[лекции] Arthur Miller, Douglas J. Whaley, Mary Cheh, James D. Cox, Joshua Dresler, Steven Goode, Robert C. Berring, Erwin Chemerinski, John Dzienkowski, Julian Juergensmeyer, Steven R. Finz - Sum and Substance, law [2010, MP3, wav, m4a,wma 64kbit/s]

Страницы:  1


Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 129

Nuwus · 05-Окт-11 18:09 (13 лет 5 месяцев назад, ред. 17-Окт-11 13:12)

Sum and Substance
Тип записи: лекции
Страна (Издатель): США
Авторы / Исполнители: Arthur Miller, Douglas J. Whaley, Mary Cheh, James D. Cox, Joshua Dresler, Steven Goode, Robert C. Berring, Erwin Chemerinski, John Dzienkowski, Julian Juergensmeyer, Steven R. Finz
Год: вплоть до 2010
Формат: mp3, wav, m4a, wma
Битрейт: 64kbit/s
Общая продолжительность раздачи: 172:00:00
Описание: Лекции по праву США от именитых американских юристов от West Academic
На обложке лекции по Commercial Law
Civil Procedure, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Corporations, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Legal Research, Professional Responsibility, Property Law, Torts
AIMP2: Track List
[12:16] 01. Arthur Miller - Introduction [64 kbps]
[10:35] 02. Arthur Miller - The Clusters Of Procedure [64 kbps]
[09:38] 03. Arthur Miller - An Outline Of The Jurisdiction Cluster [64 kbps]
[12:33] 04. Arthur Miller - Federal Question Jurisdiction [64 kbps]
[03:06] 05. Arthur Miller - Diversity Of Citizenship [64 kbps]
[21:45] 06. Arthur Miller - Complete Diversity [64 kbps]
[12:20] 07. Arthur Miller - Who is bound by Former Adjudication Cont. [64 kbps]
[01:29] 08. Arthur Miller - 1999 Civil Appeals Update [64 kbps]
[02:22] 09. Arthur Miller - Amount in Controversy [64 kbps]
[11:23] 10. Arthur Miller - Personal Jurisdiction [64 kbps]
[05:18] 11. Arthur Miller - Erie Doctrine [64 kbps]
[02:51] 12. Arthur Miller - Ruhrgas v. Marathon Oil Co. [64 kbps]
[15:35] 13. Arthur Miller - Class Actions [64 kbps]
[06:01] 14. Arthur Miller - Jury Trial [64 kbps]
[00:32] 15. Arthur Miller - Complete Diversity, Cont'd [64 kbps]
[03:13] 16. Arthur Miller - Amount In Contoversy (Also See Cd10 For Update) [64 kbps]
[15:09] 17. Arthur Miller - Aggregation (Also See Cd10 For Update) [64 kbps]
[02:59] 18. Arthur Miller - Jurisdiction Over The Person (Also See Cd10 For Update) [64 kbps]
[08:40] 19. Arthur Miller - Traditional Bases Of Jurisdiction [64 kbps]
[04:02] 20. Arthur Miller - Long Arm Statutes [64 kbps]
[23:46] 21. Arthur Miller - Constitutional Principles [64 kbps]
[11:58] 22. Arthur Miller - Illustrative Application [64 kbps]
[01:53] 23. Arthur Miller - Illustrative Application Cont'd [64 kbps]
[12:09] 24. Arthur Miller - Jurisdiction Based On Property [64 kbps]
[04:55] 25. Arthur Miller - Territoriality [64 kbps]
[03:13] 26. Arthur Miller - Federal Court Jurisdiction [64 kbps]
[13:23] 27. Arthur Miller - Notice And Opportunity To Be Heard [64 kbps]
[02:07] 28. Arthur Miller - Service Of Process [64 kbps]
[11:29] 29. Arthur Miller - Venue Principles [64 kbps]
[05:33] 30. Arthur Miller - Transfer Of Venue [64 kbps]
[07:27] 31. Arthur Miller - Forum Non Conveniens [64 kbps]
[09:17] 32. Arthur Miller - Removal [64 kbps]
[01:41] 33. - Removal, Cont'd [64 kbps]
[07:41] 34. - Waiver of Defenses [64 kbps]
[02:30] 35. - The Erie Doctrine (See also CD10 for update) [64 kbps]
[03:10] 36. - Erie v. Tompkins [64 kbps]
[05:16] 37. - Guaranty Trust v. York [64 kbps]
[05:04] 38. - Byrd v. Blue Ridge [64 kbps]
[05:47] 39. - Hanna v. Plumer [64 kbps]
[02:07] 40. - Walker v. Armco Steel [64 kbps]
[02:07] 41. - Klaxon and Day [64 kbps]
[03:15] 42. - Inverse Erie [64 kbps]
[01:41] 43. - Pleading - Overview [64 kbps]
[00:52] 44. - Pleading (Particularity of) [64 kbps]
[12:06] 45. - Special Pleading Rules [64 kbps]
[05:21] 46. - Amendment of Pleadings [64 kbps]
[12:41] 47. - Relation Back of Amendments [64 kbps]
[06:18] 48. Arthur Miller - Sanctions [64 kbps]
[04:01] 49. Arthur Miller - Joinder - Overview [64 kbps]
[04:24] 50. Arthur Miller - Joinder of Claims [64 kbps]
[03:54] 51. Arthur Miller - Permissive Joinder of Parties [64 kbps]
[14:09] 52. Arthur Miller - Compulsory Joinder of Parties [64 kbps]
[08:26] 53. Arthur Miller - Counterclaims [64 kbps]
[03:34] 54. Arthur Miller - Cross Claims [64 kbps]
[13:16] 55. Arthur Miller - Third Party Claims [64 kbps]
[10:42] 56. Arthur Miller - Class Actions (See also CD10 for updates) [64 kbps]
[34:33] 57. Arthur Miller - Class Actions, Cont'd [64 kbps]
[03:11] 58. Arthur Miller - Discovery - Overview [64 kbps]
[13:57] 59. Arthur Miller - Scope of Discovery [64 kbps]
[06:25] 60. Arthur Miller - Discovery Devices [64 kbps]
[03:23] 61. Arthur Miller - Discovery Devices [64 kbps]
[08:46] 62. Arthur Miller - Hickman v. Taylor [64 kbps]
[05:56] 63. Arthur Miller - 1993 Amendments [64 kbps]
[18:45] 64. Arthur Miller - Summary Judgement [64 kbps]
[00:39] 65. Arthur Miller - Trail [64 kbps]
[06:48] 66. Arthur Miller - Jury Trial [64 kbps]
[12:42] 67. Arthur Miller - Beacon Theaters [64 kbps]
[02:51] 68. Arthur Miller - Beacon Theaters Cont. [64 kbps]
[15:26] 69. Arthur Miller - Curtis v. Loether [64 kbps]
[03:09] 70. Arthur Miller - Post Trial Motions [64 kbps]
[07:53] 71. Arthur Miller - New Trial Motions [64 kbps]
[01:59] 72. Arthur Miller - Partial New Trial Motions [64 kbps]
[02:01] 73. Arthur Miller - Bifurication [64 kbps]
[06:28] 74. Arthur Miller - Conditional New Trial [64 kbps]
[04:37] 75. Arthur Miller - Directed Verdict Motion [64 kbps]
[08:31] 76. Arthur Miller - Motions For JNOV [64 kbps]
[02:09] 77. Arthur Miller - Appeals- Appealability and Scope of Reviews [64 kbps]
[14:49] 78. Arthur Miller - Appeals - Appealability & Scope of Review (Con't) [64 kbps]
[10:14] 79. Arthur Miller - Former Adjudication [64 kbps]
[13:13] 80. Arthur Miller - Res Judicata [64 kbps]
[14:58] 81. Arthur Miller - Collateral Estoppel [64 kbps]
[03:31] 82. Arthur Miller - Who is Bound by Former Adjudication [64 kbps]
[30:50] 83. Douglas J. Whaley - Negotiability [64 kbps]
[13:03] 84. Douglas J. Whaley - Negotiation [64 kbps]
[23:35] 85. Douglas J. Whaley - Holders in Due Course-Definiti [64 kbps]
[07:56] 86. Douglas J. Whaley - Shelter Rule [64 kbps]
[10:52] 87. Douglas J. Whaley - Real and Personal Defenses [64 kbps]
[03:00] 88. Douglas J. Whaley - Jus tertii [64 kbps]
[04:22] 89. Douglas J. Whaley - Liability on the Instrument – The Underlying Obligation [64 kbps]
[44:34] 90. Douglas J. Whaley - Obligations of the Maker, Indorser, Surety, Drawer and Drawee [64 kbps]
[07:25] 91. Douglas J. Whaley - Personal Liability of Agents [64 kbps]
[03:23] 92. Douglas J. Whaley - Bank Accounts [64 kbps]
[15:37] 93. Douglas J. Whaley - Properly Payable Rule [64 kbps]
[03:55] 94. Douglas J. Whaley - Wrongful Dishonor [64 kbps]
[08:09] 95. Douglas J. Whaley - Stopping Payment [64 kbps]
[02:08] 96. Douglas J. Whaley - Stale Checks [64 kbps]
[02:56] 97. Douglas J. Whaley - Death of Customer [64 kbps]
[09:23] 98. Douglas J. Whaley - Bank Statement examination [64 kbps]
[06:25] 99. Douglas J. Whaley - Setoff Agianst Account [64 kbps]
[07:48] 100. Douglas J. Whaley - Bank Collection-Availability o [64 kbps]
[08:53] 101. Douglas J. Whaley - Final Payment [64 kbps]
