Step 1: Start the install using the provided installer
Step 2: Select trial installation
Step 3: Copy the patch to the installation directory
Step 4: Apply the patch (make sure no DT programs are running)
Step 5: Run the application.
Information for the repackers/p2pers.
ind.dll must be in the same folder as the installer since it
handles the
emulation of the deamon tools servers for the installer.
If you remove it you WILL connect to deamon tools and retrieve a non
cracked license. This will require you to select the cracked license
upon starting DTPro.exe. (Just select a trial license and it will
Also if your inferior antivirus program detects a virus please note <-- вот эта запись очень стрёмная..
that if this contained a virus it would not detect it. <--
PS: The emulator now spans over a 1000 lines of assembly code..
Oh and hey what's that INT 2Eh..

And and thnx for SAC for the chiptune which I so blatantly have used.
[ PuNk!DuDe..........................founder/reverse engineer/coder ]
[ cektop.............................founder/reverse engineer/coder ]
[ Teddy Rogers..................................board administrator ]
[ willie........................................board administrator ]
[ artist/designer ]
[ BytePlayeR.......................................reverse engineer ]
[ CodeCracker......................................reverse engineer ]
[ EvOlUtIoN........................................reverse engineer ]
[ JeRRy............................................reverse engineer ]
[ Killboy..........................................reverse engineer ]
[ quosego..........................................reverse engineer ]
[ sfs..............................................reverse engineer ]
[ Fungus.....................................reverse engineer/coder ]
[ Loki.......................................reverse engineer/coder ]
[ SuperCracker...............................reverse engineer/coder ]
[ UFO-Pu55y..................................reverse engineer/coder ]
[ Ziggy......................................reverse engineer/coder ]
[ operator ]
[ TeaM manager ]
[ metr0.............................................tutorial author ]