(Trance, Progressive Trance) VA - Trancemaster 1-7006 (+Bonus: VA - Trancemaster Flashback & Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 1, 2) (79 releases), (1992-2012), FLAC (image+.cue), lossless

Страницы :  1, 2, 3 ... 10, 11, 12  След.


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 258

lavteutas · 13-Мар-11 00:32 (13 лет 11 месяцев назад, ред. 23-Апр-14 02:46)

Various Artists - Trancemaster 1-7006
Various Artists - Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 1, 2
Various Artists - Trancemaster Flashback
(79 Releases) (1992-2012)

Жанр: Trance, Progressive Trance, Hard Trance, Tribal, Techno
Страна-производитель дисков: Германия, Швейцария, Австрия (по Discogs)
Год издания дисков: 1992-2012
Издатель (лейбл): Vision Soundcarriers (Trancemaster 01 и 02 - Eurovision Soundcarriers)
Аудио кодек: FLAC (*.flac)
Тип рипа: image+.cue
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 8 дн. 12 час. 07 мин. 05 сек. (1797 треков)
Источник (релизер): Собственный рип оригинальных дисков из личной коллекции
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да (полные комплекты сканов 600dpi)
О сборниках Trancemaster: Рад представить одну из самых популярнейших музыкальных серий - "TRANCEMASTER". Данная серия взяла старт в далеком 1992 году и, похоже, закончилась, вместив в себя 76 номерных выпусков, последний на данный момент выпуск "Trancemaster 7006" увидел свет 11 мая 2012 г. На протяжении серии можно проследить за тем, как зарождалось музыкальное направление Trance, становилось и развивалось от начала 90-х годов до наших дней, как появились различные стили этого направления, такие как Hard Trance, Progressive Trance и т.д.
О раздаче:
Являясь поклонником данной серии, я решил собрать всю серию на оригинальных дисках, что мне в конце концов удалось. Все диски рипались при помощи EAC V1.0 beta 1 и 2 (кроме TM 3006 (CD2)), рип которого был получен благодаря Andy, в режиме test&copy и AccurateRip, на одном и том же оборудовании (ASUS DRW-24B1LT).
Все рипы имеют вид image+.cue, предвидя очередное недовольство этим любителей tracks+.cue, убедительная просьба не поднимать эту тему в комментах. Если кому-то нужно какой-то отдельный трек или треки, прошу обращаться в ЛС, возможно, мы с вами договоримся...
Все теги перед рипом сверялись с базой Discogs, а также с написанным на задней обложке и в буклете, информация зачастую была различной, встречались и ошибки, которые я старался исправлять, но, учитывая очень большой объем, и я мог допустить неточности. Так что если кто заметил какие ошибки в тегах или оформлении раздачи, прошу сообщить о них.
Продолжительность треков и общее время звучания каждого из дисков указана РЕАЛЬНАЯ, поскольку для создания оформления раздачи применялся проигрыватель Foobar2000.
Замечания к раздаче:
Trancemaster 08 - На CD1 Track 1 нет в базе AccurateRip.
Trancemaster 3006 - На CD2 Track 6 нет в базе AccurateRip.
Trancemaster 3007 - На CD2 Track 1 не прошел по базе AccurateRip.
Transemaster 7004-7006 - на момент снятия рипа дисков не было в базе AccurateRip.
!!!ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Торрент обновлен 11.06.2012 г. (Добавлен TRANCEMASTER 7006)
История изменений торрента
1. Заменены рипы ТМ 02, 03, 3006 (CD2) на более качественные.
2. Заменены логи Audiochecker'а соответственно в папке "Аudiochecker logs"
3. Добавлены Trancemaster Flashback, Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 1 и 2
4. Добавлены логи Audiochecker'а соответственно в папке "Аudiochecker logs"
1. Исправлены года выпуска дисков в .CUE файлах ТМ 09, ТМ 20, ТМ 21 и ТМ 2004. Подробнее...
2. Заменен рип ТМ 7002 (теперь он есть в базе AccurateRip) и лог Audiochecker'а в папке "Аudiochecker logs"
3. Добавлен ТМ 7003
1. Добавлен ТМ 7004
1. Добавлен ТМ 7005
1. Добавлен ТМ 7006
Раздача будет вестись, по возможности, в режиме 24/365 (~1 Mbit с 10:00-02:00, ~2 Mbit 02:00-10:00).
По мере выхода новых сборников раздача будет обновляться.

TRANCEMASTER 7007 возможно, никогда уже не выйдет, а жаль...
1994. VA - Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix (CD)
Catalog#: 302 4021-2
01. Goa Head Intro - Goa Head Intro [0:22]
02. Perplexer - Acid Folk [1:23]
03. Raver's Nature - Tricky Symphony [2:45]
04. Valdezz - Topaz [1:47]
05. Cyril's Magic Journey - My World [1:35]
06. E-Train - Cocain (''E''-Mix) [3:28]
07. Dr. Pravda - Krankenhaus [3:32]
08. Ultra-Sonic - Annihilating Rhythm [4:50]
09. Microwave Prince - I Need Your Love [2:17]
10. Marusha - Over The Rainbow (Hooligan Remix) [2:39]
11. Thunderball 2 - Zero One [1:24]
12. Sorcerer - Mental Trip [3:50]
13. Cycle On Five - Lost Continent [3:06]
14. Hardsequencer - Harmony [3:33]
15. Clubsack Intro - Clubsack Intro [0:33]
16. Space Frog - Timeslip (Lost In Space) [3:04]
17. Infrequent Oscilation - Burning Phibes [4:25]
18. Nexus 6 - Tres Chic [4:35]
19. Cherrymoon Trax - The House Of House [5:04]
20. OM - For The Agnostic [3:15]
21. Mistero - La Voce [1:21]
22. Sunbeam - Outside World [2:07]
23. Trance Team - Wake Up [3:29]
24. Quench - Dreams [5:00]
25. Nikolai - Ready To Flow [2:44]
26. Rejuvination - Requiem (Part 1) [1:35]
Total Time: 73:47 min.
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. April 2011, 11:06
Various / Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:22.35 | 0 | 1684
2 | 0:22.35 | 1:22.67 | 1685 | 7901
3 | 1:45.27 | 2:45.08 | 7902 | 20284
4 | 4:30.35 | 1:47.00 | 20285 | 28309
5 | 6:17.35 | 1:35.27 | 28310 | 35461
6 | 7:52.62 | 3:28.35 | 35462 | 51096
7 | 11:21.22 | 3:32.30 | 51097 | 67026
8 | 14:53.52 | 4:50.25 | 67027 | 88801
9 | 19:44.02 | 2:17.28 | 88802 | 99104
10 | 22:01.30 | 2:38.70 | 99105 | 111024
11 | 24:40.25 | 1:24.15 | 111025 | 117339
12 | 26:04.40 | 3:50.22 | 117340 | 134611
13 | 29:54.62 | 3:05.55 | 134612 | 148541
14 | 33:00.42 | 3:33.26 | 148542 | 164542
15 | 36:33.68 | 0:32.67 | 164543 | 167009
16 | 37:06.60 | 3:04.15 | 167010 | 180824
17 | 40:11.00 | 4:24.47 | 180825 | 200671
18 | 44:35.47 | 4:35.21 | 200672 | 221317
19 | 49:10.68 | 5:04.09 | 221318 | 244126
20 | 54:15.02 | 3:15.25 | 244127 | 258776
21 | 57:30.27 | 1:20.43 | 258777 | 264819
22 | 58:50.70 | 2:07.25 | 264820 | 274369
23 | 60:58.20 | 3:29.10 | 274370 | 290054
24 | 64:27.30 | 5:00.15 | 290055 | 312569
25 | 69:27.45 | 2:44.10 | 312570 | 324879
26 | 72:11.55 | 1:35.35 | 324880 | 332039
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix\Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.0 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 1F39944E
Copy CRC 1F39944E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [467BD0A9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [5385D2FA]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [B68E2D4A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [50EEC2DF]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [3D321C04]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [EB3D314D]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [2B290B82]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [0667DE39]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [6C33AA81]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [2352FEC2]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [5D9F53DD]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [358093B6]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [82C6E798]
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [37509960]
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [F980AA0B]
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4E47E739]
Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D0EC3DE8]
Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [379C628D]
Track 19 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [3CAC6D0C]
Track 20 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A7ABE9E5]
Track 21 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [672142C7]
Track 22 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D4AEBC03]
Track 23 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [2576F9BB]
Track 24 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D58012CF]
Track 25 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [C98E6F4E]
Track 26 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [63C2C6DC]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 4E1F7692C7D416564D1A7FD674E4B45C65D99BD464EE04837DD1A24537DC3937 ====
1995. VA - Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 2 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4030-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. The Siren (Intro) - The Siren (Intro) [0:29]
02. Metro Dade - Tyguin [7:43]
03. Roland Casper - Bubbles [1:39]
04. Size 9 - I'm Ready (Remixed Version) [6:58]
05. DJ Misjah & Groovehead (Digital Express) - The Club [3:12]
06. Mark N-R-G - Brain Is The Weapon [3:26]
07. Mark N-R-G - In My Brain [4:08]
08. Low Lander - Revelate II [2:04]
09. Club De Hippica - Shoemakerlevi 9 [3:25]
10. Future Funk - Dark Side Of The Moon [3:25]
11. Blewonion - Luncheon Meat [4:15]
12. Wicked Wipe - Rok Da House (Rave Mix) [4:15]
13. Dex - What Is Going On (Epik Zap Mix) [3:08]
14. Rainbow Spirit - Prana [2:28]
15. Roughage - Scanned State [4:17]
16. Cores - Aragon [3:04]
17. Bassline Baby - Silverfish [3:28]
18. The Montini Experience II - Astrosyn [5:00]
Total Time: 66:22 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Baby Doc - Sienna (Al-Faris Remix Original) [5:35]
02. Wippenberg - Neuro Dancer [3:12]
03. Warris & Fly - Life On Mars (Remix by Oliver Lieb) [4:32]
04. Astral Projection - Mahadeva [5:15]
05. Nostrum - Polaris [4:40]
06. Commander Tom - Are Am Eye? [8:35]
07. Astral Projection - In-Novation [7:12]
Total Time: 39:02 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 20. January 2011, 14:47
Various / Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 2 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:29.07 | 0 | 2181
2 | 0:29.07 | 7:43.08 | 2182 | 36914
3 | 8:12.15 | 1:39.22 | 36915 | 44361
4 | 9:51.37 | 6:57.45 | 44362 | 75681
5 | 16:49.07 | 3:12.20 | 75682 | 90101
6 | 20:01.27 | 3:26.00 | 90102 | 105551
7 | 23:27.27 | 4:07.48 | 105552 | 124124
8 | 27:35.00 | 2:03.55 | 124125 | 133404
9 | 29:38.55 | 3:25.00 | 133405 | 148779
10 | 33:03.55 | 3:24.42 | 148780 | 164121
11 | 36:28.22 | 4:15.18 | 164122 | 183264
12 | 40:43.40 | 4:14.52 | 183265 | 202366
13 | 44:58.17 | 3:07.40 | 202367 | 216431
14 | 48:05.57 | 2:27.45 | 216432 | 227501
15 | 50:33.27 | 4:17.25 | 227502 | 246801
16 | 54:50.52 | 3:03.45 | 246802 | 260571
17 | 57:54.22 | 3:27.48 | 260572 | 276144
18 | 61:21.70 | 4:59.45 | 276145 | 298614
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 2\Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 2 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3F3F7B0E
Copy CRC 3F3F7B0E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [035E8DF8]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [531FD6CB]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2AFFBAB7]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D527F5B4]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E304C970]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D29AE688]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CED2048F]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [843A8900]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [89CF13F9]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DFC9A2B8]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CA74C0AC]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [89DAA301]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B81DEC80]
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [170B822E]
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FC6F88B2]
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4D8F1287]
Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CFB3D4EC]
Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4BCFFA52]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 41E75D7CF86C294B8A8C550E81C75877F9B5533A9D4C91DF25AA2F3E58F3653E ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 20. January 2011, 15:14
Various / Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 2 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:35.32 | 0 | 25156
2 | 5:35.32 | 3:11.45 | 25157 | 39526
3 | 8:47.02 | 4:32.30 | 39527 | 59956
4 | 13:19.32 | 5:15.10 | 59957 | 83591
5 | 18:34.42 | 4:40.00 | 83592 | 104591
6 | 23:14.42 | 8:35.30 | 104592 | 143246
7 | 31:49.72 | 7:11.73 | 143247 | 175644
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 2\Trancemaster Goahead XL-Mix 2 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.9 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 0A97434E
Copy CRC 0A97434E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C733CEC9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [229D0B09]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [80BCC1C4]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [F241DB75]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [06ACDEAC]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9BDAF0C2]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8F4CE07E]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 6923F6ABDA9C294AACC12D581F6CBF92E57D0F674D49E85298C0FD992362DCEE ====
1996. VA - Trancemaster Flashback (3CD Jewel Box)
Catalog#: 302 4041-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. 4 Voice - Music Hypnotizes (Hypnotizing Mix) [5:21]
02. Marmion - Schoneberg (Marmion Remix) [8:42]
03. God's Groove - Prayer 5 (Club Mix) [7:37]
04. Ilsa Gold - Up [6:29]
05. Goya - Dreamstrings [7:37]
06. Blue Alphabet - Cybertrance [5:24]
07. Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (Jam & Spoon Mix) [6:45]
08. Manitou - Manitou In Afrika [5:28]
09. Moby - Go (Delirium Mix) [6:07]
10. Degeneration - Una Musica Senza Ritmo (Natura Mix) [6:00]
11. Komakino - Outface (G60 Mix) [6:40]
12. Perry & Rhodan - Voice Box [4:50]
Total Time: 77:00 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Velocity - Lust (Art Of Trance Remix) [6:46]
02. Hearts Of Space - With A Medium Into Trance (Drop Out Mix) [6:14]
03. 3 Phase feat. Dr. Motte - Der Klang Der Familie [6:33]
04. Perry & Rhodan - The Beat Just Goes Straight On And On [8:00]
05. Illuminatae - Tremora Del Terra [7:37]
06. DJ Dick - The Iron Raver (Part II) [4:59]
07. Introspective - Land Of The Rising Sun [3:41]
08. Casseopaya - Overdose (Remix) [5:05]
09. Rebel Youth - What Is Soul (Trance Mix) [9:27]
10. Transform - Transformation [6:09]
11. DJ Hooligan - Mystic Culture [6:08]
12. Exit EEE - Epidemic (Straight From Heaven Mix) [7:11]
Total Time: 77:52 min.
Tracklist CD3:
01. Degeneration - Una Musica Senza Ritmo (Natura Mix) [5:52]
02. Manitou - Manitou In Afrika [5:10]
03. 3 Phase feat. Dr. Motte - Der Klang Der Familie [3:01]
04. Hearts Of Space - With A Medium Into Trance (Drop Out Mix) [5:18]
05. Illuminatae - Tremora Del Terra [1:57]
06. Introspective - Land Of The Rising Sun [3:14]
07. Velocity - Lust (Art Of Trance Remix) [5:36]
08. Casseopaya - Overdose (Remix) [4:01]
09. Blue Alphabet - Cybertrance [3:01]
10. God's Groove - Prayer 5 (Club Mix) [3:03]
11. Komakino - Outface (G60 Mix) [2:12]
12. Goya - Dreamstrings [4:22]
13. Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (Jam & Spoon Mix) [7:21]
14. Moby - Go (Delirium Mix) [3:03]
Total Time: 57:11 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. January 2011, 23:05
Various / Trancemaster Flashback (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:21.37 | 0 | 24111
2 | 5:21.37 | 8:42.05 | 24112 | 63266
3 | 14:03.42 | 7:36.70 | 63267 | 97536
4 | 21:40.37 | 6:29.08 | 97537 | 126719
5 | 28:09.45 | 7:36.55 | 126720 | 160974
6 | 35:46.25 | 5:24.27 | 160975 | 185301
7 | 41:10.52 | 6:45.30 | 185302 | 215706
8 | 47:56.07 | 5:27.60 | 215707 | 240291
9 | 53:23.67 | 6:07.08 | 240292 | 267824
10 | 59:31.00 | 5:59.62 | 267825 | 294811
11 | 65:30.62 | 6:39.60 | 294812 | 324796
12 | 72:10.47 | 4:49.43 | 324797 | 346514
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster Flashback\Trancemaster Flashback (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 2224B292
Copy CRC 2224B292
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [B67C47F3]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [7FB524E1]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [9797F499]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A4EE4E5B]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [63B79F40]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [9DEDB996]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [04CA00EE]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [B8A9DCA6]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A6248891]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [5EE3B689]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [412900EE]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [991A2B09]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 304455DF6F45B8622BB7B9A01AF94671A4F36FF421D587AC57485750B6421121 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. January 2011, 0:34
Various / Trancemaster Flashback (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:45.52 | 0 | 30426
2 | 6:45.52 | 6:13.45 | 30427 | 58446
3 | 12:59.22 | 6:33.00 | 58447 | 87921
4 | 19:32.22 | 8:00.08 | 87922 | 123929
5 | 27:32.30 | 7:37.15 | 123930 | 158219
6 | 35:09.45 | 4:59.30 | 158220 | 180674
7 | 40:09.00 | 3:41.10 | 180675 | 197259
8 | 43:50.10 | 5:05.37 | 197260 | 220171
9 | 48:55.47 | 9:27.18 | 220172 | 262714
10 | 58:22.65 | 6:09.15 | 262715 | 290404
11 | 64:32.05 | 6:08.27 | 290405 | 318031
12 | 70:40.32 | 7:11.30 | 318032 | 350386
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster Flashback\Trancemaster Flashback (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 3ED7FE53
Copy CRC 3ED7FE53
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C7A61542]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A8BDA821]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [3E43C989]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B37CD606]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [CB3F8003]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A3ADAA17]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [63937678]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [5762508C]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [5CFDCF05]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [86E0C230]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [10FD425D]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [406D5A8E]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 1EF1EBE79AA8C0FB7A96FF3CD4DAB8D7DEE16B960AE0CE8B838A2A6A14325E01 ====
Лог EAC: CD3
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. January 2011, 2:11
Various / Trancemaster Flashback (CD3)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:52.02 | 0 | 26401
2 | 5:52.02 | 5:10.08 | 26402 | 49659
3 | 11:02.10 | 3:00.67 | 49660 | 63226
4 | 14:03.02 | 5:17.58 | 63227 | 87059
5 | 19:20.60 | 1:57.22 | 87060 | 95856
6 | 21:18.07 | 3:13.58 | 95857 | 110389
7 | 24:31.65 | 5:36.22 | 110390 | 135611
8 | 30:08.12 | 4:01.15 | 135612 | 153701
9 | 34:09.27 | 3:01.28 | 153702 | 167304
10 | 37:10.55 | 3:02.52 | 167305 | 181006
11 | 40:13.32 | 2:11.73 | 181007 | 190904
12 | 42:25.30 | 4:22.25 | 190905 | 210579
13 | 46:47.55 | 7:21.02 | 210580 | 243656
14 | 54:08.57 | 3:02.43 | 243657 | 257349
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster Flashback\Trancemaster Flashback (CD3).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC E73DA150
Copy CRC E73DA150
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F2B0555B]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [FD33FAB7]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F3E4CA6A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BFADFF1E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A705075C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4EE84DCA]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [74536EB7]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [56D65C1A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3BA4061B]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AC3F85F0]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [385E03B8]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2961C3E2]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7BB68E34]
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C5A95B09]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A68B84C0CD6378B9F6C01C39234EF726ECEFF7DA1712247BDB43F807F0ED34F8 ====

1992. VA - Trancemaster 01 - Ambient Dance II Trance Chill Out - True Hallucinations
Catalog#: 302 4001-2
01. Station Rose - Public Brain Session [0:37]
02. Dance 2 Trance - Where Is Dag? [6:20]
03. Outlander - ESP [4:20]
04. Resistance D - Cosmic Love [7:33]
05. The Hypnotist - Pioneers Of The Warped Groove (Remix) [7:11]
06. S.M.I.L.E. - Ritual Trance (Evolution Mix) [5:32]
07. The Irresistible Force - Space Is The Place (Intergalactic Ambient Mix) [8:04]
08. Frank De Wulf - Afrika's Rhyme [4:42]
09. Space Cube - Dolphins [6:12]
10. Phobia - Phobia (Holy Atom) [7:32]
11. Komakino - Frogs In Space (Trance Mix) [6:20]
12. Evolution - Equilibrium [5:52]
13. Speedy J - De-Orbit [6:12]
Total Time: 76:28 min.
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. January 2011, 0:52
Various / Trancemaster 01
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:37.17 | 0 | 2791
2 | 0:37.17 | 6:20.15 | 2792 | 31306
3 | 6:57.32 | 4:20.35 | 31307 | 50841
4 | 11:17.67 | 7:33.20 | 50842 | 84836
5 | 18:51.12 | 7:11.13 | 84837 | 117174
6 | 26:02.25 | 5:31.52 | 117175 | 142051
7 | 31:34.02 | 8:04.15 | 142052 | 178366
8 | 39:38.17 | 4:41.48 | 178367 | 199489
9 | 44:19.65 | 6:11.62 | 199490 | 227376
10 | 50:31.52 | 7:32.05 | 227377 | 261281
11 | 58:03.57 | 6:20.15 | 261282 | 289796
12 | 64:23.72 | 5:51.58 | 289797 | 316179
13 | 70:15.55 | 6:11.72 | 316180 | 344076
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 01\Trancemaster 01.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 8780C835
Copy CRC 8780C835
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [F2DE2798]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [48950EC4]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [35E486A1]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [2379D27A]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [413B115A]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [05F8E3D2]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [876F3CE0]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [77E1F0F5]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [453E8D39]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [8A1AE479]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [3DAB31C9]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [BC4F5EB4]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [90A12D00]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D00900DB933DD8DB7CFF9317D4F4E16C333D880749D14D7BBA57AB36831C4164 ====
1992. VA - Trancemaster 02 - The Goa Gap
Catalog#: 302 4008-2
01. TM 02 - Intro (Whales In Space) [0:39]
02. The Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (Watch Out For Stella Club Mix) (Jam & Spoon Remix) [6:46]
03. Dance 2 Trance - Hello San Francisco [7:19]
04. Trance Induction - Technolo [5:07]
05. Brainstorm - Birdy [7:04]
06. Microbots - Chip 2: Freedom [6:01]
07. Tranceporter - Base [5:41]
08. The Shamen - L.S.I. (Frank De Wulf Remix) [4:28]
09. Car & Driver - Drive [9:28]
10. Gary D. - E-Mojonal: Make E Move [6:47]
11. Cosmic Baby - Magic Cubes (Unreleased) [7:02]
12. Re-Pitcher - Thing (Evolution 2 Mix) (Unreleased) [4:12]
13. TM 02 - Outro (Whaletronics) [0:53]
Total Time: 71:28 min.
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 3. April 2011, 12:11
Various / Trancemaster 02
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.32 | 0:39.08 | 32 | 2964
2 | 0:39.40 | 6:46.37 | 2965 | 33451
3 | 7:26.02 | 7:18.73 | 33452 | 66374
4 | 14:45.00 | 5:07.10 | 66375 | 89409
5 | 19:52.10 | 7:04.22 | 89410 | 121231
6 | 26:56.32 | 6:01.28 | 121232 | 148334
7 | 32:57.60 | 5:40.62 | 148335 | 173896
8 | 38:38.47 | 4:28.15 | 173897 | 194011
9 | 43:06.62 | 9:27.48 | 194012 | 236584
10 | 52:34.35 | 6:46.60 | 236585 | 267094
11 | 59:21.20 | 7:02.00 | 267095 | 298744
12 | 66:23.20 | 4:12.10 | 298745 | 317654
13 | 70:35.30 | 0:53.00 | 317655 | 321629
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 02\Trancemaster 02.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.0 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 3FE17B85
Copy CRC 3FE17B85
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [E8DBFAC9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [A6F3A462]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [E88AF53F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [F07C2CD1]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [9A2074A3]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [5840E4D5]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [FB0A3925]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [426CE20D]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [8400FB15]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [CE9AE1BC]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [CC47489A]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7E4E930A]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [8C89FBC0]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 03F25D991A4505CB0F61EA7A54637176B31A5142DC8803108EC32EE20C75D86A ====
1993. VA - Trancemaster 03 - Eternal Oceanic
Catalog#: 302 4011-2
01. The Korgis - Everybody's Got To Learn Sometimes [1:17]
02. Microbots - Vibrations [5:36]
03. Space Cube - Kool Killer (S.F. Acid Mix) [7:28]
04. Biochip C. - Return To Annexia [4:21]
05. Skyflyer - This House Is Mine (Remix) [4:06]
06. Cosmic Baby - Stellar Supreme (The Land Of Toys Remix) [6:35]
07. Digital Excitation - Lifetime Warranty (Sax Anthem Mix) [6:04]
08. Resistance D - Emphasis [7:50]
09. Warp 69 - Floating [6:38]
10. Zero Gravity - Light The Incense [6:54]
11. Transform - Transformation (Transform Remix) [6:07]
12. Emojonal - Silence Of Water [5:57]
Total Time: 68:52 min.
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. April 2011, 19:23
Various / Trancemaster 03
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.32 | 1:16.45 | 32 | 5776
2 | 1:17.02 | 5:35.63 | 5777 | 30964
3 | 6:52.65 | 7:28.25 | 30965 | 64589
4 | 14:21.15 | 4:21.32 | 64590 | 84196
5 | 18:42.47 | 4:06.05 | 84197 | 102651
6 | 22:48.52 | 6:35.13 | 102652 | 132289
7 | 29:23.65 | 6:03.57 | 132290 | 159571
8 | 35:27.47 | 7:49.53 | 159572 | 194799
9 | 43:17.25 | 6:37.45 | 194800 | 224619
10 | 49:54.70 | 6:53.40 | 224620 | 255634
11 | 56:48.35 | 6:06.65 | 255635 | 283149
12 | 62:55.25 | 5:56.57 | 283150 | 309906
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 03\Trancemaster 03.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 170DDCD0
Copy CRC 170DDCD0
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [79838F10]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [1510AF1C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [0141B4E3]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [C12FEEF5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [03368E94]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [280CFFCB]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [FB068811]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [E1DD9E24]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [07FA8376]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [6204C378]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [D45CE761]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [15671AEC]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum BC3F2B67574341472B225C384DC1553E289E618C90B26CBFCC687A9B59A00C2D ====
1993. VA - Trancemaster 04 - Tribal Chill Out
Catalog#: 302 4014-2
01. Gaia - Primitive (Intro) [0:41]
02. The Visions Of Shiva - How Much Can You Take? (Mindmix) [6:48]
03. Degeneration - Una Musica Senza Ritmo (Nina In Trance Remix) [6:33]
04. Astrospider - Ritmista [6:14]
05. Cosmic Baby - Heaven's Tears (Funny How Time Flies) (Jam El Mar Remix) [7:55]
06. Choice - Acid Eiffel [10:00]
07. Illuminatus - Hope (Ambient) [5:46]
08. Quazar - Break Away (Deep Trance Remix) [5:35]
09. Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Exit 23 (Drum Club Remix) [6:13]
10. 4Voice - Eternal Spirit (Northern Mix) [6:27]
11. Tranceformer - Mind & Soul [6:49]
12. Richard Wahnfried - Druck [7:32]
Total Time: 76:32 min.
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 20. January 2011, 13:41
Various / Trancemaster 04
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.32 | 0:40.53 | 32 | 3084
2 | 0:41.10 | 6:48.25 | 3085 | 33709
3 | 7:29.35 | 6:32.65 | 33710 | 63174
4 | 14:02.25 | 6:13.40 | 63175 | 91189
5 | 20:15.65 | 7:55.05 | 91190 | 126819
6 | 28:10.70 | 9:59.62 | 126820 | 171806
7 | 38:10.57 | 5:46.10 | 171807 | 197766
8 | 43:56.67 | 5:34.53 | 197767 | 222869
9 | 49:31.45 | 6:12.67 | 222870 | 250836
10 | 55:44.37 | 6:27.25 | 250837 | 279886
11 | 62:11.62 | 6:48.58 | 279887 | 310544
12 | 69:00.45 | 7:31.50 | 310545 | 344419
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 04\Trancemaster 04.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC E112825C
