Technology in Action - Hood-Daniel P., Kelly J.F. - Build Your Own CNC Machine [2009, PDF, ENG]

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ICЕ · 02-Авг-10 19:17 (14 лет 7 месяцев назад, ред. 03-Авг-10 00:29)

Build Your Own CNC Machine
Год выпуска: 2009
Автор: Patrick Hood-Daniel, James Floyd Kelly / Патрик Худ-Даниэл, Джеймс Флойд Келли
Издательство: Apress
Серия: Technology in Action
Жанр: Работа с ПК
ISBN: 1430224894, 978-1430224891
Формат: PDF
Качество: OCR без ошибок
Количество страниц: 240
Язык: английский
Описание: Do you like to build things? Are you ever frustrated at having to compromise your designs to fit whatever parts happen to be available? Would you like to fabricate your own parts? Build Your Own CNC Machine is the book to get you started. CNC expert Patrick Hood-Daniel and best-selling author James Kelly team up to show you how to construct your very own CNC machine. Then they go on to show you how to use it, how to document your designs in Computer-Aided Design programs, and how to output your designs as specifications and tool paths that feed into the CNC machine, controlling it as it builds whatever parts your imagination can dream up.
Don't be intimidated by abbreviations like CNC and terms like Computer-Aided Design. Patrick and James have chosen a CNC-machine design that is simple to fabricate. You need only basic woodworking skills and a budget of perhaps $500 to $1,000 to spend on the wood, a router, and various other parts that you'll need. With some patience and some follow-through, you'll soon be up and running with a really fun machine that'll unleash your creativity and turn your imagination into physical reality.
  1. The authors go on to show you how to test your machine, including configuring the software.
  2. Provides links for learning how to design and mill whatever you can dream up
  3. The perfect parent/child project that is also suitable for scouting groups, clubs, school shop classes, and other organizations that benefit from projects that foster skills development and teamwork
  4. No unusual tools needed beyond a circular saw and what you likely already have in your home toolbox
  5. Teaches you to design and mill your very own wooden and aluminum parts, toys, gadgets—whatever you can dream up
What you'll learn
  1. Build your very own CNC machine
  2. Learn about linear movement and motion transmission
Who is this book for?
Build Your Own CNC Machine is the perfect book for hobbyists who like to build and create using wood and metal. It's especially for those who have ever been foiled by lack of specific parts to help realize their creative designs. Build Your Own CNC Machine is also an excellent choice for organizations such as scouting and church groups, school shop classes, and so forth, as it provides an educational project of modest cost that all can work on together.
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Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 82

Victorrrrr5 · 09-Окт-10 23:13 (спустя 2 месяца 7 дней)

Спасибо !!! Переведем почитаем.Достаточно знаменитое издание у "кулибиных"
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 36

Евгенийсерыйволк · 11-Окт-12 10:23 (спустя 2 года)

Ребяты, помогите собрать такую штуку, мозгу не хватает((( надо очень
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