Pearson Longman - Betty Schrampfer Azar - Understanding and using English Grammar [2005]

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Pearson Longman - Betty Schrampfer Azar - Understanding and using English Grammar
Год выпуска: 2005
Разработчик/Издатель : Pearson Longman
Категория : Мультимедиакурс
Язык интерфейса : Английский
Описание: Очень хороший и качественный, а также живенький курс английской грамматики, основанный на массе упражнений с применением listening, speaking, writing, т.е. помимо грамматики и расширения словарного запаса улучшаются и эти навыки.
Содержание курса
1 Overview of Verb Tenses
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 1-1 The Simple Tenses
Chart 1-1 The Simple Tenses
EXERCISE 1. The simple tenses. (Chart 1-1)
Introduction: Chart 1-2 The Progressive Tenses
Chart 1-2 The Progressive Tenses
EXERCISE 2. The progressive tenses. (Chart 1-2)
Introduction: Chart 1-3 The Perfect Tenses
Chart 1-3 The Perfect Tenses
EXERCISE 3. The perfect tenses. (Chart 1-3)
Introduction: Chart 1-4 The Perfect Progressive Tenses
Chart 1-4 The Perfect Progressive Tenses
EXERCISE 4. The perfect progressive tenses. (Chart 1-4)
Introduction: Chart 1-5 Summary of Verb Tenses
Chart 1-5 Summary of Verb Tenses
EXERCISE 5. Summary of verb tenses. (Chart 1-5)
EXERCISE 6. Overview of verb tenses. (Charts 1-1 through 1-5)
EXERCISE 7. Overview of verb tenses. (Charts 1-1 through 1-5)
EXERCISE 8. Review of verb tenses. (Charts 1-1 through 1-5)
EXERCISE 9. Review of verb tenses. (Charts 1-1 through 1-5)
Introduction: Chart 1-6 Spelling of -ING and -ED Forms
Chart 1-6 Spelling of -ING and -ED Forms
EXERCISE 10. Spelling of -ING and -ED forms. (Chart 1-6)
EXERCISE 11. Spelling of -ING and -ED forms. (Chart 1-6)
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 12. Listening.
EXERCISE 13. Speaking.
EXERCISE 14. Reading.
EXERCISE 15. Reading comprehension.
2 Present and Past, Simple and Progressive
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 2-1 Simple Present
Chart 2-1 Simple Present
EXERCISE 1. Simple present. (Chart 2-1)
Introduction: Chart 2-2 Present Progressive
Chart 2-2 Present Progressive
EXERCISE 2. Simple present and present progressive. (Charts 2-1 and 2-2)
EXERCISE 3. Simple present and present progressive. (Charts 2-1 and 2-2)
Introduction: Chart 2-3 Stative Verbs
Chart 2-3 Stative Verbs
EXERCISE 4. Stative verbs. (Charts 2-1 through 2-3)
EXERCISE 5. Stative verbs. (Charts 2-1 through 2-3)
EXERCISE 6. Stative, present progressive, and simple present verbs. (Charts 2-1 through 2-3)
Introduction: Chart 2-4 AM, IS, ARE BEING + Adjective
Chart 2-4 AM, IS, ARE BEING + Adjective
EXERCISE 7. AM, IS, ARE BEING + adjective. (Chart 2-4)
Introduction: Chart 2-5 Regular and Irregular Verbs
Chart 2-5 Regular and Irregular Verbs
EXERCISE 8. Regular and irregular verbs. (Chart 2-5)
Introduction: Chart 2-6 Regular Verbs: Pronunciation of -ED Endings
Chart 2-6 Regular Verbs: Pronunciation of -ED Endings
EXERCISE 9. Pronunciation of -ED endings. (Chart 2-6)
EXERCISE 10. Pronunciation of -ED endings. (Chart 2-6)
Introduction: Chart 2-7 Irregular Verbs: An Alphabetical List
Chart 2-7 Irregular Verbs: An Alphabetical List
EXERCISE 11. Irregular verbs. (Chart 2-7)
EXERCISE 12. Irregular verbs. (Chart 2-7)
EXERCISE 13. Irregular verbs. (Chart 2-7)
EXERCISE 14. Irregular verbs. (Chart 2-7)
Introduction: Chart 2-8 Troublesome Verbs
Chart 2-8 Troublesome Verbs
EXERCISE 15. Present and past of RAISE - RISE, SET - SIT, and LAY - LIE. (Chart 2-8)
Introduction: Chart 2-9 Simple Past
Chart 2-9 Simple Past
Introduction: Chart 2-10 Past Progressive
Chart 2-10 Past Progressive
EXERCISE 16. Simple past vs. past progressive. (Charts 2-9 and 2-10)
EXERCISE 17. Simple past and past progressive. (Charts 2-9 and 2-10)
EXERCISE 18. Simple past and past progressive. (Charts 2-9 and 2-10)
EXERCISE 19. Simple past vs. past progressive. (Charts 2-9 and 2-10)
Introduction: Chart 2-11 Using Progressive Verbs with ALWAYS to Complain
Chart 2-11 Using Progressive Verbs with ALWAYS to Complain
EXERCISE 20. Complaining with ALWAYS and the present progressive. (Chart 2-11)
EXERCISE 21. Using the present progressive with ALWAYS. (Chart 2-11)
Introduction: Chart 2-12 Using Expressions of Place with Progressive Verbs
Chart 2-12 Using Expressions of Place with Progressive Verbs
EXERCISE 22. Expressions of place with the past progressive. (Charts 2-10 and 2-12)
EXERCISE 23. Expressions of place with the past progressive. (Charts 2-10 and 2-12)
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 24. Listening.
EXERCISE 25. Speaking.
EXERCISE 26. Reading.
EXERCISE 27. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
3 Perfect and Perfect Progressive Tenses
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 3-1 Present Perfect
Chart 3-1 Present Perfect
EXERCISE 1. Present perfect. (Chart 3-1)
EXERCISE 2. Present perfect. (Charts 2-7 and 3-1)
EXERCISE 3. Present perfect vs. simple past. (Charts 2-9 and 3-1)
EXERCISE 4. Present perfect vs. simple past. (Charts 2-9 and 3-1)
EXERCISE 5. Present perfect with FOR and SINCE. (Chart 3-1)
EXERCISE 6. Present perfect with FOR and SINCE. (Chart 3-1)
Introduction: Chart 3-2 Present Perfect Progressive
Chart 3-2 Present Perfect Progressive
EXERCISE 7. Present perfect progressive vs. present progressive. (Charts 2-2 and 3-2)
EXERCISE 8. Present perfect progressive vs. present perfect. (Charts 3-1 and 3-2)
EXERCISE 9. Present perfect, present perfect progressive, and simple past. (Charts 2-9, 3-1, and 3-2)
Introduction: Chart 3-3 Past Perfect
Chart 3-3 Past Perfect
EXERCISE 10. Past perfect vs. simple past. (Charts 2-9 and 3-3)
EXERCISE 11. Contracting HAD. (Chart 3-3)
EXERCISE 12. Present perfect, past perfect, and simple past. (Charts 2-9, 3-1, and 3-3)
Introduction: Chart 3-4 Past Perfect Progressive
Chart 3-4 Past Perfect Progressive
EXERCISE 13. Past perfect progressive vs. present perfect progressive. (Charts 3-2 and 3-4)
EXERCISE 14. Past perfect progressive vs. simple past. (Charts 2-9 and 3-4)
EXERCISE 15. Past tense verbs. (Charts 2-9, 3-3, and 3-4)
EXERCISE 16. Summary exercise: perfect and perfect progressive tenses.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 17. Listening.
EXERCISE 18. Speaking.
EXERCISE 19. Reading.
EXERCISE 20. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 4)
TEST. (Questions 5 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
4 Future Time
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 4-1 Simple Future: WILL and BE GOING TO
Chart 4-1 Simple Future: WILL and BE GOING TO
EXERCISE 1. Simple future: WILL and BE GOING TO. (Chart 4-1)
EXERCISE 2. Simple future: WILL and BE GOING TO. (Chart 4-1)
Introduction: Chart 4-2 WILL vs. BE GOING TO
Chart 4-2 WILL vs. BE GOING TO
EXERCISE 3. WILL vs. BE GOING TO. (Chart 4-2)
Introduction: Chart 4-3 Expressing the Future in Time Clauses
Chart 4-3 Expressing the Future in Time Clauses
EXERCISE 4. Expressing the future in time clauses. (Chart 4-3)
EXERCISE 5. Using present and future tenses with time clauses. (Chart 4-3)
EXERCISE 6. Present vs. future with time clauses. (Chart 4-3)
Introduction: Chart 4-4 Using the Present Progressive and Simple Present to Express Future Time
Chart 4-4 Using the Present Progressive and Simple Present to Express Future Time
EXERCISE 7. Using the present progressive and the simple present to express future time. (Chart 4-4)
EXERCISE 8. Using the present progressive and the simple present to express future time. (Chart 4-4)
EXERCISE 9. Using the present progressive and the simple present to express future time. (Charts 4-2 through 4-4)
Introduction: Chart 4-5 Future Progressive
Chart 4-5 Future Progressive
EXERCISE 10. The progressive tenses. (Charts 2-2, 2-10, and 4-5)
EXERCISE 11. Using the future progressive. (Chart 4-5)
EXERCISE 12. Using the future progressive. (Chart 4-5)
Introduction: Chart 4-6 Future Perfect and 4-7 Future Perfect Progressive
