Аndy · 20-Апр-14 22:20(10 лет 10 месяцев назад, ред. 21-Апр-14 22:54)
Armin van Buuren presents...A State of Trance 000-600История радиошоу “A State of Trance” (ASOT) насчитывает уже почти десять лет. Впервые оно вышло в эфир в марте 2001 года на радио ID&T. Двухчасовая передача представляет собой непрерывный микс, в течение которого создатель и постоянный ведущий шоу Армин ван Бюрен проигрывает новые композиции стиля транс – как уже вышедшие, так и треки новых исполнителей, нуждающихся в продвижении. В 2004 году радио ID&T сменило формат и жанровые предпочтения, и Армин ван Бюрен перешёл со своей программой на датский канал Fresh FM. Сейчас радиошоу «A State of Trance» выходит еженедельно на другой датской радиостанции – Slam.FM, а также на онлайн-радиоканале DI.FM (прямая трансляция осуществляется в 19.00 по гринвичскому времени). Кроме того, это радиошоу можно слушать и на российских FM-радиостанциях: в Санкт-Петербурге это Radio Record (106.3), а в Москве – NRJ (104.2). По подсчётам, число слушателей шоу ASOT во всём мире превышает десять миллионов в 26 странах, благодаря более чем 30 радиостанциям, не считая спутникового и интернет-вещания.
В составе каждой программы звучат мелодия недели, классический трек (он всегда проигрывается последним с описанием его истории и причин известности), композиция – будущий фаворит (future favourite). При этом радиошоу «A State of Trance» не ограничивается исключительно транс-музыкой. Вот что говорит об этом сам Армин ван Бюрен: «То, что делает работу в стиле транс такой замечательной – это то, что она не привязана к одному стилю, она может включить в себя электронику, минимализм, и что угодно, что ей понравится». Таким образом, хотя в основе радиошоу, безусловно, остаётся транс-музыка, ван Бюрен не ограничивается жёсткими рамками одного стиля.
«A State of Trance» - это прекрасная возможность отслеживать новейшие тенденции в транс-музыке, поскольку в выборе композиции-фаворита участвует самое крупное и известное сообщество www.trance.ru.
Помимо самих радиотрансляций, вокруг «A State of Trance» существует большое количество мероприятий, связанных с этим радиошоу. Прежде всего, это дни рождения шоу. Особенно крупным был восьмой день рождения, который совпал с выходом юбилейного четырёхсотого эпизода радиошоу. Он был отмечен 72-часовой трансляцией и тройным празднованием, проходившим одновременно в Германии, Великобритании и Нидерландах. За это время интернет-сайт www.astateoftrance.com, на котором в реальном времени было доступно аудио и видео, посетили более двухсот тысяч пользователей из 123 стран. Мероприятия ASOT всегда транслируются в прямом эфире по различным радиостанциям. Кроме того, нередко Армин ван Бюрен делает специальные выпуски программы, одним из ярких примеров которых являются живые эфиры с Ибицы.
Каждый год, в конце декабря, слушатели радиошоу «A State of Trance» выбирают абсолютного фаворита шоу, а через неделю после этого ван Бюрен создаёт Yearmix. Это последний эпизод года, в который входят лучшие мелодии года. Впоследствии этот микс издаётся на отдельном альбоме. Кроме того, регулярно выходят и другие альбомы «A State of Trance»: это сборники компиляций, а также издания «A State of Trance Classics», выходящие ежегодно, начиная с 2006 года. В отличие от других альбомов радиошоу, они содержат композиции в их оригинальном виде, или в том миксе, в котором они приобрели популярность. Одним из главных критериев отбора треков для этого издания является их труднодоступность: часто на альбомах «A State of Trance Classics» оказываются композиции, оригинальное звучание которых можно найти лишь на виниловых пластинках или на альбомах, выпущенных под небольшими лейблами.
Жанр: Trance, Progressive Trance Год выпуска: 2001-2013 Формат файла: MP3 Тип рипа: image+.cue Битрейт аудио: 192-320 kbps A State of Trance 601-650
Информация об ASOT
A State Of Trance (также обозначается аббревиатурой ASOT) — название еженедельного радиошоу музыки в стиле транс, которое ведет популярный диджей Армин ван Бюрен (нидерл. Armin van Buuren). Впервые радиошоу было запущено в эфир 18 мая 2001 года на радио ID&T (предшественник Slam!FM).
Шоу имеет формат двухчасового микса. Еженедельное количество слушателей радиошоу по всему миру достигло 30 000 000. Специальные выпуски Некоторые выпуски программы включают в себя сеты диджеев — гостей программы и/или прямые включения с танцевальных площадок клубов всего мира. Ниже представлен перечень эпизодов, известных под обозначением XXL, так как их длина больше, нежели стандартные выпуски шоу Выпуски 000-080 013: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Vincent Van Tongeren 020: Прямое включение из клуба Scanners, Дордрехт, Нидерланды. 023: Прямое включение из клуба Golden, Stoke-On-Trent, Великобритания. 024: Прямое включение из клуба Passion, Coalville, Великобритания. 028: (2001-12-27) Top 20 of 2001 043: Прямое включение из клуба Passion in Coalville, Великобритания. 053: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Airwave 055: Прямое включение из клуба GodsKitchen, Code в Бирмингеме, Великобритания. 058: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Ferry Corsten 062: Прямое включение из клуба GodsKitchen, Eden, Ибица 064: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Kid Vicious 067: Прямое включение из клуба Glow, Вашингтон. 068: гостевой микс от Ferry Corsten (повтор ASOT 058) 076: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Signum 078: (2002-12-26) Top 20 of 2002 079: Прямое включение из Club Eau в Гааге, Голландия. 087: Прямое включение из клуба Glow, Вашингтон. 090: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от M.I.K.E. 095: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Misja Helsloot 096: Прямое включение из Passion, Coalville, Великобритания. 100: Celebrating 100 Episodes. Прямое включение из Bloomingale, Голландия, включая гостевой микс от Jon O'Bir, Marco V и Harry Lemon. Выпуски 101—200 104: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Harry Lemon 113: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Lange 117: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Gabriel & Dresden 119: Прямое включение из The RA, Лас-Вегас 122: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Markus Schulz 126: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Above & Beyond 127: Прямое включение из клуба Asta Den Haag — 27 ноября 2003 129: (25 декабря 2003) Top 20 of 2003 130: 4-часовой микс 131: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Perry O'Neil 132: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от M.I.K.E. 134: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Ben Lost 138: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Ton TB and Mark Norman 142: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Airwave и Yves Deruyter 143: Прямое включение из Spundae in San Francisco — 2nd April 2004 147: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Rank 1 151: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Marco V 155: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от John '00' Fleming 159: Прямое включение из Bloomingdale, Голландия — Bloemendaal aan Zee, включая гостевой микс от Markus Schulz. 161: Прямое включение из The Pavilion, Кипр. 169: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от Markus Schulz 171: Прямое включение, включая гостевой микс от DJ Precision 173: Прямое включение из клуба Panama, Амстердам, включая гостевой микс от Matthew Dekay 175: Прямое включение из клуба Colors in Helsinki — 5 ноября 2004. 181: (30 декабря 2004) Top 20 of 2004 182: (6 января 2005) Year Mix 2004 200: (2 июня 2005) 4-часовое шоу: Hours 1 and 2: мегамикс самых запрашиваемых треков (англ. Most Requested Tunes by Listeners') Hour 3: эксклюзивный гостевой микс от Gabriel & Dresden Hour 4: Армин ван Бюрен Прямое включение из Museumsquare, Амстердам. Выпуски 201—300 228: (22 декабря 2005) Top 20 of 2005 229: (29 декабря 2005) Year Mix 2005 250: (25 декабря 2006) 8? hour show. Прямое включение из клуба Asta, Гаага, Голландия: Час 1: A State of Trance Classics Ableton Mix Час 2: гостевой микс от Jonas Steur Час 3: гостевой микс от M.I.K.E. Час 4: гостевой микс от John Askew Часы 5 и 6: Прямое включение, микс от Армин ван Бюрен Час 7: гостевой микс от Rank 1 Час 8: гостевой микс от Menno de Jong 259: (18 июля 2006) Прямое включение из клуба Armada Night Amnesia, Ибица. 280: (2006-12-21) Top 20 of 2006 281: (2006-12-28) Year Mix 2006 282: Rebroadcast of A State Of Trance Episode 274 300: часть 1: (10 мая 2007) классический микс и короткие гостевые миксы от Menno de Jong, Marcel Woods, Sean Tyas и Aly & Fila часть 2: (17 мая 2007) 7-часовое шоу. Прямое включение из Pettelaarse Schans в Хертогенбосе, Голландия[2] Час 1: гостевой микс от Aly & Fila Час 2: гостевой микс от Sean Tyas Час 3: гостевой микс от Menno de Jong Час 4: гостевой микс от Marcel Woods Час 5: гостевой микс от Markus Schulz Часы 6 и 7: прямое включение, «живой» микс от Армин ван Бюрен Выпуски 301—400 308: Прямое включение из клуба Armada Night Amnesia, Ибица. 331: (2007-12-20) Top 20 of 2007 332: (2007-12-27) Year Mix 2007 350: 2008-05-01 Специальная живая версия из клуба NoXX, Антверпен, Бельгия. Час 1: гостевой микс от DJ Shah Час 2: гостевой микс от M.I.K.E. Час 3: гостевой микс от John O'Callaghan Час 4: гостевой микс от Aly & Fila Час 5: гостевой микс от Nic Chagall Часы 6 и 7: «живой» микс от Armin van Buuren Час 8: гостевой микс от Markus Schulz 359: Прямое включение из клуба Armada Night Amnesia, Ибица. 370: Прямое включение из клуба Amnesia, Ибица, Summer Sessions Closing Party 380: Прямое включение из клуба Volume, Сеул, Южная Корея (22-11-08) 383: (18 декабря 2008) Top 20 of 2008 384: (25 декабря 2008) Year Mix 2008 386: Armin Only: Imagine, «Together As One». Прямое включение из Лос-Анджелеса, New Years Eve (31-12-08) 400: 72 часовое шоу, включившее в себя записанные гостевые миксы, классические треки и др. 2009-04-16 Прямое включение из клуба Butan Вупперталь, Германия 2009-04-17 Прямое включение из клуба Air, Бирмингем, Англия 2009-04-18 Прямое включение из клуба Maassilo Роттердам, Голландия Выпуски 401-500 411: Прямое включение с Winter Sound System, Melbourne, Australia. 413: Прямое включение из клуба Amnesia, Ибица, фестиваль Armada Music. Час 1: Live mix from Armin van Buuren Час 2: Guest mix from Gareth Emery and Signum. 416: Час 1: Newest Tunes Selected Час 2: Прямое включение из клуба Amnesia, Ибица, фестиваль Armada Music. 421: Час 1: Newest Tunes Selected Час 2: Прямое включение из клуба Amnesia, Ибица, фестиваль Armada Music. 450: Шоу, включившее в себя записанные гостевые миксы, классические треки и др. 2 апреля 2010 — прямое включение из The Guvernment, Торонто, Канада 3 и 4 апреля — прямое включение из Roseland, Нью-Йорк, США 9 апреля — прямое включение из Expo Arena, Братислава, Словакия 24 апреля — прямое включение из Centennial Hall, Вроцлав, Польша (перенесено с 10 апреля в связи с гибелью в авиакатастрофе президента Польши Леха Качиньского). 487: Прямое включение из IEC, Киев, Украина. 488: (23 декабря 2010) Top 20 of 2010 489: (30 декабря 2010) Year Mix 2010 500: Шоу, включившее в себя записанные гостевые миксы, классические треки и др. 17 марта 2011 — Pre-party, прямое включение из Club Trinity, Кейптаун, ЮАР 19 марта — прямое включение из MTN Expo Center, Йоханнесбург, ЮАР 27 марта — прямое включение с Ultra Music Festival, Майами, США 2 апреля — прямое включение из Club G.E.B.A., Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина 2 апреля — прямое включение из Brabanthallen, Ден Босх, Нидерланды 16 апреля — прямое включение из Acer Arena, Сидней, Австралия Выпуски 501-600 513: (16 июня 2011) Mirage The Remixes special on ASOT 518: (21 июня 2011) Прямое включение из клуба Space, Ибица 540: (23 декабря 2011) Top 20 of 2011 541: (29 декабря 2011) Year Mix 2011 542: (5 января 2012) First ASOT 2012 547: (9 февраля 2012) премьера нового трека который стал частью интро A State Of Trance начиная с 550 выпуска: Gaia — J’ai Envie De Toi 549: (23 февраля 2012) A State of Trance 2012 550: Шоу, включившее в себя записанные гостевые миксы, классические треки и др. 1 марта 2012 — прямое включение из клуба Ministry of Sound, Лондон, Великобритания 7 марта 2012 — Экспоцентр, Москва, Российская Федерация 551: (8марта 2012) Live@ in Moscow 10 марта 2012 — Международный Выставочный центр, Киев, Украина 552: (15 марта 2012) Live @ ASOT 550 @ IEC, Kiev 17 марта 2012 — в рамках ежегодного танцевального фестиваля Beyond Wonderland, Лос-Анджелес, США 553: (22 марта 2012) Live @ ASOT 550 @ Beyond Wonderland 25 марта 2012 — в рамках ежегодного фестиваля электронной музыки Ultra Music Festival, Майами, США 554: (29 марта 2012] Обычный выпуск 31 марта 2012 — Brabanthallen, Ден Босх, Нидерланды A State Of Trance 550 Invasion World Tour 19 мая 2012 — в рамках ежегодного танцевального фестиваля Electric Daisy Carnival, Нью-Йорк, США 9 июня 2012 — в рамках ежегодного танцевального фестиваля Electric Daisy Carnival, Лас-Вегас США 10 июня 2012 — в рамках ежегодного танцевального фестиваля Electric Daisy Carnival, Лас-Вегас США 27 июня 2012 — в рамках ежегодного танцевального фестиваля Global Gathering, Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне Великобритания 25 июня — 24 сентября 2012 — каждый понедельник в клубе Privilege на Ибице A State Of Trance 600. The Expedition Tour. Начиная с 583 выпуска, Армин объявляет города, в которых пройдет празднование 600 выпуска A State Of Trance. Ниже представлены все 12 городов 14 февраля 2013 — Мадрид, Испания 16 февраля 2013 — Мехико, Мексика 1 марта 2013 — Сан-Паулу, Бразилия 7 марта 2013 — Минск, Беларусь 8 марта 2013 — София, Болгария 9 марта 2013 — Бейрут, Ливан 15 марта 2013 — Куала-Лумпур, Малайзия 16 марта 2013 — Мумбаи, Индия 24 марта 2013 — в рамках ежегодного фестиваля Ultra Music Festival, Майами, США 27 марта 2013 — Гватемала, Центральная Америка 31 марта 2013 — Нью-Йорк, США 6 апреля 2013 — Ден Бош, Нидерланды 17 июня — 23 сентября 2013 — каждый понедельник в клубе Privilege на Ибице Регулярные рубрики Каждое радиошоу имеет три постоянные рубрики: Tune of the Week, Future Favourite и ASOT Radio Classic. Tune of the Week (Трек недели) Трек, удостоенный Tune of the Week, выбирает сам Армин ван Бюрен. Это его личный выбор лучшего трека за прошедшую неделю. Future Favourite (Будущий хит) Трек, удостоенный Future Favourite, выбирают слушатели из списка новых треков предыдущего выпуска радиошоу. Голосование проходит на сайте www.astateoftrance.com/futurefavorite/. ASOT Radio Classic (Классика радиошоу) Рубрика ASOT Radio Classic появилась с 284 выпуска A State Of Trance. Армин ван Бюрен выбирает один трек, выпущенный в предыдущих годах, и кратко описывает его историю. Это заключительная рубрика всего радиошоу.
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A State of Trance 000-080
A State of Trance Episode 000 (2001-05-18)
01. Satoshi Tomiie - Love In Traffic
02. Utah Saints - Lost Vagueness (Oliver Lieb Remix)
03. Orion - See Me Here (Darren Tate Mix)
04. Yahel - You Inside
05. Transa - Kinetic
06. Natural Born Grooves - Kickback (TDR Remix)
07. Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Above & Beyond Remix)
08. Airwave - Mysteries Of Life
09. ID - Startheme
10. Delerium - Innocente (Mr Sam's Remix)
11. Green Court - Take (My Breath Away) (Chrome's Romance in NY Remix)
12. Moogwai - The Labyrinth (Part Two)
13. Progrez Presents - Beam Me Up
14. Coast 2 Coast - Home (Dj Tiesto Remix)
15. Ultra Vibe - Choose Freedom
16. System F - Mode Confusion
17. Push - Strange World (2000 Remake)
18. Dennis M - Right Now
A State of Trance Episode 001 (2001-06-01)
01. Warrior- Voodoo (Oliver Lieb mix) (Incentive promo)
02. Munity- Secrets (Ian Wilkie mix)
03. Joker Jam- Innocense (Planisphere mix)
04. Liquidation- Theme from Liquid (Marco V. mix) (Acetate) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 05. Sonic Inc.- Taste of Summer (Bonzai Promo)
06. Natural Born Grooves- Kickback (TDR remix) (Spinnin’ promo)
07. RR Workshop- 50K (promo) CLASSIC: 08. Ultimate Seduction- Ultimate Seduction
09. System F. feat. Armin van Buuren- Exhale (new mix) (acetate)
10. Blank & Jones- Tribal Attack 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Drax & Scott Mac- Sublime (Darkstar remix) (Spot on)
2. Orion- See me Here (Incentive)
3. Praha presents Kian- Pachinko Part two (Platipus)
4. ???- Clear Blue Moon (Acetate)
5. Ralphie B.- Massive (Blackhole promo)
6. Members of Mayday (Paul van Dijk mix) (Promo)
7. Rank1- Such is Life (Free for All-promo)
8. S.O.L.I.S.- Dolphins (Classified Project remix) (Alien Promo)
9. Armin- Blue Fear (Cyber Records)
A State of Trance Episode 002 (2001-06-08)
02.00- 23.00
01. Cyclone- Salobre (Transk promo)
02. The Infernal Machine- Realistic (Infernal machine remix) (Positiva promo)
03. Sister Bliss feat. John Martyn- Deliver Me (Lee Combs mix) (Blackhole)
04. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Armin van Buuren’s Rising Star mix) (Armind promo)
05. Signum- ? (promo BPM) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 06. Mystique vs. U2- New Years Dub (Hybrid mix) (Serious promo) CLASSIC: 07. Capricorn- 20 Hz (Global Cuts, 1993)
08. Mauro Picotto- Verdi (BXR)
09. Taktic vs. Soulsearcher- Can’t get enough (promo) 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Satoshi Tomiie- Love in Traffic
2. Natious- Another World
3. Sonic Inc.- The Taste of Summer
4. Ralphie B.- Massive (promo Blackhole)
5. Airwave- Save Me (Bonzai)
6. Mike Vandenberg- Flightpath (DJ Remy Remix) (Sadie)
7. Speedy J.- Electric Deluxe (+8)
8. ?- Clear Blue Moon (Acetate)
9. Schiller-Ruhe (Humate Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 003 (2001-06-15)
22.00- 23.00
01. Jan Johnson- New York (Alphabet City promo)
02. M- Promo (Combined Forces)
03. Cape Town- Stringrizer (Bonzai)
04. Get Here (promo?)
05. Orion- See Me Here (Incentive Promo) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 06. Ralphie B.- Massive (Blackhole promo)
07. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Armin van Buuren’s Tribal Feel Vocal) (Armind Promo)
08. Warrior- Voodoo (Oliver Lieb Mix) (Incentive promo) CLASSIC: 09. Underworld- Dark & Long (JBO, 1994) 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. System F. feat. Armin van Buuren- Exhale (Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren new mix) (Acetate)
2. ?- Startheme (Armind/ Acetate)
3. Evolution- Crocodile man
4. Sister Bliss feat. John Martyn- Deliver Me (Lee Combs mix) (Blackhole)
5. Sonic Inc.- Taste of Summer
6. Infernal Machine- Realistic (Infernal machine remix) (Positiva promo)
7. Voodoo Dildo- Have I told you?
8. Signum- ? (promo BPM)
9. ?- Clear Blue Moon (Armind/ Acetate)
10. Liquidation- Theme from Liquid (Marco V. mix) (Acetate/ United)
A State of Trance Episode 004 (2001-06-22)
22.00- 23.00
01. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Armin’s Tribal Feel) (Armind/ United)
02. Orinoko- island remix (Saints & Sinners Remix)
03. Sonic Inc.- A Taste of Summer (Bonzai promo) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Pronti & Kalmani Vocal mix) (Combined Forces Promo)
05. Ralphie B.- Massive (Blackhole Promo)
06. Rank1- Such is Life (Marco V. Remix) (Free For All Promo) CLASSIC: 07. Humate- Love Stimulation (Paul van Dijk remix) (MFS, 1993)
08. Spicelab- Oscilator (Testified)
09. 4 strings- Into the night (Liquid promo)
10. Electric Tease- Fever (Automatic Promo) 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Hi End System- Lost (TicToc Records)
2. Greencourt feat. De/Vision- Take (My Breath Away) (Chrome Remix)
3. Tata Box Inhibitors- Plasmids (Force Mass Motion remix) (Future Groove)
4. Marc Auerback presents Muke- ? (Mode Records)
5. Orion- See Me Here (Skope’s Remix) (Incentive)
6. Cape Town- Stringrizer (Bonzai promo)
7. Photon Project- The Outside (Blackhole)
8. Jaya- Excursion (Original mix) (Inversus)
9. Moogwai- The Labyrinth Part two (Platipus)
10. ?- Clear Blue Moon (Armind/ Acetate)
A State of Trance Episode 005 (2001-06-29)
22.00- 23.00
01. Greed feat. Lesly- Fatal
02. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Pronti & Kalmani mix vocal mix) (combined forces)
03. 4 Strings- Into the night (Spinnin’ promo)
04. Alibi- Eternity (Thrillseekers remix) (Armind/ Vandit)
05. Sonic Inc.- A Taste of Summer (Bonzai) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 06. Vincent de Moor- Flowtation 2001 (Combined Forces)
07. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound Of Goodbye (Above & Beyond remix) (Armind/ Cream UK) CLASSIC: 08. Jam & Spoon- Stella (R&S, 1993)
09. Ralphie B.- Massive (Blackhole)
10. Freefall- Skydive (Warrior remix) (Incentive promo) 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. John Creamer & Stephane K feat. Oliver Twisted- I love you (ambient mix) 2. Jimmy van M. @ Sanctuary (bedrock0
3. Orinoko- Island remix (Saints & Sinners remix) (Positiva)
4. Walter Solo- Coming from another world (captivating sounds/ warner)
5. Lemon8- Pressure (basic beat)
6. DJ Nukem vs. Chab- Forward (piece process remix) (cyber records promo)
7. Capetown- Stringrizer (Bonzai)
8. Dirty Vegas- Days Go By (Lucien Foort remix)
9. Trisco- Musak (Steve Lawler remix)
10. Rank1- Such is Life (rank1 dub)
11. Spicelab- Oscillator EP
12. Signum- 5 yards (Jinx)
13. Barthezz- on the move (Riva remix)
A State of Trance Episode 006 (2001-07-20)
22.00- 23.00
01. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Pronti & Kalmani remix) (Combined Forces promo)
02. ?- Ibeatza
03. 4 Strings- Into the Night (Spinnin) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. System F.- Theme Dance Valley 2001 (Tsunami promo)
05. Push- The Legacy (Bonzai Promo)
06. Starecase- Navigator (Hope)
07. Unknown- Souvenir de Chine (Bonzai promo) CLASSIC: 08. Carl Craig presents Paperclip People- Throw (Planet E/ 1994)
09. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind Promo/ United)
10. Faithless- We Come 1 (Dave Clarke remix) (Cheeky limited)
11. Rocco & Heist- Rescue Me (Oliver Lieb remix) 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Monoboy feat Delores- The Music in You (Oliver Klein remix) (perfecto)
02. Private Taste- First (automatic promo)
03. Sasha & Emerson- Scorchio (Sander Kleinenberg mix) (Deconstruction)
04. Ballroom- Come Along (Chrome mix) (underworld records)
05. Accadia- Into the dawn (James Holden remix) (Lost Language)
06. Medea feat. Justine- Universal (ATCR promo)
07. Mutekki- no.6 Aron Akira
08. SF 10300- Kolo (Oliver Moldan remix) (Superfly)
09. Complex Climate- From the heart and the mind (Bonzai limited)
10. Walter Solo- Coming from another World (DJ Astrid remix) (promo captivating sounds)
11. Virtua Trancer- Sex After Dinner (Bonzai promo)
12. Rank1- Such is Life (Dub)
A State of Trance Episode 007 (2001-07-27)
22.00- 23.00
01. Tall Paul vs. INXS- Precious Heart (original mix) (edel promo)
02. Shane- Too late to turn (Reef promo)
03. DJ Cyber- Marco Antonio (Cyber Acetate) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Push- The Legacy (Bonzai Promo)
05. ?- Ibeatza
06. Accadia- Into the dawn (James Holden remix) (Lost Language)
07. Nick K. vs. Kid Vicious (Tsunami promo) CLASSIC: 08. Der Dritte Raum- Trommelmachine (Eye-Q/ 1996)
09. Alibi- Eternity (Thrillseekers remix) (Armind/ Vandit)
10. System F.- Theme Dance Valley 2001 (Tsunami promo)
11. Stylus Trouble- Sputnik (mainframe remix) (Junior London) 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Way Out West- Intensify (Peace Division remix) (Blackhole promo)
02. DJ Remy- Radiate (Mike Monday remix) (Additive)
03. Orinoko- Island (Saints & Sinners remix) (Positiva)
04. Rising Star- Startheme (Armind promo)
05. Christian Hornborstel- Back to the music (tough & twisted remix) (southeast promo)
06. Connector- Interference (Spinnin promo)
07. Unknown- Souvenir de Chine (Bonzai promo)
08. Mutekki- no.6 Aron Akira (Mutekki/ UCMG)
09. Vincent de Moor- Flowtation 2001 (Combined Forces)
10. Faithless- We Come 1 (Dave Clarke remix) (Cheeky limited)
11. Complex Climate- From the heart and the mind (Bonzai limited)
A State of Trance Episode 008 (2001-08-03)
22.00- 23.00
01. Geert Huinink- Dreamscape (Blackhole promo)
02. Push- The Legacy (Bonzai promo)
03. Fire & Ice- Out of Darkness (1998/B-side Souvernir de Chine, Bonzai re-release) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Shane- Too late to turn (Reef promo)
05. Plastika- promo (united)
06. Stylus Trouble- Sputnik (mainframe remix) (Junior London)
07. The Mystery- Mystery (Above & Beyond remix) (spinnin records) CLASSIC: 08. Gat Decor- Passion (Experimental/ 1992)
09. ?- Ibeatza
10. Floor Divisions- Yellow Reactor Room (Massive Drive) 23.00- 23.30:
01. Alibi- Eternity (VANK remix) (Armind/ promo)
02. System F. vs Armin van Buuren- Exhale (Ferry & Armin new mix) (Acetate)
03. System F.- Dancevalley 2001 (Tsunami promo)
04. DJ Cyber- Marco Antonio (Acetate cyber)
05. Boca- Miami (Alphabet City promo) 23.30- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix:
01. Nick K. vs. Kid Vicious (Tsunami promo)
02. Chris Cowie- Reaktor (Bell boy)
03. Accadia- Into the dawn (James Holden remix) (Lost Language)
04. Unit- Velocity Indication (hologram records)
05. Paul van Dyk- Out There (Columbia E.P./ Vandit) 23.55:
01. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Pronti & Kalmani remix) (Combined Forces promo)
A State of Trance Episode 009 (2001-08-10)
22.00- 23.00
01. Shane- Too late to Run (Reef)
02. Moricoco- OK (Dj Nukem remix)
03. Accadia- Into the dawn (James Holden remix) (lost language)
04. Ocean Lab- Clear Blue Water (Captivating Sounds promo)
05. The Mystery- Mystery (Above & Beyond remix) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 06. DJ Tisto- Urban Train (Nebula promo)
07. Alibi- Eternity (Thrillseekers remix) (Vandit rec.)
08. Alibi- Eternity (Thrillseekers ‘first’ mix) (CDR)
09. Velvet Girl- Velvet (Mike Monday mix) (Additive)
10 . Nick K. vs Kid Vicious- ? (Tsunami promo) CLASSIC: 11. Country & Western- Reincarnation (Zebra, 1993) 23.00- 23.40-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Starecase- Navigator (Hope)
02. Dirty Vegas- Days Go By (Lucien Foort remix)
03. DJ Cyber- Marco Antonio (Cyber Records promo)
04. Paul van Dyk- Vega (Starecase remix)
05. Serial Smokers- Music = Our Future (Jaimy & Kenny D. remix) (Blackhole promo)
06. DJ Jaimy- Why Gloria? (Blackhole promo)
07. Boca- Miami (Alphabet City promo) 23.40:
08. DJ Cyber, Mo Shic & DJ Emjay- Asian Love (Cyber Records CDR)
09. Push- The Legacy (Bonzai promo)
010. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind promo)
011. Rouge- Jingalay remix (Markus Schulz remix) (Platipus)
A State of Trance Episode 010 (2001-08-17)
22.00- 23.00
01. Van Bellen- Mixed Senses (Saints & Sinners Remix) (Beak Promo)
02. Three Drives- Sunset on Ibiza (Vocal DJ Enrico Remix) (MD Promo)
03. Durango 95 feat. Sudha- Big Red Woosh (Duty Free promo)
04. Sunrise feat. Shaun- Heaven in Your Eyes (Bonzai promo)
05. Accadia- Into the Dawn (James Holden remix) (Lost Language) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 06. Fire & Ice- Out of Darkness (Bonzai Promo)
07. DJ Jaimy- Why Gloria? (Blackhole promo)
08. DJ Tisto- Urban Train (Nebula promo) CLASSIC: 09. Public Energy- Three ‘O Three (Probe rec./ 1992)
10. Love Tattoo- Drop some Drums (original) (Positiva promo) 23.00- 0.00 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Tenaglia/ Timo Maas- Lost it (Bootleg)
02. Velvet Girl- Velvet (Mike Monday remix) (Additive)
03. Munity- The Virus (Dirty Dub) (V:C)
04. Accadia- Into the dawn (Accadia Club mix)
05. Push- The Legacy (Bonzai Promo)
06. Unknown- Ibeatza (promo)
07. Nick K. vs. Kid Vicious – ? (Tsunami Promo)
08. Chac- 7 Years (Original mix) (Duty Free Promo)
09. Fire & Ice- Souvenir de Chine (Bonzai promo)
10. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind Promo)
11. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Armin van Buuren’s Rising Star mix)
A State of Trance Episode 011 (2001-08-24)
22.15- 23.15
01. Madelyne- A Deeper Love (D’tech mix) (Liquid/ Spinnin NL)
02. Saints & Sinners- Peace (Oliver Lieb remix) (Lost Language)
03. DJ Tiesto- Suburban Train (Nebula promo)
04. Silverblue- Step Back (Silicon Rec) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 05. Iio- Rapture (M.O.S.)
06. Tenaglia/ Timo Maas- Lost it (Bootleg)
07. Simon Foy- Inside Out (BXR) CLASSIC: 08. Cubic22- Night in Motion (Big Time International/ 1991)
09. Ayumi Hamasaki- Appears (Armin van Buuren’s Sunset Dub) 23.15- 0.15 -> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Circulation- Turquoise (Different Gear remix) (Hooj)
02. Saeed & Palash- Losing Control (Anodyne)
03. Accadia- Into the dawn (James Holden remix) (Lost Language)
04. Art of Trance- Kilimanjaro (Silvio Ecomo remix) (Platipus)
05. DJ Cyber- Marco Antonio (Cyber promo)
06. Unknown- Ibeatza (promo)
07. Graham Fee- System Overload (Remedy remix)
08. DJ Moss- Bogota Experiences
09. Fire & Ice- Souvenir de Chine (Bonzai promo)
A State of Trance Episode 012 (2001-09-07)
22.00- 23.00
01. Double 99 feat. Sneaker Pimps- 7th High (Hydrogen Rockers mix) (BMG)
02. Bodyshock- Rain in the city (Bonzai promo)
03. Marco V.- Simulation (Free For All- promo) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Vaiio- Rapture (Riva remix) (Acetate)
05. King of Clubs- Revelation (Airwave remix) (Blackhole promo)
06. Silverblue- Step Back (Freaky promo)
07. Dave Davis- Resource (Bonzai)
08. Ayumi Hamasaki- Appears (Armin van Buuren’s Sunset Dub) CLASSIC: 09. Cygnus X- Orange theme (Eye-Q/ 1995)
10. Ultra- Free (unofficial, unreleased Johan Gielen remix?) (CDR) 23.00- 0.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Tetra Flux- Forever (Touche promo/ United)
2. Loafer- Travelogue (Blackwatch remix) (Hope)
3. Purple & Ronan- Future Blue (remix) (Transient)
4. Sandy vs. Sinesweeper- Shake it (Filterheads remix) (Infra-Red promo)
5. M.I.K.E.- Elements of Life (Bonzai Limited)
6. Harry Choo-Choo Romero- I want Out (I can’t believe) (‘Why must I deal with this s**t…’) (Perfecto)
7. Sidewinder- Hidden Flight (Bootleg)
8. Simon Foy- Inside Out (BXR)
9. System7- High Plains (Voyager remix) (a-wave)
10. Graham Fee- System Overload
11. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind/ United)
A State of Trance Episode 013 (2001-09-14)
22.00- 23.00
01. Vaiio- Rapture (Riva remix) (Acetate)
02. Orinoko- Island (Thrillseekers remix) (Positiva)
03. I-Ching- The Forgotten dream (50% Orion Groove Project) (Rhythm Den Haag promo)
04. Plastika- ? (Jark Prongo remix)(United promo)
05. Sandy vs. Sinesweeper- Shake it (Filterheads remix) (Infra red promo) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 06. Marco V.- Simulation (Free For All- promo)
07. Ayumi Hamasaki- Appears (Armin van Buuren’s Sunset Dub)
08. Silverblue- Step Back (Freaky promo) CLASSIC: 09. Sjef van Leeuwen- Voices of K.A. (Spiritual Trip 105/1993)
10. Pathogen- Vanishing Point (Good:As Promo)
11. Altitude- Night Stalker (Chris Raven remix) (Bonzai) 23.00- 0.00-> Vincent van Tongeren Non-stop in the mix
01. Starecase – Hopeless (Hope)
02. Cirque 2 – Cirque Music Volume 2 (Cirque)
03. Loafer – Travelogue (Blackwatch Mix) (Hope)
04. Marc O’ Tool – Stauffenberg (Underworld)
05. Blackstone – Superfrill (Vapour Recordings)
06. Private Taste – First (Automatic)
07. DJ Nukem vs Chab – Forward (Piece Process Mix) (Cyber)
08. Remy – Radiate (Mike Monday Remix) (Additive)
09. Indart, Wally & Kucho – The Sea (Weekend)
10. Accadia – Into the Dawn (James Holden Mix) (Lost Language)
A State of Trance Episode 014 (2001-09-21)
22.00- 23.00
01. Future Sound of London- Papua New Guinea (Hybrid remix)
02. Silicone Soul- Right On (Steve Lawler dub) (V:C promo)
03. DJ Tiesto- Urban Train (Marc O’Tool remix) (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Vengeance feat. Clare Pearce- Song to the Siren (Conception)
05. Liam Shachar- Worlds Apart (Nuw Idol Tribal mix) (Wellwicked records London)
06. Sunscream vs. Push- Please Save Me (Five AM Promo)
07. Marco V.- Simulated (Free For All promo)
08. Iio- Rapture (Riva remix) (United/ MOS) CLASSIC: 09. Secret Cinema- Timeless Altitude (EC/ 1994)
10. Hybernate- Mane Sonitus (Advent EP B2) (Agitate Records/ Canada)
11. King of Clubs- Revelation (Airwave remix) (Blackhole promo) 23.00- 0.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Private Taste- First (Max Graham mix) (Automatic promo)
02. Organik- Muzik (Chab remix)
03. James Holden- One for You (Silver Planet)
04. Mirco de Govia- Epic Monolith (Kyau vs. Albert remix) (Euphonic)
05. Replicant- The Conspiracy (POD- recordings)
06. Freefall feat. Jan Johnston- Skydive (I feel wonderful) (John Johnson remix) (Incentive)
07. Emmanuel Top- Detune my Fortune (Leaded)
08. Hemstock & Jennings- Mirage (of Hope) (Phaze One rec.)
09. Planet Heaven- Predator (3 Beat)
010. Miss Shiva- Dream (Humate remix) (V:C)
A State of Trance Episode 015 (2001-09-28)
22.00- 23.00
01. Riva- Stringer (Who Do You Love now?) (Pablo Gargano remix) (United)
02. Jan Johnston- As the cracks appear (highland remix) (Perfecto)
03. Jetson- Starlight (Captivating sounds promo) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Tranquility Bass- Razorfish (Above & Beyond progressive remix) (Ajunabeats promo)
05. Marco V.- Simulated (Free for All promo)
06. Way Out West- Mindcircus (Fred Numf vs Etienne Overdijk remix) CLASSIC: 07. Perry & Rhodan- Beat just goes straight on and on (1992/ Happy Music)
08. Hybernate- Mane Sonitus (Advent EP B2) (Agitate Records/ Canada)
09. Van Gelderen- Aftershock (Tsunami promo)
10. Alibi- Eternity (VANK remix) (Armind promo)
11. Lumination- I want More (promo) 23.00- 0.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. DJ Cyber, Mo Shic & DJ Emjay- Asian Love (Dance remix) (Cyber Records promo)
02. Konkrete- Law Unto myself (dub) (Perfecto)
03. W.O.S.P.- Gettin’Into U (Faithless remix) (DATA promo)
04. Liam Shachar- Worlds Apart (Nuw Idol Tribal mix) (Wellwicked records London)
05. Bodyshock- Rain in the city (Bonzai promo)
06. Ramirez- Hablando (Push remix)
07. Silverblue- Step back
08. Unknown- Psst promo (United)
09. System 7- High Plains (Voyager remix) (A-wave)
A State of Trance Episode 016 (2001-10-05)
22.00- 23.00
01. Trancesetters- The Saga (CDR/United)
02. Satoshi Tomie feat. Chara- Atari (INCredible UK)
03. M. Shimmon vs. 3rd degree- Dark Feelin’
04. Marco V.- Simulated (Free for All promo)
05. ?- In the Beginning (Tsunami promo) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 06. Salt Tank- The Energy (DJ Remy remix)(Bedrock)
07. Ramirez- Hablando (Push remix) (Bonzai Classic promo)
08. Tranquility Bass- Razorfish (Above & Beyond progressive mix) CLASSIC: 09. Point Black- Meng’s Theme (BNW)
10. Van Vleuten- Variations on a Love Theme (Glam Rec Promo) 23.00- 0.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Quasistereo feat. ACL- Addictions (anodyne)
02. Face Energy- Face Strength (Bootleg)
03. Lovesky- Drums 4 better Daze (Original mix) (Hooj)
04. Jan Johnson- As the cracks appear (highland remix) (Perfecto)
05. Plastic Angel- Sweet Sixteen (Corvin Dalek remix) (Wash)
06. Nilo- A summer Song (Be My Friend) (Davoli’s Propane mix) (Perfecto)
07. Ayumi Hamasaki- Appears (Armin van Buuren’s Sunset Dub) (Acetate)
08. Ambassador- The Fade (Oliver Lieb remix) (Planitary Consiousness)
09. Black & Jones- Nightclubbing (Airwave remix)
10. Sandy vs. Sinesweeper- Shake it (Filterheads remix) (Infra red promo)
11. Jeft- ? (Psst promo/ United)
A State of Trance Episode 017 (2001-10-11)
23.00- 01.00
01. Blank & Jones- Secrets & Lies (Saint & Sinners remix) (Edel)
02. Tranquility Bass- Razorfish (Above and Beyond Bangin’ mix) (Ajunabeats promo)
03. Salt Tank- The Energy (DJ Remy remix) (Bedrock) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Trancesetters- The Saga (United)
05. Sunscream vs. Push- Save Me (Push remix) (FiVe AM) DEMO CORNER: 06. Daniel Wanrooy- ? (unreleased/ CDR)
07. Marco V.- Simulated (Free for All promo)
08. Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix) (United) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Kong- Kong (Mr. Sam’s dark shadows mix) (Electret/ News BE)
02. Apron- The Mind (Lemon8 remix) (Source/ basic beat)
03. Southern Comforter- Another Late Thursday (Automatic promo)
04. Transfer- Possession (Tarrentella & Redanka remix) (Leaved traxx)
05. Symmetrix- Unbalanced (Forward recordings)
06. Lovesky- Drums 4 better daze (16C+ remix) (Hooj)
07. Dave Begg- Structured (hook promo)
08. Signum- ? (Jinx)
09. Van Gelderen- After Shock (Tsunami promo)
10. Simon Foy- Inside Out (BXR)
11. Blank & Jones- Sweet Revenge (Airwave remix)
12. Van Vleuten- Variations on a ‘Love Me’ theme (Glam rec.)
A State of Trance Episode 018 (2001-10-18)
23.00- 00.00
01. Lost Witness- Did I Dream? (Bomb factory remix) (Ministry of Sound CDR)
02. Cosmic Blueprint- The Cocaine bar (Whitelabel)
03. Desert- Lettin’ ya mind go (king Unique’s dub) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Fragma- Say that you’re here (Riva remix) (Gang Go)
05. M.O.R.P.H.- Mxm Overdrive (Benicio remix) (Free for All promo)
06. Marco V.- Simulated (V.ision remix) (Free for All Promo)
07. Riva- Who do you love now?/ Stringer (Pablo Gargano remix) (FFRR/ United)
08. Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix) (United acetate)
09. Alibi- Eternity (Vank remix) (Armind promo)
10. Avalanche- Friend Zone (einHORN)
11. Tranquility Bass- Razorfish (Above & Beyond progressive mix) (Ajunabeats) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Banda Sonora- Guitarra G (G Club Original mix) (Defected)
2. Dave Swayze- Sunstroke (Travel EP) (Yeti/News)
3. Luminance- Grace (White Room @ Bedrock remix) (NEWS)
4. Green Screen- Columbian Heroes (Yeti/News)
5. Infected Mushrooms- S is Here (Yahel remix) (einHORN)
6. Haktan O’Nal- Bedford Street (Four:twenty)
7. Ballroom- Passenger (I-jack’s All work & No Play mix) (Lost Language)
8. Remosh- Shakin n Burnin (Burnin mix) (unknown label)
9. Trancesetters- The Saga (Touche promo/ United)
10. Salt Tank- The Energy (DJ Remy remix) (Bedrock)
11. Sunscream vs. Push- Please Save me (Push remix) (FiVe AM)
A State of Trance Episode 019 (2001-10-25)
23.00- 00.00
01. Fragma- Say that you’re here (Riva Remix) (Edel)
02. Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix) (united)
03. Ocean Lab- Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten remix) (Captivating Sounds) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. M.O.R.P.H.- Mxm Overdrive (Benicio Remix) (ID&T promo)
05. Marco V.- Simulated (V.ision remix) (ID&T promo)
06. PPK- ReSurection (Space Clubmix) (Perfecto)
07. Tillmann Uhrmacher- On the Run
08. Trancesetters- The Saga (Touche/ United)
09. James Holden- One for you (Oliver Klein remix) (Silver Planet)
10. Skydive- Any Day Now (Slusnik Luna remix) (Nozle Finland) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Loudest- Lights Off (Shinichi)
02. Satoshi Tomie feat. Chara- Atari (jaded vox in Japan remix)
03. Blair Bitch- Blair Bitch (mike monday remix) (Nebula)
04. Ubu- Pixels (Hipp-e’s twisted remix) (Azuli)
05. Cindy Laser- The man I’d die for (Atlantis Ita mix) (Eve Nova)
06. Haktan O’Nal- Bedfort Street (four:twenty)
07. Salt Tank- The Energy (DJ Remy remix) (Bedrock)
08. Avalanche- Friendzone (einHORN)
09. DJ Jaimy- Why Gloria? (Blackhole)
10. Walter Solo/ DJ Astrid- Fire in Your Heart (dub) (Captivating Sounds promo)
11. Ramirez- Hablando (Push remix)
A State of Trance Episode 020 (2001-11-10)
23.00- 01.00
Due to Armin van Buuren’s tour in the U.S.A., this thursday
the show is a previously recorded 2 hour live set from Armin’s
gig at Scanners (Dordrecht), The Netherlands from 27/10/2001. Unfortunately, there is no tracklisting available from this set.
A State of Trance Episode 021 (2001-11-08)
23.00- 00.00
01. Riva- Who do you Love now? (stringer) (Riva’s Bora Bora mix) (United Acetate)
02. Jark Prongo- Funky Shit (Psst Promo)
03. Ocean Lab- Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten remix) (Captivating Sounds) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. PPK- ReSurection (Perfecto)
05. Lange feat. Skye- Drifting Away (Lange Sunset Dub) (V:C promo)
06. M.O.R.P.H.- Mxm Overdrive (Benicio Remix) (ID&T promo)
07. Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix) (one of limited 500 copies)
08. Binary Finary- Nightrider (Car-lo’s Tribal Rework) (FiVe Am)
09. Funk d’void- Diabla (Soma) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Sasha- Expander (bootleg breakbeat mix)
02. Carissa Mondavi- Solid ground (Markus Schulz remix) (News promo)
03. Sleepfreaks- P.H.B. (directors cut) (Method Records)
04. Mike Vandenberg- Spooky (Sadie)
05. Halogen- Charged (eve 01049)
06. Brother Brown- Star Catching girl (Sander Kleinenberg remix) (Rulin promo)
07. Paul Gaarn- Inhale (telica)
08. Oliver Klein- Timeloop remixes (lazlo Panaflex remix)
09. Faithless- Tarrantula (Hiver and Hammer remix) (Cheeky promo)
A State of Trance Episode 022 (2001-11-15)
23.00- 00.00
01. Carissa Moldavi- Solid Ground (Markus Schulz remix) (Yris/News)
02. Lost Witness- Did I dream? (Bomb Factory remix) (MOS promo)
03. PPK- ResuRection (Space Club mix) (perfecto) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Lange feat. Skye- Drifting Away (sunset dub) (V:C promo)
05. Aalto- Liquid Sweep (Ajunabeats CDR)
06. Yves de Ruiter- Music Non Stop (Bonzai promo)
07. Marco V.- Simulated (ID&T)
08. Cape Town- Xtension (Bonzai CDR)
09. Christian Dagger- ? (One Star recordings promo) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren) (one of 500 limited copies)
02. Trancesetters- the Saga (Touche promo)
03. The Untamed- Innocent Child (Deep remix) (nice and firm promo)
04. Worf- Fear (Stringer mix) (Bonzai)
05. Replicant- Conspiracy (POD)
06. Precision & the Freak- The Progress (BPM Dance promo)
07. V-One- Dead Cities (bonzai)
08. Taskforce- touch me (Thrillseekers remix) (Y2K)
09. M.O.R.P.H.- Maximum Overdrive (Benicio remix) (ID&T promo)
10. Avalanche- Friendzone (einHORN)
A State of Trance Episode 023 (2001-11-22)
Previously recorded DJ set from Armin’s gig at Golden,
Stoke-On-Trent, UK (17/11) Tracks include:
Trancesetters- The Saga (United)
Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix) (United)
Bodyshock- Ghost in the Church (Bonzai)
Ocean Lab- Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten remix) (Captivating Sounds)
PPK’s ResuRection (perfecto)
Marco V.- Simulated (ID&T)
M.O.R.P.H.- Mxm overdrive (Benicio remix) (ID&T)
Pale-X- Eightball (Seventh Sense Records)
and many more
A State of Trance Episode 024 (2001-11-29)
Previously recorded DJ set from Armin’s gig at Passion, Coalville, UK (17/11)
A State of Trance Episode 025 (2001-12-06)
23.00- 00.00
01. Lange feat. Skye- Drifting Away (World Clique Remix) (V:C promo)
02. Neurotic Jock- Therapy (Vicious Vinyl)
03. Yahel- For the People (Transient Classic) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Rank1- ?? (ID&T promo)
05. Funk Einsatz- Punk (Tsunami promo)
06. Precision & The Freak- The Progress (BPM Dance Promo)
07. Golden Girls- Kinetic (Vincent de Moor remix) (Combined Forces)
08. Delerium feat. Rani- Underwater (Rank1 remix) (Yris)
09. Sharpside- Spacecruising (Rotation)
10. Speedy J.- Kreck (Nova Mute) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Digby & Oliver- Human (zero tolerance)
02. Arcane- Somewhere (Dave Swayze remix) (Yeti/ News)
03. DJ Fire- Ulan Bator (Bonzai)
04. JB- Unknown Origin (Fluid)
05. Vehemence- Coming (Combined Forces)
06. Pablo Gargano- Absolution (Eve)
07. Junk Project- Composure (Solar Stone remix) (Liquid Assett)
08. Loki- NyCu (Easy Access)
09. Ransom- My Dance (Ferry Corsten remix) (Tsunami)
010. Pale-X- Eightball
A State of Trance Episode 026 (2001-12-13)
23.00- 00.00
01. BT- Shame (Way Out West remix) (Embrace the Future)
02. Matthias Schafthauser feat. Rob Tyler- Hey Little Girl (Pascal F.E.O.S. remix)
03. DJV feat. K-mart- You think you’re Jesus (weekend world remix) (Skyline records) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Marco V.- Godd (ID&T)
05. Rank1- ?? (ID&T)
06. Riva- ??(CDR/United)
07. Plastic Angel- Trancespotting (Wash)
08. Lange feat. Skye- Drifting Away (V:C)
09. Roger Goode- In the Beginning (Ferry Corsten remix) (Tsunami) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Aurei- Eternal Life (deep vision records)
02. Medway vs. Pete Gawtry- Geno Sequence (Tony Thomas remix) (Decipher)
03. Polekat- Muge (USR/ Renaissance)
04. Konkrete- Law Unto Myself (Dub) (Perfecto)
05. Whitelabel- Unknown (Tic Toc Tunes)
06. Liam Kennedy- Transparant Signals (Fred Numf vs. Five point O remix) (Perpetual Tunes)
07. Earthbound- Song 5 (Eve)
09. Jamie Anderson- Can’t stop (G Force Rework) (Artform)
10. Precision & The Freak- The Progress (BPM Dance)
11. Fabbx Spinner- Hypno House (Glove Records)
A State of Trance Episode 027 (2001-12-20)
23.00- 00.00
01. Jakatta- Ever So Lonely (Rulin)
02. Memnon feat. Julie Mays- Eclips (musicnow)
03. Huntemann- Phreaks 2.1 (deadly good music) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. T-factory- Message in a bottle (Hiver and Hammer remix) (Inferno)
05. Rene Ablaze pres. Troxa- Autumn (collision)
06. Rank1- ?? (ID&T)
07. Lost Witness- Did I Dream? (Tiesto Vocal remix) (Data/ Acetate)
08. Moon project- Moments are forever (Bonzai UK)
09. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind/ United) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. J.C.- Redsky (Acedemy records)
02. Minimalistix- A Forest (remix) (whitelabel)
03. Shibuya- Naked & Beautiful (Divide & Rule Dub) (Conception)
04. Ascension- For A lifetime (Xtravaganza)
05. Novacane feat. No-One Driving- Playa Sol (Jon the denist Push Harder remix) (Direction/ Sony)
06. The Ambush feat. Phools Inc.- Asymmetric (Phoolz Inc mix) (Superstition)
07. Marco V.- Certainly (Darren Christian) (Duty Free)
08. Mystery- ?? (Liquid)
09. Green Smoke- Smoke Green
10. Evoke- Arms of Loren (Ferry Corsten dub)
11. Taiko- Silence (the joker remix) (Alphabet city)
A State of Trance Episode 028 (2001-12-27) (Top 20 of 2001)
23.00- 00.00
The State of Trance Listeners Top 20 of 2001.
The tracks that brought you in a state of trance in 2001. Top 20 of the favorite tracks of the listeners to ‘A State of Trance.’
As broadcasted on ID&T Radio on 27th of December 2001. 1. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind/ United)
2. Iio- Rapture (Riva Remix) (United)
3. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Armin’s Tribal Feel) (Armind/United)
4. Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix) (United)
5. Rank 1- Awakening (ID&T)
6. Accadia- Into the Dawn (James Holden remix) (Lost Language)
7. Marco V.- Simulated (ID&T)
8. Trancesetters- The Saga (Touche)
9. DJ Tiesto- Suburban Train (Blackhole)
10. Lange- Drifting Away (Lange’s Sunset Dub) (V:C)
11. Silverblue- Step Back
12. Salt Tank- The Energy (Dj Remy Remix) (Bedrock remix)
13. King Of Clubs- Revelation (Airwave remix)
14. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Pronto & Kalmani) (Combined Forces)
15. Sonic Inc.- A Taste of Summer (Bonzai)
16. Avalance- Friendzone (EINhorn)
17. DJ Cyber- Marco Antonio (Cyber Records)
18. Ayumi Hamasaki- Appears (Avb’s Sunset Dub) (Avex)
19. Ocean Lab- Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten remix) (Captivating Sounds)
20. Signum- First Strike (JinX)
A State of Trance Episode 029 (2002-01-03)
23.00- 00.00
01. Reflektve & Andrea Britton- Breath Life (Greed remix) (3 beat)
02. Phaedra- forbidden methods (original) (Flammable/ United)
03. Robbie Rivera’s Grooves- Funk-A-Tron (Subliminal) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Ernesto & Bastian- Lonely People… (Altitude/ FTM)
05. Lost Witness- Did I Dream? (Tiesto remix) (Data)
06. Funk Einsatz- Punk (tsunami)
07. T-Factory- Message in a bottle (Hiver and Hammer remix)(Inferno)
08. Db Boulevard- Point of view (Lange remix) (illustious)
09. Vank vs. Adaro- Aquaplanning (original) (Collision) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Faithless- God is a DJ (Skynet UK remix) (DMC)
02. Huntemann- Phreaks 2.1 (deadly good music)
03. Intervision- Supernova (Free your soul mix) (Orient Recordings)
04. Letticia- Colour of my dreams (Dark moon remix) (Xtranova)
05. Marl Taylor- Matic Maythem (Collision)
06. Dito feat. Dznite- Shadows (techtrance)
07. York feat. Alaska- Yesterday (silence) (kaycee remix) (Dancepool) 8. Sharpside- Spacecruisin (Rotation)
09. Rank1- Awakening (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 030 (2002-01-10)
23.00- 00.00
01. Miro- By your side (Ian Wilkie mix) (Lost.Language)
02. Viridian- Sunhump (Classified project remix) (Forbidden Planet rec.)
03. Ernesto & Bastian- Lonely People… (Altitude/FTM) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Funk Einsatz- Punk (Tsunami)
05. ?- Bleechin’ (DJ Remy remix) (unknown)
06. Weekend Players- Into the sun (Riva remix)(Multiply)
07. Yves de Ruiter- Music Non-stop (remix) (Bonzai)
08. Perpetuous Dreamer- Dust.wav (Armin van Buuren’s Rising Star remix) (Armind)
09. T-factory- Message in a bottle (Hiver and Hammer remix) (Inferno) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Jahn Hanna- Lost (Mezz Dub) (V:C)
02. S.O.L.I.S.- Dolphins (Umek remix) (additive)
03. Berry van Gardingen- Resolution (original) (Sadie/ Orange)
04. Fred Numf vs Etienne Overdijk- Illusion of the truth (original) (Blackhole)
05. Cirillo- Cristallo (Paul van Dyk remix) (Vandit)
06. Symphony of Strings- Don’t want your love (Connector remix)
07. Vank vs. Adaro- Aquaplanning (original) (Collision)
08. Lost Witness- Did I Dream? (Tiesto remix) (Data)
09. Walter Solo- Fire in your heart (Dub) (Captivating sounds)
10. Moon Project- Moments are forever (Camouflage)
A State of Trance Episode 031 (2002-01-17)
23.00- 00.00
01. Roger Goode- In the beginning (Tsunami)
02. 4 strings- Into the night (4 strings remix) (Zeitgeist)
03. Ferry Corsten- Punk (Tsunami) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Weekend Players- Into the sun (Riva remix) (Multiply)
05. Snowseal- Androgyne (original) (Res003/ FTM)
06. Romanthony- Never Fuck (AMbassador remix) (CDR_IDT)
07. Perpetuous Dreamer- Dub.wav (Armind/ United)
08. Sonorus- Second Sun (Mirco de Govia remix) (euphonic germany)
09. Viridian- Sunhump (Classified project remix) (Forbidden planet) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Opal- The Snake (Transa remix) (Futureshock music)
02. Mark Ambrose- Robots (Crayon)
03. The Ambush vs. Phools Inc.- Asymmetric (Phools Inc. mix) (Superstition UK)
04. Konkrete- Law unto myself (dub) (Perfecto)
05. Aquanuts- Deep Sea (Data)
06. Berry v. gardingen- Resolution (Sadie)
07. T-factory- Message in A Bottle (Hiver and Hammer remix) (Inferno)
08. Fix to Fax- Synatic Dream (combined forces 1993)
09. Taskforce- Touch me (Thrillseekers remix) (Y2K)
10. Db Boulevard- Point of View (Lange remix) (illustrious)
A State of Trance Episode 032 (2002-01-24)
23.00- 00.00
01. Sonorus- Second Sun (Mirco de Govia remix) (euphonic germany)
02. Goldtrix feat. Andrea Brown- It’s love (trippin’) (Yris/News)
03. Weekend Players- Into the sun (Riva remix) (Multiply) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Vank vs. Adaro- Aquaplanning (original) (Collision)
05. Db Boulevard- Point of View (Lange remix) (illustrious)
06. Ascension- For A Lifetime (Xtravaganza)
07. Aquanuts- Deep Sea (Martin Eyerer) (data)
08. Innervision- Supernova (Orient Recordings)
09. Perpetuous Dreamer- dust.wav (Armin van Buuren’s Rising Star remix)(Armind) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. J.C.- Redsky (Academy records)
02. Green Velvet- La la Land (Filterheadz remix)
03. Ydr- Music non-stop (Push remix) (Bonzai)
04. Arcane- Somewhere (Yeti)
05. Ernesto & Bastian- Lonely People… (FTM)
06. Benisch & Mull- Luminosity (inside)
07. 4 Strings- Into the night (4 strings remix) (Zeitgeist)
08. Rank1- Awakenings (ID&T)
09. Green Smoke- Smoke Green
10. Taiko- Silence (Michael Parsberg remix) (dropout rec)
A State of Trance Episode 033 (2002-01-31)
23.00- 00.00
01. Sarah Mc Lachlan- fear (Hybrid’s Super Collider Remix) (Nettwerk)
02. Azzido da Bass feat. Roland Clark- Speed (Can you Feel it?) (Clubtools/edel)
03. Weekend Players- Into the Sun (Riva remix) (Multiply) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Riva- 2 (United/FFRR)
05. Futura Legend- Restless Nature (Signum) (JinX)
06. 4 Strings- Into the Night (Coast 2 Coast remix) (nebula)
07. ?- Reaching Out (Digidance white)
08. Svenson & Gielen- We know what you did… (ID&T)
09. Perpetuous Dreamer- Dust.wav (Armind/united) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Andy Moor pres. Sworn- dark amendments (attraction vocal) (Method)
02. 4 Strings- Into the night (Resistance D. remix) (Zeitgeist)
03. Rex Mundi- Get Back (first impression)
04. Tonuri- Coming Soon remix
05. Fusion feat. M.hardwick- Spectrum (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Joof)
06. Accessive Rhythm- Activate (FTM)
07. Mo’Hawk- Atlantic Stress (ID&T)
08. Aquanuts- Deep Sea (Data)
09. Minimalistix- Close Cover (DJ Gert vs. DJ Bonka remix) (Data)
10. Classified Project- Spatial Enhancer (Alien)
A State of Trance Episode 034 (2002-02-07)
23.00- 00.00
01. 4 Strings- take me away/ into the night (Resistance D. remix) (Zeitgeist)
02. Nature- Free your mind (Mystery remix) (Liquid)
03. Riva- II (United/ FFRR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Cass & Slide- Glad I Ate her (Fire)
05. Taste Experience- Highlander (ralphie b.’s massive mix) (Blackhole)
06. Coast 2 Coast- be with me (original)
07. Perpetuous Dreamer- dub.wav (Armind)
08. Voidcom- Crockett’s theme (Mateo Murphy remix) (Ministry of Sound)
09. Green Martian- End of the Earth (Bonzai)
10. H2J- East & Central (Phaze two) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Urban Dwellers- Loverman (pitch black)
02. S.K.F.- Ultraviolence (Phreaq remix) (Breathless)
03. Viridian- Sunhump (classified project remix) (Forbidden Planet)
04. Rhythm Reigns- Fuel (Chab remix) (undercurrent)
05. Futura Legend- Restless nature (Signum remix) (Jinx)
06. Tonuri- Take me (Coming soon remix)
07. Melodica- Leama (La Zzurra)
08. Ca-Lo- What’s wrong? (Nukleus)
09. Dave M.- The Space between (Tiesto remix)
A State of Trance Episode 035 (2002-02-14)
23.00- 00.00
01. Cass & Slide- Glad I Ate her (Fire)
02. Unknown Artist- Latino Nights (track B1) (slipadrive/ftm)
03. Push- Tranzy state of mind (Bonzai) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Futura Legend- Restless Nature (Signum remix) (Jinx)
05. Signum- Global Mayhem (? working title) (BPM dance CDR)
06. Taste Experience- Highlander (Ralphie B. remix) (Blackhole)
07. Agnelli & Nelson- Everyday 2002 (Alex Gold remix) (Acetate)
08. 2 Players- Signet (Plastic Angel remix) (Afterglow)
09. Solar Factor- Deep Sonar (Bonzai white) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Bluephaze- The Bell (Oceanwave mix) (Vapour)
02. Cape Town- Xtension (green martian)
03. The Ambush vs. Phools Inc.- Asymmetric (Phools inc. remix) (Superstition)
04. Aot feat. Michele Adamson- Love washes over (dub) (politik records)
05. Bas & Ram- Protocol (f-active)
06. Riva- 2 (FFRR/United)
07. Unknown artist- whitelabel (quiver remix??)
08. Nature- Free your mind (Mystery remix) (spinnin)
09. Unknown Artist- Reaching Out (digidance)
10. Svenson & Gielen- We know what you did… (ID&T)
11. Arcane- Somewhere (Yeti)
A State of Trance Episode 036 (2002-02-21)
23.00- 00.00
01. Way Out West feat. Tricia Lee Kelshall- Mindcircus (Dj Dazzle’s Royal Airforce mix) (blackhole)
02. Romanothy’s Nightvision- Never Fuck (Paul van Dyk mix#4) (ID&T CDR)
03. Katana- Gemini (Silver Premium) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Push- Tranzy State of Mind (Bonzai)
05. Airwave- Above the sky 2002 (Bonzai)
06. Chill Factor- Crowd Breazer (FTM)
07. Signum- Global Mayhem (Jinx)
08. Barthezz- Infected (Nuw Idol remix) (Positiva promo)
09. Ultra- Free (Johan Gielen mix) (cdr)
10. Mauro Picotto- Pulsar 2002 (Tiesto remix) (BXR) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Slymixer- Remember Camels
02. Cass & Slide- Glad I Ate her (666)
03. Viridian- Sunhump (Classified project remix) (Forbidden Planet)
04. Ernesto & Bastian- Lonely People… (FTM)
05. Maglev- Levitate (Original) (4 Fingers/ Purple Eye)
06. Subsequence pt. 3- Prototype (Fonatic)
07. Paffendorf- Be Cool (Hiver & Hammer) (data)
08. Hooligan pres. Da Experience- Are you Mature ? (part II)
09. Unknown Artist- Reaching Out (Digidance)
10. Loader feat. Jeyenne- Nothing is (Dj Remy remix) (Four: twenty)
A State of Trance Episode 037 (2002-02-28)
23.00- 00.00
01. Beber & Tamra- You Wonder? (Mob Records)
02. Marcella Woods- Falling (perfecto)
03. The Mystery- Devotion (Big Room mix) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Signum- Second Wave (Jinx/ Bpm Dance)
05. Airwave- Lady Blue (from the Album ‘believe’) (Bonzai)
06. Dj Tiesto- Lethal Industry (Nebula)
07. Perpetuous Dreamer- dust.wav (Armin van Buuren’s Rising Star mix) (Armind/ United)
08. Alpha Breed- Beyond the Moon (Freejack’s Energy’s mix) (Combined Forces)
09. Dj Albert vs. Precision- Say yes (Katana remix) (Silver Premium)
10. Ultra- Free (Svenson & Gielen remix) (united) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix 01. Busy Boys feat Nat- Flow Emotion (Galea & Lush Tribal love mix) (first run)
02. Way Out West feat. Tricia Lee Kelshall- Mindcircus (DJ Dazzle’s Royal Air Force mix) (Blackhole)
03. Artist Unknown- Morning dust (United)
04. Sarah McLachlan-? (whitelabel)
05. 4 Strings- Into the night (coast 2 coast remix) (Nebula)
06. Vank vs. Adaro- Aquaplanning (Collision)
07. Paffendorf- be cool (hiver and hammer remix) (data)
08. Artist unknown- Reaching Out (digidance white)
09. Triangle- Bulldozer (Combined Forces)
A State of Trance Episode 038 (2002-03-07)
23.00- 00.00
01. Starchaser- jambe Myth (Sunset Jambe mix) (Oxyid)
02. Busy Boys feat Nat- Flow Emotion (Galea & Lush Tribal love mix) (first run)
03. Tim J. feat. DJ Larry- Dennon (trilamb/ BPM) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Alphabreed- Beyond the moon (Freejack’s Energy mix) (combined forces)
05. Signum- Second Wave (Jinx)
06. Airwave- Theft of the Spirit (Bonzai)
07. Altitude- Altitude (Bonzai UK)
08. Paffendorf- Be Cool (Hiver and Hammer remix)
09. Triangle- Bulldozer (Combined forces) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Project Medusa vs. Exor- Moonshine (exor mix pt. II) (Liquid)
02. Ortz- We don’t talk (asle remix) (Additive)
03. Ernesto & Bastian- Lonely People (FTM)
04. Dj Albert vs. Precision- Say Yes (Katana remix) (Silver Premium)
05. 4 Strings- Into the night (coast 2 coast remix) (Nebula)
06. Aquanuts- Deep Sea (MOS)
07. Lange feat. Skye- Drifting Away (beam vs. Cyrus remix) (Capativating remix)
08. Push- Tranzy State of Mind (Bonzai)
09. Solar Factor- Deep Sonar (Bonzai)
10. Ultra- Free (Svenson & Gielen mix)
11. T-factory- Message in a Bottle (Hiver and Hammer mix)
A State of Trance Episode 039 (2002-03-14)
23.00- 00.00
01. Murto/Rokki- The beatpusher (Good:as)
02. M-factor- Mother (serious)
03. Joker Jam- Innocence (PvD mix)(Five AM/Bonzai UK) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Project Medusa vs. Exor- Moonshine (exor mix pt. II) (Liquid)
05. Airwave- I want to believe (bonzai)
06. Tim J.- Denon (Trilamb)
07. Shane- Too Late to Turn (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armind)
08. Slipstream- Into Other Worlds (subterrania)
09. CRW feat. Veronika- Like a Cat (Tillman Uhrmacher mix) (BXR)
10. Visionaire- Ease the pressure (FTM) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix Armin van Buuren Live at Glow, Washington D.C., U.S.A.,
Recorded live 02-03-2002
No tracklisting available
A State of Trance Episode 040 (2002-03-21)
23.00- 00.00
01. Coffee Boys- Retouched (Marc O’Tool’s Ballroom mix) (Forbidden Planet/United)
02. Sinead O’Connor- Troy (Push remix)
03. Midway- Monkey Forest (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Unknown Artist- Spacelover (Rise)
05. Signet- 2 Players (Afterglow)
06. OceanLab- Sky Fall (Captivating Sounds)
07. Rank1- Conspiracy (from the Album ‘Symsonic’)
08. Laguna- Unforgiven (Swivel/ Basic Beat)
09. Lethal Suicide
10. Vac-scene- My Emotion (Kid Vicious Remix) (Impetuous) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Transa- Nightstalker (Hook)
02. Piliavin & Zimbardo- Just Once (Sondus)
03. Milo- The Jungle (Burn)
04. D-factor- The Wrong Shake (jamie Anderson remix) (Spot On)
05. Robert & jaron- walls of Indonesia (Afterglow)
06. Malin- Beyond (Team Deep remix) (Smash tracks)
07. Rank1- Equilibrium (from the Album ‘Symsonic’)
08. Project Medusa vs. Exor- Moonshine pt.1 (Liquid)
09. Martin Eyerer- Starry Night (sumo)
10. Lost Witness- Did I dream (Original) (Data)
11. Shane- Too Late To Turn (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 041 (2002-03-28)
23.00- 00.00
01. Love Slave (Digidance)
02. unknown- My Josephine (CDR)
03. Midway- Monkey Forest (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Ocean Lab- Sky Falls Down (Warner)
05. Rank1- passage to the unknown (from the album ‘symsonic’)
06. Mark Brain- Radikal (Alphabet City)
07. Miami Hot Tune: Weekend Players- Into the Sun (Riva remix) (Multiply)
08. Sven Vath- Design Music (Virgin)
09. Airwave- Above the sky (Bonzai UK)
10. Marco V.- Atlanta 02-02-2002 (ID&T)
11. Seraque- My Dreams (Warner) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Dj Nukem vs. Chab- Wanted (Cyber Records)
02. Another fine day (D. Ramirez mix)
03. Piliavin & Zimbardo- Just Once (Sondus)
04. Lyric- Over Emotion (Lost Conguage tp)
05. Joker Jam- Innocense (PvD mix) (Bonzai UK)
06. The Spacelovers- Spacelovers (Sony)
07. Mistral feat. Plavka- Your Everything (Dazzle remix) (Blackhole)
08. D-factor- The wrong Shake (Jamie Anderson) (Spot On)
09. Marco V.- ReVolt (ID&T)
10. The Beatpusher- Murto/ Rokki (Good: As)
A State of Trance Episode 042 (2002-04-04)
23.00- 00.00
01. The Spacelovers – Spacelover (Stan Courtois Remix) (Sony)
02. Ocean Lab – Sky falls down (Original) (Warner)
03. Freejack – Angularity (Combined) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Midway – Monkey Forest (Blackhole)
05. Seraque – My Dreams (Captivating)
06. Art of Trance – Madagascar (Push remix)(Platipus)
07. Eon – Pocket Damage (Tsunami)
08. Ernesto & Bastian – Being single (FTM)
09. Marco V. – Atlanta 02-02-2002 (ID&T)
10. Human Evolution- Human Evolution (ID&T) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Ben Onono – Badagry Beach (Transfermix)
02. Raoul Express – High (mp2)
03. Arrakis – Aira Forces (lemon 8) (Fluid)
04. LSG – the hive (Superstation)
05. Mark Norman – Instinctive (Silver Premium)
06. Red Hot Ryders – Machine Control (DJ Vincenzo remix) (Alien)
07. Laguna – Unforgiven (Swivel)
08. DJ Remy – Butterfly (Taste)
09. Hemstock & Jennings – Mirage of hope (lange remix)
10. ? – Sunburn (united)
11. Jones & Stephenson – 1th rebirth (Liquid Overdose Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 043 (2002-04-11)
due to tour in Canada,
Episode 43, 11-04-2002, previously recorded 2 hour
live set from Passion, Coalville, UK, as recorded 30-03-2002.
A State of Trance Episode 044 (2002-04-18)
23.00- 00.00
01. Brother Brown feat. Boy George- generations of love (Rulin)
02. Lyric & Natali- Over Emotion (Lost Language)
03. DJ Albert vs. Precision- Say Yes (Silent remix) (Silver Premium) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Thrillseekers- Dreaming of You (Ministry)
05. Marco V.- I Feel You (ID&T)
06. D*Note- Shed my Skin (Airwave remix) (Channel 4 rec.)
07. Pale-X- Beautiful Journey (Seventh Sense)
08. Ernesto & Bastian- Being Single (FTM)
09. Sunburn (united)
10. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Armin van Buuren remix) (Positiva) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Dallas Kiss- Revelation (Blackwatch remix) (Automatic)
02. Sia vs. Jigsaw- Drink to get Drunk (Maelstrom)
03. Dave Swayze- Yasmin’s garden (Yeti)
04. Arrakis – Aira Forces (lemon 8) (Devolution)
05. Humate- Vivid (Jan Driver remix) (Superstition)
06. Red Hot Ryders – Machine Control (DJ Vincenzo remix) (Alien)
07. Katana- Fancy Fair (Mac & Mac remix) (BPM)
08. Eon- Pocket damage (Tsunami)
09. Project Medusa vs. Exor- Moonshine pt.1 (Liquid)
10. Vac-scene- My Emotion (kid Vicious remix) (Captivating sounds)
11. Dariush- Ira (Pascal F.E.O.S. Treatment) (Nukleuz)
A State of Trance Episode 045 (2002-04-25)
23.00- 00.00
01. Orbital- Frenetic (London/FFRR)
02. Thrillseekers- Dreaming of You (Ministry of sound)
03. Dj Tiesto feat. Suzanne Palmer- Love’s on Fire (643)(Oliver Lieb remix) (nebula) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. En-motion- Getting Away with it
05. Planisphere- moonshine (Bonzai UK)
06. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (AvB remix) (Positiva)
07. Katana- Fancy Fair (Mac & Mac remix) (BPM dance)
08. Madelyne- Beautiful Child (Hiver & Hammer remix) (Liquid)
09. Pale-X- Beautiful Journey (Seventh Sense) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Starcase- Faith (hope)
02. P.a. presents- Entangled (trancesetters remix) (touche)
03. DJ tiesto- Dallas 4pm (Blackhole)
04. Airwave- Another Dimension (Bonzai)
05. Midway- Monkey Forest (Blackhole)
06. Shane- Too Late to Turn (AvB remix) (Armind)
07. Adam Dived- Headfirst (Platipus)
08. Human Evolution (iD&T)
09. Red Hot Ryders – Machine Control (DJ Vincenzo remix) (Alien)
10. Jelfora- Distinctly Neopolitan (Marco Carola remix) (Platform)
A State of Trance Episode 046 (2002-05-02)
23.00- 00.00
01. Ocean Lab- Skyfall (Captivating Sounds)
02. KMC- I Feel So Fine (G + M Project remix) (Incentive)
03. DJ Tiesto- Dallas 4pm (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Rapid Eye- Circa Forever (Iberia’s Mainroom mix) (ATCR)
05. DJ Hooligan- Hear you now (Humate remix)
06. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Robbie Rivera remix)
07. DJ Patrick- Unik drums (Club mix) (Danceplanet)
08. ?- It’s a fine day (velvet girl remix)
09. DJ AT- Wishful thinking (cor Fijneman remix) (VCR)
10. Disco Brothers- Final Frontier (Regeneration mix) (Nukleuz) 00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Opal- The Snake (Futureshick music)
02. Adam Dived- Headfirst (Platipus)
03. Sub-Channel- Breathe (penguin records)
04. Romanthony’s NIghtvision- Never Fuck (PvD’s casino remix) (ultra)
05. DJ Tiesto feat. Suzanne Palmer- 643 (Love’s on Fire) (Oliver Klein vocal) (Nebula)
06. Tangled Universe- Cosmic Synths (Blackhole)
07. En-motion- Getting Away with it
08. Planisphere- Teardrop (Bonzai UK)
09. Eon- Pocket Damage (Tsunami)
10. Waveburner
A State of Trance Episode 047 (2002-05-09)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
01. Unknown Artist- Travelling On (Gabriel & Dresden Campfire mix)
02. Rank1- Awakening (Ferry Corsten remix) (ID&T)
03. Rapid eye- Circa-Forever (Iberia’s mainroom mix) (ATCR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Paul Oakenfold- Southern Sun (DJ Tiesto remix) (Perfecto)
05. Misja Helsloot- First Second (Ralphie B. mix) (Gesture music)
06. Antillas feat. Clannad- No Frontiers
07. Three Drives- Carrera 2 (Midtown)
08. Josephine 2002- Delirious Vocal mix
09. Jonathan Peters- Goin Thru it (Deeper Records)
10. Shane- Too Late to Turn (AvB vocal remix)(Armind) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Greed- Strange World (SOG records)
02. Ralphie B.- Massive (D. Ramirez mix) (data)
03. Lyric & Natali- Over Emotion (Spoiled remix) (Lost Language)
04. Kelli Ali- Inferno High (Riva dub) (One Little Indian)
05. En-motion- Getting Away with it
06. Dj Albert vs. Precision- Say Yes (Katana remix)
07. A.L.F.- Constelation Argo (Purple eye)
08. The Mystery- Devotion (remix)
09. Frank T.R.A.X.- Nebuchan (Neo)
10. Sunburn (United)
A State of Trance Episode 048 (2002-05-16)
20.00- 21.00
01. Perpetuous Dreamer- Dust.wav (Armind)
02. Paul Oakenfold- Southern Sun (DJ Tiesto remix) (Perfecto)
03. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (AvB remix) (Positiva) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Solarstone- Solarcoaster
05. Plastic Boy- Silverbath (Bonzai UK)
06. Fire & Ice- San Antonio (Bonzai)
07. Rapid Eye- Circa-Forever (ATCR)
08. Flesh & Bones- Rigor Mortis (I love you) (Kyau vs. Albert remix)
09. Frank T.R.A.X.- Nebuchan (Byte) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Tilt feat. Maria Nayler- Headstrong (Blades, G & The Droids Mutton Dagger mix) (Baroque records)
02. Barraka- song to the Siren (Jean-Philippe’s Dirty South mix) (Hooj)
03. Nimrod- U Know 007 (Pablo Gargano remix) (Eve records)
04. Argonout- Your body is a Temple (Cyber)
05. Guy Gerber & Sahar Z- Kenny’s Back (Whoop!)
06. Misja Helsloot- First Second (Ralphie B remix) (Gesture music)
07. Earth Loop- Firework 135 (Prognosis Rec)
08. Moby- We are all made of Stars (Dj Tiesto remix)
09. DJ AT- Wishful thinking (Cor Fijneman remix) (VCR)
10. Sybren Danz- Number 4 (Wellwicked records)
11. Airwave- Another Dimension (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 049 (2002-05-23)
20.00- 21.00
01. Klea- Tic Toc (Magik Musik mix) (Incentive)
02. Solarstone- Solarcoaster (Hooj)
03. Viframa- Cristalle (Super M) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Airwave- Above the sky 2002 (Bonzai)
05. Paul Oakenfold- Southern Sun (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Perfecto)
06. 4 Strings- Diving (Liquid)
07. The Clergy- The Oboe song (Green Martian remix) (FFRR)
08. Colors- Colors (Pink Floyd remix) (digidance)
09. Fundamental 501- The Situation
10. FSOL- Papua New Guinea (Marco V. remix) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. Digital Mind Control- Mindstate (Zero Tolerance)
02. DJ Nukem vs. Chab- Wanted (Cyber)
03. Duran & Aytek- Monsoon (3 beat)
04. Three Drives- Carrera 2 (Midtown)
05. Accessicve Rhythm- Activate (FTM)
06. Redstone- Plan-fronted (Camouflage)
07. Cosmic Gate- The Truth (Dance factory)
08. Fire & Ice- Heart & Mind (XTC)
09. Rapid Eye- Circa-Forever (ATCR)
10. Argonaut- Max porte (Cyber)
11. Global Muzik- Liberty (Sacriface)
A State of Trance Episode 050 (2002-05-30)
20.00- 21.00
01. Lustral- Broken (Way out West mix) (Hooj)
02. The Digital Blonde- Legato 2002 (JOOF)
03. Eyal barkan & A-force- Revolution (ITWT) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 04. Mesh- Persuasion (Blackhole)
05. Dj Tiesto- In my Memory (V-One remix) (Nettwork)
06. Velvet Girl- Promise U Heaven (Green Martian)
07. Solar Stone- Solar Coaster (Hooj)
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Armind/United)
09. The Prime Mover- The weapon (Intensive music) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
01. The Beatfoundation- save me (John Johnson) (Skinnymalinky)
02. John Occlusion vs. Noise ltd.- Control (Poison rec)
03. Digital Mind Control- Mindstate (Zero Tolerance)
04. Chris Cowie- Russia (Bellboy)
05. 4 Strings- Diving (Liquid)
06. Airwave- Above the Sky 2002 (Bonzai)
07. Fundamental 501- The Situation
08. Plastic Boy- Dahab (Bonzai UK)
09. Mesh- Trancefixion (Blackhole)
10. FSOL- Papua new guinea (Marco V. mix)
A State of Trance Episode 051 (2002-06-06)
20.00- 21.00
1. Velvet Girl- Promise you Heaven (Green Martian)
2. Snap vs. Plaything- Do you see the light (Push vocal remix) (data)
3. Mesh- Persuasion (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Can U Feel? (Unknown CDR)
5. Thrillseekers- Dreaming of You (Svenson & Gielen remix) (data)
6. Riva- Time is the healer (AvB vocal remix) (United)
7. Rapid Eye- Circa-Forever (Pedro del Mar vs. DJ Shah remix) (ATCR)
8. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Dark Matter remix) (CDR)
9. Signum- Cura Me (BPM dance)
10. Energy 52- Cafe del Marco V. 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Alma Matris feat. Tania Segura- Rumore Chimico (Peter’s NY Club edit)
2. Hyperon- Train Insane (X trax)
3. The Digital Blonde- Legato 2002 (JooF)
4. Mauro Picotto- Back to Cali (Push remix) (BXR)
5. Sunset Drive- Does it Matter (dub) (FTM)
6. Eyal Barkan & A-force- Revolution (ITWT/ Blackhole)
7. Mesh- Trancefixion (B1) (Blackhole)
8. DJ Tiesto- In My Memory (Airwave remix) (Nettwork)
9. Uv Nation- Beloved (Hiver & Hammer remix) (3 lanka)
A State of Trance Episode 052 (2002-06-13)
20.00- 21.00
1. Art of Trance- Love washes over (Platipus)
2. Oceanlab feat. Justine Suissa- Sky falls down (Captivating sounds)
3. 2 Players- Signet (G&M project remix) (Afterglow) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Driftwood- Freeloader (Spinning)
5. Hemstock & Jennings- Crimson Soil (Phaze three)
6. Above & Beyond- Far from in Love (CDR)
7. Energy 52- Cafe del Marco V. (Hooj)
8. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Rising Star remix) (Armind)
9. Marco V.- Indicator (Scott Mac’s Recall mix) (Duty Free)
10. John Selway- Edge of Now (Secret Cinema remix) (ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix Live @ Glow, Washington DC (recorded 08-06-2002)
1. Solar Stone- Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren remix)(Hooj)
2. Sunset Drive- Does it matter (Dub)(FTM)
3. Paul Oakenfold- Southern Sun (Dj Tiesto remix)(Perfecto)
4. DJ Tiesto- Dallas 4pm (Blackhole)
5. Rapid Eye- Circa- Forever (ATCR)
6. Unknown Artist- Can U feel? (CDR)
7. Mesh- Persuasion (ITWT)
8. Project Medusa feat. Exor- Moonshine (Liquid)
A State of Trance Episode 053 (2002-06-27)
20.00- 21.00
1. Krystal K- Let’s get it right (Altitude remixes) (Incentive)
2. Mark Dawn- Expander (Chris Source & Mark O’Tool remix) (Logport)
3. Driftwood- Freeloader (Spinnin) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Oliver Lieb- Subsonik (Filterheads remix) (data)
5. Mauro Picotto- Back 2 Cali (Push remix) (BXR)
6. Dj Stigma- The Answer (Scarab remix) (Nordic CDR)
7. 4 Strings- Diving (D’tech remix) (Liquid)
8. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (sunday 5am mix) (R-mind) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Hamel, Swain & Snell- Future (Sunkissed records)
2. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Robbie Rivera remix) (Nervous/R-mind)
3. Thrillseekers- Dreaming of You (dub) (data)
4. Shane 54- Stargaze
5. Pepper Sweeney- H4U (React)
6. M.O.R.P.H.- Consequence (Benicio remix) (ID&T)
7. Riva- Time is the healer (AvB remix) (United/FFRR)
8. Yves de Ruyter- Back to earth 2002 (Bonzai UK)
9. Armin van Buuren- Sunburn (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 054 (2002-07-04)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Dario G- Heaven is Closer (Riva remix) (universal)
2. 4 Strings- Diving (Liquid)
3. Unknown- Can U Feel (Thrillseekers mix) (data) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Exposure- Magic Impuls (Camouflage)
5. Solar Stone- 7 Cities (AvB remix) (Hooj)
6. Viframa- Cristalle (DJ Precision meets Katana remix) (CDR)
7. Indiana- Do you hear me (Classified project mix) (Platipus)
8. Sunstar- Sea of Desire (Freejack remix) (Combined)
9. Dj Stigma- The Answer (Scarab remix) (Nordic) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Underworld- Two Months off (V2)
2. Cass & Slide- Havoc (Voodoo Jedi Lounge Collective remix) (Fire)
3. Second Sun- Empire (Paul van dyk remix) (Vandit)
4. M.O.R.P.H.- Consequence (Benicio remix) (ID&T)
5. Plastic Boy- Silverbath (Bonzai)
6. Riva- Time is the healer (Avb dub) (FFRR/United)
7. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Dark Matter remix) (CDR)
8. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Riva remix) (Armind/United)
9. Jurgen Vries- The Theme
A State of Trance Episode 055 (2002-07-11)
Episode 55 was a previously recorded live set at
Godskitchen, Code, Birmingham, 5 Juli 2002.
A State of Trance Episode 056 (2002-07-18)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Sholan- Can U Feel (what I’m going thru) (data)
2. Labworks- Ibiza sunrise (Pink Flood vs. Shane 54 remix)(emtdesign)
3. Exposure- Magic Impuls (camouflage) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. 4 Strings- Diving (Hiver & Hammer remix) (cdr)
5. Kansai- ? (Platipus)
6. Energy 52- Caf del Mar (John 00 Flemming remix) (Hooj cdr)
7. Warrior- ? (Incentive)
8. Gouryella- ? (Tsunami)
9. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Sunday 5pm remix)(Armind) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Coca da Silva- This Time you’re mind (dub) (Kismet)
2. Force Mass Motion- Release me (dub) (Fluid)
3. No Religion feat. Gwendolyn Rich- The Bridge (Absolute & Greed remix) (SOG)
4. Jacob & Mendez- Kabul (Green martian)
5. Sonny Dare- The Escape
6. Unknown Artist- Unknown Track (cdr)
7. Riva- Time is the healer (AvB dub) (FFRR/United)
8. Fundamental 501- The Situation
9. Oliver Lieb- Subsonik (Filterheads remix)
A State of Trance Episode 057 (2002-08-01)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Madonna- Music (Shane 54?s Pink Flood remix)
2. Accadia- Blind Visions (Yahel remix) (Lost Language)
3. Jas van Houten- Heaven’s Gate (bpm promo) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Pulser- Cloudwalking (Beatpusher remix) (ATCR)
5. Art of Trance- Love Washes Over (Airwave remix) (Platipus)
6. Gouryella- Ligaya (Tsunami promo)
7. Warrior- Drama (Incentive)
8. Kirsty Hawkshaw- It’s A Fine Day (Mike Koglin remix)
9. 4 Strings- Diving (Hiver & Hammer remix) (Spinnin) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Midtone- Pearl (CDR)
2. Yumus Guvenen- Red Pilot (silver planet)
3. Random Method- Complexionz (Intrinsic Design)
4. P.I.M.P.- why? (Touch)
5. DJ Tiesto vs. Junkie XL- Obsession (Magik Muzik)
6. Sureno- Love is an Ocean (Silicon Recordings)
7. Kansai- ? (Platipus)
8. Umex- Gatex
9. Fortex 2- Skyshaper (Literon remix)
10. Cygnus X- Positron (Marco V. remix) (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 058 (2002-08-08)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Indigo – Sensacion
2. Armin van Buuren featuring Ray Wilson – Yet Another Day (original) (Armind)
3. Benicio – Don’t Explain (ID&T) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Jas van Houten – Heaven’s Gate (Silver Premium)
5. Hemstock & Jennings featuring John 00 Flemming – Arizonia (Nebula)
6. Insigma – Open Your Eyes (Liquid Life Remix) (ATCR)
7. Nu-Nrg – Dreamland (Rank 1 Re-Edit) (Vandit)
8. Labworks – Ibiza Sunrise (Fluid In Motion Remix) (Activation)
9. DT8 featuring Roxanne Wilde – Destination (FFRR)
10. Cygnus X – Positron (Armin van Buuren Remix) (ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Ferry Corsten Non-stop in the mix
1. Unknown Artist- promo
2. Epsilon 9- Lifeformation (Classified Project remix) (Forbidden planet)
3. Signum- Cura- Me (BPM)
4. Blue Horizon – The Journey (Pulser Remix)
5. BK – Revolution
6. Eon- Pocket Damage (Tsunami)
7. Soundcheck- Minddrive (Tsunami)
8. Gouryella- Ligaya (Tsunami) 22.00- 23.00-> Ferry Corsten Special
1. Ayumi Hamasaki – Connected (Ferry Corsten Dub) / East West – The Love I Lost
2. System F – Out of the blue 2002
3. System F – Solstice
4. Libra Presents Taylor – Anomaly – Calling Your Name (Ferry Corsten remix)
5. William Orbit – Barber’s adagio for strings (Ferry Corsten remix)
6. Veracocha – Carte blanche 23.00- 00.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. J.P. Parikka- Tekha
2. Force Mass Motion- Release me (fluid)
3. GTR- Flood Control (Influential)
4. Pulser- Cloudwalking (Beatpusher remix)
5. Fingers Burnt- For A Devil
6. Mantaka- Lost in a Dream (Push Trancedental mix) (Nukleuz)
7. Kansai- ? (Platipus)
8. Ca-Lo- What’s Wrong (Nukleuz)
9. Warrior- ? (Incentive)
10. Energy 52- Cafe del Mar (John 00 Flemming remix) (Lost Language)
A State of Trance Episode 059 (2002-08-15)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Sasha- Wavy Gravy
2. DT8 feat. Roxanne Wilde- Destination (FFRR)
3. Individual- Live my life (4 fingers) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Gouryella- Ligaya (Tsunami)
5. Nu-Nrg- Dreamland (Rank 1 re-edit) (Vandit)
6. Hydra- Affinity (Discover Records)
7. Jas van Houten- Heaven’s gate (bpm)
8. Jan Jonston- Am I On Pauze (Trailer Trash remix) (Perfecto)
9. Energy 52- Cafe del Mar (John 00 Flemming remix) (Hooj)
10. Epsilon 9- Lifeformation (Classified Project remix) (Forbidden Planet) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix Ibiza Sessions, part 1: 30th of July 2002.
Previously recorded live set at
Godskitchen in Eden, San Antonio, Ibiza.
1. Sureno- Love is an Ocean (Silicon Recordings)
2. DJ Tiesto vs. Junkie XL- Obsession (Magik Muzik)
3. 4 Strings- Diving (Hiver and Hammer remix) (Spinnin)
4. Plastic Boy- Silverbath (Bonzai UK)
5. Unconditional- The Journey (Pascal FEOS remix)
6. Kansai- ? (Platipus)
7. Thrillseekers- Synastasia (Vandit)
8. System F- Needlejuice (Tsunami special blend)
9. Rapid Eye- Circa Forever (ATCR)
10. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Dark matter remix) (CDR)
A State of Trance Episode 060 (2002-08-22)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Lamya- Empires (Sander Kleinenberg remix) (BMG)
2. Epsilon 9- Lifeformation (Classified Project remix) (Forbidden Planet)
3. Jan Jonston- Am I On Pauze (Trailer Trash remix) (Perfecto) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Vac-Scene- Out of Sight (Captivating sounds)
5. Cosmic Gate feat. Jan Johnston- Raging (Storm) (EMI)
6. Unknown Artist- Unknow Title (CDR)
7. Euphonic- Sahara (Difuse)
8. Oceanlab- Sky Falls Down (Armin van Buuren remix) (Captivating sounds)
9. Jas van Houten- Heaven’s gate (bpm) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Penton & Dipasqualle- Alluvion (Sunkissed)
2. Namito- No Choice (Leaded)
3. L.S.G.- Infectious #2
4. Forbidden Planet- Ecoute La Musique (700 dub mix)
5. X3 feat. Francis Goya- Rain ‘the Guitar Song’ (Boss@nova mix)
6. Kansai- Rococco (Platipus)
7. Prime Mover- The Weapon (Grinder remix)
8. Viframa- Cristalle (Katana meets DJ Precision remix)
9. Pulser- Cloudwalking (Beatpusher remix)(ATCR)
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Rising Star remix) (Armind)
11. Tour de Trance- Wan Nu (Captivating Sounds).
A State of Trance Episode 061 (2002-08-29)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Sasha- Bloodlock (BMG)
2. Cape Town- Touch the skies, talk to the stars (Green Martian)
3. Vac-Scene- Out of Sight (Captivating sounds) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Signum- 3rd dimension (BPM)
5. Above & Beyond- Far from in Love (San Fransico mix) (Ajunabeats)
6. DT8- Destination (Woody v. Eyden remix)
7. Miika Kuisma- Altered Mind (Fragrant)
8. Pulser- Cloudwalking (Beatpusher mix) (ATCR)
9. Euphonic- Sahara (Difuse) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix Ibiza Sessions, part 2: 20th of August 2002.
Previously recorded live set at
Godskitchen in Eden, San Antonio, Ibiza.
1. Sholan- Can you feel (Data)
2. Dj Albert- Say Yes (Katana remix)
3. Energy 52- Cafe del Mar (John 00 Flemming remix) (Hooj)
4. Exposure- Magic Impuls (Bonzai)
5. Fingers Burnt- For a Devil
6. Riva- Time is the healer (AvB remix)(FFRR/United)
7. Cosmic Gate- Raging
8. Prime Mover- The Weapon
9. Frank T.R.A.X.- Nebuchan
A State of Trance Episode 062 (2002-09-05)
01 Viframa – Cristalle (Precision meets Katana remix)
02 Jan Johnston – Am I On A Pause (Trailer Trash Remix)
03 Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (John ’00? Fleming Remix)
04 Airwave – Above the sky 2002
05 Solar stone – Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren remix)
06 Exposure – Magic impulse
07 Cosmic Gate ft. Jan Johnston – Raging (The storm)
08 Paul van Dyk – For An Angel 2002 (Hell Side Mighty Dub)
09 Kansai – Rococo
10 4 Strings – Diving (Hiver & Hammer remix) [BREAK]
10 4 Strings – Diving (Hiver & Hammer remix)
11 Prime mover – The weapon (Grinder remix)
12 Euphonic – Sahara (Equinox mix)
13 Pulser – Cloudwalking(Beatpusher remix)
14 Push – Strange world (Airwave remake)
15 Oceanlab – Sky falls down(Armin van Buuren remix)
A State of Trance Episode 063 (2002-09-12)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Yahel- Unknown Title (Cyber Records)
2. Hybrid- Visible noise (Distinctive breaks)
3. Signum feat. Katana- Third dimension (silver premium) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Katana- Alesis (silver premium)
5. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Let The Light Shine In (CDR)
6. Unknown Artist- Beautiful (CDR)
7. Matt Darey- Moody (Incentive)
8. Joey Beltram- Slice (Bush)
9. In- Muzika (Katana remix)
10.John the Dentist- Keeper of the seal (Push harder remix)(uprising) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Epsilon9- Lifeformation (Classified project remix)(Forbidden Planet)
2. Astral projection- Liquid sun (Cass & Slide rework)
3. Frontline- Star system
4. Mike Kuisma- Ambush (fragrant)
5. Nitromethane- Time to die (Captivating sounds)
6. Mark Norman- Faith (bpm dance)
7. Cygnus X – Positron (AvB remix)(ID&T)
8. Oceanlab – Sky falls down (AvB dub mix)(Captivating sounds)
9. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles – Anticipating (CDR)
A State of Trance Episode 064 (2002-09-19)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Jakatta feat. Seal- My Vision (Magik Muzik remix) (Rulin)
2. The Realm- Lost in Space (3 beat)
3. Katana- Alesis (silver premium) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Let The Light Shine In (CDR)
5. Gouryella- Ligaya (Hiver & Hammer remix) (Tsunami)
6. Viframa- Cristalle (Intro mix by Katana) (Jinx)
7. Matt Darey- Moody (Incentive)
8. Classified Project- Resurrection 2002 (United)
9. Luc Poublon- Quantum Leap (ATCR)
10. Cosmic Gate- Raging (Storm) 12? version (Nebula) 21.10- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Airwave vs. Rising Star- Sunspot (Bonzai)
2. Hybrid- Visible Noise (Distinctive)
3. Drax & Scott Mac- Angel (Katana remix) (CDR)
4. Hemstock & Jennings- Northern Lights
5. Solid Sleep- Club Attack (PvD TPOD mix) (Vandit)
6. Nitromethane- Time to Die (Captivating Sounds)
7. Aalto- Rush (CDR)
8. Silvester- Believe (Captivating Sounds) 22.00- 23.00-> Kid Vicious Non-Stop in the mix
1. Microbots- Northpole
2. Sonorous- Second sun
3. Jas van Houten- Heaven’s gate
4. Solar Stone- Seven Cities (avb remix) (Hooj)
5. Exposure- Magic Impuls (Bonzai)
6. Eon- talk to me (Tsunami)
7. Ocean Lab- Sky Falls down (avb vocal remix)(captivating sounds)
8. Vac Scene- Out of Sight (captivating sounds)
9. Ferry Corsten- punk (Kid Vicious remix)(Tsunami)
A State of Trance Episode 065 (2002-09-26)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Mach 747- Invading Privately (29 palms remix) (perfecto)
2. Push- Electro Fever (Inferno)
3. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Let The Light Shine In (CDR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Viframa- Cristalle (Intro mix by Katana) (silver premium)
5. Insigma- Open your eyes (Goldenscan remix) (ATCR CDR)
6. Punk- The Rock (Yves de Ruyter remix) (data)
7. Charger- Turtle Beach (CDR)
8. The Age of Love- The Age of Love (Mr. Sam remix) (CDR)
9. Lolo- Melody (Camouflage) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Aspiral- Music is (progrez)
2. Yahel- Unknown title (Cyber records)
3. DJ Fire- Jetlag
4. Malu- No Space (Hemstock & Jennings remix) (Oxyd)
5. Matt Darey- Moody (Incentive)
6. Faithless- Crazy English Summer (Hiver & Hammer remix) (Cheeky)
7. Katana- Alesis (Silver Premium)
8. Nitromethane- Time to die (Seraque remix) (captivating sounds)
9. Body Shock- Rock this house (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 066 (2002-10-03)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Sunscreen- Perfect Motion 2002 (Way Out West remix) (Zounds)
2. Fractils- livelab (Experiment 1) (Alien)
3. Yahel- U feel (Cyber records) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Insigma- Open your eyes (Goldenscan remix) (CDR)
5. Veit- Sky (Magik Muzik mix) (Black-Hole)
6. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Riva) (armind)
7. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Let The Light Shine In (CDR)
8. The Age of Love- The Age of Love (Mr. Sam remix) (CDR)
9. Sound Dependance- Good Morning
10. Pale-x- Modifier (7 Cents) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix Ibiza closing party 10/9/2002
1. Katana – Alesis (silver premium)
2. Jas van Houten – Heavensgate (bpm dance)
3. Solar Stone – Solar Coaster (Lost Language)
4. Exposure – Magic Impulse (Bonzai)
5. Prime Mover – The Weapon (Grinder Remix)
6. Cosmic Gate feat Jan Johnston – Raging (The Storm)
7. Nitromethane – Time To Die (Seraque Remix)(captivating sounds)
8. Push – Strange World (Airwave Remix)(Bonzai)
9. Kansai – Roccoco (platipus)
10. Fingers Burnt – For A Devil
A State of Trance Episode 067 (2002-10-10)
Live at Glow, Washington DC, recorded 07/09/2002
1. Hydra- Affinity (CDR)
2. Jayn Hanna- Lost (Hamel & Noble’s Mezz dub) (Variation)
3. Chicane- Autumn Tactics (Thrillseekers Remix)
4. Katana- Alesis (bpm dance)
5. Jas van Houten- Heavens Gate (silver premium)
6. DJ Tiesto vs Junkie XL- Obsession (magik muzik)
7. Solar Stone- Solar Coaster (lost.langauge)
8. Airwave- Above The Sky 2002 (CDR)
9. Energy 52- Cafe Del Mar (John ’00? Flemming Remix) (Lost.Language)
10. Rapid Eye- Circa Forever (ATCR)
11. En-Motion- Getting Away With It (Thrillseekers Instrumental Mix)(Incentive)
12. Exposure- Magic Impuls (Bonzai UK)
13. Fingers Burnt- For A Devil
14. Kansai- Rococco (platipus)
15. 4 Strings- Diving (Hiver & Hammer remix)
16. Solar Stone- Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren Remix) (Lost. Language)
17. Gouryella- Ligaya (Tsunami)
18. Ferry Corsten- Indigo (CDR)
19. Riva- Time Is The Healer (Avb Dub) (united)
20. Pulser- Cloudwalking (Beatpusher remix) (ATCR)
A State of Trance Episode 068 (2002-10-17)
20.00- 21.00-> Ferry Corsten Non-stop in the mix
Re-run of episode 58 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren live on Ibiza,
A State of Trance Episode 069 (2002-10-24)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. The Roc Project- Never (past tense) (tiesto remix) (Illustrious)
2. Slusnik Luna- Sinner (Skydive) (cdr)
3. Accadia- Blind Vision (accadia club mix) (lost language) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Solar Factor- No Return (Push remix) (Platipus: Euro)
5. Nightvision- Believin (mo’bizz)
6. Corderoy- Sweetest dreams (Relative records)
7. Kyau vs. Albert- Save me (Hiver & Hammer remix)
8. Jaron Inc.- Overflow (cdr)
9. Airwave vs. Rising Star- Sunspot (DCML remix) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Soul Penetrator aka Richie Santana- Tribal pleasures
2. Nugen- Deliverance (Cyber records)
3. Monalisa Overdrive- Born to Synthesize (Solar Stone dub) (Platipus)
4. Yahel- U Feel (Cyber records)
5. Blue Horizons- The journey (Pulser remix) (Mainline)
6. Marco V.- Milla (ID&T)
7. Mirco de govia- Things that matter (Euphonic)
8. DT8 feat. Roxanne Wilde- Destination (BK Vocal mix) (FFRR)
9. John Askew- New Dimension (Duty Free).
A State of Trance Episode 070 (2002-10-31)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Jan Johnston- Flesh 2002 (Noel Sanger’s 5AM repo mix) (Perfecto)
2. Bedrock- Emerald (Bedrock)
3. Greed- Strange World (Lemon8 remix) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Hiver and Hammer feat. Javah- 5 Million Miles
5. Sun Decade- I’m Alone (Mirco de Govia dub) (euphonic)
6. Mesh- Purple Haze (Blackhole)
7. Rephlex One- ? (Forbidden Planet/ United)
8. Solar Factor- No Return (Platipus: Euro)
9. Sundawner- Flakes (cdr) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Castor & Pollux- Serenity (J.F. Sebastian remix) (Karma/Basic Beat)
2. Dj Encore feat. Engelina- I see right through to you (Adam Dived dub) (serious)
3. DJ Krazy Sandy- West (Dioxine mix) (Mythoz records)
4. Baltes & Dyloot- Spirit of Love (Dancing Spirit)
5. Li Kwan- Point Zero (Original) (Seka)
6. Airwave vs. Rising Star- Sunspot (DCML mix) (Bonzai)
7. Dj Danjo & Rob Styles- Anticipating (Katana remix) (bpm dance)
8. Nightvision- Believin’ (Mo’Bizz)
9. Alias- Missouri (cdr)
10. Firewall- Touched (Plastic Angel remix)
11. Umek- Gatex/Speedy J.- Kreck (AvB edit) (cdr)
A State of Trance Episode 071 (2002-11-07)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Sirocco- Destination (Deep Blue Recordings)
2. Yahel- U Feel (Cyber records)
3. Hiver and Hammer feat. Javah- 5 Million Miles TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Globe vs. Push- Transformation
5. Solarfactor- No Return (Platipus: euro)
6. Midway- Kung-Fu (Blackhole)
7. GTR- Mistral (FiveAM)
8. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Hiver and Hammer’s Ground Controle remix) (Armind)
9. Subversion- Alright (Vincent de Moor Pitch remix) (Captivating Sounds) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. The Cure- A forest (Slide mix)
2. Solarstone- Release
3. Hydra- Affinity (discover recordings)
4. Mesh- Purple haze (Blackhole)
5. Greed- Strange World (Lemon8 remix)
6. Heartdrive- Paint me In Sadness (Dubness) (CDR)
7. Accadia- Blind Visions (Accadia Club mix) (Lost.Language)
8. Andy Ling- Fixation (Trancecore remix) (CDR)
9. Divine Inspiration- The Way (Green Martian remix) (data)
A State of Trance Episode 072 (2002-11-14)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Iio – At The End (Scumfrog Remix) (made)
2. Sultan & Tonedepth- Sabres (Alola)
3. Mesh- Purple Haze (Blackhole) Tune of the Week: 4. Andain- Summer’s Calling (Airwave Club Mix)(Blackhole)
5. Scanners – What god has givin you (debunk)
6. Jurgen Vries – The Opera Song
7. Armin van Buuren ft. Ray Wilson – Yet Another Day (Hiver & Hammer Ground Control Remix)
8. Disco Brothers- First Contact (Regeneration Mix) (Nukleuz)
9. Cosmic Gate ft. Jan Johnston- Raging (Storm) (Flutlicht Vox Remix)(Nebula) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. King Unique- Sugar High (Junior)
2. Starecase- Second Time (hope/blackhole)
3. Castor & Pollux- Serenity (JF Sebastian Remix)(Basic Beat)
4. Nat Monday- Destiny
5. Midway- Kung- Fu (Blackhole)
6. Syntax- Pray
7. Ocean Lab- Beautiful Together (captivating sounds cdr)
8. Solar Factor- No Return (Push Remix) (Platipus)
9. Unknown Artist- ‘The One’ (Green Martian remix) (Incentive)
10. Umek- Gatex / Speedy J- Krekc (AvB edit)
A State of Trance Episode 073 (2002-11-21)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Andain- Summer’s Calling (Airwave Club Mix)(Blackhole)
2. Conjure One feat. Sinead O Connor- Tears from the Moon (Hybrid remix) (Nettwork)
3. Carlo Resoort vs. 4 Strings- unknown title (Liquid) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Junkie XL- Beauty never Fades (Roadrunner)
5. Mesh- Purple Haze (Blackhole)
6. Oliver Lieb pres. Snakeman- Afrika (Yoshitoshi)
7. M.i.k.e. vs. John ‘OO’ Fleming- Icecream (M.i.k.e. remix) (Bonzai)
8. D&A vs. A.P.- Pure NRG
9. Altitude- Tears in the Rain (Platipus)
10. Underworld- Dinosaur Adventures 3D (Sharpside remix)(JBO) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles- Aragon (Intro mix) (silver premium cdr)
2. Funktion feat. Kelly- Seduction (Alternative Route)
3. Young Parisiens- U write the Rules (CDR)
4. GTR- Mistral (Original mix) (Five AM)
5. Sun Decade- I’m Alone (Mirco de Govia dub) (euphonic)
6. Visionaire- Accelerator (Visionaire hard edit) (FTM)
7. Solar Factor- No Return (Platipus)
8. Scanners- What God has Given You (debunk)
9. Driftwood- Freeloader (Green Martian remix) (Positiva/ Spinnin)
10. AvB feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Hiver & Hammer Ground Control remix) (Armind/United)
A State of Trance Episode 074 (2002-11-28)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Conjure – Tears From The Moon (Hybrid Twisted on the Terrace Remix)(Nettwerk)
2. Underworld – Dinosaur Adventures 3D (Sharpside Remix)(JBO)
3. Junkie XL & Sasha feat Saffron – Beauty Never Fades (roadrunner)
4. Oceanlab feat Justine Suissa – Beautiful Together (Signum Remix)(Captivating Sounds)
5. Altitude – Tears In The Rain (Platipus)
6. Ayu – Connected (Ferry Corsten Remix) (Drizzly)
7. System F – Soltice (Tsunami)
8. Kid Vicious – Proceed (Tsunami)
9. Human Evolution – Project Magneta (One Step For Mankind Remix)(ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Mystere – Light Of A 1000 Angels (Steve Baltes Remix) (Dancing Spirit)
2. Oliver Lieb pres Snakeman – Afrika (Yoshitoshi)
3. M.I.K.E vs John ’00? Fleming – Ice Cream (M.I.K.E Remix)(Bonzai)
4. Rollerball – Albinoni (Super8 Remix) (Ajunabeats)
5. Darren Tate vs Jono Grant – Let The Light Shine In (Mondo)
6. DJ Fred Numf – Universal Language (Marc O’Tool Remix)
7. GTR – Mistral
8. Syntax – Pray (Instrumental Mix)
9. State One – Forever And A Day (vocal off) (Conception)
10. Vincent & Quentin – Joyride (Afterglow)
A State of Trance Episode 075 (2002-12-05)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Junkie XL- Breezer (Roadrunner)
2. Christian Rusch vs. Greg Murray- Epic (CDR)
3. Conjure One- Tears From The Moon (Hybrid Twisted on the Terrace Remix)(Nettwerk) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Underworld – Dinosaur Adventures 3D (Sharpside Remix)(JBO)
5. Oceanlab feat Justine Suissa – Beautiful Together (Signum Remix)(Captivating Sounds)
6. Chicane- Saltwater (Thrillseekers remix)(Xtravaganza)
7. Katoi- Touch You (Hiver and Hammer remix)
8. Armin van Buuren- Yet Another Dub (Armind)
9. Ayu- Connected (Push Instrumental) (Drizzly)
10. Danza Violento- String Break (Altitude Yellow/FTM) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Lemon9- New York, New York (Basic Beat)
2. Main Element- Take me down (Lemon8 remix)
3. Hybrid- Gravastar (Distinctive)
4. Andain- Summer Calling (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Blackhole)
5. Nugen- Deliverance (Cyber records)
6. Alias- Missouri
7. Altitude- Tears in the Rain (Platipus)
8. Sun Decade- I’m Alone (Mirco de Govia Dub) (Euphonic)
9. Kid Vicious- Proceed (Tsunami)
10. Solar#7- Hard Spectrum (Avalanche remix) (Detox)
11. Human Evolution- Project Magneta (One Small Step for mankind mix) (ID&T) Vote for your State of Trance Favorites of 2002: www.arminvanbuuren.net by submitting 5 of your favorite tunes, played in ASOT in 2002. NEXT WEEK (12 Dec): A State of Trance XXL with special guests Signum.
A State of Trance Episode 076 (2002-12-12)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Young Parisiens- U write the rules (Solar stone remix) (deepblue)
2. Rokk Wild feat. Kay-T- Come Closer (Pronti & Kalmani)
3. Solar Factor- Urban Shakedown (progres) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Three Drives- Air traffic (massive drive)
5. GreenMartian- Wizardry (transportation)
6. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet another Dub (Armind)
7. Push vs Globe- Tranceformation (Bonzai)
8. Ayla presents Yel- Sun is Coming Out (Tandus UK dub) (unsub)
9. Oceanlab feat. Justine Suissa- Beautiful Together (signum remix)(Captivating Sounds) 21.00- 22.00-> Signum non-stop in the mix
1. DJ Danjo & Rob styles- Aragon (Intro mix)
2. Andain- Summer Calling (Airwave remix) (Blackhole)
3. Fire & Ice feat. Edvika- Close to me
4. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles- State of thrust
5. Signum- Second Wave
6. Pale-X- Modifier (seventh Sense)
7. Cafe del Marco V.
8. Signum vs. Katana- Third Dimension 22.00- 23.00-> Signum Special
1. Signum- What You Got For Me
2. Signum- Coming On Strong (Unreleased 2nd Mix)
3. Signum- Cura Me
4. Signum- Sunny Changes (previously unreleased)
5. Ron Hagen & Pascal M- On Stream Vote for your State of Trance Favorites of 2002: www.arminvanbuuren.net by submitting 5 of your favorite tunes, played in ASOT in 2002. Voting ends 22 dec. NEXT WEEK (26 Dec): A State of Trance TOP 20 of 2002.
A State of Trance Episode 077 (2002-12-19)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Kira- Ill be your angel (Filterheads vs. Sinesweeper remix)
2. Three Drives- Air Traffic (Massive Drive)
3. Drax& Scott Mac- Angel (DJ Ton TB dub) (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Solarstone- Solarcoaster (Midway remix) (Lost Language)
5. Green Martian- Wizardry (Transportation)
6. Jan Johnston- Calling your name (Thrillseekers dub) (Platipus)
7. Midway- Inca (ITWT)
8. Sonorous- Protonic (Ronski Speed mix) (Euphonic)
9. Orange- 8 (ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Chris Coco feat. Peter Green- Albatros (Hybrid remix) (Distinctive)
2. Young Parisians- You write the rules (Solar Stone remix) (Deep)
3. Stauffenberg (Underworld rec)
4. Fictivision- Outpost (ITWT/Blackhole)
5. Solar Factor- Urban Shakedown (Progress)
6. Vincent & Quentin- Joyride (G&M project remix) (Afterglow)
7. Pete Gawtry- Re-morse (DJ Remy remix) (Tune Inn)
8. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Dub (Armind)
9. Mirco de Govia- Things that matter (Euphonic)
10. Push vs Globe- Tranceformation (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 078 (2002-12-26) (Top 20 of 2002)
A State of Trance top 20 of the year 2002 Statement:
This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely
based on listener’s votes. Each listener that submitted his
or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2002 of tracks,
as played in one of the shows in 2002.
Number of valid voters: 1723 from dec 8 to dec 22
All votes were checked on possible fraud. Armin nor ID&T had anything to do with the points awarded. 20.00- 22.00-> Countdown from 20 to 1.
A State of Trance top 20 of the year 2002 This is NOT Armin’s personal favorites list. Pos Song Votes Points TUNE OF THE YEAR: 1 Paul Oakenfold – Southern Sun (DJ Tiesto Remix) 256 851
2 Gouryella – Ligaya 209 673
3 Solar Stone – Solar Coaster 145 483
4 DJ Tiesto – Lethal Industry 143 478
5 Energy 52 – Cafe Del Marco V 137 446
6 Armin van Buuren ft. Ray Wilson – Yet Another Day 110 372
7 4 Strings – Into The Night 96 325
8 Plastic Boy – Silverbath 106 322
9 4 Strings – Diving (Hiver & Hammer Remix) 85 319
10 Driftwood – Freeloader 93 316
11 Cosmic Gate – The Truth (Ferry Corsten remix) 90 316
12 DJ Tiesto – In My Memory (Airwave Remix) 97 307
13 4 Strings – Diving 88 300
14 Ferry Corsten – Punk 100 293
15 Solar Stone – Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren Remix) 93 264
16 Jurgen Vries – The Theme 87 245
17 Solid Sessions – Janeiro (Armin van Buuren Remix) 80 237
18 Conjure One ft. Sinead O’Connor – Tears From The Moon (Hybrid Remix) 65 225
19 Oceanlab ft. Justine Suissa – Sky Falls Down (Armin van Buuren Remix) 75 219
20 Rank 1 – Awakening 75 211 Thanks for voting.
Thanks to Revox for making this possible.
Thanks to all listeners for their continued support of this show.
Have a great 2003!
A State of Trance Episode 079 (2003-01-02)
20.00- 22.00-> Recorded from the Eau in The Hague
1. Cyn – Fantasy Reality (Superchumbo Remix) (Star)
2. Solar Stone – Solar Coaster (Midway Remix) (Lost Language)
3. GTR – Mistral (Original mix)
4. Funktion feat Kelly – Seduction
5. Tomcraft – Loneliness (Klub Mix)
6. Capetown – Pitstop
7. Viframa – Cristalle (Katana feat DJ Precision Remix)
8. Age Of Love – Age Of Love (Mr Sam Remix)
9. Yves De Ruyter – Y.D.O.T.
10. Accadia – Blind Visions (Accadia Club Mix)
11. 4 x 4 – Indigo
12. Solar Factor – No Return (Original Mix)
13. Nightvision – Believin’
14. U2 – New Years Day (Ferry Corsten Remix)
15. Airwave vs Rising Star – Sunspot (DCML Remix) (Armind)
16. Plastic Boy – Silver Bath
17. Libra presents Taylor – Calling Your Name (Thrillseekers Dub)
18. Katana – Fancy Fair (Mac & Mac Remix)
19. Umek – Gatex & Speedy J – Krekc (Armin van Buuren Rework)
20. The Green Martian – Wizardry
A State of Trance Episode 080 (2003-01-16)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Chakra- Doors (Lost Language)
2. Solid Globe- North Pole (Fundamental)
3. Vivian Green- Emotional Roller Coaster (Above & Beyond remix) (Sony USA) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. 5th Dimension- Rain of Emotion (Robert Nickson remix) (CDR)
5. Sonorous- Protonic (Ronski Speed remix) (Euphonic)
6. Armin van Buuren- Sunburn (Jamie Anderson remix) (Armind)
7. Kansai- Roccoco (Fire & Ice remix) (Platipus)
8. Silvio Ecomo- No Dip (Boca remix) (BPM dance)
9. Rank 1- Breathing (Airwave) (ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Eric Prydz- EP2/ Deeper Still (Credence)
2. Hydra- Affinity (Backbeat mix) (Discover)
3. POS- Remember (Summer Sun) (Ajunabeats)
4. Midway- Inca (Blackhole/ In Trance we trust)
5. Unmark- The Silent You (Sirup)
6. Master Class- Requiem (Intensive)
7. JamX & De Leon- Mind Made Up (Rank 1 Remix) (ID&T)
8. Unknown Artist- Stuck Inside (Captivating Sounds)
9. Solar Stone- Solarcoaster (Midway remix) (Lost Language)
10. Orange- 7 (ID&T)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Young Parisians- U write the rules (Solar Stone remix)
2. 5th Dimension- Rain of Emotion (CDR)
3. Firewall- Sincere (CDR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Rank 1- Breathing (Airwave) (ID&T)
5. Oceanforce- Euphonic Dream (Free Radikal mix) (Elevation)
6. AR52- Hibernation (JOOF recordings)
7. Dualspin- Be Quiet (subtraxx)
8. VDM- Additional works #3 (BPM dance)
9. Solicitous- Rider in the sky (Captivating Sounds) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Sasha- Bloodlock (BMG)
2. Ron Land- Spacelab
3. Solid Globe- North Pole (Fundamental)
4. Hydra- Affinity (Original) (Discover)
5. POS- Remember (Summer Sun) (Ajunabeats)
6. Inzite- Everest (CDR)
7. Lange- Don’t think Feel It (Scott Mac Dub)(nebula)
8. Sonorous- Protonic (Ronski Speed mix) (Euphonic)
9. Orange- 7 (ID&T)
10. DJ Spider- Stuck Inside (Captivating Sounds)
A State of Trance Episode 082 (2003-01-30)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Rui da Silva- Feel the love (Kismet)
2. Syntax- Pray (Junkie XL remix) (Illustrious)
3. Solid Globe- North Pole (Fundamental) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Thompson & Holden- Nothing (93 returning mix) (Loaded)
5. Beetseekers- Walk of Notes (JOOF)
6. Robert Lidstroem- Recitation (CDR)
7. POS- Amnesiac (Ajunabeats)
8. York- The Awakening (Hiver & Hammer remix) (Zeitgeist)
9. Solarstone- Solarcoaster (Midway remix) (Lost Language)
10. Orange- 7 (ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Armin van Buuren feat Ray Wilson- Yet Another remix (Attention Deficit remix 2) (Nebula/United/Armind)
2. Kiko- World Cup 2.0
3. Unmark- The Silent You (sirup)
4. ODD- Don’t Look at me (Paul Roger’s late night dub) (Sumsonic)
5. Rewinders- Pacific Dance (Yeti)
6. Peter Dafnous- From here to Eternity (CDR)
7. Push- Universal nation 2002 (Bonzai)
8. Stateform- Rio (white)
9. Vincent de Moor- Additional Works#3 (Combined Forces)
10. Chemical Brothers- Electronic Battle Weapon no. 6 (Virgin)
A State of Trance Episode 083 (2003-02-06)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Infusion- Legacy (Junkie XL remix) (Audiotherapy)
2. Thompson & Holden- Nothing (93 returning mix) (Loaded)
3. 4 Strings- Let it rain (original instrumental) (spinnin) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4.Solid Globe- North Pole (Fundamental)
5. Svenson & Gielen feat. Jan Johnson- Beachbreeze (Remember the summer) (ID&T)
6. Aly & Fila- Eye of Horus (Ronski Speed mix) (Euphonic)
7. Firewall- Sincere (CDR)
8. Armin van Buuren- Song for the ocean (Armind/United)
9. Carlo Resoort- Remover (Liquid) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Nugen- Braaj (Lemon8 remix)
2. Filterheadz- Protection(Pitch Black)
3. Andy Hunter- Amazing (Fades Bionic Sanctuary mix) (Nettwork)
4. 2 Players- Signet (Leama & Moor mix) (Lost Language)
5. Young Parisians- U write the rules (Solar Stone remix) (Deep Blue)
6. Hiver & Hammer- 5 Million miles (Instrumentalized dub) (ID&T)
7. Robert Lidstroem- Recitation (Misja Helsloot remix) (CDR)
8. Solarstone- Solarcoaster (Midway remix) (Lost Language)
9. Orange- 7 (ID&T)
10. Max Walder- Crown (Lupp/News)
A State of Trance Episode 084 (2003-02-13)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson- Yet Another Day (Attention Deficit remix 2) (Nebula/United)
2. Solid Globe- North Pole (Fundamental)
3. Thompson & Holden- Nothing (93 returning mix) (Loaded) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Scott Bond vs. Solarstone- 3rd earth (cdr)
5. M.I.D.O.R. feat. six4eight- Seventh Heaven (Somatic Sense)
6. Robert Lidstroem- Recitation (Misja Helsloot remix) (Exciter)
7. Jacob & Mendez- Deception (original mix) (ID&T)
8. Smith & Pledger- Forever (Ajunabeats) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Sonic Tribe- Synchronized (Jeenie Green remix) (Perpetual Tunes)
2. Remosh- Thousands of eyes (stellar records)
3. Echomen- Perpetual (retrofuture dub) (saw)
4. Vitality- Skylite (Mark wheawill remix) (Method)
5. Andy Hunter- Amazing (Fades Bionic Sanctuary mix) (Nettwerk)
6. Three Drives- Greece 2000 (Plastic Angel remix)
7. Orange- 8 (ID&T)
8. Firewall- Sincere (CDR)
9. Jo Sandas- Lost Hapiness (NuPlastic)
10. Ronny Priest- Romance
11. POS- Amnesiac (Ajunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 085 (2003-02-20)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. The Roc Project- Never (Filterheads vs. Tomaz bootleg)
2. Mark Otten- Mushroom Therapy (Lightscape remix) (CDR)
3. Solarstone vs. Scott Bond- 3rd Earth (CDR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Robert Lidstroem- Recitation (Misja Helsloot remix) (Exciter)
5. Matt Darey- Electro Buzz (Incentive)
6. Hiroshi Okada- Beyond the Green (DJ Hinx remix) (020 rec)
7. Aly & Fila- Eye of Horus (Ronski Speed mix) (Euphonic)
8. Jeffed- Interstate Emperors (United)
9. Jacob & Mendez- Deception (ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Infusion- Legacy (Junkie XL remix) (Audiotherapy)
2. Thompson & Holden- Nothing (93 returning mix) (Loaded)
3. Moguai- U know Y (starecase remix) (hope)
4. Hydra- Affinity (Thrillseekers dub) (Discover)
5. Tandy- Running Scared (Antler Subway)
6. AR52- Hybernation (Miikas Sunday mix) (JOOF)
7. Oliver Lieb pres. Smoked- Metropolis (Eric Prydz remix) (Duty Free)
8. Fate Federation- Mesmerize (blackhole)
9. Michael Woods- Solex (CDR)
10. Igor S- Boomerang (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 086 (2003-02-27)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Mr. Sam feat. Rani- Surrender (Tim Coltrane remix) (Yeti)
2. Solarstone vs. Scott Bond- 3rd Earth (CDR)
3. Darren tate vs. Mike Koglin- Now is the time (Plastic Angel 2003 remix) (Afterglow) TUNE OF THE WEEK 4: Mark Otten- Mushroom Therapy (Lightscape remix) (CDR)
5. Robert Lidstroem- Recitation (Misja Helsloot remix) (Exciter)
6. Private Collection- Avalanche (Fundamental)
7. Nitromethane- Time to Die (Cosmicman remix) (Ajunabeats)
8. Mind One- Vision (Instrumental) (Torpedo)
9. Aly & Fila- Eye of Horus (Euphonic) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Dan Goodall- Tripped (Niche)
2. The Roc Project- Never (Filterheads vs. Tomaz bootleg)
3. Alpha Duo- Cycle (Serial Killer)
4. Pig & Dan- Angel (Sadie)
5. Jacob & Mendez- deception (ID&T)
6. Jeffed- Interstate Emperors (United)
7. Aphid Moon- Disco Biscuit (Dragonfly)
8. Hiroshi Okada- Beyond the Green (DJ Hinx remix) (020 rec)
9. Polaris- Inspect her gadget (captivating sounds)
10. Disco Brothers- The Sound (Nukleuz)
A State of Trance Episode 087 (2003-03-06)
20.00- 22.00-> Live from Glow, Washington DC, 22-02-2003 Armin van Buuren @ Glow, Washington DC – 02/22/03 01. Robert Lindstroem – Recitation (Misja Helsloot Remix)
02. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – 3rd Earth
03. James Holden & Julie Thomspon – Nothing (93 Returning Remix)
04. The Roc Project – Never (Filterheadz Remix)
05. Solid Globe – North Pole
06. Solar Stone – Solarcoaster (Midway Remix)
07. Push – Universal Nation 2003
08. Solar Factor – Urban Shakedown
09. Sonorous – Protonic (Ronski Speed Mix)
10. Matt Darey – Electro Buzz
11. Midway – Inca
12. Solar Stone – Seven Cities (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
13. Chicane – Autumn Tactics (Thrillseekers Remix)
14. Hydra – Affinity (Original Mix)
15. Armin Van Buuren – Song for the Ocean
16. Armin Van Buuren – Sunburn
17. Insigma – Open Your Eyes (Goldenscan Remix)
18. Oceanlab – Sky Falls Down (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
19. Orange – Orange 7
20. Silvio Ecomo – No Dip (Boca Remix)
21. Green Martian – Wizardry
A State of Trance Episode 088 (2003-03-13)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Silvester- One more step to Heaven (Impetuous)
2. Sander Kleinenberg- Buenos Aires (London)
3. Cape Town- Cinema (CDR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Cor Fijneman feat. Jan Johnson- Venus (Meant to be Your Lover) (Dj Tiesto remix) (Blackhole)
5. Marco V.- Del C:/*.mp3 (ID&T)
6. Miika Kuisma- Liber Null (CDR)
7. Lost Lynx- Seasons (Original mix) (Massive Drive)
8. Signum- Unknown (CDR)
9. Marcos & Jay Walker- Night finder (Marcos mix) (Active media) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Nic Vegter- Amazone Fall (Original mix) (united)
2. 2 Players- Signet (Leama & Moor remix) (Lost Language)
3. Solar Stone vs. Scott Bond- 3rd Earth (white)
4. Richard K- Rhythm Side (kamaflage)
5. John Askew- Shadows after Dark (discover)
6. Neo & Farina- Mondial (hotdecks)
7. Fingers Burnt- Legoland (dub)
8. Planisphere- NYE (CDR)
9. Beetseekers- Walk of notes (JooF)
10. Jeffed- Interstate Emperors (Psst/ United) Upcoming events:
27 March 2003: A State of Trance XXL with special guest M.i.k.e.
A State of Trance Episode 089 (2003-03-20)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Mark Otten- Mushroom Therapy (Lightscape remix) (CDR)
2. Koris vs. Djule- Belvedere (Mesh side) (DTF records)
3. Cor Fijneman feat. Jan Johnson- Venus (Meant to be Your Lover) (Dj Tiesto remix) (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Motorcycle- As the Rush Comes (CDR)
5. Kyau vs. Albert- Velvet Morning (Mirco de Govia remix) (Euphonic)
6. Three Drives- Carrera 2 (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Nebula)
7. Ozone- Ionize (Misja Helsloot remix) (Gesture)
8. Pulser- My Religion (CDR)
9. M.O.R.P.H.- Creatures of the sunlight (original mix) (cdr) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Ilay & Beat C- High (Original mix) (Cyber)
2. Leama- Requiem for a dream (Leama’s dream mix) (Perfecto)
3. Cultivate- Broken Pieces (Lost Language)
4. Sander Kleinenberg- Buenos Aires (London)
5. Matti Laamanen/ Sundawner- Flakes (cdr)
6. Scott Bond vs. Solarstone- 3rd Earth (white)
7. Andy J. Powell & Mike Nero- Skyliner (Hiver and Hammer remix)
8. Robert Lidstroem- Recitation (Misja Helsloot remix) (Exciter)
9. Hiroshi Okada- Beyond the Green (020 rec) VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Three Drives- Carrera 2 (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Nebula)
2. Ozone- Ionize (Misja Helsloot remix) (Gesture)
3. Pulser- My Religion (CDR) Winner will be presented in next week’s show as listener’s
future favorite. Upcoming events:
27 March 2003: A State of Trance XXL (4 hours) with special guest M.i.k.e.
A State of Trance Episode 090 (2003-03-27)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Rank 1- Breathing (Airwave 2003) (Breaks dub) (ID&T)
2. Motorcycle- As the Rush comes (CDR)
3. Cor Fijneman feat. Jan Johnson- Venus (DJ Tiesto remix) (Blackhole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Ferry Corsten- Indigo (Tsunami)
5. ATCR Presents- Stealing Beauty (ATCR CDR) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Pulser- My Religion (CDR)
7. Lolo- Extended Horizon (CDR)
8. Kansai- Remember this night (Platipus)
9. DJ Choose- That Mucho (release me) (Drizzly) 21.00- 22.00-> M.I.K.E. Non-Stop in the mix
1. M.I.K.E.- Ofra Haza (CDR)
2. Unknown Artist- White label
3. M.I.K.E.- Turn the lights off (CDR)
4. Marc O’Tool- Black n White (Electribe)
5. Unknown Artist- White label
6. Eclectic Kid vs. Fred Baker- Now or Never (Scanner)
7. Plastic Boy- Unknown Title (CDR)
8. Alpha Duo- Cycle (Serial Killer Vinyl)
9. Percy X- On A Day (Soma)
10. Push- Universal Nation (Bonzai)
11. Technasia- Final Quadrant 22.00- 23.00-> M.I.K.E. Special
1. Solar Factor- Urban Shakedown (Bonzai)
2. The Gift- Love Angel (main mix) (ID&T)
3. Solar Factor- No Return (Platipus: euro)
4. Calling the Freak- Your time is Up (Scanner)
5. Interstate- Work Out (Bonzai Limited)
6. Push- Strange World (Bonzai) 23.00- 00.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Airwave- Lady Blue (CDR)
2. DJ Koris vs. Djule- Belvedere (Mesh side) (DTF)
3. Greg Murray- I feel Loved (CDR)
4. Midway- Monkey Forest (Vicent & Quentin 2003 remix) (Lost Language)
5. Vincent de Moor- Crystal Clouds (CDR)
6. Firewall- Sincere (CDR)
7. Peter Dafnous- From here to Eternity (CDR)
8. Godspeed- Godspeed (John Askew remix) (Duty Free) Special thanks to M.I.K.E Pulser- My Religion (CDR) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 46,1% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Lolo- Extended Horizon (CDR)
2. Kansai- Remember this night (Platipus)
3. DJ Choose- That Mucho (release me) (Drizzly)
A State of Trance Episode 091 (2003-04-03)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Motorcycle- As the rush comes (cdr)
2. Mr. Sam vs Fred Baker present As One- Forever Waiting (Magik Muzik)
3. Paul van Dyk feat. Hemstock & Jennings- Nothing but you (Vandit) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Rapid Eye- Stealing Beauty (ATCR CDR)
5. Mesh- Esthetic Visions (ITWT/ Blackhole) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Lolo- Extended Horizon
7. Artist Unknown feat. Justine Suissa- 5th Dimension (armada cdr)
8. Ayion- Thru the night (Solid Slide remix) (Gesture music)
9. Questia- Nexus Asia (cdr) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Sasha- Wavy Gravy (U&K remix) (BMG)
2. Nalin & Kane- Beachball (Gabriel & Dresden remix)(Ultra)
3. Artist Unknown- I can see you (Humate remix) (data)
4. Pulser- My Religion (Armada)
5. Aalto- Rush (Super8 vs. Orkidea remix) (Ajunabeats)
6. Ernesto vs. Bastian- A few seconds After Trancefer (FTM)
7. Mr. Sam vs Fred Baker present As One- Forever Waiting (M.I.K.E. remix) (Magik Muzik)
8. Ferry Corsten- Indigo (Tsunami) Lolo- Extended Horizon (CDR) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 48,2% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Artist Unknown feat. Justine Suissa- 5th Dimension (armada cdr)
2. Ayion- Thru the night (Solid Slide remix) (Gesture music)
3. Questia- Nexus Asia (cdr)
A State of Trance Episode 092 (2003-04-10)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Mr. Sam vs Fred Baker present As One- Forever Waiting (Magik Muzik)
2. Rapid Eye- Stealing Beauty (ATCR)
3. Pulser- My Religion (Armada) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Orilene- Sanctuary (Ivan Dough remix) (CDR)
5. Goldenscan- Of Our Times (Super8 remix) (Lost Language) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa- 5th Dimension (Armada cdr)
7. Freeloader- Pure Devotion (Big Star)
8. Afterburn- Summer Sun (cdr)
9. Robert Gitelman- Things 2 Say (ID&T) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Rank1- Airwave 2003 (Breaks dub 12?) (ID&T)
2. Motorcycle- As the Rush comes (cdr)
3. Lolo- Extended Horizon (cdr)
4. Gift- Duration (Thomas Penton Enduring Rhythm remix) (Pure)
5. Vdm- Crystal Clouds (cdr)
6. Mesh- Esthetic Visions (ITWT/ Blackhole)
7. Signum- Unknown Title (cdr)
8. Armin van Buuren vs. Airwave- Slipstream (United)
9. Paul van Dyk feat. Hemstock & Jennings- Nothing but you (Vandit)
10. G&M Project- Control of Your Mind (ID&T) Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa- 5th Dimension (armada cdr) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 40,0% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Freeloader- Pure Devotion (Big Star)
2. Afterburn- Summer Sun (cdr)
3. Robert Gitelman- Things 2 Say (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 093 (2003-04-17)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Billy Ray Martin- Honey (Above & Beyond remix) (Nervous)
2. Orilene- Sanctuary (Ivan Dough remix/ edit) (cdr)
3. Three Drives- Greece 2000 (G&M project remix) (white) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. M.i.k.e.- Turn the lights off (cdr)
5. Armin van Buuren- Blue Fear 2003 (United) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Robert Gitelman- Things 2 Say (ID&T)
7. Unknown Artist- Crystal Clouds (cdr)
8. Astura- Orion’s Belt (fundamental)
9. Neo & Farina- Alba Rossa (Hot decks) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Marc Marberg- Hackin’ (Sonorous remix) (Leaded)
2. Mr. Sam vs Fred Baker present As One- Forever Waiting (Magik Muzik)
3. Mark van Dale- Love Slave (Three drives remix) (MvD rec)
4. Escape- Nothing to Fear (exciter)
5. Rapid Eye- Stealing Beauty (ATCR)
6. Goldenscan- Of our times (Katana remix) (Lost Language)
7. Questia- Nexus Asia (Armada)
8. Masters & Nickson- 5th dimension (instrumental) (Armada)
9. Godspeed- Godspeed (John Askew remix) (Duty free)
10. Cosmic Gate- Human Beings (G&M project remix) (Nebula) Robert Gitelman- Things 2 Say (ID&T) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 42,6% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Unknown Artist- Crystal Clouds (cdr)
2. Astura- Orion’s Belt (Fundamental)
3. Neo & Farina- Alba Rossa (Hot decks)
A State of Trance Episode 094 (2003-04-24)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Libra presents Taylor- Anomaly-Calling your name (C-quence remix) (captivating sounds)
2. Goldenscan- Sunrise (Ronski Speed remix)(Euphonic)
3. M.I.K.E.- Turn the lights off (CDR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Unknown Artist- Ray of Light (CDR)
5. Plastic Boy- Live Another Life FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Astura- Orion’s Belt (Fundamental)
7. M.I.D.O.R. feat. Six4Eight- Cloud City (Somatic Sense)
8. Outback- Minds in Motion (CDR)
9. Mike Shiver- Feelings (instrumental) (Lost Language) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Tilt- Sirens (Tilt Four Motion mix) (Trust the DJ)
2. Quiver- Daylight (Main mix) (Trust the DJ)
3. Unknown Artist- Ofra Haza (M.I.K.E. remix)
4. Free Radical- Surreal (En-motion remix) (ATCR Repress)
5. Pulser- My Religion (Armada)
6. Neo & Farina- Neo & Farina’s Binary Refined (Platipus: Euro)
7. Robert Gitelman- Things 2 Say (ID&T)
8. Score Age- Cosmo Fragrance (Expanded)
9. Sinesweeper- Tribal Fear (Sweep) Astura- Orion’s Belt (Fundamental) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 39,7% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. M.I.D.O.R. feat. Six4Eight- Cloud City (Somatic Sense)
2. Outback- Minds in Motion (CDR)
3. Mike Shiver- Feelings (instrumental) (Lost Language) Next week, episode 95: Misja Helsloot in A State of Trance XXL
A State of Trance Episode 095 (2003-05-01)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Little Wonder- Eclipse (original) (Lost Language)
2. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title (cdr)
3. Goldenscan- Sunrise (Ronski Speed remix) (Euphonic) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Sensation- Anthem 2003 (ID&T)
5. Basic Dawn- Pure Thrust (Nu-NRG remix) (Difuse) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Mike Shiver- Feelings (Lost Language)
7. Greg Murray- I Feel Loved (cdr)
8. Euphonic- State of Evolution (90 degrees North)
9. Unknown Artist- Sunlight (Pulser remix) (data) 21.15- 22.15-> Misja Helsloot Non-stop in the mix
1. Robert Lidstroem- Recitation (Misja Helsloot remix) (Exciter)
2. Midtone- Pearl (Darren Christian Remix) (Duty Free)
3. 1st Movement- Sunrise (Halogen remix)
4. Mind One feat. Rena- Star for me (Instrumental remix)
5. Shane 54- Vampire
6. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title
7. Afterburn- Summer Sun
8. Sturmkraft- Revolution (Robert Lidstroem remix)
9. Les Hemstoch- Unknown Title 22.15- 23.00-> Misja Helsloot & Gesture music Special
1. Hammock Brothers- Blaze of Night (Misja Helsloot remix)
2. Misja Helsloot- First Second (Pablo Gargano Remix) (Discover)
3. Dreas- Sonic Rush
4. Airbase- Theme From the Rock 23.00- 00.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Matt Busch with Aphasia- Faith (Chab audio treatment remix)(Imago)
2. Matthew Dekay- She is mine (One Star)
3. Motorcycle- As the Rush comes (Cdr)
4. Cultivate- Broken Pieces (Goldenscan remix) (Lost Language)
5. Matti Laamanen- Flakes (Tsunami)
6. Robert Gitelman- Things 2 Say (ID&T)
7. Plastic Boy- Live another Life (cdr)
8. Aalto- Rush (Super8 vs. Orkidea remix) (Ajunabeats) Mike Shiver- Feelings (Lost Language) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 55,9% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Greg Murray- I Feel Loved (cdr)
2. Euphonic- State of Evolution (90 degrees North)
3. Unknown Artist- Sunlight (Pulser remix) (data)
A State of Trance Episode 096 (2003-05-08)
01 Airwave – Lady Blue
02 Nalin & Kane – Beachball (Gabriel & Dresden South Beach Vacation Remix)
03 BT – Mercury & Solace (BT 12? Mastermix)
04 James Holden – Nothing (93 Returning Remix)
05 ROC Project – Never (Filterheadz Remix)
06 Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Sweeping Strings Remix)
07 Rapid Eye – Stealing Beauty
08 Pulser – My Religion
09 Paul van Dyk – Nothing But You (PvD Club Mix)
10 Solar Factor – Urban Shakedown
11 DJ Cor Fijneman feat Jan Johnston – Venus (DJ Tiesto Remix)
12 Armin van Buuren feat Ray Wilson – Yet Another Day (Riva Remix)
13 Solar Stone – Solar Coaster (Midway Remix)
14 3 Fingers – Frozen February (Flake Remix)
15 Rank 1 – Breathing (Breaks Dub)
16 DJ Tomcraft – Loneliness (Klub Mix)
17 GTR – Mistral
18 Libra presents Taylor – Calling Your Name (Thrillseekers Remix)
19 Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – 3rd Earth
20 Sun Decade – I’m Alone (Mirco De Govia Dub Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 097 (2003-05-15)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Cloud City feat. Shanokee- Feel The Force (Mr Sam Remix) (Yeti)
2. Anthony Cordell- Surrender (Ton TB Instrumental Mix) (Blackhole)
3. Sensation- The Anthem 2003 (ID&T) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Rusch & Murray- Epic (Above & Beyond Remix) (Ajunabeats)
5. Cupa- Foundation (Five AM) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Greg Murray- I Feel Loved (CDR)
7. Neo & Farina – Barchetta (DJ Precision’s Somatic Sense Remix)
8. System F.- Spaceman (Matti Laamanen Remix) (Tsunami)
9. Quadraphonic- I Can Feel Your Love (Gareth Emery’s GTR Remix) (Lost Language) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Matthew Deekay- Twinkels (Jive)
2. Uli Poeppelbaum- Fear & Loathing (Filterheadz Remix) (Alphabet City)
3. Mark van Dale- Love Slave (Three Drives Remix) (MvD)
4. Mike Shiver- Feelings (Instrumental Mix) (Lost Language)
5. Goldenscan- Sunrise (Ronski Speed Mix) (Euphonic)
6. Rapid Eye- Stealing Beauty (Ronald van Gelderen Remix) (ATCR)
7. The Gift- Love Angel (M.I.K.E. Remix) (ID&T)
8. Armin van Buuren- Precious (United)
9. Outback- Minds In Motion (Armada)
10. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Sweeping Strings Remix) (Armada) Greg Murray- I Feel Loved was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 43,5% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Neo & Farina – Barchetta (DJ Precision’s Somatic Sense Remix)
2. System F.- Spaceman (Matti Laamanen Remix) (Tsunami)
3. Quadraphonic- I Can Feel Your Love (Gareth Emery’s GTR Remix) (Lost Language) June 5th: A State of Trance, Episode 100, ASOT Gathering, Live from
Bloemendaal, Holland, at ‘Bloomingdale’. 18.00- 23.00. entrance FREE.
We hope you’ll join us.
A State of Trance Episode 098 (2003-05-12)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title (cdr)
2. Armin van Buuren- Prooemium/ Precious (United)
3. Rush & Murray- Epic (Above & Beyond remix)(Anjunabeats) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. BT- Somnambulist (Junkie XL remix)
5. Filterheads presents Orange 3- In Your Eyes (red mix) (Magik Muzik) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Neo & Farina- Barchetta (DJ Precision’s Somatic Sense remix) (Hotdecks)
7. Unknown Artist- Magnetica (CDR)
8. Envio- Touched by the Sun (CDR)
9. Photon Project- Brainwave (Blackhole) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Petter- These Days (Deep)
2. Touchanian- Arcadia (Intrinsic)
3. Durden- Rapture 2003 (white label)
4. Johan Cyber & Jaydee vs. Dymos- Crime (Cyber Records)
5. Ilay & Beat C- High (Chab remix) (Cyber Records)
6. Coast 2 Coast- Searching (religion)
7. The Gift- Love Angel (M.I.K.E. remix) (ID&T)
8. Goldenscan- Sunrise (Ronski Speed remix) (Euphonic)
9. Perpetual Motion- We’re all Here (Andy Manston’s Dub)
10. Questia- Nexus Asia (A State of Trance) Neo & Farina – Barchetta (DJ Precision’s Somatic Sense Remix) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 43,0% of votes. VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Unknown Artist- Magnetica (CDR)
2. Envio- Touched by the Sun (CDR)
3. Photon Project- Brainwave (Blackhole) June 5th: A State of Trance, Episode 100, ASOT Gathering, Live from
Bloemendaal, Holland, at ‘Bloomingdale’. 18.00- 23.00. en Trance FREE.
We hope you’ll join us.
A State of Trance Episode 099 (2003-05-29)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Jewel- Intuition (Markus Schulz Coldharbour mix) (Atlantic)
2. BT- Somnambulist (Junkie XL dub) (Nettwerk)
3. Remy- Bang! (Combined Forces/ Additive) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Dave Gahan- Dirty Sticky Floors (Junkie XL Vocal mix) (Mute)
5. Empyreal Sun- Intense Emotion (Galactive) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Envio- Touched by the Sun (CDR)
7. Unknown Artist- In My Skin (Vincent de Moor remix) (CDR)
8. Matt Harwick and Smith/Pledger- Day One (Anjunabeats)
9. Vector 7 meets Blair Bitch- Natural Thing (Kyr) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Unknown Artist- Take the pill (CDR)
2. Ronald Klinkenberg- Melting Point (CDR)
3. Sven Palzer- Sax Funk (Tune Inn)
4. Questia- Nexus Asia (Subsphere remix) (A State of Trance)
5. M.I.K.E.- Turn the Lights Off (CDR)
6. Coast 2 Coast- Searching (Religion)
7. Rusch & Murray- Epic (Above & Beyond remix) (Anjunabeats)
8. Armin van Buuren- Precious (United) Envio- Touched by the Sun (CDR) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 52,8% of votes by the listeners to A State of Trance and the visitors of HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Unknown Artist- In My Skin (Vincent de Moor remix) (CDR)
2. Matt Harwick and Smith/Pledger- Day One (Anjunabeats)
3. Vector 7 meets Blair Bitch- Natural Thing (Kyr) Next week, June 5th:
A State of Trance, Episode 100, ASOT Gathering, Live from
Bloemendaal, Holland, at ‘Bloomingdale’. 19.00- 23.00. En Trance FREE.
We hope you’ll join us. (http://bloomingdale.id-t.com/)
A State of Trance Episode 100 (2003-05-29)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. ASOT 100 Intro (Papua New Guinea)
2. Dave Gahan- Dirty Sticky Floors (Junkie XL vocal) (Mute)
3. Armin van Buuren- Precious (United)
4. Envio- Touched by the sun (Armada) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 5. Laura Turner- Souldeep (Signum dub)(CDR) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Matt Harwick vs Smith & Pledger- Day One (Anjunabeats)
7. Amgisni- Nolava (cdr)
8. Rank1- Breathing (Push dub) (ID&T) 20.00- 20.30-> Jon O Bir non stop in the mix
1. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles- Aragon (Intro Mix) (Armada)
2. Workafiction- Reflected
3. Mason- Valley Of Love
4. Haak- Frenzy
5. Fictivision vs C-Quence- Symbols (Mesh Remix) 20.30- 21.00-> Marco V. non stop in the mix
No tracklist available 21.00- 21.30-> Harry Lemon 8 non stop in the mix
No tracklist available 21.30- 22.00-> Best of A State of Trance A selection of tunes, suggested by listeners.
1. Armin van Buuren feat. System F.- From The Heart (United)
2. Solar Stone- Solarcoaster (Midway Remix)(Lost Language)
3. Pulser- My Religion (A State of Trance)
4. Rusch & Murray- Epic (Above & Beyond Remix)(Anjunabeats) 22.00- 23.00-> Best of A State of Trance A selection of tunes, suggested by listeners.
1. Solid Globe- North Pole (Fundamental)
2. Motorcycle- As The Rush Comes (Sweeping Strings Remix)(Armada)
3. Paul van Dyk- Nothing But You (PvD Club Mix)(Vandit)
4. Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa- 5th Dimension (Soundpiercing)
5. Coast 2 Coast- Searching (Coast 2 Coast Remix)(Religion)
6. Robert Gitelman- Things 2 Say (ID&T)
7. Questia- Nexus Asia
8. Perpetual Motion- We’re All Here Together (Andy Manston Dub Mix)
9. Umek- Gatex vs. Speedy J- Krekc (Armin van Buuren Re-Edit) 23.00- 24.00-> Armin van Buuren Non stop in the mix
1. Junkie XL- Reshurc (Roadrunner)
2. Hatrixx- Miss you (Kobbe & Fabb X remix) (Yeti)
3. Ronald Klinkenberg- Melting Point (CDR)
4. Duran- Face (Sadie recordings)
5. Johan Cyber and Jaydee vs. Dymos- Crime (Cyber)
6. Orilene- Sanctuary (AvB edit)
7. Remy- Bang! (Combined/ Additive)
8. M.I.K.E.- Turn the lights off (cdr)
9. Neo & Farina- Barchetta (DJ Precision remix)
10. Floyd- 4 ever (Spinnin) Matt Harwick vs Smith & Pledger- Day One (Anjunabeats) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 41,5% of votes by the listeners to A State of Trance and the visitors of HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ www.trance.nu
1. Amgisni- Nolava (cdr)
2. Empyreal Sun- Intense Emotion (Galactive)
3. Rank1- Breating (Push dub) (ID&T) Thanks to Jon O Bir, Marco V and Lemon 8 for their mixes.
Thanks to ID&T radio for making this possible.
Thanks to all people @ Bloomingdale for their support.
A State of Trance will continue, every thursdaynight 20.00- 22.00
on ID&T radio.