Copy CRC E112825C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5A7D4C6F]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [45BCF294]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [192A0B04]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FF5B76CF]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [77EDE4BC]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3E95BE93]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7FB49F4F]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DFDB5829]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CEBAF5EB]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [EF3A05BA]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [77B482EE]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BB7121EB]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum B39550FC80BA4652BE99E7750999781F919C07BD81552093F828D69A5DD329BC ====
1993. VA - Trancemaster 05 - The Hardtrance Experience
Catalog#: 302 4013-2
01. Intertribal - Trance Intro [0:40]
02. Capricorn - 20 Hz [6:49]
03. Dance 2 Trance - Take A Free Fall (Paul Van Dyk Remix) [7:12]
04. Datura - Yerba Del Diabolo (Yaqui) [4:42]
05. Komakino - Beyond Your Dreams (Microbots Remix) [6:50]
06. Speedy J - Ginger [7:18]
07. Manitou - Ever Means Never [3:53]
08. Lawnmover - In Danger (Mix 1) [5:35]
09. Cyberia - Doors 1 [6:30]
10. Zero Gravity - Neural Deception [7:12]
11. The Gatorade's - Dark Piano [5:00]
12. Psilocybin - TLL Core (Delirium 3) [7:26]
Total Time: 69:07 min.
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 8. January 2011, 12:58
Various / Trancemaster 05
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:40.00 | 0 | 2999
2 | 0:40.00 | 6:48.73 | 3000 | 33672
3 | 7:28.73 | 7:11.42 | 33673 | 66039
4 | 14:40.40 | 4:42.35 | 66040 | 87224
5 | 19:23.00 | 6:49.63 | 87225 | 117962
6 | 26:12.63 | 7:17.42 | 117963 | 150779
7 | 33:30.30 | 3:53.33 | 150780 | 168287
8 | 37:23.63 | 5:35.12 | 168288 | 193424
9 | 42:59.00 | 6:30.20 | 193425 | 222694
10 | 49:29.20 | 7:11.65 | 222695 | 255084
11 | 56:41.10 | 4:59.68 | 255085 | 277577
12 | 61:41.03 | 7:26.27 | 277578 | 311054
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 05\Trancemaster 05.wav
Peak level 99.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 6F3FB425
Copy CRC 6F3FB425
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [05567537]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [5862C0AA]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [9B75DAFD]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [C8AC85D7]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [94BB425D]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [5AA02ACF]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A08CE14C]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [67AF2867]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [FDB8602E]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [AF7BBCBD]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [3C56A597]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [C9C6FBB4]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 497EC5FADE1F5D9C74F1FEA42A420808F5BD91D5E8BC94F4A1671B56EF6C6916 ====
1993. VA - Trancemaster 06 - Aural Brainfood
Catalog#: 302 4017-2
01. Perry & Rhodan - The Beat Goes Straight On And On (Intro) [0:36]
02. Lunatic Asylum - A.L.S.O.: The Meltdown (Original Mix) [9:21]
03. Exit ''EEE'' - Epidemic (Straight From Heaven Mix) [7:28]
04. Renegade Legion - The Weeping Waste [7:50]
05. Ilsa Gold - Up (US-Trance Mix) [6:23]
06. Perry & Rhodan - Voicebox [4:51]
07. Rebel Youth - What Is Soul (Trance Mix) [9:30]
08. DJ Tom & Norman - Tales Of Mystery [5:27]
09. Naghachian - Dawn Of Emptiness [6:20]
10. Digital Excitation - Sunburst (Cubic 22 Remix) [5:18]
11. Love 4 Sale - Fragile (Esoteric Mix) [5:04]
12. Arena Trex - Violet Vacuum (Delirium 7) [5:30]
Total Time: 73:39 min.
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. January 2011, 18:12
Various / Trancemaster 06
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:36.30 | 0 | 2729
2 | 0:36.30 | 9:21.05 | 2730 | 44809
3 | 9:57.35 | 7:27.40 | 44810 | 78374
4 | 17:25.00 | 7:50.00 | 78375 | 113624
5 | 25:15.00 | 6:22.73 | 113625 | 142347
6 | 31:37.73 | 4:51.00 | 142348 | 164172
7 | 36:28.73 | 9:30.00 | 164173 | 206922
8 | 45:58.73 | 5:27.25 | 206923 | 231472
9 | 51:26.23 | 6:20.30 | 231473 | 260002
10 | 57:46.53 | 5:18.12 | 260003 | 283864
11 | 63:04.65 | 5:03.63 | 283865 | 306652
12 | 68:08.53 | 5:30.15 | 306653 | 331417
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 06\Trancemaster 06.wav
Peak level 99.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F3AB3A04
Copy CRC F3AB3A04
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A0D48727]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [518AE2DD]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [7781E53E]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [AC3FA77B]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A55F41A7]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [1C47026E]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [35341F73]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [7F375FAD]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [46C50C0E]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [6448DB67]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [AF375989]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3AD2CF10]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 4407249B5150A42B5205D0E7FACE771B9CEB3CA74F34E8A608631F4D9D083A58 ====
1994. VA - Trancemaster 07 - The Future Watch (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4020-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Gary D. - U.N.I.T. (Intro) [0:28]
02. Gary D. - Slammin' (Cut The Midrange) [5:46]
03. Cosmic Baby - Loops Of Infinity (Expressionistic) [7:32]
04. Quench - Dreams [3:41]
05. Jens - Loops & Things # Smile On Your Faces (Froot Loops Remix) [6:43]
06. Dag & Alan - Another Hot Day At The Bay [8:16]
07. Tranceparents - Child Three [3:57]
08. Houdini - Braincloud [8:49]
09. Alcatraz - Orbital III [6:42]
10. Rejuvination - Requiem (Part 1) [7:17]
11. Red Princess - You Make Me Feel So Good (Call Mix) [5:16]
12. Gwen'n'Ginger - I Can See The Stars [4:43]
Total Time: 69:11 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Perplexer - Acid Folk (Ramon Zenker Mix) [6:58]
02. Phasis - Moonwalk [5:52]
03. The Jeyenne - Kickin' [6:12]
04. Sorcerer - Mental Trip [5:10]
05. RMB - Universe Of Love [5:01]
06. Acid Jesus - Fairchild [5:32]
07. Drax - Section 2 [5:51]
08. Choci & The Freedom Of Sound - Trancition (Mongolian 303 Heaven) [6:15]
09. Subliminal - Goa Subliminal [6:31]
10. Redeye - Acid Etch [5:48]
11. Gangnia - Atropa [5:05]
12. FSOM - Pleasure [6:29]
Total Time: 70:43 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 23:54
Various / Trancemaster 07 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:27.70 | 0 | 2094
2 | 0:27.70 | 5:46.18 | 2095 | 28062
3 | 6:14.13 | 7:32.15 | 28063 | 61977
4 | 13:46.28 | 3:40.57 | 61978 | 78534
5 | 17:27.10 | 6:42.55 | 78535 | 108739
6 | 24:09.65 | 8:16.05 | 108740 | 145944
7 | 32:25.70 | 3:57.30 | 145945 | 163749
8 | 36:23.25 | 8:49.30 | 163750 | 203454
9 | 45:12.55 | 6:42.22 | 203455 | 233626
10 | 51:55.02 | 7:17.21 | 233627 | 266422
11 | 59:12.23 | 5:16.32 | 266423 | 290154
12 | 64:28.55 | 4:42.45 | 290155 | 311349
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 07\Trancemaster 07 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 0AB898C8
Copy CRC 0AB898C8
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 15) [4A8850B7]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 15) [0633A607]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [D6142C65]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [5CB51A04]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [E710BD81]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [1C83BC66]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [F0512DC1]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [BBB345BE]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [3AD7CE9D]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [6676904B]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [47E57911]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [4140E365]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D65D3C1B94FD03D76C62828E74594E154EBB46C58D013AFB78F3DFF5ABA45674 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 7. January 2011, 0:25
Various / Trancemaster 07 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:57.65 | 0 | 31339
2 | 6:57.65 | 5:52.18 | 31340 | 57757
3 | 12:50.08 | 6:11.50 | 57758 | 85632
4 | 19:01.58 | 5:09.49 | 85633 | 108856
5 | 24:11.32 | 5:00.63 | 108857 | 131419
6 | 29:12.20 | 5:31.60 | 131420 | 156304
7 | 34:44.05 | 5:51.30 | 156305 | 182659
8 | 40:35.35 | 6:15.00 | 182660 | 210784
9 | 46:50.35 | 6:30.58 | 210785 | 240092
10 | 53:21.18 | 5:48.00 | 240093 | 266192
11 | 59:09.18 | 5:04.42 | 266193 | 289034
12 | 64:13.60 | 6:28.55 | 289035 | 318189
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 07\Trancemaster 07 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 9CF5C9D3
Copy CRC 9CF5C9D3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [80B8617D]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [1381C88C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [F3B71BAF]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 15) [D72537DC]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [C0B075E2]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [1C7B5027]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 15) [4E62963A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [33915314]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [CF3D6BFD]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [4DFDBDED]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [F695E9A3]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [DAB85C5C]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum AE1D457FAE23A7CB898C8EB86397783DC36364D85BDAE062D0BE33B2CC0B5504 ====
1994. VA - Trancemaster 08 - Dream Structures (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4023-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. TM 08 - Dream Structures (Intro) [0:28]
02. Annexia - Escalating Fantasy (Part 1) [6:31]
03. Silicium - Spirit Of Ankh [9:15]
04. Desert Storm - Desert Storm (Psycho Drums Remix) [5:50]
05. Traumatic - Tribal Symphony [9:06]
06. Yum Yum - 3 Minute Warning (Scope Mix) [7:48]
07. Suspicious - Lovewaves [6:37]
08. Robotnico II - Backtired [6:21]
09. Emmanuel Top - Turkish Bazar [6:28]
10. Rejuvination - Sychophantasy [6:48]
11. Paperclip People - Throw [3:41]
12. The Jeyenne - Nippon Nippel II [7:36]
Total Time: 76:28 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Lazonby - Sacred Circles (Jens Mahlstedt Remix) [7:30]
02. Para-Dizer - Song Of Liberation (Original Version) [6:22]
03. Raver's Nature - N-Sonic Dreams [4:57]
04. Disturbed Genitals - 2nd Dimension [6:57]
05. God's Groove - Back To Nature (Pure Hemp Mix) [6:14]
06. Minimal Man - Treatment Feel [7:35]
07. Rainforest - The Last Rites [6:46]
08. Magnetic Pulstar - Tatanka Dance [5:27]
09. R-Damski - Acoustic Nature [6:28]
10. DJ Rob - Energy Base [9:30]
11. Trope - Amphetamine [6:42]
12. Space Frog - Lost In Space (Exclusive Star Wash Remix) [1:20]
Total Time: 75:47 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. January 2011, 19:08
Various / Trancemaster 08 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.32 | 0:27.48 | 32 | 2104
2 | 0:28.05 | 6:31.10 | 2105 | 31439
3 | 6:59.15 | 9:14.60 | 31440 | 73049
4 | 16:14.00 | 5:50.15 | 73050 | 99314
5 | 22:04.15 | 9:05.45 | 99315 | 140234
6 | 31:09.60 | 7:47.42 | 140235 | 175301
7 | 38:57.27 | 6:36.70 | 175302 | 205071
8 | 45:34.22 | 6:21.23 | 205072 | 233669
9 | 51:55.45 | 6:28.25 | 233670 | 262794
10 | 58:23.70 | 6:48.17 | 262795 | 293411
11 | 65:12.12 | 3:40.55 | 293412 | 309966
12 | 68:52.67 | 7:35.70 | 309967 | 344161
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 08\Trancemaster 08 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [10F50ECD]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [4D8CB6BE]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [45CDD6FC]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [9E881BF4]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [56FC1F4F]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [2BF82AFC]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [5FB10248]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [D3B82DE2]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [7CA292F5]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [715C5A03]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [000A3C37]
11 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) not present in the AccurateRip database
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum D3BEEC8964B6A2D6CC7C7D2A28A954F4DD877282E8DC9E774034AB0E89EB84F4 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. January 2011, 19:58
Various / Trancemaster 08 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.32 | 7:30.00 | 32 | 33781
2 | 7:30.32 | 6:22.10 | 33782 | 62441
3 | 13:52.42 | 4:57.18 | 62442 | 84734
4 | 18:49.60 | 6:56.72 | 84735 | 116006
5 | 25:46.57 | 6:13.40 | 116007 | 144021
6 | 32:00.22 | 7:35.33 | 144022 | 178179
7 | 39:35.55 | 6:45.65 | 178180 | 208619
8 | 46:21.45 | 5:26.60 | 208620 | 233129
9 | 51:48.30 | 6:27.67 | 233130 | 262221
10 | 58:16.22 | 9:30.28 | 262222 | 304999
11 | 67:46.50 | 6:41.52 | 305000 | 335126
12 | 74:28.27 | 1:19.40 | 335127 | 341091
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 08\Trancemaster 08 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D75E5FF6
Copy CRC D75E5FF6
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [B9A4063D]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [C2229F36]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [A69145A9]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [8D2EA006]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [5B983258]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [62678829]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [9CFF2412]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [CC37E677]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [17A782F7]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [B59887A0]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [D252D63B]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [9F3FB08B]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 93E24CEA2B16383CC4D9B5838153EF87993E47823715F713A501D56D807BF5CA ====
1994. VA - Trancemaster 09 - Conditions Of Mental Abstraction (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4025-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. (Intro) - Conditions Of Mental Abstraction [0:40]
02. Mandala - Astralia [5:48]
03. Cosmo - Hymn (Club Mix) [6:48]
04. 3 Voice - Nightflight [6:46]
05. Moonbreaker - Liberation [4:21]
06. Human Target - Rausch [6:52]
07. Antaris In Cooperation With Casseopaya - Musicmaker (Love Mix) [5:25]
08. Act One - Moonwalk [4:52]
09. Nexxus - Initial (Remix) [6:09]
10. Wink - Higher State Of Conciousness (Tweekin Acid Funk) [6:16]
11. Space Cube - Outbound [5:41]
12. Bas Molendyk - Just Married [8:04]
Total Time: 67:43 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Funf Freunde - Blop [6:51]
02. Yves Deruyter - Calling Earth (Orginal Mix) [6:21]
03. N.U.K.E. - Generations (Halloween Remix) [6:54]
04. Mee-Do And La Sistema Dolorosa - Hypnotiqa [5:51]
05. Solar Eclipse - From Here To Enlightment (Remix) [5:42]
06. Michael Simon - Baby Techno [7:48]
07. Nuts On Mars - Nuts On Mars Bar One [5:05]
08. Rozzo - Into Your Heart (Original Mix) [7:32]
09. The Boy From Nowhere - High Life [6:30]
10. MK Ultra - Polarizion [6:58]
11. Ultrahigh - In My Heart [5:17]
12. (Outro) - Conditions Of Mental Abstraction [0:44]
Total Time: 71:33 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 21:45
Various / Trancemaster 09 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:39.62 | 0 | 2986
2 | 0:39.62 | 5:47.50 | 2987 | 29061
3 | 6:27.37 | 6:47.65 | 29062 | 59651
4 | 13:15.27 | 6:46.00 | 59652 | 90101
5 | 20:01.27 | 4:20.70 | 90102 | 109671
6 | 24:22.22 | 6:52.33 | 109672 | 140604
7 | 31:14.55 | 5:25.22 | 140605 | 165001
8 | 36:40.02 | 4:51.68 | 165002 | 186894
9 | 41:31.70 | 6:09.07 | 186895 | 214576
10 | 47:41.02 | 6:16.35 | 214577 | 242811
11 | 53:57.37 | 5:40.65 | 242812 | 268376
12 | 59:38.27 | 8:04.35 | 268377 | 304711
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 09\Trancemaster 09 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC AE63D0F4
Copy CRC AE63D0F4
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [AAA8C1E5]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [C6786C2D]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [F7284C79]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [44B11CB2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [1235E1B6]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [80B28718]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [6B336167]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [E5D140DA]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [B5055BEE]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [DD771E82]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [396437A0]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [CE35F4A4]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum CF94D73E3A3383B3D15DB4E96EEADF1F077C14F078B3AF400CEFB9C2B0130085 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 22:34
Various / Trancemaster 09 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:50.65 | 0 | 30814
2 | 6:50.65 | 6:20.47 | 30815 | 59361
3 | 13:11.37 | 6:54.28 | 59362 | 90439
4 | 20:05.65 | 5:51.00 | 90440 | 116764
5 | 25:56.65 | 5:41.60 | 116765 | 142399
6 | 31:38.50 | 7:48.07 | 142400 | 177506
7 | 39:26.57 | 5:05.25 | 177507 | 200406
8 | 44:32.07 | 7:32.18 | 200407 | 234324
9 | 52:04.25 | 6:30.00 | 234325 | 263574
10 | 58:34.25 | 6:58.10 | 263575 | 294934
11 | 65:32.35 | 5:17.22 | 294935 | 318731
12 | 70:49.57 | 0:43.50 | 318732 | 322006
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 09\Trancemaster 09 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.0 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C81A631A
Copy CRC C81A631A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [9E276323]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [27142081]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [573ACA77]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [6751C27E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [C6A5B826]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [E0DBEB5A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [4D64A762]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [BCC7CDEC]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [71938372]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [35DACD98]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [220036C9]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [CE67F019]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 12D600DE4A00F8D05E67B7FE5FE80CBDC8EA237BBB6B411039FB14D49BBA5C0A ====
1995. VA - Trancemaster 10 - Natural Energizer (3CD Box-Set Strictly Limited Edition, included CD3 - Timemaster)
Catalog#: 302 9028-2 (CD1,2 - 302 4028-2; CD3 - n/a)
Tracklist CD1:
01. Razor's Edge - Exquisite Sin (Exquisite Dream Mix) [6:42]
02. M.A.N. - The Hand Of God [5:15]
03. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead: Special Acid Edition - Acid Energy [8:48]
04. Poltergeist - Vicious Circles (Union Jack Remix) [6:58]
05. Transform 21 - Bet You (All Board Mix) [7:18]
06. Watchman - Cut The Midrange [5:53]
07. Must - Gotta Get (Loose) (One Night At FF Mix) [7:46]
08. Secret Intelligence - Yesterdays Tomorrow [5:24]
09. Emmanuel Top - Tone [8:24]
10. Underworld - Born Slippy [9:44]
11. Wax Scientists - It's Time For House [5:36]
Total Time: 77:48 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead: Digital Express - The Club [7:47]
02. Formic Acid - Eternia [6:49]
03. Cenith X - Feel (Legend B Remix) [5:53]
04. M-Phaser - Amtraxx [7:27]
05. Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor Remix) [6:26]
06. Paul Van Dyk - Emergency (Radioactive) [3:32]
07. Bruno Sanchioni - The New Age (Trance Mix) [7:44]
08. Vana Imago - Tesi [9:53]
09. Munion - Love (Ton) [6:01]
10. Code-9 - Atmosphere (Part One) [6:07]
11. Gary D. - Love Is An Ocean (Tangled Mix) [5:26]
Total Time: 73:05 min.
Tracklist CD3 (Timemaster):
01. Clementine - The Opening [7:30]
02. Sleepwalker - The Pink Zone [5:20]
03. Liasons D - He Chilled Out (Remix) [5:26]
04. Mainx - 88 To Piano [5:08]
05. Ravebusters - Rave Bangin' (Atmos' Mix) [5:44]
06. Major Mal'Functions - Insanity (Magic Moon Mix) [5:36]
07. LFO - Think For A Moment [3:30]
08. FUSE - UVA [8:04]
09. Modular Expansion - Unit 1: Cubes [4:06]
10. Meng Syndicate - Sonar System [7:19]
11. Logo - Business Men (12'' Version) [5:06]
Total Time: 62:50 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. January 2011, 21:55
Various / Trancemaster 10 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:42.32 | 0 | 30181
2 | 6:42.32 | 5:15.23 | 30182 | 53829
3 | 11:57.55 | 8:48.10 | 53830 | 93439
4 | 20:45.65 | 6:57.47 | 93440 | 124761
5 | 27:43.37 | 7:17.63 | 124762 | 157599
6 | 35:01.25 | 5:53.02 | 157600 | 184076
7 | 40:54.27 | 7:46.03 | 184077 | 219029
8 | 48:40.30 | 5:24.07 | 219030 | 243336
9 | 54:04.37 | 8:24.08 | 243337 | 281144
10 | 62:28.45 | 9:44.05 | 281145 | 324949
11 | 72:12.50 | 5:35.42 | 324950 | 350116
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 10\Trancemaster 10 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 639C93FF
Copy CRC 639C93FF
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [8FF8BE0D]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [E37105CE]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [024DF2F2]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [41A14C5C]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [76F8723F]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [59472BD3]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [ED489B83]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [C76287DE]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [FFB49F75]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [7B0EC6E1]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [F7D103D7]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7F9A806A3AD7C9642EC7007C46B7ABE9FA848A4367C40E7645FA41A21BE375E8 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. January 2011, 22:38
Various / Trancemaster 10 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:46.42 | 0 | 34991
2 | 7:46.42 | 6:49.18 | 34992 | 65684
3 | 14:35.60 | 5:52.55 | 65685 | 92139
4 | 20:28.40 | 7:26.40 | 92140 | 125629
5 | 27:55.05 | 6:26.30 | 125630 | 154609
6 | 34:21.35 | 3:31.72 | 154610 | 170506
7 | 37:53.32 | 7:43.40 | 170507 | 205271
8 | 45:36.72 | 9:53.05 | 205272 | 249751
9 | 55:30.02 | 6:01.03 | 249752 | 276829
10 | 61:31.05 | 6:07.25 | 276830 | 304379
11 | 67:38.30 | 5:26.10 | 304380 | 328839
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 10\Trancemaster 10 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 14D1F34A
Copy CRC 14D1F34A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [C80BCE65]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [47DEBEA4]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [857A68E2]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [74E0E4B8]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [62FA05E9]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [E7B7F282]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [F1365234]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [174571D2]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [E27EFF93]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [8D085816]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [B659A98B]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 201405C05C32A0AFEE335AC1009E9A7E0BA635B65B39E8250B919CC82537EC42 ====
Лог EAC: CD3 (Timemaster)
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. January 2011, 20:39
Various / Trancemaster 10 (CD3 Timemaster)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:30.15 | 0 | 33764
2 | 7:30.15 | 5:20.02 | 33765 | 57766
3 | 12:50.17 | 5:26.33 | 57767 | 82249
4 | 18:16.50 | 5:08.30 | 82250 | 105379
5 | 23:25.05 | 5:44.22 | 105380 | 131201
6 | 29:09.27 | 5:36.25 | 131202 | 156426
7 | 34:45.52 | 3:29.38 | 156427 | 172139
8 | 38:15.15 | 8:03.62 | 172140 | 208426
9 | 46:19.02 | 4:05.63 | 208427 | 226864
10 | 50:24.65 | 7:18.47 | 226865 | 259761
11 | 57:43.37 | 5:06.13 | 259762 | 282724
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 10\Trancemaster 10 (CD3 Timemaster).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC AA305285
Copy CRC AA305285
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [32121968]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0364CC89]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1A62F9CC]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2C97DBF2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4566789C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A59EED9A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C9050B6C]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AD0EEE2B]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [68DEDC4A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [217746D2]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D3E092C2]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 0A840E0C035D327CA5DC5AD7F2D80940E0B6C3ADC022A63703F03F93BBD436D2 ====
1995. VA - Trancemaster 11 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4031-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Rhythm Method - GOA: Season Of The Monsoon [8:20]
02. Art Of Trance - Octopus (Man With No Name Remix) [7:14]
03. Aban Don - State Of Mind (Metal Mix) [5:52]
04. Granny - Ty Phoo [8:44]
05. Ovation - The Book Of Revelation (Luxor Mix) [6:31]
06. Elektrochemie LK - Positive Vibes [6:36]
07. Emmanuel Top - Fusion [10:26]
08. Aquila - Oblivion [7:32]
09. Pentaura - Ulma Gets To Linger (Pentatonik Mix) [6:50]
10. Max 404 - Quiddity (Last Visit) [6:35]
11. Korn Flake - Energizer [3:16]
Total Time: 77:57 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Robert Miles - Children (Dream Version) [7:33]
02. Microwave Prince - Eternal Light [10:23]
03. Sterac - Asphyx [5:24]
04. Slam - Positive Education [7:24]
05. Gamma Loop - Urban Kiddies (Chill 'N' Force Remix) [7:01]
06. Dee Rex - Soilent Green [7:35]
07. Union Jack - Red Herring [8:35]
08. The Lords Of Octagon - Open Da House (Dark Noize Remix) [7:29]
09. Glass Walker - Carrion [4:54]
10. Pyrate - Bycance (DJ Spice P's Experiences In Bycance) [5:45]
11. Future Breeze - Read My Lips [5:59]
Total Time: 78:03 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 16:01
Various / Trancemaster 11 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:20.27 | 0 | 37526
2 | 8:20.27 | 7:13.48 | 37527 | 70049
3 | 15:34.00 | 5:52.12 | 70050 | 96461
4 | 21:26.12 | 8:44.20 | 96462 | 135781
5 | 30:10.32 | 6:30.73 | 135782 | 165104
6 | 36:41.30 | 6:35.60 | 165105 | 194789
7 | 43:17.15 | 10:26.25 | 194790 | 241764
8 | 53:43.40 | 7:32.27 | 241765 | 275691
9 | 61:15.67 | 6:50.13 | 275692 | 306454
10 | 68:06.05 | 6:34.47 | 306455 | 336051
11 | 74:40.52 | 3:15.65 | 336052 | 350741
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 11\Trancemaster 11 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 786DD4C3
Copy CRC 786DD4C3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [AA055040]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [53328CFE]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 14) [8FF3FE68]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [253D233C]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [A5574F41]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [368D6F39]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [C7857585]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [98B60232]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [CA5D2068]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [47E152F9]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [6F437F3F]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D059AF717FC4D3F8B6BDE896968599B3DB351BC1BAB366680BF5700763811573 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 16:40
Various / Trancemaster 11 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:32.57 | 0 | 33956
2 | 7:32.57 | 10:23.00 | 33957 | 80681
3 | 17:55.57 | 5:23.60 | 80682 | 104966
4 | 23:19.42 | 7:24.10 | 104967 | 138276
5 | 30:43.52 | 7:01.30 | 138277 | 169881
6 | 37:45.07 | 7:34.45 | 169882 | 203976
7 | 45:19.52 | 8:35.28 | 203977 | 242629
8 | 53:55.05 | 7:29.20 | 242630 | 276324
9 | 61:24.25 | 4:54.35 | 276325 | 298409
10 | 66:18.60 | 5:44.47 | 298410 | 324256
11 | 72:03.32 | 5:59.25 | 324257 | 351206
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 11\Trancemaster 11 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 97586031
Copy CRC 97586031
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [19EDEC14]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [F8D4D4FB]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [1D0B6066]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [7F27D051]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [27B990A2]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 13) [5ED3BAAB]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 12) [73680864]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [88D1D1A2]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [B2074182]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [E2A9F8B8]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 11) [3D7095E8]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum DA20BEB5908D82684C0E1F4B554E47D384A122860BBBA31BF5007D9DA43F9073 ====
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Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 258