Chart 4-6 Future Perfect
Chart 4-7 Future Perfect Progressive
EXERCISE 13. Future perfect. (Chart 4-6)
EXERCISE 14. Perfect and perfect progressive tenses. (Chapter 3; Charts 4-6 and 4-7)
EXERCISE 15. Review of future time and the perfect tenses. (Chapter 3, Charts 4-1, 4-6, 4-7)
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 16. Listening.
EXERCISE 17. Speaking.
EXERCISE 18. Reading.
EXERCISE 19. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
5 Adverb Clauses of Time and Review of Verb Tenses
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
EXERCISE 1. Review of verb tenses. (Chapters 1-4)
EXERCISE 2. Review of verb tenses. (Chapters 1-4)
EXERCISE 3. Review of verb tenses. (Chapters 1-4)
EXERCISE 4. Review of tenses. (Chapters 2 and 3)
EXERCISE 5. Review of verb tenses. (Chapters 1-4)
Introduction: Chart 5-1 Adverb Clauses of Time
Chart 5-1 Adverb Clauses of Time
EXERCISE 6. Adverb clauses of time. (Chart 5-1)
EXERCISE 7. Punctuating adverb clauses of time. (Chart 5-1)
EXERCISE 8. Adverb clauses of time. (Chart 5-1)
EXERCISE 9. Adverb clauses of time. (Chart 5-1)
Introduction: Chart 5-2 Using Adverb Clauses to Show Time Relationships
Chart 5-2 Using Adverb Clauses to Show Time Relationships
EXERCISE 10. Using adverb clauses to show time relationships. (Chart 5-2)
EXERCISE 11. Using adverb clauses to show time relationships. (Chart 5-2)
EXERCISE 12. Verb tenses in adverb clauses of time. (Chart 5-2)
EXERCISE 13. Verb tenses in adverb clauses of time. (Chart 5-2)
EXERCISE 14. Review of past tenses. (Chapters 1-5)
EXERCISE 15. Review of verb tenses. (Chapters 1-5)
EXERCISE 16. Review of verb tenses. (Chapters 1-5)
EXERCISE 17. Review of verb tenses. (Chapters 1-5)
EXERCISE 18. Review of future tenses. (Chapters 1-5)
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 19. Listening.
EXERCISE 20. Speaking.
EXERCISE 21. Reading.
EXERCISE 22. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
6 Subject-Verb Agreement
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 6-1 Final -S, -ES: Use, Pronunciation, and Spelling
Chart 6-1 Final -S, -ES: Use, Pronunciation, and Spelling
EXERCISE 1. Pronunciation of final -S and -ES. (Chart 6-1)
EXERCISE 2. Spelling of final -S and -ES. (Chart 6-1)
EXERCISE 3. Spelling of final -S and -ES. (Chart 6-1)
EXERCISE 4. Use of final -S and -ES. (Chart 6-1)
EXERCISE 5. Use of final -S and -ES. (Chart 6-1)
Introduction: Chart 6-2 Basic Subject-Verb Agreement
Chart 6-2 Basic Subject-Verb Agreement
EXERCISE 6. Subject-verb agreement. (Chart 6-2)
Introduction: Chart 6-3 Subject-Verb Agreement: Using Expressions of Quantity
Chart 6-3 Subject-Verb Agreement: Using Expressions of Quantity
EXERCISE 7. Using expressions of quantity. (Chart 6-3)
EXERCISE 8. Using expressions of quantity. (Chart 6-3)
EXERCISE 9. Using expressions of quantity. (Chart 6-3)
Introduction: Chart 6-4 Subject-Verb Agreement: Using THERE + BE
Chart 6-4 Subject-Verb Agreement: Using THERE + BE
EXERCISE 10. Using THERE and BE. (Chart 6-4)
Introduction: Chart 6-5 Subject-Verb Agreement: Some Irregularities
Chart 6-5 Subject-Verb Agreement: Some Irregularities
EXERCISE 11. Irregularities in subject-verb agreement. (Chart 6-5)
EXERCISE 12. Irregularities in subject-verb agreement. (Chart 6-5)
EXERCISE 13. Summary exercise: subject-verb agreement.
EXERCISE 14. Summary exercise: subject-verb agreement.
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 15. Listening.
EXERCISE 16. Speaking.
EXERCISE 17. Reading.
EXERCISE 18. Reading comprehension.
EXERCISE 19. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
7 Nouns
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 7-1 Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns
Chart 7-1 Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns
EXERCISE 1. Plural nouns. (Chart 7-1)
EXERCISE 2. Regular and irregular plural nouns. (Chart 7-1)
EXERCISE 3. Regular and irregular plural nouns. (Chart 7-1)
EXERCISE 4. Regular and irregular plural nouns. (Chart 7-1)
Introduction: Chart 7-2 Possessive Nouns
Chart 7-2 Possessive Nouns
EXERCISE 5. Possessive nouns. (Chart 7-2)
EXERCISE 6. Possessive nouns. (Chart 7-2)
EXERCISE 7. Possessive nouns. (Chart 7-2)
Introduction: Chart 7-3 Using Nouns as Modifiers
Chart 7-3 Using Nouns as Modifiers
EXERCISE 8. Using nouns as modifiers. (Chart 7-3)
EXERCISE 9. Using nouns as modifiers. (Chart 7-3)
EXERCISE 10. Review of plurals, possessives, and noun modifiers. (Charts 7-1 through 7-3)
Introduction: Chart 7-4 Count and Noncount Nouns
Chart 7-4 Count and Noncount Nouns
EXERCISE 11. Count and noncount nouns. (Chart 7-4)
Introduction: Chart 7-5 Noncount Nouns
Chart 7-5 Noncount Nouns
EXERCISE 12. Count and noncount nouns. (Chart 7-5)
EXERCISE 13. Count and noncount nouns. (Chart 7-5)
Introduction: Chart 7-6 Some Common Noncount Nouns
Chart 7-6 Some Common Noncount Nouns
EXERCISE 14. Count and noncount nouns. (Charts 7-4 through 7-6)
EXERCISE 15. Count and noncount nouns. (Charts 7-5 and 7-6)
Introduction: Chart 7-7 Basic Article Usage
Chart 7-7 Basic Article Usage
EXERCISE 16. Article usage. (Chart 7-7)
EXERCISE 17. Article usage with generic and indefinite nouns. (Chart 7-7)
EXERCISE 18. Article usage. (Chart 7-7)
Introduction: Chart 7-8 General Guidelines for Article Usage
Chart 7-8 General Guidelines for Article Usage
EXERCISE 19. Article usage. (Charts 7-7 and 7-8)
EXERCISE 20. Article usage. (Charts 7-7 and 7-8)
EXERCISE 21. Article usage. (Charts 7-7 and 7-8)
EXERCISE 22. Article usage. (Charts 7-7 and 7-8)
EXERCISE 23. Review of nouns. (Charts 7-1 through 7-8)
EXERCISE 24. Review of nouns. (Charts 7-1 through 7-8)
EXERCISE 25. Review of nouns. (Charts 7-1 through 7-8)
Introduction: Chart 7-9 Expressions of Quantity
Chart 7-9 Expressions of Quantity
EXERCISE 26. Expressions of quantity. (Chart 7-9)
EXERCISE 27. MUCH vs. MANY. (Chart 7-9)
EXERCISE 28. Review of nouns. (Charts 7-1 through 7-9)
EXERCISE 29. Review of nouns. (Charts 7-1 through 7-9)
Introduction: Chart 7-10 Using A FEW and FEW, A LITTLE and LITTLE
Chart 7-10 Using A FEW and FEW, A LITTLE and LITTLE
EXERCISE 30. Using A FEW and FEW; A LITTLE and LITTLE. (Chart 7-10)
EXERCISE 31. Review of article usage and expressions of quantity. (Charts 7-7 through 7-10)
Introduction: Chart 7-11 Using OF in Expressions of Quantity
Chart 7-11 Using OF in Expressions of Quantity
EXERCISE 32. Using OF in expressions of quantity. (Chart 7-11)
EXERCISE 33. Using OF in expressions of quantity. (Chart 7-11)
Introduction: Chart 7-12 ALL (OF) and BOTH (OF)
Chart 7-12 ALL (OF) and BOTH (OF)
EXERCISE 34. Using ALL (OF) and BOTH (OF). (Chart 7-12)
EXERCISE 35. Using ALL (OF) and BOTH (OF). (Chart 7-12)
Introduction: Chart 7-13 Singular Expressions of Quantity: ONE, EACH, EVERY
Chart 7-13 Singular Expressions of Quantity: ONE, EACH, EVERY
EXERCISE 36. Expressions of quantity. (Charts 7-9 through 7-13)
EXERCISE 37. Using ONE, EACH, and EVERY. (Chart 7-13)
EXERCISE 38. Summary exercise: nouns.
EXERCISE 39. Summary exercise: nouns.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 40. Listening.
EXERCISE 41. Speaking.
EXERCISE 42. Reading.
EXERCISE 43. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
8 Pronouns
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 8-1 Personal Pronouns
Chart 8-1 Personal Pronouns
EXERCISE 1. Personal pronouns: antecedents. (Chart 8-1)
EXERCISE 2. Personal pronouns. (Chart 8-1)
EXERCISE 3. Subject and object pronouns; possessive pronouns and adjectives. (Chart 8-1)
Introduction: Chart 8-2 Personal Pronouns: Agreement with Generic Nouns and Indefinite Pronouns
Chart 8-2 Personal Pronouns: Agreement with Generic Nouns and Indefinite Pronouns
EXERCISE 4. Personal pronoun use with generic nouns. (Chart 8-2)
EXERCISE 5. Personal pronoun use with indefinite pronouns. (Chart 8-2)
Introduction: Chart 8-3 Personal Pronouns: Agreement with Collective Nouns
Chart 8-3 Personal Pronouns: Agreement with Collective Nouns
