[GBA]Сборник переведенных игр [RUS] - обновление 11.03.2017

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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

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AlecsandroToresBlade · 02-Июн-13 20:26 (11 лет 9 месяцев назад, ред. 23-Янв-25 17:00)

Game Boy Advance. сборник переведённых игр Платформа: Game Boy Advance
Год выпуска консоли: 2001 г.
Жанр: Всякие
Разработчик: Разные
Издательство: Chief-NET, Shedevr, Magic Team, PSCD, Alliance, MagicGame, Kudos, RusFlag, Vector, UniGame, NewGame, CrashGame
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Описание: Сборник переведенных игр для Game Boy Advance.
Game Boy Advance был впервые показан на выставке Spaceworld в Токио 24 августа 2000 года. В Японии Game Boy Advance поступила в продажу 21 2001 года по цене 9800 йен (около 100 долл.); в США продажи начались позже. Приставка сохранила совместимость с Game Boy и Game Boy Color.
Просьба отписываться! Спасибо!
007 - Everything Or Nothing [T+Rus_Pirate]
007 - Everything Or Nothing [T+Rus_Vector]
007 - Nightfire [T+Rus_Pirate]
Ace Combat Advance (UE) [T+Rus]
Action Man - Robot Atak [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Action Man - Robot Atak [T+Rus_Pirate]
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius vs. Jimmy Negatron, The (UE) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Aero the Acro-Bat - Rascal Rival Revenge (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Agent Hugo - Roborumble [T+Rus_Pirate]
Alex Rider - Stormbreaker [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Alex Rider - Stormbreaker [T+Rus_Pirate]
Alien Hominide [T+Rus_Pirate]
Altered Beast - Guardian of the Realms (U) [T+Rus1.0_PSCD]
American Idol (E) [T+Rus_Alliance]
American Tail, An - Fievel's Gold Rush (U) (M2) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Another World [T+Rus_CrashGame]
Ant Bully, The [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Ant Bully, The [T+Rus_Pirate]
Arctic Tale [T+Rus_Pirate]
Army Men Advance (UE) (M5) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Around the World in 80 Days (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Around the World in 80 Days [T+Rus_Pirate]
Arthur And The Minimoys [T+Rus_Pirate]
Asterix & Obelix - XXL (E) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Asterix & Obelix - XXL [T+Rus_Pirate]
Atlantis - The Lost Empire [T+Rus_Pirate]
ATV - Thunder Ridge Riders [T+Rus_Vector]
Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth [T+Rus_Pirate]
Avatar - The Last Airbender [T+Rus_Pirate]
Avatar - The Legend of Aang (E) (M4) [T+Rus1.0_Chief-NET]
Back to Stone [T+Rus_Pirate]
Backyard Sports Basketball 2007 (U) [T+Rus_Vector]
Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Ballistic - Ecks vs Sever (U) [T+Rus]
Barbie - 12 Dancing Princesses [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Barbie - 12 Dancing Princesses [T+Rus_Pirate]
Barbie - 12 Dancing Princesses [T+Rus_Vector]
Barbie - Princess and the Pauper, the [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Barbie - Princess and the Pauper, the [T+Rus_Pirate]
Barbie - Princess and the Pauper, the [T+Rus_Vector]
Barbie and Magic of Pegasus, the [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Barbie and Magic of Pegasus, the [T+Rus_Pirate]
Barbie and Magic of Pegasus, the [T+Rus_Vector]
Barbie Horse Adventure - the Big Race [T+Rus_Vector]
Barbie Secret Agent - Royal Jewels Mission [T+Rus_Vector]
Barnyard (U) [T-Rus]
Barnyard [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Barnyard [T+Rus_Vector]
Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu (v1) [T+Rus_Pirate]
Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu (v2) [T+Rus_Pirate]
Batman - Vengeance (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Batman - Vengeance (U) (M3) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Batman Begins (UE) (M6) [T-Rus]
Bee Game, The [T+Rus_Pirate]
Best Friends - Hunde & Katzen (E) (M2) [T-Rus]
Bibi and Tina - Holidays on Martinshof [T+Rus_Vector]
Biene Maja, Die - Klatschmohnwiese in Gefahr (G) [T+Rus_Vector]
Big Mutha Truckers (U) [T-Rus]
Bionicle - Maze of Shadows (E) (M2) (V1.0) [T+Rus]
Bionicle Heroes (U) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Bionicle Heroes (U) [T-Rus]
Bratz - Babyz (E) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Bratz - Babyz [T+Rus_Pirate]
Bratz - The Movie [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Bratz - The Movie [T+Rus_Pirate]
Bratz Forever Diamondz [T+Rus_Pirate]
Breath of Fire (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Breath of Fire (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Breath of Fire (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Broken Sword - The Shadow of The Templars (U) (M5) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Cabbage Patch Kids - The Patch Puppy Rescue [T+Rus_Pirate]
Cars (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Cars - Mater-National Championship (U) (M2) [T+Rus1.0_MagicGame]
Cars - Mater-National Championship (U) (M2) [T-Rus]
Cars [T+Rus_Pirate]
Casper [T+Rus_Pirate]
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr]
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (U) [T+Rus1.0_Magic Team]
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (E) [T+Rus1.2_Chief-NET]
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (E) [T-Rus_Chief-NET]
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (E) [T-Rus_Chief-NET][a1]
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (E) [T-Rus_Chief-NET][a2]
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (E) [T-Rus_Chief-NET][a3]
Catz [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Catz [T+Rus_Pirate]
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (E) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [T+Rus_Vector]
Cheetah Girls, The (U) [T+Rus_Vector]
Chessmaster (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Chessmaster (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Chicken Little [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Chicken Shoot 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Chicken Shoot 2 [T+Rus_Vector]
Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, The [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Collin Mcrae Rally 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Comix Zone [T+Rus_NewGame]
Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX (E) [T+Rus]
Crash Bandicoot - The Huge Adventure (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Crash Bandicoot - The Huge Adventure (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Crash Bandicoot - The Huge Adventure (U) [T-Rus]
Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced (E) (M6) [T-Rus] (v2)
Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced [T+Rus_Pirate]
Crash Bandicoot Fusion (E) (M5) [T-Rus] (v2)
Crash Bandicoot Fusion (E) (M5) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Crash Bandicoot Fusion [T+Rus_Pirate]
Crash Bandicoot Purple - Ripto's Rampage [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Crash Nitro Kart (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Crash Nitro Kart [T+Rus_Pirate]
Crash of the Titans (U) (M2) [T-Rus]
Crash of the Titans [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Crazy Frog Racer [T+Rus_Pirate]
Crazy Taxi - Catch a Ride [T+Rus_Pirate]
CT Special Forces - Bioterror [T+Rus_MagicGame]
CT Special Forces [T+Rus_Pirate]
Curious George (v1) [T+Rus]
Curious George (v2) [T+Rus]
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3 (U) [T+Rus]
Dead to Rights [T+Rus_Pirate]
Dinotopia - The Timestone Pirates [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's Aladdin [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's Aladdin [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's American Dragon Jake Long - Rise of the Huntsclan! [T+Rus_Vector]
Disney's Brother Bear (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Disney's Brother Bear (U) [T-Rus]
Disney's Cinderella - Magical Dreams (v1) [T+Rus]
Disney's Cinderella - Magical Dreams (v2) [T+Rus]
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T-Rus]
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr]
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T-Rus_Vector]
Disney's Finding Nemo - The Continuing Adventures [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's Herbie - Fully Loaded [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's Home on the Range [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's Home on the Range [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's Kim Possible - Revenge of Monkey Fist (U) [T-Rus]
Disney's Kim Possible 2 - Drakken's Demise (U) (M2) [T+Rus1.1_PSCD]
Disney's Kim Possible 2 - Drakken's Demise (U) (M2) [T-Rus]
Disney's Lilo & Stitch (E) (M6) (V1.0) [T-Rus]
Disney's Lilo & Stitch (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's Lilo & Stitch 2 - Haemsterviel Havoc (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's Lilo & Stitch 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's Little Einsteins (U) [T+Rus]