lavteutas · 13-Мар-11 00:40 (спустя 8 мин., ред. 14-Июн-11 11:24)

1996. VA - Trancemaster 12 - Return To Goa (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4037-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. DJ Dave Davies - Transfiguration [6:31]
02. Demonic Emotions - Stuck On A Space Trip (Jon The Dentist Remix (J.T. Edit)) [7:06]
03. Vinny Vincent & Harry Hash - The Siren (DJ Misjah Remix) [8:51]
04. Ayla - Ayla [8:48]
05. Pablo Gargano - Holding You Tight [8:03]
06. Cherry Moon Trax feat. Yves Deruyter - In My Electric House [3:49]
07. Lostsidon - Lostsidon (Stone Gleam Mix) [6:09]
08. Castle Trancelott - Indoctrinate (Way Out West Remix) [7:15]
09. Emmanuel Top - Stress [11:41]
10. Trancesetters - The Search [3:23]
11. Me & Jack - Viva House (Secret Cinema Mix) [6:15]
Total Time: 77:51 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Transwave - Cycles Of Life [7:19]
02. Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Atomic Armadillo [5:59]
03. Fata Morgana - Edge Of Consciousness [11:40]
04. Junk Project - Exceed [7:56]
05. Fee Clochette - Flying Sausage (Pandanlagueule Mix) [6:02]
06. The Hypnotist - Death By Dub (Awex Remix) [5:50]
07. Cyber S - Reflexion [5:33]
08. Quench - Dreams (Tony De Vit Mix) [8:44]
09. Mythe 2 - Heaven's Above [6:49]
10. Cosmic Baby - Ready? (Die Prinzessin Auf Der Erbse) [11:28]
Total Time: 77:20 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 14:46
Various / Trancemaster 12 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:30.65 | 0 | 29314
2 | 6:30.65 | 7:06.15 | 29315 | 61279
3 | 13:37.05 | 8:51.27 | 61280 | 101131
4 | 22:28.32 | 8:47.68 | 101132 | 140724
5 | 31:16.25 | 8:02.55 | 140725 | 176929
6 | 39:19.05 | 3:49.30 | 176930 | 194134
7 | 43:08.35 | 6:09.15 | 194135 | 221824
8 | 49:17.50 | 7:15.02 | 221825 | 254451
9 | 56:32.52 | 11:40.53 | 254452 | 307004
10 | 68:13.30 | 3:23.32 | 307005 | 322261
11 | 71:36.62 | 6:14.50 | 322262 | 350361
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 12\Trancemaster 12 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 918DCB4C
Copy CRC 918DCB4C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D5AF293D]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [7C8DA3CC]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [58095A01]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6E670069]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [81E10098]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [77011C6D]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [8102D2DE]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3648B0AB]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [34D2F8EE]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4063E135]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [64E176DC]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 87A739BAC13B7FE9778B427895EA3C3B7D297E0EA7C79F27CFC68FBD2D3511E2 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 15:22
Various / Trancemaster 12 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:18.67 | 0 | 32916
2 | 7:18.67 | 5:58.55 | 32917 | 59821
3 | 13:17.47 | 11:40.10 | 59822 | 112331
4 | 24:57.57 | 7:55.48 | 112332 | 148004
5 | 32:53.30 | 6:02.35 | 148005 | 175189
6 | 38:55.65 | 5:50.20 | 175190 | 201459
7 | 44:46.10 | 5:33.30 | 201460 | 226464
8 | 50:19.40 | 8:43.50 | 226465 | 265739
9 | 59:03.15 | 6:48.42 | 265740 | 296381
10 | 65:51.57 | 11:28.35 | 296382 | 348016
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 12\Trancemaster 12 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 6641F4B5
Copy CRC 6641F4B5
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [47296C57]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A13C1FE6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [F247937F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [994EA6A5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [83A4F4E3]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B6CC9F0B]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [22247DA7]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [30382413]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [42FA7A3D]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [53614973]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A719297BC64EA115745F39D7469D5BE4712F49708739885080FDB28BF88405CB ====
1996. VA - Trancemaster 13 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4049-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Third Man - Planet Hunters (Arrangement One) [6:34]
02. Mandala - Acidney (Brainstorm Raymix) [5:29]
03. Orson W. - The Ride [7:55]
04. Kinetico - Driving [6:34]
05. Massimo Vivona - IMIJ [5:07]
06. Attila - Eskimo [6:51]
07. Loophole - Fakeland [8:29]
08. L.S.G. - Transmutation [7:53]
09. The Visitor - Peggy [8:36]
10. Keyload - Unknown Quantities [7:47]
11. Skeleton Crew - Lost World (Part One) [6:10]
Total Time: 77:25 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. The Alternative Creators - Sound Creation (Hardtrance Vrs. by Zenith) [7:29]
02. Global Control - Crazy (BeBeBe Mix) [7:24]
03. B.B.E. - Seven Days And One Week (Club Mix) [8:24]
04. The M. Experience III - Rock Your Body [3:41]
05. Indris - Who Who [5:06]
06. De Niro - Evolver [5:56]
07. Microworld - X-Pression [8:46]
08. J.D Decker - The Key To Fantasy [4:25]
09. Massimo Vivona - Drop [8:40]
10. Subliminal Man - Brave New World (Touched By Magic Alec) [6:50]
11. Musique De Marque - Foreplay (In The Evening) [6:56]
12. Rene Et Gaston - Vallee De Larmes [3:29]
Total Time: 77:05 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 19:59
Various / Trancemaster 13 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:34.02 | 0 | 29551
2 | 6:34.02 | 5:28.38 | 29552 | 54189
3 | 12:02.40 | 7:54.47 | 54190 | 89786
4 | 19:57.12 | 6:34.03 | 89787 | 119339
5 | 26:31.15 | 5:06.57 | 119340 | 142346
6 | 31:37.72 | 6:50.70 | 142347 | 173166
7 | 38:28.67 | 8:29.23 | 173167 | 211364
8 | 46:58.15 | 7:53.12 | 211365 | 246851
9 | 54:51.27 | 8:36.35 | 246852 | 285586
10 | 63:27.62 | 7:47.13 | 285587 | 320624
11 | 71:15.00 | 6:10.15 | 320625 | 348389
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 13\Trancemaster 13 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 2D103D6C
Copy CRC 2D103D6C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [F39768AD]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [1E19C476]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [8CB4F53A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [9B4C2682]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [0B0AF54C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [E6E5F141]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [58A83E49]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [BB555BC4]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [3F47A31E]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [E51D0676]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [6DA7C879]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 9E9C4CA22A811C4D326FBCB25B04E21514B57E1B88C3A11B5616EEABD6891766 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 13:42
Various / Trancemaster 13 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:28.42 | 0 | 33641
2 | 7:28.42 | 7:23.63 | 33642 | 66929
3 | 14:52.30 | 8:23.47 | 66930 | 104701
4 | 23:16.02 | 3:41.00 | 104702 | 121276
5 | 26:57.02 | 5:06.20 | 121277 | 144246
6 | 32:03.22 | 5:55.38 | 144247 | 170909
7 | 37:58.60 | 8:46.27 | 170910 | 210386
8 | 46:45.12 | 4:24.40 | 210387 | 230226
9 | 51:09.52 | 8:39.60 | 230227 | 269211
10 | 59:49.37 | 6:49.55 | 269212 | 299941
11 | 66:39.17 | 6:56.30 | 299942 | 331171
12 | 73:35.47 | 3:29.25 | 331172 | 346871
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 13\Trancemaster 13 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC B9CB595A
Copy CRC B9CB595A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [312B02D2]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [3E149108]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [D0BD99AA]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [685D860E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [8502C305]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [E4E46CB8]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [EB383811]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [61C575C3]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [85A8493B]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [746E36F1]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D64E2151]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [9A9A01E7]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A52066F08566D4CD7C31691CBAD6A0579B10367EF4E7881027D588AFA02452D5 ====
1996. VA - Trancemaster 14 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4053-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. DJ Philip - Too Deep [5:37]
02. Tibet Team Frankfurt - Chorus From Heaven (Original Mix) [7:31]
03. Canyon - Move (Original) [7:17]
04. Love And Fate - Love And Fate (Part 2) [4:57]
05. Talla 2XLC - Eternal Mystery (Original Mix) [8:16]
06. Greenforce - Sleepless (Zutsel Mix) [6:38]
07. Non Eric - S.E.A.L.S. [5:58]
08. Transmotion - Space Trumpets [5:33]
09. Madely - Stress [6:33]
10. Mega Mind - Heavens Connecting [6:34]
11. Future Breeze - Why Don't You Dance With Me (Club Mix) [5:19]
Total Time: 70:14 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Transverse - I Am House (Beyond The Future) [6:31]
02. Three 'N One - Reflect [7:10]
03. Pablo Gargano - Bolero Extacid [5:56]
04. Moonman - Galaxia [5:37]
05. D-Lay - Secret (Back To Reminiscence) [7:06]
06. Jon The Dentist - Pyramid [5:54]
07. Kyau & Albert - Let Me In [5:06]
08. Art Of Trance - Blue Owl [9:04]
09. Little Jam - The Great Bear (Re-Edit) [7:37]
10. Q:Dos - Nocturnal Spirit (Republica Dangerous Mix) [7:56]
11. Rebirth - Eternity [5:58]
12. Jimi Tenor - Take Me Baby (Original Mix) [3:39]
Total Time: 77:33 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 17:31
Various / Trancemaster 14 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:36.69 | 0 | 25268
2 | 5:36.69 | 7:30.38 | 25269 | 59056
3 | 13:07.32 | 7:17.30 | 59057 | 91861
4 | 20:24.62 | 4:56.60 | 91862 | 114121
5 | 25:21.47 | 8:16.30 | 114122 | 151351
6 | 33:38.02 | 6:38.23 | 151352 | 181224
7 | 40:16.25 | 5:58.02 | 181225 | 208076
8 | 46:14.27 | 5:32.73 | 208077 | 233049
9 | 51:47.25 | 6:33.10 | 233050 | 262534
10 | 58:20.35 | 6:34.07 | 262535 | 292091
11 | 64:54.42 | 5:19.15 | 292092 | 316031
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 14\Trancemaster 14 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C0523EBF
Copy CRC C0523EBF
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [4FA5499B]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [D6865EA4]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [DBDAE4C5]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [5D9FA6F0]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [02A1377A]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [28F938B8]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [C4509B02]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [A3C5A089]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [22BFFA24]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [AACD6DFF]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [D9A9F678]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum DFC35BB59E747011956F937B357C842E6C70FF6CAC1AAD15C172334E1747385A ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 6. January 2011, 9:08
Various / Trancemaster 14 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:30.40 | 0 | 29289
2 | 6:30.40 | 7:10.20 | 29290 | 61559
3 | 13:40.60 | 5:55.57 | 61560 | 88241
4 | 19:36.42 | 5:36.73 | 88242 | 113514
5 | 25:13.40 | 7:05.45 | 113515 | 145434
6 | 32:19.10 | 5:53.47 | 145435 | 171956
7 | 38:12.57 | 5:06.10 | 171957 | 194916
8 | 43:18.67 | 9:03.40 | 194917 | 235681
9 | 52:22.32 | 7:37.10 | 235682 | 269966
10 | 59:59.42 | 7:56.05 | 269967 | 305671
11 | 67:55.47 | 5:57.43 | 305672 | 332489
12 | 73:53.15 | 3:39.32 | 332490 | 348946
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 14\Trancemaster 14 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.8 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 5A435702
Copy CRC 5A435702
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [A4EF1E38]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [49015736]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [A2B46A49]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [523234F3]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [1446672B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [BAE6FB1C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [84469324]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [B7B5824E]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [9411D3B9]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [8EFF0630]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [C3BF53AB]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [FC443CCC]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum BAA1676DE2960DFD234E082063E82772DCE67E572F2962976BA5EC324A066BBF ====
1997. VA - Trancemaster 15 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4059-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Brainbug - Nightmare (Sinister Strings Mix) [6:44]
02. Three 'N One - Sin City [7:10]
03. C.M. - Dream Universe [4:51]
04. Red Sun - Amaterasu (Tokyo Extended Mix) [5:59]
05. Canyon - Purple Phaze [6:43]
06. Velocity - Future (Arpeggiators Remix) [7:03]
07. Tyrone T.B. - The Outback [7:49]
08. The Secret - Starkissed [8:10]
09. Mega Mind - Transconnecting [6:39]
10. Dream Your Dream - Goes Trouble (Trance Mix) [7:23]
11. Nalin Inc. - Red Button [9:52]
Total Time: 78:25 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Enter - Load & Save (B.B.E. HD Mix) [7:11]
02. Ganesh - Captain Tinrib's Back Again [7:47]
03. Tomcraft - Unicum [8:48]
04. Little Jam - Flaming Star [6:28]
05. Gollum & Hunter - Feel So Good (Fast Mix) [7:35]
06. Starparty - I'm In Love [5:46]
07. Repulsor - Double Action [6:01]
08. Mirabeau - Bang Da Beat [6:44]
09. Mystique - He's Afraid [5:50]
10. Trancelate - Sweet Music (Nostrum Remix) [6:00]
11. Freakyman - Discobug '97 (Got The Feeling Now) (Da Klubb Kings Mix) [6:33]
Total Time: 74:44 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 5. January 2011, 20:35
Various / Trancemaster 15 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:44.00 | 0 | 30299
2 | 6:44.00 | 7:09.67 | 30300 | 62541
3 | 13:53.67 | 4:50.73 | 62542 | 84364
4 | 18:44.65 | 5:59.07 | 84365 | 111296
5 | 24:43.72 | 6:43.03 | 111297 | 141524
6 | 31:27.00 | 7:03.17 | 141525 | 173266
7 | 38:30.17 | 7:49.28 | 173267 | 208469
8 | 46:19.45 | 8:10.15 | 208470 | 245234
9 | 54:29.60 | 6:39.30 | 245235 | 275189
10 | 61:09.15 | 7:23.27 | 275190 | 308441
11 | 68:32.42 | 9:52.33 | 308442 | 352874
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 15\Trancemaster 15 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.8 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0B67FBC6]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5E9DAC59]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [15B7250D]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D6B9B3C1]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4DB71C1C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4AA7401C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C74C59F5]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D4EC1074]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [EEB97AA5]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [29B026EB]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [135562C3]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 00A93154E25C81B454C2C564253A17D633F7CC59DEE0E3BEF6DA54482D88F701 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 5. January 2011, 21:10
Various / Trancemaster 15 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:11.37 | 0 | 32361
2 | 7:11.37 | 7:47.10 | 32362 | 67396
3 | 14:58.47 | 8:48.03 | 67397 | 106999
4 | 23:46.50 | 6:28.32 | 107000 | 136131
5 | 30:15.07 | 7:35.20 | 136132 | 170276
6 | 37:50.27 | 5:46.10 | 170277 | 196236
7 | 43:36.37 | 6:01.20 | 196237 | 223331
8 | 49:37.57 | 6:44.18 | 223332 | 253649
9 | 56:22.00 | 5:49.42 | 253650 | 279866
10 | 62:11.42 | 5:59.38 | 279867 | 306829
11 | 68:11.05 | 6:33.02 | 306830 | 336306
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 15\Trancemaster 15 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 5339F894
Copy CRC 5339F894
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [130E6C23]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [26710DD6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5012D4F4]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F7976884]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3388B3DA]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [083DA50D]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2369855F]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B54A5A97]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [894241BA]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A202C761]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [AED9AA80]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum E50217AEE273489993FDDEB43AC40F80061A7B127180DA8CA92780BC527C119A ====
1997. VA - Trancemaster 16 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4064-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Sosa - Wave (Taucher Remix) [8:03]
02. Influence - We Are Crazy (Crazy Z Version) [4:58]
03. Rodd-Y-Ler - Lifesigns [6:14]
04. Moonman - First Light (DJ Philip Mix) [6:19]
05. DJ Energy - Follow Me [7:26]
06. Mark N-R-G - Don't Stop (Baby Doc Mix) [6:12]
07. Marino Stephano - Invaders [7:22]
08. The Auranaut - Calm Your Mind (Darkness Before Dawn Mix) [6:59]
09. Serious Danger - Deeper [5:40]
10. Blue Planet Corporation - Cyclothymic [8:37]
11. Musix - Synthetic Apocalypse [6:09]
12. Jaydee - Plastic Dreams 1997 (Angel Moraes Angel Dreams) [4:02]
Total Time: 78:02 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. DJ Mind-X - Happiness (Moonrise Remix) [5:51]
02. Jet Set & Plastic Angel - Lost In Trance [4:56]
03. Sinus - Blob (J.J.Jam Remix) [5:23]
04. Blusonic - The Message [5:08]
05. Rozzo - Into Your Heart '97 (Guess Whose Club) [6:15]
06. Van Bellen - Let Me Take You (On A Journey) (Part One) [8:29]
07. Sqvid - Emprisoning Sound On A Piece Of Wax (DJ Philip Remix) [5:35]
08. Aria - Ascension (Paul De Aragon's Monochrome Remix) [7:25]
09. Tom Wax & Jan Jacarta - Wormhole [7:22]
10. Cat Scanner - Tone Trancer [4:57]
11. Oson - Midnight Move (Remix) [3:46]
12. Ray And G.O.D. - Walkin '97 (The Apex Remix) [6:58]
13. MIB - In Abeyance [5:47]
Total Time: 77:53 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 17:56
Various / Trancemaster 16 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:02.42 | 0 | 36191
2 | 8:02.42 | 4:58.20 | 36192 | 58561
3 | 13:00.62 | 6:14.00 | 58562 | 86611
4 | 19:14.62 | 6:18.73 | 86612 | 115034
5 | 25:33.60 | 7:26.37 | 115035 | 148521
6 | 33:00.22 | 6:12.30 | 148522 | 176451
7 | 39:12.52 | 7:21.68 | 176452 | 209594
8 | 46:34.45 | 6:59.30 | 209595 | 241049
9 | 53:34.00 | 5:39.45 | 241050 | 266519
10 | 59:13.45 | 8:37.00 | 266520 | 305294
11 | 67:50.45 | 6:09.27 | 305295 | 332996
12 | 73:59.72 | 4:02.23 | 332997 | 351169
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 16\Trancemaster 16 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 735227E7
Copy CRC 735227E7
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5E64C914]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [75BF0028]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [90996AB8]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1A405DA2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DF19A8FA]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [F175FC3C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [ED4AFDC0]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1F8FE3C3]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CD34764C]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [691C1799]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CB378022]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [F88DC545]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 708675AA470B77E47C8E279F3A55D3C047757612EE3775ABB72D82A14C15B303 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 5. January 2011, 9:59
Various / Trancemaster 16 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:50.60 | 0 | 26309
2 | 5:50.60 | 4:56.25 | 26310 | 48534
3 | 10:47.10 | 5:22.62 | 48535 | 72746
4 | 16:09.72 | 5:08.25 | 72747 | 95871
5 | 21:18.22 | 6:15.23 | 95872 | 124019
6 | 27:33.45 | 8:29.02 | 124020 | 162196
7 | 36:02.47 | 5:35.18 | 162197 | 187339
8 | 41:37.65 | 7:25.00 | 187340 | 220714
9 | 49:02.65 | 7:22.27 | 220715 | 253891
10 | 56:25.17 | 4:57.03 | 253892 | 276169
11 | 61:22.20 | 3:46.02 | 276170 | 293121
12 | 65:08.22 | 6:58.08 | 293122 | 324479
13 | 72:06.30 | 5:46.70 | 324480 | 350499
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 16\Trancemaster 16 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 431FD37C
Copy CRC 431FD37C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [22609519]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A2EF30C1]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [233B43EA]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9A9658DF]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6D3BBCE8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A316ED4D]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [55BEE32C]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [40AB49AC]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2BB74200]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [125901EB]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [ED802D91]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A8636FBA]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B44D087E]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 727D1CB48B9E9F98BA493ADD311710EB603233065FD14DAD43FD2E0B24E9CCAA ====
1998. VA - Trancemaster 17 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4068-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Terry Bones - Dreaming (DJ Kalpa Mix) [8:10]
02. Little Jam - Wings Of The Eagle [6:53]
03. Three 'N One pres. Johnny Shaker - Pearl River [3:43]
04. Brainbug - Benedictus (Exitiale Mix) [7:16]
05. Hitch Hiker & Jacques Dumondt - Travelling [7:26]
06. Carlos - The Silmarillia (R.O.O.S. Mix) [5:23]
07. Nalin & Kane - Talkin' About (Original Club Mix) [4:31]
08. Phase 4 - The Sign Of Your Coming [3:18]
09. Arrow - Back In The House (Kai Tracid Mix) [3:31]
10. Non Eric - Requiem Part 1 (Club Mix) [6:46]
11. Ice Man - Flashlight (U.F.O. Mix) [4:56]
12. M-Traxx - Summer love [6:51]
13. Lustral - Everytime (Nalin & Kane Mix) [8:31]
Total Time: 77:15 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Hand's Burn - Vision Of Life [7:22]
02. Adrima - For Love (Moonshine Mix) [8:19]
03. Koala - Australia (Extended Version) [3:48]
04. Emperor - That's My Mind [7:53]
05. V-Ger & Soma - Dark Tendencies [6:37]
06. DJ TV & Azidman - Play [6:03]
07. Discodroids - Interspace (C.M. Remix) [5:02]
08. B.B.E. - Desire (Age Of Club) [10:07]
09. Passenger - F.A.H. [5:08]
10. Nation 4 Nation - Heartbreak [3:43]
11. Energy Source - Everlasting Fire [5:23]
12. Delegate - Crying Over Faith (98 Remix) [5:18]
13. Groovezone - A Melody [4:16]
Total Time: 78:59 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 16:42
Various / Trancemaster 17 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:10.10 | 0 | 36759
2 | 8:10.10 | 6:53.22 | 36760 | 67756
3 | 15:03.32 | 3:43.10 | 67757 | 84491
4 | 18:46.42 | 7:16.30 | 84492 | 117221
5 | 26:02.72 | 7:25.45 | 117222 | 150641
6 | 33:28.42 | 5:23.08 | 150642 | 174874
7 | 38:51.50 | 4:30.57 | 174875 | 195181
8 | 43:22.32 | 3:17.53 | 195182 | 210009
9 | 46:40.10 | 3:31.05 | 210010 | 225839
10 | 50:11.15 | 6:45.55 | 225840 | 256269
11 | 56:56.70 | 4:55.50 | 256270 | 278444
12 | 61:52.45 | 6:51.10 | 278445 | 309279
13 | 68:43.55 | 8:31.07 | 309280 | 347611
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 17\Trancemaster 17 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 9A3189EB
Copy CRC 9A3189EB
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6244EE6F]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B7435068]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F3BA7455]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [55F8307F]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E27E0314]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B7B4E66A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E1499654]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0A075561]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E305419A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [35C25C0B]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8548A979]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4A7E1F09]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3B3633D5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 454F3B107BA5A1764E97B657424BA531D32C79CFAC746CCE839C98B3699EC692 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 17:22
Various / Trancemaster 17 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:22.25 | 0 | 33174
2 | 7:22.25 | 8:18.55 | 33175 | 70579
3 | 15:41.05 | 3:47.60 | 70580 | 87664
4 | 19:28.65 | 7:53.22 | 87665 | 123161
5 | 27:22.12 | 6:36.58 | 123162 | 152919
6 | 33:58.70 | 6:03.15 | 152920 | 180159
7 | 40:02.10 | 5:01.55 | 180160 | 202789
8 | 45:03.65 | 10:07.05 | 202790 | 248319
9 | 55:10.70 | 5:07.65 | 248320 | 271409
10 | 60:18.60 | 3:43.20 | 271410 | 288154
11 | 64:02.05 | 5:22.64 | 288155 | 312368
12 | 69:24.69 | 5:17.56 | 312369 | 336199
13 | 74:42.50 | 4:16.22 | 336200 | 355421
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 17\Trancemaster 17 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 6302EA14
Copy CRC 6302EA14
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [CC41E335]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [27E80C94]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F0F48520]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2C891D45]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [CE9CEA32]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D384D901]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4312DC47]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [1978D834]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [18AFF0F7]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B4880F1C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D7420934]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F852EBBC]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [96EDA531]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum E079066330C13042AF9E0A2901A8BD878DD0974BA775904FCB08122A204DB558 ====
1998. VA - Trancemaster 18 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4072-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Velvet Moon - Summerdreams [7:39]
02. Marino Stephano - Vision Control [9:42]
03. Kay Cee - Escape (Club Mix) [3:15]
04. Salida Del Sol - Caribic Dream [5:44]
05. DJ Philip - Spring [7:13]
06. The Blackmaster - Time Never Stops! [7:52]
07. Criss Source - Sunrise! [7:43]
08. Ayla - Ayla Part II [3:19]
09. Don Esteban - Steppin' Out (Trance Mix) [4:55]
10. Meo Lorenzo - Dream's Road [7:01]
11. Bond - The Milky Way [6:17]
12. Night On Earth - Barehanded [6:58]
Total Time: 77:37 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. C.M. - Sensation [8:32]
02. Heliac feat. DJ Nic - The Candle (Electro Voice Version) [6:52]
03. Rainbox - Anima Blue [5:44]
04. Binary Finary - 1998 (Paul Van Dyk Remix) [9:46]
05. Madely - Marrakech [6:59]
06. DJ Ricardo - Ginzei [5:10]
07. Net Addict - In Space (Scream) [5:54]
08. Ollie vs. Jon The Dentist - The Fourth Kingdom (Ollie's Kingdom) [7:38]
09. Koala - Indian Spirits [3:51]
10. Johan Svenson - Return To The Culture (The Red Canyon) [7:21]
11. Luke Cage - Dawnbreaker [5:48]
12. Photonic - Obscure [4:33]
Total Time: 78:07 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 15:40
Various / Trancemaster 18 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:38.60 | 0 | 34409
2 | 7:38.60 | 9:41.67 | 34410 | 78051
3 | 17:20.52 | 3:14.38 | 78052 | 92639
4 | 20:35.15 | 5:44.02 | 92640 | 118441
5 | 26:19.17 | 7:13.00 | 118442 | 150916
6 | 33:32.17 | 7:52.28 | 150917 | 186344
7 | 41:24.45 | 7:43.10 | 186345 | 221079
8 | 49:07.55 | 3:19.12 | 221080 | 236016
9 | 52:26.67 | 4:54.45 | 236017 | 258111
10 | 57:21.37 | 7:01.28 | 258112 | 289714
11 | 64:22.65 | 6:16.55 | 289715 | 317969
12 | 70:39.45 | 6:57.50 | 317970 | 349294
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 18\Trancemaster 18 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 4B519835
Copy CRC 4B519835
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [055F96CD]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [02724864]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5C545A26]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5854E409]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [58D9E0AA]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [72E752CA]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [03F28030]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A35BA17F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B1525CC1]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D894D4D3]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2F693D94]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6DCF5B6A]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum C4453095684FF62564213CA9269C35052A2B16C5D29BA351042F007145681824 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 16:06
Various / Trancemaster 18 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:31.60 | 0 | 38384
2 | 8:31.60 | 6:52.17 | 38385 | 69301
3 | 15:24.02 | 5:43.60 | 69302 | 95086
4 | 21:07.62 | 9:46.23 | 95087 | 139059
5 | 30:54.10 | 6:59.00 | 139060 | 170484
6 | 37:53.10 | 5:09.42 | 170485 | 193701
7 | 43:02.52 | 5:53.60 | 193702 | 220236
8 | 48:56.37 | 7:37.48 | 220237 | 254559
9 | 56:34.10 | 3:51.37 | 254560 | 271921
10 | 60:25.47 | 7:20.63 | 271922 | 304984
11 | 67:46.35 | 5:48.07 | 304985 | 331091
12 | 73:34.42 | 4:32.55 | 331092 | 351546
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 18\Trancemaster 18 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F84C47F3
Copy CRC F84C47F3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [EE955BAF]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F4145FE0]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [CD1F2D0C]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2DBFF9DE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [212D071E]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [59EC298C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [13B243F2]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [7112D6DC]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0D99E381]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [408AA7CD]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DC648F52]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [40CEF9B0]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 31BF8D1C0A63B135C80C9427BD1831090B21225D7BC2FC93F59891B8B899AD82 ====
1998. VA - Trancemaster 19 - The Reference (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4077-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Mind vs. Buzz - The Temple Of Love (Energy Mix) [8:08]
02. DJ Tibby - Midnight (X-Static Trance Mix) [6:30]
03. Sosa - Accelerator (Taucher Remix) [8:07]
04. Planet Fuse - Devotion (Heaven's Gate Mix) [6:41]
05. DJ Wag & Martin Roth - Life On Mars (Club Mix) [5:44]
06. Yves Deruyter - To The Rhythm [6:11]
07. Spellbound - Universe Of Life [8:16]
08. Vade In Pace - Bad Love [5:33]
09. Liaisons D - He Chilled Out (Remix) [6:30]
10. Cascade - Transcend (Moonman's Trancedental Flight) [7:37]
11. Silo - X-Plizit (Xplicitily Trance) [5:26]
12. Mallinaga - Karmasutra [4:15]
Total Time: 78:58 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. DJ Wag - Man On The Moon [6:40]
02. DuMonde - Tomorrow [7:09]
03. Three Drives - Greece 2000 [8:02]
04. Allure - When She Left (Wavestate Remix) [7:22]
05. Double Force - Fantasy [3:39]
06. Marc Et Claude vs. Ralphie Dee - Sunshower (DJ Energy Mix) [9:03]
07. DJ Jo - Relax (Club Mix) [6:01]
08. Aircraft - L'Aria Del Mare (Leon Malone Rmx) [6:37]
09. Force 2 - Outside World [4:55]
10. Fraktal - The Promised Land (DJ Tibby Remix) [6:11]
11. Sabotage - My House [3:29]
12. Chrome & Price - Sunrise [3:25]
13. Beat Pirates - Alte Schule [5:36]
Total Time: 78:12 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 12:02
Various / Trancemaster 19 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:08.02 | 0 | 36601
2 | 8:08.02 | 6:30.10 | 36602 | 65861
3 | 14:38.12 | 8:07.20 | 65862 | 102406
4 | 22:45.32 | 6:41.05 | 102407 | 132486
5 | 29:26.37 | 5:44.28 | 132487 | 158314
6 | 35:10.65 | 6:10.52 | 158315 | 186116
7 | 41:21.42 | 8:15.53 | 186117 | 223294
8 | 49:37.20 | 5:32.62 | 223295 | 248256
9 | 55:10.07 | 6:30.08 | 248257 | 277514
10 | 61:40.15 | 7:36.47 | 277515 | 311761
11 | 69:16.62 | 5:26.20 | 311762 | 336231
12 | 74:43.07 | 4:14.55 | 336232 | 355336
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 19\Trancemaster 19 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [05DE0581]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [03679E3E]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [7D47DCB0]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [0D0953EC]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D50DC406]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [95D32222]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [961B3FAB]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8E6D0210]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [558DB16C]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [13CBA9E4]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CB452D12]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B9E7FAE8]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum F9206E2DB1563BB3F2E912FCD36276B3D46C11C48B4C8D141C3E6D3CF1D711B3 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 12:28
Various / Trancemaster 19 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:39.57 | 0 | 29981
2 | 6:39.57 | 7:09.28 | 29982 | 62184
3 | 13:49.10 | 8:02.25 | 62185 | 98359
4 | 21:51.35 | 7:22.35 | 98360 | 131544
5 | 29:13.70 | 3:39.35 | 131545 | 148004
6 | 32:53.30 | 9:03.35 | 148005 | 188764
7 | 41:56.65 | 6:01.15 | 188765 | 215854
8 | 47:58.05 | 6:37.22 | 215855 | 245651
9 | 54:35.27 | 4:55.25 | 245652 | 267801
10 | 59:30.52 | 6:10.68 | 267802 | 295619
11 | 65:41.45 | 3:29.27 | 295620 | 311321
12 | 69:10.72 | 3:25.10 | 311322 | 326706
13 | 72:36.07 | 5:36.28 | 326707 | 351934
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 19\Trancemaster 19 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 4675B50C
Copy CRC 4675B50C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [1C4BBFD5]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [3FBA1AF4]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [437310B3]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [223D8FA4]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [D48F9333]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [1FCF6A92]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [EA33D2E1]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [5D7A9D94]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [CBF6FDF0]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [2FB8850B]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [0F3CB139]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [2EDD5B12]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [861BD86E]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum E563061AEA4A34B7617C586327928144FA903A2B74AF26018CE096649C57EAA7 ====
1999. VA - Trancemaster 20 (3CD Jewel Box)
Catalog#: 302 4084-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Kay Cee - Love Stimulation (Love Clubmix) [5:32]
02. Green Court - Moonflight [6:56]
03. Evolver - Evolver (Wavestate Instr. Mix) [6:29]
04. Planet Future - The Journey (Sonic Experience Mix) [7:00]
05. Ayla - Liebe [3:11]
06. See Three - Part Of My Life [5:06]
07. Allure - Rejected [5:24]
08. Scott Bells - Wave Bells [5:49]
09. Ricky Le Roy - Under The Sea (Playa Mix) [9:00]
10. Partision - Broken [7:22]
11. Transa - Behind The Sun [8:10]
12. Lunar Exit - Heart Trance & Fire [3:19]
13. Gate III - Light Force [5:38]
Total Time: 78:58 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Solid Sleep - Cosmic Orgasm [6:53]
02. Mellow Trax - Phuture Vibes [5:53]
03. Arrakis - Spice [6:30]
04. Condor - Sky (Sunmixx) [5:52]
05. Push - Universal Nation [5:51]
06. K - Waveshaper [5:23]
07. Thomas P. Heckmann - Welt In Scherben 2 [6:13]
08. DJ Atty Mezcal - Tales About Pegas (T2 Remix by Talla 2XLC) [7:04]
09. Khazad Dhun - Come Together (Plastic Angel Remix) [5:17]
10. Musix - Do You See The Light [6:44]
11. Laguna Seca - The Flow (Nalin & Kane Remix) [6:38]
12. Vincent De Moor - Night Express 2000 [5:21]
13. Photonic - Impact [5:06]
Total Time: 78:45 min.
Tracklist CD3:
01. Laguna Seca - The Flow (Nalin & Kane Remix) [3:18]
02. Clear View - Cry For Love [5:24]
03. Vincent De Moor - Night Express [4:57]
04. Atty Mezcal - Tales About Pegas (T2 Remix by Talla 2XLC) [5:52]
05. Welt In Scherben - Welt In Scherben 2 [5:31]
06. Photonic - Impact [4:19]
07. Arrakis - The Spice [5:07]
08. Solid Sleep - Energy Of Happiness [4:25]
09. Kay Cee - Love Stimulation (Trance Club Mix) [6:20]
10. Evolver - Evolver (Wavestate Instr. Mix) [4:53]
11. Green Court - Moonflight [4:55]
12. Push - Universal Nation [3:58]
Total Time: 58:57 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 8. January 2011, 13:40
Various / Trancemaster 20 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:32.05 | 0 | 24904
2 | 5:32.05 | 6:56.15 | 24905 | 56119
3 | 12:28.20 | 6:29.34 | 56120 | 85328
4 | 18:57.54 | 7:00.18 | 85329 | 116846
5 | 25:57.72 | 3:10.73 | 116847 | 131169
6 | 29:08.70 | 5:06.07 | 131170 | 154126
7 | 34:15.02 | 5:23.38 | 154127 | 178389
8 | 39:38.40 | 5:49.05 | 178390 | 204569
9 | 45:27.45 | 9:00.37 | 204570 | 245106
10 | 54:28.07 | 7:22.23 | 245107 | 278279
11 | 61:50.30 | 8:10.17 | 278280 | 315046
12 | 70:00.47 | 3:19.30 | 315047 | 330001
13 | 73:20.02 | 5:37.73 | 330002 | 355349
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 20\Trancemaster 20 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [3C7F8CE8]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [2F608331]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [4F6172DE]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E0D2C39A]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [FF85BCF8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [4771B1FE]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [0EF0F676]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [C4B2CB99]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3158BD0C]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [AECE0865]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [4547D5B8]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C0712D5F]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8EA9CAD6]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 9E7316A3860FCE68CB9982FA489BEF86124C4201131D4FC658F1BB336E9FDB3D ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 8. January 2011, 14:51
Various / Trancemaster 20 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:52.47 | 0 | 30946
2 | 6:52.47 | 5:53.20 | 30947 | 57441
3 | 12:45.67 | 6:29.43 | 57442 | 86659
4 | 19:15.35 | 5:52.17 | 86660 | 113076
5 | 25:07.52 | 5:50.38 | 113077 | 139364
6 | 30:58.15 | 5:23.00 | 139365 | 163589
7 | 36:21.15 | 6:12.70 | 163590 | 191559
8 | 42:34.10 | 7:04.24 | 191560 | 223383
9 | 49:38.34 | 5:16.43 | 223384 | 247126
10 | 54:55.02 | 6:43.58 | 247127 | 277409
11 | 61:38.60 | 6:38.20 | 277410 | 307279
12 | 68:17.05 | 5:21.37 | 307280 | 331391
13 | 73:38.42 | 5:06.18 | 331392 | 354359
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 20\Trancemaster 20 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [864517F5]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [30732395]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [7650161A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [00B59DD6]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [CC4BBDB6]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [FD1CAE58]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [2E5FF47B]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [3105B472]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [5DE98769]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [17C01024]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6510ED76]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C0AB12DB]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6069AF41]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5D81558526FCCDF03201F79FBECFC29BB5544A186E93B45918A0410800E10CAC ====
Лог EAC: CD3
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 8. January 2011, 14:13
Various / Trancemaster 20 (CD3)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:17.50 | 0 | 14824
2 | 3:17.50 | 5:23.42 | 14825 | 39091
3 | 8:41.17 | 4:57.08 | 39092 | 61374
4 | 13:38.25 | 5:51.67 | 61375 | 87766
5 | 19:30.17 | 5:30.65 | 87767 | 112581
6 | 25:01.07 | 4:18.45 | 112582 | 131976
7 | 29:19.52 | 5:06.40 | 131977 | 154966
8 | 34:26.17 | 4:25.10 | 154967 | 174851
9 | 38:51.27 | 6:20.10 | 174852 | 203361
10 | 45:11.37 | 4:52.40 | 203362 | 225301
11 | 50:04.02 | 4:54.73 | 225302 | 247424
12 | 54:59.00 | 3:58.25 | 247425 | 265299
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 20\Trancemaster 20 (CD3).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6744D80A]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D679B040]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2F695BE2]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [54ADE21B]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [ACC116B3]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [434C3951]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9E17AA20]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B844FC8E]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [430F8688]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [AE8B9AB6]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [7828B31B]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [FDF97399]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 98361CD8E20685CC7DE0C2C6CE0ED122ACFB1A4E9D5ECC3DAC926CBC509CBA16 ====
1999. VA - Trancemaster 21 (3CD Jewel Box)
Catalog#: 302 4088-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. J Jamx Joins B.I.A. - !Das Licht! (DJ Jamx & De Leon's Dumonde Rmx) [7:00]
02. Gouryella - Gouryella [8:26]
03. Accupuncture - Do You Feel The Vibes (Homeophatic Mix) [6:04]
04. Arome - Talk II Me (DJ Scot Project Remix) [7:20]
05. Lambda - Hold On Tight 2000 (Future Breeze Remix) [7:04]
06. DV - The Imperial March [6:57]
07. DJ Skybeam - Trance At The Beach (DJ Session One Beach Mix) [6:23]
08. Jose Amnesia - Last Sunset In Ibiza (Island Of Dreamix) [6:50]
09. Kasai - Passion [6:43]
10. DJ Julio - Resident Of This World [4:53]
11. Miss Eliza - Dream (Transpasma Anthem) [6:50]
12. Spin - Supercharged (Heartcrob Mix) [3:35]
Total Time: 78:07 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Phrenetic System - After The Meteor [7:06]
02. Frontline Of Trance - The Signal [7:10]
03. Hidden Sound System - I Know [7:58]
04. Aquaplex - Brightness (DJ Sakin & Friends Mix) [3:56]
05. Tom & Lerby - Dancemachine [7:08]
06. Surface Reflections - Ticket To Heaven [9:43]
07. Spaceman - Da Sound [4:29]
08. Starbug - Hypnosis [3:16]
09. Planet Fuse - The Real Face (Egoist Mix) [6:51]
10. Odyssey Of Light - Metal Master (Solid Sleep Mix) [7:24]
11. Roland Brant feat. Eddie Rave - Start New Game [6:22]
12. Luminance - Plutonium [7:21]
Total Time: 78:44 min.
Tracklist CD3:
01. Acupuncture - Do You Feel The Vibes (Homeophatic Mix) [6:29]
02. Planet Fuse - The Real Face (Egoist Mix) [5:36]
03. Odissey Of Light - Metal Master (Solid Sleep Mix) [5:10]
04. Starbug - Hypnosis [4:15]
05. Spaceman - Da Sound [3:30]
06. Kasai - Passion [4:40]
07. Arome - Talk II Me (DJ Scot Project Remix) [4:11]
08. J Jamx Joins B.I.A. - !Das Light! [5:07]
09. Roland Brant feat. Eddie Rave - Start New Game [3:36]
10. Gouryella - Gouryella [4:39]
11. Aquaplex - Brightness (DJ Sakin & Friends Mix) [8:07]
12. Frontline Of Trance - The Signal [5:05]
13. Spin - Supercharged (Heartcrob Mix) [3:00]
14. Hidden Sound System - I Know [5:33]
15. Jose Amnesia - Last Sunset In Ibiza (Island Dreamix) [4:17]
16. Miss Eliza - Dream (Transpasma Anthem) [4:55]
Total Time: 78:09 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 8. January 2011, 20:26
Various / Trancemaster 21 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:59.62 | 0 | 31486
2 | 6:59.62 | 8:26.28 | 31487 | 69464
3 | 15:26.15 | 6:03.60 | 69465 | 96749
4 | 21:30.00 | 7:20.32 | 96750 | 129781
5 | 28:50.32 | 7:04.28 | 129782 | 161609
6 | 35:54.60 | 6:57.17 | 161610 | 192901
7 | 42:52.02 | 6:23.10 | 192902 | 221636
8 | 49:15.12 | 6:50.28 | 221637 | 252414
9 | 56:05.40 | 6:43.37 | 252415 | 282676
10 | 62:49.02 | 4:53.10 | 282677 | 304661
11 | 67:42.12 | 6:49.73 | 304662 | 335409
12 | 74:32.10 | 3:35.10 | 335410 | 351544
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 21\Trancemaster 21 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.0 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC D7A63970
Copy CRC D7A63970
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [332BCB55]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [EAF5F662]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [72B99E73]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [08F7DFB2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [29263416]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [5DFD2FCC]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [2022E74F]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [1D913043]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [CD3964B5]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [E2CD6C6E]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [5DF90B50]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [F2E1A080]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 84D47322247C80924F3F9982B9928DB789A507C48E942C2C98F5571E283E8604 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 8. January 2011, 16:03
Various / Trancemaster 21 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:06.37 | 0 | 31986
2 | 7:06.37 | 7:10.03 | 31987 | 64239
3 | 14:16.40 | 7:58.20 | 64240 | 100109
4 | 22:14.60 | 3:55.55 | 100110 | 117789
5 | 26:10.40 | 7:07.60 | 117790 | 149874
6 | 33:18.25 | 9:42.65 | 149875 | 193589
7 | 43:01.15 | 4:29.15 | 193590 | 213779
8 | 47:30.30 | 3:15.60 | 213780 | 228464
9 | 50:46.15 | 6:51.17 | 228465 | 259306
10 | 57:37.32 | 7:23.63 | 259307 | 292594
11 | 65:01.20 | 6:22.17 | 292595 | 321261
12 | 71:23.37 | 7:20.63 | 321262 | 354324
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 21\Trancemaster 21 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FDEC9509
Copy CRC FDEC9509
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [F8646327]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [DF559EFE]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [40D021A5]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [9C543FDB]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [E35C5233]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [E304BB88]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [16E6D0D1]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [326E5C80]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [90EA3867]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [CABB8930]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [2D705AE1]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7829BFE7]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 6C60B2215476E3A02C1766FCF189D770AD71071AD0BFF0D322C0914342487EDE ====
Лог EAC: CD3
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 10:19
Various / Trancemaster 21 (CD3)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:28.65 | 0 | 29164
2 | 6:28.65 | 5:35.74 | 29165 | 54363
3 | 12:04.64 | 5:09.63 | 54364 | 77601
4 | 17:14.52 | 4:15.10 | 77602 | 96736
5 | 21:29.62 | 3:30.23 | 96737 | 112509
6 | 25:00.10 | 4:40.27 | 112510 | 133536
7 | 29:40.37 | 4:10.63 | 133537 | 152349
8 | 33:51.25 | 5:06.45 | 152350 | 175344
9 | 38:57.70 | 3:36.05 | 175345 | 191549
10 | 42:34.00 | 4:38.60 | 191550 | 212459
11 | 47:12.60 | 8:06.60 | 212460 | 248969
12 | 55:19.45 | 5:04.40 | 248970 | 271809
13 | 60:24.10 | 3:00.05 | 271810 | 285314
14 | 63:24.15 | 5:32.52 | 285315 | 310266
15 | 68:56.67 | 4:17.33 | 310267 | 329574
16 | 73:14.25 | 4:55.02 | 329575 | 351701
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 21\Trancemaster 21 (CD3).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 1AD12C30
Copy CRC 1AD12C30
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [AC9B2E0C]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [6C1546EF]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D2A42C36]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [839BFE4C]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [AC885367]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [98ECE117]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [51A81825]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [9E21651F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [CA7FD4F4]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [90D91960]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [EB8F5A06]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [26A79770]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [55A50D8B]
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [CD2A2836]
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A69CC0CD]
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [1C938F6C]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 88E9B2FDFEDAEC9F88DD53E8C4EB387E84434CADB69C488C3BE654BA06015D46 ====
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 258

