Bill_G · 03-Июл-09 10:20(15 лет 8 месяцев назад, ред. 13-Июл-09 20:36)
Fantagraphics books publishing - 153 серии, 615 комиксов Автор: Gary Groth, Mike Catron (ed) Жанр: alternative\underground Издательство: Fantagraphics Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Описание: Американское независимое издательство, выпускающее альтернативные и авторские комиксы, стрипы, графические новеллы, комиксы для взрослых. Company history
The Fantagraphics booth at the Stumptown Comics Fest 2006. Fantagraphics was founded in 1976 by Gary Groth and Mike Catron at College Park, Maryland. Kim Thompson joined the company in 1977, and became a co-owner with Groth[1] Fantagraphics publishes The Comics Journal, a magazine that covers comics as an art form from a critical perspective. It also has published critically acclaimed and award-winning series and graphic novels such as Ghost World, Hate and Love and Rockets. In 2003 the economic history of the company was summed up this way: "The publisher has alternated between flourishing and nearly perishing over the years. It would have been out of business as long ago as 1978 if Kim Thompson hadn't poured his inheritance into the company's survival. In 1991, Fantagraphics was saved from closing its doors by the launching of its relatively lucrative erotic comics line. As recently as 1998, the company was forced into a round of layoffs."[2] In 2003 Fantagraphics almost went out of business, losing over $60,000 in the wake of the 2002 bankruptcy of debtor and book trade distributor Seven Hills Distribution.[3] One employee quit during the subsequent downsizing while denouncing Fantagraphic's "disorganization and poor management."[2] Fantagraphics was saved by a restructuring and a successful appeal to comic book fandom that resulted in a huge number of orders.[2] After restructuring, the company has had greater success with such hardcover collections as The Complete Peanuts, distributed by W. W. Norton & Company.[citation needed] In 2006, Fantagraphics opened its own retail store in Seattle's Georgetown neighborhood. серии:
20th Century Eightball (Fantagraphics Books)\
A Couple of Winos (Fantagraphics Books)\
Accidental Death (Fantagraphics Books)\
Acme Novelty Library (Fantagraphics Books)\
adastra in africa hc (Fantagraphics Books)\
Adventures of Nilson Groundthumper and Hermy, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Alex (Fantagraphics Books)\
Amazing Heroes - Swimsuit Spoof (Fantagraphics Books)\
Amazing Heroes (Fantagraphics Books)\
Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Special (Fantagraphics Books)\
Ana (Fantagraphics Books)\
Angry Youth Comix (Fantagraphics Books)\
Anything Goes (Comics journal inc) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Art and Beauty (Robert Crumb) (01-see Kitchen Sink) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Belly Button Comix (Fantagraphics Books)\
Billy Hazelnuts (Fantagraphics Books)\
Biologic Show, The (1994) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Birthright (Fantagraphics Books)\
Blab (Fantagraphics Books)\
Black Hole (Fangraphics book, 1-4 see kitchen sink)\
Blite (Fantagraphics Books)\
Book Of Mr (Fantagraphics Books). Natural\
Bush Junta, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Castle Waiting v2 (Fantagraphics Books)\
Cereal Killings, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Chris Ware strips (Fantagraphics Books)\
Clouds Above, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Combustion (Fantagraphics Books)\
Comic Strip Masterpieces (Fantagraphics Books)\
Comics+Journal (Fantagraphics Books)\
Complete Peanuts (Fantagraphics Books)\
Couple Of Winos (Fantagraphics Books)\
Coventry (Fantagraphics Books)\
Crap (Fantagraphics Books)\
Critters (Fantagraphics Books)\
Dalgoda (Fantagraphics Books)\
Daniel Clowes - Ghost World (Fantagraphics Books)\
Daydreams Nightmares (Fantagraphics Books)\
Dead End (Fantagraphics Books)\
Ditko Collection, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Dog Boy (Fantagraphics Books)\
Dog Days (Fantagraphics Books)\
Don Rosa's Comics and Stories (Fantagraphics Books)\
Doomsday Squad (Fantagraphics Books)\
Duplex Planet Illustrated (Fantagraphics Books)\
Eightball (Fantagraphics Books)\
Evil Eye (Fantagraphics Books)\
Fantagraphics Funny Book (Fantagraphics Books)\
Fantagraphics Winter 2008 Catalog (Fantagraphics Books)\
Filibusting Comics (Fantagraphics Books)\
Fission Chicken (Fantagraphics Books)\
Flashmarks (Fantagraphics Books)\
Flesh Bones Dalgoda v2 (Upshot Graphics)(Fantagraphics)\