A State of Trance Episode 101 (2003-06-12)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. NRC- Here comes the rain again (Push vocal mix) (Illustrious)
2. Katana- Unknown Title
3. Laura Turner- Souldeep (Signum dub) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Benni Benassi pres the Biz- Satisfaction (Steve Murano mix) (data) FUTURE FAVORITE: 5. Empyreal Sun- Intense Emotion (Galactive sounds)
6. Unknown Artist- Evolutione (forbidden planet)
7. Inner Motion- How did you (Scarab mix) (Nordic)
8. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Nocturnal Creatures (cdr) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Ad Finem- Angel (Modo)
2. Jewel- Intuition (Markus Schulz Cold Harbour mix) (Atlantic)
3. Little Wonder- Eclipse (Fictivision vs c-quence mix) (Lost Language)
4. Envio- Touched by the sun (Armada)
5. Duran- Face (Sadie)
6. Ronald Klinkenberg- Melting Point (CDR)
7. Mac J.- Perfect Blend (ID&T)
8. Armin van Buuren- Precious (United)
9. Moogwai- Neon (Platipus)
10. Thompson & Holden- Nothing (Hiver and Hammer remix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. System F.- From the Heart (United) Empyreal Sun- Intense Emotion (Galactive sounds) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 41,4% of votes by the listeners to A State of Trance and the visitors of www.trance.nu VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Unknown Artist- Evolutione (forbidden planet)
2. Inner Motion- How did you (Scarab mix) (Nordic)
3. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Nocturnal Creatures (cdr)
A State of Trance Episode 102 (2003-06-19)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Benny Benassi- Satisfaction (Steve Murano Remix)(data)
2. Lost Tribe- Gamemaster 2003 (CDR)
3. Laura Turner- Soul Deep (Signum Dub TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Midway- Amazon (Blackhole) FUTURE FAVORITE: 5. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Nocturnal Creatures
6. Fictivion vs C-Quence – Symbols (Blackhole)
7. Ronski Speed- Iris (Euphonic)
8. Donald & Giles- Weekend Wonder (Spinnin) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Valentino- Flying (CDR)
2. Mark Otten- Mushroom Therapy (Lightscape Remix) (Armind)
3. Jewel- Intuition (Markus Schulz Cold Harbour mix) (Atlantic)
4. DJ Emerson- E-Tonic (leandro gamez mix)
5. Mauritius- It’s Our Future
6. Firewall- Sincere (Armada)
7. NRC- Here Comes The Rain (Push Dub)
8. Empyreal Sun- Twisted Reality (Galactive/ Fundamental)
9. Armin van Buuren- Song for the Ocean (United)
10. Dirty Bass- Hammer & Thongs (Dirty Blue) Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Nocturnal Creatures was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 55,7% of votes by the listeners to A State of Trance and the visitors of HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE FAVORITE @ HTTP://WWW.TRANCE.NU
1. Fictivion vs C-Quence- Symbols (Blackhole)
2. Ronski Speed- Iris (Euphonic)
3. Donald & Giles- Weekend Wonder (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 103 (2003-06-26)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Duncan Sheik- On a High (Love from Humbold Dub) (Atlantic)
2. Midway- Amazon (Black Hole)
3. M.I.K.E.- Turn the lights off (Hiver and Hammer Remix) (Armind) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Electrique Boutique- Heal (Continental) FUTURE FAVORITE: 5. Fictivision vs C-Quence- Symbols (Black Hole)
6. Paul van Dyk- Nothing but You (Faithless remix)(Vandit/ ID&T)
7. Neo & Farina- Barchetta (DJ Precision’s Somatic Sense remix) (Hotdecks)
8. Unknown Artist- Continental Chaos (CDR) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. JMJ vs. Hellpass- Arpegiateur
2. Little Wonder- Eclipse (Fictivision vs C-Quence remix) (Lost Language)
3. Matt Busch with Aphasia- Faith (Chab’s Audio Treatment mix) (Imago)
4. Iio- Smooth (Airbase remix)
5. Lost Tribe- Gamemaster 2003 (CDR)
6. 2 Players- Pitch & Sheila (Jaron Inc mix) (Afterglow)
7. Laura Turner- Soul Deep (Signum Dub) (Curb)
8. Grand Resonant- Central (Resonant Recording)
9. Armin van Buuren vs. Airwave- Slipstream (United) Fictivision vs C-Quence- Symbols (Black Hole) was selected FUTURE FAVORITE with 59,4% of votes by the listeners to A State of Trance and the visitors of www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 104 (2003-07-04)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Nova- All this love (Backyard/ Multiply)
2. Pulser- My Religion (Lange remix) (A State of Trance)
3. Midway- Amazon (Black Hole) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Haak- Frenzy (CDR)
5. Karada- Last Flight (Robert Nickson remix) (Lost Language)
6. Neo & Farina- Barchetta (DJ Precision, M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight Somatic Sense Remix) (Hotdecks)
7. Darren Tate & Jono Grant- Nocturnal Creatures
8. Charger- Turtle Beach (CDR)
9. Laura Turner- Soul Deep (Signum Dub) (Curb) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Laidback Luke feat. MC Marxman- We can not get Enough (Accapella) (33/45 – United)
2. Peter Gun- Pressure point (Millennium)
3. Saiko-pod- Groove moderator (Miro remix) (Spiral trax)
4. Holden- A Break in the Clouds (Border Community)
5. Chopstick & Spoiled- Who is It? (Mike Monday remix) (Intra)
6. Atlas- Circulation (CDR)
7. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title (CDR)
8. Fred Numf vs. Five Point O- Globalisation 2003 (ID&T)
9. Unknown Artist- Change UR Mind (CDR)
10. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title (White) 22.00- 23.00-> Lemon 8 Non-stop in the mix
No Tracklist available 23.00- 24.00-> Lemon 8 Special
1. Arrakis- Aira Force (Lemon8 Remix)
2. Roland K vs Q-Lock- Goliath (Lemon8 Remix)(Deep)
3. Lemon8- Lose Control
4. Lemon8- Model8 (Remix)
5. Greed feat Lesley- Strange World (Lemon8 Remix)(Devolution)
6. Lemon8- Bells Of Revolution
7. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Lemon8 Remix)(Combined Forces)
8. Against The Grain – Further (Lemon8 Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 105 (2003-07-10)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Holden- A Break in the Clouds (Border Community)
2. Airwave- When things go wrong (Remix) (Bonzai)
3. Haak- Frenzy (CDR) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Push- Journey of Life (Bonzai)
5. Sensation- Anthem 2003 (Ricky Fobis remix) (ID&T)
6. Unknown Artist- A Situation (Liquidlife remix) (Fundamental)
7. Ultra- Nothing (Club mix) (CDR)
8. Fictivision vs. C-quence- Symbols (Blackhole) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix Previously recorded live set at Glow, Washington DC. 14/06/2003
1. Junkie XL- Red Pill, Blue Pill (Animatrix soundtrack)
2. Ofra Haza- Love Song (Armada)
3. Jewel- Intuition (Markus Schulz Cold Harbour mix)
4. Dave Gahan- Dirty Sticky Floors (Junkie XL vocal mix) (mute)
5. Solid Globe- North Pole (Fundamental)
6. Unknown- Unknown (white)
7. M.I.K.E.- Turn the Lights Off (Armind/Armada)
8. PvD- Nothing but you (Vandit)
9. Pulser- My religion (A State of Trance)
A State of Trance Episode 106 (2003-07-17)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. 2 Players vs Elizabeth Field – Signet Sympathy (Deep Blue)
2. Electrique Boutique feat Taz – Heal (Continental)
3. Push – Journey Of Life (Bonzai) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Mono – Rise (Mondo)
5. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – 3rd Earth (Marco V Remix) (ID&T)
6. Mike Shiver – Feelings (Cosmicman Remix) (Lost Language)
7. Darren Tate vs Jono Grant – Nocturnal Creatures (Jono’s Remix) (Mondo)
8. Matt Darey – Nocturnal Daylight (CDR) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Unknown Artist – Rambla (Lemon8 Remix)
2. Dave Swayze – Constant Love (Yeti)
3. Dave Gahan – Dirty Sticky Cool (Junkie XL Remix / Markus Schulz Reconstruction)
4. Duncan Sheik – On A High (Love From Humboldt Dub) (Atlantic)
5. Science Deal – Forces Of Nature (Somatic Sense)
6. Ace’s Delight – Mental Theme (Venom)
7. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title
8. Ron van den Beuken – Timeless (original mix) (Liquid)
9. Darren Christian – Electrify (Marco Zaffarano Remix) (Duty Free)
A State of Trance Episode 107 (2003-07-24)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. DJ Ernesto – Urban Cowboy (Instrumental Mix)(FTM)
2. Ronald Klinkenberg – Melting Point vs P-Diddy – Let’s Get Ill (Armin van Buuren Re-Edit)
3. Ferry Corsten – Rock Your Body Rock (Tsunami) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Andain – Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Unplugged Mix) (Blackhole)
5. Electrique Boutique feat Taz – Heal (12 Inch Instrumental Mix) (Continental)
6. Three Drives – Signs Of The Universe (CDR)
7. Dreas – Sonic Rush (Gesture)
8. Mono – Rise (Mondo)
9. Binary Finary – 1998 (Ronski Speed Mix) (Positiva) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Against The Grain – Further (Lemon8 Remix edit) (CDR)
2. Locust – Kubik (Lost Language)
3. DJ Marco Joosten – Grayhound (Original Mix)
4. Airwave – When Things Go Wrong (2003 Remix) (Bonzai)
5. Haak – Frenzy (CDR)
6. Signum – Push Through (A State of Trance)
7. Digital Delinquents – To Do Anything (White)
8. Ace’s Delight – Mental Theme (Venom)
9. Malixx feat. John Watts – End (Marco Zaffarano Remix)(Nukleuz)
A State of Trance Episode 108 (2003-07-31)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Andain- Beautiful Things (Blackhole)
2. Kamar 2- Mistrust (Midway)
3. Classified Project- Starlight Chaser (Alien) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Scarab- Vagabond (A State of Trance)
5. Binary Finary- 1998 (Ronski Speed mix) (Positiva)
6. Insigma- Avalon (Midway remix) (ATCR)
7. Ron van den Beuken- Timeless (Liquid)
8. Outback- Minds in Motion (remix)
9. Unknown Artist- Unfinished Symphony (Fenology Records) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title (Audiotherapy)
2. Imre Corte- Kentari (Wellenrausch mix) (Spacepark)
3. Mark Otten- Mushroom Therapy (Armind)
4. Chocci vs. Dirtsnob- Future Is (AR52 mix) (JOOF)
5. Electronic Boutique feat. Taz- Heal (Instrumental mix) (Continental)
6. Lost Tribe- Gamemaster 2003 (Liquid Asset)
7. John Askew- Skylab (Kyau vs. Albert mix) (Discover)
8. Signum- Push Through (Armada)
9. Darren Tate vs. Jono Grant- Nocturnal Creatures (Jono’s mix) (mondo)
A State of Trance Episode 109 (2003-08-07)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Y- Traxx- Mysteryland (Mr Sam vs Fred Baker Instrumental Mix) (Nebula)
2. Hemstock & Jennings feat Adam White- Reverence (CDR)
3. Scarab- Vagabond (A State of Trance) 4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Tiesto- Traffic (Magik Muzik)
5. Veracocha- Carte Blanche (Ronald van Gelderen Remix)(Positiva)
6. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles- Aragon (Intro Mix)(Captivating)
7. Mirco de Govia- Final Emotion (Euphonic)
8. Zed-X- The Storm (Jono Grant vs POS Remix)(Hard On)
9. Lange- I Believe (Lange Remix)(Positiva)
10. Andain- Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Unplugged Mix) (Blackhole) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Mirco de Govia- Mindspring (Chronoscale)(Euphonic)
2. Against the Grain- Further (Lemon8 remix)
3. Dibada- Hold You (Agoria’s Bear mix) (Wavegraffiti/Pias)
4. Three Drives- Signs from the Universe (CDR)
5. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title (CDR)
6. Classified project- Starlight Chaser (Alien)
7. Mat Silver & Tony Burt- Ultimate Wave (Airbase remix)(Above the Sky)
8. Filo & Peri- Unknown (CDR)
9. Empyrical Labs- Turtle Beach (Armada)
10. Progresia- Stockholm (020 recordings) Due to technical problems, A State Of Trance XXL with special guest DJ Remy will be rerun on the 21st of August, after ASOT 111
A State of Trance Episode 110 (2003-08-14)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Oakenfold – Hypnotised (Deepsky’s Reakto Radio Mix) (Perfecto)
2. PD – FFL 2003 (Astura mix) (Fundamental)
3. Brainbug – Nightmare (Chiller Twist Snowdrop Remix) (Positiva) 4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Matt Hardwick vs Smith & Pledger – Day One (Above & Beyond Remix) (Anjunabeats)
5. Frequence – Frequence (Dub Mix) (Banshee)
6. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Armin van Buuren’s Universal Religion Remix) (Armada)
7. Vincent & Quentin – Freeway (Afterglow)
8. Matt Darey – Intoxicate (CDR)
9. DJ Tiesto – Traffic (Blackhole) 21.00- 22.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix
1. Miika Kuisma – Orion (JooF)
2. RB Fusion – Parranda
3. Urban Voodoo – Dreamin’n (Yeti)
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
5. DJ Remy – Napolitan
6. Pindrop – Corporate Entertainment (Nettwerk)
7. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
8. Mirco de Govia – Final Emotion (Euphonic)
9. Evergray – Symmetry (Mazeman)
10. YDR – Spiritual Feeling (Dolphins Remix) (Banshee)
A State of Trance Episode 111 (2003-08-14)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Annie Lennox – A Thousand Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)(BMG)
2. Midway – Amazon (Blackhole) vs Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Armind/Positiva) -> As the Rush comes to Amazon (Armin van Buuren ASOT edit)
3. Oceanlab – Beautiful Together (Seraque Remix) (Anjunabeats) 4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Paul van Dyk feat Vega 4 – Time Of Our Lives (Club Mix)(Vandit/Positiva)
5. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
6. Ian van Dahl – I Can’t Let You Go (Push dub) (Nu:life)
7. Katana – Tribal Shock (A13) (Captivating)
8. Matt Hardwick vs Smith & Pledger – Day One (Above & Beyond Remix)(Anjunabeats)
9. Darren Tate – Prayer For A God (Mondo) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Mode – Rise
2. Andain – Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Unplugged Mix) (Blackhole)
3. Oakenfold feat. Tiff Lacey – Hypnotised (Deepsky’s Reakto Radio Mix)(Perfecto)
4. Morpheus – Signs (Armada)
5. Vincent & Quentin – Freeway (Afterglow)
6. Hemstock & Jennings – Mirage Of Hope (DJ Shah remix) (Five AM)
7. Mike Shiver – Feelings (Cosmicman Remix) (Lost Language)
8. BBE – Seven Days & One Week (Ferry Corsten Remix) (Positiva)
9. Hemstock & Jennings feat Adam White- Reverance (CDR)
A State of Trance Episode 112 (2003-08-21)
20.00- 21.00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Paul van Dyk – Connected (Markus Schulz Rework)
2. Conjure One – Centre Of The Sun (Junkie XL Remix) (Nettwerk)
3. Jewel – Stand (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix) (Atlantic) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4 Hemstock & Jennings feat Adam White – Reverence
5. Andain – Beautiful Things (Josh Gabriel Tech Mix) (Nebula)
6. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Armin van Buuren’s Rising Star Remix) (United)
7. Inzite – Everest (Godskitchen)
8. Mike Robbins – Are You A Freak (Silicon) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
2. Matthew Dekay – If I Could Fly (Deep)
3. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue
4. Mr Sam vs Tim Coltrane presents The Tribute – One more Day (Armada)
5. Ocean Lab feat Justine Suissa – Beautiful Together (Seraque Remix) (Anjunabeats)
6. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Armin van Buuren’s Universal Religion Remix) (Armind)
7. Dreas – Sonic Rush (gesture)
8. Matt Darey – Intoxicate (Incentive)
9. A-Force – Continental Chaos (Fundamental) Next week: ASOT XXL with special guest LANGE (UK)
A State of Trance Episode 113 (2003-08-28)
21:00- 22:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Orilene – Sanctuary (Lemon 8 Remix) (Bandung)
2. Scarab – Vagabond (Miika Kuisma Remix) (ASOT)
3. Hemstock & Jennings feat Adam White – Reverence (CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mr Sam vs Tim Coltrane presents The Tribute – One More Day (Original Mix)
5. Musix – Cyber Desire (Club Elite)
6. 4 Strings – Eastern Vibe (Spinnin)
7. Armin van Buuren feat Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Rising Star Remix) (United)
8. Critical Seven – Lost (Pesh Remix) (Lost Language) 22:00 – 23:00-> Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Paul van Dyk – Connected (Markus Schulz Rework)
2. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix) (Armada)
3. Conjure One – Centre Of The Sun (Junkie XL Remix) (Nettwerk)
4. Lost Tribe – Gamemaster (Shane 54 Remix) (CDR)
5. St John vs Locust – Mind Circles (CDR)
6. Andain – Beautiful Things (Josh Gabriel Tech Mix) (Blackhole UK/Nebula)
7. John Askew – Skylab (Kyau vs Albert Remix) (Discover)
8. A-force- Continental Chaos (Fundamental) 23:00 – 00:00-> Lange Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Usual Aspect – Mr Blue (CDR)
2. LNG – Intercity (Tsunami)
3. Armin van Buuren vs Airwave – Slipstream (United)
4. Vector 7 meets Blair Bitch – Natural Thing (KyR)
5. Lange – I Believe 2003 (Lange Remix)
6. Unknown Artist – Killimanjaaro (CDR)
7. Ronski Speed – Iris (Euphonic)
8. Firewall – Sincere (Pulser Remix) (ASOT)
9. Pirate – Leaving The Sun (Ferry Corsten Instrumental Mix) 00:00 – 01:00-> Lange Special
1. Hemstock & Jennings – Mirage Of Hope (Lange Remix)(Five AM)
2. Firewall – Sincere (Original Mix) (ASOT)
3. Ernesto vs Bastian – A Few Seconds After Trancefer (FTM)
4. Robert Lidstroem – My Spirit (Transa vs Inzite Remix) (Exciter)
5. Nalin & Kane – Beachball (Original Mix)
6. Salt Tank – Eugina Thanks to Stuart Lange Vote now for your future favorite at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 114 (2003-09-04)
21:00- 22:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Unknown Artist – Time (Slusnik Luna Vocal Mix)
2. Nathan Fake – Outhouse (Border Community)
3. Paul van Dyk – Connected (Marco V Remix) (positiva)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Shmuel & Choopie – Sunrising (Agnosia)
5. Firewall – Sincere (Pulser Remix) (ASOT)
6. Solid Globe – North Pole (Blue Light Remix) (Fundamental)
7. Modulation – Spirits (Cosmicman Remix) (Vandit)
8. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – Naked Angel (CDR) 22:00 – 23:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Johan Cyber – Unknown Title (CDR)
2. Oliver Klein & Peter Jurgens – Once you get started (Mutekki)
3. John Askew – New Dimension (Duty Free)
4. A-Force – Time Bender (Compressor)
5. M.O.R.P.H – Creatures (G&M Project Remix)
6. Filo & Peri – Elevation (CDR)
7. Armin van Buuren feat Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Rising Star Dub) (United)
8. St John vs Locust – Mind Circles (ASOT)
9. Haak – Frenzy (MK-S Remix) (CDR)
A State of Trance Episode 115 (2003-09-11)
21:00 – 22:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Attention Deficit – What? (CDR)
2. Morpheus – Signs (Captivating)
3. LNG – Intercity (Tsunami)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – Naked Angel (CDR)
5. Shmuel & Choopie – Sunrising (Agnosia)
6. St John vs Locust – Mindcircles (ASOT)
7. Motu – Proceed (
8. Aluna – Time (Slusnik Luna Vocal Mix) (Hi Bias) 22:00 – 23:00 Non-Stop In The Mix Armin Live at Exposure festival
1. Hemstock & Jennings feat. Adam White – Reverance (CDR)
2. Conjure One – Centre of the Sun (Junkie XL vocal mix) (Nettwerk)
3. Questia – Crystal Clouds (Asot)
4. Mr. Sam and Tim Coltrane pres. The tribute – One More Day
5. Envio – Touched by the Sun
6. Mono – Rise (Mondo)
7. Binary Finary – 1999 (Ronski Speed remix) (Positiva)
8. Motorcycle – As the Rush Comes (Armin van Buuren’s universal Religion remix)(Armind)
9. Darren tate vs Jono Grant – Nocturnal Creatures (Jono’s mix) (mondo)
10. Unknown Artist – Killemanjaaro
A State of Trance Episode 116 (2003-09-18)
21:00- 22:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Lilly Hayden – Anything (Gabriel & Dresden E-String Remix)
2. Mark Norman – Overkill (Intro Mix) (Magik Muzik)
3. Pirate – Leaving The Sun (Ferry Corsten Mix) (Purple Eye)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Firewall – Sincere (Pulser Remix) (ASOT)
5. Delerium – Truly (Signum Remix) (Nettwerk)
6. The Gift – Seventh Day (Main Mix) (ID&T)
7. Marco V vs. Jens – Relooped (ID&T)
8. Paul Mendez – 2nd Skin (Geert Huinink Remix) (ID&T) 22:00 – 23:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Origene – Sanctuary (Harry Lemon Remix)(Bandung)
2. Ronald Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (Taste)
3. Gabriel & Dresden – Serendipity (CDR)
4. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – Naked Angel (CDR)
5. Dirt Devils – Music Is Life (Jono Grant vs Pos Mix)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
7. JS Ten – Eternal (Euphonic mix) (Blue Print)
8. Armin van Buuren – Burned With Desire (Rising Star Mix) (United) Next week: (Oct. 2nd, 21.00- 01.00) A State of Trance XXL with guests Gabriel & Dresden on id&t radio.
A State of Trance Episode 117 (2003-09-25)
A State of Trance XXL with special Guests Gabriel & Dresden 21:00 – 22:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Jewel – Stand (Markus Schulz Coldharbour remix) (Atlantic)
2. Boss@nova – Stonecold (Tsunami)
3. Firewall – Sincere (Pulser remix) (ASOT)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Delerium – Truly (Signum Intro mix) (Nettwerk)
5. Mind One – Only memories (Torpedo)
6. Matt Hardwick vs. Smith & Pledger- Day One (Anjunabeats)
7. JS Ten – Eternal (Euphonic mix) (Blue Print)
8. Empyrical Labs – Turtle beach (Outback mix)
9. Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa – Out there (C-Quence remix) (Soundpiercing)
10. Euphonic – Asia 22:00 – 23:00-> Gabriel and Dresden non-stop in the mix Dave Dresden in the mix
1. Elevation – Clear Blue (Armada)
2. Andain – Beautiful Things (accapella) (Blackhole)
3. Agoria – La Onzieme Marche (Phil Kieran mix)(Pias)
4. Attention Deficit – What (CDR)
5. Razor n Guido – The Build up (Reddline)
6. Andain – Beatiful Things (Blackhole) Josh Gabriel in the mix
1. Brother Brown – Star Catching girl (Smith & Selway remix) (MOS)
2. Lilly Hayden – Anything (Gabriel & Dresden Code 313 dub)
3. Remy – Dustsucker with Tom McGrae – You only disappear
4. The Youngsters – Break Them Off
5. Annie Lennox – Pavement Cracks (Gabriel & Dresden club mix) 23:00 – 00:00-> Gabriel & Dresden Interview + Special ‘Bootleg’ Hour
1. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Sweeping Strings Chill Out Remix)
2. Layo & Bushwacka – Let The Good Times Roll (Josh Gabriel Unauthorized Dub)
3. Gabriel & Dresden – Acid Elliot
4. Depeche Mode – Here Is The House (Gabriel & Dresden Bootleg)
5. Evanescence – Hello (Gabriel & Dresden Bootleg)
6. Gabriel & Dresden – Serendipity vs Coldplay – Clocks (Gabriel & Dresden Bootleg) 00:00 – 01:00-> Armin van Buuren non-stop in the mix
1. Nalin & Kane – Beachball (Level K mix) (Superfly)
2. Ronald Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (CDR)
3. Masssive Lust – Never (Corvin Dalek’s Lustgarden mix) (Maelstrom)
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
5. Nathan Fake – Outhouse (Border Community)
6. Scott Bond vs. Solarstone – Naked Angel (CDR)
7. Smuel & Choopie – Sunrising (edit)(Agnosia)
8. Koglin & Dewar aka ‘State One’ – Pushed On (Noys)
9. The Gift – Seventh Day (ID&T) Special thanks to Dave Dresden and Josh Gabriel.
Next month (Nov 6th) Markus Schulz in A State of Trance XXL
A State of Trance Episode 118 (2003-10-02)
21:00 – 22:00-> Non-Stop In the Mix part ONE
1. Attention Deficit – What? vs Andain – Beautiful Things (accapella)(CDR)
2. Scott Bond vs Solarstone – Naked Angel (CDR)
3. Lost Tribe – Gamemaster 2003 (Michael Woods remix) (Liquid Asset)
4. Boss@nova – Stonecold (Tsunami)
5. John OO Fleming feat the Digital Blonde- The Main Voyage (JooF)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown title (CDR)
7. Dirt Devils – Music if Life (Jono Grant vs POS remix)
8. Recluse – Yellow Moon (CDR) 22:00 – 23:00 Non-Stop In The Mix part TWO
1. Andy Hunter – Go! (Antillas remix) (Nettwerk)
2. Muhle – World of Norath (Xtrax)
3. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue (Armada)
4. Oliver Klein & Peter Jurgens – Once you Get Started
5. Lilly Hayden – Anything (Gabriel & Dresden dub)
6. David Forbes – Simpatico (Red Monkey)
7. Mr Sam vs Time Coltrane present The Tribute – One More Day (Soundpiercing)
8. Shmuel & Choopie – Sunrising (Agnosia)
9. Marco V vs Jens – Loops & Tings Relooped (ID&T)
10. Unknown Artist- Unknown Artist (CDR)
A State of Trance Episode 119 (2003-10-09)
21:00 – 23:00-> Armin van Buuren Live @ The RA, Las Vegas, 76 Tour North America
1. Dave Gahan – Dirty Sticky Floors (Junkie XL Remix)
2. Roland Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (Taste)
3. Mr Sam vs Fred Baker present As One – Forever Waiting (Original Mix) vs Andain – Summer Calling
4. Funktion feat Kelly – Seduction (AR)
5. Three Drives – Signs Of The Universe (CDR)
6. Paul van Dyk feat. Vega 4 – Time Of Our Lives (Paul van Dyk Club Mix) (Vandit)
7. Binary Finary – 1998 (Ronski Speed Remix)(Positiva) vs Andain – Beautiful Things (Blackhole)
8. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Armin van Buuren Universal Religion Remix) (Armind)
9. Mr Sam vs Tim Coltrane presents The Tribute – One More Day (Original Mix) (Soundpiercing)
10. Modulation – Spirits (Slusnik Luna Remix) (Vandit)
11. Electrique Boutique feat Taz – Heal (Instrumental Mix) (Contintental)
12. Roland Klinkenberg – Melting Point vs P-Diddy – Let’s Get Ill (Armin van Buuren Re-Edit)
13. DJ Tiesto – Traffic (Blackhole)
14. M.I.K.E. – Turn Out The Lights (Armind)
15. DJ Remy – Bang! (Taste/ Combined Forces)
16. Hemstock & Jennings – Mirage Of Hope (Lange Remix) (Five AM)
17. Boss@Nova – Stone Cold (Tsunami)
18. Rank 1 – Breathing (Breaks Dub) (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 120 (2003-10-16)
21:00- 22:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Markus Schulz & Elevation – Clear Blue (Intro Mix) (EE)
2. Misja Helsloot feat Shane 54 – Back From Your Past (Gesture)
3. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Davy Van Eynde feat Farra – Irawadi (Shah)
5. Underworld – Born Slippy.NUXX (Oakenfold Remix) (JBO)
6. Kanata – Transcentral
7. Octagen & Arizona – Starburst
8. Ferry Corsten – Right Of Way (Tsunami) 22:00 – 23:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Luke Chable & Danni Bonicci – Ride (Alternative Route)
2. Unknown Artist – Breaking The Silence
3. Atlantis feat Avatar – Fiji (Sorority Sex Kittens Remix)
4. Rank 1 – Symsonic (Instrumental dub) (ID&T)
5. Mirco De Govia – Aura Indigo (Euphonic)
6. Andain – Beautiful Things (Photon Project Remix) (Blackhole)
7. VPL – In The Park (Dogzilla Remix) (Closet)
8. M.O.R.P.H. – Creatures (Arc In The Sky Remix)
9. Castaneda – Floor Control (John Askew mix) (Duty Free)
A State of Trance Episode 121 (2003-10-30)
21:00- 22:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Starchaser – Falling Star (instrumental) (Vandit)
2. Ferry Corsten vs The Thrillseekers – Sublime (Tsunami)
3. Rapid Eye – Santa Cruz (R.E.mix) (ATCR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: John ’00? Fleming vs Astral Projection – Mahadeva (JooF)
5. Re:locate – Waterfall (Galactive/ Fundamental)
6. Digital Tension feat Talla2XLC – Symphony Of Tomorrow (Ronski Speed Remix) (Bostic)
7. Graham Gold – The Ending (CDR)
8. Rank 1 – Symsonic (remix) (ID&T)
9. Red Karma feat Tom Wolf – Untitled (CDR) 22:00 – 23:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Matthew Dekay & Aktaisha – Time To Think (Forward Mix)
2. Perry O’Neil – Breaking Away (CDR)
3. Lilly Hayden – Anything (Gabriel & Dresden Code 313 Dub) (CDR)
4. JF Sebastian – Obsession (John ’00? Fleming Remix) (Basic Beat)
5. Unknown Artist – Lights In Motion (Filo & Peri Banging mix)
6. Ferry Corsten – Right Of Way (Tsunami)
7. Boss@Nova – Stone Cold (Tsunami)
8. Empyrical Labs – Turtle Beach (Outback Remix)(ASOT)
9. Cave – Street Carnival (Max Walder Remix) (ID&T) Special guest next week: Markus Schulz
A State of Trance Episode 122 (2003-11-06)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. UNKLE – In A State (Sasha Remix)
2. Yet Another Day vs Suburban Train (ASOT special)
3. Oceanlab feat. Justine Suissa – Satellite (Anjunabeats)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sarah McLachlan – Falling (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) (Nettwerk)
5. LSG – Fontana (Venus Remix) (Superstition)
6. Katana – One Solid Wave (CDR)
7. Arctic Quest – Raygun (Relic Mix)
8. Mark Otten – Mushroom Therapy (Armin van Buuren’s Precious Remix) (Armind) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Perry O’Neil – Kubik (Intro Mix) (EE)
2. Portishead – Roads (Sultan & Tone Depth Remix) (rr1000)
3. Blackwatch & Quivver – Loveless
4. Ferry Corsten vs The Thrillseekers – Sublime (Tsunami)
5. Octagen & Arizona – Starburst
6. Filo & Peri – I95
7. Astral Projection – Mahadeva (John ’00? Fleming Remix) (Joof)
8. Agnelli & Nelson – Holding On To Nothing (CDR) 22:00 – 23:00 Markus Schulz Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Dark Suite feat Aura – Dark Sweet Piano (Accapella)
2. Andain – Beautiful Things (Elevation Remix)
3. Piece Process – Solar Myth (Markus Schulz Remix)
4. Luke Chable & Danny Bonicci – Ride
5. Oceanlab feat Justine Suissa – Satellite (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix) (Anjunabeats)
6. Peter Martin – Perfect Wave (Markus Schulz Edit)
7. St John vs Locust – Mind Circles (Locust Remix)
8. Whirlpool – Under The Sun (Original Mix)
9. Paul van Dyk – Connected (Markus Schulz Reconstruction) 23:00 – 00:00 Markus Schulz special
1. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
2. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue (Intro Mix) (EE)
3. Telepopmusic – Breathe (Markus Schulz Remix)
4. Jewel – Stand (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
5. PQM – The Flying Song (Markus Schulz Remix)
6. Karada – Last Flight (Markus Schulz Return To Coldharbour Remix) (LostLanguage)
7. Jewel – Intuition (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix) Special thanks to Markus Schulz
A State of Trance Episode 123 (2003-11-13)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Mix) (Nettwerk)
2. Miro – By Your Side (Ronski Speed Remix) (Euphonic)
3. Red Karma feat Tom Wolf – From one to Another (Armada)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Oceanlab feat Justine Suissa – Satellite (Anjunabeats)
5. Dumonde – Human (Hiver & Hammer Remix) (Bulletproof)
6. Project Medusa – Eclipse (Liquid)
7. Adam Sheridan – Lektric (Original mix) (Tatsumaki)
8. AR52 – Enigma (JOOF) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Oceanlab feat Justine Suissa – Satellite (Markus Schulz Coldhabour Remix) (Anjunabeats)
2. Portishead – Roads (Sultan & Tone Depth Remix) (rr1000)
3. Whirlpool – Under The Sun (CDR)
4. Primer – Silver Lining (Banshee)
5. Peter Martin – Perfect Wave (CDR)
6. PD – FFL 2003 (Astura Remix) (Fundamental)
7. Mark Otten – Mushroom Therapy (Armin van Buuren Remix(Armind)
8. G&M Project – Sunday Afternoon (ID&T)
9. LSG – Fontana (Venus Remix) (Superstition)
A State of Trance Episode 124 (2003-11-20)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Above & Beyond Remix) (Positiva)
2. BT feat Jan Johnston – Communicate (Shane 54 & Shooty Remix) (CDR)
3. Chromix – Valentine (white)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Li Kwan – Point Zero (Matt Darey 2004 Remix) (CDR)
5. Signum – Push Through (Jaron Inc Remix) (Afterglow)
6. Envio – Time To Say Goodbye (ASOT)
7. John Askew – Air Guitar (Discover)
8. Marco V – I Feel You (Thomas Datt Remix) (CDR) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Deeper – Flash (White)
2. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue (Electronic Element)
3. Steve Porter – Definite Form (DJ Remy & Roland Klinkenberg Remix) (LMR)
4. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Mix) (Nettwerk)
5. Primo Lux – Turnpoint (Galactive/ Fundamental)
6. Castaneda – Floor Control (Duty Free)
7. Nu-NRG – Connective (Vandit)
8. Oceanlab – Satellite (Anjunabeats)
9. Octagen & Arizona – Profound (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 125 (2003-11-27)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Chicane feat Bryan Adams – Don’t Give Up (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)(Xtravaganza)
2. Kyau vs Albert – Velvet Morning (Aalto Remix) (Anjunabeats)
3. Robert Nickson – Spiral (CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Active Sight – The Search For Freedom
5. Primer – Indulge (Banshee/Progrez)
6. Re:Locate – Waterfall (Galactive/Fundamental)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Envio – Time To Say Goodbye (ASOT)
8. Frank Who? – Wonderful (1969/Purple Eye) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Tetraflux – Okinawan (Touche)
2. Valentino – Flying (Sultan & Tonedepth Remix) (Shinichi)
3. Perry O’Neil – Breaking Away (CDR)
4. Peter Martin – Perfect Wave (CDR)
5. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Mix) (Nettwerk)
6. Mark Otten – Tranquility (Armind)
7. Inner & Outer – Reaching (Captivating)
8. Li Kwan – Point Zero (Matt Darey 2004 Remix) (Liquid Asset) Envio – Time To Say Goodbye (ASOT) was selected by listeners as FUTURE FAVORITE (29,2% of all votes) Vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 126 (2003-12-04)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Arthur Baker feat. Astrid Williamson- 1000 years (Andy moor remix) (TommyBoy Silver)
2. Active Sight- the Search for Freedom (captivating)
3. Chicane feat Bryan Adams – Don’t Give Up (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)(Xtravaganza) TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Rio Klein- Fearless (Push remix) (Nettwerk)
5. DJ Halperin- Killing spider (CDR) FUTURE FAVORITE: 6. Robert Nickson- Spiral
7. Inner and Outer- Reaching (CDR)
8. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles- Duende (CDR)
9. Mudblood- Flaming June ’04 (White) 21:00- 22:00-> Above and Beyond Non Stop in the mix
1. Sasha- Wavy Gravy (Terry bones mix) (CDR)
2. Stephen J. Kroos- Sadistick (CDR)
3. Super8- Alba (Anjunabeats)
4. Smith & Pledger- Forever (vocal mix) (CDR)
5. Mike Koglin & Jono Grant- Untitled (CDR)
6. Endre- Kallocain (Robert Nickson remix) (Anjunabeats)
7. Skin On Chakra- Orange Home
8. Super8- Dawn (Anjunabeats)
9. Motorcycle- As the Rush Comes (Above & Beyond’s Dynaglide remix) (Positiva) 22:00- 23:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Anjunabeats- Volume One (Anjuna Deep Mix) (Anjunabeats)
2. Oceanlab- Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten remix) (Code Blue)
3. Free State- Different Ways (Anjunabeats)
4. Aalto- Rush (Super8 vs Orkidea remix) (Anjunabeats)
5. Above & Beyond- Far from in Love (Anjunabeats)
6. Madonna- What it feels like for a Girl (Above & Beyond remix) (Warner)
7. Madonna- Nobody Knows Me (Above & Beyond remix) (Warner) Remix Competition Song *check www.anjunabeats.com for details*
8. Oceanlab- Satellite (Above & Beyond remix) (Anjunabeats) 23:00 – 24:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Unknown Artist- Unknown Title (CDR)
2. Uri L.- White Weed (CDR)
3. Envio- Time to say goodbye (CDR)
4. Peter Martin- Perfect Wave (CDR)
5. Terry Bones- Closed Minds (Mr. Sam vs. Fred Baker mix) (CDR)
6. Octagen & Arizona- starburst (Armada)
7. The Freak- Rising Angel (Spinnin)
8. MK-S- Illuminate (CDR) Special thanks to Jono Grant from Above & Beyond. Vote for your 5 FAVORITE TUNES OF THE YEAR at www.arminvanbuuren.net
Top 20 of 2003 to be broadcasted 25 dec 2003 Robert Nickson- Spiral (cdr) was selected by listeners as FUTURE FAVORITE (19,5% of all votes) Vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 127 (2003-12-11)
20:00- 21:00-> Armin Only @ Asta (28-11-2003)
1. Perry O’Neil – Kubik (Electronic Elements)
2. Depeche Mode – Only When I Lose Myself (Lexicon Avenue Remix)
3. Steve Porter – Definite Form (Remy & Ronald Klinkenberg Remix) (LMR)
4. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue (Electronic Elements)
5. Portishead – Roads (Sultan & Tone Depth Remix) (rr1000)
6. Modulation – Spirits (Slusknik Luna Remix)(Vandit)
7. Andain – Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden’s Unplugged Mix) 21:00 – 22:00-> Armin Only @ Asta (28-11-2003)
8. Conjure One – Tears From The Moon (Hybrid Twisted On The Terrace Mix)
9. Deeper – Flash
10. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden’s Anti Gravity Mix)
11. Ronald Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (CDR)
12. Ofra Haza – Love Song (M.I.K.E. remix) (Club Elite)
13. Electrique Boutique ft. Taz – Heal (Instrumental Mix) (Continental)
14. Luke Chable & Danni Bonicci – Ride (Alternative Route)
15. Scott Bond vs. Solar Stone – Naked Angel (Made in England)
A State of Trance Episode 128 (2003-12-18)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Havannah – Havannah (CDR)
2. Solar Factor – Fashion Slam (Banshee)
3. Faraway Project – Without Fear (Afterglow)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Whirlpool – Under The Sun (Solar Stone remix) (Deep Blue)
5. Mark Otten – Tranquility (Armind)
6. Push – Electric Eclipse (Banshee)
7. Super8 – Alba (Anjunabeats)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Robert Nickson – Spiral (CDR) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Tim Scott – Confusion (Binary)
2. Rio Klein – Fearless (Agnelli & Nelson Remix) (Nettwerk)
3. Delerium ft Nerina Pallot – Truly (Infusion Remix) (Nettwerk)
4. Mono – Rise (Mondo)
5. Sonicvibe & Mike Shiver – Lunation (Masters & Nickson Remix) (Captured)
6. Reminiscence – Whereever You Are (Banshee)
7. FX Zone – Synthasia (Nu NRG Remix)
8. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles – Duende (CDR) Vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu Please don’t forget to vote for your favorite tune of 2003 at www.arminvanbuuren.net
A State of Trance Episode 129 (2003-12-25)
A State of Trance top 20 of the year 2003 Statement: This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely based on listener’s votes. Each listener that submitted his or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2003 of tracks, as played in one of the shows in 2003.
Number of valid voters: 1733 from dec 4 to dec 21
All votes were checked on possible fraud. Armin nor ID&T had anything to do with the points awarded. 20.00- 22.00-> Countdown from 20 to 1. Position Track Points Percentage Votes
1 TUNE OF THE YEAR: Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Gabriel & Dresden Sweeping Strings Remix) 1286 4.95%322
(Armin van Buuren’s Universal Religion Remix) 1276 4.91% 346
(Above & Beyond Dynaglide Remix) 166 0.64% 45
2 Andain – Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Unplugged Mix) 1156 4.45% 324
(Photon Project Remix) 325 1.25% 98
3 Armin van Buuren ft Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (AvB’s Rising Star Remix) 524 2.02% 173
4 Thompson & Holden – Nothing (93 Returning Remix) 445 1.71% 149
5 Agnelli & Nelson presents Ultra – Holding On To Nothing (Club Mix) 360 1.38% 107
6 Oceanlab ft Justine Suissa – Satellite (Original Mix) 344 1.32% 109
(Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix) 131 0.50% 44
7 DJ Tiesto – Traffic 334 1.28% 107
8 Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – 3rd Earth 327 1.26% 110
9 Sarah McLachlan – Falling (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Mix) 293 1.13% 98
10 Envio – Touched By The Sun 271 1.04% 87
11 Fictivision vs C-Quence – Symbols 250 0.96% 74
12 Signum – Push Through 244 0.94% 86
13 Solid Globe – North Pole 243 0.93% 85
14 Aalto – Rush (Super8 vs Orkidea Remix) 241 0.93% 67
15 Paul van Dyk ft Hemstock & Jennings – Nothing But You (Paul van Dyk Club Mix) 225 0.87% 76
16 Pulser – My Religion 217 0.83% 83
17 Plastic Boy – Live Another Life 186 0.72% 60
18 Ace’s Delight – Mental Theme 181 0.70% 50
19 Mark Otten – Mushroom Therapy (Original Mix) 175 0.67% 40 (Armin van Buuren Remix) 160 0.62% 57
(Lightscape Remix) 160 0.62% 49
20 Firewall – Sincere (Pulser Remix) 172 0.66% 58
(Original Mix) 122 0.47% 42 special thanks to Peter Kruit
A State of Trance Episode 130 (2004-01-08)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Whirlpool – Under The Sun (Solar Stone Remix) (Deep Blue)
2. Envio – Time To Say Goodbye (Passiva Remix) (ASOT)
3. Armin van Buuren feat Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Ronski Speed Vocal Mix)(Euphonic/ United)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Super8 – Alba (Anjunabeats)
5. Fictivision vs Phynn – Escape (Phynn Mix) (Blackhole)
6. Agnelli & Nelson presents Ultra – Holding On To Nothing (Deep Mix) (Xtravaganza)
7. Sonicvibe vs Mike Shiver – Lunation (Masters & Nickson Mix)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Havannah – Havannah (Original Mix) (TRR) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix 1
1. Luminary – My World (Lost Language)
2. Unknown tune (Perry O Neil Dub)
3. Beastie Boys – Intergalactic Planetary (Matthew Dekay bootleg)
4. Piere Ravan & Safar – Divine Energy (Shinichi)
5. Pinkbox Special – Simple (CDR)
6. George Hales – Autumn (Locust vs St John Remix)(Somatic Sense)
7. Empire State – Niagara (Lost Language)
8. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Mix) (Nettwerk) 22:00 – 23:00 Non-Stop In The Mix 2
1. Arksun – Time (Lost Language)
2. Sasha – Wavy Gravy (Terry Bones Remix) (CDR)
3. Active Sight – The Search For Freedom (Armada)
4. Push – Electric Eclipse (Banshee)
5. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (Octagen Remix) (Somatic Sense)
6. Kyau vs Albert – Velvet Morning (Aalto Remix) (Anjunabeats/ Euphonic)
7. Yahel – Avalanche (Senses Remix) (Fundamental)
8. Shmuel & Choopie – Sunrising (Blackhole) 23:00 – 24:00 Non-Stop In The Mix 3
1. Hatrixx – Windeo (Yeti)
2. Katana – One Solid Wave (Spinnin)
3. Red Karma featuring Tom Wolf – From One To Another (Armada)
4. True Form – Forbidden Colours (CDR)
5. Oceanlab – Satellite (Original Mix) (Anjunabeats)
6. Robert Nickson – Spiral (CDR)
7. DITO – Iceland (Torpedo)
8. Perpetuous Dreamer – Future Funland (Astura Remix) (Fundamental)
9. Primolux – Turnpoint (Fundamental) Vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 131 (2004-01-15)
20:00- 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Envio – Time To Say Goodbye (Passiva Remix)(ASOT)
2. Triple Sovon – May The Grace (CDR)
3. Bram Vank – This Time I Rise (DJ Dazzle Remix) (Gesture)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
5. Empire State – Niagra (Lost Language)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sonicvibe vs Mike Shiver – Lunation (Masters & Nickson Mix) (Above the Sky) 42,6% of votes
7. 4 Strings – Back To Basics (Liquid/ Spinnin)
8. Airbase vs DJ Stigma – Hunting 2004 (CDR)
9. Fictivision vs Phynn – Escape (Fictivision Mix)(Blackhole) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Greg Benz & MD – Shudder (Basic Beat/ Energy)
2. Against The Grain – Further (Lemon8 Remix dub) (Bandung)
3. Peter Martin – Perfect Wave (Electronic Elements)
4. Erik de Koning – Secretly (dubfoundation)
5. Ryan G – Emoticon (Miika Kuisma Remix) (Gesture)
6. Agnelli & Nelson – Holding On To Nothing (Deep Mix) (Xtravaganza)
7. Jon The Dentist – Global Phases (Agnelli & Nelson 2004 Remix) (Duty Free)
8. M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight – Nomansland (Intensive) 22:00 – 24:00 ASOT in the mix, mixed live by Perry O Neil: Hour 1:
1. Perry O’Neil – Kubik (Intro Mix) (Electronic Elements)
2. Ofra Haza – Love Song (Mystic Friends Remix) (Club Elite)
3. Pinkbox Special – Simple (Electronic Elements)
4. Accorsi & Basseti – Until The End (CDR)
5. Haak – Bass Shuttle (Club Elite)
6. Katana – Tribal Shock (Perry O’Neil Mix)
7. Whirlpool – Under The Sun (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Mix) Hour 2:
1. Subsphere – Love U So (CDR)
2. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Perry O’Neil Remix) (Armind)
3. Mark Otten – Tranquility (Armind)
4. Armande – Cascades (Perry O’Neil Remix)
5. St John vs Locust – Mind Circles (Locust Remix)
6. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue (Electronic Elements)
7. Ozgur Can – Over Nothing At All
8. Peter Martin – Perfect Wave (Electronic Elements)
A State of Trance Episode 132 (2004-01-22)
20:00 – 21:00-> Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Electrovoya – Whispers (Fundamental)
2. Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
3. Endre – Kallocain (Robert Nickson Remix) (Anjunabeats)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Airwave – Lady Blue (1992 Flight) (Banshee)
5. Ryan G – Emoticon (Octagen Remix) (Gesture)
6. Salt Lake – Rendezvous (Dedicated/ United)
7. Push – Electric Eclips (Tranqua Remix) (Banshee)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Fictivision vs Phynn – Escape (Fictivision Remix) (Blackhole) 21:00 – 22:00 M.I.K.E. Non-Stop In The Mix – Special Guest mix by M.I.K.E.
1. Divider – Lazerboy
2. Moogwai – Neon (Platipus)
3. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
4. Subsky – Strawberry Fields (Max Graham Remix)
5. Active Sight – Take The Day As It Comes (Captivating)
6. Ferry Corsten – Kyoto (Tsunami)
7. Haak – Bass Shuttle (Club Elite)
8. Grand Resonant – High
9. Eclectic Kid vs Fred Baker – Now Or Never (Fred Baker remix)
10. Miss Yetti – Hedonism & Digital Sex
11. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
12. Ofra Haza – Love Song (M.I.K.E. vs Zigi Remix) (Club Elite)
A State of Trance Episode 133 (2004-01-29)
20:00 – 21:00 Non-Stop In The Mix 1
1. Peter Martin – Perfect Wave (Electronic Elements)
2. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
3. Riva – Morning Dust (Dedicated/ United)
4. Triple Seven – May The Grace (CDR)
5. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Ronski Speed Dub Mix) (Euphonic)
6. Filo & Peri pres. Madison Factor – Lights In Motion
7. DJ Fire – Religion (Banshee)
8. Super8 – Alba (Anjunabeats)
9. Active Sight – The Search For Freedom (Captivating) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix 2
1. Arksun – Time (ASOT)
2. Sasha – Cloud Cuckoo (Luke Chable Remix)
3. Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
4. Sonicvibe & Mike Shiver – Lunation (Masters & Nickson Remix)(Above the Sky)
5. Joop – Sonsus (Mark Norman remix) (ID&T)
6. Green Atlas – Circulation (Tsunami)
7. J. – Breaking The Silence (Captivating)
8. Shmuel & Choopie – Sunrising (Blackhole)
A State of Trance Episode 134 (2004-02-05)
20:00 – 21:00-> The newest tunes selected
1. Li-Kwan – Point Zero (Li Kwan 2004 Remix)
2. Signum – Come Around Again (ASOT)
3. Jas van Houten – Loco Love (Shah)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Waterplanet – Introspection (John Askew Remix)
5. True Form – Forbidden Colours (CDR)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Electrovoya – Whispers (Fundamental)
7. Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
8. Joop – Sonsuz (Mark Norman Remix) (ID&T) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Ozgur Can – Connected
2. St John vs Locust – Mind Circles (Locust Remix)
3. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
4. Recluse – Emotional Void
5. Dreas & Bjorn present Havannah – Havannah (TRR)
6. Blank & Jones feat. Elles De Graaf – Mind Of The Wonderful (Hiver & Hammer dub)
7. Salt Lake – Rendezvous (Dedicated)
8. DJ Fire – Religion (Banshee)
9. Sander van Doorn – Loaded (Spinnin) 22:00 – 23:00 Ben Lost Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Gwill Morris – Forme (Leama & Moor Remix)
2. Probspot – Midnight
3. Miro – By Your Side (Sonorous Remix)
4. Mike Hiratzka – Things can only get better
5. DJ Yoshi – Dreamer (Luke Chable Remix)
6. Descent – Round Midnight
7. Li-Kwan – Point Zero (Leama & Moor Remix)
8. Whiteroom – Whiteroom 23:00 – 00:00 Lost Language Special
1. Solar Stone – Solar Coaster (Original Mix)
2. Lyric & Natalie – Over Emotion
3. Roland Klinkenberg – Inner Laugh (Steve Porter Remix)
4. Cultivate – Broken Pieces (Max Graham Third Street Remix)
5. Ballroom – Passenger (Marc O’Tool Remix)
6. Solar Stone – Seven Cities (Michael Woods Remix)
7. Origin – Wide Eyed Angel (Inversion Mix)
A State of Trance Episode 135 (2004-02-12)
20:00 – 21:00 – The newest tunes selected
1. Austin Leeds & Kobbe – Fusion Love (Markus Schulz & Austin Leeds Remix)
2. Oceanlab – Satellite (Above & Beyond Progressive Mix)(Anjunabeats)
3. MK-S vs Nickson – Fallback (CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Hiver & Hammer – Fusion (Substance)
5. Envio – Time To Say Goodbye (Passiva Remix)(ASOT)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Solid Globe – Sahara (fundamental)
7. Solid Globe – Kalahari (fundamental)
8. Mojado featuring Mr Sam – Naranja (Dimitri Andreas Vision)(Magik Muzik)
9. Maharishi – Sonic Breeze (scanner) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. LSG – Netherworld (Oliver Lieb rework)
2. Katana – Tribal Shock (Perry O’Neil Remix) (Armada)
3. Infusion – Girls Can Be Cruel
4. Catcher – Destiny Sunrise (Exciter)
5. Visionaire – Journey To The Sun
6. Filo & Peri – I95
7. Waterplanet – Introspection (John Askew Remix) (Vandit)
8. Gavyn Mitchell – Forbidden (Smith & Pledger Remix) (Intensive)
9. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (Octagen Remix) (Somatic sense) Vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 136 (2004-02-19)
20:00 – 21:00 – The newest tunes selected
1. DJ Yoshi – Dreamer (Luke Chable Remix) (Precinct)
2. Paul van Dyk featuring Second Sun – Crush (Original Mix) (Vandit)
3. Witness Of Wonder – Emotions In Motion (Thrillseekers Remix) (ATCR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: G&M Project – Sunday Afternoon (Nu-NRG Remix) (Vandit)
5. Signum feauring Anita Kelsey – Come Around Again (ASOT)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
7. Outback – State Of Emergency (CDR)
8. Mike Koglin & Jono Grant – Circuits (CDR)
9. Marco V – The Rock (ID&T) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Recluse – Isle Dauphine (Intro Mix) (Lost Language)
2. Perry O’Neil – Cold Fusion (Electronic Elements)
3. Fire & Ice – Para Siempre (Banshee)
4. Whirlpool vs Octagen – Alaska (CDR)
5. Armin van Buuren – Burned With Desire (Brian Cross Remix) (Dedicated)
6. Hiver & Hammer – Fusion (from the album ‘substance’)
7. Firewall – Kilimanjaro (ASOT)
8. Waterplanet – Introspection (John Askew Remix) (Vandit)
9. Haak – Bass Shuttle (Club Elite/Armada)
10. Sander van Doorn – Loaded (Spinnin) Coming up: MARCH 4th, A State of Trance XXL, Blackhole Special, with guests Mark Norman and Ton TB. Please vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 137 (2004-02-26)
20:00 – 21:00 – The newest tunes selected
1. Gwill Morris – Forme (Leama & Moor Remix) (Lost Language)
2. BT – The Great Escape (Rework) (Nettwerk)
3. Lightscape – Inner Warmth (Blackhole)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Witness Of Wonder – Emotions In Motion (Thrillseekers Remix) (ATCR)
5. Fire & Ice – Samoa (Banshee)
6. Mark Norman – Phantom Manor (Magik Muzik)
7. Unknown Artist – (C)1999 (CDR)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
9. Sensorica – Few Days Away (original mix) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Halogen vs Nash T – On A Bridge pt (CP recordings)
2. Dino Da Cassino – Can U Clear This (Free2Air)
3. Benz & MD – Snowblind
4. Jerry Bonham – Vispera
5. DJ Yoshi – Dreamer (Luke Chable Remix) (Precinct)
6. Futureshock – Pride’s Paranoia (Marco V Remix)
7. Recluse – Yellow Moon (Octagen Remix) (Lost Language)
8. Love Fist – Hanging On A String (E-Craig Remix) (Spinnin)
9. Mike Koglin vs Jono Grant – Circuits (Anjunabeats)
10. Recluse – Isle Dauphine (Lost Language) Coming up: MARCH 4th, A State of Trance XXL, Blackhole Special, with guests Mark Norman and Ton TB.
A State of Trance Episode 138 (2004-03-04)
Blackhole Special, with guests Ton TB and Mark Norman 20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Probspot – Foreplay
2. Nickelson – Yin (Solid Globe Remix)
3. Mark Norman – Rush (Blackhole/Magik Muzik)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Anjunabeats)
5. BT – Force Of Gravity (Tiesto Remix) (Nettwerk)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Witness Of Wonder – Emotions In Motion (Thrillseekers Remix) (ATCR)
7. Red Karma featuring Tom Wolf – From one to Another (Captivating)
8. Unknown Artist – Once Upon A Time (CDR) 21:00 – 22:00 Ton TB non-Stop In The Mix
1. jaydee production – unknown title
2. The Groove Pirates – Electrical Storm
3. Sergio Fernandez – Awake Minds
4. Element N – On a mission
5. Marco V – Echnalava
6. Faserbase – Right Behind you
7. Rio Klein – Fearless (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)
8. Rare Candy – Pachino
9. Dreas presents Havannah – Havannah (TRR) 22:00 – 23:00 Mark Norman Non-Stop In The Mix
1. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles – Duende
2. Primer – The Silver Lining (Banshee)
3. Sander van Doorn – Loaded (SVD Remix) (Spinnin)
4. Mojado featuring Mr Sam – Naranja (Mr Sam Vision)(Blackhole)
5. Midway – Amazon (Mesh Remix) (Blackhole)
6. Cern – The Message (Southern Mix) (ASOT)
7. Mark Norman – Shine
8. Mark Norman – Rush (Blackhole/Magik Muzik)
9. Mojado featuring Mr Sam – Naranja (Dimitri Andreas Vision) (Blackhole/Magik Muzik) 23:00 – 00:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Crescendo – External Key
2. Gwill Morris – Forme (Leama & Moor Remix) (precinct)
3. Perry O’Neil – Fuel
4. Arksun – Time
5. True Form – Forbidden Colours
6. Sensorica – Few Days Away (Original mix)
7. Kuffdam & Plant – Seduction (Joof)
8. DJ Tab – Verso (Anjunabeats) Please vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 139 (2004-03-11)
20:00 – 21:00 – The newest tunes selected
1. Deepsky – Talk Like A Stranger (Markus Schulz Return
To Coldharbour Remix) (Yo/Yoshitoshi)
2. Envio – Love Poison (CDR)
3. Passiva – Clouds Like Heaven (Faraway Project Remix)(Above the sky)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) (Anjunabeats)
5. Ozgur Can – Irony (CDR)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nickelson – Yin (Solid Globe Remix) (CDR)
7. Smith & Pledger – Forever (Mark Norman Vocal Remix) (Anjunabeats)
8. Jan Gustafsson – Hallucination (Galactive) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Oliver Prime – Radiance (CDR)
2. Probspot – Foreplay (CDR)
3. Crescendo – External Key (CDR)
4. Waterplanet – Introspection (Vandit)
5. Witness Of Wonder – Emotions In Motion (Thrillseekers Remix)(ATCR)
6. Matt Darey – Nocturnal Delight (Sandler Mix) (Spinnin)
7. Sensorica – Few Days Away (John Askew mix)
8. Timeok – Seven Floating Ways (Octagen Remix)(Above the sky) Please vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 140 (2004-03-18)
20:00 – 21:00 – The newest tunes selected
1. Above & Beyond – No-one On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)(Anjunabeats)
2. Push – Blue Midnight (From the album ‘Electric Eclipse’)(Banshee)
3. MK-S – Illuminate (Mind One Remix) (ATCR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jan Gustafsson – Hallucination (Fundamental)
5. Mindsensation – Violet (FTM)
6. Passiva – Clouds Like Heaven (Faraway Project Remix) (Captured)
7. Woodshokk – Tulips & Chocolate (G&M Project Remix) (ID&T)
8. Unknown Artist – Maya Bay (CDR) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Duran & Aytek – Futurehope (Deep)
2. Ozgur Can – Irony (Precinct)
3. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Fearless (CDR)
4. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – 3rd Earth (Agnelli & Nelson Afterburn Remix)(ID&T)
5. Recluse – Emotional Void (CDR)
6. Outback – State Of Emergency (A State of Trance)
7. Mike Koglin & Jono Grant – Circuits (Anjunabeats)
8. Above The Sky – Vanquer (discover)
9. A-Force – Atomic Outbreak (fundamental) Please vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 141 (2004-03-25)
20:00 – 21:00 – Live from dept. store ‘de Bijenkorf’, Amsterdam
1. Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden)(Anjunabeats)
2. Witness Of Wonder – Emotions In Motion (Thrillseekers Remix) (ATCR)
3. Fictivision vs Phynn – Escape (Phynn Mix) (Blackhole)
4. Mark Norman – Phantom Manor (Magik Muzik)
5. Arctic Quest – Offbeat (Armind)
6. Mojado featuring Mr Sam – Naranja (Dimitri Andreas Vision) (Magik Muzik)
7. True Form – Forbidden Colours (ASOT)
8. Matt Darey – Nocturnal Delight (Sandler Mix) (Spinnin)
9. Active Sight – The Search For Freedom (Captivating)
10. Super8 – Alba (Anjunabeats) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Michael Burns – The Ambience (LMR)
2. Audioholics – External Key (EE)
3. M.I.K.E. – Factinated (Armada)
4. Jan Gustavsson – Eternal Light (Fundamental)
5. One Man Army – Ballroom Dancer (jOOF)
6. Push – Blue Midnight (Banshee)
7. Sensorica – Few Days Away (Original Mix)
8. Filo & Peri – (C)1999 (ASOT)
9. Mindsensation – Violet (FTM) NEXT WEEK: A STATE OF TRANCE XXL with BONZAI SPECIAL, guests Yves de Ruyter and Airwave! Please vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 142 (2004-04-01)
Bonzai Special with guests Yves de Ruyter and Airwave 20:00 – 21:00 – Newest tunes selected
1. Flash Brothers – Amen (Oxyd)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) (Anjunabeats)
3. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (Thrillseekers Mix) (Somatic Sense)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arctic Quest – Offbeat (Armind)
5. Tiesto featuring BT – Love Comes Again (Mark Norman Remix) (Magik Muzik)
6. Age Of Love – Age Of Love (Marco V Remix) (React)
7. Matt Hardwick vs Smith & Pledger – Connected (Anjunabeats)
8. Ilana – 505 (Infernal Machine Remix) (Forbidden Planet)
9. Jan Gustavsson – Eternal Light (Fundamental)
10. M.I.B. – Keep Pushin’ (Captivating) 21:00 – 22:00 Airwave Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Airwave – Lady Blue (Antidote Remix)
2. Pascal Obispo – Fan (Airwave Remix)
3. Airwave plus The Pedestrian – Seattle Calling
4. Airwave – Boredom
5. Cloud 69 – 70 Weeks
6. The Green Martian – Ladies & gentlemen
7. Yamakasi – In My Mind
8. Menthol – My Name Is Techno 22:00 – 23:00 Yves DeRuyter – Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Yves DeRuyter – On The Move
2. Push – Electric Eclips (Tranqua Remix)
3. Ydr vs Underworld – Peace vs Born Slippy
4. Heaven & Sky – Panorama
5. Coldplay vs Dead can dance – Infinity Bootleg
6. Amplitude – Daydream
7. Cherrymoon Trax – In My House (Yves Deruyter Remix)
8. Ron Trent – Altered State (Yves Deruyter Remix)
9. Primer – Indulge 23:00 – 00:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Probspot – Blueberry (EE)
2. Ilay vs Beat C – Unknown (Cyber Records)
3. White Room – White Room (CDR)
4. Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Original Mix) (Anjunabeats)
5. MK-S vs Nickson – Fallback (ASOT)
6. Signum – Come Around Again (Dub Mix) (ASOT)
7. K-System – Guardian Angel (Cosmicman Remix)
8. M.I.K.E. presents Fascinated – Totally Fascinated (Armind)
9. Armin van Buuren – Burned With Desire (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 143 (2004-04-08)
20:00 – 22:00 – A State of Trance 2004 USA CD tour, Live At Spundae San Francisco U.S.A. – 02-04-2004
1. Crescendo – External Key (EE)
2. Roland Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (EE)
3. Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) (Anjunabeats)
4. Paul van Dyk featuring Second Sun – Crush (Club Mix) (Vandit)
5. Witness Of Wonder – Emotions In Motion (Thrillseekers Remix) (ATCR)
6. Whirlpool – Under The Sun (Solar Stone Remix) (Deep Blue)
7. Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
8. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Mix) (Nettwerk)
9. Mark Norman – Phantom Manor (Magik Muzik)
10. Fictivision vs Phynn – Escape (Phynn Mix) (Blackhole)
11. True Form – Forbidden Colours (ASOT)
12. Marco V vs Jens – Loops & Things Relooped (ID&T)
13. Arctic Quest – Offbeat (Armind)
14. Mojado featuring Mr Sam – Naranja (Dimitri Andreas Vision)(Magik Muzik)
15. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Fearless (EE)
16. PG2 – Trance Central (Katana Remix)
17. Binary Finary – 1998 (Ronski Speed Mix) (Positiva)
A State of Trance Episode 144 (2004-04-15)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Synergy – Hello Strings (Silver Planet)
2. Aly & Fila – Eye Of Horus (Solid Globe Remix)(CDR)
3. Three Drives – Air Traffic (Bobina Remix)(Nebula)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: The Thrillseekers – New Life (Lange Remix) (Adjusted)
5. Ton TB – Dreammachine (Blackhole)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: 8 Wonders – The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Remix)(Somatic Sense)
7. Ronski Speed – EOS (Euphonic)
8. Empyreal Sun – Twisted Reality (Re:Locate Remix)(ATCR) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Unknown Artist – Turn It Into Gold (Probspot Remix)(Deep)
2. Powerplant – Blame (Luke Chable Remix)
3. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (Electronic Elements)
4. Paul van Dyk – Buenaventura (UK Album version)(Positiva)
5. Sander van Doorn – Punk’d (Spinnin)
6. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – Naked Angel (Son Of A Pitch Remix)(Made in England)
7. Tectonic Shift featuring Andre Visior – Break Of Dawn (Drizzly)
8. Aquasource – Waking Up The Sun (Kuffdam & Plant Remix)(JooF)
9. Arctic Quest – Offbeat (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 145 (2004-04-22)
20:00 – 21:00 – Newest tunes selected
1. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Somewhere (Clear Blue) (ASOT)
2. Usual Aspect – Mr Blue (Thrillseekers Remix) (CDR)
3. Draft 2 Design – Emotion Over Reason (CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Floyd – Any Given Day (Liquid)
5. Absolute – New Horizons (Antwerp Is Burning Anthem)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ronski Speed – E.O.S. (Euphonic) 25% of votes
7. Ton TB – Dream Machine (Blackhole)
8. Katana – In Silence (Txitarro Remix)(Spinnin) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Oliver Lieb vs. Pink Floyd – Hypnotic Checka (White)
2. Airwave featuring The Pedestrian – Seattle Calling (Banshee)
3. Synergy – Hello Strings (Silver Planet)
4. White Room – White Room (CDR)
5. DJ Ernesto – Stop 9.5 (FTM)
6. Nephilim – Mirror World (hotdecks)
7. Aalto – Taurine (Anjunabeats)
8. Sander van Doorn – Punk’d (SvD Remix) (spinnin)
9. M.I.B. – Keep Pushin’ (Captivatings Sounds) Please vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 146 (2004-04-29)
20:00 – 21:00 – Newest tunes selected
1. Jan Vayne – Promise of a new World (Mark Otten remix) (From the album ‘Classical Trancelations’, based on Dvorak – New World)(Armada)
2. Luminary – My world (Pesh remix) (Lost Language)
3. J.L.N.D. – The Sound of Nothing (Kompressor)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Whiteroom – Whiteroom (Liquid Asset)
5. M.I.K.E. presents Totally Fascinated – Fascinated (Armind)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Markus Schulz pres. Elevation – Somewhere (clear blue)(ASOT)
7. Albert Vorne – A Leaden way (M.I.K.E. mix) (Mazeman) 21:00 – 22:00 – Non-stop in the Mix
1. Perry O Neil – Wave force (EE)
2. Luke Chable pres. The Quest – The Shepherd (Vapour)
3. Dito – Iceland (Melting Ice mix) (Torpedo)
4. Jan Vayne – Properity in a new World (Signum remix) (From the album ‘Classical Trancelations’, based on Dvorak – New World)(Armada)
5. The Thrillseekers – New Life (Lange remix)(Adjusted)
6. Empyreal Sun – Twisted Reality (Octagen remix) (ATCR)
7. Age of Love – Age of Love (Marc et Claude remix) (CDR)
8. Floyd – Any given day (Spinnin)
9. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (EE) NEXT WEEK: A STATE OF TRANCE XXL with Rank1
A State of Trance Episode 147 (2004-05-06)
20:00 – 21:00 – Newest tunes selected
1. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue (Airwave Remix)(ASOT)
2. Apogee – Illusions (Marcos Mix)(CDR)
3. Signum – The Timelord (ASOT)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: U-Turn – One Way (ID&T)
5. 4 Strings – Turn It Around (Sandler mix)(Spinnin)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: White Room – White Room (Liquid Asset)
7. Marco V – Automanual (ID&T)
8. Odyssee presents Never Mind – Freelancer (GTR) 21:00 – 22:00 Rank 1 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Matt Hardwick vs Smith & Pledger – Connected (Vocal Mix)(Anjunabeats)
2. Digital Delinquents – Forever (Equilibrium)
3. Freedom – Feel Free (Sirup)
4. DJ Ernesto – Stop 9.5 (Phynn Remix)(FTM)
5. DJ Marcky vs Leeroy – Rising Colourz (Colours)
6. Cosmic Gate – Bilingual (E cutz)
7. DJ Greenhead – Crystal (Drizzly)
8. Rank 1 – The Citrus Juicer (ID&T)
9. Aalto – Taurine (Original Mix)(Anjunabeats)
10. Jaron Inc – Nothing To Lose (ID&T) 22:00 – 23:00 Rank 1 special
1. Rank 1 – Airwave (Rank 1 vs Dutch Force Remix)(ID&T)
2. Rank 1 – Beats@Rank-1.com (ID&T)
3. Chakra – Home (Rank 1 Remix) (Unreleased)
4. Mac J – Nightware (ID&T)
5. Sensation – The Anthem 2003
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
7. Push – Journey Of Life (Rank 1 Remix)(Banshee) 23:00 – 00:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Markus Schulz pres. Elevation – Somewhere (Clear Blue) (ASOT)
2. Ozgur Can- Illusions
3. Amalgam-Sum of your fears (Intrinsic)
4. Mike Hiratzka & Justin Scott Dixon – Two Worlds (Propulsion)
5. Absolute – New Horizons (Armada)
6. Arctic Quest – Glaze (Armind)
7. Euphonic – The One (2004 dub mix)(90? north)
8. Three Drives – Air Traffic (Bobina remix) (nebula)
9. Gavyn Mitchell pres Mnemonic – Insurrection (captivating)
10. 8 Wonders – The morning after (8 wonders’ at the stroke of midnight mix)(somatic sense)
A State of Trance Episode 148 (2004-05-13)
20:00 – 21:00 – Newest tunes selected
1. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Largo (EE)
2. Draft 2 Design – Affection Over Reason (Basic Draft)
3. Airbase – Ocean Realm (Alphabet City)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Aalto- Taurine (Anjunabeats)
5. True Form – Forbidden Colous (Thomas DATT remix)(ASOT)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Signum – The timelord (ASOT)
7. 4 strings- Turn it Around (sandler remix)(Spinnin)
8. Nickselson – Yin (Solid Globe remix) 21:00 – 22:00 – Non-stop in the Mix
1. Progression – Ocean Green (Fundamental)
2. Oliver Prime – radiance (Spinnin)
3. Adam White & Andy Moor present Whiteroom – whiteroom (Liquid Asset)
4. Markus Schulz pres Elevation – Somewhere (Clear Blue) (Airwave remix)(ASOT)
5. Steve Birch – Spaced Out (Joof)
6. DJ Ernesto – Stop 9.5 (Phynn Salvation mix)(FTM)
7. Sander van Doorn – Punk’d (Spinnin)
8. John Remedy – Ventricle (Silicon)
A State of Trance Episode 149 (2004-05-20)
20:00 – 21:00 – Newest tunes selected
1. Origene – Suddenly
2. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear (Solid Globe Remix)
3. T.B.A. – Fever
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Tiesto – Adagio For Strings
5. Vadim Zhukov – Exit
6. Draft 2 Design – Affection Over Reason (Basic Draft)
7. John Remedy – Ventricle (Silicon)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nickelson – Yin (Solid Globe Remix)
9. Unknown Artists – Intruder 21:00 – 22:00 – Non-stop in the Mix
1. Unknown Artist – Original Distance
2. Deepsky feat Jess – Talk like a stranger (Markus Schulz mix)
3. Tadi & Nv – Indian Hashish
4. Envio – Love Poison
5. Signum – the Time lord (Signum’s spectral balance remake)
6. Aalto – Taurine (Anjunabeats)
7. Aerodrome – Curator
8. Katana – In Silence (Txitarro remix) (Spinnin)
9. Stars shine bright (White)
10. Xetro – My addiction (Xetro’s saint mix)
A State of Trance Episode 150 (2004-05-27)
20:00 – 21:00 – Newest tunes selected
1. Stel & Good Newz – Inertia
2. Sarah McLachlan – World On Fire (Junkie XL Remix) (Arista)
3. Menno de Jong – Guanxi (Anjunabeats)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Moonrush – Risky Business (Arc In The Sky vs Atlantis Remix)
5. ATB – Marrakech (Alex M.O.R.P.H Synthetic Empire Remix)
6. Signum – The Timelord (ASOT)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tiesto – Adagio For Strings (Blackhole)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear (Solid Globe Remix)
9. Nikola Gala – Swing To Harmony (Remix) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Push – Intro (Banshee)
2. Push – R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (Banshee)
3. Yamakasi – In my mind (Banshee)
4. Whiteroom – Whiteroom (Liquid Asset)
5. Vadim Zhukov – Exit (CDR)
6. Thomas Datt- 2v2 (John Askew mix) (Discover)
7. Factoria – Legends Legacy (Elevation)
8. Katana – In Silence (Txitarro mix)(Spinnin)
9. Unknown Artists – Intruder Please vote for your favorite track of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 151 (2004-06-03)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Hidden Logic – Time (Envio Remix)(ASOT)
2. Rusch & Murray – The Promise (Club Mix)(Anjunabeats)
3. Serenade – Aura (CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kenny Hayes feat Gill Tennant – Daybreaker (Signum Dub)
5. Matt Silver & Tony Burt – Waimea (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Menno De Jong – Guanxi (Anjunabeats)
7. Re:Locate – Typhoon (Fundamental)
8. Nikola Gala – Swing To Harmony (Remix) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Kruger & Coyle – The Witness (ACDC)
2. Ozgur Can – Illusions
3. Vadim Zhukov – Exit (CDR)
4. Apollonia – Andromeda Heights (ASOT)
5. DJ Tatana – Always On My Mind (Ronski Speed Dub)(Sirup)
6. Moonrush – Risky Business (Arc In The Sky vs Atlantis Remix)
7. Oliver Shine – Southstar (Tsunami)
8. Factoria – Legends Legacy (Elevation)
9. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR) 22:00 – 23:00 Marco V Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Matthew Dekay Band – Higher Thoughts (LMR)
2. Powerplant – Blame (Luke Chable’s Respect To The Border Community Mix)
3. Inkfish vs David West – Aftermath (Mercurio Mix)
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
5. Major North – Annihilating vs Future Sound Of London – Papua New Guinea
6. Roland Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (EE)
7. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR) 23:00 – 00:00 Marco V Special
1. Marco V – Simulated (Original Mix)
2. Marco V – Automanual
3. Nancy Sinatra – Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) (Marco V Bootleg Mix)
4. The Age Of Love – The Age Of Love (Marco V Remix)
5. Mo’Hawk – Atlantic Stress
6. Marco V – Solarize
7. Marco V vs Faithless – Godd Is A DJ
8. Futureshock – Pride’s Paranoia (Marco V Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 152 (2004-06-10)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Starkid- Crayons (Leama & Moor mix)
2. Apogee- Illusions (Bulletproof)
3. Marco V- Automanual
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Rusch & Murray – The promise (Ronski Speed mix)
5. Katana – In Silence (Txitarro mix)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Re:locate- Typhoon (Fundamental)
7. Vadim Zhukov- Moskow Morning
8. John 00 Fleming feat. Natasha lea Jones – I’m not fooled (Smith & Pledger mix)
9. Factoria – Legends Legacy (Elevation) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Rio Addicts – Crossroads
2. Kyau vs. Albert – Not with you (Kyau Hard dub) (Euphonic)
3. Menno de Jong – Guanxi (Anjunabeats)
4. Matt Silver & Tony Burt – Waimea (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
5. Sonar Methods – Echoing Waves (Robert Nickson remix)(Somatic Sense)
6. Kenny Hayes feat. Gill Tennant – Daybreaker (Signum remix)(all around the world)
7. Empyreal Sun – FDTL (Lange dub) (ATCR)
8. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
9. Armin – Blue Fear 2003 (Solid Globe remix)
10. Escade – Shuffle Royal
A State of Trance Episode 153 (2004-06-17)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Brian Eno – An Ending (Leama & Moor Remix)
2. Flash Brothers – Amen (Lys & Gigi S Mix)
3. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – Red Line Highway (Made in England)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Rico Saerez – TV Dinner (EE)
5. DJ Energy – Serenity (Club mix) (Nukleuz)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Factoria – A Legends Legacy
7. Nu-NRG – Free Fall (Vandit)
8. The Cranberries – Shattered (Bootleg mix) (CDR) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Halifax – Reveal Your Innocence (Captured music)
2. Menno De Jong – Guanxi (Original Mix) (Anjunabeats)
3. Boss@Nova- Stonecold (Syndique Remix)(Tsunami)
4. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Remix) (Somatic Sense)
5. Signum – The Timelord (ASOT)
6. Christian Rusch & Greg Murray – The Promise (Anjunabeats)
7. Nu-NRG feat Gate 4 – Astralis (Vandit)
8. Spy – Trouble (Igor S mix) (KDW)
9. The Mystery – Fever (Liquid)
A State of Trance Episode 154 (2004-06-24)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Rico Saerez – Tv Dinner (EE)
2. Vadim Zhukov – Exit (Robert Nickson remix) (ASOT)
3. Lange feat. Kirsty hawkshaw – Sincere for you (Thrillseekers remix) (Lange recordings)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Signum – First Strike (Signum’s Signal 2004 remix) (ASOT ltd)
5. Nu-NRG – Freefall (Vandit)
6. Solar Stone vs Scott Bond – The red line highway (Made in England)
7. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear 2003 (Agnelli & nelson remix) (nebula) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Starkid- Crayons (Leama & moor remix)
2. Perry O Neil – Waveforce
3. The well paid Scientists – The Gander (Kompressed)
4. Hidden Logic – Time (ASOT)
5. The Cranberries – Shattered (Bootleg mix) (CDR)
6. Marcos – Nadir (Alpha Magic)
7. Menno de Jong – Guanxi (Anjunabeats)
8. Remy – Scrambled (Jark prongo remix)
9. Mind Markers – Alive again (karma)
A State of Trance Episode 155 (2004-07-01)
With special guest mix by John 00 Fleming 20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Above & Beyond feat Zoe Johnston – No-one on earth (Smith & Pledger remix)
2. Katpeople – Freefalling (Disco Brothers Remix) (N2 records)
3. Dogzilla – Your Eyes (Maelstrom)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Electrovoya – Effervesce (Fundamental)
5. Final Sylas – Classic Wave (Marcos mix) (Jump)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Signum – First Strike (Signum’s Signal 2004 remix) (ASOT ltd)
7. Re:locate – Fortitude (Fundemental)
8. Vadim Zhukov – Exit (Robert Nickson remix) (ASOT)
9. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya drop (EE) 21:00 – 23:00 John OO Fleming Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
2. Oliver Prime – Fairy child
3. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
5. Astrix vs Dimitri – Evox
6. GMS vs Sonicsurfers -Hyperspeed
7. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
8. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
9. Steve Birtch – Spaced out (JOOF)
10. Digital Blonde – Cyan
11. Tikal – Aura (Remix)
12. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
13. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (CDR)
14. Electric Universe – The Prayer
15. Astrix – Eye to Eye
16. Prodigy – Voodoo People (Eskimo remix) 23:00 – 24:00 Armin Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Matthew Dekay vs. prolucters – See me fall (deep)
2. Unknown Artist – In sight (deep)
3. Rio Addicts – Crossroads (Probspot remix)
4. Yilmaz Altanhan – Eighties (Ozgur can remix)
5. NU NRG – Freefall (Vandit)
6. Appolonia – Andromeda heights
7. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear 2003 (Agnelli & nelson remix) (nebula)
8. Solar Stone vs Scott Bond – The red line highway (Made in England)
A State of Trance Episode 156 (2004-07-08)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Perry O Neil – Waveforce (Electronic Elements)
2. Randy Katana – In Silence (Salinas Summer mix)(Reset)
3. Faithless – I Want more (Filterheadz remix) (cheeky)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Filterheadz – Yimana (ID&T)
5. Echano – Nothing to Live For (Gareth Emery remix) (Motion music)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Electrovoya – Effervesce (Fundamental)
7. Sam Sharp – Deep (Spinnin)
8. Liquid Overdose – Ancient Space (Fred Baker mix) (Scanner recordings) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Adam White presents Whiteroom – Whiteroom (Unreleased exclusive mix)
2. Rio Addicts – Crossroads (Electronic Elements)
3. Matthew Dekay vs. prolucters – See me fall (deep)
4. Deep Orbit – Air (Tribal Jedi feat. Wve Remix) (Kyr)
5. Cyclone – Salobre (Empyreal sun remix) (Fundamental)
6. Likwan – Point Zero (Agnelli & Nelson mix)
7. Signum – First Strike (Signum’s Signal 2004 remix) (ASOT ltd)
8. Final Sylas – Classic Wave (Marcos mix) (Jump)
A State of Trance Episode 157 (2004-07-15)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (Ferry Corsten remix)(Adjusted)
2. Hidden Logic – Time (Envio mix)(ASOT)
3. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles – Duende (Signum remix)(ID&T)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ernesto & Bastian – Dark Side of the Moon (ID&T)
5. Robert Gitelman – Children of the sun (ID&T)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Perry O Neil – Waveforce (EE)
7. Deepest Blue – Shooting Star (Smith & Pledger remix) (Ministry of Sound)
8. Rank 1 – beats@rank1dotcom (ID&T)
9. Ozone – The Rock (Alex M.O.R.P.H Remix) (Gesture) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Nathan Fake – Adamedge (Saw)
2. Above & Beyond – No one on earth (Sonorous remix)
3. Filterheadz – Yimana (ID&T)
4. DJ Ton TB – Dreammachine (Marco V remix) (Blackhole)
5. Empyrical Labs – Timeloss (CDR)
6. Robert Nickson – Untitled (CDR)
7. electrovoya – Effervesce (Fundamental)
8. Sam Sharp – Deep (Reset)
9. Sean Walsh – Time Lapse (Gesture)
A State of Trance Episode 158 (2004-07-22)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Tilt – The World Doesn’t Know
2. Ernesto & Bastian – Darkside Of The Moon (ID&T)
3. Martin Roth & Frank Ellrich – The Orange Theme (Martin Roth Remix) (GangGO)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Haak – Frenzy (MK-S Remix) (ASOT)
5. Robert Nickson – Untitled (CDR)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (Ferry Corsten Remix) (Adjusted)
7. Whirlpool vs Octagen – Alaska (Filo & Peri Remix) (TRR)
8. Sander van Doorn – Dark Roast (CDR)
9. Ronski Speed – E.O.S. (MK-S Remix) (ATCR) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Largo (Mark Otten Remix)(EE)
2. Perry O’Neil – Wave Force (EE)
3. Nr.32 – Neuron (White)
4. 3 Amigos – Jack the Ripper (Goldenscan remix)
5. Vadim Zhukov – Exit (Robert Nickson Remix)
6. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles – Duende (Signum Signal Mix)(ID&T)
7. DJ Shog – Live for music (Sandler remix) (Liquid)
8. Sean Walsh – Time Lapse (Gesture) Next week:A State of Trance XXL live from Bloomingdale, Bloemendaal Holland. Check bloomingdale.id-t.com/2004/ Special guest Markus Schulz (Miami, Global DJ broadcast)
A State of Trance Episode 159 (2004-07-29)
1. Ryukyu Underground – Seragaki (Junkie XL Remix)(Baroque)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ridgewalkers feat El – Find (Andy Moor Mix)(Baroque)
3. Tilt – The World Doesn’t Know (Lost Language)
4. Perry O’Neil – Wave Force (EE)
5. Pulser – Cloudwalking 2004 (ATCR)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ernesto vs. Bastian – Darkside Of The Moon (ID&T)
7. Active Sight – Out Of Our Lives (Captivating Sounds)
8. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (Pulser Remix)(Adjusted) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)(Anjunabeats)
2. White Room – White Room (Liquid Asset)
3. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles – Duende (Signum Remix) (ID&T)
4. Re:Locate – Fortitude (Fundamental)
5. Martin Roth & Frank Ellrich – The Orange Theme (Martin Roth Remix)(GangGO)
6. Signum – First Strike (Signum’s Signal 2004 Mix)(ASOT ltd.)
7. Mojado – Samba Brutal (Magik Muzik)
8. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (EE)
9. Ozone – Rock (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Gesture) 22:00 – 23:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Dogzilla – Your Eyes (Maelstrom)
2. Armin van Buuren – Communication part 3 (CDR)
3. Oceanlab – Satellite (Above & Beyond Progressive Mix) (CDR)
4. Above & Beyond pres Tranquility Base – Surrender (Anjunabeats)
5. Len Faki – Figure 2.3 (Figure)
6. Tiesto – Adagio For Strings (Blackhole)
7. Armin vs. M.I.K.E. – Intruder (Armind)
8. Signum – The Timelord (ASOT) 23:00 – 24:00 Markus Schulz Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Markus Schulz pres Elevation – Clear Blue (Intro Mix)
2. Roland Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (EE)
3. Andain – Beautiful Things (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
4. Nikola Gala – Swing 2 Harmony
5. Chris Lake vs Rowan Blades – Philth
6. BT vs Sasha – Remember Magnetic North
7. Markus Schulz pres Elevation – Largo (EE)
8. Armin van Buuren – Burned With Desire (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
9. Ridgewalkers feat El – Find (Andy Moor Mix) Please don’t forget to vote for your favorite tune of the first hour at www.trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 160 (2004-08-05)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Delerium – Silence (Above & Beyond remix)(Nettwerk)
2. Active Sight – Out of our Lives (Captivating Sounds)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Pulser – Cloudwalking 2004 (ATCR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base- Surrender (Anjunabeats)
5. Hemstock & Jennings – The passion (CDR)
6. Sander van Doorn – Dark Roast (Original mix) (Oxygen rec)
7. Liquid Overdose – Ancient Space (Fred Baker mix)(scanner recordings)
8. Re:locate – Fortitude (Fundamental)
9. Mojado – Samba Brutal (magik muzik) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Girl Nobody – Cages (Lemon8 remix)
2. Rico Soarez – Timeless (EE)
3. Ridgewalkers feat EL – Find (Baroque)
4. Bjork – Introvert (dub)
5. One Man Army – Ballroom Dancer (JOOF)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
7. John Askew – Electraglide (Askew’s Stripped down Club mix) (Kompressed)
8. Haak – Frenzy (MK-S remix)
9. Ozone – The Rock (Alex M.O.R.P.H. mix)(Gesture) Next week: Armin van Buuren live at the Pavilion, Cyprus
The Future Favorite is on holiday till September
A State of Trance Episode 161 (2004-08-12)
20.00 – 22.00
1. Perry O’Neil – Waveforce (EE)
2. Nathan Fake – Adamedge (SAW)
3. Tilt – The World Doesn’t Know (Lost Language)
4. Audioholics – External Key (EE)
5. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Fearless (EE)
6. Adam White & Andy Moor present White Room – The White Room (Liquid Asset)
7. Tranquility Base – Surrender (Anjunabeats)
8. Roland Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (EE)
9. Above & Beyond featuring Zoe Johnston – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
10. Signum – First Strike (Signum Signal 2004 Remake) (ASOT ltd.)
11. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (EE)
12. Mojado – Samba Brutal (Magik Muzik)
13. Liquid Overdose – Ancient Space (Fred Baker Remix)(Scanner)
14. Push vs Globe – Tranceformation (Bonzai)
15. Sam Sharp – Deep (Spinnin)
16. Randy Katana – In Silence (Spinnin)
17. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)(Nebula)
18. Mark Norman – Phantom Manor (Magik Muzik)
19. The Thrillseekers – New Life (Lange Remix) (Adjusted)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Bossanova – Stonecold (Agnelli and Nelson Remix)(Tsunami)
2. Lolo – Why? (Bonzai)
3. Unknown Artists – Taurus (Markus Schulz & Austin Leeds mix)(CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Primer – Everlast (Bonzai)
5. Enmass – CQ (CDR)
6. Jan Gustafsson – True Fiction (Fundamental)
7. Mirco de Govia – Voller Sterne (Super8 Remix)(Euphonic)
8. Stel & Good Newz – Inertia (edit) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix Ibiza II
1. Subota – Cast Away (Bobina Remix)
2. Chris Lake vs Rowan Blades – Philth (Alternative Route)
3. Active Sight – Out Of Our Lives (Captivating)
4. Fictivision – Out Of Orbit (ITWT)
5. Syndique – Lost Thoughts (Envio Remix) (Tsunami)
6. Castaneda – Ocean Born (Kompressed)
7. Delerium featuring Sarah McLachlan – Silence (Above & Beyond’s 21st Century Remix) (Anjunabeats)
8. John O’Callaghan – Mercury (CDR)
9. Evangelist – Angelica (Astuni & Le Saux Remix) (Synergica)
A State of Trance Episode 163 (2004-08-26)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Solar Stone Remix)(Deep Blue)
2. Serge Devant feat. Jan Johnston – Transparent (Captivating)
3. Unknown Artists – Taurus (Markus Schulz vs Austin Leeds Remix)(CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Adam White – Ballerina (CDR)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mirco de Govia – Voller Sterne (Super 8 Remix) (Euphonic)
6. Apollonia – Andromeda Heights (Tania Mann remix) (ASOT)
7. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Unification (Fenology)
8. Endre – I Kill For You (Probspot Remix)(Anjunabeats) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Cassino & Laben vs Claude – Ma Te (CDR)
2. Madoka – Afterburner (Max Graham Remix)(3 Beat)
3. Lolo – Why? (Bonzai)
4. Graylock – Dive To Survive (First Impression)
5. EnMass – CQ (ASOT)
6. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles – Duende (Signum Remix)(ID&T)
7. Exertion – Partizan (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Mix)(Afterglow)
8. Armin vs M.I.K.E – Intruder (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 164 (2004-09-02)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Unknown Artists – Taurus (Markus Schulz vs Austin Leeds Remix)(CDR)
2. Alex MORPH – Unification (Fred Baker mix)
3. Dido – Sand in my Shoes (Above & Beyond UV mix)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Pulser – Square One (CDR)
5. Rapid Eye – Absolut (Remix) (ATCR)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE : Adam White – Ballerina (CDR)
7. Icone – Astra (Arc in the sky mix)
8. Cranberries – Shattered (Bootleg) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Ozgur Can – On A White Day (Subtle signs mix) (Lost Language)
2. RND – Nova satori (Josh Gabriel mix) (3 beat)
3. Endre – I Kill for you (Probspot remix)(Anjunabeats)
4. Madoka – Afterburner (max Graham mix)(3 beat)
5. Young Parisians – Jump the next train (Solarstone remix) (Deep Blue)
6. Enmass – CQ (ASOT)
7. Gate 42 – Flow (John O Callaghan mix) (discover)
8. Robert Nickson – Untitled (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 165 (2004-09-09)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Reflekt featuring Delline Bass – I Need To Be Loved (Thrillseekers Remix)(Positiva)
2. Art Of Trance – Mongoose (Platipus)
3. Fractal Structure – Lost Sequence (Somatic Sense)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Gate 42 – Flow (John O’Callaghan Remix)
5. Robert Gitelman – Children Of The Sun (ID&T)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dido – Sand In My Shoes (Above & Beyond’s UV Remix) (Cheeky)
7. Estuera – Tales From The South (Magik Muzik)
8. E-Craig – Never Fall In Love Again (Spinnin) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Bakke & Ljungqvist – Fanatic (CDR)
2. Madoka – Afterburner (Max Graham Remix) (3 beat)
3. Octagen vs Progresia – First Horizon (Menno de Jong remix) (Surface/ATCR)
4. E-tronic – The glass house (Joof)
5. Enmass – CQ (Seek you) (ASOT)
6. Adam White – Ballerina (CDR)
7. Matti Laamanen – Live (Purple Eye)
8. Sandler – Theme Song (Spinnin)
9. Code 1 – House Music (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 166 (2004-09-16)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Noel Sanger – Almost There
2. Foreign Force – Emotional Breeze (CDR)
3. Primer (Fire & Ice remix) (Banshee)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Signum – 2nd wave 2004 (ASOT)
5. Gate 42 – Flow (John O Callaghan)(Discover)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Fractal Structure – Lost Sequence
7. EnMass – CQ (seek you)
8. Jan Gustafsson – True Fiction 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Art of Trance – Mongoose
2. Tilt – The world doesn’t know (Osgur can remix)
3. Rio Addicts – Crossroads (Probspot remix)
4. Orbital – One Perfect Sunrise (Triple Seven remix)
5. Apollonia – Andromeda Heights (Original mix)
6. Mannix – Mercury (Arizona remix)
7. Sandler – Theme Song (Sandler remix)
8. Robert Gitelman – Children of the sun (ID&T)
9. Vercitti (aka Lange) – Skimmer (Lange rec)
A State of Trance Episode 167 (2004-09-23)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Gabriel & Dresden – Arcadia (Swing 2 funk mix)
2. Alt+f4 – Alt+f4 (Anjunabeats)
3. Signum – Second wave (Signum’s 2004 remake) (ASOT)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Interstate – I found you (CDR)
5. Unknown Artist – Malgosia (CDR)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE : Foreign Force – Emotional Breeze (ASOT)
7. Marcos – Cosmic Strings (Vandit)
8. Lost Parisians ft. Ben Lost – Jump the next train (kyau vs albert remix)(euphonic)
9. Super 8 – Cre8 (Anjunabeats) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Departure – She Turns (Markus Schulz remix)
2. Ava Mea – In the end (original mix)
3. Tranquility Base – Surrender (Filterheadz remix)
4. Vadim Zhukov – Nothing Matters
5. Steve Lawler – Out at Night (Nathan Fake)(Subterra)
6. Fractal Structure – Lost Sequence (Somatic Sense)
7. Ferry Corsten – Sweet Sorrow (Oliver Shine) (Tsunami)
8. Lamoen – Decrease
9. Alexander Gustaff – Technetic (Mark Norman mix) (Terratraxx)
A State of Trance Episode 168 (2004-09-30)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Ozgur Can featuring Nick Beman – Not Even Winds (EE)
2. Soundfiction – Odyssea (CDR)
3. Interstate – I found U (CDR)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Vadim Zhukov – Nothing Matters (CDR)
5. Serge Devant & Jan Johnston – Transparant (Outback Remix) (Captivating)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Lost Parisians ft. Ben Lost – Jump the next train (Kyau vs Albert remix) (Euphonic)
7. Super8 – Cre8 (Anjunabeats)
8. E-craig vs Alegria – Global Drum Attack (Spinnin)
9. Solid Globe – Malgosia (Fundamental) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Viton & Stel – Wooden Swordz (Jose Zamora & Dousk JDK Mix)
2. Departure – She Turns (Markus Schulz Remix)
3. Qursion – Attraction (Lange Recordings)
4. BT – The great escape (Arctic Quest Remix)
5. Gabriel & Dresden – Arcadia (Swing 2 funk mix)
6. Foreign Force – Emotional Breeze (ASOT)
7. John Askew – Lectraglide (Kompressed)
8. Lost Tribe – Possessed (Darey)
9. Alt F4 – Alt F4 (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 169 (2004-10-07)
Live from the studios of Party 93.1, Miami, Florida 20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Interstate – I Found U (Armada)
2. Airwave – Save Me (Whiteroom mix) (Darey Products)
3. Vadim Zhukov – Nothing Matters (Remix) (CDR)
4. BT – The Great Escape (Arctic Quest Remix)
5. Kobbe vs Leeds present The Pressure – Daze (M.I.K.E. Remix) (Club Elite)
6. Qursion – Attraction (Lange recordings)
7. Gavyn Mytchel – Vocoder (CDR)
8. Stel & Good Newz featuring Alex Lemon – Inertia (AvB Edit) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The mix live from ICE Las Vegas 02-10-2004
1. Robert Gitelman – Children Of The Sun (Free for All)
2. Above & Beyond presents Tranquility Base – Surrender (Anjunabeats)
3. Young Parisians featuring Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs Albert Remix) (Deep Blue/Euphonic)
4. Mirco De Govia – Voller Sterne (Super8 Remix)(Euphonic)
5. Armin van Buuren – Communication Part 3 (CDR)
6. Randy Katana – In Silence (Txitxarro Mix)(Spinnin)
7. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (Electronic Elements)
8. Lilly Haydn – Anything (Gabriel & Dresden Code 313 Dub)
9. Fractal Structure – Lost Sequence (Somatic Sense)
A State of Trance Episode 170 (2004-10-14)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Max Graham feat. Jessica Riddle – Gone (CDR)
2. Absolute – Daydream (ASOT)
3. Enmass – So Please (Armada)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Plastic Boy – Twixt 2004 (Banshee)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE 168: Super 8 – Cre8 (Anjunabeats)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE 169: Airwave – Save Me (White Room Mix)(Darey)
7. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone – Red Line Highway (Yanave Remix) (Made in England)
8. Jan Gustafsson – Trance.nu Winter Dance Event Theme (Fundamental) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Nick Thompson – Spice Fire
2. Tilt – 12 (Max Graham Remix)
3. Radiate – Crystal Clear (Sonar Methods Remix)(Somatic Sense)
4. Gabriel & Dresden – Portobello
5. Tiesto – Ancient History
6. System 7 – Planet 7
7. Young Parisians feat Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs Albert Remix)(Euphonic)
8. Empire State – Niagara (John Askew Remix)(Lost Language)
9. Phoenix Star – The Example 60 (Ronski Speed Remix)(Surface)
10. Ronald van Gelderen – Cold Storage (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 171 (2004-10-21)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Statica – Space Guitar (CDR)
2. Kyau vs. Albert – Made Of Sun (KYA Hard Dub)(Euphonic)
3. Dogzilla – Your Eyes (Dimitri Andreas Remix) (Maelstrom)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mike Koglin – The Silence 2005
5. Unknown Artist – Earth’s Breathing (CDR)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Jan Gustafsson – Trance.nu Winter Dance Event Theme (Fundamental)
7. Robert Nickson – Twisted By Design (ASOT)
8. Ronald van Gelderen – Cold Storage (ID&T) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Taucher & Marc Vision pres Vita – Unknown Title (DMD)
2. Departure – She Turns (Markus Schulz Remix)
3. Max Graham feat. Jessica Riddle – Gone
4. Airwave – Save Me (Whiteroom Mix)(Monster classics)
5. Plastic Angel – Siren (Afterglow)
6. Plastic Boy – Twixt 2004 (Banshee)
7. Marcos – Cosmic Strings (Vandit)
8. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs Albert Remix)(Deep Blue/Euphonic)
9. John O’Callaghan & Bryan Keamey – Restricted Moon (Discover) 22:00 – 23:00 DJ Precision Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Alucard – Blu On Blu (George Hales Remix)
2. Radiate – Crystal Clear (Sonar Methods Mix)
3. Fractal Structure – Lost Sequence (Haak’s Subliminal Cowbell Mix)
4. Activa featuring Aled Mann – In Essence (Matt Hardwick vs Smith & Pledger Remix)
5. Signal Runners – Back Fire (Original Mix)
6. Symmetry – Forget (Sonicvibe Remix)
7. Carl B – All Day 23:00 – 00:00 DJ Precision Special
1. Mike Shiver & Elevation featuring Carrie Skipper – Hurricane (Mike Shiver Mix)
2. Haak vs Nickon – Untitled
3. DJ Albert vs Precision – Say Yes (Original Mix)
4. DJ Precision presents M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight – Cloud City
5. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (Thrillseekers Remix)
6. M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight featuring DJ Precision – Far East (Empyreal Sun Remix)
7. Viframa – Cristalle (Katana feat. DJ Precision Remix)
8. Fractal Structure – Lost Sequence (Original Mix)
A State of Trance Episode 172 (2004-10-28)
20:00 – 21:00 The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Hammer & Bennett – Language (CDR)
2. Activa – In essence (Matt Harwick vs Smith & Pledger mix) (Somatic Sense)
3. Re:Locate – Waterfall (Estuera remix) (Fundamental)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Marcos – Cosmic Strings (Vandit)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mike Floyle pres Statica – Space Guitar (CDR)
6. Miika Kuisma – Sonic Kiss (JOOF)
7. John O Callaghan pres Mannix – Mercury (ASOT)
8. Kyau va Albert – Made of Sun (Kyau hard dub) (Euphonic)
9. John O Callaghan & Bryan keamey – Restricted Moon (CDR) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Calmec – Tangerine (Gesture)
2. Orbital – Belfast (Andy moor mix)
3. Mavi – A tribute to M&M’s (Subsky solid mix) (Release)
4. Max graham ft. Jessica Riddle – Gone (White)
5. Tilt – 12 (Max Graham mix)(Lost Language)
6. Radiate – Crystal Clear (Somatic Sense)
7. Eelke Kleijn – Enchanted (White)
8. Andrew Bennett – Ocean Drive (Probspot remix) (EE)
9. D-Shake – Yaaah! (Fortier Introduces Porter to 1990 remix)(FDS)
10. E-tronic – The glass house (JOOF)
A State of Trance Episode 173 (2004-11-04)
20:00 – 21:00 Armin van Buuren & The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Michael Burns presents Blue Haze – Into Nothing (Bill Hamel’s Last Time For 9 Vox Mix)
2. 24 – The longest day (White)
3. Kyau vs Albert – Made of Sun (KVA hard dub) (Euphonic)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Randy Katana – FF04 (Spinnin)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Activa – In Essence (Matt harwick vs Smith & Pledger mix)(Somatic Sense)
6. Whiteroom – Someday (Woom)
7. EnMass – Beyond horizon (ASOT)
8. Johan Gielen – Flash (Fundamental) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Mike Foyle presents Statica – Space Guitar
2. Gabriel & Dresden – Arcadia (Swing To Funk Mix)
3. Andrea Doria – Love Track (Original Instrumental Mix) (Ready to Rock)
4. Max Graham feat Jessica Riddle – Gone (CDR)
5. Ozgur Can feat Nick Beman – Not Even Winds/Memory Lane EP (EE)
6. Remy – Crackdown (CDR)
7. Bakke & Ljungqvist – Fanatic (CDR)
8. Ozgur Can – Reclaim (Lost Language)
9. Interstate – I Found You (Armada) 22:00 – 00:00 Matthew Dekay Non-Stop In The mix, live from Panama Amsterdam
1. Dennis Ferrer & Jerome Sydenham – Sandcastles (Vocal Mix)
2. Peace Division – Take Me (Ceramix Mix)
3. Dimas pres. D-Formation – Signs & Portents
4. Matthew Dekay & Doves – Clearing The Mind
5. Duncan Sheik – On A High (Gabriel & Dresden’s Love From Humboldt Dub)
6. Matthew Dekay & Proluctors – Bad
7. MDK – Sounds Off vs. Jamiroquai – Supersonic (Acapella)
8. Matthew Dekay – The Deep Show
9. Mannel – Cruel Summer (Dub Mix)
10. Nikola Gala feat. Perasma – Swing 2 Harmony (Matthew Dekay Remix)
11. Santiago Nino – Believe (Max Graham’s Sidechain Mix)
12. Remy – Nasty Ho
13. Starsign – Taurus (Instrumental)
14. Sin Plomo – African Stomper (Main Mix)
15. Matthew Dekay vs. Beastie Boys – Intergalactic Planetary
16. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
17. Matthew Dekay – Digifruitella 00:00 – 03:00 Armin van Buuren Live from Panama Amsterdam
1. Ridgewalkers featuring El – Find (Markus Schulz Intro Edit)
2. Nathan Fake – Adamedge (SAW)
3. Lolo – Why (Banshee)
4. Albert Vorne – A Leaden Day (M.I.K.E. Remix)(Mazeman)
5. EnMass – CQ (Seek You) (ASOT)
6. The Cranberries – Shattered (Bootleg Mix)
7. Airwave – Save Me (Original & Whiteroom remix)
8. Randy Katana – FF04 (Spinnin)
9. Armin vs M.I.K.E. – Pound (Armind)
10. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs Albert Remix)(Euphonic)
11. Armin van Buuren – Communication Part 3
12. Primer – Everlast (Banshee)
13. Sarah McLachlan – World On Fire (Junkie XL Remix)(BMG)
14. E-Tronic – The Glass House (Joof)
15. Absolute – Daydream (Re-riff remix)(ASOT)
16. Robert Nickson – Twisted By Design (ASOT)
17. Enmass – Beyond Horizon (ASOT)
18. Marco V – Automanual (ID&T)
19. Dogzilla – Your Eyes (Maelstrom)
20. DK8 – Murder Was The Bass (Chris Liebling ‘CTTO’ remix)(ELP)
21. Robert Gitelman – Children Of The Sun (ID&T)
22. Suburban Train vs Yet Another Day
23. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
24. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (Electronic Elements)
25. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia 2004 (Ferry Corsten Remix)(Adjusted)
26. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti-Gravity Mix) (BMG)
27. Tiesto – Breda 8PM (Montana Edit)
A State of Trance Episode 174 (2004-11-11)
20:00 – 21:00 – Armin van Buuren and the newest tunes selected
1. Peter Martin Simply Blue (CDR)
2. Miss Ann Intercepted (Banshee)
3. Evolve Safe to Dream (Thrillseekers remix) (Adjusted)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Max graham ft. Jessica Riddle Gone (CDR)
5. 24 the longest day (White)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kyau vs Albert Made of Sun (Kyau hard dub) (Euphonic)
7. Whiteroom Someday (Woom)
8. Foreign Force Emotional Breeze (ASOT) 21:00 – 22:00 – Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Peter McCowan Trailer Park (Somatic Sense)
2. Matthew Dekay The Deep show (Electronic Elements)
3. Remy Crackdown (CDR)
4. Kyau vs Albert Falling Anywhere (Euphonic)
5. EnMass Beyond horizon (ASOT)
6. Tilt 12 (DJ Orkidea remix) (Lost Language)
7. Robert Nickson Twisted by design (ASOT)
8. Absolute Daydream (Re-riff mix) (ASOT)
9. Haak Bedlam (Club Elite/Armada)
10. Randy Katana FF04 (Spinnin)
11. Johan Gielen Flash (Fundamental)
A State of Trance Episode 175 (2004-11-18)
20:00 – 22:00 – Armin van Buuren – Live at Colors Helsinki 5th of November 2004
1. Antidote – Velocity (Banshee)
2. Nathan Fake – Adamedge (SAW)
3. Ridgewalkers featuring El – Find (Andy Moor Remix) (Baroque)
4. Interstate – I Found You (Armada)
5. Vadim Zhukov – Nothing Matters (CDR)
6. Remy – Nasty Ho (CDR)
7. John Askew – Electraglide (Askew’s Stripped Down Club Mix) (Discover)
8. Sasha – Wavy Gravy (Terry Bones Remix)
9. Above & Beyond presents Tranquility Base – Surrender (Anjunabeats)
10. Plastic Boy – Twixt 2004 (Banshee)
11. Enmass – CQ (seek you) (ASOT)
12. Young Parisians featuring Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs Albert Remix) (Euphonic)
13. Mirco de Gova – Voller Sterne (Super 8 Remix) (Euphonic)
14. Armin van Buuren – Communication Part 3 (CDR)
15. Katana – FF 04 (Spinnin)
16. Armin vs M.I.K.E. – Pound (Armind)
17. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (Bobina Megadrive 2004 Remix) (CDR)
18. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia 2004 (Ferry Corsten Remix) (Adjusted)
19. Marcos – Cosmic String (vandit)
20. Robert Gitelman – Children Of The Sun (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 176 (2004-11-25)
20:00 – 21:00 Armin van Buuren & The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Mike Shiver & Elevation – Hurricane (Elevation Remix)(Captured)
2. P.O.S. – Gravity (Anjunabeats)
3. Cern – Go Fly (ASOT)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: M.I.K.E – Massive Motion
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Evolve – Safe To Dream (Thrillseekers Remix) (Adjusted)
6. Various Artists – Sweet Traffic (Bobina’s Intruder 643 Mash up)
7. Estuera – Chapter 2 (ITWT/Blackhole)
8. Envio – Love Poison (Remix) (ASOT)
9. Miller vs Fijneman – San Andreas (Outstanding) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Peter Martin – Simply Blue
2. Audioholics – External Key (Perry O’Neil Remix)
3. Greed – Sandrushka (feed me)
4. Tilt – 12 (Lost Language)
5. White Room – Some Day (Woom)
6. Foreign Force – Emotional Breeze (ASOT)
7. Realm F vs Rankey – Nairobi (Alex MORPH Mix)(Discover)
8. Kyau vs Albert – Made Of Sun (KvA Hard Dub) (Euphonic)
9. Sfinx – Infinity (ITWT/Blackhole)
A State of Trance Episode 177 (2004-12-02)
20:00 – 21:00 Armin van Buuren & The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Blank & Jones featuring Bobo – Perfect Silence (E-Craig Remix) (Spinnin)
2. Estuera – Red Shores (Blackhole)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mike Shiver & Elevation feat. Carrie Skipper – Hurricane (Elevation Remix)(Captured)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Active Sight – Adrenaline (Armada)
5. Envio – Love Poison (Ryan G remix) (ASOT)
6. 24 – The Longest Day Of My Life (Armin van Buuren remix) (White)
7. Nicol Sponberg – Resurrection (Gabriel & Dresden Vocal mix)
8. Menno de Jong pres. Halcyon – Watermark (captured)
9. Art Of Trance – Madagascar (Ferry Corsten Remix) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Kalafut & Fygle – Astra
2. NUFrequency – 808 (little mountain recordings)
3. Audioholics – External Key (Perry O’Neil Remix) (EE)
4. Sultan feat. Stephanie Vezina – Shivers (Mannels mix) (Shinichi)
5. Alucard presets the 49th Line – Blue On Blue (Espen Remix) (Team Toad records)
6. Tilt – 12 (Orkidea Remix) (Lost Language)
7. Apogee – Inhale (White)
8. White Room – Someday (Vocal Mix) (Woom)
9. M.I.K.E. – Massive Motion (Armind)
10. Digital Tension – Tears Idle Tears (Thomas Datt remix) Please vote for your favorite 5 tunes of the year: www.arminvanbuuren.net The ‘A State of Trance Top 20 of 2004? will be broadcasted on dec 30th.
A State of Trance Episode 178 (2004-12-09)
20:00 – 21:00 Armin van Buuren & The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Nicol Sponberg – Resurrection (Gabriel & Dresden remix)
2. Dominique Plaza – Sounds Rushing (David West remix)
3. EnMass – Needle Damage (ASOT)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Recluse – Emotional Void (Deep Blue)
5. Zenon – September Rain (Bobina dub)
6. Marcos – Cosmicstring (Marc van Linden remix)(Vandit)
7. Ridgewalkers feat. El – Find (Kyau vs. Albert remix)(Armind)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Halcyon – Watermark (captured)
9. Push – Strange World (Bonzai) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. David West – Carrier (CDR)
2. Sonorous – Protonic (Andy Moor remix) (Euphonic)
3. ZGR – Zero Hours (Perry O Neil remix)
4. Max graham feat Jessica Riddle – Gone (CDR)
5. Mike Shiver & Elevation – Hurricane (Mike Shiver mix) (Captured)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
7. M.I.K.E – Massive Motion (Armind)
8. Re:locate – Absoluum (Fundamental)
9. Muzikman – Air (Robert Gitelman mix)
10. Envio – Love Poison (Ryan G mix – AvB edit)(ASOT)
11. Hardcell & grindvik – Gravity (Drumcode) Please vote for your favorite 5 tunes of the year: www.arminvanbuuren.net The A State of Trance Top 20 of 2004 will be broadcasted on dec 30th
A State of Trance Episode 179 (2004-12-16)
20:00 – 21:00 Armin van Buuren & The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Keo – Close Enough (Noel Sanger Remix)
2. Leama & Moor – Fact Of The Matter
3. Ridgewalkers featuring El – Find (Kyau vs Albert Remix)(Armind)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sandler – Chemistry (Spinnin)
5. Syntone – Cried Out (Silicon)
6. Ferry Corsten – Holding On (Above & Beyond Remix)(Tsunami)
7. Adam White – Ballerina (Matt Darey Remix)
8. White Room – Someday (Vocal Mix)(Woom)
9. Hemstock & Jennings – The Passion (John O’Callaghan Remix)
10. Chicane – Saltwater (Original Mix) 21:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Dimas presents D-Formation – Signs & Portents (Beatfreak)
2. Peter Martin – Simply Blue &
3. Dave Gahan – I Need You (Acapella)
4. NUFrequency – 808 (Little Moutain)
5. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
6. Unknown Artist – Bad Deal (White)
7. Signum – Second Wave (Signum Signal 2004 Remake)(ASOT)
8. Blank & Jones featuring Bobo – Perfect Silence (E-Craig Remix)(Spinnin)
9. M.I.K.E. – Massive Motion (Armind)
10. Recluse – Emotional Void (Deep Blue)
11. 24 – The Longest Day Of My Life (Armin van Buuren remix) Please vote for your favorite 5 tunes of the year: www.arminvanbuuren.net The A State of Trance Top 20 of 2004 will be broadcasted on dec 30th Voting ends December 20th!!!!!!!
A State of Trance Episode 180 (2004-12-23)
20:00 – 21:00 Armin van Buuren & The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Leama & Moor – Fact Of The Matter (Lost Language)
2. Yilmaz Altanhan – Eighties (Armada/Anjunabeats)
3. Oliver Prime – Mindgames (Spinnin)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Duende – Amor De Dios (Afterglow)
5. Kyau vs Albert – Falling Anywhere (Rework) (Euphonic)
6. Sander van Doorn – Bling Bling (Spinnin)
7. Blank & Jones featuring Bobo – Perfect Silence (E-Craig Remix)
8. Nu NRG – Dreamland (G&M Project Remix)(Chemical)
9. Perasma – Swing To Harmony (Deserves An Effort Symphony Dub)
10. Iio – Rapture (Armin van Buuren Remix) 21:00 – 22:00 Non-Stop In The Mix
1. Sasha – Fundamentally (Peroxide Metropolis)
2. Hammer & Bennett – Language (EE)
3. Departure – She Turns (Palash Remix) (EE)
4. Preach vs Oliver Lieb – Unknown (Ascend)
5. L.S.G. – Netherworld 2005 (Oliver Lieb remix)(JOOF)
6. Enmass – Needle Damage (ASOT)
7. Ridgewalkers featuring El – Find (Kyau vs Albert Remix) (Armind)
8. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
9. Ferry Corsten – Holding On (Above & Beyond Remix)
10. George Hales – Isolation (Soliquid Remix) The A State of Trance Top 20 of 2004 will be broadcasted on dec 30th 2004
The A State of Trance yearmix of 2004 will be broadcasted on jan 6th 2005
A State of Trance Episode 181 (2004-12-30)
A State of Trance Top 20 of the year 2004 Statement:
This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely based on listener’s votes. Each listener that submitted his or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2004 of tracks, as played in one of the shows in 2004.
Number of valid voters: 3588
All votes were checked on possible fraud.
Armin nor ID&T had anything to do with the points awarded. 20.00 – 22.00-> Countdown from 20 to 1.
1. Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Vocal Mix) [Anjunabeats]
2. Adam White & Andy Moor presents White Room – White Room (Original Mix) [Liquid Asset]
3. Tiesto – Adagio For Strings [Black Hole]
4. Ridgewalkers featuring El – Find (Andy Moor Remix) [Armind]
5. Solid Globe – Sahara (Original Mix) [Fundamental]
6. Tilt – The World Doesn’t Know (Original Mix) [Lost Language]
7. Perry O’Neil – Wave Force [EE]
8. Randy Katana – In Silence (Txitxarro Remix) [Reset]
9. Young Parisians featuring Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs Albert Remix) [Euphonic]
10. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia 2004 (Ferry Corsten Remix) [Adjusted]
11. Dido – Sand In My Shoes (Above & Beyond UV Remix) [BMG]
12. Above & Beyond presents Tranquility Base – Surrender (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
13. Oceanlab – Satellite (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
14. Filterheadz – Yimanya (Original Mix) [ID&T]
15. Alt F4 – Alt F4 [Anjunabeats]
16. Dreas presents Havannah – Havannah (Original Mix) [TRR]
17. Interstate – I Found You (Original Mix) [Armada]
18. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Remix) [Somatic Sense]
19. A-Force – Atomic Outbreak [Fundamental]
20. Armin van Buuren – Communication Part 3 [CDR] Complete list and details of points on www.arminvanbuuren.net special thanks to Peter Kruit.
A State of Trance Episode 182 (2005-01-06)
Episode 182 Yearmix 2004 1. Armin van Buuren – Intro (The story of 2004)
2. Origene – Sanctuary (Ivan Gough mix) (Bandung)
3. Starsign – Taurus (Markus Schulz vs Austin Leeds remix)
4. DJ Yoshi – Dreamer (Luke Chable mix) (Precinct)
5. Hammer & Bennett – Language (Electronic Elements)
6. Departure – She Turns (Markus Schulz mix) (Electronic Elements)
7. Oscur Can ft. Nick Beman – Not Even Winds (Electronic Elementsa)
8. Max Graham ft. Jessica Riddle – Gone (CDR)
9. Rio Addicts – Crossroads (Electronic Elements)
10. Lolo – Why (Banshee)
11. Synergy – Hello Strings (Armind)
12. Markus Schulz pres Elevation – Largo (Electronic Elements)
13. Ridgewalker feat El – Find (Andy Moor mix) (Armind)
14. Sarah McLachlan – World On Fire (Junkie XL mix) (Nettwerk)
15. Markus Schulz pres Elevation – Somewhere (Clear Blue) (A State of Trance)
16. Markus Schulz pres Elevation – Clear Blue (Electronic Elements)
17. Oceanlab feat Justine Suissa – Satellite (Markus Schulz remix) (Anjunabeats)
18. Bakke & Ljungvist – Fanatic (Electronic Elements)
19. Mark Otten – Tranquility (Armind)
20. Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
21. Deepsky feat Jess – Talk Like A Stranger (Markus Schulz remix) (Yoshi Toshi)
22. St. John vs. Locust – Mindcircles (Perry O Neil remix) (ASOT)
23. Probspot – Foreplay (Lost Language)
24. Perry O Neil – Waveforce (Electronic Elements)
25. Roland Klinkenberg – Monday Groove (Electronic Elements)
26. Gabriel & Dresden – Arcadia (CDR)
27. Interstate – I Found You (Bandung)
28. Dido – Sand in my shoes (Above & Beyond mix) (Anjunabeats)
29. True Form – Forbidden Colous (ASOT)
30. Endre – Kallocain (Robert Nickson remix) (Anjunabeats)
31. Filterheadz – Yimanya (ID&T)
32. Peter Martin – Perfect Wave (Electronic Elements)
33. Dreas presents Havannah – Havannah (TRR)
34. Vadim Zhukov – Exit (Robert Nickson remix)(Captivating)
35. Active Sight – Out of our Lives (Captivating)
36. EnMass – CQ (SeekYou)
37. Alt+F4 – Alt+F4 (Anjunabeats)
38. Solarstone vs Scott Bond – naked Angel (made in England)
39. Fractual Structure – Lost Sequence (Somatic Sense)
40. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear 2004 (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Nebula)
41. Mark Norman – Phantom Manor (Magik Muzik)
42. The Mystery – Fever (Liquid)
43. Gate 42 – Flow (Discover)
44. Armin van Buuren – Burned with Desire (United)
45. Tiesto – Suburban Train (nebula)
46. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson – Yet Another day (United)
47. U-Turn – One Way (ID&T)
48. Ernesto & Bastian – Dark Side of the Moon (be yourself)
49. Kyau vs Albert – made of sun (KVA hard dub) (Euphonic)
50. Robert Gitelman – Children of the Sun (ID&T)
51. Robert Nickson – Spiral (ASOT)
52. Delerium – Silence (Above & Beyond mix) (Nettwerk)
53. Adam White – Ballerina (Darey Products)
54. Bossanova – Stonecold (Tsunami)
55. Nickselson – Yin (Solid Globe remix) (Fundamental)
56. 24 – The longest day of my life (Armin van Buuren remix) (Nebula)
57. Mojado ft. Mr Sam – Naranja (Dimitry Andreas mix)(Magik Muzik)
58. John O Callaghan pres. Mannix – Mercury (ASOT)
59. Carl B – All Day (Somatic Sense)
60. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost – Jump the next train (Kyau vs Albert mix)(Euphonic)
61. Ton TB – Dreammachine (Blackhole)
62. Mirco De Govia – Voller Sterne (Super 8 remix) (Euphonic)
63. Tranquility Base – Surrender (Anjunabeats)
64. Andy Moor & Adam White present Whiteroom – Whiteroom (Liquid Asset)
65. Above & Beyond – No One on earth (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Anjunabeats)
66. Armin van Buuren – Communication part 3 (CDR)
67. Marcos – Cosmicstrings (Vandit)
68. Active Sight – Search for Freedom (Captivating Sounds)
69. Armin vs M.I.K.E. – Pound (Armind)
70. Dogzilla – Your eyes (Nebula)
71. Marco V – Automanual (ID&T)
72. F Massive – Somebody (Ferry Corsten remix) (Purple Eye)
73. Sander van Doorn – Punk’d (Spinnin)
74. Thrillseekers – Synaestasia (Ferry Corsten remix) (Adjusted)
75. Reflex – Need to Be Loves (Thrillseekers remix) (Positiva)
76. Randy Katana – In Silence (Txitarro remix) (Reset)
77. Signum – The timelord (ASOT)
78. 8 Wonders – Morning After (Thrillseekers remix) (Somatic Sense)
79. Tiesto – Adagio for Strings (Blackhole)
80. Armin vs M.I.K.E. – Intruder (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 183 (2005-02-10)
20:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren & the newest tunes selected
1. Andy Moor – Halcyon (Armind)
2. Perasma – Swing 2 harmony (Gabriel & Dresden vocal mix) (data)
3. Sultan – Shivers (Mannels mix) (Yoshitoshi)
4. D Formation – Signs & Portens (beatfreak)
5. Iio – Runaway (Ford mix) (made)
6. Mike Foyle pres Statica – Space Guitar (Armada)
7. Sin Plombo – African Stomper (Estereo)
8. Firewall – Sincere (Smith & Pledger mix)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Vestiga vs Jomar – Nightoperator (five AM)
10. Oliver Prime – Mindgames (Dj Danjo & Rob Styles mix)(Spinnin)
11. Fred Baker – Confirmation (ITWT)
12. Tranquility Base – Getting Away (Anjunabeats)
13. Sophie Sugar – Call of Tomorrow (John O callaghan) (Fundamental)
14. Eye Wall – Bad Deal
15. Armin van Buuren – Birth of an Angel (Armind)
16. M.I.K.E. – Massive Motion (Armind)
17. Sander van Doorn – Bling Bling! (Spinnin)
18. Marcos – Tribal Affair (CDR)
A State of Trance Episode 184 (2005-02-17)
20:00 – 22:00 Armin van Buuren & the newest tunes selectedAs broadcasted on www.di.fm & www.etn.fm
1. D:Fuse feat Jes- Living the Dream (Matthew Dekay mix) (Skyline)
2. Roland Klinkenberg – Twilight (EE)
3. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (LMR)
4. Ava Mea – In the End (Armada)
5. Solid Globe – Lost Cities (Fundamental)
6. Goldenscan – Only with you
7. Fred Baker vs Nyram – Confirmation (Blackhole)
8. Primer – Silver Lining (John O Callaghan mix) (Banshee)
9. Fred Baker vs Keyboard Kids – All of Us (Fred Baker mix)
10. Pulser – Point of Impact
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jonas Steur – Castamara (Fundamental)
12. Marcos – Tribal Affair (CDR)
13. Ronski Speed – 2 day (Euphonic)
14. M.I.K.E. – Massive Motion (Armind)
15. Armin van Buuren – Birth of An Angel (Armind)
16. Andy Moor – Halycon (Armind)
17. Ridgewalker feat. El – Find (Perry O Neil mix)
18. Sophie Sugar – Call of Tomorrow (John O Callaghan) (Fundamental)
A State of Trance Episode 185 (2005-02-24)
As broadcasted by www.di.fm & www.etn.fm
1. Pharmacy of Sound – Looking for Substance
2. Niklas Harding pres. Arcane – Blue Circles
3. D:Fuse – Living the Dream (Matthew Dekay mix) (Skyline)
4. Andy Moor – Halcyon (Armind)
5. Martin Roth’s Hands on Keane – This is the last time (Spinnin)
6. Filo & Peri feat. Fisher – Closer now (Whiteroom mix)
7. Kobbe – Endless Thoughts (original mix) (Moyo)
8. Goldenscan – Only With You
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Yahel feat. A-Force – Behind Silence (Fundamental)
10. Perasma – Swing 2 Harmony (Deserves an Effort Symphony dub)(data)
11. Armin van Buuren – Birth of An Angel (Armind)
12. Jonas Steur – Castamara (Fundamental)
13. Fred Baker vs Keyboards Kids – All of Us (Fred Baker mix)
14. E-tronic – The Glass House (JOOF)
15. Fragile feat. Alex Lemon – Inertia (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armind)
16. Kuisma & Rusch – Yogatech (Gesture)
17. Odyssee – Yucatan (Gesture)
18. M.I.K.E. – Massive Motion (Armind)
19. Clokx – Feelings (Liquid)
A State of Trance Episode 186 (2005-03-03)
1. B.I.G. – A Promise
2. Matt Darey – Liberation (Darey Deep mix) (Darey Products)
3. Mike Foyle vs Signalrunners – Love theme dusk
4. Purple Haze – Adrenaline (Spinnin)
5. Jonas Steur – Castamara (Intuition)
6. Marcos – Tribal Affair
7. B&W – Mistaken (Fictivision mix)
8. Yahel feat. A force – Behind Silence (Fundamental)
9. Tektonik – Shine dba mix (Platipus)
10. Filo & Peri feat. Fisher – Closer Now (Whiteroom mix)
11. DJ Vestiga vs Jomar – Nightoperator (Five AM)
12. Mike Foyle presents Static – Space guitar (Armada)
13. Quadran – Don’t you know (Antidote mix) (banshee)
14. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Signum – Back @ ya (ASOT)
15. Active Sight – Adrenaline (Captivating)
16. Fragile feat. Alex Lemon – Inertia (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armind)
17. Kaste – Desert Eagle (Anjunabeats)
18. Kuisma & Rusch – Yogatech (Gesture)
19. Primer – Silver Lining (John O callaghan) (Banshee)
20. Goldenscan – Only with You
21. Raul Cremona – Virus (TC recordings)
22. Eye Wall – Bad Deal (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 187 (2005-03-10)
1. Unknown Artist – So Serene
2. Niklas Harding presents Arcane – Blue Circles
3. Radiohead – Where i end and you begin (Leama & Moor remix)
4. Andy Moor – Halcyon (Armind)
5. Ahmet Ertenu – Why (Derek Howell remix) (Nacent)
6. Matthew Dekay vs Prolucters – The Deep Show (Remy remix)
7. Chimera – In Deep (Aidan Lavelle remix) (Silver Planet)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mike Foyle vs Signalrunners – Love theme dusk
9. Tangled Universe – I miss You (Blackhole)
10. Activa – Release Me (Danjo & Rob Styles remix)
11. Matt Darey – Liberation (darey deeper mix) (Darey Products)
12. Kaste – Desert Eagle (Anjunabeats)
13. AYU – Appears (Kyau vs Albert remix) (Drizzly)
14. Jonas Steur – Castamara (Intuition)
15. Pulser – Point of Impact
16. Fred Baker vs Keyboard Kids – All of Us (Bobina rework)
17. Mojado – Senorita (Blackhole)
18. Manny Romero – Compadre (SVD remix) (Spinnin) with
19. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (edit)
20. Yahel feat. A Force – Behind Silence (Fundamental)
21. B&W – Mistaken
22. Eye Wall – Bad Deal
23. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Armind)
24. Signum – Back @ Ya (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 188 (2005-03-17)
1. Synergy – Hello Strings (Armind)
2. Unknown Artist – So Serene
3. D Fuse feat Jess – Living the dream (Matthew Dekay mix) (Skyline)
4. Hydriod – Incurved (Somatic Sense)
5. Mike Foyle vs Signalrunners – Love Theme Dusk (Mike’s broken record mix)
6. Tranquility Base – Getting Away (Leama & Moor remix) (Anjunabeats)
7. Ronski Speed – IC (Euphonic)
8. Thomas Datt – Alone (Inertia mix)
9. Castaneda – Oceanborn (Discover)
10. Fred Baker – La Part Des Anges (Armada)
11. Re:locate – Absoluum (Fundamental)
12. Arizona vs. Passiva – Halo (Danjo & Rob Styles mix) (Dedicated)
13. Tektonik – Shine (Platipus)
14. Classified Project – Starlight Chaser (Agnelli & Nelson mix) (Mondo/United)
15. Airbiscuit – Lately (Riley & Durrant mix)
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Purple Haze – Adrenaline (Spinnin)
17. Pulser – Square One (Thrillseekers mix) (ASOT)
18. Mojado – Senorita (magik muzik)
19. Manny Romero – Compadre (SVD mix) (Spinnin)
20. Fate Federation – Urbanoids (Blackhole)
A State of Trance Episode 189 (2005-03-24)
1. TDR – Smoked Out (Azuli)
2. Synergy – Hello Strings (Armind)
3. Elevation – Ocean Rain (ASOT)
4. Finor – Dilemma (Remy mix)
5. Roland Klinkenberg – Twilight (EE)
6. Ljungvist – People I Used to Know (Mike Foyle Remix)
7. D:Fuse feat Jes – Living the dream (Skyline)
8. Arizona vs. Passiva – Halo (Danjo & Rob Styles mix) (Dedicated)
9. Airbiscuit – Lately (Riley & Durrant mix)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Motorcycle – Around You (Armind)
11. Leon Bolier – Beyond
12. Deep Wide – Canyon (Monster Tunes)
13. Brian Cross – 4U
14. Tangled Universe – I miss You (Blackhole)
15. Kyamoto – Frosted (Foreign Force mix) (TRR)
16. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Tribal feel mix) (Armind)
17. Purple Haze – Adrenaline (Spinnin)
18. Hammer & Bennett – Language (Santiago Nino dub tech mix) (EE)
19. Signum – Back @ Ya (ASOT)
20. Tooth & Barn – Consideration (White)
A State of Trance Episode 190 (2005-03-31)
1. Walsh & Coutre featuring Holly – Burn (SOG)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Deep Dish – Say Hello (Yoshitoshi)
3. Mark Otten – So Serene (Armada)
4. Luminary – My World (Hydroid Remix)(Lost Language)
5. C-Quence – Endorphine
6. Mike Foyle vs Signalrunners – Love Theme Dusk (Mike’s Broken Record Mix)
7. Max Holod – Release Emotions (Adjusted)
8. First & Andre – Widescreen (Be Yourself)
9. Motorcycle – Around You
10. Fred Baker – La Part des Anges (ASOT)
11. Synergy – Hello Strings (Flash Brothers Remix)(Armind)
12. Armin van Buuren – Birth Of An Angel (Armind)
13. Goldenscan – Only With You (ASOT)
14. B&W – Mistaken (Fictivision Mix)
15. Yahel Feat. A-Force – Behind Silence (Fundamental)
16. Airbiscuit – Lately (Riley & Durrant Remix) (Zenith Cafe)
17. Purple Haze – Adrenalin (Spinnin)
18. Marco V – More Than A Life Away (Be Yourself)
19. Jellisimo & Tim J – My Way (White)
20. Tooth & Barn – Consideration (White)
21. Fire & Ice – Let There Be Light (Primer Remix) (Banshee)
A State of Trance Episode 191 (2005-04-07)
1. Split Second – Midnight Express (Cyber)
2. Walsh & Coutre feat. Holly – Burn (SOG)
3. Harry Lemon – Tiga (Harry’s Triple T mix) (Bandung)
4. Ava Mea – In the End (Santiago Nino vs Hydriod mix) (EE)
5. Hydriod – Pacifica (Somatic Sense)
6. Sublunar – Sanctuary (Antidote’s tech mix) (Banshee)
7. Arizona vs Passiva – Halo (Danjo & Rob Styles mix)(Dedicated)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4 Strings – Sunrise (Spinnin)
9. Electrovoya – Days like These (Fundamental)
10. Hemstock & Jennings – Babylon (Icone remix)
11. Ernesto & Bastian – Dark Side of The Moon (Dogzilla mix)(Be Yourself)
12. Motorcycle – Around You (Armind)
13. Tiesto – Adagio for Strings (Danjo & Rob Styles mix)
14. Crazy – Slip Friction (Mondo)
15. Signum – In Your Face (ASOT)
16. Van Gelder – Everywhere (Somatic Sense)
17. Brian Cross – 4 U (O.R.G.A.N. mix)
18. Matt Darey – Liberation (Deep dub)(Darey products)
19. Hammer & Bennett – Language (Santiano Nino dub tech mix)(Armada)
20. 64 bit – Virtual Discotech (Cosmic Gate mix)
21. Eye Wall – Bad Deal (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 192 (2005-04-14)
1. Unknown Artist – Don’t walk away (Cecily Rose mix)
2. Hydroid – What If (White)
3. Synergy – Hello Strings (Flash Brothers mix) (Armind)
4. Perry O Neil – Gravity (EE)
5. Oliver – Dagoba (Remy mix) (White)
6. Thomas Datt – Alone (RN intro edit) (Discover)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Hemstock & Jennings – Babylon (Icone mix) (CDR)
8. Fred Baker – La Part des Anges (Armada)
9. System F – Reaching your soul (Tsunami)
10. Goldenscan – Only with You (ASOT)
11. Ron van den Beuken – Sunset (Spinnin)
12. Mark Norman – Teardrops (Magik Muzik)
13. Mike Foyle vs Signalrunners – Love Theme Dusk (Armada)
14. Yanave – Amethyst (Deep Blue)
15. C-quence – Endorphine (White)
16. Solarium- Venice Under water (M.I.K.E. mix)(White)
17. Signum – Back @ Ya (ASOT)
18. Deep Wide – Canyon (Monster tunes)
19. Motorcycle – Around You (Armind)
20. Jellisimo & Tim J – My Way (White)
21. Super 8 vs DJ Tab – First Aid (Anjunabeats)
22. Tektonik – Shine (DBA mix) (Platipus)
23. Modena – Resonator (Dedicated)
A State of Trance Episode 193 (2005-04-21)
1. Mike Foyle vs the Signalrunners – Love Theme Dusk (Intro edit)(Armind)
2. Dario Nunez – Festen (D-Formation remix)
3. Perasma – Swing 2 Harmony (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (data)
4. Rachael Starr – Till there was you (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Spinnin)
5. Lucas & Beltram – Trust me (Ava mea remix) (Anjunabeats)
6. Digital Blues – Definition (Lange)
7. Perry O Neil – Myst (Hydroid & Santiago de Nino mix) (EE)
8. Mark Otten – So Serene (Armada)
9. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Hammer & Bennett) (Armind)
10. Marc Marberg – Guarana (Euphonic)
11. Apogee – Tribal Affair (ASOT)
12. Pulser – Point of Impact (Fractal Structure remix) (ASOT)
13. Jonas Steur – Castamara (Fundamental)
14. Lennox – Servants of Justice (Alex Morph remix) (mondo)
15. E-Craig – Call it a day 212 PM mix (Spinnin)
16. Ayana – Shimmer
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Thomas Bronswaer – Close Horizon (Dedicated)
18. Visior & Dark Moon – Hidden Sun (Mind One mix)
19. Manny Romero – Compadre (Spinnin)
20. B&W – Mistaken
21. Yahel & A-force – Behind Silence (Fundamental)
22. Ron van Den Beuken – Sunset (RvdB mix) (Spinnin)
23. Mark Norman – Teardrops (Magik Muzik)
24. Tiesto – Adagio for Strings (Fred Baker mix) (Magik muzik)
A State of Trance Episode 194 (2005-04-28)
1. Thomas Datt – Alone (RN Intro edit) (Discover)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Niklas Harding presents Arcane – Ice Beach (White)
3. Split Second – Midnight express (cyber records)
4. Binary Finary & Jose Amnesia pres Cloudbreak – Difference(Enhanced recordings)
5. Walsh & Coutre feat. Holly – Burn (SOG Chrome)
6. Perry O Neil – Gravity (Electronic Elements rec.)
7. Mike Foyle vs Signal Runners – Love Theme Dusk (Airbase pres. Parcremix)(Armind)
8. Matthew Dekay vs Prolucters – Bad (DK records)
9. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Red Light Dub) (Armind)
10. C-quence – Endorphine (Blackhole)
11. Filterheadz – Cartagena (White)
12. Clear & Present – Elevate (John O Callaghan remix) (ASOT)
13. Zirens – Utopia (Gavin Mitchell remix) (White)
14. Motorcycle – Around You (Armind)
15. Leon Bolier – Beyond (Blackhole)
16. JPL – A Place Called Home (Passiva remix) (ATCR)
17. Deep Voice – Alone Again (Adjusted)
18. Thomas Bronszwaer – Close horizon (Dedicated)
19. M.I.K.E. – Fuego Caliente (Club Elite)
20. Lennox – Servants of Justice (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Mondo)
21. Airbiscuit – Lately (Riley & Durrant remix) (Zenith Cafe)
22. Ron van den Beuken – Sunset (Original mix) (Spinnin)
23. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (white)
24. Ohm Boys – Atlantis (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Drizzly)
A State of Trance Episode 195 (2005-05-05)
1. Way Out West – Don’t forget Me (Way out west Dust Biter mix)(Distinctive)
2. Parham & Ilsoe – Raw Sequence (Vapour Rise)
3. Luminary – Wasting (Andy Moor remix) (Armada)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Niklas Harding presents Arcane – Ice Beach (White)
5. Perry O Neil – Myst (Hydroid & Santiago de Nino remix) (EE)
6. Mike Foyle Presents Statica vs Signal runners – Space Theme Dusk (Mash Upby Mike Foyle)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Icone – The Way Home (Afterglow)
8. Underwater – Water Planet (Sential)
9. Airbiscuit – Lately (Riley & Durrant dub) (Zenith Cafe)
10. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
11. Kyle Emerson – Break Out (M.I.K.E. remix) (Club Elite)
12. Scott Mac – Damager 02 (Mac Zimms remix)
13. Agnelli & Nelson – Shiver (White)
14. Misja Helsloot – Blue Monkey (Pierre Hiver remix) (Gesture)
15. Motorcycle – Around You (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Armind)
16. The Chamber – Inertia (Discover)
17. John O Callaghan – Stormy Clouds (Greg Downey remix) (Discover)
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity (Armind)
19. Clear & Present – Elevate (John O Callaghan remix)(ASOT)
20. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H.’s Red Light dub) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 196 (2005-05-12)
1. Max Graham feat. Jessica Jacobs – I Know you’re Gone (Intro mix)
2. Luminary – Wasting (Andy Moor mix) (Armada)
3. Sultan & Tonedepth – Please (mo-do records)
4. LNQ – People I Used to know (Mike Foyle remix) (Gesture)
5. Way Out West – Don’t Forget Me (Dust Biter mix) (Distinctive)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Eye Wall – Bad Deal (Remy & Roland Klinkenberg mix (White)
7. Underwater – Water Planet (Aerodrome mix) (Sentiel)
8. Signalrunners – Backfire (Activa mix) (Somatic Sense)
9. Agnelli & Nelson – Shivver (John O Callaghan remix) (Xtravaganza)
10. Marco V. – More than A Life Away (Be Yourself)
11. Lennox – Flying aroungst the stars (Airbase remix) (Mondo)
12. Naxos Project – Cold Fusion (Precision music)
13. The Chamber – Inertia (Discover)
14. Icone – The Way Home (Afterglow)
15. Mark Norman – Teardrops (Blackhole)
16. B&W – Mistaken vs. Yahel feat. A Force – Behind Silence (Bootleg)
17. Ron van Den Beuken – Sunset (RvdB mix) (Liquid)
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity (Armind)
19. Thomas Bronszwaer – Close Horizon (Yakuza)
20. Raul Cremona – Virus (TCR)
A State of Trance Episode 197 (2005-05-19)
1. Above & Beyond with Andy Moor – Air for Life (Anjunabeats)
2. Parham & Dominic Plaza – Once (Kasey Taylor & Chris meehan mix)(fokused)
3. Perry O Neil – Gravity (Electronic Elements)
4. Way Out West – Don’t Forget Me (Riley & Durrant remix) (Distinctive Paragliders – Infra Rouge (Mellow mix) (Joof)
5. Eye Wall – Bad Deal (Remy & Roland Klinkenberg remix) (White)
6. Exalted – Cavity (Somatic Sense)
7. Stan Void – Montavo (Somatic Sense)
8. Deep Wide – Canyon (Chemical)
9. JPL – A Place Called Home (Passiva’s 138 BPM mix) (ATCR)
10. Smith & Pledger – Northern Lights (Anjunabeats)
11. Jochen Miller – India (Miller dub) (Be Yourself)
12. Muzikman – Day After Tomorrow (Metropolis media)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Rank1 – TopGear (Be Yourself)
14. Agnelli & Nelson – Shivver (John O Callaghan remix) (Xtravaganza)
15. Pulser – Point of Impact (Fracture remix) (ASOT)
16. G.D. – Pukaar (Sassot mix) (Mondo)
17. The Chamber – Inertia (Discover)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity (Armind)
19. Fred Baker vs Greg Nash – The Jungle (White)
20. Underwater – Waterplanet
A State of Trance Episode 198 (2005-05-26)
1. Niklas harding & Tyu – Butterfly Effect (Lucas & Beltram remix) (Varian)
2. Matthew Dekay – Digifruitella (White)
3. Niklas Harding presents Arcane – Blue Circles (Coldharbour)
4. Luminary – Wasting (Andy Moor remix) (Armada)
5. Steve Porter – 1990 (Max Graham club mix) (White)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Markus Schulz feat. Departure – Without you nearGabriel & Dresden remix) (Coldharbour)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Above & Beyond with Andy Moor – Air for Life(Anjunabeats)
8. Eye Wall – Bad Deal (Remy & Roland Klinkenberg remix) (CaptivatingSounds)
9. Jonas Steur – Silent Waves (Intuition)
10. Interstate – Remember Me (White)
11. Rank1 – Opus 17 (Be Yourself)
12. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – New Harvest (White)
13. Muzikman – Day After Tomorrow (Metropolis media)
14. Lennox – Flying Amoungst the stars (Airbase remix) (Mondo)
15. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
16. Out of the past – Mystery (Fred Baker vs. Vincent Gozack mix) (White)
17. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity (Signum remix) (Armind)
18. Rank1 – TopGear (Be Yourself)
19. Marco V – More than a Life Away (JoyT suko dub)
20. John O Callaghan – Stormy Clouds (Greg Downey remix) (Discover)
A State of Trance Episode 199 (2005-06-02)
1. Tilt – New Day (Boom Jinx Break mix) (Lost Language)
2. Way Out West – Don’t forget Me (Dustbiter remix) (Distinctive)
3. Gareth Emery & Jon O Bir – Bouncebackability (Five AM)
4. Niklas Harding pres. Arcane – Ice Beach (Cold Harbour)
5. Opticane – Valley Cruiser (White)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Menno De Jong – Tundra (Fierce Dub) (Intuition/Fundamental)
7. Above & Beyond with Andy Moor – Air for Life (Anjunabeats)
8. Exalted – Cavity (Somatic Sense)
9. Markus Schulz ft. Departure – Without you Near (Gabriel & Dresdenremix)(Coldharbour)
10. SolarStone – Release (Zehavi & Rand remix) (Deep Blue)
11. Sayla – Majestic (Arizona vs Passiva remix) (Dedicated)
12. Alex Gold – Back from A Break (Better Days) (Xtravaganza)
13. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity (Signum remix) (Armind)
14. Ton TB – Static Bullit (Blackhole)
15. Sami S – Oasis (Chemical records)
16. Jochen Miller – India (Miller dub) (Be Yourself)
17. Sunblind – Believe (Arc in the Sky dub) (Chemical records)
18. Abel Ramos – Aquarius (Dj Spoke remix) (PSR)
19. Rank1 – TopGear (Be Yourself)
20. Ozgur Can – Changed (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Organised Nature)
21. Kenny Hayes – Daybreaker (Signum instrumental) (Turbulence)
A State of Trance Episode 200 (2005-06-09)
01. Dead Can Dance - The Host Of Seraphim (Intro) (02:14)
02. Andain - Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Unplugged Mix) (02:11)
03. NUFrequency - 808 (Dub Mix) (00:59)
04. Perasma - Swing2Harmony (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) (01:42)
05. Tilt - The World Doesn't Know (01:13)
06. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Gabriel & Dresden Sweeping Strings Remix) (02:54)
07. Mike Foyle & Signalrunners - Love Theme Dusk (Mike's Broken Record Mix) (01:01)
08. Max Graham feat. Jessica Riddle - I Know You're Gone (05:10)
09. Andy Moor & Adam White pres. Whiteroom - The Whiteroom (03:06)
10. The Cranberries - Shattered (Arctic Quest Bootleg Mix) (01:54)
11. Way Out West feat. Tricia Lee Kelshall - Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden Club Mix) (02:08)
12. Solar Stone - Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren Remix) (01:55)
13. Airbiscuit - Lately (Riley & Durrant Mix) (02:25)
14. Scott Bond & Solar Stone - 3rd Earth [Tune Of The Week] (02:27)
15. Lost Tribe - Gamemaster (02:55)
16. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson - Yet Another Day (03:02)
17. Paul van Dyk feat. Second Sun - Crush (03:24)
18. Humate - Love Stimulation (Love Mix by Paul van Dyk) (01:18)
19. Ridgewalkers feat. El - Find (Andy Moor Remix) (01:55)
20. David West & Inkfish pres. Synergy - Hello Strings (02:01)
21. Ralphie B - Massive (02:09)
22. The Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia (En-Motion Mix 2004 Edit) (01:25)
23. Gouryella - Tenshi (03:20)
24. Solid Globe - Sahara (00:49)
25. Sarah McLachlan - Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti-Gravity Mix) (01:49)
26. Bossanova - Stonecold (Afterburn Remix) (01:39)
27. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Darkside Of The Moon (01:11)
28. Kyau vs. Albert - Made Of Sun (KvA Hard Dub) (01:11)
29. OceanLab - Satellite (Above & Beyond Remix) (02:21)
30. Tranquility Base - Razorfish (Above & Beyond Bangin' Mix) (02:08)
31. Whirlpool - Under The Sun (Solar Stone Remix) (01:24)
32. As One - Forever Waiting (01:38)
33. 8 Wonders - The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Mix) (01:52)
34. Plastic Boy - Silver Bath (01:52)
35. Kyau vs. Albert - Velvet Morning (Aalto Remix) (00:57)
36. GTR - Mistral (03:15)
37. EnMass - CQ (Seek You) (02:05)
38. Midway - Monkey Forest (01:45)
39. Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (DJ Tiesto Remix) (03:43)
40. iiO - Rapture (Armin van Buuren Remix) (02:05)
41. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With Desire (Rising Star Remix) (02:20)
42. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost - Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs. Albert Remix) (02:05)
43. 4 Strings - Diving (Hiver & Hammer Remix) (01:05)
44. DJ Tiesto - Flight 643 (01:41)
45. Yahel & A-Force - Behind Silence (00:42)
46. Active Sight - The Search For Freedom (03:01)
47. Above & Beyond - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Vocal Mix) (02:33)
48. Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar (Marco V Remix) (02:48)
49. Jonas Steur - Castamara (02:33)
50. Pulser - My Religion (02:20)
51. Paul van Dyk feat. Hemstock & Jennings - Nothing But You (Club Mix) (01:23)
52. Randy Katana - In Silence (Txitxarro Remix) (02:06)
53. Signum - The Timelord (03:15)
54. St. John vs. Locust - Mind Circles (01:37)
55. Armin van Buuren - Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Red Light Dub) (03:01)
56. OceanLab - Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten Remix) (02:48)
57. Gaia - 4 Elements (Extended Mix) (03:29)
58. Grace Jones - Slave To The Rhythm (Acappella) (Outro) (00:28)
A State of Trance Episode 201 (16-06-2005)
1. Chable & the Dirty Fours – Tokyo (Chable’s Yellow remix) (Trojan)
2. Petibonum – Little Planet (Captivating Sounds)
3. Alex Stealthy – Able to Forget (White)
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo (Armind)
5. Leon Bolier – Back in the Days (White)
6. Sayla – Majestic (Arizona & Passiva remix) (Dedicated)
7. Matti Kotala – Aedena (Octagen remix) (white)
8. Ferry Corsten vs the Thrillseekers – Sublime (Tsunami)
9. EnMass – Chunky Monkey (ASOT)
10. Mr. Sam – Lyteo (Rank 1 remix) (Blackhole)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Randy Katana – Pleasure Island (dub) (Spinnin)
12. Menno de Jong – Tundra (Fierce dub) (Intuition)
13. Above & Beyond vs Andy Moor – Air for life (Airwave remix) (Anjunabeats)
14. M.I.K.E. – Fuego Caliente (Dimitri Andreas remix) (club Elite)
15. Orkan – Shibuya (Got drums? mix) (Gesture)
16. A Force – Atomic Outbreak (Kimo Lopez dub) (Fundamental)
17. Sander van Doorn – A.K.A. (Spinnin)
18. Signum – Back@ya (ASOT)
19. Rank 1 – Opus 17 (Be Yourself)
20. RR Workshop – Solar Flare (Electronic Elements)
21. Markus Schulz feat. Departure – Without you near (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Coldharbour)
A State of Trance Episode 202 (23-06-2005)
1. Paul van Dyk feat. Wayne Jackson The Other Side (Deep Dish remix)(Positiva)
2. Mark Otten – So Serene (Armada)
3. Deepsky feat. Jess – Ghost (Filo & Peri remix) (White)
4. Cjay vs Mick Wilson – Darkism (Cyber records)
5. Perry O Neil – Numb (White)
6. RR Workshop – Electrolux (Electronic Elements)
7. Deep Dish – Say hello (Paul van Dyk remix) (Positiva)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren vs. Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo(Armind)
9. Mark Thornton – Now You See (Ross Assenheim remix) (ATCR)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lolo – Who Are You (Elemental original) (Banshee)
11. Markus Schulz feat. Departure – Without you near (Accapella)(Coldharbour)
12. Dallas Superstars vs. Orkidea – Revolution (White)
13. EnMass – Chunky Monkey (ASOT)
14. PG2 – Forum of Love (Danjo & Rob Styles mix) (TCR)
15. Absolute – X factor (ASOT)
16. Leon Bolier – Back in the days (Armada)
17. Stenna – Skyline (Arizona remix) (Flux delux)
18. Sayla – Majestic (Arizona vs Passiva remix) (Dedicated)
19. Dreas vs Enrapture – Genesis (Genix remix) (TRR)
20. Tzooki – Conflictions (M.A.N.U. remix) (White)
21. Mr. Sam – Lyteo (Rank 1 remix) (Magik Muzik)
22. Randy Katana – Pleasure Island (dub) (Spinnin)
23. Daniel B – Gods keyboard (Coldware Cold remix) (White)
24. Photon Decay – Aura (Climax 69 remix) (Paradox)
25. Sander van Doorn – A.K.A. (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 203 (30-06-2005)
1. Deepsky feat. Jess – Ghost (original) vs. Eighties (Mash up)
2. Airwave vs Rising Star – Sunspot 2005 (Banshee)
3. Funabashi – Daylight (Coldharbour)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Eluna – Severance (Markus Schulz & Elevation remix)(Enhanced)
5. Alex Stealthy – Able to Forget (white)
6. Paul van Dyk – The Other Side (Deep Dish remix) (Positiva)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dreas vs. Enrapture – Genesis (Genix remix)(TRR)
8. FB feat. Edun – Who’s knocking (Ferry’s fix) (White)
9. Lolo – Who are you (Banshee)
10. Above & Beyond vs Andy Moor – Air for Life (Mirco de Govia) (Euphonic)
11. Kenny Hayes – Ibiza Sky (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Somatic Sense)
12. Greg Downey – Cued Recall (Discover)
13. Carbon feat. Ely – Shelter me (Soren Weile dub) (white)
14. Armaz – Angels & Demons (Carl B mix) (Somatic Sense)
15. DJ RV vs Odyssee – Sleepless (White)
16. Acues & Elitist – Zonderland (8 Wonders Mirage @ Dusk mix) (SomaticSense)
17. Sonicvibe – Desert Island (Somatic Sense)
18. PG2 – Forum of Love (Danjo & Rob Styles mix) (TCR)
19. Mark Thornton – Now You See (Ross Assenheim remix) (ATCR)
20. Fred Baker & Vincent Gorczak – Little Star (ASOT)
21. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 204 (07-07-2005)
1. Joni – Things I would never tell you (Connected)
2. Luminary – Wasting (Andy Moor remix) (Soundpiercing)
3. Eluna – Severance (Markus Schulz & Elevation remix) (Enhanced
4. Niklas Harding & Tyu – Butterfly Effect (Lucas & Beltram remix) (varian)
5. Elles – Show you my world (Jonas Steur remix) (Fundamental)
6. PG2 – Forum of Love (Danjo & Styles remix) (TCR)Goldrush – Early Days (White)
7. Jones & Stephenson – First Rebirth (Danjo, Styles vs. primer mix)(Banshee)
8. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – New Harvest (White)
9. Syndica – Blush (Connected)
10. Menno de Jong – Tundra (Fierce dub) (Intuition)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armaz – Angels & Demons (Carl B remix) (somatic sense)
12. Ronski Speed & Sebastian sand – Sole Survivor (Ronski speed remix)(euphonic)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: TBA – S.O.S. (Spinnin)
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Mic Burns – Empty State (Armind)
15. FB feat. Edun – Who’s Knocking (Ferry’s fix)(Flashover)
16. Fred Baker & Vincent Gorczak – La part des Anges (Siberian sun remix)(ASOT)
17. Arizona – Labyrinth (Dedicated)
18. Kyle Emerson – Break Out (M.I.K.E. remix) (Club Elite)
19. Out of the Past – Mystery (Fred Baker vs. Vincent Gorczak remix) (White)
20. Agnelli & Nelson – Shiver (Xtravaganza)
A State of Trance Episode 205 (14-07-2005)
1. Holden & Thompson – Come to me (Loaded)
2. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
3. David West feat. Andreas Hermansson – Larry Mountains 54 (Anjunabeats)
4. Armin van Buuren with Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo (Armind)
5. Errol & Essex – The Second Day (Perry O Neil mix)
6. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea mix)
7. Three Drives – 101 interstate (Massive Drive/Midtown)
8. Inbox – Freelancer (Blackhole)
9. Ethan – In My Heart (A.Reyes remix)
10. Mark Norman – T34 (Blackhole)
11. John O Callaghan – Stormy Clouds (Greg Downey remix) (Discover)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Duderstadt – Mahananda (Afterglow)
13. TBA – S.O.S. (Spinnin)
14. Dreas vs Enrapture – Genesis (Genix remix) (TRR)
15. Leon Bolier – Back in the days
16. Agnelli & Nelson – Shivver (Xtravaganza)
17. Iguana – Beautiful Sunshine
18. Carbon feat. Ely – Shelter me (Soren Weile dub)
19. Armaz – Angels & Demons (Carl B remix) (Somatic Sense)
20. Sander van Doorn – AKA (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 206 (21-07-2005)
1. Manipura – Slitz
2. Espen & Stian – Risifrutti
3. Verny – Crayon City
4. Way Out West – Killa (DJ Orkidea remix)
5. Queen – We Will Rock you (Shane 54 bootleg remix)
6. Andrew Bennett – Menar
7. Flash Brothers – Faith in Love (John 00 Fleming remix) (Mondo)
8. Andy Moor – Halcyon (Alex M.O.R.P.H.) (Armind)
9. Ronski Speed & Sebastian sand – Sole Survivor (Ronski Speed remix) (Euphonic)
10. Acues & Elitist – Zonderland (8 Wonders Mirage @ Dusk remix) (Somatic Sense)
11. Epos – Vivagio (Danjo & Styles remix) (Tsushima UK)
12. Kenny Hayes – Ibiza Sky (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Somatic Sense)
13. ATB – Humanity (Rank 1 remix) (Kontor)
14. TBA – S.O.S. (Spinnin)
15. Jams Brothers – Wallpaint
16. PG 2 – Unknown title
17. U2 – Blinding lights (4 strings remix) (Spinnin)
18. Out of the past – Mystery (Armada)
19. Dallas Superstars vs Orikidea – Revolution
20. EnMass – Chunky Monkey (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 207 (28-07-2005)
1. Petter – These Days (Chable remix) (Trojan)
2. Max Graham – Talk (White)
3. Nalin & Kane – Open Your Eyes (Markus Schulz Elevation remix) (Armada)
4. Gabriel & Dresden – Dubhorizon (White)
5. Deepsky feat. Jess – Ghost (Album version)
6. Airwave vs Rising Star – Sunspot 2005 (Banshee)
7. Nick Thompson & Spekuless – Deep Level Lines (White)
8. Coldplay – White Shadows (Preach bootleg remix)
9. Angel Style – Oceancream
10. Duderstadt – Mahananda (Afterglow)
11. Goldenscan – Only with You (ASOT)
12. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea remix)
13. Andy Moor – Halcyon (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Armind)
14. Goldrush – The Woods
15. Daniel B – Gods keyboard (Coldware cold remix)
16. TBA – S.O.S. (Spinnin)
17. Paul van Dyk – The Other Side (Martin Roth remix) (Vandit)
18. Armin van Buuren – Sail (Armind)
19. Armaz – Angels & Demons (Carl B remix) (Somatic Sense)
20. Stenna – Skyline (Arizona remix)
21. John Askew vs John O Callaghan – Game Over
A State of Trance Episode 208 (04-08-2005)
1. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H Dub Mix) (Armind)
2. Inertia – The Chamber (Original Mix) (Discover)
3. Oliver Lieb – Netherworld 2005 (Oliver Prime Remix) (Joof)
4. Radiohead – Street Spirit (Tiesto Remix)
5. Paul Van Dyk featuring Wayne Jackson – The Other Side (Deep Dish Other Than This Side Remix) (Vandit)
6. Markus Schulz featuring Departure – Without You Near (Gabriel & Dresden remix)(coldharbour)
7. Purple Haze – Adrenaline (Spinnin)
8. Marc Marberg – Guarana (euphonic)
9. Mr Sam – Lyteo (Rank 1 Remix) (Blackhole)
10. Duderstadt – Mahananda (Original Mix) (Afterglow)
11. Armin van Buuren – Communication Part 3
12. Out Of The Past – Mystery (Fred Baker vs Vincent Gozack Remix) (Armada)
13. Tiesto – Ancient History (Blackhole)
14. Hammer & Bennett – Language (Santiago Nino Dub Tech Mix) (Coldharbour)
15. Sander van Doorn – Bling Bling (SVD Remix) (Spinnin)
16. Thomas Bronzwaer – Close Horizon (Yakuza)
17. Ridgewalkers featuring El – Find (Kyau vs Albert Remix) (Armada)
18. Scott Mac – Damager 02 (Mac Zimms Remix) (Nebula)
19. Mac Zimms – Kenetic (Spinnin)
20. Lili Hayden – Anything (Gabriel & Dresden E-String Dub)
21. Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (Three ‘n One Remix) (Hooj)
22. Randy Katana – One Solid Wave (Original Mix) (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 209 (11-08-2005)
1. BCML – Mr. Horowitz (Way Out West Remix)
2. Max Graham vs. Coldplay – Talk (CDR)
3. Solar Stone feat. Jes – Like A Waterfall (Deep Blue)
4. Carrie Skipper – Time goes by (Super8 deep remix) (Anjunabeats)
5. Corydalics – After Sun (Novascape)
6. Headstrong feat. Tiff Lacey – Close Your Eyes (Dwight van Mann aka Andy Moor remix) (Darey products)
7. Dogzilla – Without You (dub & vocal)
8. Alex Stealhy – Able To Forget
9. Andrew Bennett – Menar
10. Marksun & Brian – Neno – Itome (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Euphonic)
11. Aly & Fila – Thebes (Mark Eteson remix)
12. Epos – Vivagio (Danjo & Rob Styles remix)
13. Marcos – Ad Infinitum
14. Emjay – MSM (Mac Zimms remix) (Perfecto)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Randy Katana – Play it Louder (Spinnin)
16. Armin van Buuren – Control Freak (Armind)
17. Bart Claessen – Playmo (1st play) (Yakuza)
18. Armin van Buuren – Sail (Armind)
19. Jan Loper – I can’t stop (Dynamic Sense remix)
20. AngelStyle – Insider (Elevation recordings)
21. TDR – Squelch (Sander van Doorn remix) (Spinnin)
22. T.B.A. – S.O.S. (Festival re-edit) (spinnin)
23. The Bloodhound Gang – Foxtrot Charlie (M.I.K.E. remix)
A State of Trance Episode 210 (17-08-2005)
1. Beach Boys Booty (Nick Warren)
2. Deepsky feat. Jes – Ghost (Filo & Peri remix)
3. Faithless – Insomnia (Sasha BA remix) (Cheeky)
4. Dave Lambert – Yeah (Mostiko)
5. Solar Stone feat. Jes – Like A Waterfall (Deep Blue)
6. Armin van Buuren with Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo (Armind)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kuffdam & Plant – Summer Dream (Paul van Dyk remix)(Vandit)
8. Nautical Imagery – Distant Dreams (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix)(enhanced)
9. Thrillseekers – By Your Side (Adjusted)
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Mic Burns – Empty State (Armada)
11. Dogzilla – Without You (dub)
12. Way Out West – Killa (DJ orkidea remix)
13. Andy Moor – Halcyon (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Armind)
14. Jan Loper – I can’t stop (Dynamic Sense remix) (FTM)
15. Solid Globe vs. Nickelson – Crystal Water (Fundamental)
16. PG2 – Unknown title (promo)
17. Filo & Peri – Closer now (Mike Shiver remix) (Empire State)
18. EnMass – Chunky Monkey (ASOT)
19. Will Holland – Timeless (Deep Wide remix) (Enhanced)
20. Orkidea – Beautiful (Alt+F4 remix)
21. Absolute – Xfactor (ASOT)
22. C-quence – Endorphine (Arizona remix)
23. Goldrush – Early Days
24. Randy Katana – Play it Louder (spinnin)
25. Bart Claessen – Playmo (1st play) (Yakuza)
26. Jose Amnesia – Second Day (Martin Roth) (Vandit)
27. TDR – Squelch (Sander van Doorn remix)
A State of Trance Episode 211 (25-08-2005)
1. York – the Awakening (DJ Shah remix)
2. Hawk – Need for Cognition (Anjunabeats)
3. Marco V. – Second Byte (D-formations Third byte) (Be Yourself)
4. BCML – Horowitz (Way Out West remix) (Silver Planet)
5. Hide & Seek – Imogen Heap (Enmass remix)
6. Nautical Imagery – Distant Dreams (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Enhanced)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Shah meets Jan Johnston – Beautiful (Glimpse of heaven) (long island dub)
8. Will Holland – Timeless (Deep Wide remix)
9. DJ Precision & Terry Bones – Another Situation (Somatic Sense)
10. Haylon – Starfighter (ETCR)
11. Orkidea – Beautiful (Alt+F4 remix)
12. PG 2 – Forum of Love (Danjo & Styles remix) (TCR)
13. Kuffdam & Plant – Summer Dream (Stoneface & Terminal remix)(Monster)
14. Sugartape – Summerdaze (F&W instrumental)
15. Grenz & Fillmore – Waterworld (Monster)
16. Bart Claessen – Playmo (1 st play)(united)
17. Ronald van Gelderen – filth (Be Yourself)
18. Octagen & M.I.D.O.R. – fly Back (Fundamental)
19. tba – Do it again (Ron van Den Beuken remix) (Spinnin)
20. C-quence – Endorphine (Arizona remix) (Armada)
21. Randy Katana – Play it Louder (Spinnin)
22. Goldrush – Early Days (Airmass Music)
23. Santiago Nino & Bebop – Strange Candy (dub tech mix)
24. TDR – Squelch (Sander van Doorn remix) (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 212 (01-09-2005)
1. Deepsky feat Jes – Ghost (Album version) vs. Yilmaz Althanan – Eighties
2. Nalin & Kane – Open Your Eyes (Markus Schulz Elevation remix)
3. Bakke & Ljungvist – Bali
4. Armin van Buuren with Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo vs. Coldplay – Fix (Bootleg)
5. Sonicvibe presents Earthspirit – Sky Mountains
6. Kuffdam & Plant – Summerdream (Whiteroom remix) (Vandit/Monster)
7. DJ Shah meets Jan Johnston – Beautiful (Glimpse of Heaven)(dub)
8. Haylon – Starfighter (Jonas Steur remix) (ATCR)
9. DJ Precision & Terry Bones – Another Situation (Somatic Sense)
10. Kamil Polner – Heart of Sun
11. C-Quence – Final Thoughts
12. Factoria – Kissed by An Angel (Arksun remix)
13. Marcos – Ad Infinitum (White)
14. The Thrillseekers feat. Gina Dootson – By Your Side (Adjusted)
15. Hemstock & Jennings – Babylon (Icone remix) (Armada)
16. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
17. Nautical Imagery – Distant Dreams (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix)(Enhanced)
18. Marco V. – Second Byte (Alex T remix) (Be Yourself/In Charge)
19. Angelstyle – Insider
20. Gleave – Lights Out (Detox)
A State of Trance Episode 213 (08-09-2005)
1. Adam White Presents Angel Dust – Chimera
2. Perry O Neil – Numb (Electronic Elements)
3. Deepsky feat. Jess – Ghost vs. Yilmaz Althanan – Eighties (Avb mash up)
4. Mode Hookers – Breathe (Instrumental)
5. Sam Perez & Dariush – Across The Ocean (Yoshitoshi)
6. Ferry Corsten feat. Simon Le Bon – Fire (Flashover remix) (Flashover recordings)
7. Ija – You are Here (Lange recordings)
8. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly – Tracking Treasure Down (Organised Nature)
9. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Dj Tatana remix) (sirup)
10. Marcel Woods – Advanced (Be Yourself)
11. John Marks – Do it again (Ron van den Beuken remix) (Spinnin)
12. Adam Selim – Stigmata (Mays remix) (dark noise recordings)
13. Interstate – Remember Me (Terry Bones remix)
14. Bart Claessen – Playmo (1 st play) (Yakuza)
15. Deep Care – We accepted
16. Will Holland – Timeless (Deep wide remix) (Enhanced Recordings)
17. Carlo Resoort – Rise (Spinnin)
18. Kuffdam & Plant – Summerdream (Paul van Dyk remix) (Vandit)
19. Factoria – kissed by an angel (Arksun remix)
20. Motorcycle – My Blue Heart (Gabriel & Dresden Chocolate Poptart dub)(Organised Nature)
A State of Trance Episode 214 (15-09-2005)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: M.I.D.O.R. vs Linn – Breathings (Prgz mix) (Kyr)
2. Perry O Neil – Switched (EE)
3. Alex Arestegui – Proem (Mike Shiver remix) (MPFS records)
4. Kamil Polner – Heart of Sun
5. U2 – Where the streets have no name (Nu NRG instrumental)
6. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly – Tracking Treasure Down (Organised Nature)
7. Interstate – Remember Me (Terry Bones mix)
8. Armaz – Angels & Demons (Carl B remix) (Somatic Sense)
9. M.I.K.E. – Strange World (Spectrum remix) (Club Elite)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ferry Corsten feat. Simon Le Bon – Fire (Flashover remix) (Flashover recordings)
11. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
12. Peaktwins – Dreamer (Alt+F4 remix) (Drizzly)
13. Mark Sherry vs David Forbes – Fractured
14. Tiesto – UR (Junkie XL Air Guitar mix) (Nebula)
15. Fred Baker vs Greg Nash – Back from Amazonia (2 play)
16. Kuffdam & Plant – Summerdream (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Monster)
17. Sugartape – Summerdaze (F&W instrumental)
18. TBA – We rock together (Ecraig remix)
19. Markus Schulz feat. Departure with Gabriel & Dresden – Without you near (Coldharbour)
A State of Trance Episode 215 (22-09-2005)
1. Kalafut and Fygle – Novocaine (Mark Otten remix)
2. Kosmas Epsilon – Innocent Thoughts
3. Bakke & Ljungvist – Bali
4. M.I.D.O.R. vs Linn – Breathe (prgz mix) (Kyr)
5. Coldplay – White Shadows (Gabriel & Dresden bootleg)
6. Mode Hookers – Instrumental (Electronica France)
7. Tiesto – UR (Junkie XL Air Guitar remix) (Nebula)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ralph Barendse & Sander van Dien present First State – Sacred
9. Will Holland – Timeless (Deep Wide remix) (Enhanced)
10. Adam Selum – Stigmata (Mays remix) (Dark Noise recordings)
11. Aalto – Resolution (Anjunabeats)
12. Thrillseekers – By Your Side (Adjusted)
13. Zirenz – Tears of An Angel (Hemstock & Jennings remix)
14. U2 – Where the Streets have no name (John O Callaghan remix)
15. Adam White presents Angel Dust – Chimera
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kamil Polner – Heart of Sun
17. T.B.A. – Quotations (Spinnin)
18. Marco V. – False Light (In Charge/Be Yourself)
19. Deep Voices – A New Beginning (Astuni & Le Saux remix)
20. Interstate – Remember Me (Terry Bones remix)
A State of Trance Episode 216 (29-09-2005)
1. Roland Klinkenberg – Ignite
2. Andrew Bennett – Menar
3. M.I.D.O.R. – Magnetic (Humanize EP)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kalafut & Fygle – Novocaine (Mark Otten remix)
5. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea vs. Dallas Superstars remix)
6. Marco V. – False Light (In Charge recordings)
7. Galen Behr – Time will Tell (United)
8. Adam White presents Angel Dust – Chimera
9. Agnelli & Nelson – Everyday (John O Callaghan re-edit)
10. Wirefly – The Verdict (Octagen’s Revision)
11. Sam Sharp – Hoover (Spinnin)
12. U2 – Where the streets have no name (Nu-NRG remix) (Vandit)
13. Kamil Polner – Heart of Sun (Armada)
14. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Drax & Scott Mac – Must have been a dream (Mac Zimms Trance mix) (ETCR)
15. First State – Sacred (Blackhole)
16. Mike Koglin vs Jono Grant – Sequential (Anjunabeats)
17. Niklas Harding presents Blackout – Shadows (Spinnin)
18. Clokx – Tibet (Vocal dub) (Spinnin)
19. Sensorica – Sensation (CDR)
20. Donna Summer – I feel loved (Public Domain 05 remake)
A State of Trance Episode 217 (06-10-2005)
1. C-Quence – Endorphine (Hydroid’s Breaking The Law Remix)
2. Alex Stealthy – Permanent
3. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
4. Mike Koglin – 1:168 (Pulser Remix)
5. M.I.D.O.R. – Magnetic (Five AM)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mark Norman – Touchdown (Blackhole)
7. Dan Reaves & Niels von Ahorn – Activity (CDR)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Wirefly – The Verdict (Octagen Remix)
9. DJ Shah feat Jan Johnston – Beautiful (Glimpse of Heaven) (Long Island Dub)
10. Scott Mac – Must Have Been A Dream (Mac Zimms Trance mix)
11. DJ Precision & Terry Bones – Another Situation
12. Goldrush – Days like this
13. Mike Koglin vs Jono Grant – Sequential
14. Galen Behr – Time will tell (United)
15. Marco V. – False Light (In Charge)
16. M.I.K.E. – Strange World (Spectrum remix) (Club Elite)
17. Deep Voices – A New Beginning (Astuni & Le Saux remix)
18. Kuffdam & Plant – Skyline (Ian Betts remix)
19. Armin van Buuren – Sail
A State of Trance Episode 218 (13-10-2005)
1. PQM – Over the Edge (Andrew Bennett remix)
2. Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno de Jong’s Heading South club mix) (Armada)
3. MDK – Clearing my mind (16 bit lolita remix)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: C-quence – Endorphine (Hydroid’s Breaking the law remix)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sold Out vs Nova – Maybe Tomorrow (Nova remix) (Banshee)
6. Northern Comfort – Dont Look Back (Genix Remix) (TR recordings)
7. Mark Norman – Touchdown (Blackhole)
8. M.I.D.O.R. – Magnetic (Five AM)
9. Primer – Morgana (Banshee)
10. Deep Voices – A new Beginning (Astuni & Le Saux remix)
11. Unknown Artist – Unknown title (White)
12. Nalin & Kane – Open your eyes (Markus Schulz Elevation remix)
13. Adam White presents Angel Dust – Chimera
14. Adam Selim – Stigmata (Original mix)
15. Sam Sharp – Craft (Spinnin)
16. Angelli & Nelson – Everyday (John O callghan re-edit)
17. Allure – the love we lost
18. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly – Tracking Treasure down
A State of Trance Episode 219 (20-10-2005)
1. Ramsay – Shake that Thang (Max Graham remix) (Shine)
2. Sold Out vs Nova – Maybe tomorrow (Nova remix) (Banshee)
3. Tilt – New Day (David West remix) (Lost Language)
4. PQM – Over the Edge (Andrew Bennett remix)
5. Perry O Neil – Switched (EE)
6. Marco V. – No Place for Silence (In Charge)
7. Maor Levi – Lital (Rouzbeh Delavari remix) (Anjuna deep)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno de Jong Fierce dub) (Armada)
9. Carrie Skipper – Time goes by (Super 8 Banging mix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal – Incognition (euphonic)
11. Martin Roth – Shockwaves (Techno Punk remix) (Lunatique)
12. Odyssee – Behind The Falls (Joof)
13. Primer – Skywalker (Banshee)
14. C-Quence – Arrogance
15. Ferry Corsten feat. Simon Le Bon – Fire (Ron van den Beuken remix) (Positiva)
16. Mark Norman – Touch Down (Blackhole)
17. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – New Harvest (Mike Shivers Catching sun dub) (Fenology)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly – Tracking Treasure Down (Organized nature)
19. Bart Claessen – Playmore Booty vs Reflekt – Need to feel loved
A State of Trance Episode 220 (27-10-2005)
1. Chris Walsh & Jeremy Coutre – Done With Love (4-4 dub) (SOG Chrome
2. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali – Who’s Watching (Remy remix) (Armind)
3. Sold Out vs Nova – Maybe Tomorrow (Nova remix) (Banshee)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno de Jong Fierce dub) (Armind)
5. Elevation – Ocean Rain (Robert Nickson remix) (ASOT)
6. Cressida – Slightly Agravic
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Airbase – Escape (Intuition)
8. Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal – Incognition (Euphonic)
9. John O Callaghan – Chameleon (Red mix) (Discover)
10. Dogzilla – Without you (Ronald van Gelderen remix) (Be Yourself)
11. Marco V. – False Light (In Charge)
12. Signum – What Ya Got for me (Intro mix) (ASOT)
13. Niklas Harding & Redshift – Pagod (Leon Bolier remix)
14. Kuffdam & Plant – Dream Makers (Vandit)
15. Interstate – Remember Me (Terry Bones remix) (Armind)
16. M.I.K.E. – Voices From the Inside (from the album ‘the perfect blend’) (Club Elite)
17. Allure – The Love we Lost (Blackhole)
18. Martin Roth – Shockwaves (Techno Punk remix)
19. Galen Behr & Robert Burns – Till we meet Again (Robert Burns remix) (United)
20. Bloodhound Gang – Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss (Push Trancedental remix)
A State of Trance Episode 221 (03-11-2005)
1. Niyaz – Dilruba (Junkie XL remix)
2. Luminary – Amsterdam (Original) (Anjunabeats)
3. Eric Prydz – The Gift (Pryda)
4. Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno de Jong Fierce dub)
5. Blank & Jones – Revealed (trance mix) (Spinnin)
6. Elevation – Ocean Rain (Robert Nickson remix) (ASOT)
7. Iguana – Beautiful Sunshine (Stoneface & terminal remix) (Monster tunes)
8. Galen Behr – Time will tell (United)
9. Purple Haze – Eden (Spinnin)
10. BigTop – Tidal (Organized Nature)
11. Allure – The Love We Lost (Blackhole)
12. Airbase – Escape (Intuition)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sunny Lax – PUMA (Anjunabeats)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kuffdam & Plant – Dream Makers (Vandit)
15. Re:Locate – Remorse (Fundamental)
16. Goldrush – Days Like This
17. Cressida – Slightly Agravic (Sassot remix)
18. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea vs Dallas Superstars remix) (Lost Language)
19. Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal – Incognition (Euphonic)
A State of Trance Episode 222 (10-11-2005)
1. Junkie XL – Today (Unkle mix 1) (CNR)
2. James Holden – A Break in the clouds (The Lamb Chops Whadday remix)
3. Mode Hookers – Instrumental (Sander Van Doorn remix) (Armind)
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali – Who’s Watching (Tonedepth remix) (Armind)
5. Frost & Maron – Mute Your Mind (Flashover)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Selu Vibra – Stargazing (Somatic Sense)
7. Goldenscan – Halcyon (ASOT)
8. Solar Stone – Eastern Sea (First State remix) (Deep Blue)
9. Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno de Jong’s Fierce dub) (Armind)
10. Double V – Moscow Morning (Bobina Surprise remix)
11. Ferry Corsten – Star Traveller (Hydriod vs Zehavi & Rand remix) (Tsunami)
12. Luminary – Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger remix) (Anjunabeats)
13. Hiver & Hammer – Fusion 2006 (Carl B remix) (Somatic Sense)
14. Ralphie B. & Sander van Dien present First State – First State (Blackhole)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Airbase – Escape (Intuition)
16. 3rd Moon – Diving in the Sky (Profuse recordings)
17. Mirco de Govia – Vital Spark (Euphonic)
18. Sunny Lax – Puma (Anjunabeats)
19. Armin van Buuren – Sail (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 223 (17-11-2005)
01. Andrew Bennett vs Rico Soarez - Light Of Hope
02. Niyaz - Dilruba (Junkie XL Remix)
03. Super 8 vs DJ Tab - Helsinki Scorchin'
04. Frost & Maron - Mute your Mind (Remix)
05. Armin Van Buuren feat Nadia Ali - Who's Watching (Remy Remix)
06. M.I.K.E. - Always In My Heart
07. Above and Beyond - Alone Tonight
08. Estuera - Flow
09. Selu Vibra - Stargazing
10. ID
11. Armin Van Buuren - Control Freak (Sander Van Doorn Remix)
12. Nic Chagall - Monday Bar [Tune Of The Week]
13. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Linking People
14. Future Favorite: Ferry Corsten - Star Traveller (Hydroid vs Zehavi and Rand Mix)
15. Peetu S - Bigger Palace (Dub Mix)
16. Blue Manta - I Feel Lost (Under Sun Remix)
17. Ralphie B & Sander Van Dien pres First State - First State
18. Leon Bolier - My Precious
19. Marco V - Simulated (Nick Thompson Bootleg Mix)
20. Purple Haze - Eden
A State of Trance Episode 224 (24-11-2005)
1. Yamin – Almathea (dub mix)
2. Bennett & Soarez – Light of Hope (Armada)
3. Junkie XL – Today (Unkle mix 2) (CNR)
4. Store N Forward – No Name New
5. Mark Otten – So Serene (Original mix) (Armind)
6. Above & Beyond – Alone Tonight (Anjunabeats)
7. M.I.K.E. – Voices from the Inside (from the album ‘the perfect blend’) (Club elite)
8. Solarscape – Alive (Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal Vox) (Somatic Sense)
9. Bart Claessen – When Morning Comes (United)
10. Krivi – Dancing Town (Icone remix)
11. Mark Norman – Touchdown (Blackhole)
12. Hiver & Hammer – Fusion 2006 (Super 8 vocal remix) (Somatic Sense)
13. Luminary – Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger remix) (Anjunabeats)
14. Joni presents External Art – We Forget
15. Airbase – Escape (Intuition/Fundamental)
16. Nic Chagall – Monday Bar (High Contrast)
17. Second Sun – Playground (Nu NRG remix) (Vandit)
18. Bloodhound Gang – Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss (Push Trancedental remix)
19. Peter Dafnous – Sweet Deception
20. Selu Vibra – Stargazing (Somatic Sense)
A State of Trance Episode 225 (01-12-2005)
1. Benz & MD – Underoath (Perry O Neil Remix) (Baroque)
2. Bennet & Soarez – Light of Hope (Armada)
3. Eric Prydz – The Gift (Pryda)
4. Amnesia Brothers – Immersion (Original mix)
5. The Thrillseekers – By Your Side (Martin Roth mix) (Adjusted)
6. Unknown Artist – Snappiness (Oliver Prime remix) (Joof)
7. Alex Monakhov – Moonball
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Nico Parisi vs Erik Hubo – Metro
9. M.I.K.E. – Voices from the Inside (Club Elite)
10. Above & Beyond – Alone Tonight (Anjunabeats)
11. Hiroyuki Oda – Transmigration
12. DJ Governor – Red Woods
13. Armin van Buuren – Controlfreak (Sander van Doorn remix) (Armind)
14. Stingnum – Fragile Signum Signal bootleg
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Joni presents External Art – We Forget
16. MK-S – The Last Planet (Alter Ego)
17. Signalrunners – Orange Sky
18. Senses – Unknown Title
19. Above & Beyond present Unkle Petter – So Many Faces
20. Luminary – Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger remix) (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 226 (08-12-2005)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jose Amnesia feat. Lynn – Closer (dub) (Kyr)
2. Brisker and Magitman – Other Dye (Perry O Neil remix)
3. Basic Perspective – Small Step on the Other side
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali – Who’s Watching (Tonedepth remix)(Armind)
5. Schiller feat. Jette von Roth – Der Tag (Martin Roth chill techtrance mix)
6. PQM feat. Chronic – Over the Edge (Andrew Bennett Remix)
7. The Thrillseekers – By Your Side (Martin Roth remix) (Adjusted)
8. DJ Spoke – Fall to pieces (dub)(PSR)
9. Estuera – Flow (Blackhole)
10. Hiroyuki Oda – Injection
12. Signalrunners present Syn – Orange Sky
13. Under Sun – Captured (Sebastian Brandt remix)
14. Above & Beyond – Alone tonight
15. Peetu S – Bigger palace (FTM)
16. Alex Monakhov – Moonball
17. Super8 vs DJ Tab- Helsinki Scorching (Anjunabeats)
18. Nico Parisi vs Eric Hubo – Metro
19. Mode Hookers – Breathe (Sander van Doorn remix) (Armind)
20. Leon Bolier presents Precursor – Signwave (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 227 (15-12-2005)
1. Ashenu – Sweet Suffering (DJ Sin Plomo mix) (Off shore)
2. Alex Stealthy – Permanent (Armada)
3. Latigidi – It’s Time (Antidote’s Electrified remix) (Banshee)
4. James Holden – A Break in the Clouds (The Lamb Chops bootleg remix)
5. Espen & Stian – Risifrutti (Electronic Elements)
6. Allure – The Love We Lost (Tilt remix) (Nebula)
7. E-Craig – 1st Time (212 remix) (Spinnin)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Close Your Eyes (ASOT)
9. Leon Bolier presents Precursor – Signwave (Spinnin)
10. Steve Callaghan & Frase – The Element (Ian Betts remix) (six thirty)
11. Deep Voices – Imagenetic (Mac Zimms remix) (Noys)
12. Under Sun – Captured (Sebastian Brandt mix)
13. Hiroyuki Oda – Transmigration (White)
14. Thomas Bronszwaer – Shadow World (United)
15. Yanave pres. Evanya – Las Perillas (Octagen’s Abajo remix) (Five AM)
16. Bart Claessen – When Morning Comes (United)
17. Peetu S – Bigger Palace (FTM)
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Bounce Back (remix)(Armind)
19. Chris Micali – Schiphol (Santiago Nino remix) (Atrium)
20. Stingnum – Fragile (Signum Signal bootleg)
21. 3rd Moon – Diving in the Sky (Somatic Sense)
A State of Trance Episode 228 ASOT top 20 2005 (22-12-2005)
Top 20 of 2005 as voted by listeners to ASOT Number Of Confirmed Valid Votes: 3934
Special thanks to Peter Kruit (www.arminvanbuuren.net)
Statement: This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely based on listener’s votes. Each listener that submitted his or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2005 of tracks, as played in one of the shows in 2005. All votes were checked on possible fraud. Armin nor Armada had anything to do with the points awarded. # track points % votes 1. Above & Beyond Versus Andy Moor – Air For Life 1780 3.02 497
2. Armin van Buuren – Shivers 1589 2.69 449
3. Armin van Buuren With Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo 1237 2.10 391
4. Markus Schulz Featuring Departure – Without You Near (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) 1019 1.73 326
5. Airbase – Escape 930 1.58 264
6. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea Remix) 927 1.57 315
7. Gabriel & Dresden Featuring Molly – Tracking Treasure Down 783 1.33 254
8. Above & Beyond – Alone Tonight 741 1.26 215
9. Mike Foyle Versus Signalrunners – Love Theme Dusk (Mike’s Broken Record Mix) 730 1.24 211
10. Armin Van Buuren Featuring Jan Vayne – Serenity 722 1.22 220
11. Dogzilla – Without You (Dub) 675 1.14 224
12. Andy Moor – Halycon 662 1.12 209
13. Jonas Steur – Castamara 654 1.11 207
14. Paul Van Dyk Featuring Wayne Jackson – The Other Side (Deep Dish Remix) 615 1.04 231
15. Tba – S.O.S. (Sander Van Doorn Remix) 518 0.88 184
16. Marco V – False Light 512 0.87 192
17. Kuffdam & Plant – Summerdream (Paul Van Dyk Remix) 502 0.85 182
18. Deep Dish – Say Hello 498 0.84 168
19. Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno De Jong’s Fierce Dub)
A State of Trance Episode 229 Yearmix 2005 (29-12-2005)
