(Score) Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (+ Gold) (by Machinae Supremacy) - 2004-2006, {WEB}, FLAC (tracks), lossless

Страницы:  1


Стаж: 16 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 3544

Valet2 · 08-Дек-11 16:36 (13 лет 2 месяца назад, ред. 13-Июл-22 20:26)

Jets'n'Guns Sountrack
Жанр: Score
Композитор: Machinae Supremacy
Год выпуска диска: 2004, 2006
Аудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac)
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 56:46, 12:34
Источник: скачано с официального сайта группы machinaesupremacy.com
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack
1 - Theme from Jets'n'Guns (2:51)
2 - FanVaCoolt (men om nanting) (2:21)
3 - Koala in the Spider's Web (2:02)
4 - Megascorcher (1:59)
5 - Flight of The Toyota (2:01)
6 - Teh evul p4in of Doomy Hell (0:47)
7 - Erecta my hamburger baby (1:51)
8 - Little green men (2:01)
9 - Lava trouble bubble (2:25)
10 - Zogrim ate my hamster (1:09)
11 - Insectoid (1:06)
12 - Archangels of Sidaroth (1:18)
13 - Hyperchase (2:31)
14 - Burghammer Hill (2:28)
15 - Knee-deep in the Xoxx (1:44)
16 - Kings of The Sea (1:56)
17 - Futuremachine (2:06)
18 - Lord K СПАМ dominion (2:22)
19 - Spacepunx (2:37)
20 - Dududub Dududum (0:57)
21 - Escaping the Krut (2:05)
22 - Death from above (2:40)
23 - Flames of fire (2:13)
24 - Judgement fray (2:13)
25 - Machinaeguns (2:28)
26 - r0x0rd teh x0xxor (level cleared) (0:50)
27 - Shopmusic (3:19)
28 - Endgame (1:58)
29 - Game Over (0:28)
Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack
1 - Super Mission (2:08)
2 - Retrospection (2:16)
3 - The Gun is Mightier than The Sword (1:39)
4 - Mostly Dark Universe (1:53)
5 - Koala Squadron (2:35)
6 - Missiles of Metal (2:03)
Компания RakeInGrass, создавшая в своё время замечательную shoot-em-up леталку с видом сбоку разрешила авторам убойного саундтрека - группе Machinae Supremacy - выложить в свободное скачивание музыку как для оригинальной игры, так и для Gold-версии, в lossless-качестве. Официально музыка доступна на сайте группы.
Судя по аудиоанализу, только трек Shopmusic является mp3-апконвертом (видимо, оригинал всё же был группой утерян, причём очень давно).
Лог проверки качества Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack

AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Started at: четверг, 08. 12. 2011. - 15:52.49
29 files found
01 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\01 - Theme From Jets'n'Guns.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
02 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\02 - FanVaCoolt.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
03 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\03 - Koala in The Spider's Web.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
04 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\04 - Megascorcher.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
05 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\05 - Flight of The Toyota.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
06 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\06 - Teh evul p4in of Doomy Hell.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
07 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\07 - Erecta my Hamburger Baby.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
08 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\08 - Little Green Men.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
09 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\09 - Lava Trouble Bubble.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
10 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\10 - Zogrim ate my hamster.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
11 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\11 - Insectoid.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
12 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\12 - Archangels of Sidaroth.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
13 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\13 - Hyperchase.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
14 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\14 - Burghammer Hill.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
15 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\15 - Knee-deep in the Xoxx.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
16 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\16 - Kings of The Sea.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
17 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\17 - Futuremachine.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
18 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\18 - Lord K СПАМ Dominion.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
19 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\19 - Spacepunx.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
20 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\20 - dududub dududum.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
21 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\21 - Escaping The Krut.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
22 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\22 - Death From Above.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
23 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\23 - Flames of Fire.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
24 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\24 - Judgement Fray.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
25 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\25 - MachinaeGuns.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
26 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\26 - r0x0rd teh x0xxor (level cleared).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
27 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\27 - Shopmusic.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
28 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\28 - Endgame.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
29 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\01-Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (2004) (flac)\29 - Game Over.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
Finished at: четверг, 08. 12. 2011. - 16:06.45 (operation time: 0:13.56)
Лог проверки качества Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack

AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Started at: четверг, 08. 12. 2011. - 16:53.47
6 files found
1 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\02-Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack (2006) (flac)\01 - Super Mission.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
2 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\02-Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack (2006) (flac)\02 - Retrospection.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
3 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\02-Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack (2006) (flac)\03 - The Gun is Mightier than The Sword.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
4 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\02-Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack (2006) (flac)\04 - Mostly Dark Universe.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
5 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\02-Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack (2006) (flac)\05 - Koala Squadron.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
6 -===- C:\Downloads\Machinae Supremacy - Jets'n'Guns Soundtrack (flac)\02-Jets'n'Guns Gold Soundtrack (2006) (flac)\06 - Missiles of Metal.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
Finished at: четверг, 08. 12. 2011. - 16:56.00 (operation time: 0:02.12)
Мои другие раздачи касательно этой группы:
Первый концерт в Москве в 2011, в 1080i, ОБНОВЛЁННАЯ версия
Первый концерт в Москве в 2011, в 720p, старая версия
Интервью с группой с концертными вставками, 1080p, ОБНОВЛЁННАЯ версия
Интервью с группой с концертными вставками, 720p, старая версия
Концерт на Assembly 2011, в 720p
Редкие диски
Концерт в клубе Klubi в 2011 году, Тампере, Финляндия (за день до Assembly)
Rutracker.org не распространяет и не хранит электронные версии произведений, а лишь предоставляет доступ к создаваемому пользователями каталогу ссылок на торрент-файлы, которые содержат только списки хеш-сумм
Как скачивать? (для скачивания .torrent файлов необходима регистрация)
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RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 08-Дек-11 22:36 (спустя 6 часов, ред. 08-Дек-11 22:36)

Аааа, ты меня опередил
Мы ждали, ждали и наконец дождались!)
27 Shopmusic
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 3544

Valet2 · 08-Дек-11 23:13 (спустя 36 мин.)

Да я как новость увидел, тут же ломанулся с работы раздачу делать. Знал, что промедлю - и всё.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 3

Gugenoddd · 27-Дек-11 06:46 (спустя 18 дней)

О! Благодарю безмерно, к отличной игре - забойный саундтрек.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 32

torrentgoo · 03-Янв-12 13:25 (спустя 7 дней)

Спасибо !
Ребёнок счастлив !!! (Всю плешь проел )
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 352

galsn2009 · 10-Мар-12 16:03 (спустя 2 месяца 7 дней)

УРРРРААААА! Я уже и не надеялся! Автору МЕГА
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Le Raux

Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 161

Le Raux · 05-Сен-13 11:59 (спустя 1 год 5 месяцев)

Саундтрек отличный, но сведён просто отвратительно и даже лосслесс положение дел, увы, не спасает. Из-за нереальной нормализации и компрессинга слушать в наушниках невозможно — сразу начинает болеть голова.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Ultra Settings

Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 808

Ultra Settings · 25-Янв-16 02:53 (спустя 2 года 4 месяца, ред. 25-Янв-16 02:55)

Le Raux писал(а):
60751405Саундтрек отличный, но сведён просто отвратительно и даже лосслесс положение дел, увы, не спасает. Из-за нереальной нормализации и компрессинга слушать в наушниках невозможно — сразу начинает болеть голова.
Такое качество что то в стиле: "Поставить колонку к форточке, выкрутить на максимум и все счастливы"
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

juice of blood

Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 614

juice of blood · 12-Апр-20 12:45 (спустя 4 года 2 месяца)

Ва.... Огромное спасибо!!
Как же "Lords of Thunder" напоминает...
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Loader 05* 2TB

Стаж: 10 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 3240

Zаbr · 13-Июл-22 19:40 (спустя 2 года 3 месяца)

В оформление опечатки:
>17 - Futuremachinae (2:06)
>26 - Roxord teh x0xxor (level cleared) (0:50)
R0x0rd Teh X0xxor (Level Cleared) (не уверен на счёт капитализации слов, в разных источниках по разному, но 0 в первом слове везде)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 