How to create NKX-containers by AnonyBot
This information was first published in the public domain. Do not share this information outside of the tracker. Otherwise NI can block these selfmade containers in a future version of Kontakt.
It's time to declassify the method that allows you to create your own nkx-containers with samples.
Let me remind you that the official program that allows you to do it is worth more than $30,000.
This method was discovered 5 months ago. During this time, 25 libraries have been converted. This is the fully working method for Kontakt 4.1.1 only!
What you need:
1) Patience
2) More patience
3) A lot of patience
4) Finally, Kontakt 4.1.1
There are many nuances that you may encounter when creating nkx-containers. To describe them all is impossible.
So, let's start.
1) Open Kontakt.
2) Click
Files -> Collect samples/Batch compress
Note: It is necessary to compress the samples, if they are not compressed, to get rid of unused samples, and get the total size of all samples.
Source Folder: <library folder>
Destination Folder: any other folder (preferably on a different physical hard drive)
Destination Sample Format: Lossless Compressed NCW
3) Click the
Convert button and wait for the end of conversion.
4) Open folder with new ncw-files and select them all. Check the total size. If the total size more than 1.95 GB you need to create multiple containers, otherwise it will be only one.
5) Create new empty instrument.
6) Go into
Instrument Edit Mode.
7) Click
Mapping Editor button.
8) Select the first 150 samples in the Windows Explorer or a file manager that you are using.
9) Drag them to the
Mapping Editor.
10) Repeat steps 8 and 9 for all other samples.
11) Exit
Instrument Edit Mode.
12) Click
Purge -> Purge all samples
13) Enter a name for the container. If the number of containers will be more than one, add the counter
_00x to the end of the name.
14) Click
File -> Save As... -> <Your instrument name>
15) Wait for the end of creation.
16) Open the folder with created container.
17) Change the container(s) extension(s) from
.nki to
18) Once all the containers will be ready, move or delete source samples.
18) Move all .nkx-files to the
Samples folder.
19) Close Kontakt 4 and open Kontakt 5 if you use it.
20) Click
Files -> Batch re-save
21) Select source library folder.
22) When Kontakt opens
Samples Missing window, check
Allow alternative file types, then
Browse for folder and select
Samples folder.
23) Wait for the end of process.
24) Open any created .nki-file.
25) If everything works... have fun

No need for K4.1.1 to do this. Can be done in any version of Kontakt.
Also, I recommend dragging in 126 samples at a time, vertically mapped in one group (velocity layers). Kontakt cannot import more than 126 samples by drag&drop at once.