EXERCISE 6. Personal pronoun use with collective nouns. (Chart 8-3)
EXERCISE 7. Personal pronoun use with collective nouns. (Chart 8-3)
Introduction: Chart 8-4 Reflexive Pronouns
Chart 8-4 Reflexive Pronouns
EXERCISE 8. Reflexive pronouns. (Chart 8-4)
EXERCISE 9. Reflexive pronouns. (Chart 8-4)
EXERCISE 10. Reflexive pronouns. (Chart 8-4)
Introduction: Chart 8-5 Using YOU, ONE, and THEY as Impersonal Pronouns
Chart 8-5 Using YOU, ONE, and THEY as Impersonal Pronouns
EXERCISE 11. Using YOU, ONE, and THEY as impersonal pronouns. (Chart 8-5)
EXERCISE 12. Review of subject-verb agreement, nouns, and pronouns. (Chapters 6 and 7; Charts 8-1 through 8-5)
Introduction: Chart 8-6 Forms of OTHER
Chart 8-6 Forms of OTHER
EXERCISE 13. Using OTHER. (Chart 8-6)
EXERCISE 14. Using OTHER. (Chart 8-6)
Introduction: Chart 8-7 Common Expressions with OTHER
Chart 8-7 Common Expressions with OTHER
EXERCISE 15. Common expressions with OTHER. (Chart 8-7)
EXERCISE 16. Using OTHER. (Charts 8-6 and 8-7)
EXERCISE 17. Using OTHER. (Charts 8-6 and 8-7)
EXERCISE 18. Using OTHER. (Charts 8-6 and 8-7)
EXERCISE 19. Review of subject-verb agreement, nouns, and pronouns. (Chapter 6 through Chapter 8)
EXERCISE 20. Summary exercise: subject-verb agreement, nouns, and pronouns. (Chapters 6 through 8)
EXERCISE 21. Summary exercise: subject-verb agreement, nouns, and pronouns. (Chapters 6 through 8)
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 22. Listening.
EXERCISE 23. Speaking.
EXERCISE 24. Reading.
EXERCISE 25. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
9 Modals, Part 1
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Chart 9-1 Introduction to Modals
EXERCISE 1. Preview: Forms of modals. (Chart 9-1)
Introduction: Chart 9-2 Polite Requests with I as the Subject
Chart 9-2 Polite Requests with I as the Subject
Introduction: Chart 9-3 Polite Requests with YOU as the Subject
Chart 9-3 Polite Requests with YOU as the Subject
EXERCISE 2. Polite requests with I and YOU as the subject. (Charts 9-2 and 9-3)
Introduction: Chart 9-4 Polite Requests with WOULD YOU MIND
Chart 9-4 Polite Requests with WOULD YOU MIND
EXERCISE 3. Polite questions with I and YOU as the subject; polite questions with WOULD YOU MIND. (Charts 9-2 through 9-4)
EXERCISE 4. Polite questions with I and YOU as the subject; polite questions with WOULD YOU MIND. (Charts 9-2 through 9-4)
EXERCISE 5. Polite requests with I and YOU as the subject; polite requests with WOULD YOU MIND. (Charts 9-2 through 9-4)
Introduction: Chart 9-5 Expressing Necessity: MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO
Chart 9-5 Expressing Necessity: MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO
EXERCISE 6. Expressing necessity with MUST, HAVE TO, and HAVE GOT TO. (Chart 9-5)
Introduction: Chart 9-6 Lack of Necessity and Prohibition: HAVE TO and MUST in the Negative
Chart 9-6 Lack of Necessity and Prohibition: HAVE TO and MUST in the Negative
EXERCISE 7. HAVE TO and MUST in the negative. (Chart 9-6)
EXERCISE 8. Expressing necessity and lack of necessity. (Charts 9-5 and 9-6)
EXERCISE 9. Expressing necessity and lack of necessity. (Charts 9-5 and 9-6)
Introduction: Chart 9-7 Advisability: SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER
Chart 9-7 Advisability: SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER
EXERCISE 10. Advisability: SHOULD, OUGHT TO, and HAD BETTER. (Chart 9-7)
Introduction: Chart 9-8 The Past Form of SHOULD
Chart 9-8 The Past Form of SHOULD
EXERCISE 11. SHOULD and SHOULD NOT. (Charts 9-7 and 9-8)
EXERCISE 12. The past form of SHOULD. (Chart 9-8)
EXERCISE 13. Advisability: present and past. (Charts 9-7 and 9-8)
EXERCISE 14. Advisability: present and past. (Charts 9-7 and 9-8)
EXERCISE 15. Necessity and advisability. (Charts 9-5 through 9-8)
Introduction: Chart 9-9 Expectations: BE SUPPOSED TO
Chart 9-9 Expectations: BE SUPPOSED TO
EXERCISE 17. Expectations and advisability. (Charts 9-5, 9-7, and 9-9)
Introduction: Chart 9-10 Making Suggestions: LET'S, WHY DON'T, SHALL I, SHALL WE
Chart 9-10 Making Suggestions: LET'S, WHY DON'T, SHALL WE
EXERCISE 18. Suggestions with LET'S, WHY DON'T, and SHALL. (Chart 9-10)
EXERCISE 19. Suggestions with LET'S, WHY DON'T, and SHALL. (Chart 9-10)
Introduction: Chart 9-11 Making Suggestions: COULD vs. SHOULD
Chart 9-11 Making Suggestions: COULD vs. SHOULD
EXERCISE 20. Making suggestions: COULD vs. SHOULD. (Chart 9-11)
EXERCISE 21. Making suggestions: COULD vs. SHOULD. (Chart 9-11)
EXERCISE 22. Making suggestions: COULD vs. SHOULD. (Chart 9-11)
EXERCISE 23. Summary exercise: modals.
EXERCISE 24. Summary exercise: modals.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 25. Listening.
EXERCISE 26. Speaking.
EXERCISE 27. Reading.
EXERCISE 28. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
10 Modals, Part 2
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
EXERCISE 1. Preview, Part 1. (Chapter 10)
EXERCISE 2. Preview, Part 2. (Chapter 10)
Introduction: Chart 10-1 Degrees of Certainty: Present Time
Chart 10-1 Degrees of Certainty: Present Time
EXERCISE 3. Degrees of certainty: present time. (Chart 10-1)
EXERCISE 4. Degrees of certainty: present time. (Chart 10-1)
Introduction: Chart 10-2 Degrees of Certainty: Present Time Negative
Chart 10-2 Degrees of Certainty: Present Time Negative
EXERCISE 5. Degrees of certainty: present time negative. (Chart 10-2)
EXERCISE 6. Degrees of certainty: present time negative. (Chart 10-2)
Introduction: Chart 10-3 Degrees of Certainty: Past Time
Chart 10-3 Degrees of Certainty: Past Time
EXERCISE 7. Degrees of certainty: past time. (Chart 10-3)
Introduction: Chart 10-4 Degrees of Certainty: Future Time
Chart 10-4 Degrees of Certainty: Future Time
EXERCISE 8. Degrees of certainty: future time. (Chart 10-4)
EXERCISE 9. Degrees of certainty. (Charts 10-1 through 10-4)
EXERCISE 10. Degrees of certainty. (Charts 10-1 through 10-4)
Introduction: Chart 10-5 Progressive Forms of Modals
Chart 10-5 Progressive Forms of Modals
EXERCISE 11. Progressive forms of modals. (Chart 10-5)
EXERCISE 12. Progressive forms of modals. (Chart 10-5)
Introduction: Chart 10-6 Ability: CAN and COULD
Chart 10-6 Ability: CAN and COULD
EXERCISE 13. Ability: CAN and CAN'T. (Chart 10-6)
EXERCISE 14. CAN and COULD. (Chart 10-6)
Introduction: Chart 10-7 Using WOULD to Express a Repeated Action in the Past
Chart 10-7 Using WOULD to Express a Repeated Action in the Past
EXERCISE 15. Using WOULD to express a repeated action in the past. (Chart 10-7)
Introduction: Chart 10-8 Expressing Preference: WOULD RATHER
Chart 10-8 Expressing Preference: WOULD RATHER
EXERCISE 16. Expressing preference: WOULD RATHER. (Chart 10-8)
EXERCISE 17. Expressing preference: WOULD RATHER. (Chart 10-8)
Introduction: Chart 10-9 Combining Modals with Phrasal Modals
Chart 10-9 Combining Modals with Phrasal Modals
EXERCISE 18. Combining modals with BE ABLE TO and HAVE TO. (Chart 10-9)
Introduction: Chart 10-10 Summary Chart of Modals and Similar Expressions
Chart 10-10 Summary Chart of Modals and Similar Expressions
EXERCISE 19. Review of modals. (Chapters 9 and 10)
EXERCISE 20. Review of modals. (Chapters 9 and 10)
EXERCISE 21. Review of modals. (Chapters 9 and 10)
EXERCISE 22. Review of modals. (Chapters 9 and 10)
EXERCISE 23. Summary exercise: modals. (Chapters 9 and 10)
EXERCISE 24. Summary exercise: modals. (Chapters 9 and 10)
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 25. Listening.
EXERCISE 26. Listening.
EXERCISE 27. Speaking.
EXERCISE 28. Reading.
EXERCISE 29. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
11 The Passive
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 11-1 Forming the Passive
Chart 11-1 Forming the Passive
EXERCISE 1. Forming the passive. (Chart 11-1)
EXERCISE 2. Forming the passive. (Chart 11-1)
EXERCISE 3. Forming the passive. (Chart 11-1)
EXERCISE 4. Forming the passive. (Chart 11-1)
EXERCISE 5. Forming the passive. (Chart 11-1)