1. Intro – What the bleep do we know?
2. Yilmaz Althanan – Eighties
3. Deepsky Feat Jess – Ghost
4. David West feat. Andreas Hermansson – Larry Mountains 54
5. Deep Dish – Say Hello
6. Mode Hookers – Breathe
7. The Drill – The Drill
8. Armin van Buuren with Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo
9. D:Fuse feat. Jess – Living the Dream (Matthew Dekay remix)
10. Niklas Harding Presents Arcane – Ice Beach
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali – Who’s Watching (Tonedepth remix)
12. Andy Moor – Halcyon
13. Rachel Starr – Till There was You (Gabriel & Dresden remix)
14. Perasma – Swing to Harmony (Gabriel & Dresden remix)
15. Markus Schulz with Departure – Without you Near (Gabriel & Dresden remix)
16. Above & Beyond vs Andy Moor Air for Life
17. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly – Tracking Treasure Down
18. Mike Foyle vs Signalrunners – Love Theme Dusk
19. Paul van Dyk feat.Wayne Jackson – The Other Side (Deep Dish remix)
20. Ava mea – In the End
21. Max Graham – Does she know Yet
22. Funabashi – Daylight
23. Way Out West – Don’t Forget Me (Dustbiter mix)
24. Lucas & Beltram – Trust Me (Ava mea remix)
25. Markus Schulz feat. Anita Kelsey – First Time
26. Luminary – Wasting (Andy Moor remix)
27. M.I.D.O.R. vs Lynn – Breathings (Prgz mix)
28. Perry O Neil – Numb
29. RR workshop – Electrolux
30. Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno de Jong’s Fierce dub)
31. Carrie Skipper – Time goes By
32. Goldenscan – Halcyon
33. Leon Bolier – Back in the days
34. Primer – Everlast
35. Jonas Steur – Silent Waves
36. Thrillseekers – By Your side
37. Galen Behr – Time will Tell
38. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea remix)
39. Airbase Escape
40. Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal – Incognition
41. Dogzilla – Without You (dub)
42. Marco V – False Light
43. Menno De Jong – Tundra (Fierce dub)
44. Sayla – Majestic (Arizona vs Passiva remix)
45. Thomas Bronszwaer – Close Horizon
46. Selu Vibra – Stargazing
47. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity
48. Scott Mac – Damager02 (Mac Zimms remix)
49. Ernesto & Bastian – Dark Side of the moon
50. Frost & Maron – Mute Your Mind
51. Kuffdam & Plant – Summerdream (Paul van Dyk remix)
52. Jonas Steur – Castamara
53. Apogee – Tribal Affair
54. Above & Beyond – Alone Tonight
55. Will Holland – Timeless (Deep Wide remix)
56. Armin van Buuren Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H.’s red light dub)
57. Marcel Woods – Advanced
58. Inertia – The Chamber
59. Randy Katana – Play it Louder
60. Bart Claessen – Playmo (1st play)
61. Purple Haze – Adrenaline
62. Interstate – Remember Me (Terry Bones remix)
63. Sunny Lax – Puma
64. Baltes & Dyloot pres. Deep Voices – A New Beginning (Astuni & Le Saux remix)
65. Mark Norman – Touch Down
66. Mr Sam – Lyteo (Rank 1 remix)
67. Yahel feat. A Force – Behind Silence
68. B&W – Mistaken
69. Fred Baker vs Nyram – Confirmation
70. Jan Loper – I can’t stop (Dynamic Sense remix)
71. Ferry Corsten feat. Simon Le Bon – Fire (Ron van den Beuken remix)
72. Ron van Den Beuken – Sunset
73. Goldenscan – Only with You
74. Duderstadt – Mahananda
75. First State – First State
76. Luminary – Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger remix)
77. Kamil Polner – Heart of Sun
78. Hammer & Bennett – Language (Santiago de Nino Dub tech mix)
79. Marco V – More than A Life Away
80. Rank 1 – TopGear
81. L.S.G. – Netherworld (Oliver Prime remix)
82. Outro – The trick to life
A State of Trance Episode 230 (05-01-2006)
01. Coldplay - Talk (Junkie XL Remix)
02. Armin Van Buuren feat Nadia Ali - Who's Watching (Perry O'Neil Remix)
03. Incolumis - One With Sanctuary
04. Antidote - Sculpture
05. Smith & Pledger pres Aspekt - Hijack
06. Above & Beyond - Alone Tonight (Matthew Dekay Remix)
07. Kyau vs Albert - Kiksu Tune Of The Week
08. Deep Voices - Imagenetic (Mac Zimms Remix)
09. Under Sun - Captured (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
10. Activa pres Substate - Horizon
11. DJ Governor - Red Woods
12. Thomas Bronzwaer - Shadow World
13. Kamil Polner - Ocean Of Fire
14. Solarium - Entropic (MK-S Remix)
15. Lange vs Gareth Emery - Three
16. Signalrunners pres Syndica - Orange Sky
17. Xtranova - The Way We Were
18. Marcel Woods - Advanced (Filterheadz Remix)
19. Signum - Supersonic
20. C-Quence - Endorphine (Arizona Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 231 (12-01-2006)
1. Basto – Rock With You (Nu Frequency dub)
2. A.M. – Arise (Hammer & Funabashi remix) (Skywarp Records)
3. Benz & MD – Turning the Curve
4. Coldplay – Talk (Junkie XL remix)
5. Arabella – Nabucco (Story Teller remix) (Kyr records)
6. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Close Your Eyes (ASOT)
7. Michael Splint feat. Sasja – So Lost (Under Sun remix)
8. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali – Who’s Watching (Remy remix) (Armind)
9. Nico Parisi vs Eric hubo – Metro
10. Kamil Polner – Ocean Waterfall
11. Substate – Horizon (Mac Zimms remix) (spinnin)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Hiroyuki Oda – Transmigration (ASOT)
13. Jochen Miller – Chromatic (High Contrast)
14. Ferry Corsten – Whatever (Marcel Woods remix) (Tsunami)
15. Nic Chagall – Monday Bar (High Contrast)
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Xtranova – The Way we Were (CDR)
17. Kuffdam & Plant – Dream Makers
18. Apogee – Shimmering (Marcos Euphonic mix)
19. Engage – A Beautiful Tomorrow
20. M.I.K.E. – Voices from the Inside (from the album ‘A perfect Blend’)
A State of Trance Episode 232 (19.01.2006)
1. Solar Fields – Overload (Dj Anti & Solarfields remix)
2. Yourdee vs Tom Glide – Sleeper (Dark Noise recordings)
3. Parker & Hanson – Let me Be (Skyline)
4. Under Sun – Captured (Original mix) (White label)
5. Yamin – Almathea (Sander van Dien remix)
6. Super8 – Helsinki Scorching (Anjunabeats)
7. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Close Your Eyes (ASOT)
8. Marco V. – False Light (Ton TB remix) (In Charge/Be yourself)
9. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Three (Lange recordings)
10. Conscious – Northern Lights (POB remix)
11. Jochen Miller – Chromatic (High Contrast)
12. Thomas Bronszwaer – Shadow World (United)
13. Substate – Horizon (Mac Zimms remix) (Spinnin)
14. Santoz – Lost Segment
15. Mike Shiver – Feelings 2006 (Leon Bolier remix) (Skywarp)
16. Engage – A Beautilful Tomorrow
17. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
18. PG2 – txte for memory (Captivating)
A State of Trance Episode 233 (26.01.2006)
1. Hiver & Hammer and Funabashi – Z.I.T.A.
2. Mashtronic – Force (3 beat)
3. Supermodels from Paris – Keep On (JC1 remix) (Anjunadeep)
4. LNQ – Tired (Gesture music)
5. Parker & Hanson – Let Me Be (Skywarp)
6. Basic Perspective – Small Step To The Other Side (Elevation remix)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Unknown Artist – Edge of Space (Whiteroom remix)
8. Sophie Sugar presents Saona – Isis (E-TCR)
9. Thomas Bronzwaer – Shadow World (Midway remix) (United)
10. Under Sun – Captured (Sebastian Brandt remix) (Armada)
11. Sander Van Doorn – Pumpkin (Spinnin)
12. Art of Trance feat Natasha Atlas – Persia (Platipus)
13. Tenthu – Orange (Inov8 Recordings)
14. Odyssee – 2Morrow (Gesture music)
15. Nic Chagall – Monday Bar (High Contrast)
16. Parc – Bully (White)
17. Greg Downey – K.I.A. (Marc van Linden remix) (Discover)
18. Riva – Nova Tripper (United)
19. Thrillseekers – By Your side (Martin Roth dub) (Adjusted)
20. Marco V. – False Light (Ton TB remix) (In Charge/ Be Yourself)
A State of Trance Episode 234 (02-02-2006)
1. Deep Dish feat. Stevie Nicks – Dreams (Axwell remix) (DDR)
2. Sunlounger – White Sand (White)
3. SP – Across the Ocean (Max Graham remix)
4. Mashtronic – Force (3 beat)
5. Robbie Rivera – Float Away (Dresden re-edit)(Ultra)
6. Kenneth Thomas – Ghost in the Machine (Elevation remix)
7. Kyau vs Albert – Walk Down (Hard dub) (Euphonic)
8. Lange vs Mike Koglin – Bermuda (Five AM)
9. Nico Parisi vs Erik Hubo – Metro (Danza recordings)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arctic Quest – Renaissance (Armind)
11. Solar Express – Magma (Fundamental)
12. Simon Patterson – F16 (Spinnin)
13. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Close your eyes (ASOT)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tenthu – Orange (inov8)
15. Peter Dafnous – Face the Change (Conspiracy)
16. Thomas Bronzwaer – Shadow World (Midway remix) (United)
17. Deep Voices – Imagenetic (Mac Zimms remix)
18. 4 Strings – Hurricane (Spinnin)
19. Ziron – Edge of Space (Whiteroom remix)(Mondo)
20. Incolumnis – One With Sanctuary (Joof)
A State of Trance Episode 235 (09.02.2006)
1. Alex Stealthy – Everything and Nothing (EE)
2. Airwave – Buzzer (from his album Trilogique) (Banshee)
3. Probspot feat. Ben Lost – Blows My Mind (Hammer & Funabashi remix)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sunlounger – White Sand (Armada)
5. Seven Senses – Southern Cross
6. Kyau vs Albert – Walk Down (Euphonic)
7. Brisky – Now & Forever (Fred Baker remix) (Monster tunes)
9. Re:locate feat. Jonas Steur – Sobre Saliente (Fundamental)
10. Galen Behr & Robert Burns – Till we Meet Again (Galen behr remix) (United)
11. Simon Patterson – F16 (Spinnin)
12. Oradea – Salt Lake (Dark Noise recordings)
13. DJ Governor – Red Woods (ASOT)
14. Arctic Quest – Renaissance (Armind)
15. Will Holland vs Activa – Amnesia (John O Callaghan remix)(Enhanced)
16. Selu Vibra – Stargazing (Maor Levi remix)(Somatic Sense)
17. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Back on Track (Lange)
18. Nu-NRG – Casino (Stoneface & terminal remix)
19. CLASSIC: Rank 1 – Awakening (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 236 (16.02.2006)
1. Tomy Nash – Fever (Unknown)
2. Blank & Jones – Revealed (Niklas Harding remix) (Spinnin)
3. Interstate – Love Freak (Cerf & Mitiska remix)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: ID – Shipwrecked
5. Filterheadz – Endless Summer
6. Art of Trance feat. Natasha Atlas – Persia (platipus)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: ID – Above (Intuition recordings)
8. Alliance – Distant Planet (Menno de Jong Interpretation) (Selective)
9. Zirenz – Edge of Space (Whiteroom remix) (mondo)
10. M.I.K.E. – Voices from the inside (M.I.K.E.’s Progressiva remix) (Club Elite)
11. Sander van Doorn – Pumpkin (S.V.D. remix) (Spinnin)
12. Arcane – Ice beach (Jonas Steur meltdown remix)
13. Super 8 vs DJ Tab – Helsinki Scorchin (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Anjunabeats)
14. Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal – Incognition (marc van linden remix) (Monster tunes)
15. Vada – What ya lookin at (Dogzilla remix)
16. Narthex – Bully (Parc remix) (Discover)
17. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Close your eyes (vadim zhukov remix) (ASOT)
18. Bruno Bergeron – Downrising (Somatic Sense)
19. Activa – Disclosure 20. Thomas Bronzwaer – Shadow World (midway remix) (United)
A State of Trance Episode 237 (23.02.2006)
1. Radiohead – Everything in its right place (Mike Foyle intro mix)
2. Supersaw feat. Veronica Start – Running
3. Bt feat. JC Chasez – Force of gravity (Signum remix)
4. Deep Dish feat. Stevie Nicks – Dreams (Axwell Dishwell remix)(Positiva)
5. Asheni – Sweet Suffering (Van Bellen remix) (Offshore)
6. Airwave – Sky Blues (Banshee)
7. ID – Shipwreked
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Alliance – Distant Planet (Menno de Jong Interpretation)
9. Adam Nickey – Perfect Destiny (Deep Blue)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Gareth Emery and Jon O Bir – No Way Back
11. Signum – Harmonic (ASOT)
12. M.I.K.E. – Voices from the Inside (Progressiva mix) (Club Elite)
13. Brisky – Now & Forever (Fred Baker remix) (Monster tunes)
14. Fable – Above (Intuition)
15. ID – ID
16. Beam – On Your Mind (Sean Tyas hard dub)(Beam Traxx)
17. Kyau vs Albert – Walk Down (Euphonic)
18. Simon Patterson – F16 (Spinnin)
19. Zehavi & Rand – Paroxetine (Inner and Outer remix)(Deep Blue)
A State of Trance Episode 238 (02.03.2006)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms (club mix) (Supra recordings)
2. Gustavo Santaolalla – Brokeback Mountain Theme(Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Verve Music Group)
3. Glenn Frantz – Borderline
4. Boom Jinx – Come play Perfect (Anjunadeep)
5. Sunlounger – White Sand (Armind)
6. Kay Stone – Alone (Mondo)
7. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly – Tracking Treasure Down (Kyau vs Albert remix) (Organised Nature)
8. Fractal Structure – Coloured Melody (Alter Ego records)
9. Pesh – Threshold (Anjunabeats)
10. M.I.K.E. – Voices from the Inside (progressiva mix) (Club Elite)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Signum – Harmonic (ASOT)
12. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
13. Sonicvibe & Tachyean present Allegoria – Allegoria
14. 3rd Moon – Diving in the Sky (Somatic Sense)
15. Armin van Buuren – Sail (Carl B’s Without Hope remix) (Armind)
16. Beam – On Your Mind (Sean Tyas hard dub) (Beam Traxx)
17. O Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (Discover)
18. DJ Govenor – Red Woods (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 239 (09.03.2006)
1. David Guetta – In Love With Myself (Benny Benassi remix)(virgin)
2. Karen Overton – Your loving Arms (Club mix) (Supra)
3. Mad Arp feat. Julie Harrington – Slow it Down (Mathilda remix) (Blackhole)
4. Phynn – Untitled (Blackhole)
5. Above & Beyond – Can’t Sleep (from the Tri State album) (Anjunabeats)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
7. Midway – Cobra (Outback remix) (Blackhole)
8. Adam Nickey – Perfect Destiny (Deep Blue)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kuffdam & Plant – Dreammakers (DJ Shogs 2 faces remix)(Vandit)
10. Oakenfold – Amsterdam (Perfecto)
11. Marco V. – Arpanet (V.ision remix) (In Charge recordings)
12. Kay Stone – Alone (Mondo)
13. Fable – Above (Intuition)
14. Will B – Luz de Sol (Octagen remix) (Monster tunes)
15. O Callaghan & kearney – Exactly (Discover)FUTURE FAVORITE:
16. Sonicvibe & Tachyean present: Allegoria – Allegoria
17. Stoneface & Terminal – Venus (Euphonic)
18. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Back on track (lange)
19. Menno De Jong & leon Bolier present Solar Express – Magma (Fundamental)
20. Filo & Peri feat. Fisher – Ordinary Moment (Vandit)
21. Armin van Buuren – Sail (Carl B’s Without hope remix) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 240 (16.03.2006)
1. Syndica – Aria Epica
2. Mads Arp – Slow it Down (Luke Chable remix) (Blackhole)
3. Selu Vibra – Divine (Funabashi remix) (Somatic Sense)
4. Mike Foyle – Shipwrecked (John O Callaghan vs Mike Foyle club mix)(Armada)
5. Shawn Mitiska vs. Jose Amnesia – My All (Flash Brothers remix)(Coldharbour)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Above & Beyond – Can’t sleep (Anjunabeats)
7. Bobina – Trance for Cowboys (Nebula)
8. Thomas Datt vs Robert Nickson – Tabla Mizma (Remix)
9. Lost Tribe – Angel (Adam White remix dub) (Darey Products)
10. Fable – Nightshift (Intuition)
11. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
12. Gareth Emery and John O Bir – No Way Back (Five AM)
13. Timo Maas – Pictures (Paul van Dyk remix) (Ultra)
14. Kyau vs. Albert – Walk Down (Euphonic)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mannix vs. Kaymak – World Gone Mad (Club mix) (ASOT)
16. Signum – Harmonic (ASOT)
17. M.I.K.E. – Voices from the inside (Progressiva remix) (Club Elite)
18. Re:Locate – Rogue (Fundamental)
19. Armin van Buuren – Sail (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 241 (23.03.2006)
1. David West – Suffering Island (Lost Language)
2. Joonas Hahmo – Fusion
3. Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms (Club mix) (Supra)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Basic Perspective – Small Step to the other side (Elevation remix)
5. Filo & Peri feat. Fisher – Ordinary Moment (Vandit)
6. Oakenfold – Save the last trance for me (perfecto)
7. Mr Sam feat Kirsty Hawkshaw – Insight (Aira Force remix) (Maelstrom)
8. Re:locate feat. Menno de Jong – Spirit (Galactive)
9. Mannix vs Kaymak – World Gone Mad (ASOT)
10. Kuffdam & Plant – Dreammakers (SHOG’s 2 faces remix) (Vandit)
11. SolarScape – Surround
12. Stoneface & Terminal – Venus (Euphonic)
13. FUTURE FAVORITE: Re:locate – Rogue (Fundamental)
14. Midway – Cobra (Outback remix) (Blackhole)
15. Thomas Datt – Evaporate (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Discover)
16. Lost Tribe – Angel (Adam White remix dub) (Darey Products)
17. Selu Vibra – Divine (Original mix) (Somatic Sense)
18. Hirojuki Oda – Transmigration (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 242 (30.03.2006)
1. Gabriel & Dresden – Eleven (Organised Nature)
2. Sasha – Bellfunk (Matthew Dekay remix)
3. David West – Suffering Island (Lost Language)
4. Above & Beyond – World On Fire (Anjunabeats)
5. Sunlounger – White Sand (Armind)
6. Kenneth Thomas feat. Colleen Riley – Ghost in the machine (Elevation mix)(Alter Ego)
7. Sassot – Where it all Begun
8. Karen Overton – Loving Arms (Accapella) (Supra)
9. Tom Cloud – Told You So
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dan Stone – Made in Bahrain (Anjunabeats)
11. Xposure – From the Heart
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Selu Vibra – Divine (Somatic Sense)
13. Re:locate feat. Menno de Jong – Spirit (Galactive)
14. Kyau vs Albert – Kiksu (Euphonic/ Anjunabeats)
15. Mr. Sam feat. Kirst Hawkshaw – Insight (Aira Force remix) (Blackhole)
16. Oakenfold – Amsterdam (Perfecto)
17. Re:locate – Rogue (galactive)
18. Gareth Emery and Jon O Bir – No Way Back (Five AM)
19. Adam Nickey – Perfect Destiny (Deep Blue)
20. Mark Otten – So Serene (Menno De Jong mix) (Armind) vs. Carrie Skipper -Time goes by (Accapella) (Anjunabeats)
21. EnMass – CQ (Randy Boyer & Kristina Sky 2006 remix) (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 243 (06-04-2006)
1. Seroya – So Beautiful (Noel Sanger remix)
2. Algarve – The longest journey
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tom Cloud – Told you so
4. Ahead – 3gether
5. Joonas Hahmo – Fusion
6. Midway – Cobra (Blackhole)
7. Danjo & Styles vs DJ Governor – Blue Woods (Captivating)
8. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Through your Eyes (Vandit)
9. Dan Stone – Made in Bahrain (Orkan remix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Nitrous Oxide – North Pole (Anjunabeats)
11. Gabriel & Dresden – Sydney (Organised nature)
12. Filo & Peri feat. Fisher – Ordinary moment (Vandit)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Buro – Pasar (Aerodrome remix) (Sential)
14. Factoria – Excalibur
15. Thomas Datt – Evaporate (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Discover)
16. Re:locate – Rogue
17. TBA – Leave behind
18. Selu Vibra – Divine (Somatic Sense)
A State of Trance Episode 244 (13-04-2006)
1. Duderstadt – Muhanjala (Afterglow)
2. A Boy Called Joni – Green Astronauts (Blackhole)
3. Alex Monakhov – Roundabout
4. Sassot – Where it all begun vs Karen Overton – Your loving Arms (accapella)
5. Apollonia – Remote Kontrol (Enhanced)
6. Mr. Sam feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Insight (Aira Force remix)
7. Aira Force – No One Knows (Conspiracy Deep)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Giuseppe Ottaviani – Through your Eyes (Vandit)
9. O’Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (Discoer)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arksun – Arisen (Armind)
11. Terry Bones – Forbidden Way (George Hales remix) (United)
12. Midway – Cobra (Blackhole)
13. Dj Preach – Dark Shadow (FBI)
14. Danjo & Styles vs DJ Govenor – Blue Woods (Captivating)
15. Stoneface & Terminal – Summerscape (Monster Tunes)
16. Assure – Enemy territory (Captivating)
17. Thomas Datt vs Robert Nickson – Tabla Mizma
18. EnMass – CQ (Randy Boyer vs kristina sky remix) (ASOT)
19. Gabriel & Dresden – Sydney (Organized Nature)
A State of Trance Episode 245 (20.04.2006)
1. Gabriel & Dresden – Let Go (Organised Nature)
2. Joonas Hahmo – Fusion (Ava recordings)
3. Dousk – Chrysalis (Klik Records)
4. Temple 1 – Silent Nature (TRR)
5. Fred Baker – Sensation Anthem Belgium 2006
6. Mark Norman – Brasilia (Blackhole)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Arksun – Arisen (Armind)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ronald van Gelderen – This Way (Rank 1 remix) (Be Yourself)
9. Buro – Pasar (Aerodrome remix) (Sential)
10. Orjan – Arctic Globe (Intuition)
11. Danjo & Styles – What Lies Ahead (Be Yourself)
12. Duderstadt – Muhanjala (Sean Tyas remix) (Afterglow)
13. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Marc van Linden – Until Monday (John Askew remix)
14. Thomas Datt – Evaporate (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (discover)
15. S.O. Project – Direct Dizko (Sander van Doorn remix) (Spinnin)
16. Luminary – Wasting (Ronski Speed remix) (supra)
17. Sean Tyas – Pacifier (Inspired Digital)
18. Nitrous Oxide – North Pole (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 246 (27.04.2006)
1. Hammer & Funabashi – Moments (Electronic Elements)
2. Jody Wisternoff – Cold Drink, Hot Girl (Distinctive)
3. Leama & Moor – Everything Matters (Matthew Dekay remix) (Lost Language)
4. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft – Let Go (Organised nature)
5. Johan Gielen – Physical Overdrive (Tunes for You/Blackhole)
6. Defiance – Between Sea and Sky (Estiva remix) (Banshee)
7. Envio – For You (ASOT)
8. Solar Express – Momentum (Fundamental)
9. Alex Morph vs Talla – Unknown title (Re:locate vs. Solid Globe remix)(Fundamental)
10. Fire & Ice – Lost Emotions (Bryan Kearney remix) (Banshee)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Orjan – Arctic Globe (Intuition)
12. 1AM – Moonball (Alex Monakov remix) (Tokyo Recordings)
13. Arksun – Arisen (Airbase presents Parc remix) (Armind)
14. Avalon – Circa (Thomas Bronzwaer remix) (Spinnin)
15. S.O. Project – Direct Dizko (Sander van Doorn remix)
16. Ronald van Gelderen – This Way (Rank 1 remix) (Be Yourself)
17. Thomas Datt vs. Robert Nickson – Tabla Mizma
18. Lowell Halez ft. Heidi Hazelton – Move Me (Kaste remix) (Monster Tunes)
19. Danjo & Styles – What lies Ahead (be Yourself)
20. 4 Strings – Jewel (Deep mix) (Spinnin)
1. Ohmna – People Get Lost (Cyber records)
2. Under Sun feat. Mark Otten – Capoeira (Hawk remix)
3. Deep Skies – Little Bird (Mike Koglin Deep Dub) (Maelstrom)
4. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Scarlett Etienne – Eleven (12? mix) (Organised nature)
5. Mytchel & Vorne – Coincidence (Main mix) (Mazeman)
6. M.I.K.E. Presents Totally Ahead – 3gether
7. Puma White – Copenhagen
8. Mike Shiver & Marc Damon – Water Ripples (Mike Shiver’s Catching Sun remix) (Captured Music)
9. Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs. Talla – Full Prelude (Re:locate vs Solid Globe remix)(Fundamental)
10. Assure – Enemy Terriotory (Captivating Sounds)
11. Nitrous Oxide – North Pole (Anjunabeats)
12. O Callaghan & Kearney – Restricted Moon (Airbase remix) (Recover)
13. Syndica – Blush (Orkan remix) (Nu Religion)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Envio – For You (ASOT)
15. Ekon – Existence (ITWT/Blackhole)
16. Mark Norman – Brasilia (Magik Muzik/Blackhole)
17. Sander van Doorn – Punk’d (Sean Tyas remix) (Spinnin)
18. Thomas Bronzwaer presents Avalon – Circa (Deep dub) (Spinnin)
19. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Giuseppe Ottaviani & Marc van Linden – Until Monday (Vandit)
20. Emjay – So Clear (Stimulate) (Dogzilla’s Depth Charge remix) (high Contrast)
A State of Trance Episode 248 (11.05.2006)
1. B.I.G. – Carpe Diem (Swift)
2. Sunlounger – White Sand (Balearic mix) (Armind)
3. Deep Skies – Little Bird (Mike Koglin Deep Dub) (Maelstrom)
4. David West – Suffering Island (Lost Language)
5. Scandi – Risifruiti (Electronic Elements)
6. Bjorn Fogelberg – Mind Your Matter (Deep Orbit Remix)
7. Orjan – Adamantica (CDR)
8. Menno De Jong & Leon Bolier present Solar Express – Momentum(Fundamental)
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mike Shiver & Marc Damon – Water Ripples (Mike Shiver’s Catching Sun remix) (captured music)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Aalto – 5 (Anjunabeats)
11. Lowell Halez ft. Heidi Hazelton – Move Me (Kaste remix) (Monster)
12. BuRo – Pasar (Aerodrome remix) (Sential)
13. Ronald van Gelderen – This Way (Rank 1 remix) (High contrast)
14. Puma White – Copenhagen (Moonrising)
15. Leon Bolier presents Precursor – The journey (Spinnin)
16. Nicholas Bennison – Exocet (Leon Bolier pres. Precursor remix) (propulsion)
17. Arizona vs Suzy Solar – Samurai (Assure remix) (Dedicated)
18. Ron van den Beuken – Find A Way (Instrumental) (Spinnin)
19. Jonas Steur – Second Turn (Intuition)
20. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Marc van Linden – Until Monday (Vandit)
21. Re:locate – Rogue (Fundamental)
22. Marninx – Sunrise (CDR)
23. S.O. Project – Direct Dizko (Sander van Doorn remix) (Spinnin)
24. Static Blue – Under the Sea (Six:Thirty)
25. Selu Vibra – Divine (Original mix) (Somatic Sense)
A State of Trance Episode 249 (18.05.2006)
1. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
2. Ohmna – People Get Lost (Cyber Records)
3. B.I.G. – Carpe Diem (Swift)
4. Mark Otten & Perry O Neil – Unknown Title
5. SQD – The Inversed Puma (Anjunabeats)
6. Emphased Reality feat. OPN – Other Worlds (Enhanced)
7. Envio – For You (ASOT) 8. DJ Spoke – Keep Going On (Shah Dub) (PSR)
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Jonas Steur – Second Turn (Intuition)
10. Aerium – Dolphins (Serenade remix)
11. Aalto – 5 (Anjunabeats)
12. Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Talla – Full Prelude (Re:Locate vs Solid globe remix) (Fundamental)
13. Jon O Bir – Ascendancy (Conspiracy)
14. O’Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Discover)
15. Above & Beyond – Can’t Sleep (Maori remix) (Anjunabeats)
16. Bjorn Fogelberg – Mind Your Matter (Deep Orbit remix)
17. Emjay – So Clear (Stimulate) (Dogzilla Depth Charge remix) (High Contrast)
18. Thomas Datt – Evaporate (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Discover)
19. Vadran – Lightform
20. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft – Let Go (Organised Nature)
A State of Trance Episode 250 (25.05.2006)
1. Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Armind)
2. Vinny Troia Presents Jaidene Veda – Flow (Gareth Emery remix) (Curvve)
3. Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms (Markus Schulz vs Elevation intro mix)(Ultra)
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
5. Danjo & Styles – What Lies Ahead (Estuera remix) (Be Yourself)
6. Alexey Selin – White Crystal (Original mix) (Deep Blue)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary
8. Solar Express – Magma (Orjan & R-Lend Sequential mix)(Fundamental)
9. Jonas Steur – Sonrisa (Intuition)
10. Aalto – 5 (Anjunabeats)
11. Mike Koglin vs Mark Pledger – Ultraviolet (Anjunabeats)
12. Leon Bolier feat. Elsa Hill – No Need to come back (club mix)
13. Primer – Everlast (Ben Gold mix)
14. Ferry Corsten – Beautiful (Flashover/Pias)
15. Ferry Corsten – I Love You (Flashover/Pias)
16. Ferry Corsten – Cubikated (Flashover/Pias)
17. Unknown Artist – 4LB (Spinnin)
18. Octagen & M.I.D.O.R. – Metropolitan (Monster tunes)
19. Leo G – Supersonic (Martin Roth ‘Girls Love DJ’s mix)
20. O’ Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Discover) Chocolate Puma – Always and Forever (Bart Claessen remix) (United) Episode 250 XXL part II 5th year anniversary 8 hour live episode from Asta, The Hague, the Netherlands. Special thanks to Gijs, Asta, Di.FM, Radiodepartment & all guest DJ’s. 02.00 – 03.00 Rank 1
1. Rank 1 – Brairwave (Original/Breaks Dub)
2. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Rank 1 – Live Less Ordinary
3. Marcel Woods – Advanced (Remix)
4. Freddie Mercury – Love Kills (Rank 1 Remix)
5. Assure – Scrambled Eggs
6. Mr. Sam – Lyteo (Rank 1 Remix) (Blackhole Recordings)
7. Terry Bones – Forbidden Ways (George Hales Remix) (United)
8. Ronald van Gelderen – This Way (Rank 1 Remix) (High Contrast Recordings)
9. Rank 1 – Awakening (ID&T)
10. Jochen Miller – Chromatic (Dub) (High Contrast Recordings) 03.00 – 04.30 Menno de Jong 1. Opus III – It’s A Fine Day (Leon Bolier Remix)
2. Marc Otten – So Serene (Menno De Jong’s ‘Heading South’ Dub Mix) Vs. Carrie Skipper Time Go’s By (Armin van Buuren mash up)
3. Governor Pres. Orjan – Prison Break
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
5. Ralphie B. – Massive (In Trance We Trust)
6. Thomas Bronzwaer Pres. Avalon – Circa (Main Mix) (Spinnin)
7. Hammer & Bennett – Language (Santiago Nino Dub Tech Mix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
8. Reflekt – I Need To Feel Love (Bart Claessen Bootleg Mix)
9. Kamaya Painters – Far From Over (Blackhole Recordings)
10. M.I.K.E – Sunrise At Palamos (Bonzai)
11. Tiesto Vs. Ton T.B. – Flight Machine (Bootleg)
12. BBE – Seven Days & One Week (Ferry Corsten Remix) (Positiva)
13. Grooveyard – Mary Go Wild (Ron van den Beuken Remix) (Spinnin)
14. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (Ferry Corsten Remix) (Adjusted Music)
15. Gouryella – Tenshi (Tsunami)
16. Paul Oakenfold – Southern Sun (Tiesto Remix) (Perfecto)
17. Billie Ray Martin – Honey (Chicane Remix) (React)
A State of Trance Episode 251 (01.06.2006)
1. Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Armind)
2. Vinny Troia Presents Jaidene Veda – Flow (Gareth Emery remix) (Curvve)
3. Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms (Markus Schulz vs Elevation intro mix)(Ultra)
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
5. Danjo & Styles – What Lies Ahead (Estuera remix) (Be Yourself)
6. Alexey Selin – White Crystal (Original mix) (Deep Blue)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary
8. Solar Express – Magma (Orjan & R-Lend Sequential mix)(Fundamental)
9. Jonas Steur – Sonrisa (Intuition)
10. Aalto – 5 (Anjunabeats)
11. Mike Koglin vs Mark Pledger – Ultraviolet (Anjunabeats)
12. Leon Bolier feat. Elsa Hill – No Need to come back (club mix)
13. Primer – Everlast (Ben Gold mix) 14. Ferry Corsten – Beautiful (Flashover/Pias)
15. Ferry Corsten – I Love You (Flashover/Pias)
16. Ferry Corsten – Cubikated (Flashover/Pias)
17. Unknown Artist – 4LB (Spinnin)
18. Octagen & M.I.D.O.R. – Metropolitan (Monster tunes)
19. Leo G – Supersonic (Martin Roth ‘Girls Love DJ’s mix)
20. O’ Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Discover)
21.Chocolate Puma – Always and Forever (Bart Claessen remix) (United)
A State of Trance Episode 252 (08.06.2006)
1. Black Pearl – Bounty Island (DJ Shah’s San Antonio Harbour mix)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Tom Cloud feat. Tiff Lacey – Secretly (dub)
3. Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Armind)
4. Emphased Reality feat. OPN – Other Worlds (Enhanced)
5. Ferry Corsten – Galaxia (Pias/Flashover)
6. Jonas Steur – Second Turn (Intuition)
7. Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary
8. Sami Saari – Cherish (Electric Sauna/Drizzly)
9. Selu Vibra – Divine (Sean Tyas rework) (Somatic Sense)
10. Daniel Kandi – Breathe (Sunny Lax remix) (Anjunabeats)
11. Chocolate Puma – Always & Forever (Bart Claessen remix) (United) [Classics mix rerun ASOT 250]
1. ASOT 250 Intro & messages from listeners
2. The Tallis Scholars – Allegri Miserere
3. Chicane – Saltwater (Xtravaganza)
4. Ridgewalkers Feat. El – Find (Andy Moor Remix)(baroque)
5. Solarstone – Solarcoaster (Midway Remix)(Lost Language)
6. Yahel – Voyage (In Trance we Trust)
7. Rank 1 – Airwave (ID&T)
8. Paul Van Dyk – For An Agel (E-Werk Club Mix)
9. Chicane Feat. Justine Suissa – Autumn Tactics (Thrillseekers Remix)(Xtravaganza)
10. Rapid Eye – Circa Forever (R.E. Remix)(ATCR)
11. Oceanlab – Satellite (Anjunabeats)
12. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Massive Drive Recordings)
13. Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan – Silence (Tiesto’s ‘In Search Of Sunrise’ Remix) (Nettwerk)
14. Moogwai – Viola (Armin van Buuren Remix) (Platipus)
15. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea Remix)
16. Tiesto – Suburban Train (Nebula)
17. Sonic Inc – The Taste Of Summer (Fire & Ice Vital Remix)(Bonzai)
18. The Quest – C-Sharp (In Trance We trust)
19. Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (Three N One Remix) (Hooj)
20. Marco V – Simulated (ID&T)
21. Jonas Steur – Castamara (Intuition Recordings)
22. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Deal Records/Combined Forces) Perpetuous Dreamer – The Sound Of Goodbye (Rising Star Mix) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 253 (15.06.2006)
1. Lorraine – Transatlantic Flight (MHC dub)
2. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
3. Tom Cloud feat. Tiff Lacey – Secretly (dub mix)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Alexey Selin – White Christal (Deep Blue)
5. Leo G – Supersonic (Martin Roth’s ‘Girls love DJ’s’ mix) (deep blue)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
7. Daniel Kandi – Breathe (Anjunabeats)
8. Sebastian Brandt – Mysteria
9. Ferry Corsten – Beautiful (Flashover/Pias)
10. Ronald van Gelderen – This Way (Rank 1 remix) (High Contrast)
11. Leon Bolier feat. Elsa Hill – No need to come back (club mix)(Armada)
12. Octagen & M.I.D.O.R. – Metropolitan (Monster Tunes)
13. Orjan – Arctic Globe (Intuition)
14. Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Mike Koglin – Shift
15. Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms (Markus Schulz vs Elevation intro mix)
16. Unknown Artist – 4LB (Spinnin)
17. Jonas Steur – Sonrisa (Intuition)
18. Aerium – Dolphions (Moonrising)
19. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
20. John O Callaghan – Split decision
21. Chakra – Love Shines Through (Danjo & Styles remix) (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 254 (22.06.2006)
1. Cape Town – Proglifter (Banshee)
2. Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Armind)
3. Envio – For You (Sunlounger remix) (ASOT)
4. Black Pearl – Bounty Island (Dj Shah’s San Antonio Harbour mix)
5. Paulo Mojo – 1983 (Eric Prydz remix)
6. Tom Cloud feat. Tiff Lacey – Secretly (dub)
7. Mathias Lehtola feat. Gina J – Burning Bright (dub mix) (Captured music)
8. Activa vs Matt Abbott – Liquefaction (Under Sun remix) (Somatic Sense)
9. Freddie Mercury – Love Kills (Rank 1 dub) (EMI)
10. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
11. A Force – Crystal Dawn (A Tribute to 99 mix) (Fundamental)
12. Pirates of the Carribean – He’s A Pirate (Tiesto mix) (EMI)
13. Re:locate feat. Midor – Alcatraz (Fundamental)
14. Jon O Bir – Ascendancy (Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Woody van Eyden remix)
15. Planet Funk – Chase the Sun (Sonicvibe presents Vadran remix)
16. Alex Morph vs Rank 1 – Life less Ordinary
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4 Strings – Take me Away (Purple Haze remix) (Spinnin)
18. Bart Claessen – When Morning Comes (Bart Claessen rework)(United)
19. R.K. – Plastic Fantastic (Spinnin)
20. Above & Beyond – Can’t Sleep (Signum remix) (Anjunabeats)
21. Alexey Selin – White Crystal (Deep Blue)
A State of Trance Episode 255 (29.06.2006)
1. Paulo Mojo – 1983 (Eric Prydz remix) vs. Karen Overton – Loving Arms accapella
2. Filo & Peri feat. Fisher – Ordinary moment (B and B remix) (Vandit)
3. Breakfast – The Air between (Flashover)
4. 4 mal & Matthew Adam feat. Corey Andrews – Computer Parts (Matthew Adams dub mix)
5. Black Pearl – Bounty Island (DJ Shah’s san Antonio Harbour mix)(Armada)
6. C-Quence – Final Thoughts (Galen Behr remix) (ASOT)
7. Acute – Exodus (John O Callaghan edit)
8. Sean Tyas – Lift (discover)
9. Pirates of the Caribbean – He’s a Pirate (Tiesto mix) (EMI)
10. Nu NRG – Kosmosy (Monster Tunes)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lost World – A Life Elsewhere
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Cape Town – Proglifter (Banshee)
13. True Form – Forbidden Colors (Sean Tyas rework) (ASOT)
14. Albert Vorne – Ares (Leaden mix) (Mazeman)
15. Sander van Doorn – Dark Roast 2006 (Spinnin)
16. Yellow – Oh Yeah (Sander van Doorn remix) (Spinnin)
17. R.K. – Plastic Fantastic (Spinnin)
18. Activa vs Matt Abbott – Liquefacttion (Under Sun remix) (Somatic Sense)
19. Leon Bolier feat. Elsa Hill – No Need to come back (club mix) (ASOT)
20. Bissen – Sand (Flux Deluxe)
A State of Trance Episode 256 (06.07.2006)
1. Anna Nalick – Breathe (Blake Jarrell mix)
2. Filo & Peri feat. Fisher – Ordinary Moment (B and B remix)
3. David Forbes – Goodbye
4. Lostep – Burma (Pillow One remix)
5. Blake Jarrell vs Dane Cook – Dude I just Wanna Dance
6. Super 8 – Get Off (Anjunabeats)
7. Aerium – Dolphins (Serenade mix) (moonrising)
8. Mike Foyle – Shipwrecked (Gareth Emery remix) (Armada)
9. Team SR – Leaving London (T4L remix) (Five AM)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sean Tyas – Lift (Discover)
11. Cape Town – Cinema (Ferry Tale Dedicated mix) (Banshee)
12. Li Kwan – Point Zero (Benyas 2006 mix) (Darey products)
13. Red Shift & Van der Vleuten – Blue Mountain (Instant music)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nu NRG – Kosmosy (Monster)
15. Mannix vs Kaymak – World Gone Mad (Dan Stone remix) (Armada)
16. Signum – Harmonic (ASOT)
17. Re:locate feat. Midor – Alcatraz (Fundamental)
18. C-Quence – Final Thoughts (Galen Behr remix) (ASOT)
19. Planet Funk – Chase the Sun (Sonicvibe pres. Vardran mix)
20. E-Craig – Home (Spinnin)
21. R.K. – Plastic Fantastic (Spinnin)
A State of Trance Episode 257 (13.07.2006)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Fire – The Closest Thing to Heaven (Banshee)
2. Jussi Polet – Positive (Supermodels from Paris remix) (Danceteria)
3. Hardy Heller & Inkfish – Darkness (Andre Absolut remix)
4. Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Armind)
5. S-Tune – Urban Silence (Rein de Vries remix)
6. Mesh – Aftertouch (Blackhole)
7. Vinny Troia pres. Jaidene Veda – Flow (Gareth Emery mix)(Curvve US)
8. T4L – Maximus (Blackhole)
9. Armin van Buuren feat. Racoon – Love You More (Armind)
10. John Askew and Nick Sentience – Mind Control (Thomas Bronzwaer remix)(Discover Dark)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Super 8 – Get Off (Anjunabeats)
12. Activa vs. Matt Abbott – Liquefaction (Under Sun remix)(Somatic Sense)
13. Joonas Hahmo – The Fusion (Maor Levi remix) (Ava recordings)
14. Insigma – Open Your Eyes (Sean Tyas ‘Got Piano’ remix) (ATCR)
15. Cape Town – Proglifter (Banshee)
16. Ferry Corsten – Beautiful (Flashover)
17. Lost World – A Life Elsewhere (Armada)
18. E-Craig – Home (Instrumental mix) (Spinnin)
19. Jon O Bir – Ascendancy (Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Woody van Eyden remix)
A State of Trance Episode 258 (20.07.2006)
1. 16 Bit lolitas vs Motorcycle – Deep Breath Lolita (Dave Dresden Mash Up)
2. Jaytech – Manipulator (Rapid Response)
3. Blake Jarrel vs Dane Cook – Dude I just wanna Dance
4. Harry Lemon – Disco Demon (Bandung)
5. Sagittaire – 1982 (Banshee)
6. Joonas Hahmo – The Fusion (Maor Levi remix) (Ava recordings)
7. Freddy Mercury – Love Kills (Rank 1 dub edit) (EMI/Spinnin)
8. Re:locate – Samburu (Fundamental) (from the artistalbum ‘Rogue’)
9. Re:locate feat. Thomas Bronzwaer – Jetstream (Fundamental)(from the artist album ‘Rogue’)
10. Re:locate feat. M.I.D.O.R. – Alcatraz (Fundamental)(from the artistalbum ‘Rogue’)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: T4L – Maximus (Blackhole)
12. Talla 2XLC – Carry Me (Martin Roth Full on Trance dub) (Bostich)
13. Frost & maron – Time Out (Flashover)
14. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kai Del Noi – Beyond Doubt (Conspiracy)
15. TBA – Leave behind
16. Exelios – World of Life (Mac Zimms remix) (Progressive State/PSR)
17. Nick Sentience & John Askew – Mind Control (Thomas Bronzwaer remix) (Discover)
18. Sean Tyas – Lift (Discover)
19. Acute – Exodus (John O Callaghan edit)
20. Nu NRG – Last Experience (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Monster)
21. M.I.D.O.R. – Glow (Five AM)
22. Armin van Buuren feat. Racoon – Love You More (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 259 (27.07.2006)
Live from Amnesia, Ibiza
1. Mike Foyle – Shipwrecked (John O’Callaghan vs. Mike Foyle Club Mix / AvB Intro Edit) (Armind)
2. Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Armind)
3. Perry O Neil – Bass Society (Electronic Elements)
4. Paolo Mojo – 1983 (Eric Prydz Remix) (Pryda friends)
5. Bodyrox – Yeah Yeah (D. Ramirez Remix / Markus Schulz Rework)
6. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary
7. Solar Express – Momentum
8. Kyau & Albert – Are You Fine? (Euphonic)
9. Armin van Buuren – Control Freak (Sander van Doorn Remix) (Armind)
10. Aalto – 5 (Anjunabeats)
11. 4 Strings – Take Me Away (Purple Haze Remix) (Spinnin)
12. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (White)
13. O’Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (Discover)
14. Dogzilla – Without You (John O’Callaghan Remix AvB re-edit)
15. Sean Tyas – Lift (Discover) 16. Divini & Warning – 4LB (Spinnin)
17. Randy Katana – Plastic Fantastic (Spinnin)
18. Mojado – Arena (Blackhole)
19. Re:Locate – Rogue (Fundamental/United)
20. Frontline – Global System (Discover)
21. Lost World – A Life Elsewhere (Armada)
22. Jose Amnesia vs. Shawn Mitiska – My All (The Flash Brothers Remix)(Coldharbour)
23. Tom Cloud feat. Tiff Lacey – Secretly (Dub)
A State of Trance Episode 260 (03.08.2006)
1. David West – Make u Mine (Ava recordings)
2. Luminary – Dark Eyes (Gift Remix) (Lost Language)
3. Perry O’Neil – Bass Society (Electronic Elements)
4. Sunlounger – Aguas Blancas (DJ Shah original mix) (Armada)
5. Chakra – Love Shines Through (Martin Roth remix) (Armada)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Cosmic Gate – Should have Known (Dub mix) (Maelstrom)
7. Primate C – Be Free (Duderstadt uplifting remix) (tiger Recordings)
8. Sophie Sugar – Fallen Too Far
9. Emjay – Real High (High Contrast Recordings)
10. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Through Your Eyes (Vandit)
11. Legend B – Lost in Love 2006 (Sean Tyas remix)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kai Del Noi – Beyond Doubt (Conspiracy recordings)
13. Frontline – Global System (Discover)
14. Deep Voices – Rising (Thomas Datt vs Robert Nickson remix) (Maximal)
15. Exelios – World Of Light (Mac Zimms remix) (PSR)
16. Sound Players – These Moments in Silence (Sound Players mix)(Profuse/Somatic Sense)
17. Super 8 – Get Off (Anjunabeats)
18. Arctic Monkey vs Sander van Doorn – Sun Goes Down
19. Giuseppe Ottaviani vs Marc van Linden – Until Monday (Mac & Mac remix)(Monster tunes)
20. Good Living – Feel So Good
A State of Trance Episode 261 (10.08.2006)
1. 3 Colours – Morning Dust (Alexander Kostruba remix)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sunlounger – Aguas Blancas (Armada)
3. Eric Prydz vs Pink Floyd – Proper Education
4. Perry O Neil – South-West Saga (Electronic Elements)
5. Breakfast – River Of Light, Eternity and Beyond (Flashover)
6. Andy Moor vs. Orkidea – YearZero (Ava Recordings)
7. G-Spott presents – Vinyls Sessions 6 (Zzap)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Marninx presents Ecco – Intuition (Martin Roth Classic remix) (Dark Noise Recordings)
9. Cosmic Gate – Should Have Known (dub) (Maelstrom)
10. Kyau & Albert – Are You Fine (Euphonic)
11. Kai Del Noi – Andromeda (Six:Thirty recordings)
12. Sophie Suger – Fallen Too Far (ASOT)
13. Carl B – Social Suicide (Somatic Sense)
14. 3rd Moon – DNA (Somatic Sense)
15. Tillmann Uhrmacher – The Pride in Your Eyes (Martin Roth remix) (Vandit)
16. Arctic Monkeys vs Sander van Doorn – Sun Goes Down
17. Fred Baker vs Greg Nash – Lunar Eclipse (Spinnin)
18. Ferry Corsten – Beautiful (Extended mix) (Flashover)
Lost World – A Life Elsewhere (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 262 (17.08.2006)
1. Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars (Blake Jarrell & Topher Jones remix)
2. Savannah – Savannah La Mar (DJ Shah remix) (Blackhole)
3. 16 Bit lolitas vs Motorcycle – Deep Breath Lolita (Dave Dresden Mash Up)
4. Roland Klinkenberg – What’s the Point? (Armada)
5. Jaytech – Starbright (Jaytech Touch Your DJ mix) (Rapid Respondse)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Andy Moor vs. Orkidea – YearZero (Ava Recordings)
7. Kimito Lopez – Telepathy (Estuera vs Re:locate remix) (Fundamental)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kyau & Albert – Are You Fine? (Euphonic)
9. Mike Shiver – Morning Drive (Anjunabeats)
10. Marninx pres. Ecco – Intuition (Martin Roth Classic remix) (Dark Noise recordings)
11. Above & Beyond – Tri State (Frase remix)
12. Sunny Lax – Mira (Daniel Kandi) (Anjunabeats)
13. Van Faber vs D-Suza – Overlord (Castania remix)
14. 8 Wonders – Sex On the Beach (Revision)
15. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
16. Frontline – Global System (Discover)
17. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
18. Legend B – Lost in Love 2006 (Sean Tyas remix)
19. R.N.M. – Stargliding (Marninx remix) (Total Digital)
20. Kai Del Noi – Beyond Doubt (Conspiracy recordings)
A State of Trance Episode 263 (28.08.2006)
1. Cassandra Fox – Touch Me (Mike Koglin remix)
2. Eric Prydz vs. Pink Floyd – Proper Education
3. Oxia – Domino (Kompakt)
4. Jody Wisternoff – Nostalgia (Remix) (In Charge Records)
5. Antidote – Transcentral (Banshee)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Above & Beyond – Tri State (Frase remix)
7. Black Pearl – Bounty Island (DJ Shah San Antonio Harbour remix) (Armada)
8. Optik – Claim (Banshee)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Marco V. – Any Better, Or… (In Charge Records)
10. 4 Strings – Mainline (4 Turntables Remix) (Spinnin)
11. Sophie Sugar – Fallen Too Far (Armada)
12. Kyau & Albert – Are You Fine (Euphonic)
13. Andy Moor vs Orkidea – YearZero (Ava Recordings)
14. KLF – What Time is Love (Antidote Inspired remix)
15. Mike Shiver – Morning Drive (Anjunabeats)
16. Cosmic Gate – Should have Known (dub mix) (Maelstrom)
17. Mannix vs. Kaymak – World Gone Mad (Dan Stone remix) (Armada)
18. G- Spott – Vinyl Sessions 6 (Zzap)
19. Mike Foyle – Shipwrecked (Sean Tyas remix) (Armada)
20. Carl B – Social Suicide (Somatic Sense)
21. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
A State of Trance Episode 264 (31.08.2006)
1. Cara Dillion vs. 2 Devine – Black is the Colour (Coco & green Remix)(Anjunabeats)
2. Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars (Topher Jones vs Blake Jarrell remix)
3. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Richard Durand – Sunhump (Zzap)
4. Cassandra Fox – Touch me (Mike Koglin vs Jono Grant remix)
5. Antidote – Transcentral (Electrotech remix) (Progrez)
6. Fred Baker presents Odyssey 3 – Magic Pad (2006 remix)
7. M.I.K.E. – Salvation (Platic Boy remix) (Club Elite)
8. Duende – Luna Negra (Afterglow)
9. Roland Klinkenberg – What’s the Point (68 recordings)
10. Marco V. – Any Better, or…? (In Charge Recordings)
11. Albert Vorne – Ares (Leaden mix)
12. Marninx pres. Ecco – Intuition (Martin Roth classic mix) (dark noise)
13. FUTURE FAVORITE: Optik – Claim (Fourty 5/Banshee)
14. Ronald van Gelderen – Realize (High Contrast recordings)
15. A/B Project – Eternal Optimism (Kuffdam & Plant remix)
16. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
17. Mike Foyle – Shipwrecked (Sean Tyas remix) (Armada)
18. Mark Eteson – ID (dub mix)
19. Giuseppe Ottaviani vs. Marc van Linden – Until Monday (Mac & Mac remix)(Monster tunes)
20. Ferry Corsten feat. Guru – Junk (Positiva)
21. Kyau & Albert – Are You Fine? (Euphonic)
22. KLF – What Time is Love (Antidote Inspired remix)
A State of Trance Episode 265 (07.09.2006)
1. Riestos – Hypocracy
2. Richard Durand – Sunhump (Zzap)
3. Alex Stealthy & D-Fuse – Deploring everything with you (Soliquid Mash up)
4. Cara Dillion vs. 2 Devine – Black is the Colour (Coco & Green remix)(Anjunabeats)
5. Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs Rank 1 – Life less Ordinary
6. Andy Moor vs Orkidea – YearZero (Ava Recordings)
7. Jody Wisternoff – Nostalgia (remix) (In Charge recordings)
8. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Blake Jarrell 190 dB remix)(Armind)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston – Good For Me (Club Mix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Duende – Luna Negra (Afterglow)
11. Carl B – Social Suicide (Alex M.O.R.P.H. mix 1) (Somatic Sense)
12. DJ Spoke – Watch Them Fall Down (Ali Wilson Tekelec remix) (PSR)
13. 4 Strings – Mainline (4 Turntables mix)(Spinnin)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: A/B Project – Eternal Optimism (Kuffdam & Plant remix)
15. Dave 202 – Generate the Wave (Silicon)
16. John O Callaghan – Cruise Control (Discover)
17. Sequentia – Innuendo
18. Tillmann Uhrmacher – The Pride in your eyes (Martin Roth remix) (Vandit)
19. Marco V. – Any Better, Or… (In Charge recordings)
20. Ronald van Gelderen – Realize (Stripped Down mix) (High Contrast)
21. Kyau & Albert – Are you Fine (Markus Schulz remix) (Euphonic)
22. Kuffdam & Plant – Meltdown (Six:Thirty)
8 Wonders – Sex On the Beach
A State of Trance Episode 266 (14.09.2006)
1. Joonas Hahmo – Together
2. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Blake Jarrell’s 190dB mix)(Armind)
3. Kirsty Hawkshaw & Tenisha – Outsiders (Jose Amnesia remix)
4. Leama & Moor – Waiting (Cats & Sieja mix) (Lost Language)
5. David West – Make U Mine (Ava Recordings)
6. Richard Durand – Sunhump (zzap) vs. Cassandra Fox – Touch Me (Mike Koglin vs Jono Grant remix)
7. Estiva presents Sunover – Stella (Enhanced)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston – Good For Me (Club mix) (Anjunabeats)
9. Cedric Gervais – Spirit in My Life (Second sun mix)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
11. Dj Governor vs. R-Lend – Beat Design
12. M.I.K.E. – Salvation (Plastic Boy remix) (Club Elite)
13. Carl B – Social Suicide (Alex M.O.R.P.H. mix v.2) (Somatic Sense)
14. Tom Cloud feat. Tiff Lacey – Secretly (Dub mix) (ASOT)
15. Vibrasphere – Floating Free (Tribal Vision records)
16. Sequentia – Innuendo (Six:Thirty)
17. Optik – Claim (Banshee)
18. Marninx pres. Ecco – Intuition (Martin Roth Classic mix) (Dark Noise recordings)
19. Dave 202 – Generate the Wave (Silicon recordings)
A State of Trance Episode 267 (2006-09-21)
1. 16 bit Lolita’s – Passing Lights (shinichi)
2. Pryda – Shadows (Pryda)
3. Kirsty Hawkshaw & Tenisha – Outsiders (Jose Amnesia remix)
4. Cara Dillon vs 2 Devine – Black Is The Colour (Coco & Green Remix)(Anjunabeats)
5. Riestos – Hypocracy
6. Cassandra Fox – Touch Me (Mike koglin vs Jono Grant remix)
7. Oliver Prime – Hesitated (Spinnin)
8. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
9. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
10. Ronski Speed – The Space We Are (Euphonic)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mike Koglin + P.O.S – Untitled Audio (Nitrous Oxide Remix) (Anjunabeats)
12. Leon Bolier presents Surpresa – Poseidon (ASOT)
13. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Another You, Another Me (Lange Recordings)
14. Galen Behr vs. Hydroid – Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan remix) (Yakuza)
15. Active Sight – Time Goes By (Fred Baker remix) (ASOT)
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Estiva presents Sunover – Stella (Enhanced)
17. Cosmic Gate – Analog Feel (Maelstrom)
18. Cosmic Gate – Consciousness (Maelstrom)
19. Fictivision vs. C-quence – Symbols (Kimito Lopez revamp)
20. Midway – Cobra (First State’s First Aid Remix) (Blackhole)
21. Opus III – Fine Day (Leon Bolier remix)
A State of Trance Episode 268 (2006-09-28)
1. Cosmic Gate – Guess Who? (Maelstrom)
2. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
3. Kirsty Hawkshaw & Tenisha – Outsiders (Jose Amnesia remix) (Armind)
4. Robbie Williams – Rudebox (Perry O Neil remix)
5. Leama & Moor feat. Jan Johnston – Waiting (Andrew Bennett & Tom Cloud dub) (Lost Language)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Peter Dubs – Cubu (Reflected Recordings)
7. Memento – No Return
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Leon Bolier presents Surpresa – Poseidon (ASOT)
9. Dallas Superstars – Higher (Stockholm recordings)
10. Mike Koglin & P.O.S. – Untitled Audio (Nitrous Oxide remix)(Anjunabeats)
11. Will Holland vs Six Senses – Frantic (Sean Tyas remix) (Enhanced)
12. Ronski Speed – The Space We Are (Euphonic)
13. Activa presents Force One – Reflection (Marcos remix) (Six:Thirty)
14. Cedric Gervais – Spirit in my life (Second Sun remix)
15. Galen Behr vs Hydroid – Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan Nilsen remix)(Yakuza/United)
16. Carl B – Social Suicide (Alex M.O.R.P.H. mix v 1) (Somatic Sense)
17. Carlo Resoort – TomTom (Liquid/Spinnin)
18. Blank & Jones – Sound of Machines (Martin Roth’s Technopunk remix)
19. Gabriel & Dresden – Dangerous Power (Kuffdam & Plant remix) (Organised Nature)
A State of Trance Episode 269 (2006-10-05)
1. Sunlounger – Aguas Blancas (Where to Get naked mix) (Armind)
2. Armin van Buuren vs Herman Brood – Saturdaynight (Vocal mix) (Armind)
3. Simon & Shaker – Pure State (DK Records)
4. Tilt feat. Maria Nayler – Angry Skies (Vadim Soloviev remix)(Lost Language)
5. Mark Pledger – On The Edge (Mike Shiver remix)(Anjunabeats)
6. Kyau & Albert – Always a Fool (from the album ‘worldvibe’) (Euphonic)
7. Oceanlab – Sirens Of The Sea (Kyau & Albert Vocal Mix) (from the album ‘worldvibe’) (Euphonic)
8. Stephen J Kroos – Sadistick (Deep Vocal mix) (Anjunabeats)
9. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Another You, Another Me (Lange Recordings)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ronski Speed – The Space we Are (John O Callaghan remix) (Euphonic)
11. Peter Dubs – Cubu (Reflected recordings)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Galen Behr vs Hydroid – Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan Nilsen remix) (Yakuza)
13. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
14. Beatpusher- RHT (Dallas Superstars ’06 remix) (unity recordings)
15. Super 8 + Tab – Won’t sleep tonight (Moody dub) (Anjunabeats)
16. Estova presents Sunover – Stella (Enhanced Recordings)
17. Far & Away – Solstice (original mix) (Inov8 recordings)
18. Cosmic gate – Analog Feel (maelstrom/blackhole)
19. Carl B feat. Breaking Benjamin – The Diary of Jane (Tyas rework)
20. Force One – Reflection (Marcos remix) (Six:Thirty)
A State of Trance Episode 270 (2006-10-12)
1. Marscruiser – Not Alone Tonight (Blake Jarrell remix)
2. Pryda – Shadows (Pryda)
3. JPL – Your Whole Life (Ljungqvist always lives remix) (Alter Ego)
4. Lange presents Firewall Feat. Jav D – Looking too Deep (Coldharbour)
5. Elevation – Blinding Truth (Armada)
6. Simon & Shaker – Pure State (DK Records)
7. Endless Blue – Salty Waters (original mix)
8. Kamil Polner – Soul Cure (Reflected Recordings)
9. Santiago Nino & Giuseppe Ottaviani – Beyond Your Thoughts (Uplifting mix)
10. Vast Vision – Ellipse (Mikka Leinonen remix)(Flux delux)
11. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Another You, Another Me (Vandit)
12. Shiloh – Cafe Del Mariachi (Nick Warren remix)
13. Stoneface & Terminal – Another Day (Euphonic)
14. O Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (DJ Governor remix) (Discover)
15. Galen Behr vs Hydroid – Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan Nilsen remix)(Yakuza)
16. Kuffdam & Plant feat. Terry Ferminal – The Ones We Loved (Original mix)(Vandit)
17. Ronski Speed – The Space we Are (John O Callaghan remix) (Euphonic)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Carl B feat. Breaking Benjamin – The Diary of Jane(Tyas rework)
19. Joop – The Future (High Contrast recordings)
20. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Greg Downey – Vivid Intent (Discover)
21. John Askew – Eat the Rich
A State of Trance Episode 271 (2006-10-19)
1. The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides in the Deep (Perry O Neil remix) (Electronic Elements)
2. Armin van Buuren vs Herman Brood – Saturdaynight (dub mix) (Armind)
3. Anna Nalick – Breathe (Blake Jarrell remix)
4. Dj Shah – Palmarosa
5. Mr. Sam feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Split (Jonas Steur remix) (Blackhole)
6. Elevation – Blinding Truth (ASOT)
7. Mind One – Hurt of Intention (Flashover)
8. Kyau & Albert – Always A Fool (Euphonic)
9. Carl B – Chasing Leaves
10. Richard Durand – Slipping Away (Ronald van Gelderen remix) (Zzap)
11. Super 8 + Tab – Won’t Sleep Tonight (Moondy Dub) (Anjunabeats)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kamil Polner – Soul Cure (Reflected Recordings)
13. Woody van Eyden feat. Jimmy H – Y68 (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix)
14. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kuffdam & Plant feat. Terry Ferminal – The Ones We Loved (Dogzilla remix) (Vandit)
15. Stoneface & Terminal Earth E.P.- Supernature (Euphonic)
16. Mark Pledger – On The Edge (Mike Shiver remix) (Anjunabeats)
17. Aly & Fila pres. A&F project – Ankh (Breath of Life)
18. Fictivion vs. C-Quence – Symbols (Kimito Lopez Private Revamp) (Blackhole)
19. Solid Globe – North Pole vs Sahara (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Fundamental)
20. RG – Midnight Sun (Divini & Warning remix)
21. Ronski Speed – The Space we Are (John O Callaghan remix) (Euphonic)
A State of Trance Episode 272 (2006-10-12)
1. Johan Vermeulen – Labyrinth (Underground Lessons)
2. Faithless – Bombs (Benny Benassi remix) (Cheeky)
3. Kirsty Hawkshaw & Tenisha – Outsiders (Jose Amnesia remix) (Armind)
4. Cara Dillion vs 2 Devine – Black is the Colour (Above & Beyond re-work) (Anjunabeats)
5. Richard Durand – Sunhump (Breakfast bootleg)
6. Tenthu – Essencia (Capsula remix)
7. David Forbes – Goodbye (Five AM)
8. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
9. Armin vs. Rank 1 – This World is Watching Me (feat. Kush) (Armind)
10. Greg Downey – Vivid Intent (Giuseppe Ottaviani vs Marc van Linden remix) (Discover)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lost World – A Life Elsewhere (Martin Roth PSY remix) (Captivating)
12. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Through Your Eyes (Thomas Bronzwaer remix) (Vandit)
13. FUTURE FAVORITE: Stoneface & Terminal – Super Nature (Earth E.P.) (Euphonic)
14. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
15. Bolier & Coenraad – Mohawk (Intuition)
16. Qursion pres. Internal Front – Fundamental Noise (Aurora Digital)
17. Store N Forward feat. Mill Brokes – 4 seasons in 1 day (Sean Tyas dub) (Afterglow)
18. Mr. Sam feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Split (Aly & Fila Club mix) (Blackhole)
19. Joop – the Future (High Contrast Recordings)
20. Bolier & Coenraad – the Mighty Ducks (Intuition)
21. O Callaghan and Kearney – Exactly (DJ Governor remix) (Discover)
A State of Trance Episode 273 (2006-11-02)
1. Baltic Sound – Glimmer
2. Endless Blue – Salty Waters (DJ Shah’s Terrace mix)
3. Shiloh vs Luke Chable feat.
3 Colours & Hawk – Oz Morning Dust (Chris Chambers bootleg)
4. Markus Schulz feat. Carrie Skipper – Never be the Same again (Markus Schulz Coldharbour remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
5. Eric Prydz – The Dub (Data)
6. Armin vs. Rank 1 – This World is Watching me (feat. Kush) (Armind)
7. Solar Stone – The Calling (Orkidea remix)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tenthu – Essencia (Capsula remix)
9. Andy Moor vs Orkidea – YearZero (Orkidea version) (Ava recordings)
10. Aurosonic – Freedome (club mix)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dave 202 – Torrent
12. Richard Durand – Slipping Away (original non vocal mix) (terminal 4)
13. Klems – Area 101 (101 Recordings)
14. Stoneface & Terminal – Another Day (from the ‘Earth E.P.’) (Euphonic)
15. Lost World – A Life Elsewhere (Martin Roth’s Psy remix) (Captivating)
16. Qursion pres. Internal Front – Pilgrim (Eddie Sender remix) (Aurora Digital)
17. Airbase – Sinister (Gesture Music)
18. John Askew – How Can I Put This? (John O Callaghan remix) (Discover)
19. Solid Globe – North Pole vs Sahara (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Fundamental)
20. Jesselyn – Contact (Silicon recordings)
21. Roy Gates – Midnight Sun (Divini & Warning remix) (Dance Villa)
A State of Trance Episode 274 (2006-11-09)
1. DT8 – Hold Me Till The End (Truly Deeply Dub) (Direction records)
2. Aurosonic – Starfall
3. DJ Shah – Palmarosa (Armada)
4. Stephen J. Kroos – 4 Your Taperecorder
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Signalrunners – Aria Epica (Bart Claessen remix) (Anjunabeats)
6. ATP – Driftations (Marninx Dedicated mix)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Markus Schulz feat. Carrie Skipper – Never be the Same again (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Club Mix) (Coldharbour recordings)
8. Above & Beyond – Good For Me (Anjunabeats)
9. Nic Chagall – WYN (NC Hard Dub) (High Contrast recordings)
10. Sun Decade – I’m Alone (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (10 years Euphonic)
11. Sophie Sugar – Fallen Too Far (ASOT)
12. Qursion pres. Internal Front – Fundamental Noise (Aurora Digital)
13. Carl B – Chasing Leaves
14. Robert Nickson – untitled (ASOT)
15. Aly & Fila – Ankh (Breath of Life)
16. DJ Atmospherik – Straight Flush (4 Strings remix)
17. Joint Operations Centre – Shortwave
18. Carlos – Silmarillia (Leon Bolier remix) (Spinnin)
19. Bolier & Coenraad – Mohawk (Intuition)
20. Public Domain – I feel Love (Bart Claessen remix)
21. Ronski Speed vs Oceanlab – EOS vs. Satellite (10 years Euphonic)
A State of Trance Episode 275 (2006-11-16)
1. Sarah McLachlan – Noel (Dash Berlin remix)
2. Marscruiser – Not Alone Tonight (Blake Jarrell remix)
3. Mystique – Just As I Thought
4. Arabella – Nabucco (M.I.D.O.R. Remix) (Kyr recordings)
5. Andrew Bennett & Rico Soarez – Light of Hope (Jody Wisternoff remix)(Electronic Elements)
6. Nic Chagall – WYN (Nic Chagall’s Prog mix) (High Contrast)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Aurosonic – Starfall
8. Signalrunners – Aria Epica (Bart Claessen remix) (Anjunabeats)
9. Luminary – Dark Eyes (Funabashi pres. Tom Porcell remix) (Lost Language)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: ATP – Driftations (Marninx dedicated remix)
11. Chris Chambers & Static Blue – Dynamica (Signalrunners remix) (Alter Ego Pure)
12. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
13. Sebastian Sand – Strange Bends (Kyau & Albert remix)(Euphonic)
14. Arctic Quest – Black Smoke
15. Lost World – A Life Elsewhere (Martin Roth PSY remix) (Captivating Sounds)
16. John Askew – How Can I put This? (John O Callaghan remix) (Discover)
17. Armin vs. Rank 1 – This World is Watching me (feat. Kush) (Armind)
18. Phatzoo – Twisted Freak (Marco V. Remix edit) (In Charge Recordings)
19. Jesselyn – Contact (Silicon Recordings) 20. CLS – Can U Feel It (Marcel Woods remix 1)
A State of Trance Episode 276 (2006-11-23)
1. PQM Project – Babe Im Gonna Leave You (PQMs Deephead Pass) (Abducted Recordings)
2. Mark Knight – Susan (Toolroom)
3. Airwave – People Just Dont Care (Remix) (Banshee)
4. Arabella – Nabucco (M.I.D.O.R. remix) (Kyr)
5. U2 & Green Day – The Saints Are Coming (Hawk Bootleg)
6. Nic Chagall – Wyn (Ncs Hard Dub) (High Contrast)
7. Robert Nickson – Untitled (ASOT)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sebastian Sand – Strange Bends (Kyau & Albert remix) (Euphonic)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sarah McLachlan – Noel (DJ Shah remix)
10. Xplore – North Pole (Michael Ridleg remix)(Underground Lessons)
11. Keni delLopez – Heavens Caliber (Thomas Datt Remix) (Discover)
12. Armin van Buuren feat. Racoon – Love You More (Daniel Kandis Shiversmix)
13. Tranzident and Peter Dubs – Drift (Solar Eclipse Recordings)
14. Ferry Tale & Tonks – Vol de Nuit (Ferry Tale in Spirit of St. Exupery mix) (Banshee)
15. Luminary – Dark Eyes (Funabashi pres. Tom Porcell remix) (Lost Language)
16. T.B.C. – Constellation (Vandit)
17. Breakfast – The Storm (Flashover Recordings)
18. Public Domain – I Feel Love (Bart Claessen remix)
19. Woody van Eyden feat. Jimmy H. – Y68 (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix)
20. Carl B. feat. Breaking Benjamin – The Diary of Jane (Sean Tyas remix)
A State of Trance Episode 277 (2006-11-30)
1. Headstrong – The Truth (David West Progressive mix)
2. Mystique – Just As I Thought
3. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
4. Lost Witness vs Sassot – What
5. Eddie Sender vs Ronny K – Singularity
6. Tranzident and Peter Dubs – Drift
7. Brenden LaBonte – Finding A Way (Conspiracy Recordings)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sarah McLachlan – Noel (DJ Shah remix)
9. Kenidel Lopez – Heavens Caliber (Thomas Datt remix) (Discover)
10. Precursor – Lyra (Joop remix) (Spinnin)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Solar Movement – Under the Sun (Conspiracy Recordings)
12. Aurosonic – Freedome
13. Neal Scarborough – Stung on the River (Discover)
14. Danny Oliveira – Drop it Your Love (John O Callaghan remix) (Discover Dark)
15. Ian Betts & Nick Rowland – State of Becoming (Ian Betts remix) (Six:Thirty)
16. Interstate vs Sander van Doorn – Remember the Sun Goes Down
17. AB Project – Eternal Optimism (mondo)
18. Dave 202 – Torrent
19. Airbase – Sinister (Gesture music)
A State of Trance Episode 278 (2006-12-07)
1. Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars (Topher Jones vs. Blake Jarrell remix)
2. Mannel – A Tunderek Hagja
3. Jerome Isma Ae – Stars in your Head
4. Headstrong – The Truth (David West remix)
5. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
6. Chakra – Love Shines Through (Martin Roths dub)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tranzident and Peter Dubs – Drift
8. Above & Beyond – Stealing Time (Anjunabeats)
9. Signalrunners – Aria Epica (Bart Claessen remix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Armin van Buuren – Communication part 3 (Coldware remix) (Armind)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Amex – Back in the Sun (Saint Rush remix)
12. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
13. Solar Movement – Liana (Conspiracy)
14. Karybde & Scylla – Free Your Mind (Van Gelder remix)
15. Stephen J. Kroos – 4 Your Taperecorder
16. Sander van Doorn – Grasshopper (Spinnin)
17. Blake Jarrell – Glitter Gun
18. Danny Oliveira – Drop it Your Love (John O Callaghan remix)(Discover)
19. Signum – Cloud City (ASOT)
20. Randy Katana – Another Wave (Spinnin)
21. Joop – The Future (High contrast)
A State of Trance Episode 279 (2006-12-14)
1. The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides in the deep (Electronic elements)
2. DT8 Project – Hold me Till the End (Ronksi Speed remix)Marris – Egarnical (Slow Motion)
3. Maxi feat. Tiff Lacey – Moon Love (Emotive Sounds)
4. Yel – 1 Night in Cairo (Bestboy media)
5. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Another You, Another Me (Terranova & Austin Leeds remix)(Vandit)
6. Elevation – Blinding Truth (Elevation 4AM dub) (ASOT)
7. Hawk – Youre mine (AVA Digital)
8. Daniel Kandi – Child (Anjunabeats)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Vascotia – Avalon (Adam Nickey Remix)(Real Music)
10. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren – Communication part 3 (Coldware remix) (Armind)
12. Santiago Nino & Giuseppe Ottaviani – Beyond Your Thoughts (Uplifting mix)
13. Talla 2XLC – Shine (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Bostich)
14. Lost Witness vs Sassot – What
15. Dreas vs Mike Perry – Arctic Sweep (Motion Recordings)
16. Mr. Sam – Neo Vulcan (T4L Vulcaneo remix) (Blackhole)
17. Above & Beyond – Stealing Time (Anjunabeats)
18. Tiesto – Lethal Industry (Richard Durand remix) (Blackhole)
19. Bolier & Coenraad – the Mighty Ducks (Intuition)
20. Re:locate – Showdown (fundamental)
21. Tatana meets Tyas – Airwave 2006
A State of Trance Episode 280 Top 20 of 2006 (2006-12-21)
Top 20 of 2006 as voted by listeners to ASOT Number Of Confirmed Valid Votes: 6479 Special thanks to Peter Kruit (www.arminvanbuuren.net) Statement:
This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely based on listeners votes. Each listener that submitted his or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2006 of tracks, as played in one of the shows in 2006. All votes were checked on possible fraud. Armin nor Armada had anything to do with the points awarded. Position Track [Points/Votes]
1. Above and Beyond featuring Zoe Johnston – Good For Me (Club Mix) [2064/574]
2. Armin van Buuren featuring Racoon – Love You More (Vocal Mix) [2057/613]
3. Above and Beyond – Cant Sleep (Original Mix) [2002/595]
4. Armin van Buuren – Control Freak (Sander van Doorn Remix) [1730/534]
5. Arksun – Arisen (Original Mix) [1650/463]
6. Jose Amnesia featuring Jennifer Rene – Louder (Original Mix) [1558/438]
7. Armin van Buuren – Sail (Original Mix) [1501/461]
8. OCallaghan and Kearney – Exactly (Original Mix) [1391/422]
9. Selu Vibra – Divine (Original Mix) [1360/406]
10. Andy Moor versus Orkidea – Year Zero (Original Mix) [1262/366]
11. Anna Nalick – Breathe (2 AM) (Blake Jarrell Remix) [1203/339]
12. Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars (Blake Jarrell and Topher Jones Remix) [1132/366]
13. Ronski Speed – The Space We Are (John OCallaghan Remix) [1119/400]
14. Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms (Club Mix) [1106/343]
15. Armin van Buuren vs. Rank 1 – This World is Watching Me (featuring Kush) [1102/346]
16. Aalto – 5 (Original Mix) [1073/334]
17. Kyau and Albert – Are You Fine (Original Mix) [1002/343]
18. Markus Schulz featuring Carrie Skipper – Never Be The Same Again (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Club Mix) [968/329]
19. DJ Shah presents Sunlounger – White Sand (Original Mix) [944/302]
20. Alex Morph and Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary (Original Mix) [940/291]
A State of Trance Episode 281 Yearmix 2006 (2006-12-28)
1. Intro – To be Taken
2. Paulo Mojo – 1983 (Eric Prydz remix)
3. Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms
4. David West – Make U Mine
5. Bennett & Soarez – Light of Hope
6. Jody Wisternoff – Nostalgia (remix)
7. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft – Let Go
8. Kirsty Hawkshaw & Tenisha – Outsiders (Jose Amnesia Mix)
9. Paco Maroto – Electronic Electro
10. Simon & Shaker – Zero
11. Perry O Neil – Bass Society
12. Armin van Buuren vs Herman Brood – Saturdaynight
13. Alex Monakhov Roundabout
14. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder
15. Black Pearl – Bounty Island (DJ Shah’s San Antonio Harbour Mix)
16. Sunlounger – White Sand
17. Richard Durand Sunhump
18. Markus Schulz feat. Carrie Skipper – Never Be The Same Again (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Club Mix)
19. Bodyrocks Yeah Yeah (D. Ramirez remix Markus Schulz reconstruction)
20. Oxia Domino
21. Leama & Moor – Everything Matters (Matthew Dekay remix)
22. A Boy Called Joni – Green Astronauts
23. Cara Dillon vs 2 Devine – Black Is The Colour (Coco & Green Remix)
24. Alex Morph vs Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary
25. Super 8 vs. DJ Tab – Helsinki Scorching
26. G-Spott presents Vinyl Sessions – 6
27. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Close your Eyes
28. Armin vs. Rank 1 – This world is Watching me (feat. Kush)
29. Vinny Troia pres. Jaidene Veda – Flow (Gareth Emery mix)
30. Estova presents Sunover – Stella
31. Aalto – 5
32. Armin van Buuren – Controlfreak (Sander van Doorn remix)
33. Kyau & Albert – Are You Fine
34. Luminary – Dark Eyes (Funabashi pres. Tom Porcell remix)
35. Signalrunners – Aria Epica (Bart Claessen remix)
36. Lowell Halez ft. Heidi Hazelton – Move Me (Kaste remix)
37. Team SR – Leaving London (T4L Remix)
38. Andy Moor vs Orkidea – YearZero
39. Re:locate feat. Menno de Jong – Spirit
40. Cosmic Gate – Should Have Known (Dub Mix)
41. Orjan – Arctic Globe
42. Arksun – Arisen
43. Galen Behr vs. Hydriod- Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan Nilsen remix)
44. 4 Strings – Mainline (4 Turntables mix)
45. Ronski Speed – The Space we Are (John O Callaghan remix)
46. Kuffdam & Plant feat. Terry Ferminal – The Ones we loved (Dogzilla remix)
47. Lange vs Gareth Emery – Another You, Another Me
48. Chocolate Puma – Always & Forever (Bart Claessen remix)
49. Tiesto feat. Maxi Jazz – Dance 4 life
50. Ronald van Gelderen – This Way (Rank 1 remix)
51. Mr. Sam feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Split (Jonas Steur remix)
52. Oceanlab – Sirens Of The Sea (Kyau & Albert Vocal Mix)
53. Leon Bolier presents Surpresa – Poseidon
54. Sean Tyas Lift
55. Re:locate – Rogue
56. Thomas Datt – Evaporate (Stoneface & Terminal Mix)
57. 4 Strings – Take me Away (Purple Haze remix)
58. Marco V – Any Better, Or …
59. Above & Beyond – Good for Me
60. Mike Foyle – Shipwrecked (John O Callaghan vs Mike Foyle Club Mix)
61. Selu Vibra – Divine
62. Kamil Polner – Soul Cure
63. Super 8 – Get Off
64. Vast Vision – Ellipse (Mikka Leinonen Mix)
65. Kai Del Noi – Beyond Doubt
66. Cape Town – Proglifter
67. Above & Beyond – Can’t sleep
68. Ferry Corsten – Beautiful
69. Nic Chagall – Monday Bar
70. Alexey Selin – White Crystal
71. Armin van Buuren feat. Racoon – Love you more
72. Dave 202 – Generate The Wave
73. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Through Your Eyes
74. Signum – Harmonic
75. Ron van Den Beuken – Find A Way
76. Stoneface & Terminal – SuperNature
77. Nitrous Oxide – North Pole
78. Mark Pledger – On The Edge (Mike Shiver remix)
79. Filo and Peri feat. Fisher – Ordinary Moment
80. OCallaghan & Kearney – Exactly
81. Armin van Buuren – Sail
82. Divini & Warning – 4LB
83. Marninx pres. Ecco – Intuition (Martin Roth Classic mix)
84. Lost World – A Life Elsewhere
85. S.O. Project – Direct Dizko (Sander van Doorn remix)
86. Simon Patterson – F16
87. Outro – the Void
A State of Trance Episode 282 (2007-01-04)
01. DT8 Project feat. Andrea Britton - Hold Me Till The End (Deeply Truly Mix)
02. Aurosonic - Starfall
03. DJ Shah - Palmarosa
04. Stephen J. Kroos - Formalistik
05. Signalrunners pres. Syndica - Aria Epica (Bart Claessen Remix) [Tune Of The Week]
06. A.T.P. - Driftations (Marninx Dedicated Remix
07. Markus Schulz feat. Carrie Skipper - Never Be The Same Again (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Mix) [Future Favorite]
08. Above & Beyond feat. Zo Johnston - Good For Me (Club Mix)
09. Nic Chagall - Unwind (Nic Chagall Hard Dub)
10. Sun Decade - I'm Alone (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
11. Sophie Sugar - Fallen Too Far
12. Qursion pres. Internal Front - Fundamental Noise
13. Carl B - Chasing Leaves
14. Robert Nickson - Robert Nickson - Motion Blur
15. Aly & Fila pres. A&F Project - Ankh (Breath Of Life)
16. DJ Atmospherik - Straight Flush (4 Strings Remix)
17. Joint Operations Center - Shortwave
18. Carlos - The Silmarillia (Leon Bolier Remix)
19. Bolier & Coenraad - Mohawk
20. Public Domain feat. Lucia Holm - I Feel Love (Bart Claessen Remix)
21. Ronski Speed vs. Oceanlab - E.O.S. Satellite (Laptop DJ Mashup)
A State of Trance Episode 283 (2007-01-11)
1. Cape Town – Percivalesque (Banshee)
2. Sugar – Sweet Thing (Tocadisco remix) (Yoshitoshi)
3. Delerium feat. Isabel Bayrakdarian – Angelicus (Andy Moor remix) (Nettwerk)
4. Sultan & Ned – Connected (Ignas remix) (Yoshitoshi)
5. Michael Dow – Ascent
6. Maor Levi – Reflect (Anjunabeats)
7. Sunfreaks – Counting Down the Days (DT8 Project dub)
8. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Outsiders (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armind)
9. Myth – Sjamaan
10. Poison Pro – Hello (Drizzly)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lost Witness vs Sassot – Whatever (Aly & Fila remix)
12. Octagen – Untold (Five AM)
13. Dave 202 – Rain Against Her
14. Daniel Banks – Physical (Inertia remix) (Discover)
15. D-factor – Mystique (Armada)
16. Robert Gitelman – Memories from the Future
17. Unknown Artist – Unknown title
18. Armin vs. Rank 1 – This World is Watching Me (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armind)
19. Chris Chambers & Static Blue – Dynamica (Signalrunners remix)
20. Melvin Warning – Muzika (dance villa)
A State of Trance Episode 284 (18-01-2007)
1. Delerium feat. Isabel Bayrakdarian – Angelicus (Andy Moor remix) (Nettwerk)
2. Ohmna – People Get Lost (Vocal mix) (Cyber records)
3. Rex Mundi – Desillusion (Cyber Records)
4. Santiago Nino & Damien Heck – Red Sky (Santiago Nino Dub mix)
5. Maor Levi – Illumina (Anjunadeep)
6. Markus Schulz vs Chakra – I Am (Coldharbour recordings)
7. Jose Amnesia ft. Jennifer Rene – Louder (Jon O Bir Bootleg mix)
8. Michael Dow – Ascent
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
10. Lost World – A Life Elsewhere (Martin Roth PSY remix) (Captivating Sounds)
11. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert – Megashira (Euphonic)
12. Plastic Angel – Call the Galaxy Taxi (Martin Roth Nu Style remix)(Afterglow)
13. Thomas Bronzwaer – Close Horizon (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix)(Yakuza)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Lost Witness vs Sassot – Whatever (Aly & Fila remix)
15. Dreas vs Mike Perry – Arctic Sweep (Greg Downey remix) (Motion)
16. Unknown Artist – Perspective (Cyber records)
17. Cosmic Gate – Analog Feel (Rank 1 Digital Rehash) (Blackhole)
18. Under Sun – Captured (Signum Signal remix) (ASOT)
19. Nick Robertson – Identity Crisis (John O Callaghan live As edit)(Armada)
20. ASOT CLASSIC: Electronic Boutique feat. Taz – Heal
A State of Trance Episode 285 (01-25-2007)
1. Fine Taste – More Grey Than Blue (Little Mountain)
2. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Wouldnt Change A Thing
3. Emjae – Necromancer (Probspot dub) (curvve)
4. Solar Stone – The Calling (Orkidea Remix)
5. Cape Town – Percivalesque (Ferry Tale Universal Language remix)(Banshee)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: JamX & De Leon – Elektrisch (Mark Sherrys Outburst Instrumental)
7. Mr. Sam feat. Rani – Secret (Duderstadt dub) (Blackhole)
8. Duderstadt and Anita Kelsey – Smile (Duende Dub remix) (Afterglow)
9. Joop – The Future (Rank 1 remix) (High Contrast)
10. Activa – Genetix (Spinnin)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Marc Marberg with Kyau and Albert – Megashira (Euphonic)
12. Myth – Sjamaan
13. FKN feat. Jahala – Why (Aly & Fila remix) (Deep Blue)
14. Dreas vs. Mike Perry – Arctic Sweep
15. Mike Foyle – Firefly
16. Airbase – One Tear Away (Intuition)
17. Robert Gitelman & Michael Tsukerman – Memories from The Future
18. Hydriod – Space Quest
19. Aly & Fila pres. A&F Project – Ankh (Carl B remix)
20. Under Sun – Captured (Signum Signal Remix) (ASOT)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Vincent De Moor – Flowtation (Deal Classic)
A State of Trance Episode 286 (01-02-2007)
1. The Killers – Read My Mind (Gabriel & Dresden remix)
2. Sephen J. Kroos – Formalistick (from the album Tecktonick) (Anjunabeats)
3. Markus Schulz vs Charkra – I Am (Coldharbour recordings)
4. Mr. Sam feat. Rani – Secret (Duderstadt dub) (Black Hole)
5. Santiago Nino & Damien Heck – Red Sky (Santiago Nino Dub mix)
6. Emotional Horizons – Autumn (Conspiracy)
7. Lost Witness vs Sassot – Whatever (Aly & Fila remix)
8. JamX & De Leon – Electrisch (Mark Sherrys Outburst Instrumental)
9. Cosmic Gate – Analog Feel (Rank 1 Digital Rehash) (Black Hole)
10. Joop – The Future (Markus Schulz remix) (High Contrast)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Bissen – Exhale
12. Bobina – Lighthouse (Sean Tyas dub)
13. Thomas Bronzwaer – Close Horizon (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Yakuza)
14. Dave 202 – Torrent (Captivating Sounds)
15. Armin van Buuren – Communication part 3 (Coldware remix) (Armind)
16. Plastic Angel – Call the Galaxy Taxi (Martin Roths Nu Style remix) (Afterglow)
17. Sonika – Hypertension (Re-Ward remix) (Cellection)
18. Randy Katana – Another Wave (edit) (Spinnin)
19. Rex Mundi – Perspective (Cyber)
20. Michael Dow – Ascent
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Ferry Corsten – Needlejuice (Tsunami)
A State of Trance Episode 287 (02-08-2007)
1. Arno Cost & Arias – Magenta (Kontor)
2. Super8 & DJ Tab – Needs to Feel (Wippenberg remix) (Anjunabeats)
3. Boom Jinx – Remember September (Anjunabeats)
4. Iman – We Are You (Method)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Albert Vorne – Formentera What (Gareth Emery remix) (Mazeman)
6. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe johnston – Good for me (Thomas Datt bootleg remix) (Anjunabeats)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Duderstadt and Anita Kelsey – Smile (Duende remix)(Afterglow)
8. Frank Savio – Central State (Conspiracy Rec)
9. Jose Gonzales – Crosses (Sam Ho Remake)
10. Art Of Trance – Madagascar (Neal Scarborough remake)
11. Way Out West – The Fall (Richard Durand remix) (Blackhole)
12. Remo-Con – Cold Front (Bart Claessen remix)
13. Bissen – Exhale
14. FKN feat. Jahala – Why? (Aly & Fila remix) (Deep Blue)
15. Deems – Tears of Hope (Aly & Fila remix rework)
16. Mike Foyle – Firefly
17. Visior & Dark Moon – Beautiful People (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (Breeze)
18. Jamaster-a – Bells of Tiananmen (Airbase remix) (Spinnin)
19. Amadeus vs Aly & Fila – Dream of Peace (John Askew remix) (Discover) ASOT RADIO Classic: Push vs Globe – Tranceformation (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 288 (15-02-2007)
1. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Light The Skies (Retrobytes Classic Electrobounce Mix) (Baroque)
2. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Wouldnt Change a Thing (Armind)
3. Rex Mundi – Desillusion (Cyber Records)
4. Algarve vs Cold Blue – Sakura
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Marninx – Aire Azul (Freek Geuze Remix)(Enhanced)
6. Joop – The Future (Rank 1 remix) (High Contrast)
7. Mr Sam feat Rani – Secret (Duderstadt Dub Remix) (Blackhole)
8. Mat Zo – Out of Minorty
9. Jose Gonzales – Crosses (Danilo Ercole Remix)
10. Dave 202 – Rain Against Her
11. Jam X & DeLeon – Elektrisch (Mark Sherrys Outburst instrumental mix)
12. Orjan – Gobstice (United)
13. Markus Schulz feat. Chakra – I Am (Coldharbour recordings)
14. Pulsers – Things You Say (Ambrosia remix)
15. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Jamaster-a – Bells of Tiananmen (Airbase remix) (Spinnin)
17. Under Sun – Captured (Signum remix) (ASOT)
18. D-Factor – Mystique (Captivating)
19. Super8 & DJ Tab – Needs to Feel (Wippenberg remix) (Anjunabeats)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: BT – Godspeed
A State of Trance Episode 289 (22.02.2007)
1. Alex Bartlett – Touch The Sun (Rank 1 remix) (Drizzly)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Light The Skies (Retrobytes Classic Electrobounce Mix) (Baroque)
3. Simon & Shaker – Plan 9
4. Planisphere – No Sugar Added (From the album Solarism)(Banshee)
5. Unknown Artist – Saved again (probspot dub mix) (Somatic Sense)
6. Sonic Division – Painting the Silence (Everwake remix) (Deep Blue)
7. Lemon & Einar K – Hope (Flashover)
8. Marninx – Aire Azul (Freek Geuze Remix)(Enhanced)
9. Bedrock – Heaven Scent (Greg Downey Remix)
10. Albert Vorne – Formentera What (Gareth Emery remix)
11. Vincent De Moor – Flowtation 2007 (Roy Gates remix)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Orjan – Gobstice (United/Intuition)
13. Sequentia & Amphiby – Kaleidoscope
14. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Outsiders (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armind)
15. Sander van Doorn – Back By Any Demand (Dope Mix) (Spinnin)
16. Simon Patterson – Strip Search (Spinnin)
17. Dan Stone – Spinal Chord
18. John O Callaghan – Split Decision (Dan Reaves & Neils von Ahorn Mix)(Discover)
19. Airbase – Garden State (Somatic Sense)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: The Quest – C-sharp (ITWT)
A State of Trance Episode 290 (2007-03-01)
1. Death Cab For Cutie – Marching Bands of Manhattan (Blake Jarrells Pacha NYC Remix)
2. Julian Kewel – Air Conditionne (Skryptom Records)
3. Parker & Hanson – Its not too late (Vocal mix) (Maelstrom)
4. Miika Kuisma and OlliS – Awakening (Noel Sanger Remix)(baroque)
5. Solarscape – Coming Down (Ishido remix)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknow title
7. Lemon & Einar K – Autumn Radicals (Flashover)
8. Sequentia & Amphiby – Kaleidoscope
9. Robert & Jaron – Unknown Title
10. Eddie Sender – One Day In Moscow (KYR Records)
11. Robert Nickson – Motion Blur (ASOT)
12. DJ SHOG – Stranger On This Planet (2 Faces Mix)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Eco – light at the end (Lost world remix)(Lunatique)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Airbase – Garden State (Somatic Sense)
15. Digitalis – Sea of Dreams (Static Blue remix) (High Light recordings)
16. Thomas Bronzwaer – Constellation (John O Callaghan remix)(United)
17. Maarten de Jong – Massive (Progressive mix) (Dance Villa)
18. Precursor – Canis Major (Leon Bolier vs Joop remix)(Spinnin)
19. Ferry Tale & Tonks – Vol De Nuit (Manuel Le Saux remix) (Banshee) ASOT RADIO Classic: James Holden – Horizons (Silver planet)
A State of Trance Episode 291 (2007-03-08)
1. Jonas Steur ft. Jennifer Rene – Fall to pieces (Blackhole)
2. Alex Bartlett – Touch The Sun (Rank 1 remix) (Drizzly)
3. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Light The Skies (Retrobytes Light The Sidechain Mix) (Armind)
4. Myth – Sjamaan (Fundamental)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Filo and Peri feat Eric Lumiere – Anthem (Vandit)
6. Shadimen – By Morning (Freek Geuze Remix)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ferry Tale & Tonks – Vol De Nuit (Manuel Le Saux remix) (Banshee)
8. Mike Foyle – Firefly (Armada)
9. Digitalis – Sea of Dreams (Static Blue remix) (High Light)
10. Re:Locate vs. Cliff Coenraad – We Feel (Re:Locate Mix)(Galactive)
11. Miika Leinonen pres Lush – Discover (Deep And Shallow mix) (Inspired recordings)
12. Robert Gitelman & Michael Tsukerman – Memories From The Future
13. Thomas Datt – Distance (Discover)
14. Unknown Artist – Evolver (Selu Vibra Remix) (Somatic Sense)
15. Jose Gonzales – Crosses (Danilo Ercole Remix)
16. Orjan – Gobstice (Intuition)
17. Vincent de Moor – Flowtation (Signum Signal Remix) (Deal)
18. Marco V – Possible but Unlikey (In Charge recordings)
19. Perpetuous Dreamer – Sound Of Goodbye (Nic Chagalls Drumbeat Edit)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Moon Project – Moments Are Forever (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 292 (15.03.2007)
1. Unknown Artist – Down To You (Pulser remix) (Somatic Sense)
2. R-Tem feat. Ben Lost – Green and Red (Baroque)
3. Jay Lumen – Levitation (Curvve)
4. Freek Geuze – A Sonnet (Shah Music)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Boosta – Dance Is Dead (Gareth Emerys Illcit remix)
6. ATB – Renegade (Ronski Speed remix) (Kontor)
7. Sunny Lax – Blue Bird (Anjunabeats)
8. Dogzilla – Frozen (Maelstrom)
9. A98 – Solar Wind (Finity recordings)
10. Rest Point – Galo (Tranceport)
11. Moxa – Dreamcather (Firestorm remix) (Aurora Digital)
12. DJ Eco – Light at the End (Lost World remix) (lunatique)
13. DT8 – Hold me Till The End (Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Euphonic)
14. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate remix) (Deal/ Cloud 9 dance)
15. SJB – Rush Hour (Public Domain Instrumental)
16. FUTURE FAVOIRTE: Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Anthem (Vandit)
17. Activa vs. Tom Colontonio – Enlighten (Lawrence Palmer remix) (Conspiracy)
18. Marco V. – Possible But Unlikely (In Charge recordings)
19. ASOT RADIO Classic: Billy Ray Martin – Honey (Chicane Club mix)
A State of Trance Episode 293 (2007-03-22)
1. Chris Lake feat. Emma Hewitt – Carry me Away (original mix)
2. Sultan & Ned – Together We Rise (Yoshitoshi)
3. Death Cab for Cutie – Marching Bands Of Manhattan (Blake Jarrells Pacha NYC remix)
4. Jonas Steur feat. Jennifer Rene – Fall To Pieces (Blackhole)
5. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Wouldnt Change A Thing (Blake Jarrell 190dB remix) (Armind)
6. Sonorous – Glass Garden 2007 (Euphonic)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dogzilla – Frozen (Original mix) (Maelstrom)
8. Kyau & Albert – Always a Fool (Euphonic)
9. Jussi Polet – Two Seas Apart (Finity Recordings)
10. Alex Arestequi – Discover
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Octagen and M.I.D.O.R. – Activate (Five AM)
12. Robert & Jaron – Unknown title
13. Cygnus X – The Orange Theme (Tom Wax & Boris Alexander remix) (Big & Dirty Records)
14. Mike Foyle – Firefly (Mark Sherrys Outburst remix) (Armind)
15. Re:locate vs Cliff Coenraad – We Feel (Re:locate remix) (Galactive)
16. Ben Gold – Rollcage (Aly & Fila remix)
17. Vincent de Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic gate remix) (More Moor Music)
18. Josh Gabriel – Summit (Organised Nature)
19. ASOT RADIO Classic: Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Massive Drive)
A State of Trance Episode 294 (2007-03-29)
1. Ilse De Lange – The Great Escape (Armin van Buuren remix) (BMG)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Jonas Steur feat. Jennifer Rene – Fall To Pieces (Blackhole)
3. Jay Lumen – Circulation (Hooj)
4. Chris Lake feat. Emma Hewitt – Carry me Away
5. Sasha – Xpander (Mark Norman Remix)
6. Mind One – Hurt Of Intention (Tyron & Mathews Dub) (Aleph Recordings)
7. Rafael Frost – Run2You (Bootleg)
8. Juiz Electric vs. DJ Katakis – African Beauty (heatbeat remix) (Follow Records)
9. Kyau & Albert – Always A Fool (Dj Friendly Version) (Euphonic)
10. INXS – Afterglow (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla Remix)
11. Breakfast – The Sunlight (Flashover Recordings)
12. Forerunners – Lifecycle (Deep Blue)
13. Orjan Nilsen pres. O&R – Beat Design (Enhanced Recordings)
14. SNS – Conflicts (Mark Otten remix) (Deal Recordings)
15. Lawrence Palmer – Streamline (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Conspiracy)
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Nitrous Oxide – Orient Express (Anjunabeats)
17. Ron van den Beuken – Alcatrazz (Spinnin)
18. Tiesto – In the Dark (Trance Version) (Blackhole)
19. Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Up (Richard Durand remix)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Paul van Dyk – For An Angel (E-werk Club mix)
A State of Trance Episode 295 (05.04.2007)
1. Pryda – Armed (Pryda)
2. Marcus Schossow – Mr. White (Electronic Elements)
3. Dubfire – Roadkill
4. Sultan & Ned – Together We Rise (Remy & Roland Klinkenberg remix)(Yoshitoshi)
5. Chris Lake feat. Emma Hewitt – Carry Me Away (Rising)
6. 4Mal – Time is Burning
7. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Leama remix) (Hooj)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Breakfast – The Sunlight (Flashover)
9. DT8 – Hold Me Till the End (Ronski Speed vs Stoneface & Terminal remix)(Euphonic)
10. Alex M.O.R.P.H. + Ferrin & Low – Chimaera (Climax 69 dub) (Profuse)
11. Danielo Ercole – Sea Shadow
12. Extreme Trax – So Lonely (Banshee)
13. First & Andre – Cruiser (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (High Contrast)
14. Dogzilla – Frozen (Dub) (Maelstrom)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Forerunners – Lifecycle (Deep Blue)
16. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate remix) (More Moor Music)
17. Octagen vs DJ Dazzle – Continuous (Five AM)
18. Nitrous Oxide – Morning Light (Anjunabeats)
19. Ben Gold – Rollcage (Aly & Fila remix)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Chicane – Autumn Tactics (Thillseekers remix)(Xtravaganza)
A State of Trance Episode 296 (04-12-2007)
1. Mind One – Hurt Of Intention (Tyron & Mathews remix) (Aleph recordings)
2. Andrew Bennett & Rico Soarez – Face the Truth
3. In Progress pres. Teya – Only You
4. Ilse de Lange – The Great Escape (Armin van Buuren remix) (BMG)
5. Octagen & Hydroid – Within (Motion Records)
6. Marcus Schossow – Mr. White (Armada)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Breakfast – The Sunlight (Flashover Recordings)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Randy Boyer & Hydroid – Strike Again
9. Perpetual – Legendary Theme (Daif Recordings)
10. EDN – Eternal Sunrise (Monoceros Records)
11. Jose Gonzales – Crosses (Danilo Ercole Bootleg mix)
12. Stoneface & Terminal – Super Nature (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)(Euphonic)
13. Mike Foyle – Firefly (Mark Sherrys Outburst remix) (Armind)
14. DJ Eco – Paradise Now (Lunatique)
15. Mike Nichol – Durado (Infrasonic Recordings)
16. SnS – Conflicts 2007 (Mark Otten Energetic Remix) (Deal/Cloud 9 Dance)
17. Robert Gitelman – Tamam
18. Ben Gold – Rollcage (Aly & Fila remix)
19. Prodigy – Smack my Bitch Up (Richard Durand Bootleg)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: System F. Vs Armin van Buuren – Exhale (Tsunami)
A State of Trance Episode 297 (19.04.2007)
1. Headstrong – Symphony of Soul (Sola Recordings)
2. Wamdue Project – King of My Castle (Sander van Doorn remix)
3. Summer Channel – A Thousand Miles (DJ Cobra & Brian Howe remix)
4. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ilse De Lange – The Great Escape (Armin van Buuren Remix) (BMG)
6. Alex Bartlett – Touch the Sun (XB & Guess mix) (Drizzly)
7. Ernesto vs Bastian – Unchained Melody (club mix) (High Contrast Recordings)
8. Rafael Frost – Run2You
9. Randy Boyer & Hydroid – Strike Again
10. Rozza – Discover (Emalodic)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Bissen – Quicksand
12. Mike Nichol – Durado (Infrasonic Recordings)
13. Orjan Nilsen Presents O&R – Beat Design (Enhanced Recordings)
14. Leon Bolier vs Astrid – Crazy People (Spinnin)
15. First & Andre – Cruiser (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (High Contrast)
16. Mike Wind Pres. Staircase – Oxygen Essential (Osip Back to 90s mix)
17. Michael Angelo & Jim – Ocean Blue (High Light Recordings)
18. Dave 202 – Rain Against Her (Neal Scarborough remix) (Armada)
19. INXS – Afterglow (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla remix)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Rapid Eye – Circa-Forever (R.E. Mix) (ATCR)
A State of Trance Episode 298 (26 04 2007)
1. Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso – Umbrella (Marcus Schossow remix)
2. In progress pres. Teya – Only You
3. Electric Pulse – Blue Marbles (Blackhole)
4. Wamdue Project – King of My Castle (Sander van Doorn dub)
5. Sultan & Ned – Together We Rise (Remy & Roland Klinkenberg remix) (YoshiToshi)
6. Michael Dow – Ascent (Captivating Sounds)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Saved Again (3rd Moon remix) (Somatic Sense)
8. Six Senses presents Xposure – Niagara (Aly & Fila remix)
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mike Wind pres. Staircase – Oxygen Essential (Osip Back to 90s mix)
10. Sebastian Brandt – Technology
11. Ehren Stowers & The Viceroy – Way of Life (Deep Wide remix) (Monster)
12. Conrad S. – Apologies
13. Factoria – Revive (Breathe Music)
14. Octagen – Renegade (Five AM)
15. John Askew – Chime
16. Sean Tyas – Candida (Terk Dawn remix) (Inspired)
17. Vincent De Moor – No Hesitation (VDMs 2007 rework) (More Moor Music)
18. First & Andre – Cruiser (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (High Contrast)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Sonic Inc. – The Taste of Summer (Fire & Ice Vital mix) (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 299 (03.05.2007)
1. Kirsty Hawkshaw meets Tenishia – Reasons to Forgive (Armind)
2. Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso – Umbrella (Marcus Schossow Remix)
3. Darren Tate – Chori Chori (Mondo)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lange – Angel Falls (Langes Firewall remix) (Lange Recordings)
5. Summer Channel feat. Fisher – A Thousand Miles (Dj Cobra & Brian Howe remix) (Libra Rising Music)
6. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Anthem (John O Callaghan remix) (Vandit)
7. John O Callaghan pres. Mannix – Dream On (ASOT)
8. Pascal Feliz – From Inside The Speaker Part 1 (Rytmic Records)
9. Armin van Buuren – Rush Hour (Armind)
10. Amex vs. Saint Rush – Distant Worlds (Carl B remix) (Banshee)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sean Tyas – Candida (Terk Dawn Remix) (Inspired)
12. Neal Scarborough – Stung on the River (Sean Tyas remix) (Discover)
13. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Saved Again (3rd moon remix) (Somatic)
14. Patrick Stowson – Rainbow To heaven (Solaris)
15. Mike Nichol – Durado (Infrasonic)
16. Orjan Nilsen pres. Dominic Dominion – Black Mamba
17. Cygnus X – The Orange Theme (Tom Wax & Boris Alexander remix) (Big & Dirty Records)
18. Vincent De Moor – No Hesitation (VDMs 2007 rework) (More Moor Music)
19. Eddie Sender – One Day In Moskow (Kyr Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Kamaya Painters – Endless Wave (Blackhole) Leave your birthdaymessage for ASOT 300 (small mp3 clip): armin@astateoftrance.com A STATE OF TRANCE EPISODE 300 On may 17th 2007 15:00 – 22:00 we will celebrate ASOT 300 live from Pettelaarse Schans s-Hertogenbosch (open air) in the Netherlands. The six year anniversary of the radioshow will be celebrated in style with some of the most requested names for this event by the listeners to the show. Confirmed Set times: 15.00 – 16.00 Aly & Fila
16.00 – 17.00 Marcel Woods
17.00 – 18.00 Menno De Jong
18.00 – 19.00 Sean Tyas
19.00 – 20.00 Markus Schulz
20.00 – 22.00 Armin van Buuren En’trance’ for FREE! Whole event broadcasted live acoss 30 FM and Online stations around the world. Afterparty in 013 Tilburg from 22:00 – 05:00 (Markus Schulz, Armin van Buuren). See www.armadaevents.com for more info!
A State of Trance Episode 300 (10.05.2007)
Hour 1: Classics Mix
1. ASOT 300 intro
2. Sarah McLachlan – Fear (Hybrids Super Collider remix) (Nettwerk)
3. Dave Gahan – Dirty Sticky Floors (Junkie XL vocal mix)
4. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder (accapella) (Armind)
5. BT – Mercury & Solace (Nettwerk)
6. Holden & Thompson – Nothing (93 Returning remix) (Loaded)
7. Nathan Fake – Outhouse (Border Community)
8. Markus Schulz presents Elevation – Clear Blue (Electronic Elements)
9. Andy Moor vs Orkidea – YearZero (accapella) (AVA recordings)
10. Cass & Slide – Perception (Automatic)
11. Salt Tank – Eugina (Marcel Woods remix) (Lost Language)
12. Three Drives – Sunset on Ibiza (Massive Drive)
13. L.S.G. – Netherworld (Jules Verne remix) (Lost Language)
14. Robert Gitelman – Children of the sun (Free for all)
15. Tranquility Base – Razorfish (Above & Beyond Banging mix)(Captivating Sounds)
16. Jan Johnston – Calling Your Name (Thrillseekers dub)(Platipus)
17. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (BMG)
18. Bossanova – Stonecold (Tsunami)
19. Solar Factor – Urban Shakedown (Banshee)
20. Fictivision – Escape (Fictivion remix) (Blackhole)
21. Above & Beyond – No One on Earth (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Anjunabeats)
22. Aria – Dido (Armin van Buurens Universal Religion remix) (Blackhole)
23. Rank 1 – Such is Life (ID&T)
24. Kansai – Remember This Night (Platipus)
24. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate remix) (More Moor music)
25. Ton TB – Dreammachine (Blackhole)
26. Marco V – Loops & Things (ID&T)
27. Marco V – Tolerance (ID&T)
28. Push – Strange World (2000 remake) (Banshee)
29. Oakenfold – Southern Sun (Tiesto Mix) Hour 2: 4 Guestmixes Menno de Jong:
1. Menno de Jong – Nolthando (Original Intro Mix) [Intuition Rec.]
2. ID – ID [Intuition Rec.] Marcel Woods:
No tracklist available Sean Tyas:
1. Sean Tyas presents Logistic – One More Night Out (Armada)
2. Vincent de Moor- Fly Away (Sean Tyas remix) (More Moor Music) Aly & Fila:
No Tracklist Available
A State of Trance Episode 300, Part 2 (17.05.2007)
Live from the Pettelaarse Schans, s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. 15:00 – 16:00 Aly & Fila:
1. Aly & Fila pres. A&F Project – Uraeus (Frase Remix)
2. Mark Eteson & Jon Prior – Dynamic Stability (Aly & Fila Remix)
3. Deems – Tears Of Hope (Aly & Fila Remix)
4. Aly & Fila pres. A&F Project – Ankh (Breath Of Life)
5. Amadeus vs. Aly & Fila – A Dream Of Peace (John Askew Remix)(Discover)
6. FKN feat. Jahala – Why (Aly & Fila Remix) (Deep Blue)
7. FKN vs. Aly & Fila feat. Jahala – How Long?
8. Lost Witness vs. Sassot – Whatever (Aly & Fila Remix)(Armada)
9. Aly & Fila – Eye Of Horus (Ronski Speed Remix) (Euphonic)
10. DT8 Project – Hold Me Till The End (Aly & Fila Dub Mix)
11. Ben Gold – Rollcage (Aly & Fila Remix) 16:00 – 17:00 Sean Tyas:
1. Thomas Datt – 2v2 Rework (Sean Tyas Remix)
2. Stoneface & Terminal – Super Nature (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) (Euphonic)
3. Oxia – Domino (Sean Tyas Rework)
4. Sean Tyas pres. Logistic – One More Night Out (Armada)
5. Beats Of Genesis vs. Legend B – Lost In Love (Sean Tyas Remix)
6. Sean Tyas – Drop (Discover)
7. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away (Sean Tyas Remix) (More Moor Music)
8. Carl B feat. Breaking Benjamin – Diary Of Jane (Sean Tyas Remix) 17:00 – 18:00 Menno De Jong:
1. Jonas Steur ft. Jennifer Rene – Fall To Pieces [BHR]
2. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title [Intuition Rec.]
3. Albert Vorne – Formantera What (Gareth Emery Remix) [Club Elite]
4. Chicane – Saltwater (The Thrillseekers Remix) [Xtravaganza]
5. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title [Intuition Rec.]
6. Midway – Monkey Forest [ITWT]
7. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title [Intuition Rec.]
8. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title [Intuition Rec.]
