Weight Watchers - New Complete Cookbook / Новая полная поваренная книга от Наблюдателей За Весом [2011, EPUB, ENG]

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Сокол_04 · 12-Фев-13 14:48 (12 лет назад)

New Complete Cookbook
Год: 2011
Автор: Weight Watchers
Издательство: Wiley
ISBN: 978-0-470-61451-8
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 1273
The trusted classic from Weight Watchers
The most trusted name in healthy lifestyle, Weight Watchers leads the way to eating well—and losing weight. Packed with 500 recipes for every occasion, this book is delicious proof that healthy eating means you don't have to give up your favorite foods. It's so easy to enjoy meals with family and friends—holidays or everyday—with these tempting recipes that both beginners and experienced cooks will love.
This newest edition has everything you'll need to cook—and eat—in a healthier way: included is a new chapter with slow cooker recipes, hundreds of tips, helpful how-to photography, sidebars filled with must-have advice, and plenty of fresh ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and beyond. An added feature: all recipes have been tagged for skill level. This book has been completely redesigned and boasts all new photography. And, of course, this revised edition includes the latest information on the popular and successful Weight Watchers program.
Includes more than 60 gorgeous full-color recipe photos and instructive how-to images
Features more than 500 recipes, including essential basics, breakfasts, lunches, soups and stews, vegetarian meals, baked goods, and desserts
Now with more whole grain and vegetable dishes that help you eat healthier and stay full longer
New design adds a fresh and contemporary spin to this trusted classic
500 рецептов блюд для диетицеского питания, в т.ч. вегетарианских. Цветные фото.
Примеры страниц
1 New Basics
2 Breakfasts and Brunches
3 Starters and Light Meals
4 Salads—Sides and Main Dishes
5 Soups—Starters and Main Dishes
6 Beef, Pork, and Lamb
7 Poultry
8 Fish and Shellfish
9 Vegetarian Main Dishes
10 Vegetable Sides
11 Grain and Bean Sides
12 Slow-Cooker Classics
13 Pizzas, Calzones, and Sandwiches
14 Yeast Breads, Quick Breads, and Muffins
15 Cakes, Pies, and More
16 Fruit and Frozen Desserts, Puddings, and Sauces
Recipes by PointsPlus value
Index Of Searchable Terms
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друкарня Вiнниця

Стаж: 13 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 33

друкарня Вiнниця · 24-Фев-13 17:23 (спустя 12 дней)

спасибо за книгу)
ЗЫ Вейт Уотчерс красивше перевести было бы " Из серии "Следим за фигурой". строго имхо)
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Стаж: 13 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 6

ylkastar · 07-Ноя-16 14:22 (спустя 3 года 8 месяцев)

Ребята, у меня не загружается файл. Что делать? Подскажите, пожалуйста.
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