EXERCISE 6. Forming the passive. (Chart 11-1)
Introduction: Chart 11-2 Using the Passive
Chart 11-2 Using the Passive
EXERCISE 7. Using the passive. (Chart 11-2)
EXERCISE 8. Using the passive. (Chart 11-2)
EXERCISE 9. Using the passive. (Chart 11-2)
Introduction: Chart 11-3 Indirect Objects as Passive Subjects
Chart 11-3 Indirect Objects as Passive Subjects
EXERCISE 10. Indirect objects as passive subjects. (Chart 11-3)
EXERCISE 11. Indirect objects as passive subjects. (Chart 11-3)
EXERCISE 12. Using the passive. (Charts 11-1 through 11-3)
EXERCISE 13. Using the passive. (Charts 11-1 through 11-3)
Introduction: Chart 11-4 The Passive Form of Modals and Phrasal Modals
Chart 11-4 The Passive Form of Modals and Phrasal Modals
EXERCISE 14. Passive modals. (Chart 11-4)
EXERCISE 15. Passive modals. (Chart 11-4)
EXERCISE 16. Passive modals. (Chart 11-4)
EXERCISE 17. Using the passive. (Charts 11-1 through 11-4)
EXERCISE 18. Using the passive. (Charts 11-1 through 11-4)
EXERCISE 19. Using the passive. (Charts 11-1 through 11-4)
Introduction: Chart 11-5 Stative Passive
Chart 11-5 Stative Passive
EXERCISE 20. Stative passive. (Chart 11-5)
Introduction: Chart 11-6 Common Stative Passive Verbs + Prepositions
Chart 11-6 Common Stative Passive Verbs + Prepositions
EXERCISE 21. Stative passive verbs + prepositions. (Chart 11-6)
EXERCISE 22. Stative passive verbs + prepositions. (Chart 11-6)
EXERCISE 23. Stative passive verbs + prepositions. (Chart 11-6)
Introduction: Chart 11-7 The Passive with GET
Chart 11-7 The Passive with GET
EXERCISE 24. The passive with GET. (Chart 11-7)
EXERCISE 25. The passive with GET. (Chart 11-7)
Introduction: Chart 11-8 Participial Adjectives
Chart 11-8 Participial Adjectives
EXERCISE 26. Participial adjectives. (Chart 11-8)
EXERCISE 27. Participial adjectives and the passive with GET. (Charts 11-7 and 11-8)
EXERCISE 28. Summary exercise: the passive.
EXERCISE 29. Summary exercise: the passive.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 30. Listening.
EXERCISE 31. Listening.
EXERCISE 32. Speaking.
EXERCISE 33. Reading.
EXERCISE 34. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
12 Noun Clauses
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 12-1 Introduction to Noun Clauses
Chart 12-1 Introduction to Noun Clauses
EXERCISE 1. Recognizing noun clauses in sentences. (Chart 12-1)
Introduction: Chart 12-2 Noun Clauses Beginning with a Question Word
Chart 12-2 Noun Clauses Beginning with a Question Word
EXERCISE 2. Noun clauses beginning with a question word. (Chart 12-2)
EXERCISE 3. Noun clauses beginning with a question word. (Chart 12-2)
EXERCISE 4. Noun clauses beginning with a question word. (Chart 12-2)
Introduction: Chart 12-3 Noun Clauses Beginning with WHETHER or IF
Chart 12-3 Noun Clauses Beginning with WHETHER or IF
EXERCISE 5. Noun clauses beginning with WHETHER or IF. (Chart 12-3)
EXERCISE 6. Noun clauses beginning with WHETHER or IF. (Chart 12-3)
Introduction: Chart 12-4 Question Words Followed by Infinitives
Chart 12-4 Question Words Followed by Infinitives
EXERCISE 7. Question words followed by infinitives. (Chart 12-4)
EXERCISE 8. Using question words and infinitives. (Charts 12-3 and 12-4)
Introduction: Chart 12-5 Noun Clauses Beginning with THAT
Chart 12-5 Noun Clauses Beginning with THAT
EXERCISE 9. Noun clauses beginning with THAT. (Chart 12-5)
EXERCISE 10. Word order in noun clauses beginning with THAT. (Chart 12-5)
EXERCISE 11. Noun clauses beginning with THAT. (Chart 12-5)
Introduction: Chart 12-6 Quoted Speech
Chart 12-6 Quoted Speech
EXERCISE 12. Punctuating quoted speech. (Chart 12-6)
EXERCISE 13. Capitalizing and punctuating quoted speech. (Chart 12-6)
EXERCISE 14. Punctuating quoted speech. (Chart 12-6)
Introduction: Chart 12-7 Reported Speech: Verb Forms in Noun Clauses
Chart 12-7 Reported Speech: Verb Forms in Noun Clauses
EXERCISE 15. Verb forms in noun clauses in reported speech. (Chart 12-7)
EXERCISE 16. Verb forms in noun clauses in reported speech. (Chart 12-7)
EXERCISE 17. Reported speech: verb forms in noun clauses. (Chart 12-7)
EXERCISE 18. Reported speech: verb forms in noun clauses. (Chart 12-7)
Introduction: Chart 12-8 Using the Subjunctive in Noun Clauses
Chart 12-8 Using the Subjunctive in Noun Clauses
EXERCISE 19. Using the subjunctive in noun clauses. (Charts 12-5 and 12-8)
EXERCISE 20. Using the subjunctive in noun clauses. (Charts 12-5 and 12-8)
Introduction: Chart 12-9 Using -EVER Words
Chart 12-9 Using -EVER Words
EXERCISE 21. Using -EVER words. (Chart 12-9)
EXERCISE 22. Using -EVER words. (Chart 12-9)
EXERCISE 23. Summary exercise: noun clauses.
EXERCISE 24. Summary exercise: noun clauses.
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 25. Listening.
EXERCISE 26. Speaking.
EXERCISE 27. Reading.
EXERCISE 28. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
13 Adjective Clauses
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 13-1 Introduction to Adjective Clauses
Chart 13-1 Introduction to Adjective Clauses
EXERCISE 1. Independent clauses and dependent clauses. (Chart 13-1)
Introduction: Chart 13-2 Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as the Subject
Chart 13-2 Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as the Subject
EXERCISE 2. Adjective clause pronouns used as subjects. (Chart 13-2)
EXERCISE 3. Adjective clause pronouns used as subjects. (Chart 13-2)
EXERCISE 4. Adjective clause pronouns used as subjects. (Chart 13-2)
Introduction: Chart 13-3 Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as the Object of a Verb
Chart 13-3 Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as the Object of a Verb
EXERCISE 5. Adjective clause pronouns used as the object of a verb. (Chart 13-3)
EXERCISE 6. Adjective clause pronouns used as the object of a verb. (Chart 13-3)
EXERCISE 7. Adjective clause pronouns used as subjects and objects of a verb. (Charts 13-2 and 13-3)
Introduction: Chart 13-4 Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as the Object of a Preposition
Chart 13-4 Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as the Object of a Preposition
EXERCISE 8. Adjective clause pronouns as the object of a preposition. (Chart 13-4)
EXERCISE 9. Adjective clause pronouns as the object of a preposition. (Chart 13-4)
EXERCISE 10. Adjective clauses. (Charts 13-2 through 13-4)
Introduction: Chart 13-5 Usual Patterns of Adjective Clauses
Chart 13-5 Usual Patterns of Adjective Clauses
EXERCISE 11. Recognizing errors in adjective clauses. (Charts 13-2 through 13-5)
EXERCISE 12. Review of adjective clauses. (Charts 13-2 through 13-5)
Introduction: Chart 13-6 Using WHOSE
Chart 13-6 Using WHOSE
EXERCISE 13. Using WHOSE in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-6)
EXERCISE 14. Using WHOSE in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-6)
Introduction: Charts 13-7 and 13-8 Using WHERE and WHEN in Adjective Clauses
Charts 13-7 Using WHERE in Adjective Clauses
Chart 13-8 Using WHEN in Adjective Clauses
EXERCISE 15. Using WHERE in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-7)
EXERCISE 16. Using WHERE in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-7)
EXERCISE 17. Using WHEN in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-8)
EXERCISE 18. Using WHERE and WHEN in adjective clauses. (Charts 13-7 and 13-8)
EXERCISE 19. Patterns of adjective clauses. (Charts 13-2 through 13-8)
Introduction: Chart 13-9 Using Adjective Clauses to Modify Pronouns
Chart 13-9 Using Adjective Clauses to Modify Pronouns
EXERCISE 20. Using adjective clauses to modify pronouns. (Chart 13-9)
EXERCISE 21. Using adjective clauses to modify pronouns. (Chart 13-9)
Introduction: Chart 13-10 Punctuating Adjective Clauses
Chart 13-10 Punctuating Adjective Clauses
EXERCISE 22. Punctuating adjective clauses. (Chart 13-10)
EXERCISE 23. Punctuating adjective clauses. (Chart 13-10)
Introduction: Chart 13-11 Using Expressions of Quantity in Adjective Clauses