lavteutas · 13-Мар-11 00:42 (спустя 1 мин., ред. 24-Июн-12 21:46)

1999. VA - Trancemaster 22 (3CD Jewel Box)
Catalog#: 302 4090-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Marino Stephano - Free Time [7:51]
02. Green Court - Follow Me (Club Mix) [8:23]
03. DJ Tom Stevens vs. Fridge - Outface 2000 (DJ Tom Stevens Remix) [8:16]
04. Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone (Instrumental Mix) [6:23]
05. Junk Project - Peace 'N' Love [6:50]
06. Yves Deruyter - Feel Free (DJ JamX & De Leon's DuMonde Remix) [7:50]
07. Chriss Source - Rose Bowl [8:41]
08. Elevate - Adding Up (Steve Baltes Remix) [6:22]
09. Armin - Communication [6:51]
10. DJ Iceberg - Titanic '99 [5:14]
11. Third Bass - System [6:06]
Total Time: 78:48 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Vincent De Moor - Shamu (Armin Remix) [8:51]
02. Ugly Kid Jay - The Day The Earth Caught Fire (5 YD Mix) [9:48]
03. Wavegenerator - Mental [7:10]
04. DJ Philip - Eternally (M.I.K.E. Remix) [6:55]
05. Joshua Ryan - Distance [8:51]
06. Saucermen - Aquarius (Evolution Remix) [10:12]
07. Tibet Team FFM - Australia (Trance Mix) [4:28]
08. Van Gils & De Goeij - I Don't Need You Anymore (Aqualite Remix) [7:04]
09. T.B.R. - Trancewave (T.B.R. Club Mix) [8:12]
10. Central Seven - Missing (DJ Mellow-D Club Mix) [3:12]
11. Plastic Angel - The Race [3:50]
Total Time: 78:33 min.
Tracklist CD3:
01. Junk Project - Peace 'N' Love [2:24]
02. Armin - Communication (Vincent De Moor Remix) [3:40]
03. Marino Stephano - Free Time [7:09]
04. DJ Philip - Eternally (M. I. K. E. Remix) [4:19]
05. Ugly Kid Jay - The Day The Earth Caught Fire (2K Mix) [4:01]
06. Chriss Source - Rose Bowl [3:34]
07. Saucermen - Aquarius (Evolution Remix) [4:58]
08. Wavegenerator - Mental [3:10]
09. Green Court - Follow Me (Cosmic Gate Mix) [3:24]
10. Central Seven - Missing (DJ Mellow-D Club Mix) [2:05]
11. Van Gils & De Goeij - I Don't Need You Anymore (Team Deep Mix) [3:35]
12. Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone (Signum Remix) [6:18]
13. DJ Tom Stevens vs. Fridge - Outface 2000 (DJ Tom Stevens Remix) [5:37]
14. Tibet Team FFM - Australia (Trance Mix) [2:06]
15. Yves Deruyter - Feel Free (DJ JamX & De Leon's DuMonde Remix) [2:31]
16. T.B.R. - Trancewave (T.B.R. Club Mix) [5:29]
17. Plastic Angel - The Race [3:38]
18. Elevate - Adding Up (Steve Baltes Remix) [4:26]
Total Time: 72:22 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 1:16
Various / Trancemaster 22 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:51.17 | 0 | 35341
2 | 7:51.17 | 8:23.25 | 35342 | 73091
3 | 16:14.42 | 8:16.05 | 73092 | 110296
4 | 24:30.47 | 6:22.50 | 110297 | 138996
5 | 30:53.22 | 6:50.15 | 138997 | 169761
6 | 37:43.37 | 7:50.20 | 169762 | 205031
7 | 45:33.57 | 8:41.20 | 205032 | 244126
8 | 54:15.02 | 6:22.20 | 244127 | 272796
9 | 60:37.22 | 6:51.10 | 272797 | 303631
10 | 67:28.32 | 5:14.35 | 303632 | 327216
11 | 72:42.67 | 6:05.38 | 327217 | 354629
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 22\Trancemaster 22 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 7121710F
Copy CRC 7121710F
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F3553801]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2AC79DF6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9972B5E0]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CD6625F5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A62621D9]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E55BB9C3]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C5970415]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [CC88BBB1]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E6A6EB10]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A484BD7B]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [6DD005D7]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A2EB1C028DA56DD7E3201B633A0824FD42A429F9ABB1DC53B70A04B0198969BE ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 1:48
Various / Trancemaster 22 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:50.72 | 0 | 39821
2 | 8:50.72 | 9:47.45 | 39822 | 83891
3 | 18:38.42 | 7:10.15 | 83892 | 116156
4 | 25:48.57 | 6:55.15 | 116157 | 147296
5 | 32:43.72 | 8:51.30 | 147297 | 187151
6 | 41:35.27 | 10:11.43 | 187152 | 233019
7 | 51:46.70 | 4:28.20 | 233020 | 253139
8 | 56:15.15 | 7:03.50 | 253140 | 284914
9 | 63:18.65 | 8:12.35 | 284915 | 321849
10 | 71:31.25 | 3:12.05 | 321850 | 336254
11 | 74:43.30 | 3:50.02 | 336255 | 353506
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 22\Trancemaster 22 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FFA10067
Copy CRC FFA10067
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E48014CE]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [617E3103]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8B3ADC90]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4D5A5FA1]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3740EB86]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [47FEB388]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6519AECF]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4665FC03]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A26507F9]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [ED23F942]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1022DEDB]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 2296F34A89522E9F741275255412D28D4900B594DCF85C401D07DC88FF38C2BA ====
Лог EAC: CD3
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 2:18
Various / Trancemaster 22 (CD3)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:24.37 | 0 | 10836
2 | 2:24.37 | 3:39.68 | 10837 | 27329
3 | 6:04.30 | 7:08.60 | 27330 | 59489
4 | 13:13.15 | 4:18.67 | 59490 | 78906
5 | 17:32.07 | 4:01.10 | 78907 | 96991
6 | 21:33.17 | 3:33.60 | 96992 | 113026
7 | 25:07.02 | 4:57.43 | 113027 | 135344
8 | 30:04.45 | 3:10.05 | 135345 | 149599
9 | 33:14.50 | 3:23.47 | 149600 | 164871
10 | 36:38.22 | 2:04.45 | 164872 | 174216
11 | 38:42.67 | 3:34.63 | 174217 | 190329
12 | 42:17.55 | 6:18.00 | 190330 | 218679
13 | 48:35.55 | 5:36.72 | 218680 | 243951
14 | 54:12.52 | 2:06.18 | 243952 | 253419
15 | 56:18.70 | 2:31.07 | 253420 | 264751
16 | 58:50.02 | 5:28.43 | 264752 | 289394
17 | 64:18.45 | 3:38.05 | 289395 | 305749
18 | 67:56.50 | 4:25.42 | 305750 | 325666
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 22\Trancemaster 22 (CD3).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 227C2F55
Copy CRC 227C2F55
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0C96E0F9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [01420071]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3EDEC21B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9DDF0BDE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4856F89C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7E47829A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BAD098CA]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A1CD6A39]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D61E6651]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [16A346D5]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [603961D1]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4F07B38C]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [728F48A0]
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B60C6199]
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8A8AD0FB]
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [FF173AF5]
Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0DC79862]
Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C847714C]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 0F99AE8F1C14D40CC7225DB5981506645C4D80A54FD77E2DE4C0BE803586A4DC ====
1999. VA - Trancemaster 23 - Beyond The Millennium (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4093-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Fred & Ginger - Menace [7:18]
02. Jonah - Sssst... (Listen) [3:30]
03. Parker & Clind - Teleportation [7:41]
04. Nostrum - Mindgames (Onda Del Futura Remix) [6:34]
05. Cyberstorm - Energy (DJ Jamx & De Leons Dumonde Remix) [8:30]
06. De Niro - State Of Mind [8:02]
07. DJ Shah - Claps [3:20]
08. Rising Star - Touch Me [7:43]
09. Manjaro - Apperception (Dance 4 Peace Theme) [8:03]
10. Oudja - Never Tell What You Think [8:51]
11. Nautica - Magic Love Thing [5:54]
12. Koala - Flight Of Fantasies [3:25]
Total Time: 78:51 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Airwave - Above The Sky [8:42]
02. Denzil & Dwayne - Force Of Habit (Armin Van Buurens Rising Star Mix) [8:37]
03. Joint Venture - Euphorique [7:23]
04. Yahel & DJ Miss T - Skywalker (DJ Mix) [6:50]
05. Andy Jay Powell - Love Nation (Club Mix) [6:30]
06. DJ Kinetix - Elysium [7:27]
07. Yves Deruyter - Factor-Y [8:41]
08. DJ Manta - Holding On (Armin Van Buurens Rising Star Mix) [8:22]
09. Tubular Knights - The Last Crusade (Plastic Angel Mix) [4:51]
10. Franchino - 999 [5:38]
11. Formologic - Everlast (Steve Morley Mix) [5:34]
Total Time: 78:35 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 9:44
Various / Trancemaster 23 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:17.47 | 0 | 32821
2 | 7:17.47 | 3:29.38 | 32822 | 48534
3 | 10:47.10 | 7:41.10 | 48535 | 83119
4 | 18:28.20 | 6:34.30 | 83120 | 112699
5 | 25:02.50 | 8:30.12 | 112700 | 150961
6 | 33:32.62 | 8:02.20 | 150962 | 187131
7 | 41:35.07 | 3:19.73 | 187132 | 202129
8 | 44:55.05 | 7:43.12 | 202130 | 236866
9 | 52:38.17 | 8:03.28 | 236867 | 273119
10 | 60:41.45 | 8:50.42 | 273120 | 312911
11 | 69:32.12 | 5:53.65 | 312912 | 339451
12 | 75:26.02 | 3:25.20 | 339452 | 354846
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 23\Trancemaster 23 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 528443F9
Copy CRC 528443F9
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [2D51DDB4]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [4E36D7F6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [BC8CF78F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [03B416F8]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [D9414A86]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A03F5195]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [7DAFC6F0]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [F1A844B6]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A5B238CE]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [24EC881C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [77C35052]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [E395A078]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7FA1D4FEBBB7002FAE47EF4C5B0D16A0BD95DAB02F1F240420063377D9D19107 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 4. January 2011, 10:20
Various / Trancemaster 23 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:41.60 | 0 | 39134
2 | 8:41.60 | 8:37.00 | 39135 | 77909
3 | 17:18.60 | 7:22.69 | 77910 | 111128
4 | 24:41.54 | 6:50.36 | 111129 | 141914
5 | 31:32.15 | 6:30.25 | 141915 | 171189
6 | 38:02.40 | 7:26.67 | 171190 | 204706
7 | 45:29.32 | 8:40.63 | 204707 | 243769
8 | 54:10.20 | 8:22.25 | 243770 | 281444
9 | 62:32.45 | 4:50.42 | 281445 | 303236
10 | 67:23.12 | 5:38.15 | 303237 | 328601
11 | 73:01.27 | 5:34.10 | 328602 | 353661
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 23\Trancemaster 23 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC AD362BD8
Copy CRC AD362BD8
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [73FE1DD4]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [ED02AED4]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [E121819D]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [EF05A564]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [B737D072]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [04EA46C4]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [C2BBD585]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [1A3C040A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [7452EBEF]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [5D4C082E]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [B5C16AC0]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum E3E8EDAFF93EC6869B8B86EBEC29858C81F5629DEE65F696D812479679CBFF58 ====
2000. VA - Trancemaster 2004 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4094-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. The Quest - C Sharp [7:36]
02. Atlantis Ita - See You In The Next Life (Original Mix) [6:59]
03. Gouryella - Walhalla (Armin Van Burren's Rising Star Mix) [8:31]
04. DJ Tom Stevens - Emotions [7:14]
05. Resident Aliens - Symmetry 2000 [6:34]
06. Harem Doctors - Heartbeat (DJ Mind-X vs. DJ Snowman Mixxx) [7:38]
07. Ricky Le Roy - Tunnel (Remix '99 - Megamind Teamix) [6:40]
08. Plastic Angel - Pascale (Clubmix) [6:36]
09. DJ Mario Laroche - Eternity Of Love (Lost World Remix) [6:28]
10. T.B.N. - Deep Space [8:17]
11. Frank-E & Mars-L - Song Of The Holy Man [6:08]
Total Time: 78:43 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. DJ Natron & Reverb pres. Flutlicht - Das Siegel (Original Mix) [8:09]
02. Paul Van Dyk - Another Way (Club Mix) [7:15]
03. Kaycee - Millenium Stringz (Instrumental Mix) [7:04]
04. Lac Terra - After Dark (DJ Tom Stevens Remix) [8:12]
05. Mario Piu - Unicorn (Remix '99 - Mas Teamix) [8:02]
06. X-Trance - Friends 2000 (DJ Wag vs. Y.O.M.C. Remix) [7:25]
07. The Quest - Shaken Not Stirred [7:13]
08. Liquid Child - Return Of Atlantis (Ferry Corsten Remix) [6:28]
09. Stefano Libelle - Medicine [6:31]
10. Dark Moon - Genocide [3:47]
11. Dimorphic - Haunted Strings [7:21]
Total Time: 77:27 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 19:27
Various / Trancemaster 2004 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:35.45 | 0 | 34169
2 | 7:35.45 | 6:59.35 | 34170 | 65629
3 | 14:35.05 | 8:31.30 | 65630 | 103984
4 | 23:06.35 | 7:14.35 | 103985 | 136569
5 | 30:20.70 | 6:34.27 | 136570 | 166146
6 | 36:55.22 | 7:38.15 | 166147 | 200511
7 | 44:33.37 | 6:40.15 | 200512 | 230526
8 | 51:13.52 | 6:36.28 | 230527 | 260254
9 | 57:50.05 | 6:27.55 | 260255 | 289334
10 | 64:17.60 | 8:17.12 | 289335 | 326621
11 | 72:34.72 | 6:08.08 | 326622 | 354229
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2004\Trancemaster 2004 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C06185D0
Copy CRC C06185D0
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [585055BC]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [D8DA0DB5]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [2C5590A9]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [C7194CE2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [DA773F14]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [514F45F0]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [9448C9B5]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [98EF2E3E]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [9123C481]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [5FF28BCF]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [C625C6D1]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 3FE1206BB04A42C80131973E1D4B769D0B9960120647B4EDF07EE2655E7234F0 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 20:10
Various / Trancemaster 2004 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:09.00 | 0 | 36674
2 | 8:09.00 | 7:14.40 | 36675 | 69264
3 | 15:23.40 | 7:04.02 | 69265 | 101066
4 | 22:27.42 | 8:11.38 | 101067 | 137929
5 | 30:39.05 | 8:02.15 | 137930 | 174094
6 | 38:41.20 | 7:24.60 | 174095 | 207454
7 | 46:06.05 | 7:12.67 | 207455 | 239921
8 | 53:18.72 | 6:28.15 | 239922 | 269036
9 | 59:47.12 | 6:30.65 | 269037 | 298351
10 | 66:18.02 | 3:47.13 | 298352 | 315389
11 | 70:05.15 | 7:21.32 | 315390 | 348496
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2004\Trancemaster 2004 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 1C3A5F81
Copy CRC 1C3A5F81
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [00B51948]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [2746C906]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [1572264B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [B0F1EE44]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [200F2368]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [0485BC76]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [305776C6]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [00DD97CA]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [D9F1ED58]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [88A00036]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [8ACC20CF]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum C6AD25F23A3973A941E0A0A2C1820ECA2FC5EBB4578EC8FC395C9B76266BBC8D ====
2000. VA - Trancemaster 2005 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4097-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Diminish - Feel That (Out Of Grace Remix) [6:59]
02. DJ T-Kay - The Flight (Club Mix) [7:58]
03. The Generator - New Orizon (Part 1) [7:39]
04. DJ Energy - Enter The Future [3:11]
05. Tripple Concert - Reminisce Over You [6:28]
06. A.I.D.A. - Remember Me [7:12]
07. Jose Amnesia - Hentai (DJ Tom-X Mix) [6:06]
08. Alpha Breed - Epic Future [9:55]
09. James Holden - Horizons [9:24]
10. The Diggerman meets Escalation - Sidewalk Cafe (Hardleg 'n Age Remix) [5:19]
11. Snowball - Outer Space [3:16]
12. Criss Source - Miami 3000 [5:32]
Total Time: 78:58 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. CRW - I Feel Love (DJ JamX & De Leon Remix) [7:09]
02. Rank 1 - Airwave (Rank 1 vs. Dutch Force Mix) [7:28]
03. Bells Of Avalon - Bells Of Avalon (Liquid Child Remix) [6:37]
04. Antares - The Driver (Tube 29 Remix) [6:07]
05. Cequenza - Cequenza [7:46]
06. Frank-E & Mars-L - Rotate [6:56]
07. Mother's Pride - Learning To Fly (Mike Koglin Remix) [5:30]
08. Das Licht - Traumwelten [6:20]
09. DJ Natron & Reverb pres. Flutlicht - Mutterkorn ( Original Mix) [8:31]
10. Fred Numf vs. Five Point O - 3 Nights In A Blue Room [6:58]
11. Club Disciples - Fly (Remix) [3:33]
12. Timo Maas pres. Mad Dogs - Better Make Room (James Holden Remix) [6:35]
Total Time: 79:31 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 18:22
Various / Trancemaster 2005 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:59.30 | 0 | 31454
2 | 6:59.30 | 7:58.27 | 31455 | 67331
3 | 14:57.57 | 7:38.55 | 67332 | 101736
4 | 22:36.37 | 3:10.73 | 101737 | 116059
5 | 25:47.35 | 6:28.25 | 116060 | 145184
6 | 32:15.60 | 7:11.70 | 145185 | 177579
7 | 39:27.55 | 6:05.47 | 177580 | 205001
8 | 45:33.27 | 9:54.63 | 205002 | 249614
9 | 55:28.15 | 9:23.72 | 249615 | 291911
10 | 64:52.12 | 5:18.45 | 291912 | 315806
11 | 70:10.57 | 3:15.43 | 315807 | 330474
12 | 73:26.25 | 5:31.65 | 330475 | 355364
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2005\Trancemaster 2005 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC BBF44378
Copy CRC BBF44378
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A11654FD]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [45D7D79B]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [914748DE]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3F92F28A]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [657182FA]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [05B34DF9]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [87290580]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D0C91467]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6BFEE96F]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5E6BEFCA]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B4862C38]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [90D09946]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 472526C2857ADA7CB6B9B3E0E9C3D1D65122FBFD3FF86D73083E5F86785821CF ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 19:01
Various / Trancemaster 2005 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:09.12 | 0 | 32186
2 | 7:09.12 | 7:28.35 | 32187 | 65821
3 | 14:37.47 | 6:37.00 | 65822 | 95596
4 | 21:14.47 | 6:06.60 | 95597 | 123106
5 | 27:21.32 | 7:45.63 | 123107 | 158044
6 | 35:07.20 | 6:56.10 | 158045 | 189254
7 | 42:03.30 | 5:29.40 | 189255 | 213969
8 | 47:32.70 | 6:20.22 | 213970 | 242491
9 | 53:53.17 | 8:31.18 | 242492 | 280834
10 | 62:24.35 | 6:58.25 | 280835 | 312209
11 | 69:22.60 | 3:32.60 | 312210 | 328169
12 | 72:55.45 | 6:35.00 | 328170 | 357794
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2005\Trancemaster 2005 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 2E5D1FF9
Copy CRC 2E5D1FF9
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [505FA6B5]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [42F11C5A]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3594CD9C]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D2787FA5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [65B4792F]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3655A2EA]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7B4516EF]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [86039637]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [60F69657]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7D544674]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7A4C34CC]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [ADFA5306]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 0BAD94751BE02389539A1A34166E356C30578D6EC2585D70DDA64E4C2D7A46DE ====
2000. VA - Trancemaster 2006 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4099-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Alex-G & Fame - Freedom (Green Court RMX) [6:31]
02. Van Gott - World Of Love (The Hayloft Mix) [7:33]
03. Tillmann Uhrmacher feat. Peter Ries - Free (Club Mix) [7:36]
04. DJ Natron & Reverb pres. Flutlicht - Ahmea [7:51]
05. Red Wing - Dreamworld [6:32]
06. DJ Tom-X - Free Your Feelings [5:34]
07. Dark Moon - Virtual Minds [7:40]
08. Charade - Summerbreeze [3:55]
09. M.I.K.E. - Sunrise At Palamos [7:04]
10. Kamaya Painters - Far From Over [5:41]
11. Franky Tunes - Creation [5:01]
12. F Starr - Moments (Energy) [7:56]
Total Time: 78:53 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Delerium - Silence (DJ Tiesto Remix) [11:30]
02. Ultra - Free [6:29]
03. Topmodelz - Strings Of Infinity [6:43]
04. Moon Project - Glow [9:08]
05. DJ Red 5 - Rocking Affair [6:14]
06. Nylon - If You Love Me (Nylon Mix) [6:47]
07. Yahel - Devotion (Armin Remix) [8:07]
08. Two Mind - New Choice [6:14]
09. 2000 Canarias - Sunseeker [6:35]
10. Gary D. - Elevate Your Mind (Tom Stevens RMX) [3:48]
11. DJ Tiesto - Sparkles [7:23]
Total Time: 79:00 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 16:32
Various / Trancemaster 2006 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:30.42 | 0 | 29291
2 | 6:30.42 | 7:32.58 | 29292 | 63249
3 | 14:03.25 | 7:35.47 | 63250 | 97421
4 | 21:38.72 | 7:50.55 | 97422 | 132726
5 | 29:29.52 | 6:32.25 | 132727 | 162151
6 | 36:02.02 | 5:34.13 | 162152 | 187214
7 | 41:36.15 | 7:40.37 | 187215 | 221751
8 | 49:16.52 | 3:54.38 | 221752 | 239339
9 | 53:11.15 | 7:04.25 | 239340 | 271164
10 | 60:15.40 | 5:41.25 | 271165 | 296764
11 | 65:56.65 | 5:00.52 | 296765 | 319316
12 | 70:57.42 | 7:55.55 | 319317 | 354996
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2006\Trancemaster 2006 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [7FCA23BE]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [93082633]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [17FF1FD9]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0ACC4964]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9ED2A0A4]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C69B4400]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C413C83E]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [FB637EA2]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E15C9E89]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C9929C0D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A87A9F95]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0A43C86F]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 6A4D8F80D542237600F19F4289A109D5B2BAB782C5FED4C8DEBE63150865FA22 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 17:38
Various / Trancemaster 2006 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 11:30.05 | 0 | 51754
2 | 11:30.05 | 6:29.07 | 51755 | 80936
3 | 17:59.12 | 6:43.20 | 80937 | 111181
4 | 24:42.32 | 9:08.30 | 111182 | 152311
5 | 33:50.62 | 6:14.18 | 152312 | 180379
6 | 40:05.05 | 6:47.29 | 180380 | 210933
7 | 46:52.34 | 8:06.46 | 210934 | 247429
8 | 54:59.05 | 6:13.72 | 247430 | 275476
9 | 61:13.02 | 6:34.60 | 275477 | 305086
10 | 67:47.62 | 3:48.28 | 305087 | 322214
11 | 71:36.15 | 7:23.35 | 322215 | 355474
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2006\Trancemaster 2006 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.2 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C7D2E664
Copy CRC C7D2E664
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4CF76AEF]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [71F3B115]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [561E430E]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3B467C35]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [ABA979D8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A41D887B]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C55A2EA9]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2B6A152A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [855A9C7E]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [066AB066]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [ABB0B0EA]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A452D2B8E6C6ABBFD64387E831DF04EFD951EA54BB8F2E0F0B0148CD0DE6FDFC ====
2000. VA - Trancemaster 2007 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4101-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Vincent De Moor - Sunflowers [6:51]
02. Nordlander - Into The Sky [6:39]
03. Alex Rocco - Set U Free (Club Mix) [8:07]
04. Mario Lopez - The Sound Of Nature Part 2 (R.E.D.S.E.C.T.O.R. Mix) [7:44]
05. DJ Gee - The Dolphin (Picotto Mix) [8:11]
06. Fast - Transmission [3:44]
07. Benicio - For The Love Of You (Bay Breeze Mix) [7:24]
08. Rooky - Secrets (Vectrex Remix) [6:45]
09. Plastic Angel - Estelle [5:38]
10. Lunixx - Infinity (Clubmix) [3:41]
11. Airwave - Lightspeed [9:38]
Total Time: 74:22 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Minimalistix - Struggle For Pleasure (Club Remix) [7:43]
02. Pitcher - Strike (Kay Cee Club Mix) [7:26]
03. Tukan Light - A Rainbow (Green Court feat. Marc Dawn Mix) [7:43]
04. Svenson - Clubbin' On Sunshine (DJ Mellow-D vs Pulsedriver Rmx) [6:45]
05. Servant Of Light - Exhale (DJ Natron Mix) [8:01]
06. Mr. Phillips - 7th Day (CJ Stone Rmx) [6:39]
07. Es Vedra - Cala D' Hort (DJ Janis vs Plus One Remix) [7:04]
08. Signum - What Ya Got 4 Me (Mellow-D Remix) [6:34]
09. Arne L II vs Reactor - Flatliner [7:51]
10. DJ Mind-X - Colours (Vectrex Remix) [5:49]
11. Hunter + Lauks - A Question Of Faith [7:26]
Total Time: 79:01 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 15:13
Various / Trancemaster 2007 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:51.05 | 0 | 30829
2 | 6:51.05 | 6:38.59 | 30830 | 60738
3 | 13:29.64 | 8:06.56 | 60739 | 97244
4 | 21:36.45 | 7:43.50 | 97245 | 132019
5 | 29:20.20 | 8:11.37 | 132020 | 168881
6 | 37:31.57 | 3:43.68 | 168882 | 185674
7 | 41:15.50 | 7:23.47 | 185675 | 218946
8 | 48:39.22 | 6:45.30 | 218947 | 249351
9 | 55:24.52 | 5:38.23 | 249352 | 274724
10 | 61:03.00 | 3:40.72 | 274725 | 291296
11 | 64:43.72 | 9:37.43 | 291297 | 334614
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2007\Trancemaster 2007 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 57B5F752
Copy CRC 57B5F752
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E1763C4B]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [91FBEA67]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C9B6E9E2]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0CD24056]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2D9E7458]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [00660AAD]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9930075A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C15F6EE9]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D24849BA]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2CE3DE91]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [36DEDF43]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5C843040171680D00503506EFAE1951FA875AE1EBD708BF2089ED05C61E4FA53 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 15:51
Various / Trancemaster 2007 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:42.55 | 0 | 34704
2 | 7:42.55 | 7:25.70 | 34705 | 68149
3 | 15:08.50 | 7:42.42 | 68150 | 102841
4 | 22:51.17 | 6:44.70 | 102842 | 133211
5 | 29:36.12 | 8:01.05 | 133212 | 169291
6 | 37:37.17 | 6:38.40 | 169292 | 199181
7 | 44:15.57 | 7:04.20 | 199182 | 231001
8 | 51:20.02 | 6:34.05 | 231002 | 260556
9 | 57:54.07 | 7:51.03 | 260557 | 295884
10 | 65:45.10 | 5:49.17 | 295885 | 322076
11 | 71:34.27 | 7:26.35 | 322077 | 355561
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2007\Trancemaster 2007 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 50521CEA
Copy CRC 50521CEA
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [10A0BD64]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F43627CE]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B148EBC1]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [EE51E6F9]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8610F802]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E8637D72]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [70481565]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [85D6A36F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [1625227F]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [79B43984]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [30EC9B91]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 23A47751E1C1E40A95413037596C77A2A0FE1BAF00E622F364DB68DFD2847623 ====
2000. VA - Trancemaster 2008 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4102-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Yves Deruyter - Back To Earth (Rave Mix) [6:28]
02. Voodoo & Serano - Blood Is Pumpin' (Original Clubmix) [3:26]
03. DJ Red 5 vs. DJ's @ Work - Rhythm & Drums 2001 (Special Remix) [3:29]
04. 4 Strings - Day Time (Gizeh Remix) [7:36]
05. Flash Gordon vs. Reverb - Providence (Reverb's Vocal Mix) [8:18]
06. Kaylab - Here We Go (JamX & De Leon Rmx) [7:39]
07. Nostrum - Night In Motion (Extended Mix) [6:57]
08. Tony Walker - Field Of Joy [6:17]
09. Cascade - Altitude [7:21]
10. Tony H - www.tonyh.com (Yahoo Mix) [6:26]
11. Dave 202 - Silver Ocean [7:41]
12. CRW - Sweet Dream [7:19]
Total Time: 78:57 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Collusion - Impetuous (Extended Version) [5:19]
02. Gaia - 4 Elements (Extended Version) [7:05]
03. Smiter - Both Places [7:10]
04. Dragon - The Dragon (Ralph Fridge Mix) [5:51]
05. Fire & Ice - Lost Emotions 2001 [8:11]
06. Dee Mark - Moonwalker [6:36]
07. Apollo - Dance [7:20]
08. Organza - Aloha [6:52]
09. Marco Zaffarano - Weltklang (Speech Lab Remix) [6:44]
10. Dogma - Dimension (Clubmix) [7:12]
11. Plastic Boy - Can You Feel It [4:38]
12. Threesome - Mohave [5:57]
Total Time: 78:56 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 13:53
Various / Trancemaster 2008 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:28.05 | 0 | 29104
2 | 6:28.05 | 3:26.35 | 29105 | 44589
3 | 9:54.40 | 3:28.57 | 44590 | 60246
4 | 13:23.22 | 7:36.05 | 60247 | 94451
5 | 20:59.27 | 8:17.65 | 94452 | 131791
6 | 29:17.17 | 7:39.15 | 131792 | 166231
7 | 36:56.32 | 6:57.00 | 166232 | 197506
8 | 43:53.32 | 6:17.02 | 197507 | 225783
9 | 50:10.34 | 7:20.53 | 225784 | 258836
10 | 57:31.12 | 6:25.48 | 258837 | 287759
11 | 63:56.60 | 7:41.17 | 287760 | 322351
12 | 71:38.02 | 7:18.53 | 322352 | 355254
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2008\Trancemaster 2008 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 565628D4
Copy CRC 565628D4
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [39D0FD12]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [76BE1006]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [60673997]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [F7A1E4AA]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E9E937C9]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [BEFCF4B5]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [96A9311E]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4640D94F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8318BDF1]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9387925C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CA30F4BD]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C832CB08]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 806C9FEC319EC9210DDC492C6F494EC9DAFF5AD2D1247B920EA7FB32D464F344 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 14:31
Various / Trancemaster 2008 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:18.42 | 0 | 23891
2 | 5:18.42 | 7:05.13 | 23892 | 55779
3 | 12:23.55 | 7:10.15 | 55780 | 88044
4 | 19:33.70 | 5:50.62 | 88045 | 114356
5 | 25:24.57 | 8:11.20 | 114357 | 151201
6 | 33:36.02 | 6:36.28 | 151202 | 180929
7 | 40:12.30 | 7:20.37 | 180930 | 213966
8 | 47:32.67 | 6:52.20 | 213967 | 244886
9 | 54:25.12 | 6:43.65 | 244887 | 275176
10 | 61:09.02 | 7:11.67 | 275177 | 307568
11 | 68:20.69 | 4:37.73 | 307569 | 328416
12 | 72:58.67 | 5:56.55 | 328417 | 355171
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2008\Trancemaster 2008 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F45A90E8
Copy CRC F45A90E8
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [78E81B83]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [07682BCF]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D0DB4C7C]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0244824A]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [32252099]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2A5136AA]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9C6DCE5B]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D04BDAF3]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [67EEFED2]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C2ACA8D1]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E58A022A]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B7937754]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum B74316D82CD33E73A43321716DBD9EA0683B9F349C8A2EF33E613FC8A3F350A1 ====
2001. VA - Trancemaster 2009 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4104-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Apoptygma Berzerk - Kathy's Song (Victoria Mix by VNV Nation) [0:52]
02. Gouryella - Tenshi [3:46]
03. Icebreaker - Too Cold (Aquaplex Mix) [7:49]
04. Global Cee - Return To Forever [8:16]
05. Shade On Grey - Moving On (Are You Strong Enough) (DJ Astrid Mix) [6:55]
06. Apoptygma Berzerk - Kathy's Song (Green Court Remix) [7:15]
07. Servant Of Light - Phyllit [8:16]
08. George Acosta - Emotions (DJ Marc La Cruz Remix) [6:49]
09. DJ Lee - Heartattack (Trance Version) [7:57]
10. Future Breeze - Mind In Motion (Vintage Mix) [6:51]
11. DJ X-Sonic - Blue Sun (Electro Mix) [4:05]
12. Timelapse - Spring [7:14]
Total Time: 76:04 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. DJ Passion - Kingston Kitchen [7:28]
02. Spacenorh vs X Dream - Rainbow (Twilight Version) [6:19]
03. Aurelia - Vampire's Song [5:44]
04. Servant Of Light - Ibex [8:20]
05. Icebreaker - Frozen [7:07]
06. Vespa 63 & DJ Inside - Tears (DJ Spoke Bonus Remix) [6:56]
07. Marc Maris vs Ramone - Flashback (Ramones Continental Mix) [6:59]
08. Ultravibe - Choose Freedom [7:51]
09. Headstrong - Escalator [8:15]
10. Orbital Velocity und Marc Lindberg - Last Voyage 2001 (Stefano Di Carlo Mischung) [5:16]
11. DJ Loren. X. - Empire Days [4:55]
Total Time: 75:10 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 12:38
Various / Trancemaster 2009 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 0:52.20 | 0 | 3919
2 | 0:52.20 | 3:45.62 | 3920 | 20856
3 | 4:38.07 | 7:49.28 | 20857 | 56059
4 | 12:27.35 | 8:15.42 | 56060 | 93226
5 | 20:43.02 | 6:54.55 | 93227 | 124331
6 | 27:37.57 | 7:14.52 | 124332 | 156933
7 | 34:52.34 | 8:15.66 | 156934 | 194124
8 | 43:08.25 | 6:48.55 | 194125 | 224779
9 | 49:57.05 | 7:57.10 | 224780 | 260564
10 | 57:54.15 | 6:50.67 | 260565 | 291381
11 | 64:45.07 | 4:05.30 | 291382 | 309786
12 | 68:50.37 | 7:14.00 | 309787 | 342336
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2009\Trancemaster 2009 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 8B05F24C
Copy CRC 8B05F24C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [295E5312]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8CAE405D]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2A04F817]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [33CB84C4]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5B1AF1D6]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DC971BE6]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D598EE32]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [19C3130C]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [49F179A1]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [390A5D9D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [95E69BDD]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E3A84584]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 0EE71745B5B411F5571C368B763D1AD038508A0D93BFF15174C2ECA5EE9012D4 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 13:13
Various / Trancemaster 2009 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:28.10 | 0 | 33609
2 | 7:28.10 | 6:18.57 | 33610 | 62016
3 | 13:46.67 | 5:43.55 | 62017 | 87796
4 | 19:30.47 | 8:19.55 | 87797 | 125276
5 | 27:50.27 | 7:07.15 | 125277 | 157316
6 | 34:57.42 | 6:56.35 | 157317 | 188551
7 | 41:54.02 | 6:58.70 | 188552 | 219971
8 | 48:52.72 | 7:50.73 | 219972 | 255294
9 | 56:43.70 | 8:15.02 | 255295 | 292421
10 | 64:58.72 | 5:16.08 | 292422 | 316129
11 | 70:15.05 | 4:55.30 | 316130 | 338284
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 2009\Trancemaster 2009 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [629D0B5B]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9A7C6ED6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E3CC7F4F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9D3B5A7A]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0FAF1ABF]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [345D10CC]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F96E2A13]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3E064B73]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DCCBEDBA]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2C2C1FD0]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C95F0BB8]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum C952530A9310022F821BA54658EEDFFB75CE90BC832394239A4833F4D7C6F7C6 ====
2001. VA - Trancemaster 3000 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4106-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Dito - Shadows (Original Mix) [6:40]
02. Mario Lopez - Blind (CJ Stone meets Mr. Philips Club Remix) [6:52]
03. Delerium feat. Leigh Nash - Innocente (Falling In Love) (DJ Tiesto Remix) [7:26]
04. System F feat. Armin Van Buuren - Exhale [7:11]
05. Steve Morley - Sacred City [10:11]
06. DJ Scot Project - O (Overdrive) [3:24]
07. Force Majeure - Redemption (Webdrivers Remix) [7:53]
08. M-Tik - Don't Stop Me Now (Dub Mix) [7:45]
09. Matt Darey pres. Mash Up - Liberation (Temptation - Fly Like An Angel) (Ferry Corsten Remix) [7:10]
10. Riddler & Headcrusher - Plasma-Fire [7:06]
11. The Trancecore Project - Don't Stop [5:48]
Total Time: 77:26 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. The Mystery - Mystery (Original Mix) [8:12]
02. Square - Nova (4 Strings Remix) [6:59]
03. Jimmy Goldsmitz vs. Peter Luts - Horizon (Jimmy Goldsmitz Remix) [6:01]
04. Ralph Fridge - Mystery (Darbucca Remix) [6:55]
05. Armin Van Buuren pres. Rising Star - Touch Me (Part 2) (Vincent De Moor Remix) [7:25]
06. Ultra 5 feat. J. Cee - Potion (Andy & The Lamboy Ultra 5 Mix) [6:51]
07. Revil O - Witness 2001 [6:39]
08. DJ Spoke - Night Line Komet [6:42]
09. Future Shock - Reality (Miss Thunderpussy Remix) [6:44]
10. Sam-Pling vs. Norman Freeman - Nuit Arabe (Original Club Mix) [6:21]
11. Little Star - Petite Etoile (Molly Mix) [6:36]
12. DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream - Incoming [3:35]
Total Time: 79:00 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 11:18
Various / Trancemaster 3000 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:40.00 | 0 | 29999
2 | 6:40.00 | 6:52.00 | 30000 | 60899
3 | 13:32.00 | 7:26.00 | 60900 | 94349
4 | 20:58.00 | 7:11.00 | 94350 | 126674
5 | 28:09.00 | 10:11.00 | 126675 | 172499
6 | 38:20.00 | 3:24.00 | 172500 | 187799
7 | 41:44.00 | 7:53.37 | 187800 | 223311
8 | 49:37.37 | 7:45.00 | 223312 | 258186
9 | 57:22.37 | 7:10.00 | 258187 | 290436
10 | 64:32.37 | 7:06.00 | 290437 | 322386
11 | 71:38.37 | 5:48.00 | 322387 | 348486
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3000\Trancemaster 3000 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.8 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3721AC7B
Copy CRC 3721AC7B
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A9FF9133]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5E078542]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [77DCCAA7]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [920B840A]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [39115C4C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A37B7C47]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9C3C7647]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D6C39E1A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [AA412780]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B3C8332D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B156EAE5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 1CFFC4E7D5A6310E5C0A0A3ED9EAE1E280E9D3B0CC77FD83CCBFF5E5C251071B ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 12:00
Various / Trancemaster 3000 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:12.00 | 0 | 36899
2 | 8:12.00 | 6:59.00 | 36900 | 68324
3 | 15:11.00 | 6:01.00 | 68325 | 95399
4 | 21:12.00 | 6:55.00 | 95400 | 126524
5 | 28:07.00 | 7:25.00 | 126525 | 159899
6 | 35:32.00 | 6:51.00 | 159900 | 190724
7 | 42:23.00 | 6:39.00 | 190725 | 220649
8 | 49:02.00 | 6:42.00 | 220650 | 250799
9 | 55:44.00 | 6:44.00 | 250800 | 281099
10 | 62:28.00 | 6:21.00 | 281100 | 309674
11 | 68:49.00 | 6:35.70 | 309675 | 339369
12 | 75:24.70 | 3:34.59 | 339370 | 355478
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3000\Trancemaster 3000 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 4A230160
Copy CRC 4A230160
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3F160668]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [85913A28]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8D0A5551]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6A7D64ED]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8FB1C701]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FB152FBE]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C8FEF69E]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [516BE9CE]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [401C55E0]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7C5B3F7C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5ADFDED9]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [93FC915D]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 186EA33DECE74C041E7E00E16292280CCBD50BFB2F95085C34E47A2A72EDC553 ====
2001. VA - Trancemaster 3001 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4107-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Kyau vs. Albert - Outside (VooDoo & Serano Remix) [7:09]
02. Yves Deruyter - Rhythmic Bazz (DJ Mind-X Mix) [7:38]
03. Le Petit Sam pres. In - Musika [7:00]
04. Grey C. Frost feat. Davey D. - Bring Me Back Light (Marc La Cruz Remix) [6:47]
05. DJ Mind-X - Voyage (Dogma Remix) [3:55]
06. DJ Centaury & Wavetraxx - Dark Angel (Original Club Mix) [6:07]
07. Tillmann Uhrmacher - On The Run (Ocean To Shore Club Extended) [7:00]
08. The Warp Kidz - Mistral Part 1 (Spacenoah & X-Dream Remix) [7:45]
09. Angelic - Can't Keep Me Silent (Julian d'or UK Radio Edit) [3:37]
10. Montini Traxx - The Sound Of Innocence (Jamie's Extended Remix) [6:25]
11. Dee Mark - Time@Space [6:45]
12. Subsunday - Do Not Resist [6:32]
Total Time: 76:40 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Dance Nation - Sunshine (Wippenberg Remix) [6:54]
02. S.H.O.K.K. - Isn't All A Little Strange (Flutlicht Mix) [7:25]
03. Push - The Legacy (Club Mix) [7:51]
04. Orion vs. Ayla - Eternity (Darren Tate Mix) [8:36]
05. Dave 202 & Phil Green - At The End (Original Mix) [7:12]
06. RMB - Horizon [3:50]
07. Baltes vs. Stevens - Eternal Silence (Vocal Club Mix) [7:26]
08. Syntone - Connected To The World [3:46]
09. Laguna - Mystic Cymbal [6:07]
10. DJ Esteem - Destiny [7:12]
11. Dip T Jones - Unity (Gobo Mix) [6:43]
12. DJ A.M. - Ritmo El Molto Forte (DJ Kim's Trance Mix) [5:45]
Total Time: 78:46 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 16:27
Various / Trancemaster 3001 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:09.01 | 0 | 32175
2 | 7:09.01 | 7:38.00 | 32176 | 66525
3 | 14:47.01 | 6:59.74 | 66526 | 98024
4 | 21:47.00 | 6:46.74 | 98025 | 128548
5 | 28:33.74 | 3:55.00 | 128549 | 146173
6 | 32:28.74 | 6:07.18 | 146174 | 173716
7 | 38:36.17 | 7:00.00 | 173717 | 205216
8 | 45:36.17 | 7:44.74 | 205217 | 240090
9 | 53:21.16 | 3:37.00 | 240091 | 256365
10 | 56:58.16 | 6:25.00 | 256366 | 285240
11 | 63:23.16 | 6:44.74 | 285241 | 315614
12 | 70:08.15 | 6:31.55 | 315615 | 344994
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3001\Trancemaster 3001 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 669360F1
Copy CRC 669360F1
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A6E31509]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [047F3409]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [69529BAB]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B59AF330]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1E9C3FA9]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8FEF14C0]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E824462F]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D3A77FE0]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5FB4C21E]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C908B7A8]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9F609DC8]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C79DA2F9]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 625072925486CDBFE49CE8E4D818B403A50E14AFB3BDC6C4CCE286BA04AC294D ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 17:31
Various / Trancemaster 3001 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:53.72 | 0 | 31046
2 | 6:53.72 | 7:24.74 | 31047 | 64420
3 | 14:18.71 | 7:51.00 | 64421 | 99745
4 | 22:09.71 | 8:36.00 | 99746 | 138445
5 | 30:45.71 | 7:11.72 | 138446 | 170842
6 | 37:57.68 | 3:50.00 | 170843 | 188092
7 | 41:47.68 | 7:25.74 | 188093 | 221541
8 | 49:13.67 | 3:46.00 | 221542 | 238491
9 | 52:59.67 | 6:06.38 | 238492 | 265979
10 | 59:06.30 | 7:11.74 | 265980 | 298378
11 | 66:18.29 | 6:43.00 | 298379 | 328603
12 | 73:01.29 | 5:45.03 | 328604 | 354481
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3001\Trancemaster 3001 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC DAB069D2
Copy CRC DAB069D2
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F533F861]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B0668F1D]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [470F1779]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [97681C03]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [FF3B72F9]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A1589866]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7AEA48E3]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [10CA961D]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C984B170]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A47D410E]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [82CADD1E]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B8673007]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D925BCA3BDFEE4F6326D98412137FF1A57762E69B14F856700C9C5186B37CB68 ====
2002. VA - Trancemaster 3002 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4109-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Condor - On My Own (Les Voix Mix) [6:49]
02. Symphony Of Strings - Don't Want Your Love (Donald & Giles Remix) [8:47]
03. Kai Tracid - Life Is Too Short (Energy Mix) [7:13]
04. Wavetraxx - Freedom (Original Trance Mix) [6:29]
05. DJ Air - Alone With Me (Flutlicht Mix) [7:50]
06. Nu-NRG - Dreamland (Original) [8:02]
07. I-Ching - The Forgotten Dream (Original) [6:07]
08. Maglev - Levitate (Spacepunk Remix) [4:42]
09. K-Lab - Reunion (L&H Mix) [6:28]
10. Havana - Shady Lady [6:00]
11. M & M Project - Wide Anthem (Coaster Vocal Mix) [5:48]
Total Time: 74:15 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Nightlife - Proagressive (Donald & Giles Remix) [7:56]
02. Yves Deuyter - Music Non Stop (Original Mix) [6:35]
03. Barthezz - Infected (Extended) [7:05]
04. Nostrum - Melodrama (Original Mix) [6:42]
05. Shawn Douglas - Kharma (Original Mix) [7:12]
06. DJ Orbit - Now Is The Future (Mario Lopez Remix) [6:48]
07. Dream Keepers feat. Dineka - Ocean Of Love [7:06]
08. Peran - Good Time (Original Mix) [6:52]
09. Solar Factor - No Return [7:05]
10. Mo'Hawk - Previous Years [7:22]
11. Klubbingman - Welcome To The Club (Mat Silver Remix) [6:55]
Total Time: 77:38 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 9:16
Various / Trancemaster 3002 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:49.00 | 0 | 30674
2 | 6:49.00 | 8:47.00 | 30675 | 70199
3 | 15:36.00 | 7:13.00 | 70200 | 102674
4 | 22:49.00 | 6:29.00 | 102675 | 131849
5 | 29:18.00 | 7:50.00 | 131850 | 167099
6 | 37:08.00 | 8:02.00 | 167100 | 203249
7 | 45:10.00 | 6:07.00 | 203250 | 230774
8 | 51:17.00 | 4:42.00 | 230775 | 251924
9 | 55:59.00 | 6:28.00 | 251925 | 281024
10 | 62:27.00 | 6:00.00 | 281025 | 308024
11 | 68:27.00 | 5:48.00 | 308025 | 334124
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3002\Trancemaster 3002 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC E55A9FD3
Copy CRC E55A9FD3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [ABD116AB]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3DF54433]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2D19E859]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [817DCD78]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9F7882A2]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7C717094]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7E97D05B]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2CEB7774]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D48F1BEB]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [7F3E50C5]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [90765F17]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5C9F3EFD58BD2C2C619358D30BE7D8E0EFC00A92AA8F6CB166C69A6AA1E761F9 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 9:55
Various / Trancemaster 3002 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:56.00 | 0 | 35699
2 | 7:56.00 | 6:35.00 | 35700 | 65324
3 | 14:31.00 | 7:05.00 | 65325 | 97199
4 | 21:36.00 | 6:42.00 | 97200 | 127349
5 | 28:18.00 | 7:12.00 | 127350 | 159749
6 | 35:30.00 | 6:48.00 | 159750 | 190349
7 | 42:18.00 | 7:06.00 | 190350 | 222299
8 | 49:24.00 | 6:52.00 | 222300 | 253199
9 | 56:16.00 | 7:05.00 | 253200 | 285074
10 | 63:21.00 | 7:22.00 | 285075 | 318224
11 | 70:43.00 | 6:55.00 | 318225 | 349349
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3002\Trancemaster 3002 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FC0DA175
Copy CRC FC0DA175
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6A2353A6]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3064A0BC]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [02948B60]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1A95A5DD]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DB60AA40]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4EAD720E]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [41FD7098]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4AE7ACD1]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C8D25EEF]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4A91BCF9]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1A6B31E0]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 9F2851592D84D479DEDDF71BC821F9FAC6B00400957C5657FC8166F6AAA80104 ====
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 258