Disney's Peter Pan - Return to Neverland (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle (UE) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle (UE) [T+Rus_MagicGame][a1]
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle [T+Rus_Vector]
Disney's The Lion King 1.5 (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Disney's The Lion King 1.5 (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Disney's The Lion King 1.5 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's The Little Mermaid - Magic in Two Kingdoms (U) (M5) [T+Rus1.1_MagicGame]
Disney's The Little Mermaid - Magic in Two Kingdoms [T+Rus_Pirate]
Disney's The Little Mermaid - Magic in Two Kingdoms [T+Rus_Vector]
Disney's Treasure Planet (E) (M6) (V1.0) [T+Rus_Vector]
Disney Princess - Royal Adventure [T+Rus_Pirate]
Donald Duck Advance (U) [T+Rus1.0_MagicGame]
Donald Duck Advance (U) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Donkey Kong Country (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Donkey Kong Country 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Donkey Kong Country 3 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Donkey Kong Country [T+Rus_Pirate]
Doom (U) [T+Rus1.1_Magic Team]
Doom (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Doom [T+Rus_NewGame]
Doom II (U) [T+Rus2.2_Magic Team]
Doom II (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Dora the Explorer - Dora's World Adventure! [T+Rus_Pirate]
Double Dragon Advance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Downforce [T+Rus_Pirate]
Dr. Muto (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Dragon's Rock [T+Rus_Pirate]
Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure [T+Rus_Pirate]
Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure [T+Rus_Vector]
Drill Dozer (U) [T+Rus1.0_Magic Team]
Driv3r (E) (M5) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Driv3r (E) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
Driv3r (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Driv3r [T+Rus_NewGame]
Driver 2 Advance (Beta) [T+Rus_NewGame]
Driver 2 Advance (E) (M5) (Beta) [T-Rus]
Driver 2 Advance (E) (M5) (Beta) [T-Rus_Vector]
Driver 2 Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Duke Nukem Advance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Earthworm Jim 2 (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Earthworm Jim 2 (E) (M5) [T+Rus_NewGame]
Ed, Edd n Eddy - Jawbreakers! (U) (v1.1) [T+Rus_Vector]
Enchanted - Once Upon Andalasia [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Eragon (E) (M5) [T+Rus] (v1)
Eragon (E) (M5) [T+Rus_UniGame]
European Super League [T+Rus_Pirate]
Extreme Ghostbusters - Code Ecto-1 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Extreme Ghostbusters - Code Ecto-1 (U) [T-Rus_Kudos]
F-18 Super Hornet [T+Rus_Pirate]
F24 Stealth Fighter [T+Rus_Pirate]
FIFA 08 (FIFA 07 Hack) (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
FIFA 09 (FIFA 07 Hack) (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
FIFA Soccer 07 [T+Rus_Pirate]
FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Final Fantasy V Advance (U) [T+Rus_ConsolGames]
Final Fantasy VI Advance (U) [T+Rus_dema]
Flashback Legends (Prototype) [T+Rus_TagTeam]
Flintstones, The - Big Trouble in Bedrock [T+Rus_Pirate]
Flushed Away (U) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Flushed Away (U) [T-Rus]
FORSAGE4 (GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing Hack) (E) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends [T+Rus_Pirate]
Franklin's Great Adventures (U) (M3) [T+Rus1.00_Chief-NET]
Franklin's Great Adventures [T+Rus_Pirate]
Frogger Advance - The Great Quest (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Garfield - The Search for Pooky [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Garfield - The Search for Pooky [T+Rus_Vector]
Garfield and His Nine Lives (v1) [T+Rus]
Garfield and His Nine Lives (v2) [T+Rus]
Garfield and His Nine Lives [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Gekido Advance - Kintaro's Revenge (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr]
Ghost Rider (UE) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Ghost Rider (UE) (M6) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Ghost Rider [T+Rus_Vector]
Golden Sun (UE) [T+Rus_DobryeLudi]
Grand Theft Auto Advance (E) (M5) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Grand Theft Auto Advance (E) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
Grand Theft Auto Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Gremlins - Stripe vs. Gizmo (U) [T+Rus1.0_MagicGame]
Gremlins - Stripe vs. Gizmo (U) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, The (U) [T+Rus_Vector]
GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing (E) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing (v2) [T+Rus]
GT Advance 3 - Pro Concept Racing [T+Rus_Pirate]
Gunstar Super Heroes (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Happy Feet [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Harlem Globetrotters - World Tour [T+Rus_Vector]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T+Rus1.4_MagicGame][18.01.2013]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.0_MagicGame][14.12.2006]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.1_MagicGame][28.01.2007]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.2_MagicGame][29.01.2007]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.3_MagicGame][29.01.2007]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.3_MagicGame][h1]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_Vector]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets [T+Rus_Pirate]
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix (UE) (M7) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix (UE) (M7) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix [T+Rus_Pirate]
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (UE) (M8) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (UE) (M8) [T-Rus_Vector]
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban [T+Rus_Pirate]
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (UE) (M12) [T+Rus1.2_MagicGame]
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_Vector]
Heidi - The Game (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Hello Kitty - Happy Party Pals [T+Rus_Pirate]
Hey Arnold! - The Movie [T+Rus_MagicGame]
High School Musical - Livin' the Dream (U) [T-Rus]
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi Kaznapped! (U) [T+Rus]
Hobbit, The (v1) [T+Rus]
Hobbit, The (v2) [T+Rus]
Horse & Pony - Lets Ride 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Horse & Pony - My Stud Farm [T+Rus_Pirate]
Hot Potato! [T+Rus_Pirate]
Hot Wheels - All Out (U) [T+Rus_Vector]
Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Challenge [T+Rus_Pirate]
Hot Wheels - Velocity X (E) [T-Rus]
Hot Wheels - Velocity X [T+Rus_Vector]
Hugo - Bukkazoom! [T+Rus_Pirate]
Hugo - The Evil Mirror Advance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Ice Age (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Ice Age [T+Rus_Pirate]
Ice Age [T+Rus_Vector]
Ice Nine (U) (M5) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Incredible Hulk, The [T+Rus_Pirate]
Incredibles, The - Rise of the Underminer (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Incredibles, The - Rise of the Underminer [T+Rus_Pirate]
Inspector Gadget - Advance Mission (U) (M6) [T+Rus1.0_MagicGame]
Inspector Gadget - Advance Mission (U) (M6) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Invincible Iron Man, The (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Invincible Iron Man, The (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Jazz Jackrabbit [T+Rus_Pirate]
Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius (E) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius [T+Rus_Pirate]
Juka and the Monophonic Menace (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Jurassic Park 3 - Dino Attack [T+Rus_Pirate]
Justice League Heroes - The Flash (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Justice League Heroes - The Flash (U) [T-RusBETA_MagicGame]
Justice League Heroes - The Flash [T+Rus_Pirate]
Kid Paddle (E) [T+Rus_Vector]
Kill Switch (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame][p1]
King Kong - The Official Game of the Movie (E) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
King Kong - The Official Game of the Movie [T+Rus_NewGame]
King of Fighters EX, The - NeoBlood (U) (V1.1) [T+Rus]
King of Fighters EX, The - NeoBlood [T+Rus_Vector]
Kong - King of Atlantis [T+Rus_Pirate]
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend (E) (M5) [T-Rus]
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend (U) (M5) [T+Rus1.1_MagicGame]
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Prophecy [T+Rus_CrashGame]