Chart 13-11 Using Expressions of Quantity in Adjective Clauses
EXERCISE 24. Using expressions of quantity in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-11)
EXERCISE 25. Using expressions of quantity in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-11)
Introduction: Chart 13-12 Using Noun + OF WHICH
Chart 13-12 Using Noun + OF WHICH
EXERCISE 26. Using noun + OF WHICH. (Chart 13-12)
Introduction: Chart 13-13 Using WHICH to Modify a Whole Sentence
Chart 13-13 Using WHICH to Modify a Whole Sentence
EXERCISE 27. Using WHICH to modify a whole sentence. (Chart 13-13)
EXERCISE 28. Review of adjective clauses. (Charts 13-1 through 13-13)
EXERCISE 29. Review of adjective clauses. (Charts 13-1 through 13-13)
Introduction: Charts 13-14 and 13-15 Reducing Adjective Clauses to Adjective Phrases
Chart 13-14 Reducing Adjective Clauses to Adjective Phrases
Chart 13-15 Changing an Adjective Clause to an Adjective Phrase
EXERCISE 30. Reducing adjective clauses to adjective phrases. (Chart 13-14)
EXERCISE 31. Changing adjective clauses to adjective phrases. (Charts 13-4 and 13-15)
EXERCISE 32. Changing adjective clauses to adjective phrases. (Charts 13-4 and 13-15)
EXERCISE 33. Summary exercise: adjective clauses.
EXERCISE 34. Summary exercise: adjective clauses and phrases.
EXERCISE 35. Summary exercise: adjective clauses.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 36. Listening.
EXERCISE 37. Speaking.
EXERCISE 38. Reading.
EXERCISE 39. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
14 Gerunds and Infinitives, Part 1
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 14-1 Gerunds: Introduction
Chart 14-1 Gerunds: Introduction
EXERCISE 1. Introduction to gerunds. (Chart 14-1)
Introduction: Charts 14-2 and 14-3 Gerunds as the Objects of Prepositions
Chart 14-2 Using Gerunds as the Objects of Prepositions
Chart 14-3 Common Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds
EXERCISE 2. Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions. (Charts 14-2 and 14-3)
EXERCISE 3. Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions. (Charts 14-2 and 14-3)
EXERCISE 4. Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions. (Charts 14-2 and 14-3)
EXERCISE 5. Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions. (Charts 14-2 and 14-3)
EXERCISE 6. Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions. (Charts 14-2 and 14-3)
EXERCISE 7. Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions. (Charts 14-2 and 14-3)
Introduction: Chart 14-4 Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds
Chart 14-4 Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds
EXERCISE 8. Verbs followed by gerunds. (Chart 14-4)
EXERCISE 9. Verbs followed by gerunds. (Chart 14-4)
Introduction: Chart 14-5 GO + Gerund
Chart 14-5 GO + Gerund
EXERCISE 10. GO + gerund. (Chart 14-5)
EXERCISE 11. GO + gerund; verbs followed by gerunds. (Charts 14-4 and 14-5)
Introduction: Chart 14-6 Special Expressions Followed by -ING
Chart 14-6 Special Expressions Followed by -ING
EXERCISE 12. Special expressions followed by -ING. (Chart 14-6)
EXERCISE 13. Special expressions followed by -ING. (Chart 14-6)
Introduction: Chart 14-7 Common Verbs Followed by Infinitives
Chart 14-7 Common Verbs Followed by Infinitives
EXERCISE 14. Verb + gerund or infinitive. (Charts 14-4 and 14-7)
EXERCISE 15. Verb + gerund or infinitive. (Charts 14-4 and 14-7)
EXERCISE 16. Verbs followed by infinitives. (Chart 14-7)
Introduction: Chart 14-8 Common Verbs Followed by Either Infinitives or Gerunds
Chart 14-8 Common Verbs Followed by Either Infinitives or Gerunds
EXERCISE 17. Gerund vs. infinitive. (Chart 14-8)
EXERCISE 18. Gerund vs. infinitive. (Chart 14-8)
Introduction: Charts 14-9 and 14-10 Reference Lists of Verbs Followed by Gerunds and Infinitives
Chart 14-9 Reference List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds
Chart 14-10 Reference List of Verbs Followed by Infinitives
EXERCISE 19. Verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives. (Charts 14-9 and 14-10)
EXERCISE 20. Gerund vs. infinitive. (Charts 14-9 and 14-10)
EXERCISE 21. Gerund vs. infinitive. (Charts 14-9 and 14-10)
EXERCISE 22. Gerund vs. infinitive. (Charts 14-9 and 14-10)
EXERCISE 23. Gerund vs. infinitive. (Charts 14-9 and 14-10)
EXERCISE 24. Gerund vs. infinitive. (Charts 14-8 through 14-10)
Introduction: Chart 14-11 IT + Infinitive; Gerunds and Infinitives as Subjects
Chart 14-11 IT + Infinitive; Gerunds and Infinitives as Subjects
EXERCISE 25. IT + infinitive. (Chart 14-11)
EXERCISE 26. IT + infinitive; gerunds and infinitives as subjects. (Chart 14-11)
EXERCISE 27. IT + infinitive; gerunds and infinitives as subjects. (Chart 14-11)
EXERCISE 28. Summary exercise: gerunds and infinitives.
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 29. Listening.
EXERCISE 30. Speaking.
EXERCISE 31. Reading.
EXERCISE 32. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
15 Gerunds and Infinitives, Part 2
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 15-1 Infinitive of Purpose: IN ORDER TO
Chart 15-1 Infinitive of Purpose: IN ORDER TO
EXERCISE 1. IN ORDER TO vs. FOR. (Chart 15-1)
EXERCISE 2. IN ORDER TO vs. FOR. (Chart 15-1)
EXERCISE 3. IN ORDER TO vs. FOR. (Chart 15-1)
EXERCISE 4. IN ORDER TO vs. FOR. (Chart 15-1)
Introduction: Chart 15-2 Adjectives Followed by Infinitives
Chart 15-2 Adjectives Followed by Infinitives
EXERCISE 5. Adjectives followed by infinitives. (Chart 15-2)
EXERCISE 6. Infinitives of purpose; adjectives followed by infinitives. (Chapter 14 and Charts 15-1 and 15-2)
Introduction: Chart 15-3 Using Infinitives with TOO and ENOUGH
Chart 15-3 Using Infinitives with TOO and ENOUGH
EXERCISE 7. Using infinitives with TOO and ENOUGH. (Chart 15-3)
EXERCISE 8. Using infinitives with TOO and ENOUGH. (Chart 15-3)
EXERCISE 9. Using infinitives with TOO and ENOUGH. (Chart 15-3)
Introduction: Chart 15-4 Passive and Past Forms of Infinitives and Gerunds
Chart 15-4 Passive and Past Forms of Infinitives and Gerunds
EXERCISE 10. Passive and past forms of infinitives and gerunds. (Chart 15-4)
EXERCISE 11. Passive and past forms of infinitives and gerunds. (Chart 15-4)
Introduction: Chart 15-5 Using Gerunds or Passive Infinitives Following NEED
Chart 15-5 Using Gerunds or Passive Infinitives Following NEED
EXERCISE 12. Using gerunds or passive infinitives following NEED. (Chart 15-5)
Introduction: Chart 15-6 Using a Possessive to Modify a Gerund
Chart 15-6 Using a Possessive to Modify a Gerund
EXERCISE 13. Using a possessive to modify a gerund. (Chart 15-6)
EXERCISE 14. Using a possessive to modify a gerund. (Chart 15-6)
Introduction: Chart 15-7 Using Verbs of Perception
Chart 15-7 Using Verbs of Perception
EXERCISE 15. Using verbs of perception. (Chart 15-7)
EXERCISE 16. Using verbs of perception. (Chart 15-7)
EXERCISE 17. Using verbs of perception. (Chart 15-7)
Introduction: Chart 15-8 Using the Simple Form after LET and HELP
Chart 15-8 Using the Simple Form after LET and HELP
EXERCISE 18. Using the simple form after LET and HELP. (Chart 15-8)
Introduction: Chart 15-9 Using Causative Verbs: MAKE, HAVE, GET
Chart 15-9 Using Causative Verbs: MAKE, HAVE, GET
EXERCISE 19. Using the simple form after LET and HELP; Using the causative verbs MAKE, HAVE, GET. (Charts 15-8 and 15-9)
EXERCISE 20. Using the simple form after LET and HELP; Using the causative verbs MAKE, HAVE, GET. (Charts 15-8 and 15-9)
EXERCISE 21. Summary exercise: gerunds and infinitives.
EXERCISE 22. Summary exercise: gerunds and infinitives.
EXERCISE 23. Summary exercise: gerunds and infinitives.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 24. Listening.
EXERCISE 25. Speaking.
EXERCISE 26. Reading.
EXERCISE 27. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
16 Coordinating Conjunctions
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 16-1 Parallel Structure
Chart 16-1 Parallel Structure
