Danil_Teplov · 18-Июн-13 13:02(11 лет 7 месяцев назад, ред. 18-Июн-13 13:22)
Camera Raw Digital Darkroom Techniques in Photoshop (Creative Development) Дата выпуска: 20.05.2013 Производитель: Digital Tutors Сайт производителя: www.DigitalTutors.com Прямая ссылка на урок: Digital Tutors (Creative Development) - Camera Raw Digital Darkroom Techniques in Photoshop Автор: Oliver Hilbert Продолжительность: 03:00:38 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Описание: Учимся на большом количестве примеров как сделать из беспонтовой фотки стильную, вкусную конфетку. Ня! Пальчики оближешь! Использованный софт: Photoshop CS6 + Adobe Camera Raw 7.3 + Adobe Bridge CS6
Описание (Eng)
In this Photoshop tutorial we will learn how to process our photography using Adobe Camera Raw in Photoshop. Throughout these lessons we will extensively cover the tools and techniques we can use on our raw images to process them into a final product. Along the way we will look at how these tools are utilized to drive more fundamental concepts such as composition and color theory. The tutorial will primarily aim to address any issues that commonly occur with images, then applying our desired look or grade before outputting our final results. By the end of this training you will have a greater understanding of the post production process of raw images and will help inform you about what you should be looking out for next time you wish to take a photograph.
Содержание (Eng)
Chapters01. Introduction and project overview 02. Raw theory 03. Working with raw files 04. Overview of the Camera Raw interface 05. Cropping and Straightening tools 06. Basic correction controls 07. White Balance tool and the tone curve 08. Point tone curve controls 09. Using the Spot Removal tool 10. Removing lens artifacts 11. Improving sharpness and reducing noise 12. Using local corrections for composition 13. Creative use for the Graduated Filter tool 14. HSL color control 15. Using the targeted Adjustment tool 16. Creating color washes 17. Adding post effects options 18. Case Study - Improving lighting 19. Case Study - Exposure balance and recoloring 20. Case Study - Dealing with underexposure 21. Reusing corrections 22. Saving out our final images
Chapter 01 - Introduction and project overview Chapter 02 - Raw theory Chapter 03 - Working with raw files Chapter 04 - Overview of the Camera Raw interface Chapter 05 - Cropping and Straightening tools
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