[03:12] 102. Douglas J. Whaley - Chargeback [64 kbps]
[02:39] 103. Douglas J. Whaley - Delays [64 kbps]
[01:37] 104. Douglas J. Whaley - Wrongdoing and Error [64 kbps]
[06:23] 105. Douglas J. Whaley - Forgery of Payee's Name (includes warranty) [64 kbps]
[05:37] 106. Douglas J. Whaley - Conversion [64 kbps]
[05:58] 107. Douglas J. Whaley - Forgery of the Drawer's Name [64 kbps]
[01:47] 108. Douglas J. Whaley - Alterations [64 kbps]
[01:15] 109. Douglas J. Whaley - Validation of the Wrongdoing [64 kbps]
[03:56] 110. Douglas J. Whaley - Imposter Rule [64 kbps]
[02:36] 111. Douglas J. Whaley - Employer Responsibility for Em [64 kbps]
[04:29] 112. Douglas J. Whaley - Negligence [64 kbps]
[01:06] 113. Douglas J. Whaley - Ratification [64 kbps]
[04:09] 114. Douglas J. Whaley - Double Forgeries [64 kbps]
[20:03] 115. Douglas J. Whaley - Electronic Banking - Wire Transfers and Article 4-A [64 kbps]
[19:09] 116. Douglas J. Whaley - Consumer Credit and Debit Card [64 kbps]
[62:11] 117. Douglas J. Whaley - Review [64 kbps]
[05:33] 118. Constitutional Law - Powers of Govt [96 kbps]
[26:58] 119. Constitutional Law - Powers of Fed Cts - Judicial Review [96 kbps]
[00:23] 120. Constitutional Law - Limits on Powers of Fed Cts - Jdal Limits [96 kbps]
[04:12] 121. Constitutional Law - Article III [96 kbps]
[04:32] 122. Constitutional Law - Congressional Control of Jd [96 kbps]
[09:47] 123. Constitutional Law - The Exceptions Power [96 kbps]
[00:20] 124. Constitutional Law - Juristicability Limits [96 kbps]
[03:25] 125. Constitutional Law - Cases and Controversies [96 kbps]
[20:02] 126. Constitutional Law - Standing [96 kbps]
[12:34] 127. ConLaw - Doctrine of Standing (cont.) [96 kbps]
[20:33] 128. ConLaw - Standing [96 kbps]
[07:17] 129. ConLaw - Ripeness [96 kbps]
[12:33] 130. ConLaw - Mootness [96 kbps]
[10:03] 131. ConLaw - Political Questions [96 kbps]
[03:34] 132. ConLaw - Advisory Opinions [96 kbps]
[03:22] 133. ConLaw - Self-Imposed Rules of Restraint [96 kbps]
[01:48] 134. ConLaw - Powers of the President [96 kbps]
[00:22] 135. ConLaw - Domestic Powers [96 kbps]
[03:35] 136. ConLaw - Power of Duty to Execute the Laws [96 kbps]
[03:18] 137. ConLaw - Power and Duty to Execute Laws [96 kbps]
[12:09] 138. ConLaw - Delegation of Power to President [96 kbps]
[06:20] 139. ConLaw - Power of Appointment and Removal [96 kbps]
[01:37] 140. ConLaw - Power of Pardon [96 kbps]
[03:13] 141. ConLaw - Commander in Chief Powers [96 kbps]
[01:57] 142. ConLaw - Foreign Affairs Powers [96 kbps]
[08:09] 143. ConLaw - Executive Privileges and Immunities [96 kbps]
[02:50] 144. ConLaw - Powers of Congress [96 kbps]
[04:42] 145. ConLaw - Necessary and Proper Clause [96 kbps]
[22:40] 146. ConLaw - Commerce Power [96 kbps]
[08:19] 147. ConLaw - Federalism Limits on Commerce Power [96 kbps]
[17:01] 148. ConLaw - Federalism Limits on Commerce Power [96 kbps]
[07:33] 149. ConLaw - Spending Clause [96 kbps]
[11:14] 150. ConLaw - Power to Enforce 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments [96 kbps]
[02:49] 151. ConLaw - Federalism: Relationship of States to Natl Govt [96 kbps]
[01:07] 152. ConLaw - Specific Constitutional Limits on States [96 kbps]
[03:31] 153. ConLaw - Supremacy of Federal Law and Pre-Emption [96 kbps]
[21:09] 154. ConLaw - Negative Commerce Clause [96 kbps]
[07:08] 155. ConLaw - Market Participants Doctrine [96 kbps]
[02:16] 156. ConLaw - Individual Liberties [96 kbps]
[17:27] 157. ConLaw - State Action Doctrine [96 kbps]
[10:15] 158. ConLaw - Privileges and Immunities [96 kbps]
[01:14] 159. ConLaw - Due Process of Law [96 kbps]
[05:32] 160. ConLaw - Bill of Rights [96 kbps]
[04:16] 161. ConLaw - Substantive Due Process [96 kbps]
[08:13] 162. ConLaw - Economic Rights [96 kbps]
[25:20] 163. ConLaw - Fundamental Personal Rights [96 kbps]
[18:08] 164. ConLaw - Procedural Due Process [96 kbps]
[02:45] 165. ConLaw - Equal Protection of the Laws [96 kbps]
[02:13] 166. ConLaw - Pupose to Discriminate Requirements [96 kbps]
[27:15] 167. ConLaw - Equal Protection Tests [96 kbps]
[06:28] 168. ConLaw - Racial Discrimination and AA [96 kbps]
[06:58] 169. ConLaw - Racial Discrimination and AA [96 kbps]
[10:58] 170. ConLaw - Alienage Discrimination [96 kbps]
[12:17] 171. ConLaw - Gender Discrimination [96 kbps]
[07:36] 172. ConLaw - Illegitimacy Discrimination [96 kbps]
[06:53] 173. ConLaw - Non-Suspect Classifications [96 kbps]
[01:05] 174. ConLaw - Freedom of Expression [96 kbps]
[03:48] 175. ConLaw - Vagueness, Overbreadth, and Prior Restraint [96 kbps]
[10:07] 176. ConLaw - Content Control of Expression [96 kbps]
[07:24] 177. ConLaw - Time, Place, and Manner Controls [96 kbps]
[00:52] 178. ConLaw - Special Categories of Expression [96 kbps]
[03:58] 179. ConLaw - Incitement [96 kbps]
[05:09] 180. ConLaw - Fighting Words [96 kbps]
[09:39] 181. ConLaw - Obscenity [96 kbps]
[03:39] 182. ConLaw - Defamatory Speech [96 kbps]
[04:20] 183. ConLaw - Commercial Speech [96 kbps]
[04:43] 184. ConLaw - Speech in Special Contexts [96 kbps]
[02:58] 185. ConLaw - Govt Ees on Job [96 kbps]
[05:57] 186. ConLaw - Students in School [96 kbps]
[04:19] 187. ConLaw - 1st Amend, Religion Clauses [96 kbps]
[04:15] 188. ConLaw - Generalized Govt Benefits to Religious Groups [96 kbps]
[02:22] 189. ConLaw - Govt Aid to Religious Schools [96 kbps]
[01:16] 190. ConLaw - Prayer in Public Schools [96 kbps]
[02:53] 191. ConLaw - 1st Amendment, Free Exercise Clause [96 kbps]
[05:49] 192. West Group - Forming The Corporation [67 kbps]
[05:56] 193. West Group - Choice Of Law [66 kbps]
[03:48] 194. West Group - The Incorporation Process [66 kbps]
[11:10] 195. West Group - Defective Incorporation [66 kbps]
[09:22] 196. West Group - Piercing The Corporate Veil [66 kbps]
[04:57] 197. West Group - Equitable Subordination Of Loans To The Corporation [66 kbps]
[15:02] 198. West Group - Dichotomy Of Powers Between Shareholders And Board Of Directors [66 kbps]
[20:52] 199. West Group - The Board Of Directors [66 kbps]
[06:37] 200. West Group - Board Of Directors [66 kbps]
[08:27] 201. West Group - Authority Of Officers [66 kbps]
[07:11] 202. West Group - Shareholder Voting [67 kbps]
[04:29] 203. West Group - Stockholder Meetings [67 kbps]
[06:05] 204. West Group - Straight Vs. Cumulative Voting [66 kbps]
[03:20] 205. West Group - Staggered And Classified Boards Of Directors [66 kbps]
[02:05] 206. West Group - Vacancies On The Board Of Directors [66 kbps]
[06:15] 207. West Group - Removal Of Directors [66 kbps]
[02:56] 208. West Group - Close Corporations [67 kbps]
[03:55] 209. West Group - Super Voting And Super Quorum [66 kbps]
[05:18] 210. West Group - Shareholder Voting Arrangements [66 kbps]
[01:50] 211. West Group - Agreements Among Directors [66 kbps]
[06:03] 212. West Group - Close Corporations Statutes [66 kbps]
[12:29] 213. West Group - Transfer Restrictions [66 kbps]
[08:35] 214. West Group - Fiduciary Obligations In Close Corporations [66 kbps]
[04:31] 215. West Group - Involuntary Dissolution [66 kbps]
[05:09] 216. West Group - Revocable And Irrevocable Proxies [66 kbps]
[03:05] 217. West Group - Federal Proxy Rules [67 kbps]