lavteutas · 13-Мар-11 00:44 (спустя 1 мин., ред. 04-Май-11 14:39)

2002. VA - Trancemaster 3003 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4111-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. 4 Strings - Take Me Away (Into The Night) (Vocal Radio Mix) [3:11]
02. Lakata - Sunsational (Spacepunk Remix) [6:31]
03. Phrenetic System - Transformer (Club Mix) [5:51]
04. Ian Van Dahl - Will I (Voodoo & Serano Rmx) [7:31]
05. Mario Lopez - Free Your Mind (Club Mix) [8:54]
06. Marc Dawn - Expander (Flutlicht Remix) [6:52]
07. Polartraxx - Beyond The Stars (Trance Mix) [7:52]
08. Angel Of Death - Angel's Return [6:55]
09. Gianni Pellegrino DJ - Vibrations (Euro Mix) [6:32]
10. M.A.R.S. - Stargate (Edit) [4:53]
11. AWeX - Adrenalin (Video Cut) [3:37]
Total Time: 68:38 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Push - Tranzy State Of Mind (Club Mix) [6:55]
02. Peter Luts vs. G-Bric - Pacific Wish (Original Mix) [6:20]
03. Green Velvet - La La Land (Zzino vs. Filterheadz Mix) [7:45]
04. DJ Gert vs. Marcel Woods - Once Upon A Time In The West (DJ Gert and DJ Bonka Opera Mix) [5:48]
05. DJ Passion - Pitch Black [7:53]
06. Accuface - Red Sky (Maxi Version) [7:23]
07. DJ Hein - Energetic Rhythm (Original Mix) [7:25]
08. Heaven's Cry - I Don't Need This (Original Radio Edit) [3:28]
09. Transponder vs. Mic-E - Infinity (Transponder Original) [10:23]
10. Josh Colow feat. Riverman - Serengeti Sunset [8:18]
11. Tory Kay - Let The Leaves (2 Freax Remix) [6:59]
Total Time: 78:36 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 8:01
Various / Trancemaster 3003 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:11.27 | 0 | 14351
2 | 3:11.27 | 6:31.00 | 14352 | 43676
3 | 9:42.27 | 5:50.70 | 43677 | 69996
4 | 15:33.22 | 7:31.00 | 69997 | 103821
5 | 23:04.22 | 8:54.05 | 103822 | 143876
6 | 31:58.27 | 6:51.48 | 143877 | 174749
7 | 38:50.00 | 7:51.55 | 174750 | 210129
8 | 46:41.55 | 6:55.05 | 210130 | 241259
9 | 53:36.60 | 6:31.45 | 241260 | 270629
10 | 60:08.30 | 4:53.05 | 270630 | 292609
11 | 65:01.35 | 3:36.62 | 292610 | 308871
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3003\Trancemaster 3003 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.7 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 0D64D682
Copy CRC 0D64D682
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [8382C9A1]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [3E684818]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [48BF1186]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [11CFCDF5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A32F1696]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [2A3E0DA0]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [87790689]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [2F5BE067]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [0E9FF849]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [6559AAFC]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [77203324]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 19008AE281BEB1467F11674A524555C2E8583247553770CBA0C32B39131D7E61 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 8:39
Various / Trancemaster 3003 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:54.67 | 0 | 31116
2 | 6:54.67 | 6:19.60 | 31117 | 59601
3 | 13:14.52 | 7:44.43 | 59602 | 94444
4 | 20:59.20 | 5:47.70 | 94445 | 120539
5 | 26:47.15 | 7:53.02 | 120540 | 156016
6 | 34:40.17 | 7:22.53 | 156017 | 189219
7 | 42:02.70 | 7:24.67 | 189220 | 222586
8 | 49:27.62 | 3:28.25 | 222587 | 238211
9 | 52:56.12 | 10:23.33 | 238212 | 284969
10 | 63:19.45 | 8:17.47 | 284970 | 322291
11 | 71:37.17 | 6:58.60 | 322292 | 353701
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3003\Trancemaster 3003 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 923F7113
Copy CRC 923F7113
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F472C8ED]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [351374C5]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [E62AAC0E]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D6160B02]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [372D0EB0]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [52767F1B]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [31CDD6B5]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [98D5FE31]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [CB750B80]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [D94D937E]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B5FDAF3D]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 864417DE47163113E86AD444B8062D98C8E5EC1F841CB65E7BEEE3B27B41DA4B ====
2002. VA - Trancemaster 3004 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4112-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Airwave - Another Dimension [6:56]
02. Megara vs DJ Lee - Full Intention (Club Mix) [3:38]
03. Andre Visior - Speed Up (Luvstruck 2002) (Grey & Frost Club Mix) [6:40]
04. RedWing - Place To Be (Club Mix) [3:22]
05. Plastic Boy - Silver Bath [7:47]
06. Kai Tracid - Trance & Acid [3:47]
07. Rank 1 - Awakening (Cosmic Gate Remix) [8:14]
08. Pale X - Androids [7:53]
09. The Moon feat. Nu NRG - The Moon Loves The Sun [6:44]
10. Jam-X & De Leon - Can U Dig It [3:33]
11. DJ Bismark - E.R.K. (Trance Love) (Forum Mix) [8:21]
12. DJ Discover - Future (Russenmafia Remix) [5:58]
Total Time: 72:51 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Dogma - In The Club (Ibiza Club Mix) [3:32]
02. Seraque - My Dreams [8:49]
03. Shane 54 - Souvenir De Chine [8:49]
04. Ferry Corsten - Punk [3:36]
05. VNV Nation - Beloved (Hiver Hammer Full Vocal) [3:57]
06. Vectrex - Line Of Fire [7:24]
07. Marc Et Claude feat. Tony Hadley - Feel You (I Love Trance Mix) [6:58]
08. @dam - Pure Energy (Vernon B. Remix) [7:34]
09. Cloned Mind - Changes (Paul Hutsch Remix) [7:38]
10. Terrapin - Phantom Leap [6:28]
11. Sunfactor feat. Eileen - I Won't Let You Down (Adrima Remix) [5:54]
12. Van & Kay - Performance 24 (Attack Club Mix) [8:27]
Total Time: 79:06 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 6:13
Various / Trancemaster 3004 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:55.55 | 0 | 31179
2 | 6:55.55 | 3:37.67 | 31180 | 47521
3 | 10:33.47 | 6:39.50 | 47522 | 77496
4 | 17:13.22 | 3:21.58 | 77497 | 92629
5 | 20:35.05 | 7:46.62 | 92630 | 127641
6 | 28:21.67 | 3:46.65 | 127642 | 144656
7 | 32:08.57 | 8:13.43 | 144657 | 181674
8 | 40:22.25 | 7:52.45 | 181675 | 217119
9 | 48:14.70 | 6:43.39 | 217120 | 247383
10 | 54:58.34 | 3:33.21 | 247384 | 263379
11 | 58:31.55 | 8:21.25 | 263380 | 300979
12 | 66:53.05 | 5:58.00 | 300980 | 327829
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3004\Trancemaster 3004 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F55A4CE7
Copy CRC F55A4CE7
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [06F3018F]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A5D91BF5]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [30FC9B98]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3CAE9047]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [7A5C7106]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [56D80B90]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6FAAF424]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AAC14803]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [631D6D39]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0B0CA8C0]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6E10816B]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B7CA9538]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5B6B9B1D04FF422FE783F76960A1468BAD03758C6DA0711962D8E8E996426326 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 6:52
Various / Trancemaster 3004 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:32.22 | 0 | 15921
2 | 3:32.22 | 8:48.60 | 15922 | 55581
3 | 12:21.07 | 8:49.35 | 55582 | 95291
4 | 21:10.42 | 3:36.20 | 95292 | 111511
5 | 24:46.62 | 3:56.45 | 111512 | 129256
6 | 28:43.32 | 7:23.43 | 129257 | 162524
7 | 36:07.00 | 6:58.02 | 162525 | 193876
8 | 43:05.02 | 7:34.28 | 193877 | 227954
9 | 50:39.30 | 7:37.57 | 227955 | 262286
10 | 58:17.12 | 6:28.08 | 262287 | 291394
11 | 64:45.20 | 5:53.62 | 291395 | 317931
12 | 70:39.07 | 8:27.18 | 317932 | 355974
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3004\Trancemaster 3004 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.4 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 51AD67A3
Copy CRC 51AD67A3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B560213E]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6A81460C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2FA5D48A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [88246992]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CC2D955E]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F95B992A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AD1F8F75]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [15609E83]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7E96D297]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3D3192EB]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [83AE8842]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2AA280F5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 6950C06655A430E6DD4F6EC05BDEAFF76035062A4F0C062AEC9AD4D71AFD94FD ====
2002. VA - Trancemaster 3005 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4114-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Encarta - Anima In Corpore (Andre Visior Remix) [6:15]
02. Chemistry - We Are One! (Club Mix) [7:57]
03. 4Strings - Diving (Hiver & Hammer's Different Gear Remix) [6:28]
04. Three Kings (DJ Sakin meets Schwarze Puppen) - Tokyo (Russenmafia Mix) [9:54]
05. Mauro Picotto - Back To Cali (Megamind Mix) [7:41]
06. Oceanlab feat. Justine Suissa - Sky Falls Down (Armin Van Buuren Remix) [10:09]
07. Starshine - Feels Alright [5:41]
08. Dito - Sky (Club Mix) [3:52]
09. The Mackenzie vs. Kelly - So Far Away (Trance Mix) [7:36]
10. Darksucker - Call Me (Original Mix) [5:56]
11. The Trancecore Project - Jump (Clubmix) [4:51]
12. Joy Kitikonti - Joy Don't Stop (Asteroids Mix) [3:23]
Total Time: 79:44 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Matt Cassar - Seven Days & One Week (Dirt Devils Mix) [7:57]
02. Tour De Trance - Wan Wu [10:44]
03. La Chimera - Homeland (Sunrise Mix) [7:52]
04. Ultra - The Dawn (Spinnin') [8:58]
05. Mental Miracle - Ocean Of Time (Original Vocal Mix) [5:51]
06. Lolo - Melody [10:07]
07. Art Of Trance - Madagascar 2002 (Push Remix) [7:56]
08. Firewall - Touched (Plastic Angel Remix) [4:07]
09. Tangled Universe - Message From The Universe [6:19]
10. Vector 7 - Air Of Love [4:01]
11. Ian Van Dahl - Reason (Extended Mix) [5:49]
Total Time: 79:44 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 1. January 2011, 15:53
Various / Trancemaster 3005 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:14.40 | 0 | 28089
2 | 6:14.40 | 7:57.22 | 28090 | 63886
3 | 14:11.62 | 6:28.08 | 63887 | 92994
4 | 20:39.70 | 9:54.25 | 92995 | 137569
5 | 30:34.20 | 7:41.14 | 137570 | 172158
6 | 38:15.34 | 10:09.00 | 172159 | 217833
7 | 48:24.34 | 5:41.23 | 217834 | 243431
8 | 54:05.57 | 3:51.68 | 243432 | 260824
9 | 57:57.50 | 7:36.25 | 260825 | 295049
10 | 65:34.00 | 5:56.17 | 295050 | 321766
11 | 71:30.17 | 4:51.13 | 321767 | 343604
12 | 76:21.30 | 3:22.70 | 343605 | 358824
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3005\Trancemaster 3005 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 2F4E8AE3
Copy CRC 2F4E8AE3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [51E17A82]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7EBEBAA0]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [17671379]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3B58C191]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [79AE1894]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [92E7D34D]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A7CEF535]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [65962761]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2E9B61FE]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [484E89DD]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [892AAF6F]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4E5CDAAF]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum B39351E1A4446A4255E5ABA8A958A79494A5D3BDC323A80835ACAFF139FFED9C ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 2. January 2011, 5:35
Various / Trancemaster 3005 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:57.05 | 0 | 35779
2 | 7:57.05 | 10:44.37 | 35780 | 84116
3 | 18:41.42 | 7:52.23 | 84117 | 119539
4 | 26:33.65 | 8:58.30 | 119540 | 159919
5 | 35:32.20 | 5:50.52 | 159920 | 186221
6 | 41:22.72 | 10:07.10 | 186222 | 231756
7 | 51:30.07 | 7:56.30 | 231757 | 267486
8 | 59:26.37 | 4:07.30 | 267487 | 286041
9 | 63:33.67 | 6:19.33 | 286042 | 314499
10 | 69:53.25 | 4:01.37 | 314500 | 332611
11 | 73:54.62 | 5:48.58 | 332612 | 358769
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3005\Trancemaster 3005 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 43F35513
Copy CRC 43F35513
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [675B1E1A]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [EC2818FF]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9D5274E9]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3F0D4639]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [78CED25B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3515077B]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [425A4E5A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [67A864D8]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B49033AD]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [14065AE8]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4C274783]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 87F3FF0B7FE372BC9092F79E2D22517DD16D075D6BF1D2080455090D4199CE89 ====
2003. VA - Trancemaster 3006 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4115-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Gouryella - Ligaya (Original Instrumental) [7:23]
02. Svenson & Gielen - Answer The Question (Original Mix) [8:52]
03. Driftwood - Freeloader (Original Mix) [6:46]
04. Darren Tate vs. Jono Grant - Let The Light Shine In [7:51]
05. Skysurfer - Silence (Original Mix) [7:34]
06. Signum - Cura Me (Katana Remix) [6:23]
07. Airwave vs. Rising Star - Sunspot (Original Mix) [7:41]
08. Riva - Time Is The Healer (Armin Van Buuren Remix) [7:47]
09. Silvester - Hard Beats (Movement Remix) [6:46]
10. Spectrosonic - Moonshine (Original) [6:44]
11. Trilithon - Dagio (Dagioraga) [5:51]
Total Time: 79:38 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Marc La Cruz 'n Ace Da Brain - Eriel (Marc La Cruz Mix) [7:14]
02. Signum feat. Katana - Third Dimension [8:17]
03. DJ Tatana - Peace Of Mind [6:50]
04. Airbase - Genie (Original Mix) [10:36]
05. Apollo - Dance (Extended Version) [7:22]
06. Drax & Scott Mac - The Sun (Original Mix) [6:26]
07. Andain - Summer Calling (Airwave Club Mix) [8:08]
08. Darren Tate vs. Mike Koglin - Now Is The Time [6:08]
09. E-Wok - Supersound (Stimulator Remix) [6:28]
10. Dogzilla - Dogzilla (Simon Patterson & Richie Kayvan Remix) [8:13]
11. Axel Coon - Close To You (Single Version) [3:46]
Total Time: 79:29 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 11. March 2011, 12:10
Various / Trancemaster 3006 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:23.12 | 0 | 33236
2 | 7:23.12 | 8:52.05 | 33237 | 73141
3 | 16:15.17 | 6:46.37 | 73142 | 103628
4 | 23:01.54 | 7:50.51 | 103629 | 138929
5 | 30:52.30 | 7:33.67 | 138930 | 172971
6 | 38:26.22 | 6:22.55 | 172972 | 201676
7 | 44:49.02 | 7:40.45 | 201677 | 236221
8 | 52:29.47 | 7:47.23 | 236222 | 271269
9 | 60:16.70 | 6:46.15 | 271270 | 301734
10 | 67:03.10 | 6:44.22 | 301735 | 332056
11 | 73:47.32 | 5:50.50 | 332057 | 358356
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3006\Trancemaster 3006 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3675AF3D
Copy CRC 3675AF3D
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [3E963A3F]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [8410B1B0]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [DA01716F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C36D19A2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D8AD6160]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [CFB6AE2F]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [A8262D77]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [B019EFFB]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C08EB672]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [B252033B]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [BE1F1813]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7DC46F0A4D6177757ABE7F0758BDD5D01A6A8AA08E025D61BC19D0EE48EE0E19 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
EAC extraction logfile from 13. April 2011, 21:56
Various / Trancemaster 3006 (CD2) (302 4115-2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling : Appended to previous track
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:14.10 | 0 | 32559
2 | 7:14.10 | 8:17.07 | 32560 | 69841
3 | 15:31.17 | 6:49.60 | 69842 | 100576
4 | 22:21.02 | 10:36.10 | 100577 | 148286
5 | 32:57.12 | 7:22.35 | 148287 | 181471
6 | 40:19.47 | 6:26.18 | 181472 | 210439
7 | 46:45.65 | 8:08.27 | 210440 | 247066
8 | 54:54.17 | 6:08.00 | 247067 | 274666
9 | 61:02.17 | 6:27.58 | 274667 | 303749
10 | 67:30.00 | 8:12.42 | 303750 | 340691
11 | 75:42.42 | 3:46.30 | 340692 | 357671
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3006\VA - Trancemaster 3006 (CD2) (302 4115-2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 432CF72B
Copy CRC 432CF72B
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [AE84B3CB]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A51365D2]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8EEDE11C]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [64BB0214]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [935BE5B6]
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4005103A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C0F95C46]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D3DC0403]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A64BEF1C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A33837C4]
10 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) not present in the AccurateRip database
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
2003. VA - Trancemaster 3007 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4116-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. E-Craig - Drum Beats (E-Craig Hard Dub Mix) [7:17]
02. Lange feat. Leah - Don't Think It (Feel It) (Cosmicman Remix) [7:34]
03. Condor - Velvet Dreams (Velvet Mix) [7:38]
04. BK - Revolution (Extended Mix) [6:23]
05. Unmark - The Silent You (The Mystery Remix) [7:31]
06. Unknown Source - Nadjanema [8:02]
07. Climax 69 - Fly With Me (NYC Remix) [7:29]
08. Lord Of The Strings - Some Day [7:49]
09. York - The Awakening (Class 1 Cut) [3:21]
10. Redwing - My Heart Is Calling [3:06]
11. Three Drives - Air Traffic [9:48]
Total Time: 75:58 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Saltwater - The Legacy (Alphazone Mix) [9:44]
02. Natural Born Grooves - Universal Love (Green Court RMX) [8:26]
03. Ayla pres. Yel - Sun Is Coming Out (Intrance Single Mix) [3:44]
04. Pale-X - Hibernation [4:03]
05. Phaze - Set U Free [3:40]
06. The Matrix - Protect The Innocent (Cream Team Remix) [7:31]
07. Yoji Biomehanika - A Theme From Banginglobe (System F Remix) [8:07]
08. Darren Tate - Elevation [9:04]
09. Seraque - Eternity (Original) [7:15]
10. Lyala - Time To Fly (Climax 69 Remix) [7:24]
11. Quantum Mechanics - Disorder [8:00]
Total Time: 77:00 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 18:11
Various / Trancemaster 3007 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:17.09 | 0 | 32783
2 | 7:17.09 | 7:33.64 | 32784 | 66822
3 | 14:50.73 | 7:38.27 | 66823 | 101199
4 | 22:29.25 | 6:22.48 | 101200 | 129897
5 | 28:51.73 | 7:30.43 | 129898 | 163690
6 | 36:22.41 | 8:02.00 | 163691 | 199840
7 | 44:24.41 | 7:29.18 | 199841 | 233533
8 | 51:53.59 | 7:49.23 | 233534 | 268731
9 | 59:43.07 | 3:20.59 | 268732 | 283790
10 | 63:03.66 | 3:05.60 | 283791 | 297725
11 | 66:09.51 | 9:48.21 | 297726 | 341846
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3007\Trancemaster 3007 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 8270694C
Copy CRC 8270694C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [78C1304A]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [826C1FB7]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5ACB3C0D]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FF4E336E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DDF7DDD2]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8DF63564]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [170E7034]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9A3B49B8]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2358474D]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DCD2C516]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E4C82C95]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 399E51F53A13C75DCF1E47C9133A8A9F1AB92E77C05DB556FFD8A58F3D142862 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 23:52
Various / Trancemaster 3007 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 9:43.47 | 0 | 43771
2 | 9:43.47 | 8:26.23 | 43772 | 81744
3 | 18:09.70 | 3:44.17 | 81745 | 98561
4 | 21:54.12 | 4:03.11 | 98562 | 116797
5 | 25:57.23 | 3:40.29 | 116798 | 133326
6 | 29:37.52 | 7:31.02 | 133327 | 167153
7 | 37:08.54 | 8:07.19 | 167154 | 203697
8 | 45:15.73 | 9:04.09 | 203698 | 244506
9 | 54:20.07 | 7:14.62 | 244507 | 277118
10 | 61:34.69 | 7:24.37 | 277119 | 310455
11 | 68:59.31 | 8:00.08 | 310456 | 346463
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3007\Trancemaster 3007 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 756CD9F1
Copy CRC 756CD9F1
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [1FEFA019], AccurateRip returned [A0165150]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [241D39BC]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4F4D6192]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [1A26ABEB]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [EB9BDB24]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [37361D0C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8C85516A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [23FE5E09]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8D6643ED]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A3029138]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [31DB1460]
10 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum 07D2B1B1F836D59E0DFC056404DB946DAF27290D0A7D8F548D9C594128C8A6E0 ====
2003. VA - Trancemaster 3008 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4117-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Paul Van Dyk feat. Hemstock & Jennings - Nothing But You (PVD Club Mix) [8:26]
02. Jacob & Mendez - Moondust (Airbase Remake) [9:17]
03. Svenson & Gielen feat. Jan Johnston - Beachbreeze (Green Court Remix Edit) [4:04]
04. Mystery - Free 4 You (Dub Mix) [8:41]
05. Cetroit - Mind Yourself (Tukan Remix) [8:29]
06. Ozone - Ionize [3:22]
07. Lost Angels - Storm Of Trance (Backslash & Porcell Mix) [6:59]
08. Starshine - Oriental Express [7:00]
09. Frank T.R.A.X. - Nebuchan (O.R.G.A.N. Mix) [6:50]
10. Freeloader - Pure Devotion (Tukan's F&W Remix) [7:03]
11. Van Nuys - Wonderful World [7:00]
Total Time: 77:10 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Jushi - Trancemaster Theme Requiem #1 (Vectrex Remix) [5:52]
02. Jezper Soderlund - Angel (Original Mix) [9:47]
03. Rollerball - Albinoni (Super8 Mix) [6:11]
04. Alphazone - Rockin' (Original Club Mix) [7:42]
05. Samuel Jason - On The Ground (Original Club Mix) [7:48]
06. Signum - Push Through [8:55]
07. Di Carlo - Everyones Tears [6:49]
08. Kan Cold - Requiem [6:06]
09. Celtic Dreamer feat. Dorothy - Bonny Portmore (Original Extended Mix) [6:12]
10. Musick - Musick [7:39]
11. Accuface - Jet Lag [5:56]
Total Time: 78:56 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 16:48
Various / Trancemaster 3008 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.02 | 8:25.49 | 2 | 37925
2 | 8:25.51 | 9:16.63 | 37926 | 79688
3 | 17:42.39 | 4:03.45 | 79689 | 97958
4 | 21:46.09 | 8:40.65 | 97959 | 137023
5 | 30:26.74 | 8:29.24 | 137024 | 175222
6 | 38:56.23 | 3:21.62 | 175223 | 190359
7 | 42:18.10 | 6:58.50 | 190360 | 221759
8 | 49:16.60 | 7:00.11 | 221760 | 253270
9 | 56:16.71 | 6:49.69 | 253271 | 284014
10 | 63:06.65 | 7:03.10 | 284015 | 315749
11 | 70:10.00 | 6:59.73 | 315750 | 347247
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3008\Trancemaster 3008 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC CA7D9939
Copy CRC CA7D9939
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1B8DB12E]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E805CA55]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [94603D4E]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D6063FF2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9FCEAB49]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [619A6008]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [42808DFF]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4437751F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DA6402AB]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [28504F9D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [42FCD70F]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 8633995F716BC1B2BE31F917048B56EE1685587E7A08ECF8DA57A01A10CB8877 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 17:26
Various / Trancemaster 3008 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:51.53 | 0 | 26377
2 | 5:51.53 | 9:46.67 | 26378 | 70394
3 | 15:38.45 | 6:11.19 | 70395 | 98238
4 | 21:49.64 | 7:42.03 | 98239 | 132891
5 | 29:31.67 | 7:48.10 | 132892 | 168001
6 | 37:20.02 | 8:55.17 | 168002 | 208143
7 | 46:15.19 | 6:48.61 | 208144 | 238804
8 | 53:04.05 | 6:06.12 | 238805 | 266266
9 | 59:10.17 | 6:11.44 | 266267 | 294135
10 | 65:21.61 | 7:38.50 | 294136 | 328535
11 | 73:00.36 | 5:55.68 | 328536 | 355228
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3008\Trancemaster 3008 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC CC41308E
Copy CRC CC41308E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A8231DB8]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0A1FAE21]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1A42E0C7]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FBDBA48E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C4DE8136]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A97B02D9]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C64FFE84]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4079D396]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [23582FF4]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8E9C9CA8]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [952A1035]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 60BBF32720F5B8B65390D249F1D002A1FCED71CD34025BFE483C77B4CC224D73 ====
2003. VA - Trancemaster 3009 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4119-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. DJ Shog - Another World (Extended Mix) [7:59]
02. Sensation - The Anthem 2003 (Original Mix) [8:20]
03. Ace's Delight - Mental Theme (Ace Da Brain Hell On Earth Mix) [8:11]
04. Y.O.M.C. - Deftig (Past, Present, Future) [8:00]
05. DJ Quicksilver - Clubfiles One (Equinoxe IV) (Clubmix) [7:20]
06. Push - Journey Of Live (Original Mix) [6:50]
07. Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa - Out There (5th Dimension) [8:54]
08. Yves Deruyter & M. Woods present ''Frequence'' - Frequence (Main Mix) [7:52]
09. Yves Deruyter - Spiritual Feeling (Dolphins Mix) [7:27]
10. Paul Van Dyk - Connected (Motomix 05) [7:14]
Total Time: 78:07 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. DJ Danjo & Rob Styles - Aragon (Intro Mix) [4:02]
02. Armin Van Buuren - Precious [5:34]
03. Y.O.M.C. - I Love You [8:48]
04. Transmotion - Ultraviolett [7:30]
05. Nebulus - Destination Paradise [3:56]
06. Airwave - When Things Go Wrong (Original Mix) [6:57]
07. Dave Joy pres. Schattenmann - Amplifyer (2Players Remix) [8:10]
08. Seduction feat. Valerie - Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Club Mix) [6:55]
09. Ernesto vs Bastian - A Few Seconds After Trancefer [9:33]
10. Emmanuel Top - Mars [7:43]
11. M.I.K.E. - Turn Out The Lights [9:18]
Total Time: 78:27 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 15:09
Various / Trancemaster 3009 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:58.64 | 0 | 35913
2 | 7:58.64 | 8:19.64 | 35914 | 73402
3 | 16:18.53 | 8:11.36 | 73403 | 110263
4 | 24:30.14 | 8:00.36 | 110264 | 146299
5 | 32:30.50 | 7:20.12 | 146300 | 179311
6 | 39:50.62 | 6:49.60 | 179312 | 210046
7 | 46:40.47 | 8:53.57 | 210047 | 250078
8 | 55:34.29 | 7:51.42 | 250079 | 285445
9 | 63:25.71 | 7:26.52 | 285446 | 318947
10 | 70:52.48 | 7:14.21 | 318948 | 351518
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3009\Trancemaster 3009 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FD257249
Copy CRC FD257249
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0C7AEA0E]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3532AAC3]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [83568480]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [12A05FAC]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0611463C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B7045836]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [370E4A33]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BBF0D48D]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AD252565]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F8D5F0A9]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 136CF93D853F5F5DEF3006BC33F2F467CC5875930C02A7E74F3199676051A59F ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 15:49
Various / Trancemaster 3009 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:02.26 | 0 | 18175
2 | 4:02.26 | 5:34.33 | 18176 | 43258
3 | 9:36.59 | 8:48.02 | 43259 | 82860
4 | 18:24.61 | 7:30.15 | 82861 | 116625
5 | 25:55.01 | 3:56.17 | 116626 | 134342
6 | 29:51.18 | 6:56.68 | 134343 | 165610
7 | 36:48.11 | 8:10.33 | 165611 | 202393
8 | 44:58.44 | 6:55.07 | 202394 | 233525
9 | 51:53.51 | 9:32.51 | 233526 | 276476
10 | 61:26.27 | 7:42.61 | 276477 | 311187
11 | 69:09.13 | 9:18.12 | 311188 | 353049
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 3009\Trancemaster 3009 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 589F7B78
Copy CRC 589F7B78
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [774EE358]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B5D053CC]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [98F0BB2B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B4BDC43A]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E3281841]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [EDDDB647]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E2E40C14]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9FC2453A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8CE999DA]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3B5C029C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3B5AC570]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 981E6F525ED780DEC491EED5645EC2B76A41225E6DBA843DF167E0AEF93AC2EF ====
2004. VA - Trancemaster 4000 (2CD, Digipack)
Catalog#: 302 4120-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Electrique Boutique feat. Taz - Heal (Vocal Mix) [8:11]
02. Andain - Beautiful Things (Photon Project Remix) [9:31]
03. DJ Tiesto - Traffic [6:59]
04. Darren Tate - Prayer For A God [8:21]
05. DJ Tatana vs. The Mystery - Soul Cry [8:06]
06. Rectal Rangers - Overload [6:15]
07. Ozone - Rock (Original Remix) [10:55]
08. Ayu - M (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Woody Van Eyden Remix) [4:23]
09. Workafiction - Across (Original Mix) [4:39]
10. No Faces - Free Your Feelings [6:21]
11. Ron Van Den Beuken - Keep On Movin' (Timeless) [3:18]
Total Time: 77:00 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Peran - We Want To Be Free [3:30]
02. Matt Hardwick vs. Smith & Pledger - Day One (Original Mix) [8:59]
03. Ronski Speed - Iris [7:32]
04. JFK vs. Revolution 9 - Metropolis (Prime Mover Remix) [7:33]
05. Mozes & Edd - Captivated [4:04]
06. Reysan Khan - Shiatsu (2 Players Remix) [5:22]
07. Tom Wolff - Cloud Barrier (Mr. Sam's Right Hand Of Heaven Remix) [10:24]
08. Driftwood - Anything Goes (Original Mix) [3:40]
09. Ziggy X - Highspeedflash (Trance Mix) [7:51]
10. Dreas - Sonic Rush [9:05]
11. The Gift - The Seventh Day (M.I.K.E. Remix) [8:42]
Total Time: 76:43 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 10:01
Various / Trancemaster 4000 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:11.27 | 0 | 36851
2 | 8:11.27 | 9:30.45 | 36852 | 79646
3 | 17:41.72 | 6:58.50 | 79647 | 111046
4 | 24:40.47 | 8:21.31 | 111047 | 148652
5 | 33:02.03 | 8:06.09 | 148653 | 185111
6 | 41:08.12 | 6:14.64 | 185112 | 213225
7 | 47:23.01 | 10:55.32 | 213226 | 262382
8 | 58:18.33 | 4:23.29 | 262383 | 282136
9 | 62:41.62 | 4:38.74 | 282137 | 303060
10 | 67:20.61 | 6:21.20 | 303061 | 331655
11 | 73:42.06 | 3:17.66 | 331656 | 346496
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4000\Trancemaster 4000 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 0FD386EA
Copy CRC 0FD386EA
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [904A6119]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [37048EC5]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [10DCC051]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0360F897]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8B29F9D8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [201BFE67]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F7EC5220]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5474CDE3]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [781CA91F]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B43C713D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [CCC99C3A]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum DB80ACC19710D726546D34A0630C7BAB9AEF0FBE1361B6E9864238945E1A8FA8 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 11:01
Various / Trancemaster 4000 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:30.27 | 0 | 15776
2 | 3:30.27 | 8:59.05 | 15777 | 56206
3 | 12:29.32 | 7:32.17 | 56207 | 90123
4 | 20:01.49 | 7:32.64 | 90124 | 124087
5 | 27:34.38 | 4:04.25 | 124088 | 142412
6 | 31:38.63 | 5:21.58 | 142413 | 166545
7 | 37:00.46 | 10:24.11 | 166546 | 213356
8 | 47:24.57 | 3:40.28 | 213357 | 229884
9 | 51:05.10 | 7:51.26 | 229885 | 265235
10 | 58:56.36 | 9:05.19 | 265236 | 306129
11 | 68:01.55 | 8:41.51 | 306130 | 345255
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4000\Trancemaster 4000 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 3643DC6C
Copy CRC 3643DC6C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [954F2F18]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [AC01460C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9C648673]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [392C9458]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [573C72A6]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [DD070D5F]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [476DEFD6]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0555FD85]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3D5D2F23]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5C40CAF5]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [637671B4]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 711424F01CFE39B3A0E655FF6938300256A7D0F80D0ADBB11F08C823FA53CA80 ====
2004. VA - Trancemaster 4001 (2CD, Digipack)
Catalog#: 302 4121-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. G&M Project - Sunday Afternoon (Nu Nrg Mix) [8:24]
02. Push - Electric Eclipse [8:00]
03. Terry Bones feat. Fred Baker pres. Waterplanet - Return To Innocence [7:10]
04. 2Players - Swallow Your Pain [7:50]
05. Rah - Pole Position (Airbase Remix) [7:33]
06. Fire & Ice - Para Siempre [8:43]
07. Svenson - Sunlight Theory (O-Zone Mix) [7:09]
08. Climax 69 - Ambience (Original NYC Mix) [7:29]
09. Rank1 - It's Up To You (Symsonic) (Dub Vocal Mix) [7:35]
10. Voi - Journey To Paradise (Mind One Remix) [5:01]
11. Basic Dawn - Pure Thrust (Nu Nrg Rmx) [3:35]
Total Time: 78:31 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Nu Nrg - Connective [7:56]
02. Active Sight - The Search For Freedom [7:00]
03. Fire & Ice - Samoa [9:03]
04. Firewall - Kilimanjaro [4:58]
05. Alias - Elements [6:42]
06. Blair Bitch - Ilios [3:50]
07. Rah - Wave (Airbase Original Mix) [9:06]
08. Endre - Kallocain (Robert Nickson Mix) [9:10]
09. Alex Bartlett - R. A. C. [4:49]
10. Subsunday - So Good (DJ Cor Fijneman Outstanding Remix) [7:58]
11. Catfish - Outside World [7:27]
Total Time: 78:00 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 6:53
Various / Trancemaster 4001 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:23.64 | 0 | 37788
2 | 8:23.64 | 8:00.03 | 37789 | 73791
3 | 16:23.67 | 7:10.21 | 73792 | 106062
4 | 23:34.13 | 7:50.37 | 106063 | 141349
5 | 31:24.50 | 7:33.08 | 141350 | 175332
6 | 38:57.58 | 8:43.32 | 175333 | 214589
7 | 47:41.15 | 7:09.04 | 214590 | 246768
8 | 54:50.19 | 7:29.29 | 246769 | 280472
9 | 62:19.48 | 7:35.31 | 280473 | 314628
10 | 69:55.04 | 5:00.65 | 314629 | 337193
11 | 74:55.69 | 3:34.67 | 337194 | 353310
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4001\Trancemaster 4001 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 8E1F258F
Copy CRC 8E1F258F
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8A37B283]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [019DC694]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [6A9F6371]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [567E7AB4]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [149FC3E4]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [40A4192F]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CF0CEA4D]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F15FEA57]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C9FB3804]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [AED00F9D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [590842BE]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 0BE24475900A329900F9ABCADDF5CFBC3BECFD5266C1B92781AC59D0E1654941 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 31. December 2010, 9:08
Various / Trancemaster 4001 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:56.04 | 0 | 35703
2 | 7:56.04 | 7:00.17 | 35704 | 67220
3 | 14:56.21 | 9:03.19 | 67221 | 107964
4 | 23:59.40 | 4:57.55 | 107965 | 130294
5 | 28:57.20 | 6:41.51 | 130295 | 160420
6 | 35:38.71 | 3:50.17 | 160421 | 177687
7 | 39:29.13 | 9:06.11 | 177688 | 218648
8 | 48:35.24 | 9:09.46 | 218649 | 259869
9 | 57:44.70 | 4:49.35 | 259870 | 281579
10 | 62:34.30 | 7:58.35 | 281580 | 317464
11 | 70:32.65 | 7:27.17 | 317465 | 351006
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4001\Trancemaster 4001 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.7 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 9B26451A
Copy CRC 9B26451A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [3BAA7472]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AD1B74C7]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [4E91255B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [BA2A6C3F]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B24E993E]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [74812591]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [9E721D95]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A3B0DAEF]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [E70E1646]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F1692859]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A5853AEA]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum F047AD01D64C909A958F16DF4189EAAC354822D809F0BAB84B473718F60504B2 ====
2004. VA - Trancemaster 4002 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4122-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Scott Bond vs Solar Stone - Naked Angel (Jussi Polet Rmx) [6:47]
02. J. - Breaking The Silence [7:19]
03. DJ Shog - Live 4 Music (Original) [7:40]
04. Agnelli & Nelson feat. Aureas - Holding Onto Nothing (Original Paul Van Dyk) [9:18]
05. OceanLab - Satellite (Original Above & Beyond) [6:57]
06. Sundawner - Krystal Dreams (Cosmic Man Remix) [6:48]
07. Albert Vorne - A Leaden Day (M.I.K.E. Rmx) [7:24]
08. Jezper - Monastery Hill (Original Version) [8:26]
09. Ryan G - Emoticon (Miika Kuisma Remix) [8:17]
10. Axel Coon - Lamenting City (Club Mix) [3:45]
11. Tiesto feat. BT - Loves Comes Again (Mark Norman Remix) [6:24]
Total Time: 79:05 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. 4Strings - Turn It Around (Extended Mix) [7:24]
02. Cosmic Gate - Tomorrow [3:47]
03. Ronski Speed - E.O.S. (Club Mix) [9:22]
04. Castaneda - Floor Control (Original Mix) [8:43]
05. Unknown Source - Cruentus (Original Mix) [6:55]
06. Jaron Inc. - Nothing To Lose (Airbase Mix) [7:58]
07. Woodshokk - Tulips & Chocolate (Original Mix) [7:42]
08. Tommie - Blue Sky [7:31]
09. Jushi - Indica [3:37]
10. Malte & Marc De Clarq pres. MMDC - No More Rain (Thomas Datt Mix) [8:51]
11. The Freak - Rising Angel (Original Mix) [7:41]
Total Time: 79:31 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 5:55
Various / Trancemaster 4002 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:47.16 | 0 | 30540
2 | 6:47.16 | 7:19.27 | 30541 | 63492
3 | 14:06.43 | 7:40.23 | 63493 | 98015
4 | 21:46.66 | 9:17.69 | 98016 | 139859
5 | 31:04.60 | 6:56.38 | 139860 | 171097
6 | 38:01.23 | 6:47.70 | 171098 | 201692
7 | 44:49.18 | 7:24.10 | 201693 | 235002
8 | 52:13.28 | 8:26.14 | 235003 | 272966
9 | 60:39.42 | 8:17.07 | 272967 | 310248
10 | 68:56.49 | 3:44.73 | 310249 | 327121
11 | 72:41.47 | 6:23.43 | 327122 | 355889
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4002\Trancemaster 4002 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 5619CE93
Copy CRC 5619CE93
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0F96AA9A]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [27DD10D9]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [31086D03]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BC70D0FA]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0C45BBCF]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [19AE0286]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [033BF05A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2CA5E892]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [43399D29]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [FE870806]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C94B779B]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 32E451E9A64E3F63C15EA220FFF344E198EEE3391967CB6076797BED36688D4A ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 6:24
Various / Trancemaster 4002 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:23.70 | 0 | 33294
2 | 7:23.70 | 3:47.06 | 33295 | 50325
3 | 11:11.01 | 9:22.27 | 50326 | 92502
4 | 20:33.28 | 8:42.64 | 92503 | 131716
5 | 29:16.17 | 6:55.23 | 131717 | 162864
6 | 36:11.40 | 7:57.57 | 162865 | 198696
7 | 44:09.22 | 7:42.07 | 198697 | 233353
8 | 51:51.29 | 7:30.70 | 233354 | 267173
9 | 59:22.24 | 3:37.06 | 267174 | 283454
10 | 62:59.30 | 8:50.48 | 283455 | 323252
11 | 71:50.03 | 7:41.12 | 323253 | 357839
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4002\Trancemaster 4002 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3F67C763
Copy CRC 3F67C763
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BA6D691C]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B36B3FD5]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E09A2F39]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3CD98674]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [073833DE]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3BD8F142]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7F481C3E]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6405381B]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6DB2E443]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [95732895]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [791FAC70]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 3FF63130330680AC68403FE5828058316E938AC913DE0936F6AF0423A23B79B2 ====
2004. VA - Trancemaster 4003 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4123-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. DJ Tiesto - Adagio For Strings [7:23]
02. Jose Amnesia - The Eternal (Nu NRG Remix) [7:40]
03. Svenson - Inside Outside [7:22]
04. Absolute - New Horizon [6:38]
05. Maharishi - Sonic Breeze [8:47]
06. Nu NRG - Free Fall [7:35]
07. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) [9:13]
08. JVD - From Russia With Love (Original Mix) [7:20]
09. Cyber X feat. J. Watley - Waves Of Love (Svenson & Gielen Mix) [6:28]
10. Van Der Karsten - C.R.Y. [3:46]
11. Sean Walsh - Time Lapse [7:00]
Total Time: 79:11 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Sensation - The Anthem 2004 [6:35]
02. Jezper Soderlund - Requiem [7:53]
03. Randy Katana - In Silence (Txitxarro Mix) [4:17]
04. Mike Koglin vs. DJ Uto - Yoake (Mike Koglin Remix) [8:02]
05. Oliver Prime - Radiance [10:28]
06. Magellan Project - Dive Theme [3:33]
07. Push - Imagine [7:37]
08. Jan Vayne - Heaven's Air (Fred Baker & Terry Bones Mix) [8:12]
09. M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight vs. Talla 2XLC - Beyond Earth (M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight Mix) [7:10]
10. Menno De Jong - Guanxi (Super8 Remix) [7:58]
11. Nu NRG - Eclisse [5:01]
Total Time: 76:47 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 4:52
Various / Trancemaster 4003 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:23.06 | 0 | 33230
2 | 7:23.06 | 7:40.01 | 33231 | 67731
3 | 15:03.07 | 7:22.15 | 67732 | 100896
4 | 22:25.22 | 6:37.55 | 100897 | 130726
5 | 29:03.02 | 8:46.69 | 130727 | 170245
6 | 37:49.71 | 7:34.50 | 170246 | 204345
7 | 45:24.46 | 9:13.20 | 204346 | 245840
8 | 54:37.66 | 7:19.54 | 245841 | 278819
9 | 61:57.45 | 6:28.02 | 278820 | 307921
10 | 68:25.47 | 3:45.71 | 307922 | 324867
11 | 72:11.43 | 6:59.47 | 324868 | 356339
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4003\Trancemaster 4003 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4D15C3F9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CB5F3382]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4971EA8D]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [789618CF]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8F6BDA3F]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [AADDEEA0]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [247CB011]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E6C416BB]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2A7EA1EE]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DE496276]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [74A968B0]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 142BE833854744D0CBD0DAD86D1300DD9CB14D8939C47AD9E3D17B18E593E49F ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 5:21
Various / Trancemaster 4003 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:35.29 | 0 | 29653
2 | 6:35.29 | 7:53.30 | 29654 | 65158
3 | 14:28.59 | 4:17.04 | 65159 | 84437
4 | 18:45.63 | 8:02.00 | 84438 | 120587
5 | 26:47.63 | 10:28.36 | 120588 | 167723
6 | 37:16.24 | 3:33.07 | 167724 | 183705
7 | 40:49.31 | 7:37.14 | 183706 | 217994
8 | 48:26.45 | 8:12.12 | 217995 | 254906
9 | 56:38.57 | 7:09.60 | 254907 | 287141
10 | 63:48.42 | 7:57.42 | 287142 | 322958
11 | 71:46.09 | 5:01.23 | 322959 | 345556
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4003\Trancemaster 4003 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 10BB4BA8
Copy CRC 10BB4BA8
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E9FCD4EE]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [885E97C7]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [139A1F49]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B3D09779]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1ED0A4FF]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [53A8B28E]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C204E0B6]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C1DB0C60]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [87324A51]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C0B69286]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [710155FC]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 64B0E390538458C5B6389C23155269BD807D26D11040C39D5616F773600E5EE9 ====
2004. VA - Trancemaster 4004 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4124-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Signum - The Timelord (Original Mix) [8:46]
02. Ferry Corsten - Sweet Sorrow (Thrillseekers Remix) [7:02]
03. Martin Roth & Frank Ellrich - The Orange Theme (Martin Roth Mix) [3:58]
04. Ayu - Naturally (Extended Instr. Mix) [7:54]
05. Endre - I Kill For You (Original Mix) [8:12]
06. The Thrillseekers - Newlife (Lange Mix) [9:09]
07. Van Eyden feat. Susanne Webb - The 1 (DJ Precision Somatic Sense Rmx) [7:18]
08. Jan Vayne - Pictures (Vincent De Moor Mix) [6:59]
09. Plutonic - Genesis (Light Speed Mix) [7:14]
10. Kindervater - FTP://013.07.974 (Original) [4:02]
11. Derb - Lost In Space [8:03]
Total Time: 78:37 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Cor Fijneman feat. Romy - Don't Break My Heart (Extended Club Mix) [7:36]
02. Monsun - Monsun (Original Mix) [8:05]
03. Subota - Cast Away (InFuntheria Mix) [8:07]
04. Fractal Structure - Lost Sequence (Original Mix) [7:44]
05. Primer - Everlast (Fire & Ice Remix) [7:58]
06. Final + Sylas - Classic Wave (Original) [7:33]
07. Signum - First Strike (Signum Signal 2004 Remake) [8:11]
08. Based! vs. Ace's Delight - Witness [6:46]
09. Blair Bitch - Doors Of Perception [5:49]
10. Tune Up! - Start The Game Again (Radio Edit) [3:18]
11. SFX - Makes It Different [7:00]
Total Time: 78:06 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 3:03
Various / Trancemaster 4004 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:45.73 | 0 | 39447
2 | 8:45.73 | 7:02.05 | 39448 | 71102
3 | 15:48.03 | 3:58.02 | 71103 | 88954
4 | 19:46.05 | 7:54.10 | 88955 | 124514
5 | 27:40.15 | 8:11.63 | 124515 | 161402
6 | 35:52.03 | 9:09.21 | 161403 | 202598
7 | 45:01.24 | 7:17.56 | 202599 | 235429
8 | 52:19.05 | 6:59.13 | 235430 | 266867
9 | 59:18.18 | 7:14.00 | 266868 | 299417
10 | 66:32.18 | 4:02.11 | 299418 | 317578
11 | 70:34.29 | 8:02.41 | 317579 | 353769
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4004\Trancemaster 4004 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [251923D7]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [66B269BC]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C16F52C0]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6AD7E486]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3D408734]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [DF75B2F2]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [80EA9265]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2FDDB005]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [352D79D0]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [43EB5BDE]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4B9034A3]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 177E2A1D169FC2DDC96EAC52F5ADC1D1DDFD9AFC4205DA1178EB0F2432C26010 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 4:08
Various / Trancemaster 4004 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:36.01 | 0 | 34200
2 | 7:36.01 | 8:05.24 | 34201 | 70599
3 | 15:41.25 | 8:07.18 | 70600 | 107142
4 | 23:48.43 | 7:43.48 | 107143 | 141915
5 | 31:32.16 | 7:57.54 | 141916 | 177744
6 | 39:29.70 | 7:32.73 | 177745 | 211717
7 | 47:02.68 | 8:11.28 | 211718 | 248570
8 | 55:14.21 | 6:46.27 | 248571 | 279047
9 | 62:00.48 | 5:48.44 | 279048 | 305191
10 | 67:49.17 | 3:17.54 | 305192 | 320020
11 | 71:06.71 | 6:59.38 | 320021 | 351483
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4004\Trancemaster 4004 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 887B04BB
Copy CRC 887B04BB
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1294D004]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [F4BDF37A]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FCD5848A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [96E273DF]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [87561462]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C3E700E9]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C35DCA12]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B805698E]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A983C260]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [BCAAEF77]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2013277B]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum EDEE6E8F7382F7D2EF866C7AAE8AF29C4EB314C9FA7726AA8CC15A64D90B1718 ====
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 258

lavteutas · 13-Мар-11 00:46 (спустя 2 мин., ред. 04-Май-11 14:42)