EXERCISE 1. Parallel structure. (Chart 16-1)
EXERCISE 2. Parallel structure. (Chart 16-1)
EXERCISE 3. Parallel structure. (Chart 16-1)
EXERCISE 4. Parallel structure. (Chart 16-1)
EXERCISE 5. Parallel structure. (Chart 16-1)
Introduction: Chart 16-2 Using Paired Conjunctions
Chart 16-2 Using Paired Conjunctions
EXERCISE 6. Paired conjunctions. (Chart 16-2)
EXERCISE 7. Paired conjunctions. (Chart 16-2)
EXERCISE 8. Paired conjunctions. (Chart 16-2)
EXERCISE 9. Conjunctions. (Charts 16-1 and 16-2)
Introduction: Chart 16-3 Combining Independent Clauses with Coordinating Conjunctions
Chart 16 -3 Combining Independent Clauses with Coordinating Conjunctions
EXERCISE 10. Combining independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions. (Chart 16-3)
EXERCISE 11. Combining independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions. (Chart 16-3)
EXERCISE 12. Combining independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions. (Chart 16-3)
EXERCISE 13. Combining independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions. (Chart 16-3)
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 14. Listening.
EXERCISE 15. Speaking.
EXERCISE 16. Reading.
EXERCISE 17. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
17 Adverb Clauses
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 17-1 Introduction to Adverb Clauses
Chart 17-1 Introduction to Adverb Clauses
EXERCISE 1. Adverb clauses. (Chart 17-1)
EXERCISE 2. Adverb clauses of time. (Chart 17-1)
EXERCISE 3. Punctuating adverb clauses. (Chart 17-1)
Introduction: Chart 17-2 Using Adverb Clauses to Show Cause and Effect
Chart 17-2 Using Adverb Clauses to Show Cause and Effect
EXERCISE 4. Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect. (Chart 17-2)
Introduction: Chart 17-3 Expressing Contrast (Unexpected Result): Using EVEN THOUGH
Chart 17-3 Expressing Contrast (Unexpected Result): Using EVEN THOUGH
EXERCISE 5. Using EVEN THOUGH and BECAUSE. (Charts 17-2 and 17-3)
EXERCISE 6. Using EVEN THOUGH and BECAUSE. (Charts 17-2 and 17-3)
EXERCISE 7. Using EVEN THOUGH and BECAUSE. (Charts 17-2 and 17-3)
Introduction: Chart 17-4 Showing Direct Contrast: WHILE and WHEREAS
Chart 17-4 Showing Direct Contrast: WHILE and WHEREAS
EXERCISE 8. Using WHILE and WHEREAS. (Chart 17-4)
EXERCISE 9. Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect, unexpected result, and direct contrast. (Charts 17-2 through 17-4)
EXERCISE 10. Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect, unexpected result, and direct contrast. (Charts 17-2 through 17-4)
Introduction: Chart 17-5 Expressing Conditions in Adverb Clauses: IF-Clauses
Chart 17-5 Expressing Conditions in Adverb Clauses: IF-Clauses
EXERCISE 11. IF-clauses. (Chart 17-5)
EXERCISE 12. IF-clauses. (Chart 17-5)
Introduction: Chart 17-6 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using WHETHER OR NOT and EVEN IF
Chart 17-6 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using WHETHER OR NOT and EVEN IF
EXERCISE 13. Using WHETHER OR NOT and EVEN IF. (Chart 17-6)
EXERCISE 14. Using WHETHER OR NOT and EVEN IF. (Chart 17-6)
EXERCISE 15. Using IF-clauses, WHETHER OR NOT, and EVEN IF. (Charts 17-5 and 17-6)
Introduction: Chart 17-7 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using IN CASE and IN THE EVENT THAT
Chart 17-7 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using IN CASE and IN THE EVENT THAT
EXERCISE 16. Using IN CASE and IN THE EVENT THAT. (Chart 17-7)
EXERCISE 17. Using IN CASE and IN THE EVENT THAT. (Chart 17-7)
Introduction: Chart 17-8 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using UNLESS
Chart 17-8 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using UNLESS
EXERCISE 18. Using UNLESS. (Chart 17-8)
Introduction: Chart 17-9 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using ONLY IF
Chart 17-9 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using ONLY IF
EXERCISE 19. Using ONLY IF. (Chart 17-9)
EXERCISE 20. Using UNLESS and ONLY IF. (Charts 17-8 and 17-9)
EXERCISE 21. Adverb clauses of condition. (Charts 17-5 through 17-9)
EXERCISE 22. Summary exercise: adverb clauses.
EXERCISE 23. Summary exercise: adverb clauses.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 24. Listening.
EXERCISE 25. Speaking.
EXERCISE 26. Reading.
EXERCISE 27. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
18 Reduction of Adverb Clauses to Modifying Adverbial Phrases
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 18-1 Introduction to Modifying Adverbial Phrases
Chart 18-1 Introduction to Modifying Adverbial Phrases
EXERCISE 1. Distinguishing adverb clauses from modifying adverbial phrases. (Chart 18-1)
EXERCISE 2. Finding the subjects of time clauses. (Chart 18-1)
EXERCISE 3. Using modifying adverbial phrases. (Chart 18-1)
Introduction: Chart 18-2 Changing Time Clauses to Modifying Adverbial Phrases
Chart 18-2 Changing Time Clauses to Modifying Adverbial Phrases
EXERCISE 4. Using modifying adverbial phrases. (Chart 18-2)
EXERCISE 5. Changing time clauses to modifying adverbial phrases. (Charts 18-1 and 18-2)
EXERCISE 6. Changing time clauses to modifying adverbial phrases. (Charts 18-1 and 18-2)
Introduction: Chart 18-3 Expressing the Idea of DURING THE SAME TIME in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
Chart 18-3 Expressing the Idea of DURING THE SAME TIME in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
EXERCISE 7. Using modifying adverbial phrases to express during the same time. (Chart 18-3)
Introduction: Chart 18-4 Expressing Cause and Effect in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
Chart 18-4 Expressing Cause and Effect in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
EXERCISE 8. Modifying adverbial phrases. (Chart 18-4)
EXERCISE 9. Expressing cause and effect in modifying adverbial phrases. (Chart 18-4)
EXERCISE 10. Modifying adverbial phrases. (Chart 18-4)
EXERCISE 11. Using modifying adverbial phrases to express DURING THE SAME TIME and cause and effect. (Charts 18-3 and 18-4)
EXERCISE 12. Modifying adverbial phrases. (Charts 18-3 and 18-4)
Introduction: Chart 18-5 Using UPON and -ING in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
Chart 18-5 Using UPON + -ING in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
EXERCISE 13. Using UPON or ON and -ING. (Chart 18-5)
EXERCISE 14. Using UPON and -ING. (Chart 18-5)
EXERCISE 15. Summary exercise: reduction of adverb clauses.
EXERCISE 16. Summary exercise: reduction of adverb clauses.
EXERCISE 17. Summary exercise: reduction of adverb clauses.
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 18. Listening, Part 1.
EXERCISE 19. Listening, Part 2.
EXERCISE 20. Speaking.
EXERCISE 21. Reading.
EXERCISE 22. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
19 Connectives That Express Cause and Effect, Contrast, and Condition
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 19-1 Using BECAUSE OF and DUE TO
Chart 19-1 Using BECAUSE OF and DUE TO
EXERCISE 1. Expressing cause and effect (Chart 19-1)
Introduction: Chart 19-2 Using Transitions to Show Cause and Effect: THEREFORE and CONSEQUENTLY
Chart 19-2 Using Transitions to Show Cause and Effect: THEREFORE and CONSEQUENTLY
EXERCISE 2. Expressing cause and effect. (Chart 19-2)
EXERCISE 3. Using THEREFORE, CONSEQUENTLY, BECAUSE, and DUE TO. (Charts 19-1 and 19-2)
Introduction: Chart 19-3 Summary of Patterns and Punctuation
Chart 19-3 Summary of Patterns and Punctuation
EXERCISE 4. Showing cause and effect. (Chart 19-3)
EXERCISE 5. Showing cause and effect. (Charts 19-2 and 19-3)
EXERCISE 6. Showing cause and effect. (Charts 19-2 and 19-3)
Introduction: Chart 19-4 Other Ways of Expressing Cause and Effect: SUCH...THAT and SO...THAT
Chart 19-4 Other Ways of Expressing Cause and Effect: SUCH...THAT and SO...THAT
EXERCISE 7. Using SUCH...THAT and SO...THAT. (Chart 19-4)
Introduction: Chart 19-5 Expressing Purpose: Using SO THAT
Chart 19-5 Expressing Purpose: Using SO THAT