[02:11] 218. West Group - Federal Proxy Rules - Format And Filing Restrictions [67 kbps]
[08:04] 219. West Group - Federal Proxy Rules - Proxy Defined [66 kbps]
[08:01] 220. West Group - Federal Proxy Rules - Misleading Proxy Solicitations [66 kbps]
[01:54] 221. West Group - Federal Proxy Rules - Dissidents Access [66 kbps]
[07:40] 222. West Group - Federal Proxy Rules - Shareholders Proposals [66 kbps]
[02:14] 223. West Group - Presumption Of The Business Judgment Rule [66 kbps]
[01:14] 224. West Group - Business Judgment Rule - Duty Of Care [66 kbps]
[01:59] 225. West Group - Business Judgment Rule - Regular Attendance [67 kbps]
[08:57] 226. West Group - Business Judgment Rule - Reasonable Investigation [66 kbps]
[05:18] 227. West Group - Business Judgment Rule - Rational Basis [66 kbps]
[02:37] 228. West Group - Business Judgment Rule - Burdens Of Proof [66 kbps]
[07:21] 229. West Group - Business Judgment Rule - Criminal Violations [67 kbps]
[01:44] 230. West Group - Duty Of Loyalty [67 kbps]
[05:39] 231. West Group - Good Faith Defined [66 kbps]
[08:34] 232. West Group - Conflicts Of Interest [67 kbps]
[05:01] 233. West Group - Executive Compensation [67 kbps]
[11:15] 234. West Group - Usurpation Of A Corporation Opportunity [66 kbps]
[30:47] 235. West Group - Defending Control [66 kbps]
[00:16] 236. West Group - Controlling Stockholder Fiduciary Duties And Derivitive Suits [66 kbps]
[03:58] 237. West Group - Defining And Exercising Control [66 kbps]
[01:41] 238. West Group - Sale Of Control [66 kbps]
[02:40] 239. West Group - Sale Of Corporate Office [66 kbps]
[00:30] 240. West Group - Derivitive Suit Procedures - [66 kbps]
[04:24] 241. West Group - Derivitive Suit Procedures - Direct Vs. Derivitive Suit [67 kbps]
[02:36] 242. West Group - Derivitive Suit Procedures - Standing [67 kbps]
[08:48] 243. West Group - Derivitive Suit Procedures - Demand On Directors [66 kbps]
[08:56] 244. West Group - Derivitive Suit Procedures - Special Litigation Committee [66 kbps]
[03:17] 245. West Group - Section 10(B) And Rule 10(B)(5) [67 kbps]
[00:47] 246. West Group - Background For Understanding Rule 10(B)(5) [66 kbps]
[03:24] 247. West Group - Jurisdictional Reach [67 kbps]
[01:22] 248. West Group - Deception Requirement [67 kbps]
[03:20] 249. West Group - Materiality [66 kbps]
[02:30] 250. West Group - Scienter [66 kbps]
[04:39] 251. West Group - Causation [66 kbps]
[00:22] 252. West Group - Damages [66 kbps]
[00:55] 253. West Group - State Regulation Of Insider Trading [66 kbps]
[01:54] 254. West Group - State Regulation Of Insider Trading - Special Facts Doctrine [67 kbps]
[01:19] 255. West Group - State Regulation Of Insider Trading - Corporate Recovery [67 kbps]
[00:29] 256. West Group - Insider Trading Under Rule 10(B)(5) - Disclose Vs. Abstain Rule [66 kbps]
[00:35] 257. West Group - Insider Trading Under Rule 10(B)(5) - Types Of Defendants Defined [66 kbps]
[08:11] 258. West Group - Insiders, Temporary Insiders, Misappropriators, Tippers And Tippees [66 kbps]
[13:06] 259. West Group - Short Swing Profits Under Section 16 [67 kbps]
[00:26] 260. West Group - Issuance Of Shares, Regulations Of Distributions And Acquisitions [66 kbps]
[01:47] 261. West Group - Issuance Of Shares - Authorized Shares [66 kbps]
[02:41] 262. West Group - Issuance Of Shares - Eligible Forms Of Consideration [67 kbps]
[02:11] 263. West Group - Issuance Of Shares - Historic Role Of Par Value [66 kbps]
[01:49] 264. West Group - Issuance Of Shares - Fiduciary Obligations In Issuing Shares [67 kbps]
[03:11] 265. West Group - Issuance Of Shares - Preemptive Rights [67 kbps]
[02:55] 266. West Group - Distributions To Shareholders - [67 kbps]
[04:04] 267. West Group - Distributions To Shareholders - Earned Surplus And Capital Surplus Test [67 kbps]
[01:24] 268. West Group - Distributions To Shareholders - Model Business Corporation Act [67 kbps]
[01:32] 269. West Group - Distributions To Shareholders - Equity Solvency Test [66 kbps]
[03:35] 270. West Group - Distributions To Shareholders - Deleware Impairment Of Capital Test [66 kbps]
[00:46] 271. West Group - Acquisitions - [67 kbps]
[04:07] 272. West Group - Acquisitions - Distinction Between Merger And Sale Of Assets [67 kbps]
[07:17] 273. West Group - Acquisitions - Procedures For Mergers Vs. Sale Of Assets [67 kbps]
[00:57] 274. West Group - Acquisitions - Short Form Merger Procedures [67 kbps]
[06:57] 275. West Group - Acquisitions - Role Of Appraisal Remedy [67 kbps]
[04:56] 276. West Group - Federal Regulations Of Tender Offers - Williams Act [67 kbps]
[02:45] 277. West Group - Disclosure [67 kbps]
[04:22] 278. West Group - Tender Offer Rules [67 kbps]
[04:26] 279. West Group - Anti Fraud Provision [67 kbps]
[03:27] 280. Sum & Substance - Introduction [122 kbps]
[13:41] 281. Sum & Substance - Sources and Nature of Criminal Law [123 kbps]
[12:13] 282. Sum & Substance - Theories of Punishment [123 kbps]
[03:36] 283. Sum & Substance - Legality [122 kbps]
[05:05] 284. Sum & Substance - Burden of Proof [122 kbps]
[06:37] 285. Sum & Substance - Voluntary Act Requirement [122 kbps]
[10:24] 286. Sum & Substance - Omissions [121 kbps]
[07:15] 287. Sum & Substance - Social Harm [120 kbps]
[07:09] 288. Sum & Substance - Mens Rea: In General [121 kbps]
[05:48] 289. - Mens Rea - In General (cont) [120 kbps]
[13:36] 290. - Mens Rea - Terms Defined [121 kbps]
[06:23] 291. - Specific vs. General Intent [120 kbps]
[30:26] 292. - Mistake of Fact [122 kbps]
[13:51] 293. - Mistake of Law [121 kbps]
[29:52] 294. - Causation [128 kbps]
[01:54] 295. - Justification vs. Excuse [125 kbps]
[14:30] 296. - Self-Defense [126 kbps]
[11:58] 297. - Battered Woman Self-Defense [123 kbps]
[03:53] 298. - Defense of Others [122 kbps]
[01:26] 299. - Defense of Property [119 kbps]
[06:22] 300. - Defense of Habitation [123 kbps]
[00:28] 301. - Defense of Habitation (cont) [107 kbps]
[10:04] 302. - Law Enforcement Defenses [122 kbps]
[12:14] 303. - Necessity [123 kbps]
[08:42] 304. - Duress [126 kbps]
[10:59] 305. - Intoxication [125 kbps]
[16:38] 306. - Insanity [127 kbps]
[06:41] 307. - Diminished Capacity [127 kbps]
[01:43] 308. - Homicide - Definition [121 kbps]
[08:36] 309. - Homicide - Definition (cont) [121 kbps]
[29:47] 310. - Common Law Murder [121 kbps]
[06:50] 311. - Degress of Murder [120 kbps]
[02:07] 312. - Model Penal Code - Murder [118 kbps]
[23:03] 313. - Manslaughter (Common Law & Mod [125 kbps]
[06:19] 314. - Manslaugher (cont) [125 kbps]
[15:39] 315. - Rape [128 kbps]
[01:13] 316. - Larceny Defined [120 kbps]
[22:56] 317. - Larceny [123 kbps]
[06:16] 318. - Embezzlement [122 kbps]
[02:11] 319. - False Pretenses [120 kbps]
[15:43] 320. - Criminal Attempt [121 kbps]
[19:31] 321. - Criminal Attempt - Defenses [126 kbps]
[01:57] 322. - Solicitation [124 kbps]
[09:17] 323. - Conspiracy [127 kbps]
[16:19] 324. - Accomplice Liability [125 kbps]
[10:48] 325. Joshua Dressler - How to Study Criminal Procedure [64 kbps]
[08:36] 326. Joshua Dressler - Retroactivity [64 kbps]
[06:36] 327. Joshua Dressler - Harmless Error Doctrine [64 kbps]
[09:41] 328. Joshua Dressler - Incorporation Doctrine [64 kbps]