2005. VA - Trancemaster 4005 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4125-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. System F - Ignition, Sequence, Start (Original Extended Mix) [6:22]
02. Cygnific - Vires (Original Mix) [7:22]
03. DJ Tatana - Sunset Beach [7:00]
04. Hemstock & Jennings - The Passion (John O'Callaghan Remix) [7:59]
05. Ronald Van Gelderen - Cold Storage (Original Mix) [6:28]
06. Michael Woods - The 25th Hour [8:09]
07. Leon Bolier - Passionate (Original Mix) [8:39]
08. Sandler - Theme Song (Sandler Remix) [7:50]
09. M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight - Mirage (Original Mix) [7:47]
10. Dave 202 pres. Impaxx - Feel (Original Radio Cut) [3:37]
11. Marcos - Just For A Day (Original Mix) [7:39]
Total Time: 78:52 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Randy Katana - Fancy Fair 05 (Fancy Edit) [7:09]
02. Raster - Desdemonia (Vincent De Moor Original Mix) [8:16]
03. Absolute - Day Dream (Original Mix) [8:21]
04. Yves Deruyter - Born Slippy (Original Mix) [6:58]
05. RMB - April (Trance Mix) [7:47]
06. DJ Tatana - Silver Rain [7:19]
07. Soren Weile - Riot (Instrumental Mix) [6:32]
08. Human Evolution - Glide Slope [5:59]
09. Ron Van Den Beuken - Endless (4 Clubbers Remix) [6:30]
10. Pervading Call Two - No Time To Rest (Ace Da Brain Mix) [7:01]
11. Mike Koglin - The Silence (Matt Darey Tekara Remix) [7:03]
Total Time: 78:56 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 1:29
Various / Trancemaster 4005 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:22.17 | 0 | 28666
2 | 6:22.17 | 7:21.63 | 28667 | 61804
3 | 13:44.05 | 6:59.60 | 61805 | 93289
4 | 20:43.65 | 7:59.36 | 93290 | 129250
5 | 28:43.26 | 6:27.50 | 129251 | 158325
6 | 35:11.01 | 8:09.00 | 158326 | 195000
7 | 43:20.01 | 8:38.48 | 195001 | 233898
8 | 51:58.49 | 7:49.52 | 233899 | 269125
9 | 59:48.26 | 7:47.35 | 269126 | 304185
10 | 67:35.61 | 3:37.17 | 304186 | 320477
11 | 71:13.03 | 7:39.28 | 320478 | 354930
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4005\Trancemaster 4005 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC CD103256
Copy CRC CD103256
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [60596AA9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [080B6451]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E9D67BB8]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [900B9A87]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6855A111]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D822BF4C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6B540F2D]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [41288D7E]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7A6E04C6]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DC7C8D94]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D69AB4F5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 91489DB00FA1BBE5754FB8CA88617A20AE73633612139D60D7D3C7FD435EE3FE ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 2:03
Various / Trancemaster 4005 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:08.71 | 0 | 32170
2 | 7:08.71 | 8:16.08 | 32171 | 69378
3 | 15:25.04 | 8:21.10 | 69379 | 106963
4 | 23:46.14 | 6:57.72 | 106964 | 138310
5 | 30:44.11 | 7:47.05 | 138311 | 173340
6 | 38:31.16 | 7:19.20 | 173341 | 206285
7 | 45:50.36 | 6:31.68 | 206286 | 235678
8 | 52:22.29 | 5:59.14 | 235679 | 262617
9 | 58:21.43 | 6:30.34 | 262618 | 291901
10 | 64:52.02 | 7:00.69 | 291902 | 323470
11 | 71:52.71 | 7:03.14 | 323471 | 355209
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4005\Trancemaster 4005 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2E422B4A]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4AA9D99D]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9A439D38]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4FBCFF03]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A9414791]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [62858D20]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0746344C]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3E4D7239]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CD1BB609]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [69E4013F]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [020AA191]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum C5D4F6C4C18F351E96A97EF90C2B4CD566D3E7043F4980F76AAD7E5CC4410206 ====
2005. VA - Trancemaster 4006 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4126-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Faraway Project - Radiate (Mystery Islands Remix) [7:42]
02. Pulser - Cloudwalking 2005 [7:51]
03. Johan Gielen - Flash [7:09]
04. Art Of Trance - Mongoose (Tektonik Remix) [7:02]
05. Moogwai - Viola 2005 (Tektonik Rmx) [8:13]
06. Woddy Van Eyden - SI-N+R-JE [9:08]
07. DJ Tatana - Arabian Nights [6:47]
08. Active Sight - Adrenalin (Original Mix) [8:23]
09. DJ Melvin - Radio (Mac Zimms Remix) [7:16]
10. Savon - One Million Strings (Andy Jay Powell Mix) [6:59]
Total Time: 76:30 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Cosmic Gate feat. Jan Johnston - I Feel Wonderful [8:15]
02. Vegan - Primal Love (Original Mix) [8:15]
03. Mindhunters - Eat Dis [8:11]
04. Phoenixstar - The Example 60 (Original Mix) [7:43]
05. Josh Gabriel - Alive (Original Mix) [9:20]
06. East Coast - We Are United (Cream Team Remix) [7:00]
07. DJ Deraven - Picture Of My Life [7:02]
08. St. Tropez Caps - Like A Storm (DJ Peran Mix) [6:39]
09. Akkuria - A Russian Overture (Akkuria Dub) [5:59]
10. DJ Black vs 1-0-1 - What...?!? [3:33]
11. CJ Stone - Satisfy My Love (DJ Shog Rmx) [7:07]
Total Time: 79:04 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 0:36
Various / Trancemaster 4006 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:41.63 | 0 | 34637
2 | 7:41.63 | 7:50.45 | 34638 | 69932
3 | 15:32.33 | 7:09.07 | 69933 | 102114
4 | 22:41.40 | 7:02.18 | 102115 | 133782
5 | 29:43.58 | 8:13.05 | 133783 | 170762
6 | 37:56.63 | 9:08.18 | 170763 | 211880
7 | 47:05.06 | 6:47.18 | 211881 | 242423
8 | 53:52.24 | 8:22.56 | 242424 | 280129
9 | 62:15.05 | 7:15.59 | 280130 | 312813
10 | 69:30.64 | 6:59.02 | 312814 | 344240
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4006\Trancemaster 4006 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [56FE95BF]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8A4D6D43]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B61AE48F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8C55607F]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C25A4B20]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [087D62A2]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C702877E]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [65AE54C9]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [83A118C4]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F5E43ED9]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum B27685D9B7C76C1775A9982C3664BA228B60917408FAFE5FE3795019A3E0C402 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 30. December 2010, 1:02
Various / Trancemaster 4006 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:15.03 | 0 | 37127
2 | 8:15.03 | 8:15.36 | 37128 | 74288
3 | 16:30.39 | 8:10.56 | 74289 | 111094
4 | 24:41.20 | 7:42.61 | 111095 | 145805
5 | 32:24.06 | 9:19.39 | 145806 | 187769
6 | 41:43.45 | 7:00.30 | 187770 | 219299
7 | 48:44.00 | 7:01.73 | 219300 | 250947
8 | 55:45.73 | 6:38.63 | 250948 | 280860
9 | 62:24.61 | 5:59.30 | 280861 | 307815
10 | 68:24.16 | 3:32.53 | 307816 | 323768
11 | 71:56.69 | 7:07.20 | 323769 | 355813
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4006\Trancemaster 4006 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC FC775791
Copy CRC FC775791
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AA536A9C]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5967F6D0]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [574E4F5B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9C757883]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1691E2B4]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [511AB000]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [756665C9]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C0AA905B]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [06742F77]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3D088904]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4FB89938]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 297869F0C142FC43299A1932B9D2D46B0F9A3E53C5B680A6D3B15E4BDABA2EA8 ====
2005. VA - Trancemaster 4007 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4127-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Jose Amnesia vs. Fedo - I Need You (Dub Mix) [6:19]
02. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Dark Side Of The Moon (Viframa Remix) [8:23]
03. DJ Tatana - Electro Classic [6:21]
04. Brisky - Celestial (John O'Callaghan pres. Mannix Rmx) [7:31]
05. System F - Reaching Your Soul [7:04]
06. Will Holland pres. Holla - Melodica (Original Mix) [6:33]
07. Steve May - Blend Forty-3 (Luke Chable Rmx) [8:40]
08. Purple Haze - Adrenaline [8:03]
09. Fred Baker vs. Nyram - Confirmation [8:33]
10. Trance Brothers - Per Aspera Ad Astrum [4:19]
11. Nelka - Beautiful Dawn (DuMonde Dub Rmx) [6:32]
Total Time: 78:16 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. First & Andre - Widescreen (Original Mix) [8:54]
02. Dyyni - City of Moving Waters (Robert Gitelman Remix) [8:05]
03. Filo & Peri meet Mike Foyle - Luana (Original Mix) [8:01]
04. Dave 202 pres. The Aviator - Let You Go (Dave 202 Radio Mix) [3:41]
05. Ron Van Den Beuken - Sunset (Ron Van Den Beuken Remix) [8:42]
06. DJ Tatana - Flower Child [7:51]
07. M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight vs. Talla 2XLC - Unity (M.I.D.O.R. & Six4Eight Mix) [6:26]
08. Stoneface & Terminal - Sidewinder (Arc In The Sky Version) [4:13]
09. Lange pres. Firewall - Sincere (Smith & Pledger 2005 Remix) [6:37]
10. Marcos - Around In Circles (Part Two) [8:10]
11. Dave 202 pres. Powerface - Abyss (Original Mix) [8:10]
Total Time: 78:50 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 7:37
Various / Trancemaster 4007 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:18.45 | 0 | 28394
2 | 6:18.45 | 8:22.66 | 28395 | 66110
3 | 14:41.36 | 6:20.53 | 66111 | 94663
4 | 21:02.14 | 7:31.09 | 94664 | 128497
5 | 28:33.23 | 7:03.51 | 128498 | 160273
6 | 35:36.74 | 6:33.28 | 160274 | 189776
7 | 42:10.27 | 8:39.48 | 189777 | 228749
8 | 50:50.00 | 8:03.14 | 228750 | 264988
9 | 58:53.14 | 8:32.52 | 264989 | 303440
10 | 67:25.66 | 4:18.71 | 303441 | 322861
11 | 71:44.62 | 6:31.42 | 322862 | 352228
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4007\Trancemaster 4007 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC E557216E
Copy CRC E557216E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FD2C7CF7]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CDFD881A]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [DCB66079]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5A7D8A34]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [51C78D2A]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6EF9D942]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1BC74825]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6241ADA5]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [4F76A681]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0E9FBB7B]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [8B507368]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum C5CF43AFE404344BEF9BD1939DD8F604F7E196587951A90F8D5B7D149B715137 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 8:09
Various / Trancemaster 4007 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:53.52 | 0 | 40026
2 | 8:53.52 | 8:05.15 | 40027 | 76416
3 | 16:58.67 | 8:01.31 | 76417 | 112522
4 | 25:00.23 | 3:40.48 | 112523 | 129070
5 | 28:40.71 | 8:42.15 | 129071 | 168235
6 | 37:23.11 | 7:51.07 | 168236 | 203567
7 | 45:14.18 | 6:26.05 | 203568 | 232522
8 | 51:40.23 | 4:12.64 | 232523 | 251486
9 | 55:53.12 | 6:37.04 | 251487 | 281265
10 | 62:30.16 | 8:10.32 | 281266 | 318047
11 | 70:40.48 | 8:09.39 | 318048 | 354761
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4007\Trancemaster 4007 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D69FD016
Copy CRC D69FD016
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [DC9DE375]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [BC5DD337]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [271CE092]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [760A332C]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D9E1C42D]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1FF4F3EB]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [144429E2]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6824605C]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3501D049]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [090A18C9]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1D53BA25]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 47181AB69DFA0134A5A05125458622836DC92F6E2E710FCB49F946B6FFD16F7D ====
2005. VA - Trancemaster 4008 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4128-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. T4L - Moonwalk [8:04]
02. Armin Van Buuren feat. Gabriel & Dresden - Zocalo [8:12]
03. Deep Dish - Say Hello (Angello & Ingrosso Remix) [8:46]
04. DJ Ton T.B. - Static Bullet [8:11]
05. Stoneface & Terminal - Summerscape [4:29]
06. Genix - Red Vision (Karada Remix) [5:38]
07. Photon Decay - Aura (Original Mix) [7:28]
08. Kenny Hayes - Daybreaker (Airbase Remix) (Turbulence) [7:58]
09. Mike Foyle pres. Statica - For Your Eyes Only (Orkan Blushes Remix) [7:32]
10. Steve Baltes & Dyloot pres. Deep Voices - A New Beginning (Original Mix) [6:38]
11. Ace Da Brain - Trinity (Liquid Mix) [6:44]
Total Time: 79:38 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Rank 1 - Opus 17 [10:34]
02. Mark Thornton - N.Y.S. (Now You See) (Ross Assenheim Remix) [8:02]
03. Markus Schulz - First Time [7:18]
04. Halite - Extravagance [8:40]
05. T4L - Perfect Blind [7:33]
06. Sound Driller - Get Away (Dave 202 Mix) [5:54]
07. Pulser - Point Of Impact (Original Mix) [7:09]
08. G.D. - Pukaar (Original Mix) [6:00]
09. DJ Tab - Unforgiven [8:01]
10. Harry Lemon - Tiga (Harry's Triple T Mix) [8:56]
Total Time: 78:07 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 6:28
Various / Trancemaster 4008 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:04.04 | 0 | 36303
2 | 8:04.04 | 8:12.19 | 36304 | 73222
3 | 16:16.23 | 8:46.03 | 73223 | 112675
4 | 25:02.26 | 8:10.44 | 112676 | 149469
5 | 33:12.70 | 4:28.39 | 149470 | 169608
6 | 37:41.34 | 5:37.59 | 169609 | 194942
7 | 43:19.18 | 7:27.72 | 194943 | 228539
8 | 50:47.15 | 7:57.69 | 228540 | 264383
9 | 58:45.09 | 7:31.52 | 264384 | 298260
10 | 66:16.61 | 6:37.61 | 298261 | 328096
11 | 72:54.47 | 6:43.48 | 328097 | 358369
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4008\Trancemaster 4008 (CD1).wav
Peak level 94.4 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 5F459140
Copy CRC 5F459140
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [21A551B1]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D53B155B]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CCB96D1E]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [80A83DDC]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2790CD7A]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1120B064]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2E37BFD1]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A9734C9F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C2CCF280]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4BF36E56]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B38571B5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 01C123B517307524C77E102B83CAF7E95FD7DA92C9638AE9D93D96F6E4C1D11C ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 7:08
Various / Trancemaster 4008 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 10:34.17 | 0 | 47566
2 | 10:34.17 | 8:01.61 | 47567 | 83702
3 | 18:36.03 | 7:17.43 | 83703 | 116520
4 | 25:53.46 | 8:40.23 | 116521 | 155543
5 | 34:33.69 | 7:33.25 | 155544 | 189543
6 | 42:07.19 | 5:53.40 | 189544 | 216058
7 | 48:00.59 | 7:09.03 | 216059 | 248236
8 | 55:09.62 | 6:00.07 | 248237 | 275243
9 | 61:09.69 | 8:01.20 | 275244 | 311338
10 | 69:11.14 | 8:56.02 | 311339 | 351540
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4008\Trancemaster 4008 (CD2).wav
Peak level 94.4 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 9FF91854
Copy CRC 9FF91854
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A04B5474]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [EA70388A]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [38D6818B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [6164D3E9]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B56BED57]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FF8B67B9]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [881D2959]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [810D1B95]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1401BF11]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2FE97103]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 717F8408522FB1CE65EDFDB9088E93EF14FBB5F6CA42033F8091BC7B89E9A8EF ====
2005. VA - Trancemaster 4009 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4129-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Armas - Angels and Demons (Carl B Remix) [8:06]
02. Kuffdam Plant - Skyline (Original Mix) [8:17]
03. Oliver Prime - Shining [7:17]
04. Three Drives - Evolution [6:27]
05. Musikman (aka Marcos) - Day after Tomorrow (Original Mix) [7:04]
06. Stenna - Skyline (Original Mix) [6:30]
07. Phil Green & S.H.O.K.K. pres. 32 F - Frozen Memories (Van Gelder Remix) [6:07]
08. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Linking People [8:33]
09. Mike Koglin vs Jono Grant - Sequential (Original Mix) [8:07]
10. A300 - Close To The Crash [5:20]
11. Diver & Ace - It's Not Over Now (Sunstroke Mix) [6:47]
Total Time: 78:35 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. FB feat. Edun - Who's Knockin'? (Ferry Corsten Remix) [8:34]
02. Wippenberg - Air [7:07]
03. Milo.NL vs CJ Stone - Rush (CJ Stone Remix) [5:58]
04. Niklas Harding & Redshift - Pagoda (Leon Bolier Rmx) [7:37]
05. DJ Res - Hostess (X 900 Remix) [5:31]
06. DJ Fire - Himalaya [7:58]
07. Acues & Elitist - Zonderland (Carl B's In A Lonely Place Mix) [8:49]
08. Haylon - Starfighter (Haylon Remix) [7:33]
09. Oradea vs Solid Haze - Time For Change [3:30]
10. Out Now - Future Shock [7:42]
11. Trium Se - Con Spirito (Original Club Mix) [7:42]
Total Time: 78:01 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 5:06
Various / Trancemaster 4009 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:05.69 | 0 | 36443
2 | 8:05.69 | 8:16.55 | 36444 | 73698
3 | 16:22.49 | 7:16.74 | 73699 | 106472
4 | 23:39.48 | 6:27.34 | 106473 | 135531
5 | 30:07.07 | 7:04.16 | 135532 | 167347
6 | 37:11.23 | 6:29.55 | 167348 | 196577
7 | 43:41.03 | 6:06.72 | 196578 | 224099
8 | 49:48.00 | 8:33.02 | 224100 | 262576
9 | 58:21.02 | 8:07.16 | 262577 | 299117
10 | 66:28.18 | 5:20.12 | 299118 | 323129
11 | 71:48.30 | 6:46.68 | 323130 | 353647
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4009\Trancemaster 4009 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 8B49D59D
Copy CRC 8B49D59D
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [54133B04]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0B6914D0]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [FFF66CAC]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B543D391]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [35861590]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [93F0C0FE]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [707CE279]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [740C5A5C]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F890FC77]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6B265698]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1E3B3FB5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 6887F49FF309643A8AC9687B4D0CF13289DE2415072E0436DC3D3B213299A9BF ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 5:33
Various / Trancemaster 4009 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:33.52 | 0 | 38526
2 | 8:33.52 | 7:06.62 | 38527 | 70538
3 | 15:40.39 | 5:57.67 | 70539 | 97380
4 | 21:38.31 | 7:37.33 | 97381 | 131688
5 | 29:15.64 | 5:31.06 | 131689 | 156519
6 | 34:46.70 | 7:57.45 | 156520 | 192339
7 | 42:44.40 | 8:48.59 | 192340 | 231998
8 | 51:33.24 | 7:33.11 | 231999 | 265984
9 | 59:06.35 | 3:30.14 | 265985 | 281748
10 | 62:36.49 | 7:42.28 | 281749 | 316426
11 | 70:19.02 | 7:41.74 | 316427 | 351075
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 4009\Trancemaster 4009 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F664540B
Copy CRC F664540B
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5B88EA9A]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B4D211F9]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [67312941]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7B135A8E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DADB167A]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0D732D2C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C6100BC2]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7D5015AA]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [19F4C7F4]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CC72D5E7]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D4E485A9]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 992C9BADD6A91FB88EF816F42D64A67706248643936ACCEE6D56F7DD81A42152 ====
2006. VA - Trancemaster 5000 (3CD Jubilee Box-Set)
Catalog#: 302 4130-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Second Sun - Playground (Original Mix) [8:47]
02. M.I.K.E. - Strange World (M.I.K.E.'s 2006 Rework) [8:29]
03. Pervading Call Two - On My Mind (Ace Da Brain Mix) [3:46]
04. Dogzilla - Without You [8:11]
05. Ferry Corsten - Star Traveller (Hydroid VS. Zehavi & Rand Remix) [7:31]
06. Brian Cross - 4U (O.R.G.A.N. Mix) [9:22]
07. Szeifert vs. Krash - Emotion [3:59]
08. Housetrap - Easy Trigger (M.I.K.E. Remix) [7:03]
09. Frame - Democrazy (Original Mix) [7:02]
10. Marcel Woods - Advanced (Original Mix) [7:19]
11. Drax & Scott Mac - Must Have Been A Dream (Mac Zimms Trance Remix) [8:10]
Total Time: 79:39 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Jose Amnesia feat. Linn - Closer (Vocal Club Mix) [7:23]
02. Absolute - X-Factor [7:55]
03. Duende - Ilimitado (Stoneface & Terminal Mix) [7:05]
04. Inbox - Sound Of Silence [8:35]
05. Stefan Cambridge - Blue Moon (Brisky Remix) [7:12]
06. Drax & Scott Mac - Must Have Been A Dream (Original Mix) [8:01]
07. 7 Air - Outland [7:40]
08. Phalanx - Symphony In Gminor (Deja Vu Remix) [6:40]
09. Odyssee - 2Morrow [8:47]
10. Alex Van Roezel - I Miss You (Para X Club Mix) [8:12]
Total Time: 77:29 min.
Tracklist CD3:
01. First State - Sacred [8:33]
02. Purple Haze - Eden [7:41]
03. Sunny Lax - P.U.M.A. [8:56]
04. DJ Spoke pres. Solar Corp - An Afternoon In Heaven (Original Mix) [6:58]
05. Versluis & Sande - Basic Movement [6:59]
06. Minddrive - Around You [8:51]
07. Deep Voices - Alone Again (Original Mix) [7:12]
08. Lost Witness vs. Sassot - The Waiting Game (Trance Is Love) (Original Dub) [8:08]
09. Corydalics - After Sun (Moonforce Remix) [7:52]
10. Yves Deruyter - Infinity [8:24]
Total Time: 79:35 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 11:09
Various / Trancemaster 5000 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:46.70 | 0 | 39519
2 | 8:46.70 | 8:29.16 | 39520 | 77710
3 | 17:16.11 | 3:46.35 | 77711 | 94695
4 | 21:02.46 | 8:11.29 | 94696 | 131549
5 | 29:14.00 | 7:30.46 | 131550 | 165345
6 | 36:44.46 | 9:22.07 | 165346 | 207502
7 | 46:06.53 | 3:58.49 | 207503 | 225401
8 | 50:05.27 | 7:03.06 | 225402 | 257132
9 | 57:08.33 | 7:01.70 | 257133 | 288777
10 | 64:10.28 | 7:18.63 | 288778 | 321690
11 | 71:29.16 | 8:09.60 | 321691 | 358425
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5000\Trancemaster 5000 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 443CD79E
Copy CRC 443CD79E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [389DE8B6]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B6B839E6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3C3384B5]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [95AC2E23]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [B3C688C9]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A273C6D7]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9302DB20]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [471982AB]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [FFB73F83]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C29B755C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [47737909]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 493B86E372A3690FF81A66C76B883FEBB40CAA2D7602B497D236798846E49215 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 11:47
Various / Trancemaster 5000 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:22.61 | 0 | 33210
2 | 7:22.61 | 7:54.69 | 33211 | 68829
3 | 15:17.55 | 7:05.30 | 68830 | 100734
4 | 22:23.10 | 8:35.00 | 100735 | 139359
5 | 30:58.10 | 7:11.39 | 139360 | 171723
6 | 38:09.49 | 8:00.40 | 171724 | 207763
7 | 46:10.14 | 7:40.35 | 207764 | 242298
8 | 53:50.49 | 6:40.10 | 242299 | 272308
9 | 60:30.59 | 8:46.46 | 272309 | 311804
10 | 69:17.30 | 8:11.45 | 311805 | 348674
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5000\Trancemaster 5000 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 249A2E2E
Copy CRC 249A2E2E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B0E2F970]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C57531DB]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [8BC523DA]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [08EB06B9]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [2CC3C577]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C0B631CE]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B72430D7]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F696BEAE]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [99CA5BB3]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [298AC34A]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum E27AFD8145D37A651A7FFB3CCFDE8402DFCD91E48DD19805259A8912011DE17F ====
Лог EAC: CD3
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 13:49
Various / Trancemaster 5000 (CD3)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:32.45 | 0 | 38444
2 | 8:32.45 | 7:41.28 | 38445 | 73047
3 | 16:13.73 | 8:55.66 | 73048 | 113238
4 | 25:09.64 | 6:57.41 | 113239 | 144554
5 | 32:07.30 | 6:59.02 | 144555 | 175981
6 | 39:06.32 | 8:51.28 | 175982 | 215834
7 | 47:57.60 | 7:12.22 | 215835 | 248256
8 | 55:10.07 | 8:07.73 | 248257 | 284854
9 | 63:18.05 | 7:52.21 | 284855 | 320275
10 | 71:10.26 | 8:24.24 | 320276 | 358099
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5000\Trancemaster 5000 (CD3).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 290CB91E
Copy CRC 290CB91E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E52E35CF]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [97F9DC64]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [9467ACA4]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D83191B4]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B7924FDE]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [EA8321AB]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [BB2CEAB9]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E11607E7]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0B79AB6D]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7EB6BDA7]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A58083DE28FE3BC4103AF1AD1C3DFB83079F1CAF1642FC47063C05785D67F347 ====
2006. VA - Trancemaster 5001 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4131-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Simon Patterson - F16 (Original Mix) [8:47]
02. Sector 7 - Inside Of Me (Andrew Bennett Remix) [8:38]
03. Super8 vs Tab - Helsinki Scorchin' (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [8:32]
04. Mario Hammer - Deep Blue Ocean [8:16]
05. Haris Christodoulou - Room With A View (Kuffdam & Plant Remix) [7:10]
06. 4 Strings - Hurricane (DJ 4 Strings Mix) [7:03]
07. Tha Aviator - Moonnight (Dave 202 Mix) [7:15]
08. Progression - Red Alert [9:10]
09. Trance Brothers - Thunder & Sunlight [7:47]
10. Lume - Lume (Original Mix) [8:02]
Total Time: 80:38 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Kuffdam & Plant - Dream Makers (Original) [8:46]
02. J K Walker - Line Of Sight [7:31]
03. Macro V - False Light (DJ Ton T.B. Remix) [6:48]
04. Alex Stealthy - Everything Is Nothing [6:09]
05. Jose Amnesia vs Shawn Mitiska - My All (Flash Brothers Remix) [8:41]
06. Falkon + Fairlite - Moonfish (Peter Dafnous Remix) [9:35]
07. Out Of The Past - Mystery (Fred Baker vs Vincent Gorczak Remix) [8:44]
08. Scott & Hitch - 4 Hearts (Club Mix) [6:56]
09. Super F - Las Canela (Teutwist Remix) [4:08]
10. Mike Foyle pres. Statica vs Signalrunners - Space Theme Dusk (Mike's Mashup Mix) [6:59]
11. Denga & Manus - Shadowsong (Volition Spellforce Mix) [7:12]
Total Time: 81:29 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 3:20
Various / Trancemaster 5001 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:46.46 | 0 | 39495
2 | 8:46.46 | 8:37.43 | 39496 | 78313
3 | 17:24.14 | 8:31.71 | 78314 | 116709
4 | 25:56.10 | 8:15.64 | 116710 | 153898
5 | 34:11.74 | 7:09.70 | 153899 | 186143
6 | 41:21.69 | 7:02.40 | 186144 | 217833
7 | 48:24.34 | 7:15.34 | 217834 | 250492
8 | 55:39.68 | 9:10.11 | 250493 | 291753
9 | 64:50.04 | 7:46.46 | 291754 | 326749
10 | 72:36.50 | 8:01.42 | 326750 | 362866
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5001\Trancemaster 5001 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D5056DA9
Copy CRC D5056DA9
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [95DBEC61]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C9799D4D]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [D7509EE7]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A86368DA]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [ECAE5915]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [BDA934A3]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [45F5C397]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A83C204A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [71B3CBA6]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F911D2A9]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 6AD7FF9A155296D52E96C09DA40EEE4659E6D1C6B7DA52CDC4774DA4B927558C ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 4:36
Various / Trancemaster 5001 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:46.01 | 0 | 39450
2 | 8:46.01 | 7:31.20 | 39451 | 73295
3 | 16:17.21 | 6:48.29 | 73296 | 103924
4 | 23:05.50 | 6:09.08 | 103925 | 131607
5 | 29:14.58 | 8:41.21 | 131608 | 170703
6 | 37:56.04 | 9:35.11 | 170704 | 213839
7 | 47:31.15 | 8:43.38 | 213840 | 253102
8 | 56:14.53 | 6:56.11 | 253103 | 284313
9 | 63:10.64 | 4:07.56 | 284314 | 302894
10 | 67:18.45 | 6:58.55 | 302895 | 334299
11 | 74:17.25 | 7:11.54 | 334300 | 366678
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5001\Trancemaster 5001 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 5E0E9332
Copy CRC 5E0E9332
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [FD6CF2D5]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A225B2A3]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [8F4A7352]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [9B12D450]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [EBFC4730]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [E6641401]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [EACD7734]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F34A20C4]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [50BC0889]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [763ABDF9]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [AD6B2763]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 2DDCB95777A28C7641660905F60EEC92408F0AC222D0726F88CA5ADA93FA8DF0 ====
2006. VA - Trancemaster 5002 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4132-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Adam White & Anthony Dean - Out Of Knowwhere (Michael Parsberg & Michael Splint Remix) [6:53]
02. Armin Van Buuren feat. Justina Suissa - Simple Things (Original Mix) [7:06]
03. Apex - Virtuoso (Factoria Vocal Mix) [6:43]
04. Elude - Purgatory (Luke Terry's 2006 Mix) [7:23]
05. Syndica - Orange Sky [8:16]
06. Zehavi & Rand vs. Hydroid - Carpe Diem [8:51]
07. X-Calator - Another Moonlight [7:10]
08. Deep Voices - Imagenetic (Mac Zimms Remix) [6:03]
09. Fire & Ice - Lost Emotions (Bryan Kearney Remix) [6:34]
10. Evasive - Rae Of Sun [8:13]
11. Sunlounger - White Sand (DJ Shah's Original Mix) [7:58]
Total Time: 81:10 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly Bancroft - Tracking Treasure Down (Gabriel & Dresden Club Mix) [10:16]
02. Fred Baker - Forever Friends (Sensation Anthem 2006) [8:46]
03. Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill - Close Your Eyes (Vocal Mix) [8:07]
04. Hydroid pres. Phyn - Shattered Skies [6:18]
05. Alexey Selin - White Crystal (Original Mix) [7:13]
06. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Through Your Eyes [7:23]
07. Narthex - Bully (Parc Remix) [6:35]
08. Kenneth Thomas feat. Coleen Riley - Ghost In The Machine (Abbott & Chambers Remix) [7:48]
09. M.I.K.E. - The Perfect Blend [7:48]
10. Sunquest - Starburst [7:28]
11. Zehavi & Rand - Paroxetine (Hydroid's ''Just Chillin''' Mix) [4:14]
Total Time: 81:56 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 27. December 2010, 19:02
Various / Trancemaster 5002 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:53.26 | 0 | 31000
2 | 6:53.26 | 7:06.14 | 31001 | 62964
3 | 13:59.40 | 6:43.00 | 62965 | 93189
4 | 20:42.40 | 7:23.04 | 93190 | 126418
5 | 28:05.44 | 8:15.43 | 126419 | 163586
6 | 36:21.12 | 8:50.51 | 163587 | 203387
7 | 45:11.63 | 7:09.45 | 203388 | 235607
8 | 52:21.33 | 6:03.12 | 235608 | 262844
9 | 58:24.45 | 6:34.20 | 262845 | 292414
10 | 64:58.65 | 8:13.14 | 292415 | 329403
11 | 73:12.04 | 7:58.24 | 329404 | 365277
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5002\Trancemaster 5002 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 4D46374E
Copy CRC 4D46374E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [48C44DB8]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C8DD5435]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9B27B5FB]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4BA50605]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DC21A32B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B57B32E6]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8BC02DED]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [697C3CFD]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [EB1BA62A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A29CBA61]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [85E7D1EB]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum FD7F64FD46F97D3AC6CEF9DAD4D36407ED030347D4233892012148C357A9F029 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 29. December 2010, 2:20
Various / Trancemaster 5002 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 10:16.19 | 0 | 46218
2 | 10:16.19 | 8:46.11 | 46219 | 85679
3 | 19:02.30 | 8:07.26 | 85680 | 122230
4 | 27:09.56 | 6:17.56 | 122231 | 150561
5 | 33:27.37 | 7:13.03 | 150562 | 183039
6 | 40:40.40 | 7:23.02 | 183040 | 216266
7 | 48:03.42 | 6:34.60 | 216267 | 245876
8 | 54:38.27 | 7:48.30 | 245877 | 281006
9 | 62:26.57 | 7:47.55 | 281007 | 316086
10 | 70:14.37 | 7:27.44 | 316087 | 349655
11 | 77:42.06 | 4:14.14 | 349656 | 368719
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5002\Trancemaster 5002 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 9A0F0F2F
Copy CRC 9A0F0F2F
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DA751703]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B712D073]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4B76A100]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [23897FE2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E24D7506]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [089F77BA]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [43AD8B23]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [767A28A7]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [49AD002A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2DF2A509]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DE078A36]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 8DD73ACFD9FBF399CCA20C0921420857D8B8BE8EE0E59B5617A80C9188792336 ====
2006. VA - Trancemaster 5003 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4133-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Misja Helsloot - L-One (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [7:36]
02. Tillmann Uhrmacher - The Pride In Your Eyes (Om Nama Shiva) (Tillmann's Midnight Extended Club Mix) [9:59]
03. Johan Gielen - Magnitude [6:59]
04. Descent - Lost Feeling [5:42]
05. Nitrous Oxide - Frozen Dreams [7:56]
06. Daniel Kandi - Breathe (Sunny Lax Remix) [8:08]
07. Motionchild feat. Armenian Sun - Godsend (Benya Remix) [8:41]
08. DJ Atmospherik - Straight Flush (4 Strings Remix) [5:46]
09. Northern Comfort - Don't Look Back (Genix Trance Remix) [8:13]
10. Miguel Sassot - Empty (Original Sassot Mix) [8:37]
11. Andre Visior - Skyline (Arizona Remix) [3:36]
Total Time: 81:13 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. T4L - Anno Domini [7:14]
02. Activa - Airflow (Original Mix) [7:06]
03. Icone - Invisible (Original Mix) [7:55]
04. Sean Tyas - Remember (Original Mix) [7:55]
05. 4Fach Zoom - Pixel One (DJ Sequence Remix) [6:54]
06. Fred Baker vs. Greg Nash - Solar Eclipse [6:06]
07. Falkon & Nebula feat. Sasja - So Lost (Under Sun Remix) [5:53]
08. Cellec vs. Ersa - Fridays (Sunny Lax Remix) [7:30]
09. Sean Tyas - Lift (Original Mix) [8:25]
10. Smith & Pledger - Black [7:45]
11. Nu NRG - Kosmosy [8:16]
Total Time: 80:59 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 27. December 2010, 10:12
Various / Trancemaster 5003 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:35.64 | 0 | 34188
2 | 7:35.64 | 9:59.20 | 34189 | 79133
3 | 17:35.09 | 6:59.00 | 79134 | 110558
4 | 24:34.09 | 5:42.11 | 110559 | 136219
5 | 30:16.20 | 7:55.72 | 136220 | 171916
6 | 38:12.17 | 8:08.30 | 171917 | 208546
7 | 46:20.47 | 8:41.03 | 208547 | 247624
8 | 55:01.50 | 5:45.45 | 247625 | 273544
9 | 60:47.20 | 8:12.58 | 273545 | 310502
10 | 69:00.03 | 8:37.27 | 310503 | 349304
11 | 77:37.30 | 3:35.38 | 349305 | 365467
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5003\Trancemaster 5003 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.8 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D7BB8497
Copy CRC D7BB8497
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0D3EAE49]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6418C941]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [EA6AB43E]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5294A9EA]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [26606044]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [13F30485]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9A975EAE]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [BB00E9E4]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9F8C9604]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C9C3FBCE]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7A10AC9D]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum ECE726C13F20B9049F384DCC3263BCB58E32F3B93F89944072B0403D147F9716 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 27. December 2010, 11:04
Various / Trancemaster 5003 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:13.73 | 0 | 32547
2 | 7:13.73 | 7:06.16 | 32548 | 64513
3 | 14:20.14 | 7:54.63 | 64514 | 100126
4 | 22:15.02 | 7:55.10 | 100127 | 135761
5 | 30:10.12 | 6:53.53 | 135762 | 166789
6 | 37:03.65 | 6:06.25 | 166790 | 194264
7 | 43:10.15 | 5:53.05 | 194265 | 220744
8 | 49:03.20 | 7:30.16 | 220745 | 254510
9 | 56:33.36 | 8:25.00 | 254511 | 292385
10 | 64:58.36 | 7:44.41 | 292386 | 327226
11 | 72:43.02 | 8:15.72 | 327227 | 364423
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5003\Trancemaster 5003 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.5 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C71F8E49]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A55545B4]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [23713D41]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [14695379]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A012625B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [78B292DF]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [0480CD5A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [BD1D4EA6]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [91BF45EE]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D0A5A910]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C3BA4CE0]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 2AC783BF92F9046A15515AC41172CC348EDD3AF7290271632123AA72CEF79545 ====
2006. VA - Trancemaster 5004 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4134-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Kuffdam & Plant feat. Terry Ferminal - The Ones We loved (Dogzilla Mix) [9:41]
02. David Forbes & Mallorca Lee - 92 Elements (Misja Helsloot pres. Traction Control Remix) [8:36]
03. Marco V - Any Better, Or? [7:11]
04. Cosmic Gate feat. Wippenberg - Guess Who? [6:36]
05. Emjay - Real High (Jay's AK47 Mix) [7:26]
06. Bobina - Go Get Vodka [6:49]
07. Stefan Cambridge - Enya (Mystery Islands Remix) [8:15]
08. Senses feat. RTM - Alegra [7:49]
09. Steve Birch - Balearic Bay (Club Mix) [8:33]
10. Micah - Mnemosyne (Original Mix) [8:06]
Total Time: 79:02 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Paul Mendez & Zero3 - Gravity [7:53]
02. Activa pres. Force One - Reflection (Original Mix) [7:59]
03. Spirit & Dave - Afterglow [8:04]
04. Joey - Divinitus [4:28]
05. Brisky & Coleman - Heaven's Tears (Firestorm Remix) [8:06]
06. Solar Movement - Under The Sun [7:35]
07. Peter Dubs - Cubu (Steve Allen Rework) [6:48]
08. Der Mystik - Technological Sky (Original) [8:46]
09. Absolute - Now & Ever (Main Mix) [7:54]
10. Airbase - Sinister [8:05]
11. Nomen Nescio - Double 01 (Van Gelder Remix) [6:01]
Total Time: 81:41 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 27. December 2010, 5:02
Various / Trancemaster 5004 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 9:41.00 | 0 | 43574
2 | 9:41.00 | 8:36.37 | 43575 | 82311
3 | 18:17.37 | 7:11.12 | 82312 | 114648
4 | 25:28.49 | 6:35.58 | 114649 | 144331
5 | 32:04.32 | 7:25.65 | 144332 | 177771
6 | 39:30.22 | 6:49.33 | 177772 | 208479
7 | 46:19.55 | 8:14.58 | 208480 | 245587
8 | 54:34.38 | 7:48.56 | 245588 | 280743
9 | 62:23.19 | 8:32.41 | 280744 | 319184
10 | 70:55.60 | 8:06.28 | 319185 | 355662
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5004\Trancemaster 5004 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D4A29AC0
Copy CRC D4A29AC0
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8F06138B]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4360653C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DFA003E6]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4C1BB313]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [00545B69]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [11CC9F0E]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [74F63450]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9A1DF594]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BA236F85]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [14D679A2]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 95576120C6E7662ABF24B77A70B0D53BB501996666F7857DB20D6B908D100179 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 27. December 2010, 6:11
Various / Trancemaster 5004 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:53.35 | 0 | 35509
2 | 7:53.35 | 7:59.18 | 35510 | 71452
3 | 15:52.53 | 8:04.30 | 71453 | 107782
4 | 23:57.08 | 4:28.27 | 107783 | 127909
5 | 28:25.35 | 8:06.14 | 127910 | 164373
6 | 36:31.49 | 7:34.55 | 164374 | 198478
7 | 44:06.29 | 6:48.05 | 198479 | 229083
8 | 50:54.34 | 8:45.66 | 229084 | 268524
9 | 59:40.25 | 7:54.18 | 268525 | 304092
10 | 67:34.43 | 8:05.34 | 304093 | 340501
11 | 75:40.02 | 6:00.44 | 340502 | 367545
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5004\Trancemaster 5004 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC D98444E3
Copy CRC D98444E3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [24C3A067]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [422971B2]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C5858A83]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D2CE1B3B]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9E5C25A7]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [881C8C38]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5D2CD915]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [48AA8104]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0C64A541]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F13AE79A]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6F1E03C5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 77771C9445DA539D993185F1C273F37737761A12656FE72A3FD6B93BDB849B56 ====
2007. VA - Trancemaster 5005 (3CD Jubilee Box-Set)
Catalog#: 302 4135-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Carl B - Social Suicide (Original Mix) [7:51]
02. DT8 Project - Breathe (Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Woody Van Eyden Remix) [6:31]
03. Signum - Harmonic [7:56]
04. Paul Mendez & Zero3 - Exotica (Paul Mendez Red Hot Remix) [6:51]
05. Deep Voices - 26 Hours [7:11]
06. JPL - Mirakel (Original Mix) [8:31]
07. Steve Allen - Lost Control (Manuel Le Saux Remix) [6:27]
08. Mannix vs. Kaymak - World Gone Mad (Dan Stone Remix) [6:48]
09. TGL vs. Elements - Palermo Stone (Original Mix) [8:11]
10. Joshua Cunningham - Synergy [8:19]
11. Fictivison vs. C-Quence - Symbols (Kimito Lopez Remix) [6:49]
Total Time: 81:24 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Nitrious Oxide pres. Redmoon - Cumulus (Original) [8:39]
02. Mark Eteson - Atlantic (Original) [8:23]
03. Lost World - A Life Elsewhere (Martin Roth Psy Remix) [9:44]
04. Renovatio - High Definition (Digital Nature Mix) [8:04]
05. DT8 Project - Tomorrow Never Comes [9:21]
06. Northern Project - Euclidean Axiom [8:16]
07. Plastic Angel - Call The Galaxy Taxi (Martin Roth's Nu-Style Mix) [7:35]
08. Trevor McLachlan - Compromize [6:56]
09. Ali Wilson & DMF - Emanation [7:27]
10. Evgeny Bardyuzha - Aquilon (Original Mix) [6:26]
Total Time: 80:51 min.
Tracklist CD3:
01. Sly One - House Of Muzik (Ian Betts Remix) [6:52]
02. Icone meets Static Blue - The Fall (Matti Kotala Remix) [7:54]
03. Kamil Polner - Soul Cure (Original Mix) [7:41]
04. Northern Project - Touched By An Angel [6:31]
05. Wolf - Prophecy (Se.Ra.Phic Remix) [7:46]
06. Mystery Islands & Stefan Cambridge pres. Chapter G8 - State Of Mind [7:04]
07. Carl B - Cursed [7:41]
08. Myth - Sjamaan [8:29]
09. Lange vs. Gareth Emery - Another You, Another Me (Original Mix) [7:06]
10. Alex Bartlett - Amnesia 2006 (Martin Roth Remix) [7:03]
11. Planisphere - Nothing's Slave [6:50]
Total Time: 80:58 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 17:33
Various / Trancemaster 5005 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:51.12 | 0 | 35336
2 | 7:51.12 | 6:31.09 | 35337 | 64670
3 | 14:22.21 | 7:55.60 | 64671 | 100355
4 | 22:18.06 | 6:50.56 | 100356 | 131161
5 | 29:08.62 | 7:11.01 | 131162 | 163487
6 | 36:19.63 | 8:30.55 | 163488 | 201792
7 | 44:50.43 | 6:26.47 | 201793 | 230789
8 | 51:17.15 | 6:47.72 | 230790 | 261386
9 | 58:05.12 | 8:11.30 | 261387 | 298241
10 | 66:16.42 | 8:18.66 | 298242 | 335657
11 | 74:35.33 | 6:48.58 | 335658 | 366315
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5005\Trancemaster 5005 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 547B9207
Copy CRC 547B9207
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [0EA23DE0]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B0C22572]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [73D72E44]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [46BC8177]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [E55B3345]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [27C8DD93]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [77B5CBB9]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [5D1AD9B8]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [0E4A848A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [AC8BF672]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [19133552]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum BAAF30CCB8841E34AE54D8DECDA651911387FC83923F149E7B17FA60EB5FE36A ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 18:25
Various / Trancemaster 5005 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:38.46 | 0 | 38895
2 | 8:38.46 | 8:23.36 | 38896 | 76656
3 | 17:02.07 | 9:43.49 | 76657 | 120430
4 | 26:45.56 | 8:03.48 | 120431 | 156703
5 | 34:49.29 | 9:21.09 | 156704 | 198787
6 | 44:10.38 | 8:15.63 | 198788 | 235975
7 | 52:26.26 | 7:35.11 | 235976 | 270111
8 | 60:01.37 | 6:55.63 | 270112 | 301299
9 | 66:57.25 | 7:27.16 | 301300 | 334840
10 | 74:24.41 | 6:25.72 | 334841 | 363787
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5005\Trancemaster 5005 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 00753DCA
Copy CRC 00753DCA
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [88E7BF48]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [6ED67BED]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [E1451F98]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [00382F74]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B8C13FFB]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [69EFDD30]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [27D35A5E]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B5B7D747]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [8CA0AD0A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [4FFA1E34]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 05E2BF93B1E4D7F7DDF7437EAA3D557AB90A24EAB52060240C7C06CCD136E5B5 ====
Лог EAC: CD3
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 19:07
Various / Trancemaster 5005 (CD3)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:52.22 | 0 | 30921
2 | 6:52.22 | 7:54.15 | 30922 | 66486
3 | 14:46.37 | 7:40.71 | 66487 | 101057
4 | 22:27.33 | 6:31.27 | 101058 | 130409
5 | 28:58.60 | 7:45.51 | 130410 | 165335
6 | 36:44.36 | 7:04.18 | 165336 | 197153
7 | 43:48.54 | 7:40.72 | 197154 | 231725
8 | 51:29.51 | 8:28.65 | 231726 | 269890
9 | 59:58.41 | 7:06.37 | 269891 | 301877
10 | 67:05.03 | 7:03.07 | 301878 | 333609
11 | 74:08.10 | 6:49.41 | 333610 | 364325
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5005\Trancemaster 5005 (CD3).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 9E4A0CB2
Copy CRC 9E4A0CB2
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6D38ACF4]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [916B51AE]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [0E1B21E0]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [E1830341]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [45BFE9C5]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [9EA28256]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [EADE8AC7]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C78778F3]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [5247E596]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [23B71382]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D79E373D]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 383B3F416FA954751D215669F4A07D1E11E5D784EDBFF64C24018DEE924945CA ====
2007. VA - Trancemaster 5006 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4156-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Aly & Fila pres. A & F Project - ANKH (Breath Of Life) (Original Mix) [8:01]
02. DJ Eco - Light At The End (Lost World Remix) (Martin Roth Edit) [6:29]
03. Mike Koglin vs. Seventh Heaven feat. Anita Kelsey - Calling You [7:34]
04. FKN feat. Jahala - Why (Aly & Fila Mix) [7:32]
05. Miika Kuisma - One Morning By The Riverside [9:20]
06. Jamaster A - Bells Of Tiananmen (Airbase Remix) [8:50]
07. Luke Terry pres. Akemi - When It All Falls Apart (Original Mix) [9:28]
08. Oceanic Air 815 - The Others [4:55]
09. Thomas Bronzwaer - Constellation (John O'Callaghan Mix) [7:28]
10. Steve Allen pres. Arca - First Impression (Original Mix) [9:52]
Total Time: 79:29 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. M.I.K.E. - Changes R Good (Maintro Mix) [6:59]
02. DJ Tiesto feat. Christian Burns - In The Dark (DJ Tiesto's Trance Mix) [8:24]
03. Robert Nickson - Motion Blur [8:18]
04. Paul Vinitsky - Irony (Tsykhra Remix) [7:57]
05. Mr. Sam feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw - Split (T4L Remix) [7:18]
06. Kuffdam & Plant - Maziko (Original Mix) [9:35]
07. Miika Kuisma - One Step Behind Mankind [8:05]
08. Saint Rush pres. Ishido - Atlantica (Original Mix) [9:57]
09. Miikka Leinonen pres. Lush - Discover Me [8:32]
10. Solar Force - Strange Days [6:16]
Total Time: 81:21 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 5:27
Various / Trancemaster 5006 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:00.65 | 0 | 36064
2 | 8:00.65 | 6:29.15 | 36065 | 65254
3 | 14:30.05 | 7:33.52 | 65255 | 99281
4 | 22:03.57 | 7:31.46 | 99282 | 133152
5 | 29:35.28 | 9:20.35 | 133153 | 175187
6 | 38:55.63 | 8:50.07 | 175188 | 214944
7 | 47:45.70 | 9:27.65 | 214945 | 257534
8 | 57:13.60 | 4:55.13 | 257535 | 279672
9 | 62:08.73 | 7:28.14 | 279673 | 313286
10 | 69:37.12 | 9:51.71 | 313287 | 357682
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5006\Trancemaster 5006 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.8 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 71FE9D71
Copy CRC 71FE9D71
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [EC4FCA1D]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [AE2476DB]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [3BE62D90]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7D2CABF3]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [930A66EB]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [040BB9B0]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D2BA86B1]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5D5B4212]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [4508B353]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [43D0FE46]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 51620E5DC0DC8EB7B6C5582D930BB3167777B92585961663C430180AC80130F5 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 5:59
Various / Trancemaster 5006 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:59.15 | 0 | 31439
2 | 6:59.15 | 8:24.20 | 31440 | 69259
3 | 15:23.35 | 8:18.14 | 69260 | 106623
4 | 23:41.49 | 7:56.48 | 106624 | 142371
5 | 31:38.22 | 7:17.51 | 142372 | 175197
6 | 38:55.73 | 9:35.29 | 175198 | 218351
7 | 48:31.27 | 8:04.67 | 218352 | 254718
8 | 56:36.19 | 9:57.16 | 254719 | 299509
9 | 66:33.35 | 8:31.72 | 299510 | 337906
10 | 75:05.32 | 6:15.38 | 337907 | 366069
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5006\Trancemaster 5006 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 403A3A4B
Copy CRC 403A3A4B
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E2F94B88]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [93117ADE]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DC26897C]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7BB8B7DF]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D4B74F5B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5A573AAE]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A5143356]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B22BF182]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A8237560]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0ED64B63]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 9EA62930338DBDF25DAE79A41E5F934C1A51630C4BD3FB5854BCBDA40AC0291F ====
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 258

lavteutas · 13-Мар-11 00:47 (спустя 1 мин., ред. 28-Май-11 10:20)