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Prophecy [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Prophecy [T+Rus_NewGame]
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Prophecy [T+Rus_Vector]
Legend of Spyro, The - A New Beginning (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Legend of Spyro, The - A New Beginning (U) [T-RusBETA_MagicGame]
Legend of Spyro, The - The Eternal Night [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr] (ZELDA64RUS)
Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr] (ZELDA64RUS)
LEGO Bionicle - Matoran Adventures (UE) (M8) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
LEGO Bionicle - Matoran Adventures (UE) (M8) [T-Rus_UniGame]
LEGO Bionicle - The Game (E) (M4) [T-Rus]
LEGO Bionicle - The Game (U) (M2) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
LEGO Knights' Kingdom [T+Rus_MagicGame]
LEGO Knights' Kingdom [T+Rus_Pirate]
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (E) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (U) [T-Rus]
Let's Ride - Sunshine Stables [T+Rus_Pirate]
Looney Tunes - Back in Action (U) (M5) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Looney Tunes - Back in Action [T+Rus_Pirate]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Fellowship of the Ring [T+Rus_Pirate]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King (UE) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King (UE) (M5) [T-Rus]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King (UE) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age [T+Rus_Pirate]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers (UE) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers (UE) (M6) [T-Rus]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers (UE) (M6) [T-Rus_Vector]
Lost Vikings, the (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr]
Lost Vikings, the [T+Rus_CrashGame]
Lucky Luke - Wanted! (E) (M6) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Madagascar (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Madagascar (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Madagascar (v1) [T+Rus]
Madagascar (v2) [T+Rus]
Madagascar - Operation Penguin (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Madagascar - Operation Penguin (v1) [T+Rus]
Madagascar - Operation Penguin (v2) [T+Rus]
Madagascar - Operation Penguin [T+Rus_MagicGame]
March of the Penguins [T+Rus_Vector]
Mario vs. Donkey Kong [T+Rus_NewGame]
Mario vs. Donkey Kong [T+Rus_Pirate]
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance [T+Rus_Vector]
Matchbox Cross Town Heroes (E) [T+Rus]
Max Payne (U) [T+Rus1.01_Shedevr]
Max Payne (U) [T-Rus_2MON]
Max Payne (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr]
Mazes of Fate (U) (M5) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Mazes of Fate [T+Rus_Vector]
Medal of Honor - Infiltrator [T+Rus_Pirate]
Medal of Honor - Infiltrator [T+Rus_Vector]
Medal of Honor - Underground (U) [T+Rus]
Medal of Honor - Underground [T+Rus_Vector]
Meet The Robinsons (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Meet the Robinsons [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Meet the Robinsons [T+Rus_Vector]
Megaman Zero (U) [T+Rus1.01_Shedevr]
Megaman Zero (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr]
Megaman Zero (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr][a1]
Megaman Zero 2 (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Megaman Zero 2 (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr]
Megaman Zero 2 (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr][a1]
Megaman Zero 3 (U) [T+Rus1.0_ZeroTeam] (16.01.2017)
Megaman Zero 3 (U) [T-Rus_ZeroTeam] (03.09.2016)
Megaman Zero 3 (U) [T-Rus_ZeroTeam] (09.06.2016)
Megaman Zero 3 (U) [T-Rus_ZeroTeam] (14.06.2016)
Megaman Zero 3 (U) [T-Rus_ZeroTeam] (22.06.2016)
Megaman Zero 3 (U) [T-Rus_ZeroTeam] (23.06.2016)
Metal Slug Advance [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Metroid - Zero Mission (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Metroid Fusion (U) [T+Rus1.0_Shedevr]
Mission Impossible - Operation Surma [T+Rus_Pirate]
Monster Force [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Monster Force [T+Rus_Pirate]
Monster House [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Monster House [T+Rus_Pirate]
Monsters Inc. (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Monsters Inc. (U) [T-Rus]
Monster Trucks - Mayhem [T+Rus_Vector]
Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition [T+Rus_NewGame]
Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition [T+Rus_Vector]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T-Rus_Vector]
Mother (NES_port) [T+Rus_Chief-NET]
Motoracer Advance (U) (M5) [T+Rus]
My Animal Centre in Africa (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
My Little Pony Crystal Princess - The Runaway Rainbow [T+Rus_Pirate]
Nancy Drew - Message in a Haunted Mansion [T+Rus_Pirate]
Naruto - Ninja Council (U) [T+Rus1.01_Magic Team]
Naruto - Ninja Council (U) [T-Rus_Magic Team]
Naruto - Ninja Council 2 (U) [T+Rus1.01_Magic Team]
Naruto - Ninja Council 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Naruto - Ninja Council 2 (U) [T-Rus_Magic Team]
Naruto - Ninja Council 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Naruto - Ninja Council [T+Rus_Pirate]
NBA Jam 2009 (NBA Jam 2002 Hack) (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Carbon - Own the City (U) [T-Rus]
Need for Speed - Carbon - Own the City (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Carbon - Own the City (U) [T-Rus_Vector]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_Vector]
Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (E) (M5) [T-Rus]
Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Underground (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Underground (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Underground 2 (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Underground 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Need for Speed - Underground [T+Rus_Pirate]
NHL2009 (NHL Hitz 20-03 Hack) [T+Rus_Pirate]
Oddworld - Munch's Oddysee (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Open Season (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Open Season (U) (M3) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Open Season (U) (M3) [T-Rus_Vector]
Open Season [T+Rus_Pirate]
Over the Hedge (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Over the Hedge (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts (U) [T+Rus]
Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts (U) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Over the Hedge [T+Rus_Pirate]
Pac-Man World 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Paws and Claws - Pet Resort [T+Rus_Pirate]
Payback [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Petz Vet (U) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Petz Vet [T+Rus_Pirate]
Phil of the Future [T+Rus_Vector]
Piglet's Big Game [T+Rus_Pirate]
Pink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit [T+Rus_Pirate]
Pink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit [T+Rus_Vector]
Pinky and the Brain - The Masterplan [T+Rus_Pirate]
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (UE) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest [T+Rus_Pirate]
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (U) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (U) (M5) [T-Rus]
Pitfall - The Lost Expedition [T+Rus_Pirate]
Pokemon - Emerald Version (UE) [T+Rus0.9b_kozzztya]
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr]
Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U) [T+Rus_ Shedevr]
Pokemon - Sapphire Version (U) [T+Rus_Gektor]
Pokemon - Sapphire Version [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team (v1) [T+Rus]
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team (v2) [T+Rus]
Polar Express, the [T+Rus_Pirate]
Power Rangers - Ninja Storm (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Ninja Storm (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Time Force (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Time Force [T+Rus_Crashgame]
Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) [T-Rus]
Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame][a1]
Prehistorik Man [T+Rus_Pirate]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (U) (M3) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (U) (M3) [T-Rus] (v2)
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [T+Rus_NewGame]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [T+Rus_Pirate]
Princess Natasha - Student Secret Agent [T+Rus_Pirate]
Princess Natasha - Student Secret Agent [T+Rus_Vector]
Racing Fever (E) (M4) [T+Rus_Vector]
Ratatouille [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Ratatouille [T+Rus_Pirate]
Rayman - Raving Rabbids (U) (M3) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Rayman 3 (E) (M10) (Beta) [T-Rus]
Rayman 3 (E) (M10) (Beta) [T-Rus_Vector]
Rayman 3 (U) (M3) [T+Rus1.4_MagicGame]