[01:52] 329. Joshua Dressler - Fourth Amendment: Generally [64 kbps]
[10:09] 330. Joshua Dressler - Text Explained [64 kbps]
[06:16] 331. Joshua Dressler - "Persons, Houses, Papers, and Effects" [64 kbps]
[21:53] 332. Joshua Dressler - "Search" [64 kbps]
[18:33] 333. Joshua Dressler - "Search" (cont.) [64 kbps]
[05:07] 334. Joshua Dressler - Seizure of Property [64 kbps]
[30:14] 335. Joshua Dressler - Probable Cause [64 kbps]
[18:33] 336. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrants and their Execution [64 kbps]
[07:54] 337. Joshua Dressler - Arrest Warrants [64 kbps]
[03:52] 338. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Exigent Circumstances [64 kbps]
[18:52] 339. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Search Incident to Lawful Arrest䍔偍 ਀̀ Ԁ!︀0䉔䵐 ሀ̀ ഀ!︀0 BPM塔塘 Ԃ̀ 缁!︀iTunSMPB ÿ⃾ 㠀㐀 [64 kbps]
[28:06] 340. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Cars and Containers Therein [64 kbps]
[04:33] 341. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Inventory Searches [64 kbps]
[13:48] 342. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Plain View [64 kbps]
[09:14] 343. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Consent [64 kbps]
[56:09] 344. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Terry v. Ohio type cases [64 kbps]
[08:07] 345. Joshua Dressler - Search Warrant Exceptions - Special Needs [64 kbps]
[12:35] 346. Joshua Dressler - Fourth Amendment Standing [64 kbps]
[45:56] 347. Joshua Dressler - Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule [64 kbps]
[08:01] 348. Joshua Dressler - Entrapment [64 kbps]
[18:12] 349. Joshua Dressler - Police Interrogation - Due Process Clause [64 kbps]
[55:37] 350. Joshua Dressler - Police Interrogation - Miranda v. Arizona [64 kbps]
[16:00] 351. Joshua Dressler - Police Interrogation - 6th Amendment Right to Counsel [64 kbps]
[12:05] 352. Joshua Dressler - Pretrial Identification [64 kbps]
[06:41] 353. Joshua Dressler - Procedures, Right to Counsel at Trial [64 kbps]
[69:11] 354. Joshua Dressler - Synopsis Disc [64 kbps]
[00:29] 355. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[07:36] 356. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[00:49] 357. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[02:40] 358. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[03:04] 359. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[05:09] 360. Steven Goode - Track 06 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[01:08] 361. Steven Goode - Track 07 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[02:17] 362. Steven Goode - Track 08 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[02:15] 363. Steven Goode - Track 09 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[00:26] 364. Steven Goode - Track 10 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[08:35] 365. Steven Goode - Track 11 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[04:07] 366. Steven Goode - Track 12 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[02:47] 367. Steven Goode - Track 13 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[00:14] 368. Steven Goode - Track 14 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[02:54] 369. Steven Goode - Track 15 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[07:40] 370. Steven Goode - Track 16 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[15:59] 371. Steven Goode - Track 17 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[03:46] 372. Steven Goode - Track 18 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[00:58] 373. Steven Goode - Track 19 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[01:09] 374. Steven Goode - Track 20 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[02:18] 375. Steven Goode - Track 21 - CD1 [64 kbps]
[11:55] 376. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[07:06] 377. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[02:27] 378. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[04:02] 379. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[07:43] 380. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[03:37] 381. Steven Goode - Track 06 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[33:23] 382. Steven Goode - Track 07 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[03:26] 383. Steven Goode - Track 08 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[01:46] 384. Steven Goode - Track 10 - CD2 [64 kbps]
[02:42] 385. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[00:52] 386. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[03:51] 387. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[00:45] 388. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[00:39] 389. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[01:46] 390. Steven Goode - Track 06 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[02:12] 391. Steven Goode - Track 07 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[04:08] 392. Steven Goode - Track 08 - CD3(Track 9 Missing) [64 kbps]
[01:56] 393. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[06:08] 394. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[19:56] 395. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[08:20] 396. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[04:03] 397. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[08:09] 398. Steven Goode - Track 06 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[00:34] 399. Steven Goode - Track 07 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[02:43] 400. Steven Goode - Track 08 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[01:38] 401. Steven Goode - Track 09 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[01:47] 402. Steven Goode - Track 10 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[06:48] 403. Steven Goode - Track 11 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[04:35] 404. Steven Goode - Track 12 - CD4 [64 kbps]
[11:04] 405. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[02:34] 406. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[02:16] 407. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[02:01] 408. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[02:22] 409. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[04:57] 410. Steven Goode - Track 06 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[00:41] 411. Steven Goode - Track 07 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[04:53] 412. Steven Goode - Track 08 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[23:29] 413. Steven Goode - Track 09 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[19:16] 414. Steven Goode - Track 10 - CD5 [64 kbps]
[29:15] 415. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD6 [64 kbps]
[05:25] 416. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD6 [64 kbps]
[04:44] 417. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD6 [64 kbps]
[01:11] 418. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD6 [64 kbps]
[04:38] 419. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD6 [64 kbps]
[18:20] 420. Steven Goode - Track 06 - CD6 [64 kbps]
[03:09] 421. Steven Goode - Track 07 - CD6 [64 kbps]
