(Hungarian rock) Omega - 200 Evvel Az Utolso Haboru Utan (1998){1972 rec}, FLAC (image + .cue), lossless

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nerogatto · 23-Апр-08 20:42 (16 лет 10 месяцев назад, ред. 20-Янв-11 21:45)

(Hungarian rock) Omega - 200 Evvel Az Utolso Haboru Utan (1998){1972 rec} (image + cue) Страна: Hungary
Жанр: Rock
Год выпуска: 1998
Формат: FLAC (image + .cue)
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 54:42
1. Regvart kedvesem
2. 200 evvel az utolso haboru utan
3. Szex Apo
4. Torekeny lendulet
5. Egy nehez ev utan
6. Hutlen baratok
7. Blues
8. Eltakart vilag
9. Emlek
10. Omegauto
11. Varazslatos, feher ko
Доп. информация:
- Benko Laszlo - organ, keyboards (if "utohangszerek" really means "keyboards ???), vocals;
- Debreczeni Ferenc - drums, keyboards (as above);
- Kobor Janos - vocal;
- Mihaly Tamas - bass guitar, vocals;
- Molnar Gyorgy - electric and acoustic guitars.
The story of OMEGA's fourth album is a little confusing. As an old fan of the group I remember having their fourth LP c
alled "Elo Omega", packaged in aluminum sleeve (yes, the first pressing of that album was packaged in aluminum sleeve,
later it came out in regular cardboard package). It was a "live" album and not knowing the story behind it, I took it a
t the face value and just enjoyed the record. Too bad I don't have that vinyl anymore, the aluminum packaged LP is supp
osed to be very rare by now.
Anyway, a few years ago I came across this remastered version of OMEGA's fourth album published on CD. When I listened
to it for the first time I was quite surprised, it is a "studio album"!!! This made me do some Internet research and fi
nally I found out that this remastered version (included here) is the fourth album as the band intended it to be. Howev
er, the communist authorities refused to allow this album to be published and the "Elo Omega" came out instead.
Now the story becomes a bit more confusing. Some sources, like progarchives for example, say that:
This long pla
y record includes recordings from OMEGA concerts, which took place from 17th january till 10th march 1972. It was publi
shed as a substitute for the LP "200 .vvel az utols. h.bor. ut.n", which was falled victim to censorship.
Other souces claim that "Elo Omega" was a "fake" and that the original album, when it was refused to be published, unde
rwent a little "treatment". The offending track "200 evvel az utolso harboru utan" was deleted, other tracks' order was
a bit re-shuffled and the public applause effects were mixed into the original tracks (in studio) to simulate the "liv
e recording".
Which verion of the story is true, I don't know. However, I do know that this (remastered) version contains all the tra
cks from "Elo Omega" plus the title track previously omitted. I also have the original "Elo Omega" on CD-R (the first d
isc from the 3-CD package of "Omega - Osszes Koncertfelvetele 1" is basically the same as "Elo Omega" with one older tr
ack added). Also, being a "nutty collector" I have the original unremastered CD version of "Elo Omega" on order and hop
e to get it in a few weeks. So, if someone doesn't do this sooner, I hope to be able to present to you the "Elo Omega"
in its original form when I get it.
For now, let's enjoy the remastered and "as intended" version. It is basically the same music, in better sound quality.
The only reason for presenting "Elo Omega" would be (if it can happen) that it has a different feel to it...
Next part of OMEGA history, as written at easternrock.nm.ru:
Nothing seemed to stop Omega from becoming even more successful, but 1971 brought news about Locomotiv GT - H
ungarian first supergroup - being formed with help from Presser and Laux. Everyone thought that loss of Presser . Omega
's prime mover . will immediately ruin the band. Instead, they brought in Ferenc Debreceni (ex. . Neoton) as a new drum
mer, while Benko assumed main composer's role. Then, if there was not enough trouble, their next-to-be album was banned
from release by Communist authorities. It was only released on CD in 1998. However, Omega proved strong. At least two
post-Presser albums . .Elo Omega' (.Live Omega', a fake live album) and .Omega 5' . undoubtedly belong to their finest
of all time.
Отчёт EAC
EAC extraction logfile from 23. April 2008, 20:05 for CD
Omega / 200 .vvel az utols. h.bor. ut.n (Omega IV)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-2014L1T Adapter: 2 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\tmp\Omega - 200 Evvel Az Utolso Haboru Utan (Omega IV).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occured
End of status report
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Стаж: 17 лет 11 месяцев