EXERCISE 8. Using SUCH THAT and SO THAT. (Chart 19-4)
EXERCISE 9. Using SO THAT. (Chart 19-5)
EXERCISE 10. Using SO THAT. (Chart 19-5)
EXERCISE 11. Showing cause and effect; expressing purpose. (Charts 19-1 through 19-5)
Introduction: Chart 19-6 Showing Contrast: Unexpected Result
Chart 19-6 Showing Contrast: Unexpected Result
EXERCISE 12. Showing contrast (unexpected result). (Chart 19-6)
EXERCISE 13. Showing contrast (unexpected result). (Chart 19-6)
EXERCISE 14. Showing cause and effect; showing contrast (unexpected result). (Charts 19-3 and 19-6)
Introduction: Chart 19-7 Showing Direct Contrast
Chart 19-7 Showing Direct Contrast
EXERCISE 15. Showing direct contrast. (Chart 19-7)
EXERCISE 16. Showing unexpected result and direct contrast. (Charts 19-6 and 19-7)
Introduction: Chart 19-8 Expressing Conditions: Using OTHERWISE and OR (ELSE)
Chart 19-8 Expressing Conditions: Using OTHERWISE and OR (ELSE)
EXERCISE 17. Using OTHERWISE. (Chart 19-8)
EXERCISE 18. Expressing cause and effect, purpose, and contrast (Charts 19-1 through 19-7)
EXERCISE 19. Using OTHERWISE and OR (ELSE). (Chart 19-8)
Introduction: Chart 19-9 Summary of Connectives: Cause and Effect, Contrast, Condition
Chart 19-9 Summary of Connectives: Cause and Effect, Contrast, Condition
EXERCISE 20. Summary of connectives. (Chart 19-9)
EXERCISE 21. Summary of connectives. (Chart 19-9)
EXERCISE 22. Summary exercise: connectives.
EXERCISE 23. Summary exercise: connectives.
EXERCISE 24. Summary exercise: connectives.
EXERCISE 25. Summary exercise: connectives.
Game: Crossword
EXERCISE 26. Listening, Part 1.
EXERCISE 27. Listening, Part 2.
EXERCISE 28. Speaking.
EXERCISE 29. Reading.
EXERCISE 30. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
20 Conditional Sentences and Wishes
Chapter Home
Chapter Preview
Introduction: Chart 20-1 Overview of Basic Verb Forms Used in Conditional Sentences
Chart 20-1 Overview of Basic Verb Forms Used in Conditional Sentences
EXERCISE 1. Basic verb forms in conditional sentences. (Chart 20-1)
EXERCISE 2. Basic verb forms in conditional sentences. (Chart 20-1)
Introduction: Chart 20-2 True in the Present or Future
Chart 20-2 True in the Present or Future
EXERCISE 3. True in the present or future. (Chart 20-2)
EXERCISE 4. True in the present or future. (Chart 20-2)
Introduction: Chart 20-3 Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Present or Future
Chart 20-3 Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Present or Future
EXERCISE 5. Present or future conditional sentences. (Charts 20-2 and 20-3)
EXERCISE 6. Present or future conditional sentences. (Charts 20-2 and 20-3)
EXERCISE 7. Present or future conditional sentences. (Chart 20-3)
EXERCISE 8. Present or future conditional sentences. (Charts 20-2 and 20-3)
EXERCISE 9. Present or future conditional sentences. (Charts 20-2 and 20-3)
EXERCISE 10. Present or future conditional sentences. (Charts 20-2 and 20-3)
Introduction: Chart 20-4 Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Past
Chart 20-4 Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Past
EXERCISE 11. Untrue in the past. (Chart 20-4)
EXERCISE 12. Untrue in the past and present. (Charts 20-3 and 20-4)
EXERCISE 13. Untrue in the past. (Chart 20-4)
EXERCISE 14. Conditionals in the past and future. (Charts 20-2 through 20-4)
EXERCISE 15. Conditionals in the past and present. (Charts 20-2 through 20-4)
EXERCISE 16. Conditionals in the past and present. (Charts 20-2 through 20-4)
EXERCISE 17. Conditionals in the present and future. (Charts 20-2 through 20-4)
EXERCISE 18. Conditional sentences. (Charts 20-2 through 20-4)
Introduction: Chart 20-5 Using Progressive Verb Forms in Conditional Sentences
Chart 20-5 Using Progressive Verb Forms in Conditional Sentences
EXERCISE 19. Using progressive verb forms in conditional sentences. (Chart 20-5)
EXERCISE 20. Using progressive verb forms in conditional sentences. (Chart 20-5)
Introduction: Chart 20-6 Using Mixed Time in Conditional Sentences
Chart 20-6 Using Mixed Time in Conditional Sentences
EXERCISE 21. Using mixed time in conditional sentences. (Chart 20-6)
Introduction: Chart 20-7 Omitting IF
Chart 20-7 Omitting IF
EXERCISE 22. Omitting IF. (Chart 20-7)
Introduction: Chart 20-8 Implied Conditions
Chart 20-8 Implied Conditions
EXERCISE 23. Implied conditions. (Chart 20-8)
EXERCISE 24. Untrue in the past; implied conditions. (Charts 20-4 and 20-8).
EXERCISE 25. Conditional sentences. (Charts 20-2 through 20-8)
Introduction: Chart 20-9 Using AS IF and AS THOUGH
Chart 20-9 Using AS IF and AS THOUGH
EXERCISE 26. Using AS IF and AS THOUGH. (Chart 20-9)
EXERCISE 27. Using AS IF and AS THOUGH. (Chart 20-9)
Introduction: Chart 20-10 Verb Forms Following WISH
Chart 20-10 Verb Forms Following WISH
EXERCISE 28. Verb forms following WISH. (Chart 20-10)
EXERCISE 29. Verb forms following WISH. (Chart 20-10)
EXERCISE 30. Verb forms following WISH. (Chart 20-10)
Introduction: Chart 20-11 Using WOULD to Make Wishes About the Future
Chart 20-11 Using WOULD to Make Wishes About the Future
EXERCISE 31. Using WOULD to make wishes. (Chart 20-11)
EXERCISE 32. Summary exercise: conditional sentences and wishes.
EXERCISE 33. Summary exercise: conditional sentences and wishes.
Game: Concentration
EXERCISE 34. Listening.
EXERCISE 35. Speaking.
EXERCISE 36. Reading.
EXERCISE 37. Reading comprehension.
TEST. (Questions 1 - 5)
TEST. (Questions 6 - 10)
TEST. (Questions 11 - 15)
TEST. (Questions 16 - 20)
A Basic Grammar Terminology
Chart A-1 Subjects, Verbs, and Objects
EXERCISE 1. Identifying subjects. (Chart A-1)
EXERCISE 2. Transitive and intransitive verbs. (Chart A-1)
EXERCISE 3. Identifying objects. (Chart A-1)
EXERCISE 4. Transitive and intransitive verbs. (Chart A-1)
Chart A-2 Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
EXERCISE 5. Identifying prepositions. (Chart A-2)
EXERCISE 6. Objects of prepositions. (Chart A-2)
EXERCISE 7. Sentence elements. (Charts A-1 and A-2)
Chart A-3 Adjectives
EXERCISE 8. Identifying adjectives. (Chart A-3)
Chart A-4 Adverbs
EXERCISE 9. Identifying adverbs. (Chart A-4)
EXERCISE 10. Midsentence adverbs. (Chart A-4)
EXERCISE 11. Identifying adjectives and adverbs. (Charts A-3 and A-4)
EXERCISE 12. Adjectives and adverbs. (Charts A-3 and A-4)
EXERCISE 13. Adjectives and adverbs. (Charts A-3 and A-4)
Chart A-5 The Verb BE
EXERCISE 14. The verb BE. (Chart A-5)
Chart A-6 Linking Verbs
EXERCISE 15. Linking verbs. (Charts A-3 through A-6)
EXERCISE 16. Sentence elements. (Charts A-1 through A-6)
EXERCISE 17. Sentence elements. (Charts A-1 through A-6)
B Questions
Chart B-1 Forms of Yes-No and Information Questions
EXERCISE 18. Forming yes-no and information questions. (Chart B-1)
Chart B-2 Question Words
EXERCISE 19. Information questions. (Charts B-1 and B-2)
EXERCISE 20. Information questions. (Charts B-1 and B-2)
EXERCISE 21. Information questions. (Charts B-1 and B-2)
EXERCISE 22. Information questions. (Charts B-1 and B-2)
Chart B-3 Shortened Yes-No Questions
EXERCISE 23. Shortened yes-no questions. (Chart B-3)
Chart B-4 Negative Questions
EXERCISE 24. Negative questions. (Chart B-4)
Chart B-5 Tag Questions
EXERCISE 25. Tag questions. (Chart B-5)
C Contractions
Chart C Contractions
EXERCISE 26. Contractions. (Chart C)
EXERCISE 27. Contractions. (Chart C)
D Negatives
Chart D-1 Using NOT and Other Negative Words
EXERCISE 28. Using NOT and NO. (Chart D-1)
Chart D-2 Avoiding Double Negatives
EXERCISE 29. Double negatives. (Chart D-2)
Chart D-3 Beginning a Sentence with a Negative Word
EXERCISE 30. Beginning a sentence with a negative word. (Chart D-3)
E Preposition Combinations
Chart E Preposition Combinations with Adjectives and Verbs
EXERCISE 31. Prepositions. (Chart E)
EXERCISE 32. Prepositions. (Chart E)
EXERCISE 33. Prepositions. (Chart E)
EXERCISE 34. Prepositions. (Chart E)
EXERCISE 35. Prepositions. (Chart E)
EXERCISE 36. Prepositions. (Chart E)
EXERCISE 37. Summary.

