I hope you don't mind, here's a
gamerip (from ffshrine.org forums), I am not making a torrent, my upload speed is catastrophic at the moment, but if somebody would like the tracks, I'm happy to share them. Just a quick note that game has many duplicate tracks, so from initial around 200 (I don't remember exactly maybe it was 184, as
A001_Z said) after cleaning up, half of them remain.
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1. Assassin Encounter (1:12)
2. Cave Theme (2:10)
3. Mytnik Tower (0:48)
4. Anais Prison (0:19)
5. Battle 03 Alt. Drums FX (1:04)
6. Elven Ruins Part 1 (1:29)
7. Healing Saskia (1:15)
8. Detmold in Kaedwen (0:47)
9. Battle 03 (1:04)
10. Elven Ruins Part 2 (1:40)
11. Geralt Backup 1 (0:37)
12. Geralt Takes Shilard Hostage (0:12)
13. Battle 16 Alt. Drums FX (1:08)
14. Cedric Dying (0:50)
15. Owl Battle (0:35)
16. Start Iorweth (1:38)
17. Battle 16 Additional (1:08)
18. End (0:34)
19. Debate Poison (0:28)
20. Philippa Escape (0:48)
21. Blathanna Przyciete (1:30)
22. Iorweth Hostage (0:29)
23. Debate Start Jingle (0:14)
24. Geralt and Company Enter (0:13)
25. Iorweth/ Roche (0:21)
26. Owl Jingle Music 10 (0:17)
27. Radovid Against Mages (0:37)
28. Butterfly (0:38)
29. Roche Rescue (0:48)
30. Radovid Against Sheala (0:32)
31. Discovery (0:46)
32. Draug Appear (0:26)
33. Debate Dragon Attack (0:51)
34. Jingle Music 20 Theme 1 - Hard (0:10)
35. Opening (3:22)
36. Lodge (0:27)
37. Free Dragon (0:46)
38. Jingle Music 21 Theme 1 - Soft (0:10)
39. Rishon (0:44)
40. Messenger (1:35)
41. Kill Dragon (0:30)
42. Minigames (0:16)
43. Tentadrake (0:59)
44. Detmold Cut (0:20)
45. Ladybird (1:15)
46. Oboz Henselta Day (1:39)
47. Iorweth Returns (0:23)
48. Rishon Dead (0:53)
49. Fist Fight (0:49)
50. Tarma Turns into Dragon (0:43)
51. Rishon Dead Ending (0:34)
52. Hanging Port Piana Loop (1:11)
53. Sewers (3:48)
54. Tarma's Speech (1:52)
55. Sneaking Conspiracy v2.5 (2:30)
56. Detmold Battle (0:27)
57. Battle 01 Alt. Drums FX (1:14)
58. Geralt Backup 2 (0:35)
59. Nilfgaard District (3:03)
60. Battle 01 (1:14)
61. Geralt Curse (1:06)
62. Battle 02 Alt. Drums FX (1:02)
63. Priest Curse (1:02)
64. Ambient - Darker (4:01)
65. Battle 02 (1:02)
66. Assassination Attempt (0:42)
67. Ambient - Neutral (6:18)
68. Sheala Appear (0:30)
69. Slaughter House (0:26)
70. Battle 06 Alt. Drums FX (1:05)
71. Henselt Exorcism (0:38)
72. Battle 06 (1:05)
73. Soldiers Flee (0:24)
74. Battle 08 Alt. Drums FX (1:03)
75. Henselt Dies (0:27)
76. Battle 08 (1:03)
77. Witcher Spotted (0:12)
78. Battle 09 (1:05)
79. Battle 07 (1:03)
80. Battle 09 Alternate Version (1:01)
81. Harpies' Lair (2:27)
82. Battle 10 Alt. Drums FX (1:02)
83. Debate After Iorweth (1:29)
84. Battle 10 (1:04)
85. Battle 11 Alt. Drums FX (1:00)
86. Battle 11 (1:00)
87. Battle 13 Alt. Drums FX (1:16)
88. Battle 13 Additional (1:16)
89. Battle 12 Additional (1:00)
90. Battle 04 (1:16)
91. Battle 17 Additional (1:06)
92. Battle 05 (1:04)
93. Battle 14 Alt. Drums FX (1:19)
94. Battle 17 Alternate Version (0:36)
95. Battle 15 Additional (1:16)
96. Forest Night (3:41)
97. Piana Zamieszki (4:03)
98. Miasto Smoka (6:00)
99. Pola Night (4:18)
100. Port Piana (5:01)
101. Battle 14 Additional (1:19)
102. Tavern Piana 1 (1:43)
103. Tavern Piana 2 (2:09)
104. Maps 01 Folksowe (0:14)
105. Jingle Music 08 Dark Gravel (0:14)
106. Jingle Music 23 Theme 2 Soft (0:14)
107. Succubus Sex Crazy TW1 (0:14)
separately added two tracks:
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108. Eternal Battle - Atmospheric (Battle 05) (1:04)
109. Żywiołak - Oj Pietre, ti Pietre (Wiedźmin 2 Intro Ver.) (1:06)
Tracks are in lossy OGG q10 (variable 500 kbps).