Rayman Advance [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Rayman Advance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Razor - Freestyle Scooter [T+Rus_Pirate]
Rebelstar - Tactical Command (U) [T+Rus] (v2)
Rebelstar - Tactical Command [T+Rus_Pirate]
Revenge of Shinobi, The [T+Rus_Pirate]
Road Rash - Jailbreak (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Robots (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Rock'em Sock'em Robots (U) [T+Rus_Vector]
Rock N' Roll Racing (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Sabrina the Teenage Witch Potion Commotion [T+Rus_Pirate]
Samurai Deeper Kyo [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Samurai Jack The Amulet of Time [T+Rus_NewGame]
Santa Clause 3, The - The Escape Clause [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Scooby-Doo! - Mystery Mayhem (v1) [T+Rus]
Scooby-Doo! - Mystery Mayhem (v2) [T+Rus]
Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (U) (M2) [T+Rus]
Scooby-Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed (v1) [T+Rus]
Scooby-Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed (v2) [T+Rus]
Scooby-Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Scorpion King, The - Sword of Osiris (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Scorpion King, The - Sword of Osiris [T+Rus_Pirate]
Serious Sam Advance (E) (M3) [T-Rus]
Serious Sam Advance (E) (M3) [T-Rus_Vector]
Serious Sam Advance (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shark Tale (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Shark Tale (U) [T-Rus] (v2)
Shark Tale (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Shark Tale [T+Rus_Pirate]
Shonen Jump's - One Piece (U) [T+Rus_Vector]
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits (E) (M3) [T-Rus]
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (E) (M3) [T-Rus] (v1)
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (E) (M3) [T-Rus] (v2)
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame][a1]
Shrek - Hassle at the Castle [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shrek - Hassle at the Castle [T+Rus_Pirate]
Shrek - Reekin' Havoc [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shrek - Reekin' Havoc [T+Rus_Pirate]
Shrek - Smash 'n Crash Racing (U) [T+Rus]
Shrek - Smash 'n Crash Racing [T+Rus_Vector]
Shrek - Super Slam (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shrek - Super Slam (U) [T-Rus]
Shrek - Super Slam (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Shrek - Swamp Kart Speedway [T+Rus_Pirate]
Shrek 2 (U) (M5) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Shrek 2 (U) (M5) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Shrek 2 - Beg for Mercy (v1) [T+Rus]
Shrek 2 - Beg for Mercy (v2) [T+Rus]
Shrek 2 - Beg for Mercy [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shrek 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Shrek the Third [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shrek the Third [T+Rus_Pirate]
Shrek the Third [T+Rus_Vector]
Sim City 2000 (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Sim City 2000 (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Simpsons, The - Road Rage [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Sims, The - Bustin' Out (UE) (M6) [T+Rus]
Sims 2, The (v1) [T+Rus_Pirate]
Sims 2, The (v2) [T+Rus_Pirate]
Sims 2, The - Pets (U) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Sims 2, The - Pets [T+Rus_Pirate]
Sky Dancers - They Magically Fly! [T+Rus_Vector]
Smurfs, The - The Revenge of The Smurfs (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Kudos]
SOCHI 2014 (Salt Lake 2002 Hack) (U) (M6) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Sonic Advance (U) (M2) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Sonic Advance (U) (M2) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Sonic Advance (v2) [T+Rus]
Sonic Advance 2 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Sonic Advance 2 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Sonic Advance 2 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame][p1]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T-Rus]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T-Rus_Vector]
Sonic Battle (E) (M6) [T+Rus_Sonic SCANF]
Sonic The Hedgehog - Genesis (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Sonic The Hedgehog - Genesis (v1) [T+Rus]
Sonic The Hedgehog - Genesis (v2) [T-Rus]
Sound of Thunder, A [T+Rus_Pirate]
Spider-Man - Battle for New York (v1) [T+Rus]
Spider-Man - Battle for New York (v2) [T+Rus]
Spider-Man - Battle for New York [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spider-Man - Mysterio's Menace (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spider-Man - Mysterio's Menace [T+Rus_Pirate]
Spider-Man - The Movie (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spider-Man - The Movie [T+Rus_Pirate]
Spider-Man 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spider-Man 2 (v1) [T+Rus]
Spider-Man 2 (v2) [T+Rus]
Spider-Man 3 (E) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Spider-Man 3 (G) [T-Rus]
Spider-Man 3 (U) [T+Rus1.2_MagicGame]
Spider-Man 3 (U) [T-Rus_NewGame]
SpongeBob's Atlantis Squarepantis [T+Rus_MagicGame]
SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom [T+Rus_Pirate]
SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab [T+Rus_MagicGame]
SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab [T+Rus_Pirate]
SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab [T+Rus_Vector]
SpongeBob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, Pants! (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
SpongeBob SquarePants - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman [T+Rus_MagicGame]
SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge [T+Rus_Pirate]
SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends Unite! [T+Rus_Pirate]
Spy Kids 3D - Game Over (v1) [T+Rus]
Spy Kids 3D - Game Over (v2) [T+Rus]
Spy Kids Challenger [T+Rus_Pirate]
Spyro - Season of Ice (E) (M5) [T+Rus] (v2)
Spyro - Season of Ice (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Spyro 2 - Season of Flame (E) (M5) [T+Rus] (v2)
Spyro 2 - Season of Flame (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Spyro Orange - The Cortex Conspiracy [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Starsky & Hutch (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Star Wars - Flight of the Falcon [T+Rus_Pirate]
Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones [T+Rus_Pirate]
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith [T+Rus_Pirate]
Star Wars Trilogy - Apprentice of the Force [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Street Racing Syndicate (U) [T-Rus]
Stuart Little 2 (U) [T+Rus_NewGame]
Stuart Little 2 [T+Rus_Vector]
Superman - Countdown to Apokolips (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Superman Returns - Fortress of Solitude [T+Rus_Vector]
Super Mario Advance (U) [T+Rus1.1_MagicGame]
Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World + Mario Brothers [T+Rus_NewGame]
Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World + Mario Brothers [T+Rus_Pirate]
Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island [T+Rus_NewGame]
Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island [T+Rus_Pirate]
Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Super Mario Advance [T+Rus_NewGame]
Super Mario Advance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Surf's Up [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Surf's Up [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tak - The Great Juju Challenge [T+Rus_Pirate]
Taxi 3 [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Taxi 3 [T+Rus_Pirate]
Taxi 3 [T+Rus_Vector]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (U) [T+Rus1.7_Magic Team]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (U) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (U) [T+Rus1.3_Magic Team]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (U) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Teen Titans 2 - The Brotherhood's Revenge (U) (M2) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Tekken Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tekken Advance [T+Rus_NewGame]
Tekken Advance [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tekken Advance [T+Rus_Vector]
Terminator 3 - Rise of The Machines (E) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
Terminator 3 - Rise of The Machines (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
That's So Raven 2 - Supernatural Style (U) (M2) [T+Rus_Vector]
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Pumpkin King (UE) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Bad Dream [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Stackers [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Stackers [T+Rus_Vector]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T+Rus1.3_Magic Team]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T-Rus_Kudos]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T-Rus_UniGame]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T-Rus_Vector]
