John Chatham - The Quinoa Cookbook / Поваренная книга киноа [2012, EPUB, ENG]

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Top Seed 07* 2560r

Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

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Сокол_04 · 14-Фев-13 11:53 (12 лет назад)

The Quinoa Cookbook
Год: 2012
Автор: John Chatham
Издательство: Rockridge University Press
ISBN: 978-1-62315-000-6
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 225
You’ve read about quinoa’s myriad health benefits, noticed its migration on to menus, even learned how to correctly pronounce its name, and now the important part: How do you incorporate quinoa into your kitchen?
There’s little wonder why quinoa—a gluten-free, superfood rich in protein and antioxidants—has transformed from obscure ancient seed into modern culinary staple. While quinoa has become well known, what is lesser known is that the grain-like food, often referred to as the perfect protein, can be incorporated into practically any recipe from breakfast to dessert. Fortunately, that’s where The Quinoa Cookbook enters the story.
IS IT DIFFICULT TO USE? One aspect of quinoa that you might not be aware of is that the superfood is easy to prepare. And The Quinoa Cookbook makes it even easier by offering hundreds of simple recipes to help you cut down on gluten (or eliminate it completely), lose weight and incorporate quinoa into your everyday life.
The versatile quinoa can serve as the main ingredient in recipes such as the delicious Quinoa Risotto With Mushrooms and Thyme. At the same time it is a healthy substitute as demonstrated in the Flourless Chocolate Cake or Quinoa Porridge.
• Quinoa contains all nine of the essential amino acids humans need to stay healthy
• Quinoa is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, copper, zinc and dietary fiber
• Quinoa promotes weight loss and is one of the only plants with protein; it is closely related to species such as beets and spinach
• Hundreds of recipes that introduce quinoa into every meal of the day and dessert too
• A “Bonus Section” containing a sample menu for both everyday dining and entertaining
• Recipes that incorporate quinoa into your favorite international dishes from Japan to Mexico
• A chapter dedicated to ensuring that you understand how to work with quinoa and achieve the tastiest results
Киноа (лат. Chenopodium quinoa) — зерновая культура, однолетнее растение, вид рода Марь (Chenopodium) семейства Маревые (Chenopodiaceae), произрастающее на склонах Анд в Южной Америке.
Киноа (правильнее, как в оригинале у индейцев - "кинва") имеет древнее происхождение и была одним из важнейших видов пищи индейцев. В цивилизации инков киноа была одним из трех основных видов пищи наравне с кукурузой и картофелем. Инки её называли «золотым зерном». В книге содержится различная полезная информация о культуре и рецепты.
Примеры страниц
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Say Hello to Quinoa
Chapter 2 – Quinoa, Then and Now
Chapter 3 – Health Benefits of Quinoa
Chapter 4 – Working with Quinoa - Some Pointers
Chapter 5 – Easy Quinoa Recipes
Chapter 6 – Quinoa for Breakfast
Chapter 7 – Quinoa for Lunch and Dinner
Chapter 8 – Quinoa for Dessert
Chapter 9 – Going Global With Quinoa
Chapter 10 – Conclusion
Bonus Chapters
Sample Entertaining Menus Featuring Quinoa
American Favorites Updated With Quinoa
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Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

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Adeli7 · 11-Июн-13 20:01 (спустя 3 месяца 25 дней)

Помогите, пожалуйста. Скачала книгу, но пишет, что установлена защита и ничего не показывает. В какой программе надо открывать и как снять защиту? Заранее благодарна.
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Top Seed 07* 2560r

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Сокол_04 · 12-Июн-13 11:42 (спустя 15 часов)

Это стандартный формат книг для iPad, iPhone. Защит никаких нет. На обычном компьютере можно открыть напр. с помощью calibre (бесплатная программа).
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