9. Kimito Lopez – Sub Runner [Intuition Rec.]
10. Andain – Beautiful Things (Photon Project Remix) [BHR]
11. Menno de Jong – Nolthando (Extended Mix) [Intuition Rec.] 18:00 – 19:00 Marcel Woods:
1. Marcel Woods – Lemon Tree (High Contrast Recordings)
2. Knobers – Unknown Title
3. Splitscreen- Unknown Title
4. Pascal Feliz vs U2 Bootyleg Day
5. Tiesto feat. Maxi Jazz – Dance4Life (Sander Van Doorn Remix)
6. Marcel Woods – Cherry Blossom (High Contrast Recordings)
7. Nenes & Pascal Feliz – Platinum (High Contrast Recordings)
8. Marcel Woods – Advanced (High Contrast Recordings)
9. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Marcel Woods Mash Up)
10. Wamdue Project – King Of My Castle (Sander Van Doorn Remix)
11. Marcel Woods – Dont Tar Me With The Same Brush (High Contrast Recordings) 19:00 – 20:00 Markus Schulz:
1. Marcus Schossow – Mr White (Markus Schulz Intro Edit)
2. Markus Schulz – Fly To Colors (Original Mix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
3. Richard Durand – Red Alert (Terminal 4)
4. Leon Bolier vs. DJ Astrid – Crazy People (Alternative Mix) (Spinnin)
5. David Forbes – Live Without You
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
7. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
8. Markus Schulz vs. Chakra – I Am (Coldharbour Recordings)
9. Sonic Division – Bulky Hero
10. Signalrunners – Recoil 07
11. Rex Mundi – Perspective (Cyber Records)
12. Ronski Speed feat. Sir Adrian – The Space we Are (Accapella)
13. Markus Schulz – Fly To Colors (Signalrunners Remix)(Coldharbour) 20:00 – 22:00 Armin Van Buuren:
1. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Original Intro Edit)
2. Ilse DeLange – The Great Escape (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
3. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary (A Less Ordinary Rank 1 Mix) (High Contrast)
4. Vast Vision – Summer Blush
5. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate Remix) (More Moor Music)
6. Armin Van Buuren – Rush Hour (Armind)
7. Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Anjunabeats)
8. Michael Dow – Ascent (Captivating Sounds)
9. Breakfast – The Sunlight (JPL Remix) (Flashover)
10. Armin Van Buuren vs. Rank 1 feat. Kush – This World Is Watching Me (Cosmic Gate Remix) (Armind)
11. Sean Tyas – Candida (Terk Dawn Remix)
12. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
13. Pascal Feliz – From Inside The Speaker (Part 1)
14. Nenes & Pascal Feliz – Platinum
15. Octagen & M.I.D.O.R. – Activate (Five AM)
16. O Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly (Discover)
17. Sebastian Brandt – Technology
18. CLS – Can You Feel It (Marcel Woods Remix)
19. Armin Van Buuren – Communication Part 3 (Coldware Cold Remix) (Armind) Encore:
20. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – The Anthem (Vandit)
21. Yahel – Voyage (Blackhole)
A State of Trance Episode 301 (24.05.2007)
1. The Thrillseekers feat. Aruna – Waiting Here For You (Night Music Edit) (Adjusted)
2. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me (Original Summer Sunrise Remix) (Armada)
3. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Global Illumination – Tremble (Armada)
4. Roland Klinkenberg – Mexico Can Wait (Global Underground)
5. Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (Dub)
6. Lange – Angel Falls (Langes Firewall Remix) (Lange Recordings)
7. Dogzilla – Frozen (Wippenberg Remix) (Maelstrom)
8. Alex M.O.R.P. & Rank 1 – Life Less Ordinary (A Less Ordinary Rank 1 Remix) (High Contrast)
9. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Original Club Mix) (Armada)
10. Alex Bartlett – Touch The Sun (Duende Dub) (Drizzly)
11. Terry Ferminal vs Mark Sherry – Walk Away (Terry Ferminal Mix) (Captivating Sounds)
12. Sunlounger – In & Out (DJ Shah Rework) (Armada)
13. Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Anjunabeats)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren – Rush Hour (Armind)
15. Marc Marberg with Kyau and Albert – Megashira (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (Euphonic)
16. Menno de Jong – Nolthando (Intuition)
17. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Saved Again (3rd Moon Remix) (Somatic)
18. Daniel Kandi – I Found The Way (Anjunabeats)
19. Nenes & Pascal Feliz – Platinum (Techmix) (High Contrast)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Marmion – Schoneberg (Superstition)
A State of Trance Episode 302 (31.05.2007)
1. Sunlounger – Another Day On The Terrace (Armada)
2. Orkidea ft. Marc Mitchell – Eternal Love (Intuition Recordings)
3. Dash Berlin – Till the Sky Falls Down (Dub mix) (Armada)
4. Headstrong – Symphony of Soul (Tenishia Progressive mix) (Sola Recordings)
5. The Thrillseekers feat. Aruna – Waiting Here For You (Night Music Edit) (Adjusted)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Armada)
7. Super 8 & Tab – Suru (Martin Rith Electrance remix) (Anjunabeats)
8. Rio Addicts – The Distance (Electronic Elements)
9. Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Anjunabeats)
10. Sean Tyas pres. Logistic – One More Night Out (Armada)
11. Airbase – Garden State (Ronski Speed Revamped)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Vast Vision – Summer Blush
13. Aly & Fila vs FKN feat. Jahala – How Long?
14. Sophie Sugar – Day Seven (ASOT)
15. Kimito Lopez – Subrunner (Intuition Recordings)
16. Kyo & Gil – Ultima
17. Factoria – Revive (Static Blue Remix)
18. Tiesto – Flight 643 (Dave Schiemann White Bootleg Remix)
19. Marcel Woods – Lemon Tree (High Contrast Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Perpetuous Dreamer – The Sound of Goodbye (Armins Tribal Feel) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 303 (07.06.2007)
1. Milan Lieskovsky – Elenya (Introida Mix)
2. Welsh – Morphology
3. Mario Piu, Ricky Fobis & Lady Brian – Isla Bonita (Joop Edit)
4. Matt Darey feat. Tiff – Sum of All fears (Tenishia remix) (Darey Products)
5. Deadmau5 & Glenn Morrison – Contact (Little Mountain)
6. Dogzilla – Frozen (Wippenberg remix) (Maelstrom)
7. Markus Schulz – Fly to Colors (Coldharbour recordings)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Wink – Higher State of Consciousness (Marco V. remix)
9. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Armada)
10. Alex Bartlett – Touch the Sun (Duende Dub) (Drizzly)
11. Arctic Quest – Strings & Guitars (Soundpiercing)
12. Super8 & Tab – Suru (Anjunabeats)
13. First State – Evergreen (Black Hole)
14. Solar Stone – Seven Cities (Ehren Stowers & Bostock Remix)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Aly & Fila vs FKN feat. Jahala – How Long? (Armada)
16. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me (Main mix) (Armada)
17. Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Sean Tyas Remix) (Anjunabeats)
18. Orjan Nilsen pres. Dominic Dominion – Black Mamba (Enhanced Recordings)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Binary Finary – 1999 (Gouryella Remix) (Positiva)
A State of Trance Episode 304 (14.06.2007)
1. Moussa Clarke feat. Kathleen Fisher – Love Key (Jody Wisternoff remix)
2. Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso – Umbrella (Marcus Schossow remix)
3. Dave Lambert – House in Play (Dub de Luxe remix)
4. Sunlounger – Another Day on the Terrace (Armada)
5. Welsh – Morphology
6. Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (Armada)
7. Terry Ferminal vs. Mark Sherry – Walk Away (Terry Ferminal remix)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dubfire – Roadkill (Breakfast remix)
9. Airbase – Garden State (Ronski Speed Revamp)
10. Mungo – Summer Blush (ASOT)
11. Algarve – The Longest Journey (Alex M.O.R.P.H. remix) (Supra)
12. Menno de Jong – Nolthando (Intuition recordings)
13. Orkidea ft. Marc Mitchell – Eternal Love (Intuition recordings)
14. Bissen – Quicksand (Armada)
15. Sophie Sugar – Day Seven (ASOT)
16. Sean Tyas – Drop (Discover)
17. Vincent De Moor – No Hesitation (VDMs 2007 rework) (More Moor music)
18. Super8 & Tab – Suru (Martin Roth Electrance remix) (Anjunabeats)
19. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Marcel Woods 2007 Mash up)
20. Marcel Woods – Lemon Tree (high contrast recordings)
21. Rex Mundi vs. Ronski Speed – The Space Perspective (Markus Schulz mash up)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Airwave – Alone in the Dark (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 305 (21.06.2007)
1. ATB – Desperate Religion (Joshua Cunningham remix) (Kontor)
2. Terk Dawn – Barent Blue (Marninx pres. Monogato remix) (Well mixed Recordings)
3. Purple Mood – One Night in Tokyo (DJ Shahs Savannah remix) (Anjunabeats)
4. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me (Armada)
5. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Invincible (Siel van Riel Remix)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Milan Lieskovsky – Elenya (Introida remix)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Markus Schulz vs. Andy Moor – Daydream (from the album Progression)(Coldharbour Recordings)
8. Progression – Loving Memories (album dub mix) (Blackhole)
9. Galen Behr feat. Elle – Weak (dub mix) (United Recordings)
10. Solarsun – Overjoyed (Hydroid remix) (Afterglow)
11. The Thrillseekers feat. Aruna – Waiting Here For You (Breakfast Club mix) (Adjusted Recordings)
12. Mungo – Summer Blush (ASOT)
13. Ferry Tale & Tonks – Vol de Nuit (Terry Bones remix) (Banshee)
14. Sean Tyas – Drop (Discover)
15. Dave 202 – Louvre (Captivating Sounds)
16. Meridian – Emphase (Mike Nichol remix)
17. Natlife – Black Sea (Redux)
18. Mainx – 88 to Piano (D-factor remake)
19. ASOT RADIO Classic: BT – Flaming June (Original mix) (Nettwerk)
A State of Trance Episode 306 (28.06.2007)
1. Moussa Clarke vs The Police – She wants him (Oven ready)
2. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Invincible (Armind)
3. Pryda – Ironman (Pryda)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (dub)
5. Solarsun – Overjoy (Cold Blue remix) (Afterglow)
6. Purple Mood – One Night In Tokyo (Anjunabeats)
7. Markus Schulz – Perfect (from the album Progression) (Coldharbour)
8. Optik – Object (Banshee)
9. Cold Blue & Del Mar – 11 Days (Sebastian Brandt rework)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Markus Schulz vs. Andy Moor – Daydream (from the album Progression) (Coldharbour)
11. SAS – Comin On (Mark Sherry vs. James Allan dub mix)
12. Paul van Dyk feat. Jessic Sutta – White Lies (Berlin Vocal mix)(vandit)
13. Onova – Electroscandia (Platitude)
14. Kyo & Gil – Ultima
15. Menno De Jong ft. Re:locate – Solid State (Intuition Summer 07 Theme)(Intuition)
16. Simon Patterson – Bulldozer (Spinnin)
17. B.E.N. vs Mr. Pit – More Manners Please (Coldharbour)
18. Mungo – Summer Blush (Aly & Fila remix) (ASOT)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Hemstock & Jennings feat. Sheena – Mirage of Hope (Lange club mix)
A State of Trance Episode 307 (05-07-2007)
1. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Marcus Schossow Remix) (More Moor Music)
2. Rinster – Out The Water (Nick Thompsons Ibiza Sunrise Mix)
3. Pryda – Madderferrys (Pryda Recordings)
4. B.E.N. vs. Mr. Pit – Superstition
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Terry Ferminal – Deep Inside (High Contrast Recordings)
6. David West – Welsh Morphology (Anjunabeats)
7. The Thrillseekers – Waiting Here For You (Adjusted)
8. Supuer – Minerva (Estiva Remix)(Enhanced prog)
9. Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Super8 & Tab Remix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Evbointh – One Wish (Daniel Kandi remix)(Anjunabeats)
11. Capetown – Metaphorique (Ferry Tayle Neverending Story Mix) (Banshee)
12. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Armada)
13. Miikka Leinonen – Shadow Creatures (Estiva remix)(Alter Ego)
14. Oxid Project – Before You Go (Likuida Remix)(Daif Records)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Cold Blue & Del Mar – 11 Days (Sebastian Brandt rework) 16. Bissen – Exhale (Sean Tyas remix (ASOT)
17. Aly & Fila vs FKN feat. Jahala – How Long? (Armada)
18. Sean Tyas – One More Night Out (ASOT)
19. Menno de Jong ft. Relocate – Solid State (Intuition Summer Event 07 Theme) (Intuition Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Yahel – Devotion (Armin van Buuren remix) (Cyber Records)
A State of Trance Episode 308 (12.07.2007)
Armin van Buuren live from Armada @ Amnesia, Ibiza 1. Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso – Umbrella (Marcus Schossow remix)
2. Dave Lambert – House in Play (Dub de Luxe remix)
3. Roland Klinkenberg ft. DJ Remy – Mexico Can Wait (Global Underground)
4. B.E.N. Vs Mr. Pit – Superstition (Coldharbour Recordings)
5. Sander van Doorn – Riff (Spinnin)
6. Wamdue Project – King of My Castle (Sander van Doorn remix)
7. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Outsider (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armind)
8. Breakfast – The Sunlight (Flashover)
9. Terry Ferminal – Deep Inside (High Contrast Recordings)
10. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate remix) (More Moor Music)
11. Mungo – Summer Blush (ASOT)
12. Pascal Feliz – From inside the Speaker Part 1 (Rytmic Records)
13. Onova – Electroscandia
14. Simon Patterson – Bulldozer (Spinnin)
15. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Anthem (John O Callaghan remix) (Vandit)
16. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
17. Filterheadz – Yimanya (Digital Nature remix)
18. Bedrock – Heaven Scent (Greg Downey remix)
19. Armin van Buuren vs. Rank 1 – This World is Watching me (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 309 (19.07.2007)
1. Ozgur Can – Unknown Title
2. Second Skon feat. Vera Ostrova – Runaway (Magic Bells mix)
3. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Invincible (Sied van Riel remix) (Armind)
4. Dash Berlin – Till the Sky Falls down (Dub) (Armada)
5. Lange – Angel Falls (Signalrunners Remix) (Lange Recordings)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: David West – Welsh Morphology (Anjunabeats)
7. Markus Schulz ft. Andy Moor – Daydream (Coldharbour Recordings)
8. Julian Jeweil – Air Conditionne (Umek remix) (Skriptom Recordings)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sander van Doorn – Riff (Spinnin)
10. SAS – Comin On (Mark Sherry vs. James Allen Dub mix)
11. Graeme Harrison – Xanthe
12. Evbointh – One Wish (Daniel Kandi remix) (Anjunabeats)
13. Duderstadt vs Above & Beyond – Cant smile (Daniel Kandi Mash up)
14. Cape Town – Metaphorique (Ferry Tayle Neverending Story mix) (Banshee)
15. Onova – Platitude
16. Filterheadz – Yimanya (Digital Nature remix)
17. Dave 202 – Louvre (Captivating Sounds)
18. Re:locate vs Sir Adrian – Times X (Armada)
19. Fred Baker vs Greg Nash – Atlantis City (Spinnin)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Chicane – Saltwater (Xtravaganza)
A State of Trance Episode 310 (26.07.2007)
1. The Cary Brothers – Ride (Blake Jarrell remix)
2. Global Experience – Madras (Blackhole)
3. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Marcus Schossow remix) (More Moor)
4. T4L – Alternative Route (Blackhole)
5. Deadmau5 – Jaded (Mau5trap)
6. Solarstone & Alucard – Late Summer Fields (Deeper Sunrise dub) (Deep Blue)
7. Kyau & Albert – 7Skies (Club mix) (Euphonic)
8. Keane – Try Again (Blank & Jones remix)
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Cape Town – Metaphorique (Ferry Tale Neverending Story mix) (Banshee)
10. Kos Project – My World (D-Mark Remix)
11. Mojado – Amarillo (Magik Muzik)
12. Gareth Emery – More Than Anything (Stoneface & Terminal mix)
13. Digitalis – So Far Away (Michael Angelo & Jim remix)
14. Ehren Stowers & The Viceroy – Way of Life (Deep Wide remix) (monster tunes)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Freesoup – By Default (Five AM)
16. Sean Tyas – Drop (Discover)
17. John Askew – Chime (Discover)
18. Tiesto feat. BT – Break my Fall (Richard Durand remix) (Blackhole)
19. Terry Ferminal – Deep Inside (High Contrast)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Utah Saints – Lost Vaugeness (Echo label)
A State of Trance Episode 311 (02.08.2007)
Hour 1: The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Eddie Sender – Maya
2. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Mark Ottens Energetic remix)
3. Dash Berlin – Till the Sky Falls Down (vocal mix)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Talla 2XLC – No In Between (Duderstadt progressive dub) (Breathe)
5. Global Illumination – Tremble (Danilo Ercole remix)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Gareth Emery – More Than Anything (Stoneface & Terminal dub)
7. Tom Colontonio – Oxidize (Conspiracy Recordings)
8. Simon Patterson – Well see (Spinnin)
9. Unknown Artist – Loop Hole (Robert Gitelman remix) Hour 2: Armin van Buuren Recorded live from Armada@Amnesia In Ibiza
1. Mojado – Kaktus (Blackhole)
2. Sander van Doorn – Riff (Spinnin)
3. Dubfire – Roadkill (Breakfast remix) (Electronic Elements)
4. Rex Mundi – Perspective (Cyber Records)
5. Pascal Feliz – From inside the speaker pt 1 (High Contrast)
6. Vincent de Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate remix) (Combined Forces)
7. Sean Tyas – One more night out (ASOT)
8. Above & Beyond present Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Anjunabeats)
9. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Armind)
10. Simon Patterson – Bulldozer (Spinnin)
11. Thomas Bronzwaer – Resound (United)
A State of Trance Episode 312 (09.08.2007)
1. Pryda – Balaton (Pryda)
2. Rue De Garr – Soul Symbol (Curvve)
3. Mark Pledger vs. Super 8 – Worldwide (Junk Science remix) (Anjunabeats)
4. Genix – Phused (Marcus Schossow remix) (spinnin)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dash Berlin – Till the Sky Falls Down (Vocal mix) (Armada)
6. Nic Chagall – Back To San Fran (High Contrast)
7. Solarstone and Alucard – Late Summer Fields (Deeper Sunrise dub) (deep blue)
8. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Mark Otten Energetic Remix) (Armind) ASOT Album check:
9. Paul van Dyk feat. Ashley Tomberlin – Complicated
10. Paul van Dyk & Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ashley Tomberlin – Get Back
11. Paul van Dyk & Giuseppe Ottaviani – Far Away
12. Denga & Manus – Dimensions
13. Bissen – Quicksand (ASOT)
14. Markus Schulz vs. Andy Moor – Daydream (12? mix) (Coldharbour)
15. Talla 2XLC – No In Between (John O Callaghan remix)
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Armind)
17. Thomas Bronzwaer – Resound (United)
18. Onova – Electroscandia (monster tunes)
19. Majera – Velvet Sun (Aly & Fila remix) (Deep Blue)
20. Asylum – Intoxicated (Mark Sherry vs. James Allan remix) (In Charge recordings)
21. Dumonde – Gun (Instrumental version) (F8T recordings)
22. Nenes & Pascal Feliz – Platinum (Techmix) (High contrast recordings)
23. ASOT RADIO Classic: Solar Stone – 7 cities (Armin van Buuren remix) (Lost Language)
A State of Trance Episode 313 (16.08.2007)
1. Above & Beyond – Home (Wippenberg remix) (Anjunabeats)
2. Heatbeat – Protoculture
3. Envio – For You (The Blizzard remix)
4. Talla 2XLC – No In Between (Duderstadt progressive remix)
5. Paul van Dyk – La dolce Vita (Vandit)
6. Paul Miller – Crystal Source (Conspiracy)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: John O Callagan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Armind)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: The Doppler Effect – Beauty hides in the Deep (John O Callaghan remix)
9. Thomas Bronzwaer – Resound (Sean Tyas remix) (United) Hour 2: Live From Amnesia Ibiza 07-08-2007
1. Nic Chagall – Back To San Fran (High Contrast)
2. Black Pearl – Bounty Island (DJ Shah San Antonio Harbour remix)(ASOT)
3. Purple Mood – One Night in Tokyo (DJ Shahs Savannah remix) (Anjunabeats)
4. Ilse De Lange – The Great Escape (Armin van Buuren remix)
5. Roland Klinkenberg – Mexico Can Wait (Global Underground)
6. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
7. Genix – Phused (Marcus Schossow remix) (spinnin)
8. Lange – Angel Falls (Signalrunners remix) (Lange Recordings)
9. Dash Berlin – Till the Sky falls down (Dub mix) (Armada)
10. Sultan & Ned – Together we Rise (Yoshitoshi)
A State of Trance Episode 314 (23.08.2007)
1. Jody Wisternoff – Starstrings (high contrast recordings)
2. Bobina – The Last He Said
3. Nic Chagall – Borderline (high contrast recordings)
4. Unknown Artist – Interference
5. Signalrunners – Dont look back (Anjunabeats)
6. Oakenfold – Not Over (Robert Vadneys 2007 remix) (Perfecto)
7. Terry Ferminal – Deep Inside (high contrast recordings)
8. Mark Norman – Blikkenmachine (Blackhole)
9. The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides in the Deep (John O Callaghan remix)(Armada)
10. Andy Bagguley – Together As one (Michael Dow remix) (Instant Music)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Envio – For You (The Blizzard remix) (ASOT)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Tom Colontonio – Oxidize (Conspiracy Recordings)
13. Bart Claessen – First Light (United)
14. Paul van Dyk – Castaway (Positiva)
15. Solarstone – 7 Cities (Tom Colontonio Rework)
16. Joop – Prominent (high contrast recordings)
17. Armin van Buuren – The Sound Of Goodbye (Nic Chagalls drumbeat re-edit)
18. Digital Nature – Oasis (John Askew remix) (Flux Delux)
19. Above & Beyond – Home (Above & Beyond club mix)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Solid Sessions – Janeiro (Armin van Buuren remix) (Positiva)
A State of Trance Episode 315 (30.08.2007)
1. Michael Cassette – David (Allende remix)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arnej – Rendezvous (Destination Unknown)
3. Dubfire – Roadkill (EDXs Acapulco at Night remix) (Electronic Elements)
4. D ramirez & Mark Knight – Columbian Soul (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Toolroom)
5. Deadmau5 – Arguru
6. Cosmic Gate – Body of Conflict (Extended) (Maelstrom)
7. Sunlounger – Another Day on the Terrace (Armada)
8. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Armind)
9. Heatbeat – Protoculture
10. AB Project – Misconceptions (Ehren Stowers massive riff remix) (Mondo)
11. The Veil Kings – Searching for Truth
12. Denga & Manus – Dimensions
13. FUTURE FAVORITE: Above & Beyond – Home (Original mix) (Anjunabeats)
14. Amurai vs Static Blue – After The Sunrise (Daniel kandi remix) (Alter Ego)
15. Onova – Platitude (Monster Tunes)
16. ASOT RADIO Classic: Dutch Force – Deadline (Smash Traxx) Live From Amnesia Ibiza:
17. Joop – Prominent (High Contrast Recordings)
18. Bart Claessen – Playmo 1 st play (United)
19. Solarstone – Seven Cities (Tom Colontonio Remix)
20. Dave 202 – Louvre (Captivating Sounds)
A State of Trance Episode 316 (06.09.2007)
1. David West – Stuck In Friendsville (Allende remix) (Ava Digital)
2. Plastic Angel – Try Walking in My World (original mix) (Afterglow)
3. Ronnie Allstar – Goodmorning Sunshine (Lemon & Einar K remix) (Flashover Recordings)
4. Cinema Bizarre – Love Songs (Kyau & Albert remix) (Universal)
5. Cosmic Gate – Body of Conflict (Extended vocal mix) (Maelstrom)
6. Ben Brown – Love and Solace (Topher jones remix) (Audio Logic)
7. D ramirez & Mark Knight – Columbian Soul (Gabriel & Dresden remix)(Toolroom)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Armind)
9. Ronksi Speed feat. Julie Scott – Love All The Pain Away (club mix) (Euphonic)
10. Dan Stone – Spinal Chord (Original Remake) (Inspired Recordings)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Markus Schulz feat. Departure- Cause you Know (Coldharbour recordings)
12. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Monogatos Filth remix)
13. Sean Tyas – Drop (Dan Reaves and Niels von Ahorn remix) (Discover)
14. Tetrazone – Alphalux (Static Blue Remix) (Discover)
15. Rapid Eye – Circa Forever (Aly & Fila rework)
16. Pascal Feliz vs U2 – Beautiful day
17. Dennis Sheperd – A tribute to life (Martin Roth remix) (MPFS Recordings)
18. Re:locate vs. Sir Adrian – Times X (Armada)
19. Carlos – Alandra (Leon Bolier remix) (Spinnin)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Oakenfold – Southern Sun (Oakeys 2007 remix) (Perfecto)
A State of Trance Episode 317 (13.09.2007)
1. Arnej – Rendezvous (Destination Unknown)
2. Sied van Riel – Sigh (Spinnin)
3. Ronski Speed – Love All The Pain Away (Kyau & Albert dub) (Euphonic)
4. Martin Roth & Alex Bartlett – Off The World (Super8 & DJ Tab remix)(Lunatique)
5. Mandala Bros – Sleepwalking (Duderstadt Uplifting Remix) (Offshore)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Little Kitson – Piece Of Mind (Rozza Remix) (Emalodic)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Monogatos Filth Remix)
8. Preach – Universe (FBI)
9. Dan Stone – Spinal Chord (Nitrous Oxide Remix) (Inspired)
10. W&W – Mustang Hour 2: Guest Set from Armada @ Amnesia Nick Warren ATB No tracklistings available
A State of Trance Episode 318 (20.09.2007)
01. Arnej – People Come, People Go (Armada)
02. Moldan vs. Harada – Fortune Cookie (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
03. Deadmau5 – No Exactly (Mau5trap)
04. Armin van Buuren – The Sound of goodbye (Simon & Shaker remix) (Armind)
05. Groove Garcia – Bubblemaker (Electronic Elements)
06. Glenn Morrison – Blue Skies With Linda
07. Cellec – Love of My Life (Arabella remix) (Kyr Records)
08. Estiva – Fame
09. First State vs. Anita Kelsey – Falling (Black Hole)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kirsty Hawkshaw meets Tenishia – Reasons to Forgive (The Blizzard remix) (Armind)
11. Mindscope – Second Way (captivating sounds)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ronski Speed – Love All the Pain Away (Kyau & Albert Dub) (Euphonic)
13. Hibernate – Home (ADS meets Natlife going To Paradise remix)
14. Adam Nickey – Never Gone (Above & Beyond Respray) (Anjunabeats)
15. Martin Roth & Alex Bartlett – Off the World (Super8 & DJ Tab remix)
16. Absolute – Ly (ASOT)
17. Denga & Manus – Dimensions (Armada)
18. Dan Stone – Road Test (Signum remix) (Red Force recordings)
19. Adam White ft Stacey Kitson – Piece of Mind (Rozza remix) (Emalodic)
20. Sebastian Brandt – So Cold
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Sasha – Xpander
A State of Trance Episode 319 (27.09.2007)
1. Snow Patrol – Shut Your Eyes (First State remix)
2. Probspot – Stalker (Fine Taste remix) (Curvve)
3. Armin van Buuren – The Sound Of Goodbye (Simon & Shaker Remix) (Armind)
4. Jody Wisternoff – Starstrings (Dirty Soul Records)
5. Lustral – In My Life (Mat Zo remix) (Baroque)
6. Markus Schulz feat Departure – Cause You Know (Coldharbour Recordings)
7. Paul van Dyk & Starkillers & Austin Leeds feat. Ashley Tomberlin – New York City (Vandit/Positiva)
8. David West – Under The Influence
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kirsty Hawkshaw Meets Tenishia – Reasons To Forgive (The Blizzard Remix) (Armind)
10. Delerium feat. Leigh Nash – Innocente (Sequentias Late At Night mix)
11. Bissen – Reveal (Discover)
12. Anguilla Project – Sands Of Sahara (Conspiracy)
13. Marninx – Pure Sense (Conspiracy)
14. Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla – Stemcell (Nisoma mix) (Flashover)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Absolute – Dolphins Cry (ASOT)
16. Adam Nickey – Never Gone (Above & Beyond Respray) (Anjunabeats)
17. W&W – Mustang
18. Ronald Van Gelderen – Dirty Rocker (High Contast Recordings)
19. Leon Bolier – Further Instructions (Spinnin)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Airscape – L esperanza (Armin van Buuren remix) (Xtravaganza)
A State of Trance Episode 320 (04.10.2007)
1. The Delta Rock Duo – Beta Receptor (M.I.K.E.s Undergroove remix) (Electronic Elements)
2. Blake Jarrell – Animal (Electronic Elements)
3. Moldan vs. Harada – Fortune Cookie (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (Rapid Response)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Paul van Dyk & Starkillers & Austin Leeds feat. Ashley Tomberlin – New York City (Vandit/Positiva)
5. Mark Norman – Niagara (Black Hole)
6. Ohmna – The Sun Will Shine (Full Moon Remix) (Cyber Records)
7. Maor Levi – Shapes (Oliver Smith Remix) (Anjunabeats)
8. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
9. Dallas Superstars vs. Orkidea – Revolution (Unity Records)
10. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Not the End
11. Nitrous Oxide – Amnesia (Anjunabeats)
12. Sequentia presents Sunshade – City Of Glass
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: B.E.N. vs. Digital Nature feat. Brandon A. Godfrey – Save Me God (Orjan Nilsen remode) (Total Digital Recordings)
14. 4 Strings – Catch a Fall (Spinnin)
15. Arrival and Fonar – Kazantip 2007 (Sean Tyas remix)
16. Kirsty Hawkshaw Meets Tenishia – Reasons To Forgive (The Blizzard Remix) (Armind)
17. D-factor – Raw & Nasty (Captivating Sounds)
18. Sebastian Brandt – So Cold (A State Of Trance)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Oceanlab – Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten remix) (Captivating Sounds)
A State of Trance Episode 321 (11.10.2007)
1. Dobenbeck – Please Dont Go (Chris Reece remix) (Sirup)
2. Marcel Woods – New Feeling (Nic Chagall Remix) (High Contrast Recordings)
3. Glenn Morrison – Circles (Pilot 6 Recordings)
4. Lustral – In My Life (Mat Zo Dub) (Baroque Recordings)
5. The Thrillseekers – By Your Side (Mind One Remix) (Adjusted Recordings)
6. Snowpatrol – Shut Your Eyes (First State Remix)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Shawn Mitiska feat. Jaren – Silently (Topher Jones Remix)
8. Adam White ft Stacey Kitson – Piece of Mind (Rozza Remix) (Emalodic Recordings)
9. Santiago Nino and Damien Heck feat. Antonia Lucas – Red Sky (Duderstadt Progressive Dub) (Vandit)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Maor Levi – Shapes (Oliver Smith Remix) (Anjunabeats)
11. M.O.R.P.H. & Van Eyden pres. Lexwood – I Love Trance (Temple One Remix) (Fenology Recordings)
12. Moonforce & Mark Versluis feat. Sunstate – Forgotten Freedom (Sequentia remix) (Alter Ego Pure)
13. DJ Fire – Rendez Vouz (Banshee)
14. 4 Strings – Catch a Fall (Spinnin)
15. Lost Witness feat. Tiff Lacey – Home (Natlife Lost remix) (Nebula)
16. Bissen – Quicksand (Joint Operation Centre Remix) (ASOT)
17. Martin Roth & Alex Bartlett – Off the World (Super8 & DJ Tab remix)(Lunatique)
18. D. Ramirez & Mark Knight – Colombian Soul (Gabriel & Dresden Tuscan Soul Reconstruction) (Toolroom Recordings)
19. Heatbeat – Protoculture (Randy Boyer remix) (Istmo Music)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Gat Decor – Passion (Addictive)
A State of Trance Episode 322 (18.10.2007)
1. Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Out of the Sky (from the album ‘Better Late than Never’) (Newstate Recordings)
2. Hybrid – Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 Remix) (Distinctive)
3. Johan Gielen – Okinawa Sunset (Andy Duguid Remix) (Blackhole)
4. Dobenbeck – Please Dont Go (Chris Reece Remix) (Sirup)
5. Tenthu – Essencia (Capsula remix) (Kyr Recordings)
6. Breakfast – The Horizon (Flashover Recordings)
7. Shawn Mitiska feat. Jaren – Silently (Topher Jones Remix) (Baroque)
8. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Not The End
9. Agnelli & Nelson – Sleeping in Airports
10. Mike Koglin & Mark Pledger – All the Way (Nick Larson Remix)(Anjunabeats)
11. Robert Nickson – 5th Dimension (Daniel Kandi Remix) (Armada)
12. John O Callaghan pres Mannix – Dream On (Anguilla Project Remix) (ASOT)
13. FUTURE FAVORITE: Lost Witness feat. Tiff Lacey – Home (Natlife Remix)
14. Sebastian Brandt – Technology (Daniel Kandis Darker remix) (Armada)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: M6 – Destination 6 (Octavius)
16. Bissen – Quicksand (Joint Operations Centre Remix) (ASOT)
17. B.E.N. vs. Digital Nature feat. Brandon A. Godfrey – Save Me God (Orjan Nilsen Remode) (Total Digital Recordings)
18. Graham Gold – Glorified
19. ASOT RADIO Classic: Solar Stone – Solarcoaster (Midway Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 323 (26.10.2007)
1. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Intro mix) (Armind)
2. George Acosta – Falling Backwards (Vast Vision remix)
3. Re-Ward – Ensure (Blackhole)
4. Lange feat. Sarah Ozelle – Maybe Tomorrow (from the album ‘Better Late than Never’) (Maelstrom)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Breakfast – the Horizon (Flashover Recordings)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Galen Behr vs. Hydroid – Shift of the Ages (Yakuza)
7. M.O.R.P.H. + Van Eyden pres. Lexwood – I love Trance (Activa Airflow Remix) (Fenology Recordings)
8. 4 Strings – Catch a Fall (Spinnin)
9. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
10. D-Factor – Raw & Nasty (Armada) Hour 2: Live from the Amsterdam Dance Event, recorded 19 oct. 2007 in the Melkweg, Amsterdam
1. Paul van Dyk & Starkillers & Austin Leeds feat. Ashley Tomberlin – New York City (Vandit/Positiva)
2. First State vs. Anita Kelsey – Falling (Black Hole)
3. Hybrid – Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 remix) (Distinctive)
4. Deadmau5 – Arguru
5. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Not The End
6. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Armind)
7. The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides in the Deep (John O Callaghan Remix)(Armada)
8. Onova – Platitude (Monster Tunes)
9. Armin van Buuren – The Sound of Goodbye (Nic Chagalls drumbeats edit) (Armind)
10. M6 – Destination 6 (Octavius)
11. Bissen – Quicksand (Joint Operations Centre Remix) (ASOT)
12. Dave 202 – Louvre (Captivating Sounds)
13. W&W – Mustang (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 324 (01.11.2007)
1. Marcus Schossow – Swedish Beatballs
2. Sunlounger feat. Zara – Crawling (DJ Shah rework) (Armada)
3. Junkie XL – F*ck More (Matthew Dekay remix)
4. Moonbeam – See the Difference inside (inside mix) (Black Hole)
5. George Acosta – Falling Backwards (Vast Vision remix)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Tranquility Base – Buzz (Anjunabeats)
7. Abstract Vision – Hurricane (Rest Point Touch the Sky remix)
8. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Not The End (Conspiracy Recordings) vs. Dj Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me (accapella) (ASOT)
9. Lange – Songless (Boy Hagemann remix) (Maelstrom)
10. Deep Voices – Your Picture (Robert Nickson remix) (Combined Forces)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Galen Behr vs. Hydroid – Shift of the Ages (Yakuza)
12. Breakfast – the Horizon (Flashover Recordings)
13. Rest Point – Super String Theory
14. Andy Blueman – Nyctalopia (Onova Remix)
15. Above & Beyond – Home (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Euphonic)
16. Arrival & Fonar – Kazantip (Sean Tyas remix)
17. The Blizzard vs. Kirsty Hawkshaw meets Tenishia – Reasons to Forgive Kalopsia (The Blizzard Club Mash up)
18. Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Out of the Sky (from the album ‘Better Late than Never’) (Lange Recordings)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Coast 2 Coast feat. Discovery – Home (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 325 (10.11.2007)
1. Armin van Buuren – The Sound of Goodbye (EDXs Indian Summer remix)(Sirup/Armada)
2. Fragma – Toca Me (Inpetto 2008 remix)
3. Myon – Albion
4. Milan Lieskovsky – Elenya (Heatbeat remix) (Bonzai)
5. Arnej – Rendezvous (Armada)
6. First State – Sierra Nevada (from the album Time Frame) (Black Hole)
7. Topher Jones – Young Life
8. Mystery Islands – Perfect Escape (Octagen remix) (Insight recordings)
9. Markus Schulz feat. Departure – Cause You Know (Nic Chagall remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
10. Alan M – Famicom (Temple One remix)
11. Deep Voices – Your Picture (Robert Nickson remix) (Combined Forces)
12. Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandis Cure remix)
13. Alex Kunnari – Lifter (Paul Webster remix) (Black Hole)
14. Digital Nature & Onova – Inspiration
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Aly & Fila – Lost Language (Armada/ Off Shore)
16. The Doppler Effect – Beauty hides in the Deep (John O Callaghan remix)(Armada)
17. FUTURE FAVORITE: Andy Blueman – Nyctalopia (Onova remix) (Perceptive Recordings)
18. Cliff Coenraad – Manjula (Intuition Recordings)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Push – Strange World 2000 remake (Bonzai)
1. Genix Presents – Stay With Me (Damion Powell remix)
2. Lens – Beyond the Shadows (Moonbeam remix)
3. Fragma – Toca Me (In Petto 2008 remix)
4. First State – Half Light (from the album Time Frame) (Black Hole)
5. Gerry Menu – Pay & Lay
6. Junkie XL – F*ck More (Matthew Dekay remix)
7. Marcus Schossow – Swedish Beatballs
8. Sied van Riel – Sinner in Heaven (Spinnin)
9. Tranquility Base – Buzz (Breakfast remix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Joshua Cunningham – Simplicity (KYR Recordings)
11. Orjan vs Octagen – Lost Once (Octagen remix)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Aly & Fila – Lost Language
13. Hollow Hope – Reconceal
14. Cosmic Gate – Body of Conflict (FNP Mash Up)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandis Cure mix)
16. Nuvise vs Static Blue – Fallout (Ian Betts remix)
17. Andy Blueman – Nyctalopia (Club mix)
18. Paul Miller – Memories of Love (Offshore)
19. RST – Stormbound (Spinnin)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: System F – Out of The Blue (Tsunami)
A State of Trance Episode 327 (22.11.2007)
1. Mazzy Star – Into Dust (John O Callaghan Deep Dream Remix)
2. Vadim Soloviev feat. Marcie – Stay With Me (Genix Remix)
3. Envotion feat. Misia Furtak – Familiar Places (Armada)
4. Jaytech – Pepe Garden (3 beat)
5. Adam K & Soha – Long Distance
6. Sonorous – Last Sunday (Skywings Remix) (Euphonic)
7. Myon – Albion (Black Hole)
8. Anton Sonin and Amx feat Sari – Undone (High Contrast)
9. Georgia vs The Stimulator – We Rise
10. Ascension – Someone (Signum remix)
11. Stowers & Young – The Second Coming (Gareth Emery dub) (Insight)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandis Cure mix) (DJSA)
13. Signalrunners – Electric Sheep (Nitrous Oxide Remix) (Anjunabeats)
14. Markus Schulz feat Departure – Cause You Know (Nic Chagall remix) (Coldharbour recordings)
15. Alexander Popov – Vapour Trails (Insatiable Recordings)
16. Arctic Quest – Meltdown (Tech mix) (Armada)
17. Bissen – Quicksand (Bissens Infinite Harmonies mix) (ASOT)
18. Ernesto vs Bastian – Thrill (High Contrast Recordings)
19. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Peter Martijn Wijnia – Nowadays (Conspiracy Recordings)
20. Nish – Blue Sunshine (Sean Tyas remix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: DJ Tiesto and Armin van Buuren present Major League – Wonder? (Black Hole/Captivating Sounds)
A State of Trance Episode 328 (29.11.2007)
1. Chicane – Spirit (Wawa remix) (Modena Recordings)
2. Duderstadt & Kirsty Hawkshaw – Beatitude (Duderstadt Progressive mix) (Afterglow)
3. Envio – For You (The Blizzard remix) (A State Of Trance)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mazzy Star – Into Dust (John O Callaghan Remix)
5. Rex Mundi – Sunrise At Ibiza (Cyber Records)
6. Lustral – Everytime (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla remix)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lenny Kravitz – Believe In Me (Mind One Remix)
8. Street Punk – White Russian (Rafael Frost Remix) (Flashover Recordings)
9. Adam White vs. Rozza – Love Angeles (Emalodic)
10. Sonicvibe pres. Valhalla – Hope
11. Erik de Koning – Dream Flight (A State Of Trance)
12. Mike Nichol – Lost for Words
13. Andrelli and Blue ft. Hila – Imagine (Mike Nichol remix) [Infrasonic Recordings]
14. Vincent De Moor – Sunflower (VDMs 2008 rework) (More Moor Music)
15. Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa – 5th Dimension (Daniel Kandi remix) (Armada)
16. Mirco De Govia – Aura Indigo (Sequentia Remix) (Euphonic)
17. Sascha Milde – All For nothing (Jorn van Deyhoven remix)
18. Messler – Prepare (Cosmic Gate Edit)
19. Ernesto vs Bastian – Thrill (High Contrast Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Mesh – Purple Haze (Black Hole)
A State of Trance Episode 329 (6.12.2007)
1. SiA – The Girl You Lost To Cocaine (Sander van Doorn remix) (Doorn Records)
2. Marco Demark feat. Casey Barnes – Tiny Dancer (Deadmau5 remix) (3 Beat Blue)
3. Marcus Schossow – Swedish Beatballs (Max Graham remix)
4. Adam K & Soha – Long Distance
5. Anhken – Taste (Monster Deep)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Chicane – Spirit (Wawa remix) (Modena recordings)
7. Starkillers – Killer
8. Lenny Kravitz – Believe in Me (Mind One remix)
9. Jaytech – Pepe Garden (Red Seven Recordings)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Anton Sonin & Amx ft. Sari – Undone (Rank 1 remix) (High Contrast Nu Breed)
11. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon – I Believe (Gareth Emery remix)
12. Vincent De Moor – Sunflower (VDMs 2008 rework) (More Moor Music)
13. Andy Blueman – Nyctalopia (Onova remix) (Perceptive Recordings)
14. Ron Verboom – Mindwarp (blueprints vol. 1) (Deep Blue)
15. Alan M – Famicom (Temple One Remix) (Realbeatz)
16. Sascha Milde – All For nothing (Jorn van Deyhoven remix)
17. Talla 2XLC vs Sean Tyas – Heart to Heart (Sean Tyas remix)
18. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Nowadays (Conspiracy)
19. Richard Durand – Ledged Up (Raw & Hard mix) (terminal 4)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Cygnus X – Superstring (Rank 1 Remix) (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 330 (13.12.2007)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Andrea Doria vs. LXR – Beauty of Silence (In Petto remix) (Blu Fin Records)
2. Jaytech – Pepe Garden (Red Seven Recordings)
3. Deadrat6 – Very Exactly
4. Cirez D – Teaser (Deadmau5 remix)
5. Mazzy Star – Into Dust (John O Callaghan remix)
6. Pryda – Europa (Pryda)
7. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon – I Believe (Gareth Emery dub)
8. Paul van Dyk feat. Rea Garvey – Let Go (Martin Roth NuStyle remix) (Vandit)
9. Lange – Songless (Boy Hagemann remix) (Maelstrom)
10. Jonathan Martin – Unknown Title
11. Hawk Presents HKN – Sun In My Eyes (Amon Vision)
12. Danjo – As The Tables Turn (High Contrast)
13. Adam White vs Rozza – Love Angeles (Emalodic)
14. Lemon & Ainar K – Anticipation (Flashover Recordings)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Talla 2XLC vs Sean Tyas – Heart To Heart (Tyas mix)
16. Josh Gallahan – 1st Strike 17. Tiddy – Taylla
18. Randy Kanata & Mac Zimms – Bring it On (Spinnin)
19. Anton Sonin and Amx feat. Sari – Undone
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: U2 – New Years Day (Ferry Corsten remix) (Universal) Please note:
Next week (ASOT 331): ASOT TOP 20 2007
A State of Trance Top 20 of 2007 From now until December 17th you can vote for your favourite tracks of this past year in the ‘A State of Trance Top 20 of 2007?. The 20 tracks with the most votes will be broadcasted on December 20th. Armin will also use your votes to compile the ‘A State Of Trance Yearmix 2007?, so it is important to let him know which tunes have caught your attention this year! Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net to vote now!
A State of Trance Episode 331 (20.12.2007)
Top 20 of 2007 as voted by listeners to ASOT
Number of confirmed valid votes: 11340 Statement:
This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely based on listeners votes. Each listener that submitted his or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2007 of tracks, as played in one of the shows in 2007. All votes were checked on possible fraud. Armin nor Armada had anything to do with the points awarded. Special thanks to Peter Kruit (www.arminvanbuuren.net) Position / Track / Points / Votes
1. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson Remix) 4703 1415
2- Armin van Buuren vs Rank 1 feat. Kush – This World Is Watching Me (Cosmic Gate Remix) 3414 948
3. Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (Vocal Mix) 2607 821
4. Above & Beyond – Home (Above & Beyond Club Mix) 2578 850
5. The Blizzard – Kalopsia (Original Mix) 2552 780
6. Armin van Buuren – Rush Hour 2205 726
7. First State feat. Anita Kelsey – Falling 1977 682
8. Vincent de Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate Remix) 1969 623
9. Paul van Dyk & Starkillers & Austin Leeds featuring Ashley Tomberlin – New York City 1901 648
10. Armin van Buuren – The Sound Of Goodbye (Nic Chagalls Drumbeat Re-Edit) 1807 582
11. Filo & Peri featuring Eric Lumiere – Anthem (Original Mix) 1724 533
12. Above & Beyond present Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Original Mix) 1714 559
13. Ilse De Lange – The Great Escape (Armin van Buuren Remix) 1687 556
14. Jonas Steur featuring Jennifer Rene – Fall To Pieces 1681 521
15. DJ Shah featuring Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me (Original Summer Sunrise Mix) 1671 530
16. Albert Vorne – Formentera What (Gareth Emery Remix) 1663 479
17. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Light The Skies (Retrobytes Classic Electrobounce Mix) 1554 488
18. Breakfast – The Sunlight 1534 473
19. Cosmic Gate – Body Of Conflict (Extended Vocal Mix) 1339 488
20. Above & Beyond featuring Zoe Johnston – Good For Me (Thomas Datt Bootleg Remix) 1328 410 Next week: ASOT YEARMIX 2007
A State of Trance Episode 332 (27.12.2007)
The A State Of Trance Yermix 2007, tracklist based on votes by listeners at www.arminvanbuuren.net.
Also available on double CD. 1. Intro – The Seven Deadly Sins And The Seven Heavenly virtues
2. Deadmau5 – Faxing Berlin
3. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Light The Skies (Retrobytes Classic Electrobounce Mix)
4. Marscruiser – Not Alone Tonight (Blake Jarrell remix)
5. Michael Cassette – David
6. Jose Amnesia Ft Jennifer Rene – Invincible (Sied van riel remix)
7. Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (Dub Mix)
8. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Wouldnt Change a Thing
9. Armin van Buuren – The Sound Of Goodbye (Simon & Shaker Remix)
10. Sunlounger – Another Day On The Terrace
11. First State vs Anita Kelsey – Falling
12. Jonas Steur ft. Jennifer Rene – Fall to pieces
13. Kirsty Hawkshaw Meets Tenishia – Reasons To Forgive (The Blizzard Remix)
14. Envio – For You (The Blizzard remix)
15. Headstrong – The Truth (David West progressive mix)
16. Marcus Schossow – Mr White
17. Roland Klinkenberg – Mexico Can Wait
18. Super8 & DJ Tab – Needs to Feel (Wippenberg remix)
19. Chris Lake feat. Emma Hewitt – Carry me Away
20. Dubfire – Roadkill (EDXs Acapulco at night Remix)
21. Julian Kewel – Air Conditionne
22. Hybrid – Finished Symphony (deadmau5 remix)
23. The Blizzard – Kalopsia
24. Markus Schulz vs. Chakra – I Am
25. Markus Schulz feat. Departure – Cause you Know (Nic Chagall remix)
26. Mungo – Summer Blush
27. Maor Levi – Shapes [Oliver Smith Remix]
28. Super8 & Tab – Suru
29. Cape Town – Metaphorique (Ferry Tayle Neverending Story Mix)
30. Maor Levi – Reflect
31. Vincent de Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate remix)
32. Mike Foyle – Firefly
33. Evboitnth – One Wish (Daniel Kandi & Mark Andrez Remix)
34. Deadmau5 – Arguru
35. Yanou feat. Liz – King of My Castle (Sander van Doorn Vocal mix)
36. Nic Chagall – What You Need (Nic Chagall’s Hard Dub)
37. Filo and Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Anthem
38. Purple Mood – One Night in Tokyo (Dj Shahs Savannah remix)
39. Breakfast – The Horizon
40. The Thrillseekers Feat Aruna – Waiting Here For You
41. Markus Schulz vs Andy Moor – Daydream
42. Marc Marberg with Kyau and Albert – Megashira
43. Shawn Mitiska feat. Jaren – Silently (Topher Jones Remix)
44. Cosmic Gate – Body of conflict
45. Breakfast – The Sunlight
46. Albert Vorne – Formentera What (Gareth Emery remix)
47. Michael Dow – Ascent
48. Armin van Buuren – Rush Hour
49. Kyau and Albert – Always a Fool
50. Above & Beyond – Home (Above & Beyond Club mix)
51. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)
52. Tranquility Base – Oceanic
53. Sean Tyas presents Logistic – One More Night Out
54. Simon Patterson – Bulldozer
55. W&W – Mustang
56. Bedrock – Heaven Scent (Greg Downey Remix)
57. Tranquility Base – Buzz
58. Dogzilla – Frozen
59. Markus Schulz – Fly to Colors (Genix remix)
60. Duderstadt and Anita Kelsey – Smile (duende dub mix)
61. Conrad S. – Apologies
62. Way Out West – The Fall (Richard Durand remix)
63. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Not the End
64. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me
65. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Saved Again (3rd Moon remix)
66. FKN feat. Jahala – Why (Aly & Fila remix)
67. Deems – tears of hope (Aly & Fila remix)
68. Bissen Quicksand (Joint Operation Centre remix)
69. Meck ft. Dino – Feels Like Home (Marco V. Remix)
70. Cold Blue & Del Mar – 11 Days (Sebastian Brandt rework)
71. Dave 202 Louvre
72. M6 – Destination 6
73. Aly & Fila vs FKN feat. Jahala – How Long?
74. Armin van Buuren vs Rank 1 – This World is Watching me (Cosmic Gate Remix)
75. Tiesto – In the Dark (Trance version)
76. 4 Strings – Catch a Fall
77. Nenes & Pascal Feliz – Platinum (Techmix)
78. Onova – Platitude
79. Rex Mundi vs. Ronski Speed – The Perspective Space
80. The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides in The Deep (John O Callaghan remix)
81. Talla 2XLC – No In Between (John O Callaghan remix)
82. Lost Witness vs Sassot – Whatever (Aly & Fila Remix)
83. Mojado – Kaktus
84. Sander van Doorn – Riff
85. Outro – Back to where the skyline awaits you Special Thanks to:Peter Kruit. Donald Beekman. Marco van der Hoorn. Arjan Rietvink. Olga. Raymond. Sander. Ruben. Maykel. Steve Cripps. Geert Huinink. Jack. Aly & Fila. Nic Chagall. Cerf. Mitiska. Jaren. Sean Tyas. DJ Shah. Dave Dresden (for getting me that accapella I wasn’t supposed to have). John O Callaghan. Jennifer Rene. Markus Schulz. Mike Foyle. Marcus Schossow (for abusing miss white again). Roland Klinkenberg. Remy. Ronski Speed. Kyau and Albert. Jorn Spinnin. The Blizzard.
A State of Trance Episode 333 (03.01.2008)
Recorded Live At the Sand Amsterdam 1. Fragma – Tocas Miracle (In Petto 2008 remix)
2. Paul van Dyk & Starkillers & Austin Leeds feat. Ashley Tomberlin – New York City (Vandit/Positiva)
3. Mazzy Star – Into Dust (John O Callaghan remix)
4. Starkillers – Killer
5. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title
6. Arno Cost & Norman Doray – Apocalypse (Original mix)
7. SiA – The Girl You Lost To Cocaine (Sander van Doorn remix) (Doorn Records)
8. Jaytech – Pepe Garden (Red seven recordings)
9. Andrea Doria feat LXR – Beauty of Silence (In Petto remix) (Blu Fin)
10. Lenny Kravitz – Believe in Me (Mind One dub)
11. Hybrid – Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 remix) (Distinctive)
12. Arnej – Rendez-Vous (pilot 6)
13. Dash Berlin – Till the Sky Falls Down (Dub) (Armada)
14. Cosmic Gate – Body of Conflict (FNP Mash up)
15. Anhken – Taste (Monster Deep)
16. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Not The End vs DJ Shah – Who Will Find Me (AVB YEARMIX 2007 mash up)
17. Breakfast – The Sunlight (Flashover Recordings)
18. Lemon & Ainar K – Anticipation (Flashover Recordings)
19. Markus Schulz vs. Andy Moor – Daydream (Ronski Speed remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
20. Markus Schulz – Fly To Colors (Genix remix) (Coldharbour recordings)
21. Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandis Cure mix) (DJSA)
A State of Trance Episode 334 (10.01.2008)
1. Tracy Thorn – Grand Canyon (Dirty South remix)
2. Morgan Page feat. Lissie – The Longest Road (Deadmau5 remix) (Nettwerk)
3. Tenishia & Kirsty Hawkshaw – Invisible
4. A State of Mind – Like A Dream (Conrad S. Remix)
5. Arnej – People Come, People Go (Maor Levi remix) (Pilot 6 recordings)
6. Rozza – Never Never Land (Neuroscience Recordings)
7. Matt Cerf & Evelio Feat. Jaren – Walk Away (Deep Blue)
8. Brazen – Weep (Richard Durand remix)
9. Ferry Corsten & Howard Jones – Into the Dark (Ferrys fix) (Flashover)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Marnix – Pure Sense (Nitrous Oxide remix)
11. Sunny Lax – Mique
12. Dmitri Federov – Falling of Stars (Paul Miller remix) (Infrasonic)
13. Mauro Picotto – Angel (Rex Mundi remix)
14. Glenn Frantz – Space Bar (Fektive Recordings)
15. Arno Cost & Norman Doray – Apocalypse
16. FUTURE FAVORITE 330: Lemon & Einar K – Anticipation (Flashover)
17. Robbie van Doe – Correlation (Zirenz media)
18. Danjo – As the Tables Turn (High Contrast Recordings)
19. Leon Bolier – Ocean Drive Boulevard (2 Play)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Oceanlab – Beautiful Together (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 335 (17.01.2008)
1. Markus Schulz feat. Departure – Cause You Know (Wippenberg remix) (Coldharbour)
2. Heatbeat – Nebula
3. Black Pearl – Coral Sea (Dj Shahs San Antonio Harbour remix) (Shah Music)
4. Tenishia & Kirsty Hawkshaw – Invisible
5. Jan Johnston – Let the world fall apart [around me] (Jorn van Deynhoven & Joshua Cunningham Remix) (Metallic Recordings)
6. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon – I Believe (Sied van Riel remix) (Lyon Echo Recordings)
7. Marcus Schossow presents: Progresia – Tears Behind Sunglasses (spinnin digital)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Leon Bolier – Ocean Drive Boulevard (2 play)
9. Beliar vs Tempest – Club Liquid Theme (Conspiracy 2008 sampler)(Conspiracy Recordings)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Vincent De Moor – Sunflower (VDMs 2008 rework) (More Moor Music)
11. Steve Anderson – Neve (DJSA Recordings)
12. Lexwood feat. Ferrin & Low – Chimaera (Deep Blue)
13. Mark Eteson feat. Dan Stone – Midas Touch
14. Tom Colontonio – Serious Truth (Conspiracy Recordings)
15. Peter Martijn Wijnia pres. Majesta – Nowadays (Conspiracy Recordings)
16. Sebastian Brandt – So Cold (Cold Blue remix) (Armada)
17. Pryda – Muranyi (Frase remix)
18. Plastic Boy – Silver Bath (Glyn Waters 2008 remake)
19. Dmitri Federov – Falling of Stars (Paul Miller remix) (Infrasonic Recordings)
20. Paul Webster presents JPW – Engaged (Fraction recordings)
21. Marksun and Brian – Saturday (Euphonic)
22. Luminary – Amsterdam (Super 8 & Tab remix) (Anjunabeats 100)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Rising Star – Clear Blue Moon (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 336 (24.01.2008)
1. Stone Canyon feat. LDN – Rest Here (Chris Reece dub) (Five AM)
2. Tiesto pres. Allure feat. Julie Thompson – Somewhere Inside (Andy Duguid remix) (Maelstrom)
3. Tracy Thorn – Grand Canyon (Dirty South remix)
4. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon – I Believe (Sied van Riel remix) (Lyon Echo Recordings)
5. In Progress – Crossover (John Huijbers remix)
6. Seth Hutton Feat Judie Tzuke – Dont Look Behind You (Leon Bolier Remix) (Captured Music)
7. Ferry Corsten & Howard Jones – Into The Dark (Breakfast remix) (Flashover Recordings)
8. Steve Anderson – Neve (DJSA Recordings)
9. Matt Cerf feat. Jaren – Let Me Breathe (Bissen remix)
10. Robbie van Doe – Correlation (Zirenz media)
11. Jon O Bir pres. Outlaws & Oliver Smith – Ways of Nimbus (Daniel Kandi Mash up)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Luminary – Amsterdam (Super 8 & DJ tab remix) (Anjunabeats)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ben Gold feat. Senadee – Say The Words (Aly & Fila remix) (Flux delux)
14. Nitrous Oxide – Waves (Anjunabeats)
15. Marcos – Cosmicstring 2008 (Marcos Remix)
16. Adam Szabo – Altra
17. Ernesto & Bastian – Thrill (EvsBs Reflecting Diversity mix) (High Contrast recordings)
18. Van Gelder – Together (North Star remix)
19. ASOT RADIO classic: Binary Finary – 1998
A State of Trance Episode 337 (31.01.2008)
1. DJ Shog – Feel Me (Inpetto Vocal mix)
2. Lustral – When My Satellite Falls Down (Terry Bones remix) (Lustral Music)
3. Jes – Heaven (Myon Remix) (Black Hole)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tiesto Pres. Allure feat. Julie Thompson – Somewhere Inside (Andy Duguid remix) (Black Hole)
5. Christopher Norman and Topher Jones – Other Side (Organised Nature)
6. Dave Spoon – Sunrise (Big Love)
7. Morgan Page feat. Lissie – The Longest Road (Deadmau5 remix) (Nettwerk)
8. Gianluca Motta feat. Molly – Not Alone (Deadmau5 remix) (Motivo)
9. Matt Cerf vs Evelio feat. Jaren – Walk Away (Deep Blue)
10. Orkidea vs David West – Gods Garden (From the album ‘Metaverse’) (Ava Recordings)
11. Orkidea vs Solarstone – Slowmotion (From the album ‘Metaverse’) (Ava Recordings)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Akesson – Perfect Blue (Offshore)
13. Store N Forward – Honeymoon (Afterglow)
14. Headstrong feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Love Calls (PK remix) (Sola Recordings)
15. Danjo – As the Tables Turn (High Contrast Recordings)
16. Orjan Nilsen – Soulflayer
17. Redstar – Rush (Simon Bostock remix) (Perceptive Recordings)
18. Andrelli & Blue feat. Hila – Imagine (Mike Nichol remix) (Infrasonic)
19. Plastic Boy – Rise Up (Plastic City Edit) (Armada)
20. Pryda – Muranyi (Frase remix)
21. Ben Gold feat. Senadee – Say The Words (Aly & Fila remix) (Fluxdelux)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Solid Globe – North Pole (Fundamental)
A State of Trance Episode 338 (07.02.2008)
1. Linkin Park – Shadow of The Day (Blake Jarrell remix)
2. Anhken – Taste (Monster Tunes)
3. Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Armada)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jochen Miller vs. Rank 1 – And Then… (High Contrast Recordings)
5. Dyor – Emotions (First Emotion Remix) (High Contrast Nu Breed)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: DJ Shog – Feel Me (Inpetto Vocal mix)
7. Josh Gallahan – 1st Strike
8. Markus Schulz – Perfect (Angelli & Nelson Remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
9. Orkidea vs Lowland – Mascochrist (from the album Metaverse) (Ava Recordings)
10. Dj Eco – Mouth Without a Voice (Lunatique)
11. Armin van Buuren – If You Should Go (John O Callaghan remix) (Armind)
12. Anjunabeats – Volume One (7 skies & static blue remix) (Anjunabeats)
13. Akesson – Perfect Blue (Offshore)
14. Peter Martijn Wijnia presents Majesta – Not The End (Michael Angelo & Jim remix) (Conspiracy Recordings)
15. Roy Gates – Come Alive (White Villa Recordings)
16. Pulsate – Fuel The Passion (Heatbeat remix) (Infra Progessive Recordings)
17. Shadowrider – Blue Horizon (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix)(Red Force Recordings)
18. Andrelli & Blue feat. Hila – Imagine (Mike Nichol remix) (Infrasonic)
19. Randy Boyer & Hydroid – Strike Again (ASOT)
20. Kai Jee N Eidan – Unlocked
21. D-unity – Area 57 (Captivating Sounds)
22. ASOT RADIO Classic: Witness of Wonder – Emotions In Motion (Thrillseekers remix) (ATCR)
A State of Trance Episode 339 (14.02.2008)
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana – If You Should Go (Inpetto vs Duderstadt remix) (Armind)
2. Dobenbeck feat. Joanna – Please Dont go (Shawn Mitiska remix) (Soundpiercing)
3. Sultan & Ned Shepard – Eye Spy (Matthew Dekay remix) (Harem)
4. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller – And Then… (High Contrast Recordings)
5. Cressia – 6AM (Kyau & Albert remix) (Euphonic)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Armada)
7. Maarten Hercules – Red Sun Landing
8. Santiago Nino – Neo Culture
9. Vengeance – Dimensions (A State of Trance)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Solarstone – Rain Stars Eternal (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Solaris)
11. Mark Pledger vs Matt Hardwick ft. Melinda Gareh – Fallen Tides (Simon Patterson remix) (Anjunabeats)
12. DJ Eco – Mouth without a voice (Lunatique)
13. Majai – Phoria (Jorn van Deynhoven dub)
14. Georgia – Ode To 99 (Levare Recordings)
15. Markus Schulz – Perfect (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Coldharbour)
16. Activa – Remember Me (Vandit)
17. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Let Me Breathe (Bissen remix)
18. Li Kwan – Point Zero (Mark Eteson remix)
19. Tom Colontonio – Infinity Passage (Discover)
20. Aly & Fila – Key of Life (Offshore)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Agnelli & Nelson – Holding On To Nothing (Xtravaganza Recordings)
A State of Trance Episode 340 (21.02.2008)
1st hour: The newest tunes selected
1. The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides in the Deep (The Blizzard intro mix)(Armada)
2. Linkin Park – Shadow Of The Day (Blake Jarrell remix)
3. Orkidea – Metaverse (Gareth Emery remix) (Ava Recordings)
4. Eddie Sender – Genesis (Robert Gitelman & Michael Tsukerman remix)(Inspired)
5. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana – If You Should Go (Aly & Fila remix)(Armind)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mike Foyle – Pandora (Armada)
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Aly & Fila – Key of Life (offshore)
8. Ferrin & Low vs. Alan Morris – Atlanta (Fenology)
9. Foundry – Foundation (Dima Krasnik Remix) (Tranceflo Records)
10. ASOT RADIO Classic: Darren Tate & Jono Grant – Let the Light Shine In 2nd hour: Recorded live at Club Colours, Studio 51, Helsinki Finland 16-02-2008
1. Dyor – Emotions (high contrast nubreed)
2. Leon Bolier – Ocean Drive Boulevard (2 play/Spinnin)
3. Orkidea – Masochrist (Ava recordings)
4. Mark Pledger vs Super 8 – Worldwide (Anjunabeats)
5. Markus Schulz vs Andy Moor – Daydream (Ronski Speed remix)(Coldharbour)
6. Skunk Anansie – Brazen (Weep) (Richard Durand remix)
7. Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandi remix) (DJSA)
8. Cosmic Gate vs Nenes – Body Of Teksha (Filo & Peri Mash Up)
9. Ernesto & Bastian – Thrill (High Contrast)
10. Plastic Boy – Silver Bath (Glyn Waters & Ben Gold edit)
11. Peter Martijn Wijnia pres. Majesta – Not The End vs DJ Shah – Who will Find Me (AVB Mash Up)
12. Anjunabeats – Volume One (7 Skies & Static Blue Remix)
13. Aly & Fila – Lost Language (Off shore)
14. Armin van Buuren – Communication part 3 (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 341 (28.02.2008)
1. Pryda – Pjanoo (Pryda)
2. Brothers Funk – Sunrise (Somatic Sense)
3. Phynn – Starfire At Night (Andy Duguid remix) (Black Hole)
4. Deadmau5 – Alone With You (Mau5trap)
5. Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Armada)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides In The Deep (The Blizzard remix)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Coleman & Melvoin – Theme To Heroes (Filo & Peri remix)
8. Utah Saints – Lost Vagueness (M6 Bootleg)
9. Steve Anderson – Neve (DJSA recordings)
10. Georgia – Ode To 99 (Flashover Recordings)
11. Seth Hutton – Dont Look Behind You (Mike Shivers Catching Sun Remix)(Captured)
12. Greg Downey – Stadium (Vandit)
13. Andre Visior & Kay Stone – Something for Your Mind (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Breathe music)
14. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Let me Breathe (Bissen remix)
15. Tom Colontonio – Omega (Vandit)
16. Hensha – The Curtain (Underwaters Blue remix) (Conspiracy)
17. Ilya Soloviev – Sunwaves (Paul Miller remix) (Timeline music)
18. Stuart Miller – Galactica
19. Mike Foyle – Pandora (Armada)
20. Ernesto & Bastian – Super Jupiter (from the album authenticity)(High Contrast)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Rank 1 feat. Shanokee – Such Is Life (ID&T)
A State of Trance Episode 342 (06.03.2008)
1. Jose Amnesia vs. Melee – Follow To Last (Clark Kents Live Bootleg)
2. Electrobios & Interplay – With You (Anjunadeep)
3. Pryda – Pjanoo (Pryda)
4. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Chris Reeves remix) (Sirup)
5. A+N Project – Just When I Think Theres An Answer (Genix Remix) (Deep Blue)
6. Orkidea vs David West – Gods Garden (Ava Recordings)
7. ATA – Blue Skies
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Coleman and Melvoin – Theme To Heroes (Filo & Peri remix)
9. David Newsum – From Dubai With Love
10. Mike Nichol – Lost For Words (Armada)
11. Adrian Blue – Imagine (Mike Nichol Remix) (Infrasonic)
12. 4 Strings – Take Me Away (Re-Ward remix)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Topher Jones feat. Meredith Call – Benediction
14. Solarstone – Rain Stars Eternal (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Solaris)
15. Nitrous Oxide pres. Redmoon – Slide
16. DJ Eco – Mouth Without A Voice (Lunatique)
17. Ilya Soloviev – Sunwaves (Paul Miller remix) (Timeline Music)
18. Ferrin & Low – Westworld (Fenology Recordings)
19. Akesson – Perfect Blue (Offshore)
20. Roy Gates – Come Alive (White Villa Recordings)
21. Sander Van Doorn – Pura Vida (Doorn Recordings)
22. ASOT RADIO Classic: Pulser – Cloudwalking (Astral mix) (ATCR)
A State of Trance Episode 343 (13.03.2008)
1. Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (Armin van Buurens Universal Religion remix) (Armind)
2. Jorn van Deynhoven – Godspeed (Joshua Cunningham Dub mix)(Unleashed Recordings)
3. In Progress & Omnia – Air Flower (Fraction Zero)
4. David West & Inkfish – Hello Piano (DK Records)
5. Mohawk – Celestia (Sedna Recordings)
6. Sebastian Ingrosso & Laidback Luke – Chaa Chaa (Edx Remix) (Size Recordings)
7. Jay Lumen – Ultra (Baroque)
8. Dariush & Dj Da feat. Tina – Good Vibration (Remy & Roland Klinkenberg remix) (Shinichi)
9. First State – Your own Way (First States Pounding Clubmix) (Black Hole) vs. SiA – The Girl You Lost to Cocaine (Sander van Doorn remix) (Spinin)
10. Van Riel & Huinink – Minimal Symphony (Spinnin)
11. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate remix) (Cloud 9)
12. 4 Strings – Take Me Away (Re-Ward remix)
13. Stoneface & Terminal – Pictures (Club mix) (Euphonic)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nitrous Oxide pres. Redmoon – Slide
15. Neptune Project vs. Triple Seven – Arctic Moment (Activa Remix)
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Erik De Koning – Dream Flight (Mike Nichol remix) (ASOT)
17. Majai – Phoria (Jorn Van Deynhoven dub mix)
18. Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla feat. Dan Sanfilippo – Alive (Heatbeat remix) (Flashover Recordings)
19. Simon Patterson – Smack (Reset)
20. Paul Miller – Galaxy (Offshore)
21. David Newsum – From Dubai With Love (Discover)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Way Out West – Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden remix) Thursday 1st of May 2008
A state of Trance Celebrates its 350th transmission Live from Antwerp, Belgium
Starts 14.00 till 22.00 hrs
Location: Houtdok Zuidkaai/Madrasstraat
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ASOT 350 will be broadcasted live across 40 FM stadions& D.I. FM worldwide Decide which DJs will play this festival! Join the debate at http://forum.arminvanbuuren.com
A State of Trance Episode 344 (20.03.2008)
1. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – You Never Said (Dash Berlin Remix)
2. Jerry Ropero feat. Cozi – The Storm (Inpetto dub) (Positiva)
3. Dinka – The Sin (Chris Reece Tribal Sucker remix)
4. Radiohead – House of Cards (Solarstone Subterranean Mix)
5. EDX – Premiumline (Supra)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (Armin van Buurens Universal Religion remix) (Armind)
7. Oceanlab – Sirens of The Sea (Above & Beyond Club mix) (Anjunabeats)
8. Embrace – Embrace (Ferry Fix) (Flashover Recordings)
9. Underwater – Sleeping Under The Stars (Shah Music)
10. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk The Edge (High Contrast Recordings)
11. Akesson – Sunchaser (Fraction Recordings)
12. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate remix) (Cloud 9)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Alex M.O.R.P.H and Woody Van Eyden feat. Michelle Citrin – Turn It On (Vandit)
14. The Gift – Blue Lights (High Contrast Recordings)
15. DNS Project pres. Whiteglow – Airbourne (Monster Tunes)
16. Stoneface & Terminal – Storm (club mix) (Mars EP)(Euphonic)
17. Simon Patterson – Smack (Reset)
18. DJ Tommyboy – The Insider (Ben Gold Remix)(Infrasonic)
19. Schiller – Das Glockenspiel (FNP tech Workout)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) (BMG)
A State of Trance Episode 345 (27.03.2008)
1. Parker & Hanson – Aim High Shoot Low (Maelstrom)
2. Nadia Ali – Crash And Burn (DJ Shah magic Island remix)
3. Type – Nostalgia
4. Armin van Buuren vs. Lange – If You Should Go Songless (Victorias Secret Mash Up)
5. Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Armind)
6. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – You Never Said (Dash Berlin remix)
7. Eddie Sender – Genesis (Robert Gitelman & Michael Tsukerman Remix)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Oceanlab – Sirens Of The Sea (Above & Beyond Club mix) (ANjunabeats)
9. C-Base – Superstring (Jorn Van Deynhoven remix)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Fire & Ice – Tour De France (Manuel Le Saux Remix)
11. Andy Blueman – Time to Rest (Perspective Recordings)
12. Impulsive Drive – Reload
13. Erik De Koning – Dream Flight (Mike Nichol remix) (ASOT)
14. Lange – Out Of The Sky (Aly & Fila remix) (Maelstrom)
15. ATA – Blue Skies
16. Claudia Cazacu – Elite (Sied van Riel) (Couture)
18. W&W – Countach (Captivating Sounds)
19. Ernesto vs Bastian – Super Jupiter (High Contrast Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Andain – Beautiful Things (Black Hole)
A State of Trance Episode 346 (03.04.2008)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Nadia Ali – Crash And Burn (Sultan & Ned Shepard remix) (Harem recordings)
2. Tenishia & Kirsty Hawkshaw – Invincible (Armind)
3. Jozef Mihalik – Listen (Redanka remix)
4. Mat Zo – Rush
5. Sean Marx – Reflect (Deep Impact Music)
6. Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (DJ Shah Magic Island remix) (Armind)
7. Topher Jones feat. Meredith Call – Benediction
8. Ronski Speed feat. Aruna – All the Way (Euphonic)
9. Nic Chagall – What You Need (Marco V. Remix) (High Contrast Recordings)
10. Blank & Jones feat. Bernard Sumner – Miracle Cure (Martin Roth Nu Style remix) (Maelstrom)
11. Majai – Phoria (Airbase remix)
12. Beat Service presents Sunstroke – Sky Cafe (DNS Project remix) (Camouflage)
13. Alex M.O.R.P.H. and Woody van Eyden feat. Michelle Citrin – Turn it On (Vandit)
14. Ethereal – Ethereal
15. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Let Me Breathe (Ronski Speed remix)
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Andy Blueman – Time To Rest (perspective recordings) 17. Re:locate feat. Menno de Jong – Spirit (Paul Miller 2008 rework)
18. Markus Schulz feat. Andy Moor – Daydream (Lemon & Ainar K remix)
19. Fire & Ice – Tour De Trance (Manuel Le Saux remix) (Banshee)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Andy Ling – Fixation (Airwave remix) (Tranceportation)
A State of Trance Episode 347 (10.04.2008)
1. Kaskade – 4AM (Adam K & Soha vox remix)
2. Mind-X – Sensation Seekers (Martin Roth Nu-Style remix)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nadia Ali – Crash and Burn (Sultan and Ned Shepard remix) (Harem Recordings)
4. Ohmna – Satori (Cyber Records)
5. Oceanlab – Sirens of the Sea (Cosmic Gate Vocal mix) (Anjunabeats)
6. Markus Schulz – Daydream (Lemon & Einar K remix) (Coldharbour)
7. Majai – Phoria (Elevation remix) (Tetsuo Recordings)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. bdb Woody van Eyden remix) (High Contrast Recordings)
9. Unknown Artist – Neo Love (Euphonic)
10. Breakfast pres. Loomer – Take Me Back
11. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Never Again (Nitrous Oxide remix)(ASOT)
12. Andy Bluemann – Time To Rest (Daniel Kandi Banging mix) (Perceptive Recordings)
13. Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Orjan Nilsen Balaeric mix) (Armind)
14. Dreas – Aero (Discover)
15. Simon Patterson – Whatever it Takes (Spinnin)
16. Nic Chagall – What You Need (Marco V remix) (High Contrast recordings)
17. Toltel – Afterglow (R.E.N.O.I.S.E. remix) (Abstraction recordings)
18. W&W – Dome (Armada)
19. Carl B – Deliverance (Black Hole)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Nu NRG – Dreamland (Vandit)
A State of Trance Episode 348 (17.04.2008)
The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Ronski Speed – All The Way (Jonas Steur remix) (Euphonic)
2. Cosmic Gate – A Day That Fades (Inpetto dub) (Maelstrom/Black Hole)
3. Ohmna – Balance (How Does It Feel) (Cyber)
4. Mungo – Under The Sea
5. Mike Foyle – Pandora (The Blizzard remix) (Armada)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk The Edge (High Contrast Recordings)
7. Markus Schulz – Daydream (Lemon & Ainar K remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Heatbeat – Geek Love (Peter Martijn Wijnia remix)
9. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill – Never Again (Nitrous Oxide remix) (ASOT) Armin van Buuren – Imagine Album release special
1. Armin van Buuren – Imagine
2. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable
3. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaerts – Never Say Never
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Audrey Gallagher – Hold On To Me
5. Armin van Buuren feat. Vera Ostrova – What If
6. Armin van Buuren with Gabriel & Dresden – Zocalo (Armin in Mexico mix)
7. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene – Fine Without You
8. Armin van Buuren – Face to Face
9. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – Rain
10. Armin van Buuren & Sean Tyas – Intricacy
11. ASOT Radio Classic: Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson – Yet Another Day (Rising Star mix)
A State of Trance Episode 349 (24.04.2008)
1. Jay Lumen – Calypso (Anjunadeep)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mike Foyle – Pandora (Armada)
3. Cosmic Gate – A Day That Fades (Cosmic Gate AM2PM mix) (Maelstrom)
4. Ohmna – Satori (Cyber Records)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Back To You
6. Ronald Van Gelderen – Embrace Me
7. Bartlett Bros. feat. Marcia Juell – Let It Flow (Gareth Emery Remix)(Lunatique Records)
8. Adam Nickey – Shift (Anjunabeats)
9. Andy Hunter – Stars (Giuseppe Ottaviani dub) (Nettwerk)
10. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. b2b Woody van Eyden mix) (High Contrast Recordings)
11. Polymental – Chapter One (Mark Sherry s Outburst Remix)
12. DJ Eco – Tonight Is Forever (Martin Roth Edit)
13. Jon O Bir – Ways and Means (Paul van Dyk remix) (Vandit)
14. Sophie Sugar – Redemption (Sebastian Brandt remix) (Armada)
15. Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Orjan Nilsen Balearic mix) (Armind)
16. SVD and Timbaland – Apologize
17. Kamil Polner – Earth Protector (7 Skies & Static Blue Remix)
18. Alexander Popov feat. Syntigma – Atlantida (Eternity Recordings)
19. Midway – Monkey Forest (Jonas Stenberg edit)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: L.S.G. – The Hidden Sun Of Venus (Superstition)
A State of Trance Episode 350 (01.05.2008)
20.00 – 21.00 DJ Shah
21.00 – 22.00 M.I.K.E.
22.00 – 23.00 John O Callaghan
23.00 – 00.00 Aly & Fila
00.00 – 01.00 Nic Chagall
01.00 – 03.00 Armin van Buuren
03.00 – 05.00 Markus Schulz DJ Shah
01. ID
02. Sunlounger feat. Zara – Crawling (DJ Shah Rework) [Soundpiercing]
03. Sunlounger feat. Eller Van Buuren – ID [Armada]
04. Black Pearl – Coral Sea [Shah Music]
05. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me (Original Summer Sunrise Mix) [ASOT]
06. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (Club Mix) [ASOT]
07. Armin Van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (DJ Shahs Magic Island Remix) [Armind]
08. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Gabriel & Dresden Sweeping Strings Remix) [Armind] M.I.K.E.
01. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – Silence (Niels Van Gogh & Thomas Gold Remix)
02. Eddie Sender – Maya (Electroriginal Mix) [Bonzai Trance Progressive]
03. Andrew Bennett pres. Memento – No Escape
04. Blank & Jones feat. Bernard Sumner – Miracle Cure (Martin Roth Nu Style Dub) [Soundcolours]
05. David & Carr – Cypress (Sequentia Late At Night Remix) [MPFS White]
06. Fast Distance – Heavens Melody [Inov8]
07. Absolute – Dolphins Cry [ASOT]
08. Luminary – Amsterdam (Super8 & Tab Remix) [Anjunabeats]
09. Paul Miller – Call Me Miller [Discover]
10. Push – Trance Indicator John O Callaghan
01. Mike Saint-Jules – Sunlit Clouds (Arnejs Open Air Mix) (JOC Intro Edit)
02. Ronski Speed feat. Aruna – All The Way [Euphonic]
03. ID
04. Mr Sam vs. Human Resource – Dominator [Black Hole]
05. ID
06. Sean Tyas vs. Simon Patterson – Somethings Up
07. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix) [Combined Forces]
08. ID
09. Inertia – The System
10. Sia – The Girl You Lost To Cocaine (Joint Operation Centre Remix)
11. ID
12. Alex M.O.R.P.H & Woody Van Eyden feat. Michelle Citrin – Turn It On (Sean Tyas Remix) [Vandit]
13. ID Aly & Fila
01. ID
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana – If You Should Go (Aly & Fila Dub Mix) [Armind]
03. Dreas – Signs (Akesson Remix) [Red Force]
04. Re:Locate feat. Menno De Jong – Spirit (Paul Miller 2008 Rework)
05. Akesson – Perfect Blue [Offshore]
06. Aly & Fila – Lost Language [Soundpiercing]
07. Robert Nickson – Never Again (Nitrous Oxide Remix) [ASOT]
08. Aly & Fila – Key Of Life [Offshore]
09. Aly & Fila – ID
10. Rapid Eye – Circa Forever (Aly & Fila Rework)
11. ID Nic Chagall
01. DJ Shog – Feel Me (Duderstadt Uplifting Intro vs. Inpetto Vocal Remix) [In-Telligance Recordings]
02. Gianluca Motta feat. Molly – Not Alone (Deadmau5 vs. Tiger Stripes Remix) [Nettwerk]
03. ID
04. Heatbeat – Nebula [High Contrast]
05. Oceanlab – Sirens Of The Sea (Cosmic Gate Vocal Mix) [Anjunabeats]
06. Markus Schulz feat. Departure – Cause You Know (Nic Chagall Remix) [Coldharbour]
07. Nic Chagall – What You Need (Marco V Remix) [High Contrast]
08. Cosmic Gate feat. Denise Rivera – Body Of Conflict [Black Hole]
09. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate Remix) [Combined Forces] Armin van Buuren
01. Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Original Intro Edit) [Armind]
02. Saltwater – The Legacy (Inpetto Remix)
03. Mungo – Under The Sea [Armada]
04. Orkidea feat. David West – Gods Garden [AVA]
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene – Fine Without You (Sied van Riel Remix) [Armind]
06. Armin van Buuren – Face To Face [Armada]
07. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Remix) [High Contrast]
08. ID
09. ID
10. Armin van Buuren – Imagine [Armada]
11. ID
12. M6 – Fade To Black
13. Andy Blueman – Time To Rest (Daniel Kandi Bangin Remix) [Perceptive]
14. Polymental – Chapter One (Mark Sherry Remix) [FlutterSpark]
15. DJ Eco – Tonight Is Forever (Martin Roth Edit) [Lunatique]
16. Binary Finary – 1998 (Binarys Finality Mix)
17. Erik De Koning – Dream Flight (Mike Nichol Remix) [ASOT]
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (Richard Durand Remix) [Armind]
19. Signum – The Timelord [ASOT] [ASOT 350 Radio Classic]
20. Push – Universal Nation [Bonzai] Markus Schulz
01. ID
02. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Remix)
03. Sequentia pres. Sunshade – Vertigo (Mike Koglin Remix) [Conspiracy]
04. Markus Schulz feat. Andy Moor – Daydream (Ronski Speed Remix) [Coldharbour]
05. ID
06. ID
07. Cressida – 6AM (Kyau & Albert Remix / Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)) [Euphonic]
08. Element One – Guanacaste vs. Way Out West – Mindcircus (Markus Schulz Mashup)
09. Blank & Jones feat. Bernard Sumner – Miracle Cure (Martin Roth Nu Style Dub) [Soundcolours]
10. Markus Schulz feat. Dauby – Perfect (Agneli & Nelson Remix) [Coldharbour]
11. Gareth Emery – This Is That (Markus Schulz Rework)
A State of Trance Episode 351 (08.05.2008)
1. Andy Moor – Fake Awake (Ava recordings)
2. Jonas Steur feat. Jennifer Rene – Pure Bliss (Born for the summer remix) (Black Hole)
3. Jay Lumen – Calypso (Anjunadeep)
4. Chicane feat. Natasha Bedingfield – Bruising Easily (Mischa Daniels Dub)
5. Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Omnia Bootleg)
6. Funabashi pres. Saltwater – The Legacy 2.0 (Alex M.O.R.P.H.s Big Drop) (Ovation Recordings)
7. Syndica – Modes (Fraction Recordings)
8. Mike Foyle – Pandora (The Blizzard remix) (Armind)
9. El Cortez – Desert Rose (Intuition Recordings)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (ASOT)
11. Dan Stone – 7 Hours (Mark Pledger remix) (Noys)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arnej – The Ones That Get Away (Armada)
13. M6 – Visionary
14. Dazzle – Chaos Theory (Armada)
15. Mirco De Govia – Evolution part 2 (album extended) (euphonic)
16. Mike Wind – Sunday After Monday (Eve Recordings)
17. Andy Hunter – Stars (Giuseppe Ottaviani dub) (Nettwerk)
18. Orjan Nilsen – Scrubs (Armada)
19. Anjunabeats – Volume One (7 Skies & Static Blue remix) (Anjunabeats)
20. DJ Eco – Tonight is Forever (Martin Roth Edit) (Lunatique)
21. Sander van Doorn – Pura Vida (Evol Waves remix) (Spinnin)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Firewall – Sincere (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 352 (15.05.2008)
01. Marcus Schossow – Kiev (Spinnin)
02. Kaskade & Deadmau5 – Move for Me (Ultra)
03. FUTURE FAVORITE: Funabashi pres. Saltwater – The Legacy 2.0(AlexM.O.R.P.H.’s BigDrop) (Ovation)
04. Mango – Friday Coffee (Paul Keeley remix) (Add2basket Recordings)
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (from the album ‘Imagine’) (Armada)
06. Arnej – The Ones that get away (Armada)
07. Orlie & Martie – White Flower (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
08. Solarstone – Spectrum (from the album ‘Rainstarseternal’)
09. Super8 & Tab – Elektra (Anjunabeats)
10. Solarstone – 4Ever (from the album ‘Rainstarseternal’)
11. Keenan & Anderson – Runaway (Mike Nichol dub)(Navigation Records)
12. Kiholm – Fragile (Daniel Kandi’s emotional remix)
13. Morandi – Angels (Bobina’s Megadrive dub) (universal)
14. Dave 202 – Pictures in My Mind (Captivating Sounds/Armada)
15. Ronski Speed feat. Aruna – All the Way (Original mix) (Euphonic)
16. Sophie Sugar – Redemption (ASOT)
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Vengeance – Temptation (Denga & Manus remix) (ASOT)
18. Signalrunners – Translations (Ava Blue recordings)
19. M6 – Visionary (Armada)
20. Sander van Doorn – Pura Vida (Evol waves remix) (Spinnin)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: The Thrillseekers – Synasthesia (Adjusted recordings)
A State of Trance Episode 353 (22.05.2008)
Hour 1: The newest tunes selected
1. Hawk – Out of Nowhere (Joonas Hahmo remix) (Afterglow deep)
2. Meck feat. Dino – So Strong (Inpetto dub) (Frenetic Music)
3. Mr. Pit – Shana (Duderstadt progressive dub)
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Super8 & Tab – Elektra (Anjunabeats)
5. Sundriver – Feel (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Red Force Recordings)
6. Sasha Da Link – Meteor (Natlife Somewhere in the Sky mix) (Shah music)
7. Vengeance – Temptation (Denga & Manus remix) (ASOT)
8. Bobina – Spinning (dub) (World Club music)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: M6 – Fade 2 black (Armada)
10. ASOT RADIO Classic: Gouryella – Walhalla (Tsunami) Hour 2: Live from Godskitchen Birmingham
1. Armin van Buuren – Imagine (Armada)
2. Binary Finary – 1999 (Richard Durand edit)
3. Mungo – Summer Blush (ASOT)
4. Timbaland feat. One Republic – Apologize (Sander van Doorn edit)
5. Jon O Bir – Ways & Means (Paul van Dyk remix) (Vandit)
6. Midway – Monkey Forest (Jonas Stenberg remix)
7. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Cosmic gate remix)
8. Embrace – Embrace (Ferry’s fix) (Flashover)
9. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana – If You Should Go (Aly & Fila remix)(Armind)
10. Aly & Fila – Lost Language
11. Polymental – Chapter One (mark Sherry remix) (Flutterspark)
12. Heatbeat – Geek Love (Peter Martijn Wijnia remix)
13. Andy Bluemann – Time to rest (Daniel Kandi banging mix) (perceptive recordings)
A State of Trance Episode 354 (29.05.2008)
1. Yves Larock – Say Yeah (EDXs Ibiza Sunrise Dub)
2. Menno de Jong & Mark Otten – Mad World (Intuition)
3. DJ Shah – Dont Wake Me Up (San Antonio Harbour Dub) (Armada)
4. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – You Never Said (Dash Berlin remix)(Soundpiercing)
5. Off Key – Showdown (Flashover Recordings)
6. Orjan Nilsen – Woodchunk (Soundpiercing)
7. Myon & Shane 54 – Trapped (Black Army dub) (Myon Muzik)
8. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Shine On (Vandit)
9. Solarstone – 4Ever (Solaris)
10. Temple One – Aurora (Enhanced)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sundriver – Feel (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Red Force Recordings)
12. Morandi – Angels (Bobina Megadrive dub)
13. M6 – Fade 2 Black (Captivating Sounds)
14. Daniel Wanrooy – Avalance (Ron van Den Beuken remix) (Spinnin)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Signum – Royal Flash (ASOT)
16. Vengeance – Temptation (Denga & Manus remix) (ASOT)
17. Jochen Miller – Lost Connection (High Contrast recordings)
18. Kiholm – Fragile (Daniel Kandis Emotional mix) (Neuroscience)
19. Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden remix) (Armind)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: BT – Dreaming (Evolution remix) (Nettwerk)
A State of Trance Episode 355 (05.06.2008)
1.The Thrillseekers feat. Fisher – The Last Time (Adjusted)
2.Andy Moor – Fake Awake (Eco mix) (Ava Recordings)
3.Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (The Blizzard remix) (Armind)
4.Nic Chagall – Sky Blue (High Contrast Recordings)
5.4 Strings – Catch A Fall (First State Dark mix) (Maelstrom)
6.DJ Shah – Don’t Wake Up (San Antonio Harbour dub) (Armada)
7.Blank & Jones – California Sunset (from the album Logic of Pleasure)
8.Cramp – Deadline
9.Mr.Pit – Shana (Duderstadt Progressive dub)(Coldharbour Recordings)
10.Bartlett Bros. feat. Marcia Juell – Let It Flow (Gareth Emery Remix)(Lunatique Records)
11.Dreas Pres. Havannah – Havannah (Genix remix)
12.Leon Bolier vs. Kamaya Painters – Endless Ocean Wave (Leon Bolier Mash up)
13.Orjan Nilsen – Vivida
14.Signum – Any Given Moment (ASOT)
15.Mark Sherry pres. Outburst – A Star Within A Star (Mark Sherrys Trance Energy mix) (High Contrast Nu Breed)
16.TUNE OF THE WEEK: Inertia – The System (Discover)
17.Jochen Miller – Lost Connection (High Contrast)
18.Ron Malakai – Memorable Touch (Carl B remix)
19.Dave 202 – Pictures (Captivating Sounds)
20.FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody Van Eyden remix) (Armind)
21.ASOT RADIO Classic: Rank 1 – Breathing (Airwave) (Breaks Dub)
A State of Trance Episode 356 (12.06.2008)
1.Plain White Ts – Let Me Take You There (first state bootleg)
2.Daniel Portman – Starwarrior (Chris Reece Remix)
3.The Thrillseekers feat. Fisher – The Last time (Adjusted)
4.FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (The Blizzard remix) (Armind)
5.Jose Amnesia vs Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms 2008 (JA Sunrise mix) (Hysterical Ego)
6.Deep Voices – Surrender Morning (Cliff Coenraad & Thomas Hagenbeek Repimp dub) (Cloud 9)
7.Ron van Den Beuken – Slash (Daniel Wanrooy remix)(Spinnin)
8.Jav D feat. Mat Zo and Einat – Silver Lining (Tell Me)(Myon At Albion dub) (Ava Recordings)
9.Leon Bolier vs Kamaya Painters – Endless Ocean Wave (Leon Bolier mash up)
10.Activa – End of Summer (Discover)
11.Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Shine On (Aly & Fila remix)(Vandit)
12.TUNE OF THE WEEK: Eldritch Project – Lost Horizons (Resonate Records)
13.Ehren Stowers – icarus (Arctic Moon remix)(Perceptive recordings)
14.Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Van Eyden meet Talla – Hybrid Harm (Talla remix)
15.Teya – Only You (Oceania Dub) (Ask4 Records)
16.Inertia – The System (Discover)
17.Dan Stone – 7 Hours (Mark Pledger remix) (Noys)
18.Ronald van Gelderen – Embrace me (High contrast recordings)
19.DNS Project – Airbourne (Aly & Fila remix)
20.ASOT Radio Classic: Moogwai – Viola (Armin van Buuren remix) (Platipus)
A State of Trance Episode 357 (19.06.2008)
1. 4 Strings – Catch A Fall (First State Dark mix) (Maelstrom)
2. Andy Duguid feat. Leah – Wasted
3. Chainsaw – I Would Die For You
4. Serge Devant – Sweet Harmony (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
5. Alan Mancero – Remember Me (System K Remix)
6. Zoo Brazil – Crossroads
7. Meck feat. Dino – So Strong (Inpetto dub)(frenetic)
8. Nic Chagall – Sky Blue (High Contrast Recordings)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ali Wilson – Shakedown
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Teya – Only You (Oceania Dub)
11. Inertia – The System (Tyas & Colontonio remix)(Discover)
12. Mirco De Govia – Evolution Part 2 (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Euphonic)
13. Simon Patterson & Sean Tyas – Somethin S Up (Spinnin)
14. Mark Sherry pres. Outburst – A Star Within A Star (High Contrast)
15. Reaves And Ahorn – Shifting Lives (Vandit)
16. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Van Eyden meet Talla – Hybrid Harm (Talla Mix) (Spinnin)
17. Andy Moor – Fake Awake (Eco mix) (Ava Recordings)
18. Akesson – Perfect Blue (ASOT)
19. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel – In And Out Of Love (Richard Durand remix) (Armind)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Nalin & Kane – Beachball
A State of Trance Episode 358 (26.06.2008)
Start of Summer special
1.The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides in The Deep (The Blizzard remix) (ASOT100)
2.Duncan Sheik – On a High (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Atlantic)
3.Interstate – I Found You (Bandung)
4.Ridgewalkers feat. El – Find (Andy Moor remix) (Armind)
5.Jose Amnesia vs Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms 2008 (Jose Amnesia Sunrise mix) (Hysterical Ego)
6.The Thrillseekers feat. Aruna – Waiting Here For You (Adjusted)
7.Mark Otten – Tranquility (Armind)
8.Solarstone – 4 Ever (Solaris)
9.Recluse – Emotional Void (Deep blue)
10.ATA – Summer Sun
11.Sasha – Wavy Gravy (Terry Bones remix)
12.Cassandra Fox – Touch Me (Mike Koglin & Jono Grant remix)
13.Leon Bolier vs Kamaya Painters – Endless Ocean Wave (Leon Bolier Mash Up)
14.Whirlpool – Under The Sun (Solarstone remix)
15.Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Saved Again (3rd moon remix)
16.Jonas Steur – Castamara (Intuition)
17.Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate remix)(Combined Forces)
18.Perasma – Swing 2 Harmony (Deserves an Effort remix)
19.Solid Globe – North Pole (Fundamental)
20.Inertia – The System (Discover)
21.EnMass – CQ (Seek You) (ASOT)
22.Eldritch Project – Lost Horizons (Resonate Recordings)
23.Scott Bond vs Solarstone – Naked Angel
24.Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear (Agnelli & Nelson remix) (Armada)
25.Dogzilla – Without You (John O Callaghan remix) (Maelstrom)
A State of Trance Episode 359 (03.07.2008)
Recorded Live from Amnesia Ibiza 01-07-2008
1. Arnej – The ones that get Away (Armada)
2. Mango – Friday Coffee (Paul Keeley mix)
3. Andy Duguid feat. Leah – Wasted
4. Meck feat. Dino – So Strong (Inpetto dub)(Frenetic)
5. Leon Bolier vs Kamaya Painters – Endless Ocean Wave (Leon Bolier Mashup)
6. Solarstone – 4Ever (Solaris)
7. Ali Wilson – Shakedown
8. Timbaland – Apologize (Sander Van doorn bootleg)
9. DJ Eco – tonight is forever (Martin Roth Edit)
10. Jon O Bir – Ways & Means (Paul van Dyk remix) (Vandit)
11. Active Sight – Out of Our Lives (Captivating Sounds)
12. M6 – Fade 2 Black (Armada)
13. D-Unity – Area 57 (Captivating Sounds)
14. Paul Trainer – Totality (Vandit)
15. Embrace – Embrace (Flashover)
16. Denga & Manus present. Vengeance – Temptation (ASOT)
17. W&W – Arena (Armada)
18. ASOT RADIO Classic: Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (Three N One mix) (Hooj Choons)
19. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (Richard Durand remix)
20. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Oceanlab – Miracle (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 360 (10.07.2008)
1. DJ Tatana – Spring Breeze (Martin Roth Summerstyle remix) (Sirup Recordings)
2. Darren Tate – On the 7th Day (Mondo Recordings)
3. Rex Mundi – Passage In Time
4. Slava Flash – A State of Global (Beatfreak Records)(Global Gathering Ukraine Anthem)
5. Push – The Legacy (Mat Zo Remake)
6. Helvetic Nerds – Sanctuary (EDX afterhours mix) (Sirup)
7. Marco V. Vs Sander van Doorn – Organic (In Charge Recordings)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Offer Nissim – For Your Love (Sied van Riel remix) (star 69 records)
9. Ernesto vs Bastian – Stranger in Paradise (Allan O’ Marshall & Michael Badal dub) (high contrast recordings)
10. Anton Firtich – Rain over the ocean (Conspiracy Recordings)
11. United Minds – Amazing moments
12. Sindre Eide – Only When i Sleep (Enhanced Recordings)
13. LavKastor – E3 (Adam Nickey Remix) (Red Force Recordings)
14. Stefan Cambridge – All I wanted (Sunny Lax remix)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Oceanlab – Miracle (Anjunabeats)
16. Temple One – Aurora (Enhanced Recordings)
17. Six Senses – Pulsing Colors (Bitter Sweet)
18. Mungo – Under The Sea (Sebastian Brandts Zela remix) (ASOT)
19. Arnej presents 8 Wonders – People Dont Change (ASOT)
20. Digital Nature – Landmarks (Activa remix) (Flux De Lux)
21. Ehren Stowers – Both Worlds (Tom Colontonio remix)(Perceptive Recordings)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Exposure – Magic Impuls (Camouflage)
A State of Trance Episode 361 (17.07.2008)
1. Sunlounger – Catwalk (Magic Island Recordings)
2. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper – So Much More (Ava Recordings)
3. Offer Nissim – For Your Love (Sied van Riel remix) (*69 records)
4. DJ Tatana – Spring Breeze (Martin Roth Remix) (Sirup Recordings)
5. Andy Moor – Fake Awake (Myon & Shane 54 remix)(Ava Recordings)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Josh Gabriel – Tone Program (Different Pieces)
7. Mandala Bros. – Fallin (Duderstadt uplifting dub)
8. Chapter XJ – Exhilaration (Fenology Recordings)
9. ID – ID
10. The Thrillseekers feat. Fisher – The Last Time (Simon Bostock remix) (Adjusted Recordings)
11. Jon O Bir – Sunrise (From the forthcoming album ‘From Within’)(Vandit)
12. Jon O Bir feat. Solar Movement – Sparc (From the forthcoming album ‘From Within’)(Vandit)
13. FUTURE FAVORITE: Mungo – Under The Sea (Sebastian Brandt remix) (ASOT)
14. Andy Tau – The Path (Rozza vs Daniel Kandi remix) (Infrasonic Recordings)
15. Daniel Kandi & Robert Nickson – Liberate (Armada)
16. Signum – Any Given Moment (ASOT)
17. Simon Patterson – Us (Reset records)
18. Ali Wilson – Shakedown (In Charge Recordings)
19. Super 8 & Tab – Elektra (Bart Claessen & David Schiemann remix) (Anjunabeats)
20. Jochen Miller vs Sander Van Doorn – Lost connection with Pura Vida (Mash up)
21. Arnej pres. 8 Wonders – People Dont Change (ASOT)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Fire & Ice – Souvernir de Chine (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 362 (24.07.2008)
1. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (From the album Sirens of the sea)(Anjunabeats)
2. Oceanlab – If I Could Fly (From the album Sirens of the sea)(Anjunabeats)
3. Oceanlab – Come Home (From the album Sirens of the sea)(Anjunabeats)
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel – In And Out Of Love (The Blizzard remix) (Armind)
5. Chicane vs. Natasha Beddingfield – Bruised water (Michael Woods dub)(Modena Recordings)
6. Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (Out Of The Office remix)
7. Russel G – Whiplash (Black Hole)
8. Filterheadz – A Day At The Beach (Spinnin)
9. Lange – Out Of The Sky (Kyau & Albert remix) (Maelstrom)
10. Nature One Inc. – Wake Up In Yellow (ATB & John Gallahan Progressive mix)
11. David Forbes meets Michael Paterson vs Sultan & Ned Shepard vs Coca & Villa – One La Noche teknika (Reb mash)
12. Gianluca Motta – Not Alone (Martin Roth Nu-Style Dub remix)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert – Neo Love (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Euphonic)
14. Jon O Bir – I Need You (from the album from within)(Vandit)
15. Sonic Division – Day And Night (Kimito Lopez remix)
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Daniel Kandi & Robert Nickson – Liberate (ASOT)
17. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (Aly & Fila remix) (ASOT)
18. Simon Patterson – Us (Spinnin)
19. Bryan Kearney – You Will Never Be Forgotten (Discover)
20. M6 – Fade 2 Black (W&W remix)
21. Joint Operations Centre – New jersey (Armada)
22. Van Riel & Claudia Cazacu – Contrasts (Spinnin)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Hydra – Affinity (Adjusted Recordings)
A State of Trance Episode 363 (31.07.2008)
1. Blank & Jones – California Sunset (Martin Roth vs Blank & Jones Mash Up)
2. Evol Waves – Sunrise in georgia (Coldharbour Red)
3. Yamin – No One (Andy Duguid remix) (Motion Recordings)
4. M6 – There and Back Again (Captivating Sounds)
5. Eleze – teardrop (Jose Amnesia remix)(Ego)
6. Leon Bolier feat. Simon Binkenborn – I Finally Found (Spinnin)
7. Filterheadz & Prydz – A Day Without Pjanoo (AvB mash up)
8. Embrace – Embrace (Leon Bolier remix) (Flashover Recordings)
9. Offer Nissim – For Your Love (Sied van Riel remix) (Star 69 recordings)
10. Mandala Bros. – Falling (Duderstadt dub)
11. AMR – Beach Sunset (Enhanced Recordings)
12. Sphinx vs. Plexland – Milenia (Aurosonic remix)
13. Ultimate – Lost For Ever (Resonate Recordings)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (Aly & Fila remix) (Magic Island)
15. Simon Patterson -Us (Spinnin)
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jochen Miller vs Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – Lost connection In and Out of love (AvB Mash up)
17. Paul van Dyk – Castaway (Jon ‘O Bir remix) (Vandit)
18. Paul van Dyk feat. Ashley Tomberlin- Complicated (Kyau & Albert remix) (Vandit)
19. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert – Neo Love (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Euphonic)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: EnMass – CQ (Seek You) (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 364 (7.08.2008)
1. Sylvia Tosun – Underlying Feeling (Adam K & Soha Club remix) (Sea To Sun Records)
2. Sunlounger – Punta Galera (From the album ‘Sunny Tales’) (Armada)
3. Andrelli & Blue feat. Hila – Transparent (original mix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
4. Humate – Love Stimulation (Glenn Morrison & Bruce Aisher mix) (Poker Flat)
5. Paul van Dyk & Alex M.o.r.p.h. – In Circles (Alex M.o.r.p.h. mix) (Vandit)
6. Signalrunners feat. Julie Thompson – These Shoulders (Club mix) (Anjunabeats)
7. W&W – Arena (Captivating Sounds)
8. Guru Josh – Infinity (Jerome Isma Ae remix) (Big City Beats)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sunlounger – Lost (From the album ‘Sunny Tales’) (Armada)
10. Ronski Speed – Evapor8 (Euphonic)
11. Ultimate – Lost For Ever (Resonate Records)
12. Bart Claessen & Dave Schiemann – Madness (Super8 & Tab remix) (Anjunabeats)
13. Anguilla Project Presents Star Industry – Adrift in Space
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Jochen Miller vs Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel
15. Lost connection In and Out of love (AvB Mash up)
16. Digital Nature – Aeon (Monster Force)
17. Mark Siksma – Visionary (Re:locate Remix) (Captivating Sounds)
18. Joop – 3008 (Original mix) (High contrast recordings)
19. Dan Stone – Touchdown in Singapore
19. Marcel Woods – Musical Madness (Take One) (High Contrast Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Iio – Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix)(ministry of sound)
A State of Trance Episode 365 (14.08.2008)
Recorded live at Amnesnia Ibiza 12-08-2008 Hour 1
01. DJ Tatana – Spring Breeze (Martin Roth Remix) (Sirup Recordings)
02. Sunlounger – Lost (Magic Island recordngs)
03. Emilio Fernandez – Reynosa (Songbird)
04. Andy Duguid feat. Leah – Wasted (Black Hole)
05. Russel G – Whiplash (Black Hole)
06. Filterheadz & Prydz – A Day Without Pjanoo (AvB mash up)
07. Signalrunners feat. Julie Thompson – These Shoulders (Club mix) (Anjunabeats)
08. Kaskade – Angel On My Shoulders (EDX ReDub)(ultra)
09. Orli & Marie – White Flower (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) (kosmo recordings)
10. Andy Moor – Fake Awake (Eco mix) (Anjunabeats)
11. Humate – Love Stimulation (Glenn Morrison & Bruce Aisher mix) (Poker Flat) Hour 2
01. Zoo Brazil – Crossroads (Black Hole)
02. L.S.G. – Netherworld (Oliver Prime remix) (Joof recordings)
03. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Shine On (Activa remix) (Vandit)
04. The Thrillseekers feat. Fisher – The Last Time (Simon Bostock remix) (Adjusted Recordings)
05. Giuseppe Ottaviani – No More Alone (John O Callaghan remix) (Vandit)
06. John O Callaghan pres. Mannix – Pyramid (ASOT)
07. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana – if You Should Go (Aly & Fila dub)
08. Mr.Pit – Shana (Duderstadt Progressive dub)(Coldharbour Recordings) vs. Above & Beyond – Can’t sleep (Anjunabeats) (myon mash up)
09. Utah Saints – Lost Vagueness (M6 Bootleg)
10. Timmy & Tommy – full Tiltin (Joint Operations Centre Remix)
11. Headtrick vs. Funkagenda – what the f**k (Avb Mash up)
12. Substate – Horizons (Mac Zimms remix) (Liquid Recordings)
A State of Trance Episode 366 (21.08.2008)
01. Ian Brown - Fear (Oneworld Bootleg)
02. Chris Lake feat. Nastala - Start Again [Rising Music]
03. One World - Lingua [Avanti]
04. Kaskade - Angel On My Shoulder (EDX Redub) [Ultra]
05. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost [Armada Music]
06. Purple Mood - Chinese Theatre [Shah-Music Digital]
07. Airbase - Tangerine [Intuition]
08. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Signalrunners & Julie Thompson - These Shoulders (Oliver Smith Remix) [Anjunabeats]
09. Reminder feat. Alynn Carter - Fortitude (Phosphor mix) [Afterglow Records]
10. Andrew Bennett vs. Tatana feat. Tiff Lacey - Closer (Gareth Emery Remix) [S2]
11. Virtual Vault - Request (Orchestral Mix) [Black Hole]
12. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere - Shine On (Activa Remix)
13. Dave202 - Fireball [Captivating Sounds]
14. Bissen - Washout [A State Of Trance]
15. Foundry - Believe [Monster Pure]
16. Orjan Nilsen - Vivida
17. Bart Claessen & Dave Schiemann - Madness (I Prefer This Mix) [Anjunabeats]
18. Push - Back To The Essence (Ruben de Ronde Remix) [Club Elite]
19. Richard Durand - Papillion [Terminal 4]
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Sander Kleinenberg - My Lexicon [Combined Forces]
A State of Trance Episode 367 (28.08.2008)
1. Jaytech – Vela (Anjunabeats)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mr. Sam feat. Claud9 – Cygnes (Black Hole)
3. Lustral – Everytime (Glenn Morrison & Bruce Aisher dub mix) (Baroque)
4. Adam Stodtko vs Sundriver – Monique (Robert Burian remix) (Red Force Recordings)
5. David Forbes – Harpoon (Fraction Records)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Purple Mood – Chinese Theatre (Dj Shah & Cosmo Original mix) (Shah music)
7. Stoneface & Terminal – Blueprint (Club mix) (Euphonic)
8. Adam Szabo – Altra (Danilo Ercole remix) (fraction zero)
9. Reminder feat. Alynn Carter – Fortitude (Carl B dub mix) (Afterglow records)
10. Bart Claessen & Dave Schiemann – Madness (Super8 & Tab remix) (Anjunabeats)
11. Ferry Corsten – Radio Crash (Flashover Recordings)
12. Airbase – Tangerine (Intuition Recordings)
13. Algarve vs Cold Blue – Sakura (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Tranceflo recordings)
14. Ian Betts & Dan Stone – Colliding Circles (Sequentia pres Sunshade remix) (Conspiracy recordings)
15. Activa – Untitled (Discover)
16. Filo & Peri – Shine On (Aly & Fila remix) (Vandit)
17. Paul Miller – One more Time
18. Kiholm – Journey into Love (Marcos remix)
19. Virtual Vault – Request (Orchestral remix) (Black Hole)
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Chakra – Loves Shines Through (taken from ASOT Classics vol. 3)
A State of Trance Episode 368 (04.09.2008)
1. Wippenberg – Chakalaka (High Contrast records)
2. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (First State remix) (Armind)
3. Deadmau5 – Clockwork (Cosmic Gate remix)
4. Mr. Sam feat. Claud9 – Cygnus (Black Hole)
5. Ronski Speed – Hemisphere (from the double album ‘pure devotion’)(Euphonic)
6. Stoneface & Terminal – Blue Print (original mix)(Euphonic)
7. Sasha Virus – Galaktika (Mike Koglin remix)
8. 4 Strings & Dj Shaine – The Way It Should Be (dub mix) (spinnin)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Giuseppe Ottaviani – No More Alone (Vandit)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ferry Corsten – Radio Crash (Flash Over Recordings)
11. Kai Jee N Eidan – Unlocked (Sly One vs Jurrane remix) (Perceptive recordings)
12. Nalin & Kane – Beachball (Myon & Shane 54 dub mix)
13. Rapha – Pandora (Daniel Kandi’s Emotional mix)
14. Airbase feat. Floria Ambra – Denial (Airbase remix) (ITWT/Black Hole)
15. Barry Connell – Frizzbomb (John O Callaghan remix)
16. Denga vs. Manus – Lost Love (Vengeance remix) (tetsuo recordings)
17. Avenger – Climax (Lightened mix)
18. Tom Colontonio – Extreme Tactics
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Viframa – Cristalle (Katana feat. DJ precision remix)
A State of Trance Episode 369 (11.09.2008)
1. Sander van Doorn vs. Robbie Williams – Close My Eyes (Spinnin)
2. Moussa Clarke – She Wants Him (Armada)
3. Ronski Speed – Bluescreen (from the double album ‘pure devotion’) (Euphonic)
4. Kerli – Walking On Air (Armin van Buuren dub) (Def Jam)
5. BLENdbRANK – Synthetic Symphony (Mohawk Remix) (Artego Music)
6. Pulser – Sunseeker (Maelstrom)
7. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (First State ‘Smooth’ remix) (Armind)
8. Waterspark – Fairway (Monogato remix) (Ask 4 Records)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ronski Speed – Last Remaining Light (from the double album ‘pure devotion’) (Euphonic)
10. 4 Strings vs DJ Shaine – The Way It Should Be (dub) (spinnin)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Rapha – Pandora (Daniel Kandi’s Emotional mix) (Sensate Europe)
12. 7 Skies & Static Blue – Central Park (Breathe Music)
13. Alex Pich & Dmitry Federov – Drops On The Moon (Jonas Hornblad Remix) (Enhanced Progressive)
14. Nucvise – Believers (Vandit)
15. Philippe El Sisi – Witness (Off Shore)
16. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Stephen Pickup – No More Alone (John O Callaghan remix) (Vandit)
17. Jamaster A – Cicada (Talla 2XLC remix) (2 Play/Spinnin)
18. Gareth Emery – Like This Like That vs Delerium – Silence (Black Army Mash Up)
19. Stevie Cripps – Solarize
20. Cylum & Velden – Leyenda (Aurora Digital)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Robert Nickson – Spiral (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 370 (18.09.2008)
Hour 1: The newest Tunes Selected
1. Passenger 10 – Mirage (EDX’s 5un5hine remix) (unreleased digital records)
2. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper – So Much More (Shawn Mitiska remix)(Ava Recordings)
3. San Antonio Harbour – Romantic Avenue (Shah music)
4. Myon & Shane 54 – Not A lot Left (Anjunabeats)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kerli – Walking On Air (Armin van Buuren Dub) (Def Jam Recordings)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Leon Bolier – YE (From his forthcoming double album ‘Pictures’) (Spinnin)
7. C-Systems – Close Your Eyes (Lemon & Ainar K remix) (Apocalypse Recordings)
8. The Riverside – Your Heart (Paul Miller presents Motion Blur remix) (Addictive Global)
9. Talla2XCL vs. Carl B feat. Katie Marne – Giving Up, Giving In (Sean Tyas dub) (Tetsuo)
10. Orjan Nilsen – Soulflayer (Intuition Recordings)
11. ASOT Radio Classic: Solar Factor – Urban Shakedown (Banshee Recordings) Hour 2: Recorded live from the closing party of Armada at Amnesia 16-09-2008
1. Sander van Doorn vs. Robbie Williams – Close your Eyes (Spinnin)
2. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (First State’s Rough cut) (Armind)
3. Signalrunners feat. Julie Thompson – These Shoulders (Club mix) (Anjunabeats)
4. Mr. Sam feat. Claud9 – Cygnes (Black Hole)
5. Aalto – 5 (Anjunabeats)
6. Sunlounger feat. Zara – Lost (Shah music)
7. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – in and out of love vs. Jochen Miller – Lost connection (AvB mash up)
8. Stoneface & Terminal – Blueprint (Club mix) (Euphonic)
9. Rapha – Pandora (Daniel Kandi’s Emotional mix) (Sensate Europe)
10. 4 Strings vs DJ Shaine – The Way It Should Be (dub) (spinnin)
11. Unknown Artist – Unknow title
A State of Trance Episode 371 (25.09.2008)
Hour 1: On the Beach
1. M Waering – Amberude (Santiago Nino remix)
2. Benya feat. Penny Nixon – Serendipity (ASOT 2008)
3. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Carrie Skipper – Vampire (club mix) (ASOT 2008)
4. Blake Jarrell – Punta Del Este (ASOT 2008)
5. Mike Foyle – Bittersweet Nightshade (ASOT 2008)
6. Tenishia feat. Tiff Lacey – Burning From The Inside (Burning Vox Dub)(ASOT 2008)
7. Jochen Miller – Eclipse (High Contrast recordings)
8. Tritonal – What I Say (Dub mix) (Ava Recordings)
9. Julian Vincent – Certainty (Mark Otten Dub) (ASOT 2008)
10. Hydroid – The Eternal (Paul Webster remix) (Vandit)
11. Ilya Soloview & Paul Miller – Lover Summer (Orjan Nilsen remix)(ASOT 2008)
12. Markus Schulz – The New World (ASOT 2008) Hour 2: In The Club
1. Robert Nickson & Daniel Kandi – Rewire(ASOT 2008)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: C-System – Close My Eyes (Lemon & Einar K Remix)(Apocalypse recordings)
3. Allan Morris – Pegasus (Seqentia remix)(Transistic Records)
4. Mark Norman – Restart (Black Hole)
5. Andy Bluemann – Time To Rest (live guitar by Eller van Buuren)(ASOT 2008)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Thomas Bronzwaer – Certitude(ASOT 2008)
7. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (Stoneface & Terminal Vocal mix) (Armind)
8. 8 Wonders – The Return (ASOT 2008)
9. Airbase – the road not taken (ITWT/Black Hole)
10. Jochen Miller – 9 Minutes (High Contrast)
11. Hensa – Nightfire
12. ASOT Radio Classic: Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Rising Star remix)(Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 372 (02.10.2008)
1. Arnej feat. Josie – Strangers we’ve become (Intro tech dub) (ASOT 2008)
2. Alter Breed – No Rush (Luke Porter remix) (EchoPlast Digital)
3. Talla 2XLC feat. Susana – I know (Dirty Freqs dub) (Breathe music)
4. SiA – Buttons (Markus Schulz return to Coldharbour dub)
5. Myon & Shane 54 – Trapped (dub) (In Trance We Trust)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kyau & Albert – Hide & Seek (Club mix) (Euphonic)
7. Marco V. – Faithfull (In Charge recordings)
8. Sensitize – Have To Believe (Fraction Zero recordings)
9. Noah Neiman & MST feat. Catherine – Run With Me (Original mix) (Smu[th] Digital)
10. Heatbeat – Paradise Garage (Piano mix) (Armada)
11. Simon Patterson – Diff Feeling (Spinnin)
12. Allan Morris – Pegasus (Sequentia mix) (Transistic Records)
13. Tokugawas Drums vs Quillroader – Mayan Sun (Vandit)
14. Jochen Miller – 9 Minutes (High Contrast Recordings)
15. Mark Sixma – Visionary (In Trance We Trust)
16. Philippe El Sisi – Witness (Offshore)
17. FUTURE FAVORITE: Andy Blueman – Time to Rest (Live Guitar by Eller van Buuren) (ASOT 2008)
18. Matt Hardwick feat. Melinda Gareh – Supernal (Last man standing remix) (Kill The Lights recordings)
19. Simon Bostock – Twisted Edge (Flux Delux)
20. A.M.R. – State of Mind (original mix) (Perceptive Recordings)
21. Riva – Stringer (Bart Claessen 08 tek dubleg)
22. DJ Shah & Fast Distance pres. Samara – Verano (Fast Distance mix) (Magic Island/Armada)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Holden & Thompson – Nothing (93 returning mix) (Loaded)
A State of Trance Episode 373 (09.10.2008)
1. Proff – My Personal Summer (Anjunadeep)
2. D:Folt feat Marcie – I Come Running (tyDi dub)
3. Kimito Lopez – Selfish By Nature (Intuition Recordings)
4. Kyau & Albert – Hide & Seek (Euphonic)
5. Jon O Bir – Do It All Again (Duderstadt Progressive dub) (Vandit)
6. Julian Vincent – Certainty (Mark Otten Dub) (ASOT 2008)
7. Leon Bolier – YE (Airbase remix) (Spinnin)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Heatbeat – Paradise Garage (Soundpiercing/Armada)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sied van Riel – Riel people know (W&W remix) (Spinnin)
10. Mike Koglin feat. Tania Laila – Find Me (dub)
11. Duderstadt vs Store N Forward – Broken (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Afterglow)
12. Ilya Soloviev & Paul Miller – Lover Summer (Orjan Nilsen remix) (ASOT 2008)
13. Steve Forte Rio – A New Dawn (Virtual Vault Remix) (Songbird)
14. Thomas Bronzwaer – Certitude (ASOT)
15. Kandi & Neumann – Let Go (Anjunabeats)
16. Andy Prinz – Provision (Philippe El Sisi remix) (Offshore)
17. DJ Shah & Fast Distance pres. Samara – Verano (Fast Distance remix) (Magic Island/Armada)
18. Blank & Jones – Where You Belong (Sied van Riel remix)
19. Bissen Washout vs. SiA – Buttons (Markus Schulz Return to Coldharbour Remix) (AvB Mash Up)
20. Robert Nickson & Daniel Kandi – ReWire (ASOT 2008)
21. Riva – Stringer (Bart Claessen 08 tek dubleg)(Cloud 9 dance)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Signum – Solar Level
A State of Trance Episode 374 (16.10.2008)
1. Simon Patterson – Different Feeling (Spinnin)
2. Luke Chable – Melburn (Maor Levi’s Big Room mix)
3. EDX – Casa Grande (Main mix) (Pink Star Recordings)
4. Marcus Schossow – The Last Pluck (Fluffy mix) (Spinnin)
5. Arnej feat. Josie – Strangers we’ve become (vocal mix) (Armind)
6. Blake Jarrell – Punta Del Este (Arnej’s minimal drum dub) (Electronic Elements)
7. Mat Zo – Rush (Anjunabeats)
8. Danjo & Styles – Duende (La Vuelta) (Danjo’s Kanova Remix) (High Contrast Nu Breed)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Hodel & Hornblad – Hydrogen (Sundriver remix) (Enhanced Recordings)
10. Hydroid – The Eternal (Re-Locate remix) (Vandit)
11. Vengeance – Explain (Reminder mix) (ASOT)
12. Sied van Riel – Riel People Know (W&W remix) (Fektive)
13. Heatbeat – Paradise Garage (DJ Eco mix) (Soundpiercing)
14. FKN feat. Jahala – Still Time (Aly & Fila remix)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Andy Prinz – Provision (Philippe El Sisi remix) (Offshore)
16. Kandi & Neumann – Lovin Feeling (Anjunabeats)
17. Ferry Corsten – Radio Crash vs. Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Up (Avb Mash up)
18. Michael Tsukerman – My Name Is Sawtooth (Sebastian Brandt remix)
19. Duderstadt vs Store N Forward – Broken (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Afterglow)
20. 8 Wonders – Eventuality (ASOT)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Luc Poublon – Quantum Leap (ATCR)
A State of Trance Episode 375 (23.10.2008)
01. Jaytech – Pyramid (Anjunabeats)
02. Manvel Ter-Pogosyan ft. Jenni Perez – Fallen In Too Deep
03. John Askew feat. Senadee – Nothing Left Between us (Duderstadt Progressive Dub) (Kill The Lights)
04. Blank & Jones – Where You Belong (Sied van Riel remix)
05. 2XLC – Dantes Peak (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (Tetsuo hybrid)
06. Danjo & Styles – Duende (Danjo’s Kanova remix) (High Contrast New Breed)
07. Marc Vision – Time Gate (Arnej’s Minimal Drum dub)
08. Wippenberg – Chakalaka (High Contrast Recordings)
09. Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla – Aden’s Dream (Rafael Frost remix) (Flashover Recordings)
10. Dave Graham feat. Cat Martin – Love Always Fades (Armada)
11. Gabriel Batz & Daniel Wanrooy – Endless Waves (Ora Recordings)
12. Heatbeat – Paradise Garage (DJ Eco remix) (Armada)
13. Michael Tsukerman – Tel Aviv (Piano mix)
14. Yans – Ra’i Reva (Jonas Hornblad remix) (Inspired Recordings)
15. Evelio – Fear of Drowning (Robert Nickson dub)
16. Kandi & Neumann – Lovin Feeling (Anjunabeats)
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ben Gold – Life (Sean Tyas remix) (Discover)
18. Tiddy – Taylla (Tom Colontonio remix)
19. Rapid Eye – Circa-forever (Galen Behr & Orjan Nilsen remix) (ATCR)
20. FUTURE FAVORITE: FKN feat. Jahala – Still Time (Aly & Fila remix) (Offshore)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Jens – Psycho Strings (Superstition)
A State of Trance Episode 376 (30.10.2008)
1. The Killers – Human (Armin van Buuren remix) (Universal)
2. Elevation – Biscayne (Coldharbour Recordings)
3. John Askew feat. Senadee – Nothing Left Between us (Duderstadt progressive mix) (Kill the Lights)
4. Ronksi Speed – Revolving Doors (Sun Decade mix) (Euphonic)
5. Andy Duguid feat. Julie Thompson – Falling (from the album ‘believe’)(Black Hole)
6. Andy Duguid & Mr. Sam feat. Solar Stone – Hold My Breath (Andy Duguid remix) (from the album ‘believe’) (Black Hole)
7. Xgenic – Prometeus (Timeline Music)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Oceanlab – Breaking Ties (Above & Beyond Club mix) (Anjunabeats)
9. Danjo & Styles – Duende (Danjo’s Kanova remix) (High Contrast Nu Breed)
10. Sundriver – City Lights (Daniel Kandi remix) (Anjunabeats)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ben Gold – Life (Sean Tyas remix) (Discover)
12. Bjorn Niclas – Jet (Lunatique recordings)
13. Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla – Aden’s Dream (Rafael Frost remix) (Flashover Recordings)
14. Sean Tyas – Melbourne (Discover)
15. Yans – Ra’i Reva (Jonas Hornblad remix) (Inspired Recordings)
16. Duderstadt vs Store N Forward – Broken (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Afterglow)
17. Ferry Corsten – Galaxia (Aly & Fila rework)
18. Paul Trainer – Seize The Day (Armada)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Sinead O Connor – Troy (Push remix)
A State of Trance Episode 377 (06.11.2008)
1. Arnej – Tomorrow Never Comes (Armada)
2. Kenneth Thomas & Chad Cisneros – Breakthrough (Oliver Smith remix)
3. Simon Patterson – Different Feeling (Filterheadz remix) (Spinnin)
4. Front – Cosmic Winter (Shah Music)
5. Bobina – Time & Tide (Gareth Emery remix) (World Club Music)
6. Lisa Miskovsky – Still Alive (Theme from Mirrors Edge) (Paul van Dyk remix) (Nettwerk)
7. Ferry Corsten – Life (from the album ‘Twice in a Blue moon’) (Flashover)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ferry Corsten – Made of Love (from the album ‘Twice in a Blue moon’) (Flashover)
9. Signum – Distant Signature (alternate mix)(ASOT)
10. Tiesto presents – Alone In the Dark (Edward Carnby Instrumental) (Maelstrom)
11. Rene Alblaze presents Fallen Skies – Stealin Love (Solid mix)
12. David Newsum – 63b Clerkenwell Road RIP (Discover)
13. Above & Beyond present Oceanlab – Breaking Ties (Above & Beyond Analog haven mix) (Anjunabeats)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: The Killers – Human (Armin van Buuren remix) (Island Def Jam)
15. The Killers – Human (Ferry Corsten remix) (Island Def Jam)
16. Julian Vincent feat. Cathy Burton – Certainty (Re:locate remix) (Armada)
17. Paul Miller pres. Motion Blur – Take A Look & See (dub mix)
18. Datt & Bissen – Take Your Time (Thomas Datt Instrumental mix) (fluxdelux)
19. Sean Tyas – Melbourne (Discover)
20. Project Logical – Night Drive (Eve Recordings)
21. Jon Rundell – Dawn Raid (Sander van Doorn remix)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Alt + F4 – Alt + F4 (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 378 (13.11.2008)
01. 16 Bit Lolitas – No one Seems To Care 2008 (Anjunadeep)
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaerts – Never Say never (Myon & Shane 54 remix)(Armind)
03. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Carrie Skipper – Vampire (Gareth Emery remix) (Armada)
04. Orjan Nilsen – Moving Mojave (Armada)
05. Oceanlab – Breaking Ties (Martin Roth remix) (Anjunabeats)
06. Starchaser feat. Lo-Fi Sugar – So High (Martin Roth remix) (Vandit)
07. Miller & Divini – Many Years (Cloud 9)
08. Marco V. – Coma Aid (Remix) (In Charge Records)
09. Ferry Corsten – Twice in a Blue Moon (Flashover Recordings)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ferry Corsten – Made of Love (Flashover Recordings)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Vengeance – Unexpectation (Denga vs Manus mix) (ASOT)
12. Yamin feat. Marcie – No One (Airtight remix) (Motion records)
13. Tritonal – Photographique (Enhanced Records)
14. Ronski Speed – Revolving Doors (Immortal Monkeys remix) (Euphonic)
15. John Gibbons & Scmion Tist – Maktub (Paul Webster remix)
16. Robert Nickson & Daniel Kandi – Rewire (Avenger remix) (ASOT)
17. Lisa Miskovsky – Still Alive (theme from Mirrors edge) (Paul van Dyk remix)(Nettwerk)
18. 8 Wonders – Everything’s been written (ASOT)
19. Avenger – Pegasus (Red Force Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Tranquility Base – Razorfish (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 379 (20.11.2008)
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Omnia Remix) (Armind)
2. Simadith Project – Dirty Volum (Lemon & Einar K remix) (Avanti/Black Hole)
3. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dash Berlin feat. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On the Run (Armada)
4. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Carrie Skipper – Vampire (Gareth Emery remix) (Armind)
5. Sonic Element – Paint The Blue (Store N Forward remix) (MPFS records)
6. Orjan Nilsen – Moving Mojave (Armada)
7. 2XLC – Dante’s Peak (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (Tetsuo Hybrid)
8. Blake Jarrell pres. Trasher – Hosoi (Simon & Shaker remix) vs. The man with the red face saxophone (AVB mash up)
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Starchaser feat. Lo-Fi Sugar – So High (Martin Roth remix) (Vandit)
10. Omnha feat. Nurlaila- Key Of Life (Cyber Records)
11. Markus Schulz – The New World (remix) (Coldharbour recordings)
12. ID – Our Self (Intuition Recordings)
13. Stan Void – Transcience (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (Solaris)
14. Niklas Grosswald presents Soundbite – Sparkles (Conspiracy recordings)
15. Dinka – the temptation (Paul Trainer remix) (vandit)
16. Vengeance – Unexpectation (Denga & Manus remix) (ASOT)
17. Ronald van Gelderen – Rush (High Contrast recordings)
18. Michael Angelo feat. Danny – Test Drive (Nitrous Oxide remix) (high light records)
19. Paul Miller pres. Motion Blur – Curler (Addictive Global Records)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Signum feat. Scott Mac – Coming on Strong (Jinx)
A State of Trance Episode 380 (27.11.2008)
1. Markus Schulz – The New World (Return to Coldharbour Remix) (Coldharbour)
2. John Askew feat. Senadee – Nothing Left Between Us (Duderstadt progressive mix) (Kill the lights)
3. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (Armind)
4. Mark Vision – Time Gate (Arnej’s Minimal Drum dub)
5. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Carrie Skipper – Vampire (Armid)
6. Mr. Sam feat. cLaud9 – Cygnes (Appia Recordings)
7. 2XLC – Dante’s Peak (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (tetsuo hybrid)
8. Sunlounger feat. Zara – Lost (Magic Island recordings)
9. Rank 1 – L.E.D. There be Light (Trance Energy 2009 Theme) (High Contrast Recordings)
10. Steve Anderson – Before Long (High Contrast Nu Breed)
11. Ilya Soloviev & Paul Miller – Lover Summer (Orjan Nilsen remix) (Soundpiercing)
12. Super8 & Tab – Elektra (Anjunabeats)
13. The Thrillseekers – City of Angels (Adjusted)
14. Stoneface & Terminal – Blueprint (Euphonic)
15. Jochen Miller – Lost Connection vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – In And Out of Love
16. Ali Wilson – Heat Haze (In Charge Recordings)
17. Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit (C-quence bootleg)
18. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Stephen Pickup – No More Alone (Vandit)
19. Joint Operations Centre – New jearsey (Captivating Sounds)
20. Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Armind)
21. Ferry Corsten – Radio Crash vs. Prodigy – Smack my bitch Up (Avb mash up)
22. Majesta – Not the end vs. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe – Who Will find me (AvB Mash up) (Armada)23. Tokugawas Drums vs. Quillroader – Mayan Sun (vandit)
A State of Trance Episode 381 (04.12.2008)
1. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Armada)
2. Ashley Wallbridge – The Embrace (Aurosonic Waiting For Sunrise Mix) (Ask4 Music)
3. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Carrie Skipper – Vampire (Gareth Emery remix) (Armind)
4. David Newsum – Spank Bank (Activas Deep mix) (Kill The Lights)
5. Mike Koglin – Find Me (Orjan Nilsen Vocal mix) (Noys Records)
6. B.T. – Force of Gravity (Orjan Nilsen mix)
7. Cor Fijneman feat. Melissa Mathes – Disappear (Cliff Coenraad & Thomas Hagenbeek Repimp) (Songbird)
8. Leon Bolier vs Jonas Steur – Lost Luggage (Rank 1 remix) (Spinnin)
9.Sebastian Sand – Creeps (Euphonic)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Rank 1 – L.E.D. There Be Light (High Contrast Recordings)
11. Tiddey – Savage Emotions (Prologic Music)
12. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Sunshine (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Vandit)
13. Hodel & Avenger – Rebirth
14. Robert Nickson – Circles (ASOT)
15. Michael Angelo feat. Danny – Test Drive (Nitrous Oxide Dub) (High Light Records)
16. Oliver Smith – Cirrus (Anjunabeats)
17. Robert Nickson & Daniel Kandi feat. Armin van Buuren & Justine Suissa – Wall of Rewire (Avenger remix) (Airbase Bootleg mash up)
18. Sam Sharp – Roundabout (Doorn Records)
19. Robert Burian – Casino (Re-Ward Remix) (Spinnin)
20. 8 Wonders – Everything’s Been Written (ASOT)
21. ASOT RADIO Classic: Paul van Dyk – Nothing but you (PvD Club mix)
A State of Trance Episode 382 (11.12.2008)
1. Ashley Wallbridge – Harrier
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Signalrunners – Meet me in montauk (Anjunabeats)
3. Sied van Riel – MME (Spinnin)
4. Mike Foyle – Bittersweet Nightshade (Markus Schulz Return To Coldharbour mix)(Coldharbour)
5. Ee-Sma – Speak (Speak EP)
6. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Armada)
7. AF Project – Moonlight Madness (Temple One remix) (Flashover Recordings)
8. John O Callaghan feat. Jaren – Surreal (John O Callaghan Club mix) (Armada)
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Rank 1 – L.E.D. There Be Light (Trance Energy Theme 2009) (High Contrast Recordings)
10. Thomas Coastline – After Hour (Tenthu Remix) (Redux Recordings)
11. Activa – This World (Discover)
12. Dereck Recay – Dream Way (Redux Recordings)
13. Robert Nickson – Circles (ASOT)
14. John Gibbons & Scmion Tist – Maktub (Paul Webster remix)
15. Simon Patterson – Thump (Spinnin)
16. Sean Tyas – Melbourne (Discover)
17. Sam Sharp – Roundabout (Doorn records)
18. Suncatcher – Epic (7 Skies remix) (Fraction Recordings)
19. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Armind)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Yahel – Voyage (ITWT)
A State of Trance Episode 383 Top 20 2008 (19.12.2008)
1 Sunlounger featuring Zara – Lost 6278 1870
2 Armin van Buuren featuring Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (Original Mix) 5393 1625
3 Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra (Original Mix) 3958 1198
4 Above & Beyond presents OceanLab – Breaking Ties (Above & Beyond Analogue Haven Mix) 2191 718
5 Ferry Corsten – Made Of Love 2134 675
6 Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren presents Vantem – You Never Said (Dash Berlin Remix) 2132 660
7 Above & Beyond presents OceanLab – Miracle (Above & Beyond Club Mix) 2111 714
8 Lange featuring Sarah Howells – Out Of The Sky (Kyau & Albert Remix) 2088 634
9 Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Remix) 2067 605
10 Above & Beyond presents OceanLab – Sirens Of The Sea (Above & Beyond Club Mix) 2032 678
11 Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah featuring Chris Jones – Going Wrong (Original Mix) 1852 607
12 The Killers – Human (Armin van Buuren Remix) 1844 640
13 The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides In The Deep (The Blizzard Remix) 1838 594
14 DJ Shah featuring Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (Aly & Fila Remix) 1804 591
15 Mr. Sam featuring Claud9 – Cygnes 1522 492
16 Armin van Buuren featuring Jaren – Unforgivable (First State Remix) 1508 494
17 Andy Duguid featuring Leah – Wasted (Original Mix) 1489 495
18 Akesson – Perfect Blue (Original Mix) 1371 400
19 Leon Bolier – Ocean Drive Boulevard (Original Mix) 1345 413
20 Armin van Buuren featuring Susana – If You Should Go (Aly & Fila Remix) 1303 435 NEXT WEEK: A State of Trance YEARMIX 2008 with 86 of the best trance tracks in a two hour non stop mix.
A State of Trance Episode 384: Yearmix 2008 (26.12.2008)
A State of Trance Yearmix 2008
Also Released as Double CD (Cloud 9 music) Intro: the endlessness of eight
Orjan Nilsen – La Guitarra
Andy Duguid featuring Leah – Wasted
Mark Knight & Funkagenda – Man With The Red Face
Tiesto presents Allure featuring Julie Thompson – Somewhere Inside (Andy Duguid Remix)
Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren presents Vantem – You Never Said (Dash Berlin Remix)
Moussa Clarke vs The Police – She wants him
Lange feat Sarah Howells – Out Of The Sky (Kyau & Albert Remix)
Armin van Buuren featuring Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (The Blizzard mix)
Jaytech – Pepe’s garden
Andrea Doria vs LXR – Beauty Of Silence (In Petto Remix)
Kyau & Albert – Hide & Seek
Morgan Page featuring Lissie – The Longest Road (Deadmau5 Remix)
Mike Foyle – Pandora (The Blizzard Remix)
Mr. Sam featuring Claud9 – Cygnes
4 Strings – Take Me Away (Re-Ward Remix)
W&W – Arena
Orkidea – Metaverse (Gareth Emery remix)
Signalrunners & Julie Thompson – These Shoulders
Eric Prydz – Pjanoo
Wippenberg – Chakalaka
Rank 1 vs Jochen Miller – And Then
DJ Tatana – Spring Breeze (Martin Roth SummerStyle Remix)
Sunlounger feat. Zara – Lost
Arnej featuring Josie – Strangers We’ve Become
Andy Moor featuring Carrie Skipper – So Much More
Armin van Buuren featuring Jaren – Unforgivable (First State Smooth mix)
Dobenbeck – Please don’t go (Chris Reece mix)
First State feat. Elliot Johns – Your Own Way
Offer Nissim – For Your Love (Sied van Riel remix)
Sia – The Girl You Lost To Cocaine (Sander van Doorn Remix)
Arnej – The One That Get Away
Cressida – 6AM (Kyau & Albert Remix)
Andy Moor – Fake Awake (The Blizzard Remix)
The Thrillseekers featuring Fisher – The Last Time
Paul van Dyk featuring Rea Garvey – Let Go (Martin Roth NuStyle Remix)
Super8 & Tab – Elektra
Markus Schulz featuring Dauby – Perfect
Majai – Phoria (Elevation Remix)
Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Remix)
Georgia – Ode To ’99
Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandi’s Cure Mix)
Ilya Soloviev & Paul Miller – Lover Summer (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides In The Deep (The Blizzard Remix)
Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah featuring Chris Jones – Going Wrong
Above & Beyond present OceanLab – Sirens Of The Sea (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
Armin van Buuren featuring Susana – If You Should Go (Aly & Fila Remix)
Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Stephen Pickup – No More Alone
Embrace – Embrace
Solarstone – 4Ever
C-Systems – Close Your Eyes (Lemon & Einar K Remix)
Markus Schulz – The New World
Leon Bolier – Ocean Drive Boulevard
Mr. Pit – Shana (Duderstadt Progressive Dub Mix)
Above & Beyond present OceanLlab – Breaking Ties (Above & Beyond Analogue Haven Mix)
Alex M.O.R.P.H and Woody Van Eyden feat. Michelle Citrin – Turn It On
Lemon & Einar K – Anticipation
Armin van Buuren – Imagine
Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix)
Blank & Jones featuring Bernard Sumner – Miracle Cure (Martin Roth Nu Style Dub Remix)
Ferry Corsten – Radio Crash
Daniel Kandi & Robert Nickson – Liberate
Kandi & Neumann – Let go
Akesson – Perfect Blue
Ernesto versus Bastian – Thrill
Jochen Miller – Lost Connection
Danjo – As The Tables Turn
Stoneface & Terminal – Blueprint (Club mix)
Rapha – Pandora (Daniel Kandi Emotional Mix)
Erik de Koning – Dream Flight
Ronski Speed featuring Aruna – All The Way
Nic Chagall – What You Need (Marco V Remix)
Richard Durand feat. Skin – Brazen (Weep)
Above & Beyond present OceanLab – Miracle (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
Heatbeat – Paradise Garage (Piano Mix)
DJ Shah featuring Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (Aly & Fila Remix)
Andy Blueman – Time To Rest (Daniel Kandi Bangin’ Mix)
Bart Claessen & Dave Schiemann – Madness (I Prefer This Mix)
Simon Patterson – Us
Polymental – Chapter One (Mark Sherrys Outburst remix)
DJ Eco & Martin Roth – Tonight Is Forever (Martin Roth Edit)
Luminary – Amsterdam (Super8 & Tab Remix)
Ferry Corsten feat. Betski Larkin – Made Of Love
Vengeance – Temptation (Denga & Manus Remix)
Aly & Fila – Key of Life Outro: Past Reality
A State of Trance Episode 385 (01.01.2009)
01. Bardo State – The Jezebel Spirit (Bart Claessen Intro mix)(United)
02. Dave Graham feat. Cat Martin – Love Always Fades (Michael De Kooker remix) (Armada)
03. Amex – World Doesn’t Care (Natlife Cares About the World remix) (Shah music)
04. Super8 & Tab – Delusion (Ronski Speed pres Sun Decade mix) (Anjunabeats)
05. Armin van Buuren – Rain (W&W remix) (Armind)
06. Epos – All Saints Day (Roger Shah’s Original mix) (Shah music)
07. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – man On The Run (Dash Berlin 4Am mix) (Armada)
08. Mat Zo – Equinox
09. John 00 Fleming & Digital Blonde – NIN
10. Ferry Corsten – Made of Love (Super8 & Tab remix) (Flasover Recordings)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sied van Riel – MME (Spinnin)
12. Leon Bolier vs Galen Behr – Acapulco (Spinnin)
13. Robert Nickson – Circles (ASOT)
14. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Purple Audio (Vandit)
15. First State – Off the Radar (First State’s 808 Clash mix) (ITWT)
16. MIO feat. Mavoks – Someone Like You (Frase remix) (Mondo Records)
17. Avenger – Phoebe
18. John O Callaghan feat. Jaren – Surreal (John O Callaghan Club mix) (Armada)
19. Sean Tyas – Melbourne (Discover)
20. Sam Sharp – Roundabout (Spinnin)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Reflekt – Need to Be Loved (Thillseekers remix)
A State of Trance Episode 386 (08.01.2009)
Hour 1: The newest tunes selected
1. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Live at Armin Only Los Angeles) (Aropa)
2. Thomas Sagstad & Tyler Michaud – Renegades (Elevation remix) (Black Hole)
3. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto – Let’s Solitude (Air Up There mix)
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – Rain (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armada)
5. Martin Roth & Alex Bartlett – Off the World (Lange Remix – First State reshuffle)
6. Oceania – Always (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Vandit Digital)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dj Eco – American Blues (Martin Roth Edit)
8. Dreas vs Alex Robert – Mormugao (Motion)
9. Heatbeat & Detune – Rosary (original mix) Hour 2: Recorded Live at Armin Only Imagine Los Angeles 31-12-2008
10. Armin van Buuren – the countdown to 2009
11. Armin van Buuren – Imagine (Eller van Buuren live) (Armada)
12. Rank 1 – L.E.D. There Be light (be yourself)
13. Sebastian Sand – Creeps (Ronski Speed remix) (Euphonic)
14. Vengeance – Explain (ASOT)
15. Sied van Riel – MME (Spinnin)
16. Ferry Corsten – Made of Love (Flashover)
17. Armin van Buuren & Dj Shah feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong (Chris Jones & Eller van 18. Buuren live) (Armind)
19. Lisa Miskovski – Still Alive (Paul van Dyk remix) (Nettwerk)
20. Andy Bagguley – Together As One (Michael Dow remix)
A State of Trance Episode 387 (15.01.2009)
01. Airscape with Jes – My Love (Johan Gielen remix) (Tunes for You)
02. Rex Mundi – Passage in Time (Electronic Elements)
03. Approaching Black – Always With You (Sunset to Sunrise Recordings)
04. Reflekt – Need to Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha remix) (Positiva)
05. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – Rain (W&W Remix) (From the Album ‘Imagine Remixed’) (Armada)
06. Armin van Buuren – Face To Face (Martin Roth remix) (From the Album ‘Imagine Remixed’) (Armada)
07. Roger Shah pres. Savannah – Body Lotion (Magic Island Recordings)
08. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Rosie & The Goldbug – Heartbreak (Gareth Emery Dub)
09. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto – Let’s Solitude (Air Up There mix)
10. Nitrous Oxide – Magenta (Anjunabeats)
11. MIO feat. Mavoks – Someone Like You (Frase remix) (Mondo recordings)
12. DJ Eco – American Blues (Martin Roth Edit) (Lunatique)
13. Neal Scarborough & Frase – Caldari (Conspiracy Recordings)
14. Armin van Buuren – Imagine (Paul Miller remix) (From the Album ‘Imagine Remixed’) (Armada)
15. Adymus – Kaleidoscope eyes (Enhanced)
16. Super8 & Tab – Delusion (Anjunabeats)
17. Sequentia – Infinite Horizon (Afterglow Recordings)
18. Sean Tyas – Melbourne (David Newsum Remix) (Discover)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Oceanlab – Sky Falls Down (Armin van Buuren remix) (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 388 (22.01.2009)
1. Jerome Isma-Ae – Smile When You Kill Me
2. Ronski Speed – Overfloat (Sun Decade mix) (Euphonic)
3. Roger Shah & Tenishia – You’re So Cool (Tenishia’s Mid Winter Mix)
4. Ben Preston – Elizabeth (Songbird)
5. Reflekt – Need to Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha remix) (Positiva)
6. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Club mix) (Black Hole)
7. Armin van Buuren feat. Vera Ostrova – What If (Arnej remix) (From the forthcoming album ‘Imagine The Remixes’) (Armada)
8. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Dash Berlin 4AM mix) (Aropa)
9. Yamin Feat. Marcie – Forward Motion (Mike Shivers Catching sun remix) (Motion)
10. Ernesto & Bastian – Laserbrain (Spicey Rework)(high contrast)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Super8 & Tab – Delusion (Anjunabeats)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Elevation – Biscayne (Lemon & Einar K remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
13. Rosie & The Goldbug – Heartbreak (Gareth Emery dub)
14. Jochen Miller – Face Value (High Contrast)
15. Andy Blueman – Everlasting (Emotional Mix) (Perceptive recordings)
16. Dallaz Project – In Motion (Manuel Le Saux remix) (Neuroscience recordings)
17. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – Rain (Cosmic Gate Remix) (From the forthcoming album ‘Imagine The Remixes’) (Armada)
18. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Roberta Harrison – Photograph (Jonas Hornblad remix)(Vandit)
19. Steve Bengaln – Terminal
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Floyd – Come 2 Gether (Liquid)
A State of Trance Episode 389 (29.01.2009)
1. Nadia Ali – Love Story (Andy Moor Vocal mix)
2. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Andy Duguid Remix)(Aropa)
3. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Club mix) (Black Hole)
4. Kuffdam – Burning Up (Mango Remix) (Vandit)
5. PROFF – Glittering Puzzle (Anjunabeats)
6. Mat Zo – Synapse Dynamics (Anjunabeats)
7. David Forbes feat. Antonia Lucas – Because of You (S107)
8. Ferry Corsten – Made of Love (Duderstadt Progressive Dub) (Flashover Recordings)
9. Gabriel Lukosz feat. Rachele Warner – Last One Out (Myon & Shane 54 dub) (Lange Recordings)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lost Stories – False Promises (In Trance We Trust)
11. Rank 1 – L.E.D. There Be Light (Wippenberg remix) (High Contrast Recordings)
12. Elevation – Biscayne (Lemon & Einar K remix) (Coldharbour)
13. Roger Shah pr Savannah – Body Lotion (Magic Island)
14. Avenger – Phoebe
15. Sebastian Brandt – Serenade (Armada)
16. Robert Nickson – Circles (ASOT)
17. Nitrous Oxide – Show me (Anjunabeats)
18. Andy Blueman – Everlasting (Perceptive Recordings)
19. Armin van Buuren & Sean Tyas – Intricacy (Thomas Bronzwaer remix) (Armada)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Salttank – Eugina (Michael Woods remix) (Hooj)
A State of Trance Episode 390 (06.02.2009)
1.Lisa Miskovsky – Still Alive (Raver Rework)
2.Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Andy Duguid remix) (Maelstom/Black Hole)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nadia Ali – Love Story (Andy Moor remix)
4.Planisphere – Cyberorganic (Banshee)
5.Zirenz & Saint Rush – Shine On Me
6.ID – ID
7.Kyau & Albert – Hooked On Infinity (Euphonic)
8.Pulstate – Lost Forever (DJ Eco remix)(Infrasonic)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Genix – Copius Cain (Genix Re-Reub)
10.Roger Shah presents Savannah – Body Lotion (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (Magic Island Records)
11.Vast Vision feat. Fisher – Everything (Aly & Fila remix)
12.Javah feat. Tiff Lacey – One By One (Jason van wyk remix) (Redux)
13.Andy Blueman – Sea Tides (Perceptive Recordings)
14.Dj Amo pres Amir Atme – Forgotten Days (Adam Navel dub)(Proxoz)
15.Hensha presents DCH – Nyana (Dereck Recay remix) (Emphase Records)
16.True Form – The Getaway (Polarstate remix) (Yakuza)
17.Dazzle – Relativity (Vandit)
18.Arctic Moon and Truewave – On Silver Wings (Marcos remix)(Combined Forces)
19.DT8 Project – Destination (Akesson dub) (Mondo)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Airwave vs Rising Star – Sunspot (DCML mix)
A State of Trance Episode 391 (12.02.2009)
1. Snow Patrol – If There’s a Rocket Tie me To It (Marcus Schossow Remix)
2. Those Usual Suspects – Shadows (Inpetto Instrumental mix) (Nervous Records)
3. Jonas Hahmo – Bendbass (Anjunabeats)
4. Sudha – Leche (Thomas Schwarts dub)(Bish bash Records)
5. Terry Ferminal – A Thousand Miles (High Contrast Records)
6. Carl B vs JPL – Orchid Blossom (ITWT)
7. Signum – Jewelry By Nature (M6 Remix) (Armada)
8. W&W – The Plan (Leon Bolier remix)(Armada)
9. Boom Jinx & Oliver Smith – Sunrise (Anjunabeats)
10. Dallaz Project – Double One (perceptive records)
11. Roger Shah & Tenishia – You’re So Cool (Big stage mix)(Magic Island)
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Vast Vision feat Fisher – Everything (Aly & Fila remix)
13. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – Rain (Cosmic Gate remix) (Imagine The Remixes)(Armada)
14. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Eco – Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix)(Lunatique)
15. Chris Hampshire & Bissen – the Vault (Discover 50)
16. Markus Schulz – The New World (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
17. Talla 2XLC pres. Diskomo – Light Years Away (tetsuo)
18. Rafael Frost – Red (Flashover Recordings)
19. Sebastian Brandt – Serenade (Arctic Moon remix) (ASOT)
20. Sam Sharp – Roundabout (Simon Patterson remix) (Doorn Recordings)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: AYU – Appears (Armin van Buuren sunset dub) (Avex)
A State of Trance Episode 392 (19.02.2009)
1. Faithless feat. Cass Fox – Music Matters (Mark Knight Remix) (Sony BMG)
2. Daniel Portman – Open Your Mind (Dinka D.E.E.P. Remix) (Unreleased Digital Records)
3. Jonas Steur feat. Julie Thompson – Cold Winds (First State Remix) (Black Hole)
4. Ohmna feat. Nurlaila – Key of Life (MaRlo Remix) (Cyber Records)
5. Kyau & Albert – Be There 4 U (Euphonic)
6. Boom Jinx & Oliver Smith – Sunrise (Jaytech mix) (Anjunabeats)
7. Komytea – Professional Killers (Jerome Isma-Ae & Daniel Portman Remix)(Anjunadeep)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Roger Shah & Tenishia – You’re So Cool (Big stage mix)(Magic Island)
9. Estiva – Fading Freedom (Enhanced Recordings)
10. Richard Davison & Thomas Feijk – Stuck in a Second (Original Progressive mix) (Finity Recordings)
11. DJ Eco – Lost Angeles (Breakfast remix) (Lunatique)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Eco – Borealis (Infrasonic Progressive Recordings)
13. Ehren Stowers – Forgotten (Kill the Lights Recordings)
14. Sebastian Brandt – Serenade (Onova & Sebastian Brandt remix) (ASOT)
15. Ehren Stowers – Solar Dreams (Mike Nichol remix)(Insight Recordings)
16. Heatbeat – Vergatron (Soundpiercing)
17. Forenetix – Classic Trance Nights (Retouch) (Levare Recordings)
18. Activa – Rise Above (Vandit)
19. Yahel – Open Your Mind (Angel Ace 2009 Rework)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Chakra – Love Shines Through (from the album ‘Lustral Trance Classics’) (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 393 (26.02.2009)
01. Luciano Di Nardo – Anymore (Chris Reece remix) (Sirup)
02. Kyau & Albert – Hooked on Infinity (Hard Rock Sofa remix) (Euphonic)
03. Jose Amnesia – Transfusion (JA Sunrise remix)(Frenetica)
04. Oliver Smith – Restless (Signalrunners remix) (Anjunabeats)
05. David Forbes feat. Antonia Lucas – Because of You (S107 Recordings)
06. Marcus Schossow – From My Heart (Tone Diary)
07. Tritonal feat. Soto – Crash Into Reason (Moonbeam remix) (Coldharbour)
08. Richard Durand – Into Something (Magik Muzik)
09. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Robert Nickson – Circles (Andy Blueman remix) (ASOT)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Forenetix – Classic Trance Nights (Levare)
11. Heatbeat – Vergatron (Soundpiercing)
12. Jo Micali – Euphoria (Vandit)
13. Epica – Under the Sun (Proxoz)
14. Hensha pres. Lost Sequence – Monday Delay (Arctic Moon Remix) (Infrasonic)
15. DJ Eco – Borealis (Infrasonic Progressive)
16. Ummet Ozcan – Time Wave Zero (Doorn)
17. Claudia Cazacu feat. Audrey Gallagher – Free Fallin (vocal mix)
18. Scott Mac – Damager 02 (W&W remix)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Gaia – 4 Elements (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 394 (05.03.2009)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arnej – Dust in the Wind (intro mix)(Armada)
2. Reverse – Distant Destiny (Deep Voices remix)(Vandit)
3. Dj Eco – Borealis (Element One remix) (Infra Progressive)
4. David Forbes feat Antonia Lucas – Because of You (Pulser remix) (Armada)
5. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat. Simon – No Regrets (Menno de Jong Interpretation) (Vandit)
6. Cressida – Never Mind (Original dub) (Euphonic)
7. Discodyne – Deep Impact (Ferrin & Low Remix) (Fenology Recordings)
8. Sequentia presents Sunshade – Mistakes We’ve Made (Conspiracy Records)
9. Cliff Coenraad – Gone South (High Contrast Records)
10. Rafael Frost – Red (Ferry Corsten remix)(Flashover Recordings)
11. Bobina feat. Tiff Lacey – Where Did You Go (First State dub)
12. Jan Oostdyk – The Beginning (High Contrast Records)
13. Mark Eteson feat. Zirenz – The Hymn (Anjunabeats)
14. Chris Hampshire & Bissen – The Vault (Discover)
15. Boom Jinx & Oliver Smith – Sunrise (Van Der Vleuten’s Sunrise Remix) (Anjunabeats)
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Claudia Cazacu feat Audrey Gallagher – Free fallin (ASOT)
17. Robert Nickson – Circles (Andy Blueman Remix) (ASOT)
18. Adam Kancerski – Who is in Charge (Vandit)
19. Ummet Ozcan – Timewave Zero (spinnin)
20. Richard Durand – Into Something (Magik Muzik)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Members of Mayday – 10IN01 (Paul van Dyk Club mix)(Captivating)
A State of Trance Episode 395 (12.03.2009)
1. Faruk Sabanci & Nurettin Colak – Anatolian Emotions (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (Addictive Global)
2. Nv & Noy – Ocean Drive
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Arnej – Dust In The Wind (Coldharbour)
4. Sander van Dien – Aurora (In Trance We Trust)
5. Pulser feat. Josie – Undo The Silence (Club dub) (Maelstrom)
6. Martin Roth & Bartlett Bros – Losing Gravity (Martin Roth Nu Style mix) (Lunatique)
7. Marcus Schossow – From My Heart (Tone Diary)
8. Cliff Coenraad – Gone South (High Contrast Recordings)
9. Rafael Frost – Red (Ferry Corsten remix) (Flashover Recordings)
10. Gareth Emery – Exposure (Garuda)
11. Randy Boyer – Thrust (from his upcoming artist album) (Ultra)
12. Passive Progressive – Hide Away (7Skies & Static Blue remix) (S107)
13. Boom Jinx & Oliver Smith – Sunrise (Van der Vleuten’s Sunset remix) (Anjunabeats)
14. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & terminal mix) (euphonic)
15. Reverse – Distant Destiny (Vandit)
16. Misja Helsloot pres Just D – Spreadsheet (Vast Vision Banging mix)
17. Ronski Speed & Jared Knapp – Encompass
18. Carlo Resoort – Lifetime (4 Strings remix) (Spinnin)
19. DJ Ton T.B. – Dream Machine (First State remix) (In Trance We Trust)
20. Thr3shold & Detune – Shapeshifter (Riot mix) (ASOT)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: GTR – Mistral (Five AM)
1. Smile When Your L.E.D. Dust Me (Avb mash Up)
2. StoneNForward – Computer Music (Cressida remix) (MPFS Records)
3. Leon Bolier – Thug (Dub mix)(Spinnin)
4. Ashley Wallbridge – Masquerade (Ava Records)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Rex Mundi feat. Susana – Nothing At All (Coldharbour)
6. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat Simon – No Regrets (Menno de Jong Interpretation)(Vandit)
7. Signum – Come Around Again (Remake)
8. David Forbes – Foldback (Mike Foyle remix) (fraction records)
9. Element One – While it Lasted (Heatbeat remix) (Motion Records)
10 Sied van Riel – Darklight (Official EnTrance Theme 2009)
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Passive Progressive – Hide Away (7Skies & Static Blue Vocal mix) (S107)
12. Fast Distance – Pacifica (Temple One remix) (Monster)
13. Above & Beyond pres. Oceanlab – On a Good day (Daniel Kandi remix )(Anjunabeats)
14. Mike Sonar – Beyond The World (Infrasonic)
15. 3rd Moon – Bliss (Monster)
16. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal mix) (Euphonic)
17. Gary Maguire – One Way (Discover)
18. Thr3shold & Detune – Shapeshifter (Epic mix) (ASOT)
19. Roy Gates – Rainbow (White Villa)
20. Carlo Resoort – Lifetime (4 strings Remix) (Spinnin)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston – No One on Earth (Gabriel & Dresden remix) (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 397 (26.03.2009)
1. Cosmic Gate feat. Tiff Lacey – Open Your Heart (From the album ‘Sign of the Times’) (Black Hole/Maelstrom)
2. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V. (From the album ‘Sign of the Times’) (Black Hole/Maelstrom)
3. Cosmic Gate – Trip to P.D. (album mix) (From the album ‘Sign of the Times’) (Black Hole/Maelstrom)
4. Rex Mundi & Susana – Nothing At All (Cold Harbour Recordings)
5. Dennis Shepard – Black Sun (Euphonic)
6. Faruk Sabanci & Nurettin Colak – Anatolian Emotions (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (Addictive Global)
7. Happy Monkey – King of the Berry (Piano Slam Dub mix) (Perfecto)
8. Sindre Eide – Essentia (Enhanced Recordings)
9. Tritonal & Soto – Piercing Quiet (Flashover Recordings)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Above & Beyond present Oceanlab – On a Good Day (Daniel Kandi remix) (Anjunabeats)
11. Adam Kancerski – All Day Long
12. Fast Distance – Pacifica (Temple One Remix) (monster tunes)
13. Breakfast – Remember (Flashover Recordings)
14. 7 Skies & Kiholm – ID
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mike Koglin feat. Tania Laila – Find me (Khaomeha Dub) (Intuition Recordings)
16. Darren Tate – When The Morning Comes (Mondo)
17. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Euphonic)
18. Rene Alblaze – Floating (Dima Krasnik remix) (Liquid Recordings)
19. Re:Locate & Mark Sigma – Piranha (Heatbeat Remix) (Spinnin Records)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Ron van Den Beuken – Timeless (Spinnin Records)
A State of Trance Episode 398 (02.04.2009)
1. Pryda – Melo (Pryda)
2. Dinka – Civilisation (Anjunabeats)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tritonal & Soto – Piercing Quiet (Flashover Recordings)
4. Abstract Vision – Crystal Cource (Ilya Soloviev & Poshout pres. Crystal Design Remix) (Shah Music)
5. Jason van Wyk – Far From Me (Redux Recordings)
6. Sascha Milde – Alaska (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (Shah Music)
7. Will Holland feat. Yana Kay – Tears In The Rain (Orjan Nilsen remix) (Enhanced Recordings)
8. Rex Mundi & Susana – Nothing At All (Coldharbour Recordings)
9. Joe Garrett – Afterglow (Temple One remix) (Digital Society)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten’s Touch) (World Club Music)
11. Sindre Eide – Essentia (Fast Distance Remix) (Enhanced Recordings)
12. Mike Koglin feat. Tania Laila – Find Me (Khaimeha dub) (Intuition Recordings)
13. Omen – Skyline (Ask4 Records)
14. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun (Ronski Speed remix) (Euphonic)
15. Mark Sherry & James Allan vs Stuart Trainer – Starglow (Captivating Sounds)
16. Suncatcher pres. Sensu – Sunbreeze (Branded Digital)
17. Carlo Resoort – Lifetime (4 Strings Remix) (spinnin)
18. Adam Kancerski – All Day Long
19. Jamala – Eris (Airbourne Angel Remix) (Levare Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Sarah McLachlan – Fear (Hybrid’s Super Collider mix) (Nettwerk)
A State of Trance Episode 399 (09.04.2009)
1. Pryda – Melo (Pryda)
2. Dinka – Civilisation (Anjunabeats)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Tritonal & Soto – Piercing Quiet (Flashover Recordings)
4. Abstract Vision – Crystal Cource (Ilya Soloviev & Poshout pres. Crystal Design Remix) (Shah Music)
5. Jason van Wyk – Far From Me (Redux Recordings)
6. Sascha Milde – Alaska (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (Shah Music)
7. Will Holland feat. Yana Kay – Tears In The Rain (Orjan Nilsen remix) (Enhanced Recordings)
8. Rex Mundi & Susana – Nothing At All (Coldharbour Recordings)
9. Joe Garrett – Afterglow (Temple One remix) (Digital Society)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten’s Touch) (World Club Music)
11. Sindre Eide – Essentia (Fast Distance Remix) (Enhanced Recordings)
12. Mike Koglin feat. Tania Laila – Find Me (Khaimeha dub) (Intuition Recordings)
13. Omen – Skyline (Ask4 Records)
14. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun (Ronski Speed remix) (Euphonic)
15. Mark Sherry & James Allan vs Stuart Trainer – Starglow (Captivating Sounds)
16. Suncatcher pres. Sensu – Sunbreeze (Branded Digital)
17. Carlo Resoort – Lifetime (4 Strings Remix) (spinnin)
18. Adam Kancerski – All Day Long
19. Jamala – Eris (Airbourne Angel Remix) (Levare Recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Sarah McLachlan – Fear (Hybrid’s Super Collider mix) (Nettwerk)
A State of Trance Episode 400 (16.04.2009)
Thursday, April 16th
Myon & Shane 54
01. Myon & Shane 54 featuring Carrie Skipper – Vampire (Intro Club Mix) with Armin van Buuren – Imagine
02. Armin van Buuren featuring Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
03. Whiteroom – The White Room
04. Above & Beyond – Far From In Love (Shane 54 Remix)
05. Cassandra Fox – Touch Me (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
06. Myon – Albion
07. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
08. Gareth Emery vs Delerium – This Is Silence (Myon & Shane 54 Collision)
09. Myon & Shane 54 – Trapped
10. Faithless featuring Cass Fox – Music Matters (Mark Knight Remix – Myon & Shane 54 Rework)
11. Amiel – Love Song (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
12. B.B.E. – 7 Days & 1 Week (Myon & Shane 54 Master Mix)
13. Nalin & Kane – Beachball (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) with Oceanlab – Sky Falls Down (Acapella)
01. Arnej – Dust In The Wind (Intro Mix)
02. Arnej – Tomorrow Never Comes
03. Arnej featuring Josie – Strangers We’ve Become (Tech Dub)
04. Mark Vision – Time Gate (Arnej’s Minimal Drum Dub)
05. Armin van Buuren featuring Vera Ostrova – What If (Arnej Minimal Drum Re-Dub)
06. 8 Wonders – Nothing But A Ferry Tale
07. 8 Wonders – Everything’s Been Written
08. 8 Wonders – The Liftoff
09. 8 Wonders – Time Waits For No One
10. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Remix)
01. Pryda – Melo
02. Who’s Who – Klack (Inpetto Remix)
03. Andrea Doria vs LXR – Beauty Of Silence (Inpetto Remix)
04. Uppermost vs Antillas – Somebody (Antillas Club Mix)
05. Oliver Smith – Restless (Signalrunners Remix)
06. Duderstadt vs Store N Forward – Broken (Duderstadt Progressive Mix) with Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Acapella)
07. Mat Zo – Aurus
08. Duderstadt – Muhanjala with Duderstadt & Kirsty Hawkshaw – Beatitude (Acappella)
09. Oceanlab – Breaking Ties (Duderstadt Remix) with Duderstadt & Anita Kelsey – Smile (Acappella)
10. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
11. Radiohead – Reckoner (Above & Beyond Remix)
12. Duderstadt vs Above & Beyond – Can’t Smile (Daniel Kandi Mashup)
Roger Shah
01. DJ Shah featuring Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (Intro Mix)
02. Black Pearl – Java
03. Samara – Verano (Roger Shah Mix)
04. Savannah – Body Lotion (Inspirations Mix)
05. Roger Shah & Chris Jones presents Open Minded – To The Sky (Club Mix)
06. Roger Shah & Tenishia featuring Lorilee – You’re So Cool (Big Stage Mix)
07. Ingsha – Niavara
08. Sunlounger featuring Kyler England – Change Your Mind
09. Sunlounger featuring Zara – Lost (Club Mix)
Gareth Emery
01. Riva – For How Long
02. Oceanlab – Lonely Girl (Gareth Emery Remix)
03. Marco V – Unprepared
04. Audible – White Mouse
05. Nadia Ali – Love Story (Andy Moor Vocal vs. Eco Dub)
06. Terry Ferminal – A Thousand Miles (Emery Edit)
07. Albert Vorne – Formentera What (Gareth Emery Remix)
08. Gareth Emery – Exposure
09. Jaytech – Delta (Proff Remix)
10. Ashley Wallbridge & Andy Moor featuring Meighan Nealon – Faces
11. ID
Armin van Buuren
01. Dark Knight OST – Why So Serious? (Intro)
02. John O’Callaghan featuring Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)
03. Fabio XB & Ronnie Play – Inside of You (Cosmic Gate remix)
04. Dakota – Chinook (Uplifting Mix)
05. Ohmna featuring Nurlaila – Key Of Life (Marlo Remix)
06. Rex Mundi featuring Susana – Nothing At All
07. ID
08. Armin van Buuren featuring Cathy Burton vs Cosmic Gate – F.A.V. Rain (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
09. Neptune Project – Aztec
10. Thomas Bronzwaer – Look Ahead
11. John O Callaghan – Don’t look Back
12. Phuture Sound ft Angie – Come To Me (Original Mix)
13. Armin van Buuren featuring Sharon den Adel vs Jochen Miller – In & Out Of Connection (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
14. Sonicvibe presents Valhalla – Hope (Dima Krasnik Remix)
15. Ummet Ozcan – Timewave Zero
16. Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten’s Touch)
17. Boom Jinx & Oliver Smith – Sunrise (Van Der Vleuten’s Sunset Remix)
18. Claudia Cazacu featuring Audrey Gallagher – Free Fallin’ (Vocal Mix)
19. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
20. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun (Ronski Speed Remix)
21. Paul van Dyk – For An Angel (Remix)
22. ATN – Miss A Day
Super8 & Tab
01. ID
02. Ferry Corsten featuring Betsie Larkin – Made Of Love (Super8 & Tab Remix)
03. Super8 vs Tab – Won’t Sleep Tonight with Gabriel & Dresden featuring Molly Banckroft – Tracking Tresure Down (Acapella)
04. Mike Sonar – Luna
05. Super8 & Tab – Elektra
06. Mark Eteson & Zirenz – The Hymn
07. Sunny Lax – Reborn (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
08. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
09. Super8 & Tab featuring Alyna – Delusion
10. Reverse – Distant Destiny
Daniel Kandi
01. Oceanlab & Cosmic Gate vs First State featuring Anita Kelsey – Falling Sirens (Daniel Kandi Mashup)
02. Alex M.O.R.P.H. featuring Roberta Harrison – Photograph (Jonas Hornbald Remix)
03. Maor Levi – Lital (Daniel Kandi Remix)
04. Reconceal – Touch Her Heart (Michael Angelo & Jim Remix)
05. C-Systems – Heat (Vocal Mix)
06. Sebastian Brandt – Technology (Daniel Kandi’s Darker Remix)
07. Gareth Emery vs Nic Chagall – More Than You Need (Daniel Kandi Mashup)
08. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix)
09. Ronski Speed & Stoneface & Terminal – Soulseeker (S&T Vocal Mix)
10. Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandi Remix) with Armin van Buuren featuring Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Acapella)
Sied van Riel
01. Stoneface & Terminal – Another Day
02. Sied van Riel & Claudia Cazacu – Contrasts
03. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun (Ronski Speed Remix)