TOCA World Touring Cars [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Advance (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Tom and Jerry - Infurnal Escape (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tom and Jerry - The Magic Ring (U) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tom and Jerry - The Magic Ring [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tom and Jerry - The Magic Ring [T+Rus_Vector]
Tom and Jerry Tales (U) (M3) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Tom and Jerry Tales [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (E) (M6) [T-Rus_NewGame][a1]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (E) (M6) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow [T+Rus_Vector]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell [T+Rus_NewGame]
Tonka - On the Job [T+Rus_Pirate]
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land [T+Rus_UniGame]
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam [T+Rus_Vector]
Tony Hawk's Underground [T+Rus_Pirate]
Top Gun - Combat Zones [T+Rus_Pirate]
Totally Spies! 2 - Undercover [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Totally Spies! [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Totally Spies! [T+Rus_Pirate]
Turok Evolution (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Turok Evolution [T+Rus_Vector]
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - Bush Rescue [T+Rus_Vector]
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3 - Night of the Quinkan [T+Rus_Vector]
Ultimate Brain Games
Ultimate Spider-Man (v1) [T+Rus]
Ultimate Spider-Man (v2) [T+Rus]
Ultimate Spider-Man [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Uno 52 [T+Rus_CrashGame]
Urbz - Sims in the City, The [T+Rus]
Van Helsing (E) (M5) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Van Helsing (E) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
Van Helsing (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Van Helsing (U) [T-Rus_Kupo]
Van Helsing (U) [T-Rus_NewGame]
VeggieTales - LarryBoy and the Bad Apple (U) [T+Rus]
W.i.t.c.h. [T+Rus_MagicGame]
W.i.t.c.h. [T+Rus_Pirate]
Wild, The (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Wild, The (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_Vector]
Wild, The [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Wild, The [T+Rus_Pirate]
Wild Thornberrys, The - Chimp Chase (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Wing Commander - Prophecy [T+Rus_Pirate]
Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure [T+Rus_MagicGame]
WinX Club - Quest for the Codex (U) [T-Rus]
Wolfenstein 3D [T+Rus_Pirate]
Worms - World Party (E) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Worms - World Party (U) (M5) [T+Rus1.2_MagicGame]
Worms Blast
X-Men - Reign of Apocalypse [T+Rus_Pirate]
X-Men - The Official Game [T+Rus_MagicGame]
X-Men - The Official Game [T+Rus_NewGame]
X-Men - The Official Game [T+Rus_Pirate]
X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame][p1]
X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge (U) [T-Rus]
xXx (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
xXx [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Zoey 101 [T+Rus_Pirate]
В розыске ещё эти русские версии GBA-игр:
Aladdin 2 (Bootleg Game) English Version
Batman 3 (Bootleg Game) English Version
Catwoman 2 (Bootleg Game) English Version
Digimon Rudy and Sapphire (Bootleg Game) English Version
HULK 2 (Bootleg Game) English Version
Lion King 2, The (Bootleg Game) English Version
Lord of the Rings IV. The Fellowship of the Ring (Bootleg Game) English Version
Mario Cart (Bootleg Game) English Version
Mario DX (Bootleg Game) English Version
Metal Slug 2 (Bootleg Game) English Version
Over Lord (Bootleg Game) English Version
Rayman IV (Bootleg Game) English Version
Shrek - Prezes Sin (Bootleg Game) English Version
Sonic 3 Fighter Sonic (Bootleg Game) English Version
Sonic X Game (Bootleg Game) English Version
STAR WAR4 - Warrior Revenge (Bootleg Game) English Version
Super Contra 7. Isoleted Force Sortie (Bootleg Game) English Version
Ultraman - Confrontation Between Justice And Evil - English Version (Bootleg Game)
X-Man - Armour of Might (X-men) (Bootleg Game) English Version
007 (Одного мира мало) RUS_RusFlag (Bootleg Game)
Alien Hominide (rus)_Vector
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (Город злодеев) (rus)_RusFlag
Digimon Rudy and Sapphire RUS_RusFlag (Bootleg Game)
Disney Princess (rus)_Vector (Существование возможно!)
Disney's Aladdin (rus)_RusFlag
Disney's Aladdin (rus)_Vector (Существование возможно!)
Donkey Kong 2 (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
F24 Stealth Fighter (rus)_Vector
FIFA 06 (rus)_Vector
Harry Potter IV_RUS_RusFlag (Bootleg Game)
HULK 2_RUS_RusFlag (Bootleg Game)
Justice League Heroes - The Flash (rus)_UniGame
Lion King 2, The с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Lord of the Rings IV - The Fellowship of the Ring (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Mario DX (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Need for Speed - Underground 2 (rus)_Vector
Nicktoons - Battle for Volcano Island (rus)_Vector
Pokemon - Ruby Version (rus)_RusFlag
Pokemon - Sapphire Version (rus)_RusFlag
Premier Action (rus)_Vector
Robots (rus) интереснейшие фотки с пример перевода были найдены на одном из сборников (Существование возможно!)
Shining Soul II (rus)_RusFlag
Sonic 3 Fighter Sonic RUS_RusFlag (Bootleg Game)
Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (rus)_RusFlag
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 RUS_RusFlag (Bootleg Game)
TMNT (rus)_RusFlag
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Раскол клеток) (rus)_RusFlag
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (rus)_Vector
Urbz - Sims in the City, The (rus_v3_Alt)
Список изменений за 11.03.17
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius vs. Jimmy Negatron, The (UE) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Around the World in 80 Days (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Asterix & Obelix - XXL (E) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Barnyard (U) [T-Rus]
Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Batman - Vengeance (U) (M3) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Batman - Vengeance (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Best Friends - Hunde & Katzen (E) (M2) [T-Rus]
Bionicle Heroes (U) [T-Rus]
Bratz - Babyz (E) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Breath of Fire (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Breath of Fire (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Cars (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Cars - Mater-National Championship (U) (M2) [T-Rus]
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (E) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Chessmaster (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced (E) (M6) [T-Rus] (v2)
Crash Bandicoot Fusion (E) (M5) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Crash Bandicoot Fusion (E) (M5) [T-Rus] (v2)
Crash of the Titans (U) (M2) [T-Rus]
Disney's Brother Bear (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T-Rus]
Disney's Kim Possible - Revenge of Monkey Fist (U) [T-Rus]
Disney's Kim Possible 2 - Drakken's Demise (U) (M2) [T-Rus]
Disney's Lilo & Stitch (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's Lilo & Stitch 2 - Haemsterviel Havoc (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's The Lion King 1.5 (U) [T-Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Disney's Little Einsteins (U) [T+Rus]
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle (UE) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle (UE) [T+Rus_MagicGame][a1]
Donkey Kong Country (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Donkey Kong Country 3 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Doom (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Doom II (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Driver 2 Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Driver 2 Advance (E) (M5) (Beta) [T-Rus_Vector]
Driver 2 Advance (E) (M5) (Beta) [T-Rus]
Driv3r (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Driv3r (E) (M5) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Driv3r (E) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
Eragon (E) (M5) [T+Rus_UniGame]
FIFA 08 (FIFA 07 Hack) (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
FIFA 09 (FIFA 07 Hack) (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Flushed Away (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Ghost Rider (UE) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Ghost Rider (UE) (M6) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Grand Theft Auto Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Grand Theft Auto Advance (E) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing (E) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_Vector]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix (UE) (M7) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix (UE) (M7) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (UE) (M8) [T-Rus_Vector]