2007. VA - Trancemaster 5007 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4157-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. DJ Vincenzo vs. Cor Fijneman - A New World [9:10]
02. Mike Foyle - Firefly (Original Mix) [7:12]
03. Activa - Flashpoint (Original Mix) [7:04]
04. Aled Mann - Cause And Effect (Original Mix) [7:14]
05. Armin Van Buuren - Rush Hour [9:32]
06. Miguel Sassot - Suddenly (Original Mix) [7:10]
07. Moonforce & Cold Blue - Uxorious (2007 Remake) [7:50]
08. Corderoy - Drifting (Dale Cordedroy's Dfunkt Mix) [7:27]
09. Syna - Do You Feel? [3:39]
10. C.M.R. - Lost Vision (Original Mix) [5:24]
11. Luciano - Seven Ways [6:54]
Total Time: 78:35 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Steve Allen & Ben Alonzi - Digital Clarity [7:38]
02. Ferry Tayle & Tonks - Vol De Nuit (Manuel Le Saux Remix) [7:06]
03. Optik - Object (Original Mix) [6:53]
04. Deep Voices - Deep Blue Sea [7:27]
05. Michael Tsukerman - Are You Mad? (P.H.A.T.T. Remix) [7:34]
06. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Rank 1 - Life Less Ordinary (Rafael Frost Remix) [7:34]
07. Sun Liquide - Celebrate The Light (Rene Ablaze Remix) [3:47]
08. Etnosphere - Sands Evolution (Paul Vinitsky Remix) [7:45]
09. Majai - Lightwave (Airbase Remix) [8:21]
10. Versluis & Sande vs. Moonforce - Devinded [7:48]
11. Elektrokiss - The Teacher (Elektro Kid Remix) [7:38]
Total Time: 79:31 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 3:57
Various / Trancemaster 5007 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 9:09.47 | 0 | 41221
2 | 9:09.47 | 7:11.45 | 41222 | 73591
3 | 16:21.17 | 7:03.63 | 73592 | 105379
4 | 23:25.05 | 7:13.73 | 105380 | 137927
5 | 30:39.03 | 9:31.57 | 137928 | 180809
6 | 40:10.60 | 7:09.61 | 180810 | 213045
7 | 47:20.46 | 7:50.05 | 213046 | 248300
8 | 55:10.51 | 7:26.42 | 248301 | 281792
9 | 62:37.18 | 3:39.15 | 281793 | 298232
10 | 66:16.33 | 5:24.03 | 298233 | 322535
11 | 71:40.36 | 6:54.28 | 322536 | 353613
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5007\Trancemaster 5007 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 2542ED84
Copy CRC 2542ED84
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [429EB245]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [95310D88]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [38765093]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8B0D1D06]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7C9AEDC5]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [209C4957]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [31E82054]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3E623A73]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E7B96719]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0DCEFC15]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8AD6FEBE]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 806EC1BE2697C4E2EEA512CACCE5F341F25363B44B5580D1DB18F1210275E118 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 4:49
Various / Trancemaster 5007 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:37.72 | 0 | 34346
2 | 7:37.72 | 7:05.74 | 34347 | 66295
3 | 14:43.71 | 6:53.28 | 66296 | 97298
4 | 21:37.24 | 7:26.48 | 97299 | 130796
5 | 29:03.72 | 7:34.14 | 130797 | 164860
6 | 36:38.11 | 7:33.44 | 164861 | 198879
7 | 44:11.55 | 3:47.12 | 198880 | 215916
8 | 47:58.67 | 7:44.52 | 215917 | 250768
9 | 55:43.44 | 8:20.70 | 250769 | 288338
10 | 64:04.39 | 7:48.29 | 288339 | 323467
11 | 71:52.68 | 7:38.01 | 323468 | 357818
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5007\Trancemaster 5007 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC A8C12260
Copy CRC A8C12260
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A317C20F]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9739F343]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5E1B6AAD]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9DD91039]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7ED04B18]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [482F4FFB]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1E45528F]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5AF14EBF]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [F672526D]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3388E629]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [676A3636]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 938AA866D9CD4DECB442C745A4E512A6B1CACCE0F31B3B62EB39E708A08D083E ====
2007. VA - Trancemaster 5008 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4158-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Paul Van Dyk feat. Lo-Fi Sugar - Castaway [6:21]
02. Thomas Bronzwaer - Resound (Original Mix) [7:32]
03. Simon Patterson - We'll See [9:01]
04. 3rd Moon - Meltdown [9:03]
05. Fred Baker vs. Greg Nash - Solaris City (Fred Baker Mix) [7:12]
06. Onova - Platitude (Original Mix) [7:30]
07. Majera - Velvet Sun (Original) [8:31]
08. Soulcry - A Life So Changed (Talla 2XLC vs. Ace Da Brain Remix) [8:14]
09. Mark Norman - Ventura ( ATB Remix) [8:06]
10. Alexander Popov feat. Syntigma - Atlantida (Original Mix) [7:22]
Total Time: 78:51 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Gareth Emery - More than Everything (Gareth Emery's Five AM Remix) [8:00]
02. Pulsea - Things You Say (Original) [7:55]
03. Paul Van Dyk & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Far Away [7:41]
04. Lange - Angel Falls (Ali Wilson Tekelec Remix) [8:17]
05. Dogzilla - Frozen (Club Mix) [7:44]
06. Tragida - Elisabeth (Original Mix) [8:32]
07. Ignyta - Lost In Control (Steve Anderson Remix) [8:50]
08. Manuel Le Saux - Forgive (Original Mix) [7:29]
09. Mike Nichol - Durado (Original Mix) [7:36]
10. Airwave - Sunday Break (Beat Mix) [6:57]
Total Time: 79:01 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 2:57
Various / Trancemaster 5008 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:20.55 | 0 | 28554
2 | 6:20.55 | 7:32.11 | 28555 | 62465
3 | 13:52.66 | 9:00.62 | 62466 | 103027
4 | 22:53.53 | 9:02.67 | 103028 | 143744
5 | 31:56.45 | 7:11.41 | 143745 | 176110
6 | 39:08.11 | 7:29.59 | 176111 | 209844
7 | 46:37.70 | 8:30.58 | 209845 | 248152
8 | 55:08.53 | 8:13.57 | 248153 | 285184
9 | 63:22.35 | 8:06.22 | 285185 | 321656
10 | 71:28.57 | 7:21.59 | 321657 | 354790
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5008\Trancemaster 5008 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 978DC4A8
Copy CRC 978DC4A8
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [746DE02C]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0F1129BC]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [60EBC7C3]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [50979973]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C9B492B7]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [77822D8B]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [825B1D2C]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4D55BF88]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [60CA23B9]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [4795430D]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D983DE091B53CDE03B3E1177D2D2FB36377446D9BB3441717EBDBF9FD810DDF7 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 3:29
Various / Trancemaster 5008 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:59.45 | 0 | 35969
2 | 7:59.45 | 7:55.05 | 35970 | 71599
3 | 15:54.50 | 7:40.65 | 71600 | 106164
4 | 23:35.40 | 8:16.44 | 106165 | 143408
5 | 31:52.09 | 7:44.29 | 143409 | 178237
6 | 39:36.38 | 8:32.17 | 178238 | 216654
7 | 48:08.55 | 8:49.42 | 216655 | 256371
8 | 56:58.22 | 7:29.03 | 256372 | 290049
9 | 64:27.25 | 7:36.36 | 290050 | 324285
10 | 72:03.61 | 6:57.11 | 324286 | 355571
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5008\Trancemaster 5008 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 323D7438
Copy CRC 323D7438
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B2226FFC]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [EDA9852D]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8638D53A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9B8F122B]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A221CD3F]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [EC3D7B1A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [902F5BF6]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7CCF4207]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D4042AE9]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [41F9F321]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 43FC3434F99BD4AC893E755DECC2813AB5FCA43F354780ED48830656061CFDF8 ====
2008. VA - Trancemaster 5009 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4159-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson Remix) [8:59]
02. Deadmau5 - Not Exactly [9:05]
03. Above & Beyond - Home (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [5:54]
04. Coast 2 Coast feat. Le Sal & Phoenix - Cut Me (Activa Mix) [6:43]
05. Hybrid - Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 Remix) [6:37]
06. Glenn Morrison - Hydrology (Original Mix) [9:26]
07. Anguilla Project - From The Sea [7:07]
08. Ben Gold - 10-4 (Original Mix) [7:23]
09. NZK - Last Chance [8:21]
10. Tragida - The Milky Land (Original Mix) [8:59]
Total Time: 78:34 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Paul Miller feat. Manuel Le Saux - Sunny Day [8:22]
02. Carl B - Justice (Tom Sela Remix) [7:19]
03. Deadmau5 - Faxing Berlin (Original Mix) [8:35]
04. Static Blue & Harris Briggs feat. Airplanes - Watch The Skies Fall (Original Mix) [7:06]
05. Mike Koglin & Mark Pledger - All The Way (Original Mix) [7:41]
06. Energy Reflect vs. Paul Miller - Ascend (Energy Reflect Original Mix) [7:26]
07. Stormchaser - Back To Love (Impulsive Drive Edit) [3:21]
08. Frase - Dynamism [7:40]
09. Renov8 & DJ Anna Lee - Love In Rhythm (Orange In Love Remix) [8:13]
10. Artix vs. Glacial Storm - Angel's Touch (Original Mix) [7:03]
11. Lange - Nearly Home [5:29]
Total Time: 78:15 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 2:00
Various / Trancemaster 5009 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:58.72 | 0 | 40421
2 | 8:58.72 | 9:05.33 | 40422 | 81329
3 | 18:04.30 | 5:53.55 | 81330 | 107859
4 | 23:58.10 | 6:43.17 | 107860 | 138101
5 | 30:41.27 | 6:36.55 | 138102 | 167856
6 | 37:18.07 | 9:25.49 | 167857 | 210280
7 | 46:43.56 | 7:07.23 | 210281 | 242328
8 | 53:51.04 | 7:23.32 | 242329 | 275585
9 | 61:14.36 | 8:20.50 | 275586 | 313135
10 | 69:35.11 | 8:58.57 | 313136 | 353542
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5009\Trancemaster 5009 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.7 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 5B831C24
Copy CRC 5B831C24
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CC6A9B3F]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BD32F04F]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CF96DF2B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AA8A7D38]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D33BB883]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2284E893]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2537EA26]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CF80855A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [14A8A84E]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1CD08228]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A43B2CB32CB63A3EFB9C92D55642D353707477DC5D4405DFCB89AF75FE5ECDE3 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 26. December 2010, 2:26
Various / Trancemaster 5009 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:22.05 | 0 | 37654
2 | 8:22.05 | 7:18.53 | 37655 | 70557
3 | 15:40.58 | 8:34.71 | 70558 | 109178
4 | 24:15.54 | 7:06.11 | 109179 | 141139
5 | 31:21.65 | 7:40.41 | 141140 | 175680
6 | 39:02.31 | 7:26.00 | 175681 | 209130
7 | 46:28.31 | 3:21.25 | 209131 | 224230
8 | 49:49.56 | 7:40.20 | 224231 | 258750
9 | 57:30.01 | 8:13.06 | 258751 | 295731
10 | 65:43.07 | 7:02.71 | 295732 | 327452
11 | 72:46.03 | 5:28.69 | 327453 | 352121
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 5009\Trancemaster 5009 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 19CDDE83
Copy CRC 19CDDE83
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8C842D5D]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [994E6F02]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0B395FB7]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1F69ED22]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [923CB38C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [67005B01]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0E5D7C75]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [501E7FB5]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D28C0CBB]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D13C87AE]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [290DD1B5]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum DCE94778D728D5636FFE01F8DAAF115264463A6D9918E07FA6DBB9484F94823E ====
2008. VA - Trancemaster 6000 (3CD Jubilee Box-Set)
Catalog#: 302 4160-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Paul Miller - Memories Of Love [7:36]
02. Technikal & Steve Hawk - The Storm (Ian Betts Remix) [7:30]
03. Ron Malakai - Memorable Touch (Carl B Remix) [6:05]
04. Aly & Fila - Key Of Life (Original Mix) [6:51]
05. Peter Martijn Wijnia pres. Majesta - Not The End (Tom Colontonio Remix) [7:51]
06. Anguilla Project pres. Star Industry - Adrift In Space (Icone Remix) [6:47]
07. Markus Schulz feat. Departure - Cause You Know (M.I.K.E.'s Progressive Remix) [7:37]
08. Frase & Coto - Down To The Wire (Original Mix) [8:07]
09. Jaco & Mixxmaster - Feeling [6:51]
10. Activa - Remember (Club Mix) [6:47]
11. Roy Gates - Come Alive (Original Mix) [6:08]
Total Time: 78:09 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Ben Gold feat. Senadee - Say The Words (Johan Ekman Remix) [7:19]
02. Paul Miller - Crystal Source [7:29]
03. Maor Levi - Shapes (Oliver Smith Remix) [6:59]
04. Steve Allen pres. Ben Alonzi - Scien [7:02]
05. Sunny Lax pres. Acacia - Elda (Original Mix) [6:47]
06. M.I.D.O.R. - Pantera [7:20]
07. Airborne Angel - The Unit (Original Mix) [6:56]
08. Ian Betts & Dan Stone - Colliding Circles (Ian Betts Mix) [6:39]
09. Melodia - A Melody (Original Mix) [7:22]
10. Steven Liquid - Lost In Deep Forest (Cosmic System Remix) [8:16]
11. Storm - Time To Burn (Arctic Quest Remix) [6:03]
Total Time: 78:13 min.
Tracklist CD3:
01. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Crawling (DJ Shah Rework) [8:22]
02. Hensha - Earthly (Original Mix) [6:06]
03. Shadowrider - Blue Horizon (Luke Terry Remix) [6:58]
04. Carl B pres. Khensu - Chasing Leaves [7:29]
05. Randy Boyer + Hydroid - Strike Again (Original Mix) [7:06]
06. SQ - The Message [8:16]
07. Natlife - Space Colonization (Dima Krasnik Remix) [7:32]
08. Pierre Pienaar - This Is Where We Are (Original Mix) [8:18]
09. The Doppler Effect - Beauty Hides In The Deep (John O'Callaghan Remix) [3:34]
10. Hydro Aquatic - Hydrosphere [7:30]
11. Tomena - Back To Life (Original Mix) [6:57]
Total Time: 78:09 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 19:43
Various / Trancemaster 6000 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:36.00 | 0 | 34199
2 | 7:36.00 | 7:29.44 | 34200 | 67918
3 | 15:05.44 | 6:05.30 | 67919 | 95323
4 | 21:10.74 | 6:50.39 | 95324 | 126112
5 | 28:01.38 | 7:51.13 | 126113 | 161450
6 | 35:52.51 | 6:47.21 | 161451 | 191996
7 | 42:39.72 | 7:37.21 | 191997 | 226292
8 | 50:17.18 | 8:06.41 | 226293 | 262783
9 | 58:23.59 | 6:50.42 | 262784 | 293575
10 | 65:14.26 | 6:46.48 | 293576 | 324073
11 | 72:00.74 | 6:07.72 | 324074 | 351670
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6000\Trancemaster 6000 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 99483CE2
Copy CRC 99483CE2
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [611DFC8E]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [63267C32]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AD3FC74F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3C0E82E6]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4F85094B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CD422B4A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [27EA03C9]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1162A76A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [521BC6B3]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C3B31C44]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F1249916]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum E99000B325ACCD3CB43972E27B8F3498C7C9ECAFD84BCC595111F961D41FF8A8 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 20:50
Various / Trancemaster 6000 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:18.59 | 0 | 32908
2 | 7:18.59 | 7:28.43 | 32909 | 66551
3 | 14:47.27 | 6:58.74 | 66552 | 97975
4 | 21:46.26 | 7:01.56 | 97976 | 129606
5 | 28:48.07 | 6:47.29 | 129607 | 160160
6 | 35:35.36 | 7:20.26 | 160161 | 193186
7 | 42:55.62 | 6:55.72 | 193187 | 224383
8 | 49:51.59 | 6:39.16 | 224384 | 254324
9 | 56:31.00 | 7:21.69 | 254325 | 287468
10 | 63:52.69 | 8:16.22 | 287469 | 324690
11 | 72:09.16 | 6:03.32 | 324691 | 351947
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6000\Trancemaster 6000 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 51DC372C
Copy CRC 51DC372C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A2E56C28]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AF69F1A5]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3C5EC7AA]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AAE309D0]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7BD17FC7]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7BC600CC]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0560D322]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [09D70D14]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DAF107CF]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [286CB62D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [033BDE34]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D7A14990FCCD4CDD506B0E0AF6EA2FE51657E8AB6FE1F49E6D92F9B1A529C4FB ====
Лог EAC: CD3
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 9. January 2011, 23:13
Various / Trancemaster 6000 (CD3)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:21.50 | 0 | 37624
2 | 8:21.50 | 6:06.13 | 37625 | 65087
3 | 14:27.63 | 6:58.33 | 65088 | 96470
4 | 21:26.21 | 7:29.23 | 96471 | 130168
5 | 28:55.44 | 7:05.72 | 130169 | 162115
6 | 36:01.41 | 8:15.60 | 162116 | 199300
7 | 44:17.26 | 7:32.05 | 199301 | 233205
8 | 51:49.31 | 8:18.18 | 233206 | 270573
9 | 60:07.49 | 3:34.20 | 270574 | 286643
10 | 63:41.69 | 7:30.11 | 286644 | 320404
11 | 71:12.05 | 6:57.09 | 320405 | 351688
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6000\Trancemaster 6000 (CD3).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 4DCCC589
Copy CRC 4DCCC589
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [BB0006BE]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [FC7873A6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [9A915731]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [FCDD21EB]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [3C3DEC85]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F685F4E5]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [2041711A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C43C7F59]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [5B7D7A46]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [BBDE1555]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [4B5F5AD7]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 8376AA6A9E1F889A2D24F3F336D2983B23A4AB84820C6CBBB544FA6F11236B21 ====
2008. VA - Trancemaster 6001 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4161-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Plastic Boy - Rise Up [8:55]
02. Inertia - The System (Jon O'Bir RMX) [7:16]
03. Simon Patterson - Smack [7:42]
04. Talla 2XLS & Ace Da Brain - Redrum O.T.D (Club Mix) [6:56]
05. Stoneface & Terminal - Endorphine [6:53]
06. Jonathan Allyn - Luminate (Original Mix) [7:36]
07. Ronski Speed - All The Way (Original) [7:39]
08. Sterilis - Lost (Original Mix) [7:11]
09. Renov8 - Worlds Beyond [7:17]
10. Trance Commando - Pointless Existence (Original Mix) [6:58]
11. Ferrin & Low vs. Alan Morris - Atlanta [4:13]
Total Time: 78:36 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. DJ Eco & Martin Roth - Tonight Is Forever (Martin Roth Mix) [8:18]
02. N2O vs. Cell X - 414 (Original Mix) [7:03]
03. The Gift - Blue Lights (Original Mix) [6:48]
04. Alessandro Mariola - Music Travel (Adam White V DJ L Remix) [8:36]
05. Aethna - Enigma (Dave 202 Edit) [3:10]
06. Facade - Know Thyself (Facade's 2008 Remake) [8:58]
07. Simon Patterson - Whatever It Takes [8:26]
08. R.M.T. - Distant Space (Origianl Mix) [5:12]
09. Shusaku - Lights In The Dark (Original Mix) [7:52]
10. I.Nova - Blackout (Original Mix) [6:36]
11. Tomena - Moonlight Sonata (Original Mix) [7:29]
Total Time: 78:28 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 11. March 2011, 13:01
Various / Trancemaster 6001 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:54.51 | 0 | 40100
2 | 8:54.51 | 7:15.74 | 40101 | 72799
3 | 16:10.50 | 7:41.68 | 72800 | 107442
4 | 23:52.43 | 6:56.28 | 107443 | 138670
5 | 30:48.71 | 6:52.70 | 138671 | 169640
6 | 37:41.66 | 7:36.02 | 169641 | 203842
7 | 45:17.68 | 7:39.24 | 203843 | 238291
8 | 52:57.17 | 7:11.00 | 238292 | 270616
9 | 60:08.17 | 7:16.67 | 270617 | 303383
10 | 67:25.09 | 6:57.59 | 303384 | 334717
11 | 74:22.68 | 4:12.60 | 334718 | 353677
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6001\Trancemaster 6001 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.1 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 0E87DB99
Copy CRC 0E87DB99
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [BF2047CD]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [D1723833]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A2213DC9]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A77BFAD5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [2686DAAC]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [010AED56]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [0B8BAFAF]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [8D171912]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [86D27A24]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [CCFE2482]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [BD7D5719]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 542840CF94E2565DAB984571922EFB4568D1CF982D2FA45FC71A9172D4BFF699 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 21:12
Various / Trancemaster 6001 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:17.42 | 0 | 37316
2 | 8:17.42 | 7:02.65 | 37317 | 69031
3 | 15:20.32 | 6:48.36 | 69032 | 99667
4 | 22:08.68 | 8:36.07 | 99668 | 138374
5 | 30:45.00 | 3:10.09 | 138375 | 152633
6 | 33:55.09 | 8:58.32 | 152634 | 193015
7 | 42:53.41 | 8:26.00 | 193016 | 230965
8 | 51:19.41 | 5:11.61 | 230966 | 254351
9 | 56:31.27 | 7:52.00 | 254352 | 289751
10 | 64:23.27 | 6:35.65 | 289752 | 319441
11 | 70:59.17 | 7:28.68 | 319442 | 353109
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6001\Trancemaster 6001 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC EBA6C559
Copy CRC EBA6C559
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DAE6AB40]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D823431C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1F1E759E]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [44D39BAE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BF4928E5]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B9E97768]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [51825D0D]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [08B4A7BC]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3A56CD15]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B23D72A1]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CE212BDA]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum C984E656E48C42633C9EF63627A37DAD0A076D9CFE15E97445C2571F8478FE06 ====
2008. VA - Trancemaster 6002 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4162-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Steven Force - Mirada (Original Mix) [7:57]
02. OceanLab - Miracle (Above & Beyond Club Mix) [8:12]
03. Sean Tyas & Simon Patterson - Somethin's Up [7:21]
04. Stefan Cambridge - All I Wanted (Kai Harmaala Remix) [8:17]
05. Menno De Jong feat. Re:Locate - Spirit (Paul Miller 2008 Rework) [6:56]
06. Akira Kayosa - Collective Hyteria [8:33]
07. Monotape - Everything Continues [8:30]
08. Will B - Upgrade (Original Mix) [8:08]
09. John Miller - Ipanema (Original Mix) [5:47]
10. Oen Bearen - No Leaf Clover (2008 Rework) [8:49]
Total Time: 78:31 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Mark Sherry pres. Outburst - A Star Within A Star (Intro) [4:10]
02. Jon O'Bir - All That Matters [5:07]
03. Paul Webster - Nailed [7:13]
04. Paul Miller - 3 Ur Mind [8:19]
05. Mike Emery - Falling Into The Sun (Original Mix) [9:07]
06. Fred Baker - Voices [3:21]
07. Rene Ablaze pres. Fallen Skies - Stealin' Love (Dima Krasnik Remix) [7:40]
08. Sophie Sugar - Redemption (Original Mix) [8:40]
09. Sonic Division - Day And Night (Kimito Lopez Remix) [7:07]
10. Corderoy - Starline (Original Mix) [7:14]
11. Off Key - Showdown (Original Mix) [7:22]
Total Time: 75:21 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 19:11
Various / Trancemaster 6002 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:57.09 | 0 | 35783
2 | 7:57.09 | 8:12.03 | 35784 | 72686
3 | 16:09.12 | 7:21.21 | 72687 | 105782
4 | 23:30.33 | 8:16.39 | 105783 | 143021
5 | 31:46.72 | 6:56.22 | 143022 | 174243
6 | 38:43.19 | 8:32.62 | 174244 | 212705
7 | 47:16.06 | 8:30.12 | 212706 | 250967
8 | 55:46.18 | 8:08.18 | 250968 | 287585
9 | 63:54.36 | 5:47.25 | 287586 | 313635
10 | 69:41.61 | 8:49.16 | 313636 | 353326
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6002\Trancemaster 6002 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [557D634B]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B0A809F3]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C260DFBE]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [DB4C690B]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [441DB7F8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [197BBA8A]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B9922618]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [022F943F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [1B51BC92]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [F6D464CE]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum EE1D0CEED4D193D6CDDA0D4AECF64B42E2E6EDB861593A1CF6A06A2341B636AA ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 19:49
Various / Trancemaster 6002 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:09.67 | 0 | 18741
2 | 4:09.67 | 5:07.31 | 18742 | 41797
3 | 9:17.23 | 7:13.30 | 41798 | 74302
4 | 16:30.53 | 8:19.34 | 74303 | 111761
5 | 24:50.12 | 9:07.35 | 111762 | 152821
6 | 33:57.47 | 3:21.06 | 152822 | 167902
7 | 37:18.53 | 7:39.38 | 167903 | 202365
8 | 44:58.16 | 8:40.23 | 202366 | 241388
9 | 53:38.39 | 7:07.15 | 241389 | 273428
10 | 60:45.54 | 7:13.43 | 273429 | 305946
11 | 67:59.22 | 7:21.62 | 305947 | 339083
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6002\Trancemaster 6002 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 576219CC
Copy CRC 576219CC
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [0CF50431]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [97685946]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CDB4F0C8]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [184F661C]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7E97F968]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8C1CEFA2]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A3D3497D]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [01A1018A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [207EF98A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CF8CE584]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6C0E8A9C]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 63D58C6EDF6579DF91E679FBF63474481E0A68D8D63A16B737C94CA76CC823C4 ====
2008. VA - Trancemaster 6003 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4163-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Ehren Stowers & Simon Bostock - Sudden Impact (Ron Malakai Remix) [7:11]
02. Pulser - Sunseeker (Instrumental) [7:58]
03. Bart Claessen & Dave Schiemann - Madness (Super8 & Tab Remix) [7:34]
04. Airborne Angel - Origo (Original Mix) [7:57]
05. Wavetraxx - Stay (Spacewalker Remix) [7:34]
06. Darren Tate - On the 7th Day [8:48]
07. Corydalics - Reality [7:06]
08. After Meridian - New York Airport (Invisible Sounds Remix) [8:39]
09. Stoneface & Terminal - Blueprint (Club Mix) [8:05]
10. Beta:Blocker - Still Searching (For Myself) (Original Mix) [7:38]
Total Time: 78:31 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Sunset - Anywhere (Jo Micali Remix) [6:42]
02. Corderroy - At Night [6:22]
03. Andy Duguid feat. Julie Thompson - Falling [8:16]
04. Dereck Recay - Dream Way (Arctic Moon Remix) [8:25]
05. Darren Tate - When I Fall In Love [7:35]
06. Sensitize - Have To Believe [7:21]
07. Olmiq - Termix (Alexander Popov Remix) [6:26]
08. Rapha - Pandora (Daniel Kandi's Emotional Mix) [6:41]
09. Daniel Heatcliff - Never Slow Down (DJ Observer Remix Heatcliff Re-Edit) [5:10]
10. Daniel Kandi & Robert Nickson - Liberate (Paul Miller Remix) [7:50]
11. Orjan Nilsen - Villa Blanca (Original Mix) [7:43]
Total Time: 78:31 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 17:12
Various / Trancemaster 6003 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:11.11 | 0 | 32335
2 | 7:11.11 | 7:58.04 | 32336 | 68189
3 | 15:09.15 | 7:34.06 | 68190 | 102245
4 | 22:43.21 | 7:56.38 | 102246 | 137983
5 | 30:39.59 | 7:33.59 | 137984 | 172017
6 | 38:13.43 | 8:48.11 | 172018 | 211628
7 | 47:01.54 | 7:06.09 | 211629 | 243587
8 | 54:07.63 | 8:39.37 | 243588 | 282549
9 | 62:47.25 | 8:05.28 | 282550 | 318952
10 | 70:52.53 | 7:38.16 | 318953 | 353318
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6003\Trancemaster 6003 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C45D173E
Copy CRC C45D173E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [34627E3E]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8B1FA614]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [478004D8]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3B231EDE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [2B8C8D1C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [10D49F97]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [13F9F2E5]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [A72B06C7]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D480D8C1]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DA90D00F]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 19F3BD3631E9E9933055A158B5290E69D3FEFA03F5A2306DD06BE56C4E2B8AE2 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 18:09
Various / Trancemaster 6003 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:41.72 | 0 | 30146
2 | 6:41.72 | 6:21.70 | 30147 | 58791
3 | 13:03.67 | 8:15.54 | 58792 | 95970
4 | 21:19.46 | 8:24.61 | 95971 | 133831
5 | 29:44.32 | 7:35.37 | 133832 | 167993
6 | 37:19.69 | 7:21.21 | 167994 | 201089
7 | 44:41.15 | 6:26.18 | 201090 | 230057
8 | 51:07.33 | 6:40.52 | 230058 | 260109
9 | 57:48.10 | 5:09.40 | 260110 | 283324
10 | 62:57.50 | 7:49.42 | 283325 | 318541
11 | 70:47.17 | 7:43.37 | 318542 | 353303
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6003\Trancemaster 6003 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4C583B57]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8FE0E93A]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E05936E3]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F121BAF5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [1981DEF8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [EA0A20CE]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [CEA98000]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [FE67ED51]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4A7198A3]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [60C8AF23]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [654DA327]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 948E560C0922FF7A147FB53520488E67AD3025DB6D54DC3DD958A9392567A267 ====
2009. VA - Trancemaster 6004 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4164-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Markus Schulz - The New World (Intro) [2:10]
02. DJ Tiesto pres. Alone In The Dark - Edward Carnby (DJ Tiesto Vocal Mix) [6:32]
03. Sied Van Riel vs. R.O.R. - Closer To You (Original Mix) [6:31]
04. Ben Gold - Life (Original Mix) [8:05]
05. Daniel Wanrooy - 90 Degrees (Original Mix) [8:04]
06. Steve Anderson - Closer (Original Mix) [7:31]
07. 8 Wonders - The Return [7:35]
08. The Green Point - The Power Of Love (Extended Version) [8:16]
09. Future Disciple - The Protector (Original Mix) [7:44]
10. Lacrima - Nessun Dorma (Club Mix) [7:16]
11. B.E.N. - Raised (Peter Martijn Wijnia Remix) [9:02]
Total Time: 78:45 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Starchaser feat. Lo-Fi Sugar - So High (Martin Roth Remix) [10:07]
02. Topher Jones - This Side Of Heaven (Original Mix) [7:20]
03. Ferry Corsten - Radio Crash [6:34]
04. Mike Emery - Vapour Trail (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [7:54]
05. Zirenz vs. Saint Rush - Shine On Me (Ayana Dub Vocal Mix) [7:41]
06. Michael Mystica - Live Theory (Original Mix) [8:16]
07. Update Project - After The Rain (Haris Christodoulou Remix) [7:51]
08. Will Brookes - Fallout [7:55]
09. Simon Patterson - Different Feeling (Original Mix) [6:06]
10. Forerunners - Dragonfly (Original Mix) [8:56]
Total Time: 78:39 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 15:58
Various / Trancemaster 6004 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:10.11 | 0 | 9760
2 | 2:10.11 | 6:31.49 | 9761 | 39134
3 | 8:41.60 | 6:30.55 | 39135 | 68439
4 | 15:12.40 | 8:04.52 | 68440 | 104791
5 | 23:17.17 | 8:04.11 | 104792 | 141102
6 | 31:21.28 | 7:31.05 | 141103 | 174932
7 | 38:52.33 | 7:34.66 | 174933 | 209048
8 | 46:27.24 | 8:16.11 | 209049 | 246259
9 | 54:43.35 | 7:44.16 | 246260 | 281075
10 | 62:27.51 | 7:16.00 | 281076 | 313775
11 | 69:43.51 | 9:01.59 | 313776 | 354409
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6004\Trancemaster 6004 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D1243B76
Copy CRC D1243B76
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [BB107D3B]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [0FE233D2]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [E336AEAE]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A4A214E2]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [EB83C3B6]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [19FA3E97]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [56AF25A8]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [AAAAE97E]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [4E49D361]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [35496B56]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [7BED1014]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum F05EBB04EEE3F8636A8F44C9ACB9217D25AE7E78B7BACE2BD13ED0CBB9C61032 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 16:35
Various / Trancemaster 6004 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 10:07.03 | 0 | 45527
2 | 10:07.03 | 7:20.07 | 45528 | 78534
3 | 17:27.10 | 6:33.43 | 78535 | 108052
4 | 24:00.53 | 7:53.74 | 108053 | 143601
5 | 31:54.52 | 7:41.06 | 143602 | 178182
6 | 39:35.58 | 8:16.17 | 178183 | 215399
7 | 47:52.00 | 7:50.43 | 215400 | 250692
8 | 55:42.43 | 7:54.62 | 250693 | 286304
9 | 63:37.30 | 6:05.55 | 286305 | 313734
10 | 69:43.10 | 8:56.07 | 313735 | 353941
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6004\Trancemaster 6004 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D909DB82
Copy CRC D909DB82
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A2DA3995]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [B921A676]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [6969033D]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [46556EF5]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [5F962AC2]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [BEA07F19]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [7C7A0631]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [7994945C]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A3E90F3B]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 3) [4D58077A]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 35B59B9F2DC4F812B980674D12B3439BA37ADD9845ED9E5D54F71ED0FF9FFBE4 ====
2009. VA - Trancemaster 6005 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4165-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Super8 & Tab feat. Alyna - Delusion (Original Mix) [7:29]
02. Steven Force - State Of Grace (Original Mix) [8:22]
03. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix) [7:20]
04. Simon Patterson - Thump (Original Mix) [7:46]
05. First Sate - Off The Radar (First State's 808 Clash Mix) [8:35]
06. Artic Moon & Truewave - On Silver Wings (Marcos Remix) [8:11]
07. Johan Ekman - Future Vision [7:39]
08. FKN feat. Jahala - Still Time (Aly & Fila Remix) [7:45]
09. Ronski Speed - Overfloat (Club Mix) [7:26]
10. Inglide - Rising (Alexander Xendzov Remix) [7:54]
Total Time: 78:27 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Digital Nature & Ade - Mirage (Original Mix) [6:49]
02. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Made Of Love (Original) [7:56]
03. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Laserbrain (Original Mix) [7:29]
04. Adymus - Kaleidoscope Eyes [7:10]
05. Hokkaido feat. Ange - Hear To Stay (Original Dub) [8:04]
06. Sam Sharp - Roundabout (Simon Patterson Remix) [5:35]
07. Sunset & Thiago Soulz - Sensation (Raphinha Bartel Remix) [6:41]
08. Sean Tyas - Melbourne (David Newsum Remix) [7:32]
09. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Sunshine (Club Mix) [7:30]
10. 16 Bit Lolitas - Nobody Seems To Care [6:32]
11. Radiance Side - Awakening (Nick Rowland Club Mix) [7:27]
Total Time: 78:45 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 13:04
Various / Trancemaster 6005 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:29.11 | 0 | 33685
2 | 7:29.11 | 8:21.57 | 33686 | 71317
3 | 15:50.68 | 7:19.69 | 71318 | 104311
4 | 23:10.62 | 7:46.29 | 104312 | 139290
5 | 30:57.16 | 8:35.13 | 139291 | 177928
6 | 39:32.29 | 8:10.65 | 177929 | 214743
7 | 47:43.19 | 7:38.62 | 214744 | 249155
8 | 55:22.06 | 7:44.44 | 249156 | 283999
9 | 63:06.50 | 7:26.23 | 284000 | 317472
10 | 70:32.73 | 7:54.33 | 317473 | 353055
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6005\Trancemaster 6005 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.1 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 168AA445
Copy CRC 168AA445
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C229A0D9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [BAFD2FED]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [7B8AC1E8]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [77202AA8]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CA6C0553]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [75EDE0A9]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [B163CE9E]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0C4812E2]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [2392B6E8]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E1C6E917]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D0AEC24CDFF068DD0C43FB736F19FE4912EA623BCA024AA8E9202C7CCCF41AC4 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 13:44
Various / Trancemaster 6005 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:48.71 | 0 | 30670
2 | 6:48.71 | 7:56.22 | 30671 | 66392
3 | 14:45.18 | 7:28.59 | 66393 | 100051
4 | 22:14.02 | 7:10.08 | 100052 | 132309
5 | 29:24.10 | 8:03.45 | 132310 | 168579
6 | 37:27.55 | 5:34.57 | 168580 | 193686
7 | 43:02.37 | 6:40.67 | 193687 | 223753
8 | 49:43.29 | 7:32.29 | 223754 | 257682
9 | 57:15.58 | 7:30.01 | 257683 | 291433
10 | 64:45.59 | 6:31.58 | 291434 | 320816
11 | 71:17.42 | 7:27.27 | 320817 | 354368
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6005\Trancemaster 6005 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 556AE089
Copy CRC 556AE089
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [AE79A2C9]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [80548A81]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [E84F54C5]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [30C7CDEE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FC98C83B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [47F3187C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5557671D]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [80B49A99]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [05A521B6]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [19A8D66D]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [FA75EEB4]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum A7DDD8D89DDB47776962D931844D65002A847B24E9280B324D43E9AC8A025642 ====
2009. VA - Trancemaster 6006 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4166-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Carlo Resoort - Lifetime (4 Strings Remix) [5:05]
02. Ralph Fritsch - Phoenix (Fast Distance Uplifting Remix) [7:28]
03. Seventh Heaven - Dolphins (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [8:02]
04. Matt Skyer - Lunar (Original Mix) [6:51]
05. Michael Dow - Just Browsing (Original Mix) [7:16]
06. Marco V - Unprepared (Extended Mix) [7:05]
07. Avenger - Phoebe [8:38]
08. Reverse - Distant Destiny (Original) [6:39]
09. SystemBot vs. 33 feat. Costa - Nerver Be Alone (Nitroux Oxide Remix) [7:59]
10. Paul Miller pres. Meli - Aeon Flux (Original Mix) [6:41]
11. Dreas vs. Jared Knapp - Mixed Emotions (Original Mix) [7:11]
Total Time: 78:56 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Vimana - We Came (Akira Kayosa's 2009 Passion Mix) [7:31]
02. Manvel Ter-Pogosan feat. Tiff Lacey - Sweet Memories (Johan Ekman Dub) [8:57]
03. Marcus Schossow - From My Heart (Original Mix) [7:31]
04. Tritonal - Evangelia (Original) [7:10]
05. Der Mystik - Good Karma (Haris Christodoulou Remix) [7:38]
06. A98 - Indium [7:43]
07. Joost Van Der Vleuten - Find My Way (Original Mix) [7:44]
08. Beat Service vs. Solex - Nothing Less (Original Intro Mix) [9:00]
09. Alex Van Gar - Your Eyes (Original Mix) [7:31]
10. Thr3shold & Detune - Shapeshifter (Epic Mix) [8:12]
Total Time: 78:58 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 11:51
Various / Trancemaster 6006 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:04.55 | 0 | 22854
2 | 5:04.55 | 7:27.63 | 22855 | 56442
3 | 12:32.43 | 8:02.23 | 56443 | 92615
4 | 20:34.66 | 6:50.63 | 92616 | 123428
5 | 27:25.54 | 7:15.61 | 123429 | 156114
6 | 34:41.40 | 7:04.68 | 156115 | 187982
7 | 41:46.33 | 8:38.24 | 187983 | 226856
8 | 50:24.57 | 6:39.32 | 226857 | 256813
9 | 57:04.14 | 7:58.66 | 256814 | 292729
10 | 65:03.05 | 6:41.11 | 292730 | 322815
11 | 71:44.16 | 7:11.30 | 322816 | 355170
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6006\Trancemaster 6006 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C0A93F88
Copy CRC C0A93F88
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6DB0917D]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [3BBFEE75]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [740EF44F]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [1EAB811E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [7AFAFA50]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [01A70674]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [AF53ED13]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [45661E87]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9F6E818C]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D7BC845F]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F31B5151]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 23E148DC0D0D3A0573D1E7975DEC0262F716115B9E8A702507F145E9231BD36F ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 12:26
Various / Trancemaster 6006 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:31.13 | 0 | 33837
2 | 7:31.13 | 8:57.01 | 33838 | 74113
3 | 16:28.14 | 7:31.26 | 74114 | 107964
4 | 23:59.40 | 7:10.29 | 107965 | 140243
5 | 31:09.69 | 7:37.50 | 140244 | 174568
6 | 38:47.44 | 7:43.09 | 174569 | 209302
7 | 46:30.53 | 7:43.40 | 209303 | 244067
8 | 54:14.18 | 9:00.23 | 244068 | 284590
9 | 63:14.41 | 7:31.01 | 284591 | 318416
10 | 70:45.42 | 8:12.05 | 318417 | 355321
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6006\Trancemaster 6006 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.4 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC E7727082
Copy CRC E7727082
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [37535A36]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [91C2065D]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [77A65588]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [935398F1]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [1173AA5E]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [2C166547]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [6D45012F]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [1A2C42D8]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [8ADB4825]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [454EBB06]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 621B3FC9A69064315AD60634628EAFF900BB7EF20E9E69E91BB85CCBFCF996E3 ====
2009. VA - Trancemaster 6007 (2CD, Digipack)
Catalog#: 302 4167-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Thomas Datt - Mass Effect (Elian Dust & Daniel Heatcliff Remix) [6:58]
02. Paul Webster - The Wolf [8:07]
03. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (Original Mix) [7:44]
04. Virtual Vault - Boundary (Airbase Remix) [6:37]
05. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ana Criado - Sunset Boulevard (Paul Van Dyk Remix) [9:00]
06. Claud9 - Rain (Original) [7:16]
07. Marcel Van Eyck - Unique (Original Mix) [8:13]
08. Progressence - Light (Original Mix) [7:54]
09. Steve Bengaln - Revealed (Original Mix) [8:45]
10. Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base - Buzz (Buzztalk Remix) [7:02]
Total Time: 77:35 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Temple One - String Theory (Original Mix) [6:16]
02. Rank 1 - Symfo (Sunrise Festival Theme 2009) (Original Mix) [7:27]
03. DJ Eco - ? (Sebastian Brandt Remix) [8:07]
04. Aly & Fila - Khepera (Original Mix) [7:38]
05. Alexander Popov & DJ Feel - Waht About Future (Front Remix) [8:12]
06. Fast Distance vs. Fred Baker - Rising Up [7:18]
07. Airbase - Back [6:32]
08. Push - Global Age (Original Mix) [7:05]
09. David Garcet - Ero [6:50]
10. Trance Arts - Backtracking (Original Mix) [7:24]
11. Cor Fijneman - Serenity [5:38]
Total Time: 78:29 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 3:59
Various / Trancemaster 6007 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:57.49 | 0 | 31323
2 | 6:57.49 | 8:06.53 | 31324 | 67826
3 | 15:04.27 | 7:44.12 | 67827 | 102638
4 | 22:48.39 | 6:36.46 | 102639 | 132384
5 | 29:25.10 | 9:00.00 | 132385 | 172884
6 | 38:25.10 | 7:16.33 | 172885 | 205617
7 | 45:41.43 | 8:13.07 | 205618 | 242599
8 | 53:54.50 | 7:53.69 | 242600 | 278143
9 | 61:48.44 | 8:44.42 | 278144 | 317485
10 | 70:33.11 | 7:02.19 | 317486 | 349154
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6007\Trancemaster 6007 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F8B00408
Copy CRC F8B00408
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [C276FFF7]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [402C0E22]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D5266289]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [94AF3465]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [EAC0043F]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [977A3036]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [840DFA57]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [601026CA]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D6294E19]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [D562351C]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 08F843891B35A12D6F37B2BF1F0B6E31A7CC64E9D929254F81C7D00037FACC3C ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 22. December 2010, 4:33
Various / Trancemaster 6007 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:15.71 | 0 | 28195
2 | 6:15.71 | 7:27.23 | 28196 | 61743
3 | 13:43.19 | 8:07.20 | 61744 | 98288
4 | 21:50.39 | 7:38.29 | 98289 | 132667
5 | 29:28.68 | 8:12.13 | 132668 | 169580
6 | 37:41.06 | 7:18.19 | 169581 | 202449
7 | 44:59.25 | 6:31.44 | 202450 | 231818
8 | 51:30.69 | 7:05.05 | 231819 | 263698
9 | 58:35.74 | 6:50.11 | 263699 | 294459
10 | 65:26.10 | 7:24.32 | 294460 | 327791
11 | 72:50.42 | 5:38.17 | 327792 | 353158
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6007\Trancemaster 6007 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC AC4C9328
Copy CRC AC4C9328
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CD7F6873]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [33702066]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [674A6684]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [5C7907CE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [A2DD34E7]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [11E34F5D]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [CFCFDB83]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [EEBF6430]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [1E79110A]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [0C31FEC4]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 5) [DD83DC6E]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 94B269166A46C7447876CF60398FBBCE631D61D73AC006E53C17F8AC049D27CB ====
2009. VA - Trancemaster 6008 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4168-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Neptune Project - Aztec (Aly & Fila Remix) [9:21]
02. Gaja - Tuvan (Original Mix) [7:56]
03. Mike Koglin vs. P.O.S. - Autumn [7:22]
04. Talla 2XLC - Pulse [6:41]
05. Breakfast - Air Guitar (Original Mix) [8:16]
06. Push - Infinite (Original Mix) [6:56]
07. Temple One pres. Tu Casa - Betelgeuse (Original Mix) [7:38]
08. Rapha & Reminder - Beyond The Clouds (Rapha Remix) [7:43]
09. Cold Blue - Mound Everest (Original Mix) [8:52]
10. Darren Tate - Chori Chori [7:53]
Total Time: 78:37 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Corderoy - Kyrie [8:18]
02. George Hales - Glacia (Original Mix) [8:04]
03. Giuseppe Ottaviani & John O'Callaghan - Our Dimension (Cressida Remix) [6:29]
04. Deep Care - Blacks (Original Mix) [8:24]
05. Peetu-s - Salt Dogs (Original Mix) [6:33]
06. Klaus Goulart - Deep Universe (Original Mix) [7:06]
07. Angel Ace - Everything's Gonna Be Fine (Serenade Remix) [6:33]
08. Sunny Lax - Reborn (Nitrous Oxide Remix) [7:37]
09. DJ Eco - Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix) [4:06]
10. Will Atkinson - Coming Home [7:53]
11. Abstract Vision vs. Ex-Driver - Gravitation (Elite Electronic Remix) [7:31]
Total Time: 78:35 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 21:47
Various / Trancemaster 6008 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 9:20.74 | 0 | 42073
2 | 9:20.74 | 7:56.04 | 42074 | 77777
3 | 17:17.03 | 7:21.73 | 77778 | 110925
4 | 24:39.01 | 6:41.15 | 110926 | 141015
5 | 31:20.16 | 8:15.49 | 141016 | 178189
6 | 39:35.65 | 6:56.23 | 178190 | 209412
7 | 46:32.13 | 7:37.51 | 209413 | 243738
8 | 54:09.64 | 7:42.45 | 243739 | 278433
9 | 61:52.34 | 8:52.00 | 278434 | 318333
10 | 70:44.34 | 7:52.74 | 318334 | 353807
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6008\Trancemaster 6008 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 587DB6EA
Copy CRC 587DB6EA
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [5F2D8BA6]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E92E98FE]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F27F840B]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [D2DC98D6]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [84315D96]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9D6F717C]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [A654B328]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [1010B3F3]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F3EDCFE0]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [50EEE645]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum C5DC463B3EB38F82CE047E8C2D04CAC54F3010A01BE20951E35FE17558863A08 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 22:30
Various / Trancemaster 6008 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:18.30 | 0 | 37379
2 | 8:18.30 | 8:03.38 | 37380 | 73642
3 | 16:21.68 | 6:29.30 | 73643 | 102847
4 | 22:51.23 | 8:24.29 | 102848 | 140676
5 | 31:15.52 | 6:32.47 | 140677 | 170123
6 | 37:48.24 | 7:06.11 | 170124 | 202084
7 | 44:54.35 | 6:32.74 | 202085 | 231558
8 | 51:27.34 | 7:37.34 | 231559 | 265867
9 | 59:04.68 | 4:05.42 | 265868 | 284284
10 | 63:10.35 | 7:53.00 | 284285 | 319759
11 | 71:03.35 | 7:31.36 | 319760 | 353620
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6008\Trancemaster 6008 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 6BA226D7
Copy CRC 6BA226D7
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [CB90A18F]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F5D68D6B]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E8D8DD3A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C39CD924]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [E0A258DC]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [F4290E98]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [9B0DEB41]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [26DBE216]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C8AD4CAB]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [715E8A8C]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 6) [C2B45937]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum E9D83EC39DA8A9BBFFE690A960DDA39E43C46584E5D7485BD94D2D3609F29A7F ====
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 258

lavteutas · 13-Мар-11 00:52 (спустя 4 мин., ред. 10-Июн-12 22:54)