Frank Frazetta s Thun da Tales (Fantagraphics Books)\
Ghost World (Fantagraphics Books)\
God's Bosom (Fantagraphics Books)\
Goody Good Comics (Fantagraphics Books)\
Greetings from Hellville (2003) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Grit Bath (Fantagraphics Books)\
Hate (Fantagraphics Books)\
Hate Annual (Fantagraphics Books)\
Hate Jamboree! (Fantagraphics Books)\
Hey Wait.. (Fantagraphics Books). Jason\
Hugo (Fantagraphics Books)\
I Before E (Fantagraphics Books)\
Ice Haven (Fantagraphics Books)\
ID (Robert Crumb) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Interiorae (Fantagraphics Books)\
Jim V2 (Fantagraphics Books)\
Jim Woodring's Frank (Fantagraphics Books)\
Journey - Wardrums (Fantagraphics Books)\
Journey (Fantagraphics Books)\
Kafka - The Execution (Fantagraphics Books)\
Kid Anarchy (Fantagraphics Books)\
Lambiek Promo by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)\
Last Musketeer, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Laundryland (Fantagraphics Books)\
Lea (Fantagraphics Books)\
Like A Velvet Glove Cast In Iron (Fantagraphics Books)\
Little Italy (1991) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Lloyd Llewellyn (Fantagraphics Books)\
Lloyd Llewellyn Special (Fantagraphics Books)\
Love & Rockets - Mechanics (Fangraphics) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Love & Rockets - Ten Years of Love & Rockets (Fangraphics)\
Love & Rockets Bonanza (Fangraphics)\
Love & Rockets Trading Cards (Fangraphics)\
Love & Rockets v1 (Fangraphics)\
Love & Rockets v2 (Fangraphics)\
Love and Rockets - New Stories (Fantagraphics Books)\
Love and Rockets - New Stories FCBD 2009 (Fantagraphics Books)\
Luba (Fantagraphics Books)\
Luba's Comics And Stories (Fantagraphics Books)\
Maakies 1st Tpb (Fantagraphics Books)\
Maakies Tony Millionaire (Fantagraphics Books)\
Maggie and Hopey (Fantagraphics Books)\
Measles (Fantagraphics Books)\
Minimum Wage V2 (Fantagraphics Books)\
Monster Parade (Fantagraphics Books)\
Muzzlers Guzzlers and Good Yeggs (Fantagraphics Books)\
My Mom Was A Schizophrenic (Fantagraphics Books)\
My True Story (Fantagraphics Books)\
Myron Moose Funnies v2 (Fantagraphics Books)\
Mystery Of Woolverine Woo-Bait, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Naughty Bits (Fantagraphics Books)\
Neat Stuff (Fantagraphics Books)\
Nemo Classic Comics Library - Annual (Fantagraphics Books)\
Nemo Classic Comics Library (Fantagraphics Books)\
New Age Comics (Fantagraphics Books)\
New Love (Fantagraphics Books)\
New Tales of Old Palomar (Fantagraphics Books)\
Opus (Fantagraphics Books)\
Our Gang v1 (2006) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Palestine (Fantagraphics)\
Panopticum (Ediciones la cupila)\
Particle Dreams (Fantagraphics Books)\
Penny Century v1 (1998)(Fangraphics)\
Pogostick, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Poot (Fantagraphics Books)\
Powerhouse Pepper (1994) (Fantagraphics Books)\
prince valiant (Fantagraphics Books)\
Pussey TPB (Fantagraphics Books)\
Raisin Pie (Fantagraphics Books)\
Romance Without Tears (Fantagraphics Books)\
Schizo (Fantagraphics Books)\
Self-Loathing Comics (Robert Crumb) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Sinner v1 (Fantagraphics Books)\
Stickboy (Fantagraphics Books)\
Strange Avenging Tales (Ditko) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Survivors, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Tales Designed to Thrizzle (Fantagraphics Books)\
Tales Of Terror - The EC Companion (Fantagraphics Books)\
Teen Plague (Fantagraphics Books)\
Tell Tale Heart and Other Stories, The (Fantagraphics Books)\
Trailer Trash (Fantagraphics Books)\
Trashman Lives! (Fantagraphics Books)\
Trucker Fags In Denial (Fantagraphics Books)\
Unseen Peanuts FCBD (2007) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Uptight (Fantagraphics Books)\
Usagi Yojimbo v1 (v2, 3 - see Dark Horse)(Fangraphics books)\
Usagi Yojimbo v1 Color Special (Fantagraphics Books)\
Usagi Yojimbo v1 Color Special (Fantagraphics Books, 4-see Dark Horse)\
Usagi Yojimbo v1 TPBs (Fantagraphics Books)\
Vaughn Bode's Erotica (Bode) (Fantagraphics Books)\
Waldo World (Fantagraphics Books)\
Weasel (Fantagraphics Books)\
Whoa, Nellie! (Fangraphics)\
Wild Life (1994) (Fantagraphics)\
World War 3 Illustrated (Fantagraphics Books)\
X-Men Companion (Fantagraphics Books)\
Zero Zero (Fantagraphics Books)\
Zippy Quarterly (Fantagraphics Books)\
Zippy Stories (Fantagraphics Books)\
Zoot! (Fantagraphics Books)\ примеры обложек: оф. сайт: Доп. информация: благодарности за подготовку раздачи teddyk