04. Breakfast – Remember
05. Sied van Riel – M.M.E.
06. Mark Eteson & Zirenz – The Hymn
07. Evol Waves – Zapping
08. Jan Oostdyk – Out Of The Box
09. DJ Ton TB – Dream Machine (First State Remix)
Friday, April 17th
ASOT250 Classics Mix
01. Solar Stone – Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren Remix)
02. Chicane – Saltwater
03. Ridgewalkers feat. El – Find (Andy Moor Remix)
04. Solar Stone – Solar Coaster (Original Mix)
05. Yahel – Voyage
06. Rank 1 – Airwave
07. Paul Van Dyk – For An Angel (E-Werk Club Mix)
08. Chicane feat. Maire Brennan – Autumn Tactics (Thrillseekers Remix)
09. Rapid Eye – Circa Forever (R.E. Remix)
10. Above & Beyond Pres. Oceanlab – Satellite
11. Three Drives On A Vinyl – Greece 2000
12. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – Silence (Tiesto’s In Search Of Sunrise Remix)
13. Moogwai – Viola (Armin van Buuren Remix)
14. Way Out West – Killa (Orkidea Remix)
15. Tiesto – Suburban Train
16. Sonic Inc. – The Taste Of Summer (Fire & Ice Vital Remix)
18. Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (Three N One Remix)
19. Marco V – Simulated
20. Jonas Steur – Castamara
21. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Original Mix)
22. Perpetuous Dreamer – The Sound Of Goodbye (Rising Star Mix)
Sean Tyas
1. Christian Zechner – November Mourning
2. Dave 202 – Pictures in my Mind (Ottaviani Rework)
3. Signum -second Wave (Sean Tyas remix)
4. Sean Tyas – Seven Weeks
5. Sean Tyas & Simon Patterson – For the Most Part (Something about You)
6. Sean Tyas – Rulebook
7. Tom Colontonio – Sparkover (Tyas Remix)
8. Ronski Speed – Aural Slave (Thomas Datt Remix)
9. Sean Tyas – I Remember Now (Outro Teaser)
Marcus Schossow
1. Mike Hawkings – Dark Matter (Schossow Intro Edit) [Tone Diary]
2. Marcus Schossow & Ashley Wallbridge – Fisk & Chips [Tone Diary]
3. Marcus Schossow – A New Beginning [Tone Diary]
4. 16bit Lolitas & Ohmna – Take It Or Leave It
5. Marcus Schossow & Robert Burian – ID [Tone Diary]
6. Cliff Coenraad – Gone South [High Contrast]
7. ID – ID
8. ID – ID
9. Marcus Schossow – From My Heart [Tone Diary]
10. Marcus Schossow – Snare [Tone Diary]
11. Kamui – Exceed [Tone Diary]
Rank 1
1. Ralph Fritsch – Phoenix
2. Cressida – Onyric
3. Danilo Ercole – Wrong place (alternative mix)
4. Cryophonik – Essence (FAKE mix)
5. Moguai – Beatbox (Inpetto mix)
6. Jonas Steur ft. Julie Thompson – Cold winds (First state mix)
7. Marco V – Unprepared
8. The Killers – Spaceman (Sander van Doorn remix)
9. Cliff Coenraad – Gone south
Thomas Bronzwaer
1. A.M. – Arise (Hammer & Funabashi remix)
2. Nitrous Oxide – Show Me
3. Sander van Dien – Aurora
4. Mesh – Purple Haze
5. Armin van Buuren – Intricacy (Thomas Bronzwaer remix)
6. Richard Durand – Into Something
7. Thomas Bronzwaer – Certitude
8. Sander van Doorn – Dark Roast (Original mix)
01. Robert Burian – Maximus (Second Mix)
02. Breakfast – Remember
03. Denga & Manus – Lost Love (Nic Swede Remix)
04. ID – ID
05. ID – ID
06. Gareth Emery – Exposure
07. Cliff Coenraad – Gone South
08. Scott Mac – Damager 02 (W&W Remix)
09. ID – ID
10. ID – ID
11. ID – ID
12. Carlo Resoort – Lifetime (4Strings Mix)
13. M6 with Relocate – Piranha (Heatbeat Remix)
14. Cor Fijneman – Serenity
ASOT250 Armin van Buuren
01. Arksun – Arisen
02. Sunlounger – White Sand
03. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene – Louder
04. Karen Overton – Your Loving Arms (Markus Schulz vs. Elevation Intro Mix)
05. Aalto – 5
06. Armin van Buuren – Control Freak (Sander van Doorn Remix)
07. O’Callaghan & Kearney – Exactly
08. Dogzilla – Without You (John O’Callaghan Remix)
09. Kyau vs. Albert – Walk Down (Club Mix)
10. Nitrous Oxide – North Pole
Robert Nickson
01. Michael Cassette – Summer (Dub Mix)
02. Oliver Smith – Restless
03. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
04. Robert Nickson – Cirles (Andy Blueman Remix)
05. Elevation – Biscayne (Lemon & Einar K Remix)
06. Rafael Frost – Red
07. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix)
08. Discodyne – Deep Impact (Ferrin Low Remix)
09. Adam Kancerski – Liquid
10. Avenger – Phoebe
Mike Foyle
01. Mike Foyle – Bittersweet Nightshade (Original Mix)
02. Richard Durand – Into Something (Fall Down Mix)
03. Oliver Smith – Restless (Signalrunners Remix)
04. Sidesmokers – Sugar Beats (Original Mix)
05. X-Vertigo – Dark Xmas (Mike Foyles Bolted Remix)
06. ID – ID
07. Mike Foyle – Sweet Sammy Jane (Original Mix)
08. Jonas Steur – Cold Winds feat Julie Thompson (First State Remix)
09. ID – ID
10. Mike Foyle presents Statica – Deadly Nightshade (Original Mix)
1. Matias Faint – Toxic (Original Mix)
2. Exit – Inversed (Original Mix)
3. Radiohead vs Heatbeat – Everything is Louding (Heatbeat Edit Mix)
4. Heatbeat – ID
5. Heatbeat feat. Josie – Because of You (Original Mix)
6. Klauss Goulart – Deep Universe (Original Mix)
7. XGenic – Around Me (Original Mix)
8. Above & Beyond pres. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix)
9. Heatbeat – Megamashup Capo Master
10. Thr3shold & Detune – Shapeshifter (Riot Mix)
11. Heatbeat & Detune – Rosary (Original Mix)
First State
1. Sebastian Ingrosso – Laktos
2. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Sander van Dien Remix)
3. Sander van Dien – Aurora
4. Jonas Steur ft. Julie Thompson – Cold Winds (First State Remix)
5. Markus Schulz ft. Departure vs First State – Cause you never gonna loose your own way (First State Bashup)
6. Art Of Trance – Madagascar (Richard Durand Remix)
7. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface and Terminal Remix)
8. Mat Zo – Lucky Strike
9. Ferry Corsten ft. Betsie Larkin – Made of Love
10.Ton TB – Dreammachine (First State Remix)
1. Sebastian Ingrosso – Laktos
2. Matthew Dear – Deserter
3. OceanLab – On A Good Day [16 Bit Lolitas Downbeat Remix]
4. Oliver Smith – Restless [Signalrunners Remix]
5. Stel – A New Life [Francis Preve Remix]
6. Gui Boratto – Take My Breath Away
7. Dean Coleman feat DCLA – I Want You [Andrew Bayer Remix]
8. Andrew Bayer – Monolith
9. Sebastien Leger – The People [Eric Prydz Remix]
10. Signalrunners – Meet Me In Montauk
11. Rennie Foster – Devil’s Water
Dash Berlin
1: ASOT 400 Intro – AVB vs. DB – Till The Sound Of Goodbye (Dash Berlin Mash Up)
2: Kyau & Albert – Hooked On Infinity (First State Remix)
3: Thomas Steur Ft. Julie Thompson – Cold Winda
4: Estiva – Fake Snake
5: Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Dash Berlin 4AM vs. Nic Chagall remix) (Dash Berlin Mash Up)
6: Michael Tsukerman – Tel Aviv
7: Ferry Corsten – Made Of Love
8: Dash Berlin ft. Susana – Wired (Dash Berlin’s Dark Vocal Mix)
9: Mat Zo – Lucky Strike
10: Relocate vs. Sir Adrian – Times X (M6 vs. Relocate Mix)
11: Passive Progressive – Hide Away (7Skies & Static Blue Dub Mix)
12: Samara Verano – Fast Distance (Uplifting Mix)
13: Above and Beyond Pres. Tranquility Base – Oceanic (Sean Tyas Remix)
ASOT 200 – Classics Mix
01. Intro
02. Andain – Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden’s Unplugged Mix)
03. NuFrequency – 808 (Dub Mix)
04. Perasma – Swing 2 Harmony (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
05. Tilt – The World Doesn’t Know
06. Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes (Sweeping Strings Remix)
07. Mike Foyle vs. Signalrunners – Love Theme Dusk (Mike’s Broken Record Mix)
08. Max Graham feat. Jessica Jacobs – I Know You’re Gone
09. Adam White & Andy Moor pres. Whiteroom – White Room
10. The Cranberries – Shattered (Arctic Quest Bootleg)
11. Way Out West – Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
12. Solar Stone – Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren Remix)
13. Airbiscuit – Lately (Riley & Durrant Remix)
14. Scott Bond vs. Solar Stone – 3rd Earth
15. Lost Tribe – Gamemaster (Original Mix)
16. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson – Yet Another Day
17. Paul van Dyk feat. Second Sun – Crush
18. Humate – Love Stimulation (Paul van Dyk Remix)
19. Ridgewalkers feat. El – Find (Andy Moor Remix)
20. Synergy – Hello Strings (Original Mix)
21. Ralphie B – Massive (Original Mix)
22. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (EnMotion Remix)
23. Gouryella – Tenshi
24. Solid Globe – Sahara
25. Sarah McLachlan – Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Mix)
26. Bossanova – Stonecold (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)
27. Ernesto vs. Bastian – Darkside Of The Moon
28. Kyau vs. Albert – Made Of Sun (Hard Dub)
29. OceanLab – Satellite
30. Tranquility Base – Razorfish (Above & Beyond Remix)
31. Whirlpool – Under The Sun (Solar Stone Remix)
32. Mr Sam vs. Fred Baker presents As One – Forever Waiting
33. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Remix)
34. Plastic Boy – Silver Bath
35. Kyau vs Albert – Velvet Morning (Aalto Remix)
36. GTR – Mistral (Original Mix)
37. Enmass – CQ (Seek You)
38. Midway – Monkey Forest (Original Mix)
39. Paul Oakenfold – Southern Sun (DJ Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise Remix)
40. IIO – Rapture (Armin van Buuren Remix)
41. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Rising Star Remix)
42. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs. Albert Remix)
43. 4 Strings – Diving (Hiver & Hammer Remix)
44. DJ Tiesto – Flight 643
45. Yahel feat. A-Force – Behind Silence
46. Active Sight – The Search For Freedom
47. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston – No One On Earth
48. Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (Marco V Remix)
49. Jonas Steur – Castamara
50. Pulser – My Religion
51. Paul van Dyk feat. Hemstock & Jennings – Nothing But You (Club Mix)
52. Randy Katana – In Silence (Txitxarro Remix)
53. Signum – The Timelord (Original Mix)
54. St. John vs. Locust – Mind Circles (Original Mix)
55. Armin van Buuren – Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Red Light Dub)
56. OceanLab – Clear Blue Water (Fery Corsten Remix)
57. Gaia – 4 Elements (Extended Mix)
58. Outro
Ferry Corsten
01. Haylon – Starfighter (DJ Observer & Daniel Heatcliff Remix)
02. ID
03. Pulser – Undo The Silence (David Forbes Dub)
04. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto – Piercing Quiet
05. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
06. Existone – Obscure Rays
07. Ferry Corsten feat. Maria Nayler – We Belong (Tritonal’s Air Up There Remix)
08. Bobina – Invisiible Touch (Ferry Corsten’s Touch)
Sander van Doorn
1. Jonas Hahmo – Bendbass
2. Faithless Feat. Cass Fox – Music Matters (Mark Knight Remix)
3. Dean Coleman – I Want Your Back (Ned Shepard Remix)
4. Marcus Schossow – From My Heart (Dub Mix)
5. The Killers – Spaceman (Sander van Doorn Remix)
6. Sam Sharp – Roundabout (Simon Patterson Remix)
7. Ummet Ozcan – TimeWave Zero
8. Claudia Cazacu – Size Zero
9. Timebender – There And Back Again
10.Carlo Resoort – Lifetimes (4 Strings Mix)
11.The Dubguru – U Got 2 Know
12.Mark Sherry vs William Daniel – Future Primitivep
01. Arnej – Tomorrow Never Comes
02. Armin van Buuren featuring Vera Ostrova – What If (Arnej Minimal Drum Re-Dub)
03. Mark Vision – Time Gate (Arnej’s Minimal Drum Dub)
04. ID
05. Armin van Buuren vs Arnej featuring Josie – What If Strangers We’ve Become? (Arnej Mashup)
06. 8 Wonders – The Liftoff
07. 8 Wonders – Nothing But A Ferry Tale
08. 8 Wonders – Time Waits For No One
09. Arnej – Rendezvous (Destination Unknown)
Sied van Riel
01. Sander van Dien – Aurora
02. The Killers – Spaceman (Sander van Doorn Remix Part 2)
03. Evol Waves – Zappin
04. Offer Nissim featuring Maya – For Your Love (Sied van Riel Remix)
05. Sied van Riel & Claudia Cazacu – Contrasts (Original Mix)
06. Breakfast – Remember
07. Jan Oostdyk – Out Of The Box
08. Sied van Riel – M.M.E.
09. Ferry Corsten featuring Betsie Larkin – Made Of Love (Super8 & Tab Remix)
10. DJ Eco – Borealis (Original Mix)
11. Sied van Riel – Darklight
Gareth Emery
01. Gareth Emery – Metropolis
02. Ashley Wallbridge & Andy Moor featuring Meighan Nealon – Faces
03. Jerome Isma-Ae – Smile When You Kill Me
04. Adrian Ivan – High Life
05. Mauro Picotto featuring Ricardo Ferri – New Time New Place
06. Terry Ferminal vs Jonas Stenberg & Jochen Miller – A Thousand Memories (Emery Edit)
07. Ferry Corsten featuring Betsie Larkin – Made Of Love
08. Gareth Emery – Exposure
09. Andy Moor featuring Carrie Skipper – So Much More (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
10. Jaytech – Delta (Proff Remix)
11. ID
Armin van Buuren
01. Blake Jarrell – Concentrate (Intro)
02. Arnej featuring Josie – Strangers We’ve Become (Blake Jarrell Remix)
03. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Nic Chagall Remix)
04. Cosmic Gate featuring Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Club Mix – Armin van Buuren Edit)
05. Nitrous Oxide – Magenta
06. DJ Eco – Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix)
07. Alex M.O.R.P.H. featuring Roberta Harrison – Photograph (Jonas Hornblad Remix)
08. Mark Eteson & Zirenz – The Hymn
09. ID
10. Ferry Corsten featuring Maria Nayler – We Belong (Tritonal’s Air Up There Remix)
11. Sundriver – Feel (Nitrous Oxide Remix) with Oceanlab – Satellite (Acapella)
12. Phuture Sound ft Angie – Come To Me (Original Mix)
13. Andy Blueman – Everlasting
14. Neptune Project – Aztec
15. Vast Vision featuring Fisher – Everything (Aly & Fila Remix)
16. Mike Koglin featuring Tania Laila – Find Me (Khaomena Dub)
17. Savannah – Body Lotion (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
18. Claudia Cazacu featuring Audrey Gallagher – Free Fallin’ (Vocal Mix)
19. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun (Ronski Speed Remix)
20. 3rd Moon – Monsun
21. ID with Armin van Buuren featuring Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Acapella)
Markus Schulz
01. R.E.N.O.I.S.E. – Dead Wishes (Markus Schulz Intro Edit)
02. Cosmic Gate – Sign Of The Times (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
03. Rex Mundi featuring Susana – Nothing At All (Beat Service Remix)
04. Skytech – Cardboard Box
05. ID
06. Dakota – Chinook (Uplifting Mix)
07. ID
08. Rafael Frost – Red
09. Markus Schulz – The New World
10. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
11. Cass & Slide – Perception (Remix)
Daniel Kandi
01. Midway – Monkey Forest (Jonas Stenberg Remix)
02. Coldplay – Viva La Vida (Mike Koglin Remix)
03. Mark Eteson & Zirenz – The Hymn (Original Mix)
04. Masters & Nickson featuring Justine Suissa – 5th Dimension (Out There) (Daniel Kandi Bangin’ Remix)
05. Nic Chagall vs Gareth Emery – More Than You Need (Daniel Kandi Mashup)
06. John O’Callaghan featuring Audrey Gallagher vs Above & Beyond – Big Sky Home (Daniel Kandi’s Reproducted Bootleg)
07. Andy Blueman – Time To Rest (Daniel Kandi Remix)
08. Above & Beyond presents Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix)
09. Rapha – Pandora (Daniel Kandi’s Emotional Mix)
10. Luke Warner & Mat Lock – Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandi Remix) with Armin van Buuren featuring Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire (Acapella)
Simon Patterson
01. Green Velvet – Flash (JOC Rework)
02. Simon Patterson – Smack
03. Activa – Affrimation (Tom Colontonio Remix)
04. Reverse – Distant Destiny
05. Neal Scarborough – Wiretrap
06. Paul Webster – The Wolf
07. Sean Tyas – Rulebook
08. Simon Patterson – Thump
09. Simon Patterson – Us
10. John O’Callaghan & Bryan Kearney – Exactly
Saturday, April 18th
ASOT 004
01. Perpetuous Dreamer – The Sound Of Goodbye (Armin’s Tribal Feel)
02. Orinoko – Island (Saints & Sinners Remix)
03. Sonic Inc – The Taste Of Summer (Fire & Ice Vital Mix)
04. Solid Sessions – Janeiro (Pronti & Kalmani Vocal mix) [Tune Of The Week]
05. Ralphie B – Massive
06. Rank 1 – Such Is Life (Marco V Remix)
07. Humate – Love Stimulation (Paul van Dyk Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
08. Spicelab – Oscilator
09. 4 Strings – Into The Night
10. Electric Tease – Fever 01. Hi End System – Lost
02. Greencourt featuring De/Vision- Take (My Breath Away) (Chrome Remix)
03. Tata Box Inhibitors – Plasmids (Force Mass Motion Remix)
04. Marc Auerback presents Muke – ID
05. Orion – See Me Here (Skope’s Remix)
06. Cape Town – Stringrizer
07. Photon Project – The Outside
08. Jaya – Excursion
09. Moogwai – The Labyrinth (Part 2)
10. Rising Star – Clear Blue Moon
Wippenberg – tracklist to be updated later
1. Arno Cost – Cyan
2. Umek & Baltek – Is It? (Wippenberg Remix)
3. Cosmic Gate – Flatline
4. Rank 1 – L.E.D. there be light (Wippenberg Remix)
5. Marco V – Unprepared
6. Barnes & Heatcliff – Pyjamaparty
7. Wippenberg – Chakalaka
8. Deadmau5 – Word Problems
9. Faithless – Music Matters (Dave Spoon Remix)
10. Erphun – 2wo Butterflies (Butterfly I Mix)
01. Airbase feat. Floria Ambra – Interfere
02. Kimito Lopez – There’s No Such Thing As Mermaids
03. Matt Skyer – Lunar (Aquile & TB Remix)
04. Kamui – Exceed (Kamui Mix)
05. Carl B – On Short Notice
06. Rafael Frost – Red
07. Dereck Recay – The Stars
08. Elsa Hill – Stay In My Dream (Lost Stories Remix)
09. Airbase – Back
10. Adam Hayley vs Luke Tainton – Severn Bridge (Liquid Visions Prog Remix)
01. Da Others – Viva La Vida (Andrea Saenz & Sebastian Reza Taco Nation Mix)
02. San – Hi Tention
03. M.I.K.E. Presents Caromax – It Ain’t Over
04. Klems & Liloo – Battlefield (Progress Mix)
05. Lost Stories – False Promises
06. Dallaz Project – Double One
07. Tritonal Feat Cristina Soto – Lunarium (Daydream Fantasy Vocal Mix)
08. Rafael Frost – Red (Ferry Corsten Remix)
09. Jochen Miller – Face Value
10. Artento Divini – Deepdown
Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Woody van Eyden – to be updated later
01. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Simon – No Regrets (Menno de Jong Remix)
02. Sequentia pres. Sunshade – Mistakes We?ve Made (Original_Mix)
03. Above & Beyond pres. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Original Extended Mix)
04. Discodyne – Deep Impact (Ferrin & Low Remix)
05. Boom Jinx & Oliver Smith – Sunrise (van der Vleutens Sunset Remix)
06. Earth Inc. – Strong (Karybde & Scylla Remix)
07. Pulser feat. Josie – Undo The Silence (Club Dub)
08. Firestorm pres. Coll & Tolland – Redemption (Activa pres. Solar Movement Remix)
09. Jo Micali – Euphoria (Original Mix)
10. Steve Anderson – Before Long
Signum – to be updated later
01 Nadia Ali – Love Story (Andy Moor Remix)
02 Mike Koglin feat Tania Laila – Find Me (Orjan Nilsen Vocal Mix)
03 David Forbes – Foldback (Mike Foyle Remix)
04 SIgnum – Jewelery by Nature (M6 Remix)
05 Signum – Distant Signature (Alternate Remix)
06 Above and Beyond pres. Oceanlab – On a Good Day
07 DJ Eco – Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix)
08 Signum – Second Wave (Sean tyas Remix)
09 W and W – The Plan (Leon Bolier Remix)
ASOT 182 – Year Mix 2004
01. Armin van Buuren – Intro (The Story of 2004)
02. Origene – Sanctuary (Ivan Gough Remix)
03. Starsign – Taurus
04. DJ Yoshi – Dreamer (Luke Chable Remix)
05. Hammer & Bennett – Language
06. Departure – She Turns (Markus Schulz Remix)
07. Ozgur Can feat. Nick Beman – Not Even Winds
08. Max Graham feat. Jessica Jacobs – I Know You’re Gone
09. Rio Addicts – Crossroads
10. Lolo – Why?
11. Synergy – Hello Strings
12. Markus Schulz Presents Elevation – Largo
13. Ridgewalker feat. El – Find (Andy Moor Remix)
14. Sarah McLachlan – World On Fire (Junkie XL Club Mix)
15. Markus Schulz pres. Elevation – Somewhere (Clear Blue)
16. Markus Schulz pres. Elevation – Clear Blue
17. OceanLab – Satellite (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
18. Bakke & Ljungvist – Fanatic
19. Mark Otten – Tranquility
20. Solid Globe – Sahara
21. Deepsky – Talk Like A Stranger (Markus Schulz Return To Coldharbour Remix)
22. St. John vs. Locust – Mind Circles (Perry O’Neil Remix)
23. Probspot – Foreplay
24. Perry O’Neil – Wave Force
25. Roland Klinkenberg – Monday Groove
26. Gabriel & Dresden – Arcadia
27. Interstate – I Found You
28. Dido – Sand In My Shoes (Above & Beyond UV Mix)
29. True Form – Forbidden Colours
30. Endre – Kallocain (Robert Nickson Remix)
31. Filterheadz – Yimanya
32. Peter Martin pres. Anthanasia – Perfect Wave
33. Dreas pres. Havannah – Havannah
34. Vadim Zhukov – Exit (Robert Nickson Remix)
35. Active Sight – Out Of Our Lives
36. EnMass – CQ (Seek You)
37. Alt+F4 – Alt+F4
38. Scott Bond vs. Solarstone – Naked Angel
39. Fractual Structure – Lost Sequence
40. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear 2004 (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)
41. Mark Norman – Phantom Manor
42. The Mystery – Fever
43. Gate 42 – Flow (John O’Callaghan Remix)
44. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa – Burned With Desire
45. Tiesto – Suburban Train
46. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson – Yet Another Day
47. U-Turn – One Way
48. Ernesto vs. Bastian – Dark Side Of The Moon
49. Kyau vs. Albert – Made Of Sun (KvA Hard Dub)
50. Robert Gitelman – Children Of The Sun
51. Robert Nickson – Spiral
52. Delerium – Silence (Above & Beyond’s 21st Century Remix)
53. Adam White – Ballerina
54. Boss@nova – Stonecold
55. Nickelson – Yin (Solid Globe Remix)
56. 24 – The Longest Day (Armin van Buuren Remix)
57. Mojado feat. Mr. Sam – Naranja (Dimitri Andreas Vision)
58. John O’Callaghan Presents Mannix – Mercury
59. Carl B – All Day
60. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs. Albert Remix)
61. Ton TB – Dream Machine
62. Mirco De Govia – Voller Sterne (Super8 Remix)
63. Tranquility Base – Surrender
64. Adam White & Andy Moor pres. Whiteroom – The Whiteroom
65. Above & Beyond – No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
66. Armin van Buuren – Communication Part 3
67. Marcos – Cosmic Strings
68. Active Sight – The Search for Freedom
69. Armin vs. M.I.K.E. pres. Electric Movement – Pound
70. Dogzilla – Your Eyes
71. Marco V – Automanual
72. F Massive – Somebody (Ferry Corsten Remix)
73. Sander Van Doorn – Punk’d
74. The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (Ferry Corsten Remix)
75. Reflekt Featuring Deline Bass – Need To Feel Loved (The Thrillseekers Remix)
76. Randy Katana – In Silence (Txitxarro Remix)
77. Signum – The Timelord
78. 8 Wonders – The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Remix)
79. Tiesto – Adagio For Strings
80. Armin vs. M.I.K.E. pres. Electric Movement – Intruder
Blake Jarrell
01. Telefon Tel Aviv – The Birds
02. Adrian Luxx – Can’t Sleep (Marcus Schossow Remix)
03. Blake Jarrell – Eilat
04. Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb (Blake Jarrell & Nosmo Remix)
05. Christopher Manik – 2 Pianos (Blake Jarrell Remix)
06. Arnej feat. Josie – Strangers We’ve Become (Blake Jarrell Remix)
07. Sebastian Ingrosso – Laktos
08. Jaytech – Metro
09. Zoo Brazil – Kalle (Arno Cost & Norman Day Remix)
10. Dark Providers – Nasicilia (Ben Preston Remix)
11. Gui Boratto – No Turning Back
The Blizzard
1. The Blizzard with Gaate – Iselilja (Vocal Mix)
2. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun
3. Paul Allen – Your Heart (Michael Cassette Remix)
4. Faithless feat. Cass Fox – Music Matters (Mark Knight Remix)
5. Morgan Kane vs. Simon Patterson – The Longest Road vs. Different Feeling (The Blizzard & Robinson Bootleg Mashup)
6. Jonas Steur feat. Julie Thompson – Cold Winds (First State Remix)
7. Omnia – Stick In Monday
8. Armin van Buuren – Face To Face (Martin Roth Remix)
9. Nadia Ali – Love Story (Andy Moor Vocal Mix)
Sebastian Brandt – to be updated later
01 C-Systems – Heat (Hodel & Terry Remix)
02 Fast Distance – Pacifica (Temple One Remix)
03 Suncatcher – Shoreline
04 Ron Malakai – Invincible (Activa Rework)
05 Sebastian Brandt – Serenade (Onova & Sebastian Brandt Remix)
06 Sebastian Brandt – So Cold
07 Sebastian Brandt – Technology
08 Andy Tau – Leap Of Faith (Haris C Remix)
09 Mike Koglin – The Silence (Neptune Project Remix)
Orjan Nilsen
1. Gui Boratto – No Turning Back
2. Hook ‘n’ Sling – The Best Thing(TV Rock Remix)
3. Estiva – Les Fleurs
4. Aqua Diva – First Breath (Dankann Remix)
5. D-Unity – Afrika
6. Will Holland feat. Yana Kay – Tears In The Rain(Orjan Nilsen Remix)
7. Adam Beyer – London
8. Orjan Nilsen – Moving Mojave
9. Re: Locate & Mark Sixma – Piranha
10. Mike Koglin feat. Tania Laila – Find Me (Orjan Nilsen Dub)
11. Katana – Tribal Shock
Kyau & Albert
01. Mischa Daniels vs. De Nuit “All That Mattered (Mischa’s Rock Tool)”
02. Pr Morriarti “Mystic Smile (Spieltape Dub)”
03. Gwen & Bertrand Dupart “Lolita”
04. Jaytech “Metro”
05. Benya ft Penny Nixon “Serendipity (Tenishia Remix)”
06. Dean Coleman ft DLCA “I Want You (Sultan & Ned Shepperd Remix)”
07. Arnej ft Josie “Strangers We’ve Become (Tech Dub)”
08. Kyau & Albert “Be There 4 U”
09. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren “Man On The Run”
10. Cressida “Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)”
11. Oceanlab “On A Good day”
12. Alex Morph ft Simon “No Regrets (Menno de Jong Remix)”
13. The Killers “Spaceman (Sander van Doorn Remix Prt2)”
Above & Beyond
1. Above & Beyond with Andy Moor – Air For Life
2. Above & Beyond – Can’t Sleep
3. Tranquility Base – Buzz [Buzztalk Mix]
4. OceanLab – Clear Blue Water [Mike Shiver Remix]
5. Above & Beyond – Good For Me [A&B Club Mix]
6. Tranquility Base – Razorfish [A&B Progressive Mix]
7. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston – No One On Earth [Gabriel & Dresden Remix]
8. Above & Beyond – Alone Tonight
9. Tranquility Base – Oceanic
10. Above & Beyond – Home [A&B Club Mix]
11. OceanLab – On A Good Day [A&B Club Mix]
12. Tranquility Base – Surrender
ASOT 400 Live from Maassilo Rotterdam 18-04-2009
Roger Shah
01. Soundlift – Lenda
02. Ralph Fridge – Phoenix
03. Push – Universal Nation (DJ Shah Rework)
04. El Cortez – Desert Rose
05. Black Pearl – Java
06. Epos – All Saints Day (Original Mix)
07. Roger Shah & Tenishia featuring Lorilee – Youre So Cool (Big Stage Mix)
08. Purple Mood – Chinese Theatre (DJ Shah & Cosmo’s Original Mix)
09. ID
10. Samara – Verano (Roger Shah Mix)
11. ID
12. ID
13. DJ Shah featuring Adrina Thorpe – Back To You (Original Mix)
14. Savannah – Body Lotion (Inspirations Mix)
15. Roger Shah & Chris Jones presents Open Minded – To The Sky (Club Mix)
16. DJ Shah featuring Adrina Thorpe – Who Will Find Me (Summer Sunrise Mix)
17. Sunlounger – White Sand
18. Paul Oakenfold – Southern Sun (Gabriel & Dresden Unplugged Remix)
19. Sunlounger featuring Kyler England – Change Your Mind
Sied van Riel
01. Sied van Riel – Darklight
02. Ferry Corsten featuring Betsie Larkin – Made Of Love (Super8 & Tab Remix)
03. Breakfast – Remember
Mr Sam
01. Mr Sam featuring Claud9 – Cygnes (Intro Mix)
02. Three Drives – Greece 2000 (Mr Sam Remix)
03. Mojado – ID
04. Gareth Emery vs Delerium – This Is Silence (Myon & Shane 54 Collision)
05. Mojado – ID
06. Mojado vs Timmy & Tommy – Full Tiltin’ Dominator (Cristian Ketelaars Mashup)
07. Tiesto featuring BT vs Mr Sam – Lyteo Comes Again (Mr Sam Mashup)
08. Chemical Brothers – Hey Boy Hey Girl (Tim Davison Remix)
09. Mr Sam – Tantra (Ewol Waves Remix) with Foremost Poets – Moonraker (Acapella)
10. Armin van Buuren featuring Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (Richard Durand Remix)
Armin van Buuren
01. The Dark Knight OST – Why So Serious? (Intro)
02. Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten’s Touch)
03. Elevation – Biscayne
04. Rex Mundi featuring Susana – Nothing At All
05. TyDi featuring Audrey Gallagher – You Walk Away
06. John O’Callaghan featuring Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)
07. Armin van Buuren featuring Cathy Burton vs. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V. Rain (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
08. Nitrous Oxide – Magenta with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Saved Again (Acapella)
09. Adam White featuring Stacey Kitson – Piece Of Mind (Rozza Remix)
10. Genix – Copius Cain (Captivating)
11. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun (Ronski Speed Remix)
12. Moogwai – Viola (Armin van Buuren Remix)
13. Neptune Project – Aztec
14. Thomas Bronzwaer – Look Ahead
15. John O’Callaghan – Don’t look Back
16. Armin van Buuren – Face To Face (Martin Roth Remix)
17. Sean Tyas – Melbourne
18. Carlo Resoort – Lifetime (4 Strings Mix)
19. Bobina – More than love (heatbeat remix)
20. Ummet Ozcan – Timewave Zero
21. 8 Wonders – The Return
22. Push – Strange World (2000 Remake)
23. Solarstone – 7 Cities (Armin van Buuren Remix)
Aly & Fila
01. Aly & Fila – Lost Language (Intro Mix)
02. John O’Callaghan vs Aly & Fila – Megalithic
03. ID
04. ID
05. Static Blue & Olivier P – Crimson Skies [Offshore Music]
06. Armin van Buuren presemts Gaia – 4 Elements (Aly & Fila 2009 Rework)
07. DJ Shah featuring Adrina Thorpe – Back to You (Aly & Fila Remix)
08. Vast Vision feat. Fisher – Everything (Aly & Fila Remix)
09. Sly One – This Late Stage (Original Mix)
10. Ferry Corsten – Galaxia (Aly & Fila Rework)
11. Neptune Project – Aztec (Aly & Fila Remix)
12. Phillippe El Sisi – Humble (Original Mix)
Cosmic Gate
01. Cosmic Gate – Sign Of The Times (Markus Schulz Remix)
02. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska, & Jaren – Man On The Run (Nic Chagall Remix)
03. Dakota – Sin City (Cosmic Gate Remix)
04. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V.
05. Cosmic Gate featuring Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Club Mix)
06. John O’Callaghan featuring Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)
07. Vincent de Moor – Fly Away (Cosmic Gate Remix)
08. R Rank 1 – It’s Up To You (Symsonic)
09. Armin van Buuren & Rank 1 featuring Kush – This World Is Watching Me (Cosmic Gate Remix)
Richard Durand
01. Richard Durand – No Way Home
02. Ernesto vs Bastian vs Planet Funk – Chase The Jupiter (Ernesto vs Bastian Mashup)
03. Green Velvet – Flash (JOC Rework)
04. Tiesto – Lethal Industry (Richard Durand Remix)
05. Richard Durand – Dr. Gorgo
06. Richard Durand – Weep (Original Mix)
07. Richard Durand – Ancient Garden
Simon Patterson
01. Simon Patterson – Us (Original Mix)
02. Simon Patterson – Thump
03. Simon Patterson – Always
04. Simon Patterson – AlwaysSunday, April 19th
Trance.nu Feature
01. Chicane – Cafe Del Mar (Offshore Ambient Mix)
02. Age Of Love – The Age Of Love
03. ID
04. Cass & Slide – Perception [Markus Schulz's Choice]
05. Moby – Go
06. Pete Lazonby – Sacred Cycles
07. Niels van Gogh – Pulvertum
08. BT – Mercury & Solace
09. BBE – Seven Days & One Week
10. LSG – Netherworld [Armin van Buuren's Choice]
Randy Boyer
1. Smashing Pumpkins – Disarm (Randy Boyer Bootleg Mix)
2. As The Rush Comes – Motorcycle (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla Mix)
3. No Limit – Randy Boyer & Kristina Sky ft. Cari Golden
4. Paradise Garage – Heatbeat (Randy Boyer Mix)
5. Stemcell – Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla
6. You Never Said – Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla Mix)
7. Aden’s Dream vs. Last Sunday – Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla ft. Sonorus (Randy Boyer Mash-Up)
8. Flaming June – BT (Randy Boyer Mix)
9. CQ (Seek You) EnMass (Original)
10. Alive – Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla ft. Dan Sanfilippo (Heatbeat Mix)
01. Joonas Hahmo – Bendbass
02. Ashley Walbridge – Masquerade
03. Project MC – Bromley AVE (Dominic green Remix)
04. Komytea – Profesional Killers (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
05. Genix – Gekko (Electro Mix)
06. Will Reece – Noizea
07. GNX – Copius Cain (Genix Re-Rub)
08. Ruben De Ronde – Republique (M.I.K.E.’S Electra Cuty Mix)
09. Robert Burian – Vegas (Gleave Remix)
10. Slusnik Luna – Sun (Genix’s 2009 Mix)
Stoneface & Terminal
01. Artificial Dreamer -Maybe Tomorrow (Daniel Hairston rmx)
02. Kuffdam – Burning Up (Nick Terranova & Austin Leeds rmx)
03. Vojt van Twistigen – Bazileus (Cressida rmx)
04. Artento Divini – Deepdown (Original Mix)
05. Tyson Diorr & Dr Wilis – Saturday Night Fever (Re-Ward Trncy rmx)
06. Stoneface & Terminal – ID (Special Pre-Mix)
07. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal rmx)
08. Activa vs Chris & Matt Kid – UR (Stoneface & Terminal rmx)
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (Stoneface & Terminal Dub rmx)
10. Seventh Heaven – Dolphins (Stoneface & Terminal rmx)
11. Three Drives – Carrera (Nu Nrg rmx)
Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren
01. Andy Duguid feat. Julie Thompson – Falling (Original Mix)
02. Holden & Thompson – Nothing (Ad Brown Mix)
03. Gustav – Unjula (Original Mix)
04. Matt Cerf feat. Jaren – Let Me Breathe (Ronski Speed Mix)
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (Cerf & Mitiska Remix)
06. Sander van Dien – Aurora
07. Pulser feat. Josie – Undo The Silence
08. Dash Berlin, Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run
09. Boom Jinx & Oliver Smith – Sunrise (Volume Six Edit)
10. John O’Callaghan feat. Jaren – Surreal
Glenn Morrison – to be updated later
1. Mason – Front Row Chemistry
2. Morgan Page & Dave Dresden – I’ve Had Friends (Dresden Extended Mix)
3. Charley May – Not My Cat
4. Zoo Brazil & Tiger Lou – There Is Hope
5. Nadia Ali – Love Story (Dresden & Johnston Mix)
6. Deadmau5 – Vanishing Point
7. Sugarcane – So There I Was
8. Paul Oakenfold – Southern Sun (Glenn Morrison Mix)
01. First Breath (Dankann Vocal Remix) – Schodt
02. Undo the Silence (Club Dub) – Pulser feat. Josie
03. Losing Gravity (Fabio XB & Ronnie Play Mix) – Martin Roth & Bartlett Bros
04. Long Distance (tyDi Remix) – Adam K & Soha
05. Synapse Dynamics (Original Mix)- Mat Zo
06. Faraway (Harry’s Song – Extended Mix) – Ron Van Den Beuken feat. Nicole Tyler
07. Somehow (Original Mix) – tyDi & Dennis Sheperd feat. Marcie
08. My Blood (tyDi Remix) – Ashley Wallbridge
09. Without You Near (tyDi Remix) – Markus Schulz
10. L.E.D There Be Light (tyDi & Trent McDermott Remix) – Rank 1
Sophie Sugar – to be updated later
1. Supramental – Butterfly (Egobox Mix)
2. C Systems – Heat (Original Vocal Mix)
3. Ton TB – Dream Machine (First State Remix)
4. Armin Van Buuren vs Sean Tyas – Intricacy (Thomas Bronzwaer Mix)
5. Dmitry Bessonov – Above in The Sky
6. Bissen presents the Crossover – Washout
7. B.E.N. & M6 – Interplay (Element One Remix)
8. Dan Ascherl – Hello From New York
9. Pawel Miller – Escape
Leon Bolier
1 bardo state – the jezebel spirit (bart claessen intro mix)
2 airbase ft floria ambra – interfere
3 store n forward – hello world (sied van riel remix)
4 arnej – dust in the wind (leon bolier remix)
5 id
6 oceanlab – on a good day (above&beyond club mix)
7 id
8 mark etezon & zirenz – the hymn (activa remix)
9 leon bolier – lunar diamond
10 galen behr & leon bolier – wet dream
Martin Roth
1- Joe T. Vanelli ft. Csilla – Play With Vanelli (Pad Tool)
2- Robot Needs Oil – The New Science (brandnewvibe RMX)
3- Slam – Hot Knives (Original Mix)
4- Martin Solveig – One 2.3 Four (Popof RMX)
5- Filth & Splendour – Shadow Shape (James Harcourt RMX)
6- Joeri Jamison – Manic (Original Mix)
7- Faithless feat. Cassandra Fox – Music Matters (Mark Knight Dub)
8- Arno Cost – Cyan (Original Mix)
9- Bansi – Riktam (Original Mix)
10 – Kama & Mac Gregor – Nova (Original Mix)
11- Martin Roth & Bartlett Bros. – Losing Gravity (MR NuStlye Mix)
12- eTicket – Revelation (Original Mix)
01. Jerome Isma-Ae – Smile When You Kill Me
02. Ee Sma – Speak
03. Roger Shah & Tenishia feat. Lorilee – You’re So Cool (Tenisha Remix)
04. ID
05. Sebastian Sand – Creeps (Ronski Speed Remix)
06. Kyau & Albert – Hooked On Infinity (Club Mix)
08. Benya feat. Perry Nixon – Serendipity (Tenishia Remix)
09. Dreas pres. Havannah – Havannah (Genix Remix)
10. ID
11. DJ Eco – Los Angeles (Breakfast Remix)
12. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
John O’Callaghan
01. Sean Tyas – Seven Weeks
02. W&W – The Plan
03. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V.
04. DJ Ton TB – Dream Machine (First State Remix)
05. Jan Oostdyk – The Beginning
06. Cosmic Gate – Trip To P.D.
07. David Forbes – Foldback
08. Robert Burian – Collapse
09. ID
10. Matt Skyer – Lunae (Cesar Lugo Remix)
11. OceanLab – On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix)
12. Paul Webster – Istanbul
ASOT 001
01. Warrior – Voodoo (Oliver Lieb Remix)
02. Munity – Secrets (Ian Wilkie Remix)
03. Joker Jam – Innocense (Planisphere Remix)
04. Liquidation – Theme From Liquid (Marco V Remix)
05. Sonic Inc. – The Taste Of Summer (Fire & Ice Vital Mix) [Tune Of The Week]
06. Natural Born Grooves – Kickback (TDR Remix)
07. RR Workshop – 50K
08. Ultimate Seduction – Ultimate Seduction [ASOT Radio Classic]
09. System F feat. Armin van Buuren – Exhale
10. Blank & Jones – Tribal Attack 01. Drax & Scott Mac – Sublime (Darkstar Remix)
02. Orion – See Me Here
03. Praha pres. Kian – Pachinko (Part 2)
04. Rising Star – Clear Blue Moon
05. Ralphie B – Massive
06. Members Of Mayday – 10 In 01 (Paul van Dyk Remix)
07. Rank 1 – Such Is Life
08. S.O.L.I.S. – Dolphins (Classified Project Remix)
09. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear
A State of Trance Episode 401 (23-04-2009)
Ronski Speed – LIVE from Maassilo, Rotterdam – “Future Favorite Area” (18-04-09)
01. Carlo Resoort – Lifetime (4 Strings Mix)
02. Mat Zo – Lucky Strike
03. Stoneface & Terminal – ID
04. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
05. OceanLab – On A Good Day (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
06. Ronski Speed – Aural Slave (Thomas Datt Remix)
07. Ralphie B. vs. David Forbes – Massive Foldback (Ronski Speed Mashup) Armin van Buuren – LIVE from Maassilo, Rotterdam – “A State Of Trance Area” (18-04-09)
01. The Dark Knight OST – Why So Serious? (Intro)
02. Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten’s Touch)
03. Elevation – Biscayne
04. Rex Mundi feat. Susana – Nothing At All
05. TyDi feat. Audrey Gallagher – You Walk Away
06. John O’Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) Nitrous Oxide – recorded LIVE from Maassilo, Rotterdam – “Future Favorite Area” (18-04-09)
01. Nitrous Oxide – Magenta
02. Sunny Lax – Reborn (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
03. OceanLab – Beautiful Together (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
04. Dave Horne meets Econu – Moments (Danny Powers Remix)
05. Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Out Of The Sky (Bryan Kearney Treatment)
06. Adam Kancerski – Liquid
07. ID
08. Nitrous Oxide – Aurora
09. 3rd Moon – Monsun
A State of Trance Episode 402 (30-04-2009)
1. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge – Faces (Ava Recordings)
2. TyDi & Dennis Sheperd – Somehow (Armada)
3. Three Drives On A Vinyl – Greece 2000 (Sander van Dien remix) (massive drive)
4. Gareth Emery – Metropolis (Garuda)
5. Oceanlab – Lonely Girl (Gareth Emery remix) (Anjunabeats)
6. Lemon & Einar K –The Oslo Syndrome (Agenda Music)
7. Stoneface & Terminal – Stardust (Club mix) (Euphonic)
8. Cosmic Gate – Sign of the Times (Markus Schulz remix) (Maelstrom)
9. Ferry Corsten – We Belong (Tritonal Air up There remix) (Flashover)
10. Daniel Wanrooy – Damage (Black Hole)
11. Richard Durand – Always The Sun (Dub) (Magik Muzik)
12. Sunny Lax – Reborn (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Anjunabeats)
13. Mark Eteson feat. Dan Stone – Midas Touch (onova mix) (Monster Force)
14. Bobina – More Than Love (Heatbeat dub) (Maelstrom)
15. Rozza – London to Bangkok (Haris C remix) (Alter Ego Pure)
16. Sonicvibe pres. Valhalla – Hope (Dima Krasnik remix)(Proxoz Recordings)
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: John O Callaghan – Don’t Look Back (From the upcoming album “Never Fade Away”)(Armada)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: John O Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) (From the upcoming album “Never Fade Away”)(Armada)
19. John O Callaghan & Aly & Fila – Megalithic (From the upcoming album “Never Fade Away”)(Armada)
20. John O Callaghan – Broken (From the upcoming album “Never Fade Away”)(Armada)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: The Chamber – Inertia (Discover)
A State of Trance Episode 403 (07-05-2009)
1. Andrew Bennett – Break Away (Martin Roth NuStyle remix) (S107 Recordings)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge – Faces (Ava)
3. DJ Observer & Daniel Heatcliff – Fake Call (ITWT)
4. Moonbeam ft. Avis Vox – About You (High Contrast Nu Breed)
5. Van der Vleuten – Lost in Nowhere
6. Talla 2XLC – Salvation (TNR remix)
7. Amster Dyen pres. Airplay 47 – Be Free (Mat Zo Remix)
8. Ferry Corsten – We Belong (Tritonal Air Up There remix)(Flashover)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: AMR – Sand Dunes (Daniel Kandi Remix) (Enhanced)
10. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Take It All Away (from the forthcoming album “Never Fade Away”) (Armada)
11. John O Callaghan – Don’t look back (from the forthcoming album “Never Fade Away”) (Armada)
12. Ben Gold feat. Senadee – Today
13. Stoneface & Terminal – Stardust (Euphonic)
14. Ingsha – Niavara (Manuel Le Saux remix) (Magic Island)
15. DJ Eco –Kids of New York (Tello & Lioy Ceballos Remix)
16. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V. Vs Armin van Buuren – Rain (AvB Mash Up)
17. M6 & Willem Van Hanegem – Origin (Armada)
18. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (Jorn van Deynhoven remix)
19. SHato – Your Heart
20. Sabanci & Truby – Leaving Ankara (Vandit)
21. Greg Downey – Grudgematch (Greg Downey vs John O’Callaghan Remix)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Yahel – U Inside (Cyber Records)
A State of Trance Episode 404 (14-05-2009)
1. FUTURE FAVORITE: Moonbeam ft Avis Vox – About You (High Contrast Nu Breed)
2. Fabio XB & Andrea Mazza – Light To Lies (Gareth Emery remix) (S107)
3. tyDI & Dennis Sheperd feat. Marcie – Somehow (Armada)
4. Rex Mundi & Susana – Nothing At All (Beat Service Juicy remix) (Coldharbour)
5. John Hetmond & Osip – Lungomare (Shah music)
6. Arc – 8:47 AM (Ronski Speed remix) (Dangerbox)
7. Ronski Speed – Are you? (Club dub) (Euphonic)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Saints & Sinners – Peace (Breakfast remix) (Lost Language)
9. Ben Gold feat. Senadee – Today (Kill The Lights)
10. Richard Durand – Ancient Garden (from the album “Always the Sun”) (Magik Muzik)
11. Richard Durand – Slow Geisha (from the album “Always the Sun”) (Magik Muzik)
12. Richard Durand – Chaos (from the album “Always the Sun”) (Magik Muzik)
13. Steve Anderson – Before Long (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (High Contrast Nu Breed)
14. Impulse Drive – Higher State (Omen Remix) (Ask 4 Records)
15. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V. Vs Armin van Buuren – Rain (Avb Mash Up)
16. Ilya Soloviev – Universal Universe (Timeline Music)
17. Bobina – More than Love (Heatbeat remix) (Worldclub)
18. Aly & Fila – Khepera (Future Sound of Egypt)
19. Dave Shifting & Nivaya – Excerpta (Conspiracy Solo)
20. Sonic Inc. – Taste of Summer (Raver Remix – AVB reconstruction)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Sonicvibe & Mike Shiver – Lunation (Masters & Nickson remix)
A State of Trance Episode 405 (21-05-2009)
1. Chicane – Popiholla (Modena)
2. Dakota – Johnny The Fox (Baarnes & Heatcliff remix) (Coldharbour Red)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Fabio XB & Andrea Mazza – Light to Lies (Gareth Emery remix) (S107)
4. Dave 202 – Departure (Club mix) (Armada)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat. Ana Criado – Sunset Boulevard (Vandit)
6. Ketho feat. Michael Calderone – Break of Day (Motion)
7. Talla 2XLC – Salvation (TNR Remix) (Tetsuo)
8. Vimana – We Came (First State remix) (Black Hole)
9. Depeche Mode – Peace (Sander van Doorn remix)
10. Tim Besamusca – Sanctum (Thomas Datt remix) (amon vision)
11. Philip Alpha – Sudden Changes (First Take)
12. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title (Jorn van Deynhoven remix)
13. Be:Gold – Starstruck (Jochen Miller remix) (Musical Madness)
14. Zirenz vs Saint Rush – Shine On Me (Ayana Vocal mix) (Captivating Sounds)
15. Airbase – Back (ITWT)
16. Oceania – Lost Horizon (Adam Nickey Remix) (Proxoz Recordings)
17. AMR – Sand Dunes (Daniel Kandi Club mix) (Enhanced)
18. Filo & Peri – Drops of Jupiter (Vandit)
19. Philippe El Sisi – Humble (Future Sound of Egypt)
20. Sean Tyas – Seven Weeks (Doorn Recordings)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: BT – Mercury & Solace
A State of Trance Episode 406 (28-05-2009)
1. Nic Chagall – This Moment (Prog mix) (High Contrast Recordings)
2. Josh Gabriel Presents Winter Kills – Deep Down (Different Pieces) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
3. Chicane – Popiholla (Modena)
4. Ron Hagen & Pascal M – Riddles In The Sand (Armada) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
5. Gaia – Tuvan (Armind) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
6. Fabio XB & Ronnie Play – Inside of You (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armind) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
7. Push vs George Acosta – Alive (theme From Universal Nation dub remix)
8. Andy Moor vs Ashley Wallbridge – Faces (Ava Recordings) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
9. Terry Ferminal & Jonas Stenberg – A Thousand Miles Memories (Gareth Emery Edit) (High Contrast)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat. Ana Criado – Sunset Boulevard (Vandit) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
11. Tritonal feat. Soto – Invinsible Sun
12. Be:Gold – Starstruck (Jochen Miller remix)
13. Ronski Speed – Are you? (Sun Decade dub) (Euphonic)
14. Airbase – Back (In Trance We Trust)
15. Ilya Soloviev – Universal Universe
16. Signum – Addicted (ASOT) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
17. Robert Nickson – Circles (Andy Blueman Remix with live guitar by Eller van Buuren) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
18. Talla 2XLC vs Robert Burian – Deja Vu (tetsuo)
19. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Neptune Project – Aztec (Future Sound of Egypt) (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
20. Fast Distance & Dimension pres Balearia – Heaven Rain
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Pulser – My Religion (ASOT)
A State of Trance Episode 407 (04-06-2009)
1. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Aruna – Helpless(Armada)(Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
2. Adiva – How does it feel (Myon & Shane 54 dub mix) (Coldharbour)
3. Sunlounger – Change Your Mind (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (Magic Island)
4. Oceanlab – Just Listen (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (Anjunabeats) (taken from the album ‘sirens of the sea remixed’)
5. Steve Brian – Yaya (Euphonic)
6. John O Callaghan – Never Fade Away (Andy Duguid remix) (Armind)(Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
7. Oceanlab – I Am What I Am (Lange Remix) (Anjunabeats) (taken from the album ‘sirens of the sea remixed’)
8. Temple One – String Theory (M6 remix)
9. Ferry Tale & Static Blue – L’Acrobat (original mix) (Enhanced)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Gaia – Tuvan (Armind)(Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
11. Mat Zo – The Fractal Universe (Armada)(Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
12. Tritonal – Cloudbase (Air Up There remix) (Levare Recordings)
13. Lange vs Andy Moor – Stadium Four (Ava Recordings)
14. Klauss Goulart – Deep Universe (M6 Remix) (Armada)
15. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Break The Light (Vandit) (take from the album ‘purple audio’)
16. Phuture Sound feat. Angie – Come to Me (ASOT 2009 reconstruction)(Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Thomas Bronzwaer – Look Ahead (ASOT)(Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation)
18. Garry Heaney – Too Far Gone (Discover)
19. Claudia Cazacu – Lekker (Armada)
20. John O Callaghan – Broken with Markus Schulz feat. Dauby – Perfect (AvB mash up)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Oceanlab – Satellite (Original Above & Beyond mix) (taken from the album ‘sirens of the sea remixed’)
A State of Trance Episode 408 (11-06-2009)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Alex Gaudino remix) (Armind)
02. Nic Chagall – This Moment (Prog mix) (high contrast)
03. Chephren Blake feat. Meighan Nealon – Year After (Lyon Echo Records)
04. Blake Jarrell – Boracay (Electronic Elements)
05. FUTURE FAVORITE: Steve Brian – Yaya (Original mix) (Euphonic)
06. Solarstone feat. Elizabeth Fields – Part of Me (The Thrillseekers remix) (Solaris)
07. R.E.N.O.I.S.E. – Dead Wishes (Coldharbour Recordings)
08. Michael Tsukerman – Sivan (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation) (ASOT)
09. Sophie Sugar feat. Rebecca Emely – Beside you (dub) (Soundpiercing)
10. Sean Tyas & Simon Patterson – For the most Part
11. Ferry Tale & Static Blue – L’Acrobat (Andy Blueman remix) (Enhanced)
12. Push – Free Time (from the album “Global Age”) (Armada)
13. Ummet Ozcan & W&W – Synergy (Reset)
14. Lange vs Andy Moor – Stadium Four (AVA)
15. Lee Canning – The Universe (Estigma & Ben Alonzi Remix) (Amon Vision)
16. Steve Allan – Self Belief (Excessive Pressure)
17. Avenger – Celestus (Manuel Le Saux remix) (Crystal Source)
18. Thomas Bronzwaer – Look Ahead (Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation) (ASOT)
19. TUNE OF THE WEEK: 3rd Moon – Monsun(Taken from the ASOT 2009 compilation) (ASOT)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: L.S.G. – Netherworld (Hooj)
A State of Trance Episode 409 (18-06-2009)
1. Lolo – Trampoline (Banshee)
2. Poshout – For You (Ilya Soloviev progressive mix) (Timeline Progressive)
3. Andy Duguid – Neremiah (Black Hole)
4. BT – Rose of Jericho (BT album mix) (Nettwerk)
5. FUTURE FAVOURITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Alex Gaudino remix) (Armind)
6. Dakota – Koolhaus (from “Markus Schulz pres. Dakota – Thoughts become Things” Album)(Coldharbour Red)
7. Dakota – Sin City (Cosmic Gate remix) (Coldharbour Red)
8. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Raver remix)
9. Marcus Schossow presents Progresia – Galandia (Tone Diary)
10. Paul van Dyk – Nothing But You (Super8 & Tab remix)
11. tyDi feat. Audrey Gallagher – You Walk Away (Armind)
12. Ton TB – Headrush (Smart Apes Dub) (Black Hole)
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sander van Doorn pres. Purple Haze – Bliksem (Doorn)
14. Stoneface & Terminal – Santiago (2am mix) (Euphonic)
15. Solarstone feat. Elisabeth Fields – Part of Me (original mix)(Solaris)
16. DJ Eco – Kids of NY (Solex mix) (Istmo Music)
17. Steve Brian – Yaya (Ronski Speed mix) (Euphonic)
18. Jorn van Deynhoven – Fastlane (Infrasonic Recordings)
19. Floyd – Essence of Love (Club mix) (RR recordings)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Solar Factor – No Return (Platipus)
A State of Trance Episode 410 (25-06-2009)
1. Josh Gabriel pres. Winter Kills – Deep Down (Different Pieces)
2. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Sunset Boulevard (Ilya Malyuev remix) (Vandit)
3. Monogato – Miami Vibe (Omnia remix) (Captivating Sounds)
4. Dmitry Bessonov – Equator (Alex Pitch Remix) (Unearthed Red)
5. Dakota – Sin City (Cosmic Gate remix) (Coldharbour Red)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Bissen presents The Crossover– Washout (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (ASOT)
7. Temple One – String Theory (M6 remix) (Enhanced)
8. Purple Haze – Bliksem (Doorn)
9. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge – Faces (Ben Gold remix) (Ava)
10. Klauss Goulart – Deep Universe (M6 remix) (Captivating Sounds)
11. Ummet Ozcan vs W&W – Synergy (Reset)
12. Vast Vision & Ram – Sandwriting (Vast Vision remix)
13. Jorn van Deynhoven – Fastlane (Infrasonic)
14. Misja Helsloot vs Signum – RTFM (Cloud 9 Dance)
15. Misja Helsloot vs Onova – Mel-Ody (Cloud 9 Dance)
16. Bobina – More Than Love (Heatbeat Dub) (Maelstrom)
17. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Break The Light (Vandit)
18. Tom Colontonio – Sparkover (Monster)
19. 3rd Moon – Monsun (ASOT)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Smith & Pledger – Forever (Vocal mix) (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 411 (02-07-2009)
1. John O Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate remix) (Captivating Sounds)
2. Fabio XB & Ronnie Play – Inside of You (Cosmic Gate remix) (Armada)
3. Dakota – Chinook (Uplifting mix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
4. Bissen – Washout (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (Armada)
5. Ohmna – Key of Life (Marlo remix) (Cyber Records)
6. Marco V. – Unprepared (In Charge Recordings)
7. Rex Mundi & Susana – Nothing At All (Coldharbour Recordings)
8. Gareth Emery – Metropolis (Garuda)
9. Cosmic Gate – Sign of the Times (Markus Schulz remix) (Black Hole)
10. Q.T. Quartet – Hold That Sucker Down (Jerome Isma-Ae bootleg)
11. Gaia – Tuvan (Armind)
12. DJ Eco – Lost Angeles (Breakfast remix)
13. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Euphonic)
14. Nitrous Oxide – Magenta (Anjunabeats)
15. Super8 & Tab – Elektra (Anjunabeats)
16. Lange vs Andy Moor – Stadium Four (Ava Recordings)
17. Dennis Sheperd – Black Sun (Ronski speed remix) (Euphonic)
18. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat. Ana Criado – Sunset Boulevard (Vandit)
19. DJ Eco – Borealis (Infrasonic)
20. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V. Vs Armin van Buuren – Rain (AVB mash Up)
A State of Trance Episode 412 (09-07-2009)
1. Michael Jackson – Stranger In Moscow (Jerome Isma-Ae bootleg)
2. Fokko Versloot & Koes Lebens – Moves
3. Cosmic Gate feat. Kyler England – Flatline (Kyau & Albert remix) (Black Hole)
4. Dirty Vegas – Tonight (Above & Beyond remix) (Toolroom records)
5. Three Drives – Automatic City
6. Evave – To The Stars (Adymus Remix) (Enhanced Prog)
7. Enrique Iglesias feat. Ciara – Taking Back My Love (Robert Burian dubleg)
8. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert – Grrreat (Euphonic)
9. Skytech – Cardboard Box (Coldharbour)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: tyDI feat Audrey Gallagher – You Walk Away (Armada)
11. Rank 1 – Symfo (High Contrast)
12. Activa pres. Solar Movement – Eclipse (Mat Zo remix) (Anjunabeats)
13. Sean Tyas & Simon Patterson – For the Most Part (Marcus Schossow remix) (Reset)
14. TUNE OF THE WEEK: M6 – Opus Sectrum (Captivating Sounds)
15. DJ Eco – Question Mark (Sebastian Bradt remix) (Tone Diary)
16. Garry Heaney – Citation (Discover)
17. Jonas Steur – Silent Waves (Tiddey 2009 remix)
18. Nitrous Oxide – Aurora (Anjunabeats)
19. tyDI & Dennis Shepard feat. Marcie – Somehow (Sebastian Brandt dub remix) (Armada)
20. Mark Andrez – Another Angel (Kill the Lights)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Lost Tribe – Gamemaster (Hooj)
A State of Trance Episode 413 (16-07-2009)
Live from Amnesia Ibiza (Recored 14-07-2009) Hour 1: Armin van Buuren
01. Gaia – Tuvan (intro mix) (Armind)
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Armind) with Ali Wilson – Shakedown (In Charge)
03. M6 – Opus Sectrum (Captivating Sounds)
04. Synergy – Hello Strings (Marninx remix)
05. Sean Tyas & Simon Patterson – For the Most Part (Marcus Schossow remix) (Reset)
06. Markus Schulz – Do You Dream? (Coldharbour Recordings)
07. Purple Haze – Bliksem (Doorn recordings)
08. Be:Gold – Starstruck (Jochen Miller remix) with/ Marcus Schossow – Kaboom (tone diary)
09. Ram – Ramsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (ASOT)
10. Neptune Project – Aztec (FSOE)
11. Thomas Bronzwaer – Look Ahead (ASOT) Hour 2: Gareth Emery
01. Marcel Woods – Inside Me (Intro dub)
02. Tritonal – Suede
03. OceanLab – I Am What I Am (Lange Remix)
04. M.I.K.E – Sunrise at Palamos 2009 (Gareth Emery remix)
05. Tiesto / Lange / Moor / Komytea – Lethal Stadium Four (Emery illicit bootleg) Signum
01. Dakota vs Amster Dyen pres. Airplay 47 – Johnny The Fox vs Be Free (Barnes & Heatcliff vs Mat Zo Remix) (Signum Ibiza Mashup)
02. DJ Ton TB – Dream Machine (First State Remix)
03. Signum – Jewelry by Nature (M6 remix)
04. Ron van den Beuken – Faraway (Trance Mix)
05. Signum – Distant Signature (Original Mix)
A State of Trance Episode 414 (23-07-2009)
01. William Orbit – Purdy (Chicane Remix)
02. Mark Marberg & Skytech – Grrreat Cardboard Box (Jason Mill ClubMash)
03. Sebastian Ingrosso – Kidsos (Wippenberg remix) (Refune)
04. FUTURE FAVORITE: Michael Jackson – Stranger in Moscow (Jerome Isma-Ae bootleg)
05. Rank 1 – Symfo (High Contrast)
06. Above & Beyond vs Gareth Emery – On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 mash up)
07. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Temple One pres Tu Casa – Betelgeuse (Barnes & Heatcliff remix) (Enhanced progressive)
08. Ashley Wallbridge – Shotokan (Armada)
09. Chicane – Poppiholla (Thrillseekers remix) (Armada)
10. Talla 2XLC vs Robert Burian – Deja Vu (Original mix) (tetsuo)
11. Redd Square – Digital Acoustics (Onova remix) (Monster Tunes)
12. Breakfast – Air Guitar (Flashover Recordings)
13. M6 – Opus Sectrum (Captivating Sounds)
14. Phynn – Spacewalk (ITWT)
15. Black Pearl – Java (Dust & Heatcliff remix) (Magic Island)
16. Philip Alpha – Sudden Changes (Enhanced Recordings)
17. Philippe El Sisi feat Aminda – You Never Know (Aly & Fila Remix) (FSOE)
18. Envio – Touched by the Sun (Amir Farhoodi remix)(ASOT)
19. Ummet Ozcan – Maya (Robbert Ladiges Mix) (Reset)
20. Markus Schulz – Do You Dream (Coldharbour Recordings)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Solarstone vs Scott Bond – 3rd Earth
A State of Trance Episode 415 (30-07-2009)
1. Blake Jarrell – Borocay (Venaccio remix) (Electronic Elements)
2. Medina – You & I (Dash Berlin Dub mix) (Listen Up)
3. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid – Home (Cosmic Gate remix) (Vandit)
4. Solarity – DNA (Anjunabeats)
5. Randy Katana – You & I (Doorn)
6. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto – Crash Into Reason (Dj Eco Remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
7. Menno de Jong & Leon Bolier – Last Light Tonight (Intuition Recordings)
8. Suncatcher – Good morning (Original mix – Daniel Kandi Fix) (Ask 4 records)
9. Mark Andrez & Den Rize – Flames (Future Sound of Egypt)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Giuseppe Ottaviani & John O Callaghan – Our Dimension (Vandit)
11. Cold Blue – Mount Everest (Anjunabeats)
12. Loverush UK! Feat. Carla Werner – Give Me Your Love (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
13. Dakota – Sin City (Rex Mundi remix) (Coldharbour Red)
14. Ferry Corsten – Twice in a Blue Moon (Festival Edit) (Flashover)
15. W&W – Mainstage (Captivating Sounds)
16. Carl B – How things Could Have Been (Intuition Recordings)
17. FUTURE FAVORITE: Philippe El Sisi feat. Aminda – You Never Know (Aly & Fila remix) (Future Sound of Egypt)
18. Claudia Cazacu – Nefertiti (Soundpiercing)
19. Sly One – This Late Stage (Aly & Fila remix) (Discover)
20. Vengeance – Dawn of The Uprising (ASOT)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Solar Stone & Scott Bond – Naked Angel (ID&T) Vote for your Future Favorite at Trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 416 (06-08-2009)
1. FUTURE FAVORITE: Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid – Home (Cosmic Gate remix) (Vandit)
2. Jose Amnesia feat. Lyn – Closer
3. Escala – Children (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
4. Ronski Speed feat. Ana – The Deep Devine (Club dub) (euphonic)
5. Activa vs Chris & Matt Kidd – UR (stoneface & terminal remix) (Discover)
6. Corderoy – Kyrie (club dub mix)(mondo)
7. Redstar – Stronger Than Time (monster tunes)
8. Mark Sherry & James Allan vs William Daniel – Wired (reset)
9. Pulser – My Religion (Airbase remix) (ASOT)
10.ASOT Radio Classic: Accadia – Into the Dawn (James Holden remix) Hour 2: Live from Amnesia, Ibiza 04-08-2009
1. Randy Katana – You & I (Reset)
2. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Raver rework)
3. Above & Beyond vs Gareth Emery – On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 mash up)
4. Rank 1 – Symfo (High Contrast)
5. Jochen Miller – Brace Yourself (High Contrast)
6. tyDI & Dennis Sheperd – Somehow (Sebastian Brandt dub mix) (S 107)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ian Betts – False Gods (Discover)
8. RAM – Ramsterdam (Jorn Van Deynhoven remix) (ASOT)
9. ID – ID
10.Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten remix) (Maelstrom) Darren Tate & Jono Grant – Let The Light Shine in (Filo & Peri 2009 edit)
11.Simon Patterson – Always (Spinnin) Vote for your Future Favorite at Trance.nu
A State of Trance Episode 417 (13-08-2009)
1. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Take It All Away (Marcus Schossow Nu Prog remix) (Armada)
2. Pryda – Waves (Pryda)
3. Enya – ID (Jody Wisternoff bootleg)
4. Mac & Mac – Solid Session (First State remix) (Magik Muzik)
5. Faruk Sabanci & Nurettin Colak – Te Quiero Mi Amor (Shah music)
6. Ronski Speed feat. Ana – The Deep Devine (Gareth Emery Remix) (Euphonic)
7. Three Drives – Automatic City (Orjan Nilsen Re-wiz)
8. M.I.K.E. – Sunrise At Palamos 2009 (Gareth Emery remix)
9. Sean Tyas – I Remember Now (Sied van Riel remix) (FSOE)
10. Jochen Miller – Brace Yourself (High Contrast)
11. Arnej – There Are No Coincidences (Armada)
12. Activa & Chris vs. Matt Kidd – U.R. (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (Discover)
13. Corderoy – Kyrie (Mondo)
14. Jon O Bir – Answers (Vandit)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Gaia – Tuvan (Andy Blueman remix) (Armind)
16. Simon Patterson – Always (Reset)
17. FUTURE FAVORITE: RAM – RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (ASOT)
18. Sly One – This Late Stage (Aly & Fila remix) (FSOE)
19. Ian Betts – False Gods (Discover)
20. Mark Sherry & James Allan vs William Daniel – Wired (Dark Tech Dub mix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Robert Gitelman – Children of The Sun
A State of Trance Episode 418 (20-08-2009)
1. Ashley Wallbridge – Dionysus
2. Inpetto – The Milky Way (High Contrast)
3. Artento Divini – Biding my Time (High Contrast)
4. Deep Nights – After the Sunset (Magic Island)
5. Sami Saari – Backlash (Mike Shiver’s garden State mix) (Captured)
6. Mac And Monday – Touching The Sound
7. Fred Numf – Globalisation 2009 (Cliff Coenraad remix) (High Contrast recordings)
8. Vast Vision & Ram – Sandwriting (Vast Vision mix)
9. Ingsha – Montego Bay (Magic Island)
10. Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Let It All Out (Lange Recordings)
11. Karanda – Karanda (Original mix) (Inov8)
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Roger Shah & Signum – Healsville Sanctuary (Roger Shah mix) (Magic Island)
13. Mike Nichol – Tweak
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Gaia – Tuvan (Andy Blueman remix) (Armind)
15. RST & Jared Knapp – Encompass (Yakuza)
16. Sander van Doorn – Bastillion (Doorn Recordings)
17. Fast Distance – Big Ben (Vandit)
18. Sean Tyas – I Remember Now (FSOE)
19. Charlie White – Tears (Signum Old School mix)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Basic Dawn – Pure Thrust (NuNRG remix) (Thrust Groove Records)
A State of Trance Episode 419 (27-08-2009)
01. Chicane – Hiding All The Stars (Modena)
02. Mike Shiver – On The Surface (Captured)
03. Biffy Clyro – Machines (Beltek remix)
04. Estiva – I Feel Fine (Piano mix) (Enhanced Recordings)
05. Way Out West – Only Love (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (Electronic Elements)
06. Rocking J – Sequence (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Groovebox)
07. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Fabio XB feat Micky Vi – Make This Your Day (Gareth Emery Dub mix) (S107 Recordings)
08. Leon Bolier – Lunar Diamond (2 Play)
09. Kyau And Albert – Be There 4 U (Rafael Frost remix) (Euphonic)
10. Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Let it All Out (Lange Recordings)
11. Adam Nickey – Callista (Anjunabeats)
12. Jan Oostdyk – Eivissa Eivissa (2 Play)
13. Lang & Yep – Paradise Culebra (Detox)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Roger Shah & Signum – Healsville Sanctuary (Roger Shah mix) (Magic Island)
15. Matt Skyer – Yearning (Emphase)
16. Activa – Transmission
17. RAM – RAMsterdam (Original mix) (Armada)
18. John O Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Take It All Away (Sean Tyas remix) (Armada)
19. Gary Maguire – When And Why (Discover)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Andain – Summer Calling (Airwave remix) (Black Hole)
A State of Trance Episode 420 (03-09-2009)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight (Armind)
02. Marcus Schossow & Andy Duguid feat. Emma Hewitt – Light (from the forthcoming album ‘Outside the box’)(Tonediary)
03. Mike Shiver – On the Surface (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Captured Recordings)
04. FUTURE FAVORITE: Chicane – Hiding All the Stars (Modena)
05. Jerome Isma-Ae & Sebastian Krieg – 308
06. Leon Bolier – Lunar Diamond (2 play)
07. Masoud feat. Josie – Leave it All Behind (Tritonal’s Air Up There mix) (Levare)
08. Gaia – Tuvan (Gareth Emery remix) (Armind)
09. Tropical Groove – Cloudwalk (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Ask4)
10. Ilya Soloviev & Poshout – Leaving Planet (Timeline Music)
11. Dan Stone – Mumbai (Anjunabeats)
12. Ummet Ozcan – Shamballa (Reset)
13. Akesson – Flavour Park (FSOE)
14. Ultimate – In Our Hearts (Unearthed Recordings)
15. Adam Nickey – Callista (Anjunabeats)
16. Ron van Den Beuken & Maarten De Jong – Life’s Too Short (Mark Sherry’s Outburst remix) (RR records)
17. Dynamic Emotion – Ontario (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic remix) (Only One Records Deep)
18. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Guy Mearns – Sunbeam (Slinky Digital)
19. Sean Tyas – Ivy (ASOT)
20. RAM – RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (ASOT)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Gouryella – Ligaya (Tsunami)
A State of Trance Episode 421 (10-09-2009)
Hour 1: the newest tunes selected
1. First State feat. Sarah Howells – Brave (Black Hole)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight (Armind)
3. Stoneface & Terminal – St Francis Foley (Club mix) (Euphonic)
4. Dakota – Koolhaus (Skytech remix) (Coldharbour)
5. Mark Sixma & Willem van Hanegem – Terminal 69 (Liquid)
6. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Changing Ways (from the album ‘Go!’) (Vandit)
7. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Third Dome (album mix) (from the album ‘Go!’)(Vandit)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Robert Nickson – Maybe Next Time (ASOT)
9. Signum – Addicted (Manuel Le Saux remix) (ASOT)
10. Talla 2XLC feat. Skysurfer – Terra Australis (Addicted to Trance)
11. ASOT Radio Classic: Mac Zimms – L’Announce des Couleurs (2 play) Hour 2: Recorded live from Armada at Amnesia, Ibiza. 08-09-09 Video of this entire set available soon at http://www.armaniexchange.com
1. M.I.K.E. – Sunrise at Palamos (Gareth Emery remix)
2. Super8 & Tab – Elektra (Anjunabeats)
3. Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Let It All Out (Ronski Speed remix) (Lange Recordings)
4. Markus Schulz – Do You Dream? (Coldharbour)
5. W&W – Mainstage (Captivating Sounds)
6. Ron van Den Beuken & Maarten De Jong – Life’s Too Short (Mark Sherry’s Outburst remix) (RR records)
7. Roger Shah & Signum – Healsville Sanctuary (magic island)
8. John O Callaghan feat. Lo-fi Suger – Never Fade Away (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Captivating Sounds)
9. RAM – Ramsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (ASOT)
10. Matt Skyer – Yearning (Emphase)
11. Guy Mearns – Sunbeam (Slinky Digital)
12. Giuseppe Ottaviani & John O Callaghan – Our Dimension (Vandit)
A State of Trance Episode 422 (17-09-2009)
01. BT feat. Jes – Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren remix) (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 4)(Nettwerk)
02. FUTURE FAVORITE: First State feat. Sarah Howells – Brave (Black Hole)
03. Julian Vincent feat. Cathy Burton – Here For Me (Mark Otten Re-dub) (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 4)(S 107)
04. Ridgewalkers feat. El – Find (Andy Moor Remix)(Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 2) (Armind)
05. Espen Gulbrandsen vs. DJ Julian Vincent feat. Maria Nayler – Perfect Sky (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 4)(S 107)
06. David West – Welsh Morphology (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 3)
07. Tilt – The World Doesn’t Know (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 2)(Lost Language)
08. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Beggin’ You (Armin van Buuren remix) (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 4)(Armind)
09. Probspot – Foreplay (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 2)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Daniel Kandi – Venice Beach (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 4) (Anjunabeats)
11. Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Let it All Out (Ronski Speed remix)
12. M.I.K.E. – Turn Out The Lights (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 1)(Armind)
13. Robert Nickson – Maybe Next Time (ASOT)
14. Carlo Resoort – Blinded (Liquid)
15. Chris Metcaife – First Encounter (J.Suckley remix) (Captivating Sounds)
16. Midway – Amazon (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 1) (ITWT)
17. Scarab – Vagabond (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 1)(Armada)
18. Ian Betts – False Gods (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 4)(Discover)
19. Paul Webster feat. Amanda Angelic – Time (Sean Tyas remix dub) (Captivating Sounds)
20. The Doppler Effect – Beauty Hides In the Deep (John O Callaghan remix) (Taken from Universal Religion Chapter 3) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 423 (24-09-2009)
A State of Trance Classics Vol. 4 release special
1. Nalin & Kane – Open Your Eyes
2. Hydra – Affinity
3. Cass & Slide – Perception
4. Three Drives – Sunset On Ibiza
5. Insigma – Open Your Eyes
6. Signum feat. Scott Mac – Coming On Strong
7. Push – Universal Nation
8. Conjure One feat. Sinead O Connor – Tears From The Moon (Tiesto mix)
9. Jan Johnston – Calling Your Name (Thrillseekers mix)
10. Alt+F4 – Alt+F4
11. Gouryella – Walhalla
12. Gaia – 4 Elements
13. Vincent De Moor – Fly Away
14. Galen Behr vs. Hydroid – Carabella (Galen Behr vs Orjan Nilsen remix)
15. Sophie Sugar – Call of Tomorrow (John O Callaghan remix)
16. Re:Locate – Rogue
17. Robert Nickson – Spiral
18. Inertia – The Chamber
19. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost – Jump The Next Train (Kyau vs Albert remix)
A State of Trance Episode 424 (01-10-2009)
Hour 1: Andy Moor, Taking Over
01. DJ Eco ft Simon Latham – What Do You See (Ashley Wallbridge Remix) (S107)
02. Cosmic gate feat. Aruna – Under Your Spell (Duderstadt Remix) (Black Hole)
03. Terracotta Army – Stealing Souls (Lens Flare Remix) (AVA)
04. Tenishia vs. Roger Shah feat. Lorelie – I’m Not God (Tenishia Remix) (Magic Island)
05. Xspective Sense + Beat Service – Feel Our Heaven (xtigma Remix) (ASK4)
06. John Askew – Beirut (Thomas Datt Remix) (Discover)
07. Jonathan Martin – Insidious (AVA)
08. Delerium – Send Me An Angel (Andy Moor Remix) (Nettwerk)
09. Whiteroom – The Whiteroom (Myon & Shane 54?s Refill)
10. Ilya Soloviev & Poshout – Leaving Planet (Timeline Music) Hour 2: John O’Callaghan, Taking Over
01. Giuseppe Ottaviani ft. Francesco M. – Changing Ways (Vandit)
02. John O’Callaghan ft. Josie – Out of Nowhere (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Armada)
03. Fabio Stein pres. Uprise – Breakthru (40 Degrees)
04. John O’Callaghan ft. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Heatbeat remix / John O’Callaghan rework) (Armada)
06. Paul Webster ft. Angelic Amanda – Time (Sean Tyas dub) (Captivating)
07. Mannix – Back Then (Armada)
08. Talla 2XLC vs. Robert Burian – Deja Vu (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix)
09. Paul Trainer – Deal With It (CDR)
10. Tom Colontonio – Lifetime Connection (John O’Callaghan remix) (Liquid)
11. Sean Tyas – Tingle (ASOT)
12. John O’Callaghan – Don’t Look Back (John Askew remix) (Armada)
A State of Trance Episode 425 (08-10-2009)
1. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting (from the album ‘The New Daylight’) (Armada)
2. Ferry Corsten feat. Novastar – Because (The Remix) (Extended mix) (Flashover)
3. BT feat. Jes – Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren remix) (Nettwerk)
4. Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna – Under Your Spell (Myon & Shane 54 remix) (Black Hole)
5. Above & Beyond – Anjuna Beach (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (Anjunabeats)
6. DJ Eco presents Badlands feat. Marcie – Garden State (Jorge Nava Extended) (Istmo Music)
7. Super8 & Tab – Irufushi (Anjunabeats)
8. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Fallen (Vandit)
9. Adam Nickey – In Motion (Andy Blueman remix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Ferry Tale & Static Blue – Trapeze
11. John O Callaghan feat. Josie – Out of Nowhere (Stoneface & Terminal mix) (Armada)
12. Steve Birch Vs Within Temptation – The Temptation Within (Spaced Out Recordings)
13. Rapha & Reminder – Beyond The Clouds (Daniel Kandi’s 147 club mix)
14. Sly One vs Jurrane – Silicone Stars
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Deep Care – Blacks (Daniel Kandi Lifted mix) (Infrasonic)
16. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna – Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Vandit)
17. Ernesto & Bastian – Killer Tone (High Contrast Recordings)
18. Adam Foley – 8AM (Vandit)
19. Solarstone – The Last Defeat Pt 1 (Bissen remix)(from the album RSEMIX) (Solaris)
20. Sander van Doorn – Ninety (Doorn)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Agnelli & Nelson – El Nino (Xtravaganza)
A State of Trance Episode 426 (15-10-2009)
1. Arty – Gentle Touch (Enhanced Recordings)
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arnej – They Need Us (Armada)
3. Wippenberg – Pong (High Contrast Recordings)
4. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Beggin You (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armada)
5. Above & Beyond – Anjunabeach (Anjunabeats)
6. Lolo – Pop the Cat’s Adventure (Banshee)
7. Sindre Eide – Piovere (Enhanced)
8. Daniel Kandi – Venice Beach (Anjunabeats)
9. Adam White & Andy Moor present Whiteroom – The White Room (Myon & Shane 54 Refill)
10. Ronski Speed – Something Happened On The Way To Heaven (7Skies remix) (Euphonic)
11. Faithless – Sun to Me (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Cheeky)
12. Activa feat. Cat Martin – They Never Change (from the album “this world”)(Discover)
13. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna – Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Vandit)
14. Bobina – Honestly (Ilya Soloviev dub) (World Club Music)
15. Rafael Frost – Black Box (Flash Over Recordings)
16. Ferry Corsten – Shelter me (Rafael Frost Remix) (Flash Over Recordings) (‘from the album “Twice In A Blue Moon Remixed”)
17. Sophie Sugar – Together (ASOT)
18. Activa feat. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Long Way Back (from the album “this world”) (Discover)
19. Activa feat. Gary Maguire – Terminal 5 (from the album “this world”)(Discover)
20. Deep Care – Blacks (Daniel Kandi remix)(Infrasonic)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Push – The Legacy (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 427 (22-10-2009)
1. Deadmau5- Strobe
2. Alpha9 – Bliss (Aleph)
3. Kyau & Albert – I Love You (Euphonic)
4. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna – Ashley (First State remix) (Vandit)
5. Ben Preston feat. Susie – Why We Run (Songbird)
6. Wippenberg – Pong (High Contrast Records)
7. Daniel Heatcliff – Phoenix (In Trance We Trust)
8. Jonathan Martin – Insidious (AVA)
9. Super8 & Tab – Irufushi (Anjunabeats)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Beggin You (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armada)
11. Arnej – They Need Us (Club edit) (Armada)
12. M6 – Ultimatum (Captivating Sounds)
13. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting (Dash Berlin 4AM mix)(Aropa)
14. Ferry Corsten – We Belong (Lange remix) (Flash Over)
15. Trance Arts – Stratosphere (Dan Stone remix) (unearthed red)
16. John Gabriel presents Winter Kills – Deep Down (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Different Pieces)
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Paul Webster feat. Amanda Angelic – Time (Sean Tyas dub) (Armada)
18. Vast Vision – Luminosity (2 Year Anniversary Theme)
19. Adam Foley – Castaway (Discover)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Alibi – Eternity (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armind)
A State of Trance Episode 428 (29-10-2009)
Hour 1: The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight (Intro edit)(Armind)
2. Calvin Harris – Flashback (Eric Prydz remix)
3. Matt Darey pres Urban Astronauts – See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix) (Noctural Global)
4. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting (Dash Berlin 4AM remix) (Aropa)
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: Paul Webster feat. Amanda – Time (Sean Tyas remix dub) (Captivating Sounds)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jo Micali – Shine On (C-Systems Vocal mix) (Unearthed Records)
7. Temple One – Sahara Nights (Enhanced)
8. Masoud feat. Josie – Leave it All Behind (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (Levare)
9. Thoneik, Diaz & Young Rebells feat. Cozi – Perfect Moment (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Instrumental) (Armada)
10. ASOT Radio Classic: Tranquility Base – Surrender (Anjunabeats) Hour 2: Armin van Buuren Live from Godskitchen’s Boombox, Ljubjana 23-10-2009
1. BT feat. Jes – Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren remix)
2. Nic Chagall – This Moment (High Contrast)
3. Paul van Dyk – Home (Cosmic Gate remix) (Vandit)
4. Wippenberg – Pong (High Contrast)
5. Oceanlab vs Gareth Emery – On a Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 mash up)
6. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Beggin You (Armin van Buuren remix) (Armind)
7. Arnej – They Need Us (Club Edit) (Armada)
8. Dakota – Koolhaus (Coldharbour)
9. Temple One pres Tu Casa – Betelgeuse (Barnes & Heatcliff remix) (enhanced)
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert & Ali Wilson – Never Say Shakedown (Armin van Buuren mash up)
11. Gaia – Tuvan (Armind)
12. Super8 & Tab – Irufushi (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 429 (05-11-2009)
1. Imogen Heap – Canvas (Mark Eteson Re-paint)
2. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting (First State remix) (Aropa)
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts – See the Sun (Aurosonic remix) (Nocturnal Global)
4. Kyau & Albert – I Love You (Cosmic Gate remix) (Euphonic)
5. Binary Finary – 2009 (Vegas Baby Remix) (Armada)
6. Jochen Miller – Red One (High Contrast)
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Plastic Boy – Chocolate Infusion (Captivating Sounds)
8. Marco V. – When The Night Falls (In Charge)
9. Tritonal – Kiss Me Here (Spundae Music)
10. Solis – Afterglow (Infrasonic)
11. Temple One – Sahara Nights (Enhanced)
12. Sophie Sugar – Together (ASOT)
13. Franz Hlusek & Jorge Nava – Cosmic Dreamer (Fast Distance Remix) (Massive Drive)
14. Robert Nickson – Maybe Next Time (ASOT)
15. Talla 2XLC feat. Skysurfer – Terra Australis (Jorn van Deynhoven remix)
16. John o Callaghan feat. Beverly O’ Sullivan – Don’t Look Back (In the loving memory of Beverly O’Sullivan)
17. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Armind)
18. Med vs Neil Bamford – Light Up
19. Be:Gold – Sunstroke (Musical Madness)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Solid Globe – Sahara (Fundamental)
A State of Trance Episode 430 (12-11-2009)
1. Boom Jinx & Adam Bayer – To The Six (club mix) (Anjunabeats)
2. Imogen Heap – Canvas (Mark Eteson re-paint)
3. FuManChu – The Orange Theme (Vegas Baby remix) (Maelstrom)
4. Med vs Neil Bamford – Stolen (Danilo Ercole remix) (Infrasonic)
5. Plastic Boy – Chocolate Infusion (Club Elite)
6. Breakfast – Air Guitar (DJ Eco remix)(Flashover)
7. Mike Koglin & P.O.S. – Autumn (Anjunabeats)
8. Faruk Sabanci & Aeden – Istanbul (Redux Digital)
9. Jochen Miller – Red One (High Contrast)
10. Filo & Peri feat. Nick Stufano – The Majestic (Vandit)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Julian Vincent – Here For Me (Robert Nickson remix) (Armada)
12. Hydro Aquatic – Moon River (Monster)
13. Corderoy – Rock Guitar (Arctic Moon remix) (Insight Recordings)
14. Jo Michali – Shine On (C-systems Vocal mix) (Unearthed Recordings)
15. Robbie Nelson – Aviator (Crashing Waves)
16. Matt Hardwick vs Gulf – Impossible (John O Callaghan remix) (Kill the Lights)
17. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting (Sean Tyas dub) (Aropa)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Armind)
19. John O Callaghan – Broken (Bryan Kearney Remix) (Captivating Sounds)
20. Franz Hlusek & Jorge Nava – Cosmic Dreamer (Fast Distance Remix) (Massive Drive)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: DJ Tiesto – Theme From Norefjell (Magikal Remake)
A State of Trance Episode 431 (19-11-2009)
1. Snow Patrol – Just Say Yes (Riley & Durrant Remix)
2. Julian Vincent – Here For Me (Mark Otten Dub) (S107)
3. Chantola – More Senses (Basil O Glue remix) (Oxygen)
4. Venaccio – Twilight (In Trance We Trust)
5. Sunset – Beautiful Life (Dmitry Bessonov remix) (Harmonic Breeze)
6. Ashley Wallbridge – Harmonies (Ava)
7. Shogun – Connected (S107)
8. Ali Wilson – Boombox (In Charge)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Midway – What If (In Trance We Trust)
10. Above & Beyond – Anjunabeach (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Anjunabeats)
11. Avenger – Synth Reality (Music Box EP)(Nu Depth)
12. Chapter XJ – Ressurrection (Jorn Van Deynhoven remix) (Monster Tunes)
13. Will Holland feat. Line Froyset – Things That Happen (Temple One Remix) (Enhanced)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dash Berlin – Waiting (Sean Tyas dub) (Aropa)
15. Mark Burton – The Fifth Element (Soundpiercing)
16. Beat Service – Back Of Beyond (Coldharbour)
17. W&W – D.N.A. (Captivating)
18. Kay D Smith & Marc Tall – Hoipolloi (Mark Sherry’s Trance Energy remix) (High Contrast Records)
19. Sneijder – The Phuture (Goodgreef)
20. Filo & Peri – Far From Reach (From the album ‘nightplay’)(vandit)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: First & Andre – Widescreen (ID&T) Don’t forget to vote for your top 20 tracks of 2009 at www.arminvanbuuren.net
A State of Trance Episode 432 (26-11-2009)
1. Reeves – Call of Loneliness (Anjunabeats)
2. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere – Soul and The Sun (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (Vandit)
3. Oryon – V2 (Oxygen)
4. Shogun – Connected (S107)
5. Marcus Schossow & Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt – Lights (Mike Shiver’s Garden State mix) (Tone Diary)
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Midway – What If (In Trance We Trust)
7. Robert Nickson – Maybe Next Time (Avenger Remix) (ASOT)
8. Arctic Moon – Afterworld (Dimension remix) (Emphase)
9. Simmons & Blanc – Something About You (Afterglow)
10. Anhken & Adrian – Intuition (Sunny Lax remix) (Fraction Records)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Chapter XJ – Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (Monster)
12. Corderoy – Rock Guitar (Arctic Moon remix) (Insight Recordings)
13. Matt Hardwick vs Gulf – Impossible (John O Callaghan remix) (Discover)
14. Will Holland feat. Line Froyset – Things That Happen (Temple One remix) (Enhanced)
15. RST & Patrick Devere – Chrystal Rain (Ronski Speed’s Positive Ways mix)
16. Hiroyuki Oda – Yozora (Otographic Music)
17. Jonas Hornblad & C-Systems – Still Remember (Vocal mix) (Ask4 Records)
18. AMR – Elevation (Jonas Hornblad remix) (Alter Ego)
19. W&W – D.N.A. (Captivating Sounds)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Laura Turner – Souldeep (Signum Dub) Don’t forget to vote for your top 20 tracks of 2009 at www.arminvanbuuren.net
A State of Trance Episode 433 (03-12-2009)
1. Tocadisco feat. Nadia Ali – Better Run (Wippenberg remix)
2. Kay D Smith & Marc Tall – Hoipolloi (Wippenberg remix) (High Contrast)
3. Eide feat. Cat Martin – Give It Up (Magic Island)
4. Mark Pledger feat. Melinda Gareh – Time Stands Still (Andy Duguid mix) (Solaris)
5. Paul Keeley – Cloud 9 (Anjunabeats)
6. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Cressida – Two-O-Ten (Euphonic)
7. Marko Kantola – Black City (Subtraxx)
8. Trilucid – Departures (Infra Progressive)
9. Espen Gulbrandsen vs DJ Julian Vincent feat. Maria Nayler – Perfect Sky (Max Graham remix) (S107)
10. Mat Zo – Default (Anjunabeats)
11. Marcel Woods – Everything (Dub mix) (High Contrast)
12. Mike Shiver vs Matias Lehtola – Nana (Captured)
13. FUTURE FAVORITE: Arctic Moon – Afterworld (Dimension remix) (Emphase)
14. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Fortissimo
15. Anhken & Adrian – Intuition (Sunny Lax remix) (Fraction Records)
16. Feel feat. Volmix – Dance For Life Russian Anthem (Ronski Speed remix)
17. A.M.R. – Elevation (Fast Distance remix) (Alter Ego)
18. Filo & Peri with Eric Lumiere – Soul and The Sun (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Vandit)
19. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat. Michael – Wanna Be (Almar club mix) (Vandit)
20. Fast Distance vs Dimension – Above The Clouds (Magic Island)
21. Ali Wilson – Boombox (In Charge)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Adam White – Ballerina Don’t forget to vote for your top 20 tracks of 2009 at www.arminvanbuuren.net
A State of Trance Episode 434 (10-12-2009)
1. Roger Shah & Ralph Fritsch present Black Pearl – Rise (Magic Island)
2. Marcus Schossow & Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt – Lights (Mike Shiver’s Garden State remix) (Tone Diary)
3. Trilucid – Departures (Skytech remix) (Infra Progressive)
4. Ad Brown – Vapourized (Fris)
5. tyDi – Good Dream (AVA)
6. Cressida – Two-O-Ten (Euphonic)
7. Push – Global Age (Club Elite)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Tritonal – Suede (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Garuda)
9. Feel feat. Volmix – Dance For Life Russian Anthem (Ronski Speed remix)(Spinnin)
10. Lange pres. Firewall – Wanderlust (Anjunabeats)
11. Robert Nickson – Maybe Till Next Time (Dj Eco remix) (ASOT)
12. Setrise – Goomba
13. ReOrder & JayCan – Come With Me To Varanasi
14. Heatbeat – Hadoken (Soundpiercing)
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Fast Distance vs Dimension – Above the Clouds (Magic Island)
16. RAM vs Dash Berlin – Man on the RAM (Armada)
17. Paul Trainer – Deal With it (Rapid Sense remix) (Captivating Sounds)
18. Orjan – Arctic Globe (W&W remix) (Yakuza/Cloud 9 Dance)
19. John O Callaghan vs Aly & Fila – Megalithic (AJ Hutch Uplifting remix) (Armada)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Push – Till we meet again (Bonzai)
A State of Trance Episode 435 (17-12-2009)
1. John O Callaghan feat. Lofi-Sugar – Every Lesson Learned (Matt Hardwick Remix) (Armada)
2. JES – Lovesong (Cosmic Gate remix – First State’s Re-shuffle) (Magik Muzik)
3. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Evol Wavez – Name Is The Answer (Oxygen)
4. Tritonal – Suede (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Garuda)
5. John 00 Fleming – JAWA Part 1 (Joof)
6. Roger Shah & Ralph Fritsch present Black Pearl – Rise (Magic Island)
7. Daniel Wanrooy – Dream With Me
8. Chapter XJ – Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (Monster Tunes)
9. Lange pres. Firewall – Wanderlust (Sunny Lax Uplifting mix) (Anjunabeats)
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: ReOrder & JayCan – Come With Me To Varanasi
11. Roger Shah & Signum – Healsville Sanctuary (Signum remix) (Magic Island)
12. Suncatcher – Lightshow
13. W&W – D.N.A. (Sean Tyas remix) (Captivating Sounds)
14. Klaus Goulaert – Stella (Sunset remix) (Redux)
15. Ron van Den Beuken vs Crossedeyes – Terminal 44 (Spinnin)
16. Ronny K presents EOYC – Morning Light (EOYC Anthem)
17. System F – Out of the Blue (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix – AVB edit) (Flashover)
18. ASOT Radio Classic: Nickselson – Yin (Solid Globe Remix)
19. TUNE OF THE YEAR 2008: Sunlounger feat. Zara – Lost (Magic Island)
A State of Trance Episode 436 (24-12-2009)
Top 20 of 2009 Pos. Track Points Votes 01. TUNE OF THE YEAR: Gaia – Tuvan (Original Mix) 7448 2158
02. Dash Berlin Feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting (Original Mix) 7203 2109
03. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Beggin’ You (Armin Van Buuren Remix) 6240 1985
04. Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten’s Touch) 5766 1571
05. Dash Berlin Feat. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run (Original Mix) 5538 1735
06. Armin Van Buuren Feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight (Original Mix) 51411 668
07. John O’Callaghan Feat. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) 5049 1618
08. RAM – RAMsterdam (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) 5009 1506
09. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge Feat. Meighan Nealon – Faces (Original Mix) 4653 1481
10. BT Feat. Jes – Every Other Way (Armin Van Buuren Remix) 4393 1454
11. Above & Beyond Pres. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Above & Beyond Club Mix) 3937 1265
12. Nic Chagall Feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn – This Moment (Progressive Mix) 3804 1211
13. Paul Van Dyk Feat. Johnny Mcdaid – Home (Cosmic Gate Remix) 3600 1244
14. Roger Shah & Signum – Healsville Sanctuary (Roger Shah Mix) 3520 1094
15. Rex Mundi Feat. Susana – Nothing At All (Original Mix) 3490 1106
16. Above & Beyond Pres. Oceanlab – Lonely Girl (Gareth Emery Remix) 2609 872
17. Cosmic Gate Feat. Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Club Mix) 2560 847
18. Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Omnia Remix) 2478 708
19. Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jaren – Unforgivable (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) 2370 844
20. Matt Darey Pres. Urban Astronauts – See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix) 2353 719 Full list of results available at www.arminvanbuuren.net Number Of Confirmed Valid Votes: 20.347
Special thanks to Peter Kruit, Mannie Kumar & Rob van Den Nieuwelaar. Statement: This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely based on listeners votes. Each listener that submitted his or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2009 of tracks, as played in one of the shows in 2009. All votes were checked on possible fraud. Armin nor Armada had anything to do with the points awarded.
A State of Trance Episode 437 (31-12-2009)
1. Intro: Revolution 2009
2. The Blizzard with Gaate – Iselilja (Sunn Jellie & The Blizzard Dub)
3. Fabio xb & Andrea Mazza – Light To Lies (Gareth Emery mix)
4. Ferry Corsten feat. Novastar – Because (The Remix)
5. Jerome Isma-Ae – Hold that sucker down
6. Moonbeam ft Avis Vox – About You
7. Matt Darey pres Urban Astronauts – See The Sun (Aurosonic remix)
8. Dakota – Johnny The Fox (Barnes & Heatcliff remix)
9. Ingrosso – Kidsos (Wippenberg remix)
10. Wippenberg – Pong
11. John O Callaghan – Take It All Away (Marcus Schossow Nu Prog Remix)
12. Arnej – Dust In The Wind
13. Above & Beyond – Anjunabeach
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never (Omnia mix)
15. Ron Hagen & Pascal M – Riddles In The Sand
16. Mat Zo – The Fractal Universe
17. John O’ Callaghan – Never Fade Away (Andy Duguid remix final)
18. Nic Chagall feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn – This Moment (Prog mix)
19. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight
20. John O Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)
21. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – Rain (Cosmic Gate remix)
22. Paul van Dyk – Home (Cosmic Gate Remix)
23. Chicane – Poppiholla
24. Josh Gabriel presents Winter Kills – Deep Down
25. Monogato – Miami Vibe (Omnia Remix)
26. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Beggin You (Armin van Buuren Remix)
27. Rank 1 – Symfo
28. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Above & Beyond Club mix)
29. Gareth Emery – Metropolis
30. Paul Van Dyk - Nothing But You (Super 8 Vs. DJ Tab Remix)
31. Rex Mundi & Susana – Nothing At All
32. Marco V – Unprepared
33. Nadia Ali – Lovestory (Andy Moor remix)
34. Sean Tyas & Simon Patterson – For The Most Part (Marcus Schossow Remix)
35. Sander van Doorn pres. Purple Haze – Bliksem
36. Ohmna – Key of life (MaRLo Remix)
37. Arnej – They Need Us (Club Edit)
38. Andy Moor vs. Ashley Wallbridge – Faces
39. Lange feat Sarah Howells – Let It All Out (Ronski Speed remix)
40. Nitrous Oxide – Magenta
41. M.I.K.E. – Sunrise At Palamos 2009 (Gareth Emery remix)
42. Lange vs Andy moor - Stadium Four
43. Markus Schulz – Do You Dream?
44. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting
45. Cressida – Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
46. Claudia Cazacu Feat. Audrey Gallagher – Free Fallin
47. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna – Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
48. DJ Eco – Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix)
49. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Man On The Run
50. Bobina – Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten Remix)
51. M6 – Opus Sectrum
52. Oceanlab – I Am What I Am (Lange Remix)
53. Oceanlab – Lonely Girl (Gareth Emery remix)
54. Super8 & Tab – Irufushi
55. Daniel Kandi – Venice beach
56. Sied van Riel – MME
57. Gaia – Tuvan
58. Fabio XB & Ronnie Play – Inside of You (Cosmic Gate remix)
59. Roger Shah & Signum – Healsville Sanctuary (Roger Shah mix)
60. Ram – RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven remix)
61. Philippe El Sisi feat Aminda – You never know (Aly & Fila remix)
62. Breakfast – Remember
63. Jochen Miller – Brace Yourself
64. Gareth Emery – Exposure
65. Tritonal & Soto – Piercing Quiet
66. Ummet Ozcan – TimeWave Zero
67. Neptune Project – Aztec
68. Ilya Soloviev – Universal Universe
69. Thomas Bronzwaer – Look Ahead
70. Andy Blueman – Everlasting
71. Heatbeat – Vergatron
72. Armin Van Buuren – Face To Face (Martin Roth Remix)
73. Ferry Corsten – We Belong (Tritonal Air Up There Remix)
74. John O Callaghan feat Josie – Out of Nowhere (Stoneface & Terminal remix)
75. tyDi Feat. Audrey Gallagher – You Walk Away
76. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ana Criado – Sunset Boulevard
77. Sander van Doorn – Bastillon
78. Paul Webster feat. Amanda – Time (Sean Tyas Remix DUB)
79. Rank 1 – L.E.D. there be light
80. W&W – Mainstage
81. Vast Vision feat Fisher – everything (Aly & Fila remix)
82. Simon Patterson – Thump
83. Sean Tyas – Melbourne
84. 3rd Moon – Monsun
85. Outro: The revolution has only just begun Available now on 2CD and iTunes What a year for the A State of Trance radioshow. Not only did it celebrate its 400th episode with three events in three different countries, covered by a 72-hour live broadcast, it also supplied the listeners their weekly fix of trance minded music, with hundreds of tracks by renowned producers and new talent. The man behind it all, is Armin van Buuren. With an unabated enthusiasm and ever-growing passion for music, Armin selects the best and latest in trance and progressive on a weekly base, no matter how heavy his tour schedule might be. For 8 years already has the A State of Trance radioshow been the perfect guide through all new music out there. With 28 million listeners on a weekly base, divided over 40 radiostations worldwide, A State of Trance is one of the most popular radioshows of the dance scene. Created, spread and backed up by the number one DJ in the world, A State of Trance is ready for another year with fresh and exciting trance music. But not before 2009 is being closed down in style. As an annual tradition, Armin van Buuren lets his listeners vote for their 20 favourite tracks in the Top 20 poll, of which the result influences the tracklisting of the A State of Trance Yearmix. You’ll find the complete Top 20 mixed in with another 65 key tracks of 2009 on the ‘A State of Trance Yearmix 2009? album. Mixed and selected by Armin van Buuren, ‘A State of Trance Yearmix 2009? provides you the perfect way to relive and remember the year 2009. Order now 2CD
1. Marco V feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn – Coming Back (Nic Chagall remix) (High Contrast)
2. George Acosta feat. Tiff Lacey – I Know (Beat Service Proglifting remix)
3. Mark Sinclair – Pictures of You (High Contrast NuBreed)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Rank 1 feat. Jochen Miller – The Great Escape (High Contrast)
5. Estuera – Hot Monday (In Trance We Trust)
6. Liquid Soul – Devotion (Protoculture Remix) (Iboga Records)
7. Stoneface & Terminal – Don’t Give A Fuck (vocal mix) (Euphonic)
8. Evol Waves – Name Is The Answer (Oxygen Recordings)
9. Mike Foyle pres Statica – Deadly Nightshade (Phynn Remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
10. Robert Gitelman – Fluidum (High Contrast)
11. Ummet Ozcan – Next Phase (Phase 2 mix) (Reset)
12. John O Callaghan – Striker (Ummer Ozcan remix) (Subculture)
13. Dan Stone – Fahrenheit (Ilya Soloviev Remix) (Anjunabeats)
14. DJ Eco – And We Flew Away (Tone Diary)
15. Michael Lee – Everblue (Adam Foley Remix) (Discover)
16. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ronny K pres EOYC – Morning Light (EOYC anthem)
17. Simon Patterson – Miss You (Spinnin)
18. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid – We Are One (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (Vandit)
19. Arnej vs 8 Wonders – Beginning of the End
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Nu NRG – Freefall (Vandit)
A State of Trance Episode 439 (14-01-2010)
1. Blake Jarrell – Galapagos (Electronic Elements)
2. Nadia Ali – Fantasy (Orient Bootleg mix)
3. Zoo Brasil feat. Leah – You Can Have It All (George Acosta remix) (Magik Muzik)
4. Daniel Kandi – Venice Beach (Estiva remix) (Anjunabeats)
5. Leon Bolier – Shimamoto (2 Play)
6. Radion 6 – Bomberman (Oxygen)
7. Mat Zo – 24 Hours (Anjunabeats)
8. Rank 1 vs Jochen Miller – The Great Escape (High Contrast Recordings)
9. DJ Eco pres. Pacheco – Staring At the Sea (Flash Over)
10. Six Senses pres. Electric Nova – October Winds (Tom Colontonio Remix) (Infrasonic)
11. Dash Berlin – Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (Aropa)
12. DJ Ange – Seamless (Levare)
13. Glensk – Polish Pierogi (Juventa Remix) (Infrasonic)
14. Carlo Resoort – Journey To Freefrom (Liquid)
15. Jay B – Eleven Thirty (Fenology)
16. DJ Eco – And We Flew Away (Tone Diary)
17. Misja Helsloot vs PMW – Ass you Wish (Akira Kayosa & Pete Drury Remix)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Arnej vs 8 Wonders – Beginning of The End
19. Liquid Soul – Devotion (Protoculture Remix) (Iboga Records)
20. David Forbes & William Daniel – Devils Theory (TnR remix) (tetsuo)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Matt Darey Pres. Mash Up – Liberation (Ferry Corsten remix) (Tsunami)
A State of Trance Episode 440 (21-01-2010)
1. Mike Shiver & Aruna – Everywhere You Are (Duderstadt Remix) (Anjunabeats)
2. George Acosta feat. Fisher – True Lover (Songbird)
3. Cirez D – Glow (Mouseville)
4. BT – Suddenly (Ferry Corsten remix) (Nettwerk)
5. Stoneface & Terminal – Don’t Give A Fuck (euphonic)
6. Skytech – Comet (Coldharbour Recordings)
7. Mike Foyle Pres Statica – Deadly Nightshade (Phynn remix) (Coldharbour Recordings)
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dash Berlin – Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (Aropa)
9. Jan Oostdyk – Heidi (2 Play)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ferry Tayle – Trapeze (Daniel Kandi’s Emotional remix)
11. Jay B – Signals (Fenology)
12. Tritonal feat. Soto – One More Day (Alter Ego)
13. Robert Gitelman – Fluidum (High Contrast)
14. Sunny Lax – Misgrey (Adam Nickey remix) (Anjunabeats)
15. DNS Project feat. Johanna – Mindful (Whiteglow Vocal mix) (S107)
16. Nery – Redawn (Andy Blueman remix) (Blue Soho Recordings)
17. Sophie Sugar vs. Sunlounger – Lost Together (Armin van Buuren mash up)
18. Simon Patterson – Miss You (Spinnin)
19. Misja Helsloot vs PMW – Ass You Wish
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Accadia – Blind Visions (club mix) (Lost Language)
A State of Trance Episode 441 (28-01-2010)
1. Enmass – So Please (Alexander Popov remix) (Armada)
2. Steve Brian – La Gomera (Cressida remix) (Lange Recordings)
3. Mike Shiver & Aruna – Everywhere You Are (Timmo Juuti remix) (Anjunabeats)
4. Aleete – Passion (Alex Pich Remix) (Wild Records)
5. George Acosta feat. Tiff Lacey – I Know (Beat Service Proglifting remix)
6. Chew Lip’s – Karen (Mark Otten remix) (Family)
7. Estiva – Friends & Enemies (Enhanced)
8. Alexander Popov – Metropolis (Ava Recordings)
9. Marcus Schossow & Andy Duguid feat. Emma Hewitt – Light (Stoneface & Terminal remix) (Tone Diary)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Solarstone – The Calling (RAM remix) (Lost Language)
11. Virtual Vault vs Orjan – Too Late
12. Alucard – Elation (DJ Eco remix) (Solaris)
13. DNS Project feat. Johanna – Mindful (Whiteglow Vocal mix) (S107)
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nery – Redawn (Andy Blueman remix) (Blue Soho)
15. RedSound – Walking On The Beach (Ronski Speed remix) (Blue Soho)
16. Ferry Tayle – Trapeze (Daniel Kandi’s Emotional Remix)
17. Hoyaa – Rising Star
18. Tritonal feat. Soto – One More Day (Abbott & Chambers Remix) (Alter Ego)
19. John Dropping - The Mind (Activa Remix)(Digital Society)
20. Space RockerZ – Weather The Storm (Daniel Wanrooy Twister Remix) (In Trance We Trust)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: The Ambush – Everlast
A State of Trance Episode 442 (04-02-2010)
1. Chris Reece & Luciana Di Nardo – Still Breathin (Club mix) (Pilot 6)
2. Orjan Nilsen – So Long Radio (Armada Music)
3. Da’ Others & Andrea Saenz – Cadence Not Back (Unplugged Mix) (Pilot 6)
4. DJ Feel & Aurosonic feat. Ale Haze – Feel (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Dub mix)
5. George Acosta feat Fisher – True Love (Gerry Cueto mix) (Songbird)
6. Anken – Green Line (Anjunabeats)
7. Virtual Vault & Orjan – Too Late
8. Solarstone – The Calling (RAM Remix)(Lost Language)
9. DNS Project feat. Johanna – Mindful (Ronski Speed remix) (S107)
10. Dima Krasnik feat. Aminda – Airbreath (instrumental mix) (Spinnin)
11. Cold Blue – Downhill
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Blue 8 – Eleventh Street (Enhanced)
13. Right Face – Spread (Levare Recordings)
14. Tritonal feat. Soto – One More Day (Abbott & Chambers dub) (Alter Ego)
15. Aspiration – Matilda (Aspiring Records)
16. Oliver P – Lost Without You (Enhanced)
17. Ben Nicky – Driven (Liquid)
18. Dash Berlin – Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (Aropa)
19. Marcus Schossow & Robert Burian – Kofola (Jochen Miller remix) (Tone Diary)
20. DI-Rect – Times Are Changing (Bart Claessen remix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Insigma – Open Your Eyes (Thrillseekers Live Xtreme mix)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Ferry Corsten vs The Thrillseekers – Sublime (Thrillseekers Live Xtreme mix)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia (Thrillseekers Live Xtreme mix)
A State of Trance Episode 443 (11-02-2010)
01. Ron Hagen & Pascal M vs Marcus Schossow & Andy Duguid feat. Emma Hewitt – Riddles in the Light (Omnia Mash Up)
02. Deep Nights – Escape (Magic Island)
03. Beat Service feat. Emma Lock – Hiding to Nothing (ITWT)
04. Brave – The Healer (FSOE)
05. FUTURE FAVORITE 441: Steve Brian – La Gomera (Cressida remix) (Lange)
06. Rex Mundi – Kalua Islands (Electronic Elements)
07. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ali Wilson – Pandora (In Charge)
08. Cressida – Two O Ten (Ronski Speed Uplifting mix) (Euphonic)
09. 7 Skies – Caffeine (Anjunabeats)
10. Static Blue & Oliver P – Crimson Skies (FSOE)
11. Peter Martijn Wijnia – Sacrifices (Liquid)
12. Blue 8 – Eleventh Street (Suncatcher Remix) (Enhanced)
13. Rory Gallagher – Dark Side of The Sun (Soundpiercing)
14. Bart Claessen – Elf (Anjunabeats)
15. W&W vs Jonas Stenberg – Alligator Fuckhouse (Captivating)
16. Dave Home – Pushing Air (Dan Stone Remix) (Nu Depth)
17. Hodel & JP Bates – Mirrors (Perceptive Recordings)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE 442: DNS Project feat. Johanna – Mindful (Ronski Speed remix) (S107)
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Taste Experience – Tantrix (ITWT)
A State of Trance Episode 444 (18-02-2010)
Hour 1: The Newest Tunes Selected
1. Beat Service feat. Emma Lock – Hiding to Nothing (ITWT)
2. Yuri Kane – Right Back
3. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ali Wilson – Pandora (In Charge)
4. Dresden & Johnston feat. Nadia Ali & Mikael Johnston – On that Day (Tritonal’s Air Up There remix)
5. Vicky Devine – Starfire (Sean Tyas remix)
6. Blue 8 – Eleventh Street (Suncatcher remix) (Enhanced Recordings)
7. Rafael Frost – Flashback (Flashover Recordings)
8. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy – Sun in the Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
9. Activa – Don’t leave me (Club Edit) (Discover)
10. ASOT RADIO Classic: Signum – First Strike (Sebastian Brandt remix) Hour 2: Recorded live From Club Sirena, Maresias, Sao Paulo, Brazil 14-02-2010
1. BT feat. Jes – Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren remix) (Nettwerk)
2. Arnej – They Need Us (Coldharbour Recordings)
3. Jochen Miller vs. Rank1 – The Great Escape (high contrast recordings)
4. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Velvetine – Safe (Rank 1 remix) (Anjunabeats)
5. Cosmic Gate – Barra (Black Hole)
6. System F – Out of the Blue 2010 (Laidback Luke remix) (Flashover Recordings)
7. Evol Waves – Name is the Answer (Oxygen)
8. Ellrich & Plaice – Fucking Society (Ellrich & Plaice mix) (Doorn)
9. Jerome Isma-Ae – Hold That Sucker Down (Pilot 6)
10. Oryon – V2 (Oxygen)
A State of Trance Episode 445 (25-02-2010)
1. Susana feat. Mike Shiver – Give Me Faith (S107)
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Yuri Kane – Right Back
3. Velvetine – Safe (Rank 1 remix) (Anjunabeats)
4. Faithless – Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren remix) (Nates Tunes)
5. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow – 2099 (Tone Diary)
6. Luigi Lusini – Who We Are (The Clubbers)
7. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Black Flowers (Aurosonic DJ Progressive mix) (Nocturnal Global)
8. Paul Keeley – Kaleidoscope (microCastle)
9. Oceanlab vs Mike Shiver – If I Could Fly on the Surface (Daniel Kandi Mash Up) (Anjunabeats)
10. David Forbes – Katsu (AVA)
11. Ronski Speed pres Sun Decade feat. Emma Hewitt – Lasting Light (Euphonic)
12. Bart Claessen – Elf (2001 Returning mix) (Anjunabeats)
13. DJ Eco & Solex – Wither and Fly (Istmo music)
14. The Space Brothers – Heaven Will Come (Stoneface & Terminal Dub) (Armada)
15. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Trance Arts – Twisted Tales (Unearthed Recordings)
16. Dave Horne – Pushing Air (Dan Stone Remix) (Nu Depth Recordings)
17. John Askew – Fade To Black (Sean Tyas remix) (Discover)
18. Kiholm – Lumpini Park (Nitrous Oxide remix) (Infrasonic)
19. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy – Sun in the Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Coldharbour)
20. Chicane – Offshore (Ferry Tayle “Luminosity at Beach” mix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Darren Tate & Jono Grant – Nocturnal Creatures (Mondo)
A State of Trance Episode 446 (04-03-2010)
1. Leoni Lewis – I See You (Cosmic Gate remix)
2. Bent – As You Fall (Kyau & Albert remix)
3. Way Out West – We Love Machine (Jaytech Remix) (Armada)
4. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy (Estiva remix) (Coldharbour)
5. Luigi Lusini – Who We Are (The Clubbers)
6. Paul Tarrant – Sunset Serenade (Audien Remix) [Enhanced]
7. Leama & Moor – Everything Matters (Michael Badal remix) (Lost Language)
8. Klaus Goulart – Misty (Danny Loko vs DNYO’s House Feel remix) (40 degrees Records)
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Faithless – Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren remix) (Nates Tunes)
10. Dresden & Johnston feat. Nadia Ali & Mikael Johnston – On that Day (Tritonal Air Up There remix)
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ronski Speed pres. Sun Decade feat. Emma Hewitt – Lasting Light (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (Euphonic)
12. Nitrous Oxide and Mysterious Movement – The Journey (Mondo)
13. Suncatcher – Spring Break (Perceptive recordings)
14. Hydro Aquatic & Vir2l Vision – Vigor (Cold Blue Remix) (Monster Tunes)
15. Motionchild & Will Holland feat. Tiff Lacey – Arctic Kiss (Andy Blueman remix) (Enhanced)
16. Walsh & McAuley – A Long Way From Home (Infrasonic Future)
17. Soundlift – Nakthi (Blue Soho)
18. Bissen – Sand 2010 (Eve)
19. Ummet Ozcan – Trinity (Spinnin)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Mekka – Diamondback
A State of Trance Episode 447 (11-03-2010)
1. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts ft. Kristy Thirsk – Black Flowers (Josh Gabriel remix) [Nocturnal Global]
2. Aurosonic & Morphing Shadows feat Tiff Lacey – Always Together (Kimito Lopez’ Walls Of Pink Dub)(Shah-Music Digital)
3. First State – Cape Point (Blake Jarrell Remix)
4. Arty – Hope (Original Mix) (Flashover)
5. Tim Grube – Amador (Skytech Remix)
6. Leona Lewis – I See You (Cosmic Gate Rmx)
7. Ron Van Den Beuken & Crossed Eyes – Terminal 44 (MDJ Remix)
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jer Martin – Ten Minutes To Midnight (Original Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
9. Daniel Kandi – Everything Counts
10. Einar K – Schiphol
11. Pedro Del Mar & Blue Tente – You Left (Ferry Tayle Universal Language Remix) [Shah Music]
12. George Acosta feat. Fisher – Tearing Me Apart (DNS Project remix)
13. Cold Blue – The Wolf (Original Mix) [Shah Music Digital]
14. Afternova – Serenity (Andy Blueman Remix) [Abora Recordings]
15. FUTURE FAVORITE: Soundlift – Nakthi [Blue Soho Recordings]
16. W&W vs Jonas Stenberg – Alligator Fuckhouse (Bjorn Akesson Remix) (Captivating Sounds)
17. Jonas Stenberg – Trademark (Original mix) [Musical Madness]
18. Ummet Ozcan – Trinity (Oxygen)
19. Simon Patterson – Taxi (Oxygen)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Bedrock – Heaven Scent (Bedrock)
A State of Trance Episode 448 (18-03-2010)
1. Reverse – Absolute Reality (Arty Remix) (Vandit)
2. Alex Pich – Tinctures (Arty Remix) (Perceptive Deep)
3. Gareth Emery – Global (Global Gathering Tune)
4. Ruben De Ronde – Forever In Our Hearts (Paul Rigel mix) (Armada)
5. Lange – Under Pressure (Original Mix) [Lange Recordings]
6. Darren Tate – Vespers (Original mix) [Mondo]
7. Deep Voices – Sinewave (Thomas Datt Remix) (Deep Voices Music)
8. Vrije Staat – Departures (Departed Remix) [Anlou Music]
9. Kyau & Albert – Once In A Life (Club Mix) [Euphonic]
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts ft. Kristy Thirsk – Black Flowers (Josh Gabriel remix) [Nocturnal Global]
11. Ben Preston feat Susie – Remember Me (Daniel Kandis Flashy Tribute Mix)[Monster Tunes]
12. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym – Far Away (Club Mix) (Anjunabeats)
13. DJ Feel & Aurosonic feat. Ale Haze – Feel (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) (Liquid Recordings)
14. Soundlift – Nakthi (Ferry Tayle & Stephan R pres. Mirage Remix) [Blue Soho Recordings]
15. Beat Service meets Tucandeo feat. Manon Polare – Waiting for the Sun (Armada)
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sebastian Brandt – 450 (Tune of A State of Trance 450 celebrations) (ASOT)
17. Tim Preijers pres. Sense Of Shiver feat. Boom – Offshore (Temple One Remix) [Enhanced]
18. 4 Strings – Daytime (Sean Tyas Remix) [Spinnin]
19. Daniel Kandi – Everything Counts (Suncatcher Remix) (Red Force Recordings)
20. Ehren Stowers – Frequency (Original Mix) (ASOT)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Cass & Slide – Perception (Vocal mix) (Additive)
A State of Trance Episode 449 (25-03-2010)
1. The Blizzard & Omnia – Metanoia (Soundpiercing)
2. Motionchild and Will Holland feat Tiff Lacey – Arctic Kiss (Andy Duguid Remix) (Enhanced)
3. Phynn feat. Antonia from Jets Overhead – Hello Love (Premier)
4. Tritonal Feat Christina Soto – Forget Me Forget You (Ashley Wallbridge Remix) (Premier)
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: DJ Governor – Shades Of Grey (Armind)
6. Gaia – Aisha (Armind)
7. Who is – We Are
8. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper – She Moves (AVA)
9. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym – Far Away (Club Mix) (Anjunabeats)
10. Ben Preston feat Susie – Remember Me (Daniel Kandis Flashy Tribute Mix)[Monster Tunes]
11. FUTURE FAVORITE: Sebastian Brandt – 450 (ASOT)
12. Jer Martin – Ten Minutes to Midnight (7Skies Remix) [Anjunabeats]
13. Sequentia vs. Static Blue – Sacrifice (Dan Stone Remix) (Digital Society)
14. Moonpax vs Snatt & Vix – Winter of Love (Eco remix) (AVA)
15. Andy Tau – Static(Sonic Element remix) (Alter Ego)
16. Aly & Fila ft Denise Riviera – My Mind Is With You (W&W Remix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
17. John Askew – Blackout (Simon Patterson remix) (Discover)
18. Thomas Orlando – Hyperion (Original Mix) [Transistic records]
19. George Acosta feat. Fisher – Tearing Me Apart (DNS Project remix)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Luminary – Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger remix) (Anjunabeats)
A State of Trance Episode 450 (01/02/03/09/24-04-2010)
Live from Hala Stulecia in Wroclaw, Poland
Mat Zo
01. Faithless - Not Going Home (Eric Prydz Remix)
02. ID - ID + Marco V - Unprepared (Acapella)
03. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (YAmos & Ultimate D. Remix)
04. Mat Zo - Near The End
05. Andrea Doria vs. LXR - Beauty Of Silence (Inpetto Remix)
06. ID - ID
07. Josh Gabriel pres. Winter Kills - Deep Down (Mat Zo Remix)
08. Kyau & Albert - Once In A Life (Club Mix)
09. ID - ID
10. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt - Live Forever (Mat Zo Remix)
Jorn van Deynhoven
01. 3rd Moon - Bliss (Hydro Aquatic Remix)
02. Activa vs. Sean Tyas - Melbourne In This World (Jaro Sabo Mashup)
03. W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg - Alligator Fuckhouse (Bjorn Akesson Remix)
04. RAM vs. Talla 2XLC feat. Naama Hilman - Between RAMsterdam (Next DJ Mashup Of JvD Remix)
05. John Askew - Bored Of You, Bored Of Me (Gary Maguire Remix)
06. Simon O'Shine - Calm Sea
07. Emotia - Sequile (Ronny K. Emotion Mix)
08. Mike Shiver vs. Matias Lehtola - Snooze (Bjorn Akesson Remix)
09. Marcus Schossow & Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt - Light (Stoneface & Terminal Dub Remix)
10. Ronski Speed pres. Sun Decade feat. Emma Hewitt - Lasting Light (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
Super8 & Tab
01. Super8 & Tab feat. Anton Sonin - Black Is The New Yellow
02. Paul van Dyk - Nothing But You (Super8 & Tab Remix)
03. Lange - Under Pressure
04. Super8 & Tab - Elektra Scorchin (Super8 & Tab Mashup)
05. Super8 & Tab vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Helsinki's Watching (Above & Beyond's Mashup Mix)
06. Meck feat. Dino - Feels Like A Prayer (Bart Claessen Dub Mix)
07. Rafael Frost - Flashback
08. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Made of Love (Super8 & Tab Remix)
09. Super8 & Tab - Irufushi
10. 7 Skies - Caffeine
Andy Moor
01. tyDi vs. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces Good Gream (Andy Moor Mashup)
02. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller vs. Yuri Kane - The Great Escape Right Back (Andy Moor Mashup)
03. Velvetine - Safe (Wherever You Are) (Ian Flux & Thomas Blofeld Vocal Mix)
04. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper - She Moves
05. Gareth Emery - Global
06. Lange & Andy Moor vs. Tiesto - Lethal Stadium Four (Gareth Emery Mashup)
07. Andy Moor - Halcyon
08. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts feat. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Tenishia Remix)
09. Adam White & Andy Moor pres. Whiteroom - The White Room
10. Ben Gold - Sapphire (Main Mix)
Armin van Buuren
01. Gaia - Aisha (Intro Mix)
02. Cosmic Gate - Barra (Extended Mix)
03. Shogun feat. Emma Lock - Save Me
04. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts - Black Flowers (Josh Gabriel Remix)
05. BT feat. Jes - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix)
06. Faithless - Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren Remix)
07. W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg - Alligator Fuckhouse
08. Ali Wilson - Pandora
09. Gaia - Tuvan
10. Ben Preston feat. Susie - Remember Me (Daniel Kandi's Flashy Tribute Mix)
11. DJ Eco - And We Flew Away
12. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
13. Armin van Buuren vs. Cosmic Gate - F.A.V. Rain (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
14. Binary Finary - 1998 (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
15. Arctic Moon - True Romance
16. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Mix)
17. Jer Martin vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Ten Minutes To Midnight With Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
18. Ehren Stowers - Frequency
19. Cirez D vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - On Off Love (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
Markus Schulz
01. Markus Schulz feat. Khaz - Dark Heart Waiting (Intro Mix)
02. Reverse - Absolute Reality (Arty Remix / Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
03. Markus Schulz - 65.4 Hz
04. Jochen Miller - Red One
05. Jan Johnston meets Tenishia - Flesh 2010
06. Anton Firtich pres. AF Project - Something Wrong (Markus Schulz Remix)
07. M6 - The Flow (Skytech Remix)
08. Dustin Zahn - Stranger To Stability (Len Faki Podium Mix)
09. Skytech - Comet
10. Rex Mundi - Opera Of Northern Ocean (Phynn Remix)
11. Rank 1 - Breathing (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
12. Markus Schulz feat. Khaz - Dark Heart Waiting (Club Mix)
Sied van Riel
01. ID - ID
02. Sander van Doorn - Daisy
03. Aly & Fila feat. Denise Rivera - My Mind Is With You (W&W Remix)
04. Bart Claessen - Hartseer (Scot Project Remix)
05. Sied van Riel - M.M.E.
06. Ummet Ozcan - Trinity
07. Robert Gitelman - Fluidum
08. Anton Firtich feat. Victoria Mazze - Meant To Be Free
09. Olive - You're Not Alone (Paul Webster Remix)
10. Mike Foyle pres. Statica - Deadly Nightshade (Phynn Remix)
11. Andain - Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Unplugged Mix)
Sebastian Brandt
01. Sebastian Brandt vs. Tom Colontonio - 450 (Intro Cut) vs. Subdued (Mike Nichol Remix)
02. DJ Feel & Aurosonic - Feel (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
03. Sebastian Brandt - 450
04. Dimension - Queensland (Arctic Moon Remix)
05. Signum - First Strike
06. Masoud feat. Laurie - Blinded (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
07. John Askew - Blackout (Simon Patterson Remix)
08. Allen & Donaghy - Dark Matter (Lee Haslam's Beefed Up Remix)
09. Cold Blue & Del Mar - 11 Days (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
10. Greg Downey & Bryan Kearney - Acid Show (SkytrOnic Tech Mashup)
Nitrous Oxide
01. Nitrous Oxide - Blurry Motion
02. Nitrous Oxide feat. Sean Ryan - Come Into My World
03. Aleksey Beloozerov - I Run To You (Juventa Remix)
04. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym - Far Away (Club Mix)
05. Nitrous Oxide - Dreamcatcher
06. Activa pres. Solar Movement - Eclipse (Mat Zo Remix)
07. Nitrous Oxide & Mysterious Movement - The Journey
08. Augustin Servente - Esturion (Jonas Hornblad Remix)
09. Tim Preijers pres. Sense of Shiver feat. Boom - Offshore (Temple One's Ocean View Remix)
Live from Expo Arena in Bratislava, Slovakia
Ashley Wallbridge
01. Ashley Wallbridge - Harmonies (Intro Mix)
02. Arty pres. Alpha9 - Hope
03. Ashley Wallbridge - Rhythm
04. Daniel Heatcliff vs. Wippenberg - Phoenix Pong (Ashley Wallbridge Mashup)
05. Ashley Wallbridge - Chimera (Dark Edit)
06. tyDi vs. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces Good Gream (Andy Moor Mashup)
07. Tritonal feat. Soto - Forgive Me, Forget You (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
08. Markus Schulz feat. Khaz - Dark Heart Waiting (Jochen Miller Remix)
09. ElSandro - Style Fusion (Jessus Progressive Mix)
10. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper - She Moves (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
11. Michael Angelo & Solo feat. Denise Rivera - Alone (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
Myon & Shane 54
01. Evolution vs. Noa Assembly - Walking On Into Fire (Myon & Shane 54 Intro Mashup)
02. Mr. Trancis - The Pike (Myon & Shane 54 Hawaiian Shirt Edit)
03. ID - ID
04. John Askew vs. Matt Cassar - 7 Days & A Fucking Caps Lock (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
05. Dyor vs. iiO - Positive Rapture (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
06. Riva vs. Alexander Popov - For How Long Metropolis (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
07. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Labworks - Ibiza Sunrise (Vocal Club Mix)
08. Markus Schulz feat. Gabriel & Dresden vs. Danilo Ercole - Without Your Same Song Again (Myon & Shane Mashup)
09. Velvetine - Safe (Wherever You Are) (Ian Flux & Thomas Blofeld Vocal Mix)
10. OceanLab vs. Gareth Emery - On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
11. George Acosta feat. Fisher - True Love (Gerry Cueto Remix)
12. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
Dash Berlin
01. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Intro Mix)
02. Medina - You & I (Dash Berlin Mix)
03. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - You Never Said (Dash Berlin Remix)
04. Bart Claessen vs. Tomcraft - Lonely Elf (Dash Berlin's Vocal Mashup)
05. Cosmic Gate - Barra (Extended Mix)
06. Dash Berlin feat. Susana - Wired (Dash Berlin's Reykjavik Remix)
07. Dash Berlin feat. Solid Sessions - Janeiro (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix)
08. Yves de Ruyter - Feel Free (Dash Berlin's 'Ode To The Classic' Bootleg Remix)
09. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Vocal Mix)
10. Push vs. Dash Berlin - Till The Universal Sky Falls Down (Dash Berlin's Bootleg Remix + Vocal Mash Edit)
11. Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
12. Dash Berlin - Man On Mars
13. Dash Berlin - Surround Me
14. RAM vs. Dash Berlin feat. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The RAMsterdam (Dash Berlin's Official Mashup)
Gareth Emery
01. Gareth Emery - Global
02. Gareth Emery - Glow
03. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find The Great Escape (Gareth Emery Mashup)
04. Snatam Kaur - Ong Namo (Bryan Kearney's Meditated Remix)
05. Nenes & Pascal Feliz - Bullet (Mark Sherry Mashup)
06. Bjorn Akesson - Robot Religion
07. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny Mc Daid - We Are One (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
08. Gareth Emery - Exposure
09. Lange & Andy Moor vs. Tiesto - Lethal Stadium Four (Gareth Emery Mashup)
10. OceanLab vs. Gareth Emery - On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
11. Ben Gold - Sapphire
12. Gareth Emery & Rue de Gar - Soul Symbol
Armin van Buuren
01. Gaia - Aisha (Intro Mix)
02. Jochen Miller - Humanoid
03. Faithless - Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren Remix)
04. Tempo Giusto - Metropolitan (Alex O'Rion Remix)
05. Arnej - The Strings That Bind Us
06. Ali Wilson - Pandora
07. Roger Shah & Signum - Ancient World (Roger Shah Long Haul Flight)
08. Jer Martin vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Ten Minutes To Midnight With Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
09. DJ Eco - Drowning
10. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
11. Suncatcher - Spring Break
12. Sebastian Brandt - 450
13. DNS Project feat. Johanna - Mindful (Ronski Speed Remix)
14. Thomas Bronzwaer - Collider (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
15. Ehren Stowers - Ascent
16. Simon Patterson - Taxi
17. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity
18. Ummet Ozcan - Trinity
19. Cirez D vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - On Off Love (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
20. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)
Daniel Kandi
01. ID - ID
02. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape (Extended Mix)
03. OceanLab vs. Mike Shiver - If I Could Fly On The Surface (Daniel Kandi Maship)
04. M.I.K.E. pres. Plastic Boy - Chocolate Infusion
05. Ronski Speed feat. Emma Hewitt pres. Sun Decade - Lasting Light
06. Marcus Schossow & Robert Burian - Kofola
07. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Daniel Kandi & Anton Firtich Divine Remix)
08. Ben Preston feat. Susie - Remember Me (Daniel Kandi's Flashy Tribute Mix)
09. ID - ID
10. Rapha - Pandora (Daniel Kandi's Emotional Mix)
01. Svenson & Gielen - Beauty Of Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Remix)
02. W&W - Manhattan
03. W&W - Arena (W&W Edit)
04. ID - ID
05. Wezz Devall - Free My Willy
06. ID - ID
07. W&W - Mainstage
08. Leon Boiler - ID
09. W&W vs. Ferry Corsten - Every D.N.A. Goes (W&W Mashup)
10. Aly & Fila feat. Denise Rivera - My Mind Is With You (W&W Remix)
11. Leon Bolier - That Morning
12. Cybersonik - Technarchy (Sander van Doorn Remix)
13. ID - ID
14. W&W - Alpha
Marcus Schossow
01. ID - ID (Intro Mix)
02. Steve Angello & Laidback Luke feat. Robin S - Show Me Love (Evol Waves Remix)
03. Dustin Zahn - Stranger To Stability (Len Faki Podium Mix)
04. Tiesto feat. Tegan & Sara - Feel It In My Bones (Marcus Schossow's Suck On This Remix)
05. Planet Funk - Chase The Sun (Anton Sonin Remix)
06. Jonas Stenberg & Dave Schiemann - The Drop (Mark Sherry Remix)
07. Whiteroom feat. Amy Cooper - Someday (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
08. BT - The Emergency (Marcus Schossow Remix)
09. Marcus Schossow - Genre This
10. ID - ID
11. Jonas Stenberg - Trademark (Revision Mix)
12. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - 2099
Live from Roseland Ballroom in New York, USA
01. ID - ID
02. Breakfast - Slow Motion
03. ID - ID
04. Bart Claessen - Hartseer
05. ID - ID
06. ID - ID
07. DJ Eco - Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix)
08. BT - The Unbreakable (Breakfast Remix)
01. Matias Faint - Neitherworld (Heatbeat Remix)
02. ID - ID
03. Lange - Under Pressure
04. ID - ID
05. ID - ID
06. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt - Live Forever
07. Biffy Clyro - Machines (Beltek Remix)
08. Lange vs. Gareth Emery - This Is New Yorк
09. Lange feat. Sarah Howells - Out Of The Sky
10. Lost Witness - Happiness Happening (Lange 2009 Mix)
11. Lange feat. Alexander Klaus - Strong Believer
Giuseppe Ottaviani
01. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - We Are One (Giuseppe Ottaviani Intro Edit)
02. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith - Angel (Club Mix)
03. Chris Metcalfe - Outback (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
04. Adam Foley - 8 AM
05. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - We Are One (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
06. Giuseppe Ottaviani vs. John O'Callaghan - Our Dimension
07. System F - Out of The Blue 2010 (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
08. DJ Feel & Aurosonic feat. Ale Haze - Feel (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
09. Nu NRG - Butterfly (Giuseppe Ottaviani 2010 Mix)
10. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith - Angel (Vandit Night Mix)
11. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Stephen Pickup - No More Alone
Armin van Buuren
01. Reverse - Absolute Reality (Arty Remix)
02. Ron Hagen & Al Exander - Last Minute
03. Andrew Bennett feat. Sir Adrian - Run Till You Shine (Cosmic Gate Remix)
04. Faithless - Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren Remix)
05. Evol Waves - Name Is The Answer
06. Gaia - Aisha
07. Leon Bolier - Lunar Diamond
08. Armin van Buuren - Control Freak (Sander van Doorn Remix)
09. Paul van Dyk feat. Starkillers & Austin Leeds feat. Ashley Tomberlin - New York City (Super & Tab Remix)
10. Ben Preston feat. Susie - Remember Me (Daniel Kandi's Flashy Tribute Mix)
11. RAM vs. Dash Berlin feat. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The RAMsterdam (Johnvas Mashup)
12. Sophie Sugar vs. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost Together (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
13. Simon Patterson - Miss You
14. George Acosta feat. Fisher - Tearing Me Apart (DNS Project Remix)
15. Thomas Orlando - Hyperion
16. W&W - D.N.A.
17. Sebastian Brandt - 450
18. Cirez D vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - On Off Love (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
19. Dustin Zahn - Stranger To Stability (Len Faki Podium Mix)
20. Ummet Ozcan - Shamballa
21. Solarstone - Seven Cities (Armin van Buuren Remix)
John O'Callaghan
01. Heatbeat & Exit - Go (Joint Operations Centre Intro Remix)
02. Ummet Ozcan - Trinity
03. Jon O'Bir feat. Fisher - Found A Way (Joint Operations Centre Remix)
04. Tom Colontonio - Induction (Acid Mix)
05. Tim Besamusa vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Sanctum (John O'Callaghan Mashup)
06. Nick Sentience - Nocturnal
07. John O'Callaghan - Desert Orchid
08. Matt Everson - Heist Manoeuvre (Nick Sentience Remix)
09. Tom Colontonio - Nighthawk
10. Paul Webster feat. Angelic Amanda vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Time (John O'Callaghan Mashup)
11. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith - Angel (Vandit Night Mix)
Filo & Peri
01. U2 - City Of Blinding Lights (Filo & Peri Intro Bootleg)
02. Chris Lake & Michael Woods - Domino's
03. Filo & Peri feat. Audrey Gallagher - You Are The One
04. Ashley Wallbridge - Chimera
05. Darren Tate & Jono Grant - Let The Light Shine In (Filo & Peri Remix)
06. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere - Soul & The Sun (Filo & Peri's Big Room Mix)
07. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape
08. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna - Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H Remix)
09. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere - The Anthem (John O'Callaghan Remix)
10. Paul van Dyk - For An Angel (Filo & Peri Remix)
11. Filo & Peri - Drops Of Jupiter
12. Filo & Peri feat. Mike Saint-Jules - Far From Reach
Alex M.O.R.P.H.
01. DJ Quicksilver - I Have A Dream (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Intro Mix)
02. OceanLab vs. Mike Shiver - If I Could Fly On The Surface (Daniel Kandi Mashup)
03. ID - ID
04. Mat Zo - The Found
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen - Broken Tonight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
06. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
07. D:Folt & Paul Trainer - Empathizer (Temple One Remix)
08. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ana Criado - Sunset Boulevard (Signum Remix)
09. Armin van Buuren & Roger Shah feat. Chris Jones - Going Wrong (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Remix)
10. Chicane - Hiding All The Stars
Live from Roseland Ballroom in New York, USA
Cerf & Mitiska
01. ID - ID
02. Calvin Harris vs. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Flashback Saved Again (Cerf & Mitiska Mashup)
03. Dash Berlin feat. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run (Nic Chagall Remix)
04. Beltek feat. Justin Robertson - We Weren't Born To Die (Instrumental Mix)
05. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - Sun In The Winter (Estiva Remix)
06. Faithless - Not Going Home (Eric Prydz Remix)
07. Ferry Corsten feat. Novastar vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren - Because Unforgivable (Cerf & Mitiska Mashup)
08. Beat Service feat. Emma Lock - Hiding To Nothing (Dub Mix)
09. David Forbes vs. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces Katsu (Cerf & Mitiska Mashup)
10. Ernesto meets Alex Fisher - The Spring (Tech Mix)
11. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin' You (Original Club Mix)
DJ Eco
01. Moshic - Am I Stand On The Right Side (DJ Eco Bootleg)
02. Espen Loretzen - Lateral
03. Lo Step - Burma (Martin Roth Bootleg)
04. Paul Tarrant - Sunset Serenade (JPL Remix)
05. DJ Eco feat. Lira Yin - Love (Dub Mix)
06. DJ Eco - Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix)
07. DJ Eco - People (Rafael Frost Remix)
08. Juventa - Minority Report
09. DJ Eco - Tonight Is Forever (Martin Roth Edit)
10. Moogwai - Viola 2005 (Tec Tonik Remix)
Rank 1
01. Velvetine - Safe (Wherever You Are) (Rank 1 Remix)
02. Tempo Giusto - Metropolitan (Alex O'Rion Remix)
03. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape
04. Adam K - Complicated (Vocal Mix)
05. Jochen Miller - Humanoid
06. Rank 1 vs. Lucid - I Can't Help There Be Light (Rank 1 Mashup)
07. Mat Zo - 24 Hours (Rank 1 Remix)
08. Rank 1 vs. Lisa Miskovsky - Symfo Is Still Alive (SIM7 Blissful Mashup)
09. Rank 1 - Airwave
10. Motionchild & Will Holland feat. Tiff Lacey - Arctic Kiss (Andy Duguid Remix)
Armin van Buuren
01. Arnej - The Strings That Bind Us (Intro Edit)
02. Bart Claessen - Hartseer
03. James Horner feat. Leona Lewis - I See You (Theme from Avatar) (Cosmic Gate Remix)
04. Chicane - Saltwater (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
05. DJ Governor - Shades Of Grey
06. Ashley Wallbridge vs. Airscape feat. JES - Love Chimera (Mashup)
07. OceanLab vs. Gareth Emery - On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
08. Gaia - Aisha
09. Robert Gitelman - Fluidium
10. Ali Wilson - Pandora
11. Ummet Ozcan - Next Phase (Phase 2 Mix)
12. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym - Far Away (Club Mix)
13. Soundlift - Nakthi (Ferry Tayle & Stephan R pres. Mirage Remix)
14. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
15. Sebastian Brandt - 450
16. Vicky Devine - Starfire (Sean Tyas Remix)
17. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Part 3) (Coldware Cold Remix)
18. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna - Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
19. Re:Locate - Rogue
20. Simon Patterson - Taxi
21. Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
Menno de Jong
01. Mike Mikhjian & John Caza - The Girl From Copacabana
02. Orjan Nilsen - So Long Radio
03. Dresden & Johnston feat. Nadia Ali & Mikael Johnston - On That Day (Tritonal Air Up There Remix)
04. Bent - As You Fall (Kyau & Albert Remix)
05. Progresia & Nifra - Different Ways
06. ID - ID
07. ID - ID
08. Reconceal pres. Recon6 - After Love
09. ID - ID
10. Menno de Jong & Leon Bolier - Last Light Tonight
11. Andain - Summer Calling (Airwave Club Mix)
Roger Shah
01. Roger Shah & Ralph Fritsch pres. Black Pearl - Discovery
02. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Who Will Find Me (Original Summer Sunrise Mix)
03. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Found
04. Roger Shah & Ralph Fritsch pres. Black Pearl - Rise
05. Roger Shah feat. Inger Hansen - Breaking Waves
06. Johnny Shaker feat. Serial Diva - Pearl River (Vocal Mix)
07. Roger Shah feat. Nadja Nooijen - Over & Over (2010 Remix)
08. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Back To You
09. ID - ID
10. Roger Shah & Signum - Healesville Sanctuary (Roger Shah Mix)
11. Roger Shah & Signum - Ancient World (Roger Shah Long Haul Flight)
01. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper - She Moves (M.I.K.E. Remix)
02. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Daniel Kandi & Anton Firtich Divine Remix)
03. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape (Extended Mix)
04. M.I.K.E. pres. Plastic Boy - Chocolate Infusion
05. M.I.K.E. pres. Plastic Boy - We're Here To Stay
06. M.I.K.E. vs. The Thrillseekers - Effectual
07. Armin van Buuren vs. M.I.K.E. - Intruder 2010
08. Sander van Doorn - Daisy
09. M.I.K.E. pres. Push - Universal Nation
Official Pre-Party
Armin van Buuren
01. Gaia - Aisha [Future Favorite]
02. Mat Zo - Near The End [Tune Of The Week]
03. DJ Eco feat. Lira Yin - Love (Dub Mix)
04. Markus Schulz feat. Khaz - Dark Heart Waiting (Club Mix)
05. Sebastian Brandt - 450 [ASOT 450 Official Anthem] Arnej 01. Arnej - The Strings That Bind Us
02. Arnej feat. Sally Saifi - Free Of You Blake Jarrell 01. First State - Cape Point (Blake Jarrell Remix)
02. Blake Jarrell - Galapagos Aly & Fila 01. Aly & Fila feat. Sue McLaren - I Can Hear You
02. Aly & Fila feat. Jass - Breeze Simon Patterson 01. Simon Patterson - ID
02. Simon Patterson - ID Sean Tyas 01. Vascotia - Verano (Sean Tyas Remix)
02. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith - Angel (Vandit Night Mix) Signum 01. Ron Hagen & Al Exander - Last Minute
02. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ana Criado - Sunset Boulevard (Signum Remix) Back with Armin van Buuren 06. Arksun - Arisen [ASOT Radio Classic]
07. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts - Black Flowers (Josh Gabriel Remix)
Derrick Summers - Bedroom DJ Contest Winner
01. ID - ID
02. Michael Angelo feat. Jenry R - Disconnected (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
03. OceanLab vs. Mike Shiver - If I Could Fly On The Surface (Daniel Kandi Mashup)
04. Andy Tau pres. Trilucid - Departures (Yuri Kane Remix)
05. Arnej - People Come People Go (Maor Levi Remix)
06. Yamin feat. Marcie - Forward Motion (Mike Shiver's Catching Sun Dub)
07. Saints and Sinners - Peace (Breakfast Remix)
08. Sly One - This Late Stage
09. Dan Stone - Mumbai
10. Kyau vs. Albert - Falling Anywhere
11. ID - ID
12. ID - ID
Guest mixes
Roger Shah
01. Kim Svard - You and I
02. High Noon At Salinas & Kyrst - Virgin Kyle Beach
03. Nuera - Ocean Love
04. Walsh & McAuley feat. Antonia Lucas - Sea Of Lights (Magic Island Rework)
05. Ingsha - Montego Bay
06. Roger Shah & Tenishia feat. Lorilee - I'm Not God (Roger Shah Remix)
07. Black Pearl - Rise
08. Savannah - Darling Harbour (Roger Shah Remix)
09. Soundlift - Lenda
10. Nery - Unimaginable (Emotional Mix)
11. Fast Distance - Above The Clouds
12. Roger Shah & Signum - Healesville Sanctuary (Roger Shah Remix) John O'Callaghan
01. Syat Naes - OMFG (Joint Operation Centre Remix)
02. Florence & The Machine - You Got The Love (Tylor Leigh Remix)
03. Ummet Ozcan - Trinity
04. ID - ID
05. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith - Angel (Club Mix)
06. ID - ID
07. Jan Oostdyk - Heidi
08. ID - ID
09. ID - ID
10. ID - ID
11. John Askew - Fucking Caps Lock Dash Berlin
01. Tocadisco feat. Nadia Ali - Better Run (Wippenberg Remix)
02. Luigi Lusini - Who We Are
03. Bent - As You Fall (Kyau & Albert Remix)
04. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - 2099
05. ID - ID
06. Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again (Amurai's Los Angeles Mix)
07. Cosmic Gate - Barra
08. ID - ID
09. Bart Claessen - Elf (2001 Returning Mix)
10. Dash Berlin feat. Solid Sessions - Janeiro (Club Mix)
11. ID - ID Cosmic Gate
01. Velvetine - Safe (Wherever You Are) (Rank 1 Remix)
02. Tiesto feat. Cary Brothers - Here On Earth (Nic Chagall Remix)
03. Cosmic Gate - Barra
04. Tritonal feat. Christina Soto - Forgive Me, Forget You (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
05. Andrew Bennett feat. Sir Adrian - Run Till U Shine (Cosmic Gate Remix)
06. Cosmic Gate - London Rain (Back 2 Back 4 Redub)
07. ID - ID
08. Way Out West - Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
09. James Horner feat. Leona Lewis - I See You (Theme from Avatar) (Cosmic Gate Remix) Markus Schulz
01. Jose Amnesia - La Scala (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
02. Flavio Grifo - Say Me (Fabio Stein's Dreambox Remix)
03. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller - The Great Escape
04. John Shelvin - Sparta
05. Cirez D - Glow (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
06. Rex Mundi - Opera of Northern Ocean (Phynn Remix)
07. Marco V - Simulated 2010
08. Bart Claessen - Elf
09. David Forbes - Katsu (DNS Project Whiteglow Remix)
10. Mike Foyle pres. Statica - Deadly Nightshade (Phynn Remix)
11. Markus Schulz feat. Khaz - Dark Heart Waiting (Club Mix)
12. David Forbes & Alan Nimmo - Samui
Live from The Guvernment in Toronto, Canada
01. Arnej - In Shadow (Intro Edit)
02. Origene - Sanctuary (Arnej Remix)
03. Danilo Ercole - That Same Song Again (Arty Remix)
04. LTN - One Night In Ibiza (Arnej Mix)
05. Arnej feat. Sally Saifi - Free Of You
06. Arnej vs. 8 Wonders - The Crossover
07. Solar Factor - No Return
08. Arnej - The Strings That Bind Us
09. Arnej - They Need Us (Club Edit)
10. Arnej feat. Josie - Strangers We've Become (Blake Jarrell Remix) Blake Jarrell
01. Cosmic Gate - Barra (Blake Jarrell Intro Edit)
02. Cicada - One Beat Away (Arno Cost Remix)
03. Tritonal - Suede (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
04. Lentos - Forget About Us (Barnes & Heatcliff Remix)
05. Blake Jarrell - Boracay
06. Dino & Meck vs. Pearl Jam - Feels Like Better Man (Blake Jarrell Mashup)
07. Chris Lake & Michael Woods - Domino's
08. First State - Cape Point (Blake Jarrell Remix)
09. The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition (Axwell & Dirty South Remix)
10. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars (Topher Jones & Blake Jarrell Bootleg)
11. Blake Jarrell - Galapagos Armin van Buuren
01. Velvetine - Safe (Wherever You Are) (Rank 1 Remix - AvB Intro Edit)
02. Yuri Kane - Right Back
03. Mat Zo - Near The End
04. Tritonal feat. Soto - Forgive Me, Forget You (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
05. Faithless - Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren Remix)
06. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - 2099
07. Jonas Stenberg - Souvenir De Chine
08. Gaia - Tuvan
09. Ali Wilson - Pandora
10. W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg - Alligator Fuckhouse
11. Super8 & Tab - Irufushi
12. DNS Project feat. Johanna - Mindful (Ronski Speed Remix)
13. Sophie Sugar vs. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost Together (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
14. Ben Preston feat. Susie - Remember Me (Daniel Kandi's Flashy Tribute Mix)
15. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym - Far Away (Club Mix)
16. Gaia - Aisha
17. Roger Shah & Signum - Ancient History (Roger Shah Long Haul Flight)
18. Jer Martin vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Ten Minutes To Midnight With Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
19. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
20. Sebastian Brandt - 450
21. Ronski Speed pres. Sun Decade feat. Emma Hewitt - Lasting Light (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
22. Chapter XJ - Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
23. Adam Nickey pres. Blue8 - Eleventh Street
24. Selu Vibra - Divine
25. Ummet Ozcan - Trinity
26. Stoneface & Terminal - Don't Give A Fuck (Vocal Mix)
27. W&W - Mainstage
28. Dave202 - Expose
29. Thomas Bronzwaer - Collider (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
30. Armin van Buuren & Rank 1 feat. Kush - This World Is Watching Me (Cosmic Gate Remix)
31. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen - Broken Tonight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) Aly & Fila
01. Philippe El Sisi feat. Sue McLaren - The Last Hope
02. Aly & Fila - Sandgroper
03. Neptune Project vs. Luke Bond - Atlantis
04. Leon Bolier - Shimamoto (Aly & Fila Remix)
05. Aly & Fila - Menes
06. Aly & Fila vs. Activa - Medellin
07. Barry Jay - Infused (Aly & Fila Rework)
08. Aly & Fila vs. Bjorn Akesson - Perfect Red
09. Aly & Fila vs. Philippe El Sisi feat. Senadee - Without You (The Never Knowing)
10. Bjorn Akesson - Robot Religion
11. Matt Skyer - Radiovision
12. Aly & Fila feat. Jass - Breeze
13. Aly & Fila - Rising Sun Simon Patterson
01. Simon Patterson - Thump (Intro)
02. John Askew - Blackout (Simon Patterson Remix)
03. Ellrich & Plaice - Fucking Society (Ummet Ozcan Remix)
04. John Askew - Bored Of You, Bored Of Me (Gary Maguire Remix)
05. Simon Patterson - Whiplash
06. Simon Patterson - Latika
07. Simon Patterson - New Life
08. Simon Patterson - Miss You
09. DJ Ange - Seamless
10. Oceania pres. Cordonnier - Squares In Boxes (Suncatcher Remix)
11. Simon Patterson - Mood Swing Sean Tyas
01. Tiesto - Suburban Train (Sean Tyas Dirty Mix)
02. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Sean Tyas Remix)
03. Vascotia - Verano (Sean Tyas Remix)
04. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith - Angel (Vandit Night Mix)
05. Myk Bee - Blue Harmony (Corderoy Remix)
06. Paul Webster feat. Angelic Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub Mix)
07. Circ - Destroy She Said (Sean Tyas Rework)
08. Sean Tyas - Tingle
09. Talla 2XLC vs. Sean Tyas - Heart to Heart (Sean Tyas Mix) Signum
01. Roger Shah & Signum - Healesville Sanctuary (Signum Mix)
02. Sebastian Brandt - 450
03. Nitrous Oxide - Aurora (Sunny Lax Remix)
04. John O'Callaghan vs. Aly & Fila - Megalithic (Jon O'Bir Remix)
05. Signum - Addicted
06. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ana Criado - Sunset Boulevard (Signum Remix)
07. Rafael Frost - Flashback
08. Signum - Harmonic
09. Leon Bolier - Shimamoto
10. BBE - Seven Days & One Week (Signum Signal Remix)
11. Pulser - My Religion (Airbase 2009 Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 451 (08-04-2010)
01. Arnej – The Strings That Bind Us (Intro Edit)
02. Bart Claessen – Hartseer (Flashover)
03. James Horner feat. Leona Lewis – I See You (Theme from Avatar) (Cosmic Gate Remix)
04. Chicane – Saltwater (Jerome Isma-Ae Bootleg)
05. DJ Governor – Shades Of Grey
06. Airscape & Ashley Wallbridge – My Love Chimera (Jason Mill & Jes Brieden Vocal Mash)
07. OceanLab vs. Gareth Emery – On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
08. Gaia – Aisha (Armind)
09. Robert Gitelman – Fluidum (high contrast)
10. Ali Wilson – Pandora (in charge)
11. Ummet Ozcan – Next Phase (Phase 2 Mix) (Reset)
12. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym – Far Away (Club Mix) (Anjunabeats)
13. SoundLift – Nakhti (Ferry Tayle & Stephan R pres. Mirage Remix) (Blue Soho)
14. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy – Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Coldharbour)
15. Sebastian Brandt – 450 (ASOT)
16. Vicky Devine – Starfire (Sean Tyas remix)
17. Armin van Buuren – Communication Part 3 (Coldware Cold Remix) (Armind)
18. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna – Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Vandit)
19. Re-Locate – Rogue (Fundamental)
20. Simon Patterson – Taxi (Reset)
21. Dash Berlin – Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (Aropa)
A State of Trance Episode 452 (15-04-2010)
1. The Thrillseekers – Savanna (Alexander Popov Remix) [Soundpiercing]
2. Ron Hagen & Al Exander – Last Minute [Armind]
3. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Save Me [S107]
4. Nic Chagall – Morning Light (Extended Mix) [High Contrast]
5. Jochen Miller – Humanoid [High contrast]
6. Jonas Stenberg – Souvenir De Chine [Musical Madness]
7. Markus Schulz feat. Khaz – Dark Heart Waiting (Jochen Miller Remix) [Coldharbour]
8. Myon and Shane 54 feat Labworks – Ibiza Sunrise (Classic Dub)
9. Who is – We.are [Anjunabeats]
10. DJ Eco – People (Rafael Frost Remix) [Tonediary]
11. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith – Angel (Club Mix) [Vandit]
12. Susana feat. Jorn van Deynhoven – Never Mine (Club Mix) [Armada]
13. Roger Shah & Signum – Ancient World (Roger Shah club mix) (Magic Island)
14. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper – She Moves (DNS Project Remix) [AVA]
15. Ben Gold – Sapphire (Trance Mix) [Garuda]
16. Mat Zo - The Found [Anjunabeats]
17. Neptune Project vs Luke Bond – Atlantis [FSOE]
18. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arctic Moon – True Romance [FSOE]
19. John O Callaghan – Desert Orchid (Subculture)
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Airbase – One Tear Away (Intuition)
A State of Trance Episode 453 (22-04-2010)
1. Matt Darey ft. Ashley Tomberlin – Lost At Sea (Luiz B remix) [Nocturnal Global]
2. Yuri Kane – Right Back (Anton Firtich Remix) [Premier]
3. Yenn – Monzen (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)[Euphonic]
4. Susana feat. Omnia & The Blizzard – Closer [Armada]
5. Luigi Lusini – Colors [The Clubbers]
6. Gaia – Aisha (Ashley Wallbridge remix) [Armind]
7. FUTURE FAVORITE: Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Save Me (S107)
8. Tritonal feat. Christina Soto – Forgive Me, Forget You (Tritonal Triple Mash)
9. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt – Live Forever [Lange Recordings/Maelstrom]
10. Marc Simz vs. Aerofoil – Lost In NY [ITWT]
11. Cloudriver – Tomorrow (Original Mix) [Echelon Records]
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Masoud feat. Laurie – Blinded (Sebastian Brandt remix)
13. Binary Finary – 1998 (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Armada]
14. Arctic Moon – True Romance (Original Mix) [FSOE]
15. Dimension – Queensland (Arctic Moon Remix) [Emphase Recordings]
16. Ronny K. vs Ziki – From Somewhere (Original mix)
17. Spark7 – Vanquish (Sonic Element Remix) [Harmonic Breeze Recordings]
18. Matt Everson – Heist Manoeuvre (Nick Sentience Remix) [Subculture]
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Dogzilla – Frozen (Maelstrom)
A State of Trance Episode 454 (29-04-2010)
1. D-Mad – She Gave Happiness (Arty Remix) [Enhanced]
2. BT – The Emergency (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Nettwerk]
3. Max Graham – Does She Know Yet? (2010 remix)
4. Super8 & Tab feat. Anton Sonin – Black Is The New Yellow [Anjunabeats]
5. Origene – Sanctuary (Arnej Club Mix) [Armada]
6. Susana feat. Josh Gabriel - Frozen [Armada] (Taken from the Album forthcoming album ‘Susana – Closer’)
7. Susana feat. Omnia & The Blizzard – Closer (Beat Service Remix)[Armada] (Taken from the Album forthcoming album ‘Susana – Closer’)
8. Beat Service featuring Manon Polare- Static (Proglifting Dub) [Black Hole]
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Wezz Devall – Free My Willy [Captivating Sounds]
10. Susana feat. Stoneface & Terminal – Sunrise [Armada] (Taken from the Album forthcoming album ‘Susana – Closer’)
11. RedSound – Blue Soho (Temple One Remix) [Blue Soho]
12. Accendo – Arcturus (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
13. Glenn Morrison – Symptoms of A Stranger (Jorn van Deynhoven remix)[S107]
14. Masoud feat. Laurie – Blinded (Sebastian Brandt remix) [Flashover]
15. Ultimate – Fourteen (Original Mix) [Resonate Recordings]
16. Nadia Ali – Fantasy (Tritonal Air Up there remix)
17. Rex Mundi – Opera Of The Northern Ocean (Phynn remix) (Coldharbour)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Dimension – Queensland (Arctic Moon Remix) [Emphase Recordings]
19. Sly One vs Jurrane – Everything Tome [Discover]
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Aria – Dido (Armin van Buuren’s Universal Religion remix) [Black Hole]
A State of Trance Episode 455 (06-05-2010)
1. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt – Live Forever (Steve Brian Remix) [Maelstr0m]
2. Temple One feat. Hannah Ray – Autumn Leaves (Part One) (Estiva Remix) [Enhanced]
3. George Acosta featuring Fisher – Beautiful (Original) [Songbird]
4. Dash Berlin ft. Solid Sessions – Janeiro (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix) [Aropa]
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Orjan Nilsen – Lovers Lane [ASOT 2010]
6. Ronski Speed – Denva (Paul Vernon Remix) [Euphonic]
7. Rank 1 vs Yuri Kane – Right Back The Great Escape AVB Mash up
8. Ilya Soloviev – Echo (Original Mix) [Timeline Music]
9. tyDi – Vanilla (AVA)
10. Wezz Devall – Free My Willy [Captivating]
11. Afternova – Sunset In Dubai (Original Mix) [Abora Recordings]
12. Intersonic – Lifetime (Extended) [High Contast Nu Breed]
13. Myon & Shane 54 – Ibiza Sunrise (Classic Dub) [Armind]
14. Bushi – 23 Kisses (Trance Arts Remix) [Unearthed]
15. Driving Force – Through The Years (Original Mix) [Red Force Recordings]
16. Neptune Project vs Luke Bond – Atlantis [FSOE]
17. FUTURE FAVORITE: Glenn Morrison – Symptoms of A Stranger (Jorn van Deynhoven remix)
18. Shogun – City Of Angels (Original Mix) [Monster Digital]
19. First State – As You Were [ITWT] vs. Simon Patterson – Thump Avb mash Up
20. Chakra – Love Shines Through (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (Armada)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Gouryella – Gouryella (Tsunami)
A State of Trance Episode 456 (13-05-2010)
1. Venaccio & Daigon – The Violet Hour [Songbird]
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Orjan Nilsen – Lovers Lane [Armada]
3. Jason van Wyk – September Rain [Songbird]
4. DJ Observer, Heatcliff, Yuri Kane – Fake Call vs Be Right Back (Anhken Mash)
5. Setrise – Devastate (Original Mix) [Smu(th)]
6. Abraham Leoga – Insolution (Craving Remix) [Unearthed Recordings]
7. Jean Claude Ades – My Journey (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
8. W&W – Manhattan [Captivating Sounds]
9. Heatbeat & Exit – Go (Subculture)
10. Kyamoto – One Moment Of Thought (Original Mix) [Ask4Records]
11. Adam Coppack & Akira Kayosa – Everything Ends (Suncatcher Remix) [NuDepth]
12. Hoyaa – Rising Star (Original Mix) [Aropa]
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dj Eco – Drowning [Armada]
14. Daniel Kandi & Martijn Stegerhoek – Australia (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
15. Thomas Bronzwaer – Collider (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) [ASOT]
16. Tom Colontonio – Induction (Acid mix) [Subculture]
17. Ernesto vs Bastian – Every Inch A King (Original Mix) [Captivating Sounds]
18. Aly & Fila feat Jass – Breeze (From the album “Rising Sun”) [FSOE]
19. Aly & Fila VS Bjorn Akesson – Perfect Red (From the album “Rising Sun”) [FSOE]
20. ASOT Radio Classic: York – The Reachers Of Civilizations (Rank 1 Remix) [Offshore]
A State of Trance Episode 457 (20-05-2010)
1. Max Graham feat. Ana Criado – Nothing Else Matters (from the album “Radio”) [Rebrand]
2. LTN – One Night In Ibiza (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) [Alter Ego]
3. Darren Tate vs Jono Grant – Let The Light Shine In 2010 (Arty Dub) (Mondo)
4. Robert Nickson – We Won’t Forget (Arty Remix) [ASOT]
5. Roman Sokolovsky – Spring Feeling (Original Mix) [Vendace Records]
6. Blake Jarrell – Maresias [Electronic Elements]
7. Vibrasphere – Purple (Original Mix) [Crosslink]
8. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Save Me [S107]
9. tyDi – vanilla [AVA Recordings]
10. Lost Stories – Flight 447 (Original Mix) [ITWT]
11. Soundlift – Live From Above (Einar K remix) [Blue Soho Recordings]
12. Dave Shifting – My Way (Oliver Imseng Remix) [Capite Music]
13. Tucandeo – Layla (DJ Eco Remix) [Infrasonic]
14. Reeves-Call Of Loneliness-Mat Zo Remix [Anjunabeats]
15. Nitrous Oxide – Dreamcatcher (Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
16. Adam Tas featuring Sopheary – Say (Luke Terry Dub) [Unearthed Recordings]
17. First State – As You Were (Ben Nicky Remix) [Black Hole]
18. Robert Ladiges – Signs [Captivating Sounds]
19. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Artento Divini – Griffin [High Contrast]
20. NatLife feat. Arunima Bhattacharya – Bharat [NATPRO001]
21. FUTURE FAVORITE: Aly & Fila feat Jass – Breeze (from the album “Rising Sun”) [FSOE]
22. Aly & Fila feat Josie – Listening (Philippe El Sisi Remix) (from the album “Rising Sun”)[FSOE]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Tiesto - Suburban Train (Sean Tyas Dirty Mix) [Black Hole]
A State of Trance Episode 458 (27-05-2010)
1. Markus Schulz feat. Justine Suissa – Perception (From the album ‘Do You Dream?’)[Coldharbour]
2. Markus Schulz feat. Jennifer Rene – Not The Same (From the album ‘Do You Dream?’)[Coldharbour]
3. Bartlett Bros. vs. Mazza – Satellite Of Love (Ronski Speed Remix) [Black Hole]
4. Max Graham Feat Ana Criado – Nothing Else Matters (Club mix) (Mastered) [Re-Brand]
5. Airwave Presents Lolo – Mylas Theme (Oldschool mix) [Banshee]
6. Arnej – The Strings That Bind Us (8 Wonders Mix) [Armind]
7. Leon Bolier – That Morning [Streamlined]
8. Sied van Riel & Radion 6 – Radiator [Spinnin]
9. Beat Service meets Tucandeo feat Manon Polare – Waiting For The Sun [Coldharbour]
10. Markus Schulz – 65,4kHz (From the album ‘Do You Dream?’)[Coldharbour]
11. Nitrous Oxide – Dreamcatcher (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Anjunabeats]
12. 7 Skies & Kiholm – Lost & Found (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
13. Ahmed Atef – From A Heart (Nery Remix) [Blue Soho]
14. Sound Players – Pangea (Ben Nicky & Rebecca Saforia Remix) [Monster Digital]
15. Right Face – Morning Dew (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
16. Luke Terry feat Kerry Leva – Arpora (John O Callaghan remix) [Subculture]
17. Artento Divini – Griffin (Original Mix) [High Contrast]
18. DJ Eco pres. Badlands – To The Edge and Back (Olbaid Remix) [Istmo Music]
19. DJ Eco – Drowning [Armada]
20. Costa – High Above (Soundlift Remix) [Abora Recordings]
21. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Mike Foyle – Silver Lake (DNS Project Whiteglow mix) [Armada]
22. FUTURE FAVORITE: Aly & Fila feat Josie – Listening (Philippe El Sisi Remix) [FSOE]
23. Pulstate & Juventa – Somnia (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) [Infrasonic]
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa – Out There (5th Dimension) [Soundpiercing]
A State of Trance Episode 459 (03-06-2010)
1. NRW (Nic Chagall, Rank 1 & Wippenberg) – 100 [High Contrast]
2. Gofman & Tsukerman – One Way Back (Original Mix) [Pilot6]
3. Orjan Nilsen – So long radio (Aurosonic overdrive mix) [Soundpiercing]
4. Easy Toys – Weekend Therapy [Electric Life Records]
5. Katie Melua – The Flood (Michael Woods remix)
6. EDX – Thriev (Fe5tival mix) [S2Records]
7. Simmons & Blanc – Whatever it takes [Afterglow]
8. STERiO vs eleven.five – Planets (Cramp Remix) [Dangerbox]
9. Eddie Sender – Baltimore (Original Mix) [High Contast Nu Breed]
10. Marco V feat Benjamin Bates – WTNF [In Charge]
11. Leon Bolier – That Morning [Streamlined]
12. Mike Shiver vs Fandy – Sique (Ronski Speed remix) [Captured]
13. Lost Connection – Velvet Night (Sensitize Remix) [Timeline Music]
14. FUTURE FAVORITE: Markus Schulz – Perception (Feat Justine Suissa) (From the album “Do You Dream?”) [Armada]
15. Colonial One – Elements (Original Mix) [Inov8 recordings]
16. Ben Gold – Profile [Garuda]
17. Mike Foyle – Silver Lake (DNS Project Whiteglow mix) [Soundpiercing]
18. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Jon O Bir feat. Fisher – Found a Way (Joint Operations Centre remix) [Liquid]
19. Talla 2XLC – The Spirits Within (Ummet Ozcan remix) [Testsuo]
20. Krazy Sandi – Insanity (Arctic Moon Remix) [Number One Recordings]
21. Anhken & Saav – Calyon (Suncatcher Club Cut) [Fraction Recordings]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Peter Martin – Perfect Wave [Electronic Elements]
A State of Trance Episode 460 (10-06-2010)
Recorded Live At the Sodo Showbox Seattle U.S.A.