[20:48] 422. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD7 [64 kbps]
[18:34] 423. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD7 [64 kbps]
[05:51] 424. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD7 [64 kbps]
[06:57] 425. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD7 [64 kbps]
[15:07] 426. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD7 [64 kbps]
[02:25] 427. Steven Goode - Track 01 - CD8 [64 kbps]
[00:50] 428. Steven Goode - Track 02 - CD8 [64 kbps]
[02:19] 429. Steven Goode - Track 03 - CD8 [64 kbps]
[05:09] 430. Steven Goode - Track 04 - CD8 [64 kbps]
[06:42] 431. Steven Goode - Track 05 - CD8 [64 kbps]
[15:54] 432. Steven Goode - Track 06 - CD8 [64 kbps]
[04:13] 433. Professor Robert C. Berring - Introduction [160 kbps]
[00:45] 434. Professor Robert C. Berring - Mystery Of The First Year [160 kbps]
[04:06] 435. Professor Robert C. Berring - Christopher Columbus Lengdell And The First Year [160 kbps]
[02:33] 436. Professor Robert C. Berring - Casebook [160 kbps]
[15:26] 437. Professor Robert C. Berring - How To Get The Most Out Of Your Casebook [160 kbps]
[01:47] 438. Professor Robert C. Berring - Uniform System Of Citation [160 kbps]
[04:48] 439. Professor Robert C. Berring - Hornbooks [160 kbps]
[02:11] 440. Professor Robert C. Berring - Nutshells [160 kbps]
[03:36] 441. Professor Robert C. Berring - Outlines [160 kbps]
[02:23] 442. Professor Robert C. Berring - Prompts [160 kbps]
[05:41] 443. Professor Robert C. Berring - Tips On Surviving The First Year [160 kbps]
[01:27] 444. Professor Robert C. Berring - What Is A Case? [160 kbps]
[00:17] 445. Professor Robert C. Berring - Where Cases Come From? [160 kbps]
[09:33] 446. Professor Robert C. Berring - Where Cases Come From? (Cont) [160 kbps]
[14:19] 447. Professor Robert C. Berring - The Importance Of Precedence [160 kbps]
[12:49] 448. Professor Robert C. Berring - The Parts Of The Case [160 kbps]
[12:22] 449. Professor Robert C. Berring - How Cases Are Published [160 kbps]
[03:16] 450. Professor Robert C. Berring - Tips [160 kbps]
[01:14] 451. Professor Robert C. Berring - Concept Of A Citator [160 kbps]
[04:05] 452. Professor Robert C. Berring - Vertical And Horizontal Overrulings [160 kbps]
[01:37] 453. Professor Robert C. Berring - How Cases Change Over Time [160 kbps]
[02:22] 454. Professor Robert C. Berring - Research Functions Of Citators [160 kbps]
[05:00] 455. Professor Robert C. Berring - Keycite And Shepards: Getting The Most Out Of Them [160 kbps]
[08:50] 456. Professor Robert C. Berring - Tips [160 kbps]
[01:55] 457. Professor Robert C. Berring - Legislation [160 kbps]
[01:29] 458. Professor Robert C. Berring - Pattern Of Legislative Publication [160 kbps]
[01:37] 459. Professor Robert C. Berring - Session Law [160 kbps]
[03:43] 460. Professor Robert C. Berring - Codes [160 kbps]
[06:44] 461. Professor Robert C. Berring - Annotated Codes [160 kbps]
[08:58] 462. Professor Robert C. Berring - Federal Example [160 kbps]
[05:56] 463. Professor Robert C. Berring - Administrative Law: CFR And Federal Register [160 kbps]
[01:40] 464. Professor Robert C. Berring - Recap Of First Three Lectures [160 kbps]
[07:21] 465. Professor Robert C. Berring - Coming To Terms With WestLaw And Lexis [160 kbps]
[06:49] 466. Professor Robert C. Berring - Tips On Using WestLaw And Lexis [160 kbps]
[00:46] 467. Professor Robert C. Berring - Tips On Using WestLaw And Lexis (Cont) [160 kbps]
[01:45] 468. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 01 - Define The Question [160 kbps]
[02:01] 469. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 02 - Know What You Expect The Answer To Be [160 kbps]
[03:28] 470. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 03 - Consider Your Resources [160 kbps]
[01:50] 471. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 04 - Time Space Continuum [160 kbps]
[03:08] 472. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 05 - Context, Context, Context [160 kbps]
[03:18] 473. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 06 - Find Someone Who Has Done The Work For You [160 kbps]
[02:31] 474. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 07 - Talk To A Human Being [160 kbps]
[01:47] 475. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 08 - Read With Care [160 kbps]
[01:23] 476. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 09 - Take Good Notes [160 kbps]
[02:23] 477. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 10 - Update [160 kbps]
[01:22] 478. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 11- Evaluate [160 kbps]
[05:55] 479. Professor Robert C. Berring - Rule 12 - Knowing When To Stop [160 kbps]
[01:21] 480. Professor Robert C. Berring - Bob's Secret Rule [160 kbps]
[35:11] 481. Erwin Chemerinski - AudioTrack 01 [48 kbps]
[31:05] 482. Erwin Chemerinski - AudioTrack 02 [48 kbps]
[28:48] 483. Erwin Chemerinski - AudioTrack 01 [48 kbps]
[34:42] 484. Erwin Chemerinski - AudioTrack 02 [48 kbps]
[35:11] 485. Erwin Chemerinski - AudioTrack 01 [48 kbps]
[34:42] 486. Erwin Chemerinski - AudioTrack 02 [48 kbps]
[02:50] 487. - 10-01 Revolving Door - Government An [268 kbps]
[05:50] 488. - 10-02 Judges, Arbitratitors, And Oht [268 kbps]
[04:16] 489. - 10-03 The Advocate Witness Rule [268 kbps]
[01:08] 490. - 10-04 Policies Underlying The Rule [265 kbps]
[06:25] 491. - 10-05 Exceptions [269 kbps]
[05:35] 492. - 10-06 Frivolous Claims And Cases Eth [268 kbps]
[09:26] 493. - 10-07 Federal Rule Of Civil Procedur [269 kbps]
[02:22] 494. - 10-08 Representing Clients In Litiga [267 kbps]
[27:50] 495. - 10-09 Duty Of Candor To The Court [270 kbps]
[14:50] 496. - 1-01 Introduction_ Admission To Prac [270 kbps]
[12:03] 497. - 10-10 General Rules Of Litigation [270 kbps]
[50:09] 498. - 1-02 State Admission To Practice [269 kbps]
[14:23] 499. - 1-03 Federal Admission [265 kbps]
[05:23] 500. - 11-01 General Rules Of Litigation Co [269 kbps]
[03:01] 501. - 11-02 Interference With Judges And J [271 kbps]
[01:22] 502. - 11-03 Non-ADJudicative Proceedings [272 kbps]
[05:48] 503. - 11-04 Special Issues Involving Prose [269 kbps]
[11:24] 504. - 11-05 Dealing With The Right Of Thir [270 kbps]
[01:16] 505. - 11-06 Withdrawing From A Representat [269 kbps]
[05:40] 506. - 11-07 Mandatory Withdrawal [270 kbps]
[02:28] 507. - 11-08 Permissive Withdrawal [269 kbps]
[05:41] 508. - 11-09 Continuing Duties_ Special Iss [270 kbps]
[04:53] 509. - 11-10 Obligations Of Pro Bono Servic [270 kbps]
[04:43] 510. - 11-11 Conflicts With Public Interest [269 kbps]
[11:36] 511. - 11-12 State Discipline Systems And R [269 kbps]
[13:08] 512. - 11-13 Which Rule Applies - Rule 8.5 [270 kbps]
[03:29] 513. - 11-14 Obligation To Report [271 kbps]
[06:56] 514. - 12-01 Obligation To Report Cont. [269 kbps]
[00:29] 515. - 12-02 Procedure and Sanctions [251 kbps]
[16:55] 516. - 12-03 Civil Liability and Criminal L [270 kbps]
[05:38] 517. - 12-04 Criminal Liability [269 kbps]
[02:16] 518. - 12-05 Judicial Ethics [267 kbps]
[01:20] 519. - 12-06 Canon 1 [266 kbps]
[07:07] 520. - 12-07 Canon 2 [269 kbps]
[24:33] 521. - 12-08 Canon 3 [270 kbps]
[10:57] 522. - 12-09 Canon 4 [270 kbps]