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (UE) (M8) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_Vector]
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Heidi - The Game (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Hot Wheels - Velocity X (E) [T-Rus]
Ice Age (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Incredibles, The - Rise of the Underminer (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Invincible Iron Man, The (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius (E) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Juka and the Monophonic Menace (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
King Kong - The Official Game of the Movie (E) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend (E) (M5) [T-Rus]
LEGO Bionicle - The Game (U) (M2) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
LEGO Bionicle - Matoran Adventures (UE) (M8) [T-Rus_UniGame]
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (E) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King (UE) (M5) [T-Rus]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King (UE) (M5) [T-Rus_Vector]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers (UE) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers (UE) (M6) [T-Rus_Vector]
Madagascar (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Madagascar - Operation Penguin (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Mazes of Fate (U) (M5) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Medal of Honor - Underground (U) [T+Rus]
Meet The Robinsons (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Monsters Inc. (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T-Rus_Kudos]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Mortal Kombat Advance (U) [T-Rus_Vector]
Need for Speed - Carbon - Own the City (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Carbon - Own the City (U) [T-Rus_Vector]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_Vector]
Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Underground (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Underground (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Underground 2 (UE) (M4) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Open Season (U) (M3) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Open Season (U) (M3) [T-Rus_Vector]
Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts (U) [T+Rus]
Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts (U) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Over the Hedge (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Petz Vet (U) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (U) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Time Force (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Wild Force (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame][a1]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (U) (M3) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (U) (M3) [T-Rus] (v2)
Rayman 3 (E) (M10) (Beta) [T-Rus_Vector]
Rayman 3 (E) (M10) (Beta) [T-Rus]
Rebelstar - Tactical Command (U) [T+Rus] (v2)
Road Rash - Jailbreak (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Scorpion King, The - Sword of Osiris (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Serious Sam Advance (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Serious Sam Advance (E) (M3) [T-Rus_Vector]
Shark Tale (U) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Shark Tale (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Shark Tale (U) [T-Rus] (v2)
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (E) (M3) [T-Rus] (v2)
Shrek 2 (U) (M5) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Shrek 2 (U) (M5) [T+Rus_Shedevr] (MagicGame)
Shrek - Smash 'n Crash Racing (U) [T+Rus]
Shrek - Super Slam (U) [T-Rus]
Shrek - Super Slam (U) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Sim City 2000 (E) (M5) [T+Rus]
Sims 2, The - Pets (U) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Sonic Advance (U) (M2) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Sonic Advance 2 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Sonic Advance 2 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame][p1]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_MagicGame] (переименован из Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T+Rus][a1])
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Sonic The Hedgehog - Genesis (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spider-Man - Mysterio's Menace (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spider-Man - The Movie (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spider-Man 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagciGame]
Spider-Man 3 (U) [T-Rus_NewGame]
SpongeBob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, Pants! (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Spyro - Season of Ice (E) (M5) [T+Rus] (v2)
Spyro 2 - Season of Flame (E) (M5) [T+Rus] (v2)
Street Racing Syndicate (U) [T-Rus]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Tekken Advance (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Terminator 3 - Rise of The Machines (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Advance (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Tom and Jerry Tales (U) (M3) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Tom and Jerry - Infurnal Escape (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tom and Jerry - The Magic Ring (U) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (E) (M6) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (U) (M3) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Van Helsing (U) [T-Rus_NewGame]
Van Helsing (E) (M5) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Wild, The (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_Vector]
Wild, The (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_UniGame]
X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
xXx (U) [T+Rus_Kudos]
Batman Begins (UE) (M6) [T-Rus]
Bionicle - Maze of Shadows (E) (M2) (V1.0) [T+Rus]
Crash Bandicoot - The Huge Adventure (U) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Disney's Brother Bear (U) [T-Rus]
Disney's Finding Nemo (U) [T-Rus_Vector]
Donkey Kong Country 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Flushed Away (U) [T-Rus]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.0_MagicGame][14.12.2006]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.1_MagicGame][28.01.2007]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.2_MagicGame][29.01.2007]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.3_MagicGame][29.01.2007]
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus_MagicGame][h1] переименован в Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (UE) (M12) [T-Rus1.3_MagicGame][29.01.2007][h1]
High School Musical - Livin' the Dream (U) [T-Rus]
LEGO Bionicle - The Game (E) (M4) [T-Rus]
LEGO Bionicle - Matoran Adventures (UE) (M8) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Looney Tunes - Back in Action (U) (M5) [T+Rus_UniGame]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King (UE) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers (UE) (M6) [T-Rus]
Naruto - Ninja Council 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (UE) (M4) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (UE) (M5) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Ninja Storm (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Power Rangers - Ninja Storm (U) [T-Rus_MagicGame]
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame][a1]
Sim City 2000 (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Sims, The - Bustin' Out (UE) (M6) [T+Rus]
Sonic Advance (U) (M2) [T+Rus_RusFlag]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T-Rus_Vector]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T-Rus]
Sonic Advance 3 (U) (M6) [T+Rus][a1]
Spider-Man 3 (E) [T-Rus_UniGame]
Spyro - Season of Ice (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Spyro 2 - Season of Flame (E) (M5) [T+Rus_Vector]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T-Rus_UniGame]
TMNT (U) (M3) [T-Rus_Vector]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (E) (M6) [T-Rus_NewGame][a1]
Van Helsing (U) [T+Rus_MagicGame]
X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge (U) [T-Rus]
Фанатские переводы:
Altered Beast - Guardian of the Realms (U) [T+Rus1.0_PSCD]
Megaman Zero 3 (U) [T+Rus_ZeroTeam]
Pokemon - Emerald Version (UE) [T+Rus0.9b_kozzztya]
Sonic Battle (E) (M6) [T+Rus_Sonic SCANF]
Van Helsing (U) [T-Rus_Kupo]
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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 29-Июн-13 15:09 (спустя 26 дней)