2010. VA - Trancemaster 6009 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4169-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Ron Van Den Beuken vs. Crossed Eyes - Terminal 44 (Extended Mix) [6:09]
02. Mark Pledger feat. Melinda Gareh - Time Stands Still (Original Mix) [8:04]
03. Bruni Bergeron - Downrising (Xgenic Remix) [8:47]
04. Matt Skyer pres. Skyover - Andromeda [7:24]
05. Angelic - It's My Turn 2009 (Darren Tate Remix) [8:32]
06. Stacker - Tell Me Why (Haris Christodoulou Remix) [7:30]
07. Radion 6 - Bomberman (Original Mix) [5:34]
08. Chris Metcalfe - First Encounter (Original Mix) [8:43]
09. Suncatcher - Good Times (Original Mix) [9:57]
10. Moonbeam feat. Avis Vox - We Are In Words [6:54]
Total Time: 77:34 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Leon Bolier - Shimamoto (Original Mix) [6:27]
02. Astuni & Le Saux pres. Elexis - Pure Magic (Original Mix) [7:40]
03. Vast Vision - Luminosity (2 Year Anniversary Theme) [8:21]
04. Matt Skyer pres. Skyover - Elixir [7:21]
05. Misja Helsloot vs. Peter Martijn Wijnia - Ass You Wish (Akira Kayosa & Pete Drury Mix) [8:05]
06. Midway - What If [9:22]
07. Daniel Wanrooy - Showtime [7:10]
08. DJ Jerom - One Day (Original Mix) [7:01]
09. Stoneface & Terminal - Don't Give A Fuck (Vocal Mix) [4:05]
10. Filo & Peri with Eric Lumiere - Soul And The Sun (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [3:52]
11. John O'Callaghan - Striker (Original Mix) [9:14]
Total Time: 78:39 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 5:05
Various / Trancemaster 6009 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:08.47 | 0 | 27646
2 | 6:08.47 | 8:04.10 | 27647 | 63956
3 | 14:12.57 | 8:47.32 | 63957 | 103513
4 | 23:00.14 | 7:23.53 | 103514 | 136791
5 | 30:23.67 | 8:32.02 | 136792 | 175193
6 | 38:55.69 | 7:29.46 | 175194 | 208914
7 | 46:25.40 | 5:34.14 | 208915 | 233978
8 | 51:59.54 | 8:42.50 | 233979 | 273178
9 | 60:42.29 | 9:57.22 | 273179 | 317975
10 | 70:39.51 | 6:54.13 | 317976 | 349038
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6009\Trancemaster 6009 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 70B1DCF9
Copy CRC 70B1DCF9
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3B95CEA0]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [3AF45619]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [610CAC31]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [39D871F4]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [53754E8F]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BCD2873E]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [289A5472]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [B1F24E76]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [536DD8CC]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [C86A2C39]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 07254A32D1CA3B2C0807E498423F57E070573392ED0712C5AB090115030506FA ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 5:31
Various / Trancemaster 6009 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:27.25 | 0 | 29049
2 | 6:27.25 | 7:40.25 | 29050 | 63574
3 | 14:07.50 | 8:21.04 | 63575 | 101153
4 | 22:28.54 | 7:21.35 | 101154 | 134263
5 | 29:50.14 | 8:05.30 | 134264 | 170668
6 | 37:55.44 | 9:21.70 | 170669 | 212813
7 | 47:17.39 | 7:09.67 | 212814 | 245055
8 | 54:27.31 | 7:01.06 | 245056 | 276636
9 | 61:28.37 | 4:04.67 | 276637 | 295003
10 | 65:33.29 | 3:51.60 | 295004 | 312388
11 | 69:25.14 | 9:13.54 | 312389 | 353917
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 6009\Trancemaster 6009 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.7 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D3855932
Copy CRC D3855932
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4B54B6A4]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [5CE7EE20]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E53DB702]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AAFFE28C]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AE4C524E]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9C797D22]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [BC7277B3]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [27712634]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [88EB8320]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [10356149]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [03C8C906]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum EDF05883A333DF376512798393D740BB06EAF6104521C976E43EF2D23355D741 ====
2010. VA - Trancemaster 7000 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4170-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Garry Heaney - Dry Ice (Setrise Remix) [7:50]
02. Ali Wilson - Pandora [8:48]
03. Devilect - Breakthrouth (Cristal Peak Remix) [8:00]
04. Fluctor - Coliseum (Manuel Le Saux Remix) [7:40]
05. Ciaran McAuley & Roly feat. Oonagh - Forgotten (Club Mix) [8:32]
06. Sunny Lax - Vanesse [7:56]
07. Guy Mearns - Obese (Original Mix) [6:44]
08. Phynn pres. Alpha Centauri - Supernova [6:43]
09. Luke Terry - Veritas Lux Mea (Original Mix) [7:55]
10. Signum - First Strike 2010 (Sebastian Brandt Remix) [8:36]
Total Time: 78:44 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Ron Van Den Beuken vs. Magic Power feat. Thomas Kufner - Eagle Fly (Dub Mix) [8:37]
02. Allende - Winter Leaves (Cape Verde Mix) [8:17]
03. Nitrous Oxide feat. Aneym - Far Away (Club Mix) [6:53]
04. Claudia Cazacu - Valley Of The Kings (Original Mix) [7:25]
05. Greg Downey - Global Code (Original Mix) [6:06]
06. Garry Heaney - Check Mate (Original Mix) [8:19]
07. Daniel Wanrooy & Rene Havelaar - Moonpatrol [8:59]
08. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Break The Light (Contest Winner Vocal Mix) [7:24]
09. Jonathan Allyn - Fracture (Big Room Remix) [7:28]
10. BRM - First Taste (Original Mix) [9:15]
Total Time: 78:43 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 3:50
Various / Trancemaster 7000 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:50.07 | 0 | 35256
2 | 7:50.07 | 8:48.07 | 35257 | 74863
3 | 16:38.14 | 7:59.46 | 74864 | 110834
4 | 24:37.60 | 7:40.28 | 110835 | 145362
5 | 32:18.13 | 8:31.49 | 145363 | 183736
6 | 40:49.62 | 7:55.71 | 183737 | 219432
7 | 48:45.58 | 6:44.26 | 219433 | 249758
8 | 55:30.09 | 6:42.55 | 249759 | 279963
9 | 62:12.64 | 7:54.56 | 279964 | 315569
10 | 70:07.45 | 8:36.35 | 315570 | 354304
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7000\Trancemaster 7000 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.7 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 36DFA21B
Copy CRC 36DFA21B
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [4FFB06AE]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [561DFCFB]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F04D37D6]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [534BAF76]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [DF6DDAF3]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8ACCC8CF]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [E7F5AC96]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9A53D03A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [AFAC80D8]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [228FAD34]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 2CD4528C7E884003D2A6EFA1C54FFCB348F8CEA83269F2E626E6DA4D8E3FA4A7 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 4:21
Various / Trancemaster 7000 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:37.00 | 0 | 38774
2 | 8:37.00 | 8:17.33 | 38775 | 76082
3 | 16:54.33 | 6:53.19 | 76083 | 107076
4 | 23:47.52 | 7:24.56 | 107077 | 140432
5 | 31:12.33 | 6:06.16 | 140433 | 167898
6 | 37:18.49 | 8:18.43 | 167899 | 205291
7 | 45:37.17 | 8:58.56 | 205292 | 245697
8 | 54:35.73 | 7:23.48 | 245698 | 278970
9 | 61:59.46 | 7:28.30 | 278971 | 312600
10 | 69:28.01 | 9:14.41 | 312601 | 354191
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7000\Trancemaster 7000 (CD2).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 4F81E187
Copy CRC 4F81E187
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [54255763]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [7968921C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [D9744466]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [733455CA]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [F91952D8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [9B4E3D4D]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [8E0E262B]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [55857FED]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [6C1D6241]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 4) [70E69DE9]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5C758883C017FE590A198D2371DDD1C9C9E2469BC320598856A9AFB6F5A07410 ====
2010. VA - Trancemaster 7001 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4171-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Rafael Frost - Slipstream (Original Mix) [8:40]
02. Sindre Eide - Two Against The World (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) [8:21]
03. Sander Van Doorn pres. Purple Haze - Hymn 2.0 (Original Mix) [7:30]
04. Bjorn Akesson - Sandcastle Express (Original Mix) [8:40]
05. Thrillseekers vs. M.I.K.E. - Effectual (Original Mix) [6:40]
06. Andy Tau - Ellipsis (Original Mix) [8:12]
07. Bart Claessen - Hartseer (Scot Project Remix) [8:40]
08. Ian Fabe - Neon (Original Mix) [6:22]
09. Millaway - Narvik [7:18]
10. Oryon - Gotham [8:21]
Total Time: 78:44 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Max Graham feat. Ana Criado - Nothing Else Matters (Aly & Fila Remix) [7:27]
02. Ehren Stowers - Ascent [7:53]
03. M6 - Obscura [6:18]
04. Iris Dee Jay feat. Maria Opale - Come To Me [8:33]
05. Oceania - Love Island (Original Mix) [8:44]
06. Beta Blocker feat. Lexi Koukla - I've Heard (Solace & Solitude Remix) [7:57]
07. DNS Project pres. Whiteglow feat. Lo-Fi Sugar - Uncros These Lines (Vocal Mix) [7:18]
08. Adam Coppack &Akira Kayosa - Everything Ends (Med vs. Neil Bamford Remix) [8:36]
09. Hoyaa - Rising (Original Mix) [8:40]
10. Lazika - Crawler (Original Mix) [7:20]
Total Time: 78:46 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 2:55
Various / Trancemaster 7001 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:40.22 | 0 | 39021
2 | 8:40.22 | 8:20.68 | 39022 | 76589
3 | 17:01.15 | 7:30.24 | 76590 | 110363
4 | 24:31.39 | 8:40.24 | 110364 | 149387
5 | 33:11.63 | 6:39.59 | 149388 | 179371
6 | 39:51.47 | 8:11.57 | 179372 | 216253
7 | 48:03.29 | 8:39.63 | 216254 | 255241
8 | 56:43.17 | 6:21.43 | 255242 | 283859
9 | 63:04.60 | 7:18.25 | 283860 | 316734
10 | 70:23.10 | 8:21.24 | 316735 | 354333
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7001\Trancemaster 7001 (CD1).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC B299D46A
Copy CRC B299D46A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [89E964C8]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8BCC7985]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BA3257E7]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [6A474D9F]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [2BAEB2A2]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [70F1583B]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D926AE2A]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [28A6478C]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [541997E7]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [DB2A28E3]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 3398AA630CF9D465B6EA11EE2C7F0799165D1A0839B31F4A2E664801A9923BE2 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 21. December 2010, 3:22
Various / Trancemaster 7001 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:27.34 | 0 | 33558
2 | 7:27.34 | 7:52.70 | 33559 | 69028
3 | 15:20.29 | 6:17.56 | 69029 | 97359
4 | 21:38.10 | 8:32.45 | 97360 | 135804
5 | 30:10.55 | 8:44.11 | 135805 | 175115
6 | 38:54.66 | 7:56.52 | 175116 | 210867
7 | 46:51.43 | 7:18.10 | 210868 | 243727
8 | 54:09.53 | 8:36.09 | 243728 | 282436
9 | 62:45.62 | 8:39.58 | 282437 | 321419
10 | 71:25.45 | 7:19.68 | 321420 | 354412
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7001\Trancemaster 7001 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.4 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 24C90171
Copy CRC 24C90171
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [3E8B906C]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C40DA1AA]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0C09F181]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D9FE6B9E]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7927073C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [55F7C611]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [5ACD84CD]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [97989DCE]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D68B07E7]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [E5F02517]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 1E046C5D7F0692EB9FB630862B2AA58BF1C580E22BB0793A6A452973B40E39DC ====
2011. VA - Trancemaster 7002 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4172-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Horizons (Original Mix) [7:10]
02. Tom Colontonio - Palladium (Original Mix) [7:55]
03. Andre Visior & Kay Stone - Sunrise (Ronski Speed Radio Version) [3:54]
04. Sean Tyas - Banshee (Radio Edit) [3:15]
05. Michael Burian - Wacker Drive (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Burning Fire Remix) [8:14]
06. Luca De Maas - Desert Nights (Original Mix) [7:06]
07. Suncatcher - First Day (Original Mix) [9:03]
08. Mike Danis - Cosmic Diary (Original Mix) [7:12]
09. Astronomers - Moonstarers (Johan Ekman Mix) [8:26]
10. Sied Van Riel - Crossroads (Original Mix) [5:22]
11. Blast88 & Gabriel Miller - Tasty & Nasty (Original Mix) [8:11]
Total Time: 75:48 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Thr3shold - Retrospective [8:51]
02. Ian Solano - In Real Time (Original Intro Mix) [7:57]
03. Dart Rayne - In Heaven (Original Mix) [8:19]
04. Med vs. Neil Bamford - Last Stand (Original Mix) [8:24]
05. M.I.K.E. pres. Plastic Boy - Once In A Lifetime (Original Mix) [7:51]
06. Philippe El Sisi feat. Sue McLaren - The Last Hope (Original Mix) [7:42]
07. Karanda - Tonight (Original Mix) [7:51]
08. Markus Schulz - Rain (Phynn Remix) [7:28]
09. Sky Motion - Need You (Original Mix) [7:54]
10. Clouded Leopard - Hua-Hin [2:51]
Total Time: 75:08 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 18. June 2011, 23:22
Various / Trancemaster 7002 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:10.00 | 0 | 32249
2 | 7:10.00 | 7:54.50 | 32250 | 67849
3 | 15:04.50 | 3:54.21 | 67850 | 85420
4 | 18:58.71 | 3:14.55 | 85421 | 100025
5 | 22:13.51 | 8:14.17 | 100026 | 137092
6 | 30:27.68 | 7:05.52 | 137093 | 169019
7 | 37:33.45 | 9:03.13 | 169020 | 209757
8 | 46:36.58 | 7:12.22 | 209758 | 242179
9 | 53:49.05 | 8:25.42 | 242180 | 280096
10 | 62:14.47 | 5:22.01 | 280097 | 304247
11 | 67:36.48 | 8:11.19 | 304248 | 341091
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7002\Trancemaster 7002 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.2 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 6DFA7934
Copy CRC 6DFA7934
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [080E7CAF]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [590DA2D8]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C322D8D5]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [3F930233]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D333F61C]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [0DB4340B]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [69DE8D92]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [1C158992]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [89BD0CEA]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6F0FA123]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [217077A0]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum F079E1588D93F0360CEFFC0658ED5EC9BD9FAA6BF9B423D49B4AB33C5CC0B31F ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 19. June 2011, 0:52
Various / Trancemaster 7002 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:51.36 | 0 | 39860
2 | 8:51.36 | 7:56.45 | 39861 | 75605
3 | 16:48.06 | 8:19.33 | 75606 | 113063
4 | 25:07.39 | 8:23.45 | 113064 | 150833
5 | 33:31.09 | 7:51.10 | 150834 | 186168
6 | 41:22.19 | 7:41.57 | 186169 | 220800
7 | 49:04.01 | 7:50.47 | 220801 | 256097
8 | 56:54.48 | 7:27.61 | 256098 | 289683
9 | 64:22.34 | 7:54.17 | 289684 | 325250
10 | 72:16.51 | 2:51.27 | 325251 | 338102
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7002\Trancemaster 7002 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.6 %
Extraction speed 0.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F14E2075
Copy CRC F14E2075
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [1C7DFD42]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [E5CDCC55]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D0DC2420]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [43E061D9]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [61D4DF1B]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [41D7D694]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [31B1FD24]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [4116648C]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [FA12BC68]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [5780B032]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 783115219A1D79FC74EAE33B6CA29808858583AE9AB2220B2960FE157B65ECA9 ====
2011. VA - Trancemaster 7003 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4173-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride The Wave [7:09]
02. Kyau & Albert - Be There 4 U (Mat Zo Remix) [8:00]
03. Menno De Jong - Turtle Paradise (Original Mix) [8:14]
04. Luca De Maas - The Golden Gates (Xam Remix) [8:10]
05. Sunny Lax - Always (Matt Skyer Remix) [7:59]
06. Airbase feat. Empyreal Sun - 40 Miles [6:46]
07. Castaneda - Floor Control (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [7:26]
08. Falcon & Gaz Chen - Galactic Plane (Original Mix) [8:02]
09. Ross Anderson - Redemption (Original Mix) [7:57]
10. Broning - Never Give Up [7:54]
Total Time: 77:37 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. M.I.K.E. pres. Plastic Boy - The Color Of Passion (Original Mix) [7:23]
02. Suprano - Paraselene (Original Mix) [7:12]
03. Nick Off - That Day (Original Mix) [8:00]
04. Andy Moor vs. M.I.K.E. - Spirit's Pulse (Original Mix) [7:58]
05. Menno De Jong - Ancient Mysteries (Original Mix) [8:32]
06. Anteca - Sydney (Original Mix) [7:40]
07. DJ Choose - Eyedee (Original Mix) [8:03]
08. Luca De Maas - Undefined Mysteries (Original Mix) [6:21]
09. Sergey Shabanov - One Step (Original Mix) [7:37]
10. TrancEye pres. Electronic Dreams - Electronic Dreams [7:45]
Total Time: 76:32 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 25. July 2011, 19:03
Various / Trancemaster 7003 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:08.53 | 0 | 32152
2 | 7:08.53 | 8:00.37 | 32153 | 68189
3 | 15:09.15 | 8:14.09 | 68190 | 105248
4 | 23:23.24 | 8:10.02 | 105249 | 142000
5 | 31:33.26 | 7:58.53 | 142001 | 177903
6 | 39:32.04 | 6:45.58 | 177904 | 208336
7 | 46:17.62 | 7:26.32 | 208337 | 241818
8 | 53:44.19 | 8:01.66 | 241819 | 277959
9 | 61:46.10 | 7:56.70 | 277960 | 313729
10 | 69:43.05 | 7:54.02 | 313730 | 349281
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7003\Trancemaster 7003 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.5 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [2B3B59EA]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [F9C18055]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6A13B831]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [4CC344B6]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [632FE907]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [88554DDA]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7ED9E839]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [BD951148]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7A294750]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [14D7E1B8]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum AB9F1456DE180BB5B02160B6B668BBF6B87C6BF5D40DA44E574C7A4243B1F7FF ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 25. July 2011, 20:02
Various / Trancemaster 7003 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b1\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:23.00 | 0 | 33224
2 | 7:23.00 | 7:12.16 | 33225 | 65640
3 | 14:35.16 | 8:00.10 | 65641 | 101650
4 | 22:35.26 | 7:58.03 | 101651 | 137503
5 | 30:33.29 | 8:31.39 | 137504 | 175867
6 | 39:04.68 | 7:40.35 | 175868 | 210402
7 | 46:45.28 | 8:03.18 | 210403 | 246645
8 | 54:48.46 | 6:21.01 | 246646 | 275221
9 | 61:09.47 | 7:36.49 | 275222 | 309470
10 | 68:46.21 | 7:45.24 | 309471 | 344369
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7003\Trancemaster 7003 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.3 %
Extraction speed 0.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC EB338F30
Copy CRC EB338F30
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6DD0239C]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [132961DB]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [B912E733]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [966171CE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [5882A86E]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [825B22ED]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [35F583C4]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D7A06938]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [CCB74B0C]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D1E06F7A]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D1255DA61E90C4F93CE96EAD87438A5B82B20368F47529E1FC30A12950058CEE ====
2011. VA - Trancemaster 7004 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4174-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Claessen & Martens - El Dorado (Original Mix) [7:56]
02. Andrew Rayel - Drapchi (Original Epic Mix) [8:01]
03. Scot Project vs. Talla 2XLC - Chemistry (Scot Project Mix) [7:22]
04. Rene Ablaze feat. Synthesia - Inner Touch (Original Mix) [7:21]
05. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Iliada (SlaviX Remix) [7:52]
06. Maor Levi & Raul Siberdi - Infatuation (Nitrous Oxide Remix) [8:05]
07. Ross Anderson & Danny Taylor - Plaza (Original Mix) [8:33]
08. Running Man - Eastern Sun (Original Mix) [7:31]
09. Rob Leccese - Reason (BeeKay Remix) [8:39]
10. Indecent Noise - Warsaw (Original Mix) [7:25]
Total Time: 78:44 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Atlantic Drift - Blade Runner (Club Mix) [6:36]
02. Peetu S - Scorpion (Original Mix) [7:31]
03. Vascotia - Calibro 2011 (Ferry Tayle ''Neverending Story'' Remix) [9:08]
04. Billy Gillies - Digital Sundown (Paul Todd Remix) [8:47]
05. Hughes & Ballantine - Jawbreak-R (Original Mix) [8:24]
06. Reverse - Endless Journey (Original Mix) [7:02]
07. Lodos - Unfaithful (Original Mix) [7:08]
08. Mike Levy - Optical Delusion (Gary Maguire Remix) [7:19]
09. ReOrder & Dave Deen feat. Irena Love - Again (Original Mix) [7:18]
10. Aerian - Mahe (Temple One Remix) [8:11]
Total Time: 77:23 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 2 from 29. April 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 17. October 2011, 17:48
Various / Trancemaster 7004 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b2\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:55.50 | 0 | 35674
2 | 7:55.50 | 8:00.50 | 35675 | 71724
3 | 15:56.25 | 7:21.65 | 71725 | 104864
4 | 23:18.15 | 7:20.53 | 104865 | 137917
5 | 30:38.68 | 7:51.66 | 137918 | 173308
6 | 38:30.59 | 8:04.42 | 173309 | 209650
7 | 46:35.26 | 8:33.03 | 209651 | 248128
8 | 55:08.29 | 7:31.09 | 248129 | 281962
9 | 62:39.38 | 8:39.23 | 281963 | 320910
10 | 71:18.61 | 7:24.71 | 320911 | 354281
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7004\Trancemaster 7004 (CD1).wav
Peak level 99.4 %
Extraction speed 3.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 1B008358
Copy CRC 1B008358
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum A8D2BA584CA4ED1DB29300E63A10D4A56EEE6F3804320AC649A694D50C0E62F1 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 2 from 29. April 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 17. October 2011, 18:54
Various / Trancemaster 7004 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b2\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:35.50 | 0 | 29674
2 | 6:35.50 | 7:30.42 | 29675 | 63466
3 | 14:06.17 | 9:08.13 | 63467 | 104579
4 | 23:14.30 | 8:47.00 | 104580 | 144104
5 | 32:01.30 | 8:24.21 | 144105 | 181925
6 | 40:25.51 | 7:01.45 | 181926 | 213545
7 | 47:27.21 | 7:07.51 | 213546 | 245621
8 | 54:34.72 | 7:19.15 | 245622 | 278561
9 | 61:54.12 | 7:18.32 | 278562 | 311443
10 | 69:12.44 | 8:10.44 | 311444 | 348237
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\!!EAC Lossless\VA - Trancemaster 7004\Trancemaster 7004 (CD2).wav
Peak level 99.5 %
Extraction speed 3.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC DE70546E
Copy CRC DE70546E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum E637AAF0D0661995EAF9DBB7CDA39E181F03754F28D748EB4AE87B622B2EA416 ====
2012. VA - Trancemaster 7005 (2CD) (1992-2012: Twenty Years Of Trancemaster)
Catalog#: 302 4175-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Kenan Teke - We Will Not Forget You (Original Mix) [8:22]
02. Fluidis pres. Spirit Diffusion - The Storm (Original Mix) [10:06]
03. Frequency Storm - Solar Storm (Original Mix) [7:15]
04. Tigran Oganezov - Oscillomania (Original Mix) [7:14]
05. Felix Pot - Delhi (Original Mix) [5:37]
06. John Waver & Miles Reed - Nightfall (Original Mix) [7:16]
07. Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [8:52]
08. Myon & Shane 54 - Futuristic (Original Mix) [7:10]
09. Rene Ablaze feat. Synthesia - Timeless (Original Mix) [7:29]
10. David Gazel - I Will Get It (Astuni Remix) [8:14]
Total Time: 77:34 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Trance Division feat. Lynne Ferrie - Anticipation (Original Mix) [8:12]
02. Henrik Christensen - New Life (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) [8:34]
03. Armin Van Buuren pres. Gaia - Stellar (Original Mix) [7:28]
04. Jonathan Carvajal - Switched Off (John O'Callaghan Original Mix Edit) [7:24]
05. Robert Lyttle - Pagoda (Original Mix) [7:24]
06. Sophie Sugar - Skyline (Original Mix) [7:09]
07. Lange pres. Firewall - Touched (Dash Berlin's ''Sense Of Touch'' Remix) [8:34]
08. Paul Miller - Once Again (Original Mix) [8:25]
09. Faruk Sabanci - As Faces Fade (Alexander Popov Remix) [6:49]
10. Svyatoslav Maltsev - Beautiful Illusion (tranzLift Between Centuries Remix) [8:38]
Total Time: 78:37 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 2 from 29. April 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 6. February 2012, 18:37
Various / Trancemaster 7005 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b2\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:22.11 | 0 | 37660
2 | 8:22.11 | 10:05.66 | 37661 | 83101
3 | 18:28.02 | 7:15.16 | 83102 | 115742
4 | 25:43.18 | 7:14.13 | 115743 | 148305
5 | 32:57.31 | 5:36.49 | 148306 | 173554
6 | 38:34.05 | 7:15.51 | 173555 | 206230
7 | 45:49.56 | 8:51.45 | 206231 | 246100
8 | 54:41.26 | 7:10.17 | 246101 | 278367
9 | 61:51.43 | 7:29.11 | 278368 | 312053
10 | 69:20.54 | 8:13.39 | 312054 | 349067
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\rip-FLACMUSIC.RU\Trancemaster 7005 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.4 %
Extraction speed 5.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC ADE7050B
Copy CRC ADE7050B
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum B6F4516DA95E6F77A74ED97640257728692F6958DE102D0C92A2CE1475CAD375 ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 2 from 29. April 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 6. February 2012, 19:23
Various / Trancemaster 7005 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b2\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:12.17 | 0 | 36916
2 | 8:12.17 | 8:34.31 | 36917 | 75497
3 | 16:46.48 | 7:27.74 | 75498 | 109096
4 | 24:14.47 | 7:23.51 | 109097 | 142372
5 | 31:38.23 | 7:23.53 | 142373 | 175650
6 | 39:02.01 | 7:09.02 | 175651 | 207827
7 | 46:11.03 | 8:34.29 | 207828 | 246406
8 | 54:45.32 | 8:24.47 | 246407 | 284253
9 | 63:10.04 | 6:48.66 | 284254 | 314919
10 | 69:58.70 | 8:37.67 | 314920 | 353761
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\rip-FLACMUSIC.RU\Trancemaster 7005 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.9 %
Extraction speed 5.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC CDD0777C
Copy CRC CDD0777C
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum 5D59242D099645F5ED34B0F1B1F5EA112E476F7AAC16514DDF11629A0B2B5F75 ====
2012. VA - Trancemaster 7006 (2CD)
Catalog#: 302 4176-2
Tracklist CD1:
01. Tenishia - Always Loved, Never Forgotten - The Day Will Come (Original Mix) [7:57]
02. Robert Lyttle - Never Forget (Sean Murphy Remix) [6:20]
03. RAM - RAMplify (Original Mix) [9:14]
04. Ico - And She Made It All Of Light (Original Mix) [9:47]
05. Chris Cortez - Downunder (Original Mix) [6:31]
06. Ian Betts - Relentless (Original Mix) [7:56]
07. James Dymond - Overthrow (Protoculture Remix) [7:19]
08. Tranzlift vs. AiryBoy - 1989 (Peet B Remix) [8:35]
09. Chris Corrigan - Horizons (Felix Pot Remix) [8:09]
10. Styller - All That Remains (Basil O'Glue Remix) [6:43]
Total Time: 78:31 min.
Tracklist CD2:
01. Millaway - Mercury (Original Mix) [8:32]
02. Paul Oakenfold - Glow In The Dark (Original Mix) [7:36]
03. Estigma - Renovatio (Original Mix) [9:28]
04. Indecent Noise feat. Ridgewalkers - Full Moon Fever (Power Dub) [7:52]
05. KhoMha - Mind Gamer (Trance Mix) [7:22]
06. Function C pres. Keelin Temple - Mana (Original Mix) [7:17]
07. James Dymond - Morrel's Sonata In C Minor (Tranzlift Remix) [8:46]
08. P.M. Brothers - Coming Home (Tranzlift Emotional Remix) [8:05]
09. Tigran Oganezov - G.O.H. (Narayana Remix) [5:41]
10. Pandora - Sansevieria (Touchstone Remix) [7:52]
Total Time: 78:31 min.
Лог EAC: CD1
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 2 from 29. April 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 9. June 2012, 17:16
Various / Trancemaster 7006 (CD1)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b2\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:56.43 | 0 | 35742
2 | 7:56.43 | 6:19.41 | 35743 | 64208
3 | 14:16.09 | 9:14.05 | 64209 | 105763
4 | 23:30.14 | 9:47.35 | 105764 | 149823
5 | 33:17.49 | 6:30.72 | 149824 | 179145
6 | 39:48.46 | 7:56.05 | 179146 | 214850
7 | 47:44.51 | 7:18.74 | 214851 | 247774
8 | 55:03.50 | 8:35.32 | 247775 | 286431
9 | 63:39.07 | 8:08.39 | 286432 | 323070
10 | 71:47.46 | 6:43.00 | 323071 | 353295
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\rip-FLACMUSIC.RU\Trancemaster 7006 (CD1).wav
Peak level 98.3 %
Extraction speed 5.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C14E05B7
Copy CRC C14E05B7
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7BB1FBDC3D73DB57596B0F82BCCE1A718A1E30396746692705D1793C470BC1EE ====
Лог EAC: CD2
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 2 from 29. April 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 9. June 2012, 18:40
Various / Trancemaster 7006 (CD2)
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24B1LT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy 1.00b2\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -V %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 8:31.47 | 0 | 38371
2 | 8:31.47 | 7:35.65 | 38372 | 72561
3 | 16:07.37 | 9:27.57 | 72562 | 115143
4 | 25:35.19 | 7:51.74 | 115144 | 150542
5 | 33:27.18 | 7:22.28 | 150543 | 183720
6 | 40:49.46 | 7:17.27 | 183721 | 216522
7 | 48:06.73 | 8:45.62 | 216523 | 255959
8 | 56:52.60 | 8:05.02 | 255960 | 292336
9 | 64:57.62 | 5:41.06 | 292337 | 317917
10 | 70:38.68 | 7:52.03 | 317918 | 353320
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\rip-FLACMUSIC.RU\Trancemaster 7006 (CD2).wav
Peak level 98.2 %
Extraction speed 3.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 49AED482
Copy CRC 49AED482
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
==== Log checksum 0CAF30FB417A18ECD20385ED9060B944435924A566DAF48B6FD38463A69D09CC ====
УУУУУУУФФФФФФФ - Оформление вроде победил!!!!!!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 1506

ахотнег · 13-Мар-11 01:47 (спустя 54 мин.)

офигеть можно!
"Есть ли на свете человек, который мог бы обнять необъятное?" (Сочинения Козьмы Пруткова)
есть! это - lavteutas
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 245

-Sunrise- · 13-Мар-11 02:06 (спустя 19 мин., ред. 13-Мар-11 02:06)

ахотнег писал(а):
офигеть можно!
"Есть ли на свете человек, который мог бы обнять необъятное?" (Сочинения Козьмы Пруткова)
есть! это - lavteutas
согласен, в трансмастере вся история транса, от зарождения до почти конца (или уже конца так как стиль себя почти исчерпал)
каждий уважающий себя трансер должен иметь такое золото в себя в колекции
а собрать ето все воедино (покупая диски) подготовить и оформить в раздачу - адский труд
автору низкий поклон
P.S. с ЗП прийдется покупать третий двухтерабайтник, называеться подсел на lossless
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Moderator senior

Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 53048

Аndy · 13-Мар-11 02:11 (спустя 5 мин., ред. 13-Мар-11 11:07)

VA - Trancemaster 3006
второй сд рипнулся с ошибками
Test CRC 907C9BC1
Любопытная ситуация. Если у одного человека не рипается диск, то ещё можно с пяальником пристать, если у двух на этом же треке - наводит на сомнения.
Рип с такого же диска потерпел фиаско у моего знакомого англичанина
скрытый текст
Ripped from my private, retail copy.
I tried ripping it many times, using 2 different LG DVD drives. It always gave CRC mismatches and sometimes errors while reading (sometimes on test runs, sometimes on copy runs and even on both -
depending on used drive and applied settings). CD itself isn't badly scratched - it has only very light scratches - signs of normal use, as most of my CDs, which never gave me such problems.
It was bought as used CD with "Very Good +" condition and indeed, when you look on it it's in very goog condition. Strange thing is that all the tracks from CD1 and CD2 has been verified by accurate rip,
and were ripped properly 3 times in the past, while noted track isn't even present in that database. Maybe it could suggests that CD is mispressed and no one could rip it without errors?
It isn't impossible - Vision Soundcarriers previously released World Of Trance 18 with one track that was taken from 80 kbps mp3 file, which was strongly audible and visible in any spectrum
analyzer (track "Sightless" by Freejack).
Anyway - despite CRC mismathces onnoted track, it has absolutely no audible errors. I couldn't find any glitch, pop or click in resulting FLAC file. I hope you enjoy it.
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
EAC extraction logfile from 19. November 2010, 21:00
Various / Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2)
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVD-RAM GSA-H22N Adapter: 0 ID: 2
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 102
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : Yes
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling : Appended to previous track
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : V:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -8 -A tukey(0.25) -A gauss(0.1875) -b 4096 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "totaltracks=%x" -T "genre=%m" -T "COMMENT=ripped & encoded by Epic d(¬_¬)b " %s --sector-align
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:14.10 | 0 | 32559
2 | 7:14.10 | 8:17.07 | 32560 | 69841
3 | 15:31.17 | 6:49.60 | 69842 | 100576
4 | 22:21.02 | 10:36.10 | 100577 | 148286
5 | 32:57.12 | 7:22.35 | 148287 | 181471
6 | 40:19.47 | 6:26.18 | 181472 | 210439
7 | 46:45.65 | 8:08.27 | 210440 | 247066
8 | 54:54.17 | 6:08.00 | 247067 | 274666
9 | 61:02.17 | 6:27.58 | 274667 | 303749
10 | 67:30.00 | 8:12.42 | 303750 | 340691
11 | 75:42.42 | 3:46.30 | 340692 | 357671
Track 1
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\01 Marc la Cruz & Ace Da Brain - Eriel (Marc La Cruz Mix).wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00
Peak level 93.2 %
Track quality 99.9 %
Test CRC FD12DD26
Copy CRC FD12DD26
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [AE84B3CB]
Copy OK
Track 2
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\02 Signum feat. Katana - Third Dimension.wav
Peak level 99.5 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 77A1A065
Copy CRC 77A1A065
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A51365D2]
Copy OK
Track 3
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\03 DJ Tatana - Peace of Mind.wav
Peak level 98.6 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 2907B6D1
Copy CRC 2907B6D1
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [8EEDE11C]
Copy OK
Track 4
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\04 Airbase - Genie (Original Mix).wav
Peak level 95.5 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC D82BF1C8
Copy CRC D82BF1C8
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [64BB0214]
Copy OK
Track 5
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\05 Apollo - Dance Extended Mix).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 08FC2419
Copy CRC 08FC2419
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [935BE5B6]
Copy OK
Track 6
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\06 Drax & Scott Mac - The Sun (Original Mix).wav
Peak level 98.0 %
Track quality 97.9 %
Test CRC 620F4DF0
Copy CRC B8CBA417
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK
Track 7
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\07 Andain - Summer Calling (Airwave Club Mix).wav
Peak level 98.9 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 424B7EF1
Copy CRC 424B7EF1
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [4005103A]
Copy OK
Track 8
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\08 Darren Tate vs. Mike Koglin - Now Is The Time.wav
Peak level 98.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC DFB1561F
Copy CRC DFB1561F
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [C0F95C46]
Copy OK
Track 9
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\09 E-Wok - Supersound (Stimulator Remix).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 704D11AF
Copy CRC 704D11AF
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [D3DC0403]
Copy OK
Track 10
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\10 Dogzilla - Dogzilla (Simon Patterson & Richie Kayvan Remix).wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 8C039DA4
Copy CRC 8C039DA4
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A64BEF1C]
Copy OK
Track 11
Filename M:\_Encoded files\Various - Trancemaster 3006 (CD 2) (302 4115-2) (2002)\11 Axel Coon - Close To You (Single Mix).wav
Peak level 98.5 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FC711A17
Copy CRC FC711A17
Accurately ripped (confidence 3) [A33837C4]
Copy OK
10 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) not present in the AccurateRip database
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
No errors occurred
End of status report
Разумеется,в такой ситуации ни о каком "сомнительно" речь идти не может. В личку отписался и надежда всё равно теплится.
Самое главное - спасибо за титанический труд и за масшатубную качественную раздачу!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 572

masterus7 · 13-Мар-11 06:47 (спустя 4 часа)

Не знаю пока буду ли качать но все равно спасибо автору за огромный труд и за щедрость.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 572

masterus7 · 13-Мар-11 09:16 (спустя 2 часа 28 мин.)

Честно говоря, я не понимаю почему такой масштабной раздаче (да и другим подобным) поставят, возможно, статус "сомнительно" только из-за ошибок в одном треке? Если бы этот был лишь один выпуск Трансмастера - тогда еще понятно со статусом "сомнительно", но тут ведь ошибка составляет лишь каплю от моря содержимого.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 60

fed.timo · 14-Мар-11 10:58 (спустя 1 день 1 час)

У меня просто не хватает слов чтлбы выразить все эмоции! Только позавчера сидел и мечтал о том чтобы собрать весь трансмастер в лосе. И тут вы! Аплодирую стоя! Качаю нераздумывая, остаюсь на раздаче навсегда
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 161

astro20xx · 14-Мар-11 14:07 (спустя 3 часа)

ух,вот это POWER...как нибудь вытяну.невзирая на рейтинг Афтору низкий поклон !
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Moderator senior

Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 53048

Аndy · 14-Мар-11 21:48 (спустя 7 часов)

astro20xx писал(а):
как нибудь вытяну.невзирая на рейтинг
счас фрилич
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 18 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 71

anthraxxx · 15-Мар-11 00:58 (спустя 3 часа)

А сколько фри продлится?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 572

masterus7 · 15-Мар-11 01:35 (спустя 37 мин.)

Знающие люди говорят, что фрилич действует со дня открытия rutracker.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 245

-Sunrise- · 15-Мар-11 11:01 (спустя 9 часов)

masterus7 писал(а):
Знающие люди говорят, что фрилич действует со дня открытия rutracker.
Ето как понять?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Moderator senior

Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 53048

Аndy · 15-Мар-11 12:21 (спустя 1 час 19 мин.)

kosyak_sunrise писал(а):
masterus7 писал(а):
Знающие люди говорят, что фрилич действует со дня открытия rutracker.
Ето как понять?
то, что наш трекер с открытой регистрацией, таймбонусами и простотой обхода рейтинга, равно как и лёгкостью держать рейтинг уже по сути является "фриличным"))
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Seed 01* 40r

Стаж: 16 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 220

PunSS · 15-Мар-11 16:42 (спустя 4 часа)

Автор шикарен Дай бог тебе здоровья!!! Большое спасибо!!!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 161

astro20xx · 15-Мар-11 18:26 (спустя 1 час 43 мин., ред. 16-Мар-11 01:02)

"Это моя первая раздача, если что не так, прошу сильно не убивать..." главное не количество - а качество !!! Еще раз скажу,что релиз просто УРАганный !!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 541

Vovan1979 · 16-Мар-11 06:28 (спустя 12 часов)

Спасибо за труды вложенные в данный релиз!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Bonus 04* 3TB

Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 1374

Devostator-7 · 17-Мар-11 11:33 (спустя 1 день 5 часов)

lavteutas, Огромное Спасибо Вам за Старания! Сделано от Души!
Именно благодаря этим сборникам (начальной серии) я нашёл самый Интересный, Многогранный и Чарующий жанр в Музыке..
Данная серия сборников займёт самое Почётное место в моей коллекции!
p.s.: надеюсь, что доживу до того Прекрасного Дня, когда на Рутрекере появится полная серия сборников Hard-Trance - X-Plosion..
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 194

DMMANIAC · 18-Мар-11 01:09 (спустя 13 часов)

Уфф!! Докачал!!! под конец скорость подскочила почти до 100 мегабит)))) комп чуть не умер от такого издевательства))) lavteutas Спасибо огромное!!! Стою на раздаче)))
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 445

$1@ck3r · 18-Мар-11 12:36 (спустя 11 часов)

Дико извиняюсь, но аудиочекер на образах выдаёт бессмысленные оценки. Те же диски, но проверенные потреково - отдельные треки будут опознаны как MPEG, другие как CDDA. Образ из смеси тех и других треков - 100% CDDA.
Зато счастливый обладатель "образов" будет считать, что у него 100% качественный продукт, и напрасно.
Короче, проверять на апконверт образ целиком - бессмысленная трата времени.
Прошу, не придирайтесь к словам - проверьте сами. Старых выпусков не касается, там не было апконвертов.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Bonus 04* 3TB

Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 1374

Devostator-7 · 18-Мар-11 13:06 (спустя 29 мин.)

$1@ck3r, согласен насчёт того, что аудиочекер выдаёт усреднённое значение качества образов (как средняя температура по больнице).
Я больше доверяю частотной спектрограмме (более наглядно).
Например, частотная спектрограмма 1 TranceMaster'a:
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Стаж: 15 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 157

alexxdls · 18-Мар-11 14:53 (спустя 1 час 47 мин.)

$1@ck3r писал(а):
Зато счастливый обладатель "образов" будет считать, что у него 100% качественный продукт, и напрасно.
Главное он будет знать, что у него правильно снятый образ оригинальных дисков, оригинальней которых не было и не будет.
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Moderator senior

Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 53048

Аndy · 18-Мар-11 17:42 (спустя 2 часа 48 мин.)

Всегда удивляет логика людей, которые видят объёмную раздачу рипов с оригиналов и начинают ковырять спектры и чекеры. Как только видят ужасную строку MPEG начинают смотреть спектры выискивать срезы и биться головой о стену - качество отвратительное, всё не то. По такой логике весь эмбиент апконверты и мпеги.
Хорош "слушать" спектры.
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Top Bonus 04* 3TB

Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 1374

Devostator-7 · 18-Мар-11 19:40 (спустя 1 час 58 мин.)

Аndy писал(а):
Всегда удивляет логика людей, которые видят объёмную раздачу рипов с оригиналов и начинают ковырять спектры и чекеры.
Аndy, это точно не про меня! Для меня достаточно лога ЕАС и .cue в раздаче..
Я делаю скрины спектралов для своих раздач, дабы избежать подобных комментов о качестве..
Мой предыдущий коммент предназначался "очень придирчивым" меломанам, которым лога EAC (тем более, AccurateRip) и лога аудио чекера в раздаче недостаточно..
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 587

кОмпОт · 18-Мар-11 19:59 (спустя 19 мин., ред. 18-Мар-11 19:59)

Доверяйте сканам или проверенным релизерам.
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