[03:19] 523. - 12-10 Canon 5 [270 kbps]
[25:41] 524. - 2-01 Practicing Law Out Of State [270 kbps]
[02:39] 525. - 2-02 Unauthorized Practice Of Law - [265 kbps]
[10:23] 526. - 2-03 Defining Unauthorized Practice [268 kbps]
[06:53] 527. - 2-04 Lay Persons Offering Quasi-Lega [264 kbps]
[13:52] 528. - 2-05 Non-Law Businesses Offering Leg [266 kbps]
[15:15] 529. - 2-06 Ancillary Business Practices Of [267 kbps]
[09:14] 530. - 3-01 Multi-Disciplinary Practice Of [270 kbps]
[24:16] 531. - 3-02 Regulation Of Advertising 1 [270 kbps]
[23:24] 532. - 3-03 Solicitation Vs. Advertising 1 [270 kbps]
[13:08] 533. - 3-04 False And Misleading Statements [270 kbps]
[06:42] 534. - 3-05 Advertising Of Specialties [270 kbps]
[07:04] 535. - 4-01 Firm Names [269 kbps]
[03:53] 536. - 4-02 Soliciting Government Clients [267 kbps]
[13:16] 537. - 4-03 Identifying The Client, Represe [269 kbps]
[09:10] 538. - 4-04 Representing Clients Under A Di [268 kbps]
[20:46] 539. - 4-05 Representing Entity Clients [266 kbps]
[20:50] 540. - 4-06 Employment Arrangements & Fee A [270 kbps]
[71:01] 541. - 5-01 Fee Arrangements [270 kbps]
[03:16] 542. - 5-02 Handling Client Funds_ Obligati [270 kbps]
[31:45] 543. - 6-01 Model Rule 1.15 [269 kbps]
[35:07] 544. - 6-02 Duty Of Confidentiality & Attor [270 kbps]
[12:18] 545. - 6-03 Attorney-Client Privilege [271 kbps]
[12:15] 546. - 7-01 Attorney-Client Privilege Cont [270 kbps]
[08:04] 547. - 7-02 Client Fraud In The Non-Litigat [269 kbps]
[18:08] 548. - 7-03 Lawyers Representing Entities [270 kbps]
[02:12] 549. - 7-04 Current Client Conflicts_ Struc [267 kbps]
[07:40] 550. - 7-05 Doctrine Of Imputed Disqualific [270 kbps]
[27:28] 551. - 7-06 Prohibted Transactions - Rule 1 [267 kbps]
[24:35] 552. - 8-01 Prohibited Transactions - Rule [270 kbps]
[16:43] 553. - 8-02 Directly Adverse Conflicts [270 kbps]
[25:54] 554. - 8-03 Materiality Limited Conflicts [270 kbps]
[12:18] 555. - 8-04 Multiple Client Representation [271 kbps]
[31:20] 556. - 9-01 Multiple Client Representation [271 kbps]
[25:54] 557. - 9-02 Former Client Conflicts_ Disclo [270 kbps]
[07:43] 558. - 9-03 Lawyers Switching Firms [269 kbps]
[03:03] 559. - 9-04 Conflicts Involving Government [268 kbps]
[00:52] 560. - 9-05 Background To The Special Rule [261 kbps]
[02:04] 561. - 9-06 Screening [266 kbps]
[08:11] 562. - 9-07 Definition Of Matters [270 kbps]
[02:58] 563. Property - Intro [96 kbps]
[12:46] 564. Property - Study Techniques [96 kbps]
[00:22] 565. Property - Exam Taking Hints [96 kbps]
[13:47] 566. Property - Fragmentation of Ownership [96 kbps]
[27:21] 567. Property - Tenure [96 kbps]
[02:46] 568. Property - Estates in Land [96 kbps]
[12:15] 569. Property - Fee Simple [96 kbps]
[04:29] 570. Property - Fee Simple (cont.) [96 kbps]
[05:56] 571. Property - Fee Tail [96 kbps]
[03:15] 572. Property - Life Estate [96 kbps]
[23:15] 573. Property - Defeasible Estates [96 kbps]
[05:48] 574. Property - Future Interests [96 kbps]
[04:44] 575. Property - Reversions [96 kbps]
[02:34] 576. Property - Possibilities of Reverter [96 kbps]
[08:59] 577. Property - Rights of Re-Entry [96 kbps]
[12:53] 578. Property - Vested and Contingent Remainders [96 kbps]
[22:36] 579. Property - Vested and Contingent Remainders (cont.) [96 kbps]
[09:25] 580. Property - Executory Interests [96 kbps]
[00:42] 581. Property - Future Interest Doctrines & Rules [96 kbps]
[06:33] 582. Property - Destructibility of Contingent Remainders [96 kbps]
[05:38] 583. Property - Merger [96 kbps]
[05:47] 584. Property - Rule in Shelley's Case [96 kbps]
[03:16] 585. Property - Doctrine of Worthier Title [96 kbps]
[17:27] 586. Property - Rule Against Perpetuities [96 kbps]
[31:39] 587. Property - Rule Against Perpetuities [96 kbps]
[05:44] 588. Property - Restraints on Alienation [96 kbps]
[03:50] 589. Property - Personal Property Estates & FI [96 kbps]
[10:50] 590. Property - Concurrent Estates [96 kbps]
[13:51] 591. Property - Accountability of Co-Tenants [96 kbps]
[05:20] 592. Property - Martial Property Interests [96 kbps]
[04:43] 593. Property - Martial Property Interests [96 kbps]
[01:13] 594. Property - Trivia Questions [96 kbps]
[02:58] 595. Property - Landlord-Tenant [96 kbps]
[13:34] 596. Property - Nonfreehold Estates [96 kbps]
[10:55] 597. Property - Leases [96 kbps]
[16:32] 598. Property - Sublease and Assignment [96 kbps]
[04:57] 599. Property - Contract Principles [96 kbps]
[14:01] 600. Property - Waste [96 kbps]
[02:25] 601. Property - Fixtures [96 kbps]
[00:26] 602. Property - Fixtures [96 kbps]
[01:18] 603. Property - Trivia Answers [96 kbps]
[02:11] 604. Property - Acquisition of Title [96 kbps]
[21:28] 605. Property - Adverse Possession [96 kbps]
[02:07] 606. Property - Prescription [96 kbps]
[09:23] 607. Property - Broker Listing Agreements [96 kbps]
[00:26] 608. Property - Land Sales Contracts [96 kbps]
[06:21] 609. Property - Statute of Frauds [96 kbps]
[00:50] 610. Property - Implied Provisions [96 kbps]
[02:11] 611. Property - Risk of Loss (Equitable Conversion) [96 kbps]
[03:18] 612. Property - Marketable Title [96 kbps]
[00:46] 613. Property - Type of Deed [96 kbps]
[03:23] 614. Property - Merger by Deed [96 kbps]
[07:30] 615. Property - Duty to Disclose [96 kbps]
[02:44] 616. Property - Implied Warranty of Merchantability [96 kbps]
[00:41] 617. Property - Deeds [96 kbps]
[00:53] 618. Property - Formalities [96 kbps]
[06:03] 619. Property - Formalities [96 kbps]
[15:16] 620. Property - Delivery [96 kbps]
[28:15] 621. Property - Covenants of Title [96 kbps]
[05:45] 622. Property - Recording System [96 kbps]
[00:56] 623. Property - Recording Acts [96 kbps]
[12:01] 624. Property - Priorities [96 kbps]
[03:06] 625. Property - Recording Acts: Chain of Title [96 kbps]
[14:04] 626. Property - Recording Acts: Chain of Title [96 kbps]
[00:32] 627. Property - Recording System Reforms [96 kbps]
[02:35] 628. Property - Curative Acts and Title Stds [96 kbps]
[03:00] 629. Property - Marketable Title Acts [96 kbps]
[02:50] 630. Property - Nonpossessory Interests in Land [96 kbps]
[10:35] 631. Property - Easements and Profits [96 kbps]
[03:01] 632. Property - Licenses [96 kbps]
[09:17] 633. Property - Real Covenants [96 kbps]
[02:45] 634. Property - Equitable Servitudes [96 kbps]
[05:59] 635. Property - Personal Property Law [96 kbps]
[08:30] 636. Property - Intro to Personal Property Concepts [96 kbps]
[08:29] 637. Property - Acquisition of Title Through Funding Lost, Mislaid, and Abandoned Property [96 kbps]
[07:47] 638. Property - Acquisition of Title Through Funding Lost, Mislaid, and Abandoned Property [187 kbps]
[02:53] 639. Property - Acquiring Title to Wild Animals [189 kbps]
[17:49] 640. Property - Bailments [190 kbps]
[28:17] 641. Property - Law of Gifts [194 kbps]
[03:11] 642. Property - Accession [190 kbps]
[01:57] 643. Property - Confusion [189 kbps]
[13:13] 644. Steven Finz - 1-01-Introduction [64 kbps]
[08:58] 645. Steven Finz - 1-02-Fountains from which Issues Spring [64 kbps]
[07:57] 646. Steven Finz - 1-03-Intent in General [64 kbps]
[06:51] 647. Steven Finz - 1-04-Intent Distinguished from Volition and Motive [64 kbps]