Извините за задержку господа, встаю на раздачу и буду сидировать каждый день!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 30-Июл-13 06:33 (спустя 1 месяц, ред. 09-Июл-18 13:39)

Пишите, стучите! Не зря же делал!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 795

Shinzo007 · 05-Авг-13 21:57 (спустя 6 дней)

Эх, жаль что 'добрые люди' не передали вторую часть golden sun. Первую на одном дыхании прошел :-D
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 29-Авг-13 00:08 (спустя 23 дня)

Ребят, как раздача, может что-нить добавить\изменить, какие-нить предложения по улучшению будут,было бы очень приятно если да ^_^
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 94

KTULUHUT · 18-Сен-13 17:56 (спустя 20 дней, ред. 18-Сен-13 17:56)

По мере возможности обновляйте раздачу,пожалуйста.С указанием что добавлено/обновлено.Раздача шикарная)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Увлекающийся музыкой

Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 392

Увлекающийся музыкой · 17-Окт-13 19:16 (спустя 29 дней, ред. 17-Окт-13 19:16)

играю на портативной консоли, скажите будут запиливать по человечески перевод сайлент хилл?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 22-Окт-13 21:19 (спустя 5 дней)

Обновлять буду, но пока новых переводов и пираток в сети не обнаружено. Если заметите пишите.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 2

user-ivan-off · 07-Ноя-13 04:19 (спустя 15 дней)

pokemon firered от шедевра также обновился с выходом перевода leafgrean до 2012, а в коллекции старый ром 2010 года
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 14-Ноя-13 00:55 (спустя 6 дней)

Ок, скоро займусь этим, кстати, подобного рода инфа действительно полезна, ждите обновление))
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 32

85Тимур85 · 29-Ноя-13 13:58 (спустя 15 дней)

Вы меня конечно простите но я что то не пойму, ну я не очень разбираюсь во всём этом, но охота поиграть, объясните пожалуйста мне бестолковому что нужно сделать для этого? ну то есть я смогу эти игры запустить на ПК или нужна сама консоль геймбой? если можно на пк то пожалуста объясните как это сделать, заранее спасибо
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 28

halavwik · 30-Ноя-13 19:04 (спустя 1 день 5 часов)

Вам нужен эмулятор для запуска этих игр. Подобрать его можно, например, отсюда - http://www.emu-land.net/. Слева в навигации выбираем "Портативные/Game Boy Advance/Эмуляторы". На ПК я раньше использовал VisualBoy Advance. Скачайте его, в настройках выставьте управление на нужные клавиши и загружайте игру.
Сам геймбой тоже можно использовать, но для этого нужно либо докупать флешкартридж, либо использовать эмулятор, косящий под геймбой, на который эти игры просто заливаются.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Увлекающийся музыкой

Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 392

Увлекающийся музыкой · 01-Дек-13 07:05 (спустя 12 часов, ред. 01-Дек-13 07:05)

Я на alpha exeq играю http://exeq.ru/produkcija/pristavki/multimedijnye/alpha.html
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 48

buld0zer31 · 13-Янв-14 01:27 (спустя 1 месяц 11 дней, ред. 14-Фев-16 01:50)

В розыске ещё эти русские версии GBA-игр:
скрытый текст
007 (rus)_с Русским флагом
Advance Wars (rus)
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (rus)
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, The - Attack of the Twonkies (rus)_Vector
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, The - Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron (rus)_MagicGame
Another World_RUS_MagicGame
Arctic Tale (rus)_MagicGame
Army Men Advance (rus)_MagicGame
Arthur and the Minimoys (rus)_MagicGame
Avatar - The Last Airbender: The Burning Earth (rus)_MagicGame
Barbie as The Island Princess (rus)_MagicGame
Barbie Diaries, The - High School Mystery (rus)_MagicGame
Barbie Horse Adventures - Blue Ribbon Race (rus)_MagicGame
Barbie Secret Agent - Royal Jewels Mission (rus)_MagicGame
Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper (rus)_с Русским флагом
Batman Begins (rus)_MagicGame
Bee Game, The (rus)_MagicGame
Best Friends: Hunde & Katzen (Dogs аnd Cats) (rus)_MagicGame
Big Mutha Truckers (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
Bratz - Rock Angelz (rus)_MagicGame
Casper (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (Город злодеев) (rus)_с Русским флагом
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (rus)
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (rus)
Catwoman (rus)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (rus)_MagicGame
CIMA: The Enemy (rus) jrpg
Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX (rus)_MagicGame
Crash of the Titans (СRAШ Лисенок против Титанов) (rus)_Kudos
Dexter's Laboratory - Chess Challenge (rus)
Digimon Rudy and Sapphire (rus) (Bootleg Game)
Disney's Aladdin (rus)_с Русским флагом
Disney's Finding Nemo (rus)_с Русским флагом
Disney's Kim Possible - Revenge of Monkey Punch (rus)_MagicGame
DOOM (Дум) (rus)_Kudos
DOOM II (rus)_NewGame
DOOM II (rus)_Vector
FIFA 2004 (rus)
FIFA 2005 (rus)
FIFA 2006 (rus)_MagicGame
FIFA 2007 (rus)_MagicGame
FIFA 2009 (rus)_MagicGame
FIFA 2010 (World Cup South Africa) (rus)_MagicGame
Final Fantasy 1 & 2 - Dawn of Souls (rus)
Final Fantasy IV Advance (rus)_MagicGame
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (rus)
Flintstones, The - Big Trouble in Bedrock (rus)_MagicGame
Flushed Away (rus)_MagicGame
Formula 1 - 2005 (rus)
Ghost Rider (rus)_UniGame
Golden Sun (rus)_Pirate
Grand Theft Auto Advance (Супер кража авто - Лучший) (rus)_Kudos
Gunstar Super Heroes (rus)_MagicGame
Hardcore Pool (rus)_Vector
Harry Potter IV (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix (rus)_UniGame
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (rus)_NewGame
Haunted Mansion (rus)_MagicGame
High School Musical: Livin' the Dream (rus)_MagicGame
Hulk 2 (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Ice Age (rus)_с Русским флагом
Incredible Hulk, The (rus)_UniGame
Invincible Iron Man, The (rus)_MagicGame
Jackie Chan: Legend Of The Dark Hand (rus)_MagicCame
Land Before Time, The (rus)_MagicGame - 1я часть серии (Не следующая!)
Lion King 2, The (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Lion King Hakuna Matata (rus)
Lord of the Rings IV: The Fellowship of the Ring (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Lord of the Rings, The: The Two Towers (rus)_MagicGame
Lunar Legend (rus)
Madagascar (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
Madagascar: Operation Penguin (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
Madagascar: Operation Penguin (rus)_с Русским флагом
Max Payne (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
Mazes of Fate (rus)_UniGame
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator (rus)_MagicGame
Men in Black - The Series (rus)_MagicGame
Metroid Fusion (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
Micromashines (rus)
Monopoly (rus)
Monsters Jam: Maximum Destruction (rus)
Monster Truck Madness (rus)
Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion (rus v2)_Alt
Naruto: Ninja Council (rus)_MagicGame
Open Season (rus)_с Русским флагом
Rayman 3 (rus)_с Русским флагом
Rayman: Raving Rabbids (rus)_NewGame (Alt v3)
Revenge of Shinobi, The (rus)_MagicGame
Robots (rus)_UniGame
Sabre Wulf (rus)
Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase (rus)_MagicGame
Scorpion King, The - Sword of Osiris (rus)_MagicGame
Shining Soul (rus)
Shining Soul 2 (rus)
Shonen Jump's - Shaman King - Master of Spirits (rus)_MagicGame (Первая часть)
Sims 2, The (rus)_MagicGame
Sims 2, The - Pets (rus)_MagicGame
Sonic Advance (rus)_MagicGame (с логотипом MG)
Sonic Advance 3 (rus)_с Русским флагом
Sonic Advance 3 (rus)_MagicGame (только на одноигровке)
Sonic The Hedgehog - Genesis (rus)_с Русским флагом
Spider-Man 2 (rus)_MagicGame
Spider-Man 3 (rus)_с Русским флагом
Spider-Man 3: Movie Version (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants! (rus)_с Русским флагом
Spongebob Squarepants - The Movie (rus)_MagicGame
Spongebob Squarepants - The Movie (rus)_с Русским флагом
Spy Kids 3D - Game Over (rus)_MagicGame
Starsky & Hutch (rus)_MagicGame
Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon (rus v2)_Alt
Street Racing Syndicate (rus)_MagicGame
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (rus)_MagicGame
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (rus)_с Русским флагом
Sword of Mana (rus)_Vector
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rus)_Vector
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rus)_NewGame
TMNT (rus)_с Русским флагом
Tom and Jerry: Tales (rus)_MagicGame
Tom Claney's Splinter Cell (Раскол клеток) (rus)_с Русским флагом
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (rus)
TrickStar (rus)
Tron 2.0: Killer App (rus)_MagicGame
Turok Evolution (rus)_MagicGame
Ty - The Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
Ultraman - Confrontation Between Justice and Evil (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
Van Helsing (rus)_UniGame
Wild Thornberrys, The - Chimp Chase (rus)_MagicGame
Wild Thornberrys: The Movie (rus) - 1я часть серии (Не следующая!)
WinX Club (rus) - 1я часть серии (Не следующая!)
Worms - Blast (rus)_Shedevr for MagicGame
WTA Tour Tennis (rus)
X-MAN - Armour of Might (rus)_с Русским флагом (Bootleg Game)
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Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 147