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d0ck · 31-Авг-08 22:22 (спустя 4 месяца 8 дней)

Да, это редкость.
а вот еще одна - https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=12034488#12034488 -
не все знают что это немчики.
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

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z@o · 17-Янв-09 14:35 (спустя 4 месяца 16 дней)

может кто подскажет! у меня cue файл не открывается?! как это дело исправить??? т.е. разделить по трекам??? просто не могу вспомнить,когда то устранял подобное но не помню как?! а Omega нужна моему другу и хочется ему помочь!!!! посоветуйте что нибудь! за рание спасибо!!!
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Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев

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Lvch62 · 08-Сен-15 15:00 (спустя 6 лет 7 месяцев)

скрытый текст
REM GENRE Progressive Rock
TITLE "200 Evvel Az Utolso Haboru Utan"
FILE "Omega - 200 Evvel Az Utolso Haboru Utan (Omega IV).flac" WAVE
TITLE "Regvart Kedvesem"
INDEX 01 00:00:00
TITLE "200 Evvel Az Utolso Haboru Utan"
INDEX 00 05:36:48
INDEX 01 05:38:48
TITLE "Szex Apo"
INDEX 00 11:06:47
INDEX 01 11:08:47
TITLE "Torekeny Lendulet"
INDEX 00 14:16:23
INDEX 01 14:18:23
TITLE "Egy Nehez Ev Utan"
INDEX 00 18:26:27
INDEX 01 18:28:27
TITLE "Hutlen Baratok"
INDEX 00 24:05:31
INDEX 01 24:07:31
TITLE "Blues"
INDEX 01 29:39:60
TITLE "Eltakart Vilag"
INDEX 00 33:12:03
INDEX 01 33:14:03
TITLE "Emlek"
INDEX 00 38:02:10
INDEX 01 38:04:10
TITLE "Omegautу"
INDEX 00 41:32:07
INDEX 01 41:34:07
TITLE "Varazslatos, Feher Ko"
INDEX 00 45:50:15
INDEX 01 45:52:15
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Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 638

ZLoDAY1 · 23-Дек-15 01:11 (спустя 3 месяца 14 дней)

без претензий к раздающему.
качество - брак.
сравнил со своим диском - одинаковые исходники.
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Gergely Szabolcs

Стаж: 11 лет 11 месяцев

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Gergely Szabolcs · 25-Фев-21 17:15 (спустя 5 лет 2 месяца, ред. 25-Фев-21 17:15)

Когда Прессер и Ло покинули группу после выхода "Night Country Road", этот альбом был выпущен с двумя новыми участниками в лице Михая и Дебрецена. Отсюда он стал финальным образом группы, но, к сожалению, коммунистический режим не позволил выпустить альбом. Они пропустили 3 трека, создали концертную атмосферу в перерывах и, наконец, выпустили "LIVE OMEGA". Это материал из оригинального подвергнутого цензуре первого издания. Ходят слухи, что рука Прессера была в цензуре.
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Moderator senior

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Musicgate · 31-Окт-22 21:31 (спустя 1 год 8 месяцев)