1. Gaia – Aisha (Intro mix) [Armind]
2. Faithless – Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren remix) [Nates Tunes]
3. James Horner – I See You (Theme From Avatar) (Cosmic Gate remix) [Atlantic]
4. Reverse – Absolute Reality (Arty Remix) [Vandit]
5. Mat Zo – Near The End [Anjunabeats]
6. Rank 1 vs Jochen Miller – The Great Escape vs. Yuri Kane – Right Back
7. Yenn – Monzen (Stoneface & Terminal remix) [Euphonic]
8. Ali Wilson – Pandora [In Charge]
9. Ali Wilson – Shakedown vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert – Never Say Never
10. Sied van Riel vs Radion 6 – Radiator [Spinnin]
11. Gaia – Tuvan [Armind]
12. Jochen Miller – Humanoid [High Contrast]
13. Sophie Suger vs Sunlounger – Lost Together (Armin van Buuren mash up) [Armind]
14. Anton Firtich pres AF Project – Something Wrong (Original Mix) [Flashover]
15. Wezz Devall – Free My Willy [Captivating Sounds]
16. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith – Angel (Club Mix) [Vandit]
17. Max Graham – Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Coldharbour]
18. Sebastian Brandt – 450 [ASOT]
19. Arctic Moon – True Romance (Original Mix) [FSOE]
20. Ummet Ozcan – Next Phaze (phaze two) [Reset]
21. Cirez D. – On/Off vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel – in and out of love (Richard Durand Mash up)
22. Dustin Zahn – Stanger (To Stability) – Len Faki Podium Mix
A State of Trance Episode 461 (17-06-2010)
1. Glenn Morrison – Triangle & Strings (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
2. NRW (Nic Chagall, Rank 1 & Wippenberg) – 100 [High Contrast]
3. Sectr 24 feat. Chelsea Lee – Say Goodbye (Johnny Yono Remix) [Magic Island]
4. Josh Gabriel presents Winter Kills – My Friend (Josh Gabriel Remix) [Different Pieces]
5. Paul Vinitsky – Fox Cub (Roman Sokolovsky remix) [Vendace Records]
6. Mike Shiver vs Fandy – Sique (Original) [Captured]
7. Susana – Closer (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction) [Armada]
8. Mike Foyle pres. Statica – Blossom (Arty Remix)
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ben Nicky feat. Linnea Schossow – Tears (Original Mix) [Ava Recordings]
10. Simmons & Blanc – Whatever it takes (Orjan Nilsen remix)
11. Dreastic – Spirit (Alex Robert Remix) [Armind]
12. roger shah & leon bolier – eden (roger shah mix) [Magic Island]
13. roger shah & ralph fritsch pres black pearl – discovery [Magic Island]
14. Jon O Bir feat. Fisher – Found a Way (Joint Operations Centre remix) [Liquid]
15. Protoculture – Early Bird (Original Mix)
16. Mike Foyle – Silver Lake (DNS Project Whiteglow mix) (S107)
17. Armin vs M.I.K.E. – Intruder (M.I.K.E. 2010 Injection Remix)
18. Aly & Fila VS Philippe El Sisi feat Senadee – Without You[FSOE]
19. Luke Terry feat Kerry Leva – Arpora (John O Callaghan remix) [Subculture]
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Aly & Fila – Eye Of Horus (Ronski Speed Remix) [Euphonic]
A State of Trance Episode 462 (24-06-2010)
1. PRYDA – The End [Pryda]
2. Alpha 9 – Come Home [Flashover]
3. Orjan Nilsen – Lovers Lane (The Blizzard Remix) [Armind]
4. Aurosonic & FKN feat. Trine – You and Me (Dub mix) [Armada]
5. Sander van Doorn pres Purple Haze – Hymn 2.0 [Doorn]
6. Steve Brian feat Britty – Day Star (Dub Mix) [Euphonic]
7. Yuri Kane – Whirlpool [Flashover]
8. Hybrid – Disappear Here (Maor Levi Club Mix)
9. Ben Nicky feat. Linnea Schossow – Tears (Original Mix) [Ava Recordings]
10. Vegaro – Never Ending (Original Mix) [Soundpiercing]
11. Cosmic Gate – London Rain (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Black Hole]
12. Armin van Buuren – Full Focus (Extended mix) [From the album "Mirage"] [Armada/Ultra]
13. Lange feat. Alexander Klaus – Strong Believer [From the album "Harmonic Motion"] (Extended mix) [Lange]
14. Lange – Wie Komme Ich Am Besten Zum Bahnhof Bitte [From the album "Harmonic Motion"] [Lange]
15. Faithless – Tweak Your Nipple (Tiesto remix) [Nates tunes]
16. Mark Sherry – Fractured 2010 (Take Me There) (RAM & Sascha Milde remix) [Reset]
17. Andy Tau – Ellipsis (Juventa Remix) [Infrasonic]
18. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Max Graham – Nothing else Matters (Aly & Fila Remix) [Rebrand]
19. FUTURE FAVORITE Ep. 459: Krazy Sandi – Insanity (Arctic Moon Remix) [Number One Recordings]
20. Arty – Rush (Dan Stone Remix) [Anjunabeats]
21. FUTURE FAVORITE Ep. 461: Aly & Fila VS Philippe El Sisi feat Senadee – Without You (Extended Mix) [FSOE]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Ralphie B. – Massive (Midway remix) [ITWT]
A State of Trance Episode 463 (01-07-2010)
01. First State feat. Sarah Howells – Reverie [from the album Changing Lanes] [Black Hole]
02. Fabio XB feat. Yves De Lacroix – Close To The Stars (Jerome Isma-Ae mix) [Armada]
03. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ron Hagen & Al Exander – Last Minute (Beat Service Remix) [Armada]
04. Tasadi & Nhato – Time Ticks Away [Tone Diary]
05. Grube & Hovsepian – Conviction (Skytech Stadium Mix)
06. Sindre Eide – Two Against The World [Enhanced]
07. Armin van Buuren – Full Focus (Ummet Ozcan Mix) [Armind]
08. DNS Project feat. Johanna – Timestep (Vocal Mix) [AVA]
09. Dereck Recay – Nebula (DJ Eco Remix) [Redux]
10. Thrillseekers vs M.I.K.E. – Effectual (Original Mix) [Club Elite]
11. Hybrid – Disappear Here (Maor Levi Club Mix)
12. Rafael Frost – Slipstream [Flashover]
13. Oryon – Gotham [Liquid]
14. The Flyers & Mike Sonar – Supreme [Enhanced]
15. Jon O’Bir – Out of Touch [Garuda]
16. Miikka Leinonen – Mirabel (Temple One Remix) [Fraction]
17. Nacho Chapado & Smaz feat. Sue Mclaren – Between Heaven & Earth (Aly & Fila remix)
18. John O Callaghan vs Neptune Project – Rhea [Subculture]
19. FUTURE FAVORITE: Max Graham feat. Ana Criado – Nothing else Matters (Aly & Fila Remix) [Re*brand]
20. Ummet Ozcan – Vimana [Reset 100]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: P.O.S. – Remember [Anjunabeats]
A State of Trance Episode 464 (08-07-2010)
Armin van Buuren
01. D-Mad & Arty vs. BT feat. JES – She Gave Happiness Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
02. Gaia – Aisha (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
03. Faithless – Not Going Insomnia (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
04. Vengeance - Decadence (Denga & Manus Remix)
05. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller vs. Yuri Kane – The Right Escape (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
06. Origene – Sanctuary (Arnej Remix)
07. Anton Firtich – Mirage
08. Jochen Miller – Humanoid
09. Sied van Riel & Radion 6 – Radiator
10. Armin van Buuren – Full Focus
11. John O’Bir feat. Fisher – Found A Way (Joint Operation Centre Remix)
12. Max Graham feat. Ana Criado – Nothing Else Matters (Aly & Fila Remix) Alex M.O.R.P.H.
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Broken Tonight
02. El Loco – Ibiza
03. EDX – Thrive (EDX’s Fe5tival Mix)
04. Chuckie – We Can’t Hear Anybody Out There
05. Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition (Axwell & Dirty South Remix) Cosmic Gate
01. Nic Chagall, Rank 1 & Wippenberg – 100
02. Cosmic Gate – Barra (Extended Mix)
03. Cosmic Gate feat. Tiff Lacey – Open Your Heart
04. Leona Lewis – I See You (Cosmic Gate Remix)
05. Mike Shiver vs. Fandy – Sique (Ronski Speed Remix)
06. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton vs. Cosmic Gate – F.A.V. Rain (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
A State of Trance Episode 465 (15-07-2010)
1. Strobe – Liebe (Orjan Nilsen Mix) [Sirup]
2. Above & Beyond vs Kyau & Albert – Anphonic (Arty Remix) [Anjunabeats]
3. Thrillseekers vs M.I.K.E. – Effectual (Deep Voices Remix) [Club Elite]
4. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Imprisoned [S107]
5. Moguai – Oyster (Michael Woods remix) [Mau5trap]
6. Matias Faint – Last Breath (Heatbeat Original Mix) [High Contrast Nu Breed]
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Alexander Popov – revolution in you (strings mix) [Armind]
8. Protoculture – Silver (Original Mix) [Re_Brand]
9. Jonas Steur feat. Julie Thompson – Side By Side (Orjan Nilsen remix) [Black Hole]
10. Marcel Woods – Tomorrow [High Contrast]
11. Markus Schulz feat. Justine Suissa – Perception (Super8 & Tab Remix) [Coldharbour]
12. John O’Callaghan – Desert Orchid (Thomas Bronzwaer remix) [Subculture]
13. Wezz Devall – This Is Your Day [Captivating Sounds]
14. Coll & Tolland – Earthbound (Original Mix) [Deep Blue]
15. Dave202 – Arrival (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
16. Phillip Alpha & Daniel Kandi – Sticks & Stones [Enhanced]
17. Activa vs. Revolution 9 – The Fall (Original Mix) [Borderline]
18. Poshout – Starfall [Timeline Music]
19. FUTURE FAVORITE: Nacho Chapado & Smaz feat. Sue Mclaren – Between Heaven & Earth (Aly & Fila remix)
20. Andy Blueman – Florescence (Epic Mix) [Perceptive Recordings]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Christian Rusch & Greg Murray – Epic (Above & Beyond remix) [Anjunabeats]
A State of Trance Episode 466 (22-07-2010)
1. Gareth Emery Feat. Lucy Saunders – Sanctuary (Club Mix) [Garuda]
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Imprisoned [S107]
3. Dave Horne – For So Long [Alter Ego Pure]
4. Sherry Flavour – The Grand [Selekted Music]
5. Radion 6 – Lightning [Oxygen]
6. Lange feat. Alexander Klaus – Strong Believer (Beat Service Sundown Mix) [Lange Recordings]
7. tyDi feat. Audrey Gallagher – Calling [AVA]
8. Alexander Popov – Revolution in you (strings mix) [Armind]
9. Dido – Everything to Lose (Armin van Buuren remix)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus – Symphonica
11. Lemon & Einar K – Felicity [ASOT]
12. Super8 & Tab – Mercy (dub) [Anjunabeats]
13. Tritonal – Driftoff (Original Mix) [Levare Recordings]
14. Heatbeat – Shawarma
15. Richard Durand feat. Christian Burns – Night & Day [Black Hole]
16. Sied van Riel & Ummet Ozcan – Serendipity
17. Jorn van Deynhoven & Temple One – Halo (Jorn van Deynhoven Mix) [ASOT]
18. Garry Heaney – Zegema Beach [Liquid] 19. Onova – Timotej [Monster Digital]
20. John O Callaghan vs Neptune Project – Rhea [Subculture]
21. W&W – Alpha [Captivating Sounds]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Cosmic Gate – Exploration Of Space
A State of Trance Episode 467 (29-07-2010)
1. Leon Bolier feat. Fisher – By Your Side [Streamlined]
2. Kyau & Albert – Painkillers (Club mix) [Euphonic]
3. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix) [Armind]
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Gareth Emery Feat. Lucy Saunders – Sanctuary (Club Mix) [Garuda]
5. Claudia Cazacu – Translucent (Paul Vernon Remix) [Armada]
6. Lemon – Starchild [Soundpiercing]
7. Markus Schulz feat. Justine Suissa – Perception (Super8 & Tab Remix) [Coldharbour]
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Phillip Alpha – Valente [Enhanced]
9. Anton Firtich – Hello World
10. Mango – Good Morning Track (Sunn Jellie Remix)
11. Dido – Everything To Lose (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
12. Daniel Kandi – Forgive Me [Anjunabeats]
13. Hodel & Jp Bates – Nowhere [Perceptive Recordings]
14. Sequentia – Don’t Surrender (Arty Remix) [Afterglow]
15. Vengeance – Decadence (Denga & Manus Mix) [ASOT]
16. Ali Wilson – Shangri-La [In Charge]
17. Wezz Devall – This Is Your Day [Captivating Sounds]
18. Dave 202 – Arrival vs Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren – Beggin You (accapella) (AvB Mash Up)
19. W&W – Alpha [Captivating Sounds]
20. Gaia – Aisha (Aly & Fila Remix)[Armind]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Chakra – Home
A State of Trance Episode 468 (05-08-2010)
Hour 1: The newest tunes selected
1. Agulo feat. David Berkeley – Fire Sign (Steve Brian’s Original Mix) [Enhanced]
2. Leon Bolier feat. Fisher – By Your Side [Streamlined]
3. Mike Foyle & DNS Project – Cayo Norte [S107]
4. Marcus Schossow – Strings [Tone Diary]
5. Sander van Doorn – Daddyrock [Doorn]
6. Wezz Devall – This Is Your Day (Jonas Stenberg remix) [Armada]
7. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders – Sanctuary (Sean Tyas Remix) [garuda]
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Solarstone – Touchstone (Aly & Fila Remix) [Solaris]
9. Jo Micali feat. Linnea Schossow – Beyond The Sea [Well Mixed Recordings]
10. ASOT Radio Classic: Filterheadz – Yimanya Hour 2: Live from Amnesia Ibiza 03-08-2010
1. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Imprisoned [S107]
2. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado – Down To Love [from the album "Mirage"] [Armada]
3. First State feat. Sarah Howells – Reverie [from the album Changing Lanes] [Black Hole]
4. First State – Cape Point (Blake Jarrell Remix) [ITWT]
5. Armin van Buuren – Face To Face vs Safe Velvetine AVB Mash Up
6. Dash Berlin – To Be The One (Cressida Remix) [Aropa]
7. Above & Beyond vs Kyau & Albert – Anphonic [Anjunabeats]
8. Radion 6 – Lightning [Oxygen]
9. EDX – Thriev with Tim Berg – Bromance (Avicii remix) AVB Mash Up
10. Moguai – Oyster (Michael Woods remix) [Mau5trap]
11. Markus Schulz feat. Justine Suissa – Perception (Super8 & Tab Remix) [Coldharbour]
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix) (live performance)
13. SHM (Swedish House Maffia) – One
A State of Trance Episode 469 (12-08-2010)
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love (Original Extended mix) [Armind]
2. Pryda – Niton [Pryda]
3. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Elleah – Walk On Water
4. ReOrder feat. Stine Grove – Biscay Bay (ReOrder Deep Mix) [Perceptive Deep]
5. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Arty – Twilight Tonight (Arty Remode) [Enhanced]
6. Steve Brian feat David Berkeley – Vueltas (Album version) [Euphonic]
7. Arnej – The Day Will Come [Armind]
8. Lewis Dodkins – Solstice (Original Mix) [Mondo Recordings]
9. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado – Down To Love [from the album ‘Mirage’] [Armind]
10. Venaccio – Eyes Like Stars (Dark Edit) [Black Hole]
11. Virtual Vault – Default [In Trance We Trust]
12. Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus – Symphonica [Spinnin]
13. Aly & Fila feat. Tiff Lacey – Paradise (Aly & Fila Club Mix) [FSOE]
14. Poshout feat. Sergey Vegas – Afterglow (Oliver P pres. Stonevalley Remix) [Enhanced]
15. Juventa – For That Special Girl (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
16. Shogun – Save Me (Ilya Soloviev Remix) [S107]
17. Sophie Sugar – All For You [ASOT]
18. ReOrder pres Group Number One – A World Of Trance
19. Ben Nicky – Jet Stream [Monster Tunes]
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Der Dritte Raum – Hale Bopp
A State of Trance Episode 470 (19-08-2010)
1. Nacho Chapado & Smaz feat. Sue McLaren – Between Heaven and Earth (Jan Martin Remix) [FSOE]
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love (Club mix) [Armind]
3. Joonas Hahmo – Mojito [Hahmo Recordings]
4. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Run To My Rescue [S107]
5. Dennis Sheperd – Left Of The World (Mike Shivers Garden State Dub) [Euphonic]
6. Arty – Twilight Tonight (Arty Remode) [Enhanced]
7. Anhken – Always Look Back (Classic Touch)
8. Probspot – Blueberry (Rex Mundi Remix) [Coldharbour 100]
9. Denis A – Heaven (Beltek Remix) [Dar Recordings] vs BT – The Emergency [Marcus Schossow remix) (AvB Mash up)
10. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Cramp - Prelude (Extended Mix) [Timeline Music]
11. Sied van Riel – Crossroads [Spinnin]
12. Solis – Believe Me [Infrasonic]
13. Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (Arctic Moon Remix) [from the album 'A New Daylight Remixed'][Aropa]
14. John Askew – To The Floor [Subculture]
15. Virtual Vault – Default (Dave 202 Remix) [In Trance We Trust]
16. Jaco – Beautiful Days [Enhanced]
17. Jay B & Sandra Wagner – Desire (Daniel Kandi’s Classic Mix)
18. Phillip Alpha – Valente (Juventa Remix) [Enhanced]
19. Dimension & Robbie Seed – Blue Line (Original Mix) [Blue Soho]
20. Solarstone – Touchstone (Aly & Fila Remix) [Solaris]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Motorcycle – Around You
A State of Trance Episode 471 (26-08-2010)
1. Tom Fall & Something Good – Reflections
2. TyDi feat Audrey Gallagher – Calling (Blake Jarrell Remix)
3. Funkagenda vs Switchfoot – Always Astana (First State Bashup)
4. Andy Duguid feat. Leah – Miracle Moments [Songbird]
5. Gareth Emery – Arrival [from the album 'Northern Lights'] [Garuda]
6. George Acosta featuring Fisher – Love Rain Down (First State Remix) [Songbird]
7. Mory Kante – Yeke Yeke (Mark Eteson Rework)
8. Jonas Stenberg – EmoDist (Wezz Devall remix)
9. Chicane – What Am I Doing Here (Walsh & McAuley Rework) [Bootleg]
10. Audien – Eleven Eleven [Enhanced]
11. Aly & Fila feat. Sue Mclaren – I Can Hear You (Beat Service remix) [FSOE]
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ali Wilson & Lee Osborne – Absolute [High Contrast]
13. Ummet Ozcan – Arcadia [Doorn]
14. Hammer & Bennett – Language (Phynn Remix) [Coldharbour]
15. Greg Downey – From Above [Reset]
16. Vast Vision Feat. Fisher – Behind Your Smile (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
17. The Flyers & Mike Sonar – Cherry Ave (Ferry Tayle & Stephan R. Remix) [Infrasonic]
18. Mark Eteson & Ben Nickey – Altitude [Vandit]
19. Gareth Emery – All Is Now [from the album 'Northern Lights'] [Garuda]
20. Emotional Horizons & X-Ploration feat. Aneym – Nobody knows (Sonic Element mix) [Afterglow]
21. Infinity – Understand Me (Trance Arts Dub mix) [Trance All-Stars Recordings]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Evoke – Arms of Loren (Ferry Corsten remix)
A State of Trance Episode 472 (02-09-2010)
1. Sneijder – Away From Here (Arty Remix) [Vandit]
2. First State ft. Relyk – Cross The Line (Club Mix) [Black Hole]
3. Shipstad & Warren – Eighty-Seven Years (Thom V Remix) [Smu[th] Digital]
4. Yuri Kane feat Melissa Loretta – Daylight [Flashover]
5. Walsh & McAuley – Only Human (Jonas Steur remix)
6. Shaun Gregory & Ross Anderson – Foundation (Maor Levi Weekend Mix) [Vision Deep]
7. Cressida & Reminder – Lucid (Juicy Mix) [Afterglow]
8. Leon Bolier feat Joint Operation Center – Off Road [From the album 'Phantasma'] [Spinnin]
9. Roger Shah & Signum – Ancient World (Signum Mix) [Magic Island]
10. Elias B – Polar Ice (Adam Nickey Remix) [Blue Soho]
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Snatt & Vix vs. In Progress – Sunride (Ronski Speed Remix)
12. Maor Levi feat. Ashley Tomberlin – Chasing Love (Maor Levi’s Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
13. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Run To My Rescue [S107]
14. Mr.Pit – Sky Traffic [Coldharbour Recordings]
15. Bartlett Bros. present Andrea Faustinelli – Artika (MIKE’s Progressiva Remix) [Black Hole]
16. Arnej – The Day Will Come (Sied van Riel Remix) [Armind]
17. Ernesto vs Bastian – Hyper Globe (Alternative Mix) [Captivating Sounds]
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Vast Vision Feat. Fisher – Behind Your Smile (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
19. Jorn van Deynhoven & Manuel Le Saux – Nardo (Jorn van Deynhoven Mix) [ASOT]
20. Bryan Kearney – Goosebumps [Subculture]
21. Leon Bolier – I Close My Eyes [from the album 'Phantasma'] [Spinnin]
22. PPK vs. Bobina – ResuRection 2010
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Plastic Boy – Silver Bath [Banshee]
A State of Trance Episode 473 (09-09-2010)
Armin van Buuren “Mirage” Album Release Special
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana – Desiderium 207
2. Armin van Buuren – Mirage
3. Armin van Buuren feat. Laura V – Drowning (Club mix)
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado – Down To Love (Extended mix)
5. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – In and Out Of Love (Chicane remix)
6. Armin van Buuren feat. Jessie Morgan – Love Too Hard
7. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills – Take A Moment
8. Armin van Buuren – I Don’t Own You
9. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns – This Light Between Us (Trance mix)
10. Armin van Buuren – Orbion (Extended mix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora – Breathe in Deep
12. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – I Surrender
13. Armin van Buuren vs Sophie Ellis Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love (Armin van Buuren Remix)
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Hunter – Virtual Friend
15. Armin van Buuren feat. Ferry Corsten – Minack (Extended mix)
16. Armin van Buuren feat. BT – These Silent Hearts (Extended mix)
17. Armin van Buuren – Coming Home (Extended mix)
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Van Velzen – Take Me Where I Wanna Go (Instrumental Extended mix)
19. DJ’s United – Remember Love
20. ASOT Radio Classic: Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne – Serenity (Signum remix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear
A State of Trance Episode 474 (16-09-2010)
1. FUTURE FAVORITE 472: Yuri Kane feat Melissa Loretta – Daylight [Flashover]
2. Lange – Harmonic Motion (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Maelstrom]
3. Ferry Corsten pres. Pulse – Festival [Flashover]
4. Funabashi – Daylight (Estiva 2010 Remix) [Coldharbour 100]
5. Jochen Miller – Classified [High Contrast]
6. Bushi – Last Sun (Beat Service Remix) [Unearthed Red]
7. William Orbit – Clavier (Ferry Corsten Remix) [Decca]
8. Adam Nickey – Altara [Anjunabeats]
9. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders – Fight The Sunrise (extended demo) [Garuda]
10. DJ’s United – Remember Love [Armada]
11. Kyau & Albert – Painkillers (Stoneface & Terminal remix) [Euphonic]
12. Pulser pres Luminal – Sunstorm [Flashover]
13. Gareth Emery – Citadel (extended demo) [Garuda]
14. Hans Zimmer – Time (Orkidea’s Awake Mix)
15. M6 – Days Of Wonder (DNS Project Remix) [Armada]
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Myon and Shane 54 – International Departures (Classic Anthem mix)
17. FUTURE FAVORITE 473: Armin van Buuren – Orbion (Extended mix) [Armind]
18. DJ Ange – 113 (Noctiva’s Lifted Remix) [Insight Recordings]
19. SoundLift – Horizonte [Blue Soho]
20. ASOT RADIO Classic: Free Radical – Surreal (En-motion remix)
A State of Trance Episode 475 (23-09-2010)
1. Filo and Peri – This Night (Max Graham remix) [Vandit]
2. Barnes & Heatcliff feat. Ann Bailey – Safe and Sound (Dub Mix) [Big & Dirty]
3. Matt Darey ft. Kate Louise Smith – Black Canyon (Taurus & Vaggeli remix) [Nocturnal Global]
4. Faithless – Feelin Good (Ferry Corsten Mix) [Cheeky]
5. Moguai – 8001 [Mau5trap]
6. Jochen Miller – Classified (Energy 2011 soundtrack) [High Contrast]
7. Audien – Palmetto (Original Mix) [Perceptive Deep]
8. 7 Skies – Sushi (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
9. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Store N Forward – Manga [Afterglow]
10. Armin van Buuren – Coming Home [Armind]
11. Flash Brothers feat. Epiphony – More Than You Know (RAM Remix) [S107]
12. Air Night – Remember (Sylver May remix) [Silent Shore Records]
13. Jon O Bir feat. Julie Harrington – Never Enough [Liquid]
14. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders – Fight The Sunrise (extended demo) [Garuda]
15. Albert Keyn – Rapsody (Dyor Remix) [ITWT]
16. Kaan Demirel – Benigna (Paul Miller vs Ronald de Foe remix) [Music en Route Poland]
17. Neptune Project vs Luke Bond – Atlantis (Temple One Remix) [FSOE]
18. Bryan Kearney – Goosebumps (Sean Tyas remix) [Subculture]
19. Dave Emanuel – Inner Peace (Sunny Lax Remix) [Perceptive Recordings]
20. FUTURE FAVORITE: SoundLift – Horizonte (Original Mix) [Blue Soho]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Push – Universal Nation [Bonzai]
A State of Trance Episode 476 (30-09-2010)
1. Gareth Emery vs. Jerome Isma-Ae – Stars [from the album 'Northern Lights'] [Garuda]
2. TUNE OF THE WEEK: BT – Always (Chicane Mix) [Black Hole]
3. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills – Take A Moment [Armind]
4. Craving – First Feeling [First State Music]
5. Moonbeam feat. Avis Vox – The Lilt (ProgressiveR remix)
6. Super8 & Tab feat. Julie Thompson – My Enemy (from the album ‘Empire’) [Anjunabeats]
7. Jason Van Wyk – Dream On (Protoculture Remix) [First State Music]
8. Arty – The Wonder (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
9. Phillip Alpha & Daniel Kandi – Sticks & Stones (Beat Service Sundown Mix) [Enhanced]
10. Susana feat. Josh Gabriel – Frozen (Nic Chagall Remix) [Armada]
11. First State ft Relyk – Cross The Line (George Acosta Remix) [Black Hole]
12. 4 Strings feat. Ellie Lawson – Safe From Harm [Liquid Recordings]
13. Protoculture – Early Bird (Original Mix) [Spundae Music]
14. Flash Brothers feat. Epiphony – More Than You Know (RAM Remix) [S107]
15. Blue Tente – Antarctic Day (Blue Tente Balearic Mix) [Redux Recordings]
16. Giuseppe Ottaviani – Danceology [Vandit]
17. Faruk Sabanci – Himalaya (Daniel Kandi’s Rise Mix)
18. FUTURE FAVORITE: Kaan Demirel – Benigna (Paul Miller vs Ronald de Foe remix) [Music en Route Poland]
19. Accadia – Blind Visions (Neptune Project’s Third Eye remix) [Lost Language]
20. M6 & Willem van Hanegem – Inferno [Captivating Sounds]
21. Enyo – Magnesium (Right Face Remix) [Enhanced]
22. Guy Mearns – Quantum [2 Play]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 400 (Setrise Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 477 (07-10-2010)
01. Age of Love – The Age Of Love (Wippenberg Mix) [542 Recordings]
02. Susana feat. Josh Gabriel – Frozen (Nic Chagall Remix) [S107]
03. Aruna with Mark Eteson – Let Go (Who.Is Remix) [Anjunabeats]
04. Changer – Costa Brave [Levare]
05. Filo and Peri – This Night (Max Graham remix) [Vandit]
06. Markus Schulz – Rain (Extended Mix) [Coldharbour]
07. Chicane – Where Do I Start (Armin Van Buuren remix) [Modena]
08. A-Force – M3 [Soundpiercing]
09. Robert Nickson & Ruben de Ronde – Superlative (Jo Micali Remix) [ASOT]
10. Susana feat. Bart Claessen – If I Could (Dan Stone Remix) [Armada]
11. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sequentia – Make Believe EP (Sequentia vs. Maarten Van Bergen Remix) [Enhanced]
12. M6 & Willem van Hanegem – Genesis (Original Mix) [Captivating Sounds]
13. MEM – Forza [Reset]
14. Sied van Riel & Radion 6 – Another Heather [Oxygen]
15. Ilya Soloviev – Mercury
16. Indecent Noise – Dirty Secret (Original Aero Mix) [Unearthed]
17. Trance Arts – Crossing the Borders (Original Mix) [Unearthed Records]
18. Dart Rayne – Poseidon (Original Mix) [Emphase Records]
19. Dogzilla – Without You (Rafael Frost Remix) [Maelstrom]
20. Marc Simz – Forbidden City [ITWT]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Insigma – Insigma (Club Mix) [ATCR]
A State of Trance Episode 478 (14-10-2010)
01. Jamie Matrix ft. Cat Knight – Hold On [Stealth Records]
02. Thrillseekers – Savannah (Alexander Popov mix) vs Carrie Skipper – Skipper Times Goes By (accapella) (Myon & Shane 54 mash up)
03. Plastic Angel – Pascale (Green & Falkner remix) [Afterglow]
04. J.O.C. – Botnik [Subculture]
05. Jochen Miller – uPad [High Contrast]
06. Martin Solveig & Dragonette – Hello (Michael Woods Dub) [3 beat]
07. Sultan and Ned Shepard feat. Nadia Ali – Call My Name (Max Graham and Protoculture Remix) [Harem Records]
08. Robert Nickson & Ruben de Ronde – Superlative (Lodos Remix) [ASOT]
09. 4 Strings feat. Ellie Lawson – Safe From Harm [Liquid Recordings]
10. M.I.K.E. Presents Plastic Boy – Pacific Dreams [Captivating Sounds]
11. C-Systems – Daylight (DNS Project Remix) [Unearthed]
12. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Andre Visior & Kay Stone – Sunrise [Breathe Music]
13. Easton – Time Lapse (Original Trip Mix) [Shah Music Digital]
14. Juventa – Sundesire [Harmonic Breeze Recordings]
15. Mr Pit – Shana (DNS Project Remix) [Coldharbour 100]
16. Matt Millon – Tattoo (Original Mix) [Captured]
17. FUTURE FAVORITE: Ilya Soloviev – Mercury (ASOT)
18. Soundlift – Empty Street Night (Daniel Kandi remix) [Blue Soho]
19. Air Night – Remember (Sylver May remix) [Silent Shore Records]
20. Ian Solano – In Real Time [Couture]
21. Element One – Everyone on Earth [Tonediary]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Vincent De Moor – Green Heaven [Combined Forces]
A State of Trance Episode 479 (21-10-2010)
1. Dinka – Hive [UDR/Sirup]
2. The XX – Intro (DJ Eco Bootleg)
3. M.I.K.E – The Art of Love (Protoculture Remix) [Club Elite]
4. Ronski Speed feat. Ana Criado – A Sign [Euphonic]
5. Pobsky – Final Cloud (Tucandeo Remix)
6. Phuture Sound – Eternal Gravity [Infra Progressive]
7. Chicane – Where Do I Start (Armin Van Buuren remix) [Modena]
8. Andre Visior & Kay Stone – Sunrise (Ronski Speed Remix) [Breathe Music]
9. Temple One – Feel For You [Enhanced Recordings]
10. FUTURE FAVORITE: Soundlift – Empty Street Night (Daniel Kandi remix) [Blue Soho]
11. Julian Vincent – Shadows The Sun (Daniel Kandi’s Bangin Mix) [S107]
12. Alan Morris – Jericho (Trance Arts Remix) [TSC]
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Dart Rayne – Legion
14. Lustral – I Feel You (John O’Callaghan Dub Mix)
15. Interstate & Tyler Michaud feat. Jessy Greene – Junkie (Heatbeat Remix) [Vandit]
16. NU NRG – Butterfly 2010 (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) [Vandit]
17. Philippe El Sisi feat. Sue McLaren – The Last Hope [FSOE]
18. John Askew – Intimate Strangers
19. Alphazone – Flashback (Onova 2010 Bootleg mix)
20. Marc Simz – Forbidden City [ITWT]
21. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 400 (Setrise Remix)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Planet Perfecto Featuring Grace – Not Over Yet ’99 (Breeder’s It Is Now Remix) [Perfecto] Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results Soundlift - Empty Street Night (Daniel Kandi remix) [Blue Soho] (13.1%)
Juventa - Sundesire [Harmonic Breeze Recordings] (12.2%) TUNE OF THE WEEK: Andre Visior & Kay Stone - Sunrise [Breathe Music] (9.7%)
Sultan feat. Nadia Ali - Call my name (Max Graham and Protoculture Remix) (8.5%)
C-Systems - Daylight (DNS Project Remix) [Unearthed] (6.9%)
A State of Trance Episode 480 (28-10-2010)
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns – This Light Between Us (Intro mix with a thank you by Armin)
2. Ronski Speed -B Sign [Euphonic]
3. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Parker & Hanson – Alquimia (Andrew Bayer Remix) [Anjunabeats]
4. Saint X Feat. Sandel – Fight On (Original Mix)
5. I-Vision & Gilbert AM – Believe It (Oza Remix) [Perceptive Deep]
6. Heatbeat – Trash [Armada]
7. Zaa ft. Molly – Surrender (DJ Darq Remix)
8. JPL – Young Love [ITWT]
9. DNS Project & Mike Foyle – Cayo Norte (Lemon & Einar K Remix) [Soundpiercing]
10. Jozhy K & Angel – Perfect Woman (Marc Simz vs. Aerofoil Remix) [Ask4 Records]
11. Ben Nicky – Rattle (Original Mix) [AVA Recordings]
12. Sied van Riel & Ummet Ozcan – Serendipity Phase II (Original mix) [Reset]
13. Skytech – Planet (Original Mix) [Coldharbour Recordings]
14. W&W vs Ben Gold – Break The Rules [Captivating Sounds]
15. Element One – Everyone on Earth (Original Mix) [Tonediary]
16. Dart Rayne – Espada Ropera (Original Mix)
17. Artento Divini – Timezone [High Contrast]
18. Nurettin Colak – Conception (Arctic Moon Remix) [Harmonic Breeze Recordings]
19. FUTURE FAVORITE: Philippe El Sisi feat. Sue McLaren – The Last Hope [FSOE]
20. The Chaser – Winter Heat (Ultimate Remix) [Shah Music Digital]
21. Lustral – I Feel You (John O’Callaghan Dub Mix) (Armada)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Shane – Too Late To Turn (Armin van Buuren remix) [Armind] Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results Philippe El Sisi feat. Sue McLaren - The Last Hope [FSOE] (17.8%)
Ronski Speed feat. Ana Criado - A Sign [Euphonic] (9.6%)
Interstate & Tyler Michaud feat. Jessy Greene - Junkie (Heatbeat Remix) [Vandit] (9.3%)
Julian Vincent - Shadows The Sun (Daniel Kandi's Bangin Mix) [S107] (8.7%)
Dart Rayne - Legion (6.8%)
A State of Trance Episode 481 (04-11-2010)
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills – Take A Moment (Shogun Remix) [Armind]
2. Tomcraft – A Place Called Soul (Manuel De La Mare’s Playground Remix) [Craft Music]
3. Orjan Nilsen – Shoutbox [Captivating Sounds]
4. Sean Godsall & Steve Allen Feat Molly – Holding On (George Acosta Remix) [SHUTE]
5. Johan Wedel – Playdoo (Johan Wedel Re-Touch)
6. D-Mad – FMG (Official anthem 2010) [High Contrast Nu Breed]
7. Soarsweep – Madarika Beach [ITWT]
8. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns – This Light Between Us (Armin’s Great Strings mix) [Armind]
9. Kostya Veter – Ad Astra [Vendace Recordings]
10. Nadia Ali – Triangle (Myon and Shane 54 Classic Mix) [Smile In Bed]
11. Sied van Riel – Mentalism [Reset]
12. Skytech – Rocket Science [Coldharbour]
13. tyDi Feat Tania Zygar – Half Light (Max Graham Remix) [Ava]
14. illitheas – Perfect Day [Shah music digital]
15. Ron van den Beuken – Shelter Us (Mike One remix) [RR Recordings]
16. Suncatcher vs. Pizz@dox – Remember The Youthful Years (Nery Remix) [FSOE]
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Sean Tyas – Banshee [Armada]
18. Oliver Brooks – Apart (Thomas Datt Remix) [Enhanced]
19. Poshout – Heartbroken (Clubmix) [Liquid Recordings]
20. W&W vs Ben Gold – Nexgen [Captivating Sounds]
21. Tee-Ex – Oasis (Luke Terry remix) [Unearthed recordings]
22. Nurettin Colak – Conception (Arctic Moon Remix) [Harmonic Breeze Recordings]
23. Gary Maguire – Poisoned Mind [Discover Dark 50]
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Airbase – Escape [Intiution] Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Intro mix with a thank you by Armin) (18.8%)
Nurettin Colak - Conception (Arctic Moon Remix) [Harmonic Breeze Recordings] (15.8%)
Zaa ft. Molly - Surrender (DJ Darq Remix) (9.7%)
Ben Nicky - Rattle (Original Mix) [AVA Recordings] (8.2%)
Heatbeat - Trash [Armada] (8.1%)
A State of Trance Episode 482 (11-11-2010)
1. Cosmic Gate – Back 2 Earth (Arty Remix) [Black Hole]
2. Zaa ft. Molly – Surrender (DJ Darq Remix)
3. Hybrid – Disappear Here (Andy Moor Dub) [Distinctive]
4. FUTURE FAVORITE: Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills – Take A Moment (Shogun Remix) [Armind]
5. Aruna with Mark Eteson – Let Go (Nic Chagall Remix) (Myon’s Refill) [Anjunabeats]
6. Radion 6 – Street of NY [Oxygen]
7. Miguel Bose – Jurame (Armin van Buuren remix) [Warner Music]
8. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Orjan Nilsen – GO FAST! [Armind]
9. Ali Wilson – Phenomenon (from the album ‘Phenomenon’) [High Contrast]
10. Ali Wilson – Off the Hook (from the album ‘Phenomenon’) [High Contrast]
11. Ali Wilson – Sundance (from the album ‘Phenomenon’) [High Contrast]
12. BeeKay – Emotional Storm (Original Mix) [Mistique Dream Recordings Slovakia]
13. Signum feat. Kate Louise Smith – Liberate [Soundpiercing]
14. Med vs Neil Bamford – Last Stand (Paul Vernon Remix) [Infrasonic]
15. Ben Gold – Llacuna (Vocal Mix) [Garuda]
16. Alpha Duo & James Kitcher feat. Emma Lock – Beautiful Dream [Omerta]
17. Daniel Kandi pres. 215 Aces – Promised [Always Alive Recordings]
18. DJ Eco – Drowning (Dereck Recay remix) [ASOT]
19. Sean Tyas – Banshee [ASOT]
20. Suncatcher – November 1st [Enhanced]
21. Oliver Brooks – Apart [Enhanced Recordings]
22. Cosmic Gate – Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate’s Back 2 The Future Remix) [Black Hole]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Envio – Touched By The Sun (ASOT) Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment (Shogun Remix) [Armind] (25.2%)
Suncatcher vs. Pizz@dox - Remember The Youthful Years (Nery Remix) [FSOE] (9.7%)
Sean Tyas - Banshee [Armada] (9.2%)
Nadia Ali - Triangle (Myon and Shane 54 Classic Mix) [Smile In Bed] (8.3%)
tyDi Feat Tania Zygar - Half Light (Max Graham Remix) [Ava] (7.5%)
A State of Trance Episode 483 (18-11-2010)
1. Matt Darey ft. Kate Louise Smith – Black Canyon (Taurus & Vaggeli remix) [Nocturnal Global]
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Miguel Bose – Jurame (Armin van Buuren remix) [Warner Music]
3. D-Mad – We have it (Broning Remix) [Spinnin]
4. Gareth Emery – Citadel vs Markus Schulz feat. Jennifer Rene – Not The Same (AvB mash up)
5. JOOP – Choices [High Contrast]
6. First State – Reverie (Dash Berlin Remix) [Black Hole]
7. Cosmic Gate – Back 2 Earth (Jochen Miller Remix) [Black Hole]
8. Kiholm – Panacea (DNS Project Remix) [Infrasonic]
9. Reeves – Dreams (Jon O’Bir Remix) [Anjunabeats]
10. Daniel Wanrooy – Endless Moments (George Acosta’s Free State Remix) [Black Hole]
11. Roger Shah – Guaba Beach (Original Mix) [Magic Island]
12. Signum feat. Kate Louise Smith – Liberate (Original Mix) [Armada]
13. Orjan Nilsen – Go Fast! [Armind]
14. Drax LTD II – Amphetamine (Umek Remix) [AFU limited]
15. Russo – Analog Boy Digital Girl
16. Ultimate – Towards Destiny (Original Mix) [Timeline Music]
17. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Onova – Archipelago [Monster Tunes]
18. Vast Vision – Ambrosia (Arctic Moon Remix)
19. Dave202 – We Are One
20. Jo Micali – Flying (Simon Bostock Remix) [Unearthed Records]
21. Tom Colontonio feat. Michele Karmin – Color of a Tear (Suncatcher dub) [2 Play]
22. Insigma – Open Our Eyes (Alex M.o.r.p.h. Remix) [from the album ‘Hands on Armada’]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Sensation – The Anthem 2003 [ID&T] Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results Miguel Bose - Jurame (Armin van Buuren remix) [Warner Music] (16.7%)
Orjan Nilsen – GO FAST! [Armind] (15.6%)
Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix) [Black Hole] (10.2%)
Cosmic Gate - Back 2 Earth (Arty Remix) [Black Hole] (8.9%)
Daniel Kandi pres. 215 Aces - Promised [Always Alive Recordings] (7.9%)
A State of Trance Episode 484 (25-11-2010)
1. Signum feat. Julie Thompson – Never Be The Same [from the album 'For You'] [Armada]
2. FUTURE FAVORITE: Gareth Emery – Citadel vs Markus Schulz feat. Jennifer Rene – Not The Same (AvB mash up)
3. Estiva – Festival [Enhanced]
4. Cosmic Gate – Back 2 Earth (Arty Remix) [Black Hole]
5. BT feat. Jes – The Light In Things (tyDi remix) [Nettwerk]
6. Fafaq – Carimucho [High Contrast NuBreed]
7. Pulser – In My World [Garuda]
8. John O Callaghan & Timmy & Tommy – Talk To Me [Subculture]
9. Arnej – We Need Them [Coldharbour]
10. Shato & Paul Rockseek – Crypoint (Stoneface & Terminal remix) [Tool Trance]
11. Eco – Drowning (Dereck Recay remix) [ASOT]
12. Adam Kancerski feat. Aneym – It Takes Time [Vandit]
13. Julian Vincent – Shadows The Sun (Daniel Kandi’s Bangin Mix) [S107]
14. Mike Danis – Cosmic Diary (Juventa Remix) [Harmonic Breeze Recordings]
15. Signum – Centurion [from the album "For You"] [Armada]
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Simon Patterson – Mood Swing [Spinnin]
17. Orla Feeney – Lesson Learned (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Vandit]
18. Dan Stone – Harvest Moon [Anjunabeats]
19. Onova – Archipelago [Monster Tunes]
20. Signum – Beyond This Earth [from the album "For You"] [Armada]
21. RAM – RAMazing [ASOT]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Union Jack – Two Full Moons and a Trout (Casper Pound remix) [Platipus] Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results Gareth Emery - Citadel vs Markus Schulz feat. Jennifer Rene - Not The Same (AvB mash up) (15.2%)
First State - Reverie (Dash Berlin Remix) [Black Hole] (13.0%)
Onova – Archipelago [Monster Tunes] (10.4%)
Vast Vision - Ambrosia (Arctic Moon Remix) [Future Sound of Egypt] (10.1%)
Dave202 - We Are One (9.5%)
A State of Trance Episode 485 (02-12-2010)
1. Super8 & Tab – My Enemy (Rank 1 Remix) [Anjunabeats]
2. Gemini’s Edge – Save You (Sam Stroke and Isaac Fisherman Remix) [Dissident Music]
3. Reminder feat Cathy Burton – Love to hold [Afterglow]
4. First State – Reverie (Dash Berlin Remix) [Black HOle]
5. FUTURE FAVORITE: BT feat. Jes – The Light In Things (tyDi remix) [Nettwerk]
6. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns – This Light Between Us (Richard Durand remix) [Armind]
7. Leon Bolier – Elysian Fields [Spinnin]
8. Fabio XB – Reflected vs Yuri Kane – Right Back (Avb Mash Up)
9. Audien & DeColita – Behind Our Thoughts (Juventa Remix) [Alter Ego Progressive]
10. MEM – More Than Feelings [Reset]
11. M6 – Fair & Square (Alexander Popov Remix) [Armada]
12. Sindre Eide – First Movement (Club Mix) [Enhanced]
13. Cymatics – Ancient Times (Kilholm Remix) [Unearthed Recordings]
14. Accendo – Memory Lane (Suncatcher Remix) [Infrasonic]
15. Cosmic Gate – The Drums (Markus Schulz Remix) [Black Hole]
16. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Thomas Bronzwaer – Still Waters [Subculture]
17. Giuseppe Ottaviani with Walsh & McAuley ft. Emma Lock – Ready (original mix)
18. Robbie Nelson – Up In Smoke (Indecent Noise Remix) [Subculture]
19. Simon Patterson – Mood Swing [Spinnin]
20. Indecent Noise – Razor (Original Mix) [Fraction Records]
21. Veracocha – Carte Blanche (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [From the album “Hands on Armada”]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Shane – C’est Musique (Armin van Buuren Remix) Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results BT feat. Jes - The Light In Things (tyDi remix) [Nettwerk] (20.7%)
RAM – RAMazing [Armada] (11.3%)
Signum - Beyond This Earth [from the album "For You"] [Armada] (11.2%)
Simon Patterson - Mood Swing [Spinnin] (10.6%)
Cosmic Gate - Back 2 Earth (Arty Remix) [Black Hole] (9.4%)
A State of Trance Episode 486 (09-12-2010)
1. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Conjure One feat Jaren – Like Ice (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Nettwerk]
2. Cosmic Gate – Fire Wire (Wippenberg Remix) [Black Hole]
3. Deadmau5 – Right this Second (from the album ’4?4=12?) [Mau5trap]
4. Shane Halcon – Solid Ground [Intuition Deep]
5. Sander van Doorn Feat Carol Lee – Love Is Darkness (Original Mix) [Doorn]
6. FUTURE FAVORITE: Super8 & Tab – My Enemy (Rank 1 remix) [Anjunabeats]
7. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Disarm Yourself (Club Mix) [Aropa]
8. Gemini’s Edge – Save You (Sam Stroke and Isaac Fisherman Remix) [Dissident Music]
9. Arty – Zara [Anjunabeats]
10. Amex & Jason van Wyk – Moments (Van Dresen Remix) [First State music]
11. Aiera – Aiera (Temple One Remix) [Blue Soho]
12. Adam Kancerski feat. Aneym – It Takes Time (Original Mix) [VANDIT]
13. A.R.D.I. – Landscape (Original Mix) [Harmonic Breeze]
14. Thomas Bronzwaer – Still Waters [Subculture]
15. Stonevalley – Alcatraz (Sequentia Remix) [Enhanced]
16. Haris C & Plant – Flashback (Haris C Mix) [Factual Records]
17. Ferry Corsten pres Eon – Pocket Damage (Juventa Remix) [Flash over]
18. Pedro Del Mar & Proyal – Persian Gulf (Stonevalley Remix) [Shah music]
19. Michael Dow – The Prayer [Slinky Digital]
20. Solid Globe – North Pole (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Subculture]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Vimana – We Came (Original Mix) [Black Hole] Head over to www.arminvanbuuren.net and vote for your top 20 of 2010 now! Future Favorite results Super8 & Tab - My Enemy (Rank 1 remix) [Anjunabeats] (13.6%)
Gemini's Edge - Save You (Sam Stroke and Isaac Fisherman Remix) [Dissident Music] (13.4%)
Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Richard Durand remix) [Armind] (11.7%)
Fabio XB - Reflected vs Yuri Kane - Right Back (Avb Mash Up) (8.4%)
Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [From the album “Hands on Armada”] (7.8%)
A State of Trance Episode 487 (16-12-2010)
Hour 1: the newest tunes selected:
1. Will Holland feat. Jeza – Start Again (Original Intro Mix) [Enhanced]
2. Bas van Essen – Memento [Pilot6 Recordings]
3. Fabio XB – Reflected (XB Club rework) [ASOT]
4. Nuera – Green Cape Sunset (Original Mix)
5. Conjure One feat Jaren – Like Ice (Marcus Schosow Remix) [Nettwerk]
6. Mike Foyle presents Statica – Head Rush (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Fireworks (Club Mix) [Maelstrom]
8. DJ Governor – Pale Memories [Armind] Results Trance top 1000 (biggest trance records of all time) – www.trancetop1000.com
3. Motorcycle – As the Rush Comes [Armind]
2. Rank 1 – Airwave [Free For All]
1. Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan – Silence (Tiesto In Search of Sunrise Remix) [Nettwerk] Hour 2: Live from Armin Only Kiev Ukraine 04-12-2010
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana – Desiderium 207 [live performance by Susana]
2. Armin van Buuren – Mirage [live performance by Bagga Bownz, Eller van Buuren, Benno de Goeij]
3. W&W – Alpha [Captivating Sounds]
4. Onova – Archipelago [Monster Tunes]
5. Cosmic Gate – Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate’s Back 2 The Future Remix) [Black Hole]
6. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns – This Light Between Us (Great Strings mix) [live performance by Christian Burns]
7. Soundlift – Empty Street Night (Daniel Kandi remix) [Blue Soho]
8. Alexander Popov – Revolution in you (strings mix) [Armind]
9. Armin van Buuren – Full Focus [Armind]
10. Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus – Symphonica (Original Mix) [Spinnin]
11. Gaia – Aisha [Armind]
12. Armin van Buuren – Orbion [Armind] [live performance by Susana] Future Favorite results Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Disarm Yourself (Club Mix) [Aropa] (33.4%)
Conjure One feat Jaren - Like Ice (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Nettwerk] (12.5%)
Sander van Doorn Feat Carol Lee - Love Is Darkness (Original Mix) [Doorn] (8.7%)
Deadmau5 - Right this Second (from the album '4x4=12') [Mau5trap] (7.1%)
Arty - Zara [Anjunabeats] (6.0%)
A State of Trance Episode 488 (23-12-2010)
No. Artists – Track (Points / Votes)
01. Yuri Kane – Right Back (7446 / 2083)
02. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders – Sanctuary (Club Mix) (7257 / 2121)
03. Armin van Buuren – Orbion (4812 / 1494)
04. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns – This Light Between Us (4167 / 1306)
05. Armin van Buuren – Mirage (4052 / 1247)
06. Susana feat. Omnia & The Blizzard – Closer (4004 / 1069)
07. Gaia – Aisha (3894 / 1185)
08. Faithless – Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren Remix) (3573 / 1249)
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix) (3535 / 1147)
10. Gareth Emery feat. Oceanlab – On A Good Day (Metropolis) (3232 / 1012)
11. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Save Me (2531 / 788)
12. Dash Berlin – Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (2470 / 840)
13. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper – She Moves (2193 / 709)
14. Armin van Buuren – Full Focus (1996 / 677)
15. Markus Schulz feat. Justine Suissa – Perception (1954 / 633)
16. The Blizzard & Omnia – Metanoia (1801 / 524)
17. Armin van Buuren – Coming Home (1756 / 562)
18. Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (Arctic Moon Remix) (1664 / 564)
19. DJ’s United – Remember Love (1620 / 523)
20. Faithless – Tweak Your Nipple (Tiesto Remix) (1591 / 514) Full list of results available at www.arminvanbuuren.net Number Of Confirmed Valid Votes: 17005
Special thanks to Peter Kruit, Abhay Gulabani, Mannie Kumar and Rob van den Nieuwelaar. Statement: This list is a true and accurate reflection of all votes and purely based on listeners votes. Each listener that submitted his or her votes, selected his personal top 5 of 2010 of tracks, as played in one of the shows in 2010. All votes were checked on possible fraud. Armin van Buuren nor Armada Music had anything to do with the points awarded. Future Favorite results Will Holland feat. Jeza - Start Again (Original Intro Mix) [Enhanced] (31.9%)
Mike Foyle presents Statica - Head Rush (Original Mix) (18.4%)
Nuera - Green Cape Sunset (Original Mix) (15.3%)
DJ Governor - Pale Memories (14.8%)
Fabio XB - Reflected (XB Club rework) (13.7%)
A State of Trance Episode 489 (30-12-2010)
1. Intro – The Ten Commandments
2. D-Mad – She Gave Happiness (Arty Remix)
3. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Imprisoned
4. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado – Down To Love
5. Matt Darey presents Urban Astronauts feat. Kristy Thirsk – Black Flowers (Josh Gabriel Remix)
6. Susana feat. Omnia & The Blizzard – Closer
7. Luigi Lusini – Who We Are
8. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow – 2099
9. Max Graham feat. Ana Criado – Nothing Else Matters (Club Mix) (Re-Brand)
10. Mat Zo – Near The End
11. Velvetine – Safe [Wherever You Are] (Rank 1 Remix)
12. Yuri Kane – Right Back
13. Armin van Buuren vs Sophie Ellis-Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love (Club Mix)
14. Rank 1 vs Jochen Miller – The Great Escape
15. Arnej – They Need Us (Club Edit)
16. Nic Chagall, Rank 1 & Wippenberg – 100
17. Orjan Nilsen – Lovers Lane
18. Yuri Kane feat. Melissa Loretta – Daylight
19. tyDi feat. Audrey Gallagher – Calling
20. Tim Berg – Bromance (Avicii’s Arena Mix)
21. tyDi feat. Tania Zygar – Vanilla
22. Filo & Peri feat. Audrey Gallagher – This Night (Max Graham Remix)
23. Arty – Hope
24. Sander van Doorn pres. Purple Haze – Hymn 2.0
25. Orjan Nilsen – So Long Radio
26. Swedish House Mafia – One
27. Swedish House Mafia – Miami 2 Ibiza (Instrumental)
28. Ali Wilson – Pandora
29. Susana & Josh Gabriel – Frozen (Nic Chagall Remix)
30. Aruna with Mark Eteson – Let Go (Nic Chagall Remix)
31. Mango – Good Morning Track (Sunn Jellie Remix)
32. Super8 & Tab – Black Is The New Yellow
33. Roger Shah presents Sunlounger feat. Zara Taylor – Found (Club Mix)
34. Ron Hagen & Al Exander – Last Minute
35. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali – Feels So Good (Club Mix)
36. First State feat. Relyk – Cross The Line (Club Mix)
37. Reverse – Absolute Reality (Arty Remix)
38. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt – Live Forever (Mat Zo Remix)
39. Bart Claessen – Hartseer
40. Stoneface & Terminal – Don’t Give a Fuck
41. Arnej – The Strings That Bind Us
42. Dido – Everything To Lose (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
43. Gaia – Aisha
44. Armin van Buuren – Orbion
45. Who.Is – We.Are
46. Above & Beyond vs Kyau & Albert – Anphonic
47. Oceanlab feat. Gareth Emery – On A Good Day (Metropolis)
48. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns – This Light Between Us (Armin van Buuren’s Great Strings Mix)
49. 4 Strings feat. Ellie Lawson – Safe From Harm
50. Faithless – Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren Remix)
51. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper – She Moves
52. Leon Bolier feat. Fisher – By Your Side (I’ll Be There)
53. Alexander Popov – Revolution In You (Main Mix)
54. Wezz Devall – Free My Willy
55. Armin van Buuren – Mirage
56. DNS Project feat. Johanna – Mindful (Ronski Speed Mix)
57. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders – Sanctuary (Club Mix)
58. Markus Schulz – Rain
59. Jochen Miller – Humanoid
60. Markus Schulz feat. Justine Suissa – Perception (Super8 & Tab Remix)
61. Markus Schulz feat. Jennifer Rene – Not The Same
62. Gareth Emery – Citadel
63. Marcel Woods – Tomorrow
64. Faithless – Tweak Your Nipple (Tiesto Remix)
65. Skytech – Comet
66. W&W – Alpha
67. Shogun feat. Emma Lock – Save Me (Ilya Soloviev Remix)
68. Vast Vision feat. Fisher – Behind Your Smile (Suncatcher Remix)
69. Dash Berlin – Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
70. Solarstone – Touchstone (Aly & Fila Remix)
71. Simon Patterson – Miss You
72. Armin van Buuren – Coming Home
73. Armin van Buuren feat. BT – These Silent Hearts
74. Aly & Fila feat. Josie – Listening (Philippe El Sisi Remix)
75. Arctic Moon – True Romance
76. Andy Blueman – Florescence (Epic Mix)
77. Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus – Symphonica
78. Armin van Buuren – Full Focus
79. DJ’s United – Remember Love
80. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym – Far Away (Club Mix)
81. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy – Sun In The Winter (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
82. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith – Angel (Club Mix)
83. W&W – D.N.A.
84. Sebastian Brandt – 450
85. Dash Berlin – Till The Sky Falls Down (Arctic Moon Remix)
86. Marc Simz – Forbidden City
87. Jon O’Bir feat. Fisher – Found A Way (Joint Operations Centre Remix)
88. Outro – The Ascend
01. Lange feat. Sarah Howells - Fireworks (Club Mix) [Lange]
02. Shogun feat. Emma Lock - Run To My Rescue (Signum & Al Exander Remix) [S107]
03. Miguel Bose - Por Ti (Above & Beyond Remix) [Warner Music]
04. Second Sine - Mafia (meHiLove Remix) [Vendace]
05. Mike Foyle pres. Statica - Headrush [Coldharbour] [Tune Of The Week]
06. Chicane - What Am I Doing Here (Walsh & McAuley Remix) [Modena]
07. Dinka - Violet [Unreleased Digital]
08. Future Favorite #487: Will Holland feat. Jeza - Start Again [Enhanced Progressive]
09. Future favorite #488: Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Disarm Yourself [Aropa]
10. Darren Tate - Field Of Dreams [Mondo]
11. M6 - Fair & Square (Alexander Popov Remix) [Captivating]
12. ID (Marc Simz Remix)
13. Carlos - Guitaro [Liquid]
14. Activa pres. Solar Movement - Indigo [Anjunabeats]
15. Dave202 - Coming Home
16. Adam Kancerski feat. Aneym - It Takes Time [Vandit]
17. Virtual Vault - Causeway Bay [In Trance We Trust]
18. Sonic Element - Away Without You [Borderline]
19. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronics - Sophia [Nu-Depth]
20. ASOT Radio Classic: St. John & Locust - Mind Circles [A State Of Trance]
A State of Trance Episode 491 (13-01-2011)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Laura V - Drowning (Avicii Remix) [Armada]
02. Robbie Rivera - Departures (Cosmic Gate Remix) [Black Hole]
03. Rapha - Dark Temptation
04. Mat Zo - Back In Time [Anjunabeats]
05. Paul Gibson - Fusion (Rafael Frost Remix) [Unearthed]
06. Spark7 - Lightness
07. Kyau & Albert - Barbizon [Euphonic]
08. Conjure One feat. Jaren - Like Ice (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Nettwerk]
09. Tenishia feat. Aneym - Men In Denial [Armada]
10. Virtual Vault - Offshore [In Trance We Trust]
11. W&W - Impact [Captivating]
12. FUTURE FAVORITE: Lange feat. Sarah Howells - Fireworks (Club Mix) [Lange]
13. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Andrew Rayel - Aether [Timeline]
14. Norin & Rad vs. Recurve - The Gift (Tritonal Air Up There Remix) [Air Up There]
15. Robert Nickson & Thomas Datt - Godless (Protoculture Remix) [Re*Brand]
16. DNS Project - Second Chapter [Coldharbour]
17. Laura Jansen - Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Universal Remix]
18. Dave202 - Coming Home (Club Mix) [High Contrast]
19. Jordan Suckley - Jet2 Hell [Goodgreef]
20. Hemstock & Jennings - Mirage Of Hope (Sied Van Riel Remix) [Liquid]
21. Running Man pres. Fifth Dimension - Don't Say Goodbye
22. John O Callaghan vs. Timmy & Tommy - Talk to Me (Activa pres. Solar Movement Remix) [Subculture]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Marcel Woods - Advanced (Trance Energy 2006 Anthem) [High Contrast]
A State of Trance Episode 492 (20-01-2011)
01. Mat Zo - Synapse Dynamics (Arty Remix) [Anjunabeats]
02. Ad Brown & Kerry Leva - Memorial (You Were Loved) (Maor Levi Remix) [Enhanced Progressive]
03. Future Favorite: Armin van Buuren feat. Laura V - Drowning (Avicii Remix) [Armind]
04. Winter Kills - Hot As Hades (John O'Callaghan Remix) [Different Pieces]
05. Tune Of The Week: Rex Mundi - Sandstone [Coldharbour]
06. Whiteroom feat. Amy Cooper - Someday (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Armada]
07. EDU feat. Aelyn - Taken Away (ProgressiveR Remix) [Perceptive Deep]
08. Robert Nickson & Thomas Datt - Godless (Protoculture Remix) [Re*brand]
09. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Echoes (Protoculture Remix) [Enhanced]
10. Lange & Fabio XB pres. Yves De Lacroix - Electrify (Lange Mix)
11. Running Man - Sorrow [Unearthed]
12. Sied van Riel feat. Nicole McKenna - Stealing Time [Liquid]
13. Juventa - Perfecta (Dan Stone Remix) [Arisa Audio]
14. Cosmic Gate - Human Beings (Daniel Kandi's Human Society Remix) [Black Hole]
15. T4L - Biogenesis [Black Hole]
16. David Newsum - Narco [Discover]
17. Cosmic Gate - Melt To The Ocean (John O'Callaghan's Main Room Remix) [Black Hole]
18. RAM - RAMazing (Bjorn Akesson Remix) [A State Of Trance]
19. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence [Coldharbour]
20. Smart Apes & Amex - Silent Wave (Marc Simz Remix)
21. Laura Jansen - Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Remix)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Sean Tyas - Lift [Discover]
A State of Trance Episode 493 (27-01-2011)
01. Rinat Shabanov - Tindra [Unearthed Subliminal]
02. Winter Kills - Hot As Hades (John O'Callaghan Deep Dream Remix) [Different Pieces]
03. Scenix - Surreality (Fall Mix) [Intuition Deep]
04. Robbie Rivera - Departures (Cosmic Gate Dub) [Juicy]
05. Future Favorite: Mat Zo - Synapse Dynamics (Arty Remix) [Anjunabeats]
06. Hesham Ghoneim - Nightside [Terminal]
07. Jochen Miller - U & Eye [High Contrast]
08. Rex Mundi - Sandstone [Coldhabour]
09. Norin & Rad vs. Recurve - The Gift [Air Up There]
10. Andrew Rayel - Aether [Timeline]
11. Pete Drury - One Way Ticket (Matthew Nagle Remix) [Harmonic Breeze]
12. Evol Wavez - Everything In It's Right Place [Doorn]
13. Sied van Riel - MME (MarLo Remix) [Liquid]
14. EDU & Cramp - Silver Sand (Daniel Kandi Remix) [Anjunabeats]
15. Tune Of The Week: John O'Callaghan vs. Timmy & Tommy - Talk To Me (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Subculture]
16. Will Holland feat. Jeza - Start Again (Juventa Remix) [Enhanced]
17. Mike Koglin - Sunstar [Anjunabeats]
18. Tenishia feat. Aneym - Man In Denial [S107]
19. Mistigris - Sunshine [Flashover]
20. SoundLift - Long Way Back [Abora]
21. Future Favorite: Sied van Riel feat. Nicole McKenna - Stealing Time [Liquid]
22. Andrew Rayel - Cold Snap
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Fire & Ice - Para Siempre [Bonzai]
A State of Trance Episode 494 (03-02-2011)
01. Luigi Lusini & Thomas Schwartz – Kiunguja[The Clubbers]
02. Wippenberg - Phoenix [Get Wipped Records]
03. Wojciech Tuszynski – Stab [Club Traxx]
04. Manuel Le Saux & Fluctor – Fun-Q-Low (Beat Service Remix) [Neuroscience Recordings]
05. Arnej feat. Sally Saifi – Free Of You (Arnej Instrumental) [Arnej Music]
06. Slusnik Luna – Sun 2011 (4 Strings Remix) [Anjunabeats]
07. Jochen Miller – You and eye [High Contrast]
08. Marcel Woods - Champagne Dreams (W&W Remix) [High Contrast Recordings]
09. Future Favorite: John O Callaghan vs. Timmy n Tommy – Talk To Me (Orjan Nilsen Trancemix) [Subculture]
10. Claessen & Martens – The Man Who Knew Too Much [Anjunabeats]
11. Markus Schulz pres Dakota – Sinners [Coldharbour Red]
12. Bobina & Betsi Larkin – You Belong To Me [Maelstrom]
13. Radion 6 – Stuck in Rio [Oxygen]
14. Neo Kekkonen – Timepiece [Camouflage]
15. Aly & Fila vs Tiff Lacey – Paradise [FSOE]
16. Adam Szabo – Radiance [Always Alive]
17. Tune Of The Week: Bjorn Akesson – Painting Pyramids [FSOE]
18. John Gibbons vs Setrise – The Lead We Lost (Vast Vision Remix) [Club Educate]
19. Chris & Matt Kidd – Serene [Discover Dark]
20. Klauss Goulart – Turbulence [Coldharbour]
21. Asot Radio Classic: The Roc Project feat Tina Arena – Never (Filterheadz Love Tina Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 495 (10-02-2011)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Laura V - Drowning (Myon & Shane54 Remix) [Armind]
02. W&W - AK47 [Captivating]
03. Tenishia – The Ones We Left Behind [ASOT]
04. Sons of Methuselah – Convolutions [Songbird]
05. Conjure One feat. Jaren vs. Kyau & Albert - Like Barbizon Ice (Cressida Mashup)
06. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Lifted (Mat Zo Remix) [Air Up There]
07. Marcel Woods - Champagne Dreams (W&W Remix) [High Contrast]
08. Stoneface & Terminal - Here To Stay [Euphonic]
09. Future Favorite: Bobina & Betsie Larkin - You Belong To Me [Maelstrom]
10. Tune Of The Week: Mark Eteson - Blackboard [Garuda]
11. Ummet Ozcan - Indigo [Reset]
13. Dakota - Sinners [Coldharbour]
14. Markus Schulz pres Dakota – Sinners [Coldharbour Red]
15. M.I.K.E. presents Plastic Boy - The Color Of Passion [Captivating Sounds]
16. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Another World [Armada]
17. Morning Parade - A&E (Dash Berlin Remix) [Parlophone]
18. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Bring Back The Sun [Subculture]
19. Gareth Emery - All Is Now (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Garuda]
20. Hiroyuki ODA - Ignite (Original Mix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Mark Otten - Mushroom Therpy (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Armind]
A State of Trance Episode 496 (17-02-2011)
01. Future Favorite: W&W - AK47 [Captivating]
02. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
03. Faruk Sabanci - Jessica's Santuary [Aropa]
04. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Lifted (Mat Zo Remix) [Air Up There]
05. The Madison - Liquid Sky
06. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Bring Back The Sun (Max Graham Remix) [Subculture]
07. Tenishia - The One We Left Behind [A State Of Trance]
08. Gareth Emery feat. Roxanne Emery - Too Dark Tonight (John O'Callaghan Remix) [Garuda]
09. Craving - Our Tribe [First State Deep]
10. Costa & EDU - Cold State (Original Mix) [Infrasonic]
11. Tune Of The Week: Agulo feat. David Berkerly - Fire Sign (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
12. Gaia - Status Excessus D [Armind] [ASOT#500 Official Anthem]
13. Ronski Speed vs. Filo & Peri - Propane [Euphonic]
14. Airbase - We Might Fall (Pulser Remix) [Intuition]
15. Adam Nickey pres. Blue8 - Livia [Enhanced]
16. Hodel & Anguilla Project - Emerald [Infrasonic]
17. Alejandro Yanni - Compressed Progress (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Istmo Music]
18. Sequentia - Gone Missing (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
19. Bjorn Akesson - Painting Pytamids [Future Sound Of Egypt]
20. Binary Finary & Trent McDermott - Freedom Seekers (Arctic Moon Remix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Super8 - Alba [Anjunabeats]
A State of Trance Episode 497 (24-02-2011)
01. Cirez D & Acki Kokotos - Tomorrow [Mouseville]
02. Rex Mundi - Valley Of Dreams [Coldharbour]
03. Tune Of The Week: Svyatoslav Maltsev - Wait Until The End (Paul Vinitsky Remix)
04. Sou Kanai - Awakening (Sunn Jellie Remix)
05. Temple One - Zebra (Nuera Remix) [Enhanced]
06. Cressida feat. Roxanne Barton - Heart On My Sleeve (Kyau & Albert Remix) [Euphonic]
07. Signum - Shamisan (Shogun Remix) [Soundpiercing]
08. Robert Gitleman - Baja Tribe [High Contrast]
09. Gareth Emery - Citadel (Super8 & Tab Remix) [Garuda]
10. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Another World (Shogun Remix) [S107]
11. Future Favorite: Gaia - Status Excessu D [Armind] [ASOT#500 Official Anthem]
12. Alex Pich & Shinobi - Barcelona (Matthew Nagle Remix) [Full Tilt]
13. Rapha - Far Away (Dan Stone Remix) [Tool]
14. Arctic Moon - Adelaide (Ben Nicky Remix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
15. Eco - The Light In Your Eyes Went Out [A State Of Trance]
16. Daniel Summers - Sun vs. Rain
17. Agulo feat. David Berkeley - Fire Sign (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
18. JK - The Cover Of The Night
19. Will Atkinson - Heartfelt [Borderline]
20. Sied van Riel feat. Nicole McKenna - Stealing Time (Aly & Fila Remix) [Liquid]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Paul van Dyk Feat. Saint Etienne - Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (John Askew Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 498 (03-03-2011)
01. Triple A - Winter Stayed (Armin van Buuren's On The Beach Intro Mix) [Armind]
02. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Another World (Shogun Remix) [S107]
03. Artento Divini feat. Cornelis van Dijk - My Sanctuary (Shy Brothers Remix) [High Contrast]
04. W&W - AK47 [Captivating Sounds]
05. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-n-Rolla Remix) [Premier]
06. M6 - Fair & Square [Captivating Sounds]
07. Eco - The Light In Your Eyes Went Out (Lemon & Einar K Remix) [A State Of Trance]
08. Gareth Emery feat. Roxanne Emery - Too Dark Tonight (John O'Callaghan Remix) [Garuda]
09. Rapha - Andromeda [Enhanced Progressive]
10. Future Favorite: Svyatoslav Maltsev - Wait Until The End (Paul Vinitsky Remix) [Vendace]
11. Temple One - Zebra (Nuera Remix) [Enhanced]
12. Rory Gallagher & Mike Lane - Eclipse
13. M.I.K.E. & Ben Nicky - Spring Break [Club Elite]
14. Alex Fisher - Skorp [High Contrast]
15. Tune Of The Week: Daniel Kandi & Phillip Alpha - If It Ain't Broke [Enhanced]
16. Meridian - Shifters (Stonevalley Remix) [Infrasonic]
17. Arctic Moon - Adelaide [Future Sound Of Egypt]
18. Monada – Sunny Day
19. Activa - Telic (Part One) [Discover]
20. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence [Coldharbour]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Ernesto vs. Bastian - Dark Side Of The Moon [High Contrast]
A State of Trance Episode 499 (10-03-2011)
01. Ron Hagen & Al Exander - Now Is The Time (Armin van Buuren's Intro Edit)
02. Mike Shiver vs. Matias Lehtola - Slacker
03. The Blizzard & Omnia - My Inner Island
04. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - So Caught Up [Re*Brand]
05. Dreas vs. Alex Robert - Mormugao (Alex Robert 2011 Mix)
06. Mark Otten - Libertine
07. Future Favorite: Triple A - Winter Stayed (Armin van Buuren's On The Beach Mix) [Armind]
08. Bobina - Lamento Sentimental
09. Gareth Emery - El Segundo (Arty Remix) [Garuda]
10. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound [Anjunabeats]
11. Ashley Wallbridge - Moonlight Sonata [AVA]
12. Shogun - Skyfire
13. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym - Follow You (Maor Levi Remix) [Anjunabeats]
14. Juventa - Dionysia [Always Alive]
15. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
16. Tune Of The Week: Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
17. Vitodito - Napoli (Suncatcher Remix) [Harmonic Breeze]
18. Lost World - Stargazer [Subculture]
19. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight [Future Sound Of Egypt]
20. Cagan Nazlioglu feat. Hysteria! - All Around You (Nurettin Colak Remix) [Music En Route]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Selu Vibra - Divine [Somatic Sense]
22. Gaia - Status Excessu D [Armind]
A State of Trance Episode 500 (10-03-2011)
2011-03-17: Capetown, South Africa «Official Pre-party»
Official Pre-party
Live from Backstage Studio
01. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Status Excessu D [ASOT#500 Official Anthem]
02. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun and Moon (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Anjunabeats]
03. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
04. Andy Moor vs. M.I.K.E. - Spirits Pulse (Original Mix) [AVA Recordings]
05. Impulsive Drive - Blue Skies (Akesson Remix) [Infrasonic]
06. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight (Original Mix) [Future Sound of Egypt] [Future Favorite] Protoculture
07. Bjorn Akesson - Painting Pyramids (Nhato Remix) [Future Sound of Egypt]
08. Armin van Buuren - Orbion (Max Graham vs. Protoculture Remix) [Armind]
09. Nadia Ali - Call My Name (Max Graham & Protoculture Extended Mix) [Smile in Bed] Lange
10. Lange pres. LNG - Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass [Magik Muzik]
11. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty’s Rock-N-Rolla Mix) [Flashover] Jorn van Deynhoven
12. Talla 2XLC - Shine 2010 (Temple One Remix) [Tetsuo]
13. Markus Schulz feat. Dauby - Perfect [ID Remix] Blake Jarrell
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Adam Young - Youtopia (Blake Jarrell Remix) [Armind]
15. Blake Jarrell - Maldives (Original Mix) [Garuda] Leon Bolier
16. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - 2099 (Original Mix) [Streamlined]
17. Leon Bolier - Capetown [Streamlined] ASOT Classics
18. Sarah McLachlan - Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti Gravity Remix) [Nettwerk]
19. Armin van Buuren - Sail (Original Mix) [Armind]
Jorn van Deynhoven
01. ID
02. Bjorn Akesson - Painting Pyramids
03. Ruben De Ronde - Forever In Our Hearts (Tom Colontonio Remix)
04. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Third Dome
05. The Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
06. Andr? Visior & Kay Stone - Sunrise
07. Agulo feat. David Berkeley - Fire Sign (Suncatcher Remix)
08. Will Holland feat. Jeza - Start Again (Juventa Remix)
09. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts vs. Jorn van Deynhoven & Temple One - See The Halo (Aurosonic & Quino Mashup)
10. ID
01. Deep Voices feat. Alexander Klaus - Autumn Leaves (Beltek Remix)
02. Lange & Fabio XB pres. Yves De Lacroix - Electrify (Lange Mix)
03. Mr. Pit - Stamina
04. Lange pres. LNG - Brandalism
05. ID
06. Radion 6 - Stuck In Rio
07. Lange vs. Andy Moor - Stadium Four
08. Above & Beyond - Sun & Moon (Club Mix)
09. Origene - Sanctuary (Arnej Club Mix)
10. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt - Live Forever (Mat Zo Remix)
11. Who.Is - We.Are
12. ID
Armin van Buuren
01. Gaia - Status Excessu D (Intro Mix)
02. W&W - AK47
03. John O'Callaghan vs. Timmy & Tommy - Talk To Me (Orjan Nilsen Trance Mix)
04. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
05. Shogun - Skyfire
06. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
07. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
08. Sied van Riel - MME (MarLo Remix)
09. ID
10. Tom Colontonio - Reflections (Heatbeat Renix)
11. DJ's United - Remember Love
12. Laura Jansen - Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Rework)
13. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts
14. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Back 2 The Future Remix)
15. Selu Vibra - Divine (Sean Tyas Remix)
2011-03-19: Johannesburg, South Africa
Blake Jarrell
01. Blake Jarrell vs Chemical Brothers - Manila Began In Afrika (Blake Jarrell Mashup)
02. Blake Jarrell - Boracay
03. Blake Jarrell - Maldives (Original Mix)
04. Wippenberg - Phoenix
05. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Spencer & Hill Remix)
06. Tydi Feat Audrey Gallagher - Calling (Blake Jarrell Remix)
07. Blake Jarrell - Boom From The Amplifiers
08. Armin van Buuren Feat. Adam Young - Youtopia (Blake Jarrell Remix)
09. Gareth Emery & Jerome Isma-Ae - Stars (Hardwell Remix)
10. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars (Blake Jarrell 2010 Remix)
11. Cosmic Gate - Back To Earth (Arty Remix)
01. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock'N'Rolla Mix)
02. Robert Nickson & Thomas Datt - Godless (Protoculture Remix)
03. Jason van Wyk vs. Max Graham feat. Ana Criado - Dream on vs. Nothing Else Matters (Protoculture Mashup)
04. Rebecca Black - Friday (Armin van Buuren Weekend Remix)
05. John O'Callaghan & Timmy & Tommy - Talk To Me (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
06. Sultan And Ned Shepard feat. Nadia Ali - Call My Name (Max Graham And Protoculture Remix)
07. Paul Ercossa - Adrenaline
08. Signum - Comin' On Strong (Max Graham & Protoculture Remix)
09. Armin van Buuren - Orbion (Max Graham vs. Protoculture Remix)
10. Stoneface & Terminal - Here To Stay
11. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Echoes (Protoculture Remix)
01. Deep Voices feat. Alexander Klaus - Autumn Leaves
02. Mark Leanings - Dropshot (Reaky Remix)
03. Slusnik Luna - Sun (4 Strings Remix)
04. Lange pres. LNG - Brandalism (Lange Mix)
05. Killswitch & Kelly Jay - Carpe Diem (Organ Donors Remix)
06. Radion 6 - Stuck In Rio
07. Lange & Andy Moor - Stadium Four
08. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Belfort - Sun & Moon (Club Mix)
09. Origene - Sanctuary (Arnej Club Mix)
10. Gareth Emery Ft. Mark Frisch - Into The Light (Lange Remix)
11. Lange pres. LNG - Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass
12. Stoneface & Terminal - This Moment (Original Mix)
Armin van Buuren
01. Ron Hagen & Al Exander - Now Is The Time (Armin van Buuren's Intro Edit)
02. Armin van Buuren - Mirage (Benno de Goeij & Jochen Miller Remix)
03. Triple A - Winter Stayed
04. Norin & Rad vs. Recurve - The Gift
05. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound
06. Shogun - Skyfire
07. Bjorn Akesson - Painting Pyramids (Original Mix)
08. Gareth Emery - Sanctuary (Sean Tyas Remix)
09. Armin van Buuren - Coming Home
10. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts
11. Оrjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
12. Andrew Rayel - Aether
13. Rising Star - Touch Me (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
14. Dave202 vs Cerf & Mitiska & Jaren - Arrival vs Beggin You (Armin Van Buuren Mashup)
15. Markus Schulz Presents Dakota - Sinners
16. ID
17. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence
18. M6 & Willem van Hanegem - Inferno
19. Monada - Sunny Day
20. Gaia - Status Excessu D [ASOT#500 Official Anthem]
21. Aly & Fila - We Control The Sunlight
22. 7 Skies vs Motorcycle - Caffeine As The Rush Comes (Mashup)
Leon Bolier
01. Leon Bolier - Capetown (Intro Mix)
02. Green Velvet - Flash (Nicky Romero Remix)
03. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - 2099 (Original Mix)
04. Marcel Woods - BPM (Kristof van den Berghe Remix)
05. Leon Bolier vs. JOOP - Absolut
06. Leon Bolier - Ocean Drive Boulevard (Original Mix)
07. Leon Bolier - ID
08. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - Ost Kaas (Mozarella Mix)
09. The Prodigy - No Good (Leon Bolier Bootleg)
10. John Askew - The Witch
11. Leon Bolier - Summernight Confessions
Jorn van Deynhoven
01. John Askew - Fucking Caps Lock
02. Bjorn Akesson - Robot Religion
03. Binary Finary - 1998 (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
04. Hoyaa - The Other World (Original Mix)
05. TrancEye - Good Morning Sunshine (Original Mix)
06. Inertia - The System (Sean Tyas Tom Colontonio Remix)
07. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Arctic Moon Remix)
08. Nurettin Colak - Conception (Arctic Moon Remix)
09. Illitheas - Perfect Day (Ronny K Remix)
10. RAM - RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
2011-03-27: Miami, United States
Marcus Schossow
01. Schossow & Sagstad - Dome
02. Marcus Schossow - Swedish Nights
03. Marcus Schossow - Alright
04. BT - The Emergency (Marcus Schossow Remix)
05. Above & Beyond – Sun & Moon (Marcus Schossow Remix)
06. Leon Bolier vs. Marcus Schossow - 2099 (Breakfast Remix)
07. Yep & Lang - Nevertheless (Nifra Remix)
08. Conjure One feat Jaren - Like Ice (Marcus Schossow Remix)
09. Judge Jules - The Greater Good (Marcus Schossow Remix)
10. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - Ost Kaas (Mozarella Mix)
Alex M.O.R.P.H.
01. Star Wars - Imperial March (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Intro Edit)
02. Sylvia Tosun & Bellatrax - Worlds Keep Turning (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Club Mix)
03. ID
04. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene - Louder (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
05. Deep Voices Ft. Alexander Klaus - Autumn Leaves (Beltek Remix)
06. ID
07. ID
08. Dada Life – White Noise/Red Meat (ID Remix)
09. Protonica - Northern Storm (Original Mix)
10. Skytech - Rocket Science
11. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ana Criado – Sunset Boulevard
12. ID
13. Winter Stayed - Triple A (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
14. Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
15. Glenn Morrison feat. Christian Burns - Tokyo Cries (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
Cosmic Gate
01. Cosmic Gate - Back To Earth (Arty Remix)
02. Cressida feat Roxanne Barton - Heart On My Sleeve (Kyau & Albert Remix)
03. Mat Zo - Synapse Dynamics (Arty Remix)
04. Moguai - We Want Your Soul (Thomas Gold Remix)
05. Dune - Heiress Of Valentina (Alesso Remix)
06. Cosmic Gate - Barra
07. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Cosmic Gate Essential Rework)
08. Nadia Ali - Rapture (Tristan Garner Elevation Remix)
09. Randy Katana - In Silence (Setrise Remix)
10. Cosmic Gate - Raging (Alexander Popov Dub Mix)
11. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
12. Store N'Forward vs. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft - Donut Tracking Treasure Down (Store N'Forward Mashup)
13. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
14. Vincent De Moor - Fly Away (Cosmic Gate Remix)
15. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)
Gareth Emery
01. Gareth Emery feat. Brute Force - Arrival (Ashley Wallbridge Intro Mix)
02. Yves-Y vs. Fred Baker - Start Again (Original Mix)
03. Gareth Emery feat. Mark Frisch - Into The Light (ID Remix)
04. Steve Angello & Faithless - Knas Insomnia (East & Young Mashup)
05. Pendulum vs. Rank 1 vs. Nic Chagall vs. Wippenberg - The 100 Islands (Triarchy Edit)
06. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun and Moon (Original Mix)
07. Gareth Emery & Jerome Isma-Ae - Stars (Hardwell Remix)
08. Gareth Emery feat. Roxanne Emery - Too Dark Tonight (John O'Callaghan Remix)
09. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Kaeser Bootleg)
10. Gareth Emery feat. Emma Hewitt - I Will Be The Same (Dennis Sheperd Remix)
11. MEM - Forza (Original Mix)
12. Gareth Emery - Global (Jordan Suckley Remix)
13. Lange & Andy Moor vs Tiesto - Lethal Stadium Four (Gareth Emery Mashup)
14. Gareth Emery vs Markus Schulz - Not The Same Citadel (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
15. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Original Mix)
16. Gareth Emery vs. Motorcycle - As The Exposure Comes (Gareth Emery Mashup)
17. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Fight The Sunrise (Daniel Kandi Remix)
18. Marc simz - Forbidden City (Heatbeat Rapture Mashup)
19. Delerium - Silence 2009 (Gareth Emery vs Black Army Mashup)
20. OceanLab vs. Gareth Emery - On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
Ferry Corsten
01. Kyau & Albert - On The Way
02.Cliff Coenraad - Oh!Mega (Bootyshakin Mix)
03. Steve Hill & Gaz West - Can U Feel It
04. Tellur - What You Think
05. Klauss Goulart - Maximum
06. ID
07. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Made Of Love
08. Ferry Corsten - Beautiful
09. Dogzilla - Without You (Rafael Frost Remix)
10. Coldplay - The Scientist (Maarten De Jong Bootleg)
11. Jacob van Hage - Spotfire (Original Mix)
12. Ferry Corsten - ID
13. Ferry Corsten - Brain Box (Original Mix)
14. Ferry Corsten - Punk (MarLo Remix)
15. System F Feat. Armin van Buuren - Exhale
Armin van Buuren
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Ferry Corsten - Minack
02. Marcel Woods - BPM (Kristof Van Den Berghe Remix)
03. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays (Original Mix)
04. Orjan Nilsen - Go Fast!
05. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts (W&W Remix)
06. Bjorn Akesson – Painting Pyramids
07. Shogun - Skyfire
08. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound (Original Mix)
09. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Club Mix)
10. ID
11. Gareth Emery vs. Alex Speaker - Exposure (Ben Nicky Mashup)
12. Tom Colontonio - Reflections (Heatbeat Mix)
13. Markus Schulz pres. Dakota - Sinners
14. Leon Bolier - Capetown
15. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Status Excessu D (ASOT 500 Anthem)
16. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
17. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight (Original Mix)
18. Signum - Beyond This Earth
19. Push - Universal Nation (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
20. Jorn van Deynhoven & Manuel le Saux - Nardo (Jorn van Deynhoven Mix)
21. Paul Van Dyk - For An Angel (ID Remix)
22. Armin van Buuren - Communication Part 3
01. ATB - Ecstasy (Intro Mix)
02. First State feat. Sarah Howells - Reverie (First State’s Pounding Club Mix)
03. Estiva - Festival
04. Jaco - Excuses
05. ATB & Dash Berlin - Apollo Road
06. Rammstein - Du hast
07. Ultra DJ’s - Me & You (Ernesto vs. Bastian Remix)
08. ATB & Amurai feat. Milissa Loretta - Heartbeats
09. MuseArtic - Last Saturday
10. ATB - Midnight Sun
11. Anton Firtich presents AF Project - Something Is Wrong
12. Anton Firtich - Hello World
13. ATB - L.A. Nights (Club mix)
14. ATB - What About Us
Sander van Doorn
01. Intro ID
02. Taylor & Close - Come With Us (Original Mix)
03. Sander van Doorn feat. Carol Lee - Love Is Darkness (Original Version vs. Ummet Ozcan Remix)
04. Sander van Doorn - Koko (Original Mix)
05. Green Velvet - Flash (Nicky Romero Remix)
06. Erick Strong - The Monster (Original Mix)
07. Radion 6 - Streets Of NY (Original Mix)
08. ID
09. Jacob van Hage - Spotfire (Original Mix)
10. Tiesto vs. Marcel Woods - Don't Ditch (Original Mix)
11. Sander van Doorn - ID
12. Sander van Doorn - Renegade w/ Setrise - Kernkraft 400
13. Ummet Ozcan - Transcend (Original Mix)
14. Ummet Ozcan - ID
15. The Killers - When You Were Young (Jonas Stenberg Remix)
16. Ali Wilson & Matt Smallwood - Morph (Mark Sherry's Outburst Remix)
17. Sander van Doorn pres. Purple Haze - Hymn 2.0 (Original Mix)
18. Sander van Doorn - Daisy (Original Mix)
19. ID
20. ID
21. Sander van Doorn - Daddyrock (Original Mix)
22. Paul Ercossa - Ercogen (Original Mix)
23. W&W - Alpha (Original Mix)
24. Evol Waves - Everything In Its Right Place (Original Mix)
25. S.O. Project - Direct Dizko (Sander van Doorn Remix)
2011-04-02: Buenos Aires, Argentina
01. Randy Boyer vs Armin van Buuren - Afterglow Shivers (Heatbeat Mashup)
02. Luigi Lusini vs. Arty - Who We Are vs. Zara (Heatbeat Mashup)
03. Evol Waves - Everything In Its Right Place
04. Matias Faint - Casino Fire (Heatbeat Original Mix)
05. Hard Rock Sofa & St. Brothers - Blow Up (Thomas Gold vs. Axwell Remix) vs Sander van Doorn - Love Is Darkness (Heatbeat Mashup)
06. Heatbeat - Trash (Original Mix)
07. Heatbeat - Ask the Cat (Original mix)
08. Heatbeat feat. Jeza - Light Up (Rough Mix)
09. Heatbeat & Exit vs Matias Faint - Go vs. Last Breath (Heatbeat Mashup)
10. Marc Simz vs Nadia Ali - Forbidden City vs Rapture (Heatbeat Mashup)
11. Signalrunners & Julie Thompson - These Shoulders (Andy Moor Remix)
12. Heatbeat - ID
13. Mike Foyle pres. Statica - Headrush
Jochen Miller
01. Jochen Miller - Troucid
02. ID
03. Clashback - Outset (Michael Woods Remix)
04. Jochen Miller - Brace Yourself
05. Erick Strong - Orchids (Original Mix)
06. Jochen Miller - U And Eye
07. Alex O'Rion - Who I Am Today (ID Remix)
08. Marco V & Mohawk - Zero One
09. Peter Gelderblom - Waiting 4 (Manuel De La Mare Remix)
10. Felix Da Housecat pres. Thee Nese Djouma Projesi - Zaman (Moguai Remix)
11. Jochen Miller - Classified
12. Russo - Analog Boy Digital Girl (Original Mix)
13. Ummet Ozcan - Transcend
14. Jochen Miller vs. Diddy-Dirty Money Feat. Skylar Grey - Humanoid vs. Coming Home
15. Cliff Coenraad - Bootyslam
16. Jochen Miller - Lost Connection (Artento Divini Remix)
17. Marco V - Reaver
18. ID
19. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good (ID Remix)
Dash Berlin
01. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Intro Mix)
02. Judge Jules vs. Deadmau5 - The Greater Good vs. Raise Your Weapon (Dash Berlin Mashup)
03. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Club Mix)
04. First State feat. Sarah Howells - Reverie (Dash Berlin Remix)
05. ATB vs Dash Berlin - Apollo Road
06. ID
07. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Remix)
08. Filo & Peri feat. Audrey Gallagher - This Night (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
09. Space RockerZ & Tania Zygar - Puzzle Piece (ID Remix)
10. Dash Berlin Feat. Emma Hewitt - Disarm Yourself (Club Mix)
11. Dash Berlin - Earth Hour 2011 Theme
12. Tiesto - Lethal Industry (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
13. Morning Parade Vs The Killers - Human A&E (Dash Berlin Mashup)
14. Cygnus X - Superstring (Rank 1 Remix) vs. Faithless - Insomnia, We Come One (Acapella) (Dash Berlin Mashup)
15. Armin van Buuren - Not Giving Up on Love (Dash Berlin 4am Mix)
16. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run (Original Vocal Mix)
17. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Disarm Yourself (Dash Berlin 4AM Dub Mix)
18. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Vocal Mix)
Markus Schulz
01. Markus Schulz pres. Dakota - Sinners (Intro Mix)
02. ID
03. Markus Schulz - 65.4Hz (Mr. Pit Remix)
04. Aerofoil - Vortex
05. Markus Schulz pres. Dakota - Sleepwalkers (Original Mix)
06. Beat Service - Outsider
07. Artento Divini pres. DTC vs. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Lift Off Silence (Markus Schulz Mashup)
08. Khomha - Rainy In The Night (Markus Schulz Edit)
09. Aerofoil - Caress 2 Impress (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
10. Mr Pit - Backstage
11. Traumer - Cobraphobie (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
12. Markus Schulz - The New World (Barnes & Heatcliff Remix)
13. ID
14. Markus Schulz - Rain (Phynn Remix)
15. Mr. Pit - Sky Traffic
16. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence
17. ID
18. Tim Berg - Bromance (Tucandeo Rework) (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
19. Rex Mundi - Opera Of Northern Ocean (Phynn Remix)
20. Genix - Zzubb (Original Mix)
21. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller - Rotunda
Armin van Buuren
01. Andrew Rayel - Aether (Intro Mix)
02. The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai
03. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
04. John O'Callaghan & Timmy & Tommy - Talk To Me (Orjan Nilsen's Trance Mix)
05. Armin van Buuren - Blue Fear (ID Remix)
06. Armin van Buuren - Orbion
07. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Armin van Buuren's Great Strings Mix)
08. Shogun feat. Melissa Loretta - Skyfire
09. DNS Project - ID
10. Leon Bolier - Capetown
11. Jerome Isma-Ae & Paul Oakenfold vs. Airbase - Southern Sun Escape My Journey (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
12. Sebastian Brandt - Ashes
13. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia – Status Excessu D (ASOT500 Anthem)
14. Armin van Buuren feat Winter Kills - Take a Moment (Alex M.O.R.P.H remix)
15. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight
16. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Redlight Dub)
17. Arctic Moon - Adelaide (Original Mix)
18. Laura Jansen - Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Rework)
19. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
20. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Back 2 The Future Remix)
21. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg)
22. Armin van Buuren - Sail (Original Mix)
23. Agulo feat. David Berkeley - Fire Sign (Suncatcher Remix)
John O’Callaghan
01. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Raw Deal (Original Mix)
02. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Status Excessu D (ASOT 500 Anthem) (Original Mix) vs. Marco V - Godd (Acapella) (John O'Callaghan Mashup)
03. Artento Divini vs. The Prodigy - Who's Next Bitch (Artento Divini Mashup)
04. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (Original Mix)
05. Jon O'Bir feat. Fisher - Found A Way (Joint Operations Centre Remix)
06. ID vs. Leon Bolier - Capetown (John O'Callaghan)
07. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky (Joint Opertations Centre Deconstruction)
08. Bryan Kearney - Stealth Bomber (Original Mix)
09. Marco V - Indicator (Joint Opertations Centre Disruption)
10. Simon Patterson - Latika (Orignal Mix)
11. Nick Sentience vs. Motorcycle - As The Rush Electrify (Bryan Kearney's Digital Society Mashup)
12. ID
13. John O'Callaghan - Centurion (Original Mix)
14. Bryan Kearney pres. Karney - Ridiculous (Mark Young & Damo Kay Remix)
15. John O’Callaghan with Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave
16. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)
17. John O'Callaghan & Bryan Kearney - Exactly
18. Cosmic Gate - Should Have Known (John O'Callaghan Remix)
01. W&W - Impact
02. W&W - AK-47
03. Marcel Woods - Champagne Dreams (W&W remix)
04. Tiesto vs. Marcel Woods - Don't Ditch
05. ID
06. W&W - Arena (ID Remix)
07. Gareth Emery Feat Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (ID Remix)
08. Wezz Devall - ID
09. W&W - Mainstage
10. Leon Boiler - ID
11. Rank 1 - Beats At Rank 1 (Lee Osborne Remix)
12. W&W & Wezz Devall - Phantom
13. W&W - ID
14. W&W - Alpha
15. W&W - Ummet Ozcan - ID
16. W&W vs M6 - ID
17. W&W - Mustang (Wezz Devall Remix)
18. ID
19. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts (W&W Remix)
2011-04-09: Den Bosch, Netherlands
Den Bosch, Netherlands «Pre-party» (2011-04-08)
01. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Remix) [Anjunabeats]
02. Mr. Pit - Backstage [Coldharbour]
03. Leon Bolier - Capetown [Streamlined]
04. Lee Haslam - Get A Grip! [High Contrast NuBreed]
05. Ferry Corsten - Feel It [Flashover] [Future Favorite] Orjan Nilsen
01. Orjan Nilsen - Mjuzik [Armind]
02. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays [Armind] W&W
01. W&W - Impact [Captivating]
02. W&W - AK47 [Captivating]
06. Paul Oakenfold - Tokyo [Perfecto] Rank 1
01. Jochen Miller - Troucid [High Contrast]
02. ID
07. The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai [Adjusted] [Tune Of The Week] Menno de Jong
01. Menno de Jong feat. Ellie Lawson - Place In The Sun (Ronski Speed Remix)
02. Airbase - Sand & Sorrow [Intuition]
08. Shogun - Skyfire [Armind/A State Of Trance]
09. Simon Patterson - Latika [Night Vision]
10. Gaia - Status Excessu D [Armind]
11. Cygnus X - Superstring (Rank 1 Remix) [Bonzai] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Blue
Mat Zo
01. ID
02. Andy Moor - Halcyon with ID
03. Mat Zo - Superman
04. LNG - Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass
05. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt - Live Forever (Mat Zo Remix)
06. Kyau & Albert - Be There 4 U (Mat Zo Remix)
07. Wipenberg – Phoenix
08. Ben Gold - Profile (Mat Zo Remix)
09. Mat Zo - Back In Time
10. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Lifted (Mat Zo Remix)
11. Arty and Matzo - Rebound
01. Paul van Dyk feat. Sue McLaren – We Come Together (Arty Remix)
02. Art & Mat Zo - Mozart
03. D-Mad - She Gave Happiness (Arty Sun & Moon Mashup)
04. ID
05. Arty - Zara
06. Mat Zo & Arty vs. OceanLab – Satellite Dynamics (Mat Zo Mashup)
07. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound
08. Cosmic Gate - Back To Earth (Arty Remix)/w Mark Otten - Libertine
09. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Remix)
10. Sander van Doorn - Daddyrock (Arty remix)
11. Arty vs. Reflekt feat. Delline Bass – Hope vs. Need To Feel Loved (Above & Beyond Mashup)
12. Tilt - The World Doesn't Know (Arty Remix)
Markus Schulz
01. Wippenberg - U R (Markus Schulz Big Room Intro Mix)
02. ID (Track 17 from ASOT 500 Buenos Aires Set)
03. Erick Strong - Orchids
04. Tiesto - Lethal Industry (Remix)
05. ID
06. Markus Schulz - 65.4Hz (Mr. Pit Remix)
07. Beat Service - Outsider
08. Markus Schulz Presents Dakota - Sleepwalkers
09. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 the Future Dub)
10. Aerofoil - Caress 2 Impress (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
11. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence
12. Markus Schulz & Justine Suissa vs. Tomcraft & Jerome Isma-Ae - Perception In The Redlight District (Markus Schulz Mashup)
13. Markus Schulz pres. Dakota - Sinners
14. Rex Mundi - Interstate Of Lightning
15. Koen Groneveld - Slides
16. Artento Divini & DTC vs. Delerium - Lift Off Silence (Markus Schulz Mashup)
17. Rex Mundi - Opera of Northern Ocean (Phynn Remix / Markus Schulz Big RooM Reconstruction)
18. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller - Rotunda
19. Markus Schulz - The New World (Markus Schulz ASOT 500 Big Room Reconstruction)
20. Rank 1 - Breathing (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
21. Markus Schulz Featuring Jennifer Rene - Not the Same (Carlo Resoort Remix)
Above & Beyond
01. Above & Beyond - Best End of the Night
02. Andain - Everything From Me (Promises) (Myon & Shane 54 Demo Remix)
03. ID
04. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Mat Zo Remix)
05. ID
06. Ad Brown feat. Kerry Leva – Memorial (You Were Loved) (Maor Levi Club Mix)
07. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Club Mix)
08. Jochen Miller - U And Eye
09. ID
10. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Remix)
11. Above & Beyond & Gareth Emery pres. OceanLab – On Metropolis Day (Extended Mix)
12. ID
13. Above & Beyond - Can't Sleep (Super8 & Tab Remix)
14. Super8 & Tab feat. Julie Thompson - My Enemy (Club Mix)
15. Above & Beyond - Home (Club Mix)
16. Above & Beyond - ID
Armin van Buuren
01. ID
02. W&W - AK47 (Remix)
03. Ashley Wallbridge - Jinx
04. Sander van Doorn feat. Carol Lee - Love Is Darkness (Ummet Ozcan Remix)
05. Gaia - Tuvan
06. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
07. Sied van Riel - MME (MarLo Remix)
08. Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus - Symphonica
09. The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai
10. ID
11. Bjorn Akesson - Painting Pyramids (Nhato Remix)
12. Gaia - Status Excessu D
13. Armin van Buuren - Orbion ((Max Graham & Protoculture Remix)
14. Shogun - Skyfire
15. Simon Patterson - Latika
16. Armin van Buuren vs. Laura Jansen - Coming Home vs. Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
17. Darren Tate vs. Jono Grant - Let The Light Shine In 2010 (Filo & Peri Big Room Revival)
18. Matt Bukovski - Delight (Arctic Moon Remix)
19. M6 & Willem van Hanegem - Inferno
20. Traumer - Cobraphobie (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
21. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
22. Push - Strange World (2000 Remake)
23. Armin van Buuren feat Jan Vayne - Serenity
24. Cygnus X - The Orange Theme (Moonman's Orange Juice Remix)
Paul Oakenfold
01. Paul Oakenfold - Tokyo
02. ID
03. ID
04. ID
05. ID
06. DJ's United - Remember Love (Remix)
07. ID
08. ID
09. Anton Firtich pres. AF Project – Something Wrong
10. PPK - Resurection (Remix)
11. ID
12. ID
13. ID
14. ID
15. ID
16. ID
17. ID
01. W&W - AK-47 (Intro)
02. Marcel Woods - Champagne Dreams (W&W Remix)
03. Ferry Corsten - Feel It
04. ID
05. W&W - Arena (Ben Gold Remix)
06. W&W - Impact (Daniel Wanrooy Remix)
07. W&W - Mainstage
08. ID - ID
09. Ummet Ozcan - Reboot
10. W&W - Mustang (Wezz Devall Remix)
11. ID
12. ID
13. W&W - Alpha
14. ID
15. ID
16. ID
17. ID
18. ID
19. Ferry Corsten vs. W&W - Every D.N.A. Goes (W&W Mashup)
20. Armin van Buuren ft BT - These Silent Hearts (W&W Remix)
21. ID
22. Aly & Fila feat. Denise Rivera - My Mind Is With You (W&W Remix)
23. W&W - Colloseum
Gareth Emery
01. Steve Angello & Faithless - Knas Insomnia (East & Young Mashup)
02. Gareth Emery Feat. Brute Force - Arrival (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
03. Ferry Corsten - Feel It (Original Mix)
04. ID
05. Gareth Emery feat. Mark Frisch - Into The Light (ID Remix)
06. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy – So Caught Up (Original Mix)
07. Tritonal & Sibicky - Suzu (Original Mix)
08. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Kaeser Bootleg)
09. John O'callaghan & Betsie Larkin - Save This Moment (Gareth Emery Remix)
10. ID
11. ID
12. Gareth Emery vs. Motorcycle - As The Exposure Comes (Gareth Emery Mashup)
13. Gareth Emery feat. Mark Frisch - Into The Light (ID Remix)
14. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Fight The Sunrise (Daniel Kandi Remix)
15. Dustin Zahn vs. Marc Simz - Forbidden Stranger (Gareth Emery Edit)
16. Lange vs. Gareth Emery - Another You Another Me (Original Mix)
A State of Green
Ashley Wallbridge
01. Gareth Emery feat. Brute Force - Arrival (Ashley Wallbridge Intro Remix)
02. Cirez D - Full Stop
03. Ashley Wallbridge - Smoke
04. ID
05. ID
06. Gaia - Aisha (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
07. ID
08. Norin & Rad vs. Recurve - The Gift
09. Ashley Wallbridge - Liquid
10. Ashley Wallbridge – Moonlight Sonata (Skytech Remix)
11. Randy Katana - In Silence (Setrise Remix)
12. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
01. Ernesto vs. Bastian - The Dark Side Of The Moon (Arnej Remix)
02. Da Hool - Meet Her At The Love Parade
03. Arnej - Through The Darkness
04. W&W - AK 47
05. Leon Bolier - Capetown
06. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound
07. Lange feat. Emma Hewitt - Live Forever
08. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Arnej Re-mix)
09. 8 Wonders - ID
10. 8 Wonders - ID
11. Rank 1 - Airwave
Andy Moor
01. Masoud feat. Hannah Ray — Here We Go (Andy Moor Intro Edit)
02. Will Holland feat. Jeza — Start Again (Mike Shiver's Garden State Dub)
03. Radion6 vs Perasma Swing To Gizmo (Andy Moor MashUp)
04. Corderoy & U4IC DJ's — 3 Spirit (Ben Gold's Raw Mix)
05. Vangelis — Rachel's Song (Andy Moor Remix)
06. Paul Thomas vs Andy Moor & Markus Schulz — Ultraviolet Daydream (Andy Moor MashUp)
07. Ferry Corsten — Punk (Arty's Rock-N-Rolla Remix)
08. Tritonal feat. Meredith Call — Broken Down (Ronski Speed Remix)
09. Gareth Emery — Citadel (Super8 & Tab Remix)
10. Above & Beyond vs Andy Moor — Air For Life (Andy Moor's 2011 Remodel)
11. Zombie Nation — Kernkraft 400 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
Cosmic Gate
1. ID
02. ID
03. ID
04. ID
05. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Cosmic Gate Essential Rework)
06. Cosmic Gate - Back To Earth (Jochen Miller Remix)
07. Cosmic Gate feat. Jan Johnston – Raging (Alexander Popov Dub Mix)
08. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate’s Back 2 The Future Remix)
09. Store 'n’ Forward vs. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft – Donut Tracking Treasure Down (Store 'n’ Forward Mashup)
10. Ferry Corsten - Feel It
11. Markus Schulz feat. Sir Adrian – Away (Cosmic Gate Remix)
12. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Back 2 The Future Remix)
13. ID
14. Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix)
Aly & Fila
01. ID
02. Aly & Fila vs Bjorn Akesson - Perfect Red (ID Remix) [FSOE]
03. Aly & Fila - Rosaries (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [FSOE]
04. Aly & Fila feat. Sue McLaren - Still (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [FSOE]
05. Indecent Noise - Battlestar (Sly One vs Jurrane Dark Mix) [Discover]
06. Aly & Fila - Sandgroper (Bryan Kearney Remix) [FSOE]
07. ID
08. Aly & Fila - Rising Sun (Bjorn Akesson Remix) [FSOE]
09. ID
10. Luke Bond feat. Emel - Amaze (Original Mix) [FSOE]
11. Bryan Kearney & Snatam Kaur - Ong Namo (Neptune Project Remix) [FSOE]
12. Sonic Species - Machina Terra [Alchemy]
13. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight (Original Mix) [FSOE]
14. Fady & Mina - Over Drive (Original Mix) [FSOE]
15. Sied van Riel feat Nicole McKenna - Stealing Time (Aly & Fila Remix) [Liquid]
16. Paul van Dyk feat. Saint Etienne - Tell Me Why (The Riddle) (John Askew Remix) [CD-R]
John O’Callaghan
01. ID
02. John Askew - Torture Chamber (Original Mix)
03. Mark Leanings - Dropshot (Original Mix)
04. ID
05. John O’Callaghan - Raw Deal (Original Mix)
06. ID
07. John O’Callaghan & Betsie Larkin - Save This Moment (Gareth Emery Remix)
08. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence (Original Mix)
09. John Dopping vs. Bryan Kearney vs. The Prodigy vs. DJ Tisto - Smack My Lethal Cognition (J.O.C. Noodle)
10. Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Up vs. Artento Divini - Who’s Next (Artento Divini Mashup)
11. John O’Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride the Wave
12. ID
13. John O’Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells vs. Threshold vs. Jamie Walker - Sector V Yourself a Mind Game (J.O.C. Noodle)
14. ID
Roger Shah
01. ID
02. Roger Shah feat. Sian Kosheen - Shine
03. Roger Shah feat. Selma Ross - Porque
04. Empire Of The Sun – We Are The People (Roger Shah Pumpin’ Island Rework)
05. ID
06. Roger Shah feat. Inger Hansen - Dance With Me
06. Kosheen - Hide You (Mashup)
07. Roger Shah - Obsession
08. Roger Shah - ID
09. Roger Shah pres. Sunlounger feat. Zara Taylor - Lost
10. Roger Shah - Save It All Today (Progressive Dub)
11. Mory Kante & Loverush UK - Yeke Yeke 2011 (Original Mix)
12. ID
13. Roger Shah feat. Moya Brennan - Morning Star
14. Roger Shah feat. Sian Evans - In The light
15. Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Island
16. Roger Shah & Kim Svard - Symbiosis
Sean Tyas
01. Sean Tyas - Banshee (Sean Tyas Intro Edit)
02. Sean Tyas feat. ID - Believe
03. Tiesto - Suburban Train (Sean Tyas Dirty Remix)
04. New Order - Blue Monday (ID Remix)
05. Trick Daddy feat. Lil John - Let's Go (ID Remix)
06. ID
07. ID
08. Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of Jane (Sean Tyas Rework)
09. Fire & Ice - Souvenir De Chine (Sean Tyas Rework)
10. ID
11. Paul Webster feat Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub Mix)
2011-04-16: Sydney, Australia
01. Shogun - Sydney (ASOT 500 Special Intro Edit)
02. Whiteroom Feat. Amy Cooper - Someday (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
03. Shogun Feat. Emma Lock - Run To My Rescue (Signum vs. Al Exander Remix)
04. W&W - Impact
05. Sean Tyas - Banshee (W&W Remix)
06. Shogun Feat. Melissa Loretta - Skyfire
07. Shogun - Star line
08. Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Club Mix)
09. Shogun Feat. Emma Lock - Save Me (Original Mix)
10. Bt Feat. Jes - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix)
01. tyDi feat. Tania Zygar - Half Light (Intro Edit)
02. Save The Robot - Big Ben (Original Mix)
03. George Acosta feat. Fisher - True Love (Save The Robot Remix)
04. Tritonal feat. Meredith Call - Broken Down (Club Mix)
05. Conjure One feat. Jaren - Like Ice (Marcus Schossow Remix)
06. Gareth Emery vs Alex Speaker - Exposure (Ben Nicky Mashup)
07. tyDi feat. Brianna Holan - Never Go Back (Original Mix)
08. Sonic Element - Change
09. tyDi feat Tania Zygar – Vanilla (Dennis Shepherd Remix)
10. tyDi feat. Audrey Gallagher - Calling (MaRLo Remix)
11. BT feat. Jes - The Light In Things (tyDi Remix)
12. TyDi - Good Gream (Original Mix)
13. Filo & Peri feat Audrey Gallagher - This Night (Max Graham Remix)
Menno de Jong
01. Menno de Jong Feat. Ellie Lawson - Place In The Sun (Ronski Speed Remix)
02. ID
03. John O'Callaghan feat. Betsie Larkin - Save This Moment (Gareth Emery Remix)
04. Airbase feat. Empyreal Sun - 40 miles
05. Claessen & Martens - The Man Who Knew Too Much
06. The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai
07. Menno de Jong - Turtle Paradise
08. Menno de Jong - Ancient Mysteries (A Force Remix)
09. Re:Locate feat. Menno De Jong - Spirit (Paul Miller Rework)
10. Tom Colontonio - Reflections (Heatbeat Mix)
11. Airbase - We Might Fall
12. Menno de Jong & Leon Bolier - Last Light Tonight
13. Push - Strange World (2000 Remake)
Aly & Fila
01. Aly & Fila - Freedom (Intro Mix)
02. ID
03. Aly & fila feat. Sue Maclaren - Still (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix)
04. Aly & Fila - Sandgroper (Bryan Kearney Remix)
05. Gary Proud – Supernatural
06. Aly & Fila vs. Philippe El Sisi feat. Senadee - Without You (The Never Knowing) (Remix)
07. Max Graham feat. Ana Criado - Nothing Else Matters (Aly & Fila Remix)
08. Bjеrn Akesson feat. Ameera Ali - Painting Pyramids
09. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan – We Control The Sunlight
10. Aly & Fila vs. Bjorn Akesson - Perfect Red (Remix)
11. ID
12. Paul Van Dyk - Tell Me Why (John Askew Remix)
13. Sied van Riel feat. Nicola McKenna – Stealing Time (Aly & Fila Remix)
14. ID
15. Bryan Bearney & Snatam Kaur - Ong Namo (Neptune Project In Search Of The Mayan's Remix)
16. Ayumi Hamasaki - Days (Aly & Fila Dub Mix)
17. ID
Alex M.O.R.P.H.
01. Star Wars - Imperial March (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Intro Edit)
02. Deadmau5 - FML
03. Dada Life - White Noise vs. Red Meat (Original Mix) (ID Mashup)
04. ID
05. ID
06. Deep Voices Feat. Alexander Klaus - Autumn Leaves (Beltek Remix)
07. The Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
08. Gareth Emery feat. Mike Frisch - Into The Light (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
09. Triple A - Winter Stayed (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Red Light Dub)
11. ID
Armin van Buuren
01. Gaia - Status Excessu D (Intro Edit)
02. Ferry Corsten - Feel It
03. Armin van Buuren - Mirage (Alexander Popov Remix)
04. Triple A - Winter Stayed (Armin van Buuren's On The Beach Mix)
05. Robbie Rivera feat. Lizzie Curious - Departures (Cosmic Gate Dub)
06. Ashley Wallbridge - Jynx
07. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Remix)
08. Axwell - Heart Is King (Dennis Shepard Remix)
09. Heatbeat - Ask The Cat
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Not Giving Up On Love (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix)
11. Dakota - Sinners
12. Sied van Riel - MME (MarLo Remix)
13. Armin van Buuren - Full Focus
14. Sander van Doorn feat. Carol Lee - Love Is Darkness (Ummet Ozcan Remix)
15. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
16. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts (Remix)
17. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
18. Gaia - Tuvan (Andy Blueman Remix)
19. The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai
20. Sebastian Brandt - Ashes
21. Onova - Archipelago
22. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Arctic Moon Remix)
23. 8 Wonders - The Return
24. ID
25. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence
26. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
27. Lange pres. LNG - Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass
28. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Back 2 The Future Remix)
29. Andy Ling - Fixation
30. Benny Benassi - Satisfaction (Remix)
31. Super8 & Tab vs. Oceanlab feat. Justine Suissa - Elektra Satellite (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
32. Jer Martin vs. Armin van Buuren - Ten Minutes Of Burning Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
33. Solar Stone - Seven Cities
34. Armin Van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones - Going Wrong (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Encore]
A State of Trance Episode 501 (24-03-2011)
01. Deadmau5 - HR 8938 Cephei [mau5trap]
02. Sander van Doorn - Koko [Doorn]
03. Future Favorite: Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Anjunabeats]
04. Tritonal feat. Meredith Call - Broken Down (Will Holland Remix) [Air Up There]
05. Talla 2XLC - Seven (Alexander Popov Remix) [Tetsuo]
06. Adam Kancerski - Bubblegum (Kiholm Progg Mix) [Infrasonic]
07. Armin van Buuren - Orbion (Max Graham & Protoculture Remix) [Armada]
08. Markus Schulz feat. Sir Adrian - Away (Cosmic Gate Remix) [Coldharbour]
09. Orjan Nilsen - Mjuzik [Armind]
10. Marcel Woods - BPM (Kristof Van Den Berghe Remix) [High Contrast]
11. Sonic Element - Change [Enhanced Progressive]
12. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - So Caught Up [Re*Brand]
13. Tune Of The Week: Leon Bolier - Capetown [Streamlined]
14. Airbase feat. Empyreal Sun - 40 Miles [Intuition]
15. Andy Moor vs. M.I.K.E. - Spirits Pulse [AVA]
16. Ronski Speed pres. Sun Decade feat. Emma Lock - U Got Me [Euphonic]
17. Cressida pres. Callisto - Origami (Sequentia Remix) [Tool]
18. SlaviX - Moonlight Shadow (Adam Navel Remix) [Crystal Source]
19. Matt Bukovski - Delight (Arctic Moon Remix) [Harmonic Breeze]
20. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight [Future Sound Of Egypt]
21. Bryan Kearney & Snatam Kaur - Ong Namo (Neptune Project Remix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
22. Angel Ace - 3AM (Vol Deeman Remix)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Rank 1 - Opus 17 [High Contrast]
A State of Trance Episode 502 (31-03-2011)
01. Ferry Corsten - Feel It [Flashover]
02. EDX - Angry Heart [Sirup]
03. Juventa - Dionysia (Skytech Remix) [Always Alive]
04. Future Favorite: Deadmau5 - HR 8938 Cephei [mau5trap]
05. Sander van Doorn - Koko [Doorn]
06. Beat Service feat. Cathy Burton - When Tomorrow Never Comes [S107]
07. A.R.D.I. feat. Irena Love - Memories [Silent Shore]
08. Andy Duguid feat. Leah - Miracle Moments (Marc Simz Remix) [Black Hole]
09. Andrew Rayel - Opera [Timeline]
10. Trance Arts featuring Final Aeon – Sunstorm (Running Man Remix) (Unearthed)
11. Impulsive Drive - Blue Skies (Bjorn Akesson Remix)
12. Sequentia - Flashback [Enhanced]
13. Aly & Fila - Freedom [Future Sound Of Egypt]
14. Bobina & Betsie Larkin - You Belong To Me (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Maelstrom]
15. John O'Callaghan - Smokescreen [Armada]
16. Taylor & Close - Come With Us
17. Ummet Ozcan - Transcend [Reset]
18. SlaviX - Moonlight Shadow (SylverMay Remix)
19. Leon Bolier - Capetown [Streamlined]
20. John O'Callaghan - ID [Armada] - taken from JoC's upcoming album "Unfold"
21. Tune Of The Week: John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave [Armada]
22. John O'Callaghan - Centurion [Armada]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Galen Behr vs. Hydroid - Carabella (Orjan Nilsen vs. Galen Behr Remix) [Yakuza]
A State of Trance Episode 503 (07-04-2011)
01. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Criado - Surreal (Omnia Remix) [Coldharbour]
02. Markus Schulz - Alpha State (Mike Foyle Remix) [Coldharbour]
03. Kyau & Albert - Be There 4 You (Mat Zo Remix) [Euphonic]
04. Future Favorite: Ferry Corsten - Feel It [Flashover]
05. Jochen Miller - Troucid [High Contrast]
06. Ashley Wallbridge - Liquid [AVA]
07. Michael J. Parker - Rampage [High Contrast]
08. Dezza - Hefty [Oxygen]
09. Ruben de Ronde & Tenishia - Story Of Life [Armada]
10. John O'Callaghan & Betsie Larkin - Save This Moment (Gareth Emery Remix) [Captivating]
11. Tune Of The Week: The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai [Adjusted]
12. Daniel Kandi - Just For You [Enhanced]
13. Aly & Fila - Freedom [Future Sound Of Egypt]
14. A.r.d.i. - Space [Harmonic Breeze]
15. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave [Subculture]
16. Ronski Speed pres. Sun Decade feat. Emma Lock - U Got Me (Activa Remix) [Euphonic]
17. Triple A - Winter Stayed (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Armind]
18. Simon Patterson - ID [Reset]
19. Lange pres. LNG - Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass [Magik Muzik]
20. Mr. Pit - Backstage [Coldharbour]
21. Nuera - Quondam [Black Hole]
22. Lee Haslam - Get A Grip! [High Contrast Nu Breed]
23. Icone - Sorrow (SoundLift Remix)
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Mike Foyle vs. Signalrunners - Love Theme Dusk (Mike's Broken Record Mix) [Armind]
A State of Trance Episode 504 (14-04-2011)
01. Arty feat. Tania Zygar - The Wall [Enhanced Progressive]
02. Michael Woods - ID
03. Future Favorite: Markus Schulz feat. Ana Criado - Surreal (Omnia Remix) [Coldharbour]
04. Kyau & Albert - Kiksu 2011 [Euphonic]
05. The Blizzard & Omnia - My Inner Island [A State Of Trance]
06. Mark Sherry feat. Sharone - I Will Find You (Sied van Riel Remix) [Reset]
07. Snatt & Vix - Serenity Rush
08. Heatbeat - Ask The Cat [High Contrast]
09. Axwell - Heart Is King [Axtone]
10. John O'Callaghan & Betsie Larkin - Save This Moment (Gareth Emery Remix) [Captivating]
11. The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai [Adjusted]
12. Tune Of The Week: Vengeance - Decadence (Denga & Manus Mix) [A State Of Trance]
13. W&W vs. Wezz Devall - Phantom [Captivating]
14. Myon & Shane54 - Futuristic
15. Ernesto vs Bastian - Flight 101 [Captivating]
16. Derelict - Impression (Adam Nickey Remix)
17. Anhken - Always Look Back (Sabanci & Truby Remix)
18. Timur Shafiev Feat. Dasha - Thank You (Dallaz Project Remix) [Vendace]
19. Simon Patterson - Latika [Night Vision]
20. Menno de Jong - Turtle Paradise [Intuition]
21. ID
22. Sean Tyas - Solo (Organ Donors Remix)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Questia - Nexus Asia [A State Of Trance]
A State of Trance Episode 505 (21-04-2011)
01. Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again (Eric Prydz Remix) [Mute]
02. Steve Brian & Noel Gitman - Luna System (Tritonal Remix) [Lange]
03. Future Favorite: Arty feat. Tania Zygar - The Wall [Enhanced Progressive]
04. Vangelis - Rachel's Song (Andy Moor Remix)
05. Stoneface & Terminal - Time To Wait [Euphonic]
06. Tilt - The World Doesn't Know (Arty Remix)
07. Tune Of The Week: Mat Zo - Superman [Anjunabeats]
08. Jochen Miller - Troucid [High Contrast]
09. Mark Sherry - Phantasmic [Reset]
10. Estiva - Next Level [Enhanced]
11. SHato & Paul Rockseek - Wonderfooled [Tool]
12. Tritonal feat. Meredith Call - Broken Down (Shogun Remix) [Air Up There]
13. Broning - Never Give Up [Liquid]
14. Thomas Kelle - Mars Needs Lovers [Alter Ego Digital]
15. W&W vs. Wezz Devall - Phantom [Captivating]
16. Suncatcher & Mihai M pres. Starshifters - Phobia [Enhanced]
17. Menno de Jong - Turtle Paradise [Intuition]
18. Simon Patterson - Latika [Night Vision]
19. Chephren Blake feat. Meigan Nealon vs. SlaviX - Year After Shadow (Adam Navel Mashup)
20. Ronny K. pres. Advanced - Onyx [Shah Music]
21. Vengeance - Statis [A State Of Trance]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Perpetuous Dreamer - Future Funland (Astura Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 506 (29-04-2011)
01. Axwell vs. R.E.M. - Heart Is King vs. Losing My Religion (Blake Jarrell Mashup)
02. Chicane - Going Deep
03. Audien - People Do Not Change
04. Filterheadz - Everything Explained
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good (Remix)
06. Moonbeam - Hate Is The Killer (Arty Remix)
07. Andy Moor vs. M.I.K.E. - Spirit's Pulse (Omnia Remix)
08. Tune Of The Week: Andain - Promises (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
09. Nadine Coyle - Put Your Hands Up (Armin van Buuren Remix)
10. First State feat. Sarah Howells - Skies On Fire
11. Mat Zo - Superman
12. ATB & Dash Berlin - Apollo Road
13. Avernus - Sirya (Mike Foyle Remix)
14. Future Favorite: Tritonal feat. Meredith Call - Broken Down (Shogun Remix)
15. Andrew Rayel - Globalization
16. Estiva - Next Level (Maor Levi Remix)
17. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller - Rotunda
18. Klauss Goulart - Turbulence (Hardwell Club Mix)
19. MDX - Drive Out (Marc Simz Remix)
20. Paul Miller - Digital Whore
21. Daniel Kandi - Just For You
22. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Fight The Sunrise (Daniel Kandi Remix)
23. Faruk Sabanci & Ken Loi - Eastern Thrace (Arctic Moon Remix)
24. Paul Oakenfold - Tokyo (Beatman & Ludmilla Remix)
25. ASOT Radio Classic: Kyau vs. Albert - Made Of Sun (KvA Hard Dub)
A State of Trance Episode 507 (06-05-2011)
01. Andain - Promises (Myon & Shane 54's Summer Of Love Remix) [Black Hole]
02. Soul Kanai - Never Give In [Vendace]
03. Faruk Sabanci - As Faces Fade (Alexander Popov Remix) [Armada]
04. Green & Falkner - Ceylan (Antillas & Dankann Remix) [Afterglow Deep]
05. Orjan Nilsen feat. Neev Kennedy - Anywhere But Here (Radion 6 Remix) [Armind]
06. Vangelis - Rachel's Song (Andy Moor Remix)
07. Suncatcher & Mihai M pres. Starshifters - Phobia (Broning Remix) [Enhanced]
08. Future Favorite: ATB & Dash Berlin - Apollo Road [Kontor]
09. Dart Rayne - Omniscience [Arisa Audio]
10. Avernus - Sirya (Mike Foyle Remix) [Blue Soho]
11. Aly & Fila vs. Bjorn Akesson - Perfect Red (Remix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
12. Roger Shah feat. Moya Brennan - Morning Star (Signum Remix) [Magic Island]
13. Heatbeat - Ask The Cat
14. Daniel Kandi - Soul Searchin' [Anjunabeats]
15. Aly & Fila feat. Sue McLaren - Still (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
16. Tune Of The Week: Sebastian Brandt - Ashes [A State Of Trance]
17. Moon Project - Moments Are Forever (Astronomers Mix) [Bonzai]
18. Noctiva - Divine Intervention (Simon Bostock Remix) [Insight]
19. Proyal - Bliss (Sequentia Remix) [Promind]
20. Anhken - Always Look Back (Faruk Sabanci & Sean Truby) [A State Of Trance]
21. Dakota - Sleepwalkers [Coldharbour Red]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Freefall feat. Jan Johnston - Skydive [Renaissance]
A State of Trance Episode 508 (13-05-2011)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good (Tristan Garner Remix) [Armind]
02. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - Red Rising (Enton Mushi Remix) [Nocturnal Global]