Condor_xmod · 14-Янв-14 10:08 (спустя 1 день 8 часов)

Народ, а как эти игры записывать для игры на геймбое? Тупо на флешке создаю папку в папку распаковываю архив?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


RG Мультфильмы

Стаж: 17 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 14697

RoxMarty · 05-Мар-14 11:23 (спустя 1 месяц 22 дня)

планируется добавление переводов прохождений, книги, мануалы на русском, в основном пиратские и фанатские, (пишите в комментах, если нужно). Возможно будут игры для GameBoy и Gameboy Color, т.к. старые сборники уже устарели.
Вот это интересно. Пока не качаю. Буду ждать
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 05-Мар-14 11:37 (спустя 13 мин.)

Вот это интересно. Пока не качаю. Буду ждать
Пока это только обсуждается, но материал, мне пока нникто давать не хочет (правообладатели), так что наверное только игры будут.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 1540

Depressor · 05-Мар-14 16:10 (спустя 4 часа)

- общий список файлов в первый пост;
- список изменений раздачи.
Это условия для статуса "проверено". Спасибо.
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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 06-Мар-14 20:08 (спустя 1 день 3 часа)

- список изменений раздачи.
В общем, я уже написал под большими красными буквами.
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Стаж: 11 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 44

WapKat · 18-Май-14 23:37 (спустя 2 месяца 12 дней)

Шикарный список, автор молодец! Мне больше RPG понравились, я как бы фанат рпг на все консолях, на английском столько шикарных рпг, но я к сожалению по английски максимум что знаю так это welcome to russia, в общем с английским очень туго. Переводили бы еще rpg по чаще, и как можно больше, было бы шикарно! От шедевра, что то последнее время шедевров мало
P.S. Еще раз за раздачу огромное спасибо, как милионером стану автору памятник поставлю
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 3

draiman · 14-Авг-14 21:49 (спустя 2 месяца 26 дней)

pokemon sapphire version не виснет?)
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Стаж: 10 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 5

Временность · 30-Сен-14 20:09 (спустя 1 месяц 15 дней)

о автор... спасибо тебе за игры... чтоб у тебя все было хорошо... ( прошу скинь сайт - T+Rus_MagicGame - если он есть конечно!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 2257

SILENT_Pavel · 14-Окт-14 06:54 (спустя 13 дней)

С файлом
"Max Payne (U) (T+Rus_2MON).zip"
какая-то проблема, не распаковывается раром и 7-зипом
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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 14-Окт-14 10:55 (спустя 4 часа)

SILENT_Pavel, в следующем обновлении я его уберу. Перевод и у меня не распаковался, а вообще он дико косячнйый и его лучше не трогать:)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 317

AlecsandroToresBlade · 03-Ноя-14 17:16 (спустя 20 дней)

Насчет Golden Sun
Mefistotel: Джинни разрешил таки выложить патч версии 0,5 в народ. Да и Griever был не против.
Могу сказать только одно, что эта версия перевода дорабатываться не будет, и выложена в массы из-за доброты душевной авторов этого творения. Как говорится, лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.
Постараюсь на этой или на следующей неделе круто обновить сборник. Добавить несколько новых игр и кучу альтернативных переводов. Если вы какой-то определенный перевод искали и не нашли, то наверняка найдете у меня:)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 26

JP547 · 04-Ноя-14 00:24 (спустя 7 часов, ред. 04-Ноя-14 00:24)

Спасибо за игры! Почувствую себя человеком, играя на родном языке)))
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 29

A-Thanatos · 27-Ноя-14 16:15 (спустя 23 дня)

Спасибо огромное за труды, AlecsandroToresBlade, переводчики (особенно shedevrи все причастные
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Loader 01* 100GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1484

AlexanderBal · 07-Дек-14 16:41 (спустя 10 дней)

GoodGBA v3.23
NonGoodGBA v4 20140830
Полная коллекция всех ромов.
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Top Bonus 03* 1TB

Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1529

s1nka · 09-Дек-14 18:58 (спустя 2 дня 2 часа)

Я конечно извиняюсь, но зачем в один архив все ложить? Если нужно будет добавить пару игр в будущем, то придется перекачивать весь архив.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Loader 01* 100GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1484

AlexanderBal · 09-Дек-14 20:20 (спустя 1 час 22 мин.)

s1nka писал(а):
66127782Я конечно извиняюсь, но зачем в один архив все ложить? Если нужно будет добавить пару игр в будущем, то придется перекачивать весь архив.
Да и к тому же запрещено правилами размещать все ромы в одном архиве... Удивлен что раздача проверена)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 