Лог CUETools
[CUETools log; Date: 31.10.2022 20:26:21; Version: 2.1.5]
[CTDB TOCID: fRCMscMK4BEivUv8kueNvZ3j_Lk-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
2 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
3 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
4 | (61/62) Accurately ripped
5 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
6 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
7 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
8 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
9 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
10 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
11 | (62/62) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 0015c0d4-00bb96c9-9c0cd20b] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [c8dc0948|05dbcff8] (00+00/15) No match
02 [bb06ea53|7e9ed23e] (00+00/16) No match
03 [b96a110a|5b207dd1] (00+00/15) No match
04 [7c439d59|d52f2122] (00+00/14) No match
05 [a1bc224d|dd9ea6b3] (00+00/15) No match
06 [7f2ec133|1652211c] (00+00/15) No match
07 [191196fa|8adb190a] (00+00/15) No match
08 [82d4161d|9a5ef02d] (00+00/14) No match
09 [59954b29|a22d864d] (00+00/15) No match
10 [5f635174|0e99d592] (00+00/14) No match
11 [8081e926|962ca5fc] (00+00/15) No match
Offsetted by -6:
01 [1a23eb5a] (04/15) Accurately ripped
02 [84013be3] (04/16) Accurately ripped
03 [0a18e43e] (04/15) Accurately ripped
04 [bad47ca1] (03/14) Accurately ripped
05 [e41fa135] (03/15) Accurately ripped
06 [7665cd0e] (04/15) Accurately ripped
07 [e353cb3b] (04/15) Accurately ripped
08 [75066367] (03/14) Accurately ripped
09 [7b50077f] (03/15) Accurately ripped
10 [a6503024] (03/14) Accurately ripped
11 [9e3faf96] (03/15) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -670:
01 [3d36fb22] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
02 [658c7e23] (00/16) No match (V2 was not tested)
03 [4056dc0e] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [c6ca57c1] (00/14) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [ec77d2d5] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [8b0625b4] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
07 [410fa415] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [d2c5220f] (00/14) No match (V2 was not tested)
09 [655ec757] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
10 [fa0b1ee4] (00/14) No match (V2 was not tested)
11 [799ecd56] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by -444:
01 [47a3627c] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
02 [d3627df3] (00/16) No match (V2 was not tested)
03 [0bf31e12] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [92242829] (00/14) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [d27ed15d] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [6e8d7dd6] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
07 [b9f98dcf] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [855e6d81] (00/14) No match (V2 was not tested)
09 [198fbc05] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
10 [dfdbb054] (00/14) No match (V2 was not tested)
11 [195d4586] (00/15) No match (V2 was not tested)
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
-- 100,0 [0E5C62CF] [88674979] CRC32
01 99,9 [95572102] [55C34183]
02 99,9 [A16A250D] [CDF67958]
03 99,9 [EFDB6C29] [5856E1FB]
04 99,9 [5365B6F4] [A66D0FD1]
05 100,0 [C2EF4C56] [CA272C07]
06 99,9 [3D7FC379] [86BFEF13]
07 99,9 [7F2A7FAB] [B70D230D]
08 99,9 [458F5EB2] [676EE9D8]
09 99,9 [10129234] [A3C68C9D]
10 99,9 [A2DA4103] [6199C44B]
11 99,9 [E04A06E0] [AE6B00DA]
     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:38.48 | 0 | 25397
2 | 5:38.48 | 5:29.74 | 25398 | 50146
3 | 11:08.47 | 3:09.51 | 50147 | 64372
4 | 14:18.23 | 4:10.04 | 64373 | 83126
5 | 18:28.27 | 5:39.04 | 83127 | 108555
6 | 24:07.31 | 5:32.29 | 108556 | 133484
7 | 29:39.60 | 3:34.18 | 133485 | 149552
8 | 33:14.03 | 4:50.07 | 149553 | 171309
9 | 38:04.10 | 3:29.72 | 171310 | 187056
10 | 41:34.07 | 4:18.08 | 187057 | 206414
11 | 45:52.15 | 8:50.34 | 206415 | 246198
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Moderator senior

Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

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Musicgate · 31-Окт-22 21:39 (спустя 8 мин.)

cue исправлен, перезалито
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