[02:59] 648. Steven Finz - 1-05-Intentional Invasions of Person-Property [64 kbps]
[02:09] 649. Steven Finz - 1-06-Essential Elements [64 kbps]
[02:49] 650. Steven Finz - 1-07-Battery - Intent [64 kbps]
[05:34] 651. Steven Finz - 1-08-Battery - Other Elements [64 kbps]
[05:11] 652. Steven Finz - 1-09-The Art of Argument [64 kbps]
[01:48] 653. Steven Finz - 1-10-Pinch Hypothetical [64 kbps]
[01:32] 654. Steven Finz - 1-11-Transferred Intent [64 kbps]
[08:21] 655. Steven Finz - 1-12-Assault [64 kbps]
[04:16] 656. Steven Finz - 1-13-False Imprisonment - Intent [64 kbps]
[08:47] 657. Steven Finz - 2-01-False Imprisonment - Confinement [64 kbps]
[01:58] 658. Steven Finz - 2-02-False Imprisonment - Lawfulness [64 kbps]
[07:04] 659. Steven Finz - 2-03-Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress - Intent [64 kbps]
[08:52] 660. Steven Finz - 2-04-Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress - Other Elements [64 kbps]
[05:20] 661. Steven Finz - 2-05-Defense of Self, Others, Property [64 kbps]
[05:18] 662. Steven Finz - 2-06-Arguing About what is Reasonable [64 kbps]
[06:17] 663. Steven Finz - 2-07-Recapture of the Chattel [64 kbps]
[08:53] 664. Steven Finz - 2-08-Trespass to Land [64 kbps]
[08:41] 665. Steven Finz - 2-09-Trespass to Chattel-Conversion - Elements [64 kbps]
[10:05] 666. Steven Finz - 2-10-Trespass to Chattel-Conversion - Comparison [64 kbps]
[06:11] 667. Steven Finz - 2-11-Necessity [64 kbps]
[01:56] 668. Steven Finz - 2-12-Consent [64 kbps]
[01:55] 669. Steven Finz - 3-01-Introduction to Negligence [64 kbps]
[04:38] 670. Steven Finz - 3-02-Duty of Reasonable Care [64 kbps]
[02:56] 671. Steven Finz - 3-03-Foreseeable Risk [64 kbps]
[08:43] 672. Steven Finz - 3-04-Foreseeable Plaintiff [64 kbps]
[01:52] 673. Steven Finz - 3-05-Rescuers [64 kbps]
[05:14] 674. Steven Finz - 3-06-Exam Discussion of Duty Issue [64 kbps]
[07:41] 675. Steven Finz - 3-07-Affirmative Conduct [64 kbps]
[05:41] 676. Steven Finz - 3-08-Special Relationship [64 kbps]
[12:58] 677. Steven Finz - 3-09-Landholders [64 kbps]
[02:34] 678. Steven Finz - 3-10-Breach [64 kbps]
[06:25] 679. Steven Finz - 3-11-The Reasonable Person [64 kbps]
[06:02] 680. Steven Finz - 3-12-Professional Malpractice [64 kbps]
[07:33] 681. Steven Finz - 3-13-Exception to the Requirement of Expert Testimony [64 kbps]
[07:46] 682. Steven Finz - 4-01-Violation of Statute [64 kbps]
[03:29] 683. Steven Finz - 4-02-Presumptions [64 kbps]
[06:24] 684. Steven Finz - 4-03-Res Ipsa Loquitur [64 kbps]
[02:14] 685. Steven Finz - 4-04-Negligence as a Tort [64 kbps]
[02:37] 686. Steven Finz - 4-05-Introduction to Proximate Cause [64 kbps]
[05:42] 687. Steven Finz - 4-06-Factual Cause [64 kbps]
[05:02] 688. Steven Finz - 4-07-Factual Cause - Substantial Factor [64 kbps]
[02:26] 689. Steven Finz - 4-08-Factual Cause - Hypothetical [64 kbps]
[09:42] 690. Steven Finz - 4-09-Legal Cause [64 kbps]
[07:23] 691. Steven Finz - 4-10-Intervening Case [64 kbps]
[02:48] 692. Steven Finz - 4-11-Exam Suggestions [64 kbps]
[07:38] 693. Steven Finz - 4-12-Typical Proximate Cause Fact Patterns [64 kbps]
[03:00] 694. Steven Finz - 4-13-Joint Tortfeasors [64 kbps]
[04:08] 695. Steven Finz - 4-14-Aggravated Negligence [64 kbps]
[03:23] 696. Steven Finz - 4-15-Damage [64 kbps]
[06:48] 697. Steven Finz - 5-01-Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress [64 kbps]
[01:51] 698. Steven Finz - 5-02-Death - Survival [64 kbps]
[03:58] 699. Steven Finz - 5-03-Death - Wrongful Death [64 kbps]
[03:22] 700. Steven Finz - 5-04-Birth [64 kbps]
[02:17] 701. Steven Finz - 5-05-Damages - Nominal [64 kbps]
[05:24] 702. Steven Finz - 5-06-Damages - Punitive [64 kbps]
[03:50] 703. Steven Finz - 5-07-Damages - Compensatory [64 kbps]
[02:26] 704. Steven Finz - 5-08-Introduction to Strict Liability [64 kbps]
[03:53] 705. Steven Finz - 5-09-Animals [64 kbps]
[01:44] 706. Steven Finz - 5-10-Storage of Dangerous Substances [64 kbps]
[04:29] 707. Steven Finz - 5-11-Ultrahazardous-Abnormally Dangerous Activities [64 kbps]
[03:36] 708. Steven Finz - 5-12-Contributory-Comparative Negligence [64 kbps]
[03:51] 709. Steven Finz - 5-13-Assumption of the Risk [64 kbps]
[02:49] 710. Steven Finz - 5-14-Primary Assumption of the Risk [64 kbps]
[06:16] 711. Steven Finz - 5-15-Vicarious Liability - Employees [64 kbps]
[08:13] 712. Steven Finz - 5-16-Vicarious Liablity - Scope of Employment [64 kbps]
[02:59] 713. Steven Finz - 5-17-Other Forms of Vicarious Liability [64 kbps]
[11:52] 714. Steven Finz - 5-18-Business Torts - Misrepresentation [64 kbps]
[06:17] 715. Steven Finz - 6-01-Misrepresentation - Faults [64 kbps]
[03:14] 716. Steven Finz - 6-02-Misrepresentation - Justified Reliance [64 kbps]
[03:36] 717. Steven Finz - 6-03-Misrepresentation - Damage [64 kbps]
[05:33] 718. Steven Finz - 6-04-Interference with Contract-Prospective Business Advantage [64 kbps]
[03:36] 719. Steven Finz - 6-05-Nuisance [64 kbps]
[04:28] 720. Steven Finz - 6-06-Public Nuisance [64 kbps]
[05:05] 721. Steven Finz - 6-07-Private Nuisance [64 kbps]
[06:17] 722. Steven Finz - 6-08-Malicious Prosecution - Initiation of Continuation of Proceeding [64 kbps]
[02:05] 723. Steven Finz - 6-09-Malicious Prosecution - Termination [64 kbps]
[02:44] 724. Steven Finz - 6-10-Malicious Prosecution - Probable Cause [64 kbps]
[03:40] 725. Steven Finz - 6-11-Malicious Prosecution - Malice-Damage [64 kbps]
[02:26] 726. Steven Finz - 6-12-Abuse of Process [64 kbps]
[03:05] 727. Steven Finz - 6-13-Introduction to Products Liability [64 kbps]
[06:51] 728. Steven Finz - 6-14-Products Liability - Negligence [64 kbps]
[05:14] 729. Steven Finz - 6-15-Products Liability - Express Warranty [64 kbps]
[03:55] 730. Steven Finz - 6-16-Products Liability - Implied Warranty of Merchantability [64 kbps]
[01:45] 731. Steven Finz - 6-17-Products Liability - Implied Warranty of Fitenss of Particular Purpose [64 kbps]
[01:37] 732. Steven Finz - 6-18-Products Liability - Misrepresentation [64 kbps]
[02:55] 733. Steven Finz - 6-19-Products Liability - Strict Liability in Tort [64 kbps]
[06:47] 734. Steven Finz - 7-01-Products Liability - Defect [64 kbps]
[01:51] 735. Steven Finz - 7-02-Products Liability - Component Pars [64 kbps]
[08:13] 736. Steven Finz - 7-03-Defamation - Defamatory Statement [64 kbps]
[04:58] 737. Steven Finz - 7-04-Defamation - Falsity [64 kbps]
[03:06] 738. Steven Finz - 7-05-Defamation - Fault-Public Persons [64 kbps]
[01:52] 739. Steven Finz - 7-06-Defamation - Publication [64 kbps]
[04:46] 740. Steven Finz - 7-07-Defamation - Damage [64 kbps]
[01:30] 741. Steven Finz - 7-08-Injurious Falsehood [64 kbps]
[01:57] 742. Steven Finz - 7-09-False Light [64 kbps]
[00:35] 743. Steven Finz - 7-10-Privacy Invasions [64 kbps]
[04:14] 744. Steven Finz - 7-11-Privacy - Appropriations of Identity [64 kbps]
[01:25] 745. Steven Finz - 7-12-Privacy - Intrusion [64 kbps]
[01:25] 746. Steven Finz - 7-13-Privacy - Public Disclosure [64 kbps]
[02:05] 747. Steven Finz - 7-14-Privacy - Hypothetical [64 kbps]
[01:25] 748. Steven Finz - 7-15-Conclusion [64 kbps]
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Стаж: 17 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 5148

