wrist. He had no pulse and he was cold.
It’s impossible, Rolonia, Adlet thought. There was almost no blood left in Hans’ body, plus his heart had stopped. Hans was already dead.
“What’s the meaning of this? Why is Hans dead, but you’re unharmed?” Adlet asked.
He wanted to know why Rolonia didn’t fight the seventh, Mora. And what’s more, he wondered why Mora didn’t attack the defenseless girl.
However, Rolonia was focusing solely on trying to help Hans. It was as if she completely couldn’t see what was happening around her.
“Rolonia, you must have been traveling together with Hans. What in the world happened?” Fremy asked her. Yet even her words didn’t seem to reach Rolonia’s ears.
“I will help…I’ll help, you’ll see. If I can’t…”
Chamo then strolled towards Mora while wearing her usual carefree smile. It was as if she weren’t paying any attention to the fact that Hans had died.
“Ah…Cat-san died? That’s too bad.” Chamo looked down at the kneeling Mora. “Chamo quite liked Cat-san. He was cute, strong, and he talked amusingly. Though at first Chamo hated him after he hit Chamo very hard, over time traveling with him became a little fun.”
Chamo made a fist and struck Mora in the face. Her fist was small though so Mora’s face only moved slightly.
“I will never forgive you. I will kill you. I won’t let you have a normal death!”
Mora averted her gaze from the angry girl in front of her. “I don’t care if you kill me. I’m ready.”
“Really? Obachan’s prepared to die? Well, Chamo’s extremely disappointed.”
Chamo raised her fist again, but Fremy grabbed it and stopped her.
“Before that, give us some time to hear her out,” Fremy said to Chamo, then turned to Mora. Her eye was full of silent anger. “Talk Mora and make it as brief as possible. When you’re finished, we’ll kill you.”
Looking down to the ground, Mora spoke. “I didn’t hope for this to happen. I didn’t want to kill him. I didn’t want to kill Hans or anyone.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I couldn’t think of anything else to do. All other paths besides killing Hans had been closed to me.” A single tear fell from Mora’s eye. “I wanted to protect the world. I wanted to defeat the Kyoma alongside all of you and prevent The Majin’s revival.”
“Chamo doesn’t believe you,” Chamo said, but Adlet disagreed. Mora wasn’t lying, she was speaking from her true feelings.
“And only until yesterday, no, only until an hour ago, I had intended to do just that.”
Игра престолов.. причём повторяет тоже самое настроение "не хочу это читать", после того как
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убивают любимых персонажей
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Стаж: 14 лет 2 месяца

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wer_ti_gon · 14-Сен-15 00:02 (спустя 34 мин.)

ну хоть какой-то движняк... жаль, конечно
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m777777 · 14-Сен-15 00:04 (спустя 1 мин.)

Это такая ипонская игра престолов) поворот на повороте.. и так ещё много
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wer_ti_gon · 14-Сен-15 00:18 (спустя 13 мин.)

сколько материала (в томах/главах) уже написано?
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

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Avetat · 14-Сен-15 00:23 (спустя 5 мин., ред. 14-Сен-15 00:23)

m777777 писал(а):
68737494Это такая ипонская игра престолов) поворот на повороте.. и так ещё много
Вместо банального набившего всем оскомину на зубах тупого мочилова, которым нас пичкали творцы сенэна последние тридцать лет, мы можем насладиться тонкой интригой, психологической игрой и запутанным детективом.
Целью данного повествования не является победа над главным демоном, как это может показаться в начале. Вопрос сражения между протагонистами, вопрос, кто сильнее: "спайдермен" или "бетмен" всегда был актуален, и здесь он раскрыт в полной мере.
Мне безумно это нравится.
Сожалею только, что в процессе повествования авторы не смогут вспороть пузо принцессе-зайке и задушить её собственными кишками, ведь тогда зритель останется без фансервиса, а это можешь сильно ударить по рейтингу.
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