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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 3

_Jet_100 · 13-Янв-08 12:36 (спустя 43 мин., ред. 14-Янв-08 07:18)

Полное содержание в спойлере
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 17 лет 11 месяцев

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7thGuest · 13-Янв-08 16:29 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Автора заменяем на Разработчик/Издатель, пишем Категорию (мультимедиакурс, аудиокурс?), если это программа или мультимедийный курс - то Скрины обязательны!.. Указываем Язык интерфейса. Все списки, как вам уже правильно сказали, в спойлер!..
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 3

_Jet_100 · 14-Янв-08 08:21 (спустя 15 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

исправлено. первая раздача всё таки была...
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Стаж: 17 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 6

sleypnir · 22-Янв-08 01:15 (спустя 7 дней, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

При запуске, откриваетсо ИЕ7 и сообщаетцо шо : Problem with Shockwave
Shockwave (version 8 or higher) must be installed to view this course.
Но шоквейв устанофлен, последняя версия (Adobe Shockwave Player ровно как и флеш последний. Джава 1.6.03.
Переустанофка шоквейва на версию с этого диска не помогла.
Шо это моет быть, и как с эти боротсо?
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Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 365

lana_s · 22-Янв-08 09:32 (спустя 8 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Проблема лечится установкой патча. Посмотри на сайте производителя.
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 59

madcucumber · 23-Янв-08 15:31 (спустя 1 день 5 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Мне патч не помогает, хотя бы потому что у меня сама программа даже не устанавливается.
Пишет вот что: "This application has unexpectedly quit/ Invocation of this java applications has caused in Invocation TargetEception This application will now exist (LAX)"
У кого-нибудь есть идеи что с этим делать?
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 28

Julballe · 24-Янв-08 22:23 (спустя 1 день 6 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

madcucumber у меня такая же проблема!! Да, что делать?
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 6

renoroc · 24-Янв-08 23:36 (спустя 1 час 13 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Дайте, плз, ссылку на патч.
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Стаж: 19 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 9

shico · 25-Янв-08 01:34 (спустя 1 час 57 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)
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Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 47

Planer · 25-Янв-08 03:03 (спустя 1 час 29 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31) - это если совсем точнее :), и пришлось новый Quiсk Time сносить, а ставить предлагаемый 6.5 - только тогда заработало...
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 59

madcucumber · 25-Янв-08 16:27 (спустя 13 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Не помогло! Пишет тоже что и писало 1 в 1! Установка патча не помогает, так же как и установка явы (стояла новее ява, скачал ту что на сайте - эффекта 0).
Planer, тебе такую же ошибку выдавало?
просто не пойму в чем проблема...
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 28

Julballe · 25-Янв-08 20:47 (спустя 4 часа, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

да, да, объясните как этим патчем пользоваться, у меня такое сообщение вылезает, что и при простой установке
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Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 47

Planer · 25-Янв-08 21:01 (спустя 14 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Planer, тебе такую же ошибку выдавало?
Мне такую ошибку как у тебя не выдавало, была в начале ошибка (точно уже не помню как она выглядела) связанная с плагином явы, далее действовал по инструкции предлагаемой прогой (reinstall, по ниже скрина), потом вышла ошибка связанная с Quiсk Time (стояла последняя версия), после его сноса и установки версии 6.5 - все заработало...
объясните как этим патчем пользоваться
Ну тут все о умолчанию вроде, ставишь в ту папку куда и прога ставилась....
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 28

Julballe · 26-Янв-08 04:28 (спустя 7 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

да, но я не могу поставить программу. При установке выдает сообщение: "This application has unexpectedly quit/ Invocation of this java applications has caused in Invocation TargetEception This application will now exist (LAX)" и все, прекращается установка. При запуске этого патча тоже самое сообщенни и тоже прекращается установка.
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 59

madcucumber · 26-Янв-08 11:07 (спустя 6 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

у нас с Julballe одинаковые проблеммы. Программа просто не ставится. мб она на висте не идет?
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Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 47

Planer · 26-Янв-08 12:03 (спустя 56 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

мб она на висте не идет?
Ну если у меня на XP SP2 с такими ошибками запускалась, может на висте и не пойдет...
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 28

Julballe · 29-Янв-08 02:36 (спустя 2 дня 14 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

да, у меня Виста (( аа жалко как, очень хотела эту прграмму установить (
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 59

madcucumber · 29-Янв-08 13:49 (спустя 11 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Julballe, я скачал несколько программ на грамматику. Нормально работают только пдф файлы+mp3. Все что надо устанавливать - не работает. Мб и из-за висты..
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Grisha Grigoriev

Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 6

Grisha Grigoriev · 30-Янв-08 22:53 (спустя 1 день 9 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Ничего не работает. В чем фишка?
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 59

madcucumber · 31-Янв-08 00:13 (спустя 1 час 20 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Нас уже трое у тебя случаем не виста?
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Стаж: 17 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 9

jafar_swe · 04-Фев-08 23:57 (спустя 4 дня, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

а где сам патч находитса? не могу найти
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 59

madcucumber · 05-Фев-08 01:42 (спустя 1 час 45 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)
но если сама программа не ставится скорее всего не поможет. Мне не помогло
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Стаж: 18 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 70

victorrent · 05-Фев-08 22:34 (спустя 20 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Planer писал(а):
потом вышла ошибка связанная с Quiсk Time (стояла последняя версия), после его сноса и установки версии 6.5 - все заработало...
У меня тоже выскочила такая ошибка, но я нажал "продолжить" и программа заработала без переустановки Quick Time на старую версию
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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 10

loadline · 11-Мар-08 05:33 (спустя 1 месяц 5 дней, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Почему убрали торрент?
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Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 260

afonya13 · 13-Мар-08 23:23 (спустя 2 дня 17 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Это уже третья попытка раздать Бэтти Азар на треккере. Все версии были не крякнутые. Стоит защита хоть и примитивная на Jawa. Если её не взламывать то после нескольких запусков система перестаёт распознавать вашу болванку , как оригинальный лицензионный диск. Без взлома , один выход переустанавливать прогу кажды день. Вам это надо? Я бы заблокировал раздачу. Если вы конечно не мазохисты, то качайте. Учаться как правило на своих ошибках.
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 277

DerPartisan · 14-Мар-08 00:26 (спустя 1 час 3 мин., ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

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Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 10

loadline · 14-Мар-08 03:54 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Я уже скачал с другог трэкера. Вы правы, не работает.
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Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 743

Directorent · 09-Июл-08 17:52 (спустя 3 месяца 26 дней, ред. 13-Июл-08 14:43)

попробую проверить и написать заключение о работоспособности
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Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 743

Directorent · 13-Июл-08 14:41 (спустя 3 дня, ред. 08-Мар-11 02:41)

upd: Данная программа полностью работоспособна только на "пустой" windows XP, установленной совсем недавно (без каких-либо новых java, shockwave, quicktime и проч.). Если у вас будет барахлить только shockwave - установите патч с сайта longman, который раздается в теме и все заработает.
Но если после нескольких попыток установки будет барахлить все остальное - java, explorer и проч - скорее всего поможет только виртуальная машина.
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