-zavis- · 05-Окт-11 18:38 (спустя 29 мин.)

В описании раздачи указывается:
3.2.4. Общая продолжительность в формате 00:00:00 (часы:минуты:секунды), для передач, выходящих периодически - среднее время передачи.
3.2.7. Если файлов в раздаче несколько - вставить треклист (под спойлер) с указанием битрейта и продолжительности для каждого

Как быстро создать треклист с указанием битрейта
В названии у вас ошибка: Sums, вместо Sum.
Всё это надо исправить.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 129

Nuwus · 05-Окт-11 20:21 (спустя 1 час 42 мин.)

3.2.7. Если файлов в раздаче несколько - вставить треклист (под спойлер) с указанием битрейта и продолжительности для каждого
-zavis-, вставляю инфу о файлах пишет: "413 Request Entity Too Large", так что...
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Стаж: 17 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 5148

-zavis- · 05-Окт-11 20:32 (спустя 11 мин.)

-zavis-, вставляю инфу о файлах пишет: "413 Request Entity Too Large", так что...
Просто сделайте треклист с указанием битрейта и продолжительности, больше ничего не требуется.
Формат: mp3, wav
Есть еще и m4a в раздаче.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 17 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 5148

-zavis- · 05-Окт-11 21:16 (спустя 43 мин.)

Всё в порядке, вставайте на раздачу, а то:
Полный источник: не было никогда
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 129

Nuwus · 05-Окт-11 21:19 (спустя 3 мин.)

Ну я материалы собирал из разных мест, так что, да, не было))
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11

QuartaFalcidia · 05-Окт-11 22:33 (спустя 1 час 13 мин.)

чувак, ты просто мега-крут! тут спасибо мало сказать ) Жаль, что немногие смогут оценить раздачу, языковой барьер еще довольно сильная помеха даже для молодых юристов. Тебе же +1 000 000!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11

QuartaFalcidia · 05-Окт-11 23:04 (спустя 31 мин.)

ты весь "вест" что ли выложил? щЩ oO
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11

QuartaFalcidia · 05-Окт-11 23:13 (спустя 9 мин., ред. 05-Окт-11 23:13)

пока еще нет скорости. Я тут как раз хард купил - для TTC лекций, а то жесткий диск на компьютере небольшой - тут как раз твои раздачи будет куда деть )
"многое не нашел" - да ты огромное дело и так сделал! LLM не всем по карману, а тут при старании и правильном подходе не хуже знания можно получить, я во всяком случае надеюсь на это.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 129

Nuwus · 05-Окт-11 23:23 (спустя 9 мин.)

Я не знаю что делать, в состоянии трекера пишет, не отображает работает трекер или нет. Даже не знаю как расшевелить!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11

QuartaFalcidia · 05-Окт-11 23:25 (спустя 2 мин.)

может модератор поможет - я не спец в программах, увы.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 11

QuartaFalcidia · 10-Окт-11 20:35 (спустя 4 дня)

не можесь как-нить сегодня на ночь скорости дать? а то " сиды 1 - 0,3 KB"
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 129

Nuwus · 10-Окт-11 22:48 (спустя 2 часа 13 мин.)

Они у меня в приоритете и так стоят, даже не знаю, как еще скорости дать. Ты попробовал те торренты, что я на Pirate bay залил?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

padaleckiarina · 25-Окт-11 20:37 (спустя 14 дней)

Спасибо ОГРОМНОЕ за такую коллекцию информативных лекций!!!
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 129

Nuwus · 25-Окт-11 20:46 (спустя 8 мин.)

Всегда пожалуйста, надеюсь, получили удовольствие!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Court Jester

Стаж: 13 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 2

Court Jester · 01-Сен-12 10:04 (спустя 10 месяцев)

Nuwus писал(а):
48598894Всегда пожалуйста, надеюсь, получили удовольствие!
Большущее спасибо!!!
рекомендую ВСЕМ!!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


VIP (Адм)

Стаж: 14 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 15672

jaundiced · 26-Июл-21 23:34 (спустя 8 лет 10 месяцев)

Восстановлено из архива по просьбе Хранителя.
Спасена ещё одна малосидируемая раздача!

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