03. First State feat. Sarah Howells - Skies On Fire [First State]
04. Future Favorite: Andain - Promises (Myon & Shane 54's Summer Of Love Remix) [Black Hole]
05. Mike Danis - Myanmar (Nuera Remix) [Infrasonic]
06. Elfsong - Eta Carinae [Solaris]
07. Aimoon - Aimoonia [Eternity]
08. Ruben de Ronde - Timide (Craving Remix) [Statement!]
09. Tritonal - Retake [Air Up There]
10. ID
11. Steve Brian - Cacatua [Euphonic]
12. Dash Berlin - Earth Hour [Aropa]
13. DNS Project feat. Madelin Zero - Another Day [Coldharbour]
14. Craig Connelly - Absolute Electric (Tritonal Remix)
15. Wezz Devall feat. Isa Marie - Find This Dream [Captivating]
16. Arnej - Through The Darkness [Arnej Music]
17. Matt Skyer pres. Jms - Georgia (Temple One Remix) [Harmonic]
18. Adam Szabo - Serano [Always Alive]
19. Greg Downey - Sunrise [Reset]
20. Tune Of The Week: Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - So Caught Up (Joint Operation Centre Remix) [Re*Brand]
21. Sebastian Brandt - Ashes [A State Of Trance]
22. Ahmed Romel - Only For You (Arctic Moon Remix) [Blue Soho]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: King Of Clubs - Revelation (Airwave Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 509 (20-05-2011)
01. Manufactured Superstars feat. Scarlett Quinn - Take Me Over (Ferry Corsten Remix)
02. Dark Matters feat. Ana Criado - The Quest Of A Dream (Dabruck & Klein Remix) [S107]
03. Andain - Promises (Myon & Shane 54's Summer Of Love Remix) [Black Hole]
04. Ashley Wallbridge - JYNX [AVA]
05. Tranceye - Wrong Turn (Nuera Remix) [Promind]
06. Allure feat. JES - Show Me The Way (TyDi Remix) [Magik Muzik]
07. Jan Martin feat. Hysteria! - Save Me Now (Beat Service Proglifting Remix) [Enhanced Progressive]
08. Tritonal feat. Jeza - I Can Breathe (Club Mix) [Air Up There]
09. Federation - Synchronized (Protoculture Remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
10. Sander van Doorn - Daddyrock (Arty Remix) [Doorn]
11. ID
12. Bushi - Virtuoso (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Remix)
13. Roger Shah feat. Moya Brennan - Morning Star (Signum Remix) [Magic Island]
14. Tune Of The Week: 8 Wonders - X [Arnej Music]
15. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - So Caught Up (Joint Operations Centre Remix) [Re*Brand]
16. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave [Subculture]
17. Eco feat. Jeza - Over Paper Skies (Dub Mix) [A State Of Trance]
18. Cold Blue - Lucidity
19. Dakota - Sleepwalkers [Coldharbour Red]
20. Future Favorite: Ahmed Romel - Only For You (Arctic Moon Remix) [Blue Soho]
21. Simon Patterson - F16 (Nick Callaghan & Will Atkinson 2011 Mix) [Night Vision]
22. Vol Deeman - Magnetikka [Discover]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: CJ Bolland - The Prophet [DMC]
A State of Trance Episode 510 (27-05-2011)
1. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Mat Zo Remix) [Anjunabeats]
2. Tune Of The Week: Orjan Nilsen - The Mule [Armind] - taken from Оrjan Nilsen 's album "In My Opinion"
3. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good (Tristan Garner remix) [Armind]
4. Marcel Woods - Sunrise (Sunrise 2011 Anthem) [High Contrast]
5. Chicane - Going Deep (VillaNaranjos Remix) [Modena]
6. Ruby & Tony - Up & Down (Oza Remix) [Monster Tunes]
7. Orjan Nilsen feat. Kate Louise Smith - The Thunder [Armada] - taken from Оrjan Nilsen 's album "In My Opinion"
8. Future Favorite: Tiesto pres./Allure feat. JES - Show Me The Way (tyDi Remix) [Black Hole]
9. Vertruda - Night Highway [Afterglow Records]
10. 8 Wonders - X [Arnej Music]
11. Orjan Nilsen - While I Wait [Armada] - taken from Оrjan Nilsen 's album "In My Opinion"
12. Fadios - Chromium (Max Graham Remix) [Re*Brand]
13. Beat Service - Outsider [Coldharbour]
14. Tritonal & Sibicky - Suzu (Ben Gold Remix) [Garuda]
15. Anhken - Always Look Back (Sabanci & Truby Remix)[Armada]
16. Mike Koglin vs. Genix - Helion [Anjunabeats]
17. Heatbeat - Ask the Angels [Armada]
18. Majai - Emotion Flash (Elevation Big Room Remix Dub) [Hardwired]
19. Solis - True To Me (Suncatcher Remix) [Infrasonic]
20. Sebastian Brandt - Ashes [ASOT]
21. Sly One vs Jurrane - Everything to Me (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix)[Discover]
22. DJ Butterfly - Will Be (Dave202 & Virtual Vault Remix)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Arctic Quest - Renaissance [Armind]
A State of Trance Episode 511 (03-06-2011)
01. Orjan Nilsen - The Mule
02. BT - A Million Stars (Save The Robot Remix)
03. Future Favorite: Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Mat Zo Remix)
04. Danny Loko - Coastal
05. Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (Maor Levi's Big Room Mix)
06. MarLo - The Island
07. Mike Koglin vs. Genix - Helion (Norin & Rad Remix)
08. Susana feat. Julian Vincent - Fall In Deep (Alexander Popov Remix)
09. W&W feat. Ana Criado - 3 O'Clock
10. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - Ost Kaas (Mozerella Mix)
11. Daniel Kandi & Phillip Alpha - Don't Fix It
12. Heatbeat - Ask The Angels
13. Tune Of The Week: Protoculture feat. Shannon Hurley - Sun Gone Down
14. Philipe El Sisi feat. Josie Voight - Over You (Heatbeat Remix)
15. Kyau & Albert - Velvet Morning (Super8 & Tab Remix)
16. Space Rockerz - Jet Packin (Phynn Remix)
17. Dart Rayne - Underspoken
18. Tiddey - Copacabana Dream
19. Ultimate - Wonderland
20. Riva - Time Is The Healer (Armin Van Buuren 2011 Rework)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Fictivision vs. C Quence - Symbols
A State of Trance Episode 512 (10-06-2011)
01. Arty - Around The World [Anjunabeats]
02. Purple Haze feat. Frederick - Timezones [Doorn]
03. Tune Of The Week: The Blizzard & Omnia - My Inner Island (Yuri Kane Remix) [Armind]
04. Future Favorite: W&W feat. Ana Criado - 3 O'Clock [Captivating]
05. Who.Is - Cryptanalysis [Anjunabeats]
06. Above & Beyond - Prelude [Anjunabeats] - from their album "Group Therapy"
07. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - You Got To Go [Anjunabeats] - from their album "Group Therapy"
08. Protoculture feat. Shannon Hurley - Sun Gone Down [Re*Brand]
09. Markus Schulz pres. Dakota - Terrace 5AM [Coldharbour Red] - from Markus Schulz Dakota's album "Thoughts Become Things II"
10. Evan London - Brilliance (Attractive Deep Sound Remix) [LiftedSounds]
11. Will Holland - Melodica
12. Norin & Rad vs. Audien - Triumph
13. Norrin & Rad vs Audien - Triumph
14. Ferry Corsten - So Good [Flashover]
15. Menno de Jong feat. Ellie Lawson - Place in The Sun (Ronski Speed Remix) [Intuition]
16. Mark Sixma - Arrivals [Black Hole]
17. Faruk Sabanci - As Faces Fade [Aropa]
18. Captured SunLost Souls (Ex-Driver Remix) [Unearthed Red]
19. Will Watson & Akira Kayosa pres. Osaru - Osaru [Mondo]
20. Simon Patterson & Greg Downey - Come To Me
21. Aly & Fila feat. Catherine Crowe - It Will Be Ok (Arctic Moon Remix)
22. Aly & Fila feat. Catherine Crowe - It Will Be Ok (Arctic Moon Remix) [Armada/Future Sound Of Egypt]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Tillman Uhrmacher - On The Run (Ocean To Shore) [Fog Area] [In Memory Of Tillman Uhrmacher]
A State of Trance Episode 513 (17-06-2011)
01. Armin van Buuren - Mirage (Alexander Popove Remix)
02. Armin van Buuren vs. Fery Corsten - Minack (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
03. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie - Virtual Friend (BT Remix)
04. Armin van Buuren - Full Focus (Ummet Ozcan Remix)
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Adam Young - Youtopia (Blake Jarrel Remix)
06. Armin van Buuren feat. Laura V - Drowning (Avicii Remix)
07. Armin van Buuren feat. Jessie Morgan - Love Too Hard (Roger Shah Pumpin' Island Mix)
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Down To Love (Kyau & Albert Remix)
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good (Tristan Garner Remix)
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment (Shogun Remix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
12. Armin van Buuren - I Don't Own You (Andy Moor Remix)
13. Armin van Buuren - Orbion (Eco Remix)
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Bagga Bownz & Christian Burns - Neon Hero
15. Armin van Buuren feat. VanVelzen - Take Me Where I Wanna Go (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
16. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts (Ralphie B Remix)
17. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton - I Surrender (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On Love (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
19. Armin van Buuren - Coming Home (Arctic Moon Remix)
20. Rising Star - Touch Me (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Armin van Buuren - Control Freak (Sander van Doorn Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 514 (24-06-2011)
01. Sander van Doorn presents Purple Haze feat Colin Janz - Timezone [Doorn]
02. Tune Of The Week: Alex Sonata - Silex (Alex M.o.r.p.h.`s Darth Morph Edit)
03. Cramp - RU116
04. Bobina - Rocket Ride
05. Ali Wilson & Matt Smallwood - Bliss
06. Dinka - My Love Will Surround You (Sun Jellie Remix)
07. Armin van Buuren - I Don’t Own You (Andy Moor Remix)
08. Eco feat. Eller Van Buuren - My Name Is You(th)
09. Eco feat. Radmilla - Change The World
10. The Blizzard & Omnia - My Inner Island (Yuri Kane Remix)
11. Rory Gallagher & Mike Lane - Eclipse
12. Betsie Larkin with Super8 & Tab - All We Have Is Now
13. A&Z Vs Elyes Karray - The Revolution (Corbossy Remix)
14. Jochen Miller - One Day
15. Lisa Lashes - Numero Uno (Ummet Ozcan Remix)
16. Sean Tyas - By The Way
17. Simon Patterson & Greg Downey - Come To Me
18. Will Atkinson - Afterthought
19. Future Favorite #512: Aly & Fila Feat. Catherine Crow - It Will Be Ok (Arctic Moon Remix) [Fsoe]
20. Armin van Buuren vs. Ferry Corsten - Minack (Mark Sixma Remix) [Armind]
21. Chris Metcalfe - Calla Bassa
22. Asot Radio Classic: Ratty - Sunrise (Here I am)
A State of Trance Episode 515 (01-07-2011)
01. Ferry Corsten - Check It Out [Flashover]
02. Tune Of The Week: Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - Tears (Aurosonic Remix)
03. Klauss Goulart -Deep Universe (Rave Channel Remix)
04. Mike Shiver vs. Mathias Lethola - Slacker (Maor Levi Remix) [A State Of Trance]
05. Yuri Kane - Right Back (Craving & Howe Remix) [Premier]
06. Maor Levi & Raul Siberdi - Infatuation [Anjunabeats]
07. Leon Bolier vs. Samuel L. Jackson - Vengeance Vengeance
08. Ummet Ozcan - Reboot [Reset]
09. Stoneface & Terminal - Rush [Euphonic]
10. Ralphie B - Bullfrog [Armada]
11. Dennis Shepherd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel [High Contrast]
12. Protoculture feat. Shannon Hurely - Sun Gone Down (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Chris Ortega Remix) [Re*Brand]
13. Bobina - Rocket Ride [Maelstrom] [Future Favorite #514]
14. Sied van Riel - Bubble Blower [Liquid]
15. Strings - Twilight Mode [Liquid]
16. Dave Emanuel & Steve Nyman - Rise & Fall (Bjorn Akesson Remix) [Arisa Audio]
17. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
18. Gaia - Status Excessu D (Sebastian Brandt Remix) [Armind]
19. Future Favorite #513: Armin van Buuren - Coming Home (Arctic Moon Remix) [Armada]
20. Monada - Turbulence
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Aalto - 5 [Anjunabeats]
A State of Trance Episode 516 (08-07-2011)
01. Andrew Bayer - Counting The Points [Anjunabeats]
02. Tom Fall feat. Jwaydan - Untouchable (Paul Keeley Remix)
03. Future Favorite: Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - Tears (Aurosonic Remix) [Solar]
04. Kiholm & Kris O'Neil - We Just Did [Tone Diary]
05. Radiohead - Lotus Flower (Eco Bootleg Remix)
06. Rory Gallagher & Mike Lane - Skyline Cafe [Soundpiercing]
07. Igor Dyachkov - Illumination [Ask4]
08. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Dennis Sheperd Club Mix) [High Contrast]
09. MarLo - Jaguar [Liquid]
10. Chapter XJ - Never Forget [Monster Tunes]
11. Avatar One - Jacinta's Voyage (Temple One Remix) [SolarSwarm]
12. Tune Of The Week: Tiddey feat. Lyck - Keep Waiting (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Refuge]
13. Espen Lorentzen - Kraken [Eternity]
14. 4 Strings - Sunrise (Radion 6 Remix) [Liquid]
15. Renvo - Breakout (co-produced by W&W) [Armada] [SEAT Next DJ Contest]
16. DiVasco - Heat (co-produced by Signum) [Armada] [SEAT Next DJ Contest]
17. Andrew Rayel - Deflagration (Setrise Remix) [A State Of Trance]
18. Vascotia - Calibro 2011 (Ferry Tayle 'Neverending Story' Remix) [Enhanced]
19. Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Cold Wave (Suncatcher Remix) [Harmonic Breeze]
20. Nick Callaghan & Will Atkinson - Blizzard [Perfecto Fluoro]
21. Andain - Promises w/ ID (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
22. Sophie Sugar - Skyline [A State Of Trance]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: William Orbit - Adagio For Strings (Ferry Corsten Remix) [WEA]
A State of Trance Episode 517 (14-07-2011)
01. Estiva feat. Josie - Better Days (Tom Fall Remix) [Enhanced]
02. Future Favorite: Tiddey feat. Lyck Keep Waiting (Orjan Nilsen Midsummernite Remix) [Refuge]
03. Headstrong feat. Sine Grove - Tears (Aurosonic Progressive Remix) [Solar]
04. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - Crown Of Thorns (Aurosonic Progressive Mix) [Nocturnal]
05. Hoyaa - Android
06. Tune Of The Week: Osiris & Aiera - Supra (Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus Remix) [Blue Soho]
07. Dash Berlin - Better Half Of Me [Aropa]
08. Grace - Not Over Yet (Max Graham & Protoculture Remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
09. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Forgotten Dreams (Broning Remix)
10. Nifra - Strangers (Dub) [AVA]
11. Dakota - Katowice (Mr. Pit Remix) [Coldharbour Red]
12. Dakota - Terrace 5AM [Coldharbour Red]
13. Lee & Slater - Go With The Dryness (Trance mix)
14. Paul Webster - Circus (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Fraction]
15. SoundLift - Acapulco
16. Paul Oakenfold - Full Moon Party [Perfecto Fluoro]
17. Maor Levi & Raul Siberdi - Infatuation (Nitrous Oxide Remix) [Anjunabeats]
18. Triple A - Winter Stayed (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Armind]
19. Neal Scarborough - Sequoia (Daniel Kandi’s Bangin’ Mix)
20. Simon Patterson vs. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Latika Hearts (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Jose Amnesia - Second Day (Martin Roth Remix) [Vandit]
A State of Trance Episode 518 (21-07-2011)
Recorded Live from Club Space Ibiza
01. Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Eric Prydz Remix)
02. Sander van Doorn pres. Purple Haze feat. Colin Janz - Timezone [Doorn]
03. Leon Bolier vs. Samuel L. Jackson - Vengeance Vengeance (Pulp Fiction bootleg) [Streamlined]
04. Ummet Ozcan - Reboot [Doorn]
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Down To Love (Kyau & Albert Remix)
06. EDX vs. P. Diddy & Skylar Grey - Angry Heart Coming Home (Faruk Sabanci Mashup)
07. Arty - Around The World [Anjunabeats]
08. Sander van Doorn vs. Afrojack & R3hab - Koko Prutataaa (First State Bashup)
09. Alex Sonata - Silex (Alex M.o.r.p.h.`s Darth Morph Edit) [Groovebox]
10. Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji - Pressure (Alesso Remix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good (Tristan Garner remix) [Armind]
12. Marcel Woods - Sunrise (Sunrise 2011 Anthem) [High Contrast]
13. ID
14. MaRLo feat. Jano - The Island [Liquid]
15. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Dennis Sheperd Club Mix) [High Contrast]
16. Protoculture feat. Shannon Hurley - Sun Gone Down [Re*Brand]
17. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays [Armind]
18. Beat Service - Outsider [Coldharbour]
19. Kiholm & Kris O'Niel - We Just Did [Tone Diary]
20. Armin van Buuren - Mirage (Alexander Popov remix) [Armind]
21. Axwell - Heart is King (Dennis Shepard remix) [Axtone]
22. John O’Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave (Giuseppe Ottaviani Mix) [Subculture]
23. Simon Patterson & Greg Downey - Come To Me [Nightvision]
24. Armin van Buuren - Orbion (Max Graham vs. Protoculture Remix) [Armind]
25. ASOT Radio Classic: Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
26. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight [FSOE]
A State of Trance Episode 519 (28-07-2011)
01. BT feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw - A Million Stars (Remix) [Black Hole]
02. Future Favorite: Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me [Aropa]
03. Kyau & Albert - A Night Like This [Euphonic]
04. Cosmic Gate - The Theme [Black Hole]
05. Arty - Kate [Anjunabeats]
06. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire [AVA]
07. Oliver Smith - Butterfly Effect (Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
08. FKN feat. Jahala - Tonight (Mohamed Ragab & Brave Dub Mix) [Deep Blue]
09. Tune Of The Week: Jamaster A - Nanjing Express (Oryon Remix) [In Trance We Trust]
10. Solarstone & Orkidea - Zeitgeist (Dennis Sheperd Remix) [Solaris]
11. Tilt - No Other Day (Tilt's Century Mix) [Lost Language]
12. Ronski Speed & Cressida - Glueck (Club Mix) [Euphonic]
13. Eximinds - Afterlight [Enhanced Progressive]
14. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Bonanza [Captivating]
15. Mike Saint-Jules pres. Saint X feat. Sandel - Summerlives [Flashover]
16. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Linnea Schossow - Just For You [Vandit]
17. MaRLo - Whispers & Shouts [Liquid]
18. DJ Feel vs. Eugene Kush – Simbios (DJ Feel Mix)
19. Marcos feat. Helen Sylk – Take Cover (Sonic Element Dub) [Borderline]
20. Paul Oakenfold - Full Moon Party [Perfecto Fluoro]
21. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Go On Air [Vandit]
22. Touchstone - Dream For Life [Digitized]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Armin van Buuren - Birth Of An Angel [Armind]
A State of Trance Episode 520 (04-08-2011)
01. De Leon & Gum Me - Awake [Big & Dirty]
02. Future Favorite: BT feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw - A Million Stars (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Remix) [Nettwerk]
03. LTN - Forever in You [Morrison Recordings]
04. First State presents OneWorld - The One That Got Away [First State Deep]
05. tyDi feat. Tania Zygar - Why Do I Care? (Clashback Remix) [S107]
06. Kyau & Albert - Always A Fool (2011 rework) [Euphonic]
07. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren – Fight The Fire (Club mix) [Ava Recordings]
08. Shogun - Skyfire (Alex Morph Remix) [Armind]
09. Simon Patterson feat. Lucy Pullin - Keep Quiet [Night Vision]
10. Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Island (Club mix) (from the album 'openminded') [Magic Island]
11. Super8 & Tab feat. Anton Sonin - Black Is The New Yellow (Protoculture Remix) [Anjunabeats]
12. Mark Eteson feat. Audrey Gallagher - Breathe On My Own [Garuda]
13. Lemon & Einar K feat. Paul Johannessen - Everlasting [S107]
14. Claessen & Martens - El Dorado [ITWT]
15. Novaline - Sakura (Bushi & Ryan Mendoza remix) [Unearthed]
16. Will Holland - Timeless (Daniel Kandi Remix) [Enhanced]
17. DNS Project - Exclusive (Bigroom Edit) [Armada]
18. Tune Of The Week: W & W - Beta (Alpha Mix) [Captivating Sounds]
19. Reverse - Endless Journey [Vandit]
20. Ex-Driver & Alex Piletski - Last Rain (Indecent Noise presents Gosia Bojko Remix) [Unearthed Recordi]
21. Aly & Fila - 200 (FSOE 200 Anthem) [FSOE]
22. Eddie Bitar - Beirut (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Vandit]
23. Arkadi - Login (Dark mix) [2play]
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Primer - Everlast
A State of Trance Episode 521 (11-08-2011)
01. Matt Darey feat. Leax - Hold Your Breath (KhoMha Remix) [Nocturnal Global]
02. Judge Jules - City Nights (Mat Zo Remix) [Reset]
03. Bart Claessen - Fantomah [Flashover]
04. Space RockerZ feat. Tania Zygar - Puzzle Piece (Daniel Heatcliff's Farewell Remix) [S107]
05. Aiera & Osiris - Supra (Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus Mix) [Blue Soho]
06. Anhken pres. Fyrsta - If Not Me (Norin & Rad Remix) [Enhanced]
07. Tune Of The Week: Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert - Neo Love (Dennis Sheperd Remix) [Euphonic]
08. Leon Bolier - Staircase [Streamlined]
09. Solis & Sean Truby - Loaded (Ben Gold Remix)
10. Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Eric Prydz Remix - Sean Tyas Rework)
11. Simon Patterson feat. Lucy Pullin - Keep Quiet [Night Vision]
12. Dennis Sheperd feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Bring Me Back [High Contrast]
13. Gareth Emery & Ben Gold - Flash [Garuda]
14. Emery & Kirsch - Lose Yourself (Tritonal Air Up There Remix)
15. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton - Rain (Maor Levi Remix)
16. Fast Distance & Dimension - El Mar (Fast Distance Mix) [Perceptive]
17. Future Favorite: W&W - Beta (Alpha Remix) [Captivating]
18. DNS Project - Exclusive [Armada]
19. Lange pres. Firewall - Touched (Dash Berlin's Sense of Touch Remix)
20. DJ Dazzle vs. Wezz Devall - Global Forecast [High Contrast]
21. M.I.K.E. - Back In Time [Club Elite]
22. Aly & Fila - 200 [Future Sound Of Egypt]
23. Mark Sherry - Sangre Caliente [Reset]
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Jonas Steur - Castamara [Intuition]
A State of Trance Episode 522 (18-08-2011)
01. Dirty South - Alive vs. Static Revenge & Richard Vission - I Like That (Thomas Gold dub) (AVB Mash Up)
02. Arty - The Wall (Arty Remode Mix) [Enhanced]
03. 3rd Planet feat. Ange - I.M.S [Infrasonic Progressive]
04. LTN - Inside (Myon & Shane 54 Summer of Love remix) [Morrison recordings]
05. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - You Got To Go (Kyau & Albert Remix) [Anjunabeats]
06. Vincent Voort - Driven [High Contrast Nu Breed]
07. DNS Project & Fast Distance - Kickdown (Original Mix)
08. Leon Bolier - Staircase [Spinnin]
09. The Madison & Simon J feat. Aelyn - Angel (Willem de Roo Remix) [Enhanced]
10. DNS Project - Redeemer [Coldharbour]
11. tyDi feat. Protoculture & Meighan Nealon - Criminal (from the album "Shooting Stars") [Armada]
12. Erick Strong - Civilisation [Interstate Recordings]
13. Mark Eteson feat. Audrey Gallagher - Breathe On My Own [Garuda]
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton - Rain (Maor Levi Remix) [Armada] [FUTURE FAVORITE]
15. MaRLo - Whispers and Shouts [Reset]
16. Tune Of The Week: Ferry Corsten vs. Armin Van Buuren - Brute (Original Extended) [Flashover]
17. Garry Heaney - Oracle (Luke Bond Remix) [ASOT]
18. Ben Nicky & Cassandra Fox - The One (Daniel Kandi Remix) [Monster Tunes]
19. A.R.D.I. - Forget The Past [Harmonic Breeze]
20. Lee Miller - Deception (Oliver Brooks Remix) [Enhanced Recordings]
21. Tom Colontonio feat. CiBon - The Sun (Original Mix) [Armada]
22. Fei-Fei - Hellion [Feided]
23. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel - In and Out of Love vs. John O' Callaghan - Raw Deal (AVB Mash up)
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Paul van Dyk - Crush [Vandit]
A State of Trance Episode 523 (25-08-2011)
01. Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (Swedish House Mafia Remix)
02. Sander van Doorn - Drink To Get Drunk [Doorn]
03. meHiLove - Daylight [Infrasonic Progressive]
04. Nic Chagall & Duderstadt feat. Relyk - Alone With You [High Contrast]
05. Tune f The Week: Gareth Emery vs. Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion [Garuda]
06. Cosmic Gate vs. System F - The Blue Theme (Ferry Corsten Fix)
07. Andy Duguid feat. Fenja - Strings [Magik Muzik]
08. Space RockerZ feat. Tania Zygar - Puzzle Piece (Daniel Heatcliff's Farewell Remix) [S107]
09. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - You Got To Go (Kyau & Albert Remix) [Anjunabeats]
10. Heatbeat - Roses Never Cry [Armada]
11. Allure feat. Christian Burns - On The Wire (Dennis Sheperd Remix) [Magik Muzik]
12. Bobina feat. Erin Marsz - Let You In (Megadrive Mix) [Maelstrom]
13. Dark Matters feat. Jessie Morgan - I Don't Believe In Miracles (Shogun Remix) [S107]
14. W&W - D.N.A. (Mark Sixma Remix) [Captivating]
15. Jon O'Bir - Music Database [Liquid]
16.Peter Dubs - Beach Obsession
17. Armin van Buuren - Full Focus (Chris Schweizer Remix)
18. Super8 & Tab - Bliss (4 Strings Remix) [Anjunabeats]
19. Future Favorite: Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute [Flashover]
20. Aerian - Mah (Temple One Remix)
21. Paul Miller - Red Label
22. ASOT Radio Classic: OceanLab - Beautiful Together (Signum Remix) [Anjunabeats]
A State of Trance Episode 524 (01-09-2011)
01. Pryda - 2night (Instrumental Intro Mix) [Pryda]
02. Marcus Schossow - Swedish Nights [Tone Diary]
03. Junkie Xl - Molly’s E [Nettwerk]
04. Foyle & Zo - Simple Things (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Mehilove - Daylight (Original Mix) [Infrasonic Progressive]
06. Mat Zo - Frequency Flyer [Anjunabeats]
07. Lost Witness Vs Antillas & Dankann Feat. Sj - Chasing Rainbows (Antillas & Dankann Dark Instrumental) [Armada]
08. Tydi Feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Crazy (Tom Fall Remix) [S107]
09. Andy Moor - Fight The Fight (Norin & Rad Remix) [Ava]
10. W&W & Mark Sixma - Twist (Extended Mix) [Captivating Sounds]
11. Tune Of The Week: Matias Faint - Casino Fire (Kent & Gian Remix) [Armada]
12. Fast Distance & Dimension - El Mar (Dimension Remix) [Perceptive Recordings]
13. Future Favorite: Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion [Garuda]
14. Nuera Pres. Levann - Someday (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
15. Rene Ablaze Pres. Fallen Skies - Stealin Love (Andrew Rayel Vs Setrise Remix) [2 Play]
16. Tom Colontonio Feat. Cibon - The Sun (Original Mix) [Subculture]
17. Sean Tyas & Bjorn Akesson - Zahi (Original Mix) [Tytanium Recordings]
18. Stevie Cripps - Soul Fire (Original Mix) [Adjusted Music]
19. Indecent Noise - Cititanova (Nick Callaghan & Will Atkinson’s Extended Remix) [Discover Dark]
20. Gary Proud - As One (Original Mix) [Vandit]
21. Temple One - World Beyond (Daniel Kandi & Phillip Alpha Remix) [Enhanced 100]
22. Arkadi And William Daniel - Infinatus [2 Play]
23. Asot Radio Classic: Blank & Jones - Cream [Soundcolours]
A State of Trance Episode 525 (08-09-2011)
01. First State feat. Tyler Sherritt - Maze
02. Moonbeam with Eitan Carmi feat. Matvey Emerson - Wanderer
03. Lange - Songless (Mark Sherry's Outburst Remix)
04. Future Favorite: W&W & Mark Sixma - Twist
05. Heatbeat - Roses Never Cry (Original Mix)
06. Tune of The Week: Tenishia - Tenishia The Shores Of Eden
07. Matias Faint - Casino Fire (Kent & Gian Remix)
08. Moonpax - Ice Coffee [Songbird]
09. Mark Eteson feat. Audrey Gallagher - Breathe On My Own (Daniel Kandi Remix)
10. Creep feat. Romy - Days (Super8 & Tab Remix)
11. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Chriss Ortega - Ocean Drive [Garuda]
12. Myon & Shane 54 - Futuristic (Green & Falkner Remix)
13. Ana Criado - Can't Hold Back The Rain (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
14. Hannah - Falling Away (Armin van Buuren Remix)
15. Alpha Delta - Sand Castles
16. Leon Bolier - Yesterday Eve
17. Raneem - Free Fall
18. James Poulton - Anodyne
19. Sebastian Brandt - Ashes vs. Andain - Beautiful Things (Kris A Mashup)
20. Talla 2XLC vs. Paul Miller - Extravaganza (Talla 2XLC Mix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
21. Sean Tyas & Bjorn Akesson - Zahi
22. Paul Miller - Red Label
23. Asot Radio Classic: 4 Strings - Take Me Away (Into The Night)
A State of Trance Episode 526 (15-09-2011)
Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance 526: Arty & Andy Moor Live @ Space, Ibiza (2011-09-15) Armin van Buuren
01. Headstrong Featuring Shelly Harland - Helpless (Aurosonic Remix) [Sola]
02. Creep feat. Romy - Days (The XX) (Super8 & Tab Remix)
03. Sander van Doorn - Drink To Get Drunk [Spinnin]
04. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Chriss Ortega - Ocean Drive (Protoculture Remix) [Garuda]
05. Future Favorite: Hannah - Falling Away (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
06. Dennis Sheperd - A Tribute To Life
07. Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy - Love The Fear [Enhanced Recordings]
08. Raneem - Free Fall (Original Mix)
09. Tune Of The Week: Alex M.O.R.P.H - ID
10. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute
11. ASOT Radio Classic: Plastic Boy - Twist Arty Live from club Space in Ibiza (2011-09-07)
01. Paul van Dyk feat. Sue McLaren - We Come Together (Arty Remix)
02. Big World feat. Markus Binapfl - Quadrillion (Moguai Remix) w/ Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger
03. D-Mad vs. Arnej - She Gave Happiness (Arty Remix) vs. Strangers We've Become (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
04. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Kim Fai Club Mix)
05. Arty vs. Imogen Heap - Seek Zara (SHato & Paul Rockseek Mashup)
06. Arty - Around The World
07. Rafael Frost - Smash
08. OceanLab & Above & Beyond vs. Mat Zo & Arty feat. Justine Suissa - Satellite vs. Synapse Dynamics (Mat Zo Mashup) Andy Moor Live from club Space in Ibiza (2011-09-07)
01. Gareth Emery & Ben Gold - Flash
02. Super8 & Tab feat. Anton Sonin - Black Is The New Yellow (Protoculture Remix)
03. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Crazy (Tom Fall Remix)
01. Gareth Emery & Ben Gold - Flash
02. Super8 & Tab feat. Anton Sonin - Black Is The New Yellow (Protoculture Remix)
03. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Crazy (Tom Fall Remix)
04. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire (Original Mix)
05. Rafael Frost - Smash
A State of Trance Episode 527 (22-09-2011)
Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance 527: Jochen Miller & Cosmic Gate Live @ Space, Ibiza (2011-09-22) 01. Oleg Espo - Brothers Forever [Vendace]
02. Aimoon - Light & Shade (Offshore Wind Remix)
03. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - Velicity [Armada]
04. W&W - Search for Tommorow [Armada]
05. Tenishia - Shores Of Edem (Mark Sixma Remix) [A State Of Trance]
06. Betsie Larkin with Ferry Corsten - Stars [Premier]
07. Faruk Sabanci - Maiden's Tower 2011 (Thomas Datt Remix)
08. Alex M.O.R.P.H feat. Sylvia Tosun - Antara (The Circle)
09. Tune Of The Week: Andre Visior - Moonraker (Daniel Kandi Bangin' Remix)
10. Activa ft. Will Atkinson - Access (Original Album Mix)
11. ASOT Radio Classic: Cultivate - Broken Pieces (Goldenscan Remix) Liveset Jochen Miller recorded live from Club Space @ Ibiza 1. Weekend Heroes, Jerome Isma-Ae - A Monster In My Closet (Original Mix)
2. Save The Robot - Compassion
3. Paul Thomas - Ultraviolet (Remake 2011)
4. EDX - Szeplo (Original Mix)
5. Green & Falkner -- Ceylan (Original Mix)
6. Chris Barratt - Philharmonique
7. Michael Woods - Bullet yeah
8. Florence & the Machine - You've Got The Love (Mark Knight Remix) Liveset Cosmic Gate recorded live from Club Space @ Ibiza 1. ID (Also played in Above & Beyond's essential Mix)
2. Myon & Shane 54 - Futuristic
3. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion
4. Rafael Frost - Smash (Original Mix)
5. Blank & Jones - Cream (Cosmic Gate Rework)
A State of Trance Episode 528 (29-09-2011)
A State of Trance 528: Universal Religion Chapter 5 Special (2011-09-29)
01. Ashley Wallbridge - Vision (Intro Edit)
02. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion
03. BT & Adam K - Tomahawk
04. Space RockerZ feat. Tania Zygar - Puzzle Pieces (Daniel Heatcliff's Farewell Mix)
05. Kid Alien - The Atmosphere (Klauss Goulart's & Mark Sixma Deep Universe Remix)
06. Gofman & Tsukerman - Darko
07. Alexander Popov - Elegia
08. Back To UR Chapter 3: Sunlounger - Another Day On The Terrace
09. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Armin van Buuren Remix)
10. Hannah - Falling Away (Armin van Buuren Remix)
11. Back To UR Chapter 4: BT feat. JES - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix)
12. Shogun - Space Odyssey
13. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
14. Protoculture - Liquid Logic
15. Re:Locate vs. Robert Nickson - Resource
16. Orjan Nilsen - Viking
17. Gaia - Stellar
18. Back To UR Chapter 4: Roger Shah & Signum - Healesville Sancturary (Roger Shah Mix)
19. Back To UR Chapter 3: The Doppler Effect - Beauty Hides In The Deep (John O'Callaghan Remix)
20. Susana - Home (Daniel Kandi Retrofit Remix)
21. Daniel Kandi - Sagittarius
22. Tune Of The Week: Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angels Love (Vocal Mix)
23. Jorn van Deynhoven - Spotlight
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Armin vs. M.I.K.E. - Intruder
A State of Trance Episode 529 (06-10-2011)
01. The Killers - Mr Brightside (Marco V Treatment)
02. Tune of the Week: Cosmic Gate Feat. Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound
03. Boom Jinx Feat. Justine Suissa - Phoenix From The Flames (Blizzard & Omnia Remix)
04. Sunleed - Rasalhague
05. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Club Mix)
06. EDU & Cramp - Human Turbines (Ruben De Ronde Remix)
07. Leon Bolier - The Peacemaker
08. Mike Danis - For You (Juventa Remix)
09. Ana Criado Can't Hold Back The Rain (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
10. MaRLo Feat. Jano - Just Breathe
11. Stoneface & Terminal - Leaving Earth
12. M.I.K.E. - Back In Time ( Orjan Nilsen Remix)
13. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Armin van Buuren Remix)
14. Markus Schulz - Digital Madness (Transmission 2011 Theme)
15. Sophie Sugar - Skyline (DNS Project Remix)
16. Protoculture - Liquid Logic (Nhato Remix)
17. Future Favorite: Gaia - Stellar
18. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love
19. U2 - City Of Blinding Lights (Filo & Peri vs. Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
20. Lange vs Gareth Emery - This is New York (Heatbeat Remix)
21. James Poulton - Anodyne
22. SoundLift - Acapulco
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Ultra Vibe - Choose Freedom
A State of Trance Episode 530 (13-10-2011)
01. David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You (Armin van Buuren Remix)
02. Headstrong feat. Shelley Harland - Helpless (Aurosonic Progressive Remix) [Solar]
03. Orjan Nilsen - Atchoo! [Armind]
04. Andain vs. Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji - Promised Pressure (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
05. W&W - Manhattan (Craving Remix) [Captivating]
06. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan (W&W & Jonas Stenberg Rework)
07. Sander van Doorn - Outro (EDX's Fe5tival Mix) [Doorn]
08. Massive Attack - Teardrop (Bart Claessen & Tom Fall Bootleg)
09. BT & Adam K - Tomahwak (Dave Dresden Edit) [Armada]
10. Mike Foyle & Mat Zo - Simple Things [Armada]
11. Boom Jinx feat. Justine Suissa - Phoenix From The Flames (Omnia & The Blizzard Remix) [Anjunabeats]
12. Future Favorite: Cosmic Gate with Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound [Black Hole]
13. W&W - Impact (MarLo Remix) [Captivating]
14. Mark Sherry feat. Sharone - Silent Tears (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Reset]
15. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Armind]
16. Majai with Garrido & Skehan - Skywalkers (Genix Remix) [Hardwired]
17. Tune Of The Week: Ralphie B - Delphi [Captivating]
18. Ben Gold - Colossal [Garuda]
19. Paul Oakenfold feat. Infected Mushroom - I'm Alive (Sonic Element Remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
20. Sean Tyas feat. David Berkeley - Believe [Tytanium]
21. Dimension - Crossing Fingers [Perceptive]
22. Will Atkinson - Breathe It [Nigh Vision]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: The Matrix - Protect The Innocent
A State of Trance Episode 531 (20-10-2011)
01. Paul van Dyk feat. Sue McLaren - We Come Together (Arty Remix) [Vandit]
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Breath In Deep (Remix) [Armind]
03. Luigi Lusini - Forever Loved [The Clubbers]
04. Kid Alien - The Atmosphere (Klauss Goulart's & Mark Sixma Deep Universe Remix)
05. M6 - Unspoken [Captivating]
06. Logic Stories - Nicole (The Madison Silk Remix) [Enhanced]
07. W&W - Search For Tomorrow [Captivating]
08. Armin van Buuren - Mirage (Dennis Sheperd Remix) [Armind]
09. Lange vs. Gareth Emery - Another You, Another Me (Rafael Frost Remix) [Lange]
10. Gaia - Stellar (MarLo Remix) [Armind]
11. W&W - Impact (MarLo Remix) [Captivating]
12. Michael Jay Parek & Jan Miller - Shinowata (Uplifitng Mix) [Garuda]
13. D-Mad - ID [Re*Brand]
14. Ronski Speed & Lifted Emotion - Voom (Phynn Remix) [Euphonic]
15. Neshi Futuro - Glow [Colorful]
16. Federation - Something To Dream About [Perfecto Flouro]
17. Miroslav Vrlik - Enigma [Perceptive]
18. Solis & Sean Truby - All We Have [Infrasonic]
19. CJ Arthur - Excuse Me (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Remix) [Elliptical]
20. Running Man - Eternity [Blue Soho]
21. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angels Love (Vocal Mix) [A State Of Trance]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: DJ Ton TB - Dream Machine [Black Hole]
A State of Trance Episode 532 (27-10-2011)
01. The Blizzard & Yuri Kane feat. Relyk - Everything About You [Armada]
02. Cosmic Gate with Emma Hewitt - Calm Down [Black Hole] - from their album "Wake Your Mind"
03. Tune Of The Week: Cosmic Gate with Arnej - Sometimes They Come Back For More [Black Hole] - from their album "Wake Your Mind"
04. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren with Rank 1 - Witness [Armada]
05. Maor Levi & Bluestone - On Our Own [Anjunabeats]
06. Beat Service feat. Neev Kennedy - But I Did [Beat Service Audio]
07. Future Favorite: Paul van Dyk feat. Sue McLaren - We Come Together (Arty Remix) [Vandit]
08. BeeGee - Ivy (Mark Sixma Remix) [Harmonic Breeze]
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Desiderium 207 (Leon Bolier Remix) [Armind]
10. Snatt & Vix - Loco Motion [High Contrast]
11. Ralphie B - Delphi [Captivating]
12. Solis & Sean Truby - Timeless (Protoculture Remix)
13. Jamie Walker - Mind Games
14. Mark Leanings - Guiding Light [Kearnage]
15. Fabio XB pres. Trance Gate - Luminary (RAM's NRG Remix)
16. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Never Forget [Infrasonic]
17. Maguire - Face Yesterday [Perfecto Fluoro]
18. Fady & Mina - Overdrive
19. James Dymond - Gundam [A State Of Trance]
20. Magnus - Velvet [Perfecto Fluoro]
21. Armin van Buuren - Blue Fear (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Driftwodd - Freloader [RR Records]
A State of Trance Episode 533 (03-11-2011)
01. Paul Oakenfold feat. Tamra - Sleep (Marcus Schossow Perfecto Remix) [Perfecto]
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Breathe In Deep (The Blizzard Remix)
03. Cosmic Gate & Arnej - Sometimes They Come Back For More [Black Hole]
04. Kid Alien vs. Sander van Doorn - Slap My Atmosphere (Armin van Buuren Mashup) [Armada]
05. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Black Hole]
06. Sunny Lax - Contrast [Anjunabeats]
07. Tune Of The Week: Antony Waldhorn - Sashimi (Mark Sixma & Klauss Goulart Remix) [Blue Soho]
08. Cardinal feat. Arielle Maren - Sink Into Me (Protoculture Remix) [Enhanced Progressive]
09. Jon O'Bir - Back For More [Liquid] - from Jon's upcoming album "Music Database"
10. Jon O'Bir feat. Julie Harrington - Perfect As You Are [Liquid] - from Jon's upcoming album "Music Database"
11. Dave Schiemann - Insider (Wezz Devall Remix) [Captivating]
12. TyDi feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Crazy (Tomas Heredia At Sunrise Mix) [S107]
13. Andrea Mazza & Max Denoise - State Of Soul (Maarten de Jong Remix) [Vandit]
14. Eximinds - Baroque [Unearthed]
15. Gaia - Stellar (MaLo Remix) [Armind]
16. Air Night - Daisy
17. Ronski Speed feat. Renee Stahl - Out Of Control (Daniel Kandi Remix) [S107]
18. Jorn van Deynhoven - Spotlight [ASOT]
19. Future Favorite: Armin van Buuren - Blue Fear (Orjan Nilsen 2012 Remix) [Armind]
20. Fady & Mina - Overdrive [Future Sound Of Egypt]
21. Steve Allen - Blurred Viision [Digital Upgrade]
22. David Stolk - Revive [Just Peak]
23. Rising Star - Touch Me (Sebastian Brandt Remix) [Armind]
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Svenson & Gielen - Twisted [ID&T]
A State of Trance Episode 534 (10-11-2011)
01. Loverush UK feat. Bryan Adams - ID (Protoculture Remix)
02. Cosmic Gate with Myon & Shane 54 feat. Aruna - All Around You [Black Hole]
03. Deadmau5 - Aural Psynapse [mau5trap]
04. Gaia - Stellar (EDX Remix) [Armind]
05. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound (Omnia Remix) [Anjunabeats]
06. Kyau & Albert - Once In A Lifetime (Tritonal Remix) [Euphonic]
07. The Blizzard & Yuri Kane feat. Relyk - Everything About You [Armada]
08. John O'Callaghan feat. Cathy Burton - Perfection (Shogun Remix) [Subculture]
09. Above & Beyond - Formula Rossa [Anjunabeats]
10. Ernesto vs. Bastian feat. Kay Wilder - Shiny Appy People [Captivating]
11. Tune Of The Week: Jochen Miller - Bamm! [High Contrast]
12. Future Favorite: Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
13. Richard Durand feat Hadley - Run To You (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Magik Muzik]
14. Leon Bolier & Cliff Coenraad - Belmont's Revenge [Streamlined]
15. Maor Levi & Bluestone - On Our Own [Anjunabeats]
16. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren feat. Rank 1 - Witness [Armada]
17. Dan Stone vs Ost & Meyer - Supercell (Norin & Rad Remix)
18. Lowland & Orkidea - Blackbird [Solaris]
19. VADA – Fire In The Sky (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
20. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Miracle (Dallaz Project Remix) [Vendace]
21. Fast Distance - Envol (Juventa Remix)
22. Fadi & Mina - Overdrive
23. Ralphie B - Massive (James Dymond 2011 Rework)
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Rank 1 - Top Gear
A State of Trance Episode 535 (17-11-2011)
01. Kyau & Albert - R U Fine (Arty Remix) [Euphonic]
02. Loverush Uk! Feat. Bryan Adams - Tonight In Babylon (Protoculture Remix)
03. George Acosta Feat Emma Lock - Never Fear (Atb Remix) [Songbird]
04. Future Favorite: Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound (Omnia Remix) [Anjunabeats]
05. Suncrusaders - Oceanic [Soundpiercing]
06. Headstrong Feat. Shelley Harland - Here In The Dark (Tenishia Remix) [Sola Recordings]
07. Ilya Flame Pres. Inners - Lonely [Infra Progressive]
08. W&W Feat. Bree - Nowhere To Go (Shogun Remix) [S107]
09. Shogun - Lotus [Armind]
10. Noah Neiman - Endorush [Lange Recordings]
11. Rafaлl Frost - In The Air [Flash Over]
12. Lisa Lashes - The Bends (Heatbeat Remix) [Discover Dark]
13. Dr Willis - Shake The Rules (Tech Mix) [Tytanium Recordings]
14. Jochen Miller - Bamm! [High Contrast]
15. Шrjan Nilsen - Lucky Strike [Armind]
16. Rapha - Impressions [Tool Records]
17. Bjorn Akesson Feat. Jwaydan - Xantic (Aly & Fila Vs Bjorn Akesson Remix) [Fsoe]
18. Orkidea - Unity (Solarstone'S Pure Mix) [Solaris]
19. Atlantis Vs Avatar - Fiji (Alpha Duo Remix) [Scuna Music]
20. Re:Locate & Robert Nickson - Prevening [Asot]
21. Bryan Kearney & Jamie Walker - We'Ll Never Die (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
22. Exostate - Without Warning (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
23. Michele Cecchi - Planet Dust (On Air Mix) [Emusica]
24. Tune Of The Week: Luke Bond Feat. Emel - Amaze [Fsoe]
25. Asot Radio Classic: Galen Behr & Robert Burns - Till We Meet Again
A State of Trance Episode 536 (24-11-2011)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Adam Young - Youtopia (Michael Woods Remix) [Armind]
02. Mat Zo & Arty - Mozart [Anjunabeats]
03. Chris Lake - Sundown [Ultra]
04. Matisse & Sadko – Amulet
05. Dreas vs. Alex Robert – Lumi
06. Johnny Yono – Fairfax
07. Martire pres. X&Y - New Beginnings (Solid Stone Remix) [Alter Ego Progressive]
08. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Every Little Beat (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Remix) [Anjunabeats]
09. Robert Gitelman – The Magic
10. Denis Sender – 2011
11. Future Favorite: Shogun - Lotus [Armind]
12. Solis & Mike Danis - Eleven (Broning Remix) [Infrasonic]
13. Dart Rayne - Azai (Kristof van den Berghe Remix) [High Contrast]
14. Faruk Sabanci feat. Antonia Lucas - No Way Out (Temple One Remix) [Black Hole] ?
15. Tune Of The Week: Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta [A State Of Trance]
16. G-Mark - Near Future [Digital Quest]
17. Orkidea - Unity (Solarstone's Pure Mix) [Solaris]
18. Hudson & Kant - Coconut (Temple One Remix) [Alter Ego]
19. Federation - Innocent Desire [Perfecto]
20. Full Tilt feat. Deirdre McLaughlin - Surrender (Sneijder vs. John O'Callaghan Remix) [Subculture]
21. ASOT Radio Classic: Signalrunners pres. Team SR - Leaving London (T4L Remix)[Five AM]
A State of Trance Episode 537 (01-12-2011)
01. Orion & J.Shore - White Birds (Tom Fall Remix) [Silk Royal]
02. Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy - Love The Fear (Tom Fall Remix) [Enhanced]
03. Sied van Riel - Audio 52 [Captivating Sounds]
04. S11 - Voyager
05. Dreas vs Alex Robert - The Other Side [Soundpiercing]
06. Tune Of The Week: Martire pres X&Y - New Beginnings (Solid Stone Remix) [Alter Ego Progressive]
07. John O’ Callaghan feat. Cathy Burton - Perfection (Shogun Remix) [Subculture]
08. Joseph Areas - For An Instant [AVA]
09. Protoculture - Topaz [Rebrand]
10. Orjan Nilsen - Lucky Strike [Armind]
11. Alex O’Rion - Changing Pace (Erick Strong Digital Mix) [Black Hole]
12. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Aropa]
13. Future Favorite: Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Aether Mix)
14. 7 Baltic - Isandula [Colorful Recordings]
15. Six Senses and Terk Dawn - Dedication
16. Cylum & Velden - Waiting For Sunrise (Manuel Rocca Remix) [Silent Shore White]
17. Binary Finary & Daniel Wanrooy - Isle Of Lies (Adam Szabo Remix) [Digital Society]
18. Exostate - Without Warning (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
19. Dutch Force - Deadline (Sean Truby 2012 Update)
20. Luke Bond feat. Emel - Amaze [FSOE]
21. Simon Patterson - Smack (John Askew Remix) [Night Vision]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Randy Katanain - Silence (Txitarro mix)
A State of Trance Episode 538 (08-12-2011)
01. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Erik Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
02. W&W feat. Bree - Nowhere To Go (Tom Fall Remix)
03. Mike vs Genix - Dyno
04. Matisse & Sadko - Amule
05. Santerna ft. Vadim Kapustin – I Believe In Life (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Dub)
06. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
07. Jorn Van Deynhoven - Spotlight (Tomas Heredia Remix)
08. Tune of The Week: John O'Callaghan ft. Kathryn Gallagher - Mess Of A Machine
09. Future Favourite: Dash Berlin ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
10. Orjan Nilsen - Legions
11. Protoculture - Topaz (Max Graham Remix)
12. Maarten de Jong - Tetra
13. Shogun - 550 [ASOT 550 Anthem Candidate #1]
14. W&W - Invasion [ASOT 550 Anthem Candidate #2]
15. Eco - A Million Sounds, a Thousand smiles [ASOT 550 Anthem Candidate #3]
16. Sebastian Brandt - Mana [ASOT 550 Anthem Candidate #4]
17. Alpha Duo - 550 [ASOT 550 Anthem Candidate #5]
18. Gareth Emery - Tokyo (Ben Gold Remix)
19. Mike Koglin vs. Tempo Giusto - Scalar
20. Dimension - Yellowstone (Ultimate Remix)
21. Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy - Love the Fear (Exminds Remix)
22. Dave Leyrock - Transportation (Vol Deeman Remix)
23. ASOT Radio Classic: 4 Strings - Diving (Hiver & Hammer Remix)
01. Kele Vs. Sander Van Doorn Feat. Lucy Taylor - What Did I Do [Doorn]
02. Ruby & Tony - Crema [Armada]
03. Mat Zo - Loop (The Essential Unreleased Mix)
04. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects Feat. Eric Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
05. Fredda L. & Fisher - Love, You Call It (Beat Service Remix) [Enhanced]
06. Ummet Ozcan - Cocoon [Reset]
07. W&W - Invasion [Winner Asot 550 Anthem Contest]
08. Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Aether Mix) [Asot]
09. Rory Gallagher - The Planets Bend Between Us (Dub) [Alter Ego]
10. Erick Strong Vs. Dart Rayne - Shamballa [Spinnin]
11. Ost & Meyer - Britanica [Anjunabeats]
12. Шrjan Nilsen - Legions [Armind]
13. Mike Koglin Vs Lck - Varana
14. Heatbeat - Arganda [Armada]
15. Tune Of The Week: Mike Foyle & Refeel - Universal Language [Armada]
16. John O Callaghan And Kathryn Gallagher - Mess Of A Machine (Sean Tyas Remix) [Subculture]
17. Full Tilt Feat. Deirdre Mclaughlin - Surrender (Sneijder Vs John O'Callaghan Remix) [Subculture]
18. Monada - Turbulence [Asot]
19. Trance Arts & Sonic Element - Reformation [Perfecto Fluoro]
20. Sabanci & Truby - Step Up [Arisa Audio]
21. Matt Bowdidge - Slip Back [Discover]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Rank 1 - Airwave
A State of Trance Episode 540 (22-12-2011) Top 20 of 2011
01. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight [Future Sound Of Egypt] [Tune Of The Year]
02. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angels Love (Vocal Mix) [A State Of Trance]
03. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
04. Shogun - Skyfire [Armind]
05. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays [Armind]
06. Gaia - Status Excessu D [Armind]
07. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound [Anjunabeats]
08. Cosmic Gate with Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound [Black Hole]
09. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute [Flashover]
10. Bobina & Betsie Larkin - You Belong To Me [Maelstrom]
11. Andain - Promises (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Remix) [Black Hole]
12. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire [AVA]
13. Gaia - Stellar [Armind]
14. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half of Me (Club Mix) [Aropa]
15. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - Tears (Aurosonic Progressive Mix) [Solar]
16. ATB & Dash Berlin - Apollo Road (Club Mix) [Kontor]
17. Dennis Sheperd feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Club Mix) [High Contrast]
18. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Armind]
19. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion [Garuda]
20. Armin van Buuren feat. Laura V - Drowning (Avicii Remix) [Armind]
A State of Trance Episode 541 (29-12-2011)
01. Intro – One Is Just The Beginning
02. Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji – Pressure (Alesso Remix)
03. Andain – Promises (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
04. Sander van Doorn – Koko
05. Arty – Kate
06. Armin van Buuren feat. Adam Young – Youtopia (Blake Jarrell Remix)
07. Mat Zo – Superman
08. Kid Alien – The Atmosphere (Klauss Goulart & Mark Sixma’s Deep Universe Remix)
09. Sander van Doorn feat. Carol Lee – Love Is Darkness
10. Arty – Around The World
11. Sander van Doorn pres. Purple Haze feat. Colin Janz – Timezone
12. Tiddey feat. Lyck – Keep Waiting (Orjan Nilsen Midsummernite Remix)
13. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston – You Got To Go (Kyau & Albert Remix)
14. Martire pres. X&Y – New Beginnings (Solid Stone Remix)
15. Headstrong feat. Shelley Harland – Helpless (Aurosonic Progressive Mix)
16. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove – Tears (Aurosonic Progressive Remix)
17. Triple A – Winter Stayed (Armin van Buuren’s On The Beach Mix)
18. Arty feat. Tania Zygar – The Wall (Arty Remode)
19. Grace – Not Over Yet (Max Graham vs Protoculture Remix)
20. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Criado – Surreal (Omnia Remix)
21. The Blizzard & Yuri Kane feat. Relyk – Everything About You
22. Armin van Buuren feat. Laura V – Drowning (Avicii Remix)
23. Boom Jinx feat. Justine Suissa – Phoenix From The Flames (Omnia & The Blizzard Remix)
24. The Blizzard & Omnia – My Inner Island
25. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt – Be Your Sound
26. Heatbeat – Roses Never Cry
27. W&W – AK-47
28. Ferry Corsten – Punk (Arty Rock-n-Rolla Mix)
29. Lange – Songless (Mark Sherry’s Outburst Remix)
30. Ferry Corsten – Feel It
31. Ferry Corsten – Check It Out
32. Leon Bolier feat. Samuel L Jackson – Vengeance Vengeance
33. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford – Sun & Moon (Club Mix)
34. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Disarm Yourself (Club Mix)
35. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren – Fight The Fire (Club Mix)
36. Super8 & Tab feat. Julie Thompson – My Enemy (Rank 1 Remix)
37. Hannah – Falling Away (Armin van Buuren Remix)
38. Ummet Ozcan – Reboot
39. Arty & Mat Zo – Rebound
40. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto – Lifted (Mat Zo Remix)
41. ATB with Dash Berlin – Apollo Road (Club Version)
42. Emma Hewitt – Colours (Armin van Buuren Remix)
43. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford – Thing Called Love (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
44. BT & Adam K – Tomahawk
45. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora – Breathe In Deep (The Blizzard Remix)
46. Mark Eteson feat. Audrey Gallagher – Breathe On My Own
47. Bobina feat. Betsie Larkin – You Belong To Me
48. John O’Callaghan & Betsie Larkin – Save This Moment (Gareth Emery Remix)
49. John O’Callaghan & Timmy & Tommy – Talk To Me (Orjan Nilsen Trance Mix)
50. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller – Rotunda
51. Jochen Miller – BAMM!
52. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge – Mansion
53. Dakota – Sinners
54. Heatbeat – Ask The Cat
55. W&W – Impact (MaRLo Remix)
56. Orjan Nilsen – Viking
57. Beat Service – Outsider
58. Orjan Nilsen – Go Fast
59. Orjan Nilsen – Between The Rays
60. Kyau & Albert – A Night Like This
61. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn – Better Half Of Me (Club Mix)
62. Protoculture feat. Shannon Hurley – Sun Gone Down
63. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado – Fallen Angel (Dennis Sheperd Club Mix)
64. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia – Stellar
65. Susana – Home (Daniel Kandi Retrofit Remix)
66. Lange pres. LNG – Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass (Lange Mix)
67. MaRLo feat. Jano – The Island
68. Armin van Buuren – Blue Fear (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
69. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia – Status Excessu D (ASOT 500 Theme)
70. Jorn van Deynhoven – Spotlight
71. Sebastian Brandt – Ashes
72. Gareth Emery feat. Mark Frisch – Into The Light (Alex Morph Remix)
73. Agulo feat. David Berkeley – Fire Sign (Suncatcher Remix)
74. The Thrillseekers – Song For Sendai
75. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun – An Angel’s Love (Vocal Mix)
76. Simon Patterson – Latika
77. Shogun – Skyfire
78. Arctic Moon – Adelaide
79. Armin van Buuren – Coming Home (Arctic Moon Remix)
80. Bjorn Akesson – Painting Pyramids
81. Aly & Fila feat. Catherine Crow – It Will Be OK (Arctic Moon Remix)
82. Ahmed Romel – Only For You (Arctic Moon Remix)
83. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan – We Control The Sunlight
84. Paul Oakenfold – Full Moon Party
85. Cosmic Gate – Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate’s Back 2 The Future Remix)
86. Laura Jansen – Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Rework)
87. Simon Patterson & Greg Downey feat. Bo Bruce – Come To Me
88. Ferry Corsten feat. Armin van Buuren – Brute
89. Outro – Once’s Again
A State of Trance Episode 542 (05-01-2012)
01. Ferry Corsten feat. Ben Hague - Ain't No Stoppin' [Flashover]
02. Norin & Rad - Bloom [Anjunabeats]
03. Radion6 - Eternal [Oxygen]
04. Paper Aeroplanes - Winter Never Comes (Mark Eteson Club Mix) [Essential Dance]
05. Craig Connelly - Manchester AM (2012 Club Mix) [Garuda]
06. tyDi feat. Dj Rap - Talking To Myself (Maison & Dragen Remix) [S107]
07. Aly & Fila - 200 (Ummet Ozcan Mix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
08. Wiegel Meirmans Snitker - Nova Zembla (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Eyeworks/Armada]
09. Mike Foyle & ReFeel - Universal Language [Armada]
10. Vast Vision - Black Shores (Bjorn Akesson Remix) [AVA]
11. Future Favorite: Orjan Nilsen - Legions [Armind]
12. Tomas Heredia & Marcelo Fratini - Montana (Club Mix) [Captivating]
13. Luke Bond feat. Mark Frisch - The Other Side (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) [Garuda]
14. Ostrega - First Scream (Dennis Sheperd Remix) [Coldharbour]
15. Running Man - Turn Back Time (Suprano Remix)
16. Tune Of The Week: Reminder - On The Beach (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Tool Trance]
17. Spark 7 - The Valley of Kashmir (Onova Remix) [Blue Soho]
18. Nery - Nineteen Ninety [Abora]
19. Giuseppe Ottaviani & John O'Callaghan - Ride The Wave (Will Atkinson Remix) [Subculture]
20. Planet Perfecto Knights - Resurrection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
21. Indecent Noise pres. Mental Asylum - Gambit [Night Vision]
22. ASOT Radio Classic: Airwave pres. The Green Martian - Wizardry [Green Martian]
A State of Trance Episode 543 (12-01-2012)
01. Hans Zimmer - Time (Audible Bootleg)
02. Ana Criado & Ronski Speed - Afterglow (Will Holland Remix) [A&R Recordings]
03. Jan Martin - Exemption [Enhanced Progressive]
04. Dr. Kucho - To Russia With Love [Doorn]
05. Leon Bolier - You
06. Solarstone - Touchstone (Elfsong Remix) [Solaris]
07. Luke Terry - Tales From The Forest (Andrew Rayel Sundown Remix) [Unearthed]
08. Tune Of The Week: Tritonal - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub) [Air Up There Recordings]
09. Reminder - On The Beach (Stoneface & Terminal remix) [Tool Trance]
10. Heatbeat - Arganda [Armada]
11. Stonevalley - Hybrid [Enhanced]
12. Future Favorite: Wiegel Meirmans Snitker - Nova Zembla (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Eyeworks / Armada]
13. Jamie Harrison - Lunar Light [Vibrate Sounds]
14. Odonbat - Promised [Unearthed]
15. Up & Forward - Prestige (Den Rize pres. Blur8 Remix) [Mondo]
16. Nery - Nineteen Ninety [Abora]
17. Ehren Stowers - Unity (Sonic Element Remix) [Alter Ego]
18. Nick Sentience feat. Lizzie Curious - Freefalling [Nightvision]
19. Digital X - Eden (Right Face Remix) [Infrasonic]
20. Agust Vila - Innocence (from Misja Helsloot’s new mixcompilation 'Beyond Tomorrow')
21. Solarstone & Orkidea - Slowmotion (Klauss Goulart Remix) [Solaris]
22. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix) [Subculture]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Mark Norman - Phantom Manor
A State of Trance Episode 544 (19-01-2012)
01. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller - Wild And Perfect Day [High Contrast]
02. Mat Zo - Bipolar [Anjunabeats]
03. Hans Zimmer - Time (Audible Bootleg)
04. Fragile - Inertia VS Green and Falkner - Ceylan (Myon & Shane54 mash up)
05. Jessie J - Domino (Myon and Shane 54 Summer of Love dub)
06. LTN - Ordinary People (D-Mad Remix) [Enhanced]
07. Tune Of The Week: Gareth Emery feat Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel [Garuda]
08. Matt Darey & Stan Kolev feat. Aelyn - Follow You (The Madison Remix) [S107]
09. Jon O'Bir - Perfect As You Are (Marcus Schossow Remix) [Liquid]
10. Exitvibes - Amsterdam (Sunny Lax Remix) [Sonar Eclipse]
11. Super8 & Tab - Awakenings [Anjunabeats]
12. Tritonal - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub) [Air Up There Recordings]
13. Ashley Wallbridge - Meta4 (Club Mix) [AVA]
14. Eco - We Watched The Sunrise Till Our Eyes Burned Out [ASOT]
15. Markus Schulz presents Dakota - Tears (Protoculture Remix) [Coldharbour]
16. Faruk Sabanci - Oriental Sentiment (Nurettin Colak Remix) [Black Hole]
17. Vast Vision - Black Shores (Bjorn Akesson Remix) [AVA]
18. Future Favorite: Heatbeat - Arganda [Armada]
19. Running Man - Amnesia (SoundLift's Emotional Take)
20. Mike Foyle & ReFeel - Universal Language (Ahmed Romel Remix) [Armada]
21. Manuel Rocca - Aquamarine (Kamil Esten Remix) [Crystal Source Recordings]
22. Simon Patterson - Backstab [Nightvision]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Nico Parisi vs. Erik Hubo - Metro [Danza Records]
A State of Trance Episode 545 (26-01-2012)
01. Matisse & Sadko feat. Swanky Tunes - The Legend
02. Future Favorite: Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli – Concrete Angel
03. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - World Falls Apart
04. Paper Aeroplanes feat. Sarah Howells – Winter Never Comes (Mark Eteson Remix)
05. Moonbeam feat. Leusin - Daydream (Eximinds Remix)
06. Ronski Speed feat. Ana Criado – Afterglow (Ronski Speed Mix)
07. Mat Zo - It's Yours
08. Neev Kennedy - The Unknown (DNS Project Remix)
09. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day
10. Hannah - Falling Away (Protoculture Remix)
11. Tune Of The Week: Omnia & Melissa Loretta - Halo
12. Origin - Sunstroke (LTN Remix)
13. David Forbes & Full Tilt - Incline (Stuart Trainer Remix)
14. Tritonal feat. Fisher - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub)
15. Rene Dale - Reset (James Poulton Remix)
16. Meridian - Smile (Arctic Moon Remix)
17. Zaa Feat Stine Grove - Return To Life (X-trude Magic Flavour Remix)
18. Magnus - Velvet (John O'Callaghan Remix)
19. John O'Callaghan - Psychic Sensor (Indecent Noise Remix)
20. Running Man - Amnesia (Soundlift's Emotional Take)
21. Mike Foyle & Re-Feel - Universal Language (Ahmed Rohmel Remix)
22. ASOT Radio Classic: 2 Players - Signet (G&M-Project Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 546 (02-02-2012)
01. Omnia feat. Melissa Loretta - Halo [Ava Recordings]
02. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange feat. Kerry Leva - In And Out Of Phase (Club Edit) [Anjunabeats]
03. Hanski - Placebo [Infrasonic Progressive]
04. Rory Gallagher & Mike Lane - Oasis (Solid Stone Remix) [Alter Ego]
05. Neev Kennedy - The Unknown (DNS Project Original Mix) [A&R]
06. Tune Of The Week: Mark Otten - Hyperfocus (Wezz Devall Remix) [Armada]
07. Paul van Dyk feat. Austin Leeds - Verano (PvD’s Evolution mix) [Vandit]
08. Roger Shah feat. Kosheen - Shine (Sean Tyas F the Piano Dub) [Magic Island]
09. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde - Marsascala [Armada]
10. Beat Service feat. Gemma Pavlovic - Masquerade [S107]
11. Marcel Woods - Cherry Blossom (Setrise Remix) [Musical Madness]
12. Bobina - Diamond Hell [Magik Muzik]
13. Chris Schweizer - Ultra [Captivating Sounds]
14. Sergey Prosvirin - Starfall (Ost & Meyer remix) [Infinity]
15. Future Favorite: Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - World Falls Apart (Club Mix) [Aropa]
16. Lange & Audrey Gallagher - Our Way Home [Lange Recordings]
17. Dark Matters feat. Jessie Morgan - The Real You (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [S107]
18. Aknael & Bekeela feat. Jane Maximova - Your Love (Dallaz Project Remix) [Vendace]
19. Sound Players - Baiana (Paul Miller Vs. Ronald de Foe Remix) [Music En Route]
20. Indecent Noise Feat. Ridgewalkers - Full Moon Fever (Power Dub) [Fraction Records]
21. Odonbat - Promised [Unearthed]
22. Falcon - Kestrel [Red Forge Recordings]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Cyclone - Salobre (Nickelson remix) [Cloud 9 Dance]
A State of Trance Episode 547 (09-02-2012)
01. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange feat. Kerry Leva - In And Out Of Phase (Club Edit) [Anjunabeats]
02. Tune Of The Week: Omnia & IRA - The Fusion [Armada]
03. Kyau & Albert - Falling Anywhere (Sunn Jellie Remix) [Euphonic]
04. Kyau & Albert - This Love [Euphonic]
05. Mark Otten - Hyperfocus (Wezz Devall Remix) [Armada]
06. Sander van Doorn - Chasin' [Doorn]
07. Future Favorite: Bobina - Diamond Hell [Magik Muzik]
08. Ummet Ozcan - Miami Sundown [Doorn]
09. Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight - Quadro [In Trance We Trust]
10. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi [Armind]
11. Above & Beyond - Formula Rossa (Nitrous Oxide Remix) [Anjunabeats]
12. Craig Connely - Robot Wars [Garuda]
13. Ost & Meyer - Safari [Enhanced]
14. Lange feat. Audrey Gallagher - Our Way Home [Lange]
15. Ralphie B - Icarus [Armada]
16. Kyau & Albert - Made Of Sun (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Euphonic]
17. Ellie Lawson - A Hundred Ways (Matt Bukovski Remix) [A&R]
18. Ferry Corsten - Take Me [Flashover]
19. Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Fainting Moon [Only One]
20. James Dymond - Solar Decent [Aropa]
21. Falcon - Kestrel [Future Sound Of Egypt]
22. Sergey Nevone & Simon O’Shine - Balearic Island (Coll & Tolland Remix) [FSOE]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Blank & Jones feat. Bobo - Perfect Silence (E-Craig's 212 Remix) [Kontor]
A State of Trance Episode 548 (16-02-2012)
01. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion [Coldharbour Recordings]
02. Tune Of The Week: Tenishia - Always Loved, Never Forgotten (The Day will Come) (sneak peak from ASOT 2012) [Armind]
03. Ronski Speed - Seen it All (Estiva dub) [Amsterdam Trance Records]
04. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange feat. Kerry LevaIn - And Out Of Phase (Norin & Rad Remix) [Anjunabeats]
05. Beat Service - Solo (Sundown Mix) [Beat Service Audio]
06. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren (Feat. Rank 1) - Witness [Armind]
07. Beat Service - Fortuna (from Markus Schulz’ compilation ‘Los Angeles 12?) [Coldharbour]
08. Tom8 - Deceit (Dimension remix) [Infrasonic Progressive]
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (sneak peak from ASOT 2012) [Armind]
10. Super8 & Tab - Awakenings (Tritonal Remix) [Anjunabeats]
11. Leon Bolier - ID
12. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Kinetic (sneak peak from ASOT 2012)[Armada]
13. Future Favorite: Armin van Buuren presents GaiaJ’ai - Envie De Toi [Armind]
14. Solarstone & Haris C - Ultraviolet (Solarstone Pure Mix) [Touchstone Recordings]
15. Menno de Jong - Never Lose The Magic
16. Falcon -Kestrel [Red Forge Recordings]
17. Sebastian Brandt -Mana [ASOT]
18. Izzy Meusen - Chonsoe (Mike van Fabio Remix) [Condura]
19. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O’Callaghan Remix) [Garuda]
20. Ralphie B - Icarus (sneak peak from ASOT 2012)[ASOT]
21. Paul Van Dyk feat. Austin Leeds - Verano (PvD’s Full Fire Mix) [Vandit]
22. John O’Callaghan - Smokescreen (Sneijder Remix) [Subculture]
23. Alan Morris & Trance Arts - Liberty [Digital Society Recordings]
24. ASOT Radio Classic: Relocate - Rogue
A State of Trance Episode 549 (23-02-2012)
01. Ferry Corsten - WKND [Flashover]
02. Future Favorite: Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer [Armind]
03. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Cosmic Gate Remix) [Armind]
04. Cosmic Gated - Crushed [MOS]
05. Pryda - Melo (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
06. Parker & Hanson - Afterthought (Heatbeat Remix) [Anjunabeats]
07. Nash & Pepper - Ushuaia Memories [Armada]
08. Allure - I Am (Sied van Riel Remix) [Magik Muzik]
09. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde - Marsascala (Alexander Popov Remix) [Armada]
10. W&W - Invasion [A State Of Trance] [ASOT#550 Official Anthem]
11. Ashley Wallbridge - Mumbai Traffic (Club Mix) [AVA]
12. Ferry Corsten feat. Ellie Lawson - A Day Without Rain [Flashover]
13. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren vs. Rank 1 - Witness (Thomas Heredia Remix) [Armada]
14. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter [Armind]
15. Tune Of The Week: James Dymond - Overthrow (Protoculture Remix) [Arisa Audio]
16. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Blossom
17. Beat Service - Fortuna [Coldharbour]
18. Menno de Jong - Never Lose The Magic
19. Ahmed Romel - City Of Life (Running Man Remix) [Blue Soho]
20. Arctic Moon - Starship Over Alice [Future Sound Of Egypt]
21. Paul Oakenfold - Glow In The Dark [Perfecto Fluoro]
20. Arctic Moon - Starship Over Alice [Future Sound Of Egypt]
21. Paul Oakenfold - Glow In The Dark [Perfecto Fluoro]
22. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O'Callaghan Remix) [Garuda]
23. ASOT Radio Classic: Tenth Planet - Ghosts [Nebula]
A State of Trance Episode 550 (01-03-2012)
Live from Ministry of Sound in London, UK «Official Pre-party»
Official pre-party
Live from backstage studio
01. W&W - Invasion [ASOT 550 Official Anthem]
02. Sunlounger feat. Zara Taylor - Try To Be Love (Roger Shah Naughty Love Mix) [Tune Of The Week]
03. The Blizzard - Piercing The Fog
04. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Cosmic Gate Remix)
05. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
06. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Protoculture - Waking Up The Stars
07. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter [Future Favorite]
08. Aly & Fila vs. Jwaydan - Coming Home
09. Paul van Dyk feat. Ummet Ozcan - Dae Yor Live from mainroom Max Graham
10. Susana & Max Graham - Down To Nothing
11. Johan Malmgren - Come Back
12. Max Graham feat. Jeza - ID Solarstone
13. Solarstone - Touchstone (Elfsong Remix)
14. Solarstone feat. Clare Stagg - The Spell (Solarstone Pure Mix)
15. Federation - Black Tide Paul Oakenfold
16. Morgan Page feat. Lissie - The Longest Road (Hughes & Ballantine Remix)
17. Cold Blue - Coconut
18. ID - ID Live from backstage studio
19. Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Aether Mix)
Tom Fall
01. Orion & J.Shore - White Birds (Tom Fall Remix)
02. Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy vs. Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna - Love The Fear Of Free Falling (Aruna Mashup)
03. W&W feat. Bree - Nowhere To Go (Tom Fall Remix)
04. Jessie J vs. Blake Jarrell - Dubai Domino (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
05. Eximinds - Robobeats (Tom Fall Remix)
06. Alex Kunnari vs. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Lost Silence (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
07. Hard Rock Sofa vs. The Temper Trap - Sweet Quasar (Tom Fall Mashup)
08. Tom Fall & Ben Nicky - Hammer
09. Hardwell vs. Justice - Cobra Friends (DHG Mashup)
10. Alex Kunnari vs. Rex Mundi feat. Susana - Taste The Sun At All (Tom Fall Mashup)
11. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Crazy (Tom Fall Remix)
Max Graham
01. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange feat. Kerry Leva - In And Out Of Phase (Norin & Rad Remix)
02. Ost & Meyer - Safari (Maor Levi Remix)
03. Anton Firtich & Cramp - Microwave Chicken
04. Gabriel & Dresden vs. Secret Panda Society - No Reservations (KhoMha Remix)
05. James Dymond - Overthrow (Protoculture Remix)
06. Vast Vision feat. Fisher - Hurricane (Ost & Meyer Remix)
07. Paul Thomas & Weekend Heroes - Morena
08. Alexander Popov - When The Sun (Eximinds Remix)
09. Max Graham feat. Neev Kennedy - Sun In The Winter (KhoMha Remix)
10. Fast Distance & Dimension feat. Cami - Promise You
11. Max Graham - F.Y.C.
12. ID - ID
13. Johan Malmgren - Come Back
14. Susana & Max Graham - Down To Nothing (Johan Malmgren Remix)
Paul Oakenfold
01. ID - ID
02. Paul Oakenfold - Glow In The Dark
03. Paul Oakenfold feat. Infected Mushroom - I'm Alive (Sonic Element Remix)
04. Planet Perfecto - Bullet In A Gun (Gary Maguire Remix)
05. ID - ID
06. Paul Oakenfold - Full Moon Party (Thomas Datt Remix)
07. Paul Oakenfold - Surrender (Protoculture Remix)
08. ID - ID
09. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResuRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix)
Armin van Buuren
01. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion (Armin van Buuren's Intro Edit)
02. Gabriel & Dresden vs. Secret Panda Society - No Reservations (KhoMha Remix)
03. W&W - Invasion
04. Tenishia - Always Loved, Never Forgotten (The Day Will Come)
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer
06. Beat Service - Fortuna
07. Pryda - Melo (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
08. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
09. Tritonal feat. Fisher - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub)
10. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Kinetic
11. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Armin van Buuren Remix)
12. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
13. Wiegel Meirmans Snitker - Nova Zembla (Armin van Buuren Remix)
14. Gareth Emery - Tokyo (Ben Gold Remix)
15. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
16. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix)
17. D-Mad - Forsheez (Eximinds Remix)
18. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O'Callaghan Remix)
19. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren's Illegal Drum Edit)
20. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
21. Armin van Buuren - Blue Fear (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
22. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix) (Armin van Buuren v1 Edit)
23. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With Desire
01. Mike Koglin vs. Genix - Dyno
02. Tangle & Mateusz - Minotaur
03. Lele Troniq - Under The Spotlight
04. Vada - Fire In The Sky (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
05. Marell - Heart Of Mine (Chris Schweizer Remix)
06. Lange feat. Audrey Gallagher - Our Way Home
07. Tom Lavin & Adrohan - Tackleberry (Matthew Nagle Remix)
08. Kyau & Albert - This Love
09. Noah Neiman - Endorush
10. Super8 & Tab - Awakenings
11. PPK vs. Craig Connelly - Absolute Resurrection (Lange Mashup)
12. Lange feat. Sarah Howells vs. Gareth Emery - This Is All Out (Lange Mashup)
13. Ratty - Sunrise (Here I Am)
01. Federation - Something To Dream About
02. Orkidea - Unity (Solarstone Pure Mix)
03. The Attic feat. Oh Laura - Release Me (Pulser Remix)
04. Solarstone & Haris C - Ultraviolet (Solarstone Pure Mix)
05. Motif feat. Hanna Magenta - Never Let Go
06. Aknael & Beekela feat. Jane Maximova - Your Love (Dallaz Project Dub)
07. Solarstone - Touchstone (Aly & Fila Remix)
08. Federation - Innocent Desire (Pure Mix)
09. Solarstone - Seven Cities (Solarstone Pure Mix)
10. Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost - Jump The Next Train (Haris C Remix)
A State of Trance Episode 550 (07-03-2012)
Live from Expocenter in Moscow, Russia
Ruben de Ronde
01. Gal Abutbul & Rafael Osmo - Made Of Love
02. Ruben de Ronde & Danny Chen - That One Word (Flashtech Remix)
03. Aelyn - Believe In Us (Progressiver Mix)
04. Ruben de Ronde feat. Aelyn - She's Already Gone
05. Above & Beyond - Filmic (Ruben de Ronde Remix)
06. Faruk Sabanci - As Faces Fade (Alexander Popov Remix)
07. Ellie Lawson - A Hundred Ways (Hazem Beltagui Remix)
08. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde - Marsascala (Alexander Popov Remix)
09. Ruben de Ronde vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - A Thing Called Timide (Ruben de Ronde Mashup)
10. Andrew Bayer - From The Earth (Breakfast Remix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Down To Love (Kyau & Albert Remix)
Rank 1
01. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren with Rank 1 - Witness (Original Club Mix)
02. Rank 1 - Airwave (Remix)
03. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day
04. Archelix - There Is No Answer
05. Lifted Emotion - iPhonic (Xgenic Remix)
06. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape
07. Nikhil Prakash - Kos (Max Fishler Remix)
08. Deep Voices feat. Alexander K.G. Klaus - Because The Rain (Moonking Dub Mix)
09. Timur Shafiev - Can't Stop
10. Rank 1 - L.E.D. There Be Light
11. David Forbes & Alan Nimmo - Century (Tigran Oganezov Remix)
12. Super8 & Tab feat. Julie Thompson - My Enemy (Rank 1 Remix)
13. Faruk Sabanci - As Faces Fade (Alexander Popov Remix)
14. Matvey Emerson - Who We Are (J-Soul Remix)
01. Arty vs. Matisse & Sadko - Trio (Intro Edit)
02. Paul van Dyk feat. Sue McLaren - We Come Together (Arty Remix)
03. D-Mad vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - She Gave Me The Sun & Moon (Lavisse Den Bosch Bootleg)
04. Mat Zo & Arty - Mozart
05. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Erik Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
06. Arty feat. Tania Zugar - The Wall (Arty Remode)
07. Arty - ID
08. Mat Zo vs. OceanLab - Satellite Dynamics (Mat Zo Mashup)
09. Arty - Around The World
10. Arty vs. Imogen Heap - Seek Zara (SHato & Paul Rockseek Mashup)
11. Tiesto vs. Diplo vs. Nero - C'mon Me & You (Arty Mashup)
12. Arty vs. Reflekt feat. Delline Bass - Need To Feel Hope (Above & Beyond Mashup)
13. ID - ID
14. Arty & Mat Zo vs. Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso - Rebound Calling (Arty Mashup)
15. Kyau & Albert - Are You Fine? (Arty Remix)
16. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Mix)
17. Arty - Kate
18. Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor - Air For Life
01. Sander van Doorn & Adrian Lux - Eagles
02. Norin & Rad vs. Audien - Triumph
03. Antillas feat. Fiora - Damaged (Main Mix)
04. LTN - Ordinary People (D-Mad Remix)
05. ATB feat. JanSoon - Move On
06. Zedd - Shave It (Tommy Trash Remix)
07. Tiesto - Traffic (Tristan Garner Remix)
08. ATB feat. Sean Ryan - All I Need Is You
09. Saint X feat. Sandel - Summerlives
10. ATB - Ecstasy (Clubb Mix)
11. ATB feat. Sean Ryan - Killing Me Inside (Josh Gallahan Remix)
12. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Reinterpreted by Mike Shinoda)
13. ATB - 9 PM (Till I Come) (2008 Rework)
Armin van Buuren
01. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion (Armin van Buuren's Intro Edit)
02. Alexander Popov - Attractive Force
03. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer
04. Leon Bolier - ID
05. W&W - Invasion
06. Gaia - Tuvan
07. Orjan Nilsen - Legions
08. Beat Sevice - Fortuna
09. Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Aether Mix)
10. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
11. Wiegel Meirmans Snitker - Nova Zembla (Armin van Buuren Remix)
12. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
13. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren's Illegal Drum Edit)
14. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O'Callaghan Remix)
15. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
16. Armin van Buuren - Sail
17. John O'Callaghan vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - In And Out Of Raw Deal (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
Dash Berlin
01. Tiesto vs. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Maximal Crazy (Dashup)
02. Ost & Meyer - Safari
03. Kyau & Albert vs. John Dahlback feat. Erik Hassle - One Last Love (Dashup)
04. ATB & Dash Berlin vs. Niki & The Dove - DJ Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup)
05. Zombie Nation vs. Nero - Kernkraft Promises (Dashup)
06. Norin & Rad vs. Recurve vs. Olive vs. Cosmic Gate - The You Are Not Alone Gift Theme (Dashup)
07. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - World Falls Apart (Club Mix)
08. Dash Berlin feat. Sarah Howells - Go It Alone (Club Mix)
09. Shogun vs. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Skyfire (Dashup)
10. Victor Dinaire & Bissen feat. Peter Finley - 2nite U R Perfect (Steve Brian Remix)
11. Band Of Horses - The Funeral (Dash Berlin Rework)
12. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me (Club Mix)
13. Coldplay - Ticking Clocks (Dash Berlin's Essential 'Warmplay' Rework)
14. Luke Bond feat. Mark Frisch - The Other Side (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
15. Gareth Emery & OceanLab vs. Dash Berlin feat. Solid Sessions - I'll Be Waiting In Janeiro On A Good Metropolis Day (Dashup)
16. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Waiting To Disarm Your Sun & Moon (Dashup)
01. W&W - Impact (MaRLo Remix)
02. Husman - P.O.W.
03. Ferry Corsten - Feel It! (W&W Rework)
04. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Rework)
05. ID - ID
06. W&W - Shotgun
07. W&W - Invasion
08. ID - ID
09. W&W - White Label
10. W&W feat. Bree - Nowhere To Go (Shogun Remix)
11. ID - ID
12. W&W vs. Marcel Woods - ID
13. W&W - AK-47
14. Husman - Break Down
15. Andrew Rayel - Exponential
16. W&W vs. Noisecontrollers - Gimme Alpha (W&W Mashup)
17. Rafael Frost - Channel 4
18. Rank 1 feat. Shanokee - Such Is Life (W&W Rework)
19. Wezz Devall - Kill Of The Year
20. Ashley Wallbridge - Mumbai Traffic (Club Mix)
21. W&W & Leon Bolier - Treasure Chest (Remix)
Alex M.O.R.P.H.
01. Star Wars - Imperial March (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Intro Edit)
02. ID - ID
03. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Protoculture - Waking Up The Stars
04. Astrix - Reunion
05. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Above & Beyond 2011 Club Mix)
06. Cirez D - Mokba
07. ID - ID
08. ID - ID
09. Roma Pafos - One Shot (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
10. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
11. Rex Mundi - The Black Hole
12. Hannah - Falling Away (Protoculture Remix)
13. Mat Zo - Yoyo Ma
14. ID - ID
15. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix)
A State of Trance Episode 550 (10-03-2012)
Live from Expocenter in Kiev, Ukraine
Armin van Buuren live from the ASOT studio
01. Jochem Paap - Dx-Snth
02. Paul Kwitek - Can You
03. Paronator - No Gravity
04. Jimmy Vallance - Stay in touch (Matthew Dekay remix) [Monique Chronique]
05. B.I.G. - A Promise
06. Hazem Beltagui - 222 (Original Mix) [Macarize]
07. Danny Loko - Coastal (Original Mix)
07. 16 Bit Lolita’s - Calling New York (DAVI Remix)
08. Villa Naranjos - Granadella [Armada]
09. Dubfunk - Mandala (Patch Park Remix) [Audio Therapy]
01. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro
02. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
03. The Blizzard - Piercing The Fog
04. ID - ID
05. Omnia feat. Melissa Loretta - Halo
06. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Eric Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
07. Marcus Schossow vs. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - Lights Out In My Mind (Jonas Stenberg Mashup)
08. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
09. Cathy Burton & Omnia - Hearts Connected
10. Gareth Emery - Tokyo
11. Sander van Doorn - Slap My Pitch Up
12. The Chemical Brothers - Believe
13. Hard Rock Sofa - Quasar
01. Emma Hewitt - Re-Wind (tyDi Remix)
02. tyDi feat. DJ Rap - Talking To Myself (Maison & Dragen Remix)
03. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
04. The Attic feat. Oh Laura - Release Me (Pulser Remix)
05. tyDi - Sex, Lies & Still Oblivious (Eximinds Remix)
06. Allure feat. Jes - Show Me The Way (tyDi Remix)
07. tyDi feat. Jennifer Rene & Tenishia - Greater Heights (Tom Fall Remix)
08. Heatbeat - Chinpokomon
09. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Crazy (Tomas Heredia At Sunrise Remix)
10. tyDi feat. Tania Zygar - Half Light (Brad & Victor H Remix)
11. tyDi feat. Protoculture & Meighan Nealon - Criminal
12. Richard Durand & tyDi - Loose Unit
Leon Bolier
01. Leon Bolier - Kiev
02. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound
03. Apster - Goldcoast
04. Leon Bolier - You
05. Joop - Focus
06. Leon Bolier & Cliff Coenraad - Belmont's Revenge
07. Marcel Woods - The Bottle (Marcus Schossow Remix)
08. Jacob van Hage - Convoi
09. Leon Bolier - Me
10. The Killers - Spaceman (Sander van Doorn Remix)
11. Leon Bolier - Vengeance Vengeance
12. Leon Bolier - Cape Town
13. Aly & Fila - 200 (Ummet Ozcan Mix)
14. Leon Bolier vs. Kamaya Painters - Endless Ocean Wave (Leon Bolier Mashup)
15. Heatbeat - Arganda
Cosmic Gate
01. M83 - Midnight City (Eric Prydz Private Remix)
02. Mat Zo & Arty vs. Justice - We Are Mozart's Friends (SHato & Paul Rockseek Mashup)
03. Mat Zo - Bipolar
04. Cosmic Gate - Crushed
05. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound
06. Cosmic Gate - The Theme
07. Pryda - Melo (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
08. Arty vs. Matisse & Sadko - Trio
09. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Cosmic Gate Remix)
10. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Cosmic Gate Remix)
11. Cosmic Gate & Jes - Flying Blind (Norin & Rad Remix)
12. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
13. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
Armin van Buuren
01. Andrew Rayel vs. Shogun - 550 Skyfires (Armin van Buuren Mashup Intro Edit)
02. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
03. Dennis Sheperd & Talla 2XLC - Two Worlds
04. Wezz Devall - Kill Of The Year
05. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
06. Tritonal feat. Fisher - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub)
07. W&W - Invasion
08. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
09. Setrise & Johann Stone - Icesave
10. Gaia - Stellar
11. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Kinetic
12. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
13. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
14. W&W - Impact (MaRLo Remix)
15. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren with Rank 1 - Witness (Tomas Heredia Remix)
16. Jorn van Deynhoven - Spotlight
17. Sebastian Brandt vs. Cathy Burton - Reach Out To Ashes (ANTiP0D Mashup)
18. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren's Illegal Drum Edit)
19. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O'Callaghan Remix)
20. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
21. MaRLo - Megalodon
22. Indecent Noise feat. Ridgewalkers - Full Moon Fever (Power Dub)
23. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity
24. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Armin van Buuren's Great Strings Mix)
Markus Schulz
01. Markus Schulz - Digital Madness (Rising Intro Mix)
02. Markus Schulz & Dennis Sheperd - Go!
03. Marco V vs. Jens - Loops & Tings Relooped (Remix)
04. Beat Service - Fortuna
05. Susana - Home (Mr. Pit Remix)
06. KhoMha - Artemis (Sunrise Mix)
07. Basil O'Glue - Doublespeak Effects (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
08. Rex Mundi - Shocking Blue
09. 4 Strings - Cheesecake
10. BT vs. Sasha - Remember Magnetic North (Coldharbour 2012 Big Room Reconstruction)
11. Elevation vs. Grube & Hovsepian - City Of Angels (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
12. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky (Markus Schulz A/X Remix)
13. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller - Rotunda
14. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion (Eximinds Remix)
15. Dakota - Saints (Beat Service Remix)
16. Rank 1 - Breathing (Airwave) (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix)
Sean Tyas
01. Sean Tyas & Horny Sanchez - Level Up
02. Betsie Larkin & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Toys (On Air Mix)
03. Syat Naes - NYPD
04. Sean Tyas & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Arcobaleno
05. Funkagenda vs. Fatboy Slim - What The Fuck? (Sean Tyas Botox Injection)
06. Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus 2011 (Eric Prydz Remix) (Sean Tyas Rework)
07. Sean Tyas & Bjorn Akesson - Zahi
08. Sean Tyas feat. David Berkeley - Take My Hand (John O'Callaghan Remix)
09. Logistic - One More Night Out
10. Duderstadt - Muhanjala (Sean Tyas Remix)
11. Sean Tyas - Tingle
12. Paul Webster feat. Angelic Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub Mix)
A State of Trance Episode 550 (17-03-2012)
Live from Beyond Wonderland in Los Angeles, USA
01. Style Of Eye - Devastate
02. Hot Pink Delorian - The Revenge Of Sisyphus
03. Borgore - Flex (Document One Remix)
04. Emalkay - Flesh & Bone (The Others Remix)
05. Soap Dodgers - Rachel Went South
06. Dani Dimitri - Revelations (A.Paul Remix)
07. Dismantle - Computation
08. DJ Icey - Push Play
09. Habstrakt & Mad - Funk Yo
10. Culprate - Sodden
11. Big Kids - Drums In Your Chest (DJ Wonder Remix)
12. Taiki & Nulight - Coming Up
13. David Guetta, Nicky Romero & Sia - Wild One Two
14. Avicii - Levels (Skrillex Remix)
15. Nero - Must Be The Feeling (Delta Heavy Remix)
16. Jantsen & Dirt Monkey - Ziggy
17. Tyga - Rack City (Grandtheft Bootleg)
18. Des McMahon - Albino Ass Slap
19. Skrillex - Bangarang
20. Killagraham - Drop It
21. Felguk - Bassive
22. Dream - Go Hard
23. Benga - Smack Your Bitch Up
24. Plastikman - Spastik
25. Laxx - Sharki
26. Fei-Fei - Mosh Pit
27. Fei-Fei - ID
28. Fei-Fei feat. Dom Liberati - Love Drunk
29. Fei-Fei feat. Molly Jenson - This Is Our Night (Proper Villains Remix)
30. Fei-Fei - Hellion
01. Shogun - Beyond Wonderland (Intro Mix)
02. Emma Hewitt - Miss You Paradise (Shogun Remix)
03. John O'Callaghan feat. Cathy Burton - Perfection (Shogun Remix)
04. Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy - Love The Fear (Tom Fall Remix)
05. Three Drives - Greece 2000 (Letting You Go) (Markus Schulz Big Room Remix)
06. Above & Beyond vs. Shogun - Formula Lotus (Shogun Mashup)
07. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Above & Beyond 2011 Club Mix)
08. System F vs. Cosmic Gate - The Blue Theme (Ferry Corsten Fix)
09. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert - Megashira (Ronski Speed Remix)
10. Shogun - Skyfire
11. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResuRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix)
12. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me (Shogun Remix)
13. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Armin van Buuren's Universal Religion Remix)
Sied van Riel
01. Sied van Riel - ID
02. ID - ID
03. Analogue Sound Department - F
04. Dyro & Jacob van Hage - EMP
05. Sied van Riel - Audio 52
06. Sied van Riel & Radion 6 - Radiator
07. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene - Fine Without You (Sied van Riel Remix)
08. Sied van Riel - Tunnel Vision
09. Ruben de Ronde feat. Aelyn - She's Already Gone (Wezz Devall Remix)
10. W&W - AK-47 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
11. W&W - Shotgun
12. Snatt & Vix feat. Neev Kennedy - At The End Of The Day (Club Mix)
13. Sied van Riel - M.M.E.
14. 4 Strings - Cheesecake
15. Sander van Doorn - Grasshopper
16. ID - ID
17. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Rework)
John O'Callaghan
01. Will Atkinson - Hold Tight
02. Simon Patterson vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Josie vs. Stoneface & Terminal - Taxi For Blueprint Back To Nowhere (JOC Triple Mash)
03. John O'Callaghan - Boban
04. F6 - Paradigm Shift
05. Mark Leanings vs. Space Rockerz & Tania Zygar - Whatever Happens In Puzzle Piece (John O'Callaghan Mashup)
06. Will Atkinson - Game Over
07. Mauro Picotto - Verdi (Joint Operations Centre 0.30 Rework)
08. Mental Asylum - Phobia
09. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O'Callaghan Remix)
10. John O'Callaghan - Earth2Self
11. Activa feat. Will Atkinson vs. Craig Connelly vs. Simon Foy - Inside Out Access Robot War (JOC Noodle)
12. Wippenberg - UR (John O'Callaghan URRR Rework)
13. Joint Operation Centre - Glyph
14. Mark Leanings vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Your Dropshot (JOC Noodle)
15. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix) (Armin van Buuren v1 Edit)
16. John O'Callaghan & Heatbeat - Las Lilas
Aly & Fila
01. Aly & Fila vs. Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Perfect Love
02. Rory Gallagher feat. Dawn - Never Coming Down
03. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Aly & Fila Remix)
04. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResuRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix)
05. Aly & Fila - ID
06. Paul van Dyk feat. Austin Leeds - Verano (PvD's Full Fire Mix)
07. Reflekt feat. Delline Bass - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Remix)
08. Fady & Mina - Kepler 22
09. Aly & Fila feat. Chris Jones - Running Out Of Time
10. Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland - Disconnected
11. Robert Miles - Children (Trance Arts & Colin James Bootleg)
12. Matt Bowdidge - No Room To Breathe
13. Aly & Fila vs. Jwaydan - Coming Home
14. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Good For Me (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
15. Rapid Eye - Circa-Forever (Aly & Fila Rework)
01. Mat Zo & Arty - Mozart (Arty Big Room Edit)
02. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Erik Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
03. Arty vs. Matisse & Sadko - Trio
04. Arty - ID
05. Mat Zo vs. OceanLab - Satellite Dynamics (Mat Zo Mashup)
06. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
07. Arty - Around The World
08. Sander van Doorn vs. Afrojack & R3hab - Koko Prutataaa (First State Bashup)
09. Ferry Corsten - Fire
10. Arty vs. Reflekt feat. Delline Bass - Need To Feel Hope (Above & Beyond Bootleg)
11. Leon Bolier - Me
12. ID - ID
13. BT & Arty feat. Nadia Ali - Must Be The Love
14. Alesso & Sebastian Ingrosso vs. Arty & Mat Zo - Calling Rebound (Arty Mashup)
15. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Mix)
16. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Above & Beyond 2011 Club Mix)
17. Arty - Kate
Gareth Emery
01. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro
02. Jack Holiday & Mike Candys - Children 2012 (Original Higher Level Mix)
03. Eric Prydz - Melo (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
04. R3hab vs. Gareth Emery feat. Mark Frisch - Into The Bottle Song (Gareth Emery Mashup)
05. Hardwell vs. Zedd - Spaceman Slam The Door (First State Bashup)
06. Tiesto - Maximal Crazy
07. Mark Eteson feat. Meredith Call - Together
08. Ashley Wallbridge & Andy Moor feat. Gabriela - World To Turn (Inner Me Mix)
09. Gareth Emery vs. Adele vs. Eurythmics - Arrival With Rolling In Sweet Dreams (Daft Beatles Mashup)
10. Rafael Frost - Channel 4
11. Zombie Nation vs. Matt Cassar vs. Arnej - They Always Come Back In Seven Days For Kernkraft 400 (Gareth Emery Mashup)
12. Ben Gold & Tritonal - Apex
13. Sander van Doorn - Slap My Pitch Up
14. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - D.U.I.
15. Coldplay vs. Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party - Paradise Antidote (First State Bashup)
16. Ferry Corsten - Don't Be Afraid
17. Sander van Doorn vs. Gareth Emery - Renegade Exposure (Gareth Emery Mashup)
18. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky (Ben Gold Festival Remix)
19. Gareth Emery - Tokyo (Ben Gold Remix)
20. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
21. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
Armin van Buuren
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (Remix)
02. W&W - Shotgun (Arnej Re-Acidification)
03. Orjan Nilsen - Magic
04. W&W - Invasion
05. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
06. Gabriel & Dresden vs. Secret Panda Society - No Reservations (KhoMha Remix)
07. Tomas Heredia & Marcelo Fratini vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene - Fine Without You Montana (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
08. Beat Service - Fortuna
09. Darren Tate vs. Jono Grant - Let The Light Shine In 2010 (Filo & Peri Big Room Revival)
10. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
11. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Blossom
12. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
13. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
14. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
15. Cosmic Gate vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton - F.A.V. Rain (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
16. Ralphie B - Icarus
17. Sophie Sugar vs. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost Together (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix)
19. Laura Jansen - Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Rework)
20. Will Atkinson - Breathe It
21. Paul van Dyk feat. Ummet Ozcan - Dae Yor
22. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren's Illegal Drum Edit)
23. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With The Wave Of Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
24. Dakota vs. Marcel Woods - Advanced Sleepwalkers (Amor E’s Remake Mashup)
25. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Part 3)
A State of Trance Episode 550 (25-03-2012)
Live from Ultra Music Festival in Miami, USA
01. Breakfast - Through The Night (Intro Mix)
02. Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
03. Salt Tank - Eugina (Michael Woods Remix)
04. Solarstone & Jes - Like A Waterfall (Eco Rework)
05. Allure - The Loves We Lost
06. Scott Bond vs. Solarstone - 3rd Earth
07. Ferry Corsten feat. Shelley Harland - Holding On (Above & Beyond Remix)
08. Eco - A Million Sounds, A Thousand Smiles
09. Ralph Novell - Hurricane
Marcus Schossow
01. Marcus Schossow - Swedish Nights
02. Marcus Schossow vs. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - Lights Out In My Mind (Jonas Stenberg Mashup)
03. Marcus Schossow - Acid, Festival, Champagne & Bitches
04. Red Carpet feat. Marcus Schossow - Alright 2011 (Marcus Schossow Remix)
05. Oakenfold feat. Tamra - Sleep (Marcus Schossow Perfecto Mix)
06. Fafaq - Indees
07. Marcus Schossow feat. Matias Lehtola - Who You Are
08. Marcus Schossow feat. Elleah - Hurry Up
09. Marcus Schossow - Never Say Never
10. Mell Tierra - Anthem
11. Marcel Woods - The Bottle (Marcus Schossow Remix)
12. Snatt & Vix - So Far Away (Leon Bolier Remix)
13. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Marcus Schossow Remix)
Jochen Miller
01. M-3ox feat. Heidrun - Beating Of My Heart (Matisse & Sadko Remix)
02. Jochen Miller - Bamm!
03. Marco V vs. Sonique - It Feels So Booty (Marco V Bootleg)
04. Jochen Miller - Leap Of Faith (Emporium 2012 Anthem)
05. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller vs. Barnes & Heatcliff - Attention, Rotunda! (Jochen Miller Mashup)
06. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Michael Jay Parker Booty)
07. Dakota - Gypsy Room (Duderstadt Remix)
08. Jochen Miller - Zodiac
09. Tristan Garner - Punx
10. Jochen Miller - Lost Connection (Jochen Miller Festival 2012 Remake)
11. Marco V - Rokker
12. ID - ID
13. Antillas feat. Fiora - Damaged (Main Mix)
14. ID - ID
15. Dabruck & Klein feat. Stella Attar - Light Coming Out Of My Eyes (Falko Niestolik & Steve Wish Festival Mix)
01. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Piercing Quiet (Super8 & Tab Remix)
02. Rafael Frost - Channel 4
03. Tritonal feat. Jenry R - Something New (Rafael Frost Remix)
04. Tritonal & Kaeno - Azuca
05. Treadstone vs. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Good For Galaxia (Tritonal Mashup)
06. Tritonal feat. Jeza - Can't Keep It In (Tritonal Club Mix)
07. Tritonal feat. Fisher - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub)
08. Super8 & Tab vs. Markus Schulz feat. Dauby - Perfect Awakenings (Tritonal Mashup)
09. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Everafter (Tritonal Club Mix)
10. Yenn vs. Andain - Beautiful Monzen (Tritonal Mashup)
11. Ben Gold & Tritonal - Apex
Cosmic Gate
01. Porter Robinson - Language
02. Arty vs. Matisse & Sadko - Trio
03. Cosmic Gate - Crushed
04. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound [Live Performance by Emma Hewitt]
05. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Cosmic Gate Remix) [Live Performance by Emma Hewitt]
06. Cosmic Gate - The Theme
07. Cosmic Gate & Arnej - Sometimes They Come Back For More
08. Cosmic Gate & Jes - Flying Blind (Tom Fall Remix)
09. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
10. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Cosmic Gate Remix)
11. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
Sander van Doorn
01. Sander van Doorn & Mayaeni - Nothing Inside
02. Danny Howard - Twenty Nine
03. Qulinez - Troll
04. Jacob van Hage vs. The Temper Trap - Sweet On Stage Disposition (Jacob van Hage Mashup)
05. Julian Jordan - Rock Steady
06. Sander van Doorn - Chasin'
07. Kenneth G vs. Avicii vs. Hardwell & Joeysuki - Bazinga Munster Alcoholic (Madness Mashup)
08. Sander van Doorn - Drink To Get Drunk
09. DubVision - All By Myself
10. ID - ID
11. Silvio Ecomo - In No Dip (Koen Groeneveld Remix)
12. Swanky Tunes, Matisse & Sadko - The Legend
13. Lana Del Ray - Video Games (Ali Wilson Tekelec Remix)
14. Sander van Doorn - Slap My Pitch Up
15. Angger Dimas & Bassjackers - RIA
16. Sander van Doorn - Koko
17. Hard Rock Sofa - Quasar
18. Sander van Doorn & Adrian Lux vs. Inpetto - No More Serious Eagles (Jacob van Hage Mashup)
19. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - In My Mind (Axwell Mix)
Dash Berlin
01. Dash Berlin vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Sky Falls Down (Dash Berlintro)
02. ATB & Dash Berlin vs. Niki & The Dove - DJ Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup)
03. Diddy Dirty Money feat. Skylar Grey - Coming Home (Dash Berlin's Music Is Life Rework)
04. Dash Berlin & Shogun - Callisto
05. Shogun vs. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Skyfire (Dashup)
06. Judge Jules vs. Deadmau5 vs. Faithless - Raise Your Greater Weapon As One (Dashup)
07. Armin van Buuren vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor vs. Deadmau5 - Not Giving Up On Complicated Love (Dashup)
08. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me (Club Mix)
09. Band Of Horses - The Funeral (Dash Berlin Rework)
10. LTN vs. Sander Kleinenberg vs. Qulinez - This Is Ordinary Troll People (Dashup)
11. Dash Berlin vs. Labrinth - Earthquake On Mars (Dashup)
12. Coldplay - Ticking Clocks (Dash Berlin's Essential 'Warmplay' Rework)
13. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Waiting To Disarm Your Sun & Moon (Dashup)
Ferry Corsten
01. ID - ID
02. ID - ID
03. Analogue Sound Department - F (Club Edit)
04. Ferry Corsten - Check It Out
05. Ferry Corsten - Don't Be Afraid
06. Ferry Corsten feat. Aruna - Live Forever
07. Ferry Corsten feat. Ben Hague - Ain't No Stoppin'
08. Marco V vs. Jens - Loops & Tings Relooped (Remix)
09. Andy Harding - Adagio Without Strings
10. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down
11. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren's Illegal Drum Edit)
Armin van Buuren
01. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
02. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
03. MaRLo - Megalodon
04. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer
05. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
06. A.R.D.I. - Premonition
07. Gaia - Stellar
08. W&W - Invasion
09. Armin van Buuuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix)
10. Laura Jansen - Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Rework)
11. Indecent Noise feat. Ridgewalkers vs. Armin van Buuren feat. BT - Full Moon Hearts (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
12. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResuRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix)
13. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With The Wave Of Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
Gareth Emery
01. Gareth Emery - Tokyo
02. Topher Jones - Brohammer
03. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion
04. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
05. Porter Robinson feat. Jano - The Seconds
06. Hardwell vs. Zedd - Spaceman Slam The Door (First State Bashup)
07. Tiesto - Maximal Crazy
08. Jack Holiday & Mike Candys - Children 2012 (Original Higher Level Mix)
09. R3hab vs. Gareth Emery feat. Mark Frisch - Into The Bottle Song (Gareth Emery Mashup)
10. Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound
11. Tiesto feat. BT - Love Comes Again (Hardwell Rework)
12. Gareth Emery vs. Adele vs. Eurythmics - Arrival With Rolling In Sweet Dreams (Daft Beatles Mashup)
13. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - D.U.I.
14. Coldplay vs. Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party - Paradise Antidote (First State Bashup)
15. Rafael Frost - Channel 4
16. Gareth Emery & OceanLab - On A Good Day (Metropolis)
17. Gaia - Tuvan (Gareth Emery Remix)
18. Nenes & Pascal Feliz - Platinum (Ben Gold Remix)
19. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
01. Sander van Doorn & Adrian Lux - Eagles
02. Norin & Rad vs. Audien - Triumph
03. Mike Danis - For You (Juventa Remix)
04. ATB & Dash Berlin vs. Niki & The Dove - DJ Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup)
05. LTN - Ordinary People (D-Mad Remix)
06. ATB feat. Sean Ryan - Killing Me Inside (Josh Gallahan Remix)
07. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run (Nic Chagall Remix)
08. Boom Jinx & Daniel Kandi - Azzura
09. ATB - Ecstasy (Clubb Mix)
10. ATB - What About Us
A State of Trance Episode 550 (31-03-2012)
Live from Brabanthallen in Den Bosch, The Netherlands
A State of Blue
Jochen Miller
01. Fred Lilla feat. Niamh - When You Feel
02. Alex Sayz feat. Nadia Ali - Free To Go (Sick Individuals Remix)
03. Sander van Doorn - Chasin'
04. Stefano Pain vs. Marcel - Go!
05. Jochen Miller - Leap Of Faith (Emporium 2012 Anthem)
06. Qulinez vs. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - Troll In My Mind (First State Bashup)
07. Tristan Garner - Punx
08. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Michael Jay Parker Booty)
09. Jochen Miller - Bamm!
10. Passenger 10 - Ragga Weed
11. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller vs. Barnes & Heatcliff - Attention, Rotunda! (Jochen Miller Mashup)
12. Jochen Miller - Zodiac
13. Julian Jordan - Rock Steady
14. ID - ID
15. Joop - Focus
16. Jochen Miller - Lost Connection (Jochen Miller Festival 2012 Remake)
17. Patric La Funk - Tenderloin
18. ID - ID
Sied van Riel
01. Sien van Riel - ID
02. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (SHato & Paul Rockseek Bootleg)
03. Patrick Hagenaar - Undutchable
04. ID - ID
05. Analogue Sound Department - F
06. tyDi feat. Jennifer Rene & Tenishia - Greater Heights (Tom Fall Remix)
07. 4 Strings - Cheesecake
08. Tommy Trash - Cascade
09. Marcus Schossow feat. Matias Lehtola - Who You Are
10. W&W - Shotgun
11. Sied van Riel & Radion 6 - Radiator
12. Snatt & Vix feat. Neev Kennedy - At The End Of The Day (Club Mix)
13. MaRLo - Evolution
14. Sied van Riel feat. Nicole McKenna - Stealing Time
15. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene - Fine Without You (Sied van Riel Remix)
16. ID - ID
17. Sied van Riel - Tunnel Vision
18. Rank 1 - Airwave (Remix)
Gabriel & Dresden
01. Sandro Silva & Quintino vs. Paul Oakenfold - Epic Southern Sun (Mashup)
02. Sander van Doorn & Adrian Lux - Eagles (Gabriel & Dresden & Sander van Wolfgang Edit)
03. James Blunt - Dangerous (Deniz Koyu & Johan Wedel Remix) (Gabriel & Dresden Edit)
04. Porter Robinson vs. Andain - Promises In Language (Mashup)
05. The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Marco V Treatment)
06. Moguai vs. Nena - 99 Luft-mpires (Gabriel & Dresden Mashup)
07. Afrojack vs. Way Out West feat. Tricia Lee Kelshall - Replica Of Mindcircus (Dave Dresden Mashup)
08. Cosmic Gate & Arnej vs. Markus Schulz & Departure with Gabriel & Dresden - Sometimes They Come Without You (Gabriel & Dresden Mashup)
09. Michael Woods - Full Access (Mashup)
10. Justice & DLG vs. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft - Tracking Civilization Down (Gabriel & Dresden Mashup)
11. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Dave Dresden Re-Edit)
12. Jacob van Hage & D-Wayne - Eponym
13. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Gabriel & Dresden Sweeping Strings Mix)
14. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
Armin van Buuren
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (Intro Edit)
02. Sandro Silva & Quintino vs. Mark Otten - Epic Hyperfocus (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
03. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer
04. Invalyd - Beat By Beat (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
05. Orjan Nilsen - Magic
06. W&W - Invasion
07. Beat Service - Fortuna
08. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
09. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Kinetic
10. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
11. Shogun - Skyfire
12. A.R.D.I. - Premonition
13. Sneijder vs. Neal Scarborough - Your Way
14. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
15. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With The Wave Of Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
16. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren's Illegal Drum Edit)
Ferry Corsten
01. ID - ID
02. ID - ID
03. Analogue Sound Department - F (Club Edit)
04. Ferry Corsten - Check It Out
05. Speedy J - Pullover (Remix)
06. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - In My Mind (Axwell Mix)
07. Ferry Corsten - Don't Be Afraid
08. Ferry Corsten feat. Aruna - Live Forever
09. Ferry Corsten feat. Ben Hague - Ain't No Stoppin'
10. Marco V vs. Jens - Loops & Tings Relooped (Remix)
11. Andy Harding - Adagio Without Strings
12. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down
13. Ferry Corsten - Take Me
14. Ferry Corsten - Twice In A Blue Moon
Cosmic gate
01. Cosmic Gate & Arnej - Sometimes They Come Back For More (Intro Edit)
02. Wezz Devall - Kill Of The Year (Dave Schiemann MILF Revenge Remix)
03. Jochen Miller - Zodiac
04. Cosmic Gate - Crushed
05. Cosmic Gate with Myon & Shane 54 & Aruna - All Around You (Alexander Popov Remix)
06. Marc Simz - Forbidden City (Marc Simz & Aerofoil Re-Rub)
07. Cosmic Gate - The Theme
08. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound
09. Coldplay vs. Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party - Paradise Antidote (First State Bashup)
10. Cosmic Gate - Back To Earth (Jochen Miller Remix)
11. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Cosmic Gate Remix)
12. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
13. Vincent de Moor - Fly Away (Cosmic Gate Remix)
14. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
Aly & Fila
01. ID - ID
02. A & Z vs. Dawn - Nostalgia
03. Aly & Fila vs. Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Perfect Love
04. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Aly & Fila Remix)
05. Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland - Disconnected
06. Aly & Fila - ID
07. Sean Tyas & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Arcobaleno
08. ID - ID
09. Paul van Dyk feat. Ummet Ozcan - Dae Yor
10. Aly & Fila feat. Chris Jones - Running Out Of Time
11. ID - ID
12. Chris Metcalfe - Watching Over Me
13. Matt Bowdidge - No Room To Breathe
14. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight
15. Aly & Fila - Lost Language
16. Rapid Eye - Circa-Forever (Aly & Fila Rework)
John O'Callaghan
01. Bowdidge & Taylor - Power Cut
02. Sebastian Brandt - ID (Chris Metcalfe Remix)
03. Mark Leanings vs. Space Rockerz & Tania Zygar - Whatever Happens In Puzzle Piece (John O'Callaghan Mashup)
04. John O'Callaghan - Boban
05. John O'Callaghan & Kathryn Gallagher - Mess Of A Machine (Sean Tyas Remix)
06. Will Atkinson - Hold Tight
07. Full Tilt feat. Deirdre McLaughlin - Surrender (Sneijder vs. John O'Callaghan Remix)
08. Airwave vs. Rising Star - Sunspot (Sneijder's 2011 Rework)
09. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O'Callaghan Remix)
10. Dart Rayne - Investigation (Trance Arts Remix)
11. Steve Brian feat. David Berkeley - Vueltas (Dan Stone Remix)
12. A.R.D.I. - Eternity
13. Dark Matters feat. Jess Morgan - The Real You (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
14. Three Drives - Carrera 2 (Nu NRG Remix)
15. John O'Callaghan vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - In And Out Of Raw Deal (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
A State of Green
Super8 & Tab
01. Super8 - Alba (Maor Levi Remix)
02. Space Rockerz feat. Ellie Lawson - Out Of Reach (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
03. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Dub Mix)
04. ID - ID
05. Eximinds - Robobeats (Tom Fall Remix)
06. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
07. Nitrous Oxide - Tiburon
08. Dash Berlin vs. DT8 Project vs. Arty - Destination Better World (Super8 & Tab Mashup)
09. Bluestone - Namaste
10. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Piercing Quiet (Super8 & Tab Remix)
11. Super8 & Tab feat. Jan Burton - Black Is Back (Dub Mix)
12. Tranquility Base vs. 7 Skies vs. Super8 & Tab feat. Julie Thompson - My Oceanic Sushi (Super8 & Tab Mashup)
13. Super8 & Tab - Awakenings
Orjan Nilsen
01. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
02. Orjan Nilsen - Magic
03. Orjan Nilsen - Unrealistically Steep
04. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
05. Tomas Heredia & Marcelo Fratini - Montana (Club Mix)
06. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
07. ID - ID
08. Solar Factor - Urban Shakedown (Orjan Nilsen Rework)
09. Orjan Nilsen - Legions
10. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
11. Orjan Nilsen - Viking
12. Orjan Nilsen - Lucky Strike
13. Galen Behr vs. Hydroid - Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan Nilsen Remix)
14. Armin van Buuren - Blue Fear (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
01. Mat Zo & Arty - Mozart (Arty Big Room Edit)
02. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Erik Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
03. Arty vs. Matisse & Sadko - Trio
04. Arty feat. Tania Zygar - The Wall (Arty Remode Edit)
05. Arty - ID
06. BT & Arty feat. Nadia Ali - Must Be The Love
07. Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound
08. Alpha 9 - Bliss (Alpha 9 Club Mix)
09. Arty - Around The World
10. D-Mad vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - She Gave Me The Sun & Moon (Lavisse Den Bosch Bootleg)
11. Tiesto - Maximal Crazy
12. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Mix)
13. Sander van Doorn vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way Riff (Joachim Garraud Mashup)
14. Kyau & Albert vs. Daft Punk - Be There 4 You One More Time (Mat Zo Mashup)
15. Rafael Frost vs. Kosheen - Catch The Flashback (Arty Mashup)
16. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
Gareth Emery
01. Gareth Emery - Tokyo
02. Topher Jones - Brohammer
03. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro
04. Jack Holiday & Mike Candys - Children 2012 (Original Higher Level Mix)
05. Cosmic Gate & Jes - Flying Blind (Tom Fall Remix)
06. R3hab vs. Gareth Emery feat. Mark Frisch - Into The Bottle Song (Gareth Emery Mashup)
07. Zombie Nation vs. Matt Cassar vs. Arnej - They Always Come Back In Seven Days For Kernkraft 400 (Gareth Emery Mashup)
08. Sander van Doorn & Mayaeni - Nothing Inside
09. Ben Gold & Tritonal - Apex
10. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion
11. Porter Robinson feat. Jano - The Seconds
12. Hardwell vs. Zedd - Spaceman Slam The Door (First State Bashup)
13. Tiesto - Maximal Crazy
14. Tiesto feat. BT - Love Comes Again (Hardwell Rework)
15. Gareth Emery vs. Adele vs. Eurythmics - Arrival With Rolling In Sweet Dreams (Daft Beatles Mashup)
16. Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound
17. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - D.U.I.
18. Coldplay vs. Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party - Paradise Antidote (First State Bashup)
19. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Everafter (Craig Connelly Remix)
20. Chris Schweizer - The Conquest
21. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
22. Sander van Doorn vs. Gareth Emery - Renegade Exposure (Gareth Emery Mashup)
23. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O'Callaghan Remix)
Markus Schulz
01. ID - ID
02. Marco V vs. Jens - Loops & Tings Relooped (Remix)
03. ID - ID
04. Markus Schulz & Dennis Sheperd - Go!
05. BT vs. Sasha - Remember Magnetic North (Coldharbour 2012 Big Room Reconstruction)
06. ID - ID
07. Markus Schulz - Digital Madness
08. Beat Service - Fortuna
09. ID - ID
10. Mr. Pit - River Of Hearts (Ben Gold Remix)
11. Orjan Nilsen - Viking
12. KhoMha - Mind Gamer
13. Susana - Home (Mr. Pit Remix)
14. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion (Markus Schulz Los Angeles '12 Reconstruction)
15. 4 Strings - Cheesecake
16. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller - Rotunda
17. Markus Schulz & Arnej - Karbon
Armin van Buuren
01. Push - Strange World (2000 Remake)
02. Armin van Buuren - Sail
03. Paul Webster feat. Angelic Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub Mix)
04. RAM - RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
05. Gaia - Tuvan
06. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix)
07. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix)
08. Binary Finary - 1999 (Gouryella Remix)
09. O'Callaghan & Kearney - Exactly
10. Sebastian Brandt vs. Andain - Beautiful Ashes (Kris A Mashup)
11. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResuRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix)
12. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity
13. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix)
01. W&W - Impact (MaRLo Remix)
02. Ferry Corsten - Feel It! (W&W Rework)
03. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Rework)
04. ID - ID
05. W&W feat. Bree - Nowhere To Go (Tom Fall Remix)
06. W&W - White Label
07. W&W - Shotgun
08. ID - ID
09. Leon Bolier - Me
10. W&W - Invasion
11. W&W - Arena (Ben Gold Remix)
12. ID - ID
13. Husman - P.O.W.
14. W&W vs. Marcel Woods - ID
15. W&W - Mainstage
16. W&W vs. Noisecontrollers - Gimme Alpha (W&W Mashup)
17. Ummet Ozcan - ID
18. Rank 1 feat. Shanokee - Such Is Life (W&W Rework)
19. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster (Kent & Gian Remix)
20. W&W - AK-47 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
21. Chris Schweizer - The Conquest
Giuseppe Ottaviani
01. ID - ID
02. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Linking People 2011 (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
03. ID - ID
04. Betsie Larkin & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Toys
05. Paul van Dyk feat. Michelle Leonard - Lost In Berlin (Remix)
06. Paul van Dyk feat. Giuseppe Ottaviani - A Wonderful Day
07. ID - ID
08. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave
09. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You
10. Sean Tyas & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Arcobaleno
11. U2 - City Of Blinding Lights (Filo & Peri vs. Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
12. ID - ID
13. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Stephen Pickup - No More Alone
A State of Pink (Female state)
Miss Nine
01. Anish Sood & Ramona Arena - Wanna Be Your Only Love
02. Rio Vegas - Give Me Your Life (Q.U.A.K.E. Remix)
03. Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Miss Nine Remix)
04. Patrick Hagenaar feat. AMPM - L.O.V.E. (Miss Nine Edit)
05. Doiran Jay - Pocket Disco (Miss Nine Edit)
06. Deniz Koyu - Grunge (Miss Nine Edit)
07. Audible - Summit (Miss Nine Remix)
08. High Rollers feat. Keylas - Now Or Never (MPlay Remix)
09. Michael Canitrot feat. Ron Carroll - When You Got Love (Michael Calfan Remix)
10. Solarstone - The Best Way To Make Your Dreams Come True Is To Wake Up (Miss Nine Remix)
11. Chris Lake - Build Up (Tommy Trash Edit)
12. Dabruck & Klein feat. Stella Attar - Light Coming Out Of Your Eyes (Falko Niestolik & Steve Wish Festival Mix)
13. Mell Tierra - Godspeed
14. Baggi Begovic - Freefalling
15. Tristan Garner - Overdrive
16. Nicky Romero vs. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - Toulouse In My Mind (Mashup)
Jwaydan (Live)
01. Bjorn Akesson & Jwaydan - Xantic (Aly & Fila vs. Bjorn Akesson Remix) [Live Performance by Jwaydan]
02. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight [Live Performance by Jwaydan]
03. Aly & Fila vs. Jwaydan - Coming Home [Live Performance by Jwaydan]
01. Ashley Wallbridge - Mumbai Traffic (Club Mix)
02. Marcus Schossow feat. Matias Lehtola - Who You Are
03. Solis & Sean Truby - Marina (Aaron Camz Remix)
04. Nifra - Dark Harbour
05. Marcel Woods - The Bottle (Marcus Schossow Remix)
06. Gabriel & Dresden vs. Secret Panda Society - No Reservations (KhoMha Remix)
07. Markus Schulz vs. Mr. Pit - Digital Avion Madness (Nifra Mashup)
08. Wezz Devall - Kill Of The Year
09. Rafael Frost - Channel 4
10. Aaron Camz - Aqwa
11. Progresia & Nifra - Different Ways
12. Armin van Buuren - Blue Fear (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
13. Tritonal feat. Fisher - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub)
Betsie Larkin (Live)
01. Bobina & Betsie Larkin - You Belong To Me [Live Performance by Betsie Larkin]
02. Betsie Larkin with Super8 & Tab - All We Have Is Now [Live Performance by Betsie Larkin]
03. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Made Of Love [Live Performance by Betsie Larkin]
Vicky Devine
01. Vicky Devine & Marcos feat. Hayley Parsons - Forgotten Lies (ASOT 550 Intro)
02. Ali Wilson & Vicky Devine - Devils Wine
03. Boxer & Forbes - Fiesta
04. Emin K. & Ansarov - Adrenaline
05. Tiesto feat. BT vs. Brainbug - Traffic Comes Again In The Nightmare (Ashley Wallbridge Mashup)
06. Digital Self & Tek-Tonic - Totem
07. KhoMha - The Sky Is Inside You
08. Ferry Corsten vs. Cosmic Gate feat. Jan Johnston - Raging Punk (Darzh's Cosmix Popov Mashup)
09. Binary Finary vs. Pulse & Sphere - High Stress
10. Vicky Devine - Supernova
11. EmoTek - Ghost Bee
Ana Criado (Live)
01. Ana Criado - Afterglow (Will Holland Remix) [Live Performance by Ana Criado]
02. Dark Matters feat. Ana Criado - The Quest Of A Dream (Dabruck & Klein Remix) [Live Performance by Ana Criado]
03. Triple A - Winter Stayed (Armin van Buuren's On The Beach Mix) [Live Performance by Ana Criado]
04. W&W feat. Ana Criado - Three O'Clock [Live Performance by Ana Criado]
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Down To Love (Kyau & Albert Remix) [Live Performance by Ana Criado]
06. Ana Criado - Can't Hold Back The Rain (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Live Performance by Ana Criado]
07. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Dennis Sheperd Club Mix) [Live Performance by Ana Criado]
Kristina Sky
01. Mr. Pit vs. Yuri Kane - This Room Is Not Big Enough. Right Back! (Jason Mill Mashup)
02. Blighty - Karlek (Thomas Bronzwaer Remix)
03. Mike Koglin vs. Genix - Dyno
04. Nalin & Kane - Open Your Eyes (Kristina Sky Stadium Remix)
05. Mat Zo vs. OceanLab - 24 Hour Satellite (Jason Mill Mashup)
06. Ralphie B - Icarus
07. Paul Oakenfold - Full Moon Party (Thomas Datt Remix)
08. Akesson - Perfect Blue
09. Robert Miles - Children (Trance Arts & Colin James Bootleg)
10. Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie (Sean Tyas No Rap Mix)
11. Bart Claessen - First Light
Emma Hewitt (Live)
01. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound [Live Performance by Emma Hewitt]
02. Emma Hewitt - Miss You Paradise (Shogun Remix) [Live Performance by Emma Hewitt]
03. Emma Hewitt - Colours (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Live Performance by Emma Hewitt]
04. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Waiting To Disarm Your Sun & Moon (Dashup) [Live Performance by Emma Hewitt]
Sophie Sugar
01. Les Hemstock & Richard Sander - First Contact
02. Matt Davey - Apocalypse (Chris Corrigan Mix)
03. Sophie Sugar - Together
04. Sophie Sugar - Skyline
05. Matt Bowdidge - No Room To Breathe
06. Sophie Sugar - All For You
07. Sneijder vs. Neal Scarborough - Your Way
08. Sergey Nevone & Simon O'Shine - Balearic Island (Garry Heaney Remix)
09. Ehren Stowers - Defender
10. Christian Drost - Rhapsody (Darren Porter Remix)
11. Robert Nickson vs. Solarstone - Spiral Cities (Running Man 2012 Recover)
Jaren (Live)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren - Unforgivable [Live Performance by Jaren]
02. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren with Rank 1 - Witness (Original Club Mix) [Live Performance by Jaren]
03. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run [Live Performance by Jaren]
Claudia Cazacu
01. Velvetine - Safe (Wherever You Are) (Rank 1 Remix)
02. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape
03. Betsie Larkin & Sied van Riel - The Offering
04. Armin van Buuren - Orbion
05. The Space Brothers - Everywhere I Go (Claudia Cazacu Dub Mix)
06. Vicky Devine & Marcos feat. Hayley Parsons - Forgotten Lies
07. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
08. Blank & Jones - Cream
09. Vincent de Moor - Fly Away (Sean Tyas Remix)
10. Orjan Nilsen - Legions
11. Tempo Giusto - Dodger
12. Bedrock - Heaven Scent (Greg Downey Remix)
Aruna (Live)
01. Above & Beyond vs. Kyau & Albert vs. Velvetine - Safe Tri-State Anphonic (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) [Live Performance by Aruna]
02. Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna - Under Your Spell [Live Performance by Aruna]
03. Aruna with Mark Eteson - Let Go (Nic Chagall Remix) (Myon & Shane 54 Refill) [Live Performance by Aruna]
04. Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy vs. Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna - Love The Fear Of Free Falling (Aruna Mashup) [Live Performance by Aruna]
Lisa Lashes
01. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
02. Gabriel & Dresden vs. Secret Panda Society - No Reservations (D-Wayne Remix)
03. Lisa Lashes - The Bends (Heatbeat Remix)
04. Lisa Lashes - Snapshot (Erick Strong Remix)
05. Dave Silcox feat. Amy Pearson - This Is Love
06. Dennis Sheperd & Talla 2XLC - Two Worlds
07. Brainbug - Nightmare (Victor Dinaire & Bissen Remix)
08. Ostrega - First Scream (We aRe Extended Mix)
09. Simon Patterson - We'll See (Paul Webster Remix)
10. Marc Simz - Forbidden City (Orla Feeney Remix)
11. Trance Arts & Sonic Element - Reformation
12. W&W vs. Wezz Devall vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - In And Out Of Phantom (Tigran Oganezov Mashup)
13. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix)
14. Three Drives - Letting You Go (Greece 2000) (Dabruck & Klein Vocal Mix)
A State of Red
01. Antillas feat. Fiora - Damaged (Main Mix)
02. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound (Antillas Edit)
03. BT & Adam K - Tomahawk
04. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Erik Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
05. Deth Hertz & No Body - Ready 2 Fly
06. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Rework)
07. Qulinez - Troll
08. Marco V - Analogital
09. Kyau & Albert - Made Of Sun (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
10. Nero - Reaching Out (Mashup)
11. Heatbeat - Rocket Monster (Antillas Edit)
12. Gareth Emery - Tokyo
Mark Sixma
01. Ost & Meyer - Safari (Maor Levi Remix)
02. Mark Sixma feat. Amba Shepherd - Cupid's Casualty
03. ID - ID
04. Kid Alien - The Atmosphere (Klauss Goulart's & Mark Sixma Deep Universe Remix)
05. Stoneface & Terminal feat. Ellie Lawson - Breaking Through (Club Mix)
06. Albert A-Yellow & Bartlett Bros - Analogik (Chris Schweizer Remix)
07. ID - ID
08. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Rework)
09. Hard Rock Sofa vs. Motorcycle - As The Quasar Comes (Tekno Mashup)
10. W&W - D.N.A. (Mark Sixma Remix)
11. Anthony Waldhorn - Sashimi (Mark Sixma & Klauss Goulart Remix)
12. Utah Saints - Lost Vagueness (M6 Bootleg)
13. The Killers vs. Tiesto - Lethal Brightside (Mark Sixma Mashup)
14. ID - ID
The Blizzard
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment (The Blizzard Remix)
02. The Blizzard & Yuri Kane feat. Relyk - Everything About You
03. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
04. Dennis Sheperd & Talla 2XLC - Two Worlds
05. ID - ID
06. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Breathe In Deep (The Blizzard Remix)
07. Norin & Rad - Bloom
08. Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji vs. The Blizzard - Kalopsia Pressure (The Blizzard Mashup)
09. Max Freegrant - High Contrast
10. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Erik Hecht - Walking Alone (Arty Remix)
11. Tommy Trash - Cascade
12. The Blizzard - Piercing The Fog
13. ID - ID
14. Hardwell vs. Zedd - Spaceman Slam The Door (First State Bashup)
15. Boom Jinx feat. Justine Suissa - Phoenix From The Flames (Omnia & The Blizzard Remix)
16. Antillas feat. Fiora - Damaged (Green & Falkner Remix)
Dennis Sheperd
01. KhoMha - Mind Gamer (Dennis Sheperd Intro Edit)
02. Markus Schulz & Dennis Sheperd - Go!
03. Analogue Sound Department vs. Kai Tracid - Trance, Acid & F (Dennis Sheperd Mashup)
04. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert - Robotron
05. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Dennis Sheperd Remix)
06. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
07. Dennis Sheperd & Talla 2XLC - Two Worlds
08. tyDi feat. Tania Zygar - Vanilla (Dennis Sheperd Remix)
09. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Dennis Sheperd Club Mix)
10. Lifted Emotion vs. Cosmic Gate & Arnej - Sometimes They Come Back For iPhonic (Dennis Sheperd Mashup)
11. Alan Morris & Sequentia - ID
Wezz Devall
01. W&W - Shotgun
02. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
03. fRew - Wicked Woman (Tommy Trash Remix)
04. Tiesto vs. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan vs. Afrojack - Lethal Silence (Andrew Rayel MegaMashup)
05. Leon Bolier & Cliff Coenraad - Belmont's Revenge
06. Leon Bolier - Me
07. The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Marco V Treatment)
08. Ruben de Ronde feat. Aelyn - She's Already Gone (Wezz Devall Remix)
09. Wezz Devall - Kill Of The Year
10. Bobina - Diamond Hell (Wezz Devall Remix)
11. W&W vs. Wezz Devall - Phantom
12. Wezz Devall - Free My Willy
13. Wezz Devall - This Is Your Day
Sebastian Brandt
01. RAM - RAMbition
02. Bryan Kearney & Jamie Walker - We'll Never Die (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
03. Sebastian Brandt - 450
04. John O'Callaghan & Betsie Larkin - Save This Moment (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
05. Matt Bowdidge - No Room To Breathe
06. Rising Star - Touch Me (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
07. Sebastian Brandt - Mana
08. Sneijder vs. Neal Scarborough - Your Way
09. Gaia - Status Excessu D (Sebastian Brandt Remix)
10. Sebastian Brandt - Ashes
01. Binary Finary - 1998 (Setrise Remix)
02. Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji - Pressure (Mashup)
03. Hard Rock Sofa vs. Motorcycle - As The Quasar Comes (Tekno Mashup)
04. KhoMha - Mind Gamer
05. ID - ID
06. Sander van Doorn vs. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - Slap An Angel's Love (Mashup)
07. Setrise & Johann Stone - Icesave
08. PPK - ResuRection (Setrise Remix)
09. Markus Schulz - Do You Dream? (Setrise Remix)
10. Harvey Anderson - Soviet
11. Setrise & Matthew Nagle - Nailed It
12. Setrise - Kernkraft 400
13. Marcel Woods - Cherry Blossom (Setrise Remix)
14. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Who's The Starter? (Remix)
15. Alpha Duo feat. Fisher - Fight For Love (Binary Finary Remix)
16. Marcel Woods - Advanced (Tiesto Remix)
01. Rex Mundi - Opera Of Northern Ocean (Remix)
02. MaRLo feat. Jano - The Island
03. MaRLo - Evolution
04. W&W - Impact (MaRLo Remix)
05. MaRLo - Jaguar
06. ID - ID
07. Ferry Corsten - Brain Box (MaRLo Remix)
08. Ferry Corsten - Punk (MaRLo Mix)
09. MaRLo - Megalodon
10. Sean Tyas - Lift (Lisa Lashes Remix)
11. MaRLo - Freedive
12. Gareth Emery - Tokyo
13. ID - ID
DNS project
01. ID - ID
02. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
03. Neev Kennedy - The Unknown (DNS Project Extended)
04. ID - ID
05. Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor vs. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft - Tracking Treasure Down For Life (MashupKing Bootleg)
06. DNS Project - Recapture
07. Andy Moor feat. Carrie Skipper vs. Motorcycle - As The Rush Much More Comes (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
08. DNS Project - Second Chapter
09. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
10. DNS Project - Exclusive (Bigroom Mix)
11. Marc Simz - Forbidden City
A State of Yellow
Matt Darey
01. ID - ID
02. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - Still Waters (Colorless Remix)
03. Urban Astronauts feat. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix)
04. Matt Darey & Aaron Aether feat. Ridgewalkers - Chasing The Sun
05. Matt Darey feat. Ashley Tomberlin - Lost At Sea (Luiz B Remix)
06. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - Red Is Rising (Enton Mushni Remix)
07. Urban Astronauts feat. Kristy Thirsk - Black Flowers (Josh Gabriel Remix)
08. Matt Darey feat. Leah - Hold Your Breath (KhoMha Remix)
09. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - Black Canyon (Taurus & Vaggeli Remix)
10. Matt Darey & Stan Kolev feat. Aelyn - Follow You (Milan & Phoenix Remix)
01. Loverush UK! feat. Maria Nayler - One & One (Protoculture Remix)
02. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange feat. Kerry Leva vs. Loverush UK! feat. Bryan Adams - In & Out Of Babylon (Protoculture Mashup)
03. Paul Oakenfold - Surrender (Protoculture Remix)
04. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Protoculture vs. Protoculture feat. Shannon Hurley - Waking Up The Sun (Protoculture Mashup)
05. Solis & Sean Truby feat. Anthya - Timeless (Protoculture Remix)
06. James Dymond - Overthrow (Protoculture Remix)
07. Protoculture - Ode To The Oceans
08. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi (Protoculture Remix)
09. Paul Oakenfold - Full Moon Party (Thomas Datt Remix)
10. Paul van Dyk feat. Austin Leeds - Verano (PvD's Berlin Mix)
Stoneface & Terminal
01. ID - ID
02. ID - ID
03. Invalyd - Beat By Beat (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
04. Stoneface & Terminal - Leaving Earth
05. Stoneface & Terminal feat. Ellie Lawson - Breaking Through (Club Mix)
06. ID - ID
07. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
08. Loverush UK! feat. Bryan Adams - Tonight In Babylon (Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
09. Stoneface & Terminal - Here To Stay
10. William Orbit - Adagio For Strings (Ferry Corsten Remix)
01. Tritonal feat. Meredith Call - Broken Down (Club Mix)
02. Tritonal & Sibicky - Suzu
03. Tritonal feat. Jenry R - Something New (Rafael Frost Remix)
04. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Lifted (Mat Zo Remix)
05. Tritonal & Kaeno - Azuca
06. Tritonal feat. Fisher - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub)
07. Tritonal feat. Jeza - Can't Keep It In (Tritonal Club Mix)
08. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Everafter (Tritonal Club Mix)
09. Ben Gold & Tritonal - Apex
10. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Suncatcher Remix)
11. Super8 & Tab vs. Markus Schulz feat. Dauby - Perfect Awakenings (Tritonal Mashup)
Jorn van Deynhoven
01. Jorn van Deynhoven - Spotlight (JvD's ASOT 550 Intro Mix)
02. Dutch Force - Deadline (Timo Pralle Rework)
03. RAM - RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
04. Timmus - Symphonica
05. Inertia - The System (Tyas & Colontonio Remix)
06. Super8 & Tab - Irufushi (Sean Tyas Remix)
07. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix)
08. Luke Bond feat. Mark Frisch - The Other Side (JvD's ASOT 550 Dub Mix)
09. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner (JvD's ASOT 550 Mix)
Leon Bolier
01. Leon Bolier feat. Ben Hague - ID
02. Robert Burian - Facepalm
03. Snatt & Vix - So Far Away (Leon Bolier Remix)
04. Leon Bolier - Me
05. Joop - Focus
06. Leon Bolier & Cliff Coenraad - Belmont's Revenge
07. Leon Bolier vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Vengeance Of Sun & Moon (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
08. Ummet Ozcan - Reboot
09. Joint Operations Centre - Ipso Facto
10. Sander van Doorn - Riff
11. Leon Bolier vs. BT - Dreaming About Ocean Drive Boulevard (Leon Bolier Mashup)
12. A.R.D.I. - Premonition (Daniel Kandi Remix)
13. Gaia - Tuvan
14. Tiesto feat. Maxi Jazz - Dance4Life (Sander van Doorn Remix)
Kyau & Albert
01. Kyau & Albert - Are You Fine? (Arty Remix)
02. ID - ID
03. Kyau & Albert - This Love
04. ID - ID
05. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - You Got To Go (Kyau & Albert Remix)
06. Kyau & Albert - A Night Like This
07. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert - Robotron
08. Sander van Doorn - Chasin'
09. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert - Megashira (Ronski Speed Remix)
10. Kyau & Albert - ID
11. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Above & Beyond 2011 Club Mix)
12. Kyau & Albert - Be There 4 U (Mat Zo Remix)
01. Hard Rock Sofa & Swanky Tunes - Apogee (Intro Edit)
02. Hardwell - Spaceman
03. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge vs. Allure feat. Jes - Show Me The Mansion (Bobina Mashup)
04. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
05. Fedde Le Grand, Deniz Koyu & Johan Wedel - Turn It
06. Bobina - Quattro 372
07. Orjan Nilsen vs. Bobina & Betsie Larkin - Amsterdam Belongs To Me (Bobina Mashup)
08. Bobina - Diamond Hell
09. Bobina - Rocket Ride
10. Richard Durand & Bobina - Last Train To Moscow
11. Shogun - Skyfire
12. Bobina & Betsie Larkin vs. Motorcycle - You Belong To Rush (Bobina Mashup)
13. Joey V - Laura Mae (Bobina Remix)
14. Bobina - Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten's Touch)
Will Holland
01. Will Holland feat. Jeza - Start Again (Intro Mix)
02. Susana - Home (Daniel Kandi Retrofit Remix)
03. Agulo feat. David Berkeley - Fire Sign (Remix)
04. ID - ID
05. Agulo feat. David Berkeley - Fire Sign (Remix)
06. Sebastian Brandt vs. Cathy Burton - Reach Out To Ashes (ANTiP0D Mashup)
07. ID - ID
08. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Suncatcher Remix)
09. RAM - RAMplify
10. Will Holland feat. Jeza - Every Heartbeat
11. Exostate - Without Warning (Suncatcher Remix)
Ronski Speed
01. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Love Is Not Enough (Club Mix)
02. ID - ID
03. Marc Marberg with Kyau & Albert - Megashira (Ronski Speed Remix)
04. Coldplay vs. Norin & Rad - Clocks Bloom (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
05. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange feat. Kerry Leva - In & Out Of Phase (Club Mix)
06. Gareth Emery & OceanLab vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - On A Thing Called Love (Mashup)
07. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel vs. Dada Life - Kick In And Out Of Love (Mashup)
09. ID - ID
10. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
11. Duderstadt vs. Above & Beyond feat. Ashley Tomberlin - Can't Smile (Daniel Kandi Mashup)
12. Solarstone - Solarcoaster (Remix)
Pre-party at Hotel 538
Armin live from the studio
01. Blake Jarrell - Barbados
02. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
03. BT & Arty feat. Nadia Ali - Must Be The Love
04. Orjan Nilsen - Magic W&W
05. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Rework)
06. W&W - Shotgun
07. W&W - Invasion Armin live from the studio
08. Markus Schulz & Dennis Sheperd - Go!
09. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde - Marsascala (Alexander Popov Remix)
10. Dash Berlin feat. Sarah Howells - Go It Alone (Club Mix)
11. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi (Protoculture Remix) Sied van Riel
12. Sied van Riel - ID
13. Sied van Riel - Audio 52
14. Sied van Riel - Tunnel Vision Armin live from the studio
15. Tune Of The Week: A.R.D.I. - Premonition
16. Sneijder vs. Neal Scarborough - Your Way
17. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With The Wave Of Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
18. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
19. ASOT Radio Classic: Alt+F4 - Alt+F4
A State of Trance 551 (08-03-2012)
01. Sunlounger feat. Zara Taylor – Try To Be Love (Roger Shah Naughty Love Mix) [Magic Island]
02. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller Feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild & Perfect Day (Cosmic Gate Remix) [High Contrast]
03. Alexander Popov - When The Sun (Eximinds Remix) [Tune Of The Week]
04. Eximinds - August
05. Ashley Wallbridge With Andy Moor Feat. Gabriela - World To Turn [Ava] (From The Album "The Inner Me")
06. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro [Ava] (From The Album "The Inner Me")
07. Ashley Wallbridge - Mumbai Traffic (Club Mix) [Ava]
08. Heatbeat - Arganda (Chris Schweizer Remix) [Armada]
09. Above & Beyond Feat. Zoл Johnston - Love Is Not Enough (Maor Levi & Bluestone Remix) [Anjunabeats]
10. Dennis Sheperd & Talla 2xlc - Two Worlds
11. Susana & Max Graham - Down To Nothing [Re*Brand]
12. Rafael Frostt - Channel 4
13. Gabriel & Dresden Vs. Secret Panda Society - No Reservations (Khomha Remix) [Organized Nature]
14. Simon Patterson - So What [Nightvision]
15. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam [Armind]
16. Steve Brian Feat. David Berkeley - Vueltas (Dan Stone Remix)
17. Rex Mundi - Opaque [Coldharbour]
18. Stoneface & Terminal Feat. Ellie Lawson - Breaking Through
19. Leon Bolier & Julie Thompson - Underwater [Streamlined]
20. Armin Van Buuren Pres. Gaia - J'Ai Envie De Toi [Armind]
21. Santerna & Vadim Kapustin - I Believe In Life (Solis & Sean Truby Dub)
22. John O’Callaghan & Heatbeat – Las Lilas
23. Danyella & Cygnus X-1 – Snow Leopard (Photographer Remix)
24. Ferry Corsten – Take Me
25. Marco V – C:\del*.mp3 [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 552 (15-03-2012)
01. Andrew Rayel - 550 senta vs Shogun – Skyfire (accapella) (AVB intro mix)
02. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion [Armada]
03. Dennis Sheperd & Talla2 XLC - Two Worlds [Euphonic]
04. Wezz Devall - Kill Of The Year [Captivating Sounds]
05. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam [Armind]
06. Tritonal - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub) [Air Up There Recordings]
07. W&W - Invasion (Club Mix) [ASOT 550 anthem] [Armada]
08. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays [Armind]
09. Setrise vs Johann Stone - Icesave (Original Mix)
10. Gaia - Stellar [Armind]
11. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Kinetic [Armada]
12. Armin van Buuren presents GaiaJ’ai Envie De Toi [Armind]
13. Andy Moor - Fight The Fire (Stoneface & Terminal remix) [Armada]
14. W&W - Impact (MaRLo remix) [Captivating Sounds]
15. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren feat. Rank 1 - Witness (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armind]
16. Jorn van Deynhoven - Spotlight (Original Mix) [ASOT]
17. Sebastian Brandt vs Cathy Burton - Reach Out To Ashes (ANTiP0D Mashup)
18. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin’s Illegal Drum Edit)
19. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (John O’Callaghan Remix) [Garuda]
20. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter [Armind]
21. MaRLo - Megalodon [Armada]
22. Indecent Noise Feat. Ridgewalkers - Full Moon Fever (Power Dub) [Fraction Records]
23. Armin van Buuren - Serenity
24. Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Armin van Buuren’s Great Strings Mix) [Armind]
A State of Trance 553 (22-03-2012)
01. BT & Arty feat. Nadia Ali - Must Be The Love
02. Sunlounger feat. Zara Taylor - Try To Be Loved (Roger Shah Naughty Love Mix) [Magic Island] [Future Favorite]
03. Masoud feat. Nicole McKenna - Fix The Broken [AVA]
04. Marcus Schossow feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Who You Are [Tone Diary]
05. Ost & Meyer - Safari (Maor Levi Remix) [Enhanced]
06. Rafael Frost - Channel 4 [Flashover]
07. Cathy Burton & Omnia - Hearts Connected [A&R]
09. Julian Vincent feat. Shannon Hurley - Lost In Space (Mark Otten Mix) [Amsterdam Trance]
10. Alpha Duo feat. Fisher - Fight For Love (Binary Finary Remix) [Future Focus]
10. Cosmic Gate & JES - Flying Blind (Norin & Rad Remix) [Black Hole]
11. Lele Troniq - Under The Spotlight [Lange]
12. Shogun - Amplify [Armind]
13. W&W - Shotgun [Captivating] [Tune Of The Week]
14. Rory Gallagher feat Dawn - Never Coming Down [Alter Ego]
15. Activa feat. Cat Martin - My Way Out (Sonic Elements Remix) [Discover]
16. Chapter XJ - Believe (Matt Bukovski Remix) [Digital Society]
17. Will Atkinson - Hold On Tight [Night Vision]
18. Matt Bowdidge - No Room To Breathe
19. RAM - RAMplify [DS-R]
20. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Andrew Rayel Aether Mix) [Armind]
21. Running Man & Ahmed Romel - Azure (Running Man Edit) [Blue Soho]
22. The Longest Day (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Nettwerk] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 554 (29-03-2012)
01. tyDi feat. Jennifer Rene & Teneshia - Greater Heights (Tom Fall Remix) [Armada]
02. Cathy Burton & Omnia - Hearts Connected [A&R] [Future Favorite]
03. Nomination & BBSound feat. Anthya - Save My Tears (Timur Shafiev pres. S00perstar Remix) [Vendace]
04. BT & Arty feat. Nadia Ali - Must Be The Love
05. Alexander Popov - When The Sun (Eximinds Remix) [S107]
06. Dash Berlin feat. Sarah Howells - Go It Alone
07. Richard Durand & Bobina — Last Train To Moscow [Magik Muzik]
08. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi (Protoculture Remix) [Armind]
09. Wezz Devall - Kill Of The Year [Captivating Sounds]
10. Mike Koglin feat. LCK - Varana (Chris Schweizer Rockin Mix)
11. Fabio XB & Wach vs. Roman Sokolovsky - Eternal (Andrew Rayel Remix)
12. Markus Schulz & Dennis Sheperd - Go! [Coldharbour]
13. Stoneface Terminal feat. Ellie Lawson - Breaking Through (Club Mix) [Euphonic]
14. Second Way - Around The Earth [Terminal4]
15. Setrise & Kay Wilder - Cannon
16. A.R.D.I - Premonition [Silent Shore] [Tune Of The Week]
17. Sneijder vs. Neal Scarborough - Your Way [Subculture]
18. Solarstone feat. Clare Stagg - The Spell [Black Hole]
19. Will Atkinson - Hold Tight [Night Vision]
20. Simon Patterson - We'll See (Paul Webster Remix) [Nigh Vision]
21. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - Coming Home [FSOE]
22. Bossanova - Stonecold [Purple Eye Entertainment] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 555 (05-04-2012)
01. Blake Jarrell - Barbados
02. Speed Limits - Bris
03. Estiva & Tania Zygar - Death Of Me (Original Mix)
04. The Thrillseekers Ft Fisher - Angel (Eximinds Remix)
05. Paul van Dyk feat. Arty - The Ocean
06. Emma Hewitt - Miss You Paradise (Shogun Remix)
07. Invalyd - Beat By Beat (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
08. Armin van Buuren vs. Tomas Heredia - Fine Without You Montana (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
09. Omnia ft IRA - The Fusion [Tune of The Month of March]
10. Paul Oakenfold feat. J Hart - Surrender (Protoculture Remix)
11. Faruk Sabanci & Mark Sixma - Starburst [Tune Of The Week]
12. Fabio XB & Wach vs. Roman Sokolovsky - Eternal (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Future Favorite]
13. Marcel Woods – Cherry Blossom (Setrise Remix)
14. Eddie Makabi ft. Einat - Ecstasy
15. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - The Spell
16. ReOrder Feat. Stine Grove - Seize The Day (Original Mix)
17. Daniel Wanrooy - Pretoria
18. Daniel Kandi pres. 147 - Insert Generic Title (Original Mix)
19. Ralphie B - Icarus
20. A.R.D.I. - Premonition [Silent Shore White]
21. Paul Van Dyk & Kyau & Albert - Open My Eyes
22. Sebastian Brandt - Mana (Original Mix) [ASOT]
23. Weekend Players - Into The Sun (Riva Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 556 (12-04-2012)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (Norin & Rad remix) [Armind]
02. Emma Hewitt - Miss You Paradise (Shogun Remix) [S107] [Future Favourite]
03. Protoculture - Cobalt [Rebrand]
04. Jochen Miller - Zodiac [High Contrast]
05. Paul van Dyk feat. Arty - The Ocean [Vandit]
06. Sied van Riel - Tunnel Vision [Captivating Sounds]
07. Snatt & Vix - So Far Away [High Contrast]
08. Kenneth Thomas & The Madison Feat. 3PM - Piece Of Me (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Dub) [Alter
09. Evol Waves - Evolver [Reset]
10. Chicane & Vigri - Three (Club mix) [Modena]
11. The Blizzard - Piercing The Fog [ASOT]
12. Loverush UK vs. Maria Nayler - One and One (Protoculture Remix) [Soul Candi Records]
13. Bobina - Diamond Hell (Wezz Devall Remix) {Magik Muzik]
14. Ben Gold & Tritonal - Apex [Garuda]
15. Broning - Reinspired [Digital Society Recordings] [Tune Of The Week]
16. Faruk Sabanci & Nurettin Colak - Puskevit (MaRLo Remix) [Arisa]
17. Eddie Makabi feat. Einat - Ecstasy [S107]
18. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - The Spell (Solarstone Pure Mix) [Touchstone]
19. Craig Connelly - Robot Wars (Andrew Rayel Stadium Remix) [Garuda]
20. Sebastian Brandt vs. Cathy Burton - Reach Out To Ashes (ANTiP0D Mashup)
21. Ancientmind - The Last Birds (Arctic Moon Remix) [Soholand]
22. Sean Tyas feat. David Berkeley - Take My Hand (John O'Callaghan Remix) [Subculture]
23. Arkadi - Login vs. Sunlounger - Try to Be Love (AvB Mash up)
24. Mark Leanings - Guiding Light [Kearnage Recordings]
25. Ahmed Romel & Illitheas - Lands Of Soho (Philippe El Sisi Remix) [Soholand]
26. Albert Vorne - A Leaden Day (M.I.K.E. Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 557 (19-04-2012)
01. Andy Duguid feat. Shannon Hurley - I Want To
02. Dash Berlin & Shogun - Callisto
03. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado – Suddenly Summer (Norin & Rad Remix)
04. Speed Limits - Bris (Original Mix)
05. Analogue Sound Department - F
06. Tom Fall & Ben Nicky - Hammer (Original Mix)
07. Morvan - Kiss Of A Muse (Wellenrausch Remix)
08. Mike Koglin ft. LCK - Varana (Chris Schweizer Rockin Mix)
09. Faruk Sabanci & Mark Sixma – Starburst (Original Mix)
10. Daniel Kandi - Insert Generic Title (Daniel Kandi vs Dennis Pedersen Mix)
11. Simon Patterson - Northen Lights
12. Protoculture - Cobalt (Original Mix) [Tune Of The Week]
13. Solarstone & Claire Stagg - The Spell (Pulser Remix)
14. ReOrder & Stine Grove - Seize The Day
15. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Blossom
16. Arty & Mat Zo - One Hundred Forty One (Ashley Wallbridge Remix)
17. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Betsie Larkin - Toys
18. Michael Dow - Andromeda
19. Broning - Reinspired
20. Ahmed Romel & Illitheas - Lands Of Soho (Philippe El Sisi Remix) [Future Favorite]
21. Mark Leanings - Whatever Happens vs Space Rockerz & Tania Zygar – Puzzle Piece (John O'Callaghan Mashup)
22. Bryan Kearney & Snatam Kaur vs Solarstone vs Neptune Project - Ong NamAztec In Seven Cities (Bryan Kearney Pach-Up)
23. Matt Bowdidge - No Room To Breathe
24. Jonas Steur - Silent Waves [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 558 (26-04-2012)
01. Mark Eteson feat. Meredith Call - 'Together' (Duderstadt Remix)
02. Andy Duguid feat. Shannon Hurley - I Want To Believe
03. Anton Firtich & Cramp - Amazing
04. Saint X - Orion
05. Santerna - Under Protection (Eximinds Remix)
06. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion
07. Boxer - Fathom (LTN Remix)
08. Ronski Speed ft. Stine Grove – Run To The Sunlight (Kyau & Albert Remix)
09. Andrew Bayer ft. Molly Bancroft - Keep Your Secrets (Myon and Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
10. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster (Tomas Heredia Remix)
11. Nitrous Oxide - Tiburon
12. Dash Berlin ft. Kate Walsh - When You Were Around [MusicIsLife Album]
13. Dash Berlin feat. Shanokee - Surrender [MusicIsLife Album] @frifox
14. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Silence In Your Heart [MusicIsLife Album]
15. Super8 & Tab feat. Jan Burton – Black Is Back (Classic Vocal Mix) [Anjunabeats]
16. Solarstone - The Spell (Pulser Remix) [Future Favorite]
17. Jorn Van Deynhoven - Headliner
18. James Dymond - Paladin [Tune Of The Week]
19. MaRLo - Underneath [ASOT]
20. Ruben De Ronde - Forever In Our Hearts (Jorn Van Deynhoven Edit)
21. Ehren Stowers - Enigma [Levare]
22. Eximinds & Sarah Russell - Pain into Purpose (Philippe El Sisi Remix)
23. Andy Tau & Sean Truby - Rapture [Infrasonic Rec]
24. Dreamy – The 17th Of October (Ahmed Romel Remix) [Diverted Music]
25. Brian Cameron - Serotonin Syndrome (Original Mix)
26. Pg2 - Forum of Love (Danjo and Styles remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 559 (03-05-2012)
01. Unknown Artist - We Are Here To Make Some Noise
02. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion [Armind] [Future Favorite]
03. Headstrong feat. Shelley Harland - Here in the Dark (Aurosonic Progressive remix) [Sola Records] [Tune Of The Week]
04. Will Holland feat. Jeza - Every Heartbeat (Beat Service Remix) [Enhanced]
05. The Madison - When You [Enhanced Progressive]
06. Maor Levi - Won’t Say No [Anjunabeats]
07. Ferry Corsten feat Aruna - Live Forever (Shogun Remix) [Flashover]
08. Allure feat. Emma Hewitt - Stay Forever (Nitrous Oxide Remix) [Blackhole]
09. Simon Patterson - Northern Lights [Nightvision]
10. Paul Oakenfold - Surrender (Protoculture remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
11. Andrew Bayer feat. Molly Bancroft - Keep Your Secrets (Myon & Shane 54 Summer of Love remix) [Anjunabeats]
12. Andy Tau & Sean Truby - Rapture (Suncatcher Remix) [Infrasonic]
13. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Suncatcher Remix) [Air Up There]
14. Faruk Sabanci - Generation 92 [facebook giveaway]
15. Nitrous Oxide & Adam Kancerski pres. Husaria - Poznan [Infrasonic]
16. Rory Gallagher & Mike Lane - Expansive Mind [Alter Ego]
17. MaRLo - Showgrounds [ASOT]
18. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner [ASOT]
19. James Dymond - Paladin [Soundpiercing]
20. Armin van Buuren Feat. Airwave - Sunspot (Sneijder Remix)
21. Mike Nichol - Magneto
22. Redstar - The Problem (Falcon’s Solution Remix) [Red Force Recordings]
23. Dutch Force - Deadline (Timo Pralle Rework)
24. Mark Leanings - Whatever Happens vs Puzzle Piece JOC mash up [Subculture]
25. Pizz@dox - 4 AM Redeemer (James Dymond Remix) [Harmonic Breeze]
26. Electric Traveller pres Elementia Project - Amsterdam Night Express (Running Man Remix) [Silent Shore]
27. Eximinds & Sarah Russell - Pain Into Purpose (Philippe El Sisi Remix) [Amsterdam Trance Records]
28. Mirco de Govia - Voller Sterne [Euphonic] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 560 (10-05-2012)
01. Deadmau5 & Chris James - The Veldt
02. Headstrong ft. Shelley HarlandHere in the Dark (Aurosonic Progressive remix) [Future Favorite]
03. Garrido Skehan ft. Isobelmai – Stay (EDU Remix)
04. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren and Chris Jones - Starting Right Now
05. C-Systems & Bushi ft. Hanna Finsen - Dreams Will Never End (Solid Stone Remix)
06. Dash Berlin ft Kate Walsh - When You Were Around!
07. Armin Van Buuren ft. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (Norin & Rad Remix)
08. Armin Van Buuren - We Are Here To Make Some Noise (Euro2012 Anthem)
09. Karanda - Cloud Nine (Juventa Remix)
10. Tempo Giusto & Ima'gin - Gemini ( Evol Waves Remix)
11. Darren Porter - Foundry
12. Ronski Speed & Susana - Winter Song
13. Thomas Ulstrup - Autumn Evening Star
14. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loops & Things (Original Mix)
15. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren with Rank1 - Witness (Tomas Heredia Remix)
16. HeatBeat - Chow Mein [World Premiere]
17. Tritonal ft. Cristina Soto - Everafter (Tritonal Club Mix)
18. Randry - White Magic (Nkoder Remix)
19. Eco - Echoes (Original Mix) [Tune Of The Week]
20. Menno De Jong - Never Lose The Magic
21. Hoyaa – Skydivers
22. Veselin Tasev - Sant Rafel de sa Creu (Original Eivissa Mix)
23. Deathmind & Choval - Critical Mass
24. Armin Van Buuren & Airwave – Sunspot (Sneijder Remix)
25. Andy Moor feat. Jessica Sweetman - In Your Arms (Aly & Fila Remix)
26. Perpetuous Dreamer – Dust Wav [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 561 (17-05-2012)
01. Arty - Open Space
02. Elfsong - Shar
03. Anton Firtich & Cramp - Amazing (B-Side Extended)
04. Luigi Lusini & Starchaser feat. Molly Bancroft - All I want (Kiunguja)
05. Simon J - Life Thru A Lens (Inners Remix)
06. Ignas feat. Julie Thompson - Hold On (Maor Levi Club Mix)
07. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro (Club Mix)
08. Dark Matters feat. Jess Morgan - The Perfect Lie (Beat Service Remix)
09. Emma Hewitt - Crucify (Arnej Mix)
10. Emma Hewitt - Miss You Paradise (Shogun Remix)
11. Wezz Devall - Stadium
12. Will Holland feat. Jeza - Every Heartbeat (Beat Service Remix)
13. DJ Feel feat. Aelyn - Your Love (Bjorn Akesson Remix)
14. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loops & Tings
15. Paul Oakenfold & Richard Durand - Crashed
16. Heatbeat - Chow Mein [Future Favorite]
17. Eco - Echoes
18. AYDA - Coliseum [Tune Of The Week]
19. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner
20. Solarstone - Pure (Club Mix)
21. Danny Ocean & Photographer - Underground
22. James Dymond - Morrel's Sonata In C Minor
23. Chris Turner & Luke Terry - Drifting Through Darkness (Photographer Remix)
24. Wach pres. Oussama Mlaouhia - Tunisia
25. Veselin Tasev - Sant Rafel de sa Creu (Original Eivissa Mix)
26. BT - Flaming June (Laptop Symphony Rework)
27. Zirenze - Edge of Space (Whiteroom remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 562 (24-05-2012)
01. Cosmic Gate and JSomething - Over The Rainbow (W&W Remix)
02. Chicane & Vigri - Three (Club Mix)
03. Andy Moor feat. Jessica Sweetman - In Your Arms (Rafael Frost Remix)
04. Gareth Emery - The Saga
05. Kyau & Albert - The Box
06. Ferry Corsten Feat. Aruna - Live Forever (Shogun Remix)
07. Aly & Fila vs Jwaydan - Coming Home (Eximinds Remix)
08. Susana & Beat Service - Different Worlds
09. Susana & Shogun - Only You
10. Martire & Flashtech's - Another World (Spark7 Remix)
11. Eximinds feat. Dragana - I Want To Fly Again?
12. Andy Tau - Homeland (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Remix)
13. Andi Karanda - Titan
14. Invalyd - Beat By Beat (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) vs Diddy Dirty Money feat. Skylar Grey - Coming Home (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
15. Ummet Ozcan - The Box
16. Stoneface & Terminal - Gallery Of Sound
17. Oliver Smith - Progress (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
18. W&W - Invasion (Heatbeat Remix)
19. Heatbeat - Chow Mein
20. AYDA - Coliseum
21. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Everafter (Tritonal Club Mix)
22. Ronski Speed - Proton 12 (Ronski Speed & Cressida Mix) [Tune Of The Week]
23. Solarstone & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Falcons
24. Pizz@dox - 4AM Redeemer (James Dymond Remix)
25. Paul Robertson & Nick Sentience – Sylo
26. Wach pres. Oussama Mlaouhia - Tunisia [Future Favorite]
27. G&M Project - Sunday Afternoon [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 563 (31-05-2012)
01. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - On My Way To Heaven (Above & Beyond Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
02. Cosmic Gate & J'Something - Over The Rainbow (W&W Remix) [Black Hole] [Future Favorite #1]
03. W&W & Jochen Miller - Summer (Original Mix) [Mainstage]
04. Tenishia & Jan Johnston - As It Should [S107]
05. Susana & Shogun - Only You (from the album 'Brave') [Armada]
06. Vast Vision Feat. Fisher - Hurricane (Ost & Meyer Remix) [Enhanced]
07. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi (Tom Fall remix) [Armind]
08. Ummet Ozcan - The Box [Spinnin']
09. Gareth Emery - The Saga (Original Dirty Mix) [Garuda]
10. Neev Kennedy & DNS Project - A Bridge [A&R]
11. Hydro Poison - Normandia (Mike Danis Remix) [Alter Ego]
12. Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge [A State Of Trance] [Tune Of The Week]
13. Matt Bukovski - In Dreams [Digital Society]
14. The Noble Six - Sundown In Dubai (Robbie Seed pres. Airsun Remix) [Blue Soho]
15. Poshout feat. Ange - Beside (Daniel Kandi's Dub Mix) [Timeline]
16. Fast Distance - Alpine [Digital Society]
17. Solarstone & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Falcons (album version) [Touchstone] [Future Favorite #2]
18. Aly & Fila vs Jwaydan - Coming Home [FSOE]
19. Bryan Kearney & Jamie Walker - Nataraja [Kearnage]
20. Mark Leanings - Whatever Happens (Arctic Moon Remix) [Subculture]
21. Vlind - Hidden [Only Trance]
22. Darren Porter - Sparkles [Trancefixion]
23. Wach pres. Oussama Mlaouhia - Tunisia [Blue Soho]
24. Solarstone - Pure (MaRlo Remix) [Touchstone]
25. Kirsty Hawkshaw meets Tenishia - Outsiders (Jose Amnesia Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 564 (07-06-2012)
01.Armin van Buuren - We Are Here To Make Some Noise (Maison & Dragen Remix) [Armind]
02. JOOP feat. Tiffany Johnston - Just One Night [High Contrast]
03. Christian Burns & Stefan Dabruck - Bullet [Armada]
04. Armin van Buuren & Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (Heatbeat Remix) [Armind]
05. Heatbeat - Extra Bacon [Captivating Sounds]
06. Ali Wilson - Lights of Aither [Armind]
07. Boom Jinx & Daniel Kandi - Azzura (Rafael Frost Remix) [Enhanced]
08. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - On My Way To Heaven (Above & Beyond Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
09. Johan Malmgren - Find You [Rebrand]
10. Aly & Fila meet Roger Shah - Perfect Love [Armada] [Tune Of The Week]
11. Andrew Rayel - Aeon of Revenge [ASOT] [Future Favorite]
12. Mr. Pit - River Of Hearts (Ben Gold Remix) [Coldharbour]
13. Lee Osborne - Yachtmaster [Lange]
14. Miroslav Vrlik - Pyramid Peaks (Sylvermay Remix) [Perceptive Recordings]
15. Behind The Sunset - Chameleon (Virtual Vault Remix) [Arisa Audio]
16. MALU - Oasa [Arcana]
17. Matt Davey - Nemisis (Uplifting Mix) [ASOT]
18. Sneijder - Away From Here (Sneijder’s 1am Remix) [Vandit]
19. TrancEye - Sunset In Your Eyes [Redux]
20. Mark Leanings - Whatever Happens (Arctic Moon Remix) [Subculture]
21. Meridian - Pressure [Infrasonic] -
22. Jordan Suckley - Spooked
23. Mark Sherry - My Love (Outburst Mix) [Night Vision]
24. Armin van Buuren - Rush Hour [Armind] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 565 (14-06-2012)
01. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Audrey Gallagher - Bang The Drum (Omnia Remix) [AVA]
02. Aly & Fila meet Roger Shah - Perfect Love [Armada] [Future Favorite]
03. Stoneface & Terminal - Here Comes The Sun (Club Mix) [Euphonic] [Tune Of The Week]
04. Heatbeat - Extra Bacon [Captivating Sounds]
05. KhoMha - The Dark Knight [Coldharbour]
06. Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match (Club Version) [Discowax]
07. Sean Tyas & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Arcobaleno (Classic Mix) [Vandit]
08. Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge [ASOT]
09. John O'Callaghan - Boban [Subculture]
10. The Noble Six - Sundown In Dubai (Ahmed Romel Remix) [Blue Soho]
11. Saltwater - The Legacy (Alphazone Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic] Armin van Buuren - Live @ ASOT Area, Electric Daisy Carnaval, Las Vegas, USA (10-06-2012) 01. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J’ai Envie De Toi (Tom Fall Remix) [Armind]
02. Armin van Buuren - We Are Here To Make Some Noise (Maison & Dragen Remix) [Armind]
03. Gareth Emery - The Saga (Original Dirty Mix) [Garuda]
04. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene vs. Tom Heredia & Marcelo Fratini - Fine Without Montana (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
05. Armin van Buuren & Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (Heatbeat Remix) [Armind]
06. Beat Service - Fortuna [Coldharbour]
07. W&W - Invasion (Club Mix) (ASOT 550 Anthem) [Armada]
08. ID - ID
09. ID - ID
10. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix) [Armind]
11. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin's Illegal Drum Edit) [Flashover]
12. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa vs. John O'Callaghan & Guiseppe Ottaviani - Burned With Desire vs. Ride The Wave (Will Atkinson Remix) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
13. W&W - AK-47 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
01 Denis Kenzo feat. Sveta B. - Lullaby Lonely
02. Andain - Turn Up The Sound (tyDi Remix)
03. Paul Oakenfold feat. J. Hart - Surrender (Flesh & Bone Remix)
04. Store N Forward and Aneym - I'll Be There
05. Mark Sixma vs. Fisherman & Hawkins - Perlas
06. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Audrey Gallagher - Bang The Drum (Omnia Remix)
07. Aly & Fila with Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Perfect Love
08. Running Man - Alternative Algebra
09. Alligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match (Club Mix)
10. Stoneface & Terminal - Here Comes The Sun (Club Mix)
11. DNS Project - 2Day
12. Lemon & Einar K - BBG [Tune Of The Week]
13. Will Atkinson pres. Darkboy - Darker Shades of Black (Angry Man Remix)
14. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - Antara (The Circle)
15. Sean Tyas & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Arcobaleno (Classic Mix)
16. Mr. Pit - River Of Hearts (Ben Gold Remix)
17. Celauro - Soundwaves
18. Photographer - Night Rush (Lee Miller Remix)
19. Aly & Fila vs Bjorn Akesson - Sand Theme [FSOE250 Anthem]
20. Rene Dale - Reset (James Poulton Remix)
21. Clay C - Switch
22. Bryan Kearney & Jamie Walker - Nataraja
23. John O'Callaghan - Boban
24. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Bryan Kearney Remix)
25. Airbase - Ocean Realm [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 567 (28-06-2012)
01. Andain - Turn Up the Sound (Xtigma Remix) [Black Hole]
02. Denis Kenzo feat. Sveta B. - Lullaby Lonely (Original Mix)
03. Norin & Rad - Retrograde [Enhanced]
04. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - On My Way To Heaven (Tomas Heredia At Sunrise Mix) [Anjunabeats]
05. Luigi Lusini & Starchaser feat Molly Bancroft - All I Want (Matteo Marini Mix) [The Clubbers]
06. Markus Schulz feat. Adina Butar - Caught (Club Mix) [Coldharbour]
07. Tritonal & Kaeno - Azuca (Club Mix) [Enhanced]
08. Roger Shah feat. Carla Werner - One Love (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Magic Island]
09. Nitrous Oxide & Dan Stone - Nautica [Anjunabeats]
10. Gelardi - Deira (Original Mix) [Armada]
11. Gradian - Valkyrie (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Remix) [Unearthed]
12. Lemon & Einar K pres. Capa - Bit By… [ASOT]
13. Paul van Dyk feat. Arty - The Ocean (Eddie Bitar Remix) [Vandit]
14. Dark Matters feat. Neev Kennedy - Loneliness Won’t Leave Me Alone (Sebastian Brandt Remix) [Armada]
15. Dan Thompson - Bipolar (Vengeance EP) [Digital Remedy]
16. C-Systems & Bushi - Ari (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced] [Tune Of The Week]
17. Stoneface & Terminal - Here Comes The Sun (Club Mix) [Euphonic]
18. Dart Rayne - Sophia (UCast Remix) [Trance All stars]
19. Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match (Club version) [Discowax] [Future Favorite]
20. Running Man - City Lights (Original Mix)
21. Paul Trainer - Outbound [Discover White]
22. AYDA - Pharoah (James Dymond remix) [Alter Ego]
23. Aly & Fila meet Solarstone - Fire Island (Aly & Fila Uplifting Mix)
24. Hans Zimmer - I Don’t Think Now Is The Best Time (Philippe El Sisi Remix)
25. Indecent Noise - Phobia (Bryan Kearney Remix)
26. Conjure One feat. Sinead O'Conner - Tears From The Moon (Tiesto Mix) [Nettwerk] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 568 (05-07-2012)
01. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum (Armin van Buuren remix) [Interscope]
02. Rex Mundi - Bella Monaco [Coldharbour]
03. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove- Love until it hurts (Aurosonic progressive mix) [Sola Records]
04. Chicane & Ferry Corsten - One Thousand Suns
05. W&W - Moscow [Mainstage]
06. Cosmic Gate - Perfect Stranger (Wezz Devall remix) [Blackhole]
07. Andy Moor - K Ta (from the album ‘Zero Point One’) [AVA]
08. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Trespass (from the album ‘Zero Point One’) [AVA]
09. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Silence In Your Heart (Antillas Remix) [Aropa]
10. Marcel Woods & W&W - Trigger [Revealed]
11. Cosmic Gate - The Godskitchen Beyond Sound Anthem [Blackhole]
12. Epos - Polarized (Magic Island Episode 200 Anthem)
13. Roger Shah feat. Carla Werner - One Love (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Magic Island]
14. Nhato feat. Hiroyuki Oda - Moonquake [Otographic Music]
15. Tomas Heredia - The Journey (Original Mix) [Captivating Sounds] [Tune Of The Week]
16. Amurai feat. Emma Hewitt - Crucify (MaRLo Remix) [Armada]
17. Ralph Novell - Lagoon [Monster]
18. Cape Town - Challenger (Paul Ercossa Remix) [Camouflage]
19. Chris Metcalfe - Curveball (Original Mix) [Subculture]
20. Porter Robinson - Spitfire (Bjorn Akesson remix) [OWSLA]
21. Sean Tyas feat. Lo-Fi Sugar - The World (Original Mix) [FSOE]
22. Running Man - Let Go [Silent Shore Recordings]
23. Aly & Fila meet Solarstone - Fire Island (Aly & Fila Uplifting Mix) [Future Favorite]
24. Simon Patterson - Within [Night Vision]
25. Armin van Buuren - Precious [Armind] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 569 (12-07-2012)
01. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Eternal Flame (Original album version) (taken from the album “Prime Mover”) [Armada]
02. Markus Schulz feat. Adina Butar - Caught (Tritonal Remix) [Coldharbour]
03. LTN - Never Let Me Go (Beat Service Remix) [Enhanced Progressive]
04. tyDi - Sex, Lies & Still Oblivious (LTN Remix) [Zouk]
05. Cosmic Gate - Perfect Stranger [Blackhole]
06. Tomas Heredia - Lost [Captivating Sounds] [Tune Of The Week]
07. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Sun Of Ilena (taken from the album “Prime Mover”) [Armada]
08. Emma Hewitt - Crucify (MaRLo DUB Remix) [Armada]
09. Store N Forward - Oregano [Enhanced]
10. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - Love until it hurts (Solis & Sean Truby mix) [Sola Records]
11. Max Graham feat. Jeza - Still There’s You (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Rebrand]
12. Sun Decade - I’m Alone (Stoneface & Terminal Mix) [ASOT Radio Classic] Hour 2: Recorded Live at A State of Trance in Privilege Ibiza (09-07-2012) 13. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Marc Simz Intro Mix) [High Contrast]
14. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Interscope]
15. Pryda vs. Max Robbers - Allein Now (AvB Mash up)
16. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay vs. Qulinez - Troll In My Mind (First State Mashup)
17. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion [Armind]
18. W&W - Moscow [Mainstage] [Future Favorite]
19. Porter Robinson - Language [Big Beat]
20. Heatbeat - Arganda (Chris Schweizer Mix)
21. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene vs. Tomas Heredia - Fine Without Montana (AvB Mash Up)
22. Ummet Ozcan - The Box [Spinnin]
23. Orjan Nilsen - Legions [Armind]
24. Beat Service - Fortuna [Cold Harbour]
25. Ruben de Ronde - Forever In Our Hearts (Spotlighted by Jorn van Deynhoven) vs. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel vs. Daniel Kandi & Ferry Tayle - Flying Blue (AvB Mash up)
26. Paul van Dyk feat. Austin Leeds - Verano (PvD’s Full Fire Mix) [Vandit]
A State of Trance 570 (05-07-2012)
01. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - Love Until It Hurts (Aurosonic Progressive Mix) [Sola]
02. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Eternal Flame (Original Breaks Mix) [Armada] [Future Favorite]
03. Chicane & Ferry Corsten - One Thousands Suns (Soundprank Mix) [Modena]
04. Amurai - Valencia [Songbird]
05. Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base - Razorfish (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) [Anjunabeats]
06. W&W - Moscow [Mainstage]
07. Audien - Eventide [Anjunabeats]
08. Mark Eteson - The Gathering (Global Gathering Anthem)
09. Fred Numf & Etienne Overdijk - Endorphin [Aropa]
10. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J’ai Envie De Toi (Protoculture Remix) [Armind]
11. Space RockerZ & Ellie Lawson - Under The Same Sky (Beat Service Remix) [Beat Service Audio]
12. Andy Moor - K Ta [AVA]
13. Greg Downey - Until Tomorrow [Night Vision]
14. Tomas Heredia - Lost [Captivating Sounds]
15. Elevation vs Grube & Hovsepian - City Of Angels (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour]
16. Ronski Speed - Proton 12 (Ronski Speed & Cressida Mix) The Gallery [Euphonic]
17. Extravagance SL - Nightshoft (Dan Stone Remix) [Tool Trance] [Tune Of The Week]
18. Dgoh - Next Wave (Dennis Sheperd Remix) [Amon Vision]
19. Estiva & Tania Zygar - Death Of Me (Ferry Tayle Remix) [Enhanced]
20. Solarstone with Aly & Fila - Fireisland [Touchstone]
21. Marcos - Just For A Day (Luke Bond Remix) [Borderline]
22. Indecent Noise - Phobia [Mental Asylum]
23. Sasha Carassi and Mikael Jonasson - Void vs. Gaia - Status Excessu D vs. Thriller (Accapella) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
24. Ayda - Pharoah (James Dymond Remix) [Alter Ego]
25. Veracocha - Carte Blanche [Deal] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 571 (26-07-2012)
01. Dennis Sheperd feat. Molly Bancroft - Silence (Club Mix) [High Contrast]
02. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - Love until it hurts (Aurosonic Progressive Mix) [Sola] [Future Favorite]
03. Ana Criado & Omnia - No One Home [A&R]
04. Beat Service - Mars [Enhanced]
05. Rex Mundi - Bella Monaco [Coldharbour]
06. Andrew Bayer - Monolith (Maor Levi Remix) [Anjunabeats]
07. Orjan Nilsen - Phireworx [Armind]
08. Jaytech feat. Steve Smith - Stranger (Kyau & Albert Remix) [Anjunabeats] [Tune Of The Week]
09. Tritonal feat. Jenry R - Something New (Rafael Frost Remix) [Air Up There]
10. Lange feat. Stine Grove - Crossroads [Lange]
11. Tenishia - Point of No Return (from the album ‘Memory of a Dream’) [Armada]
12. Tenishia - Where Do We Begin (from the album ‘Memory of a Dream’) [Armada]
13. Aly & Fila meet Roger Shah - Perfect Love [Magic Island]
14. Skytech - What’s Wrong (Skytech Stadium Mix) [Coldharbour]
15. Ron Hagen & Al-Exander - Accentus [Soundpiercing]
16. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Elleah - Keep The Fire (Sean Tyas Reminder Mix) [AVA]
17. ReOrder - Every Other Day (Eximinds Remix) [Perceptive]
18. Extravagance SL - Nightshift (Dan Stone Remix) [Tool Trance]
19. Up & Forward - Aquamarine (Dallaz Project Remix) [Mondo]
20. Poshout - Jumeirah [Timeline Music]
21. Andrew Candid & John Dopping - Polarise (Thomas Datt Remix) [Nu-Depth]
22. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Who’s The Starter 2012 (Original Revised) [Audientity]
23. A.R.D.I. & Ren - Infinity [Arisa]
24. Arctic Moon - Starships Over Alice [FSOE]
25. Agnelli & Nelson - Hudson Street [Xtravaganza] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 572 (02-08-2012)
01. Armin van Buuren - We Are Here To Make Some Noise [Armind]
02. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J’ai Envie De Toi (Tom Fall Remix) [Armind]
03. Ummet Ozcan - The Box [Spinnin']
04. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion [Armind]
05. Binary Finary - 1998 (Setrise Remix)
06. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Interscope]
07. Shogun - UFO [Armind]
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer (Norin & Rad Remix v3) [Armind]
09. Tomas Heredia - Montana vs. Armin van Buuren - Fine Without you (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I'll Listen [Armada] [World Premiere]
11. KhoMha - The Dark Knight (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
12. Andrew Rayel - Aeon of Revenge [ASOT]
13. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam [Armind]
14. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren vs. Shogun - Man On The Skyfire (Club Mix) [Aropa]
15. Skytech - What’s Wrong (Skytech Stadium Mix) [Coldharbour]
16. ID - ID
17. Armin van Buuren - ID
18. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix) [Armind]
19. Mark Sherry - Sangre Caliente vs. MaRlo - Megalodon (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
20. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter [Armind]
21. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Who’s The Starter 2012 (Original Revised) [Audientity]
22. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin’s Illegal Drum Edit) [Flashover]
23. Sasha Carassi and Mikael Jonasson - Void vs. Gaia - Status Excessu D vs. Thriller (Accapella) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
24. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix) (Armin van Buuren Edit) [Subculture]
25. Ottaviani & O'Callaghan - Ride The Wave vs. Armin van Buuren - Burned With Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
A State of Trance 573 (09-08-2012)
01. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Like Spinning Plates (Alexander Popov Remix)
02. Velvetine - The Great Divide
03. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - Still Waters (Colorless Remix) (from the album ‘Blossom & Decay')
04. Matt Darey & Stan Kolev - Altitude (from the album ‘Blossom & Decay')
05. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - I Still Remember (Lian July Remix) (from the album ‘Blossom & Decay')
06. Solarstone with Aly & Fila - Fireisland (Future Disciple Remix) [Tune Of The Week]
07. Solid Stone - Surge
08. Ana Criado & Omnia - No One Home [Future Favorite]
09. James Poulton - Evolve
10. Tangle & Mateusz - Fracture
11. Dennis Sheperd feat. Molly Bancroft - Silence
12. Jaytech feat. Steve Smith - Stranger (Kyau & Albert Remix)
13. Tucandeo - Club Stalkin (Basil O'Glue Remix)
14. Stoneface & Terminal and Cathy Burton - Go The Distance (Dub Mix)
15. Simon Patterson feat. Sarah Howells - Here & Now
16. XB & Linnea Schossow - Be My All (Mark Sherry Remix)
17. Fast Distance - Ys
18. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Always Loved U
19. Snatt & Vix feat. Neev Kennedy - At the End of the Day (Suncatcher Remix)
20. Ronny K. pres. Advanced - Osiris
21. Andrew Rayel - Exponential
22. Rory Gallagher & Luigi Palagano - Es Vedra (Matt Bukovski Remix)
23. 2nd Phase - Dragonbomb
24. Liquid Vision pres. LIKWID - Nothing Else Matters
25. Arctic Moon - Starships Over Alice (Paul Webster Remix)
26. Mark Otten - So Serene (Menno De Jong's Heading South Dub Mix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 574 (16-08-2012)
01. Velvetine – The Great Divide
02. Exostate – Easily I Fell (Norin & Rad Remix)
03. Wach & Hjerkinn – What If
04. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Like Spinning Plates (Alexander Popov Remix)
05. Richard Sebastian – Full Disclosure (Original Mix) [Tune Of The Week]
06. Las Salinas vs. Gofman & Tsukerman – El Clasico
07. Genix – Destinations
08. Broning feat. Anthya – Divine (Original Mix)
09. Nitrous Oxide & Jess Morgan – Two Sides
10. Super8 & Tab – Fiesta
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado – I’ll Listen [Premier]
12. Quake & Rob Tissera – The Day Will Come (Heatbeat Remix)
13. Andrew Rayel – Coriolis
14. Andrew Rayel – Exponential (Original Mix) [Future Favorite]
15. Richard Durand & Protoculture – Pleasure
16. Wellenrausch – Million Miles to Run (Phynn Remix)
17. Full Tilt feat. Kat Norbergen – Letting Go (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
18. Simon Patterson feat. Sarah Howells – Here & Now
19. Lemon – We Can’t Fly (Solarstone Pure Mix)
20. A.R.D.I & Ren – Infinity
21. Paul Oakenfold – Come Together
22. Stan Wise – Alderaan
23. Proyal – Arsenal
24. Ehren Stowes – Phase 2
25. Paul Webster – The Joker
26. JOOP – The Future (Trance Energy 2007 Anthem) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 575 (23-08-2012)
01. Dinka - Lotus (Soundprank Remix) [Sirup]
02. Norin & Rad - 5 Finger Death Punch [Anjunabeats]
03. Tritonal - Ziziki (Estiva Remix) [Air Up There]
04. Misja Helsloot feat. Fisher - Inspire
05. ID - ID (preview from 'Universal Religion Chapter 6')
06. Shogun - UFO [Armind]
07. Super8 & Tab - Fiesta (Tom Fall Remix) [Anjunabeats]
08. Orjan Nilsen - Phireworx [Armind]
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I’ll Listen [Armind] [Future Favorite]
10. The Thrillseekers feat. Stine Grove - Everything (Wellenrausch Remix) [Adjusted]
11. Kyau & Albert with Ronski Speed - Euphonia (Original Mix) [Euphonic]
12. Sequentia & Jaco - Crossfire (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
13. Essonita - Blurring (Original Mix) [Noytafeel]
14. Ben Gold - Where Life Takes Us (Original Mix) [Garuda]
15. Ayda - Legend (Original Mix) [Alter Ego]
16. Tucandeo - Club Stalkin' (Basil O'Glue Remix) [Arisa]
17. ReOrder - Every Other Day (Eximinds Remix) [Perceptive]
18. Richard Durand & Protoculture - Pleasure [Magik Muzik]
19. Full Tilt feat. Katrina Noorbergen - Letting Go (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Subculture]
20. Onova - Shamanic B [Ncore]
21. Paul Webster - Nailed (James Dymond Remix) [Captivating Sounds]
22. ID - ID (preview from 'Universal Religion Chapter 6') [Tune Of The Week]
23. Sasha Carassi and Mikael Jonasson - Void vs. Gaia - Status Excessu D (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
24. Albert Vorne - Formentera What (Gareth Emery Remix) [Club Elite] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 576 (30-08-2012)
01. Aruna - Save The Day (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix) [Black Hole]
02. Talla 2XLC and Surpresa - Silver (Jorn van Deynhoven Fixed) [Tetsuo]
03. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Air Up There]
04. Faruk Sabanci - Elveda (Original Mix) [Armada] (preview from 'Universal Religion Chapter 6') [Future Favorite]
05. Tomas Heredia - The Witch (Original Mix) [Armada] (preview from 'Universal Religion Chapter 6')
06. Dash Berlin feat. Band Of Horses - The Funeral [Aropa] [Tune Of The Week]
07. The Thrillseekers feat Stine Grove - Everything (Wellenrausch Remix) [Adjusted]
08. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) [Flashover]
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I’ll Listen [Armind]
10. Markus Schulz feat. Seri - Love Rain Down (4 Strings Remix) [Coldharbour]
11. Markus Schulz & Mr. Pit - Push The Button [Coldharbour] (from the album “Scream”)
12. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line [Coldharbour] (from the album “Scream”)
13. Markus Schulz with Elevation & KhoMha - Triotonic [Coldharbour] (from the album “Scream”)
14. Simon Patterson - Always (Jordan Suckley Remix) [Nightvision]
15. Allen Watts - Split Second [In Trance We Trust]
16. Fady & Mina - Kepler 22 (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix) [FSOE]
17. Reiklavik & Iqcha - Without Words (Matt Bukovski Remix) [Infected Identity]
18. Matt Bukovski - Retrospection (Original Mix) [Armada] (preview from 'Universal Religion Chapter 6')
19. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don’t Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Vandit]
20. James Dymond & Atlantia - Imperium (Original Mix Edit) [Soundpiercing]
21. Matt Davey - Believe In Me [Armada] (preview from 'Universal Religion Chapter 6')
22. Onova - Shamanic B [Ncore]
23. Luke Terry - No Control (James Dymond Remix) [Subculture]
24. Afterburn - Summersun [Tatsumaki] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 577 (06-09-2012)
01. Markus Schulz feat. Seri - Love Rain Down (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix) [Coldharbour]
02. Dash Berlin feat. Band Of Horses - The Funeral [Aropa]
03. York presents Igor Dyachkov & U-Jeen - Evolution (Club Mix) [Planet Love]
04. Tritonal feat. Jeza - Can’t Keep It In (Maor Levi’s ‘Starlight’ Remix) [Air Up There]
05. Solis & Sean Truby feat. Andy Tau - Summer Heights (LTN Remix) [Infra Progressive]
06. Paul Webster - Time (MaRLo Dub Remix) [Captivating Sounds]
07. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Club Mix) [Armind] [Tune Of The Week]
08. Faruk Sabanci - Elveda [Armada]
09. Tritonal feat. Jeza - I Can Breathe (Nitrous Oxide Remix) [Air Up There]
10. NDS & Blue vs. Spark7 - Senses [Alter Ego]
11. Gologan - Missing (Eximinds Remix) [Play Beat]
12. Shogun - UFO [Armind]
13. Loobosh - Morning Dew (Dmitry Golban Remix) [Silent Shore]
14. Letthemusicplay feat. UTRB - Don’t Weigh Me Down (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Remix) [Pilot 6]
15. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line (Extended Mix) [Coldharbour]
16. Team Bastian - Innerface (Bastian & MaRlo remix) [Audientity]
17. Fady & Mina - Kepler 22 (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix) [FSOE] [Future Favorite]
18. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don’t Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Vandit]
19. Pierre In The Air - Salire (Moonsouls Remix) [Alter Ego Progressive]
20. Simon O’Shine - Your Distant World [Trance All Stars]
21. Gary Maguire & Stereo Wildlife - Always Different [Perfecto Fluoro]
22. Sebastian Brandt - Java (Chris Metcalfe Remix) [Ncore]
23. Solarstone with Giuseppe Ottaviani - Falcons (John O’Callaghan Remix) [Black Hole]
24. Mark Norman - Overkill [Black Hole] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 578 (13-09-2012)
01. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Armin van Buuren Intro Edit)
02. Paul Webster feat. Angelic Amanda - Time (MaRLo Dub Remix)
03. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic vs Broning - Relict
04. Orjan Nilsen - Burana
05. Synergy - Hello Strings [Universal Religion Classic]
06. Juventa - Metamorphose
07. Richard Sebastian - Full Disclosure
08. Omnia - Infina
09. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Eternal Flame (Original Breaks Mix)
10. Solarstone with Aly & Fila - Fireisland (Future Disciple Remix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I'll Listen
12. Markus Schulz vs. Andy Moor - Daydream [Universal Religion Classic]
13. Protoculture - Perpetual Motion [Tune Of The Week]
14. Tomas Heredia - The Witch
15. Faruk Sabanci - Elveda
16. Daniel Kandi - 3 Strikes UR In
17. Skytech - What's Wrong (Skytech Stadium Mix)
18. Stoneface & Terminal - Green Velvet
19. A.R.D.I. - Premontion
20. Matt Davey - Believe In Me
21. RAM - RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Universal Religion Classic]
22. Matt Bukovski - Retrospection
23. Signum - The Timelord [Universal Religion Classic]
24. Simon O'Shine - Your Distant World (Original Mix) [Future Favorite]
25. Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match (Club Mix)
26. Neptune Project feat. Polly Strange - The Inside
27. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix) [Universal Religion Classic]
28. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner
29. Mark Burton vs. Sunlounger & Zara Taylor - Try Understatement To Be Love (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
30. Thomas Bronzwaer - Resound [Universal Religion Classic]
A State of Trance 579 (20-09-2012)
01. BT & Arty feat. Nadia Ali - Must Be The Love
02. Shogun feat. Emma Lock - Fly Away
03. Speed Limits - Here We Are
04. Orjan Nilsen - Burana
05. Skytech vs. Fafaq - International
06. Protoculture - Perpetual Motion
07. Ashley Wallbridge - Grenade
08. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Club Mix)
09. Aeris feat. Jess Morgan - What Do You Feel (Re:Locate vs. Robert Nickson Bangin' Mix)
10. Bobina - The Space Track (Andrew Rayel Remix)
11. Lansy K - The Limb
12. Eco - Desert Song [Tune Of The Week]
13. DGoh - Minus Degrees (Eximinds Remix)
14. John B feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw - Connected (Craig Connelly Remix)
15. DJ Feel - Darklight
16. Ralphie B - Face Off
17. Ost & Meyer - Argentum
18. Rapha - Nice (Maarten De Jong Remix)
19. Basil O'Glue & Styller - Saturated (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Remix)
20. Will Holland feat. Jeza - Every Heartbeat (Matt Bukovski Remix)
21. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner [Future Favorite]
22. Eddie Bitar - Juggernaut
23. Paul Webster - The Joker (Heatbeat Remix)
24. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
25. Simon O'Shine - Your Distant World (Original Mix)
26. Matt Davey - Slipstream (Original Mix)
27. Jose Amnesia - The Eternal (Original Mix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 580 (27-09-2012)
01. Deadmau5 - Fn Pig [Mau5trap]
02. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Armin van Buuren Intro Edit) [Armind]
03. Faruk Sabanci - Elveda (Original Mix) [AVA]
04. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Interscope]
05. BT vs. Norin & Rad vs. Recurve - The Emergency Gift (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
06. W&W - Invasion (Club Mix) [ASOT 550 Anthem] [ASOT]
07. Protoculture - Perpetual Motion [Re*Brand]
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I’ll Listen [Armind]
09. DJ Feel - Darklight [A&R]
10. Andrew Rayel - Aeon of Revenge [ASOT]
11. Lemon - We Can’t Fly (Solarstone Pure Mix) [Touchstone]
12. Frans Bak - Forbrydelsen Montage (ID Remix)
13. Push - Universal Nation (Orjan Nilsen 2012 Remix)
14. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - ID
15. Nenes & Pascal Feliz - Platinum (Ben Gold Remix)
16. Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match [Discowax]
17. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner [ASOT]
18. A.R.D.I. - Premonition [Silent Shore White]
19. Matt Davey - Believe In Me (Original Mix) [Armada]
20. Eddie Bitar - Juggernaut [Mental Asylum]
21. Mark Burton - Understatement vs. Sunlounger - Try To Be Love (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
22. Armin van Buuren feat. Airwave - Sunspot (Sneijder Remix)
23. Porter Robinson - Language (Ben Nicky’s 140bpm Headf__k)
24. Sasha Carassi and Mikael Jonasson - Void vs. Gaia - Status Excessu D vs. Thriller (Accapella) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
25. Armin van Buuren - Serenity [Armind]
26. Ottaviani & O’Callaghan - Ride The Wave vs. Armin van Buuren - Burned With Desire (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
27. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin’s Illegal Drum Edit) [Flashover]
A State of Trance 581 (04-10-2012)
01. Deadmau5 - Closer [Mau5trap]
02. Lange - We Are Lucky People [Lange]
03. Orjan Nilsen - Copperfield [Armind]
04. Baiaz Project - Lujan (Evol Waves RERE Remix) [Sorcery Records]
05. Arman Bahrami - Farewell [E Musica]
06. FRONT - Yossu (Denis Sender Remix) [COF]
07. Exostate - Easily I Fell (Ferry Tayle ‘The Wizard’ Remix) [Enhanced]
08. Tenishia - Where Do We Begin (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Armada] [Tune Of The Week]
09. Frans Bak - The Killing (Armin Van Buuren Remix) [PMAM]
10. BobinaThe Space Track (Andrew Rayel Stadium Remix) [Magik Muzik] [Future Favorite]
11. Ben Gold feat. the Glass Child - Fall With Me [Garuda]
12. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I’ll Listen (Super8 & Tab Remix) [Armind]
13. Aruna - Save The Day (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix) [Black Hole]
14. Mike Foyle & Surpresa - Placebo [Soundpiercing]
15. Ayda - Queen [Alter Ego]
16. Mavi - Neza [Blue Soho]
17. Beat Service - Impulse [Beat Service Audio]
18. Delerium - Days Turn Into Nights (Solarstone PURE mix) [Nettwerk]
19. Alexandre Bergheau - Colors of Persia [Blue Soho Recordings]
20. Talla 2XLC - Starz (Club mix) [Tetsuo]
21. Matt Davey - Oblivion [Armada]
22. Kenan Teke - Black Tulips [Blue Soho]
23. Angry Man - Tyrant [Monster Digital]
24. OceanlabSirens Of The Sea (Above & Beyond’s Club Mix) [Anjunabeats] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 582 (11-10-2012)
01. Let The Music Play feat. UTRB - All I Can Give You (Ashley Wallbridge Remix) [Pilot 6]
02. Eric Prydz - Every Day [Pryda]
03. Maywave - Harmony [Alter Ego Progressive]
04. Bartlett Bros & Amex - Illuminate (Aurosonic Remix) vs. York & Steve Brian - Salida Del Sol (York’s Album Mix) (Allion Mashup)
05. Ultimate - One Way To A Better World [Infrasonic]
06. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Trespass (Antillas & Dankann Club Mix) [AVA]
07. Estiva feat. Josie - Clich [Enhanced]
08. Tenishia - Where Do We Begin (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Armada] [Future Favorite]
09. Ben Gold feat. the Glass Child - Fall With Me [Garuda]
10. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I’ll Listen (John OCallaghan Dark Mix) [Armind]
11. Tommygoff - Photon [High Contrast Nu Breed]
12. Alexandre Bergheau - Colors of Persia [Blue Soho]
13. UCast - Genesis (Original Mix) [Interstate] [Tune Of The Week]
14. Airwave - Above The Sky 2012 [Banshee] (from the album ‘Dark Lines’)
15. Frans Bak - The Killing (Armin van Buuren Remix) [PMAM]
16. MaRLo - Lightning [Armada]
17. Ralphie B - The Holy Grail [ASOT]
18. Stevy Forello - Horizon Of City Lights (Sunset Remix) [Alter Ego Progressive]
19. Michael Dow - Ursa Major [Kill The Lights]
20. Neptune Project feat. Polly Strange - The Inside [Armada]
21. Airway 7 - Electrified (Global Influence Remix) [Silent Shore]
22. Space Raven - Samantha [Blue Soho]
23. Photographer - Airport [Monster Tunes]
24. SoundLift - Revenge (Original 2012 Mix) [Abora]
25. Lost Witness - Happiness Happening (Lange Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic] (from “ASOT Classics vol. 7?)
A State of Trance 583 (18-10-2012)
01. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren's Illegal Drum Edit)
02. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
03. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
04. Armin van Buuren - Sail
05. Rank 1 - Airwave (ID Bootleg Remix)
06. Rank 1 - 7 Instead Of 8 [Tune Of The Week]
07. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
08. Bobina feat. Betskie Larkin - No Substitute For You
09. Frans Bak - The Killing (Armin van Buuren Remix)
10. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Trespass (Antillas & Dankmann Remix)
11. Alex O'Rion - Tornado
12. Dennis Sheperd - Edge of The World
13. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
14. SoundLift - Alexandria
15. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Eximinds Remix)
16. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Hannah - When I Close My Eyes (Aly & Fila Remix)
17. Photographer - Airport
18. SoundLift - Revenge (Original 2012 Mix) [Future Favorite]
19. System F - Dance Valley Theme 2001 [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 584 (25-10-2012)
01. Nigel Good - Come Home (Blake Jarrell remix) [Nueva]
02. Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Island (Antillas Vocal Mix) [Magic Island]
03. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Calm down (Omnia Remix) [Black Hole]
04. Maywave - Harmony [Alter Ego Progressive]
05. SHato & Paul Rockseek - Found You (Original Mix) [Tool]
06. EDX - Touched [Toolroom]
07. Ellie Lawson with Adrian & Raz - A New Moon (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Dub) [A&R]
08. Rank 1 - 7 Instead Of 8 [High Contrast Recordings]
09. NDS & Blue vs. Spark7 - Senses (Jonas Hornblad Remix) [Alter Ego]
10. AYDA - Pharaoh (Wach Remix) [Alter Ego]
11. Shogun - UFO [Armind]
12. Ahmed Romel - Moon glow (Alexandre Bergheau Remix) [Blue Soho]
13. Chris Schweizer - Believe [Soundpiercing]
14. Trance Arts & Colin James - Somnium [Silent Shore] [Tune Of The Week]
15. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Amba Shepherd - Lost For Words (On Air mix) [Vandit]
16. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Hannah - When I Close My Eyes (Aly & Fila remix) [Armada]
17. Yahel & Liya - Creatures (Paul Oakenfold Remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
18. Falcon - Aquila [Always Alive]
19. John Newall - Dropkick (Simon Bostock Remix) [Mental Asylum]
20. SoundLift - Alexandria [Abora] [Future Favorite]
21. Alex Larichev - Operatic (Matt Bukovski Remix) [Arisa]
22. Sneijder - Shadow [Kearnage]
23. Scot Project - C1 [Night Vision]
24. Rank 1 - Awakening (Ferry Corsten Remix) [ID&T] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 585 (01-11-2012)
01. Armin van Buuren - Serenity (Eximinds Remix Intro Edit) [Armind]
02. Ana Criado & Beat Service - Whispers [A&R]
03. Tritonal vs.Super8 & Tab - Arc [Air Up There]
04. Arty - Grand Finale
05. D-Mad - All To The Good [Infra Progressive]
06. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Extended Mix) [Coldharbour]
07. Liuck & XB feat. Fenja - Prince & Beggar (Andrew Rayel Remix)
08. Armin van Buuren & Deadmau5 - ID
09. Ron Hagen & Al-Exander - Electric Eyes (Original Mix) [Soundpiercing]
10. Craig Connelly - Like Whatever [Garuda]
11. Turn & Aguada feat. ESKOVA - Straight From My Heart (Re:Locate Remix) [Molekular Sounds]
12. Skytech & Darius Romanowski - Another Joy [Soundpiercing]
13. Spark7 & Sylvi - Disappear [Armada]
14. Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight feat. Gemma Pavlovic - Agree to Disagree [A&R]
15. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Club Mix) [Armind]
16. Mario Ayuda & Chris Callado - Limitless [Interstate Recordings]
17. AYDA - Pharaoh (Wach Remix) [Alter Ego] [Future Favorite]
18. Alexandre Bergheau - Adduria [Blue Soho]
19. Anthony S - The Spirit [Nexgen Sounds] [Tune Of The Week]
20. Andre Visior - True Moments (Suncatcher Remix) [Breathe Music]
21. Tonny Nesse - Hole In The Sky (Arctic Moon Remix) [FSOE]
22. Solange & Binary Finary - Subliminal Delusions (Original Classics Mix) [Future Focus]
23. Damian Wasse & Specific Slice - Supernova Explosion [Community of Future]
24. Lee Miller - Reckless [Ariaknights]
25. Proyal - Bazaar [Blue Soho]
26. Jamie Drummond - Joyride [Mental Asylum]
27. Eddie Bitar - The Ascend [Armada]
28. Ronski Speed with Stoneface & Terminal - Incognition [Euphonic] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 586 (08-11-2012)
01. 4 Strings feat. Ana Criado - Breathe Life In [Spinnin']
02. Matt Bukovski - Blissful Time [Monster Tunes]
03. eleven.five - For All Occasions [Alter Ego Progressive]
04. Ana Criado & Beat Service - Whispers [A&R]
05. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Alchemy (Above & Beyond Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
06. Above & Beyond - Sun In Your Eyes (Mark Sherry’s ‘Argentinian Sun’ Remix) [Anjunabeats]
07. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde feat. Shannon Hurley - Love Survives (Toby Hedges Remix) [S107]
08. Store N Forward - Roses (Club Mix) [Afterglow]
09. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour]
10. Chris Cortez - Future Shock [Fraction]
11. Nitrous Oxide & Hodel - Safe [Infrasonic]
12. Aly & Fila vs. Bjorn Akesson - Sand Theme (FSOE 250 Anthem) (Chris Schweizer Mix) [FSOE] [Tune Of The Week]
13. Eximinds - On Fire [Enhanced]
14. Ferry Corsten vs. Markus Schulz - Stella [Flashover]
15. Dimension - Shoco (Thomas Datt Remix) [Infrasonic]
16. Robbie Seed - Kalypso [Blue Soho]
17. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Amba Shepherd - Lost For Words (On Air Mix) [Vandit]
18. Walsh & McAuley feat. David Berkeley - Sail On The Waves (Solarstone Pure Dub) [Touchstone]
19. Tonny Nesse - Hole In The Sky (Arctic Moon Remix) [FSOE] [Future Favorite]
20. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix) [Armind]
21. Thomas Datt - It’s In The Past [Discover] (from the album ‘Picking up the pieces’)
22. Chris Metcalfe - Power Trip [Monster Tunes]
23. Arisen Flame - Memories Of Love (Uplifting Mix)
24. Yahel & Liya - Creatures (Paul Oakenfold Remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
25. Robbie Seed - Devosa (Sebastian Brandt Remix) [Ncore]
26. Lisa Lashes & Orla Feeney - Mind Control (James Dymond Remix) [Lashed]
27. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa - Burned With Desire [Armind]
28. Marco V - Tolerance [ID&T] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 587 (15-11-2012)
01. Eddie Bitar & Genix feat. Jennifer Rene - Drift (Eddie Bitar Vocal Mix) [Armada]
02. Anushka De’sai - Far & Close (LTN Sunrise Mix) [Nueva]
03. Matt Bukovski - Blissful Time [Monster Tunes]
04. Damian Wasse - Into The Love (Club Mix) [Defcon]
05. Airbase - Uppercut [ASOT]
06. Lange - Destination Anywhere [Lange]
07. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour]
08. Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Island (Antillas Vocal Mix) [Magic Island]
09. Wach - Abbey (James Dymond Remix)
10. Shogun feat. Emma Lock - Fly Away [S107]
11. Corderoy - Run Into The Sun (Tangle & Mateusz Dub Mix) [High Contrast]
12. NDS & Blue vs. Spark7 - Senses (Jonas Hornblad Remix) [Alter Ego]
13. Aly & Fila vs. Bjorn Akesson - Sand Theme (FSOE 250 Anthem) (Chris Schweizer Mix) [FSOE]
14. W&W - Lift Off! [Mainstage]
15. Craig Connelly - Like Whatever [Garuda]
16. Above & Beyond - Sun In Your Eyes (Mark Sherry’s ‘Argentinian Sun’ Remix) [Anjunabeats]
17. Liuck & XB feat. Fenja - Prince & Beggar (Andrew Rayel Dub Remix) [S107]
18. Eximinds - On Fire [Enhanced]
19. Altima - My Memories [Tellurium]
20. Damian Wasse & Specific Slice - Supernova Explosion [Community of Future]
21. Richard Durand & Heatbeat - Devils Inside [Magik Muzik]
22. Solarstone vs. Scott Bond - 3rd Earth (Heatbeat Remix) [Captivating Sounds] [Tune Of The Week]
23. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Amba Shepherd - Lost For Words (On Air Mix) [Vandit]
24. Dan Stone - Drive (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Tooltrance]
25. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix) [Armind] [Future Favorite]
26. Way Out West - Killa (DJ Orkidea Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 588 (22-11-2012)
01. Estiva & Cardinal feat. Arielle Maren - Wait Forever (Estiva Mix) [Enhanced]
02. Sunset Slave - Levitation [Silent Shore]
03. Orkidea - Liberation [Solaris]
04. Sied van Riel feat. Temper Heart - Carved By Your Hands (Wezz Devall Remix) [S107]
05. Anushka De’sai - Far & Close (LTN Sunrise Mix) [Nueva Digital]
06. Yuri Kane feat. Jeza - Love Comes [Flashover]
07. Ferry Corsten vs. Markus Schulz - Stella
08. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - DUI [Garuda]
09. Chris Schweizer & Chris Jones - Reason (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Soundpiercing]
10. W&W - Lift Off! [Mainstage]
11. Yura Moonlight - Harrier [Coldharbour]
12. Tenishia & Ruben De Ronde feat. Shannon Hurley - Love Survives (Bigroom Mix) [S107]
13. Luke Bond - Dropzone [Monster Tunes]
14. Thomas Bronzwaer - Proteus [ASOT]
15. Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland - Muriwai (Max Graham Remix) [Subculture]
16. Chris Cortez - Future Shock vs. Ben Gold - Fall With Me (Accapella) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
17. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour]
18. Matt Millon & Antonia Lucas - So Good (Jonas Hornblad Remix) [Captured]
19. Wach - Abbey (James Dymond Remix) [Future Favorite]
20. RAM - Grotesque (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Ram Original Mix) [AVA] [Tune Of The Week]
21. Neev Kennedy with Adrian & Raz - This Heart Is Yours (Philippe EL Sisi Remix) [A&R]
22. A.R.D.I. - Hopeful
23. Chris Metcalfe - Watching Over Me (James Dymond Remix) [FSOE]
24. Aiera - Dunes (Ahmed Romel Remix) [Abora]
25. OzzyXPM - Left Behind (Will Atkinson Remix) [Blue Soho]
26. Sonic Element - Destruction [Perfecto Fluoro]
27. Photographer - Airport vs. Armin van Buuren - Shivers (Accapella) (Armin van Buuren MashUp)
28. Lange vs. Gareth Emery - Another You, Another Me [Vandit] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 589 (29-11-2012)
01. W&W - Lift Off! [Mainstage] [Future Favorite]
02. G Tek & Kimberly Hale - Swan Song (Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight Remix) [Amsterdam Trance]
03. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Alchemy (Myon & Shane 54 Redemption Mix) [Anjunabeats]
04. Ronski Speed feat. Melissa Loretta - Sanity [Euphonic]
05. meHiLove - Daylight (Andy Tau Remix) [Infrasonic]
06. Estiva - Smiley Smilesworth [Enhanced]
07. Braiman & Falcon - Serenity [Enhanced]
08. Yuri Kane feat. Jeza - Love Comes [Flashover]
09. Dennis Pedersen - Acta Est Fabula (Lemon & Einar K Remix) [Blue Soho]
10. Signum - First Strike (Juventa Club Mix) [Armada]
11. Signum - Centurion (Faruk Sabanci’s Tripod Mix) [Armada]
12. Darren Porter & Ferry Tayle - Neptune’s Siren (Sean Tyas Remix) [Tytanium] [Tune Of The Week]
13. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Hannah - When I Close My Eyes (ID Mix) [Armada]
14. RAM - Grotesque (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & RAM Original Mix) [AVA]
15. Liam Melly & John Henderson - Take Control [Aria]
16. Daniel Kandi - #Trancefamily [Enhanced]
17. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Life Gate (Club Mix)
18. Planet Perfecto - Bullet In The Gun (Gary Maguire Remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
19. Nyx - Kyro [Monster Tunes]
20. Frans Bak - The Killing (Armin van Buuren Remix) [PM:AM]
21. Aiera - Dunes (Ahmed Romel Remix) [Abora]
22. James Dymond - Alana (Original Mix) [Armada]
23. Will Atkinson - Unleash [Night Vision]
24. Solarstone - 3rd Earth (Heatbeat Remix) vs. Not Giving Up On Love (Accapella) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
25. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson - Yet Another Day (Hiver & Hammer Ground Control Remix) [Armind] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 590 (06-12-2012)
01. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Betsie Larkin – Play It Back (Maor Levi Remix) [Organized Nature]
02. Mike Danis & Johnny Yono – Ambrosia [Enhanced Progressive]
03. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Shannon Hurley – Monday Morning Madness (Alexander Popov Remix) [ASOT]
04. Andy Hope – Wanna Be [Interstate]
05. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston – Alchemy (Myon & Shane 54 Redemption Mix) [Anjunabeats]
06. Armin van Buuren – Serenity (Eximinds Remix) [Armind]
07. KhoMha – Dusk Riddles [Coldharbour]
08. KhoMha – Genesis [Coldharbour]
09. Emma Hewitt – Rewind (Mikkas Remix) [Armada]
10. A.R.D.I. – Hopeful (LTN Remix) [Arisa]
11. Signum – The Timelord (Mark Sixma Remix) [Armada]
12. Mike Koglin vs. 7 Skies – Vision [Anjunabeats]
13. Orbion – Supreme (Evol Waves Remix) [Blue Soho]
14. Luke Bond – Dropzone [Monster Tunes]
15. C-Systems feat. Hanna Finsen – Save The Moment (Matt Bukovski Dub) [Alter Ego]
16. Fallen Skies & Pluton – At Dawn (Dima Krasnik Remix) [Redux]
17. RAM – Grotesque (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & RAM Original Mix) [AVA]
18. Signum – Centurion (Faruk Sabanci’s Tripod Mix) [Armada]
19. Aly & Fila vs. John O’Callaghan – Vaporize [FSOE]
20. Darren Porter & Ferry Tayle – Neptune’s Siren (Sean Tyas Remix) [Tytanium]
21. Spark7 – Insania [Always Alive]
22. Ben Nicky – Gemini [Night Vision] [Tune Of The Week]
23. Aiera – Dunes (Ahmed Romel Remix) [Abora] [Future Favorite]
24. James Dymond – Alana (Original Mix) [Armada]
25. Nymark & Dryden – Colours (Amir Hussain Remix) [Defcon]
26. Cygnus X – Orange Theme (Allen & Envy Rework)
27. John O’Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher – Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 591 (13-12-2012)
01. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix) [Future Favorite]
02. Losing Rays - Lonely Streets (Gregory Esayan Remix)
03. Sebastien Weikum - It Moves On (Roddy Reynart Remix)
04. Danny Chen - Last Chance For Love
05. Arisen Flame - When Dreams Come True
06. Estiva - Smiley Smilesworth
07. A.R.D.I. - Hopeful (LTN Remix)
08. Skytech - No Need For Words
09. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
10. Matt Davey - Neutrino
11. Paul Denton - Out Tonight (Original Mix)
12. Ethillas - Euphorica (Suncatcher & Mihai M present Starshifters Remix)
13. Stoneface & Terminal - Scuderia (Club Mix) [Tune Of The Week]
14. Harry Square - The Space Between
15. Neev Kennedy with Adrian & Raz - This Heart Is Yours (Philippe El Sisi Remix)
16. Majera - Nothing Is Forever (Matt Bukovski Remix)
17. Solis & Sean Truby - The Climb (Solis & Sean Truby's Electronic Audio Outro)
18. Aly & Fila vs. John O'Callaghan - Vaporize
19. Andain - What It's Like (Sneijder Remix)
20. Grenz & Skaarung - Radiate (Suncatcher Remix)
21. DJ Ives M & DJ T.H. - More Nights In Neverland 2012 (Trance Arts Remix)
22. Bjorn Akesson - Gunsmoke
23. Damian Wasse & Manuel Le Saux - Atlantis (Original Mix)
24. Photographer - Kervansaray
25. Gareth Weston - Hell Raiser (Darren Porter Remix)
26. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Tuvan [Tune of The Year 2009]
27. Yuri Kane - Right Back [Tune of The Year 2010]
28. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight [Tune of The Year 2011]
A State of Trance 592 (20-12-2012)
01. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me [#20]
02. Simon O'Shine - Your Distant World [#19]
03. Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi & Julie Rugaard - The Perfect Match (Club Mix) [#18]
04. Tenishia - Where Do We Begin (Andrew Rayel Remix) [#17]
05. W&W - Moscow [#16]
06. Armin van Buuren - We Are Here To Make Some Noise [#15]
07. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner [#14]
08. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - The Spell (Solarstone Pure Mix) [#13]
09. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin's Illegal Drum Edit) [#12]
10. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [#11]
11. Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Aether Mix) [#10]
12. W&W - Invasion [#09]
13. Aly & Fila & Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Perfect Love [#08]
14. Andrew Rayel - Aeon of Revenge [#07]
15. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer [#06]
16. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Club Mix) [#05]
17. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi [#04]
18. Omnia & IRA - The Fusio [#03]
19. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I'll Listen [#02]
20. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel [[#01 Tune of The Year 2012]
A State of Trance 593 (27-12-2012)
001. Intro - The Year Of Two
002. Omnia & Ira - The Fusion
003. Jaytech feat. Steve Smith - Stranger (Kyau & Albert Remix)
004. Cathy Burton & Omnia - Hearts Connected
005. Arty, Nadia Ali & BT - Must Be The Love
006. Gareth Emery - The Saga
007. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild and Perfect Day
008. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Trespass (Antillas & Dankann Club Mix)
009. Velvetine - The Great Divide
010. Alexander Popov - When The Sun (Eximinds Remix)
011. Paul van Dyk feat. Arty - The Ocean
012. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Silence In Your Heart (Club Mix)
013. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Like Spinning Plates (Alexander Popov Remix)
014. Dash Berlin feat. Sarah Howells - Go It Alone (Club Mix)
015. Andain - Turn Up The Sound (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
016. Rex Mundi - Bella Monaco
017. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange feat. Kerry Leva - In And Out Of Phase (Club Edit)
018. Sunlounger & Zara Taylor - Try To Be Love (Roger Shah Naughty Love Mix)
019. The Blizzard - Piercing The Fog
020. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - Love Until It Hurts (Aurosonic Progressive Mix)
021. Chicane & Ferry Corsten - One Thousand Suns (Soundprank Remix)
022. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Calm Down (Omnia Remix)
023. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I’ll Listen
024. Aly & Fila meet Roger Shah feat. Adriana Thorpe - Perfect Love
025. Ana Criado & Omnia - No One Home
026. Lange - Destination Anywhere
027. Ben Gold feat. The Glass Child - Fall With Me
028. Aruna - Save The Day (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
029. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
030. W&W - Moscow
031. W&W - Shotgun
032. Heatbeat - Chow Mein
033. W&W - Invasion (Club Mix)
034. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion
035. Orjan Nilsen - Copperfield
036. Orjan Nilsen - Burana
037. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - In My Mind (Axwell Mix)
038. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
039. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - On My Way To Heaven (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
040. Andy Moor - K Ta
041. Andrew Bayer feat. Molly Bancroft - Keep Your Secrets (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
042. Markus Schulz feat. Seri - Love Rain Down (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
043. Ben Gold - Where Life Takes Us
044. Dennis Sheperd & Talla 2XLC - Two Worlds
045. Fady & Mina - Kepler 22 (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix)
046. Tritonal - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub)
047. Omnia - Infina
048. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
049. Ummet Ozcan - The Box
050. Armin van Buuren - We Are Here To Make Some Noise
051. Sandro Silva & Quintino - Epic
052. Rank 1 - 7 Instead Of 8
053. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly Summer
054. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
055. Ferry Corsten feat. Aruna - Live Forever (Shogun Remix)
056. Tenishia - Where Do We Begin (Andrew Rayel Remix)
057. Emma Hewitt - Miss You Paradise (Shogun Remix)
058. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - World Falls Apart (Club Mix)
059. Super8 & Tab feat. Jan Burton - Black Is Back (Classic Vocal Mix)
060. MaRLo - Megalodon
061. Ralphie B - Icarus
062. Lemon - We Can’t Fly (Solarstone Pure Mix)
063. Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge
064. Orjan Nilsen - Legions
065. Shogun - UFO
066. Beat Service - Fortuna
067. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix)
068. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Kinetic
069. Skytech - What’s Wrong (Skytech Stadium Mix)
070. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - J’ai Envie De Toi
071. Faruk Sabanci - Elveda
072. Wiegel Meirmans Snitker - Nova Zembla (Armin van Buuren Remix)
073. Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Aether Mix)
074. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Club Mix)
075. A.R.D.I. - Premonition
076. Gareth Emery - Tokyo (Ben Gold Remix)
077. Protoculture - Perpetual Motion
078. Markus Schulz vs. Ferry Corsten - Loops & Tings
079. Alexandre Bergheau - Colors Of Persia
080. Eco - A Million Sounds, A Thousand Smiles
081. Bobina - The Space Track (Andrew Rayel Stadium Remix)
082. Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match (Club Mix)
083. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner
084. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - The Spell (Solarstone Pure Mix)
085. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix)
086. SoundLift - Revenge (Original 2012 Mix)
087. Running Man - Amnesia (SoundLift’s Emotional Take)
088. Aly & Fila vs. Bjorn Akesson - Sand Theme
089. Aly & Fila vs. Jwaydan - Coming Home
090. Photographer - Airport
091. SoundLift - Alexandria
092. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don’t Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
093. Sebastian Brandt - Mana
094. Simon O’Shine - Your Distant World
095. Solarstone with Aly & Fila - Fireisland (Aly & Fila Uplifting Mix)
096. Arctic Moon - Starships Over Alice
097. Full Tilt feat. Katrina Noorbergen - Letting Go (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
098. Armin van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen - Belter
099. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
100. KhoMha - The Dark Knight
101. Indecent Noise feat. Ridgewalkers - Full Moon Fever (Power Dub)
102. John O’Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix)
103. Outro - Every End Is A New Beginning
A State of Trance 594 (03-01-2013)
01. Christian Burns, Paul Oakenfold & JES - As We Collide (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Armada]
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix) [Armind]
03. Aimoon - Perfect Day (Original Mix) [White Soho]
04. Starchaser - Frontline (Matteo Marini Remix) [The Clubbers]
05. Capa - Chance [Toolroom]
06. Ummet Ozcan - Paradox
07. Sunny Lax - Miele [Songbird]
08. ARYS - Barocco (Original Mix) [Trance All-Stars]
09. Dennis Sheperd feat. Molly Bancroft - Silence (Steve Brian Remix) [High Contrast]
10. Jo Maddox - Prototype [High Contrast]
11. Mike Septima & Sander Playmo - Sublime [Echelon White]
12. Mark Sherry - Trailblazer [Reset]
13. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache [Coldharbour Recordings]
14. Tonerush - Gorilla Tour [Monster Tunes] [Tune Of The Week]
15. Matt Davey - Neutrino [A State Of Trance]
16. Bjorn Akesson - Gunsmoke [Future Sound Of Egypt]
17. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Earthbeat [Vandit]
18. Andain - What It's Like (Sneijder Remix) [Black Hole] [Future Favorite]
19. Mr Carefull - Second To None (Ferry Tayle Banging Remix) [Blue Soho]
20. Paul Trainer - Elusive (James Dymond Remix)
21. Sou Kanai - Child (Original Mix) [Infrasonic Future]
22. Farhad Mahdavi - Blue Rose (Matt Bukovski Remix) [Blue Soho]
23. Gareth Weston - Checkmate (Touchstone Remix) [Digitized]
24. Aly & Fila vs John O'Callaghan - Vapourize [Future Sound Of Egypt]
25. Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Solis & Sean Truby Remix) [CDR]
26. The Blizzard - Kalopsia (Original Club Mix) [Armind] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 595 (10-01-2013)
01. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix) [Armind] [Future Favorite]
02. Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Andrew Rayel Remix) [AVA]
03. Kyau & Albert - All Your Colours [Euphonic]
04. Ost & Meyer - Here We Go [Anunabeats]
05. Corderoy - When Magic Falls [High Contrast]
06. Eximinds - Revolved [Anjunabeats]
07. Ilan Bluestone - Sinai [Anjunabeats]
08. Christian Burns & Paul Oakenfold feat. JES - As We Collide (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Armada]
09. eleven.five - The Way We Were (Toby Hedges Remix) [Arrival]
10. Leon 78 - About Her (Igor Dyachkov & U-Jeen Remix) [Vendace]
11. Ferry Corsten - Kudawudashuda [Flashover]
12. Beat Service & Neev Kennedy - Not This Time [Beat Service Audio]
13. Fast Distance - Quantique [Digital Society]
14. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT 600 Anthem) [Armind] [Tune Of The Week]
15. Rank 1 vs. M.I.K.E. - Elements Of Nature [High Contrast]
16. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Faruk Sabanci Remix) [Armind]
17. Damian Wasse - Quiet Poem About Us [Defcon]
18. Bjorn Akesson - Gunsmoke [FSOE]
19. DJ Eco - Borealis (Solis & Sean Truby Remix) [Infrasonic Gold]
20. Arisen Flame - Chords [Arisen]
21. ReOrder - Friday [Arisa]
22. Magnus - Thread Ender [Touchstone]
23. Sonic Element & Solar Movement - Icewall [Borderline]
24. Dave202 vs. Sean Tyas - Torrent [Captivating Sounds] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 596 (17-01-2013)
01. Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Andrew Rayel Remix) [AVA]
02. Denis Kenzo feat. Sveta B. - Lullaby Lonely (Progressive Mix) [Infrasonic Progressive]
03. Audien - Wayfarer [Anjunabeats]
04. Vadim Spark - Lost Angeles (Club Mix) [Vendace]
05. Kyau & Albert - All Your Colours [Euphonic]
06. Steve Brian & Cressida - Casablanca [Tooltrance]
07. Eximinds - Mainbeat [Garuda]
08. Antillas & Dankann - Synapse (Club Mix) [Soundpiercing]
09. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Lange Remix) [High Contrast]
10. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT600 Anthem) (Original Mix) [Armind] [Future Favorite]
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix) [Armind]
12. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - When I Go (Arnej Remix) [AVA]
13. Orjan Nilsen & John O’Callaghan - Crispy Duck [Armada]
14. Rank 1 vs. M.I.K.E. - Elements Of Nature [High Contrast]
15. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel (Pure Mix) [Touchstone] [Tune Of The Week]
16. Johan Vilborg & Aneym - Never Changing (Turn Remix) [Captured]
17. Antony Waldhorn - Climax [Blue Soho]
18. Arisen Flame - All The Way [Arisen]
19. Proyal - One Thousand & One Nights [Blue Soho]
20. Frank Waanders - Sanur [Silent Shore White]
21. Subimpact - Every HeartBeat [Silent Shore White]
22. Bowdidge & Taylor - Firecraker [Mental Asylum]
23. Simon Patterson - Zero Contact With The Humans [Night Vision]
24. Allen & Envy - Forgotten Souls (Johann Stone Remix) [Future Focus]
25. Photographer - Kervansaray [Digital Society]
26. Armin van Buuren - Communication (John Askew Remix) [Armind]
27. Vincent De Moor - Shamu [Combined Forces] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 597 (25-01-2013)
01. Arty feat. Chris James - Together We Are (Vocal Mix) [Warner]
02. Zaa feat. Molly Bancroft - Timebomb (Audien Remix) [Pilot 6]
03. Hazem Beltagui & Allan V. - We Are [Red Soho] [Tune Of The Week]
04. Denis Kenzo feat. Sveta B. - Lullaby Lonely (Progressive Mix) [Infrasonic Progressive]
05. Toby Hedges - Mirai [PHW]
06. Orbital - Halcyon (Dezza Bootleg Remix 2012)
07. Alan Morris - After The Rain [Transistic]
08. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - When I Go (Arnej Remix) [AVA]
09. Fisherman & Hawkins vs. Eximinds - Revolved Apache (REZarin Mashup)
10. ReOrder & First Effect - Prometheus [Silent Shore]
11. Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Andrew Rayel Remix) [AVA]
12. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code [Revealed]
13. Daniel Wanrooy vs. E&G - Alcohol Abuse (Aerofoil Remix) [Black Hole]
14. Majai - Slip Away (Elevation Remix) [Hardwired]
15. DNS Project - Gauntlet [Coldharbour]
16. Markus Schulz - The Spiritual Gateway (Transmission Theme 2013) [Coldharbour]
17. Fast Distance - Quantique [Digital Society]
18. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel (Pure Mix) [Touchstone] [Future Favorite]
19. Global Influence - Depth Of My Dreams [Blue Soho]
20. Suncatcher - Simplicity [Enhanced]
21. Overseas - Baja (Kaimo K Remix) [AEZ]
22. Nick Callaghan - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow [Monster Tunes]
23. Matt Bukovski vs. Andy Elliass & Abys - Cheops [Blue Soho]
24. Sean Tyas & Greg Downey - Dark Before The Dawn (Classic Mix) [Tytanium]
25. Barbarella - My Name Is Barbarella [Eye Q] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 598 (31-01-2013)
01. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code [Revealed]
02. Nordan & Tetarise - Defying Gravity (Sunny Lax Remix) [Sorcery]
03. Beat Service vs. Loverush UK! & Shelley Harland - Different World 2013 (Beat Service Mix) [Beat Service Audio]
04. Rikkaz - Serengeti [Alter Ego Progressive]
05. Hazem Beltagui & Allan V. - We Are [Red Soho] [Taken from "ASOT 2013"]
06. Armin van Buuren vs. Arty - Nehalennia [Armind] [Taken from "ASOT 2013"]
07. 4 Strings - Ready To Fall [Spinnin']
08. Corti Organ - Adria [Fenology]
09. Ryan Mendoza - Holding On (Wellenraush’s Dark Matter Remix) [Unearthed 100]
10. Ost & Meyer vs. 7 Skies - Dharma [Enhanced]
11. Luke Bond - Superstar [AVA]
12. Store N Forward - Bananas [Afterglow] [Tune Of The Week]
13. Artento Divini - Drop Off (Edit) [In Charge]
14. John O’Callaghan & Full Tilt feat. Karen Kelly - Breathe [Subculture] [Taken from "ASOT 2013"]
15. Arman Aydin - Shiga [Blue Soho]
16. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Faruk Sabanci Remix) [Armind]
17. Jamie Walker - For A Lifetime [Lange]
18. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT600 Anthem) [Armind] [Taken from "ASOT 2013"]
19. Nyx - Itaca [Monster Tunes]
20. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel (Daniel Kandi's Emotive Mix) [Touchstone]
21. Matt Bukovski vs. Andy Elliass & Abys - Cheops [Blue Soho] [Future Favorite]
22. Ruslan Radriges - Save The Life [Camouflage]
23. Toby Atkins - Set Me Free (Stonevalley Remix) [Unearthed]
24. Simon Bostock - Inbound [Borderline]
25. Kago Pengchi & Alexan Sagarmatha (Philippe El Sisi Remix) [Trance All-Stars]
26. Paul Todd - Regenerate [Fraction]
27. Electrovoya - Effervesce [Fundamental] [ASOT Radio Classic]
A State of Trance 599 (07-02-2013)
01. Omnia - The Light [Armada] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
02. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT 600 Anthem) (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [ASOT]
03. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Dub) vs. Breathe in Deep Acapella (The Blizzard Mash up)
04. Super8 & Tab - Teardrop [Enhanced] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
05. The Blizzard & Daniel van Sand feat. Julie Thompson - Made For You (Club mix) [Armada] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
06. Two & One with Sarah Russell - Dream State [Playground] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
07. Aly & Fila feat. Tricia McTeague - Speed of Sound (Album Extended) [FSOE] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
08. Armin van Buuren vs. Tenishia - Shores of Yet Another Day (Tenishia Mashup)
09. Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight - Shelter Me [Playground] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
10. VillaNaranjos - Jalon [Armada] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
11. Armin van Buuren vs. Arty - Nehalennia [Armind] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
12. Myon & Shane 54 with Aruna - Lights (Club Mix) [Ride] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
13. Protoculture - Laguna (Original Mix) [Armada] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD1 On the Beach”)
14. John O'Callaghan & Full Tilt feat. Karen Kelly - Breathe [Subculture] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD2 In The Club”)
15. Rank 1 vs. M.I.K.E. - Elements Of Nature [High Contrast] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD2 In The Club”)
16. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights [Armind] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD2 In The Club”)
17. Andrew Rayel - 600 Musa (Original Mix) [Armind] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD2 In The Club”) [Tune Of The Week]
18. RAM - Grotesque (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & RAM Original Mix) [AVA] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD2 In The Club”)
19. Jorn van Deynhoven - Superfly [ASOT] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD2 In The Club”)
20. MaRLo - BOOM [ASOT] (taken from “ASOT 2013 CD2 In The Club”)
21. Thomas Bronzwaer - Shadow World (Original Mix) (taken from “ASOT 2006”)
22. Armin van Buuren - Rush Hour (Amir Hussain Bootleg)
23. FKN feat. Jahala - Why (Aly & Fila Remix) (taken from “ASOT 2007”)
24. 3rd Moon - Monsun (taken from “ASOT 2009”)
25. Sebastian Brandt - 450 (taken from “ASOT 2010”)
A State of Trance 600 (14-02-2013)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 (Pre-Party) - Live @ Madrid (2013-02-14)
Armin van Buuren LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (19:00 - 21:00)
ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Armin Van Buuren LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (19:00 - 21:00) 01. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Original Mix) {ASOT#600 Anthem Theme Tune} [Armada]
02. Armin van Buuren & Arty - Nehalennia (Original Mix) [Armada]
03. Heatbeat - Game Over (Original Mix) [ASOT Recordings]
04. BT – Skylarking (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armada] {WORLD PREMIERE}
06. Kyau & Albert with Paul van Dyk - Open My Eyes (Kyau & Albert Remix)
07. Armin van Buuren & W&W – D# Fat (Original Mix) [Armada]
08. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights (Original Mix) [Armind] {ASOT#599 FUTURE FAVOURITE}
09. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz – The Expedition (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Armada] {WORLD PREMIERE} ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Alexander Popov LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (20:00 - 20:15) 01. Alexander Popov - Lost Language (Intro Mix Edit) [Armada]
02. Alexander Turok - Destiny (Alexander Popov Remix) [Audentity Recordings]
03. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Shannon Hurley – Monday Morning Madness (Alexander Popov Remix) [ASOT Recordings] ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Ronski Speed LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (20:15 - 20:30) 01. Ronski Speed - Proton 12 (Ronski Speed & Cressida Remix)
02. Ronski Speed & Syntrobic feat. Renee Stahl - Pink Skye (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
03. Ronski Speed - Sanity Dub (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
04. Ronski Speed ft. Melissa Loretta - Sanity (Original Mix) [Euphonic] ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Lange LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (20:30 - 20:45) 01. Allure feat. Emma Hewitt – No Goodbyes (Lange Remix) [Black Hole Rec]
02. Lange - Hold That Sucker Down (Original Mix) [Lange Recordings]
03. ID - ID ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Giuseppe Ottaviani LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (20:45 - 20:55) 01. ID - ID
02. Alex Wackii - Ode To Felix
03. ID - ID ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Armin Van Buuren LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (20:55 - 21:00) 01. Orjan Nilsen - So Long Radio (Original Mix) [Armada]
02. Rank 1 - Such Is Life (Original Mix) {ASOT#599 RADIO CLASSIC}
Alexander Popov (21:00 – 22:00pm)
ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Alexander Popov (21:00 – 22:00pm) 01. Alexander Popov - ID
02. ID - ID
03. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Original Mix) [Flashover Rec]
04. Alexander Popov – When The Sun (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Like Spinning Plates (Alexander Popov Remix) [Armada]
06. Juventa vs Alexander Popov feat. Kyler England - My Metamorphose [Armada]
07. Alexander Popov - Attractive Force (Original Mix) [Armada]
08. Alexander Popov - Elegia (Original Mix) [Armada]
09. Ferry Corsten vs. Faruk Sabanci - Faces Of Love (Alexander Popov Mashup)
10. Cosmic Gate vs. Myon&Shane54 feat. Aruna - All Around You (Alexander Popov Remix) [Armada]
11. Armin van Buuren - Mirage (Alexander Popov Remix)
12. Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Original Mix) [Armada]
13. Eximinds vs Alexander Popov - ID [World Premiere]
Lange (22:00 – 23:00pm)
ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Lange (22:00 – 23:00pm) 01. ID - ID
02. Tangle & Mateusz Vs. Lele Troniq - Sucker Punch (Johnny Yono Remix) [Lange Recordings]
03. Lange - Destination Anywhere (Original Mix) [Lange Recordings]
04. ID - ID
05. Lange & Audrey Gallagher - Our Way Home (Noah Neiman Remix) [Lange Recordings]
06. Lange vs Robert Miles - Sincere for Children (Roofus Mashup)
07. Antillas & Dankann - Evolution (Club Mix) [Armada]
08. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Lange Remix) [High Contrast Rec]
09. Sander van Doorn - Riff vs. Lange - Songless (Mark Sherry's Outburst Remix) [Lange Recordings]
10. ID - ID
11. ID - ID
12. Lange - Hold That Sucker Down (Original Mix) [Lange Recordings]
13. Darren Porter & Ferry Tayle - Neptune's Siren (Original Mix) [Tytanium Records]
Armin van Buuren (23:00 – 01:00am)
ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Armin van Buuren (23:00 – 01:00am) 01. Alexander Popov - Lost Language (Intro Mix) [Armada]
02. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (Original Mix) [Coldharbour Rec]
03. Chris Schweizer & Tomas Heredia - Darksiders [Sound Piercing Records]
04. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J’ai Envie De Toi (Original Mix) [Armind]
05. ID - ID
06. Armin van Buuren & W&W – D# Fat (Original Mix) [Armada]
07. Skytech - No Need For Words (Original Mix) [Armada]
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora – Waiting For The Night ( Beat Service Remix) [Armada] {As played on TranceTunes4U Episode 30}
09. Bjorn Akesson - Gunsmoke (Original Mix) [FSOE]
10. Markus Schulz Feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Armada]
11. Ben Gold vs Chris Cortez - Fall With Me vs Future Shock (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
12. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I'll Listen (Original Mix) [Armada]
13. Sied Van Riel - Past, Present, Future (Original Mix)
14. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Armada]
15. AYDA - Caesar (Original Mix) [Armada]
16. MaRLo - BOOM (Original Mix) [Armada]
17. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights (Original Mix) [Armind]
18. Rank 1 vs M.I.K.E. – Elements Of Nature (Original Mix) [Armada]
19. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - New York City (Original Mix) [Armada]
20. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Original Mix) [Armada]
21. Scott Bond Vs. Solarstone Vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
22. Frans Bak – The Killing (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Armind]
23. Andain – What It's Like (Sneijder Remix) [Black Hole]
24. Jorn van Deynhoven - Superfly (Original Mix) [Armada]
25. Armin van Buuren - Communication (John Askew Remix) [Armind]
26. Photographer vs Armin van Buuren - Airport Shivers (Armin van Buuren Mashup) [Armada]
27. Super8&Tab - Elektra (Solis & Truby Remix)
28. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel (Daniel Kandi's Emotive Mix) [Black Hole]
Ronski Speed (01:00 – 02:00am)
ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Ronski Speed (01:00 – 02:00am) 01. Kyau & Albert - All Your Colours (Original Mix) {As played on TranceTunes4U Episode 30}
02. Above& Beyond - Black Room Boy (Above & Beyond Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
03. Orjan Nilsen - Copperfield (Original Mix) [Armada]
04. Omnia - Infina (ID Remix)
05. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - When I Go (Arnej Remix)
06. W&W - Lift Off (Original Mix) [Mainstage Music/ Armada] {As played on TranceTunes4U Episode 30}
07. Arty & BT ft. Nadia Ali - Must Be The Love (Shogun Remix) [Armind]
08. Cosmic Gate - Crushed (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
09. Ronski Speed - Sanity Dub (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
10. Above & Beyond Feat Zoe Johnston - Alchemy (ID Remix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love vs. Dada Life - Kick Out The Epic Mother****er (Mash Up)
Giuseppe Ottaviani (02:00 – 03:00am)
ASOT#600 [Madrid] Pre-Party: Giuseppe Ottaviani (02:00 – 03:00am) 01. Giuseppe Ottaviani ft. Amba Shepherd - Lost For Words (ID Remix) [Vandit]
02. Darren Porter & Ferry Tayle - Neptune's Siren (Sean Tyas Remix) [Tytanium Recordings]
03. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Linnea Schossow - Just For You (Original Mix) [Armada]
04. ID - ID
05. ID - ID
06. Giuseppe Ottaviani ft Faith - Angel (Vandit Night Mix)
07. ID - ID
08. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - We Are One (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Sean Casey Music]
09. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don’t Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Armada]
10. Giuseppe Ottaviani - ID
11. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Earthbeat (Original Mix) [Vandit]
12. ID - ID
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mexico City (2013-02-16)
Armin van Buuren’s warm-up hour - A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mexico City (2013-02-16)
01. Rodg - Jacqueline (Intro Mix) [Body Condition]
02. Kastis Torrau & Arnas D - Atlantic (Original Mix) [Atlantic Polar Reflection]
03. Stephen J. Kroos - Phobos [Anjunadeep]
04. Moonbeam - The Raven (Rosie Romero & Ian Round Remix) [Black Hole]
05. Rikkaz - Serengeti [Alter Ego Progressive]
06. BT - Skylarking [Armada]
07. Ira - Magnum [Freegrant Music]
08. Incolumis - Strange Optics [JOOF]
09. Presslaboys - Incomplete (Deepfunk remix) [Destroy the Ego]
10. Danny Chen - Last Chance For Love [Statement]
11. Sunlounger - White Sand (original mix) [Magic Island]
Max Graham vs. Protoculture - A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mexico City (2013-02-16)
01. Speed Limits - Here We Are (Original Mix) [Enhanced Rec]
02. ID - ID
03. ID - ID
04. ID - ID (New RE*Brand Mix)
05. Max Graham - F.Y.C (Original Mix Edit) [Armada]
06. ID - ID
07. Misja Helsloot Ft. Fisher - Inspire (Aerofoil Remix)
08. Protoculture - Laguna (Original Mix) [Re*Brand]
09. Lost Tribe - Gamemaster (Protoculture Bootleg Reconstruction) (Classic Euphoria Album) [Hooj Choons]
10. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armind]
11. ID - ID
12. Protoculture vs Kirsty Hawkshaw - Perpetual Day (Protoculture Mashup) [Armada]
13. John O'Callaghan & Full Tilt feat. Karen Kelly - Breathe [Armada]
14. Tucandeo - In a Moment (Eco Remix) [Infrasonic Rec]
15. Bjorn Akesson - Sol (Original Mix) [FSOE Recordings]
16. Max Graham feat. Ana Criado - Nothing Else Matters (Aly & Fila Mix) [Armada]
17. ID - ID
18. Grace - Not Over Yet (Max Graham & Protoculture Remix) [Perfecto]
W&W - A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mexico City (2013-02-16)
01. W&W - Lift Off (Intro Mix) [Armada]
02. ID - ID
03. W&W - Shotgun (Original Mix) [Armada]
04. W&W - Moscow (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Ummet Ozcan - Here & Now (Original Mix) [Spinnin Records]
06. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (W&W Remix) [Armada]
07. Emma Hewitt vs Omnia - Rewind The Fuse (Mikkas Remix)
08. Hardwell vs. Above & Beyond - Thing Called Spaceman (Original Mix)
09. Tiesto - Adagio For Strings (W&W Rework) [CD-R]
10. Showtek & Justin Prime - Cannonball (Original Mix) [Musical Freedom]
11. Zedd - Clarity (W&W Remix)
12. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat (Original Mix) [Armada]
13. W&W - ID
14. W&W - Invasion (Original Mix) [ASOT#550 Anthem Theme] [Armada]
15. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code (Original Mix) [Revealed]
16. ID - ID
17. ID - ID
18. Above & Beyond Vs Rick Mitchells - Sun Zero (Mark Sixma / M6 Mashup)
Markus Schulz - A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mexico City (2013-02-16)
01. ID - ID [CD-R]
02. Omnia - The Light [Coldharbour Recordings]
03. Markus Schulz featuring Sarah Howells - Tempted [Coldharbour Recordings]
04. Digital X - Stealth [Coldharbour Recordings]
05. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache [Coldharbour Recordings]
06. ID - ID [CD-R]
07. Markus Schulz featuring Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour Recordings]
08. Markus Schulz featuring Justine Suissa - Perception (Rafael Frost Remix) [Coldharbour Recordings]
09. DNS Project - Shatter [Coldharbour Recordings]
10. Markus Schulz - The Spiritual Gateway [Coldharbour Recordings]
11. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loops & Tings [Coldharbour Recordings]
12. Tiesto, BT & Hardwell vs. Jaz Von D - Love Can’t Be Without Introfuse (Markus Schulz Mashup) [CD-R]
13. Tristan Garner - Overdrive [Xtra Life Records]
14. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Khomha Remix) [A State of Trance]
15. Aerofoil vs. Marc Simz - Blikkenslager [Coldharbour Recordings Red]
16. Beat Service - Fortuna [Coldharbour Recordings]
17. Markus Schulz - Digital Madness [Coldharbour Recordings]
18. Markus Schulz featuring Seri - Love Rain Down (4 Strings Remix) [Coldharbour Recordings]
19. Markus Schulz featuring Dauby - Perfect (Agnelli & Nelson Remix / Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction) [Coldharbour Recordings]
Armin van Buuren - A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mexico City (2013-02-16)
01. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Andrew Rayel Intro Remix) [ASOT]
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix) [Armind]
03. Armin van Buuren feat. Gabriel & Dresden - Zocalo (Armin’s 2012 edit)
04. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# fat [Armind]
05. Rank 1 - Airwave (Jullians Bootleg)
06. Armin van Buuren vs. Arty - Nehalennia [Armind]
07. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I’ll Listen [Armind]
08. Rapha - Nice (Maarten de Jong Remix) [Tool Trance]
09. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam [Armind]
10. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - J’ai Envie De Toi [Armind]
11. Beat Service - Aurora (Original Mix) [Beat Service Audio]
12. Push - Universal Nation (Orjan Nilsen 2012 remix) [High Contrast]
13. Heatbeat - Game Over [Mainstage]
14. Solarstone - 3rd Earth vs. Not Giving Up On Love (Accapella) (AVB Mash Up)
15. MaRLo - Boom vs. Ucast – Genesis (AVB Mash up)
16. Armin van Buuren Presents Gaia - Humming The Lights [Armind]
17. RAM - Grotesque (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Ram Original Mix) [AVA]
18. Armin van Buuren Presents Gaia - Tuvan [Armind]
19. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix) [Armind]
20. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT600 Anthem) (Original Mix) [Armind]
21. Armin Van Buuren - Rush Hour (Amir Hussain Bootleg)
22. The Doppler Effect - Beauty Hides in The Deep (John O Callaghan remix) [Armind]
23. Photographer - Airport vs. Shivers accapella (Avb Mash Up)
24. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin’s Illegal Drum Edit ) [Flashover]
25. Ottaviani & O Callaghan - Ride The Wave vs Armin van Buuren – Burned With Desire (AvB Mash Up)
26. Dada Life vs. Armin Van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel - Kick Out vs In and Out Of Love (Ronski Speed Mash Up)
Dash Berlin - A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mexico City (2013-02-16)
01. Dash Berlin ft Emma Hewitt - Waiting (W&W Remix) (Intro Mix)
02. Rank 1 - Airwave (Dash Berlin Rework)
03. John Martin - Just Drive (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
04. Markus Schulz ft. Seri (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Remix) vs. Dash Berlin - Never Rain Down Again (Dashup)
05. Hardwell ft. Amba Shepherd- Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
06. Alesso ft. Dirty South - City Of Dreams (Dash Berlin Rework)
07 .Dash Berlin with ATB vs. Niki & The Dove vs. Ellie Goulding - DJ Ease My Apollo Lights (Dashup)
08. Dash Berlin ft. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
09. Ferry Corsten ft. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
10. Dash Berlin ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me
11. Mikkas ft. Amba Sheperd - Finally
12. Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
13. Dash Berlin vs. Shogun - Man On The Skyfire
14. Dash Berlin ft. Chris Madin - Silence In Your Heart (Antillas Remix)
15. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
16. Dash Berlin ft. Kate Walsh - When You Were Around (Ferry Corsten Fix)
17. Dash Berlin ft. Band Of Horses - The Funeral
18. Armin van Buuren ft. Sophie Ellis-Bextor vs. Deadmau5 - Not Giving Up On Complicated Love (Dashup)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Sao Paolo (2013-03-02)
Armin Van Buuren LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (00:00 - 01:00am)
01. ID - ID
02. ID - ID
03. ID - ID
04. Matt Darey Ft. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Hazem Beltagui Remix)
05. Losing Rays - Lonely Streets (Gregory Esayan Remix)
06. ID - ID
07. Verve & Insilico - Synergy
08. Denis Kenzo feat. Sveta B. - Lullaby Lonely (Progressive Mix)
09. Space Manoeuvres - Stage One (Space Manoeuvres' Separation Mix)
10. Rex Mundi - Sandstone (Original Mix)
11. ID - ID
Ruben De Ronde (01:00 - 02:00am)
01. Danny Chen - Last Chance For Love (Original Mix) [Statement]
02. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange Ft. Kerry Leva - In And Out of Phase (Norin & Rad Remix) [Anjunabeats]
03. Above & Beyond Ft. Richard Bedford - On My Way To Filmic (Ruben De Ronde Mashup)
04. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde - Marsascala (Alexander Popov Remix) [Soundpiercing]
05. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde Ft. Shannon Hurley - Love Survives (Toby Hedges Remix) [S107]
06. Ruben De Ronde & Danny Chen – Bright (Ruben De Ronde Remix)
07. Alexander Turok - Destiny (Alexander Popov Remix)
08. Bluestone - Sinai [Anjunabeats]
09. Breakfast - Remember (Original Mix) [Flashover]
10. Ruben de Ronde - Timide (Craving Remix) [Statement]
11. Super 8 Vs. Dj Tab - Needs To Feel (Wippenberg Mix)
Tomas Heredia (02:00 - 03:15am)
01. KhoMha - Dejavu (Intro Mix) [Coldharbour]
02. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (ID Remix) [Coldharbour]
03. Chris Schweizer & Tomas Heredia - Darksiders (Original Mix) [Armada]
04. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armada]
05. Protoculture - Laguna (Original Mix) [Re*brand]
06. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel
07. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armada]
08. Tomas Heredia - ID [WORLD PREMIERE]
09. Tomas Heredia – Moonlight (Original Mix) [Armada]
10. Jon O'Bir feat. Fisher - Found A Way (Joint Operations Centre Remix) [Spinnin]
11. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren With Rank 1 - Witness (Tomas Heredia Remix)
12. ID - ID
13. Above & Beyond ft Richard Bedford - Liquid Love (Tomas Heredia Mashup)
14. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix)
Orjan Nilsen (03:15 - 04:30am)
01. Armin Van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
02. Christian Burns, Paul Oakenfold & JES - As We Collide (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
03. Carnage & Borgore - Incredible (Original Mix) [Spinnin]
04. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Orjan Nilsen - No Saint Out Of Me
06. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix)
07. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam (Original Mix) [Armind]
08. Filterheadz - The Game (Original Mix) [Futuristing]
09. Orjan Nilsen - Filthy Fandango (Original Mix) [Armada]
10. ID - ID
11. Orjan Nilsen - Burana (Original Mix) [Armada]
12. W&W vs UmmetOzcan - The Code (Original Mix) [Revealed]
13. Armin van Buuren & ?rjan Nilsen - Belter (Original Mix) [Armada]
14. Push - Universal Nation (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
15. Tiesto - Adiago For Strings (ID Remix)
Markus Schulz (04:30 – 06:00am)
01. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (KhoMha Intro Mix) [ASOT]
02. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro (Rafael Frost Remix) [ARVA]
03. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
04. ID - ID
05. Markus Schulz - Digital Madness (Transmission 2011 Theme) (Original Mix) [Armada]
06. ID - ID
07. Markus Schulz Ft. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour]
08. W&W - White Label (Original Mix) [Mainstage .Armada]
09. Omnia vs Markus Schulz & Sarah Howells - The Light is Tempted (Markus Schulz Mashup) [Coldharbour]
10. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line (Original Mix) [Armada]
11. ID - ID
12. ID - ID
13. Markus Schulz - The Spiritual Gateway (Transmission Theme 2013) [Armada]
14. Markus Schulz Ft. Justine Suissa - Perception (Original Mix) [Armada]
15. Markus Schulz & Andy Moor - Daydream (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
16. Markus Schulz Ft. Fiora - Deep In The Night (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
17. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller Ft. Cerf - Carry On Rotunda (Markus Schulz Mashup)
18. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loops & Tings (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
19. KhoMha - Dusk Riddles (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
20. Bingo Players Vs Hardwell vs Omnia & Ira - Out Of My Mind Vs Spaceman Vs The Fusion (Markus Schulz Mashup)
Armin van Buuren (06:00 – 08:00am)
01. Armin van Buuren - Suddenly Summer (ID Intro)
02. Shogun - Drop (Original Mix) [Armind]
03. Armin Van Buuren and Arty - Nehalennia (Original Mix) [Armada]
04. Rank 1 - Airwave (Jullians Bootleg)
05. Armin Van Buuren Ft. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours (Original Mix) [Armada] {Forthcoming on “Intense” the new album from Armin}
06. ID - ID (Samba Mashup)
07. Armin Van Buuren & W&W - D#Fat (Original Mix) [Armada]
08. ID - ID
09. Faruk Sabanci - Elveda (Original Mix) [AVA]
10. Alexander Popov - Lost Language [Armind] {ASOT2013 Album}
11. Armin Van Buuren presents Gaia - Humming The Lights (Original Mix) [ASOT]
12. Alexandre Bergheau - Damavand (Original Mix) [Blue Soho]
13. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition {ASOT#600 Anthem} (Original Mix) [Armada]
14. Armin van Buuren - In And Out Of Love vs. Dada Life - Kick Out The Epic Motherfu*ker (Ronski Speed MashUp)
15. UCast vs. MaRLo - Genesis Boom (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
16. Mark Sherry Vs MaRLo - Sangre Caliente Vs Megalodon (The Boss Mashup)
17. Solarstone - 3rd earth (Heatbeat Remix) vs. Armin van Buuren Ft. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On Love (AvB Mashup)
18. Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Solis & Sean Truby Remix) [Anjunabeats]
19. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge Ft. Gabriela - World to Turn (Daniel Kandi's Bangin' Mix)
20. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResurRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix) [Perfecto]
21. Ciro Visone - First Coming (Ian Standerwick Remix)
22. Armin van Buuren - Communication (John Askew Remix) [ASOT]
23. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Ft. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix) [Armada]
24. Andain - What's Like (Sneijder Remix) [BlackHole]
25. Photographer vs. Armin van Buuren - Airport Shivers Accapella (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
26. Sasha Carassi & Mikael Jonasson Void vs Gaia - Status Excessu D (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
27. Armin van Buuren - Sail (Original Mix) [Armada]
Jorn van Deynhoven (08:00 - 09:00am)
01. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner (Intro Edit) [Armada]
02. Jorn Van Deynhoven - Spotlight (Original Mix) [Armada]
03. Dutch Force - Deadline (Timo Pralle Rework)
04. Lange - Follow Me (Darren Porter 2012 Rework)
05. Cygnus X - Orange Theme (Allen & Envy Rework)
06. ID - ID
07. Darren Porter - Spellbound (Original Mix) [Monster Digital]
08. Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus - Symphonica (Original Mix) [Spinnin]
09. Jorn van Deynhoven - Superfly (Original Mix) [Armada]
10. Temple One - In Her Eyes (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Minsk (2013-03-07)
Eximinds (21:00 - 22:15am)
01. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Carrie Skipper - Vampire (Intro Club Mix)
02. Alexander Popov - When The Sun (Eximinds Remix)
03. NDS & Blue vs. Spark7 - Senses (Jonas Hornblad Remix)
04. Eximinds - On Fire vs. Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster Stronger (Eximinds Mashup)
05. Armin Van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Eximinds Remix)
06. Rapha - Nice (Maarten De Jong Remix)
07. Sied van Riel feat. Temper Heart - Carved By Your Hands (Wezz Devall Remix)
08. Eximinds - Mainbeat
09. Heatbeat - Game Over
10. Tritonal feat. Jenry R – Something New (Rafael Frost Remix)
11. Gaia - Tuvan
12. ID
13. Eximinds - Revolved
14. ID
15. Ferry Corsten - Kudawudashuda
Leon Bolier (22:15 - 23:30pm)
01. Leon Bolier - Minsk
02. Leon Bolier - You
03. Nari & Milani - Atom (Maurizio Gubellini & Delayers Remix)
04. Mark Van Dale & Enrico - Water Verve (Leon Bolier Remix)
05. Star Party - I'm In Love (ID Remix)
06. Leon Bolier - Disco Davai
07. Ummet Ozcan - Here & Now
08. Carnage & Borgore - Incredible
09. Leon Bolier - Us
10. JOOP - The Future (Leon Bolier Remix)
11. ID
12. Leon Bolier - Me (Main Mix)
13. Wamdue Project - King of my Castle (Sander Van Doorn Remix)
14. Leon Bolier - Vengeance
15. Leon Bolier & Marcus Schossow - 2099
16. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion
17. Leon Bolier - Cape Town
18. Leon Bolier vs. Kamaya Painters - Endless Ocean Wave (Leon Bolier Mashup)
Sied Van Riel (23:30 - 01:00am)
01. Sied van Riel - ID
02. Sied van Riel feat. Temper Heart - Carved By Your Hands (Wezz Devall Remix)
03. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Lange Remix)
04. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code
05. ID
06. tyDi - When I Go (Arnej Remix)
07. Sied van Riel - Tunnel Vision
08. Orjan Nilsen & John O'Callaghan - Crispy Duck
09. Bjorn Akesson – Gunsmoke
10. Cosmic Gate and Andrew Bayer - Nothing Ever Lasts (ID Remix)
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Jennifer Rene - Fine Without You (Sied van Riel Remix)
12. Sied van Riel - Past, Present, Future
13. John O'Callaghan & Full Tilt feat. Karen Kelly - Breathe
14. Shogun - Drop
15. First State feat Feat Anita Kelsey - Falling (ID Remix)
16. 4 Strings feat. Seri - Ready To Fall
17. W&W - Lift off
18. Sied van Riel & Radion 6 - Radiator
19. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas remix)
20. ID
Dash Berlin (01:00 - 02:30am)
01. ID
02. Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd - Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
03. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down
04. Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone (Dash Berlin Remix)
05. Dash Berlin feat. Band Of Horses - The Funeral
06. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Calm Down (Omnia Remix)
07. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
08. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (Tiesto Remix) (W&W & Jonas Stenberg ReWork)
09. Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix )
10. Dash Berlin with ATB vs. Niki And The Dove - DJ Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup)
11. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
12. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Silence In Your Heart (Antillas Remix)
13. Dash Berlin feat Emma Hewitt - Waiting (W&W Remix)
14. Alexander Popov feat. Kyler England - My World
15. Andain - Beautiful Things (Tiesto Remix)
16. Dash Berlin ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me
17. ID
18. Dash Berlin vs. Coldplay - Ticking Clocks (Dash Berlin's Essential 'Warmplay' Rework)
19. Dash Berlin vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Waiting To Disarm Your Sun & Moon (Dashup)
20. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know
21. Armin van Buuren vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor vs. Deadmau5 - Not Giving Up On Complicated Love (Dashup)
Armin van Buuren (02:30 - 04:30am)
01. Alexander Popov – Lost Language (Intro Mix)
02. Armin van Buuren & W&W – D# Fat
03. W&W – ID
04. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix)
05. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
06. Armin Van Buuren & Arty - Nehalennia
07. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix)
08. Rapha – Nice (Maarten de Jong Remix)
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours
10. Arisen Flame - Concept
11. RAM – Grotesque (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & RAM Original Mix)
12. Armin van Buuren pres.Gaia - Tuvan
13. Armin Van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights
14. Armin Van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition
15. Alex M.O.R.P.H - New York City
16. Armin Van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia Remix)
17. Solar Stone & Scott Bond & Heatbeat vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (Armin Van Buuren Mashup)
18. UCast vs. MaRLo – Genesis Boom (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
19. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
20. Armin Van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
21. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel (Daniel Kandi Emotive Mix)
22. Photographer vs. Armin Van Buuren - Airport Shivers (Armin Van Buuren Mashup)
23. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Conqueror
24. Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Solis & Sean Truby Remix)
25. Armin van Buuren & Ferry Corsten vs. Gareth Emery - Brute vs. Concrete Angel (Armin Van Buuren Mashup)
26. Armin van Buuren vs. John O'Callaghan - In & Out Of A Raw Deal (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
27. Armin van Buuren feat. Justine Suissa vs. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Burned With Desire vs. Ride The Wave (Will Atkinson Remix) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
Sean Tyas (04:30 - 06:00am)
01. Armin van Buuren - Sound Of Goodbye (Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic Bootleg Mix)
02. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz – The Expedition (Khomha remix)
03. Photographer – This is Upstep (Touchstone Remix)
04. Sean Tyas - Lift
05. Solarstone – Seven Cities (Thomas Datt Remix)
06. Darren Porter & Ferry Tayle - Neptune's Siren (Sean Tyas Remix)
07. ID
08. Paul van Dyk ft. Michelle Leonard – Lost In Berlin (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
09. ID
10. Selu Vibra - Divine (Sean Tyas Rework)
11. Sean Tyas & Bjorn Akesson - Zahi (Original Mix)
12. Sean Tyas – Hydro
13. Rank 1 - Airwave (Sean Tyas Remix)
14. Sean Tyas & Giuseppe Ottaviani – Arcobaleno (Classic Mix)
15. Thomas Bronzwaer - Resound (Sean Tyas Remix)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Beirut (2013-03-09)
Armin Van Buuren LIVE from the ASOT#600 Studio (21:00 – 22:00pm)
01. BT - Skylarking (Original Mix) [Armada] {As played in TranceTunes4U Episode 31}
02. ID - ID
03. ID - ID
04. ID - ID
05. Andy Moor - Halcyon (Original Mix)
06. Aleksey Yakovlev - Last Reflection (Original Mix) [Silk Music]
07. ID - ID
08. Arisen Flame - When Dreams Come True (Original Mix) [Arisen Music]
09. Aly & Fila ft. Tricia McTeague – Speed of Sound (Original Mix) [FSOE]
10. Speedy J - EDLX (Chris Liebing Edit) [CLR]
Antillas (22:00 – 23:00pm)
01. Solarstone - Seven Cities (Dankann & Antillas Remix) [Armada]
02. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt vs Gareth Emery Ft. Christina Novelli - Be Your Angel (Antillas Mashup)
03. Tiesto Ft. Kirsty Hawkshaw - Just Be (Antillas Club Mix) [Black Hole Rec]
04. Antillas Ft. Fiora - Damaged (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Dash Berlin Ft. Chris Madin - Silence In Your Heart (Antillas Remix) [Armada]
06. Andy Moor Ft. Sue McLaren - Trespass (Antillas & Dankann Club Mix)
07. Markus Schulz Ft. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Antillas & Dankann Club Mix) [Armada]
08. Gareth Emery - The Saga (Antillas Rework) [Garuda]
09. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix) [Armada]
10. Antillas & Dankann - Synapse (Club Mix) [Armada]
11. Antillas & Dankann - Evolution (Original Mix) [Armada]
12. John Dahlback - Zeus (Original Mix) [Spinnin’ Rec]
13. Carnage & Borgore - Incredible [Spinnin' Rec]
14. Quintino & Sandro Silva vs ID - Epic (Antillas Mashup) [Musical Freedom]
Andrew Rayel (23:00 – 00:15am)
01. Danjo - As The Tables Turn (Andrew Rayel Remix) [High Contrast Rec]
02. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Armada]
03. Kyau & Albert - All Your Colours (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Armada]
04. Andrew Rayel Ft. Jano - How Do I Know (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (Original Mix) [Armada]
06. Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Aether Mix) [Armada]
07. Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Armada]
08. Andrew Rayel - Exponential vs. Armin van Buuren - Sound Of Goodbye (Andrew Rayel Mashup) [Armada]
09. Tenishia- Where Do we Begin (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Armada]
10. Andrew Rayel - Zeus (Original Mix) [ASOT Recordings]
11. Andrew Rayel - Musa (Original Mix) [ASOT Recordings]
12. W&W vs. Gareth Emery Ft. Lucy Saunders - Invasion vs Sanctuary (Andrew Rayel Remix)
13. Andrew Rayel - Aeon of Revenge (Original Mix) [Armada]
14. Delerium & Tiesto vs. W&W & Jonas Stenberg - Lethal Silence (Andrew Rayel Mega Mashup)
15. Bobina - The Space Track (Andrew Rayel Remix) [Black Hole Rec]
16. Armin van Buuren Ft. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Andrew Rayel Aether Mix) [Armada]
Dash Berlin (00:15 – 01:30am)
01. Ummet Ozcan vs Martin Roth & Alex Bartlett vs Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire Off The Box (Dashup)
02. Alesso & Dirty South - City Of Dreams (Dashup) [Phazing]
03. Dash Berlin ft. Emma Hewitt vs. Above & Beyond ft. Richard Bedford - Waiting To Disarm Your Sun & Moon (Dashup)
04. Dash Berlin Ft. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) [Armada]
05. Hardwell Ft. Amba Shepherd - Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
06. John Martin - Just Drive (Dash Berlin Remix)
07. Red Hot Chili Peppers vs. Giuseppe Ottaviani Ft. Betsie Larkin - By The Way vs. Toys (Dash Berlin Dashup)
08. Andain - Beautiful Things vs. Dash Berlin with Shogun - Callisto (Dashup)
09. Markus Schulz ft. Seri - Love Rain Down (Myon & Shane54 Remix) VS Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again
10. Ferry Corsten Ft. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) [Flashover Rec]
11. ATB & Dash Berlin vs. Niki & The Dove - DJ Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup) vs. Ellie Goulding - Lights
12. Alesso Ft. Matthew Koma - Years (Dash Berlin Remix)
13. Dash Berlin Ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me (Original Mix) [Armada]
14. Zombie Nation & Chris Schweizer vs. Nero - Zombie Promises (Dash Berlin Dashup)
15. Dash Berlin ft. Band of Horses - The Funeral (Original Mix)
16. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) [Armada]
17. Dash Berlin with Cerf Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run
Armin van Buuren (01:30 – 03:30pm)
01. Armin van Buuren vs Arty - Nehalennia (Original Mix) [Armada]
02. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [Armind]
03. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat (Original Mix) [Armada]
04. Armin van Buuren Ft. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours (Original Mix) [Armind]
05. Armin van Buuren Ft. Ana Criado - I'll Listen (Original Mix) [Armada]
06. Rapha – Nice (Maarten de Jong Remix) [Tool Records]
07. Arisen Flame - Concept (Original Mix) [Arisen Music]
08. RAM - Grotesque (Alex MORPH and RAM Original Mix) [ASOT Recordings]
09. Armin van Buuren Presents Gaia - Humming The Lights (Original Mix) [ASOT Recordings]
10. Alexandre Bergheau - Damavand (Original Mix) [Blue Soho Rec]
11. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line (Original Mix) [Armada]
12. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi (Original Mix) [Armind]
13. Beat Service - Aurora (Original Mix) [Beat Service Audio]
14. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Gabriela - World to Turn (Daniel Kandi's Bangin' Mix) [ARVA]
15. Laura Jansen - Use Somebody (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Armind]
16. Mark Burton vs. Sunlounger Ft. Zara Taylor - Try Understatement To Be Love (Armin Van Buuren Mash up) [Armada]
17. Aligator Ft. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match (Original Mix) [Disco.Wax]
18. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armada]
19. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - Tuvan (Original Mix) [Armind]
20. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Original Mix) [Armada] {ASOT#600 Anthem}
21. Jorn van Deynhoven - Spotlight (Original Mix) [Armada]
22. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix) [Subculture]
23. Photographer vs. Armin van Buuren Ft. Susana - Airport Shivers (Acapella) (AVB Mashup)
24. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - DUI (Solis & Sean Truby Remix) [Garuda]
25. Aly & Fila Ft. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight (Original Mix) [Armada]
26. Armin van Buuren Ft. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Armada] [WORLD PREMIERE]
John O’Callaghan (03:30 – 04:45am)
01. Aly & Fila Ft. ID - ID [Track from Aly & Fila's set at Space Sharm #FSOE Night]
02. Jamie Walker - Boulevard (Original Mix) [Subculture]
03. Paul Van Dyk Ft. Sue McLaren - The Sun After Heartbreak (Nick Callaghan & Will Atkinson Remix) [Vandit]
04. John O'Callaghan & Ronski Speed - Sincerely JORS (Original Mix) [TBA]
05. John O'Callaghan & Full Tilt Ft. Karen Kelly - Breathe [Armada. Captivating Sounds]
06. Simon Patterson & Jordan Suckley - Vanilla (Original Mix) [Spinnin’ Rec]
07. ID - ID
08. ID - ID
09. Sun Decade – I'm Alone (Ronski Speed Mix) [Euphonic]
10. Will Atkinson - Watch Out (Original Mix) [Subculture]
11. John O'Callaghan Ft. Audrey Gallagher - Bring Back The Sun (Original Mix)
12. ID - ID
13. Jase Thirlwall - Freaked vs. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (JOC Mashup) [CDR]
14. Armin Van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT600 Theme) [Indecent Noise Remix] [ASOT]
15. Photographer - Airport (Original Mix) [Monster Tunes]
MaRLo (04:45 – 06:00am)
01. Chakra - Love Shines Through (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
02. W&W - Impact (MaRLo Remix)
03. Ferry Corsten - Kudawudashuda
04. Tiesto vs. Tom Piper & Dj@war - Lethal Laggin (Andru Ballota
05. W&W - White Label
06. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix)
07. Fast Distance - Quantique
08. Serjan - The Hunt
09. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Chris Schweizer Bootleg Mix)
10. Christian Burns & Maison & Dragen - Perfectly (MaRLo Remix)
11. Ferry Corsten - Punk (MaRLo Remix)
12. Anhken & Les - Never Know What You're Gonna Get (Airborn Club Mix)
13. MaRLo - BOOM
14. Bobina & Betsie Larkin vs. MaRLo - You Belong To Megalodon (Xabi Only Mashup Edit)
15. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
16. W&W - Lift Off (MaRLo Bootleg Rework)
17. MaRLo - Lightning
18. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
19. Feenixpawl feat. Quilla - Universe (David Tort Remix)
20. Richard Sebastian - Delusional
21. ID - ID
22. Armin Van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Armin Van Buuren Great Strings Mix)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Sofia (2013-03-08)
Ruben de Ronde (02:00 - 23:15)
01. ID - ID
02. Alexander Turok - Destiny (Alexander Popov Remix)
03. ilan Bluestone - Sinai
04. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Alchemy (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
05. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange - In And Out Of Phase (Norin & Rad Remix)
06. Above & Beyond vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Filmic (Ruben de Ronde Remix) vs. On My Way To Heaven
07. Ruben De Ronde & Danny Chen - Bright (Dennis Pedersen Remix)
08. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde feat. Shannon Hurley - Love Survives (Toby Hedges Remix)
09. Ruben de Ronde & Tenishia - Marsascala (Alexander Popov Remix)
10. ID - ID
11. Skytech - Comet
12. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix)
13. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix)
14. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Ruben de Ronde Remix)
15. Ruben de Ronde feat. Aelyn - She's Already Gone (Progressiver Remix)
16. Aly & Fila & Bjorn Akesson - Perfect Red (Alexander Popov Remix)
Myon & Shane 54 (23:15 - 00:30)
01. Myon & Shane 54 & Aruna pres. Velvetine - The Great Divide (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
02. Paul Oakenfold vs. The Temper Trap - Surrender Sweet Disposition (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
03. Myon & Shane 54 with Aruna - Lights (7 Skies Remix)
04. Audien vs. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Wayfarer vs. Alchemy (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
05. Speed Limits - Ode To The Wind (Juventa Remix)
06. Eric Prydz vs. Dada Life - Every Day Bass Don't Cry (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) (RockMax Edit)
07. The Bloody Beetroots & Great Svabo Bech - Chronicles Of A Fallen Love (Tom Swoon Remix)
08. Antillas & Dankann feat. Laurell - When You Love Someone (Maor Levi Remix)
09. Myon & Shane 54 feat. Carrie Skipper - Vampire (ID Remix)
10. Stafford Brothers feat. Lil Wayne & Christina Milian - Hello (Myon & Shane 54 Monster Mix)
11. Markus Schulz feat. Seri - Love Rain Down (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
12. Whiteroom vs. Young Parisians vs. Chicane - Don't Give Up On The Next Train To Synaesthroom (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
13. Lange & Genix vs. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Immersion vs. No One On Earth (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup)
14. Andrew Bayer feat. Molly Bancroft - Keep Your Secrets (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
15. Andain - Promises (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Mix)
Ferry Corsten (00:30 - 02:00)
01. Festen - F The Bullshit
02. Jacob van Hage - Crank
03. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Mainstage Remix)
04. Ferry Corsten - Check It Out
05. Dimitri Vegas, Moguai & Like Mike - Mammoth
06. ID - ID
07. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loops & Tings
08. Ferry Corsten feat. Aruna - Live Forever (Shogun Remix)
09. Rank 1 - 7 Instead Of 8
10. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel
11. Ferry Corsten - Kudawudashuda
12. Ferry Corsten vs. Markus Schulz - Stella
13. Eximinds - Mainbeat
14. ID - ID
15. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down
16. Ferry Corsten - Punk (MaRLo Remix)
17. Ferry Corsten - Brain Box
18. Ferry Corsten feat. Armin Van Buuren - Brute (Armin Van Buuren Illegal Drum Edit)
Armin van Buuren (02:00 - 04:00)
01. Omnia - The Light
02. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
03. Alexander Popov - Lost Language
04. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know? (Club Mix)
05. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat
06. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix)
07. Armin van Buuren - Orbion
08. Rank 1 - Airwave (Jullians Bootleg)
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours
10. Armin van Buuren vs. Arty - Nehalennia
11. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado vs. Broning - Suddenly Smash! (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
12. Rapha - Nice (Maarten de Jong Remix)
13. Arisen Flame - Concept
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Andrew Rayel Aether Mix)
15. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
16. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line
17. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights
18. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT 600 Anthem)
19. Dada Life vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel - Kick Out vs. In And Out Of Love (Ronski Speed Mashup)
20. UCast vs. MaRLo - Genesis Boom (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
21. Solar Stone & Scott Bond & Heatbeat vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
22. Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Solis & Sean Truby Remix)
23. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResuRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix)
24. John O'Callaghan vs. Commander Tom vs. John Askew - Stresstest vs. Are Am Eye (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
25. Photographer vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Airport Shivers (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
26. Armin van Buuren vs. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave With Desire (Will Atkinson Remix) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
Dash Berlin (04:00 - 05:30)
01. Red Hot Chili Peppers vs. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Betsie Larkin - By The Way vs. Toys (Dashup)
02. Markus Schulz & Myon & Shane 54 vs. Dash Berlin feat. Seri - Never Rain Down Again (Dashup)
03. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg Remix)
04. Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd - Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
05. Dash Berlin & Shogun vs. Andain - Callisto vs. Beautiful Things (Dashup)
06. Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me
07. Alesso & Dirty South feat. Ruben Haze - City Of Dreams (Dash Berlin Rework)
08. Ummet Ozcan vs. Martin Roth & Alex Bartlett vs. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire Off The Box (Dashup)
09. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
10. John Martin - Just Drive (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
11. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
12. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
13. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (W&W Remix)
14. Dash Berlin feat. Susana vs. W&W - Wired (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) vs. Invasion
15. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Silence In Your Heart (Antillas Remix)
16. First State feat. Sarah Howells - Reverie (Dash Berlin Remix)
17. ATB & Dash Berlin vs. Niki & The Dove - DJ, Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup)
18. DJ Geri - Who Are You
19. Dash Berlin feat. Band Of Horses - The Funeral (Dash Berlin Rework)
20. Dash Berlin & Matt Cerf & Shawn Mitiska vs. Shogun - Man On The Skyfire
21. Armin van Buuren vs. Deadmau5 feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Not Giving Up On Complicated Love (Dashup)
Dennis Sheperd (05:30 - 07:00)
01. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel (Marc Simz Intro Mix)
02. Dennis Sheperd feat. Molly Bancroft - Silence (Unreleased Club Mix)
03. ID - ID
04. Markus Schulz & Dennis Sheperd - Go!
05. Richard Durand - Sequence
06. Mark Knight feat. Skin - Nothing Matters (Original Club Mix)
07. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (Dennis Sheperd Remix)
08. Ronski Speed & Dennis Sheperd - Karoshi
09. Dennis Sheperd - Edge Of The World
10. Headstrong feat. Signe G - Let Me Be The One (Dennis Sheperd Remix)
11. Dennis Sheperd & Talla 2XLC - Two Worlds
12. The Masques - Heart Of Courage (Dennis Sheperd TV Mix)
13. Liuk & XB feat. Fenja - Prince & Beggar (Dennis Sheperd Remix)
14. Dennis Sheperd & Jon Mendelsohn - Bring Me Back (Club Mix)
15. The Thrillseekers feat. Stine Grove - Anywhere With You (Solarstone Pure Mix)
16. Dennis Sheperd - Black Sun (Ronski Speed Remix)
17. The Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia (En-Motion Remix)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Kuala Lumpur (2013-03-15)
Armin van Buuren's Warm-Up set (09:00 - 10:00am GMT)
01. Hazem Beltagui Ft. Nourey - Light In A Darkened World [Fractal Digital Recordings]
02. Anthony Mea - Crimson (Original Mix) [Silk]
03. eleven.five - Echo (Original Mix) [Silk]
04. Blood Groove & Kikis - Aura [Spring Tube]
05. Peter Portal - The Song of Distant Earth (Chris Domingo Remix) [Nueva Deep]
06. Fran Von Vie - Road to Los Angeles (Marc Poppcke Remix) [Proton Music]
07. Incolumnis - Tecabrali – Changes EP (Incolumnis Calibrated mix) [JOOF]
08. JimiJ - Mea Culpa (Original Mix) [Electronic Elements]
09. Deepfunk - Waiting For (Deepfunk Remix) [Classound Recordings]
10. Cramp - 2030 A.D. (Roddy Reynaert Remix) [Cramp - 2030 A.D.]
11. Sebastian Weikum - It Moves On (Roddy Reynaert Remix) [Colorize]
Ben Gold (10:00 - 11:20)
01. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT 600 Anthem) (?rjan Nilsen Remix) [Armada]
02. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix) [Armada]
03. Ben Gold- Mesocyclone (Original Mix) [Garuda]
04. Tritonal - Slave (Tritonal & Ben Gold Club Dub) [Enhanced]
05. ID - ID
06. ID - ID
07. ID - ID
08. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
09. Gareth Emery - Tokyo (Ben Gold Remix) [Garuda]
10. Rick Mitchells vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sub Zero vs. Sun & Moon (Mark Sixma Mashup)
11. Ben Gold Ft. The Glass Child - Fall With Me (Tom Fall Remix) [Garuda]
12. Armin van Buuren Ft. Ray Wilson - Yet Another Day (ID Remix) [Armada]
13. John O'Callaghan Ft. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky (Ben Gold Remix) [Armada]
14. Armin Van Buuren & Ferry Coresten Vs. Gareth Emery - Brute Concrete angel (ID Mash Up) [Garuda]
15. Ben Gold - Where Life Takes Us (Original Mix) [Garuda]
16. Nenes & Pascal Feliz – Platinum (Ben Gold Remix) [Be Yourself]
Prayer Break (11:20 - 11:30)
BT - Skylarking (Extended Version) [Armada]
Super8&Tab (11:30 - 12:30)
01. Audien - Wayfarer (Intro Edit) [Anjunabeats]
02. Super8 & Tab Ft. Julie Thompson - Your Secret’s Safe (Original Mix) [WORLD PREMIERE]
03. Super8 & Tab - Teardrops (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
04. Super8 & Tab - Fiesta (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
05. Oliver Smith - Pressure (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
06. Jerome Isma-Ae, Max Freegrant - Thrill Me (Original Mix) [Jee Productions]
07. Above & Beyond - Black Room Boy (Club Mix) [Anjunabeats]
08. Super8 & Tab - L.A. (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
09. Signum - First Strike (Juventa Club Mix) [Armada]
10. Super8 & Tab vs Oceanlab - Satellite Awakenings (Super8&Tab Mashup)
11. ilan Bluestone - Sinai (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
12. ID - ID
13. Myon&Shane54 Ft. Aruna - Lights (ID Remix)
14. Luminary - Amsterdam (Super8 & Tab Remix) [Anjunabeats]
15. Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
W&W (12:30 - 13:30)
01. W&W - Lift Off (Original Mix) [Revealed .Armada]
02. W&W - Shotgun (Original Mix) [Armada]
03. Hardwell Ft. Amba Shepherd - Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
04. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
05. Dash Berlin Ft. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (W&W Remix) [Armada]
06. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line (Original Mix) [Armada]
07. Hardwell vs. Above & Beyond - Thing Called Spaceman (W&W Mashup)
08. ID - ID
09. Zedd - Clarity (W&W Remix)
10. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat (Original Mix) [Armada]
11. Ashley Wallbridge vs. GTA, Henrix & Digital Lab Hit It Zorro (Rafael Frost Remix) (W&W Mashup)
12. ID - ID [Track 02 from ASOT#600 Mexico]
13. W&W - Invasion [ASOT#550 Anthem] [Armada]
14. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code (Original Mix) [Revealed]
15. W&W - Moscow (Original Mix) [Armada]
16. Delerium Ft. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (W&W vs Jonas Stenberg Remix)
17. W&W and Marcel Woods - Trigger (Original Mix) [Armada]
18. ID - ID
Cosmic Gate (13:40 – 14:50)
01. Cosmic Gate & Cary Brothers - Wake Your Mind (Intro Mix)
02. Cosmic Gate - Wake Your Mind vs. Mat Zo & Porter Robinson - Easy (Mash-up)
03. Cosmic Gate & J - Something - Over the Rainbow (W&W Remix) [Black Hole]
04. Audien - Wayfarer (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
05. Cosmic Gate - Crushed (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
06. Cosmic Gate Ft. Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
07. Cosmic Gate - The Theme (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
08. First State Ft. Anita Kelsey - Falling (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
09. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock 2013 (Arty Rock N' Rolla Mix)
10. Dimitri Vegas, MOGUAI & Like Mike - Mammoth (Original Mix) [Spinnin' Rec]
11. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro (Rafael Frost Remix) [ARVA]
12. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate Back 2 The Future Remix) [Black Hole]
13. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix) [Armada]
14. James Horner Ft. Leona Lewis - I See You (Cosmic Gate Remix)
15. Cosmic Gate - Exploration of Space (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
Armin van Buuren (14:50 – 16:50)
01. Alexander Popov - Lost Language (Intro Mix) [Armada]
02. Dash Berlin Ft. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armada]
03. Armin Van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat (Original Mix) [Armada]
04. Orjan Nilsen - No Saint Out Of Me (Original Mix) [Armada]
05. Glender - Brazilian Roots (Armin van Buuren Samba Mashup)
06. Armin Van Buuren Ft. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours (Original Mix) [Armada]
07. Rank 1 - Airwave (Julians Bootleg)
08. Armin van Buuren vs Arty - Nehalennia (Original Mix) [Armada]
09. Armin van Buuren Ft. Ana Criado vs. Broning - Suddenly Smash! (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
10. Andrew Rayel - Zeus (Original Mix) [Armind]
11. Markus Schulz Ft. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour .Armada]
12. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - J’ai Envie De Toi (Original Mix) [Armind]
13. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT#600 Anthem) [ASOT Recordings]
14. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - Humming The Lights (Original Mix) [Armind]
15. Arisen Flame - Concept (Original Mix) [Arisen Music]
16. Solarstone & Scott Bond & Heatbeat vs. Armin van Buuren Ft. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (AvB Mashup)
17. UCast vs. MaRLo – Genesis Boom (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
18. Armin van Buuren - In And Out Of Love vs. Dada Life - Kick Out The Epic Motherfu*ker (Ronski Speed Mash-up)
19. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - New York City (Original Mix) [Armada]
20. Sebastian Brandt & Andain - Ashes Are Beautiful Things (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
21. Darren Porter - Spellbound (Original Mix) [Monster Digital]
22. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren & Gareth Emery Ft. Christina Novelli - Brutal Concrete Angel (Accapella)
23. John O'Callaghan vs Commander Tom - Are Am Eye Stresstest (John Askew Remix) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
24. Armin van Buuren Ft. Ana Criado vs. Talla 2XLC Ft. Skye - Rise & I'll Listen (Photographer Dub) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
25. Brian Cameron vs. Jamie Drummond - Serotonin Joyride (M&M Mashup)
26. Photographer vs. Armin van Buuren - Airport Shivers (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
27. Armin van Buuren Ft. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Armada]
Aly & Fila (16:50 – 18:00)
01. Mohamed Ragab - Sharm (Original Mix)
02. Aly & Fila - Running Out of Time (Album Extended Mix) (feat. Chris Jones)
03. Aly & Fila - We Control the Sunlight (Spark 7 Remix) (feat. Jwaydan)
04. NYX - Zodiac (Original Mix)
05. ID - ID
06. Fady & Mina - Ninja (Original Mix)
07. Paul van Dyk - I Don't Deserve You (John O'Callaghan Remix) (feat. Plumb)
08. Eddie Bitar - Rollercoaster (Original Mix)
09. Aly & Fila - Quite Storm (Original Mix)
10. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - Satellite (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
11. Solarstone - Fireisland (Aly & Fila Uplifting Mix) (with Aly & Fila)
12. Sneijder - Jackknife
13. Ben Gold - Fall with Me (Sneijder Remix) (feat. The Glass Child)
14. Underworld - Born Slippy (Activa Bootleg)
15. Aly & Fila - First Sun (Album Mix)
16. Aly & Fila - ID (vs. FKN feat. Jahala)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Mumbai (2013-03-16)
Arnej (16:00 – 17:00)
01. Arnej - Adagio (Intro Mix)
02. 8 Wonders - ID
03. KhoMha – Dejavu (Original Mix)
04. Arnej - ID
05. W&W - Lift Off vs Tiesto – Traffic (Tristan Garner Remix)
06. Cosmic Gate & Arnej – Sometimes They Come Back For More
07. 8 Wonders - ID
08. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code vs W&W - Invasion (Arnej Mashup)
09. Markus Schulz – Fly To Colors (Arnej Remix)
10. Fisherman & Hawkins – Apache (Original Mix)
11. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford – Sun And Moon vs ID - ID (Arnej Mashup)
12. tyDi feat. Sarah Howells – When I Go (Arnej Remix)
13. Cosmic Gate – Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
Rank 1 (17:00 – 18:00)
01. Rank 1 - 7 Instead Of 8 (Original Mix) [High Contrast]
02. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren with Rank 1 - Witness (Edit) [Armind]
03. Rank 1 - Airwave (Jullians Bootleg) [Unreleased]
04. Rank 1 vs. M.I.K.E. - Elements Of Nature (Edit) [High Contrast]
05. Rank 1 - Floorlifter [High Contrast]
06. Mino Safy - Specialist [Tellurium Recordings]
07. Rank 1 & Jochen Miller feat. Sarah Bettens - Wild And Perfect Day (Extended Mix) [High Contrast]
08. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - And Then... (Original Mix) [High Contrast]
09. Conjure One feat. Leigh Nash - Under The Gun (Rank 1 Remix) [Armada]
10. Rank 1 vs. Lucid - I Can't Help There Be Light (Rank 1 Mash-up) [Unreleased]
11. Aerofoil - Wow! [Future Focus Recordings]
12. Super8 & Tab feat. Julie Thompson - My Enemy (Rank 1 Remix) [Anjunabeats]
Shogun (18:00 – 19:00)
01. Guru Josh Project – Infinity 2008 (Intro Mix)
02. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt – Waiting (W&W Remix)
03. Shogun – Drop (Original Mix)
04. Shogun - Supernova (Original Mix)
05. Shogun - UFO (Original Mix)
06. Dash Berlin – Better Half Of Me (Shogun Remix)
07. Shogun feat. Melissa Loretta - Skyfire (Original Mix)
08. Tiesto - Adagio for Strings (Original Mix)
09. Nari & Milani – Atom (Maurizio Gubellini & Delayers Remix) vs Timbaland feat. One Republic - Apologize (Acapella)
10. Shogun feat. Melissa Loretta - Lotus (Original Mix)
Aly & Fila (19:00 – 20:00)
01. Aly & Fila & Roger Shah feat Adrina Thorpe - Perfect Love (Original Mix)
02. John O'Callaghan & Ronski Speed - Sincerely JORS (Original Mix)
03. Bjorn Akesson - Gunsmoke (Original Mix)
04. ID
05. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You ( John O'Callaghan Remix)
06. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight ( Spark 7 Remix )
07. Aly & Fila & John O'Callaghan Ft. Katrina Noorbergen - Your Heart Is Mine (Original Mix)
08. Eddie Bitar - Rollercoaster (Original Mix)
09. Solarstone with Aly & Fila - Fireisland (Aly & Fila' Uplifting Mix)
10. Aly & Fila - Quite Strom (Original Mix)
11. NatLife Feat. Arunima - Saawariya (New World Remix)
12. Above & Beyond feat. Hannah Thomas - Home (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
13. Aly & Fila - First Sun (Album Mix)
Armin van Buuren (20:00 – 22:00)
01. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Andrew Rayel Intro Remix)
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix)
03. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat
04. Rank 1 - Airwave (Jullians Bootleg)
05. Armin van Buuren vs. Arty - Nehalennia
06. Markus Schulz Feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix)
07. Rapha - Nice (Maarten de Jong Remix)
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Emma Hewitt - Forever is Ours
09. Klauss Goulart & Max van Voors - Rio
10. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
11. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Club Mix)
12. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Thomas Heredia Remix)
13. Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi
14. Andy Moor - Love Again (Andrew Rayel Remix)
15. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
16. Solar Stone & Scott Bond & Heatbeat vs. Armin van Buuren - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (Armin Van Buuren Mashup)
17. MaRLo - Boom
18. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights
19. RAM - Grotesque (Alex M.O.R.P.H. and RAM Original Mix)
20. Armin Van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia Remix)
21. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT 600 Anthem)
22. Armin van Buuren - Rush Hour (Amir Hussain Bootleg)
23. Ciro Visone - First Coming (Ian Standerwick Remix)
24. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren - Brute (Armin van Buuren Illegal Drum Edit) w/ Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Accapella)
25. Dada Life - Kick Out The Epic Mothef**ker vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love (Ronski Speed Mashup)
26. Photographer vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Airport Shivers (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
27. Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Miami (2013-03-24)
Tritonal (17:00 – 18:00 CET)
01. Tritonal feat. Underdown - Deep Into Black (Original Mix)
02. Ashley Wallbridge – Yin-Yang
03. Myon & Shane 54 with Aruna – Lights (7 Skies Remix)
04. Audien – Wayfarer (Original Mix)
05. Eric Prydz vs. Audien - Every Day Wayfarer (Tritonal Mashup)
06. Tritonal - ID
07. Tritonal feat. Underdown – Bullet That Saved Me (Original Mix)
08. Ashley Wallbridge – Zorro (Rafael Frost Remix)
09. Arty feat. Chris James – Together We Are (Audien Remix)
10. Showtek & Justin Prime – Cannonball (Original Mix)
11. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Everafter (Tritonal Club Mix) vs. Audien feat. Michael S. – Leaving You
12. Hard Rock Sofa & Dirty Shade – Collapsar
13. Estiva feat. Tanya Zygar - Death of Me (Original Mix) vs. Sandro Silva & Quintino – Epic (Original Mix)
14. Anomaly - Calling Your Name (Tritonal & BT Club Mix)
15. Tritonal feat. Underdown – Bullet That Saved Me (ID Remix)
16. ID
W&W (18:00 – 19:00)
01. W&W – Lift Off!
02. W&W – ID
03. W&W – Shotgun
04. Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd – Apollo (Lucky Date Remix)
05. ID
06. Ashley Wallbridge & Rafaлl Frost vs. GTA, Henrix & Digital Lab vs. Hard Rock Sofa – Zorro Hit Rasputin! (W&W Mashup)
07. Zedd feat. Foxes – Clarity (W&W Bootleg)
08. Armin van Buuren & W&W – D# Fat
09. W&W – Invasion (Club Mix)
10. ID
11. W&W & Ummet Ozcan – The Code
12. Tiesto – Maximal Crazy (W&W Bootleg)
13. ID
14. ID
15. Marcel Woods vs. W&W – Trigger
16. ID
17. ID
Cosmic Gate (19:00-20:00)
01. Cosmic Gate feat. Cary Brothers vs. Mat Zo & Porter Robinson- Wake Your Mind vs. Easy (ID Mashup)
02. Cosmic Gate feat. J'Something - Over The Rainbow (W&W Remix)
03. Ummet Ozcan vs. First State feat. Anita Kelsey - Here & Now vs. Falling (ID Mashup)
04. Super8 & Tab - Teardrops (Original Mix)
05. Omnia - The Light (Original Mix)
06. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Mix)
07. Dimitri Vegas, Moguai & Like Mike - Mammoth (Original Mix)
08. Cosmic Gate - The Theme (Original Mix)
09. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound (Extended Mix)
10. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix)
11. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
12. Cosmic Gate feat. Cathy Burton - Drifting Away (Original Mix)
13. Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
ATB (20:00 – 21:00)
01. ATB feat. Tiff Lacey vs. Rapha Di Sands - Ecstasy Manantial (Mashup)
02. Myon & Shane 54 faet. Aruna pres. Velvetine - The Great Divide (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Love Remix)
03. jjoo & Kevin Charm - Superleggera
04. ATB feat. JanSoon - Move On (ATB Club Version)
05. Coldplay vs. Porter Robinson - Every Language Is A Waterfall (Cadence Bootleg)
06. Estiva - Smiley Smilesworth
07. Blur vs. Nirvana. - Smells Like Song 2 (ATB Monster Mashup)
08. ATB - Still Here
09. BT feat. Jes vs. Rank 1 - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix) vs. L.E.D. There Be Light (Trance Energy 2009 Anthem) (Mashup)
10. ATB & Dash Berlin vs. Niki & The Dove - DJ Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup) vs. Ellie Goulding - Lights
Dash Berlin (21:00 – 22:00)
01. One Republic – If I Lose Myself (Dash Berlin Remix)
02. Porter Robinson vs. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Language In Your Heart (Dashup)
03. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin – Fool For Life
04. John Martin - Just Drive (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
05. Alexander Popov feat. Kyler England - My World
06. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Jeffrey Sutorius Remix)
07. Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd - Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
08. Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
09. Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
10. Sander Kleinenberg vs. Rapha (Maarten De Jong Remix) - This Miami Is Nice (Dashup)
11. Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone (Dash Berlin Remix)
12. Super8 & Tab vs. John O'Callaghan & Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky Teardrops (Dashup)
13. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know (Original Mix)
14. Dash Berlin feat. Band Of Horses - The Funeral (Dash Berlin Rework)
15. Tiesto vs. Pendulum - Lethal Island (Dashup)
16. Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) (Outro Mix)
Markus Schulz (22:00 – 23:00)
01. Cosmic Gate - The Godskitchen Beyond Sound Anthem (KhoMha Remix)
02. ID
03. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (Original Mix)
04. ID
05. ID [World Premiere]
06. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loop & Tings (Original Mix)
07. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line (Original Mix)
08. Digital X - Raptor (Original Mix)
09. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix)
10. Markus Schulz - The Spiritual Gateway (Transmission Theme 2013) (Original Mix)
11. Markus Schulz feat. Seri - Love Rain Down (4 Strings Remix)
12. Beat Service - Fortuna (Original Mix)
13. Omnia - The Light (Original Mix)
14. Bingo Players vs. Hardwell vs. Omnia & IRA - Out Of My Spaceman Fusion (Markus Schulz Mashup)
15. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT 600 Anthem ) (Original Mix)
Above & Beyond (23:00 – 00:30)
01. ID
02. Norin & Rad - Aldo (Original Mix)
03. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts feat. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Toby Hedges Remix)
04. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Alchemy (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
05. Audien - Wayfarer (Original Mix)
06. Above & Beyond - On My Way To Heaven (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
07. Above & Beyond - Walter White (Original Mix)
08. Jaytech feat. Steve Smith - Stranger (Kyau & Albert Remix)
09. Maor Levi - Holding On (Original Mix)
10. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Thing Called Love (Above & Beyond 2011 Club Mix)
11. 7 Skies vs. Nitrous Oxide - Right On (Original Mix)
12. Above & Beyond - Black Room Boy (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
13. Oliver Smith - Pressure (Original Mix)
14. Super8 & Tab - L.A. (Juventa Remix)
15. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Liquid Love (Maor Levi Remix)
16. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (CLub Mix)
Armin van Buuren (00:30 – 02:00)
01. Zedd - Clarity (Andrew Rayel Remix) [CDR]
02. ID
03. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix) [Armind]
04. Armin Van Buuren vs Emma Hewitt - The Sound Of Rewind (Myon & Shane Mashup) [CDR]
05. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion (Original Mix) [Coldharbour]
06. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat (Original Mix) [Armind]
07. Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (W&W Remix) [Armind]
08. ID
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado vs. Broning - Suddenly Smash! (Armin van Buuren Mashup) [CDR]
10. MaRLo - BOOM! (Original Mix) [ASOT]
11. Alexander Popov – Lost Language
12. Armin Van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'Ai Envie de Toi (Original Mix) [Armind]
13. Beat Service - Aurora (Original Mix) [Beat Service Audio]
14. Armin Van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights (Original Mix) [Armind]
15. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT 600 Anthem ) (Original Mix) [ASOT]
16. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix) [ASOT]
17. Ciro Visone - First Coming (Ian Standerwick Remix) [Defcon]
18. Photographer - Kervansaray vs. Josh Wink - Higher State of Consciousness (Armin Van Buuren Mashup) [CDR]
19. Photographer vs. Armin Van Buuren feat. Susana - Airport Shivers (Armin Van Buuren Mashup) [CDR]
20. Ferry Corsten & Armin Van Buuren - l Brute
Ferry Corsten (02:00 – 03:00)
01. Festen - ID [Flashover]
02. Jacob van Hage - Crank [Flashover Electro House]
03. Ferry Corsten & Bassjackers - Collision [Spinnin']
04. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Dimitry Vegas & Like Mike Remix) [Flashover]
05. Moguai, Dimitry Vegas & Like Mike - Mammoth [Spinnin']
06. Ferry Corsten - ID [Flashover]
07. Ferry Corsten vs. Markus Schulz - Loops & Tings [Cold Harbour]
08. Ferry Corsten featuring Aruna versus Ferry Corsten - Kudawudashuda Forever (Mashup) [CDr]
09. Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (ID Remix) [CDr]
10. Ferry Corsten & Markus Schulz presents New World Punx - ID [CDr]
11. Ferry Corsten featuring Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Rework) [CDr]
12. Ferry Corsten - Punk (MaRLo Remix) [Flashover]
Paul van Dyk (03:00 – 04:00)
01. ID
02. Paul van Dyk feat. Austin Leeds - Symmetries (Maarten de Jong Remix)
03. Nameless Girl - Bright Light (Digital Self & Tek-Tonic Mix)
04. Paul van Dyk ft. Austin Leeds - Verano (Austin Leeds Remix) Vs Kaskade & deadmau5 - Move For Me (Acapella)
05. Paul van Dyk Feat. Arty - The Ocean (Las Salinas Remix)
06. Ummet Ozcan Official - The Box
07. ID
08. PvD ft. Plumb – I Don’t Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Rmx)
09. Aly & Fila meets Roger Shah feat Adrina Thorpe - Perfect Love
10. ID
11. Paul van Dyk - For An Angel (Paul van Dyk Remix 09) Vs One Vs Super8 & Tab - Fiesta (Tom Fall Remix)
12. Rapha - Nice (Maarten de Jong Remix)
13. DJ Joe K - Born Slippy Vs Hard Rock Sofa & Swanky Tunes - Here We Go
14. Paul Van Dyk feat. Second Sun - Crush(ID Remix)
15. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Betsie Larkin vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Waiting For Toys (Dashup)
16. Paul Van Dyk feat. Vega 4 - Time Of Our Lives Vs Paul van Dyk feat. Austin Leeds - Verano (Paul van Dyk Full Fire Mix)
17. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - Home (PvD Club Mix)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ New York (2013-03-30)
00. Warm-up Set
01. Asten - Borealis
02. Scotty.A - Nothing As It Seems
03. Darin Epsilon - Shine The Light (Ryan Davis Reconstruct)
04. Cid Inc. - Divine (Hernan Cattaneo & Soundexile)
05. Baboop & Cid Inc. - Split Horizon (Cid Inc. Remix)
06. Deepfunk - Black Lemon Trees (Andy Arias Blackmambo Mix)
07. Lessov - Nakali
08. Incolumis - Point Blank
09. Paronator - No Gravity (Tom Middleton Liquatech Mix)
10. Vitodito & Soulforge pres. Positiva - Certain Balance
11. Luke Porter - Sardonica
01. Alex M.O.R.P.H.
01. Star Wars - Imperial March (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Intro Edit)
02. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix)
03. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (A State Of Trance 600 Anthem)
04. ID - ID
05. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - In My Mind
06. ID - ID
07. Chantal - The Realm
08. ID - ID
09. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - New York City
10. ID - ID
11. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Andrew Rayel Remix)
02. W&W
01. W&W - Lift Off!
02. W&W - ID
03. W&W - Moscow
04. Ummet Ozcan - Here & Now
05. Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd - Apollo (Lucky Date vs. Noisecontrollers Remix)
06. Ashley Wallbridge & Rafael Frost vs. GTA & Henrix & Digital Lab vs. Hard Rock Sofa - Zorro Hit Rasputin!
07. Noisecontrollers & Showtek - Get Loose (Original vs. Tiesto Remix)
08. Zedd feat. Foxes - Clarity (W&W Bootleg)
09. Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat
10. W&W - Invasion (Club Mix)
11. Ruby & Tony vs. Mark Eteson & Luke Bond - Noizer vs. 4 Days Out (Tom Fall Remix)
12. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code
13. W&W vs. Leon Bolier - Disco Davai AK47 (W&W Mashup)
14. Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway vs. Ben Gold feat. The Glass Child - Error 404 vs. Fall With Me (W&W Mashup)
15. ID - ID
16. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (W&W Remix)
03. New World Punx
01. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten pres. New World Punx - Romper
02. Binary Finary - 1998 (Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten pres. New World Punx Bootleg Mix)
03. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loops & Tings
04. ID - ID
05. Ferry Corsten & Bassjackers - Collision
06. Jacob van Hage - Crank
07. Festen - F The Bullshit
08. KhoMha - Hydra
09. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Mainstage Remix)
10. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike & Moguai vs. Ferry Corsten & Aruna - Mammoth Forever (Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten pres. New World Punx Mashup)
11. Ferry Corsten - Kudawudashuda
12. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line
13. Digital X - Raptor
14. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Stella
15. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
16. Cosmic Gate - Storm Chaser (Global Gathering 2012 Anthem) (KhoMha Remix)
17. Ferry Corsten - Black Light
18. Beat Service vs. Markus Schulz feat. Ana Diaz - Fortuna vs. Nothing Without Me
19. Grube & Hovsepian - Trickster
20. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten pres. New World Punx - The Digital Punks Of Gotham
21. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down
22. Markus Schulz - The New World 2013
04. Armin van Buuren
01. Arnej - Adagio (Intro Mix)
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora vs. ID - Waiting For The ID (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
03. Zedd feat. Foxes - Clarity (Andrew Rayel Remix)
04. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum (Armin van Buuren Remix)
05. Armin van Buuren feat. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours
06. ID - ID
07. Armin van Buuren & W&W vs. CRW - I Feel D# Fat (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
08. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Humming The Lights
09. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - Tuvan
10. Dash Berlin feat. Band Of Horses - The Funeral
11. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia Remix)
12. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (A State Of Trance 600 Anthem)
13. UCast vs. MaRLo - BOOM Genesis (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
14. Solarstone, Scott Bond & Heatbeat vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
15. Rapha & Maarten de Jong vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I'll Nicely Listen (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
16. Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge
17. Bjorn Akesson - Gunsmoke
18. Underworld - Born Slippy (Activa Bootleg)
19. Photographer vs. Josh Wink - Higher State Of Kervansaray (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
20. Photographer vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Airport Shivers (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
21. Brian Cameron vs. Jase Therwall vs. Shogun - Freaked Serotonin Skyfire (Armin van Buuren Monster Mashup)
22. Armin van Buuren vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love vs. Raw Deal (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
23. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren vs. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Brute Angel (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
24. Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (W&W Remix)
A State Of Trance Episode 600 - Live @ Den Bosch (2013-04-06)
01 Main Stage
00. Warm-up Set
01. Rodg - Jacqueline (Club Mix)
02. ID - ID
03. Hazem Beltagui feat. Nourey - Light In A Darkened World
04. ID - ID
05. Cid Inc. - Divine (Hernan Cattaneo & Soundexile Remix)
06. Boom Jinx & Andrew Bayer - To The Six
07. Juventa - Land Of Far Expectation
08. Matt Lange - Rift
09. JimiJ - Mea Culpa
10. Presslaboys - Incomplete (Deepfunk Remix)
11. Sasha - Xpander
12. The Blizzard - Kalopsia
01. Omnia
01. ID - ID
02. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt - Calm Down (Omnia Remix)
03. Arty feat. Chris James - Together We Are
04. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
05. Ashley Wallbridge - Yin-Yang
06. ID - ID
07. Omnia - The Light
08. Ashley Wallbridge feat. Audrey Gallagher - Bang The Drum (Omnia Remix)
09. Ana Criado & Omnia - No One Home
10. Ben Gold - Mesocyclone
11. Arty - Believe In Me
12. Hard Rock Sofa - Rasputin
13. Omnia - Infina
14. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Mainstage Remix)
15. Gareth Emery - Meet Her In Miami
16. Mat Zo & Porter Robinson - Easy
17. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - D.U.I.
18. W&W - Lift Off!
19. Protoculture - Laguna
20. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Conqueror
21. Photographer - Airport
22. Sandro Silva & Quintino - Epic
02. Andrew Rayel
01. Andrew Rayel vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - I'm Sorry Senta (Andrew Rayel Mashup)
02. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know
03. ID vs. Andrew Rayel - ID vs. 550 Senta (Andrew Rayel Mashup)
04. Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Andrew Rayel Remix)
05. Kyau & Albert vs. Cathy Burton - All Your Colors vs. Reach Out Of Me (Andrew Rayel Mashup)
06. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Andrew Rayel Remix)
07. Zedd feat. Foxes - Clarity (Andrew Rayel Remix)
08. Andrew Rayel - Zeus
09. Tenishia - Where Do We Begin (Andrew Rayel Remix)
10. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Andrew Rayel Remix)
11. Bobina vs. MaRLo - The Space Track vs. Boom (Andrew Rayel Mashup)
12. Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge
13. Delerium & Tiesto vs. W&W & Afrojack - Lethal Silence (Andrew Rayel Mega Mashup)
14. Andrew Rayel & Dash Berlin & Roger Shah - One Home (Andrew Rayel Mashup)
15. W&W & Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders vs. Andrew Rayel - Sanctuary Invasion Coriolis (Andrew Rayel Mashup)
16. Andrew Rayel - Musa
03. Cosmic Gate
01. Dimitri Vegas, Moguai & Like Mike - Mammoth
02. Cosmic Gate feat. J'Something - Over The Rainbow (W&W Remix)
03. Cosmic Gate - Crushed
04. Cosmic Gate & Myon & Shane 54 feat. Aruna - All Around You
05. Audien - Wayfarer
06. Ummet Ozcan vs. First State feat. Anita Kelsey - Here & Now vs. Falling (Cosmic Gate Mashup)
07. W&W - Shotgun
08. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Mix)
09. Cosmic Gate - The Theme
10. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound
11. Cosmic Gate & Andrew Bayer - Nothing Ever Lasts
12. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 The Future Remix)
13. Cosmic Gate & Arnej - Sometimes They Come Back For More
14. Cosmic Gate feat. Cathy Burton - Drifting Away (Faruk Sabanci Remix)
15. Cosmic Gate - Storm Chaser (KhoMha Remix)
04. Armin van Buuren
01. Alexander Popov - Lost Language (Intro Mix)
02. ID - ID
03. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
04. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora vs. ID - Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix) vs. ID
05. Armin van Buuren & W&W vs. CRW - I Feel D# Fat (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
06. Klauss Goulart & Max van Voors - Rio
07. ID - ID
08. Rank 1 - Airwave (Julians Bootleg)
09. Armin van Buuren feat. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours
10. Rapha & Maarten de Jong vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I'll Nicely Listen (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
11. Gaia - Humming The Lights
12. Alexandre Bergheau - Colors Of Persia
13. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (ASOT600 Theme)
14. UCast vs. MaRLo - Boom! Genesis (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
15. Scott Bond vs. Solarstone vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
16. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Who Will Find Me vs. ID (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
17. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity
18. Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (W&W Remix)
05. Dash Berlin
01. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt vs. Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd - Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) vs. Waiting
02. Porter Robinson vs. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Language In Your Heart (Dashup)
03. One Republic - If I Lose Myself (Dash Berlin Remix)
04. Christina Perri - Jar Of Hearts (Dash Berlin Bootleg)
05. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
06. Nicky Romero & Nervo - Like Home (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
07. Armin van Buuren & W&W vs. Bruno Mars & Sultan & Ned Shepard vs. Benny Benassi - D# Fat Out Of Heaven Satisfaction (Dashup)
08. Above & Beyond vs. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting To Disarm Your Sun & Moon (Dashup)
09. Gabriel & Dresden pres. Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Dash Berlin Remix)
10. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
11. Markus Schulz & Myon & Shane 54 vs. Dash Berlin feat. Seri - Never Rain Down Again (Dashup)
12. Super8 & Tab vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky Teardrops (Dashup)
13. Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone (Dash Berlin Rework)
14. Sl2 vs. ATB & Dash Berlin vs. Niki & The Dove vs. Ellie Goulding - On A Ragga Tip vs. DJ Ease My Apollo Road (Dashup) vs. Lights
15. Dash Berlin feat.Band Of Horses - The Funeral
16. Tiesto vs. Pendulum - Lethal Island (Dashup)
17. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run
18. Dash Berlin vs. 4 Strings - Till The Sky Falls Down vs. Take Me Away (Dashup)
06. Orjan Nilsen
01. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
02. Orjan Nilsen - Burana
03. ID - ID
04. Orjan Nilsen - Filthy Fandango
05. Sander van Doorn & Mark Knight vs. Underworld - Ten
06. ID - ID
07. ID - ID
08. Orjan Nilsen - Endymion
09. Orjan Nilsen - No Saint Out Of Me
10. Christian Burns, Paul Oakenfold & JES - As We Collide (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
11. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
12. ID - ID
13. Mark Sixma - Requiem
14. Orjan Nilsen - Copperfield
15. Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
07. Simon Patterson
01. ID - ID
02. Renato Cohen - Pontape (2013 Remake)
03. Hertz - Funkster EP
04. D-Unity - Box Shaped Room (Alex Di Stefano Remix)
05. XGenic - Blaster (Blazer Remix)
06. Beatman & Ludmilla feat. Kate Havnevik vs. Simon Patterson - Happy Sad vs. Northern Lights
07. Neelix - Senses
08. Ally Brown vs. Cristian Ketelaars - Smuggle Run
09. Jamie Drummond - Orphan (Will Atkinson Remix)
10. Simon Patterson - Zero Contact With The Humans
11. Leon Beilmann - Winter Rush (Andres Sanchez Remix)
12. Fictivision vs. C-Quence - Symbols (Will Atkinson 5000 Remix)
13. Astrix - High On Mel
14. Simon Patterson - Thump (Simon Patterson 2013 Remix)
15. Neelix - Leave Me Alone (Simon Patterson Remix)
16. Simon Patterson feat. Lucy Pullin - The One
08. Shogun
01. Guru Josh Project - Infinity 2008 (Intro Mix)
02. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (W&W Remix)
03. Shogun - Drop
04. Shogun - Supernova
05. Shogun - UFO
06. Dash Berlin - Better Half Of Me (Shogun Remix)
07. Shogun feat. Melissa Loretta - Skyfire
08. Tiesto - Adagio For Strings
09. Nari & Milani & Maurizio Gubellini & Delayers vs. Otto Knows vs. OneRepublic - Million Atoms To Apologize (Hardwell vs. Thomas Gold Edit)
10. Shogun feat. Melissa Loretta - Lotus
11. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Good For Me (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
12. Shogun feat. Emma Lock - Save Me
13. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down
02 Turn The World into a Dance Floor
Beat Service
04. Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora – Waiting For The Night (Beat Service Remix)
06. Cosmic Gate – Crushed (Original Mix)
Ummet Ozcan
01. Ummet Ozcan – ID
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie – This Is What It Feels Like (W&W Remix)
03. Ummet Ozcan – ID w/ Afrojack & Steve Aoki feat. Miss Palmer – Beef (Acappella) (Ummet Ozcan Mashup)
04. W&W – White Label
05. Sidney Samson – Move
06. GTA, Henrix, Digital Lab – Hit It!
07. Armin van Buuren & W&W – D# Fat
08. KhoMha – ID (well known)
09. Hard Rock Sofa – Rasputin w/ Zedd feat. Foxes – Clarity (Acappella) (Ummet Ozcan Mashup)
10. Showtek & Justin Prime vs. Tony Romera – Pandorball (Ummet Ozcan Smashup)
11. W&W & Ummet Ozcan – The Code
12. Mark Sixma – Requiem
13. Ummet Ozcan – ID
14. Tiesto vs. Andain vs. Sandro Silva & Quintino – Maximal Epic Beautiful Things (Ummet Ozcan Mashup)
15. Armani & Ghost – Airport (Ummet Ozcan Bootleg)
16. Ummet Ozcan – ID
17. Ummet Ozcan – ID
18. Ummet Ozcan – Reboot
19. Ummet Ozcan – The Box
20. Ummet Ozcan – ID
21. Ummet Ozcan – Here & Now
22. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike – Wakanda
Chris Schweizer
01.Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Mix)
02.ID - ID
03.ID - ID
04.Rick Mitchells - Sub Zero
05.Chris Schweizer feat. Tomas Heredia - Dark Siders
06.ID - ID
07.ID - ID
08.Orjan Nilsen - No Saint Out Of Me
09.Chris Schweizer vs. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Conquest (Jonas Hornblad Mashup)
10.Chris Schweizer - Believe
11.Zombie Nation & Chris Schweizer vs. Nero - Zombie Promises (Dash Berlin Dashup)
12.Chris Schweizer - Iris
13.Chris Schweizer feat. Chris Jones - Reason (Tomas Heredia Remix)
14.Pryda - Allein
15.Orjan Nilsen - Burana
16.ID - ID
1. ID - ID
2. ID - ID
3. Heatbeat - #Boom
4. ID - ID
5. ID - ID
6. ID - ID
7. ID - ID
8. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster
9. Heatbeat - Chow Mein
10. ID - ID
11. Heatbeat - ID
12. Heatbeat - ID
13. Heatbeat - Game Over
14. Solar Stone & Scott Bond & Heatbeat vs. Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On 3rd Earth (Armin Van Buuren Mashup)
15. ID - ID
16. Porter Robinson & Mat Zo - Easy
17. Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Mainstage Remix)
18. ID - ID
01. Tenishia - Where Do We Begin (Andrew Rayel Remix)
02. Adele - Skyfall (ID rem)
03. Nic Chagall feat Jonathan Mendelson - This Moment
04. Tenishia - Jaguar
05. Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know
06. ID
07. Armin Van Buuren feat. Ferry Corsten vs Andain - Brute vs Beautiful Things ( Dj Garbie Mashup )
08. Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson - Yet Another Day vs. ID (ID mash up)
09. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache
10. Scot Project - C1
11. ID
12. ID
13. W&W - Lift Off
Ben Gold
1. ID (Federation?)
2. Solarstone - Please (Pure Mix)
3. Solarstone & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Falcons vs. Matt Darey pres. Mash Up - Liberation (Temptation - Fly Like An Angel) (Solarstone Mashup)
4. The Thrillseekers feat. Stine Grove - Anywhere With You (Solarstone Pure Mix)
5. Future Disciple - No Man's Land vs. Paul Oakenfold feat. Carla Werner - Southern Sun (Solarstone Mashup)
6. Lemon - We Can't Fly (Solarstone Pure Mix)
7. Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base - Razorfish (ID Remix)
8. Solarstone - Seven Cities (Pure Mix)
9. Betsie Larkin & Solarstone - Breathe You In (ID Remix)
10. Solarstone - Solarcoaster (ID Remix)
11. Suncatcher - Simplicity
12. Hurts - Blind (ID Remix)
13. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel (Pure Mix)
Mark Sherry
01. Ferry Corsten & Armin van Buuren - Brute (Illegal Drum Edit)w/Calvin Harris - Feel So Close
02. ID - ID
03. Ummet Ozcan - Here & Now
04. Mark Sherry – Phantasmic (Maarten De Jong Remix)
05. ID - ID
06. P.E.M. – Another Attempt
07. Mark Sherry - Trailblazer
08. DJ Remy & Roland Klinkenberg – Till Ya Drop (Mark Sherry & 2nd Phase Remix)
09. Neelix – Leave Me Alone (Simon Patterson Remix)
10. Scot Project – U (I Got A Feeling) (Mark Sherry Remix)
11. Mark Sherry vs. MaRLo – Sangre Caliente vs. Megalodon (Armin van Buuren Mashup) (Mark Sherry Re-Edit)
12. Above & Beyond – Sun In Your Eyes (Mark Sherry Argentinian Sun Edit)
13. ID – ID
14. Hans Zimmer – Time (Robert Lyttle Tribute Mix)
15. Mark Sherry – My Love (Outburst Vocal Mix)
16. ID - ID
03 Who's Afraid of 138?
James Dymond
1. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Mirage (James Dymond Intro Mix) [CDR]
2. James Dymond - I.D. (Original Mix) [TBA] {WORLD PREMIERE}
3. Trance Arts & Colin James - Ballistic (Original Mix) [Mental Asylum]
4. Orla Feeney & Lisa Lashes - Mind Control (James Dymond Remix) [Lashed]
5. Armin van Buuren - Communication (James Dymond Remix) [ASOT]
6. Binary Finary - 1998 (James Dymond Rework) [CDR]
7. Sebastian Brandt - Paragon (Original Mix) [ASOT]
8. Ralph Fridge - Angel (Darren Porter Rework) [CDR]
9. James Dymond - I.D. (Original Mix) [TBA] {WORLD PREMIERE}
10. Eddie Bitar vs. Tiesto - Lethal Rollercoaster (Ben Nicky 140 BPM Headf***) [CDR]
11. Photographer vs. Porter & Weston - This Is The Tesla Effect (James Dymond Mashup) [CDR]
12. James Dymond - Gundam (Original Mix) [ASOT]
13. James Dymond - Paladin (Original Mix) [Soundpiercing]
Artic Moon
01. Perpetuous Dreamer - Sound Of Goodbye (Estigma Rework)
02. Photographer - Kervanseray
03. ID
04. Zedd - Clarity vs. Dimension - Queensland (Arctic Moon Remix) (Arctic Moon Mashup)
05. Paul Webster - The White Isle (Arctic Moon Remix)
06. Above & Beyond - Black Room Boy (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
07. Coming Soon - Become One
08. The Killers - Miss Atomic Bomb (Arctic Moon Remix)
09. Ico pres. Twisted Design - Witchcraft (Ahmed Romel Remix)
10. Mark Leanings & Arctic Moon vs. Empire Of The Sun - Whatever Happens To The People (Arctic Moon Mashup)
11. Paul Webster & Arctic Moon - Valhalla
12. Tonny Nesse - Hole In The Sky (Arctic Moon Remix)
13. Jorn van Deynhoven - Superfly
14. Armin van Buuren - Coming Home (Arctic Moon Remix)
15. Paul van Dyk & Arty feat. Sue McLaren - The Sun After Heartbreak (Nick Callaghan & Will Atkinson Remix)
16. Arctic Moon - Starships Over Alice (Paul Webster Remix)
Ali & Fila
01. Aly & Fila - ID (Intro Mix)
02. Aly & Fila feat. Susana - Without You
03. Talla 2XLC feat. Skye - Rise (Photographer Dub)
04. off
05. off
06. Aly & Fila - First Sun
07. Push - Universal Nation (Mitcham & Alexander 15 Year Edition)
08. Aly & Fila feat. Jahala - ID
09. Aly & Fila - Dream Of Peace (Neptune Project Remix)
10. Ben Gold – Where Life Takes Us (ID Remix)
11. Solarstone – Touchstone (Aly & Fila Remix)
12. Aly & Fila - Quiet Storm
13. Aly & Fila - ID
14. A & Z - Intimate Assassin (Original Mix)
15. Quest4Trance - Fire & Ice (Ahmed Romel Remix)
16. Lange feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw - Sincere For You
17. Nyx - Zodiac
18. ID
19. Aly & Fila feat. Jwaydan - We Control The Sunlight
John Askew
01. JOC - Stresstest (John Askew Remix) vs. Commander Tom – Are Am Eye (John Askew Remix)
02. John Askew - The Witch
05. Talla 2XLC feat. Skye - Rise (Photographer Dub)
06. Paul van Dyk feat. Saint Etienne - Tel Me Why (John Askew Remix)
07. Ehren Stowers - Quarantine (John Askew Rework)
08. K90 – Red Snapper (Allen & Envy Rework)
09. The Phrenetic Project - Smoke Weed Everday
10. Misja Helsloot feat. Fisher - Inspire (Aerofoil Remix)
11. Photographer - Tic Tac (Original Mix)
12. Armin van Buuren - Communication (John Askew Remix)
13. Simon Patterson - Zero Contact With The Humans
14. John Askew - Bastard
15. Simon Patterson - Smack (John Askew Remix)
16. Second Sine - Blue Beam Project
17. John O'Callaghan - Stresstest (John Askew Remix)
John O' Callaghan
01. ID
02. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You (John O'Callaghan Remix)
03. Matt Hardwick feat Gulf - Impossible (John O Callaghan Remix)
04. Matt Hardwick & Gulf - Impossible (John O'Callaghan Remix)
05. Brian Cameron - Fatality
06. Solis & Sean Truby feat. Sue McLaren - Closer To The Earth (John O'Callaghan Remix)
07. Josh Wink - Higher State of Consciousness ( ID Remix/Mashup?)
08. John O'Callaghan & Ronski Speed - Sincerely JORS
09. Balearic Bill - Destination Sunshine (Tiesto Remix)
10. John O'Callaghan - Riders of Rohan
11. The Thrillseekers feat. Stine Grove - Everything (John O'Callaghan Remix)
12. Stoneface & Terminal - Super Nature (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
13. Andain - What It's Like (Sneijder Remix)
14. Blue Tente - The Lost Angel (Photographer Remix)
15. Binary Finary - 1998 (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
Armin van Buuren
1. Armin van Buuren - Who's Afraid of 138?! (Original Mix) [Armada] {WORLD PREMIERE}
2. Moogwai - Viola (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Black Hole]
3. Luke Warner & Mat Lock - Deep Psychosis (Daniel Kandi's Cure Mix) [DJSA]
4. Ciro Visone - First Coming (Ian Standerwick Remix) [Defcon]
5. Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Solis & Sean Truby Remix) [CDR]
6. Basic Dawn - Pure Thrust (Arctic Quest Remix) [Thrust Groove]
7. Vincent de Moor - No Hesitation (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
8. Airwave vs. Rising Star- Sunspot (Sneijder Remix) [Armada]
9. Armin van Buuren & Susana vs. Photographer - Airport Shivers (Armin van Buuren Mashup) [CDR]
10. Photographer vs. Josh Wink - Higher State of Kervansaray (Armin van Buuren Mashup) [CDR]
11. I.D. - I.D.
12. Commander Tom vs. John Askew - Are Am Eye Stresstest (Armin van Buuren Mashup) [CDR]
13. Jase Thirwall vs. Brian Cameron vs. Shogun - Freaked Serotonin Skyfire (Armin van Buuren Mashup) [CDR]
14. Push - Universal Nation (Orjan Nilsen Remix) [High Contrast]
15. Salt Water - The Legacy (Alphazone Remix) [Zenith]
Bryan Kearney
1. Rocky - Drum Selected (Original Mix) [Iono]
2. Astrix - Vicious Cycles (Original Mix) [Hommega]
3. I.D. - I.D.
4. I.D. - I.D.
5. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Vandit]
6. Bryan Kearney & Snatam Kaur - I.D.
7. I.D. - I.D.
8. Easy Riders & Symbolic - Flashback (Astrix Remix) [HOMmega]
9. Full Tilt & Bryan Kearney feat. Deirdre McLaughlin - Unlimited Dreams (Original Mix) [TBA]
10. Solarstone - Please (Bryan Kearney Remix) [Black Hole]
11. John O'Callaghan & Bryan Kearney - Exactly (Original Mix) [Discover]
12. Sunblind - Believe (Nu NRG? Remix) [Creme Royal]
13. Bryan Kearney - Awaken (I.D. Remix) [Kearnage]
14. Robert Nickson vs. DT8 - 5th Spiral Dimension (Bryan Kearney? Mashup) [CDR]
15. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Earthbeat (Original Mix) [Vandit]
16. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - If You Should Go (Aly & Fila Remix) [Armind]
17. I.D. - I.D.
18. Ratty vs. Scooter - Sunrise (Here I Am) vs. She's The Sun (Bryan Kearney Mashup) [CDR]
Indecent Noise
1. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz & Indecent Noise vs. I.D. - The Expedition I.D. (Indecent Noise Mashup) [CDR]
2. Commander Tom - Are Am Eye 2.3 (John Askew Remix) [Perfecto Fluoro]
3. Vertical Mode - Lazer Shot (Original Mix) [HOMmega]
4. Juno Reactor - Pistolero (Astrix Remix) [CDR]
5. Simon Patterson & Jordan Suckley - Vanilla (Original Mix) [Reset]
6. I.D. - I.D.[Mental Asylum]
7. I.D. - I.D. [Mental Asylum]
8. Indecent Noise - Protos Heis (Original Mix) [TBA] {WORLD PREMIERE}
9. Trance Arts & Colin James - Ballistic (Original Mix) [Mental Asylum]
10. Jase Thirwall vs. Motorcycle - As The Freaked Rush Comes (John O' Callaghan Mashup) [CDR]
11. Neelix & Simon Patterson vs. John O' Callaghan & Full Tilt feat. Karen Kelly - Breathe Me Alone (Indecent Noise Mashup) [CDR]
12. Jordan Suckley - Santa Cruz (Original Mix) [TBA]
13. Indecent Noise - Disorder (Original Mix) [Mental Asylum]
14. Eddie Bitar - I.D. [Mental Asylum]
15. Bowdidge & Taylor - I.D. [Mental Asylum]
16. I.D. - I.D. [Mental Asylum]
17. Kearney & Indecent Noise vs. Eddie Bitar - Uncommon Home (Indecent Noise Mashup) [CDR]
18. Bowdidge & Taylor - Power Cut (Indecent Noise Remix) [Mental Asylum]
19. I.D. - I.D. [Mental Asylum]
20. Indecent Noise - Supercharge (Acid Mix) [Mental Asylum]
21. John Newall vs. Nero - Dropkick Promises (Indecent Noise Mashup) [CDR]
22. Dumonde - Never Look Back (Original Mix) [ID&T]
23. Mauro Picotto - Iguana (Joint Operations Centre Rework) [CDR]
24. [LAST TRACK] Mortal Kombat - Theme Song
04 The Expedition
Rex Mundi
01. Rex Mundi – Opera Of Northern Ocean
02. Ryan Mendoza – Holding on (Wellenrausch’s Dark Matter Remix)
03. Rex Mundi – ID (Track 06 from Rex Mundi – Coldharbour Day 2012)
04. Rex Mundi – ID (Track 01 from Rex Mundi Guest Mix – GDJB 13.09.2012)
05. ID – ID
06. Rex Mundi – Valley Of Dreams
07. ID – ID
08. ID – ID
09. Rex Mundi – Bella Monaco
1. Mat Zo - Bipolar vs. dnb ID (Juventa Mashup)
2. Myon & Shane 54 with Aruna - Lights (Juventa Remix)
3. Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor - Air For Life vs. ID (Juventa Mashup)
4. ID
5. Signum - First Strike (Juventa Remix)
6. ID
7. Ferry Corsten - Punk (Arty Rock-N-Rolla Remix)
8. Super8 & Tab - L.A. (Juventa Remix)
9. ID
10. Porter Robinson & Mat Zo - Easy (Norin & Rad Remix)
11. Juventa - 405
12. Sander van Doorn & Mayaeni - Nothing Inside vs. Cygnus X - Superstring (Rank 1 Remix)
14. Mikkas & Amba Shepherd - Finally
01. Omnia & IRA - The Fusion
02. ID - ID
03. Estiva feat. Josie - Better Days vs. ID (ID Mashup)
04. ID - ID
05. ID - ID
06. Daniel Kandi feat. Sarah Russell - Change The World (ID Remix)
07. DJ Eco - Borealis (Solis & Sean Truby Remix)
08. ID - ID
09. W&W vs. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Invasion Waiting (ID Mashup)
10. W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Box vs. ID - ID (ID Mashup)
11. PPK - Resurrection vs. ID - ID (ID Mashup)
12. Estiva feat. Tania Zygar - Death On Me
13. Estiva - Smiley Smilesworth
14. ID - ID
15. Sander van Doorn & Adrian Lux - Eagles
Craig Connely
01. Craig Connelly - Robot Wars (Original Mix) w/ Showtek Ft. Justin Prime - Cannonnball
02. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz vs. Jochen Miller - The Lost Expedition (Craig Connelly Mashup)
03. ID
04. ID
05. Ummet Ozcan - The Box w/ ID
06. Craig Connelly - ID
07. Heatbeat - Game Over
08. ID
09. ID w/ Gareth Emery Ft. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Acapella)
10. ID
11. ID w/ Ashley Wallbridge Ft. Audrey Gallagher - Bang The Drum (Acapella)
12. Tritonal Ft. Cristina Soto - Everafter (Craig Connelly Remix)
13. ID
14. ID
15. Gareth Emery Ft. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Craig Connelly Remix)
Faruk Sabanci
01. ID
02. Rank 1 – Awakenings (ID Remix)
03. ID
04. ID
05. Armin van Buuren vs. W&W – D# Fat vs. ID – ID (ID Mashup)
06. ID
07. Cosmic Gate feat. Cathy Burton – Drifting Away (Faruk Sabanci Remix)
08. Mark Sixma – Requiem
09. Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd – Apollo (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix)
10. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford – Sun & Moon (ID Remix)
11. ID
12. Faruk Sabanci – Elveda
13. Ferry Corsten vs. Armin van Buuren – Brute vs. Andain – Beautiful Things (ID Mashup)
Fabio XB
Matt Davey
01. Andain – What It’s Like (Sneijder/Intro Remix)
02. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Marc van Linden – Until Monday (Sneijder Remix)
03. Starparty – Im In Love (Sneijder Remix)
04. Armin van Buuren – Rush Hour (Amir Hussain Bootleg)
05. ID
06. Eddie Bitar – Rollercoaster
07. Nymark & Dryden – Colours (Amir Hussain pres. Kozac Remix)
08. Airwave vs. Rising Star – Sunspot (Sneijder Remix)
09. Talla 2XLC Feat. Skye – Rise (Photographer Remix)
10. Marco V – Simulated (Sneijder Remix)
11. Sneijder – Jackknife
Спасибо за труд! Только пожалуйста, не удаляйте старые раздачи из архива, комментарии к ним (да и они сами) представляют ценность, по крайней мере для меня. Самая первая там была по-моему 2008 года, я еще тогда ее качал, это же сколько времени-то прошло... Да и "история радиошоу A State of Trance" насчитывает уже почти 13 лет, а не десять
03 Who's Afraid of 138? 03. Matt Hardwick feat Gulf - Impossible (John O Callaghan Remix)
04. Matt Hardwick & Gulf - Impossible (John O'Callaghan Remix) Как так могло случиться
Спасибо за пак, можно удобно скачать всё, а не по файлу. Но я ожидал от нового пака следующее:
Старые выпуски нужно редактировать - где громкость повышать, где cue корректировать по таймингам (особенно это касается Special-ов с гестмиксами, где уже тогда Армин болтал без умолку), а где и рекламу вырезать.
Согласен, раздачу нужно доводить до блеска. Но общими усилиями можно сделать "конфетку".
Не помню точно, но в каких-то выпусках выставлял правильные тайминги в куе-файлах. Но это очень кропотливая работа и